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Extinction Of Animal Extinction
There have been five well known extinctions on this earth. The one most well known is the mass extinction that ended the dinosaurs. Mass extinction
is often described as the elimination of a large number of species in a short period of time. Despite what many think, the elimination of species is
almost commonplace at this point. The Earth is currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction, and it's been caused by the human race.
It's clear that a great extinction is coming from the evidence of the destruction of other species around us. The choices made by the human race have
too often negatively affected the surrounding species. Tracy Wilson, the site director for, in an article for Animal Planet, states that more content...
Not to mention "...both groups emphasized that climate change would play an increasing role in species decline..." (Gilman). Climate change is still a
controversial topic to some, but many scientists have proven that it's true. In fact, Neil Degrasse Tyson has given evidence to prove its truth and already
informed the world that it's too late to fix people's mistakes (Neil). The extinction of species has been caused in certain instances by climate change,
which is only getting worse. People have continuously altered the environment to the point of harming other species. The human race's tendency to
destroy an environment greatly impacts the plants and animals residing there. To be more specific, "Human destruction of animal and plant
habitat...appear to be having a major impact on extinction rates" (Wilson). Environmental degradation and habitat destruction are both key players in
the extinction of many world species. The impact people have had on the environment is much bigger than most anticipate, as they both destroy and
intervene with the environment.
One specific way that humans have begun the process of world extinction is through their incessant meddling with the environment. Not only do people
destroy the environment with our wreckage and pollution, but the human race has introduced species into other ecosystems, causing massive
repercussions. Referred to as invasive species, their introduction into a
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Endangered Species
Many species vital to ensuring that today's environment will thrive are becoming extinct. If a species is slowly dwindling, and in imminent danger of
becoming nonexistent, this species is considered to be endangered. "One in four mammals, one in eight birds, one third of all amphibians and 70% of
the world's assessed plants on the... IUCN Red List are in jeopardy" (IUCN, 2016). According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, or
IUCN, upwards of 16,000 species are threatened with extinction, including both plants and animals (IUCN, 2016). Before becoming endangered, a
species will show warning signs, either by starting to lose biological diversity or by losing the habitats for that species to flourish in, or in the worst
case, both. The word endangered can sometimes be confused with threatened, extirpated, or extinct. Extirpated refers to the state of a species where
its population has died out in a certain area or range, but other populations of said species still exist elsewhere (Olden, Julian D., 2008). When a
species is considered threatened, or vulnerable, this refers to the state of the species being susceptible to endangerment and extinction ("Extinction
crisis escalates"). So if a species is threatened, the first signs of endangerment come along, which are similar signs to that of a species in danger of
becoming threatened, including lack of genetic diversity, or overhunting may be evident. ("Extinction crisis escalates"). When a species is labelled
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Persuasive Essay On De-Extinct Animals
"De–extinction, or resurrection biology, is the process of creating an organism, which is either a member of, or resembles an extinct species, or
breeding population of such organisms. Cloning is the most widely proposed method, although selective breeding has also been proposed. Similar
techniques have been applied to endangered species." (Wikipedia) Scientist should not de–extinct species because people could be exploiting these
animals solely for selfish purposes. Ultimately causing individuals of the de–extinct species harm. Though de–extinction could offer insight to evolution
and natural resources that are currently unavailable. Scientists should not bring back animals that have been extinct. There is significant controversy
over de–extinction. One piece of evidence why scientist shouldn't de–extinct animals is that, de–extinct species would be alien and potentially invasive.
Their habitats and food sources have changed. So their roles in these changed ecosystems could also be altered. Professor Corey Bradshaw from the
University of Adelaide points out that de–extinction projects do nothing to address habitat loss. "Without sufficient genetic variability, a population is
almost more content...
Preventing existing endangered species from going extinct should proceed over reviving species already lost. Why should the world's scientific
resources be focused on reviving species, when African elephants will most likely be lost by 2020? Polar bears, giant pandas, rhinos, and snow
leopards are also going extinct. But sadly, the list is so large that there are many species you may never have suspected are endangered. Although some
de–extinctionists insist that the knowledge we gain from de–extinction science may help us to save current species. It is a very risky thing to do, given
the terrible situation of the current mass
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The Effects Of Endangered Species
Since the arrival of humans, species of all kinds have gone extinct at exceedingly rapid rates with no consideration of the detrimental effects it can have
on the planet. Animals become extinct for countless reasons such as natural disasters, inability to adapt to different environments, and a loss of habitat.
According to Freedman and Duncan, today, extinction rates have risen to an average of 1,000 to 10,000 times the natural extinction rate (2014).
