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Monetization & High-Performance Marketing 
• BLUE BOOK Networks Survey 
For 2015 Begins - see back cover! 
• Converting Social Media Traffic - 
It Works! 
• How To Ask For An Affiliate 
Marketing Pay Raise 
Fall 2014 : Vol. XIII : Issue 19
Dedicated To Monetization + High Performance Marketing 1 
Secrets of Social Media Conversion 3 
By Chris Trayhorn, Social Influencer Marketing Group, mThink 
Playing With The Margin 4 
Luke Kling, Peerfly 
Affliliate Opportunities In Social Commerce: 
What’s Not To “Like”? 6 
By Melissa Feemster, Rakuten LinkShare 
Understanding The Differences Between 
Affiliate Networks and CPA Networks 8 
By Jeannine Crooks, Affiliate Window 
REVENUE performance 
Chris Trayhorn 
Sheila Fox 
Rick Greer 
Revenue Performance is published by mThink 
55 New Montgomery, Suite 617 
San Francisco, CA 94105 
mThink: Intelligent Performance Marketing 
Chris Trayhorn 
Yvonne Schellerup 
Rocio Santillana 
While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content of this publication, the 
publisher will accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for any loss or damage, conse-quential 
or otherwise, suffered as a result of any material published here. The information published 
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mThink, its affiliates, advertisers or any other agent. The name “Revenue+Performance” and the phrase 
“Super-Affiliate Insights” are the intellectual property of mThink. The entire content of this publication 
is protected by copyright; full details are available through the publisher. All rights reserved. These 
trademarks or copyright materials may not be used in any media for any purpose without the express 
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© 2014 mThink ISSN: 1549-7615 
Cover Image: © Bkilzer | 
Disclaimer: Revenue+Performance and include editorial and/or advertising that refers 
to affiliate programs that often include many different websites. Occasionally those programs may include 
websites offering education in casino or card games. In such cases no promotion or endorsement of those sites 
should be inferred or implied – our editorial coverage and/or advertising relates only to the affiliate program 
itself. Revenue+Performance magazine and do not accept advertising that promotes 
online gambling. 
Letter from the Publisher 
I know a lot of affiliate marketers who are 
bored with social media. They view it as an 
expensive distraction, sucking budget away from 
things that actually make money. Sure, having a 
full-time social content person on staff may build 
up followers and subscribers, but where’s the 
payoff? All too often, finding ROI on social media 
is regarded as difficult, if not impossible. 
The problem with this kind of mindset is 
that it is hard to argue with because it is self-fulfilling. 
Approach social media in a half-hearted, 
distracted fashion and the results will reflect it. 
But treat it as a new, exciting channel with the 
potential to change your business dramatically, 
and then it might actually do just that. 
My view is that many people don’t take social 
traffic seriously because they don’t pay for it. 
These are the folks that will spend days aligning 
their SEM search terms with multiple, layered 
landing pages, followed by pop-ups, shopping 
cart anti-abandonment tactics and retargeting, all 
to maximize ROI from $8-a-click inbound traffic. 
But give those same people 500 visitors a day 
from content posted on a social network and they 
just throw it into the same sales funnel and then 
are confirmed in their lack of belief when it fails 
to convert. 
This is all predictable, and avoidable. Two of 
our pieces in this issue look at the impact social 
media should be having on your bottom line - this 
is important stuff because social is only going to 
become more prevalent, not less. 
Also in this edition, on the outside back cover, 
we launch the BLUE BOOK survey for the 2015 
Top 20 network rankings. If you are an advertiser, 
an agent or an affiliate, please follow the links 
and give us your views. They matter! 
And if you are a network, please contact us 
to make sure you are represented in the survey 
in the right way - we take pride in the quality 
of our work, but it’s not easy trying to keep 
track of hundreds of ever-evolving performance 
marketing networks. 
But that is the essence of our industry: always 
changing, always finding new ways to race 
towards success. 
Remember, you can’t win if you 
don’t run. 
Chris Trayhorn 
Founder & Publisher
2 REVENUE+performance – ISSUE 19 
WE BUILD BIG The old models of PR, brand and advertising are 
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55 New Montgomery St., Suite 617 • San Francisco, Ca 94105
Social media traffic is cost-effective and highly scaleable but only if you know how to make it convert. The 
social media conversion funnel is different to the one that many of us are used to but, if it’s executed properly, a 
conversion-centered social media strategy can yield real ROI. 3 
Industry Insights: Social Media 
Secrets of Social Media Conversion 
By Chris Trayhorn, Social Influencer Marketing Group, mThinkAgency 
The idea that social media traffic doesn’t convert is so widely 
held by now that many companies don’t even test it. The 
phrase, “there is no ROI in social” has become almost a cliche. 
But like most cliches, while there may be a kernel of truth to it, 
there is also a much more nuanced - and profitable - reality. 
Of course social media traffic converts. It is made of people, 
after all, and the last time I checked people are what you need 
in order to get conversions. So the question isn’t whether 
social media traffic converts. It is, how do we get it to convert 
profitably and predictably? How do we turn those reading-viewing- 
sharing people into buyers and form-fillers? 
