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Rhetorical Analysis Of Rogerian Argument
My honest thought on argumentation prior to starting this course were that argumentation was
going to very easy. I simply thought that it would consist of arguing with someone back and forth
trying to get my point across. But i was wrong, base off my pro/con speech and the few chapters
that we have covered i've realized that argumentation is more complex than what i had expected
it to be. There is different ways that someone can go about when state their claim using Rogerian
argumentations style or using Aristotle's rhetorical appeals or other forms of argumentation
styles. After my speech i realized that a clear and controversial topic is needed in order to see
both sides of the claim. Aside from a topic research is very important it must be credible the more
credibility one has the better are your chances of persuading the audience. Now i see
argumentation as a process of reasoning that must consist of organized information and credible
sources. What surprised me about my topic was how hard it was trying to find credible
information. There was a lot of information but a lot of it wasn't credible, there was also a lot of
information but the data wasn't from the United States it was it foreign countries so it was no good
for me. However i did find scholarly articles and other credible sources i just had to really dig to
find the information. One thing that surprised me about my topic was that i didn't get more than 2
or 3 people who tried and rebuttal me. I had prepared
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Rogerian Argument Analysis
The Rogerian method is a method for an argument which is put in to a negotiating way. This
argument is about whether or not it is racist to use American Indian names for a university. The
author presents both sides of the argument, showing how this problem can be seen through the
American Indians and the fans of the university. This was an effective argument overall and the
author goes in depth on both sides. In the introduction of the argument the author only shows her
input on the argument. She gives a flashback experience of how she thinks that the Florida State
University Seminoles pre–game ritual is "pageantry and fun," as well as showcases the Seminole
peoples greatness (Willy, 2016). The author is not the only one that feels this type of way, it is a more content...
The author takes the Indians side saying that their voice is the voice that should "be listened to,"
because it is their image (Willy, 2016). The author understands that with using the Indian name,
colleges have to know that their image is at stake. If the college gives out a bad reputation, then that
will lead to the Indians having a bad reputation which is why the Indians are not willing to let
colleges use their name. The author decides that the Indians voices should be listened too, however,
the Indians also should "listen to the voices of the universities" because the universities could be
using their name as to promote the American Indians history (Willy, 2016). The author wants the
Indians to at least give the universities a chance at using the name. She basically is on two sides of
the argument because she says that the universities need to listen to the Indians and she also throws
in that the Indians need to listen to the universities. The author does not have a permanent side on
the argument, therefore, leads to the argument not being effective because it was not persuaded
toward one
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Rogerian Therapy: Client Centered Therapy
The first intervention that could be used to help Mr. Vincent decrease his depression is Client
Centered therapy. Client–Centered therapy, also referred to as the Rogerian theory, creates a
therapeutic environment for the client to self–direct. Mental health professionals who utilize this
approach strive to create a therapeutic environment that is conformable, non–judgmental and
empathetic (Cherry, n.d.). Client– centered therapy has two key elements: it non–directive, and it
empathizes. Client– centered therapists lead discussion with clients without steer in any direction
and showing complete acceptance and support. This will allow Mr. Vincent to gain a better
understanding of his internal thoughts and emotions. Therapy in the client–centered
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The Rogerian Approach
Chapter 1 Review Questions:
Invention in rhetoric is the process of using ethos, pathos, and logos to create your own idea for a
piece that you will write. It is essentially forming words and ideas of what to say and how to say
them in order to be successful in an AP course.
Ethos is the credibility or the reliability of the author and establishes feasibility throughout the text.
Logos is the logic in all of the content and usually gives factual evidence or some type of important
information that relates to the subject.
Pathos is the emotional aspect of the message and is used to draw in the reader. It touches your
heart instead of your brain which is an effective way to capture the audience.
They come in a perfect balance as people more content...
The statement is present, however something is needed to back it up and give justification. The
claim will show your stance and the reasons will sustain that stance and carry it further.
The warrant is the principle that is crucial for the audience's understanding. It is the element that
secures the claim to the proof using a detailed affirmation that might not have been picked up on had
it not been mentioned. Often abstract ideas will fly over the reader's head and the purpose will
therefore be ineffectual.
The Rogerian Approach is a strategy that keeps the audience on the same page as the author,
whereas the average argument will strike a tear because of different beliefs. This technique uses
mutual understanding and thoughts to stick on the same level instead of drawing a divide by
creating two sides to an issue. It isn't about winning or losing in this scenario, it is more about the
presentation of the argument in keeping good taste with the reader.
The "says/does analysis" type of rhetoric is very smooth and straightforward. It simply summarizes
or gives quotes directly from the text at hand, then pulls them apart to illustrate the writer's
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Rogerian Argument For The Death Penalty
The death penalty has been around for many years. It started with hanging criminals to
electrocuting them to being shot by a lethal injection. The first case was in 1608, Captain George
Kendall was the first person executed in the new colonies for being a spy. In recent years death
penalty has been discontinued in many states. Opponents like myself think the death penalty should
be abolished because it is an unnecessary thing to do, it is unfair to the minorities and there have
been cases where innocent people get killed for no reason; however there are a lot of people that
prefer the death penalty as the best punishment because they feel that this act will lower crimes;
moreover, the best solution for this issue is to completely abolish more content...
Many people think that criminals will think twice before committing s crime because they don't
want to get executed. The author states, "Besides the arguments of retribution and deterrence,
many claim that a rational alternative is life imprisonment. After all, once the criminal is detained
he or she is no longer able to harm society. However, if the goal is to separate the criminal from
society, capital punishment would provide a literally guaranteed rate of success" (Gibson). This
talks about how the culprit can be give life imprisonment and it won't be able to do any harm
anymore. Though capital punishment can be used to 100 remove that person forever. Again the
author writes, "Without capital punishment, imprisoned criminals are indirectly granted a license to
kill, threatening prisoners as well s guards who protect civil society from lawlessness" (Gibson).
This states how if death penalty didn't exist murderers would not care and just kill. There needs to
be a consequence so people will think about what they're doing twice unless they want to get
executed. Additionally, it protects society and provides justice for the
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The Rogerian Argument
The Rogerian Approach of argument is a very diplomatic way to fight your case. Approaching an
argument is very delicate because you need to appeal to your audience's ethos, pathos, and logos.
Without successfully appealing to your audience, you will be unable to effectively argue your
position rationally. This is an absolute necessity because no one wants to fight a battle that is
already lost. It is possible to use another argumentative approach, but the Rogerian is an easier way
to fulfill the audience's logical and emotional appeals as well as making your argument credible. The
Rogerian method will be effective when arguing emotional, hot–button issues. For example, illegal
immigration is a very sensitive topic because it affects
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Examples Of Rogerian Argumentation
Rogerian is a style of argumentation that does not take an adversarial approach. This style of
argumentation moves away from a combative stance. The Rogerian argument consists of four parts:
the introduction, context, writer's position, and benefits to the opponent. In "Is the College Use of
American Indian Mascots Racist," Jane Willy does a great job of not taking a particular side and
promoting ethical growth. Therefore, Willy effectively uses Rogerian argumentation to enhance his
argument. In Willy's introduction, he introduces the controversy of how there are differing views
regarding the mascot names of college teams. The author catches the audience's attention as he
provides a story of his experiences with a particular football team more content...
