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January 2014

of Economics

Economic Overview

Global Economy
Some improvement at the global level


The global economy slowed down slightly in 2013 with an annual growth rate of 2.9%, somewhat lower than the rates of
3.9% and 3.2% seen in 2011 and 2012, respectively. This
slowdown was seen both in developed and emerging economies, which grew by 1.2% and 4.5%, respectively (again, a few
tenths of a percentage point lower than in previous years).
Worldwide economic growth is expected to be up slightly in
2014, to a forecasted level of 3.6%. This improvement will be
seen both in developed and emerging economies, which are
expected to grow by around 2% and 5%, respectively.









Worldwide economic growth is
expected to be up slightly in 2014,
to a forecasted level of 3.6%

Source: IMF

In mid-2013, financing conditions briefly became more restric-

The episode showed that the global economy – and emerging

tive for emerging economies. The announcement that the Fed-

economies in particular – are extremely sensitive to monetary

eral Reserve intended to shift its monetary policy by tapering

conditions in developed economies. Therefore, monetary pol-

off its liquidity injections had an immediate impact on finan-

icy must therefore be progressively normalised in the not-too-

cial markets across the globe. The interest-rate differential be-

distant future.





tween public debt and private bonds grew, capital withdrawals
increased, and stock-market indices fell. Calm returned to the

The U.S. economy grew by just 1.6% in 2013, largely due to

markets after the Fed clarified its position in September.

fiscal adjustments implemented during the year. In 2014, U.S.



whole. The Fed has announced its intention to maintain the
liquidity injections first introduced in 2007 and is expected to
keep interest rates at their current 0% level for at least two
more years.
After several years of deflation and stagnation, the Japanese economy grew by 2% in 2013, confirming the turnaround first seen in 2012. This growth was brought about
by prime minister Abe’s new approach to economic policy
and the Bank of Japan’s shift towards a clearly expansionary monetary policy. Fiscal stimulus on the order of 1.5% of
GDP fostered growth in 2013 by boosting household spending and business investment.

Facade of the U.S. Federal Reserve Building in Washington

The Japanese economy will grow
by 1.5% in 2014, confirming
the turnaround first seen in 2012
In 2014, Japan’s fiscal policy will be somewhat more restric-

economic growth is expected to increase to 2.6%. American

tive – the sales tax will be increased to 8% and government

fiscal policy will become less restrictive after Congress manag-

spending on reconstruction will be slashed – with the explicit

es to reach a budget agreement. U.S. monetary policy, mean-

aim of shrinking the public deficit to 2.5% of GDP. As a result,

while, will remain clearly expansionary, as the Fed announced
recently. Other factors that will contribute to higher growth include the recovery of the real estate market (which will lift net
household wealth) and the improved flow of credit with more
favourable financial conditions.
U.S. fiscal policy will also contribute to an increase in economic
activity. Fiscal adjustments were on the order of 2.5% of U.S.
GDP in 2013, but this figure is expected to drop to 0.75% in
2014. Adjustments will be needed in the medium term to keep
U.S. public debt sustainable; this process must be carried out
in a well-planned, staggered manner. Budget sequestration
has been an exaggerated, inefficient resource – a result of
partisan jockeying rather than economic logic. Failure to raise
the debt ceiling in the near future would have extremely negative effects on the U.S. economy and the global economy as a

Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan



1.5%. The depreciation of the yen, caused by the Bank of Ja-

Latin American Economy

pan’s expansionary monetary policy, has allowed the foreign

The Latin American economy is expected to grow by around

sector to attain positive growth figures.

3.5% in 2014, slightly more than the previous year, when this

the country’s annual growth rate will fall to between 1% and

figure fell just short of 3% (one of lowest growth rates posted
In the medium term, Japan’s challenge will be to maintain

by the region in the past decade). Given Latin America’s sharp

stable growth that generates expectations of inflation rather

upturn following the global crisis of 2008-2009, the recent

than deflation (a recurring phenomenon over the past two de-

moderation was, to some degree, expected.

cades). Japan may eventually require more fiscal stimulus, so

have a medium-term fiscal adjustment plan.

The Latin American economy is expected
to grow by around 3.5% in 2014, slightly
more than the previous year

China’s economy grew by 7.7% in 2013 and is expected to grow

The falling cost of raw materials and the rather restrictive fiscal

at a slightly slower pace (just over 7%) in 2014. This forms

conditions in many Latin American countries kept the region’s

part of the Chinese authorities’ new strategy of transitioning

economic growth below its potential last year. The region’s

towards a more sustainable and balanced pace of growth. Chi-

growth was also hampered by increased volatility in the global

na’s economic policy will focus on various necessary structural

financial markets after the Federal Reserve announced that

reforms rather than short-term stimulus measures. These re-

it would soon abandon the policy of liquidity injections intro-

the country must give itself room to make such policies possible. It is therefore vitally important that the Japanese economy

forms aim to address risks that have accumulated in recent
years, such as an excess of credit and highly indebted local
governments. The expansion of credit over the past decade


has brought investment up to 50% of GDP. In order to achieve
more balanced growth, China needs to shift more of its production towards consumption.

China’s new strategy will transition
towards a more sustainable and
balanced pace of growth, shifting more
of its production towards consumption


The Chinese authorities have made reforming the country’s


financial system a high priority. These reforms are intended


to increase the system’s security and make credit allocation


more efficient. Another priority, the liberalisation of China’s



service industry, is meant to improve the provision of health-









care and education services.
Source: IMF



duced in 2007. The announcement caused a spike in the risk
premiums on Latin American public debt during a period of
widespread capital outflow from both the fixed- and variableincome markets. The region’s main stock-market indices suffered as a result. Most Latin American currencies suffered a
year-on-year depreciation of between 5% and 15%, prompting
some central banks to intervene in the foreign-exchange market in order to cushion the fall. In September, when the Fed
announced that it would be postponing its policy change, the

Mexican twenty-pesos bill

situation went back to normal.
than-expected economic growth in the United States. Growth
This episode showed that Latin America’s economies are

is expected to return to nearly 3% in 2014 on the strength of

stronger now than they were in the 1990s, when some

higher government spending and rising U.S. demand. Mexico

countries in the region experienced severe crises. Better

is expected to consolidate an annual growth rate of between

fiscal and financial fundamentals, plus more credible eco-

3% and 4% in the medium term.

nomic policies, have made the region less vulnerable to external events. Latin American economies also benefit from
flexible interest rates that allow adjustments to be made by
means of currency depreciation.

Latin America’s economies are
stronger now than they were in
the 1990s, when some countries
in the region experienced severe crises

Mexico’s growth is expected to return
to nearly 3% in 2014 on the strength of
higher government spending and rising
U.S. demand
This higher growth rate will be bolstered by increased public investments and government spending on social protection; this
will be possible because Mexico’s legislature voted to increase
the deficit limit to 1.5% of GDP.

The entire region faces downside risks. If the emerging economies of Asia grow less than expected, the price of raw materi-

The reform process initiated by the current administration

als would fall unexpectedly, hampering growth in Latin Ameri-

will also contribute to economic growth. Fiscal reforms to

ca’s largest economies. Likewise, lower-than-expected growth

eliminate tax deductions and raise the income tax on top

in the global economy could hurt Latin American exports. It

earners will lead to higher revenues. In order to maintain its

is also possible that new shifts in U.S. monetary policy could

anti-cyclical fiscal policy, Mexico must adopt flexible goals,

lead to tougher financing conditions. If any of these risks were

allowing an unbalanced budget during slow years (like

to materialise, monetary policy would be the first recourse to

2013) and capping spending in times of expansion. Mexi-

stimulate economic growth in Latin America.

co’s energy reforms should allow an increase in oil production, which is currently at 1998 levels. Such reforms will be


based on the principle of public ownership of oil reserves,

Mexico’s economy grew by just 1.3% in 2013. The country’s

with the possibility of privatising certain activities in order

economic activity was hurt by falling oil prices and by lower-

to increase efficiency.




Thanks to the strength of the Peruvian economy, the country’s

After stagnation in 2012, the Brazilian economy grew by 2.5%

unemployment rate has reached a historic low of 6% and real

in 2013. Similar growth is expected for 2014, confirming the

wages have increased by 3%. These two factors have led to

gradual economic recovery seen last year.

higher household consumption. Private investment also grew
by 8% in 2013, thanks in part to foreign investment inflows,

With a year-on-year rate of 6.7% in mid-June, inflation was

which are expected to remain at similar levels at least through

slightly above the target set by Brazil’s currency authorities.


The country’s central bank was therefore forced to increase
the interest rate from 7.25% to 9.5% between April and October. During the second half of the year, the central bank
kept depreciation under control by regularly selling off U.S.

Peru is one of Latin America’s fastestgrowing economies, with a growth rate
of 5.4% in 2013

Peru’s foreign sector experienced negative growth as the counIn general terms, Brazil’s economic growth was hampered by

try’s exports experienced a greater slowdown than its imports.

changes in inflation, interest rates and credit. Rising inflation

As a result, Peru nearly posted its first current-account deficit

led to lower household disposable income, which will continue

in ten years.

to drag down consumption in the future. Rising interest rates
on public debt presented additional difficulties, giving the pub-

In 2014, the Peruvian economy is expected to grow by 6%

lic sector less room to manoeuvre in terms of growth-stimu-

– approaching figures from recent years – thanks to robust

lating fiscal policies. However, the depreciation of Brazil’s cur-

consumption and investment, but also because foreign de-

rency during 2013 should boost the country’s exports.

mand will reduce the foreign sector’s negative contribution.
The main risks that could hamper Peru’s growth are a larger-

Brazil’s current-account deficit increased to 3.6% of GDP as

than-expected drop in the price of copper and other metals on

the country’s positive balance of goods and negative balance

the international markets and a global decrease in demand;

of services both fell. This foreign deficit is financed largely –

either of these scenarios would worsen the contribution of

though not fully – by the inflow of direct investment. In the

Peru’s foreign sector.

short term, this is not a problem; however, Brazil must bring
down its current-account deficit in order to preserve its exter-


nal position.