In order to do that, we need to think about the difference 
between short and long conversion 
funnels. As an example, paid SEM 
represents a classic short conversion 
funnel: you advertise, and someone who is 
already in buying mode clicks on your ad 
and goes to your landing page. This works 
because search engines attract people who 
are already at near the end of their buying 
process – they’re just looking for the best 
posible deal. 
Social media by its nature isn’t normally 
targeted at people near the bottom of the 
conversion funnel, but there’s no reason 
why your particular social media content shouldn’t be. Think 
of it this way: a large percentage of people on social media 
platforms at any given time will also use Google or Bing on the 
same day. They are buying stuff all the time, even if it’s not top 
of mind when they are on Facebook or YouTube. 
What that means is that there is an opportunity to reach 
people with the right kind of content at the right time, and 
in doing so, to bypass the big search engines. Video product 
reviews on YouTube, for example, can lead a prospective 
customer by the hand, create trust and then maximize 
conversion on a subsequent landing page, better than any 
95 character text ad. The key is to treat social media traffic 
differently - although this often simply means treating it with 
the same level of respect you normally give to paid search 
Let’s summarize six takeaways on this subject: the secrets of 
social media conversion. 
• Focus on the right social networks. There are lots of them, 
Video product reviews 
on YouTube can lead a 
prospective customer 
by the hand, create trust 
and then maximize con-version 
better than any 
95 character text ad 
but unless you have a good reason to choose one of the 
smaller ones, stick with the giants. Facebook, of course. 
Twitter, although some find that there’s too much poor 
traffic. YouTube, best of all for product reviews and traffic 
quality. And Google+, just because its Google and so you 
will probably benefit from better search rankings and any 
number of other, hidden algorithm-related goodies. 
• Use a proper landing page and make sure it matches the 
social media traffic source. If you were running a paid 
search campaign on Google you would probably create a 
dedicated landing page and ensure it was optimized for the 
search terms on which you were bidding. You might even 
have multiple landing pages, each optimized for a different 
search term group. So why wouldn’t you do 
the same for your social media traffic? Make 
the effort to create a sales funnel that feels 
“right” and you will reap the benefit. 
• Use social media widgets and 
testimonials on the page in order to 
establish authority and trust. In social, 
popularity can often function as a 
substitute for reputation, meaning that 
even if potential customers don’t know your 
brand personally, they are more likely to 
give you the benefit of the doubt if they can 
see that you are popular. 
• Optimize for mobile, the whole way through the sales 
funnel. Mobile social media traffic is huge, so if you’re 
serious about making it convert, ensure the your landing 
pages, shopping carts and forms all work beautifully and 
seamlessly across a wide range of mobile devices. 
• Include a strong call-to-action in all of your social media 
content. It doesn’t have to be as in-your-face as “buy this 
now!” but it should at least encourage the reader/viewer to 
be an active participant in the sales process. 
• Encourage sharing. If, on average, each visitor to your 
squeeze page finds just one thing that’s worth sharing 
with their friends, then your marketing reach has just been 
increased exponentially. Make sharing as easy as possible, 
on as many platforms as is practical. 
Social media traffic really does convert. But it can’t be 
treated just like paid SEM traffic, or even display. Treat it with 
respect and profitable campaigns will follow.
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4 REVENUE+performance – ISSUE 19 
Conversion – Luke Kling, Peerfly 
Playing with By Luke Kling, Peerfly 
When people start affiliate marketing the only thing 
they really care about at first is getting conversions. 
Logic says that if they can get conversions then they will 
start making money. In reality, while this is mostly true, 
conversions on their own do not actually mean that a 
campaign will make money. An affiliate can generate 
thousands of leads or sales and still be losing money 
if they are spending too much on buying traffic, for 
example. In other, it’s all about ROI. 
If you are ROI negative on your campaign then it 
doesn’t matter how many conversions you generate. 
In such a situation, it is even possible that the more 
conversions you generate the more money you will 
actually lose. The good news is that much of the time, 
the difference between a profitable campaign and a 
losing one is just a small fraction of the revenue your 
campaign is actually producing. But, aside from testing 
and optimizing as much as possible, what else can you do 
to improve profitability? 
The point to be aware of is that, in spite of the negative 
ROI that you are experiencing, there is at least one 
organization that is making money off your campaign: 
the affiliate network or affiliate program from which 
you are getting the offer. Every network or program 
has a percentage of the commission that they keep 
for themselves. The margin will vary from company to 
company, but there is almost always a margin that is held 
back. What you need to do to help bring your campaign to 
profitability is to reach out to the network or program and 
see if they will give you a piece of that margin. 
Basically, I’m suggesting that you should ask for a pay 
increase on the affiliate offer – this is perfectly fine and 
acceptable in almost every single case. The company from 
which you are getting the offer will be making money 
from every conversion you generate. If you have to stop 
your campaign because of lack of ROI, then the network 
will lose out on that revenue. It is in their best interest 
that you run traffic through their network, so don’t be 
afraid to ask them for a raise.
Maximize your revenue with 
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the Margin 
So, how should you go about asking for a pay 
increase? Well, this is the time to begin building on your 
relationship with the affiliate manager you were assigned 
when you first applied and were approved into the 
network or program. It’s their job to help you. 
