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Reflection About Swimming
When it comes to swimming, it is important to learn a few basic techniques, so, you can feel safe and be safe in the water. Swimming is a valuable
life lesson as shown on the news when the hurricane hit Houston, Texas, many people found themselves displaced from their homes in large bodies of
water formed by the flooding. People should know proper swimming techniques such as safety precautions (proper gear and attire), learning to swim
(not being afraid, how to float and ways to swim) and everything you need to be informed about will be explained in the next few paragraphs below.
The safety precautions (proper gear and attire) you should know is getting use to wearing your goggles and keeping them over your eyes for at least an
hour without removing them each day will help out with that. Aswimming workout often includes a warm–up, a main set, then kick or pull and
finishing with a warm–down. After each set, they tend to put their goggles on their forehead and reset their goggles on the next set, but long–distance
races does not allow for this luxury, so, you better get use to wearing them. Use a swimmers snorkel when swimming so, you can breath better in the
water without getting water in your mouth and concentrate more on your workout like your arm strokes, body rotation and kicking your feet more
easily. Use silicon ear plugs, so, you can limit irritation, ear infections and water getting into the ears. Marathon swimmers and surfers, who train in
cold water
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What Is Swimming Essay
Chapter 1 – What Is Swimming?
Swimming is a physical activity that can help you reduce your body weight, build muscle strength, and improve your overall stamina. Additionally, it
can aid in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system and keeping yourself fresh during summer. It is a safe sport that can be done even by people
with an advanced age.
This eBook is designed to help you become an excellent swimmer in a short period of time. However, let us discuss some basic information regarding
this sport. This will help you become more knowledgeable about this physical activity.
The History of Swimming
Humans have been swimming for thousands of years now. According to researchers, some primitive drawings (i.e. they were made during the Stone more content...
Recreation centers, neighborhoods, and many other places have swimming pools. In fact, lots of colleges and high schools have teams intended for
swimming competitions. It is also one of the most popular sports in the Olympics.
The Equipment
Similar to other sports, swimming while you are naked is not the best option. There are some things that you need to have if you want to feel safe and
convenient while doing this activity.
1. Swimsuit – Unless you want other people to see your naked body, you need to wear a swimsuit. Just like other sports equipment, swimsuits have
benefited from the modern technology. Certain fabrics are manufactured to create minimal resistance while the individual is swimming. In addition,
modern swimsuits can last for a long period of time and resist fading even when regularly used in chlorine–treated swimming pools.
Obviously, not every swimmer would be at ease wearing the revealing swimsuits worn by Olympians. But you don't have to worry. You can easily buy
more "modest" swimsuits at department stores, sporting goods, and online merchant sites (e.g. Amazon, eBay,
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Persuasive Essay On Swimming
A person's cardiovascular system is a very important part of fitness and one's overall health. Here are a few of the best exercises; walking running,
cycling, rowing, swimming. Research suggests at least 150 minutes per week, a minimum of 30 minutes per day, five times a day a week. A few
exercises that are best are, climbing, playing sports, and running is also some of the most common and affordable. At least 25 minutes of vigorous
aerobic activity at least or a combination of moderate and aerobic activity are some of the best options to benefit your cardiovascular system.
Swimming is one of the most beneficial exercises you can do for your health, the sport uses your entire body, and can overall improve your health.
Not only does swimming help manage your weight, but it will also benefit you mentally, it will reduce your stress levels as well as boost your mood.
Physically, swimming will strengthen your muscles, and unlike many other sports swimming does not put increased stress on your bones, joints and
muscles. Depending on what you do, there are a variety of ways you can improve your health.
There are many different varieties of swimming strokes; a freestyle stroke, a breaststroke, butterfly stroke, back stroke, side stroke, as well as a
elementary side stroke. Each of these range in proficiency. Beginning with the freestyle stroke, you must first begin concentrating on each and every
specific aspect of your stroke, You find your head position, reach forward, rotate
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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Swimming Essay
Although a fun and healthy activity, swimming comes with its dangers and disadvantages. It is important to know about the water hazards in pools,
lakes, rivers, and the ocean. First of all, no one should ever swim intoxicated. Drinking alcohol impairs the senses and judgement. It can also cause
people to become disoriented and possibly pass out while in the water. Swimming for long periods of time may cause dehydration, especially if you are
swimming in the hot sun or in the heat. Many people do not even know they are dehydrated while they are swimming. While dehydrated, you may feel
dizzy, fatigued, or light–headed. This can be dangerous, as you may not be able to swim correctly if you are experiencing these symptoms. Even if
you are not dehydrated, make sure to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. While swimming outdoors, particularly in Summer, you will most
likely be exposed to the harmful UV rays of the sun. These rays can cause premature aging and the development of skin cancer. Excessive time out
in the sun can also lead to heat stroke and dehydration. Try to stay out of the sun during the afternoon. Wear sunscreen that blocks both UVA and
UVB rays and that is at least SPF 15. Reapply the sunscreen continuously throughout the day after swimming or sweating to prevent sunburn. It is
also helpful to bring an umbrella to the beach to limit time in the sun. You should also be aware of temperature and quality of the water. If the water
is one hundred and forty degrees hot, it could easily give an adult third degree burns in six seconds. Time in a hot tub should be limited to fifteen
minutes and the water temperature should never exceed one hundred and four degrees. Swimming in cold water could also cause hypothermia, a
drop–in body temperature. Quality of water matters as well. If water is swallowed or breathed in, it could cause infections in the eyes, ears, lungs,
and intestinal tract. There are many diseases and bacteria that can be spread in the water, especially in rivers and lakes. When swimming in lakes or
rivers, be cautious. Water may be deeper than it appears and heavy rains can cause water levels to rise. There could be trash or broken glass at the
bottom of the water. Often,
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Informative Speech on Swimming Essay
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about the history and development of swim along with its applications.
Central Idea: Swimming has a long and rich history that dates back way before our generations and is not always as beneficial as we may think.
Method of Organization: Topical
I. (Gain attention and interest) I remember joining the high school swim team back in my sophomore year. I remember struggling to catch a breath in
between every stroke while simultaneously trying not to breath in any water. To be honest,swimming scared me, but drowning scared me more.
III. (Establish credibility) Even though the risk of drowning may seem daunting, more content...
In 1873, this hybrid stroke became known as the Trudgen stroke.
4.Trudgen effectively changed England's swimming styles from endurance based to more speed based. iv. Another swimming pioneer, Fredrick Cavill ,
helped further develop Trudgen's stroke into an even faster stroke known as the front crawl (
1.He was an Englishman and a notable swimmer who emigrated to Australia.
2.Like Arthur Trudgen, Cavill observed the natives of the Solomon Islands and found that Trudgen's stroke would have been significantly faster if he
would have incorporated the native's kicking action.
3.Cavill refined the native's stroke and taught it to his sons, one of which would later use the stroke in a competition in England.
4.Since England was still using the Trudgen stoke, Cavill's son Richard, destroyed his competition with the more efficient stroke, which he described
as, "crawling through the water" ( Hence, the name front crawl.
