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Reply: Reply to 2 other classmates by offering 1 new piece of
information to add to their discussion of family systems.
As you provide feedback to peers, you are not grading their
assignment, but you are enlarging the conversation to prod a bit
more on what could be added to clarify the paper substantively.
Please be very specific and share what you would like to see
added or what was not clear as you read the paper of your peers.
Additionally, please note that I will be providing corrective
information for each student to take the assignment to the
"finish line". The feedback is not an act of judgment nor an
indication of grade. It is simply feedback that each of you can
use moving forward.
250 words or more for each feedback along with one reference
Discussion board feedback #1:
Trauma can affect individuals in many ways depending on the
type that has occurred. The age of the person experiencing the
trauma can determine lasting effects. Trauma can occur from
anywhere utero to adulthood. It is important to know what
trauma is and the lasting effects the come with this exposure.
Treatment for the traumatized individual can be significantly
enhanced depending on the person’s level of spirituality
Trauma can occur from any of the following events physical,
sexual, or emotional abuse, natural disasters, wartimes and
terrorist attacks (Song, Min, Huh, & Chae, 2016). Trauma can
be any event that is extremely alarming or upsetting experience
that causes physiological anxiety, and impacts the neurological
and psychosocial development processes (Song, Min, Huh, &
Chae, 2016). Trauma affects individuals differently. Cultural
differences around the world may lead in some cases being more
socially acceptable in one country and not in others.
One neurological disorder that can develop from trauma is Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. “For a diagnosis of PTSD,
a person must have experienced, witnessed, or been confronted
with an event so traumatizing that its results in symptoms of re-
experiencing, hyper-arousal, cognitive alterations and avoidance
(Broderick & Blewitt, 2015 p.528).” Studies have shown that a
person suffering from PTSD will have a decrease in volume of
the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the part of the brain
“plays a role in our emotions, ability to remember, and compare
sensory information to expectations (Broderick & Blewitt,
2015p.59) There is an ongoing discussion amongst physicians as
to whether PTSD being a curable or just a treatable one. With
the reduction of volume in the hippocampus and the memory of
the traumatic event that never goes away, most doctors are
leaning toward the treatable instead of curable.
Treatment for PTSD and other neurological disorders can come
in the form of medications or therapies. People can choose to do
one or the other with the most recommended choice being a
combination of both. A combination of cognitive behavioral
therapy (CBT) and the use of an antidepressant, more
specifically an SNRI’s because these types of antidepressants
can help treat more than one disorder at the same time.
Someone with PTSD might have low levels of certain
neurotransmitters; antidepressants can contribute to raising
these levels. Cognitive behavioral therapy is more of a thought
changing treatment. People who have PTSD might blame
themselves for the incident that has occurred or have numerous
negative thoughts. These ideas may plague a person unable to
perform daily task. The goal of CBT is to get the person to
understand that the events that happened to them is not their
fault. It is also to change the way the way the person thinks to
teach them that if a negative thought comes to mind, they need
to determine if the thought is rational or not and to change it
from a negative to a positive thought.
Many people feel drawn to faith during times of turmoil. Per the
video presentations this week we learned that meditation, and
meditative prayer stimulate areas of the brain involved in
regulating emotional responses. Prayer can give us comfort and
release chemicals in the brain allowing us to feel at ease.
Spirituality can help the individual to not feel alone and know
that God is with them is going to help them through this
process. “Studies found positive correlations between the
spiritual wellbeing, reduced pain levels, decreased, physical
symptoms, increased positive outlook, spiritual beliefs and a
greater enjoyment of life (Drescher, Ramirez, Leoni, Romesser,
Sornborger&Foy, 2004).”
Trauma can happened to anyone it does not discriminate
against age, type or culture. Knowing the types treatments
available will help you decide which one is right for you.
Understanding that what might be considered a traumatic event
for one might be another’s social norm. Strength in spirituality
can help person dealing with trauma to heal more quickly and
though there may be delays knowing that they are not alone in
their journey.” The Lord our God be with us, as he was with our
father: let him not leave us, nor forsake us (1Kings 8:57).
Blewitt, P., & Broderick, P. C. (2015). The Life Span Human
Development for Helping Professionals. Pearson Education, Inc.
Drescher, K. D., Ramirez, G., Leoni, J. J., Sornborger, J., &
Foy, D. W. (2004). Spirituality and Trauma: Development of a
Froup therapy Module.Spirituality in Group Psychotherapy, 71-
Song, J.-M., Min, J.-A., Huh, H.-J., & Chae, J.-H. (2016).
Types of childhood trauma and spirituality in adult patients with
depressive disorders.Science Direct, 11-19.
Discussion board feedback #2:
Trauma occurs in life. Trauma can affect the development of a
person emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It is important
to recognize and treat traumas that occur so that healthy human
development can take place. Recent studies have shown that
trauma can affect human development negatively. There are
two types of trauma (Terr, 1991). Trauma I occurs from one
particular event in a person’s life, typically an unexpected event
like an accident. Trauma II is a multiple or repeated exposure
to extreme events in a person’s life, such as abuse or a high
conflict divorce. Children that face traumatic experiences must
assess certain resources in order to survive (Milot et al., 2016).
The series of events experienced in a child can provoke a series
of neurobiological reactions which include activating various
systems involved with stress. For example, the limbic system
and the neuroendocrine system. Repeated trauma will create
chronic stress which over time will impair normal functions of
these systems if left untreated.
One way to treat trauma is by recognizing that spiritual
development can counter the negative effects. Research done
on faith and spirituality have shown that people who engage in
acts of worship and prayer can experience a calming effect.
Theorists today are able to study the brain in more detail than in
the past. In a state level study, Hardy et al. empirically linked
morality and spirituality. In doing this, Hardy was able to
prove that relationships formed through religious activities
provided social support and modeled appropriate behaviors and
helped to protect a person against stressful life events (Hardy et
al., 2014). While spirituality and religiosity are different, they
are similar in that religious practices are connected to spiritual
experiences and both can be linked to positive outcomes. For
example, if a victim of abuse were to participate in religious
activities, like attending church or prayer, they would be able to
experience moral emotions like gratitude, empathy, and
forgiveness (Hardy et al., 2014) which in turn might change
their perspective on their situation at hand.
A child exposed to trauma can experience physical and
emotional developmental delays. For example, learning
disorders can occur in the educational years. Diagnosed by a
school psychologist, speech language pathologist and other
professionals a child might experience learning disorders such
as: dyslexia, dysgraphlia, dyscalculia, aphasia, dysphasia and
dyspraxia. Emotional development can be affected when a child
internalizes traumatic experiences. Internalized anger and
frustration should be dealt with in order for a child to be
socially prepared.
Trauma can differ amongst cultures because the skill set needed
to survive is different. Starvation is a universal issue, but in a
developing country could be considered to be more traumatic
than in the US simply because disease and lack of food.
Weather events like tropical storms, tornados and flooding are
obviously traumatic experiences, but will differ depending upon
where a person is located in the world. However, abuse and
family conflict is the same among any culture. In conclusion,
trauma is unavoidable but treatable. While traumas can vary in
different cultures, the outcome is still the same. Left untreated
emotional, spiritual and physical development will be affected.
Hardy, Sam A., Zhang, Zhiyong, Skalski, Johnathan E., Melling
Brent S., Brinton, Chauncy T. (2014). Daily religious
involvement, spirituality, and moral emotions. Psychology of
Religion and Sprituality. 6(4): 338-348.
Milot, Tristan (2016). Intervening with severely and chronically
neglected children and their families: the contribution of trauma
informed approaches. Child Abuse Review. Vol 25: 89-101.
Terr, LC. (1991). Childhood traumas: An outline and
overview. American Journal of Psychiatry 148(1): 10-20.
10.1177/1059601102250018 ARTICLEGROUP &
Heterosexism in the Workplace
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
Loyola University–New Orleans
University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee
This article examined the effects of multiple group memberships
and relational demography on
the workplace experiences of 534 gay employees, 162 of whom
were gay employees of color.
Two competing models of multiple group membership were
tested by assessing the effects of
race and gender on sexual orientation discrimination and the
decision to disclose a gay identity at
work. Race and gender were unrelated to heterosexism.
Lesbians were as likely to disclose as
gay men, but gay employees of color were less likely to disclose
at work. Relational demography
predictions were supported for race and sexual orientation but
not for gender, suggesting that
gender similarity predictions may not apply to gay employees.
More heterosexism was reported
with male supervisors or work teams, and these effects were
stronger for lesbians than gay men.
Irrespective of race, employees in racially balanced teams
reported less heterosexism than those
in primarily White or non-White teams.
Keywords: diversity; race; gender; gay
Although gay men and lesbians constitute between 4% and 17%
of the
workforce (Gonsiorek & Weinrich, 1991), we know very little
about their
workplace experiences. In fact, even though gay employees
constitute a
larger proportion of the workforce than many other minority
groups, sexual
The research described in this study was supported by a grant to
the first author from the Wayne
F. Placek Fund of the American Psychological Foundation.
Earlier versions of this article were
presented at the National Academy of Management meeting,
August 2001, Washington, D.C.,
and at the Rice University conference on Psychological and
Organizational Perspectives on
Discrimination in the Workplace: Research, Theory and
Practice, May 2000, Houston, TX. We
would like to thank the editor and the reviewers for their
excellent feedback and help with this
Group & Organization Management, Vol. 28 No. 1, March 2003
DOI: 10.1177/1059601102250018
© 2003 Sage Publications
orientation has been excluded from most empirical research on
diversity (Badgett, 1996; Croteau, 1996). Discrimination against
who are gay, or simply appear to be gay, is legal in most
(National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 1996). Without legal
protection, gay
employees are vulnerable to discrimination, and existing
research indicates
that between 25% and 66% of gay employees report sexual
orientation dis-
crimination at work (cf. review by Croteau, 1996). However,
these are proba-
bly conservative estimates because most gay employees do not
fully disclose
their sexual orientation at work for fear of discrimination
(Badgett, 1996;
Schneider, 1987).
This situation may be worse for gay and lesbian employees of
color. These
employees face discrimination not just because of their sexual
orientation but
also because of their race, ethnicity, and gender. Diversity
scholars observe
that women of color may face “double jeopardy” in the
workplace because of
their ethnicity and gender (cf. review by Ferdman, 1999). A key
question is
whether this becomes “triple jeopardy” for lesbian women of
color. Existing
theory and research provide little information on the combined
effects of rac-
ism, sexism, and heterosexism in the workplace. Do lesbians of
color face
greater heterosexism than other gay groups because racism and
sexism spills
over into heterosexism, or is heterosexism relatively
independent from these
other forms of discrimination?
In addition to discrimination, gender and race may also affect
the decision
to “be out,” or the disclosure of a gay identity to others in the
workplace. Les-
bians and gay people of color may be reticent to disclose their
sexual orienta-
tion at work because of their fear of becoming susceptible to yet
another form
of workplace discrimination and also because they are already
highly visible
because of their race and gender (Kanter, 1977). This visibility
may increase
their chances of being targeted for heterosexism. The disclosure
of a gay
identity at work is often done on a careful case-by-case basis;
gay employees
reveal their orientation in situations where they feel safe and to
whom they trust (Badgett, 1996; Friskopp & Silverstein, 1996).
Gay employ-
ees who are highly visible on the basis of their race and gender
may fear that
“coming out” to one coworker may result in a domino effect of
coming out to
the entire organization. Do these factors combine to make
lesbians and gay
people of color less likely than their White gay male
counterparts to disclose
their sexual orientation at work? The first purpose of this study
was to answer
these questions by exploring the effects of race and gender on
reports of
heterosexism in the workplace and the decision to disclose
sexual orientation
to others at work.
Although demographic variables of race and gender may affect
experiences, these effects do not occur in a vacuum but are
influenced by the
broader context of work relationships. In fact, a relational
demography per-
spective holds that the individual’s work experiences are shaped
by the
demographic composition of the manager-subordinate
relationship and work
team (Tsui, Egan, & O’Reilly, 1992; Tusi & O’Reilly, 1989). A
number of
observable and nonobservable demographic characteristics have
been inves-
tigated in studies of relational demography, including race,
ethnicity, gender,
education, age, attitudes, and tenure (see review by Tsui &
Gutek, 1999), but
there has been no research on the effects of sexual orientation
demography on
work experiences. Similarly, other scholars have identified
work group com-
position as an important contextual variable to consider when
examining the
effects of multiple group memberships on interpersonal
(Landrine, Klonoff, Alcaraz, Scott, & Wilkins, 1995; Tsui &
Gutek, 1999),
but sexual orientation has been omitted from these discussions.
A second
purpose of this study was to examine whether the race, gender,
and sexual
orientation of work groups and supervisors affect gay
employees’ reports of
discrimination and their decisions to disclose a gay identity at
There is a lack of research on the effects of multiple group
ships on workplace discrimination. The impact of race and
gender are often
explored in isolation, as if employees have either a race or a
gender but not
both (Ferdman, 1999), and sexual orientation has been excluded
from these
discussions. In the following sections, we first introduce the
construct of
heterosexism and provide a foundation for examining the
between heterosexism, racism and sexism. We then review the
existing the-
ory and research on the general effects of multiple group
memberships on
interpersonal discrimination. Following this, we examine how
these relation-
ships may transfer to work settings involving gay and lesbian
employees. We
use these various perspectives to develop and test two
competing models of
the effects of multiple group membership on heterosexism and
disclosure of
sexual orientation in the workplace.
Defining heterosexism and homophobia. Although there are a
number of
different terms that are used to characterize antigay attitudes
and discrimina-
tion (cf. Herek, 1984), two of the most common are
heterosexism and
homophobia. Heterosexism is defined as “an ideological system
that denies,
denigrates, and stigmatizes any nonheterosexual form of
behavior, relation-
ship, or community” (Herek, 1990, p. 316). Heterosexism
antigay attitudes, prejudice, and discriminatory behavior (Sears,
Homophobia is a popular term that is often used
interchangeably with
heterosexism. Homophobia reflects the fear and aversion
associated with
homosexuality (Weinberg, 1972). There is a lack of consensus
on the rela-
tionship between homophobia and heterosexism. Some authors
view homo-
phobia as the emotional component of heterosexism. For
example, Sears
(1997) defines homophobia as “prejudice, discrimination,
harassment or acts
of violence against sexual minorities, including lesbians, gay
men, bisexuals,
and transgendered persons, evidenced in a deep-seated fear or
hatred of those
who love and sexually desire those of the same sex” (p. 16).
Morin and
Garfinkle (1978) view homophobia as involving the individual’s
fear, as well as a cultural belief system that supports negative
about gay people.
Other authors maintain that homophobia and heterosexism are
ent constructs. For example, Jung and Smith (1993) observe that
heterosexism is often accompanied by homophobia, no logical
or necessary
connection exists between the two. People who are homophobic
may not be
heterosexist; those who are heterosexist may not be
homophobic” (p. 14).