So, in order to get a pay increase, the simplest and best 
approach is just to reach out to your affiliate manager and 
ask for one. I recommend e-mailing them so you have a 
record of the conversation. Explain that your campaign 
is on the brink of hitting profitability and you would 
By hitting profitability you will be 
able to optimize and scale your 
campaign, making everyone more 
like a pay increase to help make it profitable. By hitting 
profitability you will be able to optimize and scale your 
campaign, making everyone more money. 
This is a very simple and logical request and in my 
experience, most affiliate managers will repsond 
positively. I have personally been an affiliate manager for 
nearly 10 years and I have given pay increases on well over 
90% of the requests I have received, with the associated 
campaigns generating millions of extra dollars in revenue 
for my affiliates and my network. 
All you have to do is ask! Prove that you will make 
the pay increase worth the decrease in margin for the 
network or program and they’ll happily give it to you. 
Everyone loves a win-win situation, especially when that 
win leads to more revenue! 
Let’s make some money. 
About Luke Kling 
Luke Kling is the Director of Marketing for, ranked by the Blue 
Book as one of the top CPA networks in the world.
Social Commerce – Melissa Feemster, Rakuten LinkShare 
Affiliate Opportunities In Social Commerce: 
What’s Not to “Like”? 
by Melissa Feemster, General Manager, Senior Vice President, Rakuten LinkShare 
It’s hard not to notice the ways that social media has infiltrated 
the online shopping experience. From customer review sites to 
private Pinterest boards to Amazon now allowing you to shop 
through Twitter, there’s no looking back. It’s almost impossible to 
imagine buying a product today without getting a second opinion, 
either from a trusted third party or a Facebook friend. This fusion 
of social media and e-commerce has led to the rising popularity of 
social commerce platforms and, therefore, more opportunities for 
the affiliate channel. 
Social commerce platforms organize shopping around people 
as opposed to requiring shoppers go site-to-site searching for the 
ideal product. They tap into the insight that consumers want and 
need through two-way dialog with other consumers before they 
make a purchase. 
For example, imagine you’re on the hunt for a new summer 
wardrobe. If you go to a popular social commerce platform 
like Wanelo, you can find great options along with insight from 
customers who have experience with the merchants and/or the 
products. And if a shopper comes across a great find, they can 
easily post it to the site for others to comment on or purchase. 
The more you contribute to social commerce sites, the more 
you’ll be rewarded. Rewards can take various forms such as 
of credits on the site, commissions and higher visibility in the 
Also, since a lot of social commerce sites present the best price 
available, this helps reduce the need for consumers to leave the 
site and comparison shop before committing to a purchase. 
The foundation of social commerce is built around the concept 
that that the more you share, the greater the experience will be 
for all involved. 
Social Commerce: Fad or The New Business Model? 
Some may argue that social commerce is a passing fad, 
especially if they’re reading doom and gloom headlines about 
Facebook’s declining popularity among teens or Twitter’s recent 
earnings results. 
Regardless of the financial performance or current popularity 
of this week’s hot social network, the reality is that the underlying 
technology that supports social commerce is here to stay. 
According to analysts at Booz & Co, social commerce will reach 
$30B by the year 2015. 
Albeit evolving, the ability to bring unbiased user 
recommendations into the shopping experience through social 
media has forever changed the e-commerce landscape. It comes 
down to this -- consumers that can see validated, third party 
product reviews and their friends’ recommendations alongside 
products will feel more confident about their choices and are 
more likely to make more purchases from these sites. 
6 REVENUE+performance – ISSUE 19 
The Opportunities for Affiliates in Social Commerce 
Underscoring the growing opportunities in social commerce, 
recent data from Rakuten LinkShare found that the average order 
value on social commerce sites is 87 percent higher than the 
network average. 
So how can the affiliate channel get in on the social commerce 
action? Following are three recommendations for getting 
immersed and succeeding in the emerging social commerce 
1. Watch and learn. That may sound like an obvious first step 
but keep in mind that the social commerce business model 
is different. Social commerce sites have a vetting system 
in place to ensure that customer feedback is genuine and 
reviewers are not simply endorsing products for their own 
personal gain. Therefore, it’s worth investing the time to 
really understand how these sites work before making 
2. Work with your affiliate network to get an introduction to 
the marketing teams at social commerce sites so you can 
better understand their affiliate marketing model. From there, 
collaborate with your network and the social commerce site 
to develop and execute the strongest campaigns. 
3. Share your expertise. The rise of niche bloggers, such as those 
following fashion or the mommy blogger set have shown that 
subject matter expertise pays off, especially in the affiliate 
The more insight and value publishers can bring to a 
community, the more rewards they’ll earn on a site, therefore 
raising their profile and potentially increasing commissions 
(depending on the site’s reward system). 
For example, Luvocracy has built a rewards structure where 
members can earn a percentage of purchases that were generated 
from their recommendations. 
Also, the higher a publisher’s profile is, the more likely it is that 
shoppers will take note of their expertise and may also venture 
over to their site. 
Social commerce sites are eager to work with the affiliate 
community. If you haven’t yet explored these opportunities, now 
is the ideal time. 