2.As I previously mentioned, I will describe the four basic strokes that swimming consists of, such as the freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and
A.The Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA), the governing body for international competitive swimming, regulates everything swim related.
i.FINA, states that, "the four official strokes, breast, back, free and fly, comprise all the events in national and international competition" ( ii.
Each stroke is an individual event in swimming
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Persuasive Essay About Swimming
*Swimming can be a great activity children can learn that provides plenty of exercise and entertainment. Teaching children to swim includes a variety
of steps and techniques. Learning to swim is fun for children and is a rewarding skill they can use their entire lives.*
First, the students are given materials to introduce them to the task of swimming. Pamphlets, books, videos, etc. can be used as instructional aids to
teach children the basics of what they need to know about swimming (safety, techniques, and equipment used in the pool). After children are taught the
rules and basics of swimming they are introduced to the actual pool.
Instructors should start small and have their students practice in shallow swimming pools. As they grow more skilled and confident, instructors can
move them to deeper water levels. The children are introduced to the pool by standing around the outside of it. The teacher asks the students to kick
the water with one foot. The students should walk around the pool and occasionally kick the surface of the water. This helps to introduce them to
working their legs and helps them ease into interacting with the water. Afterwards students can be asked to cup their hands together and scoop up
water. They can hold water in their hand as another way of interacting with the pool in a simple way so they feel safe when they finally get in the pool
After basic interactions with the water, students are asked to enter the pool one by one. They walk around the
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Descriptive Essay About Swimming
Learning something new can be a scary experience. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do was learn to swim. I was always apprehensive
of the water. However, I decided that swimming was an essential skill that I should learn. I also thought it would be good exercise and help me to
become physically stronger. What I did not realize was that learning to swim would even make me a more confident person.
New circumstances dependably make me anxious, and my first swimming lesson was no exception. It was September 11th, 2010 and it was 8:00 A.M.
on a Saturday. I woke up, and I saw my next–door neighbor Mark right outside the window in my bedroom. I then got up from my bed and dressed
quickly, and then raced to the door. more content...
I watched her wrists as they were active, showing off the glinting, jingling bracelets. She grinned and introduced herself, and told us that her name was
Jamie. Then, two more students came. Although they were both older than me, they did not seem to be mortified about not knowing how to swim. I
began to feel more at ease. I heard the screeching herring gulls, the splashing of swimmers, and lifeguards stabbing their whistle, which made me
As Mark got into the pool, I was terrified because I have not experienced it yet. Mark encouraged me to jump in, so I thought I had to try it at least, so I
jumped in. As I touched the water, it felt like icicles piercing my skin, and Mark saw me freaking out. Mark gently whispered, "Calm down, and
you will be all right." So, I listened to his advice and felt great. Mark had already taken the beginning class once before, so he took a kickboard and
went splashing off by himself. He swam languidly in the clear swimming pool. Jamie started our first lesson with kicking and freestyle, and I was
terrified and frightened. She told me to use a kickboard to practice kicking for the freestyle. She also taught me how to move my body the right way
for the freestyle. She said to "go like you had a pole going through the middle part of your body." We had to rotate in the water the right way. It was
very time consuming to understand the freestyle. Afterwards, I started to practice moving my arms. At this point, she
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My Experience At The Swimming Pool
My childhood was a very important part of my life, getting through many challenging moments. I was not the child that got into trouble all the
time, actually I was more like the opposite. A was a very sensible, shy, and quiet child, and on the other side my brother caused a lot of problems. I
am very close to my brother because he is 4 years older then me and he has always protected me. Because he was always getting in trouble, I was
crying a lot. I was looking up to him as a role model, or as my hero, and I did not want to see him get hurt. When I started getting into sports, I got
tougher and tougher because I had to go throw many difficult situations as a child. Diving is the sport that monopolized my childhood, my personal life,
and my decisions in life. I started going to the swimming pool when I was 5 years old. My mom took me because she wanted me to learn how to swim.
I remember exactly my mom's words when we entered the pool and we saw the 50 meters swimming pool. She said: " If you don't swim this entire pool,
we'll go home and don't ever come back". In my eyes the pool was 500 meters long and I got very nervous and scared to be there. The coaches that
I had were severe which was a problem for me because, I was that type of child who cries and gets embarrassed very easy. There was not one
practice at the beginning of the swimming lessons, that I didn't cry. At some point, after I figure it out how to swim, I found it boring and I wanted to
jump off the deck of
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Swimming Research Paper
Inside the Suit
Introduction to the sport As a competitive swimmer of twelve years, a member of the Akin Augusta swim league from third to twelfth grade, and a
former summer league coach, I valued swimming as a demanding part of my life. With an aunt as a coach for an Olympic training team and cousins
that qualified for Olympic trials I was predestined to become a part of this subculture. My parents threw me into lessons at the age of five, signed me
up for our neighborhood summer league team the year after and then introduced me to a year round team. From then on swimming became all I ever
thought about.
Most decent swimmers begin young and are raised through the sport. Some parents teach their children how to swim or pay for lessons where we are
taught the basics like floating, kicking, and the four more content...
Coaches generally make rules on teams that there is no shaving permitted at least a month before a meet. This is because the hair causes drag
through the water making you slower and when you taper before a meet you shave the night before including males. Even though there have been
know real studies on this it is believed that you can take of or (shave off) milliseconds in a race which can make the difference in qualifying for
nationals or even Olympic trials so swimmers will go to any extent to ensure they can get the time they need.
Swimmers are also known to eat tremendous amounts of food. People assume since we are in such great shape that we are cautious about our
calories intake and nutrition but in reality we eat whatever we want and in unlimited amounts. Mondays after practices we would go to Moe Monday
and order two burritos and follow by a double scooped ice cream cone from Brusters. I would eat roughly around eight thousand calories a day but a
professional swimmer averages around twelve thousand calories.
Every Day Life of a
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Essay The History of the Sport of Swimming
Swimming by definition is "to move along in water by means of movements of the body or parts of the body, especially the arms and legs, or (in the
case of fish) tail and fins" (Swimming). The sport of swimming has a long history, from the beginning with the Egyptians and Hittites, through the
competitive athletes of this century. While the history of competitive swimming is more in depth and has more information about it, the ancient history
has a more solid background (MLA 7th Edition). In Egyptian history,swimming was used for combat and a way to escape from the enemy. Ramesses
the Second and his troops escaped from the Hittites in the Battle of Kadesh. This story is also shown on hieroglyphics, which also provides evidence
of more content...