Jung and Smith also provide an analogy that is pivotal to this
“Heterosexism is analogous to racism and sexism. Homophobia
finds appro-
priate analogies in racial bigotry and misogynism” (p. 14). The
debate as to
whether or not homophobia is part of heterosexism may be
similar to the
debate as to whether or not racial bigotry and misogyny are part
of racism and
sexism. It is clear that individuals can engage in racist, sexist,
or heterosexist
behaviors for reasons other than fear; prejudice may be based
on self-inter-
ests, beliefs, values, group norms, or social institutions
(Allport, 1954). At
issue is whether individuals can be fearful or even hate a group
without being
racist, sexist, or heterosexist. This discussion provides
important insights
into the similarities and differences between heterosexism,
racism, and
The relationship between heterosexism, racism, and sexism. A
review of
the literature reveals two perspectives on the relationship
heterosexism and other forms of social prejudice. One
perspective is that
heterosexism shares a common root with racism and sexism
(e.g., Fernald,
1995). This “common roots” perspective holds that
heterosexism springs
from the same social, cultural, and political foundations as
racism and sex-
ism. Specifically, racism, sexism, and heterosexism are all
forms of social
prejudice, and all involve attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that
result in the
superiority of one group over another (Herek, 1990; Jones,
1972; Lott, 1995).
A second perspective is that heterosexism is different from
racism and
sexism. There are at least three factors that support this
“independence per-
spective.” First, the affective component of heterosexism,
homophobia, has
no real counterpart in racism or sexism. Homophobia is
grounded in hetero-
sexuals’ fear that they are gay, may become gay, or may simply
be perceived
as being gay by others (Herek, 1984). The ability to conceal
sexual orienta-
tion also fuels homophobia by allowing others to speculate
about an individ-
ual’s sexual orientation. This fear does not readily translate to
underlying racism and sexism; individuals usually are not afraid
that they
may become or be viewed as another race or gender.
Second, the stigma associated with homosexuality is different
from the
stigmas associated with other groups (Goffman, 1974). The
invisibility of
sexual orientation may amplify “courtesy stigmas,” which are
received by associating with stigmatized groups (Goffman,
1974; Herek &
Capitanio, 1996). Heterosexuals who associate with gay
employees may be
assumed to be gay by others in the organization; this form of
stigma by asso-
ciation does not occur on the basis of gender and rarely occurs
on the basis of
race. Along with the courtesy stigma, gay men face an AIDS-
related stigma.
Although education has dispelled many of the myths associated
with HIV/
AIDS, the fear of AIDS is intertwined with a fear of
homosexuality in a way
that has no real parallel for race and gender.
The third factor that supports the independence perspective is
the con-
demnation of homosexuality by many religious groups.
Although various
religious groups throughout history have promulgated racism
and sexism,
the current focus of religious-based heterosexism has no direct
parallel with
race and gender. Jung and Smith (1993) observe that some
religious groups
view gay men and lesbians as unnatural or diseased and
“proclaims them to
be at the core of their very being abhorrent to God” (p. 61). A
factor is the idea that homosexuality is a “lifestyle choice”
(Jung & Smith,
1993), and this concept of choice is an important predictor of
antigay atti-
tudes (Herek & Capitanio, 1995). In contrast, race and gender
are not viewed
as immoral life choices that violate religious beliefs.
Herek (2000) identified two competing frameworks that have
been used
to understand gay prejudice and that parallel the common roots
and inde-
pendence perspectives. The “gay rights framework” holds that
toward gay people are psychologically similar to attitudes
toward racial and
ethnic minority groups. Like other minority groups, attitudes
toward gays are
based on political and religious values, normative pressures
from peers, and
the degree of intergroup contact. In contrast, the “gay liberation
holds that gay prejudice is less about attitudes toward others
and more about
attitudes toward one’s own sexual identity. Under this
framework, gay preju-
dice is due to the individual’s confusion about his or her own
sexuality, and
the fear of being labeled gay. This internal anxiety becomes
externalized in
prejudice against gays. Herek observed that both of these
frameworks may be
operative and that antigay prejudice may be due to a common
process under-
lying minority group attitudes, as well as an individual process
that reflects
fears and insecurities about one’s sexual identity.
Research on racist, sexist, and heterosexist attitudes provides
support for
both the “common roots” and the “independence” perspectives.
In support of
the common roots perspective, Henley and Pincus (1978) found
relationships among attitudinal measures of racism, sexism, and
heterosexism. Additionally, Herek’s (1984) review of the
literature indicates
that although heterosexism shares many of the same predictors
as racism and
sexism (i.e., limited contact, conservative religious orientation,
limited edu-
cation), some predictors are unique to heterosexism (i.e., guilt
about sexual-
ity, permissiveness about sexuality, and prior homosexual
Ficarrotto (1990) found support for both the common roots and
ence perspectives in his study of 79 undergraduate students. In
support of the
common roots perspective, he found a significant relationship
between racist
and sexist attitudes and an attitudinal measure of homophobia.
However, he
also found support for the idea that negative attitudes toward
gays reflects the
unique dimension of sexual conservatism, or deep-seated,
negative feelings
about human sexuality. It is clear that more research is needed
to test these
two perspectives.
A final area that can shed theoretical light on the relationships
heterosexism, racism, and sexism is the area of aversive/modern
(Dovidio & Gaertner, 1986) and subtle/modern sexism
(Benokraitis &
Feagin, 1995). In general, the modernist perspective on
prejudice holds that
because modern social values prohibit blatant expressions of
racism and sex-
ism, overt prejudice has gone underground and now surfaces in
more covert
ways. For example, the theory of aversive racism holds that
aversive racists
express egalitarian values and truly believe they are not racist
but uncon-
sciously harbor racist feelings that result in subtle, but potent,
(Dovidio & Gaertner, 1986). At the heart of aversive racism is
the individ-
ual’s ambivalence over egalitarian beliefs regarding socially
behavior, on one hand, and their negative feelings toward
minority groups,
on the other hand. These feelings are usually unconscious and
involve dis-
comfort, disgust, or even fear of the minority group. Aversive
racism may
have a direct counterpart in aversive heterosexism (Winegarden,
1994). In
essence, aversive heterosexism holds that unconscious
homophobia leads
individuals to behave in heterosexist ways, even though they
profess and
believe that they are not heterosexists.
Although aversive racism and heterosexism may share some
psychological processes, a key difference between them is that
the social
norms prohibiting heterosexism are not as well established as
norms prohib-
iting racism and sexism. For example, it is still legal to
discriminate on the
basis of sexual orientation in most workplaces (National Gay
and Lesbian
Task Force, 1996), and 6 out of 10 Americans believe that
homosexuality is
morally wrong (Newport, 1998). In addition to differences in
social norms,
the emotional component of heterosexism may be stronger,
more subcon-
scious, and more personal than the feelings associated with
racism and sex-
ism (Herek, 1984). One consequence of this may be that the
experienced by aversive racists may be less than or different
from than the
ambivalence experienced by aversive heterosexists.
In sum, whereas racism, sexism, and heterosexism may share
foundations in social prejudice, heterosexism may also be
distinct from tradi-
tional and modern forms of prejudice. The common roots and
perspectives provide an important context for understanding the
effects of
multiple group membership on interpersonal discrimination and
are the
foundation for our model on heterosexism in the workplace. We
now exam-
ine the effects of multiple group membership on interpersonal
and heterosexism in the workplace.
Multiple group memberships and interpersonal discrimination.
the relationships between heterosexism, racism, and sexism
provide one the-
oretical piece of the puzzle, we need to understand how an
individual’s mem-
bership in multiple minority groups affects his or her experience
heterosexism in the workplace. Although Ransford’s (1980)
model does not
address workplace discrimination, his theory of multiple group
provides a good basis for examining the effects of multiple
group member-
ships on heterosexism in the workplace.
Ransford (1980) proposed the “Multiple Jeopardy-Advantage”
hypothesis, which holds that members of multiple low-status
groups (i.e.,
African American females) may be faced with a double
whereas members of multiple high-status groups (i.e., White
males) enjoy a
double advantage. Ransford presented two competing scenarios
of multiple
group memberships. The first is that the effects of membership
in multiple
low- or high-status groups are independent. For example, he
notes that
women of color experience both racism and sexism, but these
effects may be
independent; women of color would therefore experience
equivalent sexism
as White women. As applied to gay men and lesbians, we would
expect that
lesbians would experience equivalent heterosexism as gay men,
and gay peo-
ple of color would experience the same heterosexism as their
majority gay
In contrast, Ransford’s (1980) second scenario holds that group
ships interact synergistically so that the total impact of multiple
group mem-
berships is greater than the sum of individual memberships. He
proposed that
“multiple jeopardy emphasizes that class, ethnicity, sex and age
tion may combine to produce unique barriers that cannot be
explained by any
one of these hierarchies singly” (p. 280). Under this scenario,
women of color
would experience greater sexism than White women because of
the synergis-
tic effect of multiple group memberships. As applied to the
current study, les-
bians and gay people of color could be expected to experience
heterosexism at work than their majority gay counterparts.
Ransford also the-
orized that White males have a dual advantage position due to
their race and
gender. In addition to main effects for race and gender, we
would also expect
an interaction resulting in White gay males’ experiencing less
than any other group.
There is little guidance from the literature as to which of these
models best
predicts interpersonal discrimination. Landrine and her
associates (1995)
assessed the MJA hypothesis by reviewing interpersonal
studies published in social psychology and feminist journals, by
race and gender differences in 1991 census salary reports, and
by conducting
a laboratory study on discriminatory reactions to television
(Landrine et al., 1995). Landrine and colleagues found
conflicting support
for the interaction between multiple group memberships and
concluded that
one problem with the MJA hypothesis is that it assumes
equivalency across
low- or high-status group memberships. Their conclusion that
the effects of
multiple group memberships may be contingent on the type of
membership is
a key point to consider when examining sexual orientation as a
group mem-
bership and is congruent with our earlier discussion on the
similarities and
differences between heterosexism, racism, and sexism. We now
revisit that
earlier discussion and examine how the MJA hypothesis can be
applied to
heterosexism in the workplace.
Sexual orientation and multiple group memberships in the
There has been a lack of theory or research on the relationship
between sexual
orientation and other group memberships in the workplace.
(1980) two competing scenarios of interpersonal discrimination
provide a
good foundation for examining this topic and are congruent with
the common
roots and independence perspectives reviewed earlier. We
integrate these
approaches and use them as a springboard to develop two
competing models
of the effects of multiple group membership on heterosexism
and disclosure
in the workplace.
We call the first model the ”spillover model.” This model holds
that the
effects of race and gender spill over into heterosexism in the
workplace and
are in line with the MJA hypothesis prediction (Ransford, 1980)
that mem-
bership in multiple groups compounds the advantages or
disadvantages asso-
ciated with individual group memberships. This model is also
aligned with
the broader common roots perspective, which holds that
heterosexism, rac-
ism, and sexism are all forms of social prejudice that involve
beliefs, and behaviors that result in the superiority of one group
over another.
A basic premise of the spillover model is that the common
foundation of
different forms of prejudice allows for the transference of
from one form to another at work. This is congruent with other
on workplace diversity. For example, women and employees of
color are
often excluded from social networks and face increased
visibility and nega-
tive performance attributions that increase their susceptibility to
job discrim-
ination (Kanter, 1977; Pettigrew & Martin, 1987). These factors
may also
make gay employees of color reluctant to risk further
discrimination by dis-
closing their gay identity at work, and prior experiences of
racism or sexism
may amplify this reluctance (Rosabal, 1996).
Emerging norms on racism and sexism may also contribute to
spillover model. Because legislation and societal norms prohibit
blatant rac-
ism and sexism, these forms of discrimination may become
channeled into
more socially permissible forms of heterosexism. For example,
the use of a
racial slur against a gay employee of color could result in
immediate dis-
missal, but the use of a gay slur may not even warrant a
reprimand in most
A logical extension of the spillover model is that group
membership not
only penalizes employees who are members of low-status
groups but also
helps those in high-status groups. This view is aligned with
(1980) proposal that upper-class White males obtain multiple
from their high-status group memberships. As applied to the
workplace, the
same perceptual and attributional processes that place women
and employ-
ees of color at a disadvantage may give advantages to their
majority counter-
parts. White gay males, for example, may be assumed to be
because of their race and gender. Accordingly, although White
gay males
face heterosexism, the spillover model predicts that the status,
power, and
privilege associated with their race and gender should buffer
them from the
full brunt of heterosexism and decrease their experience of
heterosexism in
the workplace. White gay males should therefore experience
heterosexism than any other gay group.
A competing model, which we label the “independence model,”
holds that
heterosexism is independent from other forms of workplace
This perspective predicts that race or gender will not affect
experiences of
heterosexism or the decision to be out at work. This model
builds upon
Ransford’s (1980) theory that group memberships are
independent in their
effects and is also aligned with the view that heterosexism
springs from a dif-
ferent foundation than racism or sexism. As discussed earlier,
there are a
number of ways in which heterosexism is different from other
forms of social
prejudice. First, heterosexism involves an emotional component
that lacks a
counterpart in racism and sexism. Second, the concealability of
ity amplifies courtesy stigmas and may fuel homophobia. Third,
ality is viewed as an immoral lifestyle choice that runs counter
to many reli-
gious doctrines. Finally, heterosexism may take a different form
in the
workplace than racism or sexism. For example, the competence,
motivation, or leadership of a female or minority employee is
often auto-
matically questioned as an expression of racism or sexism, but
these ques-
tions are usually not raised in response to an employee’s sexual
In contrast, gay employees are often treated as an onerous
oddity, and their
identity becomes shaped by their sexual behavior. The questions
aimed at
gay employees often focus on their sexual behaviors, whether
they are HIV-
positive, or whether they will become sexual predators at work
Friskopp & Silverstein, 1996; Woods, 1994) rather than on their
job perfor-
mance or competence.
These factors may combine to create a situation whereby the
faced by gay employees is not influenced by their other group
Under this model, lesbians would be as likely as gay men to
heterosexism, and gay people of color would face equivalent
heterosexism as
their White counterparts. Additionally, White gay males would
not gain a
heterosexism buffer by their race or gender and would therefore
be as likely
to experience heterosexism as their female and minority
counterparts. Simi-
larly, the independence model would predict that inasmuch as
race and gen-
der would not affect heterosexism, and heterosexism is related
to disclosure
decisions (Ragins & Cornwell, 2001), race and gender would
therefore not
affect the decision to disclose a gay identity at work.
Although both the spillover and the independence models are
there is no research to support one perspective over another in
predicting dis-
crimination against gay employees. We therefore assess the
spillover model
by testing the prediction that lesbians and gay people of color
will be less
likely to disclose their sexual orientation and will report more
workplace dis-
crimination on the basis of sexual orientation than will their
majority gay
We controlled for two important factors in our study. First,
because gay
employees in organizations covered by legislation prohibiting
sexual orien-
tation discrimination are more likely to be out at work and
report less work-
place discrimination than those in organizations that are not
governed by
such legislation (Ragins & Cornwell, 2001), we controlled for
this variable in
our study. It is also important to control for disclosure of sexual
when investigating reports of discrimination; a gay employee
may be less
likely to be the direct target of heterosexism if no one at work
knows that she
or he is gay. Accordingly, we controlled for these variables in
our test of the
spillover model:
Hypothesis 1a: Holding protective legislation constant, lesbians
will be less likely
than gay males to disclose their sexual orientation in the
workplace, and gay
people of color will be less likely than gay Caucasians to
disclose their sexual
orientation in the workplace.
Hypothesis 1b: Holding protective legislation constant, gay
White males will be
more likely than any other group to disclose their sexual
orientation in the
Hypothesis 2a: Holding protective legislation and disclosure of
sexual orientation
constant, lesbians will report more heterosexism in the
workplace than will gay
males, and gay people of color will report more heterosexism
than will gay
Hypothesis 2b: Holding protective legislation and disclosure of
sexual orientation
constant, White gay males will report less heterosexism in the
workplace than
will any other group.
Workplace discrimination may be affected by more than an
group membership. As we discuss next, the demographic
composition of the
work group is a critical variable that may affect reports of
heterosexism and
the decision to be out at work.