The Colombian economy grew by 4% in 2013. Growth picked
up during the second half of the year after flagging slightly in


2012 and the first half of 2013. This change was largely due

Peru is one of Latin America’s fastest-growing economies, with

to improvements in Colombia’s foreign sector.

a growth rate of 5.4% in 2013. This figure, while high, is one
percentage point lower than in the previous two years. A downturn in the country’s foreign sector was responsible for this
slowed growth. Investment and government spending, Peru’s
main drivers of growth, increased by 12% and 8.5%, respectively, in 2013.

Colombia is expected to maintain
its strong economic trajectory
throughout 2014, with GDP growth
reaching 4% due to improvements
in the foreign sector


Eurozone Economy
Prospects for 2014
After a year and a half of negative growth, the eurozone
posted positive growth in the second quarter of 2013 and is
expected to grow by around 1% in 2014. This figure is below
the region’s potential; unemployment is therefore expected
to remain high. Furthermore, the disparity between the core
and peripheral countries will remain significant: Germany,
France, Austria, Finland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Ireland
will grow by 1% to 1.5%, but Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece
and the Netherlands will grow by around 0.5%. Growth will
remain negative in Cyprus and Slovenia. Only the emerging
economies of the eurozone – Estonia, Slovakia and Malta –
will grow by more than 2%.

Headquarters of the Central Bank of Colombia in Bogota

The eurozone is expected to grow by
around 1% in 2014
Although it appears that activity will cease to drop in the eurozone periphery, growth will remain low in these economies.

Colombia is expected to maintain its strong economic trajec-

Therefore, 2014 will be the seventh consecutive year of reces-

tory throughout 2014, with GDP growth reaching 4% or even

sion or stagnation in the periphery. Economic growth, albeit

slightly higher. Domestic consumption and investment will

weak and wavering, will once again be seen in the core coun-

grow at a rate similar to that of the economy as a whole. How-

tries. Various factors will keep growth below its potential. In

ever, investment will not reach the peak rates seen in 2011

the peripheral countries, the simultaneous deleveraging of the

and 2012 due to uncertainties surrounding investment in the

private and public sectors will weaken demand considerably.

oil industry.

Although the pace of budget adjustment has slowed, fiscal
policy continues to be contractionary.

Colombia’s central bank was able to keep the official interest
rate at 3.25% throughout 2013. This was possible because

The eurozone’s economic growth is too weak to merit speculation

the 6% depreciation of the Colombian peso in 2013 did not

as to whether it could continue on its own, without corrections to

push up inflation, which remained steady at 2.4%. With growth

the dysfunctions of the eurozone and its constituent economies.

close to its potential, Colombia’s economic activity is solid and
inflation will surely rise. Therefore, the country’s official inter-

The public deficit of the eurozone was reduced by 1% of the re-

est rate will probably need to increase by late 2014, even if

gion’s GDP in 2013, but this figure is expected to drop to 0.5%

the central bank brings it down earlier in the year in response

in 2014. The problem is that deficit reduction is not uniform:

some sort of difficulty. The central bank will also maintain its

it is primarily occurring in the periphery, where growth is lower

current policy of purchasing U.S. dollars.

and stimulus measures are more necessary.




Eurozone total & selection of countries











Source: European Commission and compiled by the author

Inflation remains at around 1.5%, below the European Central

countries. Interest rates on household and business loans re-

Bank’s medium-term target of 2%, showing that deflationary

main higher in the periphery than in the core, with a difference

effects remain. It will be necessary to monitor the economy

of about 300-400 basis points. This shows that the mecha-

closely to keep it from backsliding into deflation and deepen-

nism by which monetary policy is transmitted does not work

ing the crisis.

properly for the periphery: the ECB’s low-interest-rate policy
has not reached the periphery, where companies and families

Fragmentation of financial and credit markets

are forced to pay high rates. This poses a serious obstacle to

Since the ECB launched its Outright Monetary Transactions

economic recovery.

(OMT) programme in September 2012, interest rates on public debt have returned to levels last seen in mid-2010, before
risk premiums started to rise as a consequence of the Greek
public-debt crisis. The volume of bank deposits has been stabilised and the capital outflow from financial institutions in the

The fragmentation of the financial
markets is the reason for the higher
interest rates paid by companies and
families in the peripheral countries

periphery to those of the core has been stemmed. Larger private companies have seen their financing conditions improve

There are various reasons for higher interest rates in the

as the risk premiums have dropped.

peripheral countries, but the most important reason is the
fragmentation of the financial markets. The flows of financ-

Despite these improvements, there are still large differences

ing between banks in different countries – in particular, be-

between the financing conditions in the various eurozone

tween the core and the periphery – have slowed consider-



Sovereign spreads compared with 10-year German bond





























Source: European Central Bank & Bank of Spain

ably due to the perception of greater risk, the expectation

delinquency rates, larger provisions and lower volumes of

of possible losses for various types of creditors (“bail-ins”),


and regulations enacted by certain countries to isolate their
banks from the rest of the system. In addition, many insti-

The difficulty of securing financing and remaining profitable

tutions have had trouble staying profitable due to higher

have prompted institutions to increase interest rates on house-


€ Billions











Source: Bank of International Settlements




€ Billions











Source: Bank of International Settlements

hold and business loans while considerably reducing the flow

been lower between 2008 and 2013. The economies in which

of credit. This has important implications for economic activity,

non-financial businesses were highly indebted in 2007 – Spain,

given that bank loans account for 90% of non-financial debt

Ireland, Portugal and Estonia – have since seen higher increas-

while the remaining 10% corresponds to large companies.

es in unemployment. In countries that had a highly leveraged
financial sector before the crisis – Ireland, Portugal, Greece and

In order for economic recovery to reach the entire eurozone,

Spain – interest rates on loans have since risen more sharply,

monetary policy must start working again and the flow of credit

making it more difficult to end the recession.

to small and medium-sized enterprises must be restored.
The volume of debt in the eurozone varies considerably be-

The weight of debt

tween countries and sectors. In Ireland, Portugal and Spain,

Debt accumulation played a clear role in triggering and shaping

debt levels are high in households, non-financial companies

the eurozone crisis. This phenomenon encompasses the accu-

and the public sector. In Greece, debt is concentrated in

mulation of public debt and foreign debt as well as the volume

households and the public sector, whereas in Cyprus house-

of private debt incurred during the boom years following the

holds and non-financial companies have the highest debt lev-

creation of the euro. Indeed, the countries where debt levels

els. As a result of these imbalances, all of the aforementioned

grew most sharply between 2000 and 2007 have seen lowers

countries have accumulated significant levels of foreign debt.

levels of economic growth between 2008 and 2013. In countries where household debt grew quickly between 2000 and

Increases in nominal GDP and nominal wages have historically

2007 – Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain – consumption has

been the means by which debt ratios are reduced. It is gener-



Selection of
Eurozone countries

Household sector

slow and complex throughout the eurozone, particularly in the
peripheral countries.


Debt reduction and economic viability


The fragmentation of the eurozone’s financial system has


given rise to a negative feedback loop between bank risk,
business health and sovereign risk. The combination of over-


indebted companies with low profits, banks with balance-


sheet problems, and highly indebted states has led to this
vicious cycle. Perceiving the weakness of their own balance


sheets, the banks have expanded their “safety cushions”,

Greece Portugal Ireland Germany France




increased their interest rates and decreased the number of
loans they grant. Companies have therefore found it harder
to refinance their debt and their profits have suffered as a
result. Consequently, more companies have begun to default

Source: IMF

on their loans, thereby hurting the banks’ balance sheets.

Non-financial corporate sector

Selection of
Eurozone countries

The situation in the public sector poses an added difficulty.
The high level of indebtedness and the public sector’s status
as the ultimate guarantor of bank deposits has put upward
pressure on public-debt interest rates and risk premiums.


This has hurt companies because it has pushed up the cost


of obtaining financing in the bond market, and it has hurt
banks because it decreases the value of public debt, which


the banks hold in large quantities. The overall result is a
weakened credit flow, lower growth and greater difficulties


for the economy.


has brought gross income down by 3.4% in Spain and by 1.8%
in Portugal. As a result, the debt-reduction process has been



tion is very low and, since 2010, negative economic growth


Greece Portugal Ireland Germany France




At the same time, companies’ problems have exacerbated the
troubles of the strongest banks. As a consequence of pre-crisis
debt accumulation, more than 75% of the debt held by nonfinancial companies in Spain and Portugal is in the hands of

Source: IMF

highly leveraged companies with debt/asset ratios of 40% or
higher. In Italy, 50% of company debt is held by highly lever-

ally considered that 75% of the reduction is due to inflation

aged companies. Because of these high levels of debt, com-

and 25% is due to real income growth. Today, however, infla-

bined with lower profits as a result of the crisis, companies




































Below 30%


Above 3



Above 40%



Below 1

Source: IMF

Source: IMF

have had difficulty making their interest payments and the de-

the percentage of all business debt held by companies with an

linquency rate on bank loans has increased.

interest coverage ratio lower than 1. In Portugal, 45% of business debt is held by companies with an interest coverage ratio

This difficulty meeting obligations as a result of high indebted-

of less than 1. In Spain and Italy, the percentages are 40% and

ness has cast doubt on the viability of many companies and

30%, respectively. By way of contrast, this figure is below 15%

put high-debt economies at risk.

in Germany and France.

