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• In both Narrative Descriptive Essay and Reports, you are being asked to write about something.
• For Narrative Descriptive your story can be realistic or quite fictional.
For example: “Write about a bad day you have experienced.”
• You may or may not have experience a bad day but you can take this prompt in any direction you wish –
realistic or fictional
• You can write about something that probably happened to you in real life or you can write about being
abducted by aliens and taken to space. Options are unlimited.
• However, for reports, your story should be more realistic- even if you may not have experienced a specific
event in real life, you can pretend that such as event has occurred in order to write on it.
To help, take examples or scenarios from real life events
Think about what really happens when there is an accident or other incidents at school.
What are the procedure that occurred after an incidents.
FIRST PERSON I, me, my, mine we, us, our, ours.
SECOND PERSON you, your, yours you, your, yours
THIRD PERSON he, she, it , her, his,
they, their, theirs
Main Purpose
To entertain the reader.
Tell them a story with
lots of description.
To inform the reader about
an event or incident that
has occurred.
Opinions and
Can contain facts, fiction
and writer’s opinion or the
author’s point of view.
You are the creator of this world. This
means you know what your characters
are thinking or feeling. (Characters act
out the writer’s will or desires) In other
words, they do what the writer wants.
What ever the writer wants will
Should NOT contain opinion or a
person’s point of view. It should
be objective. (Does not include the writers
thoughts and feelings. Leave your thoughts and
feeling out) It is not about you.
You are just an observer/witness. You cannot tell
what someone is thinking or feeling. Leave out the
extra drama. Tell it to the point.
Only tell what was seen, done ,heard or
investigated. (These are persons that you are
observing as a witness)
Structure or
of Essay
Order is the order
or time in which an
events happens)
Chronological Order
/Sequence can be used
or NOT.
(You may start with a flashback)
Chronological Order is
used. (This is the order in
which the event occurred.)
Use transitions as you show
the beginning, middle and
end of the report.
Transition: Next, Then,
Afterwards, Finally etc.
Abstract: In the mind.
Tone may be informal ( friendly,
relaxed, casual)
• Uses lots of descriptive words and
• Uses Figurative Language such as
similes, metaphors,
personification, onomatopoeia,
idioms, proverbs, catchy phrases,
humour etc.)
Concrete: Formal Tone ( official, reporter,
lawyer, minister : -proper language)
Relates what was seen, heard, done or
 Uses formal or professional language
 Use reported speech
 Includes relevant details/information
 (NO dialogue/direct speech),
 (NO contractions or abbreviations),
 (NO emotive words) (sad, happy, angry)
 (NO figurative language)
 ((NO friendly/casual language/slangs)
 (NO assumptions/presumptions)
 (AVOID unnecessary description/)
Narrative Descriptive essays
generally focus on a story using
descriptive language. This is why
is should have lots of
description. It usually contains
story elements such as
characters, setting, and a
problem or conflict.
It is about a story that has
occurred so PAST TENSE VERBS
are used.
Report essays focus on telling what
has occurred. It tells what was seen,
done, heard or investigated.
Uses the 5 W’s and 1 H : Who, What,
Where, When , Why and How
It gets straight to the point and uses
only relevant information.
It also uses PAST TENSE VERBS as it
relates what has already happened.
What they
both have
in common
Both Narrative Descriptive Essays and
Reports have a BEGINNING, MIDDLE
and END. However, the structure and
what can be included in them are
Example of Dialogue or Direct Speech
Ms. Lane then told Marlon , “ Go to the office immediately!”
How it should be reported or written
Ms. Lane then told Marlon to go the office immediately.
Example of Contraction and Abbreviation
Jeremy said that he didn’t bite Susan.
How it should be reported or written
Jeremy then stated that he did not bite Susan.
Example of Contraction and Abbreviation
Jeremy stated that he bite Susan.
How it should be reported or written
Jeremy stated that he bite Susan.
In the Narrative Descriptive Essay ,you are the creator of your
characters, hence you would know what your characters feel , think,
hear and see.
However, in a Report, you are a witness or an investigator. You can
only tell what you see, hear, have been told. You are not in control
of the persons in a report so you do not know what they are
thinking, what they are seeing, what they are feeling.
Words like decided, thought, know – assume that you know what is
going on inside the person’s mind or body.
What is the difference between A FACT and AN OPINION?
•A FACT is a statement that can be proven TRUE OR FALSE.
It can be investigated and found out to be true or false.
•An OPINION is an expression of a person's feelings
,thoughts or assumptions which cannot be proven. It is
what someone believes. Two persons can have different
Directions: Read each statement and then state
whether it is a fact(F) or opinion (O).
• If it’s a fact, explain how it can be proven. It can be found to be TRUE
• If it is an opinion, simply write that it cannot be proven.
• Ask yourself:
• – Can you see it with your eyes, can you hear it, can you do it, Did you
ask a witness to the event etc?
When writing a report, avoid the following
• Avoid stating emotions or what you think people in the report are thinking or
feeling. Just say what they did.
• Don’t assume you know what they are feeling, thinking or what has happened to
• For example : Maya fell and you stated that she got a broken arm (Are you a
doctor, nurse/red cross teacher, paramedic to know this? Let these professional
say this)
• Unless someone states that they are feeling a specific way do not include in your
report. Do not make assumptions.
• Remember with facts you can find proof. You can call ask people to
confirm or find evidence.
• Do not cast blame. You are just telling what has occurred without
making judgements.
Do not write: Marcus was angry.
Write : Marcus stated that he was feeling angry
Do not write: Amanda fell and broke her arm.
Write: Amanda fell and after the school nurse, Ms. James examined
her, she stated that Amanda’s arm was broken.
Do not write: The boys decided to throw stone.
Write: The boys threw stones.
Do not write : Liberio was sick.
Write: After Ms. Charles felt Liberio’ forehead, she stated that he
had a fever.
Do not write : Ms. Linda knew Martin was a mischievous student.
Write: Ms. Linda scolded Martin.
Do not write: James is a bully.
Write : James has been accused of and has been caught harassing
students on several occasions.
1. Michael was in pain so he cried. ______________________
2. Michael began crying after he fell. ________________________
3. When the two boys saw the principal, they ran. ______________________
4. The two boys ran away because they were scared of the principal. _______
5. As the principal approached, the two boys ran off. __________________
6. Marcus was crying. ________________________
7. Marcus was sad. _________________________
8. Luann was having a fun time. ___________________
9. Luann was laughing as he played. _________________
10. Miss Lin knew that Kalen is a mischievous boy. __________________
11. Miss Lin scolded Kalen for breaking the window. __________________
11. Adrian was angry so he hit Amelia. ____________________
12. Peter has been caught harassing students several times before. ____
13. Peter is a school bully. ______________________
14. Johanna tried to get up but she fell down again. _____________
15. Johanna could not get up because she was hurt. ________________
16. The man who visited the school was very tall. ____________________
17. The man was taller than everyone in the school. ____________________
18. Amari is the most intelligent boy in the classroom. ________________
19. Amari has placed first test every term. ___________________________
20. Kaitlen is the best tennis player in the school. ______________________
21. Kaitlen has received the award in tennis for most valuable player in the school. ________
22. The boys walked over to the mango tree, took up stones and pelted the mangoes. ________
23. The boys were bored so they decided to pelt stones at the mango tree. ____________
24. The class teacher, Ms. Johnson had her head on the desk for the entire day. __________
25. The class teacher, Ms. Johnson was feeling ill. ______________________
26. Timothy’s arm was broken when he fell. _____________________
27. Timothy’s arm was twisted out of shape when he fell. ____________________
29. April sustained a concussion after she was hit in the head. _____________________
30. When April got up, she said that her head was hurting and that her vision was blurry. _________________
31. Junior was having lots of fun. ___________________
32. As Junior played, he screamed and laughed loudly. ____________________
33. Martin pushed George causing him to fall. _________________
34. After Martin pushed George, he fell down on the ground. ___________________
35. When Christian saw Jason with a pie, he knew that they were selling pies in the cafeteria. ___________
36. Jason headed down to the cafeteria and inquired if there were pies on sale. __________________
37. The principal, Mr. Mack was mad so he punished the boys. ____________________
38. The principal, Mr. Mack scolded the boys and gave them three hundred lines as punishment. __________
39. When Jordan and Anna saw what was going on they decided to help the girl. ______________________
40. Jordan and Anna went to assist the Martha. ______________________
41. Harry and Martin went to the back of the school and started a game of football. __________
42. Someone had stolen Maria’s phone. ____________________
43. Maria claimed that her phone was missing. __________________
44. Mr. Bran, the music teacher bravely darted into the building despite the heat to save the students. _______
45. Mr. Bran, the music teacher ran into the burning building and retrieved the students. _______________
46. We all dressed appropriately for the function. ____________________
47. Students wore semi-formal attire as instructed. ___________________
48. Marvin thought it was unfair that he got punished. __________________
49. Marvin placed his head on the desk and cried. ________________________.
50. Lu - Ann though she heard a sound behind the school so she went in that direction. ______________
51. Lu-Ann walked to the back of the school. _________________________
52. Amanda jumped for joy when she heard the good news_____________________
53. Jerome was not looking at where he was going so he fell down. ___________________
54. When Kenny fell, he broke his arm. ___________________
55. After examining Kenny, the nurse announced that his arm was broken. ______________________
56. Julia was thinking the same thing as Maxwell. ____________________
57. Amon changed his mind and decided to run instead. _________________
58. Ms. Jacqueline noticed that Alana was crying. ______________________
59. George decided not the follow the school rules. ______________________
60. Mr. Leviticus heard the noise so he walked outside. _________________
61. Ms. Jacqueline asked Alana why she was crying. ___________________
62. Harry began bullying Arnold and things got out of hand. ________________
63. Several students were becoming the star of the show._________________
64. Jack snuck into the cafeteria to steal snacks. _______________
65. Harry and Martin though about what to do before deciding to playing football
at the back of the school. _________________
66. The students were so happy that they began screaming and shouting. ________
ACCIDENT MEANS: an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and
unintentionally, and result in damage or injury. An accident is a bad event caused by error
or by chance. Accidents are always unintentional
E.g. “He had an accident at the factory”
A car crash is one example of an accident
an instance of something happening; an event or occurrence.
A bank robbery, an argument or fight between persons, a __ situation can be described
as incidents.
An accident can be an incident. all can be described as incidents. It is just an occurrence
Anything can happen: Different types of incidents can occur.
There may be:
• something can be stolen/a theft
• fire or other natural disaster
• someone may fall ill (asthma attack)
• some can be injured by someone or something (collision)
• Fight
• something can be misplaced
• something can be damaged/destroy (vandalism)
• What can happen is up to you.
Remember: Be realistic. Think about what can accurately happen.
Before you plan ensure that you know what must be in your report in order to
obtain maximum marks.
Here are some steps to help you:
Step 1: Read the task carefully.
Step 2: It helps if you underline the key information that is required in your essay
Step 3: Plan the report
Step 4: Write the report, ensure that you have the required information in your
Underlining the key information in the task can help you to stay focus.
Don’t forget : Follow the task to gain maximum marks.
Task: Write a report to your class teacher informing her of an
accident which occurred during the class period when she was
You may include information on:
- The date, time and place it occurred
- The persons involved
- Any injury sustained
- The outcome of the incident Read the task carefully and
underline key information that
should be in your essay
TASK: Write a report to your class teacher informing her of an accident which occurred during class period
when she was absent from school.
You may include information on:
- The date, time and place it occurred
- The persons involved
- Any injury sustained
- The outcome of the incident
This essay should be a report
written to your class teacher
This happened when the
teacher was absent from
This report is about some
type of accident that took
Do not forget to include:
Date it occurred on, the time it happened and where it
The persons involved in the accident
Mention the injury the person received
What happened in the end.
It happened during a class period
–you can state which period
Paragraph 𝟣- State the event that you are reporting, when (date and time) and
where the incident occurred. State the full names of the persons involved and the
names of eyewitnesses, if there were any. (You can make these up – be professional)
Paragraph 2 - Give background information about the incident by describing what
was taking place immediately before. The build up before what happened. (During
the recess period/interval/, lunch period/interval, Mathematics class session)
Paragraph 3 - Describe the incident(exactly what took place), paying attention to
proper sequence or order. If several things occurred, you can break it up into two or
more paragraphs.