When swimming reached the age–group level through Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), swim clubs started to grow and through this growth the four
individual strokes grew to become the "competitive" strokes. These strokes are front crawl or freestyle, back crawl or backstroke, breaststroke and
butterfly. However, these are not the only events that athletes are able to swim at meets. Athletes are able to swim the individual medley, medley
relays and freestyle relays. These events have a certain length, which can vary from a 50–meter sprint to the mile freestyle. The Olympic pools or
long– course pools are 50 meters and a short–course pool is 25 meters or yards. (MLA 7th Edition) There are different training approaches to each of
these strokes. For a sprinter a coach wants to make sure that they build up the athlete's endurance for a quick, fast race. A long distance swimmer needs
the endurance to power through a long event and make sure that they have enough energy left for them to sprint the last 100 to 50 meters. While
training, a swimmer has to focus on a wide range of techniques; the arm stroke; the kick; the timing and coordination of their body movements; the
breathing rhythm; and their body position in the water. Learning each one of these techniques requires practice and precision (MLA 7th Edition).
During a swim race, there are three distinct components: the start, the turn, and the overall swim. Each has a distinct technique and a slight
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Benefits Of Swimming Essay
We have all heard our doctor's telling us that we need to do some kind of exercise every day and swimming is the best way to do just that. Swimming
enjoyable and fun and is also a great way to lose weight and stay fit. However, swimming isn't the fourth most popular activity in the United States just
for its physical health benefits; rather it's also quite popular because of its mental health advantages as well.
One of the biggest benefits of swimming is that it's literally a full body workout. It increases your heart rate without stressing the body, tones your
muscles and builds strength and endurance. Swimmers gain muscle strength throughout their entire body; just as a runner sees muscle build in their
legs, swimmers utilize more muscle groups to move through the water. The legs kick, the arms pull, the back reaches and rotates while the stomach
tightens to power the legs and stabilize the core; swimming is the best aerobic exercise that affects all areas of your body. Your cardiovascular system
is also improved as swimming makes your heart and lungs strong. Weight loss is another advantage of swimming. Tough you may not burn calories
as fast as other work outs, the weight loss job will get done. Some studies have shown that swimming may also help lower blood pressure and control
blood sugar. Swimming also makes you better at other sports, especially running. By your increasing ability to take in and effectively use oxygen, your
endurance capacity grows. In a 2103
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Benefits of Swimming
Swimming Rejuvenating, the body mind and spirit....
Fitness development
The fitness development of swimming can be classified into1 group and 2 sub–sections:
Performing swimming regularly can help one in building cardio which is important for both weight loss and good cardiovascular health. When the
workout is increased gradually by swimming strokes in the water, the heart rate and muscle activity is improved. This increases blood flow to your
muscles, which results in more nutrients being delivered to them. It decreases risks of cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure ands prevents
obesity when calories are being burnt during your workout sessions. Always remember to warm up before a proper swimming workout session. After a more content...
Swimming is a very low impact exercise taking away any excess pressure on the bones, joints and muscles. It is one of the safest and cushioned forms
of physical exercise. It improves the ability to control and maintain healthy weight During 30 minutes of swimming it is possible to burn 260 calories.
Low water temperatures also stimulate blood circulation, builds up endurance and metabolism
Social Benefits: Whether at the beach or a pool the best form of recreation is swimming; it is a lot of fun and can be great way to socialize, friendships
are made and you meet/interact with people from all different walks of life. You can join a water aerobics class or a master's swim practice and
socialize while you workout because it's a safe work out program.
Spiritual/Emotional benefits: Helps develop a positive attitude but mainly swimming forces you to regulate your breathing and allows more oxygen to
flow into muscles. It also helps in massaging your muscles and relieves stress and tension. Being surrounded by the warm water facilitates a calming
and meditative feeling. Contributes to a feeling of well–being as well as renewing energy and teaching patience. For a first time swimmer it removes
the fear of water, preferably swimming should be introduced at an early age.
Environmental responsibilities you should consider
Chlorine in swimming pools– The chemicals found in
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Descriptive Essay On A Swimming Pool
The fascinating, open air swimming pool is located near a tremendous ocean with its beautiful view. Swimming pool is construct with the cool blue
tiles that enhance the color of water in the pool. Day is not so hot due to slight breeze that touching the people faces softly. Water in the pool is blue as
the sky and clean as the crystal. Cool blue Water of pool is soothing the eyes and refreshing mind and body. The place is busy and crowded with
visitors. People there wanted to dive in the deep of water. Youngsters diving in the pool with eyes closed, arms outstretched feeling their heart before
feeling the depth of water. Splashing of water on others seems very interesting and a great fun for children. They seems to enjoy splashing on their more content...
In my positive description I relate water with "crystal" because it is clean and totally clear. I also relate water with "sky" due to its blue color. In my
negative description I describe the sound of waves with the word "roaring". Because the sound of waves at night feels so loud and dreadful.
In my positive and negative description of swimming pool I used similes and metaphors. I used these to do comparison of two unlike things because
it's give beauty to your writing. . For example "water is clear as the crystal" "water is blue as the sky". I also used personification like" slight breeze that
touching the people faces softly"
While writing about description of a place I realize how interesting is that to describe a place you see with your all senses present. Describing each
and every, pleasant or unpleasant detail about place make you go deep inside what you see, feel, hear etc. when I start writing, I came to realize
that describing the place and it's view in positive and negative both aspects is the difficult thing. One must have to be careful while choosing words.
I have to keep a difference between pleasant and unpleasant description. Writer's tool box proves to be very helpful in writing. Five different tools
of it make yourself able to analyze different aspects of your writing in a very detailed way. While describing a place writer feels full freedom in sharing
of his thoughts. He can write freely
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Benefit Of Swimming Essay
There Are many benefits from swimming. Especially for someone who is on active. Or someone who is unable to perform regular exercises.
Being in the water gives you a sense of weightlessness. This makes it easy for someone who is struggling with mobility to be able to exercise and
eating a healthy lifestyle. Not only will it help physically but it also will help mentally. Giving someone something to look forward to. A sense of
community and a place to belong. Havin are many benefits from swimming. Especially for someone who is on active. Or someone who is unable
to perform regular exercises. Being in the water gives you a sense of weightlessness. This makes it easy for someone who is struggling with mobility
to be able to exercise and eating a healthy lifestyle. Not only will it help physically but it also will help mentally. Giving someone something to look
forward to. A sense of community and a place to belong. Having something to look forward to.
swimming offers someone a multitude of benefits. Swimming create a clear mind and a healthy body. You are able to build upmuscle and strength and
your ability to with stain diversity. Joining a swim club or swim team will bring up my route and also have health benefits .
1. Swimming Improves Muscle strength and durability.
While swimming one will gain muscle strength throughout the body. Swimming helps build muscle in legs, swimmers work muscle by moving
through the water. When they legs kick, and move their arms they are building on their muscles . Swimming builds muscle mass.
2. Swimming Helps With Flexible
While s wimming a swimmer has to reach, stretch, pushing your way through the water causes resistance. This in return strengthens your muscles and
stretches them at the same time. At first a swimmer may be stiff and on able to stretch to their bodies for capacity. But after being in the water daily
using your body as the resistance pushing yourself to the water your body will become more pliable as you stretch and work the muscles.
