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This resource guide contains information on all Q Sciences products and their possible uses. Use this guide to decide which products you can use to maximize your health and wellness. If you have any questions about any products, please contact the person who introduced you to this guide. Happy reading! 
These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. 
The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
Potential uses for Empowerplus Q96 
Currently, there are 25 published articles in respected medical journals, based on clinical trials. We are expecting an additional 10 more studies to be published in the near future. 
***For a comprehensive list, or copies of the abstracts, of these specific studies, please see the Independent Business Owner that introduced you to this resource guide. We will be happy to provide you with the medical research backing this amazing product! 
Since hitting the mainstream market over the last few years, many people have taken it to “just feel better”. While doing this, we have learned from countless people using the product that it has also helped with symptoms of the following issues: 
 Migraines/headaches/ weather induced headaches (Chinooks) 
 Fibromyalgia 
 Multiple Sclerosis 
 Parkinson’s Disease 
 Menopausal symptoms 
 Symptoms of thyroid dysregulation 
 Overall mood, energy level, and even temperment 
 Brittle nails 
 Thinning hair 
 Libido 
 Insomnia 
 Brain fog; clarity; improved concentration 
 Overall feeling better!
What makes Empowerplus Q96 better than the other supplemental products on the market? 
Empowerplus Q96 is a combination of vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, and anti-oxidants. They work in a synergistic manner, and our product is chelated. We use a proprietary process by where the micronutrients are bound to protein over a 96 hour process, significantly increasing the absorption into your system. Empowerplus Q96 also crosses the blood brain barrier, bringing our micronutrients directly to where it’s needed; your brain. If you help to improve the nutritional deficiency in the brain, you can assist with the symptoms that originate from the deficiency. 
Empowerplus Q96 has been vetted by Health Canada, and has obtained an NPN number. 
Empowerplus Q96 is available in capsule form, vegan tablet, or as a powder for kids or anyone with swallowing issues. 
*To read any of the research articles, please see the Independent Business Owner who introduced you to this resource guide. They will be happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding Empowerplus Q96. 
**If you are on any prescription medication for mood regulation, such as anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, etc., please discuss this with your Independent Business Owner, as you may need additional support through Micronutrient support. 
***Empowerplus Q96 can be taken separately, or in combination with any of our other products. It is also available in our Qssentials pack. Empowerplus Q96 may also be used with other vitamins, but it is not recommended to take in conjunction with any additional minerals. If you should have any questions regarding this, please contact the Independent Business owner who introduced you to this resource guide. 
****Q Sciences , nor any of its Independent Business Owners, claim to cure any disease process.
Potential uses for QBiotics 
 Overall gut health 
 Immune system support 
 Skin health 
 Cholesterol lowering, thereby supporting cardiovascular health 
*The above information was obtained on, article written by Dr. Kevin Passero, N.D., Dr. Passero goes on to say that “In my opinion, daily supplementation with probiotics is highly recommended for overall health”. 
Why does our probiotic work so well? 
We use a patented, controlled release technology. Our tablets form a gel-like coating once swallowed, allowing the bacteria to survive the harsh environment of the stomach. The probiotic then remains viable until it reaches the small intestine, where most gastro-intestinal issues actually arise from. Our QBiotics contain 2 billion live, active bacteria, and has been engineered to slowly release into your system over a 12 hour period for maximum, steady absorption into your system. 
Since hitting the market last year, we have had a lot of extremely positive feedback from our customer base, many of whom had previously been using another probiotic and chose to switch to ours. The following is a list that has been given to us from customers using our QBiotics, of improvements that they wanted to share: 
 Acid Reflux 
 Gastro-intestinal Ulcers 
 Irritable Bowel Syndrome 
 Crohn’s Disease 
 Decrease in overall cholesterol 
 Constipation 
 Regularity 
*Can be taken separately, or in combination with other products. Also included in our Qssentials pack. 
**Q Sciences does not claim to cure any disease process.
Qssentials for Men & Women 
Foundational support for optimal mind & body wellness ~ 
Potential uses for Qssentials 
Qssentials is our version of a multi-pack of supplements. Included in our pack are 4 supplements: 
 Empowerplus Q96 (please refer to the page dedicated to Empowerplus Q96 for benefits and uses). 
 QBiotics (Please refer to the page dedicated to QBiotics for benefits and uses) 
 QVitalize- an herbal and amino acid blend for optimal vitality and energy. 
 Q10+ (CoQ10)- a proprietary anti-aging health supplement for optimal, healthy aging. 
With this option, we have gotten all of the same feedback that we see with the Empowerplus Q96 and the QBiotics, but we have gotten some additional feedback, as well. 