Paragraph 4 - State what took place immediately after the incident.
Paragraph 5 – State what occurred in the end. What was the outcome or conclusion.
How was the situation dealt with? What was the response by authority figures, e.g.
teacher, vice-principal, dean , principal etc.
The task in a report is the prompt/scenario which you are given to write on.
You must ensure that you follow the task in order to attain a good score in
If you do not follow the task assigned then you will lose marks in the “
CONTENT BAND” of the Report Rubric.
Strive for 5 out of 5 in this area.
Your “ Introductory Paragraph” must be precise and contain all the relevant
1) Write a REPORT about a Science/Social- Studies project done during the class with
your teacher. Include information on the name of the project and the activities done
during the project.
2) Write a REPORT to your principal about an incident that occurred during a cricket
game in the “ Clubs” class. Include date, time and persons involved in the incident.
3) Write a report to your school principal on a competition in which your class
• Date time venue(place) who were involved.
• Rules of the competition
• What took place during the competition
4) During the recess period, you witnessed an incident. You were asked by the principal
to write a report about the incident. Include in your report: the students involved, how
the incident happened and the eventual outcome of the incident.
1) You witnessed an accident that occurred between two vehicles while waiting
for a taxi after school. Write a REPORT to the police outline exactly what you
2) You were one of three students selected by your class teacher to visit an
orphanage. Write a report to your principal about the visit.
3) A famous local person came to your school, addressed the students during the
assembly and presented prizes to students of your class. Write a report to the
4) A fire broke out on the second floor of your school. Write a report about the
Remember: A introduction for an INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORT must have the following:
• Date: – The date on which the incident occurred
• Time: – The time at which the incident occurred
• Place: – The place/venue in which the incident occurred (you can state where exactly at the
given location it occurred: E.g. In the standard four classroom, on the playground, near the
cafeteria, at the back of the school, outside the school’s gate, the teacher’s carpark etc.)
• Who were involved: The main persons involved in the incident (given full names, give class
they belong to where necessary)
• Incident/Accident: – The subject you are reporting on (fight, theft, child injured, accident,
collision, etc.) Keep the description of what happened brief . Don’t explain in detail- detailed
explanation is for the body of the essay.
. This incident occurred on
, an incident occurred on
You don’t always have to begin the same way, when writing
introductions for reports.
The most important thing is to ensure that the introduction:
• Has all the required information for the type of introduction
• Is structured properly
• Makes sense and flows when read.
1) Date , Time , Subject, Persons Involved , Place
, took place
2) Date , Time , Subject, Place, Persons Involved
On Tuesday 6th November, 2019, at
approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, a
fight took place in the standard four classroom of St.
Matthew Primary School. The students involved were
Mary Mack and Linda Lewis of standard four.
3) Time, Date , Subject, Place , Persons Involved
At approximately half past twelve in the
afternoon, on Tuesday 6th November, 2019, a fight
took place in the standard four classroom of St.
Matthew Primary School. The students involved were
Mary Mack and Linda Lewis of standard four.
4) Subject, Place Persons, Time, Date , Involved
A fight took place between Mary Mack and
Linda Lewis in the standard four classroom of St.
Matthew Primary School on Tuesday 6th
November,2019. This occurred at approximately
half past twelve in the afternoon.
5) Person involved, Subject, Date ,Time , Place
Mary Mack and Linda Lewis were caught fighting
on Tuesday 6th November, 2019, at approximately half
past twelve in the afternoon. This occurred in the
standard four classroom of St. Matthew Primary
1) Date , Time ,
Subject, Persons
Involved , Place
On Tuesday 6th
November, 2019, at
approximately half
past twelve in the
afternoon, a fight took
place between
standard four
students, Mary Mack
and Linda Lewis in the
standard four
classroom of St.
Matthews Primary
2) Date , Time ,
Subject, Place,
Persons Involved
On Tuesday 6th
November, 2019, at
approximately half
past twelve in the
afternoon, a fight took
place in the standard
four classroom of St.
Matthews Primary
School. The students
involved were Mary
Mack and Linda Lewis
of standard four.
3) Time, Date ,
Subject, Place ,
Persons Involved
At approximately
half past twelve in the
afternoon, on Tuesday
6th November, 2019, a
fight took place in the
standard four
classroom of St. St.
Matthews Primary
School. The students
involved were Mary
Mack and Linda Lewis
of standard four.
4) Subject, Persons
Involved, Place, Time,
An altercation
occurred between
standard four student
Mary Mack and Linda
Lewis on the
playground of St.
Matthews Primary
School. This transpired
at approximately half
past twelve in the
afternoon, on Tuesday
6th November, 2019.
5) Person involved,
Subject, Date ,Time ,
Mary Mack of
standard four, Mr.
Richards and Linda
Lewis of standard five,
Ms. Watts had an
altercation on Tuesday
6th November, 2019.
This took place at
approximately half
past twelve in the
afternoon, at St.
Matthews Primary
1) Date , Time ,
Subject, Persons
Involved , Place
On Monday 5th
October, 2019, at
approximately half
past twelve in the
afternoon, there was
an altercation between
Mark Spencer of
standard four, Mr.
Richards and Timothy
Justin of standard five,
Ms. Watts. This took
place on the
playground of
Windsdale Primary
2) Date , Time ,
Subject, Place, Persons
On Monday 5th
October, 2019, at
approximately half
past twelve in the
afternoon, a fight
occurred on the
playground of
Windsdale Primary
School. The students
involved in this fight
were Mark Spencer of
standard four, Mr.
Richards and Timothy
Justin of standard five,
Ms. Watts.
3) Time, Date ,
Subject, Place ,
Persons Involved
At approximately
half past twelve in the
afternoon, on Monday
5th October, 2019,, a
fight occurred on the
playground of
Windsdale Primary
School. The students
involved in this fight
were Mark Spencer of
standard four, Mr.
Richards and Timothy
Justin of standard five,
Ms. Watts.
4) Subject, Place Persons,
Time, Date , Involved
A fight took place
between Mary Mack
and Linda Lewis in the
standard four
classroom of St.
Matthew Primary
School on Tuesday 6th
November,2019. This
occurred at
approximately half
past twelve in the
5) Person involved,
Subject, Date ,Time ,
Mary Mack and
Linda Lewis were
caught fighting on
Tuesday 6th November,
2019, at approximately
half past twelve in the
afternoon. This
occurred in the
standard four
classroom of St.
Matthew Primary
1) Write a report to your principal on an incident which
took place during the lunch period near the cafeteria at
your school.
On Wednesday 4th May, 2014, at approximately ___________________,
a collision involving Katlin Mohammed and Aiden Ramnarine, both standard
four students, and Harvey Paul, a standard five student occurred at
_______________________ in front of the cafeteria.
Write a report to your teacher about your misplaced
Samsung tablet in the standard four classroom.
_________________________________, I, _______________________, a
standard four pupil, of ___________________________________, misplaced
my Samsung 8 tablet. The incident took place in Mrs. Jones’ Standard Four
classroom at approximately _______________________________________.
Write a report to your teacher about an incident
which took place during the recess period in the
standard four classroom at your school.
On Tuesday 13th April, 2017, at approximately ten minutes past ten in
the morning, _______________________________ involving
___________________________________took place in the standard four
classroom of ________________________________________.
A child fell from a mango tree at your neighbour’s
home. You witnessed the accident. Write the
introduction paragraph of a report about what
_______________________ on Saturday 12th January, 2019, I,
_____________________, witnessed an accident at my neighbour’s home
located on _______________________________________________. Jamie
Jackson, a standard five student of Little Angel’s Primary School, fell about
eight metres while climbing a Julie Mango tree.
Write a report on an accident that took place in your
school during lunch time.
• Justin Peters, a standard three student, sustained
__________________________________ when
__________________________________, a standard five student, collided
with him on the compound of __________________________________.
The accident occurred during the lunch period at approximately
__________________________, on December 3rd, 2018.
A child was caught stealing from a neighbourhood
grocery store. Write the introductory paragraph of
a report about what happened.
______________________________, a thirteen- year- old boy, was
caught stealing __________________________ at
_________________________________. The incident took place on
Tuesday 8th January, 2019, between the hours of nine thirty and ten
o’clock in the morning. _____________________________, the
security guard was on duty at the time of the theft and witnessed the
A petting zoo visited your school and an incident
occurred. Write a report about the incident.
On Wednesday January 5th, 2019, at approximately eleven o’clock in
the morning, a____________________ escaped from its enclosure and
kicked ____________________________, injuring him. The incident
transpired when Pretty Pets Petting Zoo visited
Write a report to your principal about an incident
which took place during the lunch period.
On Tuesday 17th February 2014, at approximately half past eleven in the
morning, ______________________ of standard three, Ms. Lewis
struck ___________________________ with a stick injuring him. The
incident occurred near the cafeteria on the compound of
Write a report to your principal about an incident
which took place during the lunch period.
On Tuesday 17th February 2014, at approximately half past eleven in the
morning, ______________________ of standard three, Ms. Lewis
struck ___________________________ with a stick injuring him. The
incident occurred near the cafeteria on the compound of
Your dog went missing when you took him on an
outing with you. Write the introductory
paragraph of a report about what happened.
_________________________________, my Dalmatian, Spots, ran
off and went missing, while I, _________________________ was
playing with him at __________________________, Tunapuna. The
incident occurred at approximately nine o’clock in the morning.
Write a report about an incident that occurred
involving three students after classes were
dismissed at the end of the day.
Three standard four students, ________________________,
__________________________ and____________________________
were involved in the vandalism of school property on compound of
______________________________________________. This incident
occurred on Tuesday 16th September, 2019 at
______________________________ in the afternoon.
The Introduction should include:
• Date : - The date on which the event occurred. (IN THE PAST)
• Time: - The actual or approximated time at which the incident occurred.
• Place: - The place at which the event occurred- Even more specific where exactly in
the place . ( E.g. Near the cafeteria in St. Martin Primary School)
• Person Involved: - The main persons involved in the incident- may include
(witnesses and persons who assisted).(Give full names and the class they belong to)
• Subject: The event which occurred can be a fight, a theft, a student was injured, a
student was caught defacing school property, there was an accident
Not in the introduction
Remember: A introduction for an INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORT must have the
• 1) Date: – The date on which the incident occurred
• 2) Time: – The time at which the incident occurred
• 3) Place: – The place/venue in which the incident occurred (you can state where
exactly at the location it occurred: E.g. In the standard four classroom, on the
playground, near the cafeteria etc.)
• 4) Who were involved: The main persons involved in the incident (given full
names, give class they belong to where necessary)
• 5) Incident: – The subject you are reporting on (fight, theft, child injured,
accident, collision, person was caught doing something etc.)
• On Monday 5th October, 2019, at approximately half past twelve
o’clock in the afternoon, a fight occurred on the playground of
Windsdale Primary School. The students involved in this fight were
Mark Spencer of standard four, Mr. Richards and Timothy Justin of
standard five, Ms. Watts.
Make the incident an event that would be worthy of reporting.
For example: You should try to make it result in someone being injure
or something. A serious event
Write a report about someone who just stood on a chair is not worthy
of write a report for. You can just tell the principal this orally.
In the introduction avoid explaining in detail what had taken place.
Keep it brief and leave the explanation of what occurred for the body
of the essay.
Can you think of one or a few words that can replace the underline
On Tuesday 15th October, 2019, at approximately half past
one in the afternoon, Maria Joseph and Marsha Lin were fighting
and Marsha slapped Maria injuring her face. Maria responded
with a punch to her stomach. This incident took place in the
standard four classroom of St. Lewis Primary School.
On Tuesday 15th October, 2019, at approximately half past one in the
afternoon, Maria Joseph and Marsha Lin were fighting .Marsha slapped Maria
and her face reddened. Maria responded with a punch to her stomach. This
incident took place in the standard four classroom of St. Lewis Primary
The information given for the subject is too much and too detailed. Try to
keep it simple and brief. Leave the detailed explanation for the body.
There was a altercation or fight between standard four students Maria Joseph
and Marsha Lin.
At approximately twelve noon, standard five
students,Martin Lawrence and Will Smith were caught
defacing school property at the back of Union Private
Primary School.
At approximately twelve noon, standard five students, Martin
Lawrence and Will Smith were caught defacing school property at the
back of Union Private Primary School.