3. Swimming helps keep your heart healthy.
while swimming your heart rate begins to be elevated. This forces the blood circulation through the heart and into the entire body. Keeping your heart
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Swimming Is The Best Form Of Exercise
Swimming can simply be defined as the sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs. Whether being done for sport or for
recreation, studies show it is the best form of exercise for the body. The action of swimming dates back for centuries and is healthy activity that cuts
through boundaries such age and physical disabilities. There are numerous types of exercises but when evaluating them all, it is easy to see why
swimming is the best exercise. Swimming is the best form of exercise because it is not limited by age or abilities, and it has many psychological and
physical benefits ("Swimming"). Swimming can be beneficial to people despite ages and abilities. While swimming, the body is supported by water,
which makes it low–impact, and the best exercise for everyone. While they might not be able practice other forms of exercise, the elderly, pregnant
women, and the disabled can all safely practice swimming ("The Health Benefits"). Because there is no harsh impact while swimming, joints remain
protected from stress, which makes it the best workout for all ages to prevent damage to the body. Although the idea is to prevent injury, swimming is
also the best workout when injured as well because the water creates resistance and makes the muscles work, but without the impact and stress that
would occur on land (Weil). Exercising in water hugely reduces mobility issues resulting from a disability. Water gives an added freedom for people
who struggle with
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My First Day Of Swimming Experience
I will never forget my first day at swim practice. When I was younger (around age three) I remember going to the YMCA for swim lessons, but my
first day at practice wasn't anything like that. At they YMCA I got to take individual lessons that were not crowded at all, but at my first swim
practice, when I was nine, there were many people waiting eagerly to get into the pool. By the time we got in the pool there were at least eight people
in the same lane as me. As excited as I was to go to my first practice being on a swim team, I felt like my lane was overcrowded. It seems like every
single lap I did somebody was touching my feet or I was touching somebody else's feet. As I finished my warm up swim, I looked at the other lanes to
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As soon as I left the clerk of coarse to go to my lane, I was a bit nervous, but I was more happy. After a minute passed, I was next! I watched the
person in front of me swim and then got on the block. The announcer said "girls nine and ten twenty–five yard freestyle. Take your mark, Go!" I dived
in the water and swam my heart out to the point where I was huffing and puffing at the end. I got out of the pool and waited for my next event which
occurred later on in the meet.
After the last event the meet had ended, and it was official that our team had won! I was very happy. I showed up to practice the next day,
wondering what the coach was going to tell us. I was in my swimsuit and swim cap with my goggles waiting to start swim practice. That was when
I realised that if we win the meet, instead of having a serious practice, we have free swim. I was very happy, but didn't know what to do. Before I
had a chance to think of something to do, Coach Sara called us over and talked to us. I forgot what we talked about, but I remember her saying to us
"I absolutely love y'alls laugh, when you laugh together." At that very second, it was a little awkward, but Ashley, Meghan, and I both started giggling
which made coach Sara laugh. By the time my sisters and I finished our very giggly
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Physical And Physical Benefits Of Swimming Essay
If one is looking for a low–impact aerobic exercise along with a total body strengthening workout, swimming can provide all that and more. The most
common swimming strokes are the crawl, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly, and sidestroke. There are many physical and mental benefits of
swimming. It is an excellent way to burn lots of calories, build muscles and increase endurance. It can also improve cardiovascular conditioning, and
because it is low impact, it is gentle on the joints. Swimming can also be quite relaxing because the movements are rhythmic. Swimming is a total body
workout. One can burn between 500–650 calories per hour depending on how efficiently they swim and how buoyant they are. The more body fat he
or she has, the more he or she can float and the fewer calories it takes to swim. When swimming, one is using their arms, legs, and their core
muscles. He or she is propelled forward or backward by their arms and legs while their body core keeps them straight which will, in turn, keep them
afloat. Swimming is good for one's heart because it is considered an aerobic sport which gets his or her blood circulating and heart pumping more
efficiently. Being in a pool allows someone who may be overweight or has arthritis to move more freely with less stress on their joints. This is due to a
swimmer being more buoyant in the water than on land. "When immersed in waist–level water, our bodies become 50% lighter and 25% lighter in
chest–height water."
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Reflection Paper On Swimming
I am seventeen and I never learned how to swim. There has been numerous occasions where I have fallen to the deep end and almost drowned. My
main and long term goal was to learn how to swim for safety and leisure time. I never understood the importance of learning how to swim until I
realized how important it is to one's safety. I now can teach siblings who do not know how to swim. Safety is my most important priority and is the
main reason I took this class. As my time in the class progressed I came to notice that I found swimming fun. Having fun while doing some exercise is
something I feel is a good thing.
Health is an important aspect of living. Researching swimming I learned that it is a very good way to work on cardio. In an article I read "Why
Swimming is Good for You" by Berkeley students I learned that it can improve heart and lung capacity. This was one of my main reasons health is
so important to me. When I was 12 I was told that I had tachycardia which meant that I have a fast heart rate. In the summer, when I had a check up,
my heart rate was at 130 bpm. Which is predominantly, a high rate even for those with the condition. I checked again after having this class for a
couple months and it had dropped to 121 bpm. My long terms goals began to change I became more fixated on controlling my heart rate.
My short term goals were much more simple then my long term ones. I started small. At first I wanted to attempt breathing underwater. Even if it
was only for a couple of second I wanted to maintain my head underwater. In order, for me to do this I began by holding myself underwater by
holding on to the curb. Then I began to blow bubbles and started to get the hang of it. At the same time, I began to start kicking and holding on to the
side of the pool. I told myself to make a new mind set. Keep kicking until I floated or keep breathing until I got the hang of it. I put my head in
another place and created a place where my mind and panic wouldn't interfere with my swimming.
I think one of my greatest hardships in this class was the panic and lack of confidence in the water. At times I found myself panicking and dropping to
the pool floor. I only really swam in the shallow end. Therefore a gain in
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Personal Narrative Essay About Swimming
"I never thought you would be that good at swimming."
Those kind words spoken by my mom resounded with me. A harsh truth, but at 17 and looking back, I had to agree with her; it was undeniable.
Flashback six or seven years ago and you would have to agree with us too. I stood a mere five feet tall, weighing a little over 110 pounds.
Comparatively, I was a whale while my friends were graceful dolphins. I was surrounded by kids that were faster, stronger, and more athletic than me.
They were training to win competitions while I was just there to appease my parents. In my coaches' words, I was just "paddling along".
