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RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection
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MARCH 21, 2015
RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection
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The Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) program (Vogel, 2014) at Colorado Technical
University (CTU) provides students the unique opportunity to perform research that
advances the field of computer science. In this last phase Summary & Reflections of the
Course of Principles of Research and Writing, students have an opportunity to reflect
strengths and weakness and voice their comments on the course. This short individual
paper is a scholarly real-world deliverable document to look back what I have learned in
this course “Doctoral Research I”, feedback on how to do or approach research, and share
some opinion, tips for the long stressful but exciting doctoral journey. This academic
paper is outlined twelve sections. Each section is a detailed response or discussion
directly to the assigned question as shown below:
A. What content areas did the most to advance your learning?
B. What are you the proudest of as you complete this course?
C. What did you enjoy the most? Why?
D. Looking back, what was your most significant growth edge as it concerns
topics and the rigor of completing the course? How have you developed and changed?
E. What surprised you the most about yourself and how you approached the
course? Be specific.
F. What did you learn about yourself that will aid your progress throughout the
G. Now that you have explored some literature in the area of your tentative
research topic, what are your thoughts about the topic now? Will you refine the topic?
Will you change it?
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H. How can research inform practice?
I. What approaches, habits, and techniques did you admire in your classmates?
How will you adapt the best of these into your practices?
J. Answer the “so what” question: how will your research shape the future of
K. What key things did you learn from this course?
L. What are three strategies that will help you manage your time for successful
completion of this program?
Notice that the abstract section at the beginning of the paper is a summary; the body
consists of a statement of purpose and twelve question & answer sections, and a
conclusion is followed. It also includes the cover page and a reference page at the end of
the document.
Keywords: Academic article; annotated bibliography; dissertation; ethical code;
growth edge; institutional review board; literature review; qualitative research;
quantitative research; research instruments; research strategy; research topic.
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Summary and Reflection
Doctoral Research I: Principles of Research & Writing
This academic paper presents a reflection, feedback and comments from a student
who takes the Course Doctoral Research I: Principles of Research and Writing. The
purpose of this document is to highlight a voice of the student who responds to twelve
comprehensive questions in the key areas covered in the course.
A. What content areas did the most to advance your learning?
The Doctoral Research I: Principles of Research & Writing course consists of six
extensive, condense Phases: Dissertation Process, Research Process & Five-Year Plan,
Action Research & Literature Review, Quantitative & Qualitative Research, Academic &
Practitioner Articles, and Summary & Reflections. It covers many content areas of
research and writing. Five content areas that did the most to advance the learning of the
course are:
1. CITI:
CITI is the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative Program for Computer
Science and Information Technology researchers. It is imperative for a student’s
dissertation research, particularly at CTU (Colorado Technical University) (Alexander,
2014). The overarching purpose of this process is to ensure the ethical treatment and
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protection of all subjects and participants of my research. I took the CITI test in 28-
January-2015 and passed with the reported score of 97 out of the maximum 100.
2. Literature Review:
A literature review in dissertation process (DePorres, 2014) is a critical and
scholarly in-depth paper that summarizes a particular research work. It allows readers
who read the article can establish why the author pursues a specific research. CTU library
defines “a literature review will be part of a dissertation, forming a framework setting
chapter. It forms a useful background where students are outlining a piece of research or
putting forward a hypothesis or indicating gaps in the body of knowledge.”
For a literature review (CTU Cybrary, 2015), I have planned to
- Set up a theoretical framework for the topic.
- Define key terms, terminology.
- Identify studies, models, case studies, etc. that support the topic.
- Define a research topic.
3. Research Methodologies:
In three top technologies: security, mobility, and big data, the coming research
concentrates on Big Data. It is likely that I could employ both quantitative and qualitative
methodology due to Big Data’s complex challenges. According to Given and Lisa (2008),
the mixed method would make the research more robust, complete and perfect. However,
with many reasons such as time constraint, pressure of the Program completion, a new
start of research, lack of experience, limitation of preparation, and particularly advice
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from faculty, my research work will use the quantitative (Qn) method only. That means I
intend to add a small leaf of gap on the huge tree of knowledge with this Qn methodology
(Creswell, 2013).
The quantitative research on the topic Big Data’s challenges includes the
following steps:
- The annotated bibliography
- Create a sound and precise research question
- Develop a hypothesis
- Choose the research methodology: a quantitative approach
- Research design: Experiment. Correlation, single object, survey research
- Use quantitative methodology to test the hypothesis
- Reduce research bias
- Data collection methods by using instruments (numbers, algorithms, analysis,
- Dissertation
4. Growth Edge:
In general, the growing edge is an area that can be improved. In a long journey of
dissertation research, a growth edge or growing edge is a recognized area with potential
for growth, development, and learning. It may start with what a student knows and is
comfortable with (Dixon, 2011). For example, the beginning of the growing edge can be
the job that I have worked, all existing things I am good at such as taking care of the
family, nursing children, desire for higher education, or hard working ethics. The other
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side of the growing edge is something that is unknown and unfamiliar, but it can be
improved. For instance, doctorate journey, dissertation topic, and life after doctorate at
CTU are some subjects I can focus to work on for improvement.
5. Annotated Bibliography
In my own words, an annotated bibliography, in general, is a selective list of
annotations that includes citations, author’s descriptive abstracts, reviewer’s abstract, and
critically evaluation summary of strength and weakness to books, documents, and
particularly scholarly articles for this course. I prepared the annotated bibliography draft
of twenty-five academic articles for a concise, accurate and valid source of information
for a literature review and dissertation on the topic of Big Data and its challenges.
B. What are you the most proud of as you complete this course?
During eleven weeks of this course, I have worked seventeen primary responses
continuously, exchanged thirty-four peer responses in the highly academic discussion,
and wrote five scholarly papers on different subjects. I also attended about ten live chat
sessions (lectures) to obtain central ideas, listen to suggestions, and follow the guidance
from an erudite Professor Deborah Telfer. All assignments were on time with almost
perfect scores. It appears that the first draft of Annotated Bibliography was one of the
best in class. The writings in Discussion Board were scholarly in high quality. Spending
sixty-five hours of work per week, I study most of the time by reading articles,
deliberating the assigned topics, thinking critically ahead of next assignment, or
reviewing classmates’ postings. I am proud of my achievement with on track on the
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discussion board and on time on individual projects. The work is painful, stressful, doable
and durable, but I am able to cope patiently and successfully with it.
C. What did you enjoy the most? Why?
Starting the doctoral program at CTU with a little knowledge of research and
dissertation in October 2014 and starting this course in January 2015, I gained an
enormous knowledge of APA style writing, CITI, literature review, quantitative and
qualitative methodologies, growth edge, annotated bibliography, etc after five months.
Some of the most enjoyments are:
- Completing assignments with a good grade.
- Enriching knowledge and skills.