A factor that may be even more important than the gay
employee’s race or
gender is the race, gender, and sexual orientation of his or her
supervisor and
workgroup. A relational demography perspective predicts that
who work with managers and teams that are similar to them will
form closer
work relationships than will individuals who work in dissimilar
work groups
(Tsui et al., 1992; Tsui & O’Reilly, 1989). A number of
observable and
unobservable demographic characteristics have been
investigated in studies
of relational demography (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender,
education, age, atti-
tudes, and tenure) (see Riordan, 2001; Tsui & Gutek, 1999).
However, these
studies have not examined sexual orientation as a demographic
variable and
have assumed that the effects of other demographic variables
generalize to
gay employees.
An application of relational demography theory to sexual
orientation in
the workplace leads to the prediction that sexual orientation
and the decision to disclose a gay identity at work may be
affected by the rela-
tional demography of the work team and supervisory
relationship. Gay
employees who have coworkers and supervisors of the same
race, gender,
and sexual orientation should have a more supportive work
environment than
employees in work settings where they are the only people of
their race, gen-
der, or sexual orientation.
Holding protective legislation constant, we therefore expect the
Hypothesis 3: Gay employees who share a similar sexual
orientation, gender, or
race with coworkers will be more likely to disclose their gay
identity and, hold-
ing disclosure constant, will report less workplace
discrimination than
employees who differ from their coworkers.
Hypothesis 4: Gay employees who share a similar sexual
orientation, gender, or
race with their supervisor will be more likely to disclose their
gay identity and,
holding disclosure constant, will report less workplace
discrimination than
employees who differ from their supervisor.
Finally, we explore whether these relational demography effects
are sym-
metrical for different groups. Existing research suggests that the
effects of
demographic similarity may be different for majority and
minority group
members, and some research indicates that majority members
have a more
difficult time in diverse groups than do minority members (see
reviews by
Riordan, 2001; Tsui & Gutek, 1999). Riordan (2001) has called
for more
research that investigates nonsymmetrical demographic effects,
but there is
little theory or research to guide an investigation of these
effects among gay
employees. In fact, asymmetrical demography effects may be
quite different
for gay employees. For example, current research predicts that a
male may have a negative reaction to being in an all-female
group (Riordan,
2001), but this reaction may be quite different in the case of a
gay male in an
all-female group. Accordingly, we investigate this issue with a
Research Question: Are relational demography effects among
gay employees
symmetrical for race and gender?
Sampling procedure. As part of a larger study on workplace
(Ragins & Cornwell, 2001), surveys were sent to a national
random sample
of 2,919 members of three national gay rights organizations in
the United
States. Specifically, we sent surveys to 1,488 members of one of
the largest
gay civil rights organizations in the nation. To obtain a diverse
sample, we
sent an additional 681 surveys to members of a national gay
Latino/a organi-
zation, and 750 surveys were sent to a national gay African
American organi-
zation. A stratified random sampling technique was used in
which equal
numbers of men and women were selected by geographic area.
The surveys
were mailed in 1997 and were completely anonymously; there
was no identi-
fying information on the surveys that would connect them to the
Two reminder postcards and a reminder letter were sent to all
respondents. A
total of 334 surveys were returned unanswered for various
reasons, the pri-
mary reason being undeliverable mail (283); 51 surveys were
returned unan-
swered because respondents were retired, unemployed, self-
employed, het-
erosexual, or deceased. Completed surveys were returned by
respondents, yielding a response rate of 30%.
Respondents. Because this study investigated workplace
against gay employees, surveys returned from the following
groups were not
used in the analyses: those indicating they were heterosexual (n
= 20) or
unsure of their sexual orientation (n = 3), those who were self-
employed (n =
99) or employed by a gay, lesbian, or bisexual organization (n =
51), and
those who were not employed in paid positions (i.e., retired,
unemployed, or
volunteers) (n = 61). The final sample consisted of 534
The sample consisted of 168 women and 363 men; 3
respondents did not
report their gender. The majority of the respondents considered
gay or lesbian (92.9%), as compared with bisexual (7.1%). The
racial and
ethnic background of the respondents was 67.6% White (n =
361), 15.2%
Black (n = 81), 12.2% Latino/Hispanic (n = 65), .7% Asian (n =
4), 1.1% mul-
tiracial (n = 6) and 1.1% other (n = 6); 11 (2.1%) did not report
their race.1 The
average age of the respondents was 41 years. The respondents
were highly
educated—the majority held bachelor’s degrees (38.6%), and
many had
master’s (28.2%) and doctoral (17.9%) degrees. Forty-one
percent of the
sample earned between $26,000 and $50,000 a year, and 24%
between $51,000 and $75,000 a year. The average tenure in
their current
organization was 9.3 years, and the average tenure in their
current position
was 6.1 years. The majority of respondents held professional or
jobs (68.5%) and managerial jobs (19.7%); the remainder of the
sample were
employed in clerical or sales positions (4.9%), service or craft
(6.4%), or
agricultural (.4%). Respondents also came from a large range of
such as education (24.2%), health (17%), government (14.8%),
(12.2%), manufacturing (9.2%), finance/insurance (6.8%),
ment (4.8%), advertising/publishing (3.1%), travel (2.0%),
human services
(2.0%), and design/fashion (.9%).
The survey was developed and pretested on an opportunity
sample of 28
gay and lesbian employees across the nation. The pretest was
used to ensure
clarity, refine instruments, and select items. The staff from the
gay rights
organizations that provided the mailing lists also critiqued and
approved the
pretest and final surveys.
Controls for protective legislation. Respondents were asked the
city and
state in which they worked. Because legislation varies by
region, multiple
sources were used to determine current legislation governing
employers (Button, Rienzo, & Wald, 1997; National Gay and
Lesbian Task
Force, 1996; Wald, Button, & Rienzo, 1997). The protective
legislation vari-
able was coded 0 = not covered by protective legislation or 1 =
covered by
protective legislation; therefore, higher values represent
protective coverage.
Work group and supervisor demographic composition. As
by Riordan and Shore (1997), we operationalized our
demographic variables
as the individual’s demographic characteristic relative to his or
her supervi-
sor and work group. A set of questions asked respondents to
indicate whether
their coworkers were mostly the same race or ethnicity as them
(coded as 3),
about equally balanced (coded as 2), or mostly a different race
or ethnicity
from them (coded as 1). Parallel sets of questions and codings
were used to
assess the gender and sexual orientation of the work group.
Another set of
questions asked respondents if their supervisors were the same
race or ethnic-
ity as them (coded 1) or a different race or ethnicity from them
(coded 0).
Parallel questions and coding were used to assess the
supervisor’s gender and
sexual orientation. Higher values therefore represent greater
similarity of the
respondent’s race, gender, and sexual orientation to his or her
manager and
work group. Respondents were also given an option of “don’t
know” for
reporting similarities of their coworkers’ and manager’s race
and sexual ori-
entation. These responses were recoded as missing data in the
Workplace discrimination. A review of the literature revealed
psychometrically established measures of sexual orientation
at work. A modified version of the Workplace
Inventory (James, Lovato, & Cropanzano, 1994) was therefore
used to test
the hypotheses and research questions. The 15-item, single-
factor instrument
has established reliability and validity (James et al., 1994). The
measures perceptions of race discrimination in the workplace,
so items relat-
ing to race were replaced with items relating to sexual
orientation. Sample
inventory items are “Prejudice against gays and lesbians exists
where I
work,” “At work I am treated poorly because of my sexual
orientation,” and
“Supervisors scrutinize the work of gay and lesbian employees
more than the
work of heterosexual employees.” Although the instrument
measures both
experienced and observed discrimination, prior studies have
found that the
instrument represents a single factor (James et al., 1994), and a
components factor analysis conducted on the present sample
also yielded a
single factor with an eigenvalue of 7.49, accounting for 53.6%
of the vari-
ance. The instrument uses a 7-point Likert-type scale, with
responses ranging
from 7 (completely agree) to 1 (completely disagree). Higher
values there-
fore indicate greater reported workplace discrimination. The
alpha found in the present study for this instrument was .94.
Disclosure of sexual orientation at work. Disclosure was
measured with
the following question: “At work, have you disclosed your
sexual orientation
to (Please check one option): (1) no one, (2) some people, (3)
most people, (4)
everyone.” These four options were modified from similar “out
at work”
scales used by Croteau and Lark (1995), Levine and Leonard
(1984), and
Schneider (1987). Higher values represent greater disclosure of
sexual orien-
tation at work.
The correlations, means, and standard deviations for the
variables are dis-
played in Table 1. Our sample reflected substantial diversity in
work group
relationships. For supervisor-subordinate relationships, 30% (n
= 159) of
respondents reported that their supervisor was a different race
or ethnicity
from them, 68% (n = 362) had supervisors of the same race or
ethnicity as
them, and 5 individuals did not know their supervisor’s race. In
terms of gen-
der, 43% (n = 227) had a supervisor of the opposite sex, and
57% (n = 299)
had a supervisor of the same sex. In terms of the supervisor’s
sexual orienta-
tion, 85.8% (n = 452) had heterosexual supervisors, 8.9% (n =
47) had gay
supervisors, and 5.3% (n = 28) did not know their supervisor’s
sexual orien-
tation. With respect to work group demography, 24% (n = 126)
had cowork-
ers that were mostly a different race or ethnicity from them,
18% (n = 97)
worked in groups that were about equally balanced, 57% (n =
305) had
coworkers who were mostly the same race or ethnicity as them,
and 1 respon-
dent reported not knowing coworkers’ race or ethnicity. For
gender, 29% (n =
154) worked in groups composed mostly of individuals of the
opposite sex,
43% (n = 224) were in gender-balanced work groups, and 28%
(n = 148)
worked in groups that were mostly the same gender as them. For
sexual ori-
entation, the majority of the respondents (89.3%, n = 474)
reported that most
of their coworkers were heterosexual, 6.6% (n = 35) reported
that their work
groups were about equally balanced, 2.3% (n = 12) reported that
most of their
coworkers were gay or lesbian, and 1.9% (n = 10) did not know
their cowork-
ers’ sexual orientation.
There was also significant variation in the degree to which
were out at work: In total, 11.7% reported that they were out to
no one at
work, 37% reported being out to some people, 24.6% reported
being out to
most people, and 26.7% reported being out to everyone at work.
We also wanted to assess whether our African American, Latino
can, Asian American, and multiracial respondents differed in
discrimination and disclosure decisions. Analyses of variance
indicated that
respondents of color did not significantly differ from one
another in the
dependent variables of disclosure of sexual orientation, F(3,
152) = .552, ns,
or reports of sexual orientation discrimination, F(3, 150) = .796,
ns. We
therefore combined and recoded the race variable as 1 (White
respondent) or
0 (respondent of color).
Hierarchical regression analyses were used to test the study’s
Our first set of hypotheses tested the spillover perspective,
which predicted
that lesbians and gay people of color would be less likely to
disclose their sex-
ual orientation (Hypothesis 1a) and would report more
heterosexism at work
(Hypothesis 2a) than would their majority gay counterparts. We
also tested
for a significant interaction of race and gender, resulting in
White gay males
reporting less heterosexism (Hypothesis 2b) and being more
likely to dis-
close at work (Hypothesis 1b) than any other group. As
displayed in Table 2,
only Hypothesis 1a was partially supported. When holding
protective legis-
lation constant, gender was not significantly related to
disclosure, but gay
people of color were less likely than their White counterparts to
be out at
work. No support was received for the other spillover
hypotheses. When
holding protective legislation and disclosure constant, we found
no signifi-
cant race or gender effects in reports of heterosexism at work.
Moreover, the
lack of a significant interaction between race and gender
indicated that White
gay males were as likely as other groups to disclose and report
Hypotheses 3 and 4 examined the effects of the demographic
of the work team and supervisory relationship on disclosure and
reported dis-
crimination. Because women and people of color are more likely
to be in the
minority in work groups, we controlled for race and gender
effects by enter-
ing the respondent’s race and gender in the second step of our
analyses. As displayed in Table 2, we found partial support for
Hypothesis 3.
Gay respondents who worked with mostly gay coworkers
reported less
Means, Standard Deviations, and Intercorrelations
for Study Variables (N = 499)
M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Reported
discrimination 45.3 20.5
2. Protective
legislation .70 .46 –.14
3. Out at work 2.66 1.00 –.29 .20
4. Supervisor’s race .70 .46 –.08 .01 .12
5. Supervisor’s
gender .57 .50 .00 –.04 –.04 .08
6. Supervisor’s
sexual orientation .09 .29 –.17 .05 .11 –.01 .09
7. Coworkers’ race 2.34 .84 –.02 –.04 .07 .66 .05 –.06
8. Coworkers’
sexual orientation 1.11 .38 –.28 .06 .26 –.04 –.01 .42 –.02
9. Coworkers’ gender 2.01 .76 –.01 –.04 –.04 –.05 .36 .01 –.02
10. Respondent’s race .69 .46 –.04 .02 .08 .60 .10 –.05 .60 –.02
11. Respondent’s gender .68 .47 –.04 .03 .01 .09 .13 .03 .04 .00
.16 .08
NOTE: The significance levels for correlations are r > .07, p <
.05; r > .10, p < .01; r > .14, p <
.001; r > .20, ns, one-tailed. Higher values represent more
discrimination, protective legislation,
greater disclosure at work, and greater demographic similarity
with coworkers and supervisors.
Respondent’s race is coded 1 = majority, 0 = minority.
Respondent’s gender is coded 1 = male,
0 = female.
heterosexism and were more likely to be out at work than were
who worked in balanced or mostly heterosexual groups.
However, the gender
or racial composition of the work team was not significantly
related to dis-
crimination or disclosure. Relational demography had a
somewhat stronger
effect in the supervisor-subordinate relationship. In partial
support of
Hypothesis 4, respondents with supervisors of the same sexual
orientation or
Results of Hierarchical Regression Analyses: Tests of
Perceived Workplace
Disclosure At Work Discrimination
β ∆R2 R2 β ∆R2 R2
Hypotheses 1a and 2a
Step 1
Control variables .04*** .04*** .09*** .09***
Protective legislation .20*** –.09*
Disclosure at worka –.27***
Step 2
Race and gender effects .01 .04*** .01 .09***
Respondent’s race .07* –.02
Respondent’s gender –.01 –.03
Hypotheses 1b and 2b
Step 3
Race and gender interaction .14 .01 .05*** .07 .00 .09***
Hypothesis 3
Step 3
Work team effects .07*** .11*** .04*** .13***
Coworkers’ sexual orientation .26*** –.22***
Coworkers’ race .05 –.01
Coworkers’ gender .05 .01
Hypothesis 4
Step 3
Supervisor effects .02** .07*** .02** .11***
Supervisor’s sexual orientation .11** –.14***
Supervisor’s race .11** –.05
Supervisor’s gender –.05 .01
NOTE: Higher values represent protective legislation, more
discrimination, greater disclosure,
and greater demographic similarity to coworkers and
supervisors. Respondent’s race is coded
1 = majority, 0 = minority. Respondent’s gender is coded 1 =
male, 0 = female.
a. Disclosure at work was only entered as a control variable in
analyses involving perceived
workplace discrimination.
*p ≤ .05. **p ≤ .01. ***p ≤ .001. One-tailed significance tests
were used for directional hypothe-
ses, two-tailed levels for control variables.
race were more likely to be out at work than were respondents
with supervi-
sors of a different race or sexual orientation. Additionally,
respondents with
gay supervisors reported less workplace discrimination than
those with het-
erosexual supervisors. The gender of the supervisor did not
affect disclosure
or reported discrimination. In short, we found significant
effects for similarities based on sexual orientation and
supervisor’s race but
no significant effects for similarities based on gender.