Extinction is a natural process in life, however, because of human activities, species are dying off much faster than what is normal. If humans choose to
discontinue help that can save endangered species, the effects will determine the fate of planet earth. Efforts to save endangered species have not done
nearly enough. Without some of the most important creatures and plants, humans can lose millions of dollars in economic values, lose ecosystem
services that are vital to the planet, and affect the biodiversity of earth. (Make a divided thesis statement)
Endangered species have become a rising issue within the last century due to the extensive rate of mass extinction of animals and plants. To classify a
species as endangered means it is at risk of becoming extinct. Once a species is extinct, it is vanished forever. There are multiple factors that cause
animals to be endangered such as climate change, invasive species that are introduced to a new habitat often leading to devastating consequences, and
mass hunting and poaching of
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Biodiversity Loss And Loss Of Species Essay
Biodiversity Loss
The environmental issue that I chose to research is 'Biodiversity Loss'. Biodiversity loss is the loss of species on our planet. For example, this is
animals and plants that have done extinct. This has impacted every corner of the globe, since the dinosaurs we have lost thousands of animals and
other forms of life to extinction. According to Endangered Earth "there are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are
endangered species threatened with extinction," (Endangered Earth 2016). It is estimated that we only know about 15% of all the species that call
Earth home, at this rate we will lose thousands of species before scientist can even identify them (Watson 2011). There are several reasons the humans
are at fault for the extinction rate, to name a few; hunting, loss of habitats, pollution, climate change, and so many others. One of the main issues that is
causing a loss in biodiversity is the loss of habitats. The majority of habitats that are destroyed for more land or for their resources, which leads to
having more land. When the land runs out of their natural resources houses and other 'buildings' are built up in the place of the natural habitat. Once
the buildings are built, humans move into the area bringing diseases and species not native to the area. This can simultaneously knock out hundreds of
species that no longer have homes or are unable to adapt to the new environment (Biodiversity Information 2016). One of the more
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Essay On Animal Extinction
Pleading Guilty to Animal Extinction Animal extinction rates have skyrocketed within recent years due to the numerous detrimental human and
environmental activities that currently wreak havoc on our planet. Human beings alone are placing enough strain on animals to leave lasting and
harmful effects for years to come. Due to the steadily growing population, individuals are turning untouched pieces of land into developmental projects
to benefit humans. However, these sources of land are home to a multitude of species whom are now struggling to survive due to these changes to their
habitat. Along with dismantling species environments, some individuals are also engaging in illegal wildlife trade in order to keep up with the growing
demand for numerous types of products. In addition, deforestation is another activity humans participate in that negatively impacts animals
environments to benefit their own. However, there are also numerous types of environmental activities that affect animals as well. Climate change and
different types of pollution are proving to be harmful as well. Overall, unless action is taken to overcome the consequences animals currently face due
to the harmful activities caused by humans and environmental factors, species will continue to fall victim to extinction. Animals are losing their habitats
at a rapid rate due to the detrimental acts humans engage in throughout their life. Individuals are destroying animals habitats in order to fulfill the wants
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Species Extinction and Conservation
The problem the world faces other than global warming or poverty is species extinction of animals and plants all around the world. Most everyone
either knows about or has some small idea that we there is a problem but it can be a complicated subject to talk about. (Tepper 2010) People have
normal worries like global warming, pollution by factories and things like genocide in other countries.(Tepper 2010) The problem people should be
thinking about and worry about is species extinction and it is nothing new to planet Earth which has had approximately six mass extinction events that
have occurred over millions upon millions of years. The words like "mass extinction" is a word that most people find alarming just the sound of that
word can make a person think hard about the possibilities. What most people may not know is mass extinction is nothing uncommon for our planet. We
know that the eco–system is swiftly losing different species of animals and plants at a huge rate. The scientist believes Extinction is an event that is
natural to nature, nature will take a rate of approximately 1 to 5 species every year. Though this rate does not fit the present time and the planet is
believed to be losing approximately 1000 to 10,000 species per year and some species are going extinct every day without a lot of people knowing
about it.
This can be something of a scary situation especially for the future of our planet. There is about 30 to 50 percent of
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The West African Black Rhinoceros, the Caribbean Monk Seal, the Tasmanian tiger, And the Javan Tiger all have one thing in common, they are now
extinct. And the reason? The reason is all around you. In the 3.5 billion years Earth has sustained life, there have been five major extinctions in the
past 500 million years caused by natural disasters. Today, there are about sixty–six known species that are either endangered or vulnerable to extinction.
Due to human activity, we are now undergoing a worldwide devastation that has caused a high loss of species and a massive destruction to our
ecosystem known as, the Holocene extinction. The Holocene Extinction Extinction has been known as a natural part of evolution as species
disappears, new ones come in and takes its place. Over consumption, the introduction of exotic species and poor management mean we are now
losing species up to 1,000 times the natural rate. What happens when this type of phenomenon is introduced in such a drastic way? Well you
experience a rapid loss of animals at an alarming rate and a massive change in our ecosystem causing global climate change. How exactly did this
happen? Well it all stems out from one major cause, humans. Our growing need for food and fuel has destroyed habitats, eradicated species, and
altered climates at an unprecedented rate. On land or at sea we are the undisputed predator and never in the planet's history has a species dominated as
comprehensively as humans do. There are an
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Analysis: Should We Bring Back Extinct Animals
De–extinction would have to be one of the most good things that would happen to earth. The population would not decrease less and we would see
what type of anailms we have or had and see what it was like to have those animals again and what it was like for new animals to come back to this
world .
To begin with, In the article Should We Bring Back Extinct Species stated that ВЁSupporters of the de–extinction say that it could improve the
environmentВЁ the grass would be better because if the grass ever gets tall you can count on them to eat it but if you think about it if they eat to
much we won't have grass . The author chose that if he would state facts the might get the peoples attention that they would be up for bringing back
animals to see what they had done and what if our world would change with them back or not and if we do we kinda have to be careful on how many
animals we are bringing back and what they eat if they are to big or not and if they would take up the whole environment and eat to much. Also,
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The author chose to say that because you would really feel how it was like with giant dinosaurs and know what it would be like if they would eat
the small animals if they would eat the the grass and there would be no more left but if we brought those back we would be able to find out we
would be able to know what it feels like and maybe we would see how much it has changed our environment or not and the people would see what it's
like to have those animals back and they but the bad thing it what if they start killing more because they know we can bring them back again. After
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The Extinction Of Species Extinction
Species Extinction Species extinction is a familiar topic. I started understanding about species extinction even before I joined school. I learned
there used to be hung animals such dinosaurs and mammoths, which had ceases to exist many millions of years ago. There were toys and films
depicting such extinct animals. I used to wonder why they decided to become extinct. As I grew up and with a desire to expand my knowledge, I
came to learn that different species adapt to deferent environmental conditions. For instance, urbanization, desertification, depletion of ozone layer
and climate change are some of the major global issues that contribute to species extinction. In order to address the concerns of species extinction,
the global community has come up with the Convention on Biological Diversity whose main aim is to reduce the loss of species. However, before
taking this class, I had not understood the extent and the rate of species extinction. It was very interesting to lean from the video about the mitigation
measures human beings are putting in place to reduce the effects of species extinction. The two most interesting measures were the seedbank at
arctic and the idea of cloning of extinct animals from DNA collected from fossils. Such ideas beg one to ask, "What is the next technological idea?"