- Personal and professional goals are achievable.
- Satisfaction with the high-quality work.
The hard work paid off with a good grade and it went along with the motto “No
Pain, No Gain”. Doctoral study is a form of torturing and practicing one’s mind in order
to gain knowledge, skills, and experience.
D. Looking back, what was your most significant growth edge as it concerns topics
and the rigor of completing the course? How have you developed and changed?
In the current state of Big Data, I reflect that very little scholarship tackles the
challenge of Big Data (Webb, 2014). That creates a growing edge for me. I think Big
Data potentially contains valuable information for new, creative applications that benefit
human in modern society. I want to focus to use Big Data to predict human behavior to
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gain a competitive advantage in business and government policy. I also emphasize on
triggering a broader discussions of Big Data (Goes, 2014) in community and applications
in research. The resources that help how to determine my growing edge include the active
support from doctoral faculty and professors, the tremendous assistance from doctoral
administrator and staff, doctoral colleagues, and CTU online learning environment.
To define a growing edge in relationship to learning about the practice research, I
determine three goals. They are:
a. Completing the DCS program in Big Data Analytics.
b. Practicing a research in industries and academia.
c. Continuing Post-Doctorate study and teaching in colleges.
These goals are the growing edge. I will follow and comply all requirements in
the Program.
1. Completing the DCS program in Big Data Analytics in three years.
By combining three elements (i.e., DCS program, concentration, and personal
interests), I will learn the dissertation process by making connection between the doctoral
research and six objectives listed in item 1.2. Under the guidance of the faculty, I develop
a conceptual understanding of the main tasks related to the doctoral research journey. I
will comply with IRB requirements and work closely with the mentor in literature
reviews. That means I will conceptualize research topic, search and scan, organize, read,
annotate, draft literature reviews (LR), integrate LR, polish LR, strategize and work with
2. Practicing a research in Big Data Management and related fields.
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At this time, I may become a recognized practitioner in the field. I can write
articles and book(s) in the related field and take a job as an R&D researcher in some
organizations such as universities, state or federal educational departments, IBM, Boeing,
Microsoft. I may join Publishing Clubs of IEEE, ACM, and consult with colleagues.
3. Continuing Post-Doctorate study and teaching in colleges.
Since I have learned and studied at school and worked for many years, I may
continue my education after DCS program. There are many opportunities for writing,
jobs, collaborating with colleagues, contributing to academia, industry, and specialty. I
may transfer the knowledge and experience to students by teaching some practical
courses in schools.
The rigor of completing the course is the paper assignments on an individual
project with some topics or concepts that are strange and unfamiliar when I do not have
enough knowledge or background. To overcome this kind of issues, I spend time to
research the subjects, read the related articles, ask and listen to scholars or experts who
have more knowledge then I prepare and apply them to the work.
E. What surprised you the most about yourself and how you approached the
course? Be specific.
The difficulties in conducting research are:
- Where do I begin?
- Quantity of literature.
- Lack of literature
- How broad or narrow are the research topics?
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- What should be discarded?
- Re-reading for improved understanding
It appears that I am able to perform well on some topics that I never work before.
The trial and error approach and common logic sense often work well. In other words, I
learn by doing it such as on-job-training. It is similar to developing a prototype system
based on the statement of requirements or procurement specifications. For example, if the
prototype system fails, I will perform a failure analysis to identify a root cause, find and
implement a solution, verify it, document the fix and release the work.
The generic strategy to solve some difficult issues in research may be planning
ahead, reading the related articles as much as possible, constantly studying and focusing
on the topic. The particular approach for a research dissertation includes many steps as
- Read the assignment – several times
- Deliberate the topic
- Outline the framework
- Research information on Internet, Cybrary, CTU Library,
- Use the links in the phases of related materials
- Identify and collect the articles with associated info
- Take notes for ideas, citation, APA style, etc.
- Read the related articles and highlight main ideas.
- Start writing the body’s parts
- Add abstract
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- Add conclusion
- Add a cover page
- Add a reference page
- Use Grammarly tool to fix all typo, grammatical errors, etc.
- Format the paper with APA style
- Review for a final version
- Submit it
- Make two or three copies (one on the desktop, one on memory flash, one in
the laptop)
What surprised me the most about myself is the ability to adapt to the difficult
situation, and a capability to solve a problem by a scientific investigation with hard work.
It is a natural skill to look at the problem and quickly to figure out a solution in a logical
and scientific approach. I feel that I am lucky to have that kind of natural skill.
F. What did you learn about yourself that will aid your progress throughout the
I use a self-assessment to learn my strengths and weaknesses. For strengths, I
move forward. For weaknesses, I try to improve them as much as I can.
1. Self-Assessment:
To advance my learning in the doctoral program, I did perform a self-assessment
to evaluate the ability and capability to research work. The self-assessment will establish
a foundation to move forward in the long research journey. Refer the table for personal
assessment information.
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Personal Assessment Table for Research
Strength Weakness Note:
Hard worker and quick learner Lack of scholarly language Use strength to
move forward.
Patience in works Unskillful writing
Hospitable learning No knowledge in APA Style
Analytical skill Many grammatical errors
Scientific mind Footnotes, endnotes, bibliography
Experienced hardware design Pathetic communication
Skillful software development Accent on pronunciation
Quantitative analysis No research experience
Methodological synthesis Stressful with heavy workload
The self-assessment showed that APA style writing, using formal or semi formal
style, scholarly language, technical terms is improved significantly, document in
footnotes, endnotes, bibliography, resources for more information are improved
To aid my progress throughout the program, I will follow and comply all
requirements to complete the DCS program in Big Data Analytics in three years. By
combining three elements (i.e., DCS program, concentration, and personal interests), I
will learn the dissertation process by making connection between the doctoral research
and six objectives as follows:
- Performing research in Big Data
- Demonstrating expertise in Big Data
- Evaluating, analyzing and solving problems in Big Data
- Communicating research results and preparing for publication
- Demonstrating ethical behavior in all aspects of professional life
- Making well-founded forecasts about futures challenges.
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In addition, the natural skill in electrical and computer engineering will help me to
make some progress throughout the program.
G. Now that you have explored some literature in the area of your tentative research
topic, what are your thoughts about the topic now? Will you refine the topic? Will
you change it?
Using a search engine in CTU Portal Library and, I sort out
twenty-three academic articles and two practitioner journals for the coming research topic
ideas. Five primary academic articles that contain the possible research topics are listed
- Big Data and Its Technical Challenges by Jagadish, Gehrke, Labrinidis and Shahabi
- Big Data Meets Big Science by Wright (2014).
- Big Data and Management by George, Haas and Pentland (2014).
- Big Data and IS Research by Goes (2014).
- Business Intelligence and Analytics: From Big Data to Big Impact by Chen, Chiang
and Storey (2012).
Each scholarly journal is reviewed thoroughly for the possible research ideas.