About Melissa Feemster 
Melissa Feemster is General Manager, Senior Vice President, Rakuten Link- 
Share. Prior to LinkShare, she worked in Account Management at Ogilvy, in 
brand management at Campbell Soup Company and in Corporate Commu-nications 
at McDonald’s Corporation. Melissa holds an MBA in Marketing 
from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business and a BA 
from DePauw University. 7
Networking – Jeannine Crooks, Affiliate Window 
Understanding the Differences 
Between Affiliate Networks and CPA 
By Jeannine Crooks, Affiliate Window 
When selecting a performance marketing network, it is 
important to be aware of the differences between affiliate 
networks and CPA networks. A successful campaign 
requires the right balance of key considerations including 
the type of product or service, preferred support level, 
affiliate base composition, methods of traffic generation, 
compliance monitoring, acceptable commission levels 
and reach in addition to cost. By picking the right balance 
of each of these points, merchants can position their 
programs for optimal success. 
While some lump both types of networks together, there 
are actually several key differences between the two. 
Affiliate Networks – Within this 
group, merchants can choose between 
full service affiliate networks or tracking 
solutions. Full service networks 
provide comprehensive transactional 
tracking, dedicated program support, 
initial affiliate screening and ongoing 
compliance reviews to ensure affiliates 
adhere to each merchant’s terms & 
conditions. They usually attract a broad 
affiliate base, including content, coupon, 
comparison, display, email, loyalty 
and cashback affiliates. Many offer 
some form of affiliate recruitment support, ranging from 
interface functionality to team members actually recruiting 
on behalf of the merchant. 
Tracking solution networks also provide comprehensive 
tracking, but limit the level of the other services. For 
example, rather than having a specific account manager 
assigned to the program, a small team may provide 
support for the entire merchant base. 
In both cases, commissions are paid on either a 
percentage or fixed basis, depending on the product. Since 
physical products are frequently involved, commissions 
normally range from approximately 4-20% of the sale 
price. Affiliate networks are most appropriate for 
companies with all types of retail products and services or 
lead generation. 
A successful campaign 
requires the right bal-ance 
product, support level, 
affiliate base composi-tion, addition 
to cost 
8 REVENUE+performance – ISSUE 19 
CPA Networks – Programs such as lead generation, 
digital downloads, ebooks, and continuity programs 
(monthly shipments of a product) frequently choose CPA 
networks. Merchants usually use the network’s interface 
to create their own program, uploading all of the banner 
ads, terms & conditions, acceptable affiliate types, etc. 
CPA affiliates tend to use pay-per-click, pay-per-view, 
pop ups and pop-unders, retargeted ads, email and display 
advertising to generate high volumes of traffic. Most of 
these strategies involve a cost for the affiliate; therefore to 
be successful in competing for affiliates on CPA networks 
merchants must pay commissions of 
50-75% or higher of the sale price. Leads 
or free downloads are also expected to 
offer a high commission level to justify 
their promotion. Payments are usually 
a fixed amount per lead or download, 
and usually are paid out fairly quickly, 
frequently within 7 days or less. 
Traditionally merchants have no 
visibility into the affiliate base or how 
their program is being promoted, though 
this can change based on a program’s 
success. Unless specific arrangements 
of key consider-ations 
including type of 
methods of traffic 
are made, programs may also be “re-brokered” or shared 
with another CPA network which subsequently signs 
affiliates to offer the same product at a lower commission 
rate due to the second network’s override. 
Before signing with a network, make sure to ask the 
sales person about each of these factors in order to fully 
evaluate all costs and opportunities. 
About Jeannine Crooks 
Jeannine Crooks is a Senior Account Manager with Affiliate Win-dow 
US. She is responsible for optimizing program performance for 
international merchants and was named “Best Network Rep - 2013” 
by the ABestWeb affiliate forum. She is a frequent speaker at Affili-ate 
Summit, Blog World Expo, and Bloggy Con.
Blue Book Top Networks for 2014 
CPS Networks CPA Networks 
Network URL 
1 MaxBounty 
2 PeerFly 
3 Clickbooth 
4 Neverblue 
5 Matomy Media 
6 W4 
7 Adknowledge 
8 Adscend Media 
9 CPAWay 
10 Mundo Media 
11 Above All Offers 
12 Affiliate Venture Group 
13 A4D 
14 Convert2Media 
15 Diablo Media 
16 Millionaire Network 
17 Fluent 
18 Adperio 
19 CPA Trend 
20 AdWork Media 
Network URL 
1 Rakuten 
2 CJ by Conversant 
3 ClickBank 
4 ShareASale 
5 Affiliate Window/ 
6 AvantLink 
7 Amazon Affiliates affiliate-program. 
8 LinkConnector 
9 TradeDoubler 
10 eBay Partner 
11 Avangate 
12 oneNetworkDirect 
13 FlexOffers 
14 Webgains 
15 Affiliate Future 
16 Facebook 
18 RevenueWire 
19 Performance Horizon Group 
20 Impact Radius
Voting for 2015 rankings now open 
The BLUE BOOK Top 20 tables are the only network rankings 
based on real survey results from active merchants, affiliates and 
agencies. Tens of thousands of industry professionals take part to 
produce the only rankings that matter: the best CPA and Affiliate 
networks in the world. 