The two videos can be seen as a practical approach of implementing Principle 15 of Agenda 21. This principle, precautionary principle calls for
protection of environment if there
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De Extinction Of Species Research Paper
Erika, as I record your discussion you made serious points on species going extinct and the de extinction procedure. Species plays a significant
function in humans live and in the natural surroundings. Erika we as humans eat food and it keeps us active. Do you think species will be the same
or have the same nutrients? As we know in our environment today chemicals are used to make species grow faster. It makes me question and wonder
how scientists are taking our environment into their own hands. There should special laws on how and what species are to be recreated. I personally
feel species should be left alone and let our creator continue to replenish our
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Invasive Species Extinction
Humans have caused another extinction, one that could possibly take us down in the process, species are exponentially going extinct because of
habitat loss, species exportation, and invasive species bullying native species. On the other hand, scientists are trying to safe guard native species, keep
animals in captivity whether it be for the animals well–being or for research, and widespread invasion. In this essay I will be comparing and
contrasting "What Everglades Pythons and Other Invasive Species are Trying to Tell Us," by Julia Whitty and "The SixthExtinction," by Jeff Corwin.
Habit loss has been one of the most prominent issues regarding the animal kingdom, and now it seems like the human race is trying to rid our earth of
the decreasing amount of flora in certain areas. In Indonesia rain forests are being torn apart to make way for palm oil plantations. Although palm oil is
used in packages foods and cosmetics, the Sumatrans elephants and orangutan are suffering from the habitats loss. (Corwin, 8)
Illegal trade of elephant ivory and rhino horn must be stopped more content...
Hurricane Andrew was one of the most powerful hurricanes at that time and when it hit the cost of Florida it is believed that's when the red lionfish
had gotten out. Because of this, the species of red lionfish have since multiplied and filled the coasts of Australia with their feathers waving
hypnotically trying to find and corner prey for their late night snack. Since the lionfish are so far away from their usual waters their super technology
they are making a holocaust of native species in and around the Bahama
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Extinct Species: Dodo Bird
Extinct Species: Dodo Bird
Joseph Sulaiman
The dodo (Raphus cucullatus) was a flightless bird endemic to the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. Related to pigeons and doves, it stood about a
meter (3.3 feet) tall, weighing about 20 kilograms (44 lb), living on fruit, and nesting on the ground.
The dodo has been extinct since the mid–to–late 17th century. It is commonly used as the archetype of an extinct species because its extinction
occurred during recorded human history and was directly attributable to human activity.
The phrase "dead as a dodo" means undoubtedly and unquestionably dead, whilst the phrase "to go the way of the dodo" means to become extinct or
obsolete, to fall out of common usage or practice, or to become a more content...
As the Mascarenes are of volcanic origin and less than 10 million years old, both birds' ancestors remained most likely capable of flight for
considerable time after their lineages' separation. The same study has been interpreted to show that the Southeast Asian Nicobar Pigeon is the closest
living relative of the dodo and the RГ©union Solitaire.[13]
However, the proposed phylogeny is rather questionable regarding the relationships of other taxa and must therefore be considered hypothetical
pending further research; considering biogeographically data, it is very likely to be erroneous. All that can be presently said with any certainty is
that the ancestors of the didine birds were pigeons from Southeast Asia or the Wallacea, which agrees with the origin of most of the Mascarenes'
birds. Whether the dodo and Rodriguez Solitaire were actually closest to the Nicobar Pigeon among the living birds, or whether they are closer to
other groups of the same radiation such as Ducula, Treron, or Goura pigeons is not clear at the moment.
For a long time, the dodo and the Rodrigues Solitaire (collectively termed "didines") were placed in a family of their own, the Raphidae. This was
because their relationships to other groups of birds (such as rails) had yet to be resolved. As of recently, it appears more warranted to include the
didines as a subfamily Raphinae in the Columbidae.
Indian Mughal miniature which may be one of the most accurate depictions of
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Human effects and involvement on endangered and extinct species
Tiffany Tierson
This paper was constructed to give an overview of the vast majority of species that are disappearing and have disappeared from the earth. With
informative knowledge and accurate numbers the reader was introduced to the different ways that animals are becoming extinct, deforestation,
overpopulation, economic prosperity, population growth, urban environment, global perspective and science and ethics. Each of these is affecting
different species at different rates, but what was concluded by comparing numbers is that humans are truly responsible for their actions and the actions
of causing the exaction and endangerment of animals. Humans are more content...
When the trees are cut down the frogs are unable to reproduce (
The Asian Elephant and overpopulation Asian elephant's population once expanded from West Asia along the Iranian coast into the Indian
subcontinent, eastwards into South–east Asia including Sumatra, Java, and Borneo, and into China at least as far as the Yangtze–Kiang. Crude
estimates must be made about the remaining population size because it has become hard to count the number of animals left in the thick vegetation
where they have been forced to reside from people invading their areas. Asian elephants can be found in grassland, tropical evergreen forest,
semi–evergreen forest, moist deciduous forest, dry deciduous forested and dry thorn forest, in addition to cultivated and secondary forests and
scrublands. These are areas, especially the forests where the growing population of Asia and India have now become human homes and territory,
forcing the animals to reside on smaller locations of land with fewer resources for them, and more for humans. (
The Siberian (Amur) Tiger and science and ethics The Siberian tiger resides mostly in Russia along the Amur River. The tiger used to range all over
east Russia and west Russia, but now is in this small area where it is protected. There are no longer tigers in West Russia they have become
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Persuasive Essay On Endangered Species
When a species of plant or animal becomes an endangered species, it is at a serious risk of extinction. It is estimated that each year 0.1% of species
become extinct each year due to human activity. If there are 100 000 000 different species co–existing with us, then 10 000 species are going extinct
each year due to human activity. We are causingspecies to become extinct 1 000 to 10 000 times faster than the natural extinction rate. When presented
this information, we ask ourselves one question: how is it that humans are to blame for the endangerment of species? As the human population grows,
our ecological footprint, the measure of our demands of natural resources, is becoming too large. We have such a high demand for more
They not only want to help endangered and unique wildlife, but they also aspire to help the local economies and communities, and keep our air clean
and pollution–free, but what is their plan? WWF, World Wildlife Fund, has been working with governments, communities, and companies for over
50 years to promote responsible forest practices and to protect forest areas, and right now, 20% of all forests are properly protected. Ending
deforestation has no silver bullet solution; forest industries are worth millions, and we use forest resources in our everyday lives, but if we work
together, we can create approaches that will make big differences to our forests. For example, if corporations introduce a "zero–deforestation" policy,
they can clean their supply chains. This policy makes businesses hold their suppliers accountable for producing their commodities in a way that does
not fuel deforestation and has a minimal impact on our climate. Companies should also consider maximizing their use of recycled products, and for
products that are non–recycled, follow a certification system such as the Forest Stewardship Council. Until businesses take action, organizations and
activists have taken matters into their own hands by investigating, exposing and confronting the environmental abuse by corporations. Some major
establishments such as McDonalds and Nestle have already taken steps in the right direction by changing their ways and building solutions to protect
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Arguments For Cloning Extinct Species
In 2003 the Pyrenean Ibex, an extinct subspecies, was successfully cloned and brought back to life albeit only for a few minutes (Zimmer, 2015.) Thus
bringing the idea of cloning extinct species itself to life. Newton (2015) shows that in animals cloning is achieved by transplanting the nucleus of one
animal into an enucleated egg cell of another. Cloning has become more precise and increasingly common in our rapidly progressing society (Newton,
2015) however from this a debate as to whether these technologies should be used to clone and bring back extinct animals has arisen. A central reason
as to why this causes such a large debate is due to the apparent defiance of nature that is occurring (Zimmer, 2015.) There are many
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Michael Archer believes that as a society we have a duty to animals that became extinct due to direct human impacts (Zimmer 2013.)