It was around that time that I noticed that I didn't really fit in. I started questioning why I had to go to practice. Honestly, I compared more
Regardless, each and every time, my parents encouraged to me to the pool. Over the years, I began to enjoy swimming more as I improved and gained
more confidence, but there was no explosion, no breakout performance; that is until high school came around. My best event was the 200 yard
freestyle; freshman year, I went from 1 minute 50 seconds to 1 minute 43 seconds. Through the guidance of my parents and coaches, I worked
through the fear of disappointment only to realize that they only wanted the best from me. Holding myself accountable was never painless, human
nature dictates that we stop when we are out of our comfort zone. Since training constantly involved pushing my body to the limit and beyond it was
extremely easy to find excuses and justifications for not giving it my all. Winter training is especially brutal on my psyche, as I didn't see the sun for
months at a time. It takes courage and motivation to be
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Reflection About Swimming

  • 1. Reflection About Swimming When it comes to swimming, it is important to learn a few basic techniques, so, you can feel safe and be safe in the water. Swimming is a valuable life lesson as shown on the news when the hurricane hit Houston, Texas, many people found themselves displaced from their homes in large bodies of water formed by the flooding. People should know proper swimming techniques such as safety precautions (proper gear and attire), learning to swim (not being afraid, how to float and ways to swim) and everything you need to be informed about will be explained in the next few paragraphs below. The safety precautions (proper gear and attire) you should know is getting use to wearing your goggles and keeping them over your eyes for at least an hour without removing them each day will help out with that. Aswimming workout often includes a warm–up, a main set, then kick or pull and finishing with a warm–down. After each set, they tend to put their goggles on their forehead and reset their goggles on the next set, but long–distance races does not allow for this luxury, so, you better get use to wearing them. Use a swimmers snorkel when swimming so, you can breath better in the water without getting water in your mouth and concentrate more on your workout like your arm strokes, body rotation and kicking your feet more easily. Use silicon ear plugs, so, you can limit irritation, ear infections and water getting into the ears. Marathon swimmers and surfers, who train in cold water Get more content on
  • 2. What Is Swimming Essay Chapter 1 – What Is Swimming? Swimming is a physical activity that can help you reduce your body weight, build muscle strength, and improve your overall stamina. Additionally, it can aid in maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system and keeping yourself fresh during summer. It is a safe sport that can be done even by people with an advanced age. This eBook is designed to help you become an excellent swimmer in a short period of time. However, let us discuss some basic information regarding this sport. This will help you become more knowledgeable about this physical activity. The History of Swimming Humans have been swimming for thousands of years now. According to researchers, some primitive drawings (i.e. they were made during the Stone more content... Recreation centers, neighborhoods, and many other places have swimming pools. In fact, lots of colleges and high schools have teams intended for swimming competitions. It is also one of the most popular sports in the Olympics. The Equipment Similar to other sports, swimming while you are naked is not the best option. There are some things that you need to have if you want to feel safe and convenient while doing this activity. 1. Swimsuit – Unless you want other people to see your naked body, you need to wear a swimsuit. Just like other sports equipment, swimsuits have benefited from the modern technology. Certain fabrics are manufactured to create minimal resistance while the individual is swimming. In addition, modern swimsuits can last for a long period of time and resist fading even when regularly used in chlorine–treated swimming pools. Obviously, not every swimmer would be at ease wearing the revealing swimsuits worn by Olympians. But you don't have to worry. You can easily buy more "modest" swimsuits at department stores, sporting goods, and online merchant sites (e.g. Amazon, eBay, Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On Swimming A person's cardiovascular system is a very important part of fitness and one's overall health. Here are a few of the best exercises; walking running, cycling, rowing, swimming. Research suggests at least 150 minutes per week, a minimum of 30 minutes per day, five times a day a week. A few exercises that are best are, climbing, playing sports, and running is also some of the most common and affordable. At least 25 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity at least or a combination of moderate and aerobic activity are some of the best options to benefit your cardiovascular system. Swimming is one of the most beneficial exercises you can do for your health, the sport uses your entire body, and can overall improve your health. Not only does swimming help manage your weight, but it will also benefit you mentally, it will reduce your stress levels as well as boost your mood. Physically, swimming will strengthen your muscles, and unlike many other sports swimming does not put increased stress on your bones, joints and muscles. Depending on what you do, there are a variety of ways you can improve your health. There are many different varieties of swimming strokes; a freestyle stroke, a breaststroke, butterfly stroke, back stroke, side stroke, as well as a elementary side stroke. Each of these range in proficiency. Beginning with the freestyle stroke, you must first begin concentrating on each and every specific aspect of your stroke, You find your head position, reach forward, rotate Get more content on
  • 4. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Swimming Essay Although a fun and healthy activity, swimming comes with its dangers and disadvantages. It is important to know about the water hazards in pools, lakes, rivers, and the ocean. First of all, no one should ever swim intoxicated. Drinking alcohol impairs the senses and judgement. It can also cause people to become disoriented and possibly pass out while in the water. Swimming for long periods of time may cause dehydration, especially if you are swimming in the hot sun or in the heat. Many people do not even know they are dehydrated while they are swimming. While dehydrated, you may feel dizzy, fatigued, or light–headed. This can be dangerous, as you may not be able to swim correctly if you are experiencing these symptoms. Even if you are not dehydrated, make sure to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration. While swimming outdoors, particularly in Summer, you will most likely be exposed to the harmful UV rays of the sun. These rays can cause premature aging and the development of skin cancer. Excessive time out in the sun can also lead to heat stroke and dehydration. Try to stay out of the sun during the afternoon. Wear sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays and that is at least SPF 15. Reapply the sunscreen continuously throughout the day after swimming or sweating to prevent sunburn. It is also helpful to bring an umbrella to the beach to limit time in the sun. You should also be aware of temperature and quality of the water. If the water is one hundred and forty degrees hot, it could easily give an adult third degree burns in six seconds. Time in a hot tub should be limited to fifteen minutes and the water temperature should never exceed one hundred and four degrees. Swimming in cold water could also cause hypothermia, a drop–in body temperature. Quality of water matters as well. If water is swallowed or breathed in, it could cause infections in the eyes, ears, lungs, and intestinal tract. There are many diseases and bacteria that can be spread in the water, especially in rivers and lakes. When swimming in lakes or rivers, be cautious. Water may be deeper than it appears and heavy rains can cause water levels to rise. There could be trash or broken glass at the bottom of the water. Often, Get more content on
  • 5. Informative Speech on Swimming Essay Swimming General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose Statement: To inform my audience about the history and development of swim along with its applications. Central Idea: Swimming has a long and rich history that dates back way before our generations and is not always as beneficial as we may think. Method of Organization: Topical Introduction I. (Gain attention and interest) I remember joining the high school swim team back in my sophomore year. I remember struggling to catch a breath in between every stroke while simultaneously trying not to breath in any water. To be honest,swimming scared me, but drowning scared me more. III. (Establish credibility) Even though the risk of drowning may seem daunting, more content... In 1873, this hybrid stroke became known as the Trudgen stroke. 4.Trudgen effectively changed England's swimming styles from endurance based to more speed based. iv. Another swimming pioneer, Fredrick Cavill , helped further develop Trudgen's stroke into an even faster stroke known as the front crawl ( 1.He was an Englishman and a notable swimmer who emigrated to Australia. 2.Like Arthur Trudgen, Cavill observed the natives of the Solomon Islands and found that Trudgen's stroke would have been significantly faster if he would have incorporated the native's kicking action. 3.Cavill refined the native's stroke and taught it to his sons, one of which would later use the stroke in a competition in England. 4.Since England was still using the Trudgen stoke, Cavill's son Richard, destroyed his competition with the more efficient stroke, which he described as, "crawling through the water" ( Hence, the name front crawl.