There are many possible topics for research at three levels: (1) big data infrastructure, (2)
big data analytics, and (3) transformation and impact (Goes, 2014). There are eight
possible topics identified as listed below:
1. Understanding the massive volume of big data to find useful, meaningful
information to predict the probability of the event’s occurrence.
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2. Studying a variety of big data in multiple data formats to find common
characteristics and categorize it into several unique groups for a further study to find
some common hidden patterns.
3. Researching on big data’s velocity by improving the existing execution speed for
fast collection, processing, and consumption.
4. Seeking big data’s veracity for accuracy, truthfulness that may help to gain
competitive advantage and extend a capability such as a competitive differentiator for
5. Studying privacy on the related big data.
6. Researching on big data’s usability – Can big data be re-used in some applications
that benefit to humans?
7. Studying big data integration.
8. Researching entity-relationship extraction to transform big data into the controlled
categories in advanced database systems.
It is possible that I will pick one of these topics, narrow it down, and refine it for a
final version. Notice that since the topics seem to be clear and sound, I will probably
refine it for an appropriate research application.
H. How can research inform practice?
Learning Big Data Analytics will yield many outcomes that include understanding
of big data, identifying the advantages of big data management, recognition of software
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tools available for analyzing big data. The topic of interest will be addressed through the
research. I will follow the DCS research process that includes:
a. Literature review by applying the basic skill writing
b. Using quantitative methodology
c. Introduction by addressing the topic of the intended research.
d. Findings from collecting data, information for root cause and results.
e. Results and conclusion by providing and future work.
Preparing to inform the field about my research, I will comply with dissertation
process, IRB (Institutional Review Board) process (Alexander, 2014), completion of
CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative Course) certification. I will make all
efforts to have a positively healthy mentor-mentee relationship and support from the
faculty. For example, I will follow the guidelines of the dissertation process, listen to
faculty’s advices to do a dissertation research. To inform my work, after going through
literature review and findings stages, I will perform a final defense, dissertation
preparation and publishing his work in digital repository and publication.
The goal is to enhance information by contributing to the body of knowledge
through research, scholarly writing, dissemination of research and publishing the research
work. I need to demonstrate fluency with the body of knowledge and demonstrate ability
to apply relevant knowledge to the big data field that is supplemented by a broad
integrative understanding of complementary disciplines. To improve the area, I plan to
make contributions in the big data area of expertise by providing a recommendation,
making forecasts about future challenges and new developments. Since the dissertation
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will be written scholarly in real world, I will request for committee’s approval for
publication in ProQuest Database and/or some professional organizations such as IEEE
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and ACM (Association for Computing
Notice that primary and peer responses in each phase in Discussion Board are a
good way to inform the work to the student community at CTU.
I. What approaches, habits, and techniques did you admire in your classmates?
How will you adapt the best of these into your own practices?
Some classmates have bright ideas and knowledgeable experiences on the
subjects, particularly senior classmates’ recommendations. For example in the CS828:
Advanced Topics in Databases, some students have in-depth knowledge and experience
in their field where they work with databases daily in many years. I usually learn their
skillful experience, great thoughts, better ideas, sound suggestions, and superb
approaches to taking notes and applying them on the research dissertation if possible.
J. Answer the “so what” question: how will your research shape the future of
Research addresses three essential elements. They are:
1. Knowledge on the topic:
From topic ideas above, I will deliberate the topic ideas listed above and choose
one of them for research by developing an in-depth knowledge of the topic. I have been
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collecting many peer review articles and planning to organize them in an orderly manner.
I also start researching other works for preparing Chapter 2 - Literature Review.
2. Research Questions:
I start developing to specific questions that the dissertation research will address
in association to a gap in knowledge in his field of study.
3. Research Methodologies:
I am also aware of these methods include data collection, data analysis, and
interpretation of the findings. Research methodologies include quantitative, qualitative or
mixed techniques for analysis and synthesization.
The study of Big Data and its challenges will evaluate, clarify or even challenge
the existing theories. It is likely that the research findings will lead to inferences that
support the identification of new theoretical propositions. The outcomes of the research
on Big Data and its challenges will contribute to the body of knowledge. That is the
research outcome will shape the future of the following managements in fast-paced
Internet-centric expansion.
- Data management: The research outcome probably changes the way to collect,
manipulate, and distribute data as a valuable resource to those who need it in database
systems such as relational, distributed database management systems, schemaless NoSQL
databases, etc. (Connolly and Begg, 2014).
- Content management: Content is information or data in the context. It is in the
electronic or paper form of the document and Web content that recently explode with
digitization of sound files, photographs, video, and 3D models at the fast clip. The
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research outcome will provide some control how to handle this kind of content efficiently
(McNurlin, Sprague and Bui, 2009).
- Knowledge management: It becomes a key to exploiting the intellectual assets of
organizations. The research outcome may manage tacit knowledge (know-what) that is
usually in people’s heads and 's hard to make explicit (McNurlin, Sprague and Bui,
K. What key things did you learn from this course?
The course of Principles of Research & Writing that is condensed, intense, and
demanding, has an abundant resource of research information such as the literature
review, dissertation, research methodologies, etc. It assists students how to build a
foundation for research work so that doctoral student can demonstrate fluency with the
body of knowledge, and illustrate ability to apply relevant knowledge to their chosen
field, supplemented by a scholarly APA style proposal, broadly integrative understanding
of complementary disciplines. I learnt many new concepts, methods, techniques and
approaches from the basic topics to high-level subjects from a conscientious professor
(Dr. Telfer) with her knowledgeable expertise. Some important issues are:
- Research capabilities and potential research topics
- IRB (Institutional Review Board) process
- Annotated Bibliography
- Action research and literature review
- Quantitative and qualitative research
- Dissertation research approach and instruments
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- Research ethics and growth edge
- Academic, practitioner articles and dissertation.
In addition, I had a unique opportunity to ascertain scholarly APA style writing
(Glatthorn and Joyner, 2005), time management strategy, and use excellent research tools
such as Grammarly, EndNote (Endnote at CTU, 2015), Cybrary, dissertation and
literature review templates, etc. I also attended doctoral symposiums to learn new
concepts, meet academic community, and make social media network. I was taught how
to keep a healthy and productive Mentor and Mentee relationship that is one of the keys
to the success in a long and winding journey. Especially, taking this course is one of the
good ways to exercise the gracious mind for a critical, smart and scholarly thinking to
produce a research outcome that may impact and benefit for humans. And I think this is
one of the key things!
L. What are three strategies that will help you manage your time for successful
completion of this program?
The doctoral program is a long and arduous journey in the academic world. It
requires students to dedicate time, energy, and concentration in seeking the highest level
of education –maybe be the best of the best. Sometimes they may have to sacrifice
personal hobbies, leisure in order to focus on their interests in the research dissertation.