When the extinct Pyrenean Ibex was successfully cloned the newborn kid died in minutes due to lung deformities causing breathing issues (Gray &
Dobson 2009.) A 2013 study of cloned piglets led to the findings that of the piglets born 48 % died in their first month and 29.5% of them exhibited
malfunctions (Schmidt et al 2015.) From this the issue of a cloned animal's welfare is raised showing that unless technologies advance significantly
there is a high risk of suffering and death for such animals (Sherkow & Greely 2013.)
Another ethically problematic area is that of money, by cloning extinct species large profits may be made off of the animals, especially well–known
ones, from things such as donations and private funding (Cottrell et al 2014.) This would allow the animals to be treated well and for further cloning
efforts. However this leads to the issue of money being spent in the wrong places for the wrong reasons, where as it could be better spent on
conserving the many species at current risk of extinction (Four reasons against de–extinction
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De-Extinction Species
De–extinction is so cool but there is no asherens it will go exactly as planned.It can have so many full backs like desys and another dust bowl
because of all the grass and food reward to feed these creatures and they don't care if you need that land of that grass or anything about the fall back
they just want to eat.One thing is,ВЁSpecies could carry retroviruses or pathogens when brought back to life.ВЁThey could seriously harm other
species that are alive and that same virus or pathogen could mutate and harm us humans to and the very thing we tried to save ends up killing us right
after we save its species.Also, ВЁDe–extinct species would be alien and potentially invasive...ВЁ Which this means that the de–extinct species could
petenshely more content...
What also could happen is, ВЁpeople may cause individuals of the de–extinct species harm.ВЁWe can do what we did to make a lot of the species we
are trying to bring back extinct like depending on the species we can spend all this money on bring it back and then we can hunt it to the point of
extinction agenda and then it would be a massive waste of resources and money. ВЁtheir habitats and food sources have changed, so their roles in
these changed ecosystems could be too.ВЁThis is the nice and the scary thing about this is you have all this power as one of the so called higher
species in the web of life but you can also imagen and see what stepig past awer roll could do like the–firestation is cadastrofik and that is only because
we felt we had the right to play the creator and in tern we could do something similar to the ecosystem if we go threw with this. ВЁIs de–extinction
playing god, or just plain wrong?ВЁ potential problems and sichuwashens that could ever at any time and destroy everything that is interesting about
this. There are cool things to this as well but that but needs to stay in the back of the mind so as i show you what is intriguing you don't lose what could
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Should Scientist Bring Back Extinct Species
In the argument of "Should We Bring Back Extinct Species" by Joseph Bennett and Ben J. Novak it is discussed whether or not species that were
once dead could be brought back to life. Scientist should not bring back extinct species.This all sounds like a real jurassic park dinosaurs could make
a come back but why should scientist bring back an extinct species when we can't even keep our still living animals alive. Joseph Bennett the assistant
of biology from Carleton University states "Those who support bringing back extinct species will say that doing so will help support other species. But
scientist already have important species–such as elephants tigers, and rhinos–that are in serious trouble." If scientist were to concentrate on resurrecting
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Extinct Animals
The extinction of an animal species occurs when the last individual member of that species dies. Although a species may be "extinct in the wild," the
species is not extinct until every individual, regardless of location, captivity, or ability to breed, has died.
Extinction of Animals Causes
There are several causes of extinction of several animal species, prominent among which are loss of habitat, extinction of animals due to deforestation,
extinction of animals due to global warming, extinction of animals due to hunting.
List of Extinct Animals
The long list of extinct animals in the world features more than 50 animal species that have become extinct from the planet in last 100 years alone. This
extinct animals list feature mammals, more content...
It was found in abundance throughout the country till the introduction of mustelids – predatory mammal from weasel family, was introduced on the
Island. The first half of the 20th century was marked by rare sightings of Bushwren. A subspecies of the bird, Stead's Bushwren, found on Stewart
Island, got extinct due to excessive predation by the feral cats. As the last attempt to revive the population, they were transferred to Kaimohu Island,
where the last sighting took place in 1972.
Canarian Black Oystercatcher
The Canarian Black Oystercatcher, more popular as the Canary Islands Oystercatcher, was a shorebird found on the Canary Islands in Spain. The bird
disappeared from its natural habitat in the beginning of the 20th century. It is assumed that the disturbance by the local people and predation by rats
were the prominent reasons for the extinction of Canarian Black Oystercatcher. Some theories also suggested that loss of habitat was responsible for
the extinction. According to the local fishermen and the lighthouse keepers, the last sighting of this species happened in 1940s. After several attempts
to find this bird failed, finally it was declared extinct through IUCN Red List for 1994.
