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Student Exchange
Meisya Andriani Lubis
University of Malaya, 1 – 9
October 2016
I went to Faculty of Law, University
of Malaya for the first time. It was
very quiet and clean compared to my
faculty. As long as I remember, my
friend from University of Malaya
directly brought me to Bilik
Persidangan (if I am not mistaken) to
make the lesson plan for activity at
Kechara .
I just knew back then that the learner
would be children, which surprised
me because I’ve never made the
lesson plan for kids, neither interact
with kids in Street Law program.
Hence, I learned how to make the
super happy face and smile, for the
kids would be comfortable and
happy around me.
After I finished the lesson plan and
trial run at University of Malaya, me
and my Universitas Indonesia’s
friend went to Time Square.
Community Outreach Programme
(COP) members told me that we
have for about 2 hours to go
shopping. And that was the time I
bought my Malaysia’s sim card. So
happy back then.
After finished (window) shopping, we
went to Kechara. First thing in my
mind was “WOW COOL”. I was
impressed. I helped them to put the
vitamin in small plastic bag. After that,
we watched Kechara’s video on the
screen together. The videos were very
sad, it showed me how Kechara help
the homeless and how the homeless
live their lives.
Then a person at Kechara told us what
to do and don’t. After that, we went to
Pusat Khidmat Geldandangan
Merdeka Tuanku. We prepared for the
stuffs for kids, while the homeless
started queueing. I was sad to watch
how they waited for the foods and
The gate opened, and the kid came
one by with their parents. They really
love balloon, so the first thing that
they asked when they arrived were
balloons. We taught them what is
hurt, and so they wouldn’t hurt others
(of course as understandable as
possible). We taught them with tom
and jerry picture. We even drew, sang,
and danced together. The kids were
verry happy, and so did I!
I just found out that they are really
love to draw, because some of them
wouldn’t go back before they finished
their draw. I didn’t see much about the
other side because I was too focused
with kids, but I bet the parents or
other grown ups were also happy with
the foods and stuffs.
The picture was taken by Kechara. There was me and
people who helped Kechara that day.
Day 1 – Kechara
October 1st, 2016
Day 2 – A
Pleasant Trip
to Melacca
October 2nd, 2016
It was an early morning, when I had
to take bus to Melacca. My friend
from University of Malaya said that if
we were leave late, the jam would be
so heavy because Melacca is a
tourism place and it was Sunday. It
took almost 2 hours to get in to
Melacca. Earlier, my friend told me if
I had to bring to my umbrella
because Mellaca is the hottest place
that she is ever been. When I think
about it again, I laugh, because she
was just being hyperbole. Melacca is
nothing compared to Jakarta.
We visited Museum Kapal, Famosa
Fortress, and a mall (I forget the
name). We took so many pictures
and had lunch in the mall. After that,
we went to Pantai Klebang. I
remember that, my friend from
University of Malaya bought a kite,
and we were playing the kite
That day was incredibly awesome.
Started with the crowded place and
beautiful place, and ended up with
the beautiful evening in the beach.
Melacca is one of the most visited
place if I go to Malaysia again.
Day 3 – Lesson Plan for SBJK
October 3rd, 2016
The activity started at 9 a.m. and I was curious why the
campus were so quite even though in Monday. My friend
from University of Malaya told me that was because
Public Holiday in Muharram. I was hoping that my country
has that kind of holiday too, but no, I am still hoping. We
made the Lesson Plan for Sekolah Jalinan Bimbingan
Kasih at COP’s room. I asked the COP member how old
the learners would be, and they said 13-17 years old.
Before me and my friends made the lesson plan, we met
Kak Aisha, she taught us how to make a reflective journal
(which is what I make right now). The COP member
bought us 2 pan of Domino’s Pizza for lunch. It was my
first time to eat pizza with chilly flakes, because I always
used chilly sauce before.
Then we started to learn how to make a lesson plan from
COP members, and made the lesson plan for SBJK.