The appropriate time management is one of the ways to complete the long doctoral
journey to the end. Some strategies in time management are:
1. Set the personal and professional goals, and determine a good research plan.
2. Starting writing some topics as much as possible and plan them ahead.
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3. Read the writing out loud – Personally, this tip is not my favorite.
4.Work on the literature review or dissertation in a certain amount of time (e.g. 30
minutes) daily.
5. Create a to-do worksheet for each week with small milestones.
Or mark them on a calendar for tracking purpose.
6. Set priorities tasks for completing the dissertation.
7. Keep track an essay journal and related articles.
8. Break large tasks into small manageable work units
9. Take breaks
Some other useful strategies (more than three required strategies) on time are:
- Critical thinking
- Always planning ahead by looking up the task list and prioritize the small tasks.
- Finish up the small tasks in the expected estimate time.
- Be flexible to change as soon as possible to meet the deadlines
- Take a deep breath and re-think how to perform the tasks efficiently and effectively.
- Reflect the work and learn how to fix any mistake might have previously for next work.
Finally, other tips for time management are:
- Read related articles any time when I have a chance. For example, read a journal
while waiting to pick up my children, in the bathroom, during lunch time if I am alone.
- Make a copy of the related materials and highlight a main idea, significant concepts
- Take notes anything that come up from my mind on the assignment, e.g., use a
napkin to write a note, remark on thoughts or write the idea on my hand palm.
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- While driving a car in a commute, speak loudly on what I think about a project issue
with a tape recorder.
- Critical thinking all the time about a topic will yield some creative ideas.
- Highlight the useful ideas in the textbook or on the articles for later reference.
- Read some topic questions in the tasks to get the ideas ahead, and then read the
materials (textbooks, articles) to pay more attention to the issues. It will help save time to
find main points, primary thoughts for the answers,
- Patiently and solidly work on the paper.
- Take some break if I feel exhausted or fall to sleep while doing writing.
This final paper highlights the summary and reflection of the Doctoral Research I
Course of Principles of Research and Writing. It covers most of the key areas such as
self-assessment, growth edge, research methodologies, IRB process, literature review,
dissertation, annotated bibliography, academic and practitioner articles, research topics,
research capabilities and personal & professional goals. Twelve comprehensive questions
are answered by twelve in-depth responses to the content areas, research topics, self-
assessment, growth edge, future of management, critical sectors to move the research and
dissertation forward to the end of the long research dissertation journey at CTU. It also
provides some feedback on student’s proudness, enjoyment, time management,
admiration in classmates’ postings, etc. in this course. Furthermore, the APA style
writing, EndNote, graduate’s templates, library search, live chat sessions, etc. contribute
to doctoral students’ success to move forward close to the end of a long doctoral journey.
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1. Agadish, H., Gehrke, J., Labrinidis, A., Papakonstantinou, Y., Patel, J. M.,
Ramakrishnan, R., & Shahabi, C. (2014). Big data and its technical challenges.
Communications Of The ACM, 57(7), 86-94. Doi:10.1145/2611567
2. Alexander, M. (2014, October). What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Process.Presentation presented at the Doctoral Symposium of Colorado Technical
University, Englewood, CO.
3. Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., & Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics:
from big data to big impact. MIS Quarterly, 36(4), 1165-1188.
4. Connolly, T. M., & Begg, C. E. (2014). Database systems: a practical approach to
design, implementation, and management. New Jersey, NJ: Pearson.
5. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods
approaches. Sage publications
6. DePorres, D. (2014). The Dissertation Process. Presentation presented at the Doctoral
Symposium of Colorado Technical University, Englewood, CO.
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7. George, G., Haas, M. R., & Pentland, A. (2014, April). Big data and management.
Academy of Management Journal. pp. 321-326. doi:10.5465/amj.2014.4002.
8. McNurlin, B. C., Ralph H. Sprague, J., & Bui, T. (2009). Information systems
management in practice (Eighth Edition ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson
Prentice Hall.
9. Denzin, Norman K. & Lincoln, Yvonna S. (Eds.). (2005). The Sage Handbook of
Qualitative Research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.ISBN 0-7619-2757-3
10. Dixon, A. (2011). Your growing edge. Retrieved from
11. Given, Lisa M. (2008). The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. Los
Angeles, Calif.: Sage Publications. ISBN 1-4129-4163-6.
12. Glatthorn, A. A., & Joyner, R. L. (Eds.), (2005). Writing the winning thesis or
dissertation: A step-by-step guide. Corwin Press.
13. Goes, P. B. (2014). Big data and IS research. MIS Quarterly, 38(3), iii-viii.
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14. Vogel, M. (2014, October). Doctor of Computer Science Overview. Presentation
presented at the Doctoral Symposium of Colorado Technical University,
Englewood, CO.
15. CTU Doctoral Students Library & Guide. (2015). CTU Library Resources. Retrieved
16. Literature Review. (2015). Action research & literature review. Retrieved from
17. Literature Review. (2005). The purpose of a literature review. Retrieved
18. EndNote at CTU. (2015). Online users manuals from endnote. Retrieved from
19. Wright, A. (2014). Big data meets big science. Communications Of The ACM, 57(7),
RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection
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Phase 6 Individual Project : Score 200/200 Grade : A (3/21/2015)
Your Feedback TS: Total points earned (rounded): 200 out of 200 (100%). Task
Requirements points earned: 50 out of 50 (100%). Demonstration and application of
knowledge points earned: 110 out of 110 (100%). Academic writing and format points
earned: 40 out of 40 (100%). Strengths: You have created a well-designed and
professional 10-page paper highlighting what you learned in this class including the
citing of 8 to 10 sources and how you will approach your research. You had the
opportunity to address some of the following suggested questions:
• What content areas did the most to advance your learning?
• What are you the most proud of as you complete this course?
• What did you enjoy the most? Why?
• Looking back, what was your most significant growth edge as it concerns topics and
the rigor of completing the course? How have you developed and changed?
• What surprised you the most about yourself and how you approached the course? Be
• What did you learn about yourself that will aid your progress throughout the
• Now that you have explored some literature in the area of your tentative research
topic, what are your thoughts about the topic now? Will you refine the topic? Will you
change it?
• How can research inform practice?
• What approaches, habits, and techniques did you admire in your classmates? How will
you adapt the best of these into your own practices?
• Answer the “so what” question: how will your research shape the future of
• What key things did you learn from this course?
• What are 3 strategies that will help you manage your time for successful completion of
this program?
Opportunities for improvement: None at this time
Additional Comments: You completely went above and beyond in this final project by
addressing every single point even though this was not required. Outstanding work.
I think you should also becoming a professor in the future too.
Please know I do not consider your "communication pathetic".
The lists and outlines you included really provided outstanding guidance on how to
approach certain aspects of this program. I am extremely hopeful I will have you in a
future class and you have set an outstanding example for your classmates.