The finding that gay employees were more likely to disclose
their sexual
orientation when they had supervisors of the same race led us to
ask a follow-
up question about whether this effect was independent of the
sexual orientation. To answer this question, we entered the
supervisor’s sex-
ual orientation before the race similarity variable in a
hierarchical regression
analysis. When controlling for the sexual orientation of the
supervisor, along
with the other control variables (protective legislation,
respondent’s race and
gender), the similarity in the supervisor’s race variable
maintained its signifi-
cant relationship with disclosure of sexual orientation (Beta =
.10, p < .05).
This indicated that irrespective of the supervisor’s sexual
orientation and the
employee’s race, gay employees with supervisors of the same
race were
more likely to be out at work than those with supervisors of a
different race.
Our research question assessed whether these relational
variables varied by the respondent’s race or gender.2 To answer
this question,
we tested the interaction between all the relational demography
variables and
the respondent’s race and gender in a series of regression
analyses. We
entered the control variables in the first step of the analyses,
followed by the
main effect terms in the second step (respondent’s race and
gender, and the
relational demography of the team and supervisory relationship)
and the
interaction terms in the final step. None of the interactions was
significant for
disclosure, indicating that the demography effects found for
disclosure did
not vary by the respondent’s race or gender.
Whereas race and gender main effects were not significant, we
three significant interactions for discrimination. First, as
indicated in Table 3,
we found a significant interaction between the respondent’s
gender and the
gender composition of the work team. As displayed in Figure 1,
both gay men
and lesbians encountered the most heterosexism in work teams
composed of
primarily men, and this effect was amplified for lesbians.
Second, we found a
significant interaction between the respondent’s and
supervisor’s gender. A
plot of the adjusted means in Figure 2 revealed that both gay
men and lesbians
reported more heterosexism with male supervisors than with
female supervi-
sors and that lesbians with male supervisors reported
significantly more
heterosexism than did any other group. Combined, these two
indicate that heterosexism is more likely to be reported in work
involving male supervisors and primarily male work teams and
that this
effect is stronger for lesbians than for gay men.
The third significant interaction was between the respondent’s
race and
the racial composition of the work group. As displayed in
Figure 3, both
Significant Interactions for Research Question
Perceived Workplace Discrimination
β ∆R2 R2
Step 1
Control variables .09*** .09***
Protective legislation –.09*
Disclosure at work –.27***
Step 2
Main effects .00 .09***
Respondent’s gender –.04
Coworkers’ gender .02
Step 3
Respondent × Coworker Gender –.53*** .02*** .12***
Step 1
Control variables .09*** .09***
Protective legislation –.09*
Disclosure at work –.27***
Step 2
Main effects .00 .09***
Respondent’s gender –.04
Supervisor’s gender –.01
Step 3
Respondent × Supervisor Gender .20* .003* .10***
Step 1
Control variables .09*** .09***
Protective legislation –.09*
Disclosure at work –.27***
Step 2
Main effects .00 .09***
Respondent’s race –.02
Coworkers’ race .00
Step 3
Respondent × Coworker Race .41** .01** .10***
NOTE: Only significant interactions are displayed in the table.
Higher values represent protec-
tive legislation, more discrimination, and greater demographic
similarity to coworkers and supervi-
sors. Respondent’s race is coded 1 = majority, 0 = minority.
Respondent’s gender is coded 1 = male,
0 = female.
*p ≤ .05. **p ≤ .01. ***p ≤ .001, two-tailed.
Same Balanced Opposite
Coworkers' Gender
Female Male
Lesbians in primarily male groups
Gay men in primarily male groups
Figure 1: Adjusted Perceived Discrimination Means for
Significant Respondent’s Gen-
der by Coworkers’ Gender Interaction
Same Opposite
Supervisor's Gender
Female Male Lesbians with male supervisors
Gay men with male supervisors
Figure 2: Adjusted Perceived Discrimination Means for
Significant Respondent’s Gen-
der by Supervisor Interaction
White gays and gays of color reported the most heterosexism in
White work teams. Additionally, both White gays and gays of
color reported
less heterosexism in groups that were racially balanced than in
groups that
were primarily White or composed primarily of people of color.
To ensure
that these interactions were not due to the sexual orientation of
coworkers or
supervisors, we reran all the analyses controlling for this
variable. All three
interactions retained significance.
We used a national sample of gay and lesbian employees to
examine the
effects of race, gender, and work group demography on reports
of sexual ori-
entation discrimination and disclosure of sexual orientation at
work. Our
study breaks new ground in exploring the effects of multiple
group member-
ships and relational demography on the workplace experiences
of gay
employees and provides a foundation for future research and
theory develop-
ment on this understudied population.
Same Race Bala nced Different Race
Coworkers' Race
Majority M inority
Primarily white group
Primarily white group
Figure 3: Adjusted Perceived Discrimination Means for
Significant Respondent’s Race
by Coworkers’ Race Interaction
We developed and tested two competing models of the effects of
group membership on reports of heterosexism and the decision
to disclose a
gay identity at work: the independence model and the spillover
model. The
results of our study indicate more support for the independence
model than
for the spillover model. In contrast to the spillover model,
lesbians and gay
people of color did not report more heterosexism than their
White male coun-
terparts, and lesbians were as likely as gay men to be out at
work. However, in
support of the model, gay people of color disclosed their sexual
orientation to
fewer people at work than their White counterparts. One
explanation for this
is that gay people of color are more likely to be in the numerical
minority in
organizations than women, and this visibility may increase the
risks associated with disclosure. Gay employees of color may
already feel
that they are under a microscope at work because of their race
and may not
want to feed the gossip mill by coming out at work. They may
fear that their
visibility may promote a “domino effect” in which their
disclosure to a select
group of individuals results in everyone in the organization
knowing their
sexual orientation. Finally, gay people of color who encounter
racism at work
may fear that a revelation of a gay identity may “add fuel to the
tory fire.”
The finding that lesbians and gay employees of color reported
heterosexism at work as White gay males supports the
independence model,
which holds that the forms and functions of heterosexism make
it distinct
from racism or sexism. A key distinction is that the invisibility
of sexual ori-
entation combines with sexual insecurities and identity conflicts
to create an
emotional reaction that has no real counterpart in race and
gender. Individ-
uals are usually not afraid that they are or will become another
race or gender
or that they will be perceived as being a different race or gender
by mere asso-
ciation with a stigmatized group. Another distinction is that
unlike sexual ori-
entation, race and gender are not viewed as immoral lifestyle
choices that
violate religious doctrines.
Although our study provides a good start, more research is
needed that
examines the underpinnings of racism, sexism, and
heterosexism in organi-
zations. Our study assessed race and gender effects, but future
research could
take the next step by comparing mean reports of sexism, racism,
heterosexism using a racially diverse sample of gay and lesbian
We also need a more thorough understanding of the relationship
homophobia and heterosexism in organizations and the
antecedents and out-
comes of these constructs.
Whereas memberships in multiple high-status groups may give
individuals an advantage, we found no evidence of this among
the White gay
men in our study, who reported equivalent heterosexism as other
groups. The
race and gender of these men apparently did not buffer them
from sexual ori-
entation discrimination. One reason for this may be that openly
gay men may
not be invited to join the “good old boys’ club.” Moreover, the
disclosure of a
gay identity after entering this club may evoke heterosexist
backlash; gay
men may be viewed as “imposters who infiltrated the White
male bastion.” Additionally, our finding that White gay men
were as likely to
be out at work as their female and minority counterparts
suggests that
although coming out may mean relinquishing the privileges
associated with
their race and gender, the emotional costs involved with hiding
a gay identity
may make that decision well worthwhile.
Future research should use both quantitative and qualitative
approaches to
examine race and gender differences in identity management
strategies. Our
study examined race and gender differences in the decision to
disclose, but
we did not explore the strategies used by those who concealed
their sexual
identity at work (cf. Button, 2001). Although lesbians were as
likely as gay
men to be out at work, it would be interesting to examine the
identity manage-
ment strategies used by those who remained in the closet. For
Woods (1994) observed that two nondisclosure strategies
involve avoiding
the issue of sexuality and counterfeiting a heterosexual identity.
Are there
race and gender differences in the use of these strategies? One
could argue
that counterfeiting a heterosexual identity would be difficult for
those who
are already highly visible because of their minority status.
Additionally, the
number of minority group memberships may matter; individuals
who are
members of multiple stigmatized groups may be more adept at
their identities than those who are members of just one
stigmatized group.
Future research could also explore the factors that predict
disclosure in the
workplace. Lesbians were as likely as gay men to be out at
work, but the fac-
tors that led to this decision may vary by race and gender. We
need to under-
stand what factors build the sense of trust and safety necessary
for lesbians
and gay people of color to disclose at work. Perhaps they
disclose their sexual
orientation to coworkers only after they have “tested the water”
for racism
and sexism. These questions point to the importance of
examining not just the
race and gender of the gay employee but also the demographic
of their work environment.
Although the race and gender of gay employees did not affect
their reports
of heterosexism, the demographic composition of their work
emerged as an important predictor of disclosure and
discrimination. In fact,
sexual orientation emerged as the leading demographic
predictor of work-
place experiences for gay employees. In support of relational
theory, gay employees with gay supervisors or primarily gay
work groups
were more likely to be out at work and reported less
heterosexism than
employees in heterosexual work environments. Whereas sexual
is often omitted from discussions of relational demography, it is
central to
gay employees and should be included in future research.
Also in line with relational demography theory was the finding
that gay
employees were more likely to disclose their sexual orientation
when they
had supervisors of the same race or ethnicity, and this effect
held regardless
of the supervisor’s sexual orientation or the employee’s race.
This suggests
that although gay employees of color may be more reluctant
than White
employees to disclose at work, having a same-race supervisor
may lessen this
reluctance. Even if the supervisor is heterosexual, similarity in
race may be
sufficient to build the trust necessary for disclosure. Gay
employees may also
view a supervisor of a different race as less motivated to protect
them from
the potentially negative consequences of disclosure.
We found no support for relational demography predictions
gender similarity. Gender similarity in supervisory relationships
and work
teams did not affect disclosure or reports of heterosexism. On
closer inspec-
tion, it becomes clear that the assumption of heterosexuality
underlies rela-
tional demography predictions. Gender similarity predictions
are based on
the idea that working with someone of the same gender
increases an individ-
ual’s sense of comfort, security, and acceptance. This comfort
may not be
afforded to gay employees; the experience of a gay male
working in a group
of heterosexual men may be quite different from the experience
of a hetero-
sexual male in a heterosexual male group. The prediction that
gender similar-
ity creates a positive group climate also assumes that
individuals in same-
gender groups do not encounter the potential for sexual tension
that may be
present in cross-gender groups. This prediction is reversed for
gay employ-
ees; a gay male working in a group of gay males may encounter
similar sexual
tensions as might a heterosexual male working in a group of
females. This suggests that biological sex may be a poor
predictor of
perceived similarity among gay employees. Moreover,
biological sex may be
an entirely meaningless construct for transgendered employees,
whose gen-
der identity is independent from their biological sex.
Some of the most intriguing findings in our study involved the
interactions between the relational demography variables and
the respon-
dent’s race and gender. The most provocative finding was that
both White
and minority gay employees reported less heterosexism in
groups that were
racially balanced than in primarily White or non-White groups,
and this find-
ing held even when controlling for the group’s sexual
orientation. One expla-
nation for this finding is that teams that are diverse on one
dimension (i.e.,
race) may undergo a diversity awareness process that transfers
to other
dimensions (i.e., sexual orientation). This supports the idea that
diversity in
one area helps teams deal with diversity in other areas.
However, a less opti-
mistic interpretation is that racially diverse groups are so
focused on dealing
with race issues that issues relating to sexual orientation slip
into the back-
ground. These two scenarios present an exciting agenda for
future research.
Do racially diverse teams develop greater self-awareness of all
forms of
diversity, or does the conflict derived from dealing with one
form of diversity
overshadow issues relating to other forms of diversity?
Our study also revealed that gay employees who worked in
primarily male
groups or who had male supervisors were more likely to report
than were employees who worked in gender-balanced or female-
work environments. Additionally, this effect was significantly
more likely to
be found among lesbians than among gay men, indicating that
lesbians in
male-dominated environments may face extensive heterosexism
at work.
Future research can build on this finding by examining the
predictors, moder-
ators, and outcomes of these relationships.
Although the demography of the work group is an important
predictor of
the workplace experiences of gay employees, team demography
may not be
as important as the group’s values and attitudes about
homosexuality. Future
research can investigate this topic and draw on current views of
diversity that distinguish between demographic “surface
diversity” and
“deep-level diversity,” which reflects group members’ attitudes,
values, and
beliefs (Harrison, Price, & Bell, 1998). It would be interesting
to assess how
group demography interacts with attitudes toward
homosexuality to affect
work outcomes for gay employees.
Several limitations of this study should be mentioned. First, the
use of
members of national gay rights organizations may limit the
of the study. This group may be more likely than other gay
groups to be out at
work, they may be more sensitive to discrimination, and they
may be more
likely to choose organizations that are supportive of gay
It should also be noted that we examined subjective reports of
workplace discrimination, which may under- or overestimate
objective dis-
crimination. For example, lesbians and gay employees of color
underreport heterosexism if they perceive it as being minimal
relative to the
racism and sexism they experience at work. The lack of gender
and race dif-
ferences in reported discrimination could also be a function of
gender and
race differences in discrimination attributions. Existing research
that women and people of color are less likely than their White
male counter-
parts to blame poor performance in ambiguous situations on
(Ruggiero & Taylor, 1995). This research suggests that lesbians
and gay
employees of color may deny that discrimination exists or may
assume per-
sonal responsibility for workplace discrimination.
Another limitation of our study is that we did not take the
climate of the
organization into account. Disclosure of a gay identity may be
affected not
only by “gay-friendly” climates but also by the degree to which
are allowed or encouraged to share any form of personal
disclosure at work.
Personal disclosure may be more common in some workplaces
and occupa-
tions than others and may vary by tasks and relationships with
peers. For
example, disclosure may be less likely to occur in teams that do
not involve
face-to-face interaction, in cases where employees have
different coworkers
every day (i.e., flight attendants), or in work situations that
involve physi-
cally close interactions (i.e., firefighters and police officers).
Finally, the results of our study may or may not generalize to
the bisexual
and transgender populations. Additionally, our survey did not
allow respon-
dents to indicate whether they were transgendered.
Transgendered individu-
als may self-identify as heterosexual, and because we excluded
fied heterosexuals (n = 20) from our analyses, we may have also
transgendered respondents.
In conclusion, the results of our study suggest that race, gender,
and sexual
orientation should not be considered in a vacuum but should be
considered in
relation to the broader work environment. Although the results
of this study
suggest that relational demography is central to the work
experiences of gay
employees, heterosexual assumptions underlying this theory
need to be
examined more closely. Finally, it is clear that more research is
needed that
explores the complex interactions between multiple group
identities in the
workplace and the effects of these identities on gay employees’
1. Undeliverable mail was due to change of addresses. The
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groups. Race differences in return rates may therefore partially
be attributable to the use of older
mailing lists by the African American and Latino American
2. We were not able to test for symmetrical sexual orientation
effects because we did not
have heterosexuals in our sample.