  • 6. 2.As I previously mentioned, I will describe the four basic strokes that swimming consists of, such as the freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, and butterfly A.The Federation Internationale de Natation (FINA), the governing body for international competitive swimming, regulates everything swim related. i.FINA, states that, "the four official strokes, breast, back, free and fly, comprise all the events in national and international competition" ( ii. Each stroke is an individual event in swimming Get more content on
  • 7. Persuasive Essay About Swimming *Swimming can be a great activity children can learn that provides plenty of exercise and entertainment. Teaching children to swim includes a variety of steps and techniques. Learning to swim is fun for children and is a rewarding skill they can use their entire lives.* First, the students are given materials to introduce them to the task of swimming. Pamphlets, books, videos, etc. can be used as instructional aids to teach children the basics of what they need to know about swimming (safety, techniques, and equipment used in the pool). After children are taught the rules and basics of swimming they are introduced to the actual pool. Instructors should start small and have their students practice in shallow swimming pools. As they grow more skilled and confident, instructors can move them to deeper water levels. The children are introduced to the pool by standing around the outside of it. The teacher asks the students to kick the water with one foot. The students should walk around the pool and occasionally kick the surface of the water. This helps to introduce them to working their legs and helps them ease into interacting with the water. Afterwards students can be asked to cup their hands together and scoop up water. They can hold water in their hand as another way of interacting with the pool in a simple way so they feel safe when they finally get in the pool After basic interactions with the water, students are asked to enter the pool one by one. They walk around the Get more content on
  • 8. Descriptive Essay About Swimming Learning something new can be a scary experience. One of the hardest things I have ever had to do was learn to swim. I was always apprehensive of the water. However, I decided that swimming was an essential skill that I should learn. I also thought it would be good exercise and help me to become physically stronger. What I did not realize was that learning to swim would even make me a more confident person. New circumstances dependably make me anxious, and my first swimming lesson was no exception. It was September 11th, 2010 and it was 8:00 A.M. on a Saturday. I woke up, and I saw my next–door neighbor Mark right outside the window in my bedroom. I then got up from my bed and dressed quickly, and then raced to the door. more content... I watched her wrists as they were active, showing off the glinting, jingling bracelets. She grinned and introduced herself, and told us that her name was Jamie. Then, two more students came. Although they were both older than me, they did not seem to be mortified about not knowing how to swim. I began to feel more at ease. I heard the screeching herring gulls, the splashing of swimmers, and lifeguards stabbing their whistle, which made me alarmed. As Mark got into the pool, I was terrified because I have not experienced it yet. Mark encouraged me to jump in, so I thought I had to try it at least, so I jumped in. As I touched the water, it felt like icicles piercing my skin, and Mark saw me freaking out. Mark gently whispered, "Calm down, and you will be all right." So, I listened to his advice and felt great. Mark had already taken the beginning class once before, so he took a kickboard and went splashing off by himself. He swam languidly in the clear swimming pool. Jamie started our first lesson with kicking and freestyle, and I was terrified and frightened. She told me to use a kickboard to practice kicking for the freestyle. She also taught me how to move my body the right way for the freestyle. She said to "go like you had a pole going through the middle part of your body." We had to rotate in the water the right way. It was very time consuming to understand the freestyle. Afterwards, I started to practice moving my arms. At this point, she Get more content on
  • 9. My Experience At The Swimming Pool My childhood was a very important part of my life, getting through many challenging moments. I was not the child that got into trouble all the time, actually I was more like the opposite. A was a very sensible, shy, and quiet child, and on the other side my brother caused a lot of problems. I am very close to my brother because he is 4 years older then me and he has always protected me. Because he was always getting in trouble, I was crying a lot. I was looking up to him as a role model, or as my hero, and I did not want to see him get hurt. When I started getting into sports, I got tougher and tougher because I had to go throw many difficult situations as a child. Diving is the sport that monopolized my childhood, my personal life, and my decisions in life. I started going to the swimming pool when I was 5 years old. My mom took me because she wanted me to learn how to swim. I remember exactly my mom's words when we entered the pool and we saw the 50 meters swimming pool. She said: " If you don't swim this entire pool, we'll go home and don't ever come back". In my eyes the pool was 500 meters long and I got very nervous and scared to be there. The coaches that I had were severe which was a problem for me because, I was that type of child who cries and gets embarrassed very easy. There was not one practice at the beginning of the swimming lessons, that I didn't cry. At some point, after I figure it out how to swim, I found it boring and I wanted to jump off the deck of Get more content on
  • 10. Swimming Research Paper Inside the Suit Introduction to the sport As a competitive swimmer of twelve years, a member of the Akin Augusta swim league from third to twelfth grade, and a former summer league coach, I valued swimming as a demanding part of my life. With an aunt as a coach for an Olympic training team and cousins that qualified for Olympic trials I was predestined to become a part of this subculture. My parents threw me into lessons at the age of five, signed me up for our neighborhood summer league team the year after and then introduced me to a year round team. From then on swimming became all I ever thought about. Most decent swimmers begin young and are raised through the sport. Some parents teach their children how to swim or pay for lessons where we are taught the basics like floating, kicking, and the four more content... Coaches generally make rules on teams that there is no shaving permitted at least a month before a meet. This is because the hair causes drag through the water making you slower and when you taper before a meet you shave the night before including males. Even though there have been know real studies on this it is believed that you can take of or (shave off) milliseconds in a race which can make the difference in qualifying for nationals or even Olympic trials so swimmers will go to any extent to ensure they can get the time they need. Swimmers are also known to eat tremendous amounts of food. People assume since we are in such great shape that we are cautious about our calories intake and nutrition but in reality we eat whatever we want and in unlimited amounts. Mondays after practices we would go to Moe Monday and order two burritos and follow by a double scooped ice cream cone from Brusters. I would eat roughly around eight thousand calories a day but a professional swimmer averages around twelve thousand calories. Every Day Life of a Get more content on
  • 11. Essay The History of the Sport of Swimming Swimming by definition is "to move along in water by means of movements of the body or parts of the body, especially the arms and legs, or (in the case of fish) tail and fins" (Swimming). The sport of swimming has a long history, from the beginning with the Egyptians and Hittites, through the competitive athletes of this century. While the history of competitive swimming is more in depth and has more information about it, the ancient history has a more solid background (MLA 7th Edition). In Egyptian history,swimming was used for combat and a way to escape from the enemy. Ramesses the Second and his troops escaped from the Hittites in the Battle of Kadesh. This story is also shown on hieroglyphics, which also provides evidence of more content... When swimming reached the age–group level through Amateur Athletic Union (AAU), swim clubs started to grow and through this growth the four individual strokes grew to become the "competitive" strokes. These strokes are front crawl or freestyle, back crawl or backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. However, these are not the only events that athletes are able to swim at meets. Athletes are able to swim the individual medley, medley relays and freestyle relays. These events have a certain length, which can vary from a 50–meter sprint to the mile freestyle. The Olympic pools or long– course pools are 50 meters and a short–course pool is 25 meters or yards. (MLA 7th Edition) There are different training approaches to each of these strokes. For a sprinter a coach wants to make sure that they build up the athlete's endurance for a quick, fast race. A long distance swimmer needs the endurance to power through a long event and make sure that they have enough energy left for them to sprint the last 100 to 50 meters. While training, a swimmer has to focus on a wide range of techniques; the arm stroke; the kick; the timing and coordination of their body movements; the breathing rhythm; and their body position in the water. Learning each one of these techniques requires practice and precision (MLA 7th Edition). During a swim race, there are three distinct components: the start, the turn, and the overall swim. Each has a distinct technique and a slight Get more content on