Best Regards, Dr. Debby Telfer
RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection
Version 1.0 Page 27

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RES860 P6 IndividualProject - version101

  • 2. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 2 ABSTRACT The Doctor of Computer Science (DCS) program (Vogel, 2014) at Colorado Technical University (CTU) provides students the unique opportunity to perform research that advances the field of computer science. In this last phase Summary & Reflections of the Course of Principles of Research and Writing, students have an opportunity to reflect strengths and weakness and voice their comments on the course. This short individual paper is a scholarly real-world deliverable document to look back what I have learned in this course “Doctoral Research I”, feedback on how to do or approach research, and share some opinion, tips for the long stressful but exciting doctoral journey. This academic paper is outlined twelve sections. Each section is a detailed response or discussion directly to the assigned question as shown below: A. What content areas did the most to advance your learning? B. What are you the proudest of as you complete this course? C. What did you enjoy the most? Why? D. Looking back, what was your most significant growth edge as it concerns topics and the rigor of completing the course? How have you developed and changed? E. What surprised you the most about yourself and how you approached the course? Be specific. F. What did you learn about yourself that will aid your progress throughout the program? G. Now that you have explored some literature in the area of your tentative research topic, what are your thoughts about the topic now? Will you refine the topic? Will you change it?
  • 3. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 3 H. How can research inform practice? I. What approaches, habits, and techniques did you admire in your classmates? How will you adapt the best of these into your practices? J. Answer the “so what” question: how will your research shape the future of management? K. What key things did you learn from this course? L. What are three strategies that will help you manage your time for successful completion of this program? Notice that the abstract section at the beginning of the paper is a summary; the body consists of a statement of purpose and twelve question & answer sections, and a conclusion is followed. It also includes the cover page and a reference page at the end of the document. Keywords: Academic article; annotated bibliography; dissertation; ethical code; growth edge; institutional review board; literature review; qualitative research; quantitative research; research instruments; research strategy; research topic.
  • 4. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 4 Summary and Reflection RES860-1501C-01 Doctoral Research I: Principles of Research & Writing This academic paper presents a reflection, feedback and comments from a student who takes the Course Doctoral Research I: Principles of Research and Writing. The purpose of this document is to highlight a voice of the student who responds to twelve comprehensive questions in the key areas covered in the course. A. What content areas did the most to advance your learning? The Doctoral Research I: Principles of Research & Writing course consists of six extensive, condense Phases: Dissertation Process, Research Process & Five-Year Plan, Action Research & Literature Review, Quantitative & Qualitative Research, Academic & Practitioner Articles, and Summary & Reflections. It covers many content areas of research and writing. Five content areas that did the most to advance the learning of the course are: 1. CITI: CITI is the Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative Program for Computer Science and Information Technology researchers. It is imperative for a student’s dissertation research, particularly at CTU (Colorado Technical University) (Alexander, 2014). The overarching purpose of this process is to ensure the ethical treatment and
  • 5. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 5 protection of all subjects and participants of my research. I took the CITI test in 28- January-2015 and passed with the reported score of 97 out of the maximum 100. 2. Literature Review: A literature review in dissertation process (DePorres, 2014) is a critical and scholarly in-depth paper that summarizes a particular research work. It allows readers who read the article can establish why the author pursues a specific research. CTU library defines “a literature review will be part of a dissertation, forming a framework setting chapter. It forms a useful background where students are outlining a piece of research or putting forward a hypothesis or indicating gaps in the body of knowledge.” For a literature review (CTU Cybrary, 2015), I have planned to - Set up a theoretical framework for the topic. - Define key terms, terminology. - Identify studies, models, case studies, etc. that support the topic. - Define a research topic. 3. Research Methodologies: In three top technologies: security, mobility, and big data, the coming research concentrates on Big Data. It is likely that I could employ both quantitative and qualitative methodology due to Big Data’s complex challenges. According to Given and Lisa (2008), the mixed method would make the research more robust, complete and perfect. However, with many reasons such as time constraint, pressure of the Program completion, a new start of research, lack of experience, limitation of preparation, and particularly advice
  • 6. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 6 from faculty, my research work will use the quantitative (Qn) method only. That means I intend to add a small leaf of gap on the huge tree of knowledge with this Qn methodology (Creswell, 2013). The quantitative research on the topic Big Data’s challenges includes the following steps: - The annotated bibliography - Create a sound and precise research question - Develop a hypothesis - Choose the research methodology: a quantitative approach - Research design: Experiment. Correlation, single object, survey research - Use quantitative methodology to test the hypothesis - Reduce research bias - Data collection methods by using instruments (numbers, algorithms, analysis, etc.) - Dissertation 4. Growth Edge: In general, the growing edge is an area that can be improved. In a long journey of dissertation research, a growth edge or growing edge is a recognized area with potential for growth, development, and learning. It may start with what a student knows and is comfortable with (Dixon, 2011). For example, the beginning of the growing edge can be the job that I have worked, all existing things I am good at such as taking care of the family, nursing children, desire for higher education, or hard working ethics. The other
  • 7. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 7 side of the growing edge is something that is unknown and unfamiliar, but it can be improved. For instance, doctorate journey, dissertation topic, and life after doctorate at CTU are some subjects I can focus to work on for improvement. 5. Annotated Bibliography In my own words, an annotated bibliography, in general, is a selective list of annotations that includes citations, author’s descriptive abstracts, reviewer’s abstract, and critically evaluation summary of strength and weakness to books, documents, and particularly scholarly articles for this course. I prepared the annotated bibliography draft of twenty-five academic articles for a concise, accurate and valid source of information for a literature review and dissertation on the topic of Big Data and its challenges. B. What are you the most proud of as you complete this course? During eleven weeks of this course, I have worked seventeen primary responses continuously, exchanged thirty-four peer responses in the highly academic discussion, and wrote five scholarly papers on different subjects. I also attended about ten live chat sessions (lectures) to obtain central ideas, listen to suggestions, and follow the guidance from an erudite Professor Deborah Telfer. All assignments were on time with almost perfect scores. It appears that the first draft of Annotated Bibliography was one of the best in class. The writings in Discussion Board were scholarly in high quality. Spending sixty-five hours of work per week, I study most of the time by reading articles, deliberating the assigned topics, thinking critically ahead of next assignment, or reviewing classmates’ postings. I am proud of my achievement with on track on the
  • 8. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 8 discussion board and on time on individual projects. The work is painful, stressful, doable and durable, but I am able to cope patiently and successfully with it. C. What did you enjoy the most? Why? Starting the doctoral program at CTU with a little knowledge of research and dissertation in October 2014 and starting this course in January 2015, I gained an enormous knowledge of APA style writing, CITI, literature review, quantitative and qualitative methodologies, growth edge, annotated bibliography, etc after five months. Some of the most enjoyments are: - Completing assignments with a good grade. - Enriching knowledge and skills. - Personal and professional goals are achievable. - Satisfaction with the high-quality work. The hard work paid off with a good grade and it went along with the motto “No Pain, No Gain”. Doctoral study is a form of torturing and practicing one’s mind in order to gain knowledge, skills, and experience. D. Looking back, what was your most significant growth edge as it concerns topics and the rigor of completing the course? How have you developed and changed? In the current state of Big Data, I reflect that very little scholarship tackles the challenge of Big Data (Webb, 2014). That creates a growing edge for me. I think Big Data potentially contains valuable information for new, creative applications that benefit human in modern society. I want to focus to use Big Data to predict human behavior to
  • 9. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 9 gain a competitive advantage in business and government policy. I also emphasize on triggering a broader discussions of Big Data (Goes, 2014) in community and applications in research. The resources that help how to determine my growing edge include the active support from doctoral faculty and professors, the tremendous assistance from doctoral administrator and staff, doctoral colleagues, and CTU online learning environment. To define a growing edge in relationship to learning about the practice research, I determine three goals. They are: a. Completing the DCS program in Big Data Analytics. b. Practicing a research in industries and academia. c. Continuing Post-Doctorate study and teaching in colleges. These goals are the growing edge. I will follow and comply all requirements in the Program. 1. Completing the DCS program in Big Data Analytics in three years. By combining three elements (i.e., DCS program, concentration, and personal interests), I will learn the dissertation process by making connection between the doctoral research and six objectives listed in item 1.2. Under the guidance of the faculty, I develop a conceptual understanding of the main tasks related to the doctoral research journey. I will comply with IRB requirements and work closely with the mentor in literature reviews. That means I will conceptualize research topic, search and scan, organize, read, annotate, draft literature reviews (LR), integrate LR, polish LR, strategize and work with partner. 2. Practicing a research in Big Data Management and related fields.
