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By Oliver Keppie
Overview and
 My final piece is to be an animated short film that explores the life
of a teenager with depression and/or anxiety. It will show a
montage of flashbacks to give the character a story and allow the
viewers to understand the reasoning this character is the way they
are. It will help the audience understand and become more aware
of the signs of early stage depression and also show some factors
that could lead to it. It will then cut to the teenager in the present
day and show you how they are and then they will go to high-
school and the animation will end with a title card and most likely
some website addresses and phone numbers people suffering
from depression and/or anxiety can use.
Existing Product
Over the
 Over the Garden Wall is a great example of storytelling.The show has a some jokes
and funny scenes here and there but the overall story is more serious and dark,
which is also why the art style and visuals work so well with the show.The Show is
about two young boys who find themselves in a forest called “the unknown” where
they go on strange journeys and discover weird situations and people. In the final
episode it is revealed that they bot suffered from a near death experience and that
the place they called ”the unknown” was all in there imagination and a place where
spirits and the thoughts of humans and animals can reside.
 The way the show stays lighthearted but also has this deeper meaning and more
insidious undertone is by using “trippy” and “random” humor.This is similar to the
humor used in Adventure Time and it is also created by the same producer.There is
a reoccurring theme throughout the show which is “the beast” that keeps the
whole audience on edge as its kept quite secretive what the beast is and looks like
until the final episodes of the show. I think this is a good technique of storytelling
as it keeps the audience intrigued. I would like to use this technique in my piece
and the way I plan to use it is by not explaining anything until the end of the
product but I will keep the audience intrigued by a few shocking or unexpected
turns of events throughout the short piece. Because my animation will only be 3-5
mins it is harder to do what has been done in this show and allow the audience to
understand the characters and villains.
 The challenge I face is trying to develop the character to the extent that the
audience will be able to sympathize and relate with them. I am planning to make
the majority of my project the flashbacks that show the characters backstory and
try to make his as relatable as possible. One of the main differences between the
product I want to make and Over the Garden Wall is that I would like mine to be
more informative and educational in some sense. Although I want mine to be
serious I would still like to keep it lighthearted and not let it get too deep.
Over the
 The aesthetic of this show is partly what makes it stand out from most
children's animatedTV shows. Compared to other popular shows that usually
go for an overall more bright appearance, Over the GardenWalls visuals are
quite a lot darker and more dingy.This is a great way of helping the story
become more hard hitting especially at times where ”the beast” who is the
main antagonist.
 The color scheme of the show is composed of muted and neutral tones of
bright colors and also lots of dark browns, greys, blacks and then pale yellows
and creams to create contrast, which can be used to show a ray of hope of
some joy in certain scenes.These colors and more specifically the tones of
these colors also create a vintage and old timely effect which works well with
some scenes from the show as ”the unknown” is revealed to hold peoples
souls from the 1800’s and other older time periods. I would like to use this
during the flashback scenes in my work to give a slight hint to the audience
that this isn’t happening in this specific moment. I would also like to use the
contrast of the bright and light yellowish colors around the edges of these
scenes to gibe it a more dreamy look. I would also like to have it fade more
into either a light blue or maybe even a black as the flashbacks get darker and
the border will represent how the character feels as the memory's progress.
By the end of the animation the color scheme will be very similar to the
overall aesthetics of this show and will just be used to represent how the
character feels now after all that they have been through, which the audience
has also experienced with them.
Time (Story)
 AdventureTime started off its 1st season by being 100% focused on
the laughs and the comedy side of kids animation. Its only because of
its immense success that the show had more seasons. Its seasons 2-10
where they decided to take the story to another level. In short what
happens is the planet gets attacked by a nuclear bomb that destroys
the planet. Each character has very deep and personal storylines that
have been explored and developed in extreme detail over the 10
seasons which obviously I can not achieve in a 5 minute short.The
characters also have changing traits and relationships that they pick
up or the audience discover via a flashback episode or speech from
another character, which make them feel real.
 TinaAmini said “There is a long story arc to follow inAdventureTime.
It changes your perception of these characters, and makes them feel
real. It's a lot more than just a cartoon. It's a magical representation of
very real concepts and life situations.”.This couldn’t be more true.The
show explores some hard to talk about issues especially for a
children's show such as heaven and hell, adoption and family issues, it
explores sexuality and things such as war.The show manages to get
all of these themes and more serious factors into it whilst still
remaining one of the funniest shows on television.The humor is very
weird and seems random and mainly relies on the shock it will give the
 AdventureTime uses every single color so it is very hard to pick a
specific color theme. Although certain environments and characters
can be used as good examples. For example the candy kingdom has a
lot of bright pinks and yellows that are used to represent joy,
happiness and love.This is because the whole kingdom is supposed to
be one big family and be trustworthy and safe.This is juxtaposed in
the very first episode where a zombie outbreak happens in the candy
kingdom, where the greens and rotting browns show the decay of
sweets and the grottiness of the color green is used.
 Another example is in the scenes where the nuclear bomb goes off in
“the great mushroom war”.The green coming from the bomb shows
off the radioactiveness of the explosion. But it also shows terror and
fear. Mixed with the black and dark gloomy backgrounds this would
be quite a scary scene to watch for younger viewers. Combined with
the looks of ”the Litch” who is the main antagonist, it allows the
viewers to know and associate this character with pure evil and its
very clear that he is a villain.
 The show also has a great overall look. Each character has its own
personality which can usually be recognized and understood just from
looking at the character for a few seconds.This is the technique I will
try to use as I wont have forever to let the audience get to understand
my characters.
Welcome to
my Life
 This short is very similar to my piece in the way that its an
animated short but also because it explores a more serious
subject. In this specific short it’s a documentary set in a high
school about the only monster who goes to this school and how
people act towards and around him.The monster is used to
represent any type of group that some people consider a
“minority” and it shows how some people don’t respect them even
in this day and age.
 The aesthetics and choice of audio are very well suited for this
specific project.The tone of voice that the characters speak in is
very mundane and the music used is mellow and relaxing to show
how the monster is just as normal as everyone else and should be
treated like everyone else. I think that the way they managed to
get a serious subject, being discrimination, into a children's
cartoon was quite clever and they handled it good.
 The colors used in an animation are subconsciously one of the first
things the viewer will notice.The viewers should be able to
instantly tell if the character is a protagonist or antagonist just by
the shape of them and there color scheme.The same applies when
looking at a background or setting for the first time, a dark forest
with pointy or thorny trees would be seen as a bad place.Whereas
a bright and vibrant meadow where the sun is beaming and the
clouds are bubbly would be seen as a happy place.
 For example the muted tones I am planning to use in my final
piece will hopefully set the more realistic tone of depression than
if I were to use all dark colors and make it more scary and childish.
This also links to my target age range as I will be aiming it towards
14-16 year olds who will have more of a taste for ”realism” and ill
be able to say it how it is and make it more gritty and realistic than
if it was a cartoon made for children.