Cape Verde Giant Skink
Cape Verde Giant Skink, also known as the Cocteau's Skink, was a reptile endemic to the Cape Verde islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Loss of habitat,
owing to human activities, is supposed to be the main cause of
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Extinction Of Animal Extinction

  • 1. Extinction Of Animal Extinction There have been five well known extinctions on this earth. The one most well known is the mass extinction that ended the dinosaurs. Mass extinction is often described as the elimination of a large number of species in a short period of time. Despite what many think, the elimination of species is almost commonplace at this point. The Earth is currently in the middle of a sixth mass extinction, and it's been caused by the human race. It's clear that a great extinction is coming from the evidence of the destruction of other species around us. The choices made by the human race have too often negatively affected the surrounding species. Tracy Wilson, the site director for, in an article for Animal Planet, states that more content... Not to mention "...both groups emphasized that climate change would play an increasing role in species decline..." (Gilman). Climate change is still a controversial topic to some, but many scientists have proven that it's true. In fact, Neil Degrasse Tyson has given evidence to prove its truth and already informed the world that it's too late to fix people's mistakes (Neil). The extinction of species has been caused in certain instances by climate change, which is only getting worse. People have continuously altered the environment to the point of harming other species. The human race's tendency to destroy an environment greatly impacts the plants and animals residing there. To be more specific, "Human destruction of animal and plant habitat...appear to be having a major impact on extinction rates" (Wilson). Environmental degradation and habitat destruction are both key players in the extinction of many world species. The impact people have had on the environment is much bigger than most anticipate, as they both destroy and intervene with the environment. One specific way that humans have begun the process of world extinction is through their incessant meddling with the environment. Not only do people destroy the environment with our wreckage and pollution, but the human race has introduced species into other ecosystems, causing massive repercussions. Referred to as invasive species, their introduction into a Get more content on
  • 2. Endangered Species Many species vital to ensuring that today's environment will thrive are becoming extinct. If a species is slowly dwindling, and in imminent danger of becoming nonexistent, this species is considered to be endangered. "One in four mammals, one in eight birds, one third of all amphibians and 70% of the world's assessed plants on the... IUCN Red List are in jeopardy" (IUCN, 2016). According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, or IUCN, upwards of 16,000 species are threatened with extinction, including both plants and animals (IUCN, 2016). Before becoming endangered, a species will show warning signs, either by starting to lose biological diversity or by losing the habitats for that species to flourish in, or in the worst case, both. The word endangered can sometimes be confused with threatened, extirpated, or extinct. Extirpated refers to the state of a species where its population has died out in a certain area or range, but other populations of said species still exist elsewhere (Olden, Julian D., 2008). When a species is considered threatened, or vulnerable, this refers to the state of the species being susceptible to endangerment and extinction ("Extinction crisis escalates"). So if a species is threatened, the first signs of endangerment come along, which are similar signs to that of a species in danger of becoming threatened, including lack of genetic diversity, or overhunting may be evident. ("Extinction crisis escalates"). When a species is labelled Get more content on
  • 3. Persuasive Essay On De-Extinct Animals "De–extinction, or resurrection biology, is the process of creating an organism, which is either a member of, or resembles an extinct species, or breeding population of such organisms. Cloning is the most widely proposed method, although selective breeding has also been proposed. Similar techniques have been applied to endangered species." (Wikipedia) Scientist should not de–extinct species because people could be exploiting these animals solely for selfish purposes. Ultimately causing individuals of the de–extinct species harm. Though de–extinction could offer insight to evolution and natural resources that are currently unavailable. Scientists should not bring back animals that have been extinct. There is significant controversy over de–extinction. One piece of evidence why scientist shouldn't de–extinct animals is that, de–extinct species would be alien and potentially invasive. Their habitats and food sources have changed. So their roles in these changed ecosystems could also be altered. Professor Corey Bradshaw from the University of Adelaide points out that de–extinction projects do nothing to address habitat loss. "Without sufficient genetic variability, a population is almost more content... Preventing existing endangered species from going extinct should proceed over reviving species already lost. Why should the world's scientific resources be focused on reviving species, when African elephants will most likely be lost by 2020? Polar bears, giant pandas, rhinos, and snow leopards are also going extinct. But sadly, the list is so large that there are many species you may never have suspected are endangered. Although some de–extinctionists insist that the knowledge we gain from de–extinction science may help us to save current species. It is a very risky thing to do, given the terrible situation of the current mass Get more content on
  • 4. The Effects Of Endangered Species Since the arrival of humans, species of all kinds have gone extinct at exceedingly rapid rates with no consideration of the detrimental effects it can have on the planet. Animals become extinct for countless reasons such as natural disasters, inability to adapt to different environments, and a loss of habitat. According to Freedman and Duncan, today, extinction rates have risen to an average of 1,000 to 10,000 times the natural extinction rate (2014). Extinction is a natural process in life, however, because of human activities, species are dying off much faster than what is normal. If humans choose to discontinue help that can save endangered species, the effects will determine the fate of planet earth. Efforts to save endangered species have not done nearly enough. Without some of the most important creatures and plants, humans can lose millions of dollars in economic values, lose ecosystem services that are vital to the planet, and affect the biodiversity of earth. (Make a divided thesis statement) Endangered species have become a rising issue within the last century due to the extensive rate of mass extinction of animals and plants. To classify a species as endangered means it is at risk of becoming extinct. Once a species is extinct, it is vanished forever. There are multiple factors that cause animals to be endangered such as climate change, invasive species that are introduced to a new habitat often leading to devastating consequences, and mass hunting and poaching of Get more content on