The viability of highly leveraged companies can be measured

The percentage of business debt held
by at-risk companies is 40% in Spain,
45% in Portugal and 30% in Italy

in terms of interest coverage ratio, which is defined as a company’s earnings before interest and taxes divided by its interest expenses. An interest coverage ratio below 1 indicates that
the company is not generating enough income to meet its in-

Policies to facilitate debt reduction

terest expenses. Companies in this situation can only make

Countries that, like the United States, took steps early to shore

their interest payments by reducing their debt or capital costs

up financial institutions’ balance sheets have made greater

– and, consequently, their interest expenses – or by increas-

progress at reducing debt levels. If mechanisms for restruc-

ing their earnings. The “at-risk” debt of a particular economy is

turing debt – of both banks and the private sector – are used



generously, uncollectible debts can be removed from banks’

of the market for bonds backed by loans to SMEs would

balance sheets more easily; as a result, uncertainty can be

increase the flow of bank credit to these companies. The

reduced more quickly and credit flows can resume sooner.

market for eurozone-based bonds has a volume of €1 trillion, and just 14% of these bonds are backed by loans to

For the debt-reduction process to be quick and effective, the

SMEs. Meanwhile, the volume of bank loans to SMEs is

financial sector must be reorganised. The first step is to re-

much greater: €1.5 trillion. It would also be very useful to

capitalise weak institutions and remove uncollectible debt

create programmes by which governments back loans to

from balance sheets; only then can the banks restructure the

SMEs. Tax incentives for the issue of “mini-bonds” related

debt of delinquent creditors. The eurozone has nearly finished

to loans to SMEs have already been successfully introduced

the process of reorganising troubled financial institutions, so

in Italy. It would also be possible to introduce tax benefits on

it should be possible to carry out the debt-reduction process

bank income derived from loans to SMEs, accompanied by

over the course of 2014.

measures to ensure that such loans did not hurt the banks’
balance sheets.

Another possible way to accelerate this process is to restructure business debt. This can take several forms: renegotiation

Finally, another option is to create funds whose objective

of deadlines, renegotiation of interest rates, acceptance of

is to grant loans directly to SMEs, whether through public

partial payment, or writing off debts. However, this approach

institutions, venture-capital firms, investment funds or busi-

can entail high costs: it sets a bad precedent and creates a

ness-development companies.

moral hazard; it threatens debtor-creditor relations, leading to
uncertain future repercussions; and it can harm third parties,

European Central Bank policies

including investors, who would shun the region in the future. It

In order to unblock the flow of credit, it will be necessary to

is therefore preferable to take steps to guarantee the availabili-

restore the health of banks’ balance sheets, break the feed-

ty of credit to companies that, with access to reasonably afford-

back loop between sovereign risk and bank risk, solve the

able credit, would be in a position to begin reducing their debt.

problem of the fragmented financial system, and create a
banking union. These objectives will not be achieved for some

Credit stimulation measures

time. In the meantime, to make economic recovery possible,

During recessions, government intervention to mitigate credit-

steps will need to be taken to foster credit availability.

restricting factors is not usually necessary. However, in especially severe recessions – like the present one – intervention

The ECB must provide weak financial institutions with li-

can be very useful at preventing these factors from exacerbat-

quidity. It can do this by means of long-term refinancing op-

ing the recession.

erations (LTROs): loans at low interest rates (1%) maturing
after three to five years. Alternatively, it can accept more

In Ireland and Spain, 25% of small and medium-sized enter-

types of assets as backing for loans, or discount a smaller

prises consider restricted access to credit to be their largest

percentage of the value of collateral securities. Because

obstacle; in Germany and Austria, this figure is just 8%.

market-based financing was hard to come by, banks in
the peripheral countries made extensive use of the LTROs

There are several possible ways to improve access to credit

granted in early 2012. Extending this source of liquidity

for small and medium-sized enterprises. Greater development

would be a good strategy.



Spanish Economy
Prospects for 2014
The Spanish economy is expected to grow by 0.5% to 1% in
2014. Despite this return to positive figures, growth will be
very modest – just enough for a small amount of job creation.
The unemployment rate will remain nearly stable at around
27%. This will be the seventh consecutive year of recession
or stagnation.
The ECB could also take direct measures to ensure that liquidity reaches small and medium-sized enterprises. It could consider a system by which financial institutions would gain access to credit in exchange for providing loans to SMEs (as the

The Spanish economy is expected to
have moderate growth of 0.5% to 1%
in 2014

Bank of England has done). Alternatively, it could link access
to LTROs to the provision of SME loans.

In 2013, the inflation rate fell to 1.7%. This drop began in the
third quarter, by which time the direct effect of the September

It is essential that the ECB take direct
measures to ensure that liquidity
reaches small and medium-sized

2012 increase in VAT and medicine costs on the CPI inflation

Banking union

In 2014, household consumption will continue to be held

The European Union is now working on the first stages of the

down by the high unemployment rate and falling wages.

rate had become diluted. As a result of this decrease in inflation, Spain’s inflation differential relative to the eurozone average became negative in late 2013.

banking union approved by the European Council in 2012. The
single supervisory mechanism will be launched in November
2014. The EU is considering how the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) should proceed in its efforts to directly recapitalise
troubled banks and is also drafting a bank recovery and resolution directive. At some point it will also need to create some sort
of deposit insurance shared by all banks in the region.
It should be noted that the first steps towards the banking
union have not solved the financial sector’s fragmentation
problem; indeed, they have exacerbated it by making the differences between the core and the periphery more obvious.
Measures to counteract this fragmentation – basically, the
introduction of common deposit insurance – are slated for


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014*


implementation at a later date. It is therefore crucial that this
process move forward quickly and decisively.

Source: Bank of Spain and compiled by the author



Spanish exports will continue the four-year growth streak

late 2013 to become consolidated, the flow of credit will

that increased their market share to 33% of GDP at the end

need to be restored, the interest rates paid by families and

of 2013. The volume of Spain’s imports will continue to be

companies will need to decrease, and expectations will

conditioned by the behaviour of domestic demand. As a re-

need to improve overall.

sult, Spain’s net exports will remain the country’s largest

Internal devaluation

source of economic growth.

Thanks to the process of internal devaluation, the Spanish
It will not be possible, however, for Spain to make a full

economy is regaining some of the competitiveness it lost in

economic recovery based solely on the foreign sector. For

the run-up to the crisis. In other words, it is becoming com-

the country’s economy to return to sustained growth, do-

petitive again as prices and wages drop below the eurozone

mestic demand must also increase. It is vitally important

average. This is a slow, costly process that requires a long

that Spain regain the conditions that will allow household

period of recession or stagnation.


consumption and business investment to increase. For
household consumption to rise, families will need to have

Structural reforms introduced in 2010 reduced unit labour

better access to credit, unemployment will need to drop,

costs and made the labour market more flexible, which in

and expectations will need to improve. For business invest2

turn boosted Spanish exports and attracted foreign tourism.

ment to increase overall, investment in capital goods will

The decrease in wages has shown that Spain’s labour costs

need to rise and investment in construction will need to

are sensitive to the economic cycle – an essential condi-

stop falling. In order for the slight improvement in house-

tion for a speedier recovery. This sensitivity is a result of the

hold consumption and capital-goods investment seen in

2012 labour reform.
















labour costs
Annual percentage change


*1st and 2nd quarter forecast
Source: Bank of Spain


Annual percentage change




*4th-quarter forecast

Source: Bank of Spain

Annual percentage change




*4th-quarter forecast

Source: Bank of Spain



Measured in terms of real exchange rates, the competitive-

households was equivalent to 85% of the country’s GDP. By

ness of the Spanish economy dropped by 14% from the intro-

2013, this figure had dropped to 79%.

duction of the euro to the onset of the economic crisis in 2008;

The lack of growth and the low
inflation rate make the debt-reduction
process slower and more difficult

since then, however, it has bounced back by 4%.

Spain’s labour costs have become
sensitive to the economic cycle

Debt ratios have historically been reduced by passive means,

Deleveraging underway

particularly the growth of nominal GDP or nominal wages. It is

History suggests that deleveraging and debt-reduction pro-

generally considered that 75% of the reduction is due to infla-

cesses are slower and have a greater impact on growth when

tion and the remaining 25% is due to real wage growth. How-

all sectors of the economy – households, businesses and the

ever, because inflation is currently very low and gross income

public sector – are highly indebted. Unfortunately, this is pre-

has fallen by 3.4% in Spain since 2010, amortization is the

cisely the case of the Spanish economy at present.

only way to reduce debt. This makes for a slower, more difficult
process that has negative effects on the economy.

Because of the magnitude of the debt held by the private
sector, the deleveraging of this sector is vitally important to

In addition, although the volume of debt is gradually decreas-

Spain’s economic recovery. In 2010 – a critical moment in the

ing, lower wages mean that debt payments account for a

debt-accumulation process – the total debt held by Spanish

larger share of household income, and this drags down con-


€ Billions












*Until June

Source: Bank of Spain



sumption. Spain has the eurozone’s highest ratio between

continue to see considerable restrictions on public spending

debt-servicing expenses and total household income (19%),

in the future.

ahead of Portugal (16%), France (13%) and the Netherlands
(13%); the eurozone average is less than 12%.