  • 12. Benefits Of Swimming Essay We have all heard our doctor's telling us that we need to do some kind of exercise every day and swimming is the best way to do just that. Swimming enjoyable and fun and is also a great way to lose weight and stay fit. However, swimming isn't the fourth most popular activity in the United States just for its physical health benefits; rather it's also quite popular because of its mental health advantages as well. One of the biggest benefits of swimming is that it's literally a full body workout. It increases your heart rate without stressing the body, tones your muscles and builds strength and endurance. Swimmers gain muscle strength throughout their entire body; just as a runner sees muscle build in their legs, swimmers utilize more muscle groups to move through the water. The legs kick, the arms pull, the back reaches and rotates while the stomach tightens to power the legs and stabilize the core; swimming is the best aerobic exercise that affects all areas of your body. Your cardiovascular system is also improved as swimming makes your heart and lungs strong. Weight loss is another advantage of swimming. Tough you may not burn calories as fast as other work outs, the weight loss job will get done. Some studies have shown that swimming may also help lower blood pressure and control blood sugar. Swimming also makes you better at other sports, especially running. By your increasing ability to take in and effectively use oxygen, your endurance capacity grows. In a 2103 Get more content on
  • 13. Benefits of Swimming Swimming Rejuvenating, the body mind and spirit.... Fitness development The fitness development of swimming can be classified into1 group and 2 sub–sections: Performing swimming regularly can help one in building cardio which is important for both weight loss and good cardiovascular health. When the workout is increased gradually by swimming strokes in the water, the heart rate and muscle activity is improved. This increases blood flow to your muscles, which results in more nutrients being delivered to them. It decreases risks of cardiovascular diseases like high blood pressure ands prevents obesity when calories are being burnt during your workout sessions. Always remember to warm up before a proper swimming workout session. After a more content... Swimming is a very low impact exercise taking away any excess pressure on the bones, joints and muscles. It is one of the safest and cushioned forms of physical exercise. It improves the ability to control and maintain healthy weight During 30 minutes of swimming it is possible to burn 260 calories. Low water temperatures also stimulate blood circulation, builds up endurance and metabolism Social Benefits: Whether at the beach or a pool the best form of recreation is swimming; it is a lot of fun and can be great way to socialize, friendships are made and you meet/interact with people from all different walks of life. You can join a water aerobics class or a master's swim practice and socialize while you workout because it's a safe work out program. Spiritual/Emotional benefits: Helps develop a positive attitude but mainly swimming forces you to regulate your breathing and allows more oxygen to flow into muscles. It also helps in massaging your muscles and relieves stress and tension. Being surrounded by the warm water facilitates a calming and meditative feeling. Contributes to a feeling of well–being as well as renewing energy and teaching patience. For a first time swimmer it removes the fear of water, preferably swimming should be introduced at an early age. Environmental responsibilities you should consider Chlorine in swimming pools– The chemicals found in Get more content on
  • 14. Descriptive Essay On A Swimming Pool The fascinating, open air swimming pool is located near a tremendous ocean with its beautiful view. Swimming pool is construct with the cool blue tiles that enhance the color of water in the pool. Day is not so hot due to slight breeze that touching the people faces softly. Water in the pool is blue as the sky and clean as the crystal. Cool blue Water of pool is soothing the eyes and refreshing mind and body. The place is busy and crowded with visitors. People there wanted to dive in the deep of water. Youngsters diving in the pool with eyes closed, arms outstretched feeling their heart before feeling the depth of water. Splashing of water on others seems very interesting and a great fun for children. They seems to enjoy splashing on their more content... In my positive description I relate water with "crystal" because it is clean and totally clear. I also relate water with "sky" due to its blue color. In my negative description I describe the sound of waves with the word "roaring". Because the sound of waves at night feels so loud and dreadful. In my positive and negative description of swimming pool I used similes and metaphors. I used these to do comparison of two unlike things because it's give beauty to your writing. . For example "water is clear as the crystal" "water is blue as the sky". I also used personification like" slight breeze that touching the people faces softly" While writing about description of a place I realize how interesting is that to describe a place you see with your all senses present. Describing each and every, pleasant or unpleasant detail about place make you go deep inside what you see, feel, hear etc. when I start writing, I came to realize that describing the place and it's view in positive and negative both aspects is the difficult thing. One must have to be careful while choosing words. I have to keep a difference between pleasant and unpleasant description. Writer's tool box proves to be very helpful in writing. Five different tools of it make yourself able to analyze different aspects of your writing in a very detailed way. While describing a place writer feels full freedom in sharing of his thoughts. He can write freely Get more content on
  • 15. Benefit Of Swimming Essay There Are many benefits from swimming. Especially for someone who is on active. Or someone who is unable to perform regular exercises. Being in the water gives you a sense of weightlessness. This makes it easy for someone who is struggling with mobility to be able to exercise and eating a healthy lifestyle. Not only will it help physically but it also will help mentally. Giving someone something to look forward to. A sense of community and a place to belong. Havin are many benefits from swimming. Especially for someone who is on active. Or someone who is unable to perform regular exercises. Being in the water gives you a sense of weightlessness. This makes it easy for someone who is struggling with mobility to be able to exercise and eating a healthy lifestyle. Not only will it help physically but it also will help mentally. Giving someone something to look forward to. A sense of community and a place to belong. Having something to look forward to. swimming offers someone a multitude of benefits. Swimming create a clear mind and a healthy body. You are able to build upmuscle and strength and your ability to with stain diversity. Joining a swim club or swim team will bring up my route and also have health benefits . 1. Swimming Improves Muscle strength and durability. While swimming one will gain muscle strength throughout the body. Swimming helps build muscle in legs, swimmers work muscle by moving through the water. When they legs kick, and move their arms they are building on their muscles . Swimming builds muscle mass. 2. Swimming Helps With Flexible While s wimming a swimmer has to reach, stretch, pushing your way through the water causes resistance. This in return strengthens your muscles and stretches them at the same time. At first a swimmer may be stiff and on able to stretch to their bodies for capacity. But after being in the water daily using your body as the resistance pushing yourself to the water your body will become more pliable as you stretch and work the muscles. 3. Swimming helps keep your heart healthy. while swimming your heart rate begins to be elevated. This forces the blood circulation through the heart and into the entire body. Keeping your heart
  • 16. Get more content on