  • 5. Biodiversity Loss And Loss Of Species Essay Biodiversity Loss The environmental issue that I chose to research is 'Biodiversity Loss'. Biodiversity loss is the loss of species on our planet. For example, this is animals and plants that have done extinct. This has impacted every corner of the globe, since the dinosaurs we have lost thousands of animals and other forms of life to extinction. According to Endangered Earth "there are now 41,415 species on the IUCN Red List, and 16,306 of them are endangered species threatened with extinction," (Endangered Earth 2016). It is estimated that we only know about 15% of all the species that call Earth home, at this rate we will lose thousands of species before scientist can even identify them (Watson 2011). There are several reasons the humans are at fault for the extinction rate, to name a few; hunting, loss of habitats, pollution, climate change, and so many others. One of the main issues that is causing a loss in biodiversity is the loss of habitats. The majority of habitats that are destroyed for more land or for their resources, which leads to having more land. When the land runs out of their natural resources houses and other 'buildings' are built up in the place of the natural habitat. Once the buildings are built, humans move into the area bringing diseases and species not native to the area. This can simultaneously knock out hundreds of species that no longer have homes or are unable to adapt to the new environment (Biodiversity Information 2016). One of the more Get more content on
  • 6. Essay On Animal Extinction Pleading Guilty to Animal Extinction Animal extinction rates have skyrocketed within recent years due to the numerous detrimental human and environmental activities that currently wreak havoc on our planet. Human beings alone are placing enough strain on animals to leave lasting and harmful effects for years to come. Due to the steadily growing population, individuals are turning untouched pieces of land into developmental projects to benefit humans. However, these sources of land are home to a multitude of species whom are now struggling to survive due to these changes to their habitat. Along with dismantling species environments, some individuals are also engaging in illegal wildlife trade in order to keep up with the growing demand for numerous types of products. In addition, deforestation is another activity humans participate in that negatively impacts animals environments to benefit their own. However, there are also numerous types of environmental activities that affect animals as well. Climate change and different types of pollution are proving to be harmful as well. Overall, unless action is taken to overcome the consequences animals currently face due to the harmful activities caused by humans and environmental factors, species will continue to fall victim to extinction. Animals are losing their habitats at a rapid rate due to the detrimental acts humans engage in throughout their life. Individuals are destroying animals habitats in order to fulfill the wants Get more content on
  • 7. Species Extinction and Conservation The problem the world faces other than global warming or poverty is species extinction of animals and plants all around the world. Most everyone either knows about or has some small idea that we there is a problem but it can be a complicated subject to talk about. (Tepper 2010) People have normal worries like global warming, pollution by factories and things like genocide in other countries.(Tepper 2010) The problem people should be thinking about and worry about is species extinction and it is nothing new to planet Earth which has had approximately six mass extinction events that have occurred over millions upon millions of years. The words like "mass extinction" is a word that most people find alarming just the sound of that word can make a person think hard about the possibilities. What most people may not know is mass extinction is nothing uncommon for our planet. We know that the eco–system is swiftly losing different species of animals and plants at a huge rate. The scientist believes Extinction is an event that is natural to nature, nature will take a rate of approximately 1 to 5 species every year. Though this rate does not fit the present time and the planet is believed to be losing approximately 1000 to 10,000 species per year and some species are going extinct every day without a lot of people knowing about it. This can be something of a scary situation especially for the future of our planet. There is about 30 to 50 percent of Get more content on
  • 8. The West African Black Rhinoceros, the Caribbean Monk Seal, the Tasmanian tiger, And the Javan Tiger all have one thing in common, they are now extinct. And the reason? The reason is all around you. In the 3.5 billion years Earth has sustained life, there have been five major extinctions in the past 500 million years caused by natural disasters. Today, there are about sixty–six known species that are either endangered or vulnerable to extinction. Due to human activity, we are now undergoing a worldwide devastation that has caused a high loss of species and a massive destruction to our ecosystem known as, the Holocene extinction. The Holocene Extinction Extinction has been known as a natural part of evolution as species disappears, new ones come in and takes its place. Over consumption, the introduction of exotic species and poor management mean we are now losing species up to 1,000 times the natural rate. What happens when this type of phenomenon is introduced in such a drastic way? Well you experience a rapid loss of animals at an alarming rate and a massive change in our ecosystem causing global climate change. How exactly did this happen? Well it all stems out from one major cause, humans. Our growing need for food and fuel has destroyed habitats, eradicated species, and altered climates at an unprecedented rate. On land or at sea we are the undisputed predator and never in the planet's history has a species dominated as comprehensively as humans do. There are an Get more content on
  • 9. Analysis: Should We Bring Back Extinct Animals De–extinction would have to be one of the most good things that would happen to earth. The population would not decrease less and we would see what type of anailms we have or had and see what it was like to have those animals again and what it was like for new animals to come back to this world . To begin with, In the article Should We Bring Back Extinct Species stated that ВЁSupporters of the de–extinction say that it could improve the environmentВЁ the grass would be better because if the grass ever gets tall you can count on them to eat it but if you think about it if they eat to much we won't have grass . The author chose that if he would state facts the might get the peoples attention that they would be up for bringing back animals to see what they had done and what if our world would change with them back or not and if we do we kinda have to be careful on how many animals we are bringing back and what they eat if they are to big or not and if they would take up the whole environment and eat to much. Also, more content... The author chose to say that because you would really feel how it was like with giant dinosaurs and know what it would be like if they would eat the small animals if they would eat the the grass and there would be no more left but if we brought those back we would be able to find out we would be able to know what it feels like and maybe we would see how much it has changed our environment or not and the people would see what it's like to have those animals back and they but the bad thing it what if they start killing more because they know we can bring them back again. After Get more content on
  • 10. The Extinction Of Species Extinction Species Extinction Species extinction is a familiar topic. I started understanding about species extinction even before I joined school. I learned there used to be hung animals such dinosaurs and mammoths, which had ceases to exist many millions of years ago. There were toys and films depicting such extinct animals. I used to wonder why they decided to become extinct. As I grew up and with a desire to expand my knowledge, I came to learn that different species adapt to deferent environmental conditions. For instance, urbanization, desertification, depletion of ozone layer and climate change are some of the major global issues that contribute to species extinction. In order to address the concerns of species extinction, the global community has come up with the Convention on Biological Diversity whose main aim is to reduce the loss of species. However, before taking this class, I had not understood the extent and the rate of species extinction. It was very interesting to lean from the video about the mitigation measures human beings are putting in place to reduce the effects of species extinction. The two most interesting measures were the seedbank at arctic and the idea of cloning of extinct animals from DNA collected from fossils. Such ideas beg one to ask, "What is the next technological idea?" The two videos can be seen as a practical approach of implementing Principle 15 of Agenda 21. This principle, precautionary principle calls for protection of environment if there Get more content on