  • 10. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 10 At this time, I may become a recognized practitioner in the field. I can write articles and book(s) in the related field and take a job as an R&D researcher in some organizations such as universities, state or federal educational departments, IBM, Boeing, Microsoft. I may join Publishing Clubs of IEEE, ACM, and consult with colleagues. 3. Continuing Post-Doctorate study and teaching in colleges. Since I have learned and studied at school and worked for many years, I may continue my education after DCS program. There are many opportunities for writing, jobs, collaborating with colleagues, contributing to academia, industry, and specialty. I may transfer the knowledge and experience to students by teaching some practical courses in schools. The rigor of completing the course is the paper assignments on an individual project with some topics or concepts that are strange and unfamiliar when I do not have enough knowledge or background. To overcome this kind of issues, I spend time to research the subjects, read the related articles, ask and listen to scholars or experts who have more knowledge then I prepare and apply them to the work. E. What surprised you the most about yourself and how you approached the course? Be specific. The difficulties in conducting research are: - Where do I begin? - Quantity of literature. - Lack of literature - How broad or narrow are the research topics?
  • 11. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 11 - What should be discarded? - Re-reading for improved understanding It appears that I am able to perform well on some topics that I never work before. The trial and error approach and common logic sense often work well. In other words, I learn by doing it such as on-job-training. It is similar to developing a prototype system based on the statement of requirements or procurement specifications. For example, if the prototype system fails, I will perform a failure analysis to identify a root cause, find and implement a solution, verify it, document the fix and release the work. The generic strategy to solve some difficult issues in research may be planning ahead, reading the related articles as much as possible, constantly studying and focusing on the topic. The particular approach for a research dissertation includes many steps as follows: - Read the assignment – several times - Deliberate the topic - Outline the framework - Research information on Internet, Cybrary, CTU Library, - Use the links in the phases of related materials - Identify and collect the articles with associated info - Take notes for ideas, citation, APA style, etc. - Read the related articles and highlight main ideas. - Start writing the body’s parts - Add abstract
  • 12. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 12 - Add conclusion - Add a cover page - Add a reference page - Use Grammarly tool to fix all typo, grammatical errors, etc. - Format the paper with APA style - Review for a final version - Submit it - Make two or three copies (one on the desktop, one on memory flash, one in the laptop) What surprised me the most about myself is the ability to adapt to the difficult situation, and a capability to solve a problem by a scientific investigation with hard work. It is a natural skill to look at the problem and quickly to figure out a solution in a logical and scientific approach. I feel that I am lucky to have that kind of natural skill. F. What did you learn about yourself that will aid your progress throughout the program? I use a self-assessment to learn my strengths and weaknesses. For strengths, I move forward. For weaknesses, I try to improve them as much as I can. 1. Self-Assessment: To advance my learning in the doctoral program, I did perform a self-assessment to evaluate the ability and capability to research work. The self-assessment will establish a foundation to move forward in the long research journey. Refer the table for personal assessment information.
  • 13. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 13 Personal Assessment Table for Research Strength Weakness Note: Hard worker and quick learner Lack of scholarly language Use strength to move forward. Continue improving weakness. Patience in works Unskillful writing Hospitable learning No knowledge in APA Style Analytical skill Many grammatical errors Scientific mind Footnotes, endnotes, bibliography Experienced hardware design Pathetic communication Skillful software development Accent on pronunciation Quantitative analysis No research experience Methodological synthesis Stressful with heavy workload The self-assessment showed that APA style writing, using formal or semi formal style, scholarly language, technical terms is improved significantly, document in footnotes, endnotes, bibliography, resources for more information are improved significantly. To aid my progress throughout the program, I will follow and comply all requirements to complete the DCS program in Big Data Analytics in three years. By combining three elements (i.e., DCS program, concentration, and personal interests), I will learn the dissertation process by making connection between the doctoral research and six objectives as follows: - Performing research in Big Data - Demonstrating expertise in Big Data - Evaluating, analyzing and solving problems in Big Data - Communicating research results and preparing for publication - Demonstrating ethical behavior in all aspects of professional life - Making well-founded forecasts about futures challenges.
  • 14. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 14 In addition, the natural skill in electrical and computer engineering will help me to make some progress throughout the program. G. Now that you have explored some literature in the area of your tentative research topic, what are your thoughts about the topic now? Will you refine the topic? Will you change it? Using a search engine in CTU Portal Library and, I sort out twenty-three academic articles and two practitioner journals for the coming research topic ideas. Five primary academic articles that contain the possible research topics are listed below: - Big Data and Its Technical Challenges by Jagadish, Gehrke, Labrinidis and Shahabi (2014). - Big Data Meets Big Science by Wright (2014). - Big Data and Management by George, Haas and Pentland (2014). - Big Data and IS Research by Goes (2014). - Business Intelligence and Analytics: From Big Data to Big Impact by Chen, Chiang and Storey (2012). Each scholarly journal is reviewed thoroughly for the possible research ideas. There are many possible topics for research at three levels: (1) big data infrastructure, (2) big data analytics, and (3) transformation and impact (Goes, 2014). There are eight possible topics identified as listed below: 1. Understanding the massive volume of big data to find useful, meaningful information to predict the probability of the event’s occurrence.