This is supposed to show the opponent how they would benefit by agreeing with the writer's
position. Willy proposes that he thinks "The voice of the Indians is the voice that should, finally,
be listened to" (Willy, 2008, para. 6). This shows the opponent that if they adopt the writer's
position, it would give the Indians the right to determine if the names of the mascots are racist.
Also, Willy finds common ground between the opposing viewpoints and provides a compromise.
He brings up the controversy regarding the North Dakota "Fighting Sioux." The National
Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is considering taking this name away from them because
of differences among the community. Will proposes that "If it can, and if the Sioux then agree to
let the university use their image, the NCAA ought to withdraw its objection" (Willy, 2008, para.
7). Then, he states that if "The university cannot persuade the Sioux, well, the Fighting Sioux will
just have to agree that they have lost this fight," come to a compromise, and "Take the name of the
Hawks or the Eagles or of any other group that won't object" (Willy, 2008, para. 7). Willy provides a
compromise for both sides that is
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Rogerian Argument
By definition, "Argument is an activity, often pleasurable and productive, that engages us at high
levels of inquiry and critical thinking" (Ramage 2). Although, in my opinion, argument can be
defined as a disagreement between two people with opposing views and or beliefs on a given issue.
An argument that comes easily to mind is one that my mother and I had post–prom. We were
disagreeing on whether I should be able to attend an after–party at one of my friends' homes in New
York. I believed that I should be able to attend because I was 18, I was about to graduate, and it
was possibly the last time my friends and I would be able to have fun together for a while. She
disagreed, countering with the fact that there would be alcohol at the party,
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Analysis Of The Rogerian Argument
The Rogerian method of argumentation, created by psychologist Carl Rogers, focuses on trying to
advocate a win–win outcome. This is done by steering clear of incendiary language and making use
of the technique of "restatement". The goal of this type of argumentation is for the two sides to
settle on a common ground. The purpose of this essay is to determine whether factors outside of
school play as much as role in one's education as school itself.
In the introduction of this article, the author should create a foundation for his argument and state
both sides of the argument. The author is able to that in his introduction. In his first paragraph, he
states that there are "two different opinions" on whether school is the primary influence
more content...
The context is when the author clearly states the opposing argument and states definitive cases
where the opposing view is permissible. The author should state the opposing side without using
combative language. The opposing side of the author's argument is that factors outside school are
the primary influence of education. The author supports the opposing sides by saying that "factors
such as social media and peer pressure play a critical role in influencing teens". This statement
shows that the author is using social media and peer pressure to justify the opposing side of the
argument. The author goes on to tell the reader that social media can influence education because
"social media lets students stay connected...and encourages interactions with more individuals". This
statement gives more depth to why social media helps students learn. The author also talks about
peer pressure to enhance his context. The author says that "peers can lead children onto the right
path" because of the influence they have on a child. A group of friends that encourages and spreads
ideas can have a large impact on how a child develops. In this paragraph, the author is able to
successfully provide context without using any combative
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Rogerian Argument: Capital Punishment Essay
For years, politicians have been passionately debating the subject of the capital punishment, which
has only served to create more divisions within our society. It is an extremely sensitive subject, and
one that inspires strong emotions in both directions. Like abortion, gun laws, and the war on
terrorism, capital punishment is an issue on which everyone is never likely to agree.
If we examine some arguments presented from both sides, opponents of the capital punishment
claim that executing someone is nothing more than an immoral, state–authorized killing which
undervalues the human life and destroys our respect for our government which itself says that killing
is wrong. But the supporters of the death penalty think that certain more content...
As we can see arguments from both sides hold some truth in them. So is it really hard to find a
solution which would keep both sides happy? I personally believe that one such solution would be
to have everyone's DNA profile data–based at birth, which is in the reach of our modern technology,
and use such database to catch criminals. I am sure that it would greatly reduce the risk of
punishing innocent people. And I think that the high risk of being caught is much better deterrent
for criminals than any other ones. For instance, if we look at peoples driving habits, as soon as
they see speed camera signs they slow down and then again go over the speed limit as they pass the
risk of being caught.
Another possible solution might be to start introducing stricter disciplines from the bottom up, i.e.
start with disobedient children at schools through teenage and adult hooligans. And only then we
might be able to bring up a generation or two of disciplined people who might not need the threat of
execution to deter them from committing violent crimes.
Works Cited
"Facts About the Death Penalty." 01 May 2008. 02 May 2008<http:/
"Why Abolish the Death Penalty?" Amnesty International. Sept. 2007. 10 May 2008
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Rogerian Approach Essay
The Rogerian school of thought was developed by Carl Rogers and deviated from Freud's
psychoanalytic and the behavioral theories that were popular at the time. The Rogerian or
client–centered approach was seen as an alternative to the then–dominant models in American
psychology of behaviorism and psychoanalysis and as such became aligned with the emerging third
force of humanistic psychology (Joseph & Murphy, 2012). The Rogerian approach does not rely on
stages of development or conditioned responses to create a behavior change in the client. The
Rogerian approach is primarily focused on the individual personal experience of the client. Behavior
change is accomplished through the process of self–actualization. Self– more
The therapist strives to understand the client's subjective reality by trying to literally walk in his
shoes. This is achieved by reflecting with sensitivity and accuracy, a therapeutic understanding of
what was said as well as the meaning and feelings underlying the words (Peltier, 2009, p. 105).
Clark (2010), expanded on the Rogerian model of empathy by introducing additional empathy
processes; (a) subjective, (b) interpersonal, and (c) objective. Subjective empathy processes require
the coach find common ground with the client. When a counselor empathizes with a client, there is
often a kinship, a similarity of experiences (Clark, 2010).
Interpersonal empathy is concentrated on the coach's understanding of the client's experience. The
coach perceives and understands the client's frame of reference. Lastly, objective empathy utilizes
referential data to seek a profound understanding of the client. However, in an effort to overcome
pre–dispositional opinions, the coach should invariably seek alternate reference sources to integrate
with the subjective and the interpersonal knowledge base(s) being credited. Often, when dealing
with objective data, biases and stereotypes have a tendency of dominating the presumption. In all
cases, a multi–perspective should be sought when employing empathic understanding. Rogers and
the person–centered approach have been pivotal in identifying empathy as a core condition and
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Rogerian Argument Essay
12th June, 2013 Does the high level of Carbon Dioxide (C02) possibly harm the Earth's planetary
biosphere, or has it already done so; in fact, many worldwide scientists have protested that the Earth
is at its 'tipping point' but no efforts have been adapted to save the biosphere? A support of this
controversial topic; congressional meeting and testimony, is from one of the top U.S. climate
scientists, James Hansen to Former Vice President Al Gore, with an emphasis on the cause of C02.