 Pain relief 
 Healthier skin 
 Assistance with scar tissue build-up 
 Overall increased energy, and just feeling good. 
Many of our customers will try the Empowerplus Q96 and/or the QBiotics, and see such great results, that they decide to move to the Qssentials pack. Those that do, love it, and say that they feel even better. 
*If you are on any prescription medication for mood regulation, such as anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, etc., please discuss this with your Independent Business Owner, as you may need additional support through Micronutrient support. 
**Empowerplus Q96 (included in Qssentials) may also be used with other vitamins, but it is not recommended to take in conjunction with any additional minerals. If you should have any questions regarding this, please contact the Independent Business owner who introduced you to this resource guide. 
***Q Sciences , nor any of its Independent Business Owners, claim to cure any disease process.
Targeted nutritional support delivered using the latest oral spray technology 
QSprays by Q Sciences provide additional nutritional support in a unique spray mist delivery method. Each product is formulated with the highest quality natural ingredients to provide maximum absorption and effectiveness. The spray delivery method facilitates quick absorption in the bloodstream. All QSprays have a pleasant flavor and are safe and beneficial to use in conjunction with Qssentials.
Sprays and their potential uses 
In the following pages, you can find information regarding our selection of sprays. But, why sprays? 
Why use a spray? 
We use the latest spray technology to deliver the ingredients in each spray. Sprays are more readily absorbed. Did you know that there is a difference in the percentage of absorption, depending on the effectiveness of the delivery method? 
Pills: You only absorb up to 10% 
Gel capsule: Up to 25% 
Transdermal: Up to 40% 
Sublingual: Up to 55% 
Muscular injection: Up to 75% 
Oral sprays: Up to 90% 
Using this table, you can see where using a spray is actually cost effective! If you are taking a vitamin in pill form, for example, you’d have to take a significantly higher dosage than you would the sprays! They are more effective, both in benefit and cost! 
On the following pages, you can see each of the benefits to taking any of our five sprays
QB12 Spray
Potential uses for QB12 
 B12 deficiency and symptoms of B12 deficiency 
B12 is a water-soluble vitamin required by the body for proper red blood cell formation and neurological function. It also helps decrease heart disease risk. 
Deficiency in B12 affects up to 15% of the general population, and its symptoms can be characterized by the following symptoms: 
 Anemia 
 Fatigue 
 Weakness, tiredness, light-headedness 
 Constipation; diarrhea; stomach upset 
 Loss of appetite and weight loss. 
 Neurological changes, such as numbness and tingling in hands/feet; difficulties walking 
 Rapid heartbeat or breathing 
 Pale skin 
 Sore tongue 
 Easy bruising or bleeding, including bleeding gums 
 Mood changes or depression 
 Memory loss, disorientation, dementia 
QB12 contains 500 mcg of vitamin B12 per serving. The equivalent of 8333% Daily Value (DV). While this may seem like a high % DV, studies show that only about 10mcg of a 500mcg oral supplement is actually absorbed in a healthy person. A person deficient in B12 will safely absorb more, depending on his/her needs. 
QB12 uses the methylcobalamin form of vitamin B12 to sustain energy and improve endurance by converting carbohydrates into glucose in the body. This leads to energy production and a decrease in fatigue and lethargy. 
*Information obtained from qsocial website, produced by Team Quan, of Q Sciences and WebMD.
QBoost Spray 
The two main active ingredients in QBoost are Garcinia Camogia and Coenzyme Q10. Garcinia Cambogia is a yellow fruit sometimes referred to as the tamarind. The extract, derived from the rinds of the plant, contains Hydrosycitric Acid (HCA) – an acid that blocks fats and sugar while simultaneously suppressing the appetite. 
Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient that naturally occurs in the body and acts as an antioxidant, which protects cells from damage and plays an important part in metabolism. Preliminary studies have found CoQ10 useful in speeding recovery from exercise. 
QBoost provides essential nutrients that help the body balance and regulate the metabolic system. Its convenient oral spray delivery method makes it simple to take anywhere
Potential uses for QBoost 
 Appetite suppressant, assisting in your weight loss goals 
 Metabolism boost 
 Supports overall cellular function 
Maintaining a healthy weight and an active lifestyle can be difficult with a sluggish metabolism. QBoost helps your body balance and regulate its metabolic system, while also aiding in suppressing appetite and helping your body recover from exercise. 
QBoost contains a blend of garcinia canbogia extract and coenzyme Q10. Garcina cambogia extract, an extract derived from the rinds of the garcinia cambogia fruit, contains Hydrosycitric Acid-an acid that blocks fats and sugar and helps suppress the appetite. 
Coenzyme Q10, a naturally occurring nutrient in the body, acts as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage, and aids in proper metabolic function. Preliminary studies have found that supplementing with coenzyme Q10 helps speed recovery from exercise so you can maintain an active lifestyle. 