Actually, the lesson plan was already made by COP, so we
just had to change if there were any revisions. We change
the game into “Game Konsentrasi” for ice breaking and
“Kepala Bahu Lutut Kaki” for energizer. That day, the
activity ended at 5 p.m. and I went to Mid Valley Mall
We started the activity at 9 a.m., and I was delegated to
take responsibility in Mini Lecture at SBJK and also Activity 2
in KL Krashpad. I tried so hard to use Malaysian Language,
because I was afraid the learners wouldn’t understand English.
The trial run was really fun. COP members taught me the new
and extra fun game, I was laughing so hard especially in
Samurai Game.
We made new class control tagline to KL Krashpad. I asked for
the age of the KL Krashpad learners, and COP members said
they also teenager. I feel relivied because that means, the
difference would not be so huge.
At lunch time, we ate at a place near University of Malaya’s
hall for graduation (appearantly I forget the name). The food is
very delicious and after that we took the picture in front of
University of Malaya sign, and walked back to Faculty of Law.
We also bought Coconut Ice Cream in the middle of our
journey. It was very delicious.
The trial run already over, so it was the time to go to Petronas Twin Tower! We took the Light Rail Transit (LRT) to Kuala
Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) at the rush hour, which is supposed to be very crowded if I was in Jakarta, but not in Kuala
Lumpur. The LRT are very clean, fast, and not very crowd even though in rush hour.
We walked from the LRT station to KLCC. I am amazed with the beautiful water fountain dance and especially Petronas
Twin Tower. I really enjoyed that moment so much.
Day 5 – SBJK
October 5th, 2016
The first thing in my mind when I
arrived at SBJK is “WOW”
because it was really hard to
control the kids. The school
principle told us before about
SBJK, and even showed the video
about SBJK. It was a touching
moment when I saw them crying
in the video. I was shocked the
SBJK’s school principle told me
Day 4 – Trial Run for
SBJK & KL Krashpad
October 4th, 2016
about the family background of
the students.
I gave the mini lecture with my
limited ability of Malaysian
language, but fortunately my
friend from University of Malaya
helped me while I was having the
hard time to communicate with
the kids.
As far as I now, none of the kids
came from Kuala Lumpur. Most
of them came from Sabah and
Serawak, which is quite far
because I thought they live in
Kuala Lumpur.
We played “Beruang, Ikan, dan
Nyamuk”, and they really liked it.
They even did not let us to go
back because they wanted to play
that game again and again.
Time to go back and it is quiete
sad because they said “Jangan
pulang kak”, I told them that we
would meet again in Friday (mock
So, we went back and have the
city trip. It was awosome. We
walked to Pasar Seni to bought
snacks, Petalling Street, and
Dataran Merdeka.
We took so much photo at
Dataran Merdeka even though it
was so hot. I love Dataran
Merdeka because the building is
very unique.
We even took photos at “I Love
KL” statue with Asia’s Next Top
Model pose. I really miss that
moment so much.
Day 6 – KL Krashpad
October 6th, 2016
In the morning we did preparation and trial run for
Krashpad. I was in charge in Activity 2, so I should explain
how to do the roleplay. I was a little bit curious about
Krashpad, because in the previous night my friend from
University of Malaya told me that we could not use phone
because it was not allowed.
It took for about 30 minutes from University of Malaya to
Krashpad. When I arrived at Krashpad, I realize that the
building is very tiny, much smaller than SBJK. It made me
more curious about what was inside. A person in Krashpad
explained to me before if Krashpad is an informal school,
and opened to every kids.
When I came to the second floor, there was a kid who
played the guitar. He was playing one of the Indonesian
song, so I am more curious than before. So me and my
friends sang along together with Malaysian song (which I
did not even know back then), but it was super fun.
The lesson that we gave to the kids also went well as we
planned. They were very active, smart, and creative.
Some of them could not even speak Malaysian language
because they were refugee from Rohingnya. I was just
very surprised when I heard about that, because I have
never met someone from Rohingnya before. I just knew it
from television, and it turned out that their English was
better than mine.
We did the drama, and they were super creative. They
even did that very good. They put their expression into the
role that they played. I was very impressed to see how
smart the kids in Krashpad.
