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Regulation and Control

Aims and Objectives

Intro to the current PCC
Overview of the PCC
Read History

Discussion of The PCC and the reasons for the Levenson Inquiry
Use Case Studies...

Is Self Regulation Working?
       Why is Regulation and Control of the Media Important?
What is the PCC

Press Complaints Commission
Is an independent body that administers a system a self
regulation for the press

             self regulating vs. state regulation
    Self-regulation means that the industry or profession rather
             than the government is doing the regulation.

     In contrast: State or statutory regulations means an act of
           law or a government body regulates the industry

The British press operates an important position as the fourth estate.
The press is there to challenge parliament and act in the public interest.
Use the PCC to Discover the Meaning of these Terms
 What is libel?
 What is contempt of court?
 What is a super injunction? (Human Rights Act 1998)

What Do These Cases Inform Us Of?
High profile cases - Imogen Thomas - Injunctions / Twitter.
Christopher Jefferies - Libel
The Sun & The Mirror - Contempt of court
In the UK there are different regulatory bodies some which are
   regulated by the state i.e. OFCOM which is regulated by a
   government body and then you have PCC and BBFC which are self
   regulating. Both the BBFC and OFCOM have a statutory duty to
   regulate, but one is regulated by the government the other industry

Question 1.: What is the difference between self regulation and
Questions 2: What are the arguments for and against regulation
Question 3: How can we have some media which are self regulated
  and others which are regulated by the state?
Question 4: In an era of the world wide web with global access, and
  Web 2.0 is regulation possible at all?
Self regulation and regulation

Self-regulation means that the industry or profession rather
         than the government is doing the regulation.

  In contrast: State or statutory regulations means an act of
        law or a government body regulates the industry
In order to understand the present media you have to understand its past
The British press operates an important position as the fourth estate.
The press is there to challenge parliament and act in the public interest.
TV, historically emerged during the world war II period, and because of
   its power as a vehicle for propaganda was deemed too important to be
   self regulated. In its current state OFCOM regulates TV and has
   statatury legal powers and so does the BBFC, but PCC and BBFC are
   self regulating and Ofcom is a government body.
Arguments against state regulation

· British press operates an important position as the fourth
· The press are there to challenge parliament and act in the
 public interest.
· Journalists often use the ʻpublic interest defenceʼ as a
 defence to publish information.
· The media needs to be free to protect and promote the
 rights of freedom of expression and information, not
 provide an opportunity for public officials to interfere in or
 harass the media
UK regulation and the press

· Print media in the UK is not subject to any specific statutory controls on their content
 and activities, other than the general criminal and civil law. Criminal and Civil law is
 important as newspapers can be sued for libel and also a lot of celebrities bring civil law
 cases against newspapers.
· At present the PCC is self regulated this means that it is regulated by an independent,
 non-statutory body that is responsible for maintaining an Editorial Code of Practice and
 investigating complaints into alleged breaches of the Code.
· The PCC is a voluntary self-regulatory system, has resisted state control but their is an
 uneasy balance, with some pushing for a statutory alternative that has powers
 enshrined in law.
The 1990 Calcutt report recommended the setting up of a new Press Complaints Commission to
replace the Press Council. The new Commission would be given 18 months to prove non-statutory
self-regulation could work effectively and if it failed to do so, then a statutory system would be

The press rose to the challenge. The PCC was set up at the beginning of 1991 and at the same
time a team of national and regional editors produced the Code of Practice for the new
Commission to administer.

However, in his first report of 1993, the late Sir David Calcutt complained of the ineffectiveness of
the PCC and called for statutory regulation. The Government delayed responding until 1995, when
National Heritage Secretary Virginia Bottomley rejected regulation, proposing instead a series of
reforms to the PCC.

Following the death of Princess Diana in 1998, the PCC came under pressure to reform again, and
the Code was revised again to better protect privacy and to take account of the Youth Justice and
Criminal Evidence Act 1999.

To date the Code has been revised 30 times since it was first published. The latest amendment
was made to the Accuracy clause in January 2011.
PCC Code

LINK or available at i

PCC is an ethical rather than legal code, and has no legal power in contrast
to Ofcom and the BBFC.
Princess Dianaʼs death what people said: Arguments for

The death of Princess Diana caused a public outcry with people blaming journalists, and
journalists blaming the paparazzi. After her death radical changes to the PCC code were
introduced such as rules about an individual's private life, the treatment of children and

At the time Lord Spencer, Dianaʼs brother asked for privacy to be recognised as a human right and
said it would be a fitting tribute to his sister if the old ways of tabloid journalism died with her.

The chairman of the Press Complaints Commission's code committee, Sir David English, chairman
said "The tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales has focused unprecedented public attention on
press intrusion, harassment and respect for privacy. As those charged with defining the Code of
Practice which sets the benchmarks for the ethical and professional standards of journalism, we
recognise this. We are now undertaking an urgent review of the code. As an industry we
emphasise the need for the code to be followed not just in the letter but in its full spirit.“
Global impact of the PCCʼs
Lord Wakeham said when the proposals would be introduced "no longer be a market for
pictures taken by the sort of photographers who persistently pursued Princess Diana". But
he added that the problem remains a global one. The proposals include a new obligation to
editors to check how pictures were obtained and measures to prevent so-called media
scrums, caused by large numbers of journalists working at the same time. The present
section of the code on privacy is expected to be re-drawn, with a definition of an individual's
private life for the first time.

The problem with this just because the PCC is regulated does not mean other countries
have the same regulation, and with the internet people can publish what they want. WEB 2.0
Privacy law and EU law

Before and just after Dianaʼs death the UK had no such thing as a privacy law unlike
other countries, this meant journalist could photograph celebrities and invade their
private life.

This all changed with the inclusion of EU law
Article 8 of the ECHR, (European Convention Human Right) Right to respect for private
and family life states that:

1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his
2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right
except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society
in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the
country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or
for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
Privacy Vʼs public interest

This meant for the first time Journalists had a new regulator and that
was privacy law, now came the battle of privacy vʼs public interest, EU
law vs. the British press. You can use these in your exam.

Important cases for privacy
Princess Diana
The killers of Jamie Bulger
Naomi Campbell
JK Rowling
Max Mosley
John Terry
Madeleine McCann
Jan Moir Daily mail
Media Standards Trust criticism
   The Media Standards Trust weighed into the debate
adding that the PCC should not have serving editors on its
board and revealing that newspaper and magazine editors
are not bound to follow advice from the PCC. Furthermore
figures from the 2008 PCC Annual Report indicate that of
the 4698 complaints that were brought only 45 were
adjudicated. Even though the PCC claim that a
considerable number of those complaints were “resolved”,
one is less confident of their ability to provide adequate

   Further, the PCC has no power to fine offending
publications and even in successful complaints, victims
are not provided any form of compensation.
Limits of Self-Regulation under
 English law arguments against:

 Self-Regulation involves media organisations forming an independent
 body, setting up their own code of conduct and operational structure as
 well as raising their own funds.
· In Britain, the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) is an independent
 self-regulatory body which adjudicates complaints from the public and
 acts as an “informal conciliator, leaning on newspapers to admit
 mistakes or oversights…”
· It is funded by a levy on newspaper and magazine publishers who
 subscribe to its authority. Does this create bias, how can you regulate
 yourself, the PCCʼs history has shown that it does not work with the
 failure of previous self regulatory bodies?
· Use your case studies that you have watched and researched to
 support the problems of current PCC and self regulation
Theorists against self regulation

Robertson and Nicol who have entertained the view that the PCC is “an ineffective regulator which
fails to offer adequate redress in a great many cases”.

Tambini et al ( 277) “The argument for self regulation of the media as an alternative to legislation
means using self regulation methods ( codes bodies able to apply the code) to provide a framework
of limitations which in turn provides a system of accountability.
Stokes and Reading (1999:156). Newspapers argue for freedom of expression, but in doing so they
suggest that newspapers alone, other than other public bodies should stand above international
law. Quiet clearly for some newspapers the ability to snoop and poke into peopleʼs private lives is
infinitely more important than carrying out serious journalism.

A similar view was echoed by the ECHR decision in Peck v United Kingdom (2003) ECHR when it
was found that “The PCC rejected the applicantʼs [Peck] complaint without a hearing…” Mr Peck
was caught on CCTV when he attempted to commit suicide in a public place. This footage was
publicised without his permission and the ECHR upheld his claim for invasion of privacy
notwithstanding the PCCʼs earlier rejection of the same complaint
Arguments for self regulation

In 2008 Labour MP Jim Sheridan was arguing the case for the PCC to be replaced in the House of Commons .
Sheridan was introducing the new bill, which would be the latest attempt to “introduce a statutory method for
protecting the general public from inaccurate and, at times, inflammatory reports in the press and media” .

The new proposed regulatory system said it would not have any effect on the freedom of the press and that it
was the duty of a free press to “balance commercial considerations with its responsibilities to individuals and to
society as a whole” .
The main thrust of the argument is that the PCC should have more power to enforce its code and ensure that
members correct their mistakes when proved to have transgressed. Apparently the National Union of
Journalists has been calling for the PCC to become a public body which would allow its practices to be
scrutinised through the Freedom of Information Act 2000 [5]. The argument is that if the workings of the PCC
were more transparent, then there would be less cause for complaint, in particular with regards to the amount
of complaints that are actually upheld. Sheridan goes on to state that “there is an increasing body of anecdotal
evidence to suggest that in situations in which victims feel that they have a strong case, they are brought off
with minimal out-of-court cash settlements, and with a small retraction buried in the depths of the
newspaper” [6] .

A 2009 Select Committee report into "Press Standards, Privacy and Libel" stated that "self-regulation of the
press is greatly preferable to statutory regulation, and should continue

The growth of the internet has brought its own problems particularly in relation
to social networking sites and the protection of privacy.

An Ipsos MORI poll commissioned by the PCC in March 2008 revealed that
42% of web users aged 16-24 knew someone who had been embarrassed by
information uploaded on to the internet without their consent. And 78% of the
entire adult online population would change information they publish about
themselves online if they thought the material would later be reproduced in the
mainstream media.

In addition, 89% of web users thought there should be clear guidelines about
the type of personal information that can be published online so that they can
complain if the material is wrong or intrusive.
Internet does it mean the only way is
            self regulation?
PCC director Stephen Abell, in an interview in June
2010, said the Commission believed that the
proliferation of information online "militates against
statutory regulation, as the content is so diffuse that
it cannot be easily constrained."

The PCC felt therefore that only self-restraint and
self-imposed standards from newspapers,
magazines and their websites could really work
The Internet is not immune to
Forget self regulation- is statutory regulation already regulating
the industry?
How libel law is effecting regulation

Libel law is when a person writes a defamatory untrue statement about a person, a
broadcast statement is called defamation. Newspapers are normally subject to libel
laws but recently, this law has been applied to the internet.

Ranting in 140 characters has cost Courtney Love $430,000 (£265,000) after she was accused of libelling a
fashion designer on Twitter. The singer agreed to settle Dawn Simorangkir's libel suit rather than face a jury in
a courtroom showdown. It is thought to have been the first libel settlement prompted by tweets. Love had used
Twitter and her MySpace account to declare Simorangkir, who is behind the Boudoir Queen designer label, a
thief and a criminal. Love's ire is said to have been sparked in 2009 by the designer's decision to send Love a
bill for five outfits.
The problem is not self-regulation vs.
 regulation or even the internet, its the
 fact that regulation is medium specific

In the past regula1on in this country has been media specific, however, we can see with case studies like Jan Moir 
that what was perfectly acceptable for the PCC, would have been a major problem for OFCOM’s guidelines. This 
means that regula1on is a joke because there is no consistency.

You have the BBFC and Ofcom which both have statutory du1es but, BBFC is regulated by industry professionals and 
Ofcom by a government body. BBFC is more like the PCC in rela1on to the way it regulates itself however PCC has no 
legal powers.

Further, with the impact of the internet, 24 news coverage, how can you regulate or censor news, if the press are 
not aloud to report it because of an injunc1on, then people will search the internet.

The problem with the concept that we can regulate the media, is largely in doubt now because of the impact of 
internet, and web 2.0 unless we regulate the internet, doing this is both difficult because different countries have 
different law, also because of web 2.0 and also because regula1ng the internet would be seen as a 
What the internet does is highlight this problem of media
specific regulation firstly because it is difficult to regulate.

Secondly it shows the problems with the current system
because the internet is a medium which contains
technological convergence and proliferation, i.e. it
contains radio, print, TV, adverts and films.

All of the above are regulated be a media specific
regulatory system i.e. self regulated and regulated, so the
internet highlights the problem with the current system.
Is the internet free
Twitter and Facebook have been lauded as the ushers of a new era in
social activism.

 But when hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in Egypt
this Jan. and Feb., the government switched off the Internet. The
Mubarak regime disconnected 90 million people from the Web simply
by calling the countryʼs four internet service providers and demanding
they discontinue service. Perhaps social networks arenʼt as
decentralized as we thought.

Douglas Rushkoff, a media theorist writing for CNN, said the Internet is
“entirely controlled by central authorities.” While the common person
may feel a degree of liberty with their Tweets or posts, ultimately the
power is vested in the corporations who own the platforms and the
governments that command the kill switches.
Theorists McQuail

Internet as a new media, changes the role of the audience. The
balance of audience activity shifts from â reception to searching,
consulting and interacting (Mc Quail, 2000: 120).

Internet features three main ideas as it is interactivity, demassified
nature and breaking the barrier of space and time. Audience are able to
access the Internet from almost everywhere, seeking information from
sources within and outside geographic barriers. The audience are not
restricted to local content anymore, as the degree of freedom that is
available. Despite the differences, the new media are being used and
exploited in much as the same way the old media for selling,
advertising, propaganda and persuasion ? (Mc Quail, 2000: 124).
Theorists in favour of self regulation

Collins (1991:61) newspapers are watchdogs of society and it is vitally important to prevent direct
government intervention to the press. It is argued that statutory regulation would make the press
behave more responsibly but it does not auger for democracy when politicians start praising
newspapers for behaving responsibly.
Collins (1991:61) “Always behind the presence of statutory press regulation hovers the prospect of
Collins (1991: 61) argues that statutory regulation would also open up new markets and services
for lawyers by newspapers and few citizens could enforce their right without legal aid.
Collins (1991: 62) In a framework of self regulation which deal with editors in a direct and impartial
basis as neither friends nor foes to each other.
Solevay and Reed (6) “however the type of self regulation now accepted has been advocated
seriously since about the year 2000. Prior to that self regulation had a much different meaning. It
meant essentially no regulation” I.e. This can be linked to the fact that companies are now asking
people to say how old they are before downloading something, or with AOL and other companies
disconnecting people, there is now a move towards self regulation rather than no regulation on the

   What are the arguments for and
against specific forms of contemporary
          media regulation

The arguments for and against media regulation
 large fall into two parts,

1. Self regulating vs. state regulation
2. Press Freedom vs. state control
3. Public interest vs. Privacy
4. How effect are regulatory practices
What is the PCC

Press Complaints Commission
Is an independent body that administers a system a self
regulation for the press

             self regulating vs. state regulation
    Self-regulation means that the industry or profession rather
             than the government is doing the regulation.

     In contrast: State or statutory regulations means an act of
           law or a government body regulates the industry

The British press operates an important position as the fourth estate.
The press is there to challenge parliament and act in the public interest.
Arguments against state regulation

British press operates an important position as the fourth estate.

The press are there to challenge parliament and act in the public interest.

Journalists often use the ʻpublic interest defenceʼ as a defence to publish information.

The media needs to be free to protect and promote the rights of freedom of expression and
information, not provide an opportunity for public officials to interfere in or harass the media
Arguments for and against Self Regulation

Maintaining a free, responsible press
One of the central benefits of press self regulation is that it combines high standards of ethical reporting with a free
press. Statutory controls would undermine the freedom of the press - and would not be so successful in raising
standards. A privacy law, too, would be unworkable and an unacceptable infringement on press freedom. It would be of
potential use only to the rich and powerful who would be prepared to use the Courts to enforce their rights - and would be
misused by the corrupt to stop newspapers from reporting in the public interest. Self regulation has none of the problems
of the law - yet still provides a system in which editors are committed to the highest possible ethical standards.

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Regulation and control

  • 1. Regulation and Control Aims and Objectives Intro to the current PCC Overview of the PCC Read History Discussion of The PCC and the reasons for the Levenson Inquiry Use Case Studies... Is Self Regulation Working? Why is Regulation and Control of the Media Important?
  • 2. What is the PCC Press Complaints Commission Is an independent body that administers a system a self regulation for the press self regulating vs. state regulation Self-regulation means that the industry or profession rather than the government is doing the regulation. In contrast: State or statutory regulations means an act of law or a government body regulates the industry Arguments The British press operates an important position as the fourth estate. The press is there to challenge parliament and act in the public interest.
  • 3. Use the PCC to Discover the Meaning of these Terms What is libel? What is contempt of court? What is a super injunction? (Human Rights Act 1998) What Do These Cases Inform Us Of? High profile cases - Imogen Thomas - Injunctions / Twitter. Christopher Jefferies - Libel The Sun & The Mirror - Contempt of court
  • 4. Remember In the UK there are different regulatory bodies some which are regulated by the state i.e. OFCOM which is regulated by a government body and then you have PCC and BBFC which are self regulating. Both the BBFC and OFCOM have a statutory duty to regulate, but one is regulated by the government the other industry proffesionals. Question 1.: What is the difference between self regulation and regulation? Questions 2: What are the arguments for and against regulation Question 3: How can we have some media which are self regulated and others which are regulated by the state? Question 4: In an era of the world wide web with global access, and Web 2.0 is regulation possible at all?
  • 5. Self regulation and regulation Self-regulation means that the industry or profession rather than the government is doing the regulation. In contrast: State or statutory regulations means an act of law or a government body regulates the industry RECAP In order to understand the present media you have to understand its past The British press operates an important position as the fourth estate. The press is there to challenge parliament and act in the public interest. TV, historically emerged during the world war II period, and because of its power as a vehicle for propaganda was deemed too important to be self regulated. In its current state OFCOM regulates TV and has statatury legal powers and so does the BBFC, but PCC and BBFC are self regulating and Ofcom is a government body.
  • 6. Arguments against state regulation · British press operates an important position as the fourth estate. · The press are there to challenge parliament and act in the public interest. · Journalists often use the ʻpublic interest defenceʼ as a defence to publish information. · The media needs to be free to protect and promote the rights of freedom of expression and information, not provide an opportunity for public officials to interfere in or harass the media
  • 7. UK regulation and the press · Print media in the UK is not subject to any specific statutory controls on their content and activities, other than the general criminal and civil law. Criminal and Civil law is important as newspapers can be sued for libel and also a lot of celebrities bring civil law cases against newspapers. · · At present the PCC is self regulated this means that it is regulated by an independent, non-statutory body that is responsible for maintaining an Editorial Code of Practice and investigating complaints into alleged breaches of the Code. · · · The PCC is a voluntary self-regulatory system, has resisted state control but their is an uneasy balance, with some pushing for a statutory alternative that has powers enshrined in law.
  • 8. Continued The 1990 Calcutt report recommended the setting up of a new Press Complaints Commission to replace the Press Council. The new Commission would be given 18 months to prove non-statutory self-regulation could work effectively and if it failed to do so, then a statutory system would be introduced. The press rose to the challenge. The PCC was set up at the beginning of 1991 and at the same time a team of national and regional editors produced the Code of Practice for the new Commission to administer. However, in his first report of 1993, the late Sir David Calcutt complained of the ineffectiveness of the PCC and called for statutory regulation. The Government delayed responding until 1995, when National Heritage Secretary Virginia Bottomley rejected regulation, proposing instead a series of reforms to the PCC. Following the death of Princess Diana in 1998, the PCC came under pressure to reform again, and the Code was revised again to better protect privacy and to take account of the Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Act 1999. To date the Code has been revised 30 times since it was first published. The latest amendment was made to the Accuracy clause in January 2011.
  • 9. PCC Code LINK or available at i PCC is an ethical rather than legal code, and has no legal power in contrast to Ofcom and the BBFC.
  • 10. Princess Dianaʼs death what people said: Arguments for regulation? The death of Princess Diana caused a public outcry with people blaming journalists, and journalists blaming the paparazzi. After her death radical changes to the PCC code were introduced such as rules about an individual's private life, the treatment of children and harassment. At the time Lord Spencer, Dianaʼs brother asked for privacy to be recognised as a human right and said it would be a fitting tribute to his sister if the old ways of tabloid journalism died with her. The chairman of the Press Complaints Commission's code committee, Sir David English, chairman said "The tragic death of Diana, Princess of Wales has focused unprecedented public attention on press intrusion, harassment and respect for privacy. As those charged with defining the Code of Practice which sets the benchmarks for the ethical and professional standards of journalism, we recognise this. We are now undertaking an urgent review of the code. As an industry we emphasise the need for the code to be followed not just in the letter but in its full spirit.“
  • 11. Global impact of the PCCʼs decision Lord Wakeham said when the proposals would be introduced "no longer be a market for pictures taken by the sort of photographers who persistently pursued Princess Diana". But he added that the problem remains a global one. The proposals include a new obligation to editors to check how pictures were obtained and measures to prevent so-called media scrums, caused by large numbers of journalists working at the same time. The present section of the code on privacy is expected to be re-drawn, with a definition of an individual's private life for the first time. The problem with this just because the PCC is regulated does not mean other countries have the same regulation, and with the internet people can publish what they want. WEB 2.0
  • 12. Privacy law and EU law Before and just after Dianaʼs death the UK had no such thing as a privacy law unlike other countries, this meant journalist could photograph celebrities and invade their private life. This all changed with the inclusion of EU law Article 8 of the ECHR, (European Convention Human Right) Right to respect for private and family life states that: 1. Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence. 2. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others.
  • 13. Privacy Vʼs public interest This meant for the first time Journalists had a new regulator and that was privacy law, now came the battle of privacy vʼs public interest, EU law vs. the British press. You can use these in your exam. Important cases for privacy Princess Diana The killers of Jamie Bulger Naomi Campbell JK Rowling Max Mosley John Terry Madeleine McCann Jan Moir Daily mail
  • 14. Media Standards Trust criticism The Media Standards Trust weighed into the debate adding that the PCC should not have serving editors on its board and revealing that newspaper and magazine editors are not bound to follow advice from the PCC. Furthermore figures from the 2008 PCC Annual Report indicate that of the 4698 complaints that were brought only 45 were adjudicated. Even though the PCC claim that a considerable number of those complaints were “resolved”, one is less confident of their ability to provide adequate redress. Further, the PCC has no power to fine offending publications and even in successful complaints, victims are not provided any form of compensation.
  • 15. Limits of Self-Regulation under English law arguments against: · 
 Self-Regulation involves media organisations forming an independent body, setting up their own code of conduct and operational structure as well as raising their own funds. · · In Britain, the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) is an independent self-regulatory body which adjudicates complaints from the public and acts as an “informal conciliator, leaning on newspapers to admit mistakes or oversights…” · · It is funded by a levy on newspaper and magazine publishers who subscribe to its authority. Does this create bias, how can you regulate yourself, the PCCʼs history has shown that it does not work with the failure of previous self regulatory bodies? · · Use your case studies that you have watched and researched to support the problems of current PCC and self regulation
  • 16. Theorists against self regulation Robertson and Nicol who have entertained the view that the PCC is “an ineffective regulator which fails to offer adequate redress in a great many cases”. Tambini et al ( 277) “The argument for self regulation of the media as an alternative to legislation means using self regulation methods ( codes bodies able to apply the code) to provide a framework of limitations which in turn provides a system of accountability.   Criticism Stokes and Reading (1999:156). Newspapers argue for freedom of expression, but in doing so they suggest that newspapers alone, other than other public bodies should stand above international law. Quiet clearly for some newspapers the ability to snoop and poke into peopleʼs private lives is infinitely more important than carrying out serious journalism. A similar view was echoed by the ECHR decision in Peck v United Kingdom (2003) ECHR when it was found that “The PCC rejected the applicantʼs [Peck] complaint without a hearing…” Mr Peck was caught on CCTV when he attempted to commit suicide in a public place. This footage was publicised without his permission and the ECHR upheld his claim for invasion of privacy notwithstanding the PCCʼs earlier rejection of the same complaint
  • 17. Arguments for self regulation In 2008 Labour MP Jim Sheridan was arguing the case for the PCC to be replaced in the House of Commons . Sheridan was introducing the new bill, which would be the latest attempt to “introduce a statutory method for protecting the general public from inaccurate and, at times, inflammatory reports in the press and media” . The new proposed regulatory system said it would not have any effect on the freedom of the press and that it was the duty of a free press to “balance commercial considerations with its responsibilities to individuals and to society as a whole” .   The main thrust of the argument is that the PCC should have more power to enforce its code and ensure that members correct their mistakes when proved to have transgressed. Apparently the National Union of Journalists has been calling for the PCC to become a public body which would allow its practices to be scrutinised through the Freedom of Information Act 2000 [5]. The argument is that if the workings of the PCC were more transparent, then there would be less cause for complaint, in particular with regards to the amount of complaints that are actually upheld. Sheridan goes on to state that “there is an increasing body of anecdotal evidence to suggest that in situations in which victims feel that they have a strong case, they are brought off with minimal out-of-court cash settlements, and with a small retraction buried in the depths of the newspaper” [6] . A 2009 Select Committee report into "Press Standards, Privacy and Libel" stated that "self-regulation of the press is greatly preferable to statutory regulation, and should continue
  • 18. Internet The growth of the internet has brought its own problems particularly in relation to social networking sites and the protection of privacy. An Ipsos MORI poll commissioned by the PCC in March 2008 revealed that 42% of web users aged 16-24 knew someone who had been embarrassed by information uploaded on to the internet without their consent. And 78% of the entire adult online population would change information they publish about themselves online if they thought the material would later be reproduced in the mainstream media. In addition, 89% of web users thought there should be clear guidelines about the type of personal information that can be published online so that they can complain if the material is wrong or intrusive.
  • 19. Internet does it mean the only way is self regulation? PCC director Stephen Abell, in an interview in June 2010, said the Commission believed that the proliferation of information online "militates against statutory regulation, as the content is so diffuse that it cannot be easily constrained." The PCC felt therefore that only self-restraint and self-imposed standards from newspapers, magazines and their websites could really work online.
  • 20. The Internet is not immune to regulation. Forget self regulation- is statutory regulation already regulating the industry? How libel law is effecting regulation Libel law is when a person writes a defamatory untrue statement about a person, a broadcast statement is called defamation. Newspapers are normally subject to libel laws but recently, this law has been applied to the internet. Ranting in 140 characters has cost Courtney Love $430,000 (£265,000) after she was accused of libelling a fashion designer on Twitter. The singer agreed to settle Dawn Simorangkir's libel suit rather than face a jury in a courtroom showdown. It is thought to have been the first libel settlement prompted by tweets. Love had used Twitter and her MySpace account to declare Simorangkir, who is behind the Boudoir Queen designer label, a thief and a criminal. Love's ire is said to have been sparked in 2009 by the designer's decision to send Love a bill for five outfits.
  • 21. The problem is not self-regulation vs. regulation or even the internet, its the fact that regulation is medium specific Points  In the past regula1on in this country has been media specific, however, we can see with case studies like Jan Moir  that what was perfectly acceptable for the PCC, would have been a major problem for OFCOM’s guidelines. This  means that regula1on is a joke because there is no consistency. You have the BBFC and Ofcom which both have statutory du1es but, BBFC is regulated by industry professionals and  Ofcom by a government body. BBFC is more like the PCC in rela1on to the way it regulates itself however PCC has no  legal powers. Further, with the impact of the internet, 24 news coverage, how can you regulate or censor news, if the press are  not aloud to report it because of an injunc1on, then people will search the internet. The problem with the concept that we can regulate the media, is largely in doubt now because of the impact of  internet, and web 2.0 unless we regulate the internet, doing this is both difficult because different countries have  different law, also because of web 2.0 and also because regula1ng the internet would be seen as a 