Our customers love this spray for the slight boost it gives them during their day! We have gotten back great testimonials from many very, satisfied customers, who are using this spray to help supplement their weight loss and boost their metabolism. 
*Information obtained from qsocial website, produced by Team Quan, of Q Sciences.
Sleep is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing. Millions of people do not get enough sleep and many suffer from sleep disorders and lack sleep completely. Surveys conducted by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) report that at least 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 different sleep disorders and 60 percent of adults report having sleep problems a three nights or more each week. 
Q Sleep
Potential uses for QSleep 
QSleep helps you fall asleep quickly and stay asleep through the night with a safe, gentle blend of melatonin and herbs. 
Sleep is essential for health and wellbeing. A lack of adequate sleep can negatively impact major functions in the body, including cardiovascular health, the immune system, the brain and nervous system, and metabolism. 
QSleep contains 1.0 mg of melatonin, a natural hormone made by the pineal gland, per serving. This dosage is gentle enough to keep the body’s own melatonin production at healthy levels, while aiding in restful sleep. One serving of QSleep also contains 0.75 mg of 5-HTP, a chemical by-product of the protein building block L-tryptophan, which helps produce serotonin. 
Additionally, a proprietary herbal blend of cramp bark, feverfew, ginko biloba, passion flower, peppermint, skullcap and valerian root works with the other ingredients in QSleep to help you fall asleep quickly and wake up well-rested. 
This spray is possibly our most popular-by-demand, as it really does work and our customers keep coming back for more! 
*Information obtained from qsocial website, produced by Team Quan, of Q Sciences.
QD3 Spray
Potential uses of QD3 
 Vitamin D3 deficiency and symptoms of D3 deficiency 
According to recent research, approximately 77% of Americans are vitamin D3 deficient. This staggering statistic is recognized as an epidemic in the United States and the deficiency is rapidly spreading across the globe. 
Because Vitamin D3 supports and regulates the body in so many critical ways, a deficiency in Vitamin D3 is one of the most dangerous to have. 
Key functions of Vitamin D3 include: 
 Helps the body absorb calcium for normal bone formation and prevention of osteoporosis. 
 Supports metabolism functions and immune system 
 Activates the immune system to function more aggressively against viral infections 
 Supports maintaining a healthy body weight 
 Reduces risk of rheumatoid arthritis in women 
 May play a key role in helping brain functions later in life 
Symptoms of a Vitamin D deficiency can include: 
 Pain and muscle weakness 
However, the symptoms for many people can be subtle, or you may have no symptoms at all. Yet, even without symptoms, too little Vitamin D can pose health risks. Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with the following: 
 Increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease 
 Cognitive impairment in older adults 
 Severe asthma in children 
 Cancer 
Research suggests that Vitamin D could play a role in the prevention and treatment of a number of different conditions, including Type 1 and 2 diabetes, hypertention, glucose intolerance, and multiple sclerosis. 
*Information obtained from Q Sciences website, and WebMD.
Potential uses for QC+ 
Benefits of Vitamin C 
 Immune system support 
 Protection against immune system dysfunction 
 Protection against cardiovascular disease 
 Protection against prenatal health issues 
 Protection against eye disease 
 Protection against skin wrinkles 
It is well known that Vitamin C can help stave off or shorten the duration of colds. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. It also prevents scurvy, helps keep the body tissues healthy, and assists with the absorption of other nutrients and minerals. 
QC+ also contains Zinc, for which there are a multitude of uses, included here are a few: 
 Boosting immune system, treating the common cold, treating recurrent ear infections. 
 Skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema. 
Zinc is an antioxidant mineral that is essential for the production of enzymes, can speed up wound healing, and acts as a powerful immune booster in the fight against colds. 
QC+ provides vitamin C and Zinc, along with vitamins D and E, in a proper balance to boost the immune system and keep you healthy year round, especially during cold and flu season. For best results, use QC+ daily to keep your immune system strong. Or, use at the very first sign of a cold or sore throat. 
*Information obtained from qsocial website, produced by Team Quan, of Q Sciences and WebMD.
Potential uses for QPets 
 Anxiety 
 Help with the dreaded “cone” (kitties and doggies do NOT like wearing the “cone”; QPets can help with assisting your pets to remain calm during prescribed treatment time). 
 Depression 
 Nervousness 
 Aggression 
 Fear 
 Healthy brain and nervous system support pre- and post- immunizations 
 Overall health 
QPets is total micronutrient support for cats and dogs 
Qpets provides quality vitamins, minerals and amino acids in a chewable, easy to digest wafer specially formulated for optimal brain health and nutrition in animals. 