 In my animation I am planning on having a visual representation of
depression and anxiety who are going to have to have there own
personalities.To achieve this I will have to use colors and shapes to
show that those characters are bad as I wont have much time to
develop them so as much visual help as possible will be used. For
example ”the Litch” from AdventureTime has many features
associated with evil. He has skeleton arms and a skull face which is
linked with death and corpses. He has horns that are associated
with the devil and he has green flames which link to nuclear power
and evil. Also with the sharp rips around his lips and his pointy
horns, the viewer associates sharper edges with more of a
villainous character.Whereas “Princess Bubblegum” from the
same show has round clothes that the viewer will take as more of
a friendly feel. She also has a bright color scheme and a face that
looks a lot more innocent and approachable. I plan to use this in
my animation by making the character transform from a bubbly
bright kid into a more dull teenager.
 Red can range from passion and love to anger; blood and danger so
there also must be other indicators in place to help represent what
side of the color you are trying to show.
 Orange is associated with joy and represents enthusiasm, happiness,
determination, attraction and success.
 Yellow can mean joy, happiness and intelligence.
 Green is the color of nature. It can symbolize growth, peace, a new
birth and fertility. It has strong connection safety, but also dark green
is also commonly associated with money and wealth. Green can also
show evil and grotesque creatures and locations if used in the correct
way as many gross things such as slime and nuclear waste are often
 Blue is often associated with stability. It can symbolize trust, loyalty,
wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith and trust.
 Purple can show magic, wisdom, wealth and mysteriousness as well
as mourning.
 White is associated with light, goodness, innocence and purity.
 Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and
 In cartoons, character designers use colors to make the viewer feel
a certain way about the character or bring the character across a
certain way.The same effect can be achieved with the shapes used
to compose a character.
 For example in the movie up the main characters can be seen as
mainly 2 shapes.A square can be used to represent strength and
masculinity, whereas roundness can be seen as more cute and
appealing.This is also used in films such as inside out where the
character anger is a square shape and is more stubborn and
masculine. I the animated version of Maleficent, the character has
very strong triangle shapes within her character design.The
triangle can represent things such as danger as things such as
thorns, knifes and shattered glass are mainly associated with the
shape of a triangle. Because the shape is more sharp it can be used
to let the audience know that the character maybe cant be trusted
or has quite a sharp and sly personality.
 What common features do the researched products have?
 All of the products I have researched are cartoons and they also all
have more serious themes woven within the show whilst also having a
pleasing aesthetic and an appeal to kids and teenagers. Although all
of the animations I have looked at in my existing products are run by
companies with giant budgets and large teams I will still try to get my
animation to the best of its ability in with the time and recourses I
have. AdventureTime and Over the GardenWall both use color theory
to convey a certain emotion within a character, setting or even for the
whole show. I plan to use a similar color scheme to the one used in
Over the GardenWall as I think that sets a very good tone throughout
the series and its similar to the tone I want mine to be. Also all of the
products I researched were all aired on cartoon network and aimed at
around 11-16 year olds and my 14-16 year old target audience fits into
that perfectly. One thing that is used in these shows is the use of
music to create an ambience and mood. InAdventure time the
characters sing songs that respect the mood they are in at that
moment. In Over the GardenWall the music is very fitting and the
piano used fits the darker and more serious tone that the show is
going for. Also the lyrics in the song speak about “the unknown”
(which is the place the main two characters are trapped) in a way that
makes the audience feel for the characters and understand the way
that “the unknown” should be perceived. InWelcome to my Life its
more the lack of music in most scenes that gives it more of an
authentic feel. As it is a documentary the tone of the show is
supposed to feel more gritty and realist which juxtaposes the main
character of the show being a monster. But when the music does play
it does the short justice and is mainly used only to move along the
story really.
 What aspects of the research will you include within your own
production work?
 In my work I am planning to go very big on the color and shape theory
within the characters and maybe even landscape of my animation. I
want the audience to feel the mood of the characters and the tone of
the atmosphere and as this is a short film I wont have enough time to
set the scene for very long.This is where colors and shapes come in
handy as certain colors and shapes and provoke specific emotions in
people, so is an easy way to get the audience to feel more in involved
in the piece.
 I am also planning on using some of the more serious issues and
story's that are in my chosen existing products. I think out of the
shows I have chosen to take a look at there are a large range of more
serious issues that have been spoken about.This gives me a lot of
reference about how to approach these matters whilst still being
suitable for children and not being offensive to anyone etc.
 I am planning on using some similar music to the ones in my existing
products because they have some very emotional songs in them. I am
trying to create an atmosphere and tone as quick as possible as the
film is short so music will be very essential to create a mood.
 I am going to aim my product towards 14-16 year olds because I think
instead of having to sensor it as much as I would if I were aiming it at a
younger audience, I will be able to be more straight with my audience
this way. I researched the age demographic for two of my inspirations
being “AdventureTime” at 9-14 and “Over the Garden Wall” aiming
towards ages 11-16. ”Steven Universe” is a great example a show
similar to the short I would like to create. Some episodes explore
serious topics such as PTSD, abusive relationships and exploring
sexuality.That show is aimed at an audience 10+.
 I have also found out that its teenagers aged 13-18 that have the most
chance of having a severe mental disorder.This is another major
factor of why I have chosen this age range. I want to aim at this age
range because it will help them the most, by informing and educating
them on the early and later signs of depression and anxiety it will help
them see those signs in themselves and there friends.That means it
will be the most useful to show it to this age range because they have
the highest percent chance of becoming depressed and this way it will
help the majority of people.
 I don’t think my animation should be aimed towards any one of
the genders more than the other.Although it has been proven that
woman have up to almost double the chance of becoming
depressed or having anxiety I still think its more fair to keep it
neutral and ill explain why. I think that even though it’s a fact that
more women have depression than men the gap may be made
larger as many woman but more commonly men find it harder and
more embarrassing to speak about there mental illness’ because
of the way that society perceive men as being more tough.Also
some areas of depression are more prominent in males and some
are more commonly seen in females such as postnatal depression
which can only be found in women.Also the numbers for major
depression in makes and females are very similar.
 Overall I think its good to help spread a positive message and
inform as many people as possible instead of creating a very
specific audience.
 I found this graph
quite interesting
especially the
results for the
category and how
social media
where your
supposed to meet
new people and
make friends had
a negative effect
on loneliness.
 Many things that may amplify or lead to people becoming depressed
are also represented in this chart as well as depression and anxiety
themselves.Things such as bullying, body image and loneliness are all
things that could increase the chances of depression if taken negatively
which they all come under on this chart.
My Survey
 The results I got for my age question don’t surprise me at all its exactly
what I expected.This is because the way I sent out my survey only really
allowed these two age ranges to answer.Although I'm aiming towards 14-
16 year olds it still allows me to use these answers as there are still a lot of
16-17 year olds that answered and I personally know that the 18+ category
consist of ages 18-20 and I doubt any higher.After collecting my results I
have realized that I didn’t put the age 15 into a category, although this
doesn’t effect my results it’s a flaw in my survey and next time I will make
sure to double check the questions before submitting them.