  • 11. De Extinction Of Species Research Paper Erika, as I record your discussion you made serious points on species going extinct and the de extinction procedure. Species plays a significant function in humans live and in the natural surroundings. Erika we as humans eat food and it keeps us active. Do you think species will be the same or have the same nutrients? As we know in our environment today chemicals are used to make species grow faster. It makes me question and wonder how scientists are taking our environment into their own hands. There should special laws on how and what species are to be recreated. I personally feel species should be left alone and let our creator continue to replenish our Get more content on
  • 12. Invasive Species Extinction Humans have caused another extinction, one that could possibly take us down in the process, species are exponentially going extinct because of habitat loss, species exportation, and invasive species bullying native species. On the other hand, scientists are trying to safe guard native species, keep animals in captivity whether it be for the animals well–being or for research, and widespread invasion. In this essay I will be comparing and contrasting "What Everglades Pythons and Other Invasive Species are Trying to Tell Us," by Julia Whitty and "The SixthExtinction," by Jeff Corwin. Habit loss has been one of the most prominent issues regarding the animal kingdom, and now it seems like the human race is trying to rid our earth of the decreasing amount of flora in certain areas. In Indonesia rain forests are being torn apart to make way for palm oil plantations. Although palm oil is used in packages foods and cosmetics, the Sumatrans elephants and orangutan are suffering from the habitats loss. (Corwin, 8) Illegal trade of elephant ivory and rhino horn must be stopped more content... Hurricane Andrew was one of the most powerful hurricanes at that time and when it hit the cost of Florida it is believed that's when the red lionfish had gotten out. Because of this, the species of red lionfish have since multiplied and filled the coasts of Australia with their feathers waving hypnotically trying to find and corner prey for their late night snack. Since the lionfish are so far away from their usual waters their super technology they are making a holocaust of native species in and around the Bahama Get more content on
  • 13. Extinct Species: Dodo Bird Extinct Species: Dodo Bird Joseph Sulaiman Pd.2 The dodo (Raphus cucullatus) was a flightless bird endemic to the Indian Ocean island of Mauritius. Related to pigeons and doves, it stood about a meter (3.3 feet) tall, weighing about 20 kilograms (44 lb), living on fruit, and nesting on the ground. The dodo has been extinct since the mid–to–late 17th century. It is commonly used as the archetype of an extinct species because its extinction occurred during recorded human history and was directly attributable to human activity. The phrase "dead as a dodo" means undoubtedly and unquestionably dead, whilst the phrase "to go the way of the dodo" means to become extinct or obsolete, to fall out of common usage or practice, or to become a more content... As the Mascarenes are of volcanic origin and less than 10 million years old, both birds' ancestors remained most likely capable of flight for considerable time after their lineages' separation. The same study has been interpreted to show that the Southeast Asian Nicobar Pigeon is the closest living relative of the dodo and the RГ©union Solitaire.[13] However, the proposed phylogeny is rather questionable regarding the relationships of other taxa and must therefore be considered hypothetical pending further research; considering biogeographically data, it is very likely to be erroneous. All that can be presently said with any certainty is that the ancestors of the didine birds were pigeons from Southeast Asia or the Wallacea, which agrees with the origin of most of the Mascarenes' birds. Whether the dodo and Rodriguez Solitaire were actually closest to the Nicobar Pigeon among the living birds, or whether they are closer to other groups of the same radiation such as Ducula, Treron, or Goura pigeons is not clear at the moment. For a long time, the dodo and the Rodrigues Solitaire (collectively termed "didines") were placed in a family of their own, the Raphidae. This was because their relationships to other groups of birds (such as rails) had yet to be resolved. As of recently, it appears more warranted to include the didines as a subfamily Raphinae in the Columbidae. Indian Mughal miniature which may be one of the most accurate depictions of Get more content on
  • 14. Human effects and involvement on endangered and extinct species Tiffany Tierson Abstract This paper was constructed to give an overview of the vast majority of species that are disappearing and have disappeared from the earth. With informative knowledge and accurate numbers the reader was introduced to the different ways that animals are becoming extinct, deforestation, overpopulation, economic prosperity, population growth, urban environment, global perspective and science and ethics. Each of these is affecting different species at different rates, but what was concluded by comparing numbers is that humans are truly responsible for their actions and the actions of causing the exaction and endangerment of animals. Humans are more content... When the trees are cut down the frogs are unable to reproduce ( The Asian Elephant and overpopulation Asian elephant's population once expanded from West Asia along the Iranian coast into the Indian subcontinent, eastwards into South–east Asia including Sumatra, Java, and Borneo, and into China at least as far as the Yangtze–Kiang. Crude estimates must be made about the remaining population size because it has become hard to count the number of animals left in the thick vegetation where they have been forced to reside from people invading their areas. Asian elephants can be found in grassland, tropical evergreen forest, semi–evergreen forest, moist deciduous forest, dry deciduous forested and dry thorn forest, in addition to cultivated and secondary forests and scrublands. These are areas, especially the forests where the growing population of Asia and India have now become human homes and territory, forcing the animals to reside on smaller locations of land with fewer resources for them, and more for humans. ( The Siberian (Amur) Tiger and science and ethics The Siberian tiger resides mostly in Russia along the Amur River. The tiger used to range all over east Russia and west Russia, but now is in this small area where it is protected. There are no longer tigers in West Russia they have become Get more content on