Beyond the ozone layer is atmospherically holey, Earth's temperature is rising, and the climate
changing conversely, one that people trivialized the most is: Global warming. Increasingly, subject to
concern not only via online discussion, magazine more content...
How would this have happened, with the increase of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere, and if this carries on, then the earth will burn up. United States in 2006, the impact
of BP oil spilled which left countless species of marine life devastated–to its demise–the
communities that rely on the Gulf for natural resources. Across the nation, communities have faced
devastating levels of water and air pollution as a result of coal burning power plants. In addition,
every region is affected by severe weathers–droughts in the Midwest, wildfires in western states and
floods in the southeast. Global warming is fundamentally changing the planet that has sustained the
civilization. The emphasis is, will people continue to exploit the planet or take action by going on
green–or inaction like having some social animals to be adapted to seek out only toward others.
Human too, can escape the inevitable by: re–cycling, driving smart cars, using energy efficient
technology or ultimately reduce the burning of fossil fuels, etc. The United States presently leads the
world in the production of carbon dioxide emissions. Daily supplies come from sources such as:
energy, transportation and sewage treatment, which comes from the burning of fossil fuels. The
amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased more than 30% since the start of the
industrial revolution. Carbon dioxide (C02) is a greenhouse gas discharged through
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Rogerian Paper: Genetically Modified Food "Biotechnology has been used for more than 6,000
years for lots of interesting and practical purposes: making food such as bread and cheese,
preserving dairy products and fermenting beer" (Biotechnology – Promising a Brighter Future for
the World). Although we do not always realize it, biotechnology is a huge part of our everyday
lives, from the medicine we use to keep us healthy, the fuel we use to take us where we need to go,
and even the food we eat and the sources it comes from, biotechnology already plays, and must
continue to play, an invaluable role in meeting our needs. Biotechnology uses cellular and
bio–molecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve more
Those who support genetically modified foods strengthen their position by claiming a decent amount
of benefits the biotechnology creates. Deborah B. Whitman, a master of biotechnology from The
Johns Hopkins University, attended a Food and Drug Administration meeting held in November
1999 in Washington, D.C., that discussed many benefits involved in genetically modified foods. In
his article Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?, he summarized how genetically
modified foods are disease–resistant and can help in human's nutrition. Well–grown genetically
modified foods can alleviate nutrient deficiencies in third world countries where impoverished
people rely on a single crop such as rice. Besides these benefits in health, genetically modified foods
contain genes expressing herbicide tolerance and pest resistance, which help prevent environmental
damage and reduce the production cost by reducing the amount of herbicides and pesticides needed.
Our health and the environment are crucial components of our lives; they are what people have
always been concerned about. Many people improve the quality of their lives by looking for and
obtaining genetically modified products. If genetically modified crops did not actually offer
improvements to people's lives, the product's sales would decrease and lose popularity among
consumers. Nevertheless, the opponents' concern of genetically modified food is right in regards to
the chance
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McKenzie Morse
Sam Zahran
ENG 112
15 April 2014
Comparing student learning: Traditional Learning vs. Online Learning Which type of learning is
better, traditional or online? As we all know, attending a college or university is nothing new. For
the longest time the biggest issues for students were which school to attend and how to pay for it.
However, with new and constant developments in modern technology these students are faced with
a new problem: which type of learning is better, traditional or online? Students are not the only ones
dealing with this dilemma; schools are also presented with the same issue. Not only do schools have
to be concerned with which type of learning is best for their students but also which type
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I feel that the education you receive from online learning is the same material that is taught in the
traditional way. This material is just presented in a way that is better for modern students.
Traditional learners however, may also lack the skills to be effective learners. For students who
take traditional classes over online classes may lack motivation to be independent learners. In spite
of these differences it is safe to assume that both sides want students to enjoy and excel in school no
matter if it is traditional or online. Both sides are obviously concerned about the importance of
education. Otherwise the argument over whether traditional or online learning is better would not
be a debatable issue. There are others, like myself, who feel that online learning is better. The
supporters of this back their claim by stating that online classes can be more beneficial for teachers
and students. For example, fewer distractions in a classroom like other students disrupting class.
Students can come into class late after the teacher has already started class and cause a disruption or
talk during the class. With online classes the student can control their environment. Also, a teacher
can provide in writing just the basic information a student needs for an assignment. This way there is
less of a chance for the student to get confused on the assignment when the topic
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The expression argument has two meanings in scholarly writing. First, it means a composition that
takes a position on one side of a divisive issue. You might write an argument against the death
penalty, or for or against censorship of pornography. But argument has another meaning, too. It
means an essay that, simply, argues a point. You might assemble an argument about the significance
of ancestor myths in a certain aborigine culture, or you might write an argument defending your
understanding of any poem or essay that is read in your philosophy class. (Winthrop University)
You are not necessarily taking one side of a divisive issue, but you are required to defend your
points with credible evidence. You are taking a position. In a sense, more content...
In emotionally stimulating situations, however, the audience will hold more sturdily to its beliefs
the more strongly those beliefs are challenged. Young, Becker and Pike suggest breaking these
barriers to communication by using a variation of Rogers' non–directive therapy. In
"Communication: Its Blocking and its Facilitation," Rogers suggests that in emotional disputes,
neither party should put forward a position until she has carefully, non–judgmentally and with the
maximum possible empathy restated the position of the other, to the other's satisfaction. (Brent)
This will convey to the other the sense that he is understood and that the two parties are more
similar than different, thereby creating a context for communication. (Brent) Carl Rogers was born
January 8, 1902 in Oak Park, Illinois, the fourth of six children. His education started in the second
grade because he could already read before kindergarten. He spent his adolescence isolated,
independent and self–disciplined. He went to the University of Wisconsin as an agriculture major,
but later switched to religion to study for the ministry. He has been quoted as saying "that his new
experiences so broadened his thinking that he began to doubt some of his basic religious views."
(Boeree) Carl Rogers later married Ms. Helen Elliot and moved to New York to start school at the
Union Theological Seminary, a famous liberal religious institution.
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Rogerian Argument Summary
Based Carl Rogers' theory that when people are involved in disputes, they should not respond to each
other until they utterly and justly state the other person's position. The Rogerian Argument moves
away from a combative stance and redefines negotiation until a common ground is reached. The
author Jane Willy uses the Rogerian Argument in her article "Is the College Use of American Indian
Mascots Racist?" to show her position and create context to what her beliefs are aside to the
opposition. Beliefs, benefits, and differences are shown and assist in showing her position. The
two sides of weather colleges should be able to have American Indian mascots or not is argued and
as some people believe it is racist the opposition states that it more content...