 These results are a little bit bias.This is because only Level 3
Creative Media andA-Level Media classes had access to the survey
and these classes are predominantly male meaning that my
results are always going to be a little more male dominated. But
because the survey is optional it may just be that females just
decided against completing the survey. I think this may be
because males typically find it harder to speak about things like
this and as the survey was anonymous it may have been a good
way to get there feelings out. Because of this slight chance I am
going to take a look into men's mental health a little more in my
secondary research.
Connections to
Mental Illness
 This information was very helpful and also quite interesting to my
project. I made this question skippable because I thought that
some people would have no association to mental illness although
to my surprise every single person that took my survey had some
sort of association with mental illness.This makes my project a lot
more valid to create and means that it is needed more.
 The results also show that around 25% of the people who
answered have said that they have been diagnosed with a mental
illness.This makes some of the questions such as 4 and 5 quite
interesting as I will explain when I get to these questions. I think
that this question worked quite well as I managed to get
promising answers that have reassured me that my project is a
good one to create.
How Much do
They Know?
 I found out that the people that took my survey generally know quite a bit about
the signs of depression. For some more obvious answers getting more votes than
other wasn’t a surprise but many that I thought looked more obvious such as
“Moving or speaking more slowly than usual” only had around 25% of the people
choose correctly.
 For this question I picked some more obvious signs and also some more less known
ones although every single one of the answers available are signs. I also clearly
stated in the question that the person who is taking the survey can choose as many
answers as they would like. I am planning on using most of these in my animation
as for 4/7 of the questions less than half of the people who took the survey knew
that they were an early sign. Signs such as constipation and low sex drive will have
to be tones down a little bit as the target audience is 14-16 but I will still be able to
go over them.This is another reason that I decided on this age rage instead of
primary school children.
 The reason I think my results are interesting on this is because I had 5 people in the
question before who said that they were diagnosed with depression although there
are not 5 people that picked each answer.This shows that even people diagnosed
with a mental illness’ aren't educated as much as they could potentially be and my
animation will still be of help. For the results to show that 100% of the people who
took my survey have a connection to mental health of some sort, its just more
proof after this question that even though we may be educating a bit about mental
health we can always do more.
 1) I think that this answer is very valid and clever. I like the idea that the two are
opposing but still consist of a very similar challenge of trying to climb out or over
something. I think this could be used in my FMP as inspirations for some of the
activities or backgrounds used in my flashback scenes. Although I plan to make
depression and anxiety a type of monster or creature I think is a good metaphor
and I can use it to subliminally tell the audience what depression and anxiety feel
 2) I think this is a good answer to use for how I will make the main character act.
One of the ideas that tis gave me was to show the child playing football and
enjoying it and then again later on in the flashbacks but not enjoying it as much
 3) I think that this will help with a bit of a contrast from the lighter more jolly side of
the kids earlier flashbacks.
 4)This will be hard to use in my animation as I want to make it more realistic but if I
did a dream or imagination scene, or even inside the child's mind, I could probably
use this idea.
 5) I would like to create a monster although I will need to look at
some images and themes for inspiration, I think a monster or
creature would work really well.
 6) I see where the person is coming from but I don’t think that I
could fit it in to my animation. Maybe in a scene where the child is
at a fun fair it could contrast the bright and happy tone but other
than that its hard to use.
 7 & 8) Both of these are similar and speak about facial expressions
and I plan to use a more sad look as the child gets closer to
 9) I cant gather any information from this answer.
 10) I am going to incorporate an idea similar to this into my work by creating a
slightly more bright and yellow border into the flashback scenes and as the
child slips closer to depression the border will get darker.
 11) I really like this idea because I think it will look good in an animation and a
cartoon style but it also is a good metaphor for how depression feels. Its given
me a few initial ideas such as it clasping onto his there as he is trying to walk
or it is around his shoulders like a backpack and its dragging them down.
 12) I think this is a good idea and it could be a really good visual style to make
the depression creature look like its been drawn by a child and have a scribble
as a body but with more detailed eyes and mouth. For example a black
scribble ball with 5 or 6 frames of animation to it so it looks as if the body is
always moving.
 13) I think the idea for anxiety in this answer is very good and could be used as
a shadow coming off the person and looming over them as they walk past
walls etc.
 14) I will use a range of expressions such as the ones in this answer on my main
 15) I'm not sure how to interoperate this but it could be seen as the characters
feelings and/or hopes. I think it’s a good idea although I could possibly find
something a little more suitable and fitting.
 16) I will use darkness in the later flashback scenes.
 17) I'm still in debate with myself on weather to make the depression creature large
and small as each of them have pros and cons. For example a small monster means
it could sneak up on you or come more unexpected. Whereas a large monster is a
giant blockade and will engulf you. I will figure out which one looks the best in the
design stage and see what final design I come up with as I need it to fit in with the
visual and animation style.
 I think that this question worked very well and I got some brilliant idea but I have
though of a few ways to improve this question. As some answers people wrote
more about the landscape which I found very interesting and helpful although was
looking for character idea. To overcome this I could have asked two separate
questions one being “How would you describe depression as a setting” and “How
would you describe depression as a creature/monster?”.
Mental Illness
Education in
 There was a clear winner with this question and I put it at the end
of my survey as I was just curious as to if people think we need
more products like mine being produced. By these results the
answer is yes we do need more educational material in this field
and it needs to be shown a lot more in schools. I think that in
todays society something like this should be easier to get across to
the government as typically people in this society are a lot more
welcoming to new ideas etc. In todays age people can speak about
depression and other mental illness’ easier so it sounds like a
reachable target just to get a little more of this type of stuff taught
about in films.
Thoughts on
 I think that most of my questions got good answers and worked
the way I was looking for. Some questions could have used some
changes or improvements such as question 5 that I spoke about
earlier and also I don’t think the gender question was too relevant
and it didn’t help me out too much. If I were to conduct a survey
like this again I would change question 5 into 2 questions. I would
also remove question 2 and I would add the question “Do you
think its easy to find quick support for a mental illness”. I think this
question would just help back up my final question as it is a similar
topic.The results if people said no would help my product as it
would mean that I could make easily accessible videos for schools
andYouTube that people with mental illness’ can quickly turn to
for help if needed.
 I think question 5 even though it could be improved, was also my
most successful question. Although it’s the only question 2 people
skipped it still gave me a lot of good ideas for my final product.
This was the place I was most struggling for ideas and inspiration
and I think that having 17 peoples input has really helped me
generate more ideas and concepts for my animation as a whole.