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Belle Rose Ragins is a professor of management at the
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kee. She received her Ph.D. in industrial-organizational
psychology from the University
of Tennessee. Her research interests focus on diversity and
mentoring in organizations.
John M. Cornwell is an associate professor of psychology at
Loyola University–New
Orleans. He received his Ph.D. in industrial-organizational
psychology from the Uni-
versity of Tennessee. His research interests include
psychometrics, statistics, and educa-
tional reform.
Janice S. Miller is an associate professor of management at the
University of Wisconsin–
Milwaukee. She received her Ph.D. from Arizona State
University. Her research inter-
ests include performance management, compensation, and
employee development.

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Reply Reply to 2 other classmates by offering 1 new piece of info.docx

  • 1. Reply: Reply to 2 other classmates by offering 1 new piece of information to add to their discussion of family systems. As you provide feedback to peers, you are not grading their assignment, but you are enlarging the conversation to prod a bit more on what could be added to clarify the paper substantively. Please be very specific and share what you would like to see added or what was not clear as you read the paper of your peers. Additionally, please note that I will be providing corrective information for each student to take the assignment to the "finish line". The feedback is not an act of judgment nor an indication of grade. It is simply feedback that each of you can use moving forward. 250 words or more for each feedback along with one reference Discussion board feedback #1: Trauma can affect individuals in many ways depending on the type that has occurred. The age of the person experiencing the trauma can determine lasting effects. Trauma can occur from anywhere utero to adulthood. It is important to know what trauma is and the lasting effects the come with this exposure. Treatment for the traumatized individual can be significantly enhanced depending on the person’s level of spirituality development. Trauma can occur from any of the following events physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, natural disasters, wartimes and terrorist attacks (Song, Min, Huh, & Chae, 2016). Trauma can be any event that is extremely alarming or upsetting experience that causes physiological anxiety, and impacts the neurological and psychosocial development processes (Song, Min, Huh, & Chae, 2016). Trauma affects individuals differently. Cultural differences around the world may lead in some cases being more socially acceptable in one country and not in others. One neurological disorder that can develop from trauma is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. “For a diagnosis of PTSD, a person must have experienced, witnessed, or been confronted
  • 2. with an event so traumatizing that its results in symptoms of re- experiencing, hyper-arousal, cognitive alterations and avoidance (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015 p.528).” Studies have shown that a person suffering from PTSD will have a decrease in volume of the hippocampus. The hippocampus is the part of the brain “plays a role in our emotions, ability to remember, and compare sensory information to expectations (Broderick & Blewitt, 2015p.59) There is an ongoing discussion amongst physicians as to whether PTSD being a curable or just a treatable one. With the reduction of volume in the hippocampus and the memory of the traumatic event that never goes away, most doctors are leaning toward the treatable instead of curable. Treatment for PTSD and other neurological disorders can come in the form of medications or therapies. People can choose to do one or the other with the most recommended choice being a combination of both. A combination of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and the use of an antidepressant, more specifically an SNRI’s because these types of antidepressants can help treat more than one disorder at the same time. Someone with PTSD might have low levels of certain neurotransmitters; antidepressants can contribute to raising these levels. Cognitive behavioral therapy is more of a thought changing treatment. People who have PTSD might blame themselves for the incident that has occurred or have numerous negative thoughts. These ideas may plague a person unable to perform daily task. The goal of CBT is to get the person to understand that the events that happened to them is not their fault. It is also to change the way the way the person thinks to teach them that if a negative thought comes to mind, they need to determine if the thought is rational or not and to change it from a negative to a positive thought. Many people feel drawn to faith during times of turmoil. Per the video presentations this week we learned that meditation, and meditative prayer stimulate areas of the brain involved in regulating emotional responses. Prayer can give us comfort and release chemicals in the brain allowing us to feel at ease.
  • 3. Spirituality can help the individual to not feel alone and know that God is with them is going to help them through this process. “Studies found positive correlations between the spiritual wellbeing, reduced pain levels, decreased, physical symptoms, increased positive outlook, spiritual beliefs and a greater enjoyment of life (Drescher, Ramirez, Leoni, Romesser, Sornborger&Foy, 2004).” Trauma can happened to anyone it does not discriminate against age, type or culture. Knowing the types treatments available will help you decide which one is right for you. Understanding that what might be considered a traumatic event for one might be another’s social norm. Strength in spirituality can help person dealing with trauma to heal more quickly and though there may be delays knowing that they are not alone in their journey.” The Lord our God be with us, as he was with our father: let him not leave us, nor forsake us (1Kings 8:57). References Blewitt, P., & Broderick, P. C. (2015). The Life Span Human Development for Helping Professionals. Pearson Education, Inc. Drescher, K. D., Ramirez, G., Leoni, J. J., Sornborger, J., & Foy, D. W. (2004). Spirituality and Trauma: Development of a Froup therapy Module.Spirituality in Group Psychotherapy, 71- 87. Song, J.-M., Min, J.-A., Huh, H.-J., & Chae, J.-H. (2016). Types of childhood trauma and spirituality in adult patients with depressive disorders.Science Direct, 11-19. Discussion board feedback #2: Trauma occurs in life. Trauma can affect the development of a person emotionally, spiritually, and physically. It is important
  • 4. to recognize and treat traumas that occur so that healthy human development can take place. Recent studies have shown that trauma can affect human development negatively. There are two types of trauma (Terr, 1991). Trauma I occurs from one particular event in a person’s life, typically an unexpected event like an accident. Trauma II is a multiple or repeated exposure to extreme events in a person’s life, such as abuse or a high conflict divorce. Children that face traumatic experiences must assess certain resources in order to survive (Milot et al., 2016). The series of events experienced in a child can provoke a series of neurobiological reactions which include activating various systems involved with stress. For example, the limbic system and the neuroendocrine system. Repeated trauma will create chronic stress which over time will impair normal functions of these systems if left untreated. One way to treat trauma is by recognizing that spiritual development can counter the negative effects. Research done on faith and spirituality have shown that people who engage in acts of worship and prayer can experience a calming effect. Theorists today are able to study the brain in more detail than in the past. In a state level study, Hardy et al. empirically linked morality and spirituality. In doing this, Hardy was able to prove that relationships formed through religious activities provided social support and modeled appropriate behaviors and helped to protect a person against stressful life events (Hardy et al., 2014). While spirituality and religiosity are different, they are similar in that religious practices are connected to spiritual experiences and both can be linked to positive outcomes. For example, if a victim of abuse were to participate in religious activities, like attending church or prayer, they would be able to experience moral emotions like gratitude, empathy, and forgiveness (Hardy et al., 2014) which in turn might change their perspective on their situation at hand. A child exposed to trauma can experience physical and emotional developmental delays. For example, learning disorders can occur in the educational years. Diagnosed by a
  • 5. school psychologist, speech language pathologist and other professionals a child might experience learning disorders such as: dyslexia, dysgraphlia, dyscalculia, aphasia, dysphasia and dyspraxia. Emotional development can be affected when a child internalizes traumatic experiences. Internalized anger and frustration should be dealt with in order for a child to be socially prepared. Trauma can differ amongst cultures because the skill set needed to survive is different. Starvation is a universal issue, but in a developing country could be considered to be more traumatic than in the US simply because disease and lack of food. Weather events like tropical storms, tornados and flooding are obviously traumatic experiences, but will differ depending upon where a person is located in the world. However, abuse and family conflict is the same among any culture. In conclusion, trauma is unavoidable but treatable. While traumas can vary in different cultures, the outcome is still the same. Left untreated emotional, spiritual and physical development will be affected. References: Hardy, Sam A., Zhang, Zhiyong, Skalski, Johnathan E., Melling Brent S., Brinton, Chauncy T. (2014). Daily religious involvement, spirituality, and moral emotions. Psychology of Religion and Sprituality. 6(4): 338-348. Milot, Tristan (2016). Intervening with severely and chronically neglected children and their families: the contribution of trauma informed approaches. Child Abuse Review. Vol 25: 89-101. Terr, LC. (1991). Childhood traumas: An outline and overview. American Journal of Psychiatry 148(1): 10-20. 10.1177/1059601102250018 ARTICLEGROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENTRagins et al. /
  • 6. HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE Heterosexism in the Workplace DO RACE AND GENDER MATTER? BELLE ROSE RAGINS University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee JOHN M. CORNWELL Loyola University–New Orleans JANICE S. MILLER University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee This article examined the effects of multiple group memberships and relational demography on the workplace experiences of 534 gay employees, 162 of whom were gay employees of color. Two competing models of multiple group membership were tested by assessing the effects of race and gender on sexual orientation discrimination and the decision to disclose a gay identity at work. Race and gender were unrelated to heterosexism. Lesbians were as likely to disclose as gay men, but gay employees of color were less likely to disclose at work. Relational demography predictions were supported for race and sexual orientation but not for gender, suggesting that gender similarity predictions may not apply to gay employees. More heterosexism was reported with male supervisors or work teams, and these effects were stronger for lesbians than gay men. Irrespective of race, employees in racially balanced teams reported less heterosexism than those in primarily White or non-White teams.
  • 7. Keywords: diversity; race; gender; gay Although gay men and lesbians constitute between 4% and 17% of the workforce (Gonsiorek & Weinrich, 1991), we know very little about their workplace experiences. In fact, even though gay employees constitute a larger proportion of the workforce than many other minority groups, sexual The research described in this study was supported by a grant to the first author from the Wayne F. Placek Fund of the American Psychological Foundation. Earlier versions of this article were presented at the National Academy of Management meeting, August 2001, Washington, D.C., and at the Rice University conference on Psychological and Organizational Perspectives on Discrimination in the Workplace: Research, Theory and Practice, May 2000, Houston, TX. We would like to thank the editor and the reviewers for their excellent feedback and help with this manuscript. Group & Organization Management, Vol. 28 No. 1, March 2003 45-74 DOI: 10.1177/1059601102250018 © 2003 Sage Publications 45 orientation has been excluded from most empirical research on
  • 8. workplace diversity (Badgett, 1996; Croteau, 1996). Discrimination against employees who are gay, or simply appear to be gay, is legal in most workplaces (National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 1996). Without legal protection, gay employees are vulnerable to discrimination, and existing research indicates that between 25% and 66% of gay employees report sexual orientation dis- crimination at work (cf. review by Croteau, 1996). However, these are proba- bly conservative estimates because most gay employees do not fully disclose their sexual orientation at work for fear of discrimination (Badgett, 1996; Schneider, 1987). This situation may be worse for gay and lesbian employees of color. These employees face discrimination not just because of their sexual orientation but also because of their race, ethnicity, and gender. Diversity scholars observe that women of color may face “double jeopardy” in the workplace because of their ethnicity and gender (cf. review by Ferdman, 1999). A key question is whether this becomes “triple jeopardy” for lesbian women of color. Existing theory and research provide little information on the combined effects of rac- ism, sexism, and heterosexism in the workplace. Do lesbians of color face greater heterosexism than other gay groups because racism and
  • 9. sexism spills over into heterosexism, or is heterosexism relatively independent from these other forms of discrimination? In addition to discrimination, gender and race may also affect the decision to “be out,” or the disclosure of a gay identity to others in the workplace. Les- bians and gay people of color may be reticent to disclose their sexual orienta- tion at work because of their fear of becoming susceptible to yet another form of workplace discrimination and also because they are already highly visible because of their race and gender (Kanter, 1977). This visibility may increase their chances of being targeted for heterosexism. The disclosure of a gay identity at work is often done on a careful case-by-case basis; gay employees reveal their orientation in situations where they feel safe and to individuals whom they trust (Badgett, 1996; Friskopp & Silverstein, 1996). Gay employ- ees who are highly visible on the basis of their race and gender may fear that “coming out” to one coworker may result in a domino effect of coming out to the entire organization. Do these factors combine to make lesbians and gay people of color less likely than their White gay male counterparts to disclose their sexual orientation at work? The first purpose of this study was to answer these questions by exploring the effects of race and gender on
  • 10. reports of heterosexism in the workplace and the decision to disclose sexual orientation to others at work. Although demographic variables of race and gender may affect workplace experiences, these effects do not occur in a vacuum but are influenced by the 46 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT broader context of work relationships. In fact, a relational demography per- spective holds that the individual’s work experiences are shaped by the demographic composition of the manager-subordinate relationship and work team (Tsui, Egan, & O’Reilly, 1992; Tusi & O’Reilly, 1989). A number of observable and nonobservable demographic characteristics have been inves- tigated in studies of relational demography, including race, ethnicity, gender, education, age, attitudes, and tenure (see review by Tsui & Gutek, 1999), but there has been no research on the effects of sexual orientation demography on work experiences. Similarly, other scholars have identified work group com- position as an important contextual variable to consider when examining the effects of multiple group memberships on interpersonal discrimination
  • 11. (Landrine, Klonoff, Alcaraz, Scott, & Wilkins, 1995; Tsui & Gutek, 1999), but sexual orientation has been omitted from these discussions. A second purpose of this study was to examine whether the race, gender, and sexual orientation of work groups and supervisors affect gay employees’ reports of discrimination and their decisions to disclose a gay identity at work. THEORETICAL AND LITERATURE REVIEW HETEROSEXISM, RACISM, AND SEXISM: THE EFFECTS OF MULTIPLE GROUP MEMBERSHIPS ON WORKPLACE EXPERIENCES There is a lack of research on the effects of multiple group member- ships on workplace discrimination. The impact of race and gender are often explored in isolation, as if employees have either a race or a gender but not both (Ferdman, 1999), and sexual orientation has been excluded from these discussions. In the following sections, we first introduce the construct of heterosexism and provide a foundation for examining the relationship between heterosexism, racism and sexism. We then review the existing the- ory and research on the general effects of multiple group memberships on interpersonal discrimination. Following this, we examine how these relation- ships may transfer to work settings involving gay and lesbian
  • 12. employees. We use these various perspectives to develop and test two competing models of the effects of multiple group membership on heterosexism and disclosure of sexual orientation in the workplace. Defining heterosexism and homophobia. Although there are a number of different terms that are used to characterize antigay attitudes and discrimina- tion (cf. Herek, 1984), two of the most common are heterosexism and Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 47 homophobia. Heterosexism is defined as “an ideological system that denies, denigrates, and stigmatizes any nonheterosexual form of behavior, relation- ship, or community” (Herek, 1990, p. 316). Heterosexism incorporates antigay attitudes, prejudice, and discriminatory behavior (Sears, 1997). Homophobia is a popular term that is often used interchangeably with heterosexism. Homophobia reflects the fear and aversion associated with homosexuality (Weinberg, 1972). There is a lack of consensus on the rela- tionship between homophobia and heterosexism. Some authors view homo- phobia as the emotional component of heterosexism. For
  • 13. example, Sears (1997) defines homophobia as “prejudice, discrimination, harassment or acts of violence against sexual minorities, including lesbians, gay men, bisexuals, and transgendered persons, evidenced in a deep-seated fear or hatred of those who love and sexually desire those of the same sex” (p. 16). Morin and Garfinkle (1978) view homophobia as involving the individual’s irrational fear, as well as a cultural belief system that supports negative stereotypes about gay people. Other authors maintain that homophobia and heterosexism are independ- ent constructs. For example, Jung and Smith (1993) observe that “although heterosexism is often accompanied by homophobia, no logical or necessary connection exists between the two. People who are homophobic may not be heterosexist; those who are heterosexist may not be homophobic” (p. 14). Jung and Smith also provide an analogy that is pivotal to this study: “Heterosexism is analogous to racism and sexism. Homophobia finds appro- priate analogies in racial bigotry and misogynism” (p. 14). The debate as to whether or not homophobia is part of heterosexism may be similar to the debate as to whether or not racial bigotry and misogyny are part of racism and sexism. It is clear that individuals can engage in racist, sexist,
  • 14. or heterosexist behaviors for reasons other than fear; prejudice may be based on self-inter- ests, beliefs, values, group norms, or social institutions (Allport, 1954). At issue is whether individuals can be fearful or even hate a group without being racist, sexist, or heterosexist. This discussion provides important insights into the similarities and differences between heterosexism, racism, and sexism. The relationship between heterosexism, racism, and sexism. A review of the literature reveals two perspectives on the relationship between heterosexism and other forms of social prejudice. One perspective is that heterosexism shares a common root with racism and sexism (e.g., Fernald, 1995). This “common roots” perspective holds that heterosexism springs from the same social, cultural, and political foundations as racism and sex- ism. Specifically, racism, sexism, and heterosexism are all forms of social 48 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT prejudice, and all involve attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that result in the superiority of one group over another (Herek, 1990; Jones, 1972; Lott, 1995).