  • 15. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 15 2. Studying a variety of big data in multiple data formats to find common characteristics and categorize it into several unique groups for a further study to find some common hidden patterns. 3. Researching on big data’s velocity by improving the existing execution speed for fast collection, processing, and consumption. 4. Seeking big data’s veracity for accuracy, truthfulness that may help to gain competitive advantage and extend a capability such as a competitive differentiator for business. 5. Studying privacy on the related big data. 6. Researching on big data’s usability – Can big data be re-used in some applications that benefit to humans? 7. Studying big data integration. 8. Researching entity-relationship extraction to transform big data into the controlled categories in advanced database systems. It is possible that I will pick one of these topics, narrow it down, and refine it for a final version. Notice that since the topics seem to be clear and sound, I will probably refine it for an appropriate research application. H. How can research inform practice? Learning Big Data Analytics will yield many outcomes that include understanding of big data, identifying the advantages of big data management, recognition of software
  • 16. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 16 tools available for analyzing big data. The topic of interest will be addressed through the research. I will follow the DCS research process that includes: a. Literature review by applying the basic skill writing b. Using quantitative methodology c. Introduction by addressing the topic of the intended research. d. Findings from collecting data, information for root cause and results. e. Results and conclusion by providing and future work. Preparing to inform the field about my research, I will comply with dissertation process, IRB (Institutional Review Board) process (Alexander, 2014), completion of CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative Course) certification. I will make all efforts to have a positively healthy mentor-mentee relationship and support from the faculty. For example, I will follow the guidelines of the dissertation process, listen to faculty’s advices to do a dissertation research. To inform my work, after going through literature review and findings stages, I will perform a final defense, dissertation preparation and publishing his work in digital repository and publication. The goal is to enhance information by contributing to the body of knowledge through research, scholarly writing, dissemination of research and publishing the research work. I need to demonstrate fluency with the body of knowledge and demonstrate ability to apply relevant knowledge to the big data field that is supplemented by a broad integrative understanding of complementary disciplines. To improve the area, I plan to make contributions in the big data area of expertise by providing a recommendation, making forecasts about future challenges and new developments. Since the dissertation
  • 17. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 17 will be written scholarly in real world, I will request for committee’s approval for publication in ProQuest Database and/or some professional organizations such as IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). Notice that primary and peer responses in each phase in Discussion Board are a good way to inform the work to the student community at CTU. I. What approaches, habits, and techniques did you admire in your classmates? How will you adapt the best of these into your own practices? Some classmates have bright ideas and knowledgeable experiences on the subjects, particularly senior classmates’ recommendations. For example in the CS828: Advanced Topics in Databases, some students have in-depth knowledge and experience in their field where they work with databases daily in many years. I usually learn their skillful experience, great thoughts, better ideas, sound suggestions, and superb approaches to taking notes and applying them on the research dissertation if possible. J. Answer the “so what” question: how will your research shape the future of management? Research addresses three essential elements. They are: 1. Knowledge on the topic: From topic ideas above, I will deliberate the topic ideas listed above and choose one of them for research by developing an in-depth knowledge of the topic. I have been
  • 18. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 18 collecting many peer review articles and planning to organize them in an orderly manner. I also start researching other works for preparing Chapter 2 - Literature Review. 2. Research Questions: I start developing to specific questions that the dissertation research will address in association to a gap in knowledge in his field of study. 3. Research Methodologies: I am also aware of these methods include data collection, data analysis, and interpretation of the findings. Research methodologies include quantitative, qualitative or mixed techniques for analysis and synthesization. The study of Big Data and its challenges will evaluate, clarify or even challenge the existing theories. It is likely that the research findings will lead to inferences that support the identification of new theoretical propositions. The outcomes of the research on Big Data and its challenges will contribute to the body of knowledge. That is the research outcome will shape the future of the following managements in fast-paced Internet-centric expansion. - Data management: The research outcome probably changes the way to collect, manipulate, and distribute data as a valuable resource to those who need it in database systems such as relational, distributed database management systems, schemaless NoSQL databases, etc. (Connolly and Begg, 2014). - Content management: Content is information or data in the context. It is in the electronic or paper form of the document and Web content that recently explode with digitization of sound files, photographs, video, and 3D models at the fast clip. The
  • 19. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 19 research outcome will provide some control how to handle this kind of content efficiently (McNurlin, Sprague and Bui, 2009). - Knowledge management: It becomes a key to exploiting the intellectual assets of organizations. The research outcome may manage tacit knowledge (know-what) that is usually in people’s heads and 's hard to make explicit (McNurlin, Sprague and Bui, 2009). K. What key things did you learn from this course? The course of Principles of Research & Writing that is condensed, intense, and demanding, has an abundant resource of research information such as the literature review, dissertation, research methodologies, etc. It assists students how to build a foundation for research work so that doctoral student can demonstrate fluency with the body of knowledge, and illustrate ability to apply relevant knowledge to their chosen field, supplemented by a scholarly APA style proposal, broadly integrative understanding of complementary disciplines. I learnt many new concepts, methods, techniques and approaches from the basic topics to high-level subjects from a conscientious professor (Dr. Telfer) with her knowledgeable expertise. Some important issues are: - Research capabilities and potential research topics - IRB (Institutional Review Board) process - Annotated Bibliography - Action research and literature review - Quantitative and qualitative research - Dissertation research approach and instruments
  • 20. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 20 - Research ethics and growth edge - Academic, practitioner articles and dissertation. In addition, I had a unique opportunity to ascertain scholarly APA style writing (Glatthorn and Joyner, 2005), time management strategy, and use excellent research tools such as Grammarly, EndNote (Endnote at CTU, 2015), Cybrary, dissertation and literature review templates, etc. I also attended doctoral symposiums to learn new concepts, meet academic community, and make social media network. I was taught how to keep a healthy and productive Mentor and Mentee relationship that is one of the keys to the success in a long and winding journey. Especially, taking this course is one of the good ways to exercise the gracious mind for a critical, smart and scholarly thinking to produce a research outcome that may impact and benefit for humans. And I think this is one of the key things! L. What are three strategies that will help you manage your time for successful completion of this program? The doctoral program is a long and arduous journey in the academic world. It requires students to dedicate time, energy, and concentration in seeking the highest level of education –maybe be the best of the best. Sometimes they may have to sacrifice personal hobbies, leisure in order to focus on their interests in the research dissertation. The appropriate time management is one of the ways to complete the long doctoral journey to the end. Some strategies in time management are: 1. Set the personal and professional goals, and determine a good research plan. 2. Starting writing some topics as much as possible and plan them ahead.