The introductory paragraph is missing the date. It has all the other criteria.
At approximately twelve noon, on Monday 5th November, 2019,
standard five students, Martin Lawrence and Will Smith were caught
defacing school property at the back of Union Private Primary School.
On Tuesday 9th November, 2019, at approximately one o’clock in
the afternoon, a fire occurred at St. Montai Boys R.C. School. At around
five past one, an alarm bell rang off. We knew it was an emergency. The
students all began to panic.
On Tuesday 9th November 2019, at approximately one o’clock in the
afternoon, a fire occurred at St. Montai Boys R.C. School. At around five past
one, an alarm bell rang off. We knew it was an emergency. The students all
began to panic.
The information given for the subject is too much and too detailed. Try to keep it
simple and brief. Leave the detailed explanation for the body. Too many opinions
On Tuesday 9th November 2019, at approximately one o’clock in the
afternoon, a fire occurred at St. Montai Boys R.C. School. This took place in the
science laboratory on the second floor of the school.
• On Wednesday 16th April, 2019, at approximately eight o’clock in the
morning, a fight occurred between Lindsay Martin and Duke Marshall
both standard four students of St Linda Primary School slapped each
other causing both of them to fall back on the floor.
At approximately half past one in the morning, on Monday 16th
November, 2019. This took place at Marima Primary School. Standard
four students Lindsay Marshall and Amanda Brown started to hit and
slap each other in the foyer.
• A students who is banned from going outside –
• To go right away –
• A handwriting which cannot be read – ill
• A person who cannot read or write - illiterate
Write a report to your teacher about an incident that
happened in your classroom during the lunch period.
Be sure to include factual information about:
The date time and place
Who were involved
What actions were taken
Write a report to your teacher about an incident that took place
near the school cafeteria during the morning recess.
Be sure to include factual information about:
The date time and place
The children involved
What actions were taken
The BODY of the report usually:
One of the most challenging areas for students is explaining the detailed steps of an event or
incident in chronological order.
Exercise 1: Read the following scenario and write out a detailed explanation telling how it
occurred step by step. An example is done for you.
Scenario 1: The accident that occurred on the playground between John Lewis and Jayden
• Step 1: Think and brainstorm various ideas on how this can actually happen. (try to be
• Step 2: Explain in detail. Plan using steps and construct sentences with TRANSITIONS.
• Step 3: Construct your paragraph/s using the steps planned. Improve the transition to make
the sentences flow better if needed. Be specific with place, time and other details.
• Step 4: Reread the finished product. Improve again if needed. Share with classmates, teachers
and parents.
Think of ideas that follow the prompt
They could be playing on the swing.
They could be playing on the slide.
They could be playing tag.
They could be climbing a tree.
They could be playing or doing something dangerous (name it)
Doing something that is against the rules
1. First, John dared Jason to climb the mango tree on the playground and Jason accepted the challenge.
2. Next, Jason walked over to the mango tree and began to climb it.
3. Amanda Hunt, a standard four student told him to stop and that it was against the rules but he
continued to climb the tree.
4. When he was half way up, he stopped and said that he was stuck.
5. John began laughing and asked Jason to jump. However, Amanda told him to wait until she got help.
6. Before Amanda returned, Jason jumped off the tree.
7. On impact with the ground, he grabbed his left leg and began to scream.
8. A crowd of approximately twelve students had gathered around Jason.
9. Several students tried to help him up but he stated that he was in pain and could not move.
10.Amanda returned with the principal, Mrs. Hussein as well as the security guard, Mr. Harper, who had
brought a ladder.
11.Immediately, Mrs. Hussein asked Amanda to summon the first aid teacher, Mrs. Moore who stated that
Jason’s left leg was broken after she examined him.
Reread and Improve Language and Transitions
During the recess period, on the playground, John dared Jason to climb the mango
tree which was located in the middle of playground and Jason stated that he accepted the
challenge. He then walked over to the tree and began climbing it. As soon as he started to
climb, Amanda Hunt, a standard four prefect instructed him to stop and that it was against the
rules but he continued to climb the tree. When he was about half- way up, he stopped and
stated that he was stuck and could go no further. John began laughing and asked Jason to
jump. However, Amanda told him to wait until she got help. Before Amanda returned, Jason
jumped off the tree. On impact with the ground, he grabbed his left leg and lay on the ground
At this time, a crowd of approximately twelve students had gathered around Jason.
Several students tried to help him up but he stated that he was in pain and could not move.
Approximately five minutes later, Amanda returned with the vice-principal, Mrs. Hussein as
well as Mr. Harper, the security guard,, who had brought a ladder. Mrs. Hussein then asked
Amanda to summon the first aid teacher, Mrs. Moore who stated that Jason’s left leg was
broken after she examined him. Next, the principal phoned the ambulance followed by Jason’s
parents. The ambulance arrived about fifteen minutes later and Jason accompanied by Mrs.
Moore left for Mount Hope General Hospital.
Discuss and explain the following scenario in detail. Come up with
convincing/realistic/plausible reasons and explain step by step how it
occurred. Write the plan and paragraph/s in your note-books.
1. A fight between Marlon Moses and Theon Grey during the lunch period
in the standard four classroom.
2. An accident in the carpark during the recess period while students were
playing a game (name the game)
3. The discovery that a student’s item is missing after the lunch period in
the standard five classroom.
4. The destruction of a specific item in the classroom (school property: fan,
laptop, table, chair etc.)
5. An incident which occurred during swimming practice at Centre of
Here are some scenarios for you to practice.
A fight between Marlon Moses and Theon Grey during
the lunch period in the standard four classroom.
During the lunch period, Marlon and Theon began a game of tag in the
standard four classroom. Several minutes into the game, an argument ensued
between both boys. Marlon accused Theon of cheating and proceeded to
shove him while making this statement. Next , a scuffle between the students
Observing this, I , Amanda Lewis of standard four, Mr. Raymond,
intervened and attempted to separate the boys. During this moment, Theon
was struck in the eye by Marlon. He then began to scream. Afterwards, Theon
was escorted to the school’s nurse, Ms. Carter. Next, a report about the
incident was lodged at the principal’s office.
An accident in the carpark during the recess
period while students were playing a game (name
the game)
Neil, Brian, Ryan, Simon and Mark were observed playing football in the
carpark during the recess period. Approximately five minutes into the game, Brian
kicked the ball and it flew past Ryan who attempted to stop it. The ball made
impact with a silver vehicle breaking the windscreen on contact. The vehicle
belonged to Ms. Fernandez, a second year teacher.
All the students who participated in the game stated that Brian needed to
take responsibility for this action as it was he who had kicked the ball. Brian stated
that it was an accident and began to cry. Susan Matthew, a standard four student
who had witnessed the incident then to relate what had occurred to the principal,
Mr. George.
Within two minutes, Mr.George accompanied by Ms. Fernandez were at the
scene of the incident. All the students involved were escorted to the principal’s
office were the matter was further investigated.
The discovery that a student’s item is missing after
the lunch period in the standard five classroom.
After the lunch period, Lu-Ann inquired if any of her classmates had
seen her missing pencil case . However, the students responded that they
had no knowledge of its whereabouts. After this, she informed the class
teacher, Ms. Jackman, about the missing pencil case.
First, Ms. Jackman asked Lu-Ann if she had brought the pencil case to
school that morning. Lu-Ann confirmed that she did. Ms. Jackman then
proceeded to interrogate the class. However, none of the pupils admitted to
having the pencil-case. Next, she asked all student to reveal the contents of
their bags. They did as instructed. The pencil case was recovered in Melvin
Fernando’s backpack. Ms. Jackman’s retrieved the pencil case and asked
Melvin to accompany her to the principal’s office.
About five minutes after the bell rang for afternoon recess, Amon Arther, a standard four
student inquired where his classmate Tim Singh had purchased the lolly which he was
eating. Tim responded that he had purchased it from a vendor who was positioned outside
the school’s gate.
Amon then ran in the direction of the lolly vendor. As Amon approached front gate of the
school, Andre Luther, a first year pupil walked out of his classroom and in front of Amon at
that moment. Amon collided with him and he was knocked to the ground. He sustained
bruising and a bump which immediately began to swell.
Ms. Cupid, who was seated on the bench near to the school gate witnessed the incident
and immediately went to their assistance. Vishan was taken to the sick bay where he was
attended to by the Red Cross teacher, Mrs. Jack.
In the meantime, Marcus Mitchel was taken to the principal's office. He was banned from
goinget up.for recess for one week. Afterwards he apologized to Vishan. At assembly, the
principal announced that running was prohibited on the school compound, and if caught
he or she will be punished.
The destruction of a specific item in the classroom
(school property: fan, laptop, table, chair etc.)
During the lunch period, Marlon and Theon were playing a game of “
bottle flip” in the standard four classroom. Marlon flipped the bottle of water
of the desk of the class teacher, Ms. Jones. The cap on the bottle became
dislodged and water spilled onto Ms. Jones’ laptop. Ms. Jones was not present
in the class at this time.
Maria Sherper, a fellow classmate reported the incident to the vice-
principal, Ms. Garcia, who summoned both boys to the office where they were
questioned. In the meantime, Ms. Jones was informed of what had transpired
by Maria.
An incident which occurred during swimming
practice at Centre of Excellence.
About twenty minutes into the swimming session at Excellence
Centre, the students were asked to acquire a float by the swimming
instructor, Marvin Simon. Micheal Frazers, a student of standard four,
Mr. Raymond began racing in the direction of the floats. Mr. Simon
shouted for him to stopped running. He then slipped and fell injuring
his forehead in the process.
Mr. Simon as well as Ms. Gill, the teacher accompanying the
students raced to his aid. While Ms. Gill supervise him, Mr. Simon went
to retrieve a first aid kit. When he returned, he applied a cool press
onto Micheal’s swollen forehead. The swimming session was cancelled
and all students had to return to maxi and to school. On the way Ms.
Gill telephoned the principal to relate what had transpired.
• There are many different ways to end a report. For incident and
accident reports think about the different ways a created scenario
could end.
• Remember you should be realistic as you are writing about a scenario
that can actually occur in real life.
• For example: A students who breaks the school rules may be reported. He may then
received some sort of punishment.
• If the child’s actions were minor then his/her punishment should match that action.
For instance, punishment for chewing gum (which is against school rules) may be to
write lines or detention during break or lunch period.
• However, punishment for bringing cigarettes or similar items or defacing school
property or stealing, fighting, the student may be suspended for a specific amount of
• Additionally, serious offences such as carrying weapons (knives , guns, drugs), will
become a police matter. This means that the police will be called in to get involved
with such a situation. These types of incidents may also result in expulsion.(the
students will have to leave the school)
John was summoned to the office and scolded by Ms. Hussein. She also
called to inform his parents about the incident. Additionally, he was
suspended for three days.
After the lunch interval, during assembly, the principal informed the
student body about what had occurred. She warned the students that
climbing trees on the compound was against the school’s rules and if
any student was caught disobeying the rule they will be dealt with
• Mr. Martin reprimanded Amanda for her misconduct and her parents
were contacted and informed of the incident via telephone. The
following day, during morning assembly the student body was
informed of the incident and encouraged to adhere to the school
After the lunch period , during assembly, the principal, Ms. Thomas
informed the students about the accident. Additionally, she reminded
the students that they should not run when going to the cafeteria.
Lastly, she informed them that all students were discharged from the
hospital and were recovering well.
• After the students were taken away by the ambulance, the principal
called an assembly.
• After the recess period , the principal addressed the assembly. He
informed students that no form of bullying will be tolerated in the
school. Additionally, he stated that any form of bullying witnessed or
experienced should be reported to a teacher or him personally. As a
result of the incident, a campaign against bullying was initiated the
following week.
• The following day, the incident was investigated by Mr. Simon, the
vice-principal. The students involved were suspended for a week and
their parents were informed of the compensation required.
• During the afternoon assembly, Mr. Mahase reminded students to
secure their belongings properly and warned the students about
touching other person’s possessions.
• At approximately two o’clock that afternoon, the principal addressed
the student body over the intercom. He stated that students were to
desist running on the corridors as this is an unsafe practice.
Additionally, he announced that students caught breaking the rules
will be dealt with accordingly.