  • 15. A second perspective is that heterosexism is different from racism and sexism. There are at least three factors that support this “independence per- spective.” First, the affective component of heterosexism, homophobia, has no real counterpart in racism or sexism. Homophobia is grounded in hetero- sexuals’ fear that they are gay, may become gay, or may simply be perceived as being gay by others (Herek, 1984). The ability to conceal sexual orienta- tion also fuels homophobia by allowing others to speculate about an individ- ual’s sexual orientation. This fear does not readily translate to emotions underlying racism and sexism; individuals usually are not afraid that they may become or be viewed as another race or gender. Second, the stigma associated with homosexuality is different from the stigmas associated with other groups (Goffman, 1974). The invisibility of sexual orientation may amplify “courtesy stigmas,” which are stigmas received by associating with stigmatized groups (Goffman, 1974; Herek & Capitanio, 1996). Heterosexuals who associate with gay employees may be assumed to be gay by others in the organization; this form of stigma by asso- ciation does not occur on the basis of gender and rarely occurs on the basis of race. Along with the courtesy stigma, gay men face an AIDS-
  • 16. related stigma. Although education has dispelled many of the myths associated with HIV/ AIDS, the fear of AIDS is intertwined with a fear of homosexuality in a way that has no real parallel for race and gender. The third factor that supports the independence perspective is the con- demnation of homosexuality by many religious groups. Although various religious groups throughout history have promulgated racism and sexism, the current focus of religious-based heterosexism has no direct parallel with race and gender. Jung and Smith (1993) observe that some religious groups view gay men and lesbians as unnatural or diseased and “proclaims them to be at the core of their very being abhorrent to God” (p. 61). A compounding factor is the idea that homosexuality is a “lifestyle choice” (Jung & Smith, 1993), and this concept of choice is an important predictor of antigay atti- tudes (Herek & Capitanio, 1995). In contrast, race and gender are not viewed as immoral life choices that violate religious beliefs. Herek (2000) identified two competing frameworks that have been used to understand gay prejudice and that parallel the common roots and inde- pendence perspectives. The “gay rights framework” holds that attitudes toward gay people are psychologically similar to attitudes
  • 17. toward racial and ethnic minority groups. Like other minority groups, attitudes toward gays are based on political and religious values, normative pressures from peers, and the degree of intergroup contact. In contrast, the “gay liberation framework” Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 49 holds that gay prejudice is less about attitudes toward others and more about attitudes toward one’s own sexual identity. Under this framework, gay preju- dice is due to the individual’s confusion about his or her own sexuality, and the fear of being labeled gay. This internal anxiety becomes externalized in prejudice against gays. Herek observed that both of these frameworks may be operative and that antigay prejudice may be due to a common process under- lying minority group attitudes, as well as an individual process that reflects fears and insecurities about one’s sexual identity. Research on racist, sexist, and heterosexist attitudes provides support for both the “common roots” and the “independence” perspectives. In support of the common roots perspective, Henley and Pincus (1978) found significant relationships among attitudinal measures of racism, sexism, and heterosexism. Additionally, Herek’s (1984) review of the
  • 18. literature indicates that although heterosexism shares many of the same predictors as racism and sexism (i.e., limited contact, conservative religious orientation, limited edu- cation), some predictors are unique to heterosexism (i.e., guilt about sexual- ity, permissiveness about sexuality, and prior homosexual behaviors). Ficarrotto (1990) found support for both the common roots and independ- ence perspectives in his study of 79 undergraduate students. In support of the common roots perspective, he found a significant relationship between racist and sexist attitudes and an attitudinal measure of homophobia. However, he also found support for the idea that negative attitudes toward gays reflects the unique dimension of sexual conservatism, or deep-seated, negative feelings about human sexuality. It is clear that more research is needed to test these two perspectives. A final area that can shed theoretical light on the relationships between heterosexism, racism, and sexism is the area of aversive/modern racism (Dovidio & Gaertner, 1986) and subtle/modern sexism (Benokraitis & Feagin, 1995). In general, the modernist perspective on prejudice holds that because modern social values prohibit blatant expressions of racism and sex- ism, overt prejudice has gone underground and now surfaces in
  • 19. more covert ways. For example, the theory of aversive racism holds that aversive racists express egalitarian values and truly believe they are not racist but uncon- sciously harbor racist feelings that result in subtle, but potent, biases (Dovidio & Gaertner, 1986). At the heart of aversive racism is the individ- ual’s ambivalence over egalitarian beliefs regarding socially acceptable behavior, on one hand, and their negative feelings toward minority groups, on the other hand. These feelings are usually unconscious and involve dis- comfort, disgust, or even fear of the minority group. Aversive racism may have a direct counterpart in aversive heterosexism (Winegarden, 1994). In essence, aversive heterosexism holds that unconscious homophobia leads 50 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT individuals to behave in heterosexist ways, even though they profess and believe that they are not heterosexists. Although aversive racism and heterosexism may share some common psychological processes, a key difference between them is that the social norms prohibiting heterosexism are not as well established as norms prohib-
  • 20. iting racism and sexism. For example, it is still legal to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation in most workplaces (National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, 1996), and 6 out of 10 Americans believe that homosexuality is morally wrong (Newport, 1998). In addition to differences in social norms, the emotional component of heterosexism may be stronger, more subcon- scious, and more personal than the feelings associated with racism and sex- ism (Herek, 1984). One consequence of this may be that the ambivalence experienced by aversive racists may be less than or different from than the ambivalence experienced by aversive heterosexists. In sum, whereas racism, sexism, and heterosexism may share common foundations in social prejudice, heterosexism may also be distinct from tradi- tional and modern forms of prejudice. The common roots and independence perspectives provide an important context for understanding the effects of multiple group membership on interpersonal discrimination and are the foundation for our model on heterosexism in the workplace. We now exam- ine the effects of multiple group membership on interpersonal discrimination and heterosexism in the workplace. Multiple group memberships and interpersonal discrimination. Although
  • 21. the relationships between heterosexism, racism, and sexism provide one the- oretical piece of the puzzle, we need to understand how an individual’s mem- bership in multiple minority groups affects his or her experience of heterosexism in the workplace. Although Ransford’s (1980) model does not address workplace discrimination, his theory of multiple group memberships provides a good basis for examining the effects of multiple group member- ships on heterosexism in the workplace. Ransford (1980) proposed the “Multiple Jeopardy-Advantage” (MJA) hypothesis, which holds that members of multiple low-status groups (i.e., African American females) may be faced with a double disadvantage, whereas members of multiple high-status groups (i.e., White males) enjoy a double advantage. Ransford presented two competing scenarios of multiple group memberships. The first is that the effects of membership in multiple low- or high-status groups are independent. For example, he notes that women of color experience both racism and sexism, but these effects may be independent; women of color would therefore experience equivalent sexism as White women. As applied to gay men and lesbians, we would expect that Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 51
  • 22. lesbians would experience equivalent heterosexism as gay men, and gay peo- ple of color would experience the same heterosexism as their majority gay counterparts. In contrast, Ransford’s (1980) second scenario holds that group member- ships interact synergistically so that the total impact of multiple group mem- berships is greater than the sum of individual memberships. He proposed that “multiple jeopardy emphasizes that class, ethnicity, sex and age discrimina- tion may combine to produce unique barriers that cannot be explained by any one of these hierarchies singly” (p. 280). Under this scenario, women of color would experience greater sexism than White women because of the synergis- tic effect of multiple group memberships. As applied to the current study, les- bians and gay people of color could be expected to experience greater heterosexism at work than their majority gay counterparts. Ransford also the- orized that White males have a dual advantage position due to their race and gender. In addition to main effects for race and gender, we would also expect an interaction resulting in White gay males’ experiencing less heterosexism than any other group.
  • 23. There is little guidance from the literature as to which of these models best predicts interpersonal discrimination. Landrine and her associates (1995) assessed the MJA hypothesis by reviewing interpersonal discrimination studies published in social psychology and feminist journals, by examining race and gender differences in 1991 census salary reports, and by conducting a laboratory study on discriminatory reactions to television characters (Landrine et al., 1995). Landrine and colleagues found conflicting support for the interaction between multiple group memberships and concluded that one problem with the MJA hypothesis is that it assumes equivalency across low- or high-status group memberships. Their conclusion that the effects of multiple group memberships may be contingent on the type of membership is a key point to consider when examining sexual orientation as a group mem- bership and is congruent with our earlier discussion on the similarities and differences between heterosexism, racism, and sexism. We now revisit that earlier discussion and examine how the MJA hypothesis can be applied to heterosexism in the workplace. Sexual orientation and multiple group memberships in the workplace. There has been a lack of theory or research on the relationship
  • 24. between sexual orientation and other group memberships in the workplace. Ransford’s (1980) two competing scenarios of interpersonal discrimination provide a good foundation for examining this topic and are congruent with the common roots and independence perspectives reviewed earlier. We integrate these 52 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT approaches and use them as a springboard to develop two competing models of the effects of multiple group membership on heterosexism and disclosure in the workplace. We call the first model the ”spillover model.” This model holds that the effects of race and gender spill over into heterosexism in the workplace and are in line with the MJA hypothesis prediction (Ransford, 1980) that mem- bership in multiple groups compounds the advantages or disadvantages asso- ciated with individual group memberships. This model is also aligned with the broader common roots perspective, which holds that heterosexism, rac- ism, and sexism are all forms of social prejudice that involve attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that result in the superiority of one group over another.
  • 25. A basic premise of the spillover model is that the common foundation of different forms of prejudice allows for the transference of discrimination from one form to another at work. This is congruent with other perspectives on workplace diversity. For example, women and employees of color are often excluded from social networks and face increased visibility and nega- tive performance attributions that increase their susceptibility to job discrim- ination (Kanter, 1977; Pettigrew & Martin, 1987). These factors may also make gay employees of color reluctant to risk further discrimination by dis- closing their gay identity at work, and prior experiences of racism or sexism may amplify this reluctance (Rosabal, 1996). Emerging norms on racism and sexism may also contribute to the spillover model. Because legislation and societal norms prohibit blatant rac- ism and sexism, these forms of discrimination may become channeled into more socially permissible forms of heterosexism. For example, the use of a racial slur against a gay employee of color could result in immediate dis- missal, but the use of a gay slur may not even warrant a reprimand in most workplaces. A logical extension of the spillover model is that group
  • 26. membership not only penalizes employees who are members of low-status groups but also helps those in high-status groups. This view is aligned with Ransford’s (1980) proposal that upper-class White males obtain multiple advantages from their high-status group memberships. As applied to the workplace, the same perceptual and attributional processes that place women and employ- ees of color at a disadvantage may give advantages to their majority counter- parts. White gay males, for example, may be assumed to be competent because of their race and gender. Accordingly, although White gay males face heterosexism, the spillover model predicts that the status, power, and privilege associated with their race and gender should buffer them from the full brunt of heterosexism and decrease their experience of heterosexism in Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 53 the workplace. White gay males should therefore experience less heterosexism than any other gay group. A competing model, which we label the “independence model,” holds that heterosexism is independent from other forms of workplace discrimination.