Commission on Civil Rights in 2001, inappropriate or disrespectful names should be eliminated.
As explained by the NCAA that the use of American Indian nicknames should be eliminated due
to their hurtful meaning, Willy agrees that the statement is valid. Willy describes that the
statement is legitimate but to a certain extent "surely we can agree that if they are hurtful they,
should be eliminated," however explains that it should be a choice of the people and the people
the offensive names are directed to (Shore, 2005). A member of the Seminole tribe and general
counsel for the tribe "set forth a good relation between the university and tribe" allowing the
decision to be made weather the name should be kept or not (Shore, 2005). "The Tribal Council
voted unanimously" in support of "the university in its efforts to keep the Seminole name,"
meaning that the name was not found of offensive to the tribe and were in support of preserving it
(Shore, 2005). Both sides were shown, the side of the NCAA which opposed the use of American
Indian names and the side of Willy, of allowing the people the offensive is directed too to make the
decision. Common grounds were met, as the NCAA allowed this since the tribe confirmed the
positive support towards keeping the name and preserving
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Rogerian Approach
Rogerian Approach Assignment Is social media creating a gap between human interaction? On the
negative side empathy could become extinct as time goes on. Society has let social media control
their lives in negative and positive ways. People can track more than each other. There are devices
that enhance your heath by tracking movement, sleep and much more. The virtual world helps
people stay connected electronically while separating the human interaction. The concept that
people are living in a virtual world can be very controversial depending on who you are asking.
People connecting to one another at such a high level does have some positives. Social media has
brought other technology's which help us stay connected in different ways that enhance are life's.
There are devices that enable us more content...
When devices like cell phones were developed, their original intent was just to communicate by
voice. As Lam (2012) explains there was a group of teenagers from Florida out for revenge. There
whole intention was to use You Tube to publicize the beating for maximum social media effect,
without any regard what happened to the group legally. Lam (2012) points out the girls beating was
influenced by You Tubes ten–minute video limit. Social media changes peoples inhabitations in a
negative way. Lam (2012) explains how Clifford Nass, a communications professor at Stanford
feel people empathy for each other is at a critical state "A significant fraction of people's
experiences are now fragmented." People have lost focus on how to truly communicate with one
another. You cannot truly express your feeling through an electronic medium. You are able to hid
you real feeling using social media. Lam (2012) points out according to New York Time, scientist
all of this screen time is causing a significant shift in are brains wiring. People have split themselves
in half, there social media side and physical
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Rogerian Theory
Rogerian Theory: The Person–Centered Approach of Therapy Humanistic psychology was
developed from the many counter reactions towards psychoanalytic and behavioristic theories. In
addition, it is considered the third force of psychology and it consists of theories that have a holistic
approach to human nature. One of the most significant and establishing theorists of the humanistic
force was Carl Rogers, as he developed the Person–Centered Theory. Over the years, his theory has
deeply expanded and influenced the knowledge of many mental health professions.
Early life of Theorist Carl Ransom Rogers was the fourth of six children, in which five were boys.
He was born on January 8, 1902, in Oak Park, Illinois. His parents, Walter and Julia Cushing Rogers
were "devoted and loving parents, giving a great deal of time and energy to creating a family"
(Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 344). As a child, Rogers learned to place the most value in work and
religion. At the age of seven, Rogers became particularly interested in the Bible and was capable of
reading advanced Bible books (Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 344). His incredible academic abilities
and studious personality allowed him to skip grades, however, he was "teased a great deal [by
others] and [was] called Professor Moony" (Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 345). Furthermore,
Rogers described himself as a "dreamy youngster...lost in fantasy most of the time" (Boring &
Lindzey, 1967, p. 345). He was "sensitive, [a] shy introvert,
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Rogerian Argument Thesis Statement
The primary goal of the Rogerian Argument is to give the reader an opportunity to form his or her
opinion based on the facts that will be presented. In the paper Helmets: Life or Liberty the author
discussing how helmets were once viewed as nerdy appearance or being uncomfortable until
people start to notice the adverse side effects. In the introduction paragraph, the author just talks
about why the sport is so likable. The author didn't have basic facts on snowboarding and snow
skiing. The author stated why people love playing the game because "give a unique sense of
freedom and satisfaction that is unlike any other sport can offer" (Snow Boarder pg.1). In the
Rogerian Argument, you want the thesis statement to be a question so the reader can pick a side to
choose more content...
Next, in the Rogerian Argument body paragraph, the author wants to equal time discussing both
positions on the issue, but try not to persuade the reader. The Helmet paper spent a lot of time
debating the adverse side effect and different incidents that happen to people not wearing the
hamlets. By talking about the unwanted side effect an example of an event in the sport, this gave
the reader to think not wearing a helmet is wrong. The conclusion paragraph fails to make a
compromise between the two issue in the paper. The last part discusses why people should start to
wear a helmet because it can save life's and companies are beginning to make them more
comfortable and not so cumbersome to the rider. This paper did a poor job with the Rogerian
structure. The article discusses the other position briefly in the
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Rogerian Essay
Trevor Barthel
Prof. Oneil
Effectiveness in Writing
19 May 2012 1) I am writing this essay because I am a huge advocate of a free internet. The
internet should not be able to be monitored by the US government or anyone else. In this essay, I
plan to inform the reader on what the US is trying to do to the free internet. 2) I learned a lot by
completing this assignment. Most importantly, I learned how to write a Rogerian essay. It was
interesting learning about my topic, but learning how to write this essay will benefit me more in
life. 3) The only difficulty that I encountered was the sorting out people's personal views, and facts.