Make your voice heard. 
Tell the networks what you think. 
Vote now. 

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Revenue +Performance

  • 1. REVENUE performance Monetization & High-Performance Marketing YOU CAN’T WIN IF YOU DON’T RUN • BLUE BOOK Networks Survey For 2015 Begins - see back cover! • Converting Social Media Traffic - It Works! • How To Ask For An Affiliate Marketing Pay Raise Fall 2014 : Vol. XIII : Issue 19
  • 2.
  • 3. Dedicated To Monetization + High Performance Marketing 1 Contents Secrets of Social Media Conversion 3 By Chris Trayhorn, Social Influencer Marketing Group, mThink Playing With The Margin 4 Luke Kling, Peerfly Affliliate Opportunities In Social Commerce: What’s Not To “Like”? 6 By Melissa Feemster, Rakuten LinkShare Understanding The Differences Between Affiliate Networks and CPA Networks 8 By Jeannine Crooks, Affiliate Window REVENUE performance PUBLISHER & EDITOR Chris Trayhorn DIRECTOR OF ONLINE Sheila Fox PRODUCTION DESIGN Rick Greer Revenue Performance is published by mThink 55 New Montgomery, Suite 617 San Francisco, CA 94105 mThink: Intelligent Performance Marketing CHAIRMAN AND CEO Chris Trayhorn VICE PRESIDENT, MARKETING Yvonne Schellerup DIRECTOR, WEB DEVELOPMENT Rocio Santillana While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the content of this publication, the publisher will accept no responsibility for any errors or omissions, or for any loss or damage, conse-quential or otherwise, suffered as a result of any material published here. The information published in Revenue+Performance is not intended as a substitute for legal, accounting, tax or other profes-sional advice. The publisher assumes no responsibility for statements made by advertisers in business competition. All editorial submissions, whether solicited or unsolicited, become the property of mThink. Statements and opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of Revenue+Performance, mThink, its affiliates, advertisers or any other agent. The name “Revenue+Performance” and the phrase “Super-Affiliate Insights” are the intellectual property of mThink. The entire content of this publication is protected by copyright; full details are available through the publisher. All rights reserved. These trademarks or copyright materials may not be used in any media for any purpose without the express written consent of mThink. © 2014 mThink ISSN: 1549-7615 Cover Image: © Bkilzer | Disclaimer: Revenue+Performance and include editorial and/or advertising that refers to affiliate programs that often include many different websites. Occasionally those programs may include websites offering education in casino or card games. In such cases no promotion or endorsement of those sites should be inferred or implied – our editorial coverage and/or advertising relates only to the affiliate program itself. Revenue+Performance magazine and do not accept advertising that promotes online gambling. Letter from the Publisher I know a lot of affiliate marketers who are bored with social media. They view it as an expensive distraction, sucking budget away from things that actually make money. Sure, having a full-time social content person on staff may build up followers and subscribers, but where’s the payoff? All too often, finding ROI on social media is regarded as difficult, if not impossible. The problem with this kind of mindset is that it is hard to argue with because it is self-fulfilling. Approach social media in a half-hearted, distracted fashion and the results will reflect it. But treat it as a new, exciting channel with the potential to change your business dramatically, and then it might actually do just that. My view is that many people don’t take social traffic seriously because they don’t pay for it. These are the folks that will spend days aligning their SEM search terms with multiple, layered landing pages, followed by pop-ups, shopping cart anti-abandonment tactics and retargeting, all to maximize ROI from $8-a-click inbound traffic. But give those same people 500 visitors a day from content posted on a social network and they just throw it into the same sales funnel and then are confirmed in their lack of belief when it fails to convert. This is all predictable, and avoidable. Two of our pieces in this issue look at the impact social media should be having on your bottom line - this is important stuff because social is only going to become more prevalent, not less. Also in this edition, on the outside back cover, we launch the BLUE BOOK survey for the 2015 Top 20 network rankings. If you are an advertiser, an agent or an affiliate, please follow the links and give us your views. They matter! And if you are a network, please contact us to make sure you are represented in the survey in the right way - we take pride in the quality of our work, but it’s not easy trying to keep track of hundreds of ever-evolving performance marketing networks. But that is the essence of our industry: always changing, always finding new ways to race towards success. Remember, you can’t win if you don’t run. Chris Trayhorn Founder & Publisher
  • 4. 2 REVENUE+performance – ISSUE 19 WE BUILD BIG The old models of PR, brand and advertising are dead. Nobody needs to read your press release this morning. No one cares about your blog post. Everyone is busy. What’s a marketer to do? How do you break through the clutter? How to be heard above the white noise? We know how. We specialize in crafting compelling messages across many platforms. Social media, video, mobile, print, direct mail - that’s what we do. • Content & Social Marketing Strategy • Social/Local/Mobile Marketing • Media Planning/Buying for Social • Responsive & Mobile Web Design • Conversion Optimization Talk to us. We’re an agency that gets it. Find out more today at: Email us a question or an RFP: mThink // (415) 371-8800 55 New Montgomery St., Suite 617 • San Francisco, Ca 94105