Afterwards, Jamel was escorted to the principal’s office. He was
prohibited from
• The principal asked: better words to use instead of “asked”:
• (enquired, questioned, queried, requested, investigated, interrogated)
 The principal questioned the students who witnessed the incident,
 The principal enquired about the incident,
 The principal investigated the matter and found,
 The principal requested that the parents come immediately to the school.
 The principal further interrogated the student on what had transpired.
• Place: (vicinity, area, compound, surroundings, location)
 The incident occurred within the vicinity of the cafeteria
• To see what took place:
• It was observed, were observed, were seen, was witnessed, the person was caught
• To tell someone something: informed, reported, related, explained, notified,
complained, apprised, alerted, a complaint was lodged, a report was lodged
 Jeremy informed the principal of the accident.
 The prefect related the incident to the principal.
 The nurse explained what had happened/taken place.
 Kate alerted Ms. Clement of the situation/ of what had taken place.
 A report on the incident was lodged at the principal’s office.
• The principal or someone in authority telling something: addressed, announced,
an announcement was made, notified, stated, reminded, instructed, warned
 The principal addressed the assembly/student population about following the school
 The vice-principal notified the student body of the incident.
 Ms. Clement stated that students who violate the rule would be suspended for two
 The principal reminded the students to adhere to the school rules which are in place for
their safety.
Before using these words, know their meaning.
Actions that can happen in incidents/accidents:
collided, collision, shoved, knocked down, nudged,
pursued, crushed, leapt, bounded, charged, lunged,
tackled, accosted, provoked, threatened, harassed,
insulted, disrespected, confronted, retaliated, escalated,
ensued, defied, skirmish, scuffle, dispute, altercation,
impact, swelled, bled, sustained injury
• Time when incident occurred: Luncheon/recess interval, lunch/recess period, before school
was dismissed, school dismissal, during the morning period, mathematics/language-arts session
• To say someone saw what took place: onlookers, bystanders, witnesses, witnessed
• To say a person was injured or something was damaged
• INJURED: injury, wounded, hurt, harmed, marred, wound, cuts and bruises, black eye, swelling,
swelled, bleeding, bled, sustained injuries, minor injuries, severe injuries
• DAMAGED: damaged, dented, scratched, defaced, defacement, vandalized, vandalism,
• To say help was given: assisted, aided, accompanied, attended to, escorted
• To say a person has blacked out: lost consciousness, regain consciousness, was revived, was
resuscitated, performed Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), unresponsive
• To say someone was taken away in the ambulance: precautionary measure, preliminary
examination, examined, paramedics, stretcher, ambulance, transported, emergency/casualty
department, hospital
• To be called to the office: summoned
• To admit to wrongdoing: confessed, acknowledged, admitted (opposite: denied)
• To say someone was made to say sorry: asked to apologize, offer an apology
• To say that someone was called: contacted, phoned, contacted via telephone tailed
• Other words for disobeying: misconduct, disobedience, misbehavior, non-compliance,
wrongdoing, breaking the rules, not adhering to the rules, disobeying the rules
Found in breach of the school rules , disciplined according the
school policies.
• Group of students: assembly, student body, student population, students, pupils
• Punishments that can be given: detention, suspended, suspension, expelled, expulsion, lines,
corporal punishment, parents were summoned, consequence
• To ban a game or behavior: desist, abstain, cease, discontinue
On Wednesday the fourth of May, two thousand and nineteen, at exactly quarter
to ten in the morning, Katlin Mohammed and Aiden Ramnarine, both standard four
students, collided with Harvey Paul , a standard five student. This incident occurred at the
Freeport Primary School in front of the cafeteria.
As the bell rang signaling the beginning of the morning recess, Kaitlin and Aiden
ran out of the standard four classroom and towards the school cafeteria. As they were
running towards the cafeteria, Harvey was racing towards the cafeteria from the opposite
direction. The three students collided in front of the school canteen and they all fell to the
Immediately, the students who saw the incident alerted Aaliyah Highly, the
standard four prefect. Aaliyah went to the assistance of the three students. Aiden and
Harvey was revived quickly but Katlin remained unconscious on the floor. Aaliyah asked the
students to move away so that Katlin could get sufficient air. She then asked Aiden to
summon the school nurse, Ms. Laurel Rampaul.
By the time the nurse came, Katlin had regained consciousness. Ms. Rampaul then
took her to the sickbay. The vice-principal, Ms. Thatcher was also notified about the
incident. Katlin parents was summoned to retrieve her. Aiden and Harvey’s parents were
also called. The vice-principal advised their parents take them to be examined at the
hospital as a precautionary measure.
Before the dismissal of school, the vice- principal, Ms. Thatcher, called an assembly
and informed the student body about the accident. Additionally , she instructed to
students to adhere to all the school rules one of which was no running on the compound.
On Tuesday 13th April, 2017, at approximately half past eleven in the
morning., an incident involving Alicia Hans and Katlin Mark took place in the
standard four classroom of Couva Primary School.
While Alicia was having her lunch, Katlin was playing “ Toss the Bottle” with
two of her friends, Tim Rivers and Barney Lui, in the standard four classroom. As
Alicia got up to throw away her lunch box, Katlin ran into her while trying to catch
the bottle which was thrown by Tim Rivers. Katlin and Alicia’s heads collided and
the both fell to the floor. Katlin lay on the ground and was unresponsive.
Immediately after the girls fell,Anya Pierre, the class prefect, ran to their
assistance. She then told bystander, Christian Frank to go and call the principal,
Mr.Polin. While Anya was waiting for the principal, she tried to revive the girls.
When the principal came, she immediately phoned the ambulance and then phone
the girl’s parents.
Both of the girls' parents arrived approximately fifteen minutes after they
were called and the ambulance came about ten minutes after the girls’ parents. By
the time the ambulance arrived, both girls had regained consciousness. After
preliminary examinations, both girls were taken to the hospital for further tests.
• After the girls were taken away by the ambulance, the principal called an
emergency assembly to inform the students about the incident. Additionally, she
reminded the students not to play games in their classrooms.
• On the Friday 7th June, 2016, at exactly 930 a.m., a collision involving Marcus Harley, a students
of Standard 3 R and Junior Samleni, a pupil of Standard Four P occurred. This incident took place
near the cafeteria on the St. Martin Primary School compound.
• When the bell tolled for the recess break, Marcus and Junior both raced from an opposite
direction toward the cafeteria. The boys collided in front of the cafe and fell to the ground. Both
boys were knocked unconscious.
• Immediately, the students who saw the incident alerted Aunty Jenny, the owner of the cafe
who immediately when to aid the boys. Marcus was revived but Junior remained unconscious
on the floor. Aunty Jenny sent bystander, Emily Chou of Prep 5 to inform the principal and school
nurse about what had taken place.
• By the time, Mrs. May, the nurse arrived on the scene, Junior had regained consciousness. The
principal, Mr. Clinton arrived shortly afterwards and immediately called the ambulance as well as
the students,parents. Mrs.May took both students to the sickbay.
• Both boys parents arrived before the paramedics and were advised by the principal to get them
examined properly. After the paramedics arrived and retrieved the boys, the parents followed
with their vehicle.
• That afternoon, after the lunch period, Mr. Clinton addressed the assembly. He reminded the
students that they should not run when going to the cafeteria. Lastly, he informed them that all
students were discharged from the hospital and were recovering well.
At 4:30 pm on Friday 10th March, 2017, an incident occurred while a group of
boys from Mr. Abraham’s Standard Four class was playing a hard ball cricket
match in the school’s playfield. The game became competitive and one of the
players, Danny got struck with the ball. The impact was severe enough to cause
Danny to collapse to the ground, bringing an abrupt end to the cricket match.
• Task: Write a report on an incident which occurred during the morning period near the
• Include:
• Date, time, place where incident occurred
• Students involved
• Explain the incident
• Injury sustained
• How the incident was dealt with
• On february 17th, 2014, at the cafeteria, an incident occurred at 10:00am, between nathan drake
and bruce wayne.
• nathan drake was running down the stairs for recess. He was pushed down the steps by
bruce wayne and nathan landed on him arm. george matel helped nathan drake, but nathan
began to have a seizure. bruce was taken to the principal’s office and nathan was carried to the
school’s nurse. nathan was treated by the school’s nurse. nathan sustained a broken arm and
bruised elbow.
• On Tuesday 7th October, 2019, at approximately 10:00 am, Nathan Drake, a standard four student
accosted Bruce Wayne, a student of Standard Five, Sealy near the cafeteria on the compound of
Lucia’s Private School.
• After the recess bell tolled, Nathan Drake raced down the stairs, heading towards the
cafeteria. On his way down, he bumped into Bruce Wayne, a student who had been accused of
bullying several time. Nathan stopped mid-stair, and attempted to apologize for grazing Bruce.
Bruce on the other hand, insulted him, stepped forward and pushed Nathan. As a result, Nathan
fell down five flights of stairs and hit his arm and head. On impact, Nathan sat up, gripped his
right arm and held his head while screaming.
• George Mattel, a standard three who had witnessed the event, tried to assist Nathan.
While he was lifting him, Nathan fell back and began to convulse on the ground. George
immediately sprinted towards the principal’s office for assistance. About two minutes later, Mr.
John, the principal arrived at the scene. Upon his arrival, he knelt at Nathan’s side and attempted
to revive Nathan who was then unconscious. Not being able to help Nathan gain consciousness,
the principal sent George to get Mrs. Caretin, the school nurse while he called an ambulance.
Afterwards, the principal also phoned to inform Nathan’s parents of the incident.
• While they waited, the principal scolded Bruce Wayne and sent him to wait in his office.
Approximately ten minutes later, the paramedics arrived, followed by Nathan’s parents who arrive
about five minutes after the ambulance. The paramedics examined Nathan and it was during this
checkup that he regained consciousness. Following this, he was placed on a stretcher and
positioned in the ambulance where he was accompanied by his mother.
• After the recess period, the principal addressed the assembly. He informed the student
body that bullying would not be tolerated in the school. He told the students that all forms of
bullying witnessed or experienced should be reported to an adult, teacher or to him personally.
Additionally, he addressed the students on following the school rules of not running down the
stairs and in the corridors. He related the incident and informed the students that Nathan was
discharged from the hospital and was recovering well at home and Bruce had been suspended for
two weeks.
• On the morning of Monday 8th March 2018, at approximately
8:30am, there was a car accident in the street adjacent to Lucia’s
Private School
• Yes there are many categories they can pull prompts
trip...witness to an accident..visit from an important person ....
• The student should at least have an idea of reports from all categories
• During lunchtime, two of your classmates were playing in the
classroom when they accidentally smashed a window. You were
completing an assignment when it happened. Write a report for your
class teacher
• The children of the village are flying kites. One of them dips down and
the tail tangles with the electric wires, causing a loud explosion and a
power outage. Write a report of the incident

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Report writing incidents and accidents final update 181119 [autosaved] [autosaved] [autosaved]060120 [autosaved] [autosaved]160520

  • 1.
  • 3.
  • 4. NARRATIVE VS REPORTS – THINGS TO THINK ABOUT • In both Narrative Descriptive Essay and Reports, you are being asked to write about something. • For Narrative Descriptive your story can be realistic or quite fictional. For example: “Write about a bad day you have experienced.” • You may or may not have experience a bad day but you can take this prompt in any direction you wish – realistic or fictional • You can write about something that probably happened to you in real life or you can write about being abducted by aliens and taken to space. Options are unlimited. • However, for reports, your story should be more realistic- even if you may not have experienced a specific event in real life, you can pretend that such as event has occurred in order to write on it. To help, take examples or scenarios from real life events Think about what really happens when there is an accident or other incidents at school. What are the procedure that occurred after an incidents.
  • 5. POINT OF VIEW IN REPORT WRITING PERSONAL PRONOUNS SINGULAR PLURAL FIRST PERSON I, me, my, mine we, us, our, ours. SECOND PERSON you, your, yours you, your, yours THIRD PERSON he, she, it , her, his, hers they, their, theirs
  • 6. REPORT VS NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY REPORTS Main Purpose To entertain the reader. Tell them a story with lots of description. To inform the reader about an event or incident that has occurred.