Fiscal policy
Even after the severe fiscal adjustments of the last four years,

Spain’s non-financial companies reduced their debt from

Spain has not yet completed the process of reducing its public

148% of GDP in 2010 to 143% in late 2012. In 2000, when

deficit. In accordance with Spain’s commitments to European

the availability of credit began to grow sharply, the debt of

authorities, the country’s public deficit, which was more than

Spain’s non-financial companies was the equivalent of just

6.5% of GDP in 2013, must be reduced to 5.8% in 2014, 4.2%

60% of GDP. According to empirical studies of other historical

in 2015 and 3% in 2016.

periods marked by high debt levels, a sharp increase in business debt should be followed, on average, by a reduction to

Because a higher GDP will translate into somewhat higher

two-thirds of the previous amount. For this to happen, Spanish

revenues, Spain would not need to make many more budget

companies would need to reduce their debt to 50% of GDP.

cuts in order to achieve its target for 2014. However, stricter
targets are required for 2015 and 2016. Given the high lev-

Steps should be taken to facilitate the reduction of business

el of public debt and the resulting interest-servicing costs,

debt. Resources now being used to refinance nonviable

Spain would need to have a primary surplus of 2% to 3%

companies should be reallocated to help viable companies

– not counting interest payments – in order to bring the

that are capable of creating jobs and investing. For this to

deficit down to 3% of GDP. As a result, even if the economy

be possible, insolvency and bankruptcy legislation should

starts growing again, considerable fiscal adjustments will

be reformed to allow help to reach viable companies quickly

be necessary. The targets set by the European authorities

and to accelerate the liquidation of nonviable ones. Debt-re-

need to be flexible enough to adapt to growth fluctuations

structuring agreements – especially for small and medium-

because additional budget cuts could hamper short-term

sized enterprises – should also be facilitated, but first the

growth and must be avoided. This short-term flexibility would

financial sector must be brought back to full health.

be offset by Spain’s inescapable medium-term commitment
to reduce the deficit.

In the public sector, the debt-reduction process has not yet
begun. The volume of public debt as a percentage of GDP

Financial system

will continue to rise until the public deficit falls below 3%

The financial support provided by the European Financial

and higher growth rates are consolidated. Spain’s ratio be-

Stability Facility (EFSF) and the European Stability Mecha-

tween public debt and GDP is not expected to stabilise until

nism (ESM) has enabled Spain to speed up the reorgani-

it reaches 110%-120% around the year 2017. With a risk

sation of its financial sector. Following independent stress

premium of around 200 basis points and interest rates in

tests and a meticulous asset-quality review, Spain’s troubled

Germany of 1% to 2%, debt-interest servicing for the pub-

yet viable banks have been recapitalised and the remaining

lic sector accounts for approximately 3% of GDP. Therefore,

entities have adopted restructuring or resolution plans. The

keeping debt levels stable requires generating a primary

viable banks were recapitalised by raising private capital

surplus of 2% to 3% of GDP. Because the government has

and by transferring assets and liabilities related to the real

not even managed to eliminate the primary deficit, Spain will

estate sector to SAREB, Spain’s so-called “bad bank”. In the



ertheless, there remain some risks, essentially those derived
from the difficult macroeconomic situation. Additionally, the
flow of household and business loans has yet to improve.

The solvency of the Spanish financial
system has improved but the flow of
household and business loans has not
Good news in the foreign sector
Spain’s current-account balance rose from a deficit of 10% of
GDP in 2008 to positive figures in mid-2013. Of this notable
improvement, 75% is due to an improved balance of exports
of goods and services and more than 50% is due exclusively to
the increase in exports.
In previous instances of current-account imbalance, the deficit
had reached just 3% to 4% of GDP and adjustment was parmeantime, the regulatory and supervisory capacities of the

tially carried out by depreciating the peseta.

Bank of Spain have been enhanced.
Exports increased steadily from 2010 to 2013. The number of
Since the first measures were taken in 2009, the public sec-

exporting companies increased by 10% each year, indicating a

tor has injected €63 billion into the Spanish financial sector

growing level of internationalisation in Spanish industry.

(approximately 6% of GDP), €43 billion of which came from
the EFSF and ESM. In addition, the public sector has guaran-

The growth figures posted by Spain’s trade partners, in com-

teed bonds issued by banks, including SAREB, for a value of

bination with the current behaviour of imports and exports,

€105 billion.

suggest that the current-account balance adjustment is permanent (i.e. not due to cyclical factors).

The overall volume of capital in the financial system has been
increased. In mid-2013, Spain reached the minimum core
capital ratio required by European regulations (9%). Provisions
for doubtful debts have also been increased. The number of

Exports increased steadily from 2010
to 2013 and the number of exporting
companies increased by 10% each year

banks in Spain decreased from 50 in 2009 to 16 in 2013, and
the number of branch offices and employees has dropped by

In recent years, Spain’s current-account balance has been

approximately 14% in the same period.

adjusted primarily through the reduction of costs, especially
wages. Spain should continue this adjustment by dedicating

In short, the Spanish financial system has been stabilised: it

more resources to exports, thereby increasing the size of the

is now much more secure and has no solvency problems. Nev-

export sector as a share of the Spanish economy.



Final considerations

cially among young people). These problems will not solve

Having put its growth figures back into the black, Spain needs

themselves: they require action on the part of the Spanish

to avoid falling into multiple-year stagnation – a scenario

and European authorities.

that could easily arise from the present situation. The accumulated effect of stagnation and unemployment on various

There is no reason why Spain should go through a pro-

social groups could lead the public to increasingly question

longed economic recession as a sort of Biblical punishment

the eurozone in political and economic terms. The leaders

for past mistakes. Indeed, a prolonged recession is an inef-

of the core European countries need to understand this.

ficient response to those mistakes; the loss of production is
unrecoverable and, in addition to the obvious social costs,

The events of recent years have shown that the Spanish

it hurts Spain’s ability to repay its debts. A return to growth

economy has significant collateral effects on the eurozone

in Spain – and throughout the periphery of the eurozone –

economy as a whole, principally through the financial mar-

should be a priority on the European political agenda.

kets. Spain has shown that its economy, like Italy’s, plays a
systemic role within the EU. Therefore, trouble encountered
by Spain on its path towards stable growth poses a danger
to all eurozone economies and must therefore be avoided.
Efforts to reform the Spanish economy should continue. If
the country’s first positive growth figures do not lead to job
creation, additional labour reforms must be undertaken.
Such reforms should probably take the form of a single permanent contract with severance indemnity conditions that
increase over time.

2015 could mark the beginning of a
more solid economic recovery, though
uncertainty is still high
In last year’s Economic Report, we outlined a scenario in
which it would be possible for the Spanish economy to return to positive growth in 2014. In the end, as explained in
the present report, this growth will be very weak. However, if
certain conditions are met, 2015 could mark the beginning
of a more solid economic recovery. For this to be possible,
the general scenario in Europe needs to improve and specific problems must be solved. Spain urgently needs solutions to the fragmentation of its financial system, the poor
availability of credit, and its unemployment figures (espe-

Mariano Rajoy, Prime Minister of Spain, during the last
press conference held in 2013



This Overview is based on ESADE’s Economic Report, January 2014, produced by the Department of Economics ( This article was
written by Prof. Josep M. Comajuncosa. The original document was produced with the support of Banc de
Sabadell. If you would like any further information on ESADE, our Department of Economics or our professors,
please contact our International Communication Department ( +34 93 495 20 99).

Founded in 1958, ESADE now has campuses in Barcelona, Madrid, Buenos Aires, São Paulo and Munich
and collaboration agreements with over 100 universities and business schools worldwide. Each year, more
than 10,000 students participate in its courses (MBA and Executive Education, as well as undergraduate
and master’s programmes in law and business administration). Its business park, ESADECREAPOLIS, is a
pioneering innovation centre where the university and business worlds unite. With a clear international outlook, ESADE was ranked near the top of the main business-school rankings in 2010 (Financial Times, Wall
Street Journal and BusinessWeek). ESADE currently has a network of more than 44,000 alumni occupying
positions of responsibility in enterprises around the globe. Since celebrating its 50th anniversary, ESADE has
adopted “Inspiring Futures” as its institutional motto to illustrate the goal of fostering a spirit of renewal in
the fields of business and law.