I also make a friend with a kid from Indonesia, she is
Javanese. We talked about Java alot and she seems like
interest with my stories. I really love the momment.
I saw the drawings of Krashpad student in the wall, they
made some of motivational quotes which was very good
because they did it by themselves. They were super
Sadly, it was time for us to went back to University of
Malaya. Some of them asked us to come again in the next
week, which was really sad because we could not. I hope
that I could, kiddos.
Day 7 – Mock Trial and Closing Ceremony
October 7th, 2016
The day started with mock trial with
SBJK students. It was my first time
to see the Common Law trial, and I
felt the huge difference than my
Inquositorial System. It was so funny
when the kids did not understand
about the trial, but they tried so hard
to played the role. Prof. Nurbani and
Kak Aisha helped the kids with the
I learned so much about the
Adversarial System with my friends
from University of Malaya. They
taught me about the real trial in
Malaysia alot.
After the mock trial session ended,
we went to the Moot Court A which
is bigger than the moot court that
we used to mock trial before. We
took pictures at the Judge’s chair
Time for closing ceremony. The kids
from SBJK sang us songs and it was
really touching. We even sang two
songs together (because our friends
from University of Malaya asked us
The Dean of Faculty of Law also gave
the speech and gave me a sertificate
for this Student Exchange Program. I
was a little bit sad to leave
University Malaya so soon, but I held
it because I still had 2 more days with
my friends.
Day 8 – A Very Meaningful Day at TSP
October 8th, 2016
We went to TSP at 6.30 a.m. as long
as I could remember. It was so early
in the morning, because 6 a.m. in
Kuala Lumpur felt like 5 a.m. in
Jakarta. It took for about 3 hours
from Kuala Lumpur to Perak. We
went to Perak by bus, and I really
love it bacause Malaysia has the
highway to every place. So, even
though the distance from Kuala
Lumpur to Perak is really far, but it
did not take so much time. Thank
you highway.
We arrived at TSP in 9.30 a.m. I was
really shocked when I first arrived
there because so many kids were
pregnant. They were really brave to
have the courage to keep the baby. I
could not even imagine my self to
become a mother at that age.
I asked the COP members why
would they stay at TSP, and they
said there are some reasons as run
away from home, petty crime, and
even pregnancy.
I was really curious why would the
pregnancy child had to be in TSP,
then I got the answer. The family
was ashamed to the pregnancy of
their child. That was just so sad. I
could not imagine h0w sad and
stressed it would be to be pregnant
without a husband and far away
from parents. It was very sad.
Then we started our activity at TSP.
It was unbelivable because the kids
were very cooperative. Some of
them even asked me to stayed
around them and did not leave them.
I feel so needed that time. How
come my 10 minutes talked to them
had already make them comfortable
around me.
I tried so hard to be as cheerful as
possible. I tried not to asked about
their background, because I was
afraid that would be hurting them.
The kids were really loved to sing,
they liked to sang the sad songs.
Which was sadden me more,
because they should be love the
happy song at their age.
One of the kid, Laila, she did not
want to be apart from me during the
activity. She also got jealous when I
talked to the other kid, and I knew it
if the kids in TSP really need love
from someone.
There were also a kid from India, she
had a hard time to speak English and
Malaysian Language. She told us if
the other Malaysian kids hate her
because she could not speak
Malaysian. That also a sad
momment, but my friend from
Universitas Indonesia had time to
talked with her more than me, so I
thought she could give some advices
to the kid.
I was paying attention to the other
kid. She was mute. So when the
activity at TSP almost ended, I asked
her if she is happy or not. She said
yes with a really big smile.
I was really sad back then. I could not
help my self to burst into tears. So I
ran away to outside of building and I
hugged kak Aisha. I did not know if
the small thing that I could give to
them like playing game has made
them really happy.
I felt like I was not grateful enough
with my life, because I always looked
up and forgot to see the goodness in
my life. Sometimes I still like to
complained about my life, while in
the other hand, maybe they are
praying to have a life like mine.
I felt my self as a bad person that
day. They could even manage to
smile despite how hard they life are.