  • 15. Persuasive Essay On Endangered Species When a species of plant or animal becomes an endangered species, it is at a serious risk of extinction. It is estimated that each year 0.1% of species become extinct each year due to human activity. If there are 100 000 000 different species co–existing with us, then 10 000 species are going extinct each year due to human activity. We are causingspecies to become extinct 1 000 to 10 000 times faster than the natural extinction rate. When presented this information, we ask ourselves one question: how is it that humans are to blame for the endangerment of species? As the human population grows, our ecological footprint, the measure of our demands of natural resources, is becoming too large. We have such a high demand for more content... They not only want to help endangered and unique wildlife, but they also aspire to help the local economies and communities, and keep our air clean and pollution–free, but what is their plan? WWF, World Wildlife Fund, has been working with governments, communities, and companies for over 50 years to promote responsible forest practices and to protect forest areas, and right now, 20% of all forests are properly protected. Ending deforestation has no silver bullet solution; forest industries are worth millions, and we use forest resources in our everyday lives, but if we work together, we can create approaches that will make big differences to our forests. For example, if corporations introduce a "zero–deforestation" policy, they can clean their supply chains. This policy makes businesses hold their suppliers accountable for producing their commodities in a way that does not fuel deforestation and has a minimal impact on our climate. Companies should also consider maximizing their use of recycled products, and for products that are non–recycled, follow a certification system such as the Forest Stewardship Council. Until businesses take action, organizations and activists have taken matters into their own hands by investigating, exposing and confronting the environmental abuse by corporations. Some major establishments such as McDonalds and Nestle have already taken steps in the right direction by changing their ways and building solutions to protect Get more content on
  • 16. Arguments For Cloning Extinct Species Introduction: In 2003 the Pyrenean Ibex, an extinct subspecies, was successfully cloned and brought back to life albeit only for a few minutes (Zimmer, 2015.) Thus bringing the idea of cloning extinct species itself to life. Newton (2015) shows that in animals cloning is achieved by transplanting the nucleus of one animal into an enucleated egg cell of another. Cloning has become more precise and increasingly common in our rapidly progressing society (Newton, 2015) however from this a debate as to whether these technologies should be used to clone and bring back extinct animals has arisen. A central reason as to why this causes such a large debate is due to the apparent defiance of nature that is occurring (Zimmer, 2015.) There are many more content... Michael Archer believes that as a society we have a duty to animals that became extinct due to direct human impacts (Zimmer 2013.) When the extinct Pyrenean Ibex was successfully cloned the newborn kid died in minutes due to lung deformities causing breathing issues (Gray & Dobson 2009.) A 2013 study of cloned piglets led to the findings that of the piglets born 48 % died in their first month and 29.5% of them exhibited malfunctions (Schmidt et al 2015.) From this the issue of a cloned animal's welfare is raised showing that unless technologies advance significantly there is a high risk of suffering and death for such animals (Sherkow & Greely 2013.) Another ethically problematic area is that of money, by cloning extinct species large profits may be made off of the animals, especially well–known ones, from things such as donations and private funding (Cottrell et al 2014.) This would allow the animals to be treated well and for further cloning efforts. However this leads to the issue of money being spent in the wrong places for the wrong reasons, where as it could be better spent on conserving the many species at current risk of extinction (Four reasons against de–extinction Get more content on
  • 17. De-Extinction Species De–extinction is so cool but there is no asherens it will go exactly as planned.It can have so many full backs like desys and another dust bowl because of all the grass and food reward to feed these creatures and they don't care if you need that land of that grass or anything about the fall back they just want to eat.One thing is,ВЁSpecies could carry retroviruses or pathogens when brought back to life.ВЁThey could seriously harm other species that are alive and that same virus or pathogen could mutate and harm us humans to and the very thing we tried to save ends up killing us right after we save its species.Also, ВЁDe–extinct species would be alien and potentially invasive...ВЁ Which this means that the de–extinct species could petenshely more content... What also could happen is, ВЁpeople may cause individuals of the de–extinct species harm.ВЁWe can do what we did to make a lot of the species we are trying to bring back extinct like depending on the species we can spend all this money on bring it back and then we can hunt it to the point of extinction agenda and then it would be a massive waste of resources and money. ВЁtheir habitats and food sources have changed, so their roles in these changed ecosystems could be too.ВЁThis is the nice and the scary thing about this is you have all this power as one of the so called higher species in the web of life but you can also imagen and see what stepig past awer roll could do like the–firestation is cadastrofik and that is only because we felt we had the right to play the creator and in tern we could do something similar to the ecosystem if we go threw with this. ВЁIs de–extinction playing god, or just plain wrong?ВЁ potential problems and sichuwashens that could ever at any time and destroy everything that is interesting about this. There are cool things to this as well but that but needs to stay in the back of the mind so as i show you what is intriguing you don't lose what could Get more content on
  • 18. Should Scientist Bring Back Extinct Species In the argument of "Should We Bring Back Extinct Species" by Joseph Bennett and Ben J. Novak it is discussed whether or not species that were once dead could be brought back to life. Scientist should not bring back extinct species.This all sounds like a real jurassic park dinosaurs could make a come back but why should scientist bring back an extinct species when we can't even keep our still living animals alive. Joseph Bennett the assistant of biology from Carleton University states "Those who support bringing back extinct species will say that doing so will help support other species. But scientist already have important species–such as elephants tigers, and rhinos–that are in serious trouble." If scientist were to concentrate on resurrecting Get more content on
  • 19. Extinct Animals The extinction of an animal species occurs when the last individual member of that species dies. Although a species may be "extinct in the wild," the species is not extinct until every individual, regardless of location, captivity, or ability to breed, has died. Extinction of Animals Causes There are several causes of extinction of several animal species, prominent among which are loss of habitat, extinction of animals due to deforestation, extinction of animals due to global warming, extinction of animals due to hunting. List of Extinct Animals The long list of extinct animals in the world features more than 50 animal species that have become extinct from the planet in last 100 years alone. This extinct animals list feature mammals, more content... It was found in abundance throughout the country till the introduction of mustelids – predatory mammal from weasel family, was introduced on the Island. The first half of the 20th century was marked by rare sightings of Bushwren. A subspecies of the bird, Stead's Bushwren, found on Stewart Island, got extinct due to excessive predation by the feral cats. As the last attempt to revive the population, they were transferred to Kaimohu Island, where the last sighting took place in 1972. Canarian Black Oystercatcher The Canarian Black Oystercatcher, more popular as the Canary Islands Oystercatcher, was a shorebird found on the Canary Islands in Spain. The bird disappeared from its natural habitat in the beginning of the 20th century. It is assumed that the disturbance by the local people and predation by rats were the prominent reasons for the extinction of Canarian Black Oystercatcher. Some theories also suggested that loss of habitat was responsible for the extinction. According to the local fishermen and the lighthouse keepers, the last sighting of this species happened in 1940s. After several attempts to find this bird failed, finally it was declared extinct through IUCN Red List for 1994. Cape Verde Giant Skink Cape Verde Giant Skink, also known as the Cocteau's Skink, was a reptile endemic to the Cape Verde islands of the Atlantic Ocean. Loss of habitat, owing to human activities, is supposed to be the main cause of
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