  • 5. Social media traffic is cost-effective and highly scaleable but only if you know how to make it convert. The social media conversion funnel is different to the one that many of us are used to but, if it’s executed properly, a conversion-centered social media strategy can yield real ROI. 3 Industry Insights: Social Media Secrets of Social Media Conversion By Chris Trayhorn, Social Influencer Marketing Group, mThinkAgency The idea that social media traffic doesn’t convert is so widely held by now that many companies don’t even test it. The phrase, “there is no ROI in social” has become almost a cliche. But like most cliches, while there may be a kernel of truth to it, there is also a much more nuanced - and profitable - reality. Of course social media traffic converts. It is made of people, after all, and the last time I checked people are what you need in order to get conversions. So the question isn’t whether social media traffic converts. It is, how do we get it to convert profitably and predictably? How do we turn those reading-viewing- sharing people into buyers and form-fillers? In order to do that, we need to think about the difference between short and long conversion funnels. As an example, paid SEM represents a classic short conversion funnel: you advertise, and someone who is already in buying mode clicks on your ad and goes to your landing page. This works because search engines attract people who are already at near the end of their buying process – they’re just looking for the best posible deal. Social media by its nature isn’t normally targeted at people near the bottom of the conversion funnel, but there’s no reason why your particular social media content shouldn’t be. Think of it this way: a large percentage of people on social media platforms at any given time will also use Google or Bing on the same day. They are buying stuff all the time, even if it’s not top of mind when they are on Facebook or YouTube. What that means is that there is an opportunity to reach people with the right kind of content at the right time, and in doing so, to bypass the big search engines. Video product reviews on YouTube, for example, can lead a prospective customer by the hand, create trust and then maximize conversion on a subsequent landing page, better than any 95 character text ad. The key is to treat social media traffic differently - although this often simply means treating it with the same level of respect you normally give to paid search traffic. Let’s summarize six takeaways on this subject: the secrets of social media conversion. • Focus on the right social networks. There are lots of them, Video product reviews on YouTube can lead a prospective customer by the hand, create trust and then maximize con-version better than any 95 character text ad but unless you have a good reason to choose one of the smaller ones, stick with the giants. Facebook, of course. Twitter, although some find that there’s too much poor traffic. YouTube, best of all for product reviews and traffic quality. And Google+, just because its Google and so you will probably benefit from better search rankings and any number of other, hidden algorithm-related goodies. • Use a proper landing page and make sure it matches the social media traffic source. If you were running a paid search campaign on Google you would probably create a dedicated landing page and ensure it was optimized for the search terms on which you were bidding. You might even have multiple landing pages, each optimized for a different search term group. So why wouldn’t you do the same for your social media traffic? Make the effort to create a sales funnel that feels “right” and you will reap the benefit. • Use social media widgets and testimonials on the page in order to establish authority and trust. In social, popularity can often function as a substitute for reputation, meaning that even if potential customers don’t know your brand personally, they are more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt if they can see that you are popular. • Optimize for mobile, the whole way through the sales funnel. Mobile social media traffic is huge, so if you’re serious about making it convert, ensure the your landing pages, shopping carts and forms all work beautifully and seamlessly across a wide range of mobile devices. • Include a strong call-to-action in all of your social media content. It doesn’t have to be as in-your-face as “buy this now!” but it should at least encourage the reader/viewer to be an active participant in the sales process. • Encourage sharing. If, on average, each visitor to your squeeze page finds just one thing that’s worth sharing with their friends, then your marketing reach has just been increased exponentially. Make sharing as easy as possible, on as many platforms as is practical. Social media traffic really does convert. But it can’t be treated just like paid SEM traffic, or even display. Treat it with respect and profitable campaigns will follow.
  • 6. Retailers Get 25% Off With Booking Code: ETE14RPM The Leading eCommerce And Multi-Channel Retail Event Relationships, Quality Interactions & top Rated Content Is What We Do August 11-14, 2014 Philadelphia Marriott Downtown Philadelphia, PA REgIstER Call: 1.888.482.6012 | Fax: 1.646.200.7535 | Lead sponsors 4 REVENUE+performance – ISSUE 19 Conversion – Luke Kling, Peerfly Playing with By Luke Kling, Peerfly When people start affiliate marketing the only thing they really care about at first is getting conversions. Logic says that if they can get conversions then they will start making money. In reality, while this is mostly true, conversions on their own do not actually mean that a campaign will make money. An affiliate can generate thousands of leads or sales and still be losing money if they are spending too much on buying traffic, for example. In other, it’s all about ROI. If you are ROI negative on your campaign then it doesn’t matter how many conversions you generate. In such a situation, it is even possible that the more conversions you generate the more money you will actually lose. The good news is that much of the time, the difference between a profitable campaign and a losing one is just a small fraction of the revenue your campaign is actually producing. But, aside from testing and optimizing as much as possible, what else can you do to improve profitability? The point to be aware of is that, in spite of the negative ROI that you are experiencing, there is at least one organization that is making money off your campaign: the affiliate network or affiliate program from which you are getting the offer. Every network or program has a percentage of the commission that they keep for themselves. The margin will vary from company to company, but there is almost always a margin that is held back. What you need to do to help bring your campaign to profitability is to reach out to the network or program and see if they will give you a piece of that margin. Basically, I’m suggesting that you should ask for a pay increase on the affiliate offer – this is perfectly fine and acceptable in almost every single case. The company from which you are getting the offer will be making money from every conversion you generate. If you have to stop your campaign because of lack of ROI, then the network will lose out on that revenue. It is in their best interest that you run traffic through their network, so don’t be afraid to ask them for a raise.