Department of Economics ESADE
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08034 Barcelona
Tel. 932 806 162

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28036 Madrid
Tel. 913 597 714

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Tel. 935 543 511

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17.165 Buenos Aires
Editorial coordination and layout
Alacta Comunicació, SL

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REPORT: ESADE Economic Overview - January2014

  • 2. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Economic Overview Global Economy Some improvement at the global level GDP GROWTH RATE (%) The global economy slowed down slightly in 2013 with an annual growth rate of 2.9%, somewhat lower than the rates of 3.9% and 3.2% seen in 2011 and 2012, respectively. This slowdown was seen both in developed and emerging economies, which grew by 1.2% and 4.5%, respectively (again, a few tenths of a percentage point lower than in previous years). Worldwide economic growth is expected to be up slightly in 2014, to a forecasted level of 3.6%. This improvement will be seen both in developed and emerging economies, which are expected to grow by around 2% and 5%, respectively. 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* Worldwide economic growth is expected to be up slightly in 2014, to a forecasted level of 3.6% Source: IMF In mid-2013, financing conditions briefly became more restric- The episode showed that the global economy – and emerging tive for emerging economies. The announcement that the Fed- economies in particular – are extremely sensitive to monetary eral Reserve intended to shift its monetary policy by tapering conditions in developed economies. Therefore, monetary pol- off its liquidity injections had an immediate impact on finan- icy must therefore be progressively normalised in the not-too- cial markets across the globe. The interest-rate differential be- distant future. World Emerging Developed *Forecast *Forecast tween public debt and private bonds grew, capital withdrawals increased, and stock-market indices fell. Calm returned to the The U.S. economy grew by just 1.6% in 2013, largely due to markets after the Fed clarified its position in September. fiscal adjustments implemented during the year. In 2014, U.S. JANUARY 2014 2
  • 3. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW whole. The Fed has announced its intention to maintain the liquidity injections first introduced in 2007 and is expected to keep interest rates at their current 0% level for at least two more years. After several years of deflation and stagnation, the Japanese economy grew by 2% in 2013, confirming the turnaround first seen in 2012. This growth was brought about by prime minister Abe’s new approach to economic policy and the Bank of Japan’s shift towards a clearly expansionary monetary policy. Fiscal stimulus on the order of 1.5% of GDP fostered growth in 2013 by boosting household spending and business investment. Facade of the U.S. Federal Reserve Building in Washington The Japanese economy will grow by 1.5% in 2014, confirming the turnaround first seen in 2012 In 2014, Japan’s fiscal policy will be somewhat more restric- economic growth is expected to increase to 2.6%. American tive – the sales tax will be increased to 8% and government fiscal policy will become less restrictive after Congress manag- spending on reconstruction will be slashed – with the explicit es to reach a budget agreement. U.S. monetary policy, mean- aim of shrinking the public deficit to 2.5% of GDP. As a result, while, will remain clearly expansionary, as the Fed announced recently. Other factors that will contribute to higher growth include the recovery of the real estate market (which will lift net household wealth) and the improved flow of credit with more favourable financial conditions. U.S. fiscal policy will also contribute to an increase in economic activity. Fiscal adjustments were on the order of 2.5% of U.S. GDP in 2013, but this figure is expected to drop to 0.75% in 2014. Adjustments will be needed in the medium term to keep U.S. public debt sustainable; this process must be carried out in a well-planned, staggered manner. Budget sequestration has been an exaggerated, inefficient resource – a result of partisan jockeying rather than economic logic. Failure to raise the debt ceiling in the near future would have extremely negative effects on the U.S. economy and the global economy as a Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan JANUARY 2014 3
  • 4. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW 1.5%. The depreciation of the yen, caused by the Bank of Ja- Latin American Economy Prospects pan’s expansionary monetary policy, has allowed the foreign The Latin American economy is expected to grow by around sector to attain positive growth figures. 3.5% in 2014, slightly more than the previous year, when this the country’s annual growth rate will fall to between 1% and figure fell just short of 3% (one of lowest growth rates posted In the medium term, Japan’s challenge will be to maintain by the region in the past decade). Given Latin America’s sharp stable growth that generates expectations of inflation rather upturn following the global crisis of 2008-2009, the recent than deflation (a recurring phenomenon over the past two de- moderation was, to some degree, expected. cades). Japan may eventually require more fiscal stimulus, so have a medium-term fiscal adjustment plan. The Latin American economy is expected to grow by around 3.5% in 2014, slightly more than the previous year China’s economy grew by 7.7% in 2013 and is expected to grow The falling cost of raw materials and the rather restrictive fiscal at a slightly slower pace (just over 7%) in 2014. This forms conditions in many Latin American countries kept the region’s part of the Chinese authorities’ new strategy of transitioning economic growth below its potential last year. The region’s towards a more sustainable and balanced pace of growth. Chi- growth was also hampered by increased volatility in the global na’s economic policy will focus on various necessary structural financial markets after the Federal Reserve announced that reforms rather than short-term stimulus measures. These re- it would soon abandon the policy of liquidity injections intro- the country must give itself room to make such policies possible. It is therefore vitally important that the Japanese economy forms aim to address risks that have accumulated in recent years, such as an excess of credit and highly indebted local governments. The expansion of credit over the past decade GDP GROWTH RATE (%) has brought investment up to 50% of GDP. In order to achieve more balanced growth, China needs to shift more of its production towards consumption. China’s new strategy will transition towards a more sustainable and balanced pace of growth, shifting more of its production towards consumption 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 The Chinese authorities have made reforming the country’s -6 financial system a high priority. These reforms are intended -8 to increase the system’s security and make credit allocation 2008 more efficient. Another priority, the liberalisation of China’s 2009 Mexico service industry, is meant to improve the provision of health- 2010 2011 Brazil 2012 2013 Colombia 2014* Peru *Forecast care and education services. Source: IMF JANUARY 2014 4
  • 5. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW duced in 2007. The announcement caused a spike in the risk premiums on Latin American public debt during a period of widespread capital outflow from both the fixed- and variableincome markets. The region’s main stock-market indices suffered as a result. Most Latin American currencies suffered a year-on-year depreciation of between 5% and 15%, prompting some central banks to intervene in the foreign-exchange market in order to cushion the fall. In September, when the Fed announced that it would be postponing its policy change, the Mexican twenty-pesos bill situation went back to normal. than-expected economic growth in the United States. Growth This episode showed that Latin America’s economies are is expected to return to nearly 3% in 2014 on the strength of stronger now than they were in the 1990s, when some higher government spending and rising U.S. demand. Mexico countries in the region experienced severe crises. Better is expected to consolidate an annual growth rate of between fiscal and financial fundamentals, plus more credible eco- 3% and 4% in the medium term. nomic policies, have made the region less vulnerable to external events. Latin American economies also benefit from flexible interest rates that allow adjustments to be made by means of currency depreciation. Latin America’s economies are stronger now than they were in the 1990s, when some countries in the region experienced severe crises Mexico’s growth is expected to return to nearly 3% in 2014 on the strength of higher government spending and rising U.S. demand This higher growth rate will be bolstered by increased public investments and government spending on social protection; this will be possible because Mexico’s legislature voted to increase the deficit limit to 1.5% of GDP. The entire region faces downside risks. If the emerging economies of Asia grow less than expected, the price of raw materi- The reform process initiated by the current administration als would fall unexpectedly, hampering growth in Latin Ameri- will also contribute to economic growth. Fiscal reforms to ca’s largest economies. Likewise, lower-than-expected growth eliminate tax deductions and raise the income tax on top in the global economy could hurt Latin American exports. It earners will lead to higher revenues. In order to maintain its is also possible that new shifts in U.S. monetary policy could anti-cyclical fiscal policy, Mexico must adopt flexible goals, lead to tougher financing conditions. If any of these risks were allowing an unbalanced budget during slow years (like to materialise, monetary policy would be the first recourse to 2013) and capping spending in times of expansion. Mexi- stimulate economic growth in Latin America. co’s energy reforms should allow an increase in oil production, which is currently at 1998 levels. Such reforms will be Mexico based on the principle of public ownership of oil reserves, Mexico’s economy grew by just 1.3% in 2013. The country’s with the possibility of privatising certain activities in order economic activity was hurt by falling oil prices and by lower- to increase efficiency. JANUARY 2014 5