  • 7. REPORT VS NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY REPORTS Facts, Opinions and Fiction Can contain facts, fiction and writer’s opinion or the author’s point of view. You are the creator of this world. This means you know what your characters are thinking or feeling. (Characters act out the writer’s will or desires) In other words, they do what the writer wants. What ever the writer wants will happen. Should NOT contain opinion or a person’s point of view. It should be objective. (Does not include the writers thoughts and feelings. Leave your thoughts and feeling out) It is not about you. You are just an observer/witness. You cannot tell what someone is thinking or feeling. Leave out the extra drama. Tell it to the point. Only tell what was seen, done ,heard or investigated. (These are persons that you are observing as a witness)
  • 8. REPORT VS NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY REPORTS Structure or Organisation of Essay (Chronological Order is the order or time in which an events happens) Chronological Order /Sequence can be used or NOT. (You may start with a flashback) Chronological Order is used. (This is the order in which the event occurred.) Use transitions as you show the beginning, middle and end of the report. Transition: Next, Then, Afterwards, Finally etc.
  • 9. REPORT VS NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE REPORTS Language Use Abstract: In the mind. Tone may be informal ( friendly, relaxed, casual) • Uses lots of descriptive words and Details • Uses Figurative Language such as similes, metaphors, personification, onomatopoeia, idioms, proverbs, catchy phrases, humour etc.) Concrete: Formal Tone ( official, reporter, lawyer, minister : -proper language) Relates what was seen, heard, done or investigated.  Uses formal or professional language  Use reported speech  Includes relevant details/information  (NO dialogue/direct speech),  (NO contractions or abbreviations),  (NO emotive words) (sad, happy, angry)  (NO figurative language)  ((NO friendly/casual language/slangs)  (NO assumptions/presumptions)  (AVOID unnecessary description/)
  • 10. REPORT VS NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE NARRATIVE DESCRIPTIVE ESSAY REPORTS Additional Information Narrative Descriptive essays generally focus on a story using descriptive language. This is why is should have lots of description. It usually contains story elements such as characters, setting, and a problem or conflict. It is about a story that has occurred so PAST TENSE VERBS are used. Report essays focus on telling what has occurred. It tells what was seen, done, heard or investigated. Uses the 5 W’s and 1 H : Who, What, Where, When , Why and How It gets straight to the point and uses only relevant information. It also uses PAST TENSE VERBS as it relates what has already happened.
  • 11. GENERAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NARRATIVE AND REPORT What they both have in common Both Narrative Descriptive Essays and Reports have a BEGINNING, MIDDLE and END. However, the structure and what can be included in them are different.
  • 12. IN REPORTS WE AVOID DIRECT SPEECH OR DIALOGUE. WE USE REPORTED SPEECH Example of Dialogue or Direct Speech Ms. Lane then told Marlon , “ Go to the office immediately!” How it should be reported or written Ms. Lane then told Marlon to go the office immediately.
  • 13. AVOID CONTRACTION AND ABBREVIATION Example of Contraction and Abbreviation Jeremy said that he didn’t bite Susan. How it should be reported or written Jeremy then stated that he did not bite Susan.
  • 14. AVOID CONTRACTION Example of Contraction and Abbreviation Jeremy stated that he bite Susan. How it should be reported or written Jeremy stated that he bite Susan.
  • 15. In the Narrative Descriptive Essay ,you are the creator of your characters, hence you would know what your characters feel , think, hear and see. However, in a Report, you are a witness or an investigator. You can only tell what you see, hear, have been told. You are not in control of the persons in a report so you do not know what they are thinking, what they are seeing, what they are feeling. Words like decided, thought, know – assume that you know what is going on inside the person’s mind or body.
  • 16. What is the difference between A FACT and AN OPINION? •A FACT is a statement that can be proven TRUE OR FALSE. It can be investigated and found out to be true or false. •An OPINION is an expression of a person's feelings ,thoughts or assumptions which cannot be proven. It is what someone believes. Two persons can have different beliefs.
  • 17. Directions: Read each statement and then state whether it is a fact(F) or opinion (O). • If it’s a fact, explain how it can be proven. It can be found to be TRUE or FALSE. • If it is an opinion, simply write that it cannot be proven. • Ask yourself: • – Can you see it with your eyes, can you hear it, can you do it, Did you ask a witness to the event etc?
  • 18. When writing a report, avoid the following • Avoid stating emotions or what you think people in the report are thinking or feeling. Just say what they did. • Don’t assume you know what they are feeling, thinking or what has happened to them. • For example : Maya fell and you stated that she got a broken arm (Are you a doctor, nurse/red cross teacher, paramedic to know this? Let these professional say this) • Unless someone states that they are feeling a specific way do not include in your report. Do not make assumptions.
  • 19. • Remember with facts you can find proof. You can call ask people to confirm or find evidence. • Do not cast blame. You are just telling what has occurred without making judgements.
  • 20. Do not write: Marcus was angry. Write : Marcus stated that he was feeling angry Do not write: Amanda fell and broke her arm. Write: Amanda fell and after the school nurse, Ms. James examined her, she stated that Amanda’s arm was broken.
  • 21. Do not write: The boys decided to throw stone. Write: The boys threw stones. Do not write : Liberio was sick. Write: After Ms. Charles felt Liberio’ forehead, she stated that he had a fever.
  • 22. Do not write : Ms. Linda knew Martin was a mischievous student. Write: Ms. Linda scolded Martin. Do not write: James is a bully. Write : James has been accused of and has been caught harassing students on several occasions.
  • 23. STATE WHETHER FACT OR OPINION 1. Michael was in pain so he cried. ______________________ 2. Michael began crying after he fell. ________________________ 3. When the two boys saw the principal, they ran. ______________________ 4. The two boys ran away because they were scared of the principal. _______ 5. As the principal approached, the two boys ran off. __________________ 6. Marcus was crying. ________________________ 7. Marcus was sad. _________________________ 8. Luann was having a fun time. ___________________ 9. Luann was laughing as he played. _________________ 10. Miss Lin knew that Kalen is a mischievous boy. __________________ 11. Miss Lin scolded Kalen for breaking the window. __________________
  • 24. STATE WHETHER FACT OR OPINION 11. Adrian was angry so he hit Amelia. ____________________ 12. Peter has been caught harassing students several times before. ____ 13. Peter is a school bully. ______________________ 14. Johanna tried to get up but she fell down again. _____________ 15. Johanna could not get up because she was hurt. ________________ 16. The man who visited the school was very tall. ____________________ 17. The man was taller than everyone in the school. ____________________ 18. Amari is the most intelligent boy in the classroom. ________________ 19. Amari has placed first test every term. ___________________________ 20. Kaitlen is the best tennis player in the school. ______________________
  • 25. STATE WHETHER FACT OR OPINION 21. Kaitlen has received the award in tennis for most valuable player in the school. ________ 22. The boys walked over to the mango tree, took up stones and pelted the mangoes. ________ 23. The boys were bored so they decided to pelt stones at the mango tree. ____________ 24. The class teacher, Ms. Johnson had her head on the desk for the entire day. __________ 25. The class teacher, Ms. Johnson was feeling ill. ______________________ 26. Timothy’s arm was broken when he fell. _____________________ 27. Timothy’s arm was twisted out of shape when he fell. ____________________ 29. April sustained a concussion after she was hit in the head. _____________________ 30. When April got up, she said that her head was hurting and that her vision was blurry. _________________
  • 26. STATE WHETHER FACT OR OPINION 31. Junior was having lots of fun. ___________________ 32. As Junior played, he screamed and laughed loudly. ____________________ 33. Martin pushed George causing him to fall. _________________ 34. After Martin pushed George, he fell down on the ground. ___________________ 35. When Christian saw Jason with a pie, he knew that they were selling pies in the cafeteria. ___________ 36. Jason headed down to the cafeteria and inquired if there were pies on sale. __________________ 37. The principal, Mr. Mack was mad so he punished the boys. ____________________ 38. The principal, Mr. Mack scolded the boys and gave them three hundred lines as punishment. __________ 39. When Jordan and Anna saw what was going on they decided to help the girl. ______________________ 40. Jordan and Anna went to assist the Martha. ______________________
  • 27. 41. Harry and Martin went to the back of the school and started a game of football. __________ 42. Someone had stolen Maria’s phone. ____________________ 43. Maria claimed that her phone was missing. __________________ 44. Mr. Bran, the music teacher bravely darted into the building despite the heat to save the students. _______ 45. Mr. Bran, the music teacher ran into the burning building and retrieved the students. _______________ 46. We all dressed appropriately for the function. ____________________ 47. Students wore semi-formal attire as instructed. ___________________ 48. Marvin thought it was unfair that he got punished. __________________ 49. Marvin placed his head on the desk and cried. ________________________. 50. Lu - Ann though she heard a sound behind the school so she went in that direction. ______________ STATE WHETHER FACT OR OPINION
  • 28. 51. Lu-Ann walked to the back of the school. _________________________ 52. Amanda jumped for joy when she heard the good news_____________________ 53. Jerome was not looking at where he was going so he fell down. ___________________ 54. When Kenny fell, he broke his arm. ___________________ 55. After examining Kenny, the nurse announced that his arm was broken. ______________________ 56. Julia was thinking the same thing as Maxwell. ____________________ 57. Amon changed his mind and decided to run instead. _________________ 58. Ms. Jacqueline noticed that Alana was crying. ______________________ 59. George decided not the follow the school rules. ______________________ 60. Mr. Leviticus heard the noise so he walked outside. _________________ STATE WHETHER FACT OR OPINION
  • 29. 61. Ms. Jacqueline asked Alana why she was crying. ___________________ 62. Harry began bullying Arnold and things got out of hand. ________________ 63. Several students were becoming the star of the show._________________ 64. Jack snuck into the cafeteria to steal snacks. _______________ 65. Harry and Martin though about what to do before deciding to playing football at the back of the school. _________________ 66. The students were so happy that they began screaming and shouting. ________ STATE WHETHER FACT OR OPINION
  • 30. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN AN INCIDENT AND AN ACCIDENT ACCIDENT MEANS: an unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, and result in damage or injury. An accident is a bad event caused by error or by chance. Accidents are always unintentional E.g. “He had an accident at the factory” A car crash is one example of an accident INCIDENT MEANS: an instance of something happening; an event or occurrence. A bank robbery, an argument or fight between persons, a __ situation can be described as incidents. An accident can be an incident. all can be described as incidents. It is just an occurrence
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33. Anything can happen: Different types of incidents can occur. There may be: • something can be stolen/a theft • fire or other natural disaster • someone may fall ill (asthma attack) • some can be injured by someone or something (collision) • Fight • something can be misplaced • something can be damaged/destroy (vandalism) • What can happen is up to you. Remember: Be realistic. Think about what can accurately happen.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. LET’S PLAN : FOLLOW THE TASK Before you plan ensure that you know what must be in your report in order to obtain maximum marks. Here are some steps to help you: Step 1: Read the task carefully. Step 2: It helps if you underline the key information that is required in your essay Step 3: Plan the report Step 4: Write the report, ensure that you have the required information in your piece Underlining the key information in the task can help you to stay focus. Don’t forget : Follow the task to gain maximum marks.
  • 37. HOW TO ANALYSE A TASK Task: Write a report to your class teacher informing her of an accident which occurred during the class period when she was absent. You may include information on: - The date, time and place it occurred - The persons involved - Any injury sustained - The outcome of the incident Read the task carefully and underline key information that should be in your essay
  • 38. HOW TO ANALYSE A TASK TASK: Write a report to your class teacher informing her of an accident which occurred during class period when she was absent from school. You may include information on: - The date, time and place it occurred - The persons involved - Any injury sustained - The outcome of the incident This essay should be a report written to your class teacher This happened when the teacher was absent from school This report is about some type of accident that took place Do not forget to include: Date it occurred on, the time it happened and where it occurred The persons involved in the accident Mention the injury the person received What happened in the end. It happened during a class period –you can state which period
  • 39. SAMPLE OUTLINES FOR INCIDENT REPORT WRITING Paragraph 𝟣- State the event that you are reporting, when (date and time) and where the incident occurred. State the full names of the persons involved and the names of eyewitnesses, if there were any. (You can make these up – be professional) Paragraph 2 - Give background information about the incident by describing what was taking place immediately before. The build up before what happened. (During the recess period/interval/, lunch period/interval, Mathematics class session) Paragraph 3 - Describe the incident(exactly what took place), paying attention to proper sequence or order. If several things occurred, you can break it up into two or more paragraphs. Paragraph 4 - State what took place immediately after the incident. Paragraph 5 – State what occurred in the end. What was the outcome or conclusion. How was the situation dealt with? What was the response by authority figures, e.g. teacher, vice-principal, dean , principal etc.
  • 41. WHAT IS THE TASK? The task in a report is the prompt/scenario which you are given to write on. You must ensure that you follow the task in order to attain a good score in writing. If you do not follow the task assigned then you will lose marks in the “ CONTENT BAND” of the Report Rubric. Strive for 5 out of 5 in this area. Your “ Introductory Paragraph” must be precise and contain all the relevant information.
  • 42. EXAMPLES OF TASKS 1) Write a REPORT about a Science/Social- Studies project done during the class with your teacher. Include information on the name of the project and the activities done during the project. 2) Write a REPORT to your principal about an incident that occurred during a cricket game in the “ Clubs” class. Include date, time and persons involved in the incident. 3) Write a report to your school principal on a competition in which your class participated • Date time venue(place) who were involved. • Rules of the competition • What took place during the competition 4) During the recess period, you witnessed an incident. You were asked by the principal to write a report about the incident. Include in your report: the students involved, how the incident happened and the eventual outcome of the incident.
  • 43. EXAMPLES OF TASKS 1) You witnessed an accident that occurred between two vehicles while waiting for a taxi after school. Write a REPORT to the police outline exactly what you witnessed. 2) You were one of three students selected by your class teacher to visit an orphanage. Write a report to your principal about the visit. 3) A famous local person came to your school, addressed the students during the assembly and presented prizes to students of your class. Write a report to the principal. 4) A fire broke out on the second floor of your school. Write a report about the incident.
  • 45. THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE WAY TO BEGIN AND WRITE A REPORT. Remember: A introduction for an INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORT must have the following: • Date: – The date on which the incident occurred • Time: – The time at which the incident occurred • Place: – The place/venue in which the incident occurred (you can state where exactly at the given location it occurred: E.g. In the standard four classroom, on the playground, near the cafeteria, at the back of the school, outside the school’s gate, the teacher’s carpark etc.) • Who were involved: The main persons involved in the incident (given full names, give class they belong to where necessary) • Incident/Accident: – The subject you are reporting on (fight, theft, child injured, accident, collision, etc.) Keep the description of what happened brief . Don’t explain in detail- detailed explanation is for the body of the essay.
  • 47. ANALYSE AN INTRODUCTION , . This incident occurred on
  • 48. ANALYSE AN INTRODUCTION , an incident occurred on
  • 49. THERE ARE DIFFERENT WAYS TO WRITE INTRODUCTIONS FOR REPORTS You don’t always have to begin the same way, when writing introductions for reports. The most important thing is to ensure that the introduction: • Has all the required information for the type of introduction • Is structured properly • Makes sense and flows when read.
  • 50. THERE ARE DIFFERENT WAYS TO WRITE YOU INTRODUCTIONS 1) Date , Time , Subject, Persons Involved , Place E.g. , , took place i
  • 51. THERE ARE DIFFERENT WAYS TO WRITE YOU INTRODUCTIONS 2) Date , Time , Subject, Place, Persons Involved E.g. On Tuesday 6th November, 2019, at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, a fight took place in the standard four classroom of St. Matthew Primary School. The students involved were Mary Mack and Linda Lewis of standard four.
  • 52. THERE ARE DIFFERENT WAYS TO WRITE YOU INTRODUCTIONS 3) Time, Date , Subject, Place , Persons Involved E.g. At approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, on Tuesday 6th November, 2019, a fight took place in the standard four classroom of St. Matthew Primary School. The students involved were Mary Mack and Linda Lewis of standard four.
  • 53. THERE ARE DIFFERENT WAYS TO WRITE YOU INTRODUCTIONS 4) Subject, Place Persons, Time, Date , Involved E.g. A fight took place between Mary Mack and Linda Lewis in the standard four classroom of St. Matthew Primary School on Tuesday 6th November,2019. This occurred at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon. .
  • 54. THERE ARE DIFFERENT WAYS TO WRITE YOU INTRODUCTIONS 5) Person involved, Subject, Date ,Time , Place E.g. Mary Mack and Linda Lewis were caught fighting on Tuesday 6th November, 2019, at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon. This occurred in the standard four classroom of St. Matthew Primary School.
  • 55. DIFFERENT WAYS TO WRITE THE INTRODUCTION 1) Date , Time , Subject, Persons Involved , Place On Tuesday 6th November, 2019, at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, a fight took place between standard four students, Mary Mack and Linda Lewis in the standard four classroom of St. Matthews Primary School. 2) Date , Time , Subject, Place, Persons Involved On Tuesday 6th November, 2019, at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, a fight took place in the standard four classroom of St. Matthews Primary School. The students involved were Mary Mack and Linda Lewis of standard four. 3) Time, Date , Subject, Place , Persons Involved At approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, on Tuesday 6th November, 2019, a fight took place in the standard four classroom of St. St. Matthews Primary School. The students involved were Mary Mack and Linda Lewis of standard four. 4) Subject, Persons Involved, Place, Time, Date An altercation occurred between standard four student Mary Mack and Linda Lewis on the playground of St. Matthews Primary School. This transpired at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, on Tuesday 6th November, 2019. 5) Person involved, Subject, Date ,Time , Place Mary Mack of standard four, Mr. Richards and Linda Lewis of standard five, Ms. Watts had an altercation on Tuesday 6th November, 2019. This took place at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, at St. Matthews Primary School.
  • 56. DIFFERENT WAYS TO WRITE THE INTRODUCTION 1) Date , Time , Subject, Persons Involved , Place On Monday 5th October, 2019, at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, there was an altercation between Mark Spencer of standard four, Mr. Richards and Timothy Justin of standard five, Ms. Watts. This took place on the playground of Windsdale Primary School. 2) Date , Time , Subject, Place, Persons Involved On Monday 5th October, 2019, at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, a fight occurred on the playground of Windsdale Primary School. The students involved in this fight were Mark Spencer of standard four, Mr. Richards and Timothy Justin of standard five, Ms. Watts. 3) Time, Date , Subject, Place , Persons Involved At approximately half past twelve in the afternoon, on Monday 5th October, 2019,, a fight occurred on the playground of Windsdale Primary School. The students involved in this fight were Mark Spencer of standard four, Mr. Richards and Timothy Justin of standard five, Ms. Watts. 4) Subject, Place Persons, Time, Date , Involved A fight took place between Mary Mack and Linda Lewis in the standard four classroom of St. Matthew Primary School on Tuesday 6th November,2019. This occurred at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon. . 5) Person involved, Subject, Date ,Time , Place Mary Mack and Linda Lewis were caught fighting on Tuesday 6th November, 2019, at approximately half past twelve in the afternoon. This occurred in the standard four classroom of St. Matthew Primary School.
  • 57. 1) Write a report to your principal on an incident which took place during the lunch period near the cafeteria at your school. On Wednesday 4th May, 2014, at approximately ___________________, a collision involving Katlin Mohammed and Aiden Ramnarine, both standard four students, and Harvey Paul, a standard five student occurred at _______________________ in front of the cafeteria.
  • 58. Write a report to your teacher about your misplaced Samsung tablet in the standard four classroom. _________________________________, I, _______________________, a standard four pupil, of ___________________________________, misplaced my Samsung 8 tablet. The incident took place in Mrs. Jones’ Standard Four classroom at approximately _______________________________________.
  • 59. Write a report to your teacher about an incident which took place during the recess period in the standard four classroom at your school. On Tuesday 13th April, 2017, at approximately ten minutes past ten in the morning, _______________________________ involving ___________________________________took place in the standard four classroom of ________________________________________.
  • 60. A child fell from a mango tree at your neighbour’s home. You witnessed the accident. Write the introduction paragraph of a report about what happened. _______________________ on Saturday 12th January, 2019, I, _____________________, witnessed an accident at my neighbour’s home located on _______________________________________________. Jamie Jackson, a standard five student of Little Angel’s Primary School, fell about eight metres while climbing a Julie Mango tree.
  • 61. Write a report on an accident that took place in your school during lunch time. • Justin Peters, a standard three student, sustained __________________________________ when __________________________________, a standard five student, collided with him on the compound of __________________________________. The accident occurred during the lunch period at approximately __________________________, on December 3rd, 2018.
  • 62. A child was caught stealing from a neighbourhood grocery store. Write the introductory paragraph of a report about what happened. ______________________________, a thirteen- year- old boy, was caught stealing __________________________ at _________________________________. The incident took place on Tuesday 8th January, 2019, between the hours of nine thirty and ten o’clock in the morning. _____________________________, the security guard was on duty at the time of the theft and witnessed the incident.
  • 63. A petting zoo visited your school and an incident occurred. Write a report about the incident. On Wednesday January 5th, 2019, at approximately eleven o’clock in the morning, a____________________ escaped from its enclosure and kicked ____________________________, injuring him. The incident transpired when Pretty Pets Petting Zoo visited ________________________________.
  • 64. Write a report to your principal about an incident which took place during the lunch period. On Tuesday 17th February 2014, at approximately half past eleven in the morning, ______________________ of standard three, Ms. Lewis struck ___________________________ with a stick injuring him. The incident occurred near the cafeteria on the compound of _____________________________________________________.
  • 65. Write a report to your principal about an incident which took place during the lunch period. On Tuesday 17th February 2014, at approximately half past eleven in the morning, ______________________ of standard three, Ms. Lewis struck ___________________________ with a stick injuring him. The incident occurred near the cafeteria on the compound of ___________________________________________.
  • 66. Your dog went missing when you took him on an outing with you. Write the introductory paragraph of a report about what happened. _________________________________, my Dalmatian, Spots, ran off and went missing, while I, _________________________ was playing with him at __________________________, Tunapuna. The incident occurred at approximately nine o’clock in the morning.
  • 67. Write a report about an incident that occurred involving three students after classes were dismissed at the end of the day. Three standard four students, ________________________, __________________________ and____________________________ were involved in the vandalism of school property on compound of ______________________________________________. This incident occurred on Tuesday 16th September, 2019 at ______________________________ in the afternoon.
  • 68. THE INTRODUCTION: The Introduction should include: • Date : - The date on which the event occurred. (IN THE PAST) • Time: - The actual or approximated time at which the incident occurred. • Place: - The place at which the event occurred- Even more specific where exactly in the place . ( E.g. Near the cafeteria in St. Martin Primary School) • Person Involved: - The main persons involved in the incident- may include (witnesses and persons who assisted).(Give full names and the class they belong to) • Subject: The event which occurred can be a fight, a theft, a student was injured, a student was caught defacing school property, there was an accident Not in the introduction
  • 69. THERE ARE MORE THAN ONE WAY TO BEGIN AND WRITE A REPORT. Remember: A introduction for an INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORT must have the following: • 1) Date: – The date on which the incident occurred • 2) Time: – The time at which the incident occurred • 3) Place: – The place/venue in which the incident occurred (you can state where exactly at the location it occurred: E.g. In the standard four classroom, on the playground, near the cafeteria etc.) • 4) Who were involved: The main persons involved in the incident (given full names, give class they belong to where necessary) • 5) Incident: – The subject you are reporting on (fight, theft, child injured, accident, collision, person was caught doing something etc.)
  • 70. • On Monday 5th October, 2019, at approximately half past twelve o’clock in the afternoon, a fight occurred on the playground of Windsdale Primary School. The students involved in this fight were Mark Spencer of standard four, Mr. Richards and Timothy Justin of standard five, Ms. Watts.
  • 71. Make the incident an event that would be worthy of reporting. For example: You should try to make it result in someone being injure or something. A serious event Write a report about someone who just stood on a chair is not worthy of write a report for. You can just tell the principal this orally.
  • 72. In the introduction avoid explaining in detail what had taken place. Keep it brief and leave the explanation of what occurred for the body of the essay.
  • 73. LET’S KEEP IT BRIEF Can you think of one or a few words that can replace the underline phases.
  • 74. CAN YOU SPOT IT? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS INTRODUCTION? INTRODUCTION # 1 On Tuesday 15th October, 2019, at approximately half past one in the afternoon, Maria Joseph and Marsha Lin were fighting and Marsha slapped Maria injuring her face. Maria responded with a punch to her stomach. This incident took place in the standard four classroom of St. Lewis Primary School.
  • 75. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION # 1 – On Tuesday 15th October, 2019, at approximately half past one in the afternoon, Maria Joseph and Marsha Lin were fighting .Marsha slapped Maria and her face reddened. Maria responded with a punch to her stomach. This incident took place in the standard four classroom of St. Lewis Primary School. ANSWER: The information given for the subject is too much and too detailed. Try to keep it simple and brief. Leave the detailed explanation for the body. A BETTER WAY TO PUT IT : There was a altercation or fight between standard four students Maria Joseph and Marsha Lin.
  • 76. CAN YOU SPOT IT? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS INTRODUCTION? INTRODUCTION # 2 At approximately twelve noon, standard five students,Martin Lawrence and Will Smith were caught defacing school property at the back of Union Private Primary School.
  • 77. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION # 1 At approximately twelve noon, standard five students, Martin Lawrence and Will Smith were caught defacing school property at the back of Union Private Primary School. ANSWER: The introductory paragraph is missing the date. It has all the other criteria. A BETTER WAY TO PUT IT : At approximately twelve noon, on Monday 5th November, 2019, standard five students, Martin Lawrence and Will Smith were caught defacing school property at the back of Union Private Primary School.
  • 78. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION # 1 On Tuesday 9th November, 2019, at approximately one o’clock in the afternoon, a fire occurred at St. Montai Boys R.C. School. At around five past one, an alarm bell rang off. We knew it was an emergency. The students all began to panic.
  • 79. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION # 1 On Tuesday 9th November 2019, at approximately one o’clock in the afternoon, a fire occurred at St. Montai Boys R.C. School. At around five past one, an alarm bell rang off. We knew it was an emergency. The students all began to panic. ANSWER: The information given for the subject is too much and too detailed. Try to keep it simple and brief. Leave the detailed explanation for the body. Too many opinions A BETTER WAY TO PUT IT : On Tuesday 9th November 2019, at approximately one o’clock in the afternoon, a fire occurred at St. Montai Boys R.C. School. This took place in the science laboratory on the second floor of the school.
  • 80. • On Wednesday 16th April, 2019, at approximately eight o’clock in the morning, a fight occurred between Lindsay Martin and Duke Marshall both standard four students of St Linda Primary School slapped each other causing both of them to fall back on the floor.
  • 81. At approximately half past one in the morning, on Monday 16th November, 2019. This took place at Marima Primary School. Standard four students Lindsay Marshall and Amanda Brown started to hit and slap each other in the foyer.
  • 83. • A students who is banned from going outside – • To go right away – • A handwriting which cannot be read – ill • A person who cannot read or write - illiterate
  • 84. Write a report to your teacher about an incident that happened in your classroom during the lunch period. Be sure to include factual information about: The date time and place Who were involved What actions were taken
  • 85. Write a report to your teacher about an incident that took place near the school cafeteria during the morning recess. Be sure to include factual information about: The date time and place The children involved What actions were taken
  • 86. WHAT MUST THE BODY OF YOUR REPORT CONTAIN? The BODY of the report usually:
  • 87. EXPLAINING WHAT HAPPENED IN STEPS One of the most challenging areas for students is explaining the detailed steps of an event or incident in chronological order. Exercise 1: Read the following scenario and write out a detailed explanation telling how it occurred step by step. An example is done for you. Scenario 1: The accident that occurred on the playground between John Lewis and Jayden Sui. • Step 1: Think and brainstorm various ideas on how this can actually happen. (try to be realistic) • Step 2: Explain in detail. Plan using steps and construct sentences with TRANSITIONS. • Step 3: Construct your paragraph/s using the steps planned. Improve the transition to make the sentences flow better if needed. Be specific with place, time and other details. • Step 4: Reread the finished product. Improve again if needed. Share with classmates, teachers and parents.
  • 88. BRAINSTORM Think of ideas that follow the prompt They could be playing on the swing. They could be playing on the slide. They could be playing tag. They could be climbing a tree. They could be playing or doing something dangerous (name it) Doing something that is against the rules
  • 89.
  • 90. EXPLAIN IN STEPS USING TRANSITIONS 1. First, John dared Jason to climb the mango tree on the playground and Jason accepted the challenge. 2. Next, Jason walked over to the mango tree and began to climb it. 3. Amanda Hunt, a standard four student told him to stop and that it was against the rules but he continued to climb the tree. 4. When he was half way up, he stopped and said that he was stuck. 5. John began laughing and asked Jason to jump. However, Amanda told him to wait until she got help. 6. Before Amanda returned, Jason jumped off the tree. 7. On impact with the ground, he grabbed his left leg and began to scream. 8. A crowd of approximately twelve students had gathered around Jason. 9. Several students tried to help him up but he stated that he was in pain and could not move. 10.Amanda returned with the principal, Mrs. Hussein as well as the security guard, Mr. Harper, who had brought a ladder. 11.Immediately, Mrs. Hussein asked Amanda to summon the first aid teacher, Mrs. Moore who stated that Jason’s left leg was broken after she examined him.
  • 91. CONSTRUCT THE PARAGRAPH Reread and Improve Language and Transitions During the recess period, on the playground, John dared Jason to climb the mango tree which was located in the middle of playground and Jason stated that he accepted the challenge. He then walked over to the tree and began climbing it. As soon as he started to climb, Amanda Hunt, a standard four prefect instructed him to stop and that it was against the rules but he continued to climb the tree. When he was about half- way up, he stopped and stated that he was stuck and could go no further. John began laughing and asked Jason to jump. However, Amanda told him to wait until she got help. Before Amanda returned, Jason jumped off the tree. On impact with the ground, he grabbed his left leg and lay on the ground screaming. At this time, a crowd of approximately twelve students had gathered around Jason. Several students tried to help him up but he stated that he was in pain and could not move. Approximately five minutes later, Amanda returned with the vice-principal, Mrs. Hussein as well as Mr. Harper, the security guard,, who had brought a ladder. Mrs. Hussein then asked Amanda to summon the first aid teacher, Mrs. Moore who stated that Jason’s left leg was broken after she examined him. Next, the principal phoned the ambulance followed by Jason’s parents. The ambulance arrived about fifteen minutes later and Jason accompanied by Mrs. Moore left for Mount Hope General Hospital.
  • 92.
  • 93. Discuss and explain the following scenario in detail. Come up with convincing/realistic/plausible reasons and explain step by step how it occurred. Write the plan and paragraph/s in your note-books. 1. A fight between Marlon Moses and Theon Grey during the lunch period in the standard four classroom. 2. An accident in the carpark during the recess period while students were playing a game (name the game) 3. The discovery that a student’s item is missing after the lunch period in the standard five classroom. 4. The destruction of a specific item in the classroom (school property: fan, laptop, table, chair etc.) 5. An incident which occurred during swimming practice at Centre of Excellence. Here are some scenarios for you to practice.
  • 94. A fight between Marlon Moses and Theon Grey during the lunch period in the standard four classroom. During the lunch period, Marlon and Theon began a game of tag in the standard four classroom. Several minutes into the game, an argument ensued between both boys. Marlon accused Theon of cheating and proceeded to shove him while making this statement. Next , a scuffle between the students occurred. Observing this, I , Amanda Lewis of standard four, Mr. Raymond, intervened and attempted to separate the boys. During this moment, Theon was struck in the eye by Marlon. He then began to scream. Afterwards, Theon was escorted to the school’s nurse, Ms. Carter. Next, a report about the incident was lodged at the principal’s office.
  • 95. An accident in the carpark during the recess period while students were playing a game (name the game) Neil, Brian, Ryan, Simon and Mark were observed playing football in the carpark during the recess period. Approximately five minutes into the game, Brian kicked the ball and it flew past Ryan who attempted to stop it. The ball made impact with a silver vehicle breaking the windscreen on contact. The vehicle belonged to Ms. Fernandez, a second year teacher. All the students who participated in the game stated that Brian needed to take responsibility for this action as it was he who had kicked the ball. Brian stated that it was an accident and began to cry. Susan Matthew, a standard four student who had witnessed the incident then to relate what had occurred to the principal, Mr. George. Within two minutes, Mr.George accompanied by Ms. Fernandez were at the scene of the incident. All the students involved were escorted to the principal’s office were the matter was further investigated.
  • 96. The discovery that a student’s item is missing after the lunch period in the standard five classroom. After the lunch period, Lu-Ann inquired if any of her classmates had seen her missing pencil case . However, the students responded that they had no knowledge of its whereabouts. After this, she informed the class teacher, Ms. Jackman, about the missing pencil case. First, Ms. Jackman asked Lu-Ann if she had brought the pencil case to school that morning. Lu-Ann confirmed that she did. Ms. Jackman then proceeded to interrogate the class. However, none of the pupils admitted to having the pencil-case. Next, she asked all student to reveal the contents of their bags. They did as instructed. The pencil case was recovered in Melvin Fernando’s backpack. Ms. Jackman’s retrieved the pencil case and asked Melvin to accompany her to the principal’s office.
  • 97. About five minutes after the bell rang for afternoon recess, Amon Arther, a standard four student inquired where his classmate Tim Singh had purchased the lolly which he was eating. Tim responded that he had purchased it from a vendor who was positioned outside the school’s gate. Amon then ran in the direction of the lolly vendor. As Amon approached front gate of the school, Andre Luther, a first year pupil walked out of his classroom and in front of Amon at that moment. Amon collided with him and he was knocked to the ground. He sustained bruising and a bump which immediately began to swell. Ms. Cupid, who was seated on the bench near to the school gate witnessed the incident and immediately went to their assistance. Vishan was taken to the sick bay where he was attended to by the Red Cross teacher, Mrs. Jack. In the meantime, Marcus Mitchel was taken to the principal's office. He was banned from goinget up.for recess for one week. Afterwards he apologized to Vishan. At assembly, the principal announced that running was prohibited on the school compound, and if caught he or she will be punished.
  • 98. The destruction of a specific item in the classroom (school property: fan, laptop, table, chair etc.) During the lunch period, Marlon and Theon were playing a game of “ bottle flip” in the standard four classroom. Marlon flipped the bottle of water of the desk of the class teacher, Ms. Jones. The cap on the bottle became dislodged and water spilled onto Ms. Jones’ laptop. Ms. Jones was not present in the class at this time. Maria Sherper, a fellow classmate reported the incident to the vice- principal, Ms. Garcia, who summoned both boys to the office where they were questioned. In the meantime, Ms. Jones was informed of what had transpired by Maria.
  • 99. An incident which occurred during swimming practice at Centre of Excellence. About twenty minutes into the swimming session at Excellence Centre, the students were asked to acquire a float by the swimming instructor, Marvin Simon. Micheal Frazers, a student of standard four, Mr. Raymond began racing in the direction of the floats. Mr. Simon shouted for him to stopped running. He then slipped and fell injuring his forehead in the process. Mr. Simon as well as Ms. Gill, the teacher accompanying the students raced to his aid. While Ms. Gill supervise him, Mr. Simon went to retrieve a first aid kit. When he returned, he applied a cool press onto Micheal’s swollen forehead. The swimming session was cancelled and all students had to return to maxi and to school. On the way Ms. Gill telephoned the principal to relate what had transpired.
  • 100.
  • 101. HOW TO END A REPORT • There are many different ways to end a report. For incident and accident reports think about the different ways a created scenario could end. • Remember you should be realistic as you are writing about a scenario that can actually occur in real life.
  • 102. THINK ABOUT YOUR ENDING • For example: A students who breaks the school rules may be reported. He may then received some sort of punishment. • If the child’s actions were minor then his/her punishment should match that action. For instance, punishment for chewing gum (which is against school rules) may be to write lines or detention during break or lunch period. • However, punishment for bringing cigarettes or similar items or defacing school property or stealing, fighting, the student may be suspended for a specific amount of time. • Additionally, serious offences such as carrying weapons (knives , guns, drugs), will become a police matter. This means that the police will be called in to get involved with such a situation. These types of incidents may also result in expulsion.(the students will have to leave the school)
  • 103. John was summoned to the office and scolded by Ms. Hussein. She also called to inform his parents about the incident. Additionally, he was suspended for three days. After the lunch interval, during assembly, the principal informed the student body about what had occurred. She warned the students that climbing trees on the compound was against the school’s rules and if any student was caught disobeying the rule they will be dealt with accordingly.
  • 104. • Mr. Martin reprimanded Amanda for her misconduct and her parents were contacted and informed of the incident via telephone. The following day, during morning assembly the student body was informed of the incident and encouraged to adhere to the school rules.
  • 105. After the lunch period , during assembly, the principal, Ms. Thomas informed the students about the accident. Additionally, she reminded the students that they should not run when going to the cafeteria. Lastly, she informed them that all students were discharged from the hospital and were recovering well.
  • 106. • After the students were taken away by the ambulance, the principal called an assembly.
  • 107. • After the recess period , the principal addressed the assembly. He informed students that no form of bullying will be tolerated in the school. Additionally, he stated that any form of bullying witnessed or experienced should be reported to a teacher or him personally. As a result of the incident, a campaign against bullying was initiated the following week.
  • 108. • The following day, the incident was investigated by Mr. Simon, the vice-principal. The students involved were suspended for a week and their parents were informed of the compensation required.
  • 109. • During the afternoon assembly, Mr. Mahase reminded students to secure their belongings properly and warned the students about touching other person’s possessions.
  • 110. • At approximately two o’clock that afternoon, the principal addressed the student body over the intercom. He stated that students were to desist running on the corridors as this is an unsafe practice. Additionally, he announced that students caught breaking the rules will be dealt with accordingly.
  • 111. Afterwards, Jamel was escorted to the principal’s office. He was prohibited from
  • 112. EFFECTIVE WORDS TO LEARN AND USE IN YOUR ACCIDENT AND INCIDENT REPORT • The principal asked: better words to use instead of “asked”: • (enquired, questioned, queried, requested, investigated, interrogated)  The principal questioned the students who witnessed the incident,  The principal enquired about the incident,  The principal investigated the matter and found,  The principal requested that the parents come immediately to the school.  The principal further interrogated the student on what had transpired. • • Place: (vicinity, area, compound, surroundings, location)  The incident occurred within the vicinity of the cafeteria • • • To see what took place: • It was observed, were observed, were seen, was witnessed, the person was caught
  • 113. • To tell someone something: informed, reported, related, explained, notified, complained, apprised, alerted, a complaint was lodged, a report was lodged  Jeremy informed the principal of the accident.  The prefect related the incident to the principal.  The nurse explained what had happened/taken place.  Kate alerted Ms. Clement of the situation/ of what had taken place.  A report on the incident was lodged at the principal’s office. • • The principal or someone in authority telling something: addressed, announced, an announcement was made, notified, stated, reminded, instructed, warned  The principal addressed the assembly/student population about following the school rules.  The vice-principal notified the student body of the incident.  Ms. Clement stated that students who violate the rule would be suspended for two weeks.  The principal reminded the students to adhere to the school rules which are in place for their safety.
  • 114. Before using these words, know their meaning. Actions that can happen in incidents/accidents: collided, collision, shoved, knocked down, nudged, pursued, crushed, leapt, bounded, charged, lunged, tackled, accosted, provoked, threatened, harassed, insulted, disrespected, confronted, retaliated, escalated, ensued, defied, skirmish, scuffle, dispute, altercation, impact, swelled, bled, sustained injury
  • 115. • Time when incident occurred: Luncheon/recess interval, lunch/recess period, before school was dismissed, school dismissal, during the morning period, mathematics/language-arts session • To say someone saw what took place: onlookers, bystanders, witnesses, witnessed • To say a person was injured or something was damaged • INJURED: injury, wounded, hurt, harmed, marred, wound, cuts and bruises, black eye, swelling, swelled, bleeding, bled, sustained injuries, minor injuries, severe injuries • DAMAGED: damaged, dented, scratched, defaced, defacement, vandalized, vandalism, destruction • To say help was given: assisted, aided, accompanied, attended to, escorted • To say a person has blacked out: lost consciousness, regain consciousness, was revived, was resuscitated, performed Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), unresponsive • To say someone was taken away in the ambulance: precautionary measure, preliminary examination, examined, paramedics, stretcher, ambulance, transported, emergency/casualty department, hospital
  • 116. HELPFUL WORDS TO USE AT THE END OF YOUR INCIDENT/ACCIDENT REPORT • To be called to the office: summoned • To admit to wrongdoing: confessed, acknowledged, admitted (opposite: denied) • To say someone was made to say sorry: asked to apologize, offer an apology • To say that someone was called: contacted, phoned, contacted via telephone tailed • Other words for disobeying: misconduct, disobedience, misbehavior, non-compliance, wrongdoing, breaking the rules, not adhering to the rules, disobeying the rules Found in breach of the school rules , disciplined according the school policies. • Group of students: assembly, student body, student population, students, pupils • • Punishments that can be given: detention, suspended, suspension, expelled, expulsion, lines, corporal punishment, parents were summoned, consequence • To ban a game or behavior: desist, abstain, cease, discontinue
  • 118. On Wednesday the fourth of May, two thousand and nineteen, at exactly quarter to ten in the morning, Katlin Mohammed and Aiden Ramnarine, both standard four students, collided with Harvey Paul , a standard five student. This incident occurred at the Freeport Primary School in front of the cafeteria. As the bell rang signaling the beginning of the morning recess, Kaitlin and Aiden ran out of the standard four classroom and towards the school cafeteria. As they were running towards the cafeteria, Harvey was racing towards the cafeteria from the opposite direction. The three students collided in front of the school canteen and they all fell to the floor. Immediately, the students who saw the incident alerted Aaliyah Highly, the standard four prefect. Aaliyah went to the assistance of the three students. Aiden and Harvey was revived quickly but Katlin remained unconscious on the floor. Aaliyah asked the students to move away so that Katlin could get sufficient air. She then asked Aiden to summon the school nurse, Ms. Laurel Rampaul. By the time the nurse came, Katlin had regained consciousness. Ms. Rampaul then took her to the sickbay. The vice-principal, Ms. Thatcher was also notified about the incident. Katlin parents was summoned to retrieve her. Aiden and Harvey’s parents were also called. The vice-principal advised their parents take them to be examined at the hospital as a precautionary measure. Before the dismissal of school, the vice- principal, Ms. Thatcher, called an assembly and informed the student body about the accident. Additionally , she instructed to students to adhere to all the school rules one of which was no running on the compound.
  • 119. On Tuesday 13th April, 2017, at approximately half past eleven in the morning., an incident involving Alicia Hans and Katlin Mark took place in the standard four classroom of Couva Primary School. While Alicia was having her lunch, Katlin was playing “ Toss the Bottle” with two of her friends, Tim Rivers and Barney Lui, in the standard four classroom. As Alicia got up to throw away her lunch box, Katlin ran into her while trying to catch the bottle which was thrown by Tim Rivers. Katlin and Alicia’s heads collided and the both fell to the floor. Katlin lay on the ground and was unresponsive. Immediately after the girls fell,Anya Pierre, the class prefect, ran to their assistance. She then told bystander, Christian Frank to go and call the principal, Mr.Polin. While Anya was waiting for the principal, she tried to revive the girls. When the principal came, she immediately phoned the ambulance and then phone the girl’s parents. Both of the girls' parents arrived approximately fifteen minutes after they were called and the ambulance came about ten minutes after the girls’ parents. By the time the ambulance arrived, both girls had regained consciousness. After preliminary examinations, both girls were taken to the hospital for further tests. • After the girls were taken away by the ambulance, the principal called an emergency assembly to inform the students about the incident. Additionally, she reminded the students not to play games in their classrooms.
  • 120. • On the Friday 7th June, 2016, at exactly 930 a.m., a collision involving Marcus Harley, a students of Standard 3 R and Junior Samleni, a pupil of Standard Four P occurred. This incident took place near the cafeteria on the St. Martin Primary School compound. • When the bell tolled for the recess break, Marcus and Junior both raced from an opposite direction toward the cafeteria. The boys collided in front of the cafe and fell to the ground. Both boys were knocked unconscious. • Immediately, the students who saw the incident alerted Aunty Jenny, the owner of the cafe who immediately when to aid the boys. Marcus was revived but Junior remained unconscious on the floor. Aunty Jenny sent bystander, Emily Chou of Prep 5 to inform the principal and school nurse about what had taken place. • By the time, Mrs. May, the nurse arrived on the scene, Junior had regained consciousness. The principal, Mr. Clinton arrived shortly afterwards and immediately called the ambulance as well as the students,parents. Mrs.May took both students to the sickbay. • Both boys parents arrived before the paramedics and were advised by the principal to get them examined properly. After the paramedics arrived and retrieved the boys, the parents followed with their vehicle. • That afternoon, after the lunch period, Mr. Clinton addressed the assembly. He reminded the students that they should not run when going to the cafeteria. Lastly, he informed them that all students were discharged from the hospital and were recovering well.
  • 121. At 4:30 pm on Friday 10th March, 2017, an incident occurred while a group of boys from Mr. Abraham’s Standard Four class was playing a hard ball cricket match in the school’s playfield. The game became competitive and one of the players, Danny got struck with the ball. The impact was severe enough to cause Danny to collapse to the ground, bringing an abrupt end to the cricket match.
  • 122. • Task: Write a report on an incident which occurred during the morning period near the cafeteria. • Include: • Date, time, place where incident occurred • Students involved • Explain the incident • Injury sustained • How the incident was dealt with • • On february 17th, 2014, at the cafeteria, an incident occurred at 10:00am, between nathan drake and bruce wayne. • nathan drake was running down the stairs for recess. He was pushed down the steps by bruce wayne and nathan landed on him arm. george matel helped nathan drake, but nathan began to have a seizure. bruce was taken to the principal’s office and nathan was carried to the school’s nurse. nathan was treated by the school’s nurse. nathan sustained a broken arm and bruised elbow.
  • 123. • On Tuesday 7th October, 2019, at approximately 10:00 am, Nathan Drake, a standard four student accosted Bruce Wayne, a student of Standard Five, Sealy near the cafeteria on the compound of Lucia’s Private School. • After the recess bell tolled, Nathan Drake raced down the stairs, heading towards the cafeteria. On his way down, he bumped into Bruce Wayne, a student who had been accused of bullying several time. Nathan stopped mid-stair, and attempted to apologize for grazing Bruce. Bruce on the other hand, insulted him, stepped forward and pushed Nathan. As a result, Nathan fell down five flights of stairs and hit his arm and head. On impact, Nathan sat up, gripped his right arm and held his head while screaming. • George Mattel, a standard three who had witnessed the event, tried to assist Nathan. While he was lifting him, Nathan fell back and began to convulse on the ground. George immediately sprinted towards the principal’s office for assistance. About two minutes later, Mr. John, the principal arrived at the scene. Upon his arrival, he knelt at Nathan’s side and attempted to revive Nathan who was then unconscious. Not being able to help Nathan gain consciousness, the principal sent George to get Mrs. Caretin, the school nurse while he called an ambulance. Afterwards, the principal also phoned to inform Nathan’s parents of the incident. • While they waited, the principal scolded Bruce Wayne and sent him to wait in his office. Approximately ten minutes later, the paramedics arrived, followed by Nathan’s parents who arrive about five minutes after the ambulance. The paramedics examined Nathan and it was during this checkup that he regained consciousness. Following this, he was placed on a stretcher and positioned in the ambulance where he was accompanied by his mother. • After the recess period, the principal addressed the assembly. He informed the student body that bullying would not be tolerated in the school. He told the students that all forms of bullying witnessed or experienced should be reported to an adult, teacher or to him personally. Additionally, he addressed the students on following the school rules of not running down the stairs and in the corridors. He related the incident and informed the students that Nathan was discharged from the hospital and was recovering well at home and Bruce had been suspended for two weeks.
  • 124. • On the morning of Monday 8th March 2018, at approximately 8:30am, there was a car accident in the street adjacent to Lucia’s Private School
  • 125. • Yes there are many categories they can pull prompts trip...witness to an accident..visit from an important person .... competition.. • The student should at least have an idea of reports from all categories
  • 126. • During lunchtime, two of your classmates were playing in the classroom when they accidentally smashed a window. You were completing an assignment when it happened. Write a report for your class teacher
  • 127. • The children of the village are flying kites. One of them dips down and the tail tangles with the electric wires, causing a loud explosion and a power outage. Write a report of the incident