  • 27. This perspective predicts that race or gender will not affect experiences of heterosexism or the decision to be out at work. This model builds upon Ransford’s (1980) theory that group memberships are independent in their effects and is also aligned with the view that heterosexism springs from a dif- ferent foundation than racism or sexism. As discussed earlier, there are a number of ways in which heterosexism is different from other forms of social prejudice. First, heterosexism involves an emotional component that lacks a counterpart in racism and sexism. Second, the concealability of homosexual- ity amplifies courtesy stigmas and may fuel homophobia. Third, homosexu- ality is viewed as an immoral lifestyle choice that runs counter to many reli- gious doctrines. Finally, heterosexism may take a different form in the workplace than racism or sexism. For example, the competence, intelligence, motivation, or leadership of a female or minority employee is often auto- matically questioned as an expression of racism or sexism, but these ques- tions are usually not raised in response to an employee’s sexual orientation. In contrast, gay employees are often treated as an onerous oddity, and their identity becomes shaped by their sexual behavior. The questions aimed at gay employees often focus on their sexual behaviors, whether they are HIV-
  • 28. positive, or whether they will become sexual predators at work (e.g., Friskopp & Silverstein, 1996; Woods, 1994) rather than on their job perfor- mance or competence. These factors may combine to create a situation whereby the heterosexism faced by gay employees is not influenced by their other group memberships. Under this model, lesbians would be as likely as gay men to experience heterosexism, and gay people of color would face equivalent heterosexism as their White counterparts. Additionally, White gay males would not gain a heterosexism buffer by their race or gender and would therefore be as likely to experience heterosexism as their female and minority counterparts. Simi- larly, the independence model would predict that inasmuch as race and gen- der would not affect heterosexism, and heterosexism is related to disclosure decisions (Ragins & Cornwell, 2001), race and gender would therefore not affect the decision to disclose a gay identity at work. Although both the spillover and the independence models are plausible, there is no research to support one perspective over another in predicting dis- crimination against gay employees. We therefore assess the spillover model by testing the prediction that lesbians and gay people of color will be less
  • 29. 54 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT likely to disclose their sexual orientation and will report more workplace dis- crimination on the basis of sexual orientation than will their majority gay counterparts. We controlled for two important factors in our study. First, because gay employees in organizations covered by legislation prohibiting sexual orien- tation discrimination are more likely to be out at work and report less work- place discrimination than those in organizations that are not governed by such legislation (Ragins & Cornwell, 2001), we controlled for this variable in our study. It is also important to control for disclosure of sexual orientation when investigating reports of discrimination; a gay employee may be less likely to be the direct target of heterosexism if no one at work knows that she or he is gay. Accordingly, we controlled for these variables in our test of the spillover model: Hypothesis 1a: Holding protective legislation constant, lesbians will be less likely than gay males to disclose their sexual orientation in the workplace, and gay people of color will be less likely than gay Caucasians to
  • 30. disclose their sexual orientation in the workplace. Hypothesis 1b: Holding protective legislation constant, gay White males will be more likely than any other group to disclose their sexual orientation in the workplace. Hypothesis 2a: Holding protective legislation and disclosure of sexual orientation constant, lesbians will report more heterosexism in the workplace than will gay males, and gay people of color will report more heterosexism than will gay Caucasians. Hypothesis 2b: Holding protective legislation and disclosure of sexual orientation constant, White gay males will report less heterosexism in the workplace than will any other group. Workplace discrimination may be affected by more than an individual’s group membership. As we discuss next, the demographic composition of the work group is a critical variable that may affect reports of heterosexism and the decision to be out at work. RELATIONAL DEMOGRAPHY AND HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE A factor that may be even more important than the gay employee’s race or
  • 31. gender is the race, gender, and sexual orientation of his or her supervisor and workgroup. A relational demography perspective predicts that individuals who work with managers and teams that are similar to them will form closer work relationships than will individuals who work in dissimilar work groups (Tsui et al., 1992; Tsui & O’Reilly, 1989). A number of observable and Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 55 unobservable demographic characteristics have been investigated in studies of relational demography (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, education, age, atti- tudes, and tenure) (see Riordan, 2001; Tsui & Gutek, 1999). However, these studies have not examined sexual orientation as a demographic variable and have assumed that the effects of other demographic variables generalize to gay employees. An application of relational demography theory to sexual orientation in the workplace leads to the prediction that sexual orientation discrimination and the decision to disclose a gay identity at work may be affected by the rela- tional demography of the work team and supervisory relationship. Gay employees who have coworkers and supervisors of the same
  • 32. race, gender, and sexual orientation should have a more supportive work environment than employees in work settings where they are the only people of their race, gen- der, or sexual orientation. Holding protective legislation constant, we therefore expect the following relationships: Hypothesis 3: Gay employees who share a similar sexual orientation, gender, or race with coworkers will be more likely to disclose their gay identity and, hold- ing disclosure constant, will report less workplace discrimination than employees who differ from their coworkers. Hypothesis 4: Gay employees who share a similar sexual orientation, gender, or race with their supervisor will be more likely to disclose their gay identity and, holding disclosure constant, will report less workplace discrimination than employees who differ from their supervisor. Finally, we explore whether these relational demography effects are sym- metrical for different groups. Existing research suggests that the effects of demographic similarity may be different for majority and minority group members, and some research indicates that majority members have a more difficult time in diverse groups than do minority members (see
  • 33. reviews by Riordan, 2001; Tsui & Gutek, 1999). Riordan (2001) has called for more research that investigates nonsymmetrical demographic effects, but there is little theory or research to guide an investigation of these effects among gay employees. In fact, asymmetrical demography effects may be quite different for gay employees. For example, current research predicts that a heterosexual male may have a negative reaction to being in an all-female group (Riordan, 2001), but this reaction may be quite different in the case of a gay male in an all-female group. Accordingly, we investigate this issue with a research question: 56 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT Research Question: Are relational demography effects among gay employees symmetrical for race and gender? METHOD PROCEDURE AND RESPONDENTS Sampling procedure. As part of a larger study on workplace diversity (Ragins & Cornwell, 2001), surveys were sent to a national random sample of 2,919 members of three national gay rights organizations in
  • 34. the United States. Specifically, we sent surveys to 1,488 members of one of the largest gay civil rights organizations in the nation. To obtain a diverse sample, we sent an additional 681 surveys to members of a national gay Latino/a organi- zation, and 750 surveys were sent to a national gay African American organi- zation. A stratified random sampling technique was used in which equal numbers of men and women were selected by geographic area. The surveys were mailed in 1997 and were completely anonymously; there was no identi- fying information on the surveys that would connect them to the respondents. Two reminder postcards and a reminder letter were sent to all respondents. A total of 334 surveys were returned unanswered for various reasons, the pri- mary reason being undeliverable mail (283); 51 surveys were returned unan- swered because respondents were retired, unemployed, self- employed, het- erosexual, or deceased. Completed surveys were returned by 768 respondents, yielding a response rate of 30%. Respondents. Because this study investigated workplace discrimination against gay employees, surveys returned from the following groups were not used in the analyses: those indicating they were heterosexual (n = 20) or unsure of their sexual orientation (n = 3), those who were self-
  • 35. employed (n = 99) or employed by a gay, lesbian, or bisexual organization (n = 51), and those who were not employed in paid positions (i.e., retired, unemployed, or volunteers) (n = 61). The final sample consisted of 534 respondents. The sample consisted of 168 women and 363 men; 3 respondents did not report their gender. The majority of the respondents considered themselves gay or lesbian (92.9%), as compared with bisexual (7.1%). The racial and ethnic background of the respondents was 67.6% White (n = 361), 15.2% Black (n = 81), 12.2% Latino/Hispanic (n = 65), .7% Asian (n = 4), 1.1% mul- tiracial (n = 6) and 1.1% other (n = 6); 11 (2.1%) did not report their race.1 The Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 57 average age of the respondents was 41 years. The respondents were highly educated—the majority held bachelor’s degrees (38.6%), and many had master’s (28.2%) and doctoral (17.9%) degrees. Forty-one percent of the sample earned between $26,000 and $50,000 a year, and 24% earned between $51,000 and $75,000 a year. The average tenure in their current organization was 9.3 years, and the average tenure in their
  • 36. current position was 6.1 years. The majority of respondents held professional or technical jobs (68.5%) and managerial jobs (19.7%); the remainder of the sample were employed in clerical or sales positions (4.9%), service or craft (6.4%), or agricultural (.4%). Respondents also came from a large range of industries, such as education (24.2%), health (17%), government (14.8%), service (12.2%), manufacturing (9.2%), finance/insurance (6.8%), arts/entertain- ment (4.8%), advertising/publishing (3.1%), travel (2.0%), human services (2.0%), and design/fashion (.9%). MEASURES The survey was developed and pretested on an opportunity sample of 28 gay and lesbian employees across the nation. The pretest was used to ensure clarity, refine instruments, and select items. The staff from the gay rights organizations that provided the mailing lists also critiqued and approved the pretest and final surveys. Controls for protective legislation. Respondents were asked the city and state in which they worked. Because legislation varies by region, multiple sources were used to determine current legislation governing respondents’ employers (Button, Rienzo, & Wald, 1997; National Gay and
  • 37. Lesbian Task Force, 1996; Wald, Button, & Rienzo, 1997). The protective legislation vari- able was coded 0 = not covered by protective legislation or 1 = covered by protective legislation; therefore, higher values represent protective coverage. Work group and supervisor demographic composition. As recommended by Riordan and Shore (1997), we operationalized our demographic variables as the individual’s demographic characteristic relative to his or her supervi- sor and work group. A set of questions asked respondents to indicate whether their coworkers were mostly the same race or ethnicity as them (coded as 3), about equally balanced (coded as 2), or mostly a different race or ethnicity from them (coded as 1). Parallel sets of questions and codings were used to assess the gender and sexual orientation of the work group. Another set of questions asked respondents if their supervisors were the same race or ethnic- ity as them (coded 1) or a different race or ethnicity from them (coded 0). 58 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT Parallel questions and coding were used to assess the supervisor’s gender and sexual orientation. Higher values therefore represent greater
  • 38. similarity of the respondent’s race, gender, and sexual orientation to his or her manager and work group. Respondents were also given an option of “don’t know” for reporting similarities of their coworkers’ and manager’s race and sexual ori- entation. These responses were recoded as missing data in the analyses. Workplace discrimination. A review of the literature revealed no psychometrically established measures of sexual orientation discrimination at work. A modified version of the Workplace Prejudice/Discrimination Inventory (James, Lovato, & Cropanzano, 1994) was therefore used to test the hypotheses and research questions. The 15-item, single- factor instrument has established reliability and validity (James et al., 1994). The inventory measures perceptions of race discrimination in the workplace, so items relat- ing to race were replaced with items relating to sexual orientation. Sample inventory items are “Prejudice against gays and lesbians exists where I work,” “At work I am treated poorly because of my sexual orientation,” and “Supervisors scrutinize the work of gay and lesbian employees more than the work of heterosexual employees.” Although the instrument measures both experienced and observed discrimination, prior studies have found that the
  • 39. instrument represents a single factor (James et al., 1994), and a principal components factor analysis conducted on the present sample also yielded a single factor with an eigenvalue of 7.49, accounting for 53.6% of the vari- ance. The instrument uses a 7-point Likert-type scale, with responses ranging from 7 (completely agree) to 1 (completely disagree). Higher values there- fore indicate greater reported workplace discrimination. The coefficient alpha found in the present study for this instrument was .94. Disclosure of sexual orientation at work. Disclosure was measured with the following question: “At work, have you disclosed your sexual orientation to (Please check one option): (1) no one, (2) some people, (3) most people, (4) everyone.” These four options were modified from similar “out at work” scales used by Croteau and Lark (1995), Levine and Leonard (1984), and Schneider (1987). Higher values represent greater disclosure of sexual orien- tation at work. RESULTS The correlations, means, and standard deviations for the variables are dis- played in Table 1. Our sample reflected substantial diversity in work group Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 59
  • 40. relationships. For supervisor-subordinate relationships, 30% (n = 159) of respondents reported that their supervisor was a different race or ethnicity from them, 68% (n = 362) had supervisors of the same race or ethnicity as them, and 5 individuals did not know their supervisor’s race. In terms of gen- der, 43% (n = 227) had a supervisor of the opposite sex, and 57% (n = 299) had a supervisor of the same sex. In terms of the supervisor’s sexual orienta- tion, 85.8% (n = 452) had heterosexual supervisors, 8.9% (n = 47) had gay supervisors, and 5.3% (n = 28) did not know their supervisor’s sexual orien- tation. With respect to work group demography, 24% (n = 126) had cowork- ers that were mostly a different race or ethnicity from them, 18% (n = 97) worked in groups that were about equally balanced, 57% (n = 305) had coworkers who were mostly the same race or ethnicity as them, and 1 respon- dent reported not knowing coworkers’ race or ethnicity. For gender, 29% (n = 154) worked in groups composed mostly of individuals of the opposite sex, 43% (n = 224) were in gender-balanced work groups, and 28% (n = 148) worked in groups that were mostly the same gender as them. For sexual ori- entation, the majority of the respondents (89.3%, n = 474)
  • 41. reported that most of their coworkers were heterosexual, 6.6% (n = 35) reported that their work groups were about equally balanced, 2.3% (n = 12) reported that most of their coworkers were gay or lesbian, and 1.9% (n = 10) did not know their cowork- ers’ sexual orientation. There was also significant variation in the degree to which individuals were out at work: In total, 11.7% reported that they were out to no one at work, 37% reported being out to some people, 24.6% reported being out to most people, and 26.7% reported being out to everyone at work. We also wanted to assess whether our African American, Latino Ameri- can, Asian American, and multiracial respondents differed in experienced discrimination and disclosure decisions. Analyses of variance indicated that respondents of color did not significantly differ from one another in the dependent variables of disclosure of sexual orientation, F(3, 152) = .552, ns, or reports of sexual orientation discrimination, F(3, 150) = .796, ns. We therefore combined and recoded the race variable as 1 (White respondent) or 0 (respondent of color). Hierarchical regression analyses were used to test the study’s hypotheses. Our first set of hypotheses tested the spillover perspective,
  • 42. which predicted that lesbians and gay people of color would be less likely to disclose their sex- ual orientation (Hypothesis 1a) and would report more heterosexism at work (Hypothesis 2a) than would their majority gay counterparts. We also tested for a significant interaction of race and gender, resulting in White gay males reporting less heterosexism (Hypothesis 2b) and being more likely to dis- close at work (Hypothesis 1b) than any other group. As displayed in Table 2, 60 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT only Hypothesis 1a was partially supported. When holding protective legis- lation constant, gender was not significantly related to disclosure, but gay people of color were less likely than their White counterparts to be out at work. No support was received for the other spillover hypotheses. When holding protective legislation and disclosure constant, we found no signifi- cant race or gender effects in reports of heterosexism at work. Moreover, the lack of a significant interaction between race and gender indicated that White gay males were as likely as other groups to disclose and report equivalent heterosexism.
  • 43. Hypotheses 3 and 4 examined the effects of the demographic composition of the work team and supervisory relationship on disclosure and reported dis- crimination. Because women and people of color are more likely to be in the minority in work groups, we controlled for race and gender effects by enter- ing the respondent’s race and gender in the second step of our hierarchical analyses. As displayed in Table 2, we found partial support for Hypothesis 3. Gay respondents who worked with mostly gay coworkers reported less Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 61 TABLE 1 Means, Standard Deviations, and Intercorrelations for Study Variables (N = 499) M SD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1. Reported discrimination 45.3 20.5 2. Protective legislation .70 .46 –.14 3. Out at work 2.66 1.00 –.29 .20 4. Supervisor’s race .70 .46 –.08 .01 .12 5. Supervisor’s gender .57 .50 .00 –.04 –.04 .08 6. Supervisor’s
  • 44. sexual orientation .09 .29 –.17 .05 .11 –.01 .09 7. Coworkers’ race 2.34 .84 –.02 –.04 .07 .66 .05 –.06 8. Coworkers’ sexual orientation 1.11 .38 –.28 .06 .26 –.04 –.01 .42 –.02 9. Coworkers’ gender 2.01 .76 –.01 –.04 –.04 –.05 .36 .01 –.02 .08 10. Respondent’s race .69 .46 –.04 .02 .08 .60 .10 –.05 .60 –.02 .03 11. Respondent’s gender .68 .47 –.04 .03 .01 .09 .13 .03 .04 .00 .16 .08 NOTE: The significance levels for correlations are r > .07, p < .05; r > .10, p < .01; r > .14, p < .001; r > .20, ns, one-tailed. Higher values represent more discrimination, protective legislation, greater disclosure at work, and greater demographic similarity with coworkers and supervisors. Respondent’s race is coded 1 = majority, 0 = minority. Respondent’s gender is coded 1 = male, 0 = female. heterosexism and were more likely to be out at work than were respondents who worked in balanced or mostly heterosexual groups. However, the gender or racial composition of the work team was not significantly related to dis- crimination or disclosure. Relational demography had a somewhat stronger effect in the supervisor-subordinate relationship. In partial support of
  • 45. Hypothesis 4, respondents with supervisors of the same sexual orientation or 62 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT TABLE 2 Results of Hierarchical Regression Analyses: Tests of Hypotheses Perceived Workplace Disclosure At Work Discrimination β ∆R2 R2 β ∆R2 R2 Hypotheses 1a and 2a Step 1 Control variables .04*** .04*** .09*** .09*** Protective legislation .20*** –.09* Disclosure at worka –.27*** Step 2 Race and gender effects .01 .04*** .01 .09*** Respondent’s race .07* –.02 Respondent’s gender –.01 –.03 Hypotheses 1b and 2b Step 3 Race and gender interaction .14 .01 .05*** .07 .00 .09*** Hypothesis 3 Step 3 Work team effects .07*** .11*** .04*** .13*** Coworkers’ sexual orientation .26*** –.22***
  • 46. Coworkers’ race .05 –.01 Coworkers’ gender .05 .01 Hypothesis 4 Step 3 Supervisor effects .02** .07*** .02** .11*** Supervisor’s sexual orientation .11** –.14*** Supervisor’s race .11** –.05 Supervisor’s gender –.05 .01 NOTE: Higher values represent protective legislation, more discrimination, greater disclosure, and greater demographic similarity to coworkers and supervisors. Respondent’s race is coded 1 = majority, 0 = minority. Respondent’s gender is coded 1 = male, 0 = female. a. Disclosure at work was only entered as a control variable in analyses involving perceived workplace discrimination. *p ≤ .05. **p ≤ .01. ***p ≤ .001. One-tailed significance tests were used for directional hypothe- ses, two-tailed levels for control variables. race were more likely to be out at work than were respondents with supervi- sors of a different race or sexual orientation. Additionally, respondents with gay supervisors reported less workplace discrimination than those with het- erosexual supervisors. The gender of the supervisor did not affect disclosure or reported discrimination. In short, we found significant demography
  • 47. effects for similarities based on sexual orientation and supervisor’s race but no significant effects for similarities based on gender. The finding that gay employees were more likely to disclose their sexual orientation when they had supervisors of the same race led us to ask a follow- up question about whether this effect was independent of the supervisor’s sexual orientation. To answer this question, we entered the supervisor’s sex- ual orientation before the race similarity variable in a hierarchical regression analysis. When controlling for the sexual orientation of the supervisor, along with the other control variables (protective legislation, respondent’s race and gender), the similarity in the supervisor’s race variable maintained its signifi- cant relationship with disclosure of sexual orientation (Beta = .10, p < .05). This indicated that irrespective of the supervisor’s sexual orientation and the employee’s race, gay employees with supervisors of the same race were more likely to be out at work than those with supervisors of a different race. Our research question assessed whether these relational demography variables varied by the respondent’s race or gender.2 To answer this question, we tested the interaction between all the relational demography variables and the respondent’s race and gender in a series of regression
  • 48. analyses. We entered the control variables in the first step of the analyses, followed by the main effect terms in the second step (respondent’s race and gender, and the relational demography of the team and supervisory relationship) and the interaction terms in the final step. None of the interactions was significant for disclosure, indicating that the demography effects found for disclosure did not vary by the respondent’s race or gender. Whereas race and gender main effects were not significant, we found three significant interactions for discrimination. First, as indicated in Table 3, we found a significant interaction between the respondent’s gender and the gender composition of the work team. As displayed in Figure 1, both gay men and lesbians encountered the most heterosexism in work teams composed of primarily men, and this effect was amplified for lesbians. Second, we found a significant interaction between the respondent’s and supervisor’s gender. A plot of the adjusted means in Figure 2 revealed that both gay men and lesbians reported more heterosexism with male supervisors than with female supervi- sors and that lesbians with male supervisors reported significantly more heterosexism than did any other group. Combined, these two interactions
  • 49. Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 63 indicate that heterosexism is more likely to be reported in work environments involving male supervisors and primarily male work teams and that this effect is stronger for lesbians than for gay men. The third significant interaction was between the respondent’s race and the racial composition of the work group. As displayed in Figure 3, both 64 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT TABLE 3 Significant Interactions for Research Question Perceived Workplace Discrimination β ∆R2 R2 Step 1 Control variables .09*** .09*** Protective legislation –.09* Disclosure at work –.27*** Step 2 Main effects .00 .09*** Respondent’s gender –.04 Coworkers’ gender .02 Step 3
  • 50. Respondent × Coworker Gender –.53*** .02*** .12*** Step 1 Control variables .09*** .09*** Protective legislation –.09* Disclosure at work –.27*** Step 2 Main effects .00 .09*** Respondent’s gender –.04 Supervisor’s gender –.01 Step 3 Respondent × Supervisor Gender .20* .003* .10*** Step 1 Control variables .09*** .09*** Protective legislation –.09* Disclosure at work –.27*** Step 2 Main effects .00 .09*** Respondent’s race –.02 Coworkers’ race .00 Step 3 Respondent × Coworker Race .41** .01** .10*** NOTE: Only significant interactions are displayed in the table. Higher values represent protec- tive legislation, more discrimination, and greater demographic similarity to coworkers and supervi- sors. Respondent’s race is coded 1 = majority, 0 = minority. Respondent’s gender is coded 1 = male, 0 = female. *p ≤ .05. **p ≤ .01. ***p ≤ .001, two-tailed.