  • 6. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Brazil Thanks to the strength of the Peruvian economy, the country’s After stagnation in 2012, the Brazilian economy grew by 2.5% unemployment rate has reached a historic low of 6% and real in 2013. Similar growth is expected for 2014, confirming the wages have increased by 3%. These two factors have led to gradual economic recovery seen last year. higher household consumption. Private investment also grew by 8% in 2013, thanks in part to foreign investment inflows, With a year-on-year rate of 6.7% in mid-June, inflation was which are expected to remain at similar levels at least through slightly above the target set by Brazil’s currency authorities. 2015. The country’s central bank was therefore forced to increase the interest rate from 7.25% to 9.5% between April and October. During the second half of the year, the central bank kept depreciation under control by regularly selling off U.S. Peru is one of Latin America’s fastestgrowing economies, with a growth rate of 5.4% in 2013 dollars. Peru’s foreign sector experienced negative growth as the counIn general terms, Brazil’s economic growth was hampered by try’s exports experienced a greater slowdown than its imports. changes in inflation, interest rates and credit. Rising inflation As a result, Peru nearly posted its first current-account deficit led to lower household disposable income, which will continue in ten years. to drag down consumption in the future. Rising interest rates on public debt presented additional difficulties, giving the pub- In 2014, the Peruvian economy is expected to grow by 6% lic sector less room to manoeuvre in terms of growth-stimu- – approaching figures from recent years – thanks to robust lating fiscal policies. However, the depreciation of Brazil’s cur- consumption and investment, but also because foreign de- rency during 2013 should boost the country’s exports. mand will reduce the foreign sector’s negative contribution. The main risks that could hamper Peru’s growth are a larger- Brazil’s current-account deficit increased to 3.6% of GDP as than-expected drop in the price of copper and other metals on the country’s positive balance of goods and negative balance the international markets and a global decrease in demand; of services both fell. This foreign deficit is financed largely – either of these scenarios would worsen the contribution of though not fully – by the inflow of direct investment. In the Peru’s foreign sector. short term, this is not a problem; however, Brazil must bring down its current-account deficit in order to preserve its exter- Colombia nal position. The Colombian economy grew by 4% in 2013. Growth picked up during the second half of the year after flagging slightly in Peru 2012 and the first half of 2013. This change was largely due Peru is one of Latin America’s fastest-growing economies, with to improvements in Colombia’s foreign sector. a growth rate of 5.4% in 2013. This figure, while high, is one percentage point lower than in the previous two years. A downturn in the country’s foreign sector was responsible for this slowed growth. Investment and government spending, Peru’s main drivers of growth, increased by 12% and 8.5%, respectively, in 2013. Colombia is expected to maintain its strong economic trajectory throughout 2014, with GDP growth reaching 4% due to improvements in the foreign sector JANUARY 2014 6
  • 7. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Eurozone Economy Prospects for 2014 After a year and a half of negative growth, the eurozone posted positive growth in the second quarter of 2013 and is expected to grow by around 1% in 2014. This figure is below the region’s potential; unemployment is therefore expected to remain high. Furthermore, the disparity between the core and peripheral countries will remain significant: Germany, France, Austria, Finland, Belgium, Luxembourg and Ireland will grow by 1% to 1.5%, but Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece and the Netherlands will grow by around 0.5%. Growth will remain negative in Cyprus and Slovenia. Only the emerging economies of the eurozone – Estonia, Slovakia and Malta – will grow by more than 2%. Headquarters of the Central Bank of Colombia in Bogota The eurozone is expected to grow by around 1% in 2014 Although it appears that activity will cease to drop in the eurozone periphery, growth will remain low in these economies. Colombia is expected to maintain its strong economic trajec- Therefore, 2014 will be the seventh consecutive year of reces- tory throughout 2014, with GDP growth reaching 4% or even sion or stagnation in the periphery. Economic growth, albeit slightly higher. Domestic consumption and investment will weak and wavering, will once again be seen in the core coun- grow at a rate similar to that of the economy as a whole. How- tries. Various factors will keep growth below its potential. In ever, investment will not reach the peak rates seen in 2011 the peripheral countries, the simultaneous deleveraging of the and 2012 due to uncertainties surrounding investment in the private and public sectors will weaken demand considerably. oil industry. Although the pace of budget adjustment has slowed, fiscal policy continues to be contractionary. Colombia’s central bank was able to keep the official interest rate at 3.25% throughout 2013. This was possible because The eurozone’s economic growth is too weak to merit speculation the 6% depreciation of the Colombian peso in 2013 did not as to whether it could continue on its own, without corrections to push up inflation, which remained steady at 2.4%. With growth the dysfunctions of the eurozone and its constituent economies. close to its potential, Colombia’s economic activity is solid and inflation will surely rise. Therefore, the country’s official inter- The public deficit of the eurozone was reduced by 1% of the re- est rate will probably need to increase by late 2014, even if gion’s GDP in 2013, but this figure is expected to drop to 0.5% the central bank brings it down earlier in the year in response in 2014. The problem is that deficit reduction is not uniform: some sort of difficulty. The central bank will also maintain its it is primarily occurring in the periphery, where growth is lower current policy of purchasing U.S. dollars. and stimulus measures are more necessary. JANUARY 2014 7
  • 8. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW GDP GROWTH RATE (%) Eurozone total & selection of countries 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 -10 Eurozone Germany 2008 France 2009 Italy 2010 Greece 2011 Spain 2012 Portugal 2013 Ireland 2014* *Forecast *Forecast Source: European Commission and compiled by the author Inflation remains at around 1.5%, below the European Central countries. Interest rates on household and business loans re- Bank’s medium-term target of 2%, showing that deflationary main higher in the periphery than in the core, with a difference effects remain. It will be necessary to monitor the economy of about 300-400 basis points. This shows that the mecha- closely to keep it from backsliding into deflation and deepen- nism by which monetary policy is transmitted does not work ing the crisis. properly for the periphery: the ECB’s low-interest-rate policy has not reached the periphery, where companies and families Fragmentation of financial and credit markets are forced to pay high rates. This poses a serious obstacle to Since the ECB launched its Outright Monetary Transactions economic recovery. (OMT) programme in September 2012, interest rates on public debt have returned to levels last seen in mid-2010, before risk premiums started to rise as a consequence of the Greek public-debt crisis. The volume of bank deposits has been stabilised and the capital outflow from financial institutions in the The fragmentation of the financial markets is the reason for the higher interest rates paid by companies and families in the peripheral countries periphery to those of the core has been stemmed. Larger private companies have seen their financing conditions improve There are various reasons for higher interest rates in the as the risk premiums have dropped. peripheral countries, but the most important reason is the fragmentation of the financial markets. The flows of financ- Despite these improvements, there are still large differences ing between banks in different countries – in particular, be- between the financing conditions in the various eurozone tween the core and the periphery – have slowed consider- JANUARY 2014 8
  • 9. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW RISK PREMIUM Sovereign spreads compared with 10-year German bond 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Spain Italy 13 -1 3 no v- se p -1 3 ju n 13 m ar - 2 -1 de -1 p se France c 2 2 -1 n ju m ar -1 2 -1 1 c de -1 1 se p -1 1 n ju -1 1 ar m de c -1 0 0 Belgium Source: European Central Bank & Bank of Spain ably due to the perception of greater risk, the expectation delinquency rates, larger provisions and lower volumes of of possible losses for various types of creditors (“bail-ins”), business. and regulations enacted by certain countries to isolate their banks from the rest of the system. In addition, many insti- The difficulty of securing financing and remaining profitable tutions have had trouble staying profitable due to higher have prompted institutions to increase interest rates on house- GERMAN BANK EXPOSURE TO SPAIN AND ITALY € Billions 250 200 150 100 50 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Spain 2010 2011 2012 Italy Source: Bank of International Settlements JANUARY 2014 9
  • 10. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW FRENCH BANK EXPOSURE TO SPAIN AND ITALY € Billions 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Spain Italy 2010 2011 2012 Source: Bank of International Settlements hold and business loans while considerably reducing the flow been lower between 2008 and 2013. The economies in which of credit. This has important implications for economic activity, non-financial businesses were highly indebted in 2007 – Spain, given that bank loans account for 90% of non-financial debt Ireland, Portugal and Estonia – have since seen higher increas- while the remaining 10% corresponds to large companies. es in unemployment. In countries that had a highly leveraged financial sector before the crisis – Ireland, Portugal, Greece and In order for economic recovery to reach the entire eurozone, Spain – interest rates on loans have since risen more sharply, monetary policy must start working again and the flow of credit making it more difficult to end the recession. to small and medium-sized enterprises must be restored. The volume of debt in the eurozone varies considerably be- The weight of debt tween countries and sectors. In Ireland, Portugal and Spain, Debt accumulation played a clear role in triggering and shaping debt levels are high in households, non-financial companies the eurozone crisis. This phenomenon encompasses the accu- and the public sector. In Greece, debt is concentrated in mulation of public debt and foreign debt as well as the volume households and the public sector, whereas in Cyprus house- of private debt incurred during the boom years following the holds and non-financial companies have the highest debt lev- creation of the euro. Indeed, the countries where debt levels els. As a result of these imbalances, all of the aforementioned grew most sharply between 2000 and 2007 have seen lowers countries have accumulated significant levels of foreign debt. levels of economic growth between 2008 and 2013. In countries where household debt grew quickly between 2000 and Increases in nominal GDP and nominal wages have historically 2007 – Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain – consumption has been the means by which debt ratios are reduced. It is gener- JANUARY 2014 10
  • 11. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Selection of Eurozone countries INDEBTEDNESS (% of GDP) Household sector slow and complex throughout the eurozone, particularly in the peripheral countries. 120 Debt reduction and economic viability 100 The fragmentation of the eurozone’s financial system has 80 given rise to a negative feedback loop between bank risk, business health and sovereign risk. The combination of over- 60 indebted companies with low profits, banks with balance- 40 sheet problems, and highly indebted states has led to this vicious cycle. Perceiving the weakness of their own balance 20 sheets, the banks have expanded their “safety cushions”, Spain Greece Portugal Ireland Germany France 2000 2010 2013 increased their interest rates and decreased the number of loans they grant. Companies have therefore found it harder to refinance their debt and their profits have suffered as a result. Consequently, more companies have begun to default Source: IMF on their loans, thereby hurting the banks’ balance sheets. INDEBTEDNESS (% of GDP) Non-financial corporate sector Selection of Eurozone countries The situation in the public sector poses an added difficulty. The high level of indebtedness and the public sector’s status as the ultimate guarantor of bank deposits has put upward pressure on public-debt interest rates and risk premiums. 250 This has hurt companies because it has pushed up the cost 200 of obtaining financing in the bond market, and it has hurt banks because it decreases the value of public debt, which 150 the banks hold in large quantities. The overall result is a weakened credit flow, lower growth and greater difficulties 100 for the economy. 50 0 has brought gross income down by 3.4% in Spain and by 1.8% in Portugal. As a result, the debt-reduction process has been 140 0 tion is very low and, since 2010, negative economic growth Spain Greece Portugal Ireland Germany France 2000 2010 2013 At the same time, companies’ problems have exacerbated the troubles of the strongest banks. As a consequence of pre-crisis debt accumulation, more than 75% of the debt held by nonfinancial companies in Spain and Portugal is in the hands of Source: IMF highly leveraged companies with debt/asset ratios of 40% or higher. In Italy, 50% of company debt is held by highly lever- ally considered that 75% of the reduction is due to inflation aged companies. Because of these high levels of debt, com- and 25% is due to real income growth. Today, however, infla- bined with lower profits as a result of the crisis, companies JANUARY 2014 11