  • 22. Remember What the internet does is highlight this problem of media specific regulation firstly because it is difficult to regulate. Secondly it shows the problems with the current system because the internet is a medium which contains technological convergence and proliferation, i.e. it contains radio, print, TV, adverts and films. All of the above are regulated be a media specific regulatory system i.e. self regulated and regulated, so the internet highlights the problem with the current system.
  • 23. Is the internet free Twitter and Facebook have been lauded as the ushers of a new era in social activism.  But when hundreds of thousands of people took to the streets in Egypt this Jan. and Feb., the government switched off the Internet. The Mubarak regime disconnected 90 million people from the Web simply by calling the countryʼs four internet service providers and demanding they discontinue service. Perhaps social networks arenʼt as decentralized as we thought. Douglas Rushkoff, a media theorist writing for CNN, said the Internet is “entirely controlled by central authorities.” While the common person may feel a degree of liberty with their Tweets or posts, ultimately the power is vested in the corporations who own the platforms and the governments that command the kill switches.
  • 24. Theorists McQuail Internet as a new media, changes the role of the audience. The balance of audience activity shifts from â reception to searching, consulting and interacting (Mc Quail, 2000: 120). Internet features three main ideas as it is interactivity, demassified nature and breaking the barrier of space and time. Audience are able to access the Internet from almost everywhere, seeking information from sources within and outside geographic barriers. The audience are not restricted to local content anymore, as the degree of freedom that is available. Despite the differences, the new media are being used and exploited in much as the same way the old media for selling, advertising, propaganda and persuasion ? (Mc Quail, 2000: 124).
  • 25. Theorists in favour of self regulation Collins (1991:61) newspapers are watchdogs of society and it is vitally important to prevent direct government intervention to the press. It is argued that statutory regulation would make the press behave more responsibly but it does not auger for democracy when politicians start praising newspapers for behaving responsibly.   Collins (1991:61) “Always behind the presence of statutory press regulation hovers the prospect of censorship”   Collins (1991: 61) argues that statutory regulation would also open up new markets and services for lawyers by newspapers and few citizens could enforce their right without legal aid.   Collins (1991: 62) In a framework of self regulation which deal with editors in a direct and impartial basis as neither friends nor foes to each other.     Solevay and Reed (6) “however the type of self regulation now accepted has been advocated seriously since about the year 2000. Prior to that self regulation had a much different meaning. It meant essentially no regulation” I.e. This can be linked to the fact that companies are now asking people to say how old they are before downloading something, or with AOL and other companies disconnecting people, there is now a move towards self regulation rather than no regulation on the internet.
  • 26. What are the arguments for and against specific forms of contemporary media regulation The arguments for and against media regulation large fall into two parts, 1. Self regulating vs. state regulation 2. Press Freedom vs. state control 3. Public interest vs. Privacy 4. How effect are regulatory practices
  • 27. What is the PCC Press Complaints Commission Is an independent body that administers a system a self regulation for the press self regulating vs. state regulation Self-regulation means that the industry or profession rather than the government is doing the regulation. In contrast: State or statutory regulations means an act of law or a government body regulates the industry Arguments The British press operates an important position as the fourth estate. The press is there to challenge parliament and act in the public interest.
  • 28. Arguments against state regulation British press operates an important position as the fourth estate. The press are there to challenge parliament and act in the public interest. Journalists often use the ʻpublic interest defenceʼ as a defence to publish information. The media needs to be free to protect and promote the rights of freedom of expression and information, not provide an opportunity for public officials to interfere in or harass the media
  • 29. Arguments for and against Self Regulation Maintaining a free, responsible press One of the central benefits of press self regulation is that it combines high standards of ethical reporting with a free press. Statutory controls would undermine the freedom of the press - and would not be so successful in raising standards. A privacy law, too, would be unworkable and an unacceptable infringement on press freedom. It would be of potential use only to the rich and powerful who would be prepared to use the Courts to enforce their rights - and would be misused by the corrupt to stop newspapers from reporting in the public interest. Self regulation has none of the problems of the law - yet still provides a system in which editors are committed to the highest possible ethical standards.