Everyone seems to have his or her own view on this issue. 4) I really enjoy more
This bill was highly unpopular throughout the internet community. On January 18th, 2012,
Wikipedia and 7,000 other websites went down for a whole day. They did this to raise awareness
of the bill, and the unfairness to the American people. SOPA did not pass all the way through
Congress and become a law. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act was introduced
shortly after SOPA. CISPA was promised to be a more refined version of SOPA that would be
more effective. CISPA is designed "with the intention of allowing more sharing of cyber security
threat information between the private sector and the government" (Greenberg, 36). This bill is
currently very lax on certain aspects of internet privacy. The bill was written so that companies
would be required to share certain personal information with government agencies without limits
or proper security measures in place. "... the bill 's vague language would allow too much of users
' private information to be leaked to the government and that it doesn 't go far enough to offer real
defenses against digital attacks" (Greenberg, 68). CISPA has passed the House "by a comfortable
margin of 248 to 168" (McCullagh,1). Many American's are opposed to CISPA. This is because of
the hidden, loose terms that would allow their personal information to be freely shared with the FBI,
Department of Homeland Security, and other government
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Rogerian Essay Outline

  • 1. Rhetorical Analysis Of Rogerian Argument My honest thought on argumentation prior to starting this course were that argumentation was going to very easy. I simply thought that it would consist of arguing with someone back and forth trying to get my point across. But i was wrong, base off my pro/con speech and the few chapters that we have covered i've realized that argumentation is more complex than what i had expected it to be. There is different ways that someone can go about when state their claim using Rogerian argumentations style or using Aristotle's rhetorical appeals or other forms of argumentation styles. After my speech i realized that a clear and controversial topic is needed in order to see both sides of the claim. Aside from a topic research is very important it must be credible the more credibility one has the better are your chances of persuading the audience. Now i see argumentation as a process of reasoning that must consist of organized information and credible sources. What surprised me about my topic was how hard it was trying to find credible information. There was a lot of information but a lot of it wasn't credible, there was also a lot of information but the data wasn't from the United States it was it foreign countries so it was no good for me. However i did find scholarly articles and other credible sources i just had to really dig to find the information. One thing that surprised me about my topic was that i didn't get more than 2 or 3 people who tried and rebuttal me. I had prepared Get more content on
  • 2. Rogerian Argument Analysis The Rogerian method is a method for an argument which is put in to a negotiating way. This argument is about whether or not it is racist to use American Indian names for a university. The author presents both sides of the argument, showing how this problem can be seen through the American Indians and the fans of the university. This was an effective argument overall and the author goes in depth on both sides. In the introduction of the argument the author only shows her input on the argument. She gives a flashback experience of how she thinks that the Florida State University Seminoles pre–game ritual is "pageantry and fun," as well as showcases the Seminole peoples greatness (Willy, 2016). The author is not the only one that feels this type of way, it is a more content... The author takes the Indians side saying that their voice is the voice that should "be listened to," because it is their image (Willy, 2016). The author understands that with using the Indian name, colleges have to know that their image is at stake. If the college gives out a bad reputation, then that will lead to the Indians having a bad reputation which is why the Indians are not willing to let colleges use their name. The author decides that the Indians voices should be listened too, however, the Indians also should "listen to the voices of the universities" because the universities could be using their name as to promote the American Indians history (Willy, 2016). The author wants the Indians to at least give the universities a chance at using the name. She basically is on two sides of the argument because she says that the universities need to listen to the Indians and she also throws in that the Indians need to listen to the universities. The author does not have a permanent side on the argument, therefore, leads to the argument not being effective because it was not persuaded toward one Get more content on
  • 3. Rogerian Therapy: Client Centered Therapy The first intervention that could be used to help Mr. Vincent decrease his depression is Client Centered therapy. Client–Centered therapy, also referred to as the Rogerian theory, creates a therapeutic environment for the client to self–direct. Mental health professionals who utilize this approach strive to create a therapeutic environment that is conformable, non–judgmental and empathetic (Cherry, n.d.). Client– centered therapy has two key elements: it non–directive, and it empathizes. Client– centered therapists lead discussion with clients without steer in any direction and showing complete acceptance and support. This will allow Mr. Vincent to gain a better understanding of his internal thoughts and emotions. Therapy in the client–centered Get more content on
  • 4. The Rogerian Approach Chapter 1 Review Questions: Invention in rhetoric is the process of using ethos, pathos, and logos to create your own idea for a piece that you will write. It is essentially forming words and ideas of what to say and how to say them in order to be successful in an AP course. Ethos is the credibility or the reliability of the author and establishes feasibility throughout the text. Logos is the logic in all of the content and usually gives factual evidence or some type of important information that relates to the subject. Pathos is the emotional aspect of the message and is used to draw in the reader. It touches your heart instead of your brain which is an effective way to capture the audience. They come in a perfect balance as people more content... The statement is present, however something is needed to back it up and give justification. The claim will show your stance and the reasons will sustain that stance and carry it further. The warrant is the principle that is crucial for the audience's understanding. It is the element that secures the claim to the proof using a detailed affirmation that might not have been picked up on had it not been mentioned. Often abstract ideas will fly over the reader's head and the purpose will therefore be ineffectual. The Rogerian Approach is a strategy that keeps the audience on the same page as the author, whereas the average argument will strike a tear because of different beliefs. This technique uses mutual understanding and thoughts to stick on the same level instead of drawing a divide by creating two sides to an issue. It isn't about winning or losing in this scenario, it is more about the presentation of the argument in keeping good taste with the reader. The "says/does analysis" type of rhetoric is very smooth and straightforward. It simply summarizes or gives quotes directly from the text at hand, then pulls them apart to illustrate the writer's Get more content on
  • 5. Rogerian Argument For The Death Penalty The death penalty has been around for many years. It started with hanging criminals to electrocuting them to being shot by a lethal injection. The first case was in 1608, Captain George Kendall was the first person executed in the new colonies for being a spy. In recent years death penalty has been discontinued in many states. Opponents like myself think the death penalty should be abolished because it is an unnecessary thing to do, it is unfair to the minorities and there have been cases where innocent people get killed for no reason; however there are a lot of people that prefer the death penalty as the best punishment because they feel that this act will lower crimes; moreover, the best solution for this issue is to completely abolish more content... Many people think that criminals will think twice before committing s crime because they don't want to get executed. The author states, "Besides the arguments of retribution and deterrence, many claim that a rational alternative is life imprisonment. After all, once the criminal is detained he or she is no longer able to harm society. However, if the goal is to separate the criminal from society, capital punishment would provide a literally guaranteed rate of success" (Gibson). This talks about how the culprit can be give life imprisonment and it won't be able to do any harm anymore. Though capital punishment can be used to 100 remove that person forever. Again the author writes, "Without capital punishment, imprisoned criminals are indirectly granted a license to kill, threatening prisoners as well s guards who protect civil society from lawlessness" (Gibson). This states how if death penalty didn't exist murderers would not care and just kill. There needs to be a consequence so people will think about what they're doing twice unless they want to get executed. Additionally, it protects society and provides justice for the Get more content on