They are a very tough and brave girl.
So at the end at the activity, I
hugged them as much as I could,
because I wanted them to feel the
I was ran into tears again when the
goodbye comes. Some of them
asked my facebook and my number,
I really wanted to give them my
personal information, but I could
not. They asked me to come back
again and the saddest part is they
asked me to stay. They said they
loved me. That was just really sad.
After the sadness at TSP ended, we
were heading to Kellie’s Castle.
Some COP members told me about
the story behind it. Very romantic.
We took some pictures and went
back to University of Malaya.
Day 9 – Back to Indonesia
October 9th, 2016
I woke up and it was so sad to imagine that I had to leave University of Malaya so
soon. I am not good at saying goodbye, because I can easily cry when I am about to
say goodbye. I was not expected if my only 10 days at Malaysia could be so
meaningfull. I met so many good persons and learned so many things in life. I made
really goodfriend and it was so hard to leave a place that I already love.
Nevertheless, I had to go. I cried when I am about to go with the van. There is just so
many memories that I created. I went with the van with some COP members. It took
1 hour from University of Malaya to Kuala Lumpur International Airport. My flight
schedule is at 10.40 a.m. and when I had to enter the boarding room, I cried again so
many times. Because I should leave the good friends in University of Malaya.
Goodbye is just the most hated phrase for me.
I arrived at 11.30 a.m. at Jakarta with so many memories in Kuala Lumpur.
A Little Bit of Words
I would to say my gratitude to Universitas Indonesia and University of Malaya which has given me the opportunity to
participated in Student Exchange Programme. It was an honor for me to be a part of Community Outreach
Programme. May my contribution was not big as the COP members who regularly do the Street Law Project
everytime, but it was a wonderfull week for me. There are so many lesson that I could take from the activities when I
was in Kuala Lumpur.
I also want to say thank you for all of my friends at University of Malaya for the time and energy that you gave to me.
I never knew if a week is enough to make a really good friend. Thank you so much for the kindness. I am sorry if I were
making mistake or did the unpleasant things in the period of Student Exchange Programme.
Thank you so much for everything.
Kellie's Castle
Meisya Andriani Lubis
Universitas Indonesia
Faculty of
University of
Jalan Universiti,
50603 Kuala
Lumpur, Wilayah
Kuala Lumpur,

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Reflective Journal

  • 1. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM assdbdjhbjdsabkjsdabkj Reflective Journal Student Exchange Program Meisya Andriani Lubis University of Malaya, 1 – 9 October 2016 I went to Faculty of Law, University of Malaya for the first time. It was very quiet and clean compared to my faculty. As long as I remember, my friend from University of Malaya directly brought me to Bilik Persidangan (if I am not mistaken) to make the lesson plan for activity at Kechara . I just knew back then that the learner would be children, which surprised me because I’ve never made the lesson plan for kids, neither interact with kids in Street Law program. Hence, I learned how to make the super happy face and smile, for the kids would be comfortable and happy around me. After I finished the lesson plan and trial run at University of Malaya, me and my Universitas Indonesia’s friend went to Time Square. Community Outreach Programme (COP) members told me that we have for about 2 hours to go shopping. And that was the time I bought my Malaysia’s sim card. So happy back then. After finished (window) shopping, we went to Kechara. First thing in my mind was “WOW COOL”. I was impressed. I helped them to put the vitamin in small plastic bag. After that, we watched Kechara’s video on the screen together. The videos were very sad, it showed me how Kechara help the homeless and how the homeless live their lives. Then a person at Kechara told us what to do and don’t. After that, we went to Pusat Khidmat Geldandangan Merdeka Tuanku. We prepared for the stuffs for kids, while the homeless started queueing. I was sad to watch how they waited for the foods and clothes. The gate opened, and the kid came one by with their parents. They really love balloon, so the first thing that they asked when they arrived were balloons. We taught them what is hurt, and so they wouldn’t hurt others (of course as understandable as possible). We taught them with tom and jerry picture. We even drew, sang, and danced together. The kids were verry happy, and so did I! I just found out that they are really love to draw, because some of them wouldn’t go back before they finished their draw. I didn’t see much about the other side because I was too focused with kids, but I bet the parents or other grown ups were also happy with the foods and stuffs. The picture was taken by Kechara. There was me and people who helped Kechara that day. Day 1 – Kechara October 1st, 2016