  • 7. SOMETIMES YOU JUST NEED THE RIGHT PUSH Maximize your revenue with Matomy's media solutions Website and mobile app monetization Award winning CPA Network In-game ad placements Video monetization Email marketing 5 the Margin So, how should you go about asking for a pay increase? Well, this is the time to begin building on your relationship with the affiliate manager you were assigned when you first applied and were approved into the network or program. It’s their job to help you. So, in order to get a pay increase, the simplest and best approach is just to reach out to your affiliate manager and ask for one. I recommend e-mailing them so you have a record of the conversation. Explain that your campaign is on the brink of hitting profitability and you would By hitting profitability you will be able to optimize and scale your campaign, making everyone more money like a pay increase to help make it profitable. By hitting profitability you will be able to optimize and scale your campaign, making everyone more money. This is a very simple and logical request and in my experience, most affiliate managers will repsond positively. I have personally been an affiliate manager for nearly 10 years and I have given pay increases on well over 90% of the requests I have received, with the associated campaigns generating millions of extra dollars in revenue for my affiliates and my network. All you have to do is ask! Prove that you will make the pay increase worth the decrease in margin for the network or program and they’ll happily give it to you. Everyone loves a win-win situation, especially when that win leads to more revenue! Let’s make some money. About Luke Kling Luke Kling is the Director of Marketing for, ranked by the Blue Book as one of the top CPA networks in the world.
  • 8. Social Commerce – Melissa Feemster, Rakuten LinkShare Affiliate Opportunities In Social Commerce: What’s Not to “Like”? by Melissa Feemster, General Manager, Senior Vice President, Rakuten LinkShare It’s hard not to notice the ways that social media has infiltrated the online shopping experience. From customer review sites to private Pinterest boards to Amazon now allowing you to shop through Twitter, there’s no looking back. It’s almost impossible to imagine buying a product today without getting a second opinion, either from a trusted third party or a Facebook friend. This fusion of social media and e-commerce has led to the rising popularity of social commerce platforms and, therefore, more opportunities for the affiliate channel. Social commerce platforms organize shopping around people as opposed to requiring shoppers go site-to-site searching for the ideal product. They tap into the insight that consumers want and need through two-way dialog with other consumers before they make a purchase. For example, imagine you’re on the hunt for a new summer wardrobe. If you go to a popular social commerce platform like Wanelo, you can find great options along with insight from customers who have experience with the merchants and/or the products. And if a shopper comes across a great find, they can easily post it to the site for others to comment on or purchase. The more you contribute to social commerce sites, the more you’ll be rewarded. Rewards can take various forms such as of credits on the site, commissions and higher visibility in the community. Also, since a lot of social commerce sites present the best price available, this helps reduce the need for consumers to leave the site and comparison shop before committing to a purchase. The foundation of social commerce is built around the concept that that the more you share, the greater the experience will be for all involved. Social Commerce: Fad or The New Business Model? Some may argue that social commerce is a passing fad, especially if they’re reading doom and gloom headlines about Facebook’s declining popularity among teens or Twitter’s recent earnings results. Regardless of the financial performance or current popularity of this week’s hot social network, the reality is that the underlying technology that supports social commerce is here to stay. According to analysts at Booz & Co, social commerce will reach $30B by the year 2015. Albeit evolving, the ability to bring unbiased user recommendations into the shopping experience through social media has forever changed the e-commerce landscape. It comes down to this -- consumers that can see validated, third party product reviews and their friends’ recommendations alongside products will feel more confident about their choices and are more likely to make more purchases from these sites. 6 REVENUE+performance – ISSUE 19 The Opportunities for Affiliates in Social Commerce Underscoring the growing opportunities in social commerce, recent data from Rakuten LinkShare found that the average order value on social commerce sites is 87 percent higher than the network average. So how can the affiliate channel get in on the social commerce action? Following are three recommendations for getting immersed and succeeding in the emerging social commerce space. 1. Watch and learn. That may sound like an obvious first step but keep in mind that the social commerce business model is different. Social commerce sites have a vetting system in place to ensure that customer feedback is genuine and reviewers are not simply endorsing products for their own personal gain. Therefore, it’s worth investing the time to really understand how these sites work before making recommendations. 2. Work with your affiliate network to get an introduction to the marketing teams at social commerce sites so you can better understand their affiliate marketing model. From there, collaborate with your network and the social commerce site to develop and execute the strongest campaigns. 3. Share your expertise. The rise of niche bloggers, such as those following fashion or the mommy blogger set have shown that subject matter expertise pays off, especially in the affiliate channel. The more insight and value publishers can bring to a community, the more rewards they’ll earn on a site, therefore raising their profile and potentially increasing commissions (depending on the site’s reward system). For example, Luvocracy has built a rewards structure where members can earn a percentage of purchases that were generated from their recommendations. Also, the higher a publisher’s profile is, the more likely it is that shoppers will take note of their expertise and may also venture over to their site. Social commerce sites are eager to work with the affiliate community. If you haven’t yet explored these opportunities, now is the ideal time. About Melissa Feemster Melissa Feemster is General Manager, Senior Vice President, Rakuten Link- Share. Prior to LinkShare, she worked in Account Management at Ogilvy, in brand management at Campbell Soup Company and in Corporate Commu-nications at McDonald’s Corporation. Melissa holds an MBA in Marketing from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business and a BA from DePauw University.