  • 6. The Rogerian Argument The Rogerian Approach of argument is a very diplomatic way to fight your case. Approaching an argument is very delicate because you need to appeal to your audience's ethos, pathos, and logos. Without successfully appealing to your audience, you will be unable to effectively argue your position rationally. This is an absolute necessity because no one wants to fight a battle that is already lost. It is possible to use another argumentative approach, but the Rogerian is an easier way to fulfill the audience's logical and emotional appeals as well as making your argument credible. The Rogerian method will be effective when arguing emotional, hot–button issues. For example, illegal immigration is a very sensitive topic because it affects Get more content on
  • 7. Examples Of Rogerian Argumentation Rogerian is a style of argumentation that does not take an adversarial approach. This style of argumentation moves away from a combative stance. The Rogerian argument consists of four parts: the introduction, context, writer's position, and benefits to the opponent. In "Is the College Use of American Indian Mascots Racist," Jane Willy does a great job of not taking a particular side and promoting ethical growth. Therefore, Willy effectively uses Rogerian argumentation to enhance his argument. In Willy's introduction, he introduces the controversy of how there are differing views regarding the mascot names of college teams. The author catches the audience's attention as he provides a story of his experiences with a particular football team more content... This is supposed to show the opponent how they would benefit by agreeing with the writer's position. Willy proposes that he thinks "The voice of the Indians is the voice that should, finally, be listened to" (Willy, 2008, para. 6). This shows the opponent that if they adopt the writer's position, it would give the Indians the right to determine if the names of the mascots are racist. Also, Willy finds common ground between the opposing viewpoints and provides a compromise. He brings up the controversy regarding the North Dakota "Fighting Sioux." The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is considering taking this name away from them because of differences among the community. Will proposes that "If it can, and if the Sioux then agree to let the university use their image, the NCAA ought to withdraw its objection" (Willy, 2008, para. 7). Then, he states that if "The university cannot persuade the Sioux, well, the Fighting Sioux will just have to agree that they have lost this fight," come to a compromise, and "Take the name of the Hawks or the Eagles or of any other group that won't object" (Willy, 2008, para. 7). Willy provides a compromise for both sides that is Get more content on
  • 8. Rogerian Argument By definition, "Argument is an activity, often pleasurable and productive, that engages us at high levels of inquiry and critical thinking" (Ramage 2). Although, in my opinion, argument can be defined as a disagreement between two people with opposing views and or beliefs on a given issue. An argument that comes easily to mind is one that my mother and I had post–prom. We were disagreeing on whether I should be able to attend an after–party at one of my friends' homes in New York. I believed that I should be able to attend because I was 18, I was about to graduate, and it was possibly the last time my friends and I would be able to have fun together for a while. She disagreed, countering with the fact that there would be alcohol at the party, Get more content on
  • 9. Analysis Of The Rogerian Argument The Rogerian method of argumentation, created by psychologist Carl Rogers, focuses on trying to advocate a win–win outcome. This is done by steering clear of incendiary language and making use of the technique of "restatement". The goal of this type of argumentation is for the two sides to settle on a common ground. The purpose of this essay is to determine whether factors outside of school play as much as role in one's education as school itself. In the introduction of this article, the author should create a foundation for his argument and state both sides of the argument. The author is able to that in his introduction. In his first paragraph, he states that there are "two different opinions" on whether school is the primary influence more content... The context is when the author clearly states the opposing argument and states definitive cases where the opposing view is permissible. The author should state the opposing side without using combative language. The opposing side of the author's argument is that factors outside school are the primary influence of education. The author supports the opposing sides by saying that "factors such as social media and peer pressure play a critical role in influencing teens". This statement shows that the author is using social media and peer pressure to justify the opposing side of the argument. The author goes on to tell the reader that social media can influence education because "social media lets students stay connected...and encourages interactions with more individuals". This statement gives more depth to why social media helps students learn. The author also talks about peer pressure to enhance his context. The author says that "peers can lead children onto the right path" because of the influence they have on a child. A group of friends that encourages and spreads ideas can have a large impact on how a child develops. In this paragraph, the author is able to successfully provide context without using any combative Get more content on
  • 10. Rogerian Argument: Capital Punishment Essay For years, politicians have been passionately debating the subject of the capital punishment, which has only served to create more divisions within our society. It is an extremely sensitive subject, and one that inspires strong emotions in both directions. Like abortion, gun laws, and the war on terrorism, capital punishment is an issue on which everyone is never likely to agree. If we examine some arguments presented from both sides, opponents of the capital punishment claim that executing someone is nothing more than an immoral, state–authorized killing which undervalues the human life and destroys our respect for our government which itself says that killing is wrong. But the supporters of the death penalty think that certain more content... As we can see arguments from both sides hold some truth in them. So is it really hard to find a solution which would keep both sides happy? I personally believe that one such solution would be to have everyone's DNA profile data–based at birth, which is in the reach of our modern technology, and use such database to catch criminals. I am sure that it would greatly reduce the risk of punishing innocent people. And I think that the high risk of being caught is much better deterrent for criminals than any other ones. For instance, if we look at peoples driving habits, as soon as they see speed camera signs they slow down and then again go over the speed limit as they pass the risk of being caught. Another possible solution might be to start introducing stricter disciplines from the bottom up, i.e. start with disobedient children at schools through teenage and adult hooligans. And only then we might be able to bring up a generation or two of disciplined people who might not need the threat of execution to deter them from committing violent crimes. Works Cited "Facts About the Death Penalty." 01 May 2008. 02 May 2008<http:/ />. "Why Abolish the Death Penalty?" Amnesty International. Sept. 2007. 10 May 2008 Get more content on
  • 11. Rogerian Approach Essay The Rogerian school of thought was developed by Carl Rogers and deviated from Freud's psychoanalytic and the behavioral theories that were popular at the time. The Rogerian or client–centered approach was seen as an alternative to the then–dominant models in American psychology of behaviorism and psychoanalysis and as such became aligned with the emerging third force of humanistic psychology (Joseph & Murphy, 2012). The Rogerian approach does not rely on stages of development or conditioned responses to create a behavior change in the client. The Rogerian approach is primarily focused on the individual personal experience of the client. Behavior change is accomplished through the process of self–actualization. Self– more content... The therapist strives to understand the client's subjective reality by trying to literally walk in his shoes. This is achieved by reflecting with sensitivity and accuracy, a therapeutic understanding of what was said as well as the meaning and feelings underlying the words (Peltier, 2009, p. 105). Clark (2010), expanded on the Rogerian model of empathy by introducing additional empathy processes; (a) subjective, (b) interpersonal, and (c) objective. Subjective empathy processes require the coach find common ground with the client. When a counselor empathizes with a client, there is often a kinship, a similarity of experiences (Clark, 2010). Interpersonal empathy is concentrated on the coach's understanding of the client's experience. The coach perceives and understands the client's frame of reference. Lastly, objective empathy utilizes referential data to seek a profound understanding of the client. However, in an effort to overcome pre–dispositional opinions, the coach should invariably seek alternate reference sources to integrate with the subjective and the interpersonal knowledge base(s) being credited. Often, when dealing with objective data, biases and stereotypes have a tendency of dominating the presumption. In all cases, a multi–perspective should be sought when employing empathic understanding. Rogers and the person–centered approach have been pivotal in identifying empathy as a core condition and Get more content on