Key benefits include: 
 Provides quality vitamins, minerals and amino acids specifically formulated for cats and dogs. 
 Chewable wafer is easy for pets to consume and digest 
 Promotes pet brain health and overall nutrition 
*Information obtained from Q Sciences website.
Q Sciences is not only committed to quality supplement products, but the overall healthy lifestyle. With that in mind, Q Sciences has partnered with world-renowned innovator, David Hall, to offer the cellerciser. Taking exercise to the next level, the Cellerciser provides a full- body workout in just 10 minutes per day. Q Sciences is excited to add such an innovative exercise program to its daily regimen of health and wellness. 
Cellercise is the ultimate exercise as it flexes all 75 TRILLION cells at the same time! Even better, it requires only 10 minutes a day. Cellercise is Dave Hall’s unique name and process of exercise that applies weight and movement to every cell causing the entire body, its parts and functions to become stronger, more flexible and healthier. Cellercise works because all body parts and functions are made up of cells which are moving up and down with an increase of weight and circulation over 100 times per minute. By using vertical movement like weight lifting, push-ups or sit-ups, in a repetitive up and down motion against gravity, Cellercise targets all areas of the body at the same time. 
*description obtained from
Q Amino Acids 
With crucial elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, amino acids truly are your chemical building blocks. Q Amino Acids provides a total su;;y to your body’s systems. Our amino product is incredibly special in its absorption ability. Since the amino acids are in FREE FORM, your body doesn’t need to digest first to experience their benefits. As an added plus, Q Amino Acids also includes ALL of the branched-chain amino acids so the protein in your muscles and other tissues remain strong. 
Due to the incredible importance of the Amino Acids, other key vitamins are included to provide ideal balance. There is a reason they’re called ESSENTIAL amino acids- they truly are your body’s architects. For superb synergy, we recommend using Q Amino Acids in conjunction with the foundational EMPowerplus Q96. The bio-available combination cannot be beat in the supplement marketplace today. 
*Information obtained from Q Sciences website.
Potential uses for QAmino Acids 
Q Amino Acids: 
Q Amino Acids has been specifically formulated and balanced for the human body to deliver every essential amino acid needed to promote and maintain health. Because the free-form amino acids and supportive nutrients in Q Amino Acids need no digestion, they are immediately absorbed for rapid results. 
Why Q Amino Acids? 
With crucial elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, amino acids truly are your chemical building blocks. Q Amino Acids provide a total supply to your body’s systems. Additionally, Q Amino Acids includes all of the branched-chain amino acids so the protein in your muscles and other tissues remain strong. 
 Contains all of the essential amino acids in free form 
 Full array of branched-chain amino acids. 
 Advanced absorption for better results. 
 Includes key vitamins for proper function of amino acids in the body. 
 Promotes growth of solid muscle tissue 
 Supports increased strength and endurance 
 Improves absorption of vital nutrients 
 Healthy cellular support 
*Information obtained from Q Sciences website.
eQuivalent+ with Xanthones 
eQuivalent+ with Xanthones is Q Sciences version of a meal replacement shakes. 
eQuivalent+ with Xanthones 
Every shake contains the equivalent of a complete, balanced meal-pluse the additional nutrients and dietary supplements activated by our proprietary “B.E.S.T. Enzyme Blend”, which triggers your body’s ability to absorb and utilize the contents of this revolutionary product.
eQuivalent+ with Xanthones 
Potential uses: 
 Weight loss 
 Meal replacement 
 Use as a protein powder 
Comptetitive Advantage: 
This nutrient complete meal replacement shake includes the antioxidant power of xanthones for cardiovascular support, healthy inflammatory response, and immune health. Additionally, eQuivalent+ with Xanthones promotes healthy weight management and blood sugar regulation through balanced macro and micronutrients. 
 B.E.S.T. (Bioavailable Enzyme Specific Transport) activated enzyme matrix with 72 trace minerals from trademarked Aquamin® sea minerals. 
 No artificial colors, sweeteners, or flavors. 
 No trans-fats. 
 Proprietary protein matrix. 
 Doctor formulated 
 Gluten Free 
 3 net carbs 
 Nutritionally complete ingredient profile for optimal health. 
 Aids proper blood sugar regulation. 
 Antioxidant protection 
 Healthy weight management. 
*Information obtained from Q Sciences website.
New products coming soon! 
Q Sciences is committed to bringing new, quality products to the market. In the near future, we will be adding the following high quality products to our current product line: 
 QOmega 
QOmega is our balanced omega formula, consisting of mixed cold water fish, salmon, flax seed omega 3s, at 1300mg per capsule. QOmega contains high levels of DHA and EPA, as well as DMAE, which feeds the brain, skin, and nerves. Our omega brand will also contain citocholine, a phospholipid supercharger; Inositol and lecithin, which emulsify fatty acids; and astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant and protectant. Our product is 6 times more potent as many current products on the market today.

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Q Sciences Health and Welllness Products

  • 1. This resource guide contains information on all Q Sciences products and their possible uses. Use this guide to decide which products you can use to maximize your health and wellness. If you have any questions about any products, please contact the person who introduced you to this guide. Happy reading! These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
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  • 4. Potential uses for Empowerplus Q96 Currently, there are 25 published articles in respected medical journals, based on clinical trials. We are expecting an additional 10 more studies to be published in the near future. ***For a comprehensive list, or copies of the abstracts, of these specific studies, please see the Independent Business Owner that introduced you to this resource guide. We will be happy to provide you with the medical research backing this amazing product! Since hitting the mainstream market over the last few years, many people have taken it to “just feel better”. While doing this, we have learned from countless people using the product that it has also helped with symptoms of the following issues:  Migraines/headaches/ weather induced headaches (Chinooks)  Fibromyalgia  Multiple Sclerosis  Parkinson’s Disease  Menopausal symptoms  Symptoms of thyroid dysregulation  Overall mood, energy level, and even temperment  Brittle nails  Thinning hair  Libido  Insomnia  Brain fog; clarity; improved concentration  Overall feeling better!
  • 5. What makes Empowerplus Q96 better than the other supplemental products on the market? Empowerplus Q96 is a combination of vitamins, minerals, amino-acids, and anti-oxidants. They work in a synergistic manner, and our product is chelated. We use a proprietary process by where the micronutrients are bound to protein over a 96 hour process, significantly increasing the absorption into your system. Empowerplus Q96 also crosses the blood brain barrier, bringing our micronutrients directly to where it’s needed; your brain. If you help to improve the nutritional deficiency in the brain, you can assist with the symptoms that originate from the deficiency. Empowerplus Q96 has been vetted by Health Canada, and has obtained an NPN number. Empowerplus Q96 is available in capsule form, vegan tablet, or as a powder for kids or anyone with swallowing issues. *To read any of the research articles, please see the Independent Business Owner who introduced you to this resource guide. They will be happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding Empowerplus Q96. **If you are on any prescription medication for mood regulation, such as anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, etc., please discuss this with your Independent Business Owner, as you may need additional support through Micronutrient support. ***Empowerplus Q96 can be taken separately, or in combination with any of our other products. It is also available in our Qssentials pack. Empowerplus Q96 may also be used with other vitamins, but it is not recommended to take in conjunction with any additional minerals. If you should have any questions regarding this, please contact the Independent Business owner who introduced you to this resource guide. ****Q Sciences , nor any of its Independent Business Owners, claim to cure any disease process.
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  • 7. Potential uses for QBiotics  Overall gut health  Immune system support  Skin health  Cholesterol lowering, thereby supporting cardiovascular health *The above information was obtained on, article written by Dr. Kevin Passero, N.D., Dr. Passero goes on to say that “In my opinion, daily supplementation with probiotics is highly recommended for overall health”. Why does our probiotic work so well? We use a patented, controlled release technology. Our tablets form a gel-like coating once swallowed, allowing the bacteria to survive the harsh environment of the stomach. The probiotic then remains viable until it reaches the small intestine, where most gastro-intestinal issues actually arise from. Our QBiotics contain 2 billion live, active bacteria, and has been engineered to slowly release into your system over a 12 hour period for maximum, steady absorption into your system. Since hitting the market last year, we have had a lot of extremely positive feedback from our customer base, many of whom had previously been using another probiotic and chose to switch to ours. The following is a list that has been given to us from customers using our QBiotics, of improvements that they wanted to share:  Acid Reflux  Gastro-intestinal Ulcers  Irritable Bowel Syndrome  Crohn’s Disease  Decrease in overall cholesterol  Constipation  Regularity *Can be taken separately, or in combination with other products. Also included in our Qssentials pack. **Q Sciences does not claim to cure any disease process.
  • 8. Qssentials for Men & Women Foundational support for optimal mind & body wellness ~ Fo
  • 9. Potential uses for Qssentials Qssentials is our version of a multi-pack of supplements. Included in our pack are 4 supplements:  Empowerplus Q96 (please refer to the page dedicated to Empowerplus Q96 for benefits and uses).  QBiotics (Please refer to the page dedicated to QBiotics for benefits and uses)  QVitalize- an herbal and amino acid blend for optimal vitality and energy.  Q10+ (CoQ10)- a proprietary anti-aging health supplement for optimal, healthy aging. With this option, we have gotten all of the same feedback that we see with the Empowerplus Q96 and the QBiotics, but we have gotten some additional feedback, as well.  Pain relief  Healthier skin  Assistance with scar tissue build-up  Overall increased energy, and just feeling good. Many of our customers will try the Empowerplus Q96 and/or the QBiotics, and see such great results, that they decide to move to the Qssentials pack. Those that do, love it, and say that they feel even better. *If you are on any prescription medication for mood regulation, such as anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medications, etc., please discuss this with your Independent Business Owner, as you may need additional support through Micronutrient support. **Empowerplus Q96 (included in Qssentials) may also be used with other vitamins, but it is not recommended to take in conjunction with any additional minerals. If you should have any questions regarding this, please contact the Independent Business owner who introduced you to this resource guide. ***Q Sciences , nor any of its Independent Business Owners, claim to cure any disease process.
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  • 11. QSprays Targeted nutritional support delivered using the latest oral spray technology QSprays by Q Sciences provide additional nutritional support in a unique spray mist delivery method. Each product is formulated with the highest quality natural ingredients to provide maximum absorption and effectiveness. The spray delivery method facilitates quick absorption in the bloodstream. All QSprays have a pleasant flavor and are safe and beneficial to use in conjunction with Qssentials.
  • 12. Sprays and their potential uses In the following pages, you can find information regarding our selection of sprays. But, why sprays? Why use a spray? We use the latest spray technology to deliver the ingredients in each spray. Sprays are more readily absorbed. Did you know that there is a difference in the percentage of absorption, depending on the effectiveness of the delivery method? Pills: You only absorb up to 10% Gel capsule: Up to 25% Transdermal: Up to 40% Sublingual: Up to 55% Muscular injection: Up to 75% Oral sprays: Up to 90% Using this table, you can see where using a spray is actually cost effective! If you are taking a vitamin in pill form, for example, you’d have to take a significantly higher dosage than you would the sprays! They are more effective, both in benefit and cost! On the following pages, you can see each of the benefits to taking any of our five sprays
  • 14. Potential uses for QB12  B12 deficiency and symptoms of B12 deficiency B12 is a water-soluble vitamin required by the body for proper red blood cell formation and neurological function. It also helps decrease heart disease risk. Deficiency in B12 affects up to 15% of the general population, and its symptoms can be characterized by the following symptoms:  Anemia  Fatigue  Weakness, tiredness, light-headedness  Constipation; diarrhea; stomach upset  Loss of appetite and weight loss.  Neurological changes, such as numbness and tingling in hands/feet; difficulties walking  Rapid heartbeat or breathing  Pale skin  Sore tongue  Easy bruising or bleeding, including bleeding gums  Mood changes or depression  Memory loss, disorientation, dementia QB12 contains 500 mcg of vitamin B12 per serving. The equivalent of 8333% Daily Value (DV). While this may seem like a high % DV, studies show that only about 10mcg of a 500mcg oral supplement is actually absorbed in a healthy person. A person deficient in B12 will safely absorb more, depending on his/her needs. QB12 uses the methylcobalamin form of vitamin B12 to sustain energy and improve endurance by converting carbohydrates into glucose in the body. This leads to energy production and a decrease in fatigue and lethargy. *Information obtained from qsocial website, produced by Team Quan, of Q Sciences and WebMD.
  • 15. QBoost Spray The two main active ingredients in QBoost are Garcinia Camogia and Coenzyme Q10. Garcinia Cambogia is a yellow fruit sometimes referred to as the tamarind. The extract, derived from the rinds of the plant, contains Hydrosycitric Acid (HCA) – an acid that blocks fats and sugar while simultaneously suppressing the appetite. Coenzyme Q10 is a nutrient that naturally occurs in the body and acts as an antioxidant, which protects cells from damage and plays an important part in metabolism. Preliminary studies have found CoQ10 useful in speeding recovery from exercise. QBoost provides essential nutrients that help the body balance and regulate the metabolic system. Its convenient oral spray delivery method makes it simple to take anywhere
  • 16. Potential uses for QBoost  Appetite suppressant, assisting in your weight loss goals  Metabolism boost  Supports overall cellular function Maintaining a healthy weight and an active lifestyle can be difficult with a sluggish metabolism. QBoost helps your body balance and regulate its metabolic system, while also aiding in suppressing appetite and helping your body recover from exercise. QBoost contains a blend of garcinia canbogia extract and coenzyme Q10. Garcina cambogia extract, an extract derived from the rinds of the garcinia cambogia fruit, contains Hydrosycitric Acid-an acid that blocks fats and sugar and helps suppress the appetite. Coenzyme Q10, a naturally occurring nutrient in the body, acts as an antioxidant to protect cells from damage, and aids in proper metabolic function. Preliminary studies have found that supplementing with coenzyme Q10 helps speed recovery from exercise so you can maintain an active lifestyle. Our customers love this spray for the slight boost it gives them during their day! We have gotten back great testimonials from many very, satisfied customers, who are using this spray to help supplement their weight loss and boost their metabolism. *Information obtained from qsocial website, produced by Team Quan, of Q Sciences.
  • 17. Sleep is essential for a person’s health and wellbeing. Millions of people do not get enough sleep and many suffer from sleep disorders and lack sleep completely. Surveys conducted by the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) report that at least 40 million Americans suffer from over 70 different sleep disorders and 60 percent of adults report having sleep problems a three nights or more each week. Q Sleep
  • 18. Potential uses for QSleep QSleep helps you fall asleep quickly and stay asleep through the night with a safe, gentle blend of melatonin and herbs. Sleep is essential for health and wellbeing. A lack of adequate sleep can negatively impact major functions in the body, including cardiovascular health, the immune system, the brain and nervous system, and metabolism. QSleep contains 1.0 mg of melatonin, a natural hormone made by the pineal gland, per serving. This dosage is gentle enough to keep the body’s own melatonin production at healthy levels, while aiding in restful sleep. One serving of QSleep also contains 0.75 mg of 5-HTP, a chemical by-product of the protein building block L-tryptophan, which helps produce serotonin. Additionally, a proprietary herbal blend of cramp bark, feverfew, ginko biloba, passion flower, peppermint, skullcap and valerian root works with the other ingredients in QSleep to help you fall asleep quickly and wake up well-rested. This spray is possibly our most popular-by-demand, as it really does work and our customers keep coming back for more! *Information obtained from qsocial website, produced by Team Quan, of Q Sciences.
  • 20. Potential uses of QD3  Vitamin D3 deficiency and symptoms of D3 deficiency According to recent research, approximately 77% of Americans are vitamin D3 deficient. This staggering statistic is recognized as an epidemic in the United States and the deficiency is rapidly spreading across the globe. Because Vitamin D3 supports and regulates the body in so many critical ways, a deficiency in Vitamin D3 is one of the most dangerous to have. Key functions of Vitamin D3 include:  Helps the body absorb calcium for normal bone formation and prevention of osteoporosis.  Supports metabolism functions and immune system  Activates the immune system to function more aggressively against viral infections  Supports maintaining a healthy body weight  Reduces risk of rheumatoid arthritis in women  May play a key role in helping brain functions later in life Symptoms of a Vitamin D deficiency can include:  Pain and muscle weakness However, the symptoms for many people can be subtle, or you may have no symptoms at all. Yet, even without symptoms, too little Vitamin D can pose health risks. Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with the following:  Increased risk of death from cardiovascular disease  Cognitive impairment in older adults  Severe asthma in children  Cancer Research suggests that Vitamin D could play a role in the prevention and treatment of a number of different conditions, including Type 1 and 2 diabetes, hypertention, glucose intolerance, and multiple sclerosis. *Information obtained from Q Sciences website, and WebMD.
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  • 22. Potential uses for QC+ Benefits of Vitamin C  Immune system support  Protection against immune system dysfunction  Protection against cardiovascular disease  Protection against prenatal health issues  Protection against eye disease  Protection against skin wrinkles It is well known that Vitamin C can help stave off or shorten the duration of colds. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and is essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. It also prevents scurvy, helps keep the body tissues healthy, and assists with the absorption of other nutrients and minerals. QC+ also contains Zinc, for which there are a multitude of uses, included here are a few:  Boosting immune system, treating the common cold, treating recurrent ear infections.  Skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, and eczema. Zinc is an antioxidant mineral that is essential for the production of enzymes, can speed up wound healing, and acts as a powerful immune booster in the fight against colds. QC+ provides vitamin C and Zinc, along with vitamins D and E, in a proper balance to boost the immune system and keep you healthy year round, especially during cold and flu season. For best results, use QC+ daily to keep your immune system strong. Or, use at the very first sign of a cold or sore throat. *Information obtained from qsocial website, produced by Team Quan, of Q Sciences and WebMD.
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  • 24. Potential uses for QPets  Anxiety  Help with the dreaded “cone” (kitties and doggies do NOT like wearing the “cone”; QPets can help with assisting your pets to remain calm during prescribed treatment time).  Depression  Nervousness  Aggression  Fear  Healthy brain and nervous system support pre- and post- immunizations  Overall health QPets is total micronutrient support for cats and dogs Qpets provides quality vitamins, minerals and amino acids in a chewable, easy to digest wafer specially formulated for optimal brain health and nutrition in animals. Key benefits include:  Provides quality vitamins, minerals and amino acids specifically formulated for cats and dogs.  Chewable wafer is easy for pets to consume and digest  Promotes pet brain health and overall nutrition *Information obtained from Q Sciences website.
  • 25. Cellerciser Q Sciences is not only committed to quality supplement products, but the overall healthy lifestyle. With that in mind, Q Sciences has partnered with world-renowned innovator, David Hall, to offer the cellerciser. Taking exercise to the next level, the Cellerciser provides a full- body workout in just 10 minutes per day. Q Sciences is excited to add such an innovative exercise program to its daily regimen of health and wellness. Cellercise is the ultimate exercise as it flexes all 75 TRILLION cells at the same time! Even better, it requires only 10 minutes a day. Cellercise is Dave Hall’s unique name and process of exercise that applies weight and movement to every cell causing the entire body, its parts and functions to become stronger, more flexible and healthier. Cellercise works because all body parts and functions are made up of cells which are moving up and down with an increase of weight and circulation over 100 times per minute. By using vertical movement like weight lifting, push-ups or sit-ups, in a repetitive up and down motion against gravity, Cellercise targets all areas of the body at the same time. *description obtained from
  • 26. Q Amino Acids With crucial elements carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, amino acids truly are your chemical building blocks. Q Amino Acids provides a total su;;y to your body’s systems. Our amino product is incredibly special in its absorption ability. Since the amino acids are in FREE FORM, your body doesn’t need to digest first to experience their benefits. As an added plus, Q Amino Acids also includes ALL of the branched-chain amino acids so the protein in your muscles and other tissues remain strong. Due to the incredible importance of the Amino Acids, other key vitamins are included to provide ideal balance. There is a reason they’re called ESSENTIAL amino acids- they truly are your body’s architects. For superb synergy, we recommend using Q Amino Acids in conjunction with the foundational EMPowerplus Q96. The bio-available combination cannot be beat in the supplement marketplace today. *Information obtained from Q Sciences website.
  • 27. Potential uses for QAmino Acids Q Amino Acids: Q Amino Acids has been specifically formulated and balanced for the human body to deliver every essential amino acid needed to promote and maintain health. Because the free-form amino acids and supportive nutrients in Q Amino Acids need no digestion, they are immediately absorbed for rapid results. Why Q Amino Acids? With crucial elements: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, amino acids truly are your chemical building blocks. Q Amino Acids provide a total supply to your body’s systems. Additionally, Q Amino Acids includes all of the branched-chain amino acids so the protein in your muscles and other tissues remain strong. Features:  Contains all of the essential amino acids in free form  Full array of branched-chain amino acids.  Advanced absorption for better results.  Includes key vitamins for proper function of amino acids in the body. Benefits:  Promotes growth of solid muscle tissue  Supports increased strength and endurance  Improves absorption of vital nutrients  Healthy cellular support *Information obtained from Q Sciences website.
  • 28. eQuivalent+ with Xanthones eQuivalent+ with Xanthones is Q Sciences version of a meal replacement shakes. eQuivalent+ with Xanthones Every shake contains the equivalent of a complete, balanced meal-pluse the additional nutrients and dietary supplements activated by our proprietary “B.E.S.T. Enzyme Blend”, which triggers your body’s ability to absorb and utilize the contents of this revolutionary product.
  • 29. eQuivalent+ with Xanthones Potential uses:  Weight loss  Meal replacement  Use as a protein powder Comptetitive Advantage: This nutrient complete meal replacement shake includes the antioxidant power of xanthones for cardiovascular support, healthy inflammatory response, and immune health. Additionally, eQuivalent+ with Xanthones promotes healthy weight management and blood sugar regulation through balanced macro and micronutrients. Features:  B.E.S.T. (Bioavailable Enzyme Specific Transport) activated enzyme matrix with 72 trace minerals from trademarked Aquamin® sea minerals.  No artificial colors, sweeteners, or flavors.  No trans-fats.  Proprietary protein matrix.  Doctor formulated  Gluten Free  3 net carbs Benefits:  Nutritionally complete ingredient profile for optimal health.  Aids proper blood sugar regulation.  Antioxidant protection  Healthy weight management. *Information obtained from Q Sciences website.
  • 30. New products coming soon! Q Sciences is committed to bringing new, quality products to the market. In the near future, we will be adding the following high quality products to our current product line:  QOmega QOmega is our balanced omega formula, consisting of mixed cold water fish, salmon, flax seed omega 3s, at 1300mg per capsule. QOmega contains high levels of DHA and EPA, as well as DMAE, which feeds the brain, skin, and nerves. Our omega brand will also contain citocholine, a phospholipid supercharger; Inositol and lecithin, which emulsify fatty acids; and astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant and protectant. Our product is 6 times more potent as many current products on the market today.