  • 51. Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 65 42.72 43.4 58.38 51.67 42.41 43.67 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58
  • 52. 60 Same Balanced Opposite Coworkers' Gender P er ce iv ed D is cr im in at io n Female Male Lesbians in primarily male groups Gay men in primarily male groups Figure 1: Adjusted Perceived Discrimination Means for Significant Respondent’s Gen- der by Coworkers’ Gender Interaction
  • 54. is cr im in at io n Female Male Lesbians with male supervisors Gay men with male supervisors Figure 2: Adjusted Perceived Discrimination Means for Significant Respondent’s Gen- der by Supervisor Interaction White gays and gays of color reported the most heterosexism in primarily White work teams. Additionally, both White gays and gays of color reported less heterosexism in groups that were racially balanced than in groups that were primarily White or composed primarily of people of color. To ensure that these interactions were not due to the sexual orientation of coworkers or supervisors, we reran all the analyses controlling for this variable. All three interactions retained significance.
  • 55. DISCUSSION We used a national sample of gay and lesbian employees to examine the effects of race, gender, and work group demography on reports of sexual ori- entation discrimination and disclosure of sexual orientation at work. Our study breaks new ground in exploring the effects of multiple group member- ships and relational demography on the workplace experiences of gay employees and provides a foundation for future research and theory develop- ment on this understudied population. 66 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT 46.3 36.63 47.42 44.16 37.93 49.56 34 36 38
  • 56. 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 Same Race Bala nced Different Race Coworkers' Race P er ce iv ed D is cr im in at io
  • 57. n Majority M inority Primarily white group Primarily white group Figure 3: Adjusted Perceived Discrimination Means for Significant Respondent’s Race by Coworkers’ Race Interaction THE EFFECTS OF MULTIPLE GROUP MEMBERSHIPS ON HETEROSEXISM AND DISCLOSURE We developed and tested two competing models of the effects of multiple group membership on reports of heterosexism and the decision to disclose a gay identity at work: the independence model and the spillover model. The results of our study indicate more support for the independence model than for the spillover model. In contrast to the spillover model, lesbians and gay people of color did not report more heterosexism than their White male coun- terparts, and lesbians were as likely as gay men to be out at work. However, in support of the model, gay people of color disclosed their sexual orientation to fewer people at work than their White counterparts. One explanation for this is that gay people of color are more likely to be in the numerical minority in
  • 58. organizations than women, and this visibility may increase the perceived risks associated with disclosure. Gay employees of color may already feel that they are under a microscope at work because of their race and may not want to feed the gossip mill by coming out at work. They may fear that their visibility may promote a “domino effect” in which their disclosure to a select group of individuals results in everyone in the organization knowing their sexual orientation. Finally, gay people of color who encounter racism at work may fear that a revelation of a gay identity may “add fuel to the discrimina- tory fire.” The finding that lesbians and gay employees of color reported equivalent heterosexism at work as White gay males supports the independence model, which holds that the forms and functions of heterosexism make it distinct from racism or sexism. A key distinction is that the invisibility of sexual ori- entation combines with sexual insecurities and identity conflicts to create an emotional reaction that has no real counterpart in race and gender. Individ- uals are usually not afraid that they are or will become another race or gender or that they will be perceived as being a different race or gender by mere asso- ciation with a stigmatized group. Another distinction is that unlike sexual ori-
  • 59. entation, race and gender are not viewed as immoral lifestyle choices that violate religious doctrines. Although our study provides a good start, more research is needed that examines the underpinnings of racism, sexism, and heterosexism in organi- zations. Our study assessed race and gender effects, but future research could take the next step by comparing mean reports of sexism, racism, and heterosexism using a racially diverse sample of gay and lesbian employees. We also need a more thorough understanding of the relationship between homophobia and heterosexism in organizations and the antecedents and out- comes of these constructs. Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 67 Whereas memberships in multiple high-status groups may give some individuals an advantage, we found no evidence of this among the White gay men in our study, who reported equivalent heterosexism as other groups. The race and gender of these men apparently did not buffer them from sexual ori- entation discrimination. One reason for this may be that openly gay men may not be invited to join the “good old boys’ club.” Moreover, the disclosure of a
  • 60. gay identity after entering this club may evoke heterosexist backlash; gay men may be viewed as “imposters who infiltrated the White heterosexual male bastion.” Additionally, our finding that White gay men were as likely to be out at work as their female and minority counterparts suggests that although coming out may mean relinquishing the privileges associated with their race and gender, the emotional costs involved with hiding a gay identity may make that decision well worthwhile. Future research should use both quantitative and qualitative approaches to examine race and gender differences in identity management strategies. Our study examined race and gender differences in the decision to disclose, but we did not explore the strategies used by those who concealed their sexual identity at work (cf. Button, 2001). Although lesbians were as likely as gay men to be out at work, it would be interesting to examine the identity manage- ment strategies used by those who remained in the closet. For example, Woods (1994) observed that two nondisclosure strategies involve avoiding the issue of sexuality and counterfeiting a heterosexual identity. Are there race and gender differences in the use of these strategies? One could argue that counterfeiting a heterosexual identity would be difficult for those who
  • 61. are already highly visible because of their minority status. Additionally, the number of minority group memberships may matter; individuals who are members of multiple stigmatized groups may be more adept at managing their identities than those who are members of just one stigmatized group. Future research could also explore the factors that predict disclosure in the workplace. Lesbians were as likely as gay men to be out at work, but the fac- tors that led to this decision may vary by race and gender. We need to under- stand what factors build the sense of trust and safety necessary for lesbians and gay people of color to disclose at work. Perhaps they disclose their sexual orientation to coworkers only after they have “tested the water” for racism and sexism. These questions point to the importance of examining not just the race and gender of the gay employee but also the demographic composition of their work environment. 68 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT THE IMPACT OF RELATIONAL DEMOGRAPHY ON HETEROSEXISM AND DISCLOSURE Although the race and gender of gay employees did not affect their reports
  • 62. of heterosexism, the demographic composition of their work environment emerged as an important predictor of disclosure and discrimination. In fact, sexual orientation emerged as the leading demographic predictor of work- place experiences for gay employees. In support of relational demography theory, gay employees with gay supervisors or primarily gay work groups were more likely to be out at work and reported less heterosexism than employees in heterosexual work environments. Whereas sexual orientation is often omitted from discussions of relational demography, it is central to gay employees and should be included in future research. Also in line with relational demography theory was the finding that gay employees were more likely to disclose their sexual orientation when they had supervisors of the same race or ethnicity, and this effect held regardless of the supervisor’s sexual orientation or the employee’s race. This suggests that although gay employees of color may be more reluctant than White employees to disclose at work, having a same-race supervisor may lessen this reluctance. Even if the supervisor is heterosexual, similarity in race may be sufficient to build the trust necessary for disclosure. Gay employees may also view a supervisor of a different race as less motivated to protect them from
  • 63. the potentially negative consequences of disclosure. We found no support for relational demography predictions regarding gender similarity. Gender similarity in supervisory relationships and work teams did not affect disclosure or reports of heterosexism. On closer inspec- tion, it becomes clear that the assumption of heterosexuality underlies rela- tional demography predictions. Gender similarity predictions are based on the idea that working with someone of the same gender increases an individ- ual’s sense of comfort, security, and acceptance. This comfort may not be afforded to gay employees; the experience of a gay male working in a group of heterosexual men may be quite different from the experience of a hetero- sexual male in a heterosexual male group. The prediction that gender similar- ity creates a positive group climate also assumes that individuals in same- gender groups do not encounter the potential for sexual tension that may be present in cross-gender groups. This prediction is reversed for gay employ- ees; a gay male working in a group of gay males may encounter similar sexual tensions as might a heterosexual male working in a group of heterosexual females. This suggests that biological sex may be a poor predictor of Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 69
  • 64. perceived similarity among gay employees. Moreover, biological sex may be an entirely meaningless construct for transgendered employees, whose gen- der identity is independent from their biological sex. Some of the most intriguing findings in our study involved the significant interactions between the relational demography variables and the respon- dent’s race and gender. The most provocative finding was that both White and minority gay employees reported less heterosexism in groups that were racially balanced than in primarily White or non-White groups, and this find- ing held even when controlling for the group’s sexual orientation. One expla- nation for this finding is that teams that are diverse on one dimension (i.e., race) may undergo a diversity awareness process that transfers to other dimensions (i.e., sexual orientation). This supports the idea that diversity in one area helps teams deal with diversity in other areas. However, a less opti- mistic interpretation is that racially diverse groups are so focused on dealing with race issues that issues relating to sexual orientation slip into the back- ground. These two scenarios present an exciting agenda for future research. Do racially diverse teams develop greater self-awareness of all
  • 65. forms of diversity, or does the conflict derived from dealing with one form of diversity overshadow issues relating to other forms of diversity? Our study also revealed that gay employees who worked in primarily male groups or who had male supervisors were more likely to report heterosexism than were employees who worked in gender-balanced or female- dominated work environments. Additionally, this effect was significantly more likely to be found among lesbians than among gay men, indicating that lesbians in male-dominated environments may face extensive heterosexism at work. Future research can build on this finding by examining the predictors, moder- ators, and outcomes of these relationships. Although the demography of the work group is an important predictor of the workplace experiences of gay employees, team demography may not be as important as the group’s values and attitudes about homosexuality. Future research can investigate this topic and draw on current views of workplace diversity that distinguish between demographic “surface diversity” and “deep-level diversity,” which reflects group members’ attitudes, values, and beliefs (Harrison, Price, & Bell, 1998). It would be interesting to assess how group demography interacts with attitudes toward
  • 66. homosexuality to affect work outcomes for gay employees. LIMITATIONS OF THIS STUDY Several limitations of this study should be mentioned. First, the use of members of national gay rights organizations may limit the generalizability 70 GROUP & ORGANIZATION MANAGEMENT of the study. This group may be more likely than other gay groups to be out at work, they may be more sensitive to discrimination, and they may be more likely to choose organizations that are supportive of gay employees. It should also be noted that we examined subjective reports of perceived workplace discrimination, which may under- or overestimate objective dis- crimination. For example, lesbians and gay employees of color may underreport heterosexism if they perceive it as being minimal relative to the racism and sexism they experience at work. The lack of gender and race dif- ferences in reported discrimination could also be a function of gender and race differences in discrimination attributions. Existing research indicates that women and people of color are less likely than their White
  • 67. male counter- parts to blame poor performance in ambiguous situations on discrimination (Ruggiero & Taylor, 1995). This research suggests that lesbians and gay employees of color may deny that discrimination exists or may assume per- sonal responsibility for workplace discrimination. Another limitation of our study is that we did not take the climate of the organization into account. Disclosure of a gay identity may be affected not only by “gay-friendly” climates but also by the degree to which employees are allowed or encouraged to share any form of personal disclosure at work. Personal disclosure may be more common in some workplaces and occupa- tions than others and may vary by tasks and relationships with peers. For example, disclosure may be less likely to occur in teams that do not involve face-to-face interaction, in cases where employees have different coworkers every day (i.e., flight attendants), or in work situations that involve physi- cally close interactions (i.e., firefighters and police officers). Finally, the results of our study may or may not generalize to the bisexual and transgender populations. Additionally, our survey did not allow respon- dents to indicate whether they were transgendered. Transgendered individu- als may self-identify as heterosexual, and because we excluded
  • 68. self-identi- fied heterosexuals (n = 20) from our analyses, we may have also excluded transgendered respondents. In conclusion, the results of our study suggest that race, gender, and sexual orientation should not be considered in a vacuum but should be considered in relation to the broader work environment. Although the results of this study suggest that relational demography is central to the work experiences of gay employees, heterosexual assumptions underlying this theory need to be examined more closely. Finally, it is clear that more research is needed that explores the complex interactions between multiple group identities in the workplace and the effects of these identities on gay employees’ workplace experiences. Ragins et al. / HETEROSEXISM IN THE WORKPLACE 71 NOTES 1. Undeliverable mail was due to change of addresses. The majority of these returned sur- veys came from the mailing lists of the African American and Latino American gay civil rights groups. Race differences in return rates may therefore partially be attributable to the use of older mailing lists by the African American and Latino American
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