Subject Research
Signs of
 Psychological symptoms
 The psychological symptoms
of depression include:
 continuous low mood or sadness
 feeling hopeless and helpless
 having low self-esteem
 feeling tearful
 feeling guilt-ridden
 feeling irritable and intolerant of
 having no motivation or interest
in things
 finding it difficult to make
 not getting any enjoyment out
of life
 feeling anxious worried
 having suicidal thoughts or
thoughts of harming yourself
 Physical symptoms
 The physical symptoms of
depression include:
 moving or speaking more
slowly than usual
 changes in appetite or weight
(usually decreased, but
sometimes increased)
 constipation
 unexplained aches and pains
 lack of energy
 low sex drive (loss of libido)
 changes to your menstrual
 disturbed sleep – for example,
finding it difficult to fall asleep
at night or waking up
very early in the morning
Causes of
 Many things can happen to cause an individual to become
depressed, some of the main reasons are:
 Stressful Event: something such as a breakup or the loss of a
loved one, the risk is increased if you avoid contact with your
friends and family to try overcome this alone.
 Personality: your chances are higher if you have certain traits such
as such as low self-esteem or being overly self-critical, that can
either be inherited or picked up by your surroundings.
 Family History: people in your family have a history of
 Giving Birth
 Loneliness
 Alcohol and drugs
 Illness
Why am I
making this?
 After searching throughYouTube I have discovered that there are two
types of animations about depression.The ones that are purely a story
and the ones that are only educational and are very informative. I
would like my animation to be a mixture of these two more of a story
with bits of information weaved into it.
 From looking on the Mental Health Foundation I found out that
professionals who work there have found that mental health is not
spoken about enough in the school criteria.They have even started a
movement called “Make it count” where they try to get it across to
high schools that mental health is not an extracurricular activity and
should be taught in schools.
Unknown. (2020). Mental health in schools: Make it Count. Available:
count. Last accessed 7th February 2020.
Why am I
making this?
 88% of school students would like to be educated on mental
health and its still not in the main learning schedule although it
would fit into many classes such as PSHCE and maybe even
Science.This means that my product would be able to easily be
spread and used to learn in schools when they inevitably start
teaching about mental health or even in more specific scenarios
such as used by mental health foundations to help promote
schools into speaking about it. It will also hopefully make people
want to speak out about there own experiences with mental
health and also allow others to spot or help themselves or others
who may be showing some early signs of a mental illness that my
animation will hopefully cover.
Why am I
making this?
 I found an article on the guardian that proves the age most people
start to get depression so it would be best to create it aimed at 14-
16 year olds. It also says that even though the teenagers
themselves may find it hard to realize the signs, it also says that
the parents of people this age do not know the early signs.
 I have come to the conclusion that it would be easier to teach the
teenagers themselves the early signs of depression than it would
be to teach the adults as every child goes to school so it will be
easier to reach them. Another reason it would be better to target
the teenagers directly is because they will also be around other
teenagers so could also check that there friends are alright, as
adults will only be seeing there own children so its not going to get
as much exposure and I'm wanting to spread the knowledge to as
many people as possible.
How would I
get my
product out
 After searching for a few minuets on the websites forYoung Minds
and also Mind, I have found that there are no cartoon videos that
can help children, teenagers or even just kinesthetic learners such
as myself and just others who find it easier to learn from videos
and demonstrations than text. If my animation was up to industry
standard I could send it to companies enquiring about if they need
more educational footage or I could try and find companies that
are actively looking for projects like mine.
 I would start by putting it onYouTube and using relatable hashtags
and a good choice of title so that it gets out to more people. If
people start t0 see it onYouTube it may get big enough for me to
send to smaller businesses as a campaign or promotional ad.
 I could also enter my film into some short film festivals or short
animation festivals. I would be looking for an armature festival as I
don’t have access to any professional software. I think it would be
a good way to get my film recognized by an audience who is
interested in the animation side of my project.
Production Research
And Experiments
 From researching successful animations onYouTube about
subjects similar to mine, I have been analyzing the music and
sound effects. I took a closer look into an animation called
“Happiness”.The audio in this is interesting because the music
starts a lot more happy and then slowly descends into a more
darker tone which is what I want to go for in my animation.There
is also a section I find quite interesting where the mouse starts
dirking and as he gets more drunk the music starts to distort and
manipulate a little. I would like to try this effect for when it gets
closer to the end of the flashbacks and its fading into reality. I will
try this with the effects available on premiere as some of the
sound manipulators on there can be very useful. If I cant achieve
this effect on premiere I will attempt to get it on garage band.
 PremiereAudio Song Choice 1: I think that the effects I managed to
get quite a good result although I don’t think I will make it that wavy
in my final piece. I used a range of effects from upping the bass and
changing the flux of the frequency, I also found a filter that helped
make the audio sound a bit more dreamy and underwater. I think
that the original unedited track that I have found is quite good by
itself as a soundtrack for my piece although I could still use this effect
slightly as a fade to reality after the whole flashback scene.As for the
song I think that it’s a good fit and will work well with the animation. I
read an article that described the formula of how Pixar films make
audience cry. It seems the key is to use the happy music from the
previous happy moments in the film and they play that song over a
sad moment to make the audience remember the happy parts as say
a character dies like in up or finding nemo. I cannot achieve this in my
piece as it is only a short film so I wont be able to make the audience
put a connection to the music very well.This music is slightly happy
but also has a bit of a sad tone so will work well.
 Song choice 2: I think this song is more of a song that represents
reminiscence and looking into the past well which is why I chose it.
This would work well with the flashback part but I don’t think it
sounds very sad and I'm not sure if the mood or tone of the song will
work well with the one I am trying to set in my animation.
 I decided to try and animate how I was describing my reply
to the 12th answer because I thought it was a very good
idea. I wanted to just do this experiment with it to have a
look at what the body would look like because I had the
idea in my head but no way to visualize it. I think it turned
out quite well although I'm not sure I want to use it in my
final piece just yet. I used 5 different frames of animation
with the eyes, eyebrows and mouth on a different layer and
the feet and arms on another. I think it’s a good
representation of someone's mind being a mess and all
tangled up. I also think it looks similarly to the ”Mind” logo,
which is a mental health organization, so this means that
people could link there relationship between the two.
 Unknown. (2014). Over the Garden Wall Wiki. Available: https://over-the-garden- Last accessed 6th February 2020.
 Tina Amini. (2015). AdventureTime, Explained. Available: Last accessed 6th
February 2020.
 Cartoon Network. (2017). WelcomeTo My Life. Available: Last accessed 6th February
 Unknown. (2020). Age-Based Media Reviews for Families. Available: Last accessed 6th February 2020.
 David Levine. (2017). Are Some Age Groups More Prone to DepressionThan Others.
02/are-some-age-groups-more-prone-to-depression-than-others. Last accessed
6th February 2020.
 Nick Spake. (2018). Top 10 Kids Show EpisodesThat DealtWith Serious Issues.
Available: . Last accessed 6th February
 Paul R. Albert. (2015). Why is depression more prevalent in woman?. Available: Last accessed 6th
February 2020.
 Unknown. (2019). Clinical Depression - Causes. Available: Last accessed 6th
February 2020.
 Win Leerasanthanah. (2016). Simple to Complex: Character DesignTips. Available: Last accessed
6th February 2020.
 Unknown. (2020). Mental health in schools: Make it Count. Available:
count. Last accessed 7th February 2020.