  • 17. Swimming Is The Best Form Of Exercise Swimming can simply be defined as the sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs. Whether being done for sport or for recreation, studies show it is the best form of exercise for the body. The action of swimming dates back for centuries and is healthy activity that cuts through boundaries such age and physical disabilities. There are numerous types of exercises but when evaluating them all, it is easy to see why swimming is the best exercise. Swimming is the best form of exercise because it is not limited by age or abilities, and it has many psychological and physical benefits ("Swimming"). Swimming can be beneficial to people despite ages and abilities. While swimming, the body is supported by water, which makes it low–impact, and the best exercise for everyone. While they might not be able practice other forms of exercise, the elderly, pregnant women, and the disabled can all safely practice swimming ("The Health Benefits"). Because there is no harsh impact while swimming, joints remain protected from stress, which makes it the best workout for all ages to prevent damage to the body. Although the idea is to prevent injury, swimming is also the best workout when injured as well because the water creates resistance and makes the muscles work, but without the impact and stress that would occur on land (Weil). Exercising in water hugely reduces mobility issues resulting from a disability. Water gives an added freedom for people who struggle with Get more content on
  • 18. My First Day Of Swimming Experience I will never forget my first day at swim practice. When I was younger (around age three) I remember going to the YMCA for swim lessons, but my first day at practice wasn't anything like that. At they YMCA I got to take individual lessons that were not crowded at all, but at my first swim practice, when I was nine, there were many people waiting eagerly to get into the pool. By the time we got in the pool there were at least eight people in the same lane as me. As excited as I was to go to my first practice being on a swim team, I felt like my lane was overcrowded. It seems like every single lap I did somebody was touching my feet or I was touching somebody else's feet. As I finished my warm up swim, I looked at the other lanes to see more content... As soon as I left the clerk of coarse to go to my lane, I was a bit nervous, but I was more happy. After a minute passed, I was next! I watched the person in front of me swim and then got on the block. The announcer said "girls nine and ten twenty–five yard freestyle. Take your mark, Go!" I dived in the water and swam my heart out to the point where I was huffing and puffing at the end. I got out of the pool and waited for my next event which occurred later on in the meet. After the last event the meet had ended, and it was official that our team had won! I was very happy. I showed up to practice the next day, wondering what the coach was going to tell us. I was in my swimsuit and swim cap with my goggles waiting to start swim practice. That was when I realised that if we win the meet, instead of having a serious practice, we have free swim. I was very happy, but didn't know what to do. Before I had a chance to think of something to do, Coach Sara called us over and talked to us. I forgot what we talked about, but I remember her saying to us "I absolutely love y'alls laugh, when you laugh together." At that very second, it was a little awkward, but Ashley, Meghan, and I both started giggling which made coach Sara laugh. By the time my sisters and I finished our very giggly Get more content on
  • 19. Physical And Physical Benefits Of Swimming Essay If one is looking for a low–impact aerobic exercise along with a total body strengthening workout, swimming can provide all that and more. The most common swimming strokes are the crawl, breaststroke, backstroke, butterfly, and sidestroke. There are many physical and mental benefits of swimming. It is an excellent way to burn lots of calories, build muscles and increase endurance. It can also improve cardiovascular conditioning, and because it is low impact, it is gentle on the joints. Swimming can also be quite relaxing because the movements are rhythmic. Swimming is a total body workout. One can burn between 500–650 calories per hour depending on how efficiently they swim and how buoyant they are. The more body fat he or she has, the more he or she can float and the fewer calories it takes to swim. When swimming, one is using their arms, legs, and their core muscles. He or she is propelled forward or backward by their arms and legs while their body core keeps them straight which will, in turn, keep them afloat. Swimming is good for one's heart because it is considered an aerobic sport which gets his or her blood circulating and heart pumping more efficiently. Being in a pool allows someone who may be overweight or has arthritis to move more freely with less stress on their joints. This is due to a swimmer being more buoyant in the water than on land. "When immersed in waist–level water, our bodies become 50% lighter and 25% lighter in chest–height water." Get more content on
  • 20. Reflection Paper On Swimming I am seventeen and I never learned how to swim. There has been numerous occasions where I have fallen to the deep end and almost drowned. My main and long term goal was to learn how to swim for safety and leisure time. I never understood the importance of learning how to swim until I realized how important it is to one's safety. I now can teach siblings who do not know how to swim. Safety is my most important priority and is the main reason I took this class. As my time in the class progressed I came to notice that I found swimming fun. Having fun while doing some exercise is something I feel is a good thing. Health is an important aspect of living. Researching swimming I learned that it is a very good way to work on cardio. In an article I read "Why Swimming is Good for You" by Berkeley students I learned that it can improve heart and lung capacity. This was one of my main reasons health is so important to me. When I was 12 I was told that I had tachycardia which meant that I have a fast heart rate. In the summer, when I had a check up, my heart rate was at 130 bpm. Which is predominantly, a high rate even for those with the condition. I checked again after having this class for a couple months and it had dropped to 121 bpm. My long terms goals began to change I became more fixated on controlling my heart rate. My short term goals were much more simple then my long term ones. I started small. At first I wanted to attempt breathing underwater. Even if it was only for a couple of second I wanted to maintain my head underwater. In order, for me to do this I began by holding myself underwater by holding on to the curb. Then I began to blow bubbles and started to get the hang of it. At the same time, I began to start kicking and holding on to the side of the pool. I told myself to make a new mind set. Keep kicking until I floated or keep breathing until I got the hang of it. I put my head in another place and created a place where my mind and panic wouldn't interfere with my swimming. I think one of my greatest hardships in this class was the panic and lack of confidence in the water. At times I found myself panicking and dropping to the pool floor. I only really swam in the shallow end. Therefore a gain in Get more content on
  • 21. Personal Narrative Essay About Swimming "I never thought you would be that good at swimming." Those kind words spoken by my mom resounded with me. A harsh truth, but at 17 and looking back, I had to agree with her; it was undeniable. Flashback six or seven years ago and you would have to agree with us too. I stood a mere five feet tall, weighing a little over 110 pounds. Comparatively, I was a whale while my friends were graceful dolphins. I was surrounded by kids that were faster, stronger, and more athletic than me. They were training to win competitions while I was just there to appease my parents. In my coaches' words, I was just "paddling along". It was around that time that I noticed that I didn't really fit in. I started questioning why I had to go to practice. Honestly, I compared more content... Regardless, each and every time, my parents encouraged to me to the pool. Over the years, I began to enjoy swimming more as I improved and gained more confidence, but there was no explosion, no breakout performance; that is until high school came around. My best event was the 200 yard freestyle; freshman year, I went from 1 minute 50 seconds to 1 minute 43 seconds. Through the guidance of my parents and coaches, I worked through the fear of disappointment only to realize that they only wanted the best from me. Holding myself accountable was never painless, human nature dictates that we stop when we are out of our comfort zone. Since training constantly involved pushing my body to the limit and beyond it was extremely easy to find excuses and justifications for not giving it my all. Winter training is especially brutal on my psyche, as I didn't see the sun for months at a time. It takes courage and motivation to be Get more content on