  • 12. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW SHARE OF DEBT AT FIRMS WITH VARIOUS DEBT-TO-ASSETS RATIOS SHARE OF DEBT AT FIRMS WITH VARIOUS INTEREST COVERAGE RATIOS 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% Germany France Italy Spain Portugal 0% Germany France Italy Spain Below 30% 30%–35% Above 3 2–3 35%–40% Above 40% 1–2 Portugal Below 1 Source: IMF Source: IMF have had difficulty making their interest payments and the de- the percentage of all business debt held by companies with an linquency rate on bank loans has increased. interest coverage ratio lower than 1. In Portugal, 45% of business debt is held by companies with an interest coverage ratio This difficulty meeting obligations as a result of high indebted- of less than 1. In Spain and Italy, the percentages are 40% and ness has cast doubt on the viability of many companies and 30%, respectively. By way of contrast, this figure is below 15% put high-debt economies at risk. in Germany and France. The viability of highly leveraged companies can be measured The percentage of business debt held by at-risk companies is 40% in Spain, 45% in Portugal and 30% in Italy in terms of interest coverage ratio, which is defined as a company’s earnings before interest and taxes divided by its interest expenses. An interest coverage ratio below 1 indicates that the company is not generating enough income to meet its in- Policies to facilitate debt reduction terest expenses. Companies in this situation can only make Countries that, like the United States, took steps early to shore their interest payments by reducing their debt or capital costs up financial institutions’ balance sheets have made greater – and, consequently, their interest expenses – or by increas- progress at reducing debt levels. If mechanisms for restruc- ing their earnings. The “at-risk” debt of a particular economy is turing debt – of both banks and the private sector – are used JANUARY 2014 12
  • 13. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW generously, uncollectible debts can be removed from banks’ of the market for bonds backed by loans to SMEs would balance sheets more easily; as a result, uncertainty can be increase the flow of bank credit to these companies. The reduced more quickly and credit flows can resume sooner. market for eurozone-based bonds has a volume of €1 trillion, and just 14% of these bonds are backed by loans to For the debt-reduction process to be quick and effective, the SMEs. Meanwhile, the volume of bank loans to SMEs is financial sector must be reorganised. The first step is to re- much greater: €1.5 trillion. It would also be very useful to capitalise weak institutions and remove uncollectible debt create programmes by which governments back loans to from balance sheets; only then can the banks restructure the SMEs. Tax incentives for the issue of “mini-bonds” related debt of delinquent creditors. The eurozone has nearly finished to loans to SMEs have already been successfully introduced the process of reorganising troubled financial institutions, so in Italy. It would also be possible to introduce tax benefits on it should be possible to carry out the debt-reduction process bank income derived from loans to SMEs, accompanied by over the course of 2014. measures to ensure that such loans did not hurt the banks’ balance sheets. Another possible way to accelerate this process is to restructure business debt. This can take several forms: renegotiation Finally, another option is to create funds whose objective of deadlines, renegotiation of interest rates, acceptance of is to grant loans directly to SMEs, whether through public partial payment, or writing off debts. However, this approach institutions, venture-capital firms, investment funds or busi- can entail high costs: it sets a bad precedent and creates a ness-development companies. moral hazard; it threatens debtor-creditor relations, leading to uncertain future repercussions; and it can harm third parties, European Central Bank policies including investors, who would shun the region in the future. It In order to unblock the flow of credit, it will be necessary to is therefore preferable to take steps to guarantee the availabili- restore the health of banks’ balance sheets, break the feed- ty of credit to companies that, with access to reasonably afford- back loop between sovereign risk and bank risk, solve the able credit, would be in a position to begin reducing their debt. problem of the fragmented financial system, and create a banking union. These objectives will not be achieved for some Credit stimulation measures time. In the meantime, to make economic recovery possible, During recessions, government intervention to mitigate credit- steps will need to be taken to foster credit availability. restricting factors is not usually necessary. However, in especially severe recessions – like the present one – intervention The ECB must provide weak financial institutions with li- can be very useful at preventing these factors from exacerbat- quidity. It can do this by means of long-term refinancing op- ing the recession. erations (LTROs): loans at low interest rates (1%) maturing after three to five years. Alternatively, it can accept more In Ireland and Spain, 25% of small and medium-sized enter- types of assets as backing for loans, or discount a smaller prises consider restricted access to credit to be their largest percentage of the value of collateral securities. Because obstacle; in Germany and Austria, this figure is just 8%. market-based financing was hard to come by, banks in the peripheral countries made extensive use of the LTROs There are several possible ways to improve access to credit granted in early 2012. Extending this source of liquidity for small and medium-sized enterprises. Greater development would be a good strategy. JANUARY 2014 13
  • 14. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Spanish Economy Prospects for 2014 The Spanish economy is expected to grow by 0.5% to 1% in 2014. Despite this return to positive figures, growth will be very modest – just enough for a small amount of job creation. The unemployment rate will remain nearly stable at around 27%. This will be the seventh consecutive year of recession or stagnation. The ECB could also take direct measures to ensure that liquidity reaches small and medium-sized enterprises. It could consider a system by which financial institutions would gain access to credit in exchange for providing loans to SMEs (as the The Spanish economy is expected to have moderate growth of 0.5% to 1% in 2014 Bank of England has done). Alternatively, it could link access to LTROs to the provision of SME loans. In 2013, the inflation rate fell to 1.7%. This drop began in the third quarter, by which time the direct effect of the September It is essential that the ECB take direct measures to ensure that liquidity reaches small and medium-sized enterprises 2012 increase in VAT and medicine costs on the CPI inflation Banking union In 2014, household consumption will continue to be held The European Union is now working on the first stages of the down by the high unemployment rate and falling wages. rate had become diluted. As a result of this decrease in inflation, Spain’s inflation differential relative to the eurozone average became negative in late 2013. banking union approved by the European Council in 2012. The single supervisory mechanism will be launched in November 2014. The EU is considering how the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) should proceed in its efforts to directly recapitalise troubled banks and is also drafting a bank recovery and resolution directive. At some point it will also need to create some sort of deposit insurance shared by all banks in the region. It should be noted that the first steps towards the banking union have not solved the financial sector’s fragmentation problem; indeed, they have exacerbated it by making the differences between the core and the periphery more obvious. Measures to counteract this fragmentation – basically, the introduction of common deposit insurance – are slated for GDP GROWTH RATE (%) 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014* *Forecast implementation at a later date. It is therefore crucial that this process move forward quickly and decisively. Source: Bank of Spain and compiled by the author JANUARY 2014 14
  • 15. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Spanish exports will continue the four-year growth streak late 2013 to become consolidated, the flow of credit will that increased their market share to 33% of GDP at the end need to be restored, the interest rates paid by families and of 2013. The volume of Spain’s imports will continue to be companies will need to decrease, and expectations will conditioned by the behaviour of domestic demand. As a re- need to improve overall. sult, Spain’s net exports will remain the country’s largest Internal devaluation source of economic growth. Thanks to the process of internal devaluation, the Spanish It will not be possible, however, for Spain to make a full economy is regaining some of the competitiveness it lost in economic recovery based solely on the foreign sector. For the run-up to the crisis. In other words, it is becoming com- the country’s economy to return to sustained growth, do- petitive again as prices and wages drop below the eurozone mestic demand must also increase. It is vitally important average. This is a slow, costly process that requires a long that Spain regain the conditions that will allow household period of recession or stagnation. 6 consumption and business investment to increase. For household consumption to rise, families will need to have Structural reforms introduced in 2010 reduced unit labour better access to credit, unemployment will need to drop, costs and made the labour market more flexible, which in and expectations will need to improve. For business invest2 turn boosted Spanish exports and attracted foreign tourism. 0 ment to increase overall, investment in capital goods will The decrease in wages has shown that Spain’s labour costs need to rise and investment in construction will need to are sensitive to the economic cycle – an essential condi- stop falling. In order for the slight improvement in house- tion for a speedier recovery. This sensitivity is a result of the hold consumption and capital-goods investment seen in 2012 labour reform. 4 -2 -4 -6 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* labour costs Annual percentage change 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -6 2007 *1st and 2nd quarter forecast Source: Bank of Spain JANUARY 2014 15
  • 16. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW EXPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES Annual percentage change 20 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* *4th-quarter forecast Source: Bank of Spain IMPORTS OF GOODS AND SERVICES Annual percentage change 15 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 -20 -25 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* *4th-quarter forecast Source: Bank of Spain JANUARY 2014 16
  • 17. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Measured in terms of real exchange rates, the competitive- households was equivalent to 85% of the country’s GDP. By ness of the Spanish economy dropped by 14% from the intro- 2013, this figure had dropped to 79%. duction of the euro to the onset of the economic crisis in 2008; The lack of growth and the low inflation rate make the debt-reduction process slower and more difficult since then, however, it has bounced back by 4%. Spain’s labour costs have become sensitive to the economic cycle Debt ratios have historically been reduced by passive means, Deleveraging underway particularly the growth of nominal GDP or nominal wages. It is History suggests that deleveraging and debt-reduction pro- generally considered that 75% of the reduction is due to infla- cesses are slower and have a greater impact on growth when tion and the remaining 25% is due to real wage growth. How- all sectors of the economy – households, businesses and the ever, because inflation is currently very low and gross income public sector – are highly indebted. Unfortunately, this is pre- has fallen by 3.4% in Spain since 2010, amortization is the cisely the case of the Spanish economy at present. only way to reduce debt. This makes for a slower, more difficult process that has negative effects on the economy. Because of the magnitude of the debt held by the private sector, the deleveraging of this sector is vitally important to In addition, although the volume of debt is gradually decreas- Spain’s economic recovery. In 2010 – a critical moment in the ing, lower wages mean that debt payments account for a debt-accumulation process – the total debt held by Spanish larger share of household income, and this drags down con- EXTERNAL DEBT € Billions 2.000 1.800 1.600 1.400 1.200 1.000 800 600 400 200 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013* *Until June Source: Bank of Spain JANUARY 2014 17
  • 18. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW sumption. Spain has the eurozone’s highest ratio between continue to see considerable restrictions on public spending debt-servicing expenses and total household income (19%), in the future. ahead of Portugal (16%), France (13%) and the Netherlands (13%); the eurozone average is less than 12%. Fiscal policy Even after the severe fiscal adjustments of the last four years, Spain’s non-financial companies reduced their debt from Spain has not yet completed the process of reducing its public 148% of GDP in 2010 to 143% in late 2012. In 2000, when deficit. In accordance with Spain’s commitments to European the availability of credit began to grow sharply, the debt of authorities, the country’s public deficit, which was more than Spain’s non-financial companies was the equivalent of just 6.5% of GDP in 2013, must be reduced to 5.8% in 2014, 4.2% 60% of GDP. According to empirical studies of other historical in 2015 and 3% in 2016. periods marked by high debt levels, a sharp increase in business debt should be followed, on average, by a reduction to Because a higher GDP will translate into somewhat higher two-thirds of the previous amount. For this to happen, Spanish revenues, Spain would not need to make many more budget companies would need to reduce their debt to 50% of GDP. cuts in order to achieve its target for 2014. However, stricter targets are required for 2015 and 2016. Given the high lev- Steps should be taken to facilitate the reduction of business el of public debt and the resulting interest-servicing costs, debt. Resources now being used to refinance nonviable Spain would need to have a primary surplus of 2% to 3% companies should be reallocated to help viable companies – not counting interest payments – in order to bring the that are capable of creating jobs and investing. For this to deficit down to 3% of GDP. As a result, even if the economy be possible, insolvency and bankruptcy legislation should starts growing again, considerable fiscal adjustments will be reformed to allow help to reach viable companies quickly be necessary. The targets set by the European authorities and to accelerate the liquidation of nonviable ones. Debt-re- need to be flexible enough to adapt to growth fluctuations structuring agreements – especially for small and medium- because additional budget cuts could hamper short-term sized enterprises – should also be facilitated, but first the growth and must be avoided. This short-term flexibility would financial sector must be brought back to full health. be offset by Spain’s inescapable medium-term commitment to reduce the deficit. In the public sector, the debt-reduction process has not yet begun. The volume of public debt as a percentage of GDP Financial system will continue to rise until the public deficit falls below 3% The financial support provided by the European Financial and higher growth rates are consolidated. Spain’s ratio be- Stability Facility (EFSF) and the European Stability Mecha- tween public debt and GDP is not expected to stabilise until nism (ESM) has enabled Spain to speed up the reorgani- it reaches 110%-120% around the year 2017. With a risk sation of its financial sector. Following independent stress premium of around 200 basis points and interest rates in tests and a meticulous asset-quality review, Spain’s troubled Germany of 1% to 2%, debt-interest servicing for the pub- yet viable banks have been recapitalised and the remaining lic sector accounts for approximately 3% of GDP. Therefore, entities have adopted restructuring or resolution plans. The keeping debt levels stable requires generating a primary viable banks were recapitalised by raising private capital surplus of 2% to 3% of GDP. Because the government has and by transferring assets and liabilities related to the real not even managed to eliminate the primary deficit, Spain will estate sector to SAREB, Spain’s so-called “bad bank”. In the JANUARY 2014 18
  • 19. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW ertheless, there remain some risks, essentially those derived from the difficult macroeconomic situation. Additionally, the flow of household and business loans has yet to improve. The solvency of the Spanish financial system has improved but the flow of household and business loans has not resumed Good news in the foreign sector Spain’s current-account balance rose from a deficit of 10% of GDP in 2008 to positive figures in mid-2013. Of this notable improvement, 75% is due to an improved balance of exports of goods and services and more than 50% is due exclusively to the increase in exports. In previous instances of current-account imbalance, the deficit had reached just 3% to 4% of GDP and adjustment was parmeantime, the regulatory and supervisory capacities of the tially carried out by depreciating the peseta. Bank of Spain have been enhanced. Exports increased steadily from 2010 to 2013. The number of Since the first measures were taken in 2009, the public sec- exporting companies increased by 10% each year, indicating a tor has injected €63 billion into the Spanish financial sector growing level of internationalisation in Spanish industry. (approximately 6% of GDP), €43 billion of which came from the EFSF and ESM. In addition, the public sector has guaran- The growth figures posted by Spain’s trade partners, in com- teed bonds issued by banks, including SAREB, for a value of bination with the current behaviour of imports and exports, €105 billion. suggest that the current-account balance adjustment is permanent (i.e. not due to cyclical factors). The overall volume of capital in the financial system has been increased. In mid-2013, Spain reached the minimum core capital ratio required by European regulations (9%). Provisions for doubtful debts have also been increased. The number of Exports increased steadily from 2010 to 2013 and the number of exporting companies increased by 10% each year banks in Spain decreased from 50 in 2009 to 16 in 2013, and the number of branch offices and employees has dropped by In recent years, Spain’s current-account balance has been approximately 14% in the same period. adjusted primarily through the reduction of costs, especially wages. Spain should continue this adjustment by dedicating In short, the Spanish financial system has been stabilised: it more resources to exports, thereby increasing the size of the is now much more secure and has no solvency problems. Nev- export sector as a share of the Spanish economy. JANUARY 2014 19
  • 20. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW Final considerations cially among young people). These problems will not solve Having put its growth figures back into the black, Spain needs themselves: they require action on the part of the Spanish to avoid falling into multiple-year stagnation – a scenario and European authorities. that could easily arise from the present situation. The accumulated effect of stagnation and unemployment on various There is no reason why Spain should go through a pro- social groups could lead the public to increasingly question longed economic recession as a sort of Biblical punishment the eurozone in political and economic terms. The leaders for past mistakes. Indeed, a prolonged recession is an inef- of the core European countries need to understand this. ficient response to those mistakes; the loss of production is unrecoverable and, in addition to the obvious social costs, The events of recent years have shown that the Spanish it hurts Spain’s ability to repay its debts. A return to growth economy has significant collateral effects on the eurozone in Spain – and throughout the periphery of the eurozone – economy as a whole, principally through the financial mar- should be a priority on the European political agenda. kets. Spain has shown that its economy, like Italy’s, plays a systemic role within the EU. Therefore, trouble encountered by Spain on its path towards stable growth poses a danger to all eurozone economies and must therefore be avoided. Efforts to reform the Spanish economy should continue. If the country’s first positive growth figures do not lead to job creation, additional labour reforms must be undertaken. Such reforms should probably take the form of a single permanent contract with severance indemnity conditions that increase over time. 2015 could mark the beginning of a more solid economic recovery, though uncertainty is still high In last year’s Economic Report, we outlined a scenario in which it would be possible for the Spanish economy to return to positive growth in 2014. In the end, as explained in the present report, this growth will be very weak. However, if certain conditions are met, 2015 could mark the beginning of a more solid economic recovery. For this to be possible, the general scenario in Europe needs to improve and specific problems must be solved. Spain urgently needs solutions to the fragmentation of its financial system, the poor availability of credit, and its unemployment figures (espe- Mariano Rajoy, Prime Minister of Spain, during the last press conference held in 2013 JANUARY 2014 20
  • 21. ESADE ECONOMIC OVERVIEW ABOUT THIS PUBLICATION This Overview is based on ESADE’s Economic Report, January 2014, produced by the Department of Economics ( This article was written by Prof. Josep M. Comajuncosa. The original document was produced with the support of Banc de Sabadell. If you would like any further information on ESADE, our Department of Economics or our professors, please contact our International Communication Department ( +34 93 495 20 99). ABOUT ESADE Founded in 1958, ESADE now has campuses in Barcelona, Madrid, Buenos Aires, São Paulo and Munich and collaboration agreements with over 100 universities and business schools worldwide. Each year, more than 10,000 students participate in its courses (MBA and Executive Education, as well as undergraduate and master’s programmes in law and business administration). Its business park, ESADECREAPOLIS, is a pioneering innovation centre where the university and business worlds unite. With a clear international outlook, ESADE was ranked near the top of the main business-school rankings in 2010 (Financial Times, Wall Street Journal and BusinessWeek). ESADE currently has a network of more than 44,000 alumni occupying positions of responsibility in enterprises around the globe. Since celebrating its 50th anniversary, ESADE has adopted “Inspiring Futures” as its institutional motto to illustrate the goal of fostering a spirit of renewal in the fields of business and law. Department of Economics ESADE Av. Pedralbes, 60-62 08034 Barcelona Tel. 932 806 162 Mateo Inurria, 27E 28036 Madrid Tel. 913 597 714 Av. Torre Blanca, 59 08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès Barcelona Tel. 935 543 511 Av. del Libertador 17.165 Buenos Aires Editorial coordination and layout Alacta Comunicació, SL