  • 21. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 21 3. Read the writing out loud – Personally, this tip is not my favorite. 4.Work on the literature review or dissertation in a certain amount of time (e.g. 30 minutes) daily. 5. Create a to-do worksheet for each week with small milestones. Or mark them on a calendar for tracking purpose. 6. Set priorities tasks for completing the dissertation. 7. Keep track an essay journal and related articles. 8. Break large tasks into small manageable work units 9. Take breaks Some other useful strategies (more than three required strategies) on time are: - Critical thinking - Always planning ahead by looking up the task list and prioritize the small tasks. - Finish up the small tasks in the expected estimate time. - Be flexible to change as soon as possible to meet the deadlines - Take a deep breath and re-think how to perform the tasks efficiently and effectively. - Reflect the work and learn how to fix any mistake might have previously for next work. Finally, other tips for time management are: - Read related articles any time when I have a chance. For example, read a journal while waiting to pick up my children, in the bathroom, during lunch time if I am alone. - Make a copy of the related materials and highlight a main idea, significant concepts - Take notes anything that come up from my mind on the assignment, e.g., use a napkin to write a note, remark on thoughts or write the idea on my hand palm.
  • 22. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 22 - While driving a car in a commute, speak loudly on what I think about a project issue with a tape recorder. - Critical thinking all the time about a topic will yield some creative ideas. - Highlight the useful ideas in the textbook or on the articles for later reference. - Read some topic questions in the tasks to get the ideas ahead, and then read the materials (textbooks, articles) to pay more attention to the issues. It will help save time to find main points, primary thoughts for the answers, - Patiently and solidly work on the paper. - Take some break if I feel exhausted or fall to sleep while doing writing. CONCLUSION This final paper highlights the summary and reflection of the Doctoral Research I Course of Principles of Research and Writing. It covers most of the key areas such as self-assessment, growth edge, research methodologies, IRB process, literature review, dissertation, annotated bibliography, academic and practitioner articles, research topics, research capabilities and personal & professional goals. Twelve comprehensive questions are answered by twelve in-depth responses to the content areas, research topics, self- assessment, growth edge, future of management, critical sectors to move the research and dissertation forward to the end of the long research dissertation journey at CTU. It also provides some feedback on student’s proudness, enjoyment, time management, admiration in classmates’ postings, etc. in this course. Furthermore, the APA style writing, EndNote, graduate’s templates, library search, live chat sessions, etc. contribute to doctoral students’ success to move forward close to the end of a long doctoral journey.
  • 23. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 23 REFERENCES 1. Agadish, H., Gehrke, J., Labrinidis, A., Papakonstantinou, Y., Patel, J. M., Ramakrishnan, R., & Shahabi, C. (2014). Big data and its technical challenges. Communications Of The ACM, 57(7), 86-94. Doi:10.1145/2611567 2. Alexander, M. (2014, October). What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB) Process.Presentation presented at the Doctoral Symposium of Colorado Technical University, Englewood, CO. 3. Chen, H., Chiang, R. H., & Storey, V. C. (2012). Business intelligence and analytics: from big data to big impact. MIS Quarterly, 36(4), 1165-1188. 4. Connolly, T. M., & Begg, C. E. (2014). Database systems: a practical approach to design, implementation, and management. New Jersey, NJ: Pearson. 5. Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. Sage publications 6. DePorres, D. (2014). The Dissertation Process. Presentation presented at the Doctoral Symposium of Colorado Technical University, Englewood, CO.
  • 24. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 24 7. George, G., Haas, M. R., & Pentland, A. (2014, April). Big data and management. Academy of Management Journal. pp. 321-326. doi:10.5465/amj.2014.4002. 8. McNurlin, B. C., Ralph H. Sprague, J., & Bui, T. (2009). Information systems management in practice (Eighth Edition ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall. 9. Denzin, Norman K. & Lincoln, Yvonna S. (Eds.). (2005). The Sage Handbook of Qualitative Research (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.ISBN 0-7619-2757-3 10. Dixon, A. (2011). Your growing edge. Retrieved from ation/your_growing_edge.html 11. Given, Lisa M. (2008). The Sage encyclopedia of qualitative research methods. Los Angeles, Calif.: Sage Publications. ISBN 1-4129-4163-6. 12. Glatthorn, A. A., & Joyner, R. L. (Eds.), (2005). Writing the winning thesis or dissertation: A step-by-step guide. Corwin Press. 13. Goes, P. B. (2014). Big data and IS research. MIS Quarterly, 38(3), iii-viii.
  • 25. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 25 14. Vogel, M. (2014, October). Doctor of Computer Science Overview. Presentation presented at the Doctoral Symposium of Colorado Technical University, Englewood, CO. 15. CTU Doctoral Students Library & Guide. (2015). CTU Library Resources. Retrieved from 16. Literature Review. (2015). Action research & literature review. Retrieved from Conceptual_Framework.pdf. 17. Literature Review. (2005). The purpose of a literature review. Retrieved from _review_LL/purpose.html 18. EndNote at CTU. (2015). Online users manuals from endnote. Retrieved from 19. Wright, A. (2014). Big data meets big science. Communications Of The ACM, 57(7), 13-15.doi:10.1145/2617660
  • 26. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 26 APPENDIX Phase 6 Individual Project : Score 200/200 Grade : A (3/21/2015) Your Feedback TS: Total points earned (rounded): 200 out of 200 (100%). Task Requirements points earned: 50 out of 50 (100%). Demonstration and application of knowledge points earned: 110 out of 110 (100%). Academic writing and format points earned: 40 out of 40 (100%). Strengths: You have created a well-designed and professional 10-page paper highlighting what you learned in this class including the citing of 8 to 10 sources and how you will approach your research. You had the opportunity to address some of the following suggested questions: • What content areas did the most to advance your learning? • What are you the most proud of as you complete this course? • What did you enjoy the most? Why? • Looking back, what was your most significant growth edge as it concerns topics and the rigor of completing the course? How have you developed and changed? • What surprised you the most about yourself and how you approached the course? Be specific. • What did you learn about yourself that will aid your progress throughout the program? • Now that you have explored some literature in the area of your tentative research topic, what are your thoughts about the topic now? Will you refine the topic? Will you change it? • How can research inform practice? • What approaches, habits, and techniques did you admire in your classmates? How will you adapt the best of these into your own practices? • Answer the “so what” question: how will your research shape the future of management? • What key things did you learn from this course? • What are 3 strategies that will help you manage your time for successful completion of this program? Opportunities for improvement: None at this time Additional Comments: You completely went above and beyond in this final project by addressing every single point even though this was not required. Outstanding work. I think you should also becoming a professor in the future too. Please know I do not consider your "communication pathetic". The lists and outlines you included really provided outstanding guidance on how to approach certain aspects of this program. I am extremely hopeful I will have you in a future class and you have set an outstanding example for your classmates. Best Regards, Dr. Debby Telfer
  • 27. RES860-1501C-01: Summary & Reflection Version 1.0 Page 27