 Denis Campbell. (2017). One in four girls have depression by the
time they hit 14. Available:
girls-have-depression-by-the-time-they-hit-14-study-reveals. Last
accessed 7th February 2020.

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  • 2. Project Overview and Recap  My final piece is to be an animated short film that explores the life of a teenager with depression and/or anxiety. It will show a montage of flashbacks to give the character a story and allow the viewers to understand the reasoning this character is the way they are. It will help the audience understand and become more aware of the signs of early stage depression and also show some factors that could lead to it. It will then cut to the teenager in the present day and show you how they are and then they will go to high- school and the animation will end with a title card and most likely some website addresses and phone numbers people suffering from depression and/or anxiety can use.
  • 4. Over the GardenWall (Story)  Over the Garden Wall is a great example of storytelling.The show has a some jokes and funny scenes here and there but the overall story is more serious and dark, which is also why the art style and visuals work so well with the show.The Show is about two young boys who find themselves in a forest called “the unknown” where they go on strange journeys and discover weird situations and people. In the final episode it is revealed that they bot suffered from a near death experience and that the place they called ”the unknown” was all in there imagination and a place where spirits and the thoughts of humans and animals can reside.  The way the show stays lighthearted but also has this deeper meaning and more insidious undertone is by using “trippy” and “random” humor.This is similar to the humor used in Adventure Time and it is also created by the same producer.There is a reoccurring theme throughout the show which is “the beast” that keeps the whole audience on edge as its kept quite secretive what the beast is and looks like until the final episodes of the show. I think this is a good technique of storytelling as it keeps the audience intrigued. I would like to use this technique in my piece and the way I plan to use it is by not explaining anything until the end of the product but I will keep the audience intrigued by a few shocking or unexpected turns of events throughout the short piece. Because my animation will only be 3-5 mins it is harder to do what has been done in this show and allow the audience to understand the characters and villains.  The challenge I face is trying to develop the character to the extent that the audience will be able to sympathize and relate with them. I am planning to make the majority of my project the flashbacks that show the characters backstory and try to make his as relatable as possible. One of the main differences between the product I want to make and Over the Garden Wall is that I would like mine to be more informative and educational in some sense. Although I want mine to be serious I would still like to keep it lighthearted and not let it get too deep.
  • 5. Over the GardenWall (Aesthetic)  The aesthetic of this show is partly what makes it stand out from most children's animatedTV shows. Compared to other popular shows that usually go for an overall more bright appearance, Over the GardenWalls visuals are quite a lot darker and more dingy.This is a great way of helping the story become more hard hitting especially at times where ”the beast” who is the main antagonist.  The color scheme of the show is composed of muted and neutral tones of bright colors and also lots of dark browns, greys, blacks and then pale yellows and creams to create contrast, which can be used to show a ray of hope of some joy in certain scenes.These colors and more specifically the tones of these colors also create a vintage and old timely effect which works well with some scenes from the show as ”the unknown” is revealed to hold peoples souls from the 1800’s and other older time periods. I would like to use this during the flashback scenes in my work to give a slight hint to the audience that this isn’t happening in this specific moment. I would also like to use the contrast of the bright and light yellowish colors around the edges of these scenes to gibe it a more dreamy look. I would also like to have it fade more into either a light blue or maybe even a black as the flashbacks get darker and the border will represent how the character feels as the memory's progress. By the end of the animation the color scheme will be very similar to the overall aesthetics of this show and will just be used to represent how the character feels now after all that they have been through, which the audience has also experienced with them.
  • 6. Adventure Time (Story)  AdventureTime started off its 1st season by being 100% focused on the laughs and the comedy side of kids animation. Its only because of its immense success that the show had more seasons. Its seasons 2-10 where they decided to take the story to another level. In short what happens is the planet gets attacked by a nuclear bomb that destroys the planet. Each character has very deep and personal storylines that have been explored and developed in extreme detail over the 10 seasons which obviously I can not achieve in a 5 minute short.The characters also have changing traits and relationships that they pick up or the audience discover via a flashback episode or speech from another character, which make them feel real.  TinaAmini said “There is a long story arc to follow inAdventureTime. It changes your perception of these characters, and makes them feel real. It's a lot more than just a cartoon. It's a magical representation of very real concepts and life situations.”.This couldn’t be more true.The show explores some hard to talk about issues especially for a children's show such as heaven and hell, adoption and family issues, it explores sexuality and things such as war.The show manages to get all of these themes and more serious factors into it whilst still remaining one of the funniest shows on television.The humor is very weird and seems random and mainly relies on the shock it will give the viewer.
  • 7. Adventure Time (Aesthetics)  AdventureTime uses every single color so it is very hard to pick a specific color theme. Although certain environments and characters can be used as good examples. For example the candy kingdom has a lot of bright pinks and yellows that are used to represent joy, happiness and love.This is because the whole kingdom is supposed to be one big family and be trustworthy and safe.This is juxtaposed in the very first episode where a zombie outbreak happens in the candy kingdom, where the greens and rotting browns show the decay of sweets and the grottiness of the color green is used.  Another example is in the scenes where the nuclear bomb goes off in “the great mushroom war”.The green coming from the bomb shows off the radioactiveness of the explosion. But it also shows terror and fear. Mixed with the black and dark gloomy backgrounds this would be quite a scary scene to watch for younger viewers. Combined with the looks of ”the Litch” who is the main antagonist, it allows the viewers to know and associate this character with pure evil and its very clear that he is a villain.  The show also has a great overall look. Each character has its own personality which can usually be recognized and understood just from looking at the character for a few seconds.This is the technique I will try to use as I wont have forever to let the audience get to understand my characters.
  • 8. Welcome to my Life  This short is very similar to my piece in the way that its an animated short but also because it explores a more serious subject. In this specific short it’s a documentary set in a high school about the only monster who goes to this school and how people act towards and around him.The monster is used to represent any type of group that some people consider a “minority” and it shows how some people don’t respect them even in this day and age.  The aesthetics and choice of audio are very well suited for this specific project.The tone of voice that the characters speak in is very mundane and the music used is mellow and relaxing to show how the monster is just as normal as everyone else and should be treated like everyone else. I think that the way they managed to get a serious subject, being discrimination, into a children's cartoon was quite clever and they handled it good.
  • 9. ColorTheory  The colors used in an animation are subconsciously one of the first things the viewer will notice.The viewers should be able to instantly tell if the character is a protagonist or antagonist just by the shape of them and there color scheme.The same applies when looking at a background or setting for the first time, a dark forest with pointy or thorny trees would be seen as a bad place.Whereas a bright and vibrant meadow where the sun is beaming and the clouds are bubbly would be seen as a happy place.  For example the muted tones I am planning to use in my final piece will hopefully set the more realistic tone of depression than if I were to use all dark colors and make it more scary and childish. This also links to my target age range as I will be aiming it towards 14-16 year olds who will have more of a taste for ”realism” and ill be able to say it how it is and make it more gritty and realistic than if it was a cartoon made for children.