  • 12. Rogerian Argument Essay 12th June, 2013 Does the high level of Carbon Dioxide (C02) possibly harm the Earth's planetary biosphere, or has it already done so; in fact, many worldwide scientists have protested that the Earth is at its 'tipping point' but no efforts have been adapted to save the biosphere? A support of this controversial topic; congressional meeting and testimony, is from one of the top U.S. climate scientists, James Hansen to Former Vice President Al Gore, with an emphasis on the cause of C02. Beyond the ozone layer is atmospherically holey, Earth's temperature is rising, and the climate changing conversely, one that people trivialized the most is: Global warming. Increasingly, subject to concern not only via online discussion, magazine more content... How would this have happened, with the increase of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, and if this carries on, then the earth will burn up. United States in 2006, the impact of BP oil spilled which left countless species of marine life devastated–to its demise–the communities that rely on the Gulf for natural resources. Across the nation, communities have faced devastating levels of water and air pollution as a result of coal burning power plants. In addition, every region is affected by severe weathers–droughts in the Midwest, wildfires in western states and floods in the southeast. Global warming is fundamentally changing the planet that has sustained the civilization. The emphasis is, will people continue to exploit the planet or take action by going on green–or inaction like having some social animals to be adapted to seek out only toward others. Human too, can escape the inevitable by: re–cycling, driving smart cars, using energy efficient technology or ultimately reduce the burning of fossil fuels, etc. The United States presently leads the world in the production of carbon dioxide emissions. Daily supplies come from sources such as: energy, transportation and sewage treatment, which comes from the burning of fossil fuels. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased more than 30% since the start of the industrial revolution. Carbon dioxide (C02) is a greenhouse gas discharged through Get more content on
  • 13. Rogerian Paper: Genetically Modified Food "Biotechnology has been used for more than 6,000 years for lots of interesting and practical purposes: making food such as bread and cheese, preserving dairy products and fermenting beer" (Biotechnology – Promising a Brighter Future for the World). Although we do not always realize it, biotechnology is a huge part of our everyday lives, from the medicine we use to keep us healthy, the fuel we use to take us where we need to go, and even the food we eat and the sources it comes from, biotechnology already plays, and must continue to play, an invaluable role in meeting our needs. Biotechnology uses cellular and bio–molecular processes to develop technologies and products that help improve more content... Those who support genetically modified foods strengthen their position by claiming a decent amount of benefits the biotechnology creates. Deborah B. Whitman, a master of biotechnology from The Johns Hopkins University, attended a Food and Drug Administration meeting held in November 1999 in Washington, D.C., that discussed many benefits involved in genetically modified foods. In his article Genetically Modified Foods: Harmful or Helpful?, he summarized how genetically modified foods are disease–resistant and can help in human's nutrition. Well–grown genetically modified foods can alleviate nutrient deficiencies in third world countries where impoverished people rely on a single crop such as rice. Besides these benefits in health, genetically modified foods contain genes expressing herbicide tolerance and pest resistance, which help prevent environmental damage and reduce the production cost by reducing the amount of herbicides and pesticides needed. Our health and the environment are crucial components of our lives; they are what people have always been concerned about. Many people improve the quality of their lives by looking for and obtaining genetically modified products. If genetically modified crops did not actually offer improvements to people's lives, the product's sales would decrease and lose popularity among consumers. Nevertheless, the opponents' concern of genetically modified food is right in regards to the chance Get more content on
  • 14. McKenzie Morse Sam Zahran ENG 112 15 April 2014 Comparing student learning: Traditional Learning vs. Online Learning Which type of learning is better, traditional or online? As we all know, attending a college or university is nothing new. For the longest time the biggest issues for students were which school to attend and how to pay for it. However, with new and constant developments in modern technology these students are faced with a new problem: which type of learning is better, traditional or online? Students are not the only ones dealing with this dilemma; schools are also presented with the same issue. Not only do schools have to be concerned with which type of learning is best for their students but also which type more content... I feel that the education you receive from online learning is the same material that is taught in the traditional way. This material is just presented in a way that is better for modern students. Traditional learners however, may also lack the skills to be effective learners. For students who take traditional classes over online classes may lack motivation to be independent learners. In spite of these differences it is safe to assume that both sides want students to enjoy and excel in school no matter if it is traditional or online. Both sides are obviously concerned about the importance of education. Otherwise the argument over whether traditional or online learning is better would not be a debatable issue. There are others, like myself, who feel that online learning is better. The supporters of this back their claim by stating that online classes can be more beneficial for teachers and students. For example, fewer distractions in a classroom like other students disrupting class. Students can come into class late after the teacher has already started class and cause a disruption or talk during the class. With online classes the student can control their environment. Also, a teacher can provide in writing just the basic information a student needs for an assignment. This way there is less of a chance for the student to get confused on the assignment when the topic Get more content on
  • 15. The expression argument has two meanings in scholarly writing. First, it means a composition that takes a position on one side of a divisive issue. You might write an argument against the death penalty, or for or against censorship of pornography. But argument has another meaning, too. It means an essay that, simply, argues a point. You might assemble an argument about the significance of ancestor myths in a certain aborigine culture, or you might write an argument defending your understanding of any poem or essay that is read in your philosophy class. (Winthrop University) You are not necessarily taking one side of a divisive issue, but you are required to defend your points with credible evidence. You are taking a position. In a sense, more content... In emotionally stimulating situations, however, the audience will hold more sturdily to its beliefs the more strongly those beliefs are challenged. Young, Becker and Pike suggest breaking these barriers to communication by using a variation of Rogers' non–directive therapy. In "Communication: Its Blocking and its Facilitation," Rogers suggests that in emotional disputes, neither party should put forward a position until she has carefully, non–judgmentally and with the maximum possible empathy restated the position of the other, to the other's satisfaction. (Brent) This will convey to the other the sense that he is understood and that the two parties are more similar than different, thereby creating a context for communication. (Brent) Carl Rogers was born January 8, 1902 in Oak Park, Illinois, the fourth of six children. His education started in the second grade because he could already read before kindergarten. He spent his adolescence isolated, independent and self–disciplined. He went to the University of Wisconsin as an agriculture major, but later switched to religion to study for the ministry. He has been quoted as saying "that his new experiences so broadened his thinking that he began to doubt some of his basic religious views." (Boeree) Carl Rogers later married Ms. Helen Elliot and moved to New York to start school at the Union Theological Seminary, a famous liberal religious institution. Get more content on