  • 2. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM 2 Day 2 – A Pleasant Trip to Melacca October 2nd, 2016 It was an early morning, when I had to take bus to Melacca. My friend from University of Malaya said that if we were leave late, the jam would be so heavy because Melacca is a tourism place and it was Sunday. It took almost 2 hours to get in to Melacca. Earlier, my friend told me if I had to bring to my umbrella because Mellaca is the hottest place that she is ever been. When I think about it again, I laugh, because she was just being hyperbole. Melacca is nothing compared to Jakarta. We visited Museum Kapal, Famosa Fortress, and a mall (I forget the name). We took so many pictures and had lunch in the mall. After that, we went to Pantai Klebang. I remember that, my friend from University of Malaya bought a kite, and we were playing the kite together. That day was incredibly awesome. Started with the crowded place and beautiful place, and ended up with the beautiful evening in the beach. Melacca is one of the most visited place if I go to Malaysia again. Day 3 – Lesson Plan for SBJK October 3rd, 2016 The activity started at 9 a.m. and I was curious why the campus were so quite even though in Monday. My friend from University of Malaya told me that was because Public Holiday in Muharram. I was hoping that my country has that kind of holiday too, but no, I am still hoping. We made the Lesson Plan for Sekolah Jalinan Bimbingan Kasih at COP’s room. I asked the COP member how old the learners would be, and they said 13-17 years old. Before me and my friends made the lesson plan, we met Kak Aisha, she taught us how to make a reflective journal (which is what I make right now). The COP member bought us 2 pan of Domino’s Pizza for lunch. It was my first time to eat pizza with chilly flakes, because I always used chilly sauce before. Then we started to learn how to make a lesson plan from COP members, and made the lesson plan for SBJK. Actually, the lesson plan was already made by COP, so we just had to change if there were any revisions. We change the game into “Game Konsentrasi” for ice breaking and “Kepala Bahu Lutut Kaki” for energizer. That day, the activity ended at 5 p.m. and I went to Mid Valley Mall after.
  • 3. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM 3 HEADING 4 We started the activity at 9 a.m., and I was delegated to take responsibility in Mini Lecture at SBJK and also Activity 2 in KL Krashpad. I tried so hard to use Malaysian Language, because I was afraid the learners wouldn’t understand English. The trial run was really fun. COP members taught me the new and extra fun game, I was laughing so hard especially in Samurai Game. We made new class control tagline to KL Krashpad. I asked for the age of the KL Krashpad learners, and COP members said they also teenager. I feel relivied because that means, the difference would not be so huge. At lunch time, we ate at a place near University of Malaya’s hall for graduation (appearantly I forget the name). The food is very delicious and after that we took the picture in front of University of Malaya sign, and walked back to Faculty of Law. We also bought Coconut Ice Cream in the middle of our journey. It was very delicious. The trial run already over, so it was the time to go to Petronas Twin Tower! We took the Light Rail Transit (LRT) to Kuala Lumpur City Centre (KLCC) at the rush hour, which is supposed to be very crowded if I was in Jakarta, but not in Kuala Lumpur. The LRT are very clean, fast, and not very crowd even though in rush hour. We walked from the LRT station to KLCC. I am amazed with the beautiful water fountain dance and especially Petronas Twin Tower. I really enjoyed that moment so much. Day 5 – SBJK October 5th, 2016 The first thing in my mind when I arrived at SBJK is “WOW” because it was really hard to control the kids. The school principle told us before about SBJK, and even showed the video about SBJK. It was a touching moment when I saw them crying in the video. I was shocked the SBJK’s school principle told me Day 4 – Trial Run for SBJK & KL Krashpad October 4th, 2016