  • 10. ColourTheory  In my animation I am planning on having a visual representation of depression and anxiety who are going to have to have there own personalities.To achieve this I will have to use colors and shapes to show that those characters are bad as I wont have much time to develop them so as much visual help as possible will be used. For example ”the Litch” from AdventureTime has many features associated with evil. He has skeleton arms and a skull face which is linked with death and corpses. He has horns that are associated with the devil and he has green flames which link to nuclear power and evil. Also with the sharp rips around his lips and his pointy horns, the viewer associates sharper edges with more of a villainous character.Whereas “Princess Bubblegum” from the same show has round clothes that the viewer will take as more of a friendly feel. She also has a bright color scheme and a face that looks a lot more innocent and approachable. I plan to use this in my animation by making the character transform from a bubbly bright kid into a more dull teenager.
  • 11. ColorTheory  Red can range from passion and love to anger; blood and danger so there also must be other indicators in place to help represent what side of the color you are trying to show.  Orange is associated with joy and represents enthusiasm, happiness, determination, attraction and success.  Yellow can mean joy, happiness and intelligence.  Green is the color of nature. It can symbolize growth, peace, a new birth and fertility. It has strong connection safety, but also dark green is also commonly associated with money and wealth. Green can also show evil and grotesque creatures and locations if used in the correct way as many gross things such as slime and nuclear waste are often green.  Blue is often associated with stability. It can symbolize trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith and trust.  Purple can show magic, wisdom, wealth and mysteriousness as well as mourning.  White is associated with light, goodness, innocence and purity.  Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.
  • 12. ShapeTheory  In cartoons, character designers use colors to make the viewer feel a certain way about the character or bring the character across a certain way.The same effect can be achieved with the shapes used to compose a character.  For example in the movie up the main characters can be seen as mainly 2 shapes.A square can be used to represent strength and masculinity, whereas roundness can be seen as more cute and appealing.This is also used in films such as inside out where the character anger is a square shape and is more stubborn and masculine. I the animated version of Maleficent, the character has very strong triangle shapes within her character design.The triangle can represent things such as danger as things such as thorns, knifes and shattered glass are mainly associated with the shape of a triangle. Because the shape is more sharp it can be used to let the audience know that the character maybe cant be trusted or has quite a sharp and sly personality.
  • 13. Research Analysis  What common features do the researched products have?  All of the products I have researched are cartoons and they also all have more serious themes woven within the show whilst also having a pleasing aesthetic and an appeal to kids and teenagers. Although all of the animations I have looked at in my existing products are run by companies with giant budgets and large teams I will still try to get my animation to the best of its ability in with the time and recourses I have. AdventureTime and Over the GardenWall both use color theory to convey a certain emotion within a character, setting or even for the whole show. I plan to use a similar color scheme to the one used in Over the GardenWall as I think that sets a very good tone throughout the series and its similar to the tone I want mine to be. Also all of the products I researched were all aired on cartoon network and aimed at around 11-16 year olds and my 14-16 year old target audience fits into that perfectly. One thing that is used in these shows is the use of music to create an ambience and mood. InAdventure time the characters sing songs that respect the mood they are in at that moment. In Over the GardenWall the music is very fitting and the piano used fits the darker and more serious tone that the show is going for. Also the lyrics in the song speak about “the unknown” (which is the place the main two characters are trapped) in a way that makes the audience feel for the characters and understand the way that “the unknown” should be perceived. InWelcome to my Life its more the lack of music in most scenes that gives it more of an authentic feel. As it is a documentary the tone of the show is supposed to feel more gritty and realist which juxtaposes the main character of the show being a monster. But when the music does play it does the short justice and is mainly used only to move along the story really.
  • 14. Research Analysis  What aspects of the research will you include within your own production work?  In my work I am planning to go very big on the color and shape theory within the characters and maybe even landscape of my animation. I want the audience to feel the mood of the characters and the tone of the atmosphere and as this is a short film I wont have enough time to set the scene for very long.This is where colors and shapes come in handy as certain colors and shapes and provoke specific emotions in people, so is an easy way to get the audience to feel more in involved in the piece.  I am also planning on using some of the more serious issues and story's that are in my chosen existing products. I think out of the shows I have chosen to take a look at there are a large range of more serious issues that have been spoken about.This gives me a lot of reference about how to approach these matters whilst still being suitable for children and not being offensive to anyone etc.  I am planning on using some similar music to the ones in my existing products because they have some very emotional songs in them. I am trying to create an atmosphere and tone as quick as possible as the film is short so music will be very essential to create a mood.
  • 16. Age  I am going to aim my product towards 14-16 year olds because I think instead of having to sensor it as much as I would if I were aiming it at a younger audience, I will be able to be more straight with my audience this way. I researched the age demographic for two of my inspirations being “AdventureTime” at 9-14 and “Over the Garden Wall” aiming towards ages 11-16. ”Steven Universe” is a great example a show similar to the short I would like to create. Some episodes explore serious topics such as PTSD, abusive relationships and exploring sexuality.That show is aimed at an audience 10+.  I have also found out that its teenagers aged 13-18 that have the most chance of having a severe mental disorder.This is another major factor of why I have chosen this age range. I want to aim at this age range because it will help them the most, by informing and educating them on the early and later signs of depression and anxiety it will help them see those signs in themselves and there friends.That means it will be the most useful to show it to this age range because they have the highest percent chance of becoming depressed and this way it will help the majority of people.
  • 17. Gender  I don’t think my animation should be aimed towards any one of the genders more than the other.Although it has been proven that woman have up to almost double the chance of becoming depressed or having anxiety I still think its more fair to keep it neutral and ill explain why. I think that even though it’s a fact that more women have depression than men the gap may be made larger as many woman but more commonly men find it harder and more embarrassing to speak about there mental illness’ because of the way that society perceive men as being more tough.Also some areas of depression are more prominent in males and some are more commonly seen in females such as postnatal depression which can only be found in women.Also the numbers for major depression in makes and females are very similar.  Overall I think its good to help spread a positive message and inform as many people as possible instead of creating a very specific audience.
  • 18. Other  I found this graph quite interesting especially the results for the loneliness category and how social media where your supposed to meet new people and make friends had a negative effect on loneliness.  Many things that may amplify or lead to people becoming depressed are also represented in this chart as well as depression and anxiety themselves.Things such as bullying, body image and loneliness are all things that could increase the chances of depression if taken negatively which they all come under on this chart.
  • 20. Age  The results I got for my age question don’t surprise me at all its exactly what I expected.This is because the way I sent out my survey only really allowed these two age ranges to answer.Although I'm aiming towards 14- 16 year olds it still allows me to use these answers as there are still a lot of 16-17 year olds that answered and I personally know that the 18+ category consist of ages 18-20 and I doubt any higher.After collecting my results I have realized that I didn’t put the age 15 into a category, although this doesn’t effect my results it’s a flaw in my survey and next time I will make sure to double check the questions before submitting them.
  • 21. Gender  These results are a little bit bias.This is because only Level 3 Creative Media andA-Level Media classes had access to the survey and these classes are predominantly male meaning that my results are always going to be a little more male dominated. But because the survey is optional it may just be that females just decided against completing the survey. I think this may be because males typically find it harder to speak about things like this and as the survey was anonymous it may have been a good way to get there feelings out. Because of this slight chance I am going to take a look into men's mental health a little more in my secondary research.
  • 22. Connections to Mental Illness  This information was very helpful and also quite interesting to my project. I made this question skippable because I thought that some people would have no association to mental illness although to my surprise every single person that took my survey had some sort of association with mental illness.This makes my project a lot more valid to create and means that it is needed more.  The results also show that around 25% of the people who answered have said that they have been diagnosed with a mental illness.This makes some of the questions such as 4 and 5 quite interesting as I will explain when I get to these questions. I think that this question worked quite well as I managed to get promising answers that have reassured me that my project is a good one to create.
  • 23. How Much do They Know?  I found out that the people that took my survey generally know quite a bit about the signs of depression. For some more obvious answers getting more votes than other wasn’t a surprise but many that I thought looked more obvious such as “Moving or speaking more slowly than usual” only had around 25% of the people choose correctly.  For this question I picked some more obvious signs and also some more less known ones although every single one of the answers available are signs. I also clearly stated in the question that the person who is taking the survey can choose as many answers as they would like. I am planning on using most of these in my animation as for 4/7 of the questions less than half of the people who took the survey knew that they were an early sign. Signs such as constipation and low sex drive will have to be tones down a little bit as the target audience is 14-16 but I will still be able to go over them.This is another reason that I decided on this age rage instead of primary school children.  The reason I think my results are interesting on this is because I had 5 people in the question before who said that they were diagnosed with depression although there are not 5 people that picked each answer.This shows that even people diagnosed with a mental illness’ aren't educated as much as they could potentially be and my animation will still be of help. For the results to show that 100% of the people who took my survey have a connection to mental health of some sort, its just more proof after this question that even though we may be educating a bit about mental health we can always do more.
  • 24. Depression andAnxiety Visualized  1) I think that this answer is very valid and clever. I like the idea that the two are opposing but still consist of a very similar challenge of trying to climb out or over something. I think this could be used in my FMP as inspirations for some of the activities or backgrounds used in my flashback scenes. Although I plan to make depression and anxiety a type of monster or creature I think is a good metaphor and I can use it to subliminally tell the audience what depression and anxiety feel like.  2) I think this is a good answer to use for how I will make the main character act. One of the ideas that tis gave me was to show the child playing football and enjoying it and then again later on in the flashbacks but not enjoying it as much etc.  3) I think that this will help with a bit of a contrast from the lighter more jolly side of the kids earlier flashbacks.  4)This will be hard to use in my animation as I want to make it more realistic but if I did a dream or imagination scene, or even inside the child's mind, I could probably use this idea. 1) 2) 3) 4)
  • 25. Depression andAnxiety Visualized 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)  5) I would like to create a monster although I will need to look at some images and themes for inspiration, I think a monster or creature would work really well.  6) I see where the person is coming from but I don’t think that I could fit it in to my animation. Maybe in a scene where the child is at a fun fair it could contrast the bright and happy tone but other than that its hard to use.  7 & 8) Both of these are similar and speak about facial expressions and I plan to use a more sad look as the child gets closer to depression.  9) I cant gather any information from this answer.
  • 26. Depression andAnxiety Visualized 10) 11) 12) 13)  10) I am going to incorporate an idea similar to this into my work by creating a slightly more bright and yellow border into the flashback scenes and as the child slips closer to depression the border will get darker.  11) I really like this idea because I think it will look good in an animation and a cartoon style but it also is a good metaphor for how depression feels. Its given me a few initial ideas such as it clasping onto his there as he is trying to walk or it is around his shoulders like a backpack and its dragging them down.  12) I think this is a good idea and it could be a really good visual style to make the depression creature look like its been drawn by a child and have a scribble as a body but with more detailed eyes and mouth. For example a black scribble ball with 5 or 6 frames of animation to it so it looks as if the body is always moving.  13) I think the idea for anxiety in this answer is very good and could be used as a shadow coming off the person and looming over them as they walk past walls etc.
  • 27. Depression andAnxiety Visualized 14) 15) 16) 17)  14) I will use a range of expressions such as the ones in this answer on my main character.  15) I'm not sure how to interoperate this but it could be seen as the characters feelings and/or hopes. I think it’s a good idea although I could possibly find something a little more suitable and fitting.  16) I will use darkness in the later flashback scenes.  17) I'm still in debate with myself on weather to make the depression creature large and small as each of them have pros and cons. For example a small monster means it could sneak up on you or come more unexpected. Whereas a large monster is a giant blockade and will engulf you. I will figure out which one looks the best in the design stage and see what final design I come up with as I need it to fit in with the visual and animation style.  I think that this question worked very well and I got some brilliant idea but I have though of a few ways to improve this question. As some answers people wrote more about the landscape which I found very interesting and helpful although was looking for character idea. To overcome this I could have asked two separate questions one being “How would you describe depression as a setting” and “How would you describe depression as a creature/monster?”.
  • 28. IsThere Enough Mental Illness Education in Schools?  There was a clear winner with this question and I put it at the end of my survey as I was just curious as to if people think we need more products like mine being produced. By these results the answer is yes we do need more educational material in this field and it needs to be shown a lot more in schools. I think that in todays society something like this should be easier to get across to the government as typically people in this society are a lot more welcoming to new ideas etc. In todays age people can speak about depression and other mental illness’ easier so it sounds like a reachable target just to get a little more of this type of stuff taught about in films.
  • 29. Overall Thoughts on Survey  I think that most of my questions got good answers and worked the way I was looking for. Some questions could have used some changes or improvements such as question 5 that I spoke about earlier and also I don’t think the gender question was too relevant and it didn’t help me out too much. If I were to conduct a survey like this again I would change question 5 into 2 questions. I would also remove question 2 and I would add the question “Do you think its easy to find quick support for a mental illness”. I think this question would just help back up my final question as it is a similar topic.The results if people said no would help my product as it would mean that I could make easily accessible videos for schools andYouTube that people with mental illness’ can quickly turn to for help if needed.  I think question 5 even though it could be improved, was also my most successful question. Although it’s the only question 2 people skipped it still gave me a lot of good ideas for my final product. This was the place I was most struggling for ideas and inspiration and I think that having 17 peoples input has really helped me generate more ideas and concepts for my animation as a whole.
  • 31. Signs of Depression  Psychological symptoms  The psychological symptoms of depression include:  continuous low mood or sadness  feeling hopeless and helpless  having low self-esteem  feeling tearful  feeling guilt-ridden  feeling irritable and intolerant of others  having no motivation or interest in things  finding it difficult to make decisions  not getting any enjoyment out of life  feeling anxious worried  having suicidal thoughts or thoughts of harming yourself  Physical symptoms  The physical symptoms of depression include:  moving or speaking more slowly than usual  changes in appetite or weight (usually decreased, but sometimes increased)  constipation  unexplained aches and pains  lack of energy  low sex drive (loss of libido)  changes to your menstrual cycle  disturbed sleep – for example, finding it difficult to fall asleep at night or waking up very early in the morning
  • 32. Causes of Depression  Many things can happen to cause an individual to become depressed, some of the main reasons are:  Stressful Event: something such as a breakup or the loss of a loved one, the risk is increased if you avoid contact with your friends and family to try overcome this alone.  Personality: your chances are higher if you have certain traits such as such as low self-esteem or being overly self-critical, that can either be inherited or picked up by your surroundings.  Family History: people in your family have a history of depression.  Giving Birth  Loneliness  Alcohol and drugs  Illness
  • 33. Why am I making this?  After searching throughYouTube I have discovered that there are two types of animations about depression.The ones that are purely a story and the ones that are only educational and are very informative. I would like my animation to be a mixture of these two more of a story with bits of information weaved into it.  From looking on the Mental Health Foundation I found out that professionals who work there have found that mental health is not spoken about enough in the school criteria.They have even started a movement called “Make it count” where they try to get it across to high schools that mental health is not an extracurricular activity and should be taught in schools. Unknown. (2020). Mental health in schools: Make it Count. Available: count. Last accessed 7th February 2020.
  • 34. Why am I making this?  88% of school students would like to be educated on mental health and its still not in the main learning schedule although it would fit into many classes such as PSHCE and maybe even Science.This means that my product would be able to easily be spread and used to learn in schools when they inevitably start teaching about mental health or even in more specific scenarios such as used by mental health foundations to help promote schools into speaking about it. It will also hopefully make people want to speak out about there own experiences with mental health and also allow others to spot or help themselves or others who may be showing some early signs of a mental illness that my animation will hopefully cover.
  • 35. Why am I making this?  I found an article on the guardian that proves the age most people start to get depression so it would be best to create it aimed at 14- 16 year olds. It also says that even though the teenagers themselves may find it hard to realize the signs, it also says that the parents of people this age do not know the early signs.  I have come to the conclusion that it would be easier to teach the teenagers themselves the early signs of depression than it would be to teach the adults as every child goes to school so it will be easier to reach them. Another reason it would be better to target the teenagers directly is because they will also be around other teenagers so could also check that there friends are alright, as adults will only be seeing there own children so its not going to get as much exposure and I'm wanting to spread the knowledge to as many people as possible.
  • 36. How would I get my product out there?  After searching for a few minuets on the websites forYoung Minds and also Mind, I have found that there are no cartoon videos that can help children, teenagers or even just kinesthetic learners such as myself and just others who find it easier to learn from videos and demonstrations than text. If my animation was up to industry standard I could send it to companies enquiring about if they need more educational footage or I could try and find companies that are actively looking for projects like mine.  I would start by putting it onYouTube and using relatable hashtags and a good choice of title so that it gets out to more people. If people start t0 see it onYouTube it may get big enough for me to send to smaller businesses as a campaign or promotional ad.  I could also enter my film into some short film festivals or short animation festivals. I would be looking for an armature festival as I don’t have access to any professional software. I think it would be a good way to get my film recognized by an audience who is interested in the animation side of my project.
  • 38. Production Research (Sound)  From researching successful animations onYouTube about subjects similar to mine, I have been analyzing the music and sound effects. I took a closer look into an animation called “Happiness”.The audio in this is interesting because the music starts a lot more happy and then slowly descends into a more darker tone which is what I want to go for in my animation.There is also a section I find quite interesting where the mouse starts dirking and as he gets more drunk the music starts to distort and manipulate a little. I would like to try this effect for when it gets closer to the end of the flashbacks and its fading into reality. I will try this with the effects available on premiere as some of the sound manipulators on there can be very useful. If I cant achieve this effect on premiere I will attempt to get it on garage band.
  • 39. Production Research (Sound)  PremiereAudio Song Choice 1: I think that the effects I managed to get quite a good result although I don’t think I will make it that wavy in my final piece. I used a range of effects from upping the bass and changing the flux of the frequency, I also found a filter that helped make the audio sound a bit more dreamy and underwater. I think that the original unedited track that I have found is quite good by itself as a soundtrack for my piece although I could still use this effect slightly as a fade to reality after the whole flashback scene.As for the song I think that it’s a good fit and will work well with the animation. I read an article that described the formula of how Pixar films make audience cry. It seems the key is to use the happy music from the previous happy moments in the film and they play that song over a sad moment to make the audience remember the happy parts as say a character dies like in up or finding nemo. I cannot achieve this in my piece as it is only a short film so I wont be able to make the audience put a connection to the music very well.This music is slightly happy but also has a bit of a sad tone so will work well.  Song choice 2: I think this song is more of a song that represents reminiscence and looking into the past well which is why I chose it. This would work well with the flashback part but I don’t think it sounds very sad and I'm not sure if the mood or tone of the song will work well with the one I am trying to set in my animation.
  • 40. Production Research (Animation)  I decided to try and animate how I was describing my reply to the 12th answer because I thought it was a very good idea. I wanted to just do this experiment with it to have a look at what the body would look like because I had the idea in my head but no way to visualize it. I think it turned out quite well although I'm not sure I want to use it in my final piece just yet. I used 5 different frames of animation with the eyes, eyebrows and mouth on a different layer and the feet and arms on another. I think it’s a good representation of someone's mind being a mess and all tangled up. I also think it looks similarly to the ”Mind” logo, which is a mental health organization, so this means that people could link there relationship between the two.
  • 41. Bibliography  Unknown. (2014). Over the Garden Wall Wiki. Available: https://over-the-garden- Last accessed 6th February 2020.  Tina Amini. (2015). AdventureTime, Explained. Available: Last accessed 6th February 2020.  Cartoon Network. (2017). WelcomeTo My Life. Available: Last accessed 6th February 2020.  Unknown. (2020). Age-Based Media Reviews for Families. Available: Last accessed 6th February 2020.  David Levine. (2017). Are Some Age Groups More Prone to DepressionThan Others. Available: 02/are-some-age-groups-more-prone-to-depression-than-others. Last accessed 6th February 2020.  Nick Spake. (2018). Top 10 Kids Show EpisodesThat DealtWith Serious Issues. Available: . Last accessed 6th February 2020.  Paul R. Albert. (2015). Why is depression more prevalent in woman?. Available: Last accessed 6th February 2020.  Unknown. (2019). Clinical Depression - Causes. Available: Last accessed 6th February 2020.  Win Leerasanthanah. (2016). Simple to Complex: Character DesignTips. Available: Last accessed 6th February 2020.  Unknown. (2020). Mental health in schools: Make it Count. Available: count. Last accessed 7th February 2020.
  • 42. Bibliography  Denis Campbell. (2017). One in four girls have depression by the time they hit 14. Available: girls-have-depression-by-the-time-they-hit-14-study-reveals. Last accessed 7th February 2020.