  • 16. Rogerian Argument Summary Based Carl Rogers' theory that when people are involved in disputes, they should not respond to each other until they utterly and justly state the other person's position. The Rogerian Argument moves away from a combative stance and redefines negotiation until a common ground is reached. The author Jane Willy uses the Rogerian Argument in her article "Is the College Use of American Indian Mascots Racist?" to show her position and create context to what her beliefs are aside to the opposition. Beliefs, benefits, and differences are shown and assist in showing her position. The two sides of weather colleges should be able to have American Indian mascots or not is argued and as some people believe it is racist the opposition states that it more content... Commission on Civil Rights in 2001, inappropriate or disrespectful names should be eliminated. As explained by the NCAA that the use of American Indian nicknames should be eliminated due to their hurtful meaning, Willy agrees that the statement is valid. Willy describes that the statement is legitimate but to a certain extent "surely we can agree that if they are hurtful they, should be eliminated," however explains that it should be a choice of the people and the people the offensive names are directed to (Shore, 2005). A member of the Seminole tribe and general counsel for the tribe "set forth a good relation between the university and tribe" allowing the decision to be made weather the name should be kept or not (Shore, 2005). "The Tribal Council voted unanimously" in support of "the university in its efforts to keep the Seminole name," meaning that the name was not found of offensive to the tribe and were in support of preserving it (Shore, 2005). Both sides were shown, the side of the NCAA which opposed the use of American Indian names and the side of Willy, of allowing the people the offensive is directed too to make the decision. Common grounds were met, as the NCAA allowed this since the tribe confirmed the positive support towards keeping the name and preserving Get more content on
  • 17. Rogerian Approach Rogerian Approach Assignment Is social media creating a gap between human interaction? On the negative side empathy could become extinct as time goes on. Society has let social media control their lives in negative and positive ways. People can track more than each other. There are devices that enhance your heath by tracking movement, sleep and much more. The virtual world helps people stay connected electronically while separating the human interaction. The concept that people are living in a virtual world can be very controversial depending on who you are asking. People connecting to one another at such a high level does have some positives. Social media has brought other technology's which help us stay connected in different ways that enhance are life's. There are devices that enable us more content... When devices like cell phones were developed, their original intent was just to communicate by voice. As Lam (2012) explains there was a group of teenagers from Florida out for revenge. There whole intention was to use You Tube to publicize the beating for maximum social media effect, without any regard what happened to the group legally. Lam (2012) points out the girls beating was influenced by You Tubes ten–minute video limit. Social media changes peoples inhabitations in a negative way. Lam (2012) explains how Clifford Nass, a communications professor at Stanford feel people empathy for each other is at a critical state "A significant fraction of people's experiences are now fragmented." People have lost focus on how to truly communicate with one another. You cannot truly express your feeling through an electronic medium. You are able to hid you real feeling using social media. Lam (2012) points out according to New York Time, scientist all of this screen time is causing a significant shift in are brains wiring. People have split themselves in half, there social media side and physical Get more content on
  • 18. Rogerian Theory Rogerian Theory: The Person–Centered Approach of Therapy Humanistic psychology was developed from the many counter reactions towards psychoanalytic and behavioristic theories. In addition, it is considered the third force of psychology and it consists of theories that have a holistic approach to human nature. One of the most significant and establishing theorists of the humanistic force was Carl Rogers, as he developed the Person–Centered Theory. Over the years, his theory has deeply expanded and influenced the knowledge of many mental health professions. Early life of Theorist Carl Ransom Rogers was the fourth of six children, in which five were boys. He was born on January 8, 1902, in Oak Park, Illinois. His parents, Walter and Julia Cushing Rogers were "devoted and loving parents, giving a great deal of time and energy to creating a family" (Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 344). As a child, Rogers learned to place the most value in work and religion. At the age of seven, Rogers became particularly interested in the Bible and was capable of reading advanced Bible books (Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 344). His incredible academic abilities and studious personality allowed him to skip grades, however, he was "teased a great deal [by others] and [was] called Professor Moony" (Boring and Lindzey, 1967, pg. 345). Furthermore, Rogers described himself as a "dreamy youngster...lost in fantasy most of the time" (Boring & Lindzey, 1967, p. 345). He was "sensitive, [a] shy introvert, Get more content on
  • 19. Rogerian Argument Thesis Statement The primary goal of the Rogerian Argument is to give the reader an opportunity to form his or her opinion based on the facts that will be presented. In the paper Helmets: Life or Liberty the author discussing how helmets were once viewed as nerdy appearance or being uncomfortable until people start to notice the adverse side effects. In the introduction paragraph, the author just talks about why the sport is so likable. The author didn't have basic facts on snowboarding and snow skiing. The author stated why people love playing the game because "give a unique sense of freedom and satisfaction that is unlike any other sport can offer" (Snow Boarder pg.1). In the Rogerian Argument, you want the thesis statement to be a question so the reader can pick a side to choose more content... Next, in the Rogerian Argument body paragraph, the author wants to equal time discussing both positions on the issue, but try not to persuade the reader. The Helmet paper spent a lot of time debating the adverse side effect and different incidents that happen to people not wearing the hamlets. By talking about the unwanted side effect an example of an event in the sport, this gave the reader to think not wearing a helmet is wrong. The conclusion paragraph fails to make a compromise between the two issue in the paper. The last part discusses why people should start to wear a helmet because it can save life's and companies are beginning to make them more comfortable and not so cumbersome to the rider. This paper did a poor job with the Rogerian structure. The article discusses the other position briefly in the Get more content on
  • 20. Rogerian Essay Trevor Barthel Prof. Oneil Effectiveness in Writing 19 May 2012 1) I am writing this essay because I am a huge advocate of a free internet. The internet should not be able to be monitored by the US government or anyone else. In this essay, I plan to inform the reader on what the US is trying to do to the free internet. 2) I learned a lot by completing this assignment. Most importantly, I learned how to write a Rogerian essay. It was interesting learning about my topic, but learning how to write this essay will benefit me more in life. 3) The only difficulty that I encountered was the sorting out people's personal views, and facts. Everyone seems to have his or her own view on this issue. 4) I really enjoy more content... This bill was highly unpopular throughout the internet community. On January 18th, 2012, Wikipedia and 7,000 other websites went down for a whole day. They did this to raise awareness of the bill, and the unfairness to the American people. SOPA did not pass all the way through Congress and become a law. The Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act was introduced shortly after SOPA. CISPA was promised to be a more refined version of SOPA that would be more effective. CISPA is designed "with the intention of allowing more sharing of cyber security threat information between the private sector and the government" (Greenberg, 36). This bill is currently very lax on certain aspects of internet privacy. The bill was written so that companies would be required to share certain personal information with government agencies without limits or proper security measures in place. "... the bill 's vague language would allow too much of users ' private information to be leaked to the government and that it doesn 't go far enough to offer real defenses against digital attacks" (Greenberg, 68). CISPA has passed the House "by a comfortable margin of 248 to 168" (McCullagh,1). Many American's are opposed to CISPA. This is because of the hidden, loose terms that would allow their personal information to be freely shared with the FBI, Department of Homeland Security, and other government Get more content on