  • 4. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM 4 about the family background of the students. I gave the mini lecture with my limited ability of Malaysian language, but fortunately my friend from University of Malaya helped me while I was having the hard time to communicate with the kids. As far as I now, none of the kids came from Kuala Lumpur. Most of them came from Sabah and Serawak, which is quite far because I thought they live in Kuala Lumpur. We played “Beruang, Ikan, dan Nyamuk”, and they really liked it. They even did not let us to go back because they wanted to play that game again and again. Time to go back and it is quiete sad because they said “Jangan pulang kak”, I told them that we would meet again in Friday (mock trial). So, we went back and have the city trip. It was awosome. We walked to Pasar Seni to bought snacks, Petalling Street, and Dataran Merdeka. We took so much photo at Dataran Merdeka even though it was so hot. I love Dataran Merdeka because the building is very unique. We even took photos at “I Love KL” statue with Asia’s Next Top Model pose. I really miss that moment so much. Day 6 – KL Krashpad October 6th, 2016 In the morning we did preparation and trial run for Krashpad. I was in charge in Activity 2, so I should explain how to do the roleplay. I was a little bit curious about Krashpad, because in the previous night my friend from University of Malaya told me that we could not use phone because it was not allowed. It took for about 30 minutes from University of Malaya to Krashpad. When I arrived at Krashpad, I realize that the building is very tiny, much smaller than SBJK. It made me more curious about what was inside. A person in Krashpad explained to me before if Krashpad is an informal school, and opened to every kids. When I came to the second floor, there was a kid who played the guitar. He was playing one of the Indonesian song, so I am more curious than before. So me and my friends sang along together with Malaysian song (which I did not even know back then), but it was super fun. The lesson that we gave to the kids also went well as we planned. They were very active, smart, and creative. Some of them could not even speak Malaysian language
  • 5. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM 5 because they were refugee from Rohingnya. I was just very surprised when I heard about that, because I have never met someone from Rohingnya before. I just knew it from television, and it turned out that their English was better than mine. We did the drama, and they were super creative. They even did that very good. They put their expression into the role that they played. I was very impressed to see how smart the kids in Krashpad. I also make a friend with a kid from Indonesia, she is Javanese. We talked about Java alot and she seems like interest with my stories. I really love the momment. I saw the drawings of Krashpad student in the wall, they made some of motivational quotes which was very good because they did it by themselves. They were super creative. Sadly, it was time for us to went back to University of Malaya. Some of them asked us to come again in the next week, which was really sad because we could not. I hope that I could, kiddos. ONE OF MY FAVORITE QUOTE FROM KRASHPA Day 7 – Mock Trial and Closing Ceremony October 7th, 2016 The day started with mock trial with SBJK students. It was my first time to see the Common Law trial, and I felt the huge difference than my Inquositorial System. It was so funny when the kids did not understand about the trial, but they tried so hard to played the role. Prof. Nurbani and Kak Aisha helped the kids with the trial. I learned so much about the Adversarial System with my friends from University of Malaya. They taught me about the real trial in Malaysia alot. After the mock trial session ended, we went to the Moot Court A which is bigger than the moot court that we used to mock trial before. We took pictures at the Judge’s chair together. Time for closing ceremony. The kids from SBJK sang us songs and it was really touching. We even sang two songs together (because our friends from University of Malaya asked us to). The Dean of Faculty of Law also gave the speech and gave me a sertificate for this Student Exchange Program. I was a little bit sad to leave University Malaya so soon, but I held it because I still had 2 more days with my friends.