  • 10. Networking – Jeannine Crooks, Affiliate Window Understanding the Differences Between Affiliate Networks and CPA Networks By Jeannine Crooks, Affiliate Window When selecting a performance marketing network, it is important to be aware of the differences between affiliate networks and CPA networks. A successful campaign requires the right balance of key considerations including the type of product or service, preferred support level, affiliate base composition, methods of traffic generation, compliance monitoring, acceptable commission levels and reach in addition to cost. By picking the right balance of each of these points, merchants can position their programs for optimal success. While some lump both types of networks together, there are actually several key differences between the two. Affiliate Networks – Within this group, merchants can choose between full service affiliate networks or tracking solutions. Full service networks provide comprehensive transactional tracking, dedicated program support, initial affiliate screening and ongoing compliance reviews to ensure affiliates adhere to each merchant’s terms & conditions. They usually attract a broad affiliate base, including content, coupon, comparison, display, email, loyalty and cashback affiliates. Many offer some form of affiliate recruitment support, ranging from interface functionality to team members actually recruiting on behalf of the merchant. Tracking solution networks also provide comprehensive tracking, but limit the level of the other services. For example, rather than having a specific account manager assigned to the program, a small team may provide support for the entire merchant base. In both cases, commissions are paid on either a percentage or fixed basis, depending on the product. Since physical products are frequently involved, commissions normally range from approximately 4-20% of the sale price. Affiliate networks are most appropriate for companies with all types of retail products and services or lead generation. A successful campaign requires the right bal-ance product, support level, affiliate base composi-tion, addition to cost 8 REVENUE+performance – ISSUE 19 CPA Networks – Programs such as lead generation, digital downloads, ebooks, and continuity programs (monthly shipments of a product) frequently choose CPA networks. Merchants usually use the network’s interface to create their own program, uploading all of the banner ads, terms & conditions, acceptable affiliate types, etc. CPA affiliates tend to use pay-per-click, pay-per-view, pop ups and pop-unders, retargeted ads, email and display advertising to generate high volumes of traffic. Most of these strategies involve a cost for the affiliate; therefore to be successful in competing for affiliates on CPA networks merchants must pay commissions of 50-75% or higher of the sale price. Leads or free downloads are also expected to offer a high commission level to justify their promotion. Payments are usually a fixed amount per lead or download, and usually are paid out fairly quickly, frequently within 7 days or less. Traditionally merchants have no visibility into the affiliate base or how their program is being promoted, though this can change based on a program’s success. Unless specific arrangements of key consider-ations including type of methods of traffic are made, programs may also be “re-brokered” or shared with another CPA network which subsequently signs affiliates to offer the same product at a lower commission rate due to the second network’s override. Before signing with a network, make sure to ask the sales person about each of these factors in order to fully evaluate all costs and opportunities. About Jeannine Crooks Jeannine Crooks is a Senior Account Manager with Affiliate Win-dow US. She is responsible for optimizing program performance for international merchants and was named “Best Network Rep - 2013” by the ABestWeb affiliate forum. She is a frequent speaker at Affili-ate Summit, Blog World Expo, and Bloggy Con.
  • 11. Blue Book Top Networks for 2014 CPS Networks CPA Networks Network URL 1 MaxBounty 2 PeerFly 3 Clickbooth 4 Neverblue 5 Matomy Media Group 6 W4 7 Adknowledge 8 Adscend Media 9 CPAWay 10 Mundo Media 11 Above All Offers 12 Affiliate Venture Group 13 A4D 14 Convert2Media 15 Diablo Media 16 Millionaire Network 17 Fluent 18 Adperio 19 CPA Trend 20 AdWork Media Network URL 1 Rakuten LinkShare 2 CJ by Conversant 3 ClickBank 4 ShareASale 5 Affiliate Window/ zanox 6 AvantLink 7 Amazon Affiliates affiliate-program. 8 LinkConnector 9 TradeDoubler 10 eBay Partner Network 11 Avangate 12 oneNetworkDirect 13 FlexOffers 14 Webgains 15 Affiliate Future 16 Facebook 17 18 RevenueWire 19 Performance Horizon Group 20 Impact Radius
  • 12. BLUE BOOK TOP 20 NETWORKS Voting for 2015 rankings now open The BLUE BOOK Top 20 tables are the only network rankings based on real survey results from active merchants, affiliates and agencies. Tens of thousands of industry professionals take part to produce the only rankings that matter: the best CPA and Affiliate networks in the world. GOLD CPA NETWORK SPONSORS EXCLUSIVE GOLD CPS NETWORK SPONSOR SILVER BRONZE $ Make your voice heard. Tell the networks what you think. Vote now. OUR SPONSORS