  • 6. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM Day 8 – A Very Meaningful Day at TSP October 8th, 2016 We went to TSP at 6.30 a.m. as long as I could remember. It was so early in the morning, because 6 a.m. in Kuala Lumpur felt like 5 a.m. in Jakarta. It took for about 3 hours from Kuala Lumpur to Perak. We went to Perak by bus, and I really love it bacause Malaysia has the highway to every place. So, even though the distance from Kuala Lumpur to Perak is really far, but it did not take so much time. Thank you highway. We arrived at TSP in 9.30 a.m. I was really shocked when I first arrived there because so many kids were pregnant. They were really brave to have the courage to keep the baby. I could not even imagine my self to become a mother at that age. I asked the COP members why would they stay at TSP, and they said there are some reasons as run away from home, petty crime, and even pregnancy. I was really curious why would the pregnancy child had to be in TSP, then I got the answer. The family was ashamed to the pregnancy of their child. That was just so sad. I could not imagine h0w sad and stressed it would be to be pregnant without a husband and far away from parents. It was very sad. Then we started our activity at TSP. It was unbelivable because the kids were very cooperative. Some of them even asked me to stayed around them and did not leave them. I feel so needed that time. How come my 10 minutes talked to them had already make them comfortable around me. I tried so hard to be as cheerful as possible. I tried not to asked about their background, because I was afraid that would be hurting them. The kids were really loved to sing, they liked to sang the sad songs. Which was sadden me more, because they should be love the happy song at their age. One of the kid, Laila, she did not want to be apart from me during the activity. She also got jealous when I talked to the other kid, and I knew it if the kids in TSP really need love from someone. There were also a kid from India, she had a hard time to speak English and Malaysian Language. She told us if the other Malaysian kids hate her because she could not speak Malaysian. That also a sad momment, but my friend from Universitas Indonesia had time to talked with her more than me, so I thought she could give some advices to the kid. I was paying attention to the other kid. She was mute. So when the activity at TSP almost ended, I asked her if she is happy or not. She said yes with a really big smile. I was really sad back then. I could not help my self to burst into tears. So I ran away to outside of building and I hugged kak Aisha. I did not know if the small thing that I could give to them like playing game has made them really happy. I felt like I was not grateful enough with my life, because I always looked up and forgot to see the goodness in my life. Sometimes I still like to complained about my life, while in the other hand, maybe they are praying to have a life like mine. I felt my self as a bad person that day. They could even manage to smile despite how hard they life are. They are a very tough and brave girl. So at the end at the activity, I hugged them as much as I could,
  • 7. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM 7 because I wanted them to feel the love. I was ran into tears again when the goodbye comes. Some of them asked my facebook and my number, I really wanted to give them my personal information, but I could not. They asked me to come back again and the saddest part is they asked me to stay. They said they loved me. That was just really sad. After the sadness at TSP ended, we were heading to Kellie’s Castle. Some COP members told me about the story behind it. Very romantic. We took some pictures and went back to University of Malaya. Day 9 – Back to Indonesia October 9th, 2016 I woke up and it was so sad to imagine that I had to leave University of Malaya so soon. I am not good at saying goodbye, because I can easily cry when I am about to say goodbye. I was not expected if my only 10 days at Malaysia could be so meaningfull. I met so many good persons and learned so many things in life. I made really goodfriend and it was so hard to leave a place that I already love. Nevertheless, I had to go. I cried when I am about to go with the van. There is just so many memories that I created. I went with the van with some COP members. It took 1 hour from University of Malaya to Kuala Lumpur International Airport. My flight schedule is at 10.40 a.m. and when I had to enter the boarding room, I cried again so many times. Because I should leave the good friends in University of Malaya. Goodbye is just the most hated phrase for me. I arrived at 11.30 a.m. at Jakarta with so many memories in Kuala Lumpur. A Little Bit of Words I would to say my gratitude to Universitas Indonesia and University of Malaya which has given me the opportunity to participated in Student Exchange Programme. It was an honor for me to be a part of Community Outreach Programme. May my contribution was not big as the COP members who regularly do the Street Law Project everytime, but it was a wonderfull week for me. There are so many lesson that I could take from the activities when I was in Kuala Lumpur. I also want to say thank you for all of my friends at University of Malaya for the time and energy that you gave to me. I never knew if a week is enough to make a really good friend. Thank you so much for the kindness. I am sorry if I were making mistake or did the unpleasant things in the period of Student Exchange Programme. Thank you so much for everything. Kellie's Castle
  • 8. REFLECTIVE JOURNAL STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM Reflective Journal Student Exchange Program Meisya Andriani Lubis Universitas Indonesia Faculty of Law, University of Malaya Jalan Universiti, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia