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Mapping Application Security To
                             Business Value:
                             Considerations And Recommendations For IT
                             And Business Decision Makers

Because applications
are a reflection of the
business, we believe
application security plays
a major role in creating
and retaining business
value system.

6450 Via Real, Suite3
Carpinteria, CA 93013

                                                       WHITE PAPER
                           1 Summary

                           2 The Role of Applications within the Information
                             Security System

                           3 Secure Software Development

                           4 Integrating the Application within the Information
                             Security System

                           5 Creating Business Value

                           6 Business Impact

Page 1 |                                                          2009 | White Paper
                           This white paper outlines considerations     and the impact of the combination of
                           and recommendations for reducing             the previous two factors on companies
                           business risk by ensuring that your web      and the economy. As is often the case
                           applications are secure.                     in business, this framework is measured
                                                                        as an index (the shift index) comprised
                           Our goal is to present information           of three components: foundation, flow
                                                                        and impact. The foundation index is
                           that will be helpful not only to IT and      strongly influenced by computing and
                           information security professionals           communications (Internet) infrastructure.
                                                                        The flow index is influenced by
                           but business unit general managers           information sharing and Internet activity.
                                                                        The impact index is influenced by
                           as well. We will examine the
                                                                        brand loyalty and competitive intensity.
                           process of managing applications             The article concludes by challenging
                                                                        executives on how can they best create
                           throughout their lifecycle.
                                                                        and capture value by managing these
                           In an earlier white paper we introduced
        We consider        a simple top-down system for making the      Throughout this paper we will examine
                           association between security initiatives     what can be done with respect to
   application security    and business metrics for the purpose         application security in terms of enabling
                           of better managing the information           business by actively managing these
   from the standpoint     security system. In this white paper we      factors. Because applications are a
                           will examine the relationship between        reflection of the business, we believe
     of supporting an      investments in application security and      application security plays a major role
                           the metrics that drive business growth.      in creating and retaining business value.
     effective compute     We will also explore the various             We frame the discussion of this role as
                           alternatives to approaching application      part of the overall security system whose
   and communications      security as well as the pros and cons        efficacy can be evaluated in terms
                                                                        suggested by Seely-Brown and Davidson.
                           associated with each.
      infrastructure...    In a recent Harvard Business Review
                                                                        We consider application security
                                                                        from the standpoint of supporting an
                           article titled “The Big Shift” (HBR; July-   effective compute and communications
                           August 2009; John Seely-Brown, Lang          infrastructure (positively impacting the
                           Davidson) the authors presented the          foundation index). We examine the role
                           idea that in times of economic crisis        of applications in supporting the flow of
                           such as those we face now, traditional       information and knowledge resources in
                           metrics for managing business may be         a secure fashion (positively impacting the
                           insufficient to point the way forward.       flow index). Lastly, we explore methods
                           The HBR article presents a framework for     to securely deploy applications and
                           understanding business transformation        business process to protect corporate
                           in terms of three factors: foundations for   brands and promote competitive
                           major change (such as compute power          advantage (positively affecting the
                           and Internet usage), flows of resources      impact index).
                           (such as information and knowledge)

Page 2 |                                                                            2009 | White Paper
The Role Of Applications Within The Information
                                Security System
                                For an application security system to support the business we must treat it like a system. It
                                must have structure and be measurable. We suggest a different approach that starts with
                                a top down perspective. We also believe that a system must be rich with the necessary
                                information but simple enough to support business decision making.

                                Our application security system uses the terms presented in the HBR article. Ultimately
                                we have three elements to manage with three associated indices to track. The system is
                                illustrated in table 1.

                                                         Foundation                  Flow                   Impact

                                  Key Elements         Storage, Compute,      Data, Information,            Business
                                                          Applications,       Knowledge, People            Processes,
                                                        Communications                                   Business Value

                                    Key Metric             Availability          Confidentiality            Integrity

                                  Table 1. High level elements and metrics associated with the Information Security System

                                Note that aspects of application security make contributions in all three categories.
                                Next, we must think about the elements that connect the application security system
                                with the business. As with any other major subsystem of the overall information
                                security system, application security is a factor to consider in each major area of
                                the systems. An application security system must be driven by policy, integrated
                                with the overall strategy and tightly coupled with the controls that carry out holistic
                                protection objectives. An ideal description of the customer security system is shown in
                                the following diagram:

                 The Role Of
          Applications Within
             The Information
              Security System

                                                         Figure 1. The Information Security System

Page 3 |                                                                                      2009 | White Paper
Now, let’s examine where various aspects of the application security program fit in. Table
                           2 illustrates some key application security areas and their relation to our foundation,
                           flow, impact model of the information security system.

                                                    Foundation                 Flow                  Impact

                              Key Elements       Storage, Compute,      Data, Information,           Business
                                                    Applications,       Knowledge, People           Processes,
                                                  Communications                                  Business value

                               Key Metric            Availability          Confidentiality            Integrity

                               Application       Developer Training      Data Classification     System Integration

                                                     Architecture       Information Privilege   Change Management

                                                  Threat Modeling       Identity and Access         Regulatory
                                                                           Management               Compliance

                                                       Privacy             Audit Process          Risk Assessment

                                                    Code Review         Security Enforcement     Incident Response

                                                  Security Checklists   Encryption and Key       Production Testing

                                                    Source Code            Pre-Production        Risk Management
                                                      Analysis                 Testing

                           For an information security system to be running optimally managers must make decisions
                           about each of these application security areas and put in place processes to carry out
                           their decisions. If managers ignore their responsibility or take shortcuts on process, ad-
                           hoc decisions will fill the void. These decisions often have disastrous results.

                           Let’s discuss a few of the application security areas in each category to explore the
                           relationship to the overall information security system and business value contribution
                           through the foundation, flow and impact framework.

Page 4 |                                                                                2009 | White Paper
Foundation – Secure Software Development
                               Developer Training                        This scheme aims to characterize the
                           As web applications have become               threats with respect to the exploit that
                           more fundamental to the business,             may be employed. This clever acronym
                           security training which may often have        stands for:
                           started through ad-hoc processes must
                           become formalized and widespread.
                           Developers cannot be held accountable
                                                                                S poofing Identity
                           for security issues if they have not been
                           adequately trained. We recommend                     Tampering With Data
                           general purpose security training for all            R epudiation
                           team members including QA staff. We
                           would also recommend specific training               I nformation Disclosure
                           targeted by development role.                       D enial Of Service
                               Architecture                                    E levation Of Privilege
                           Just as the functional architecture
                           specifies the relationship between the
                           major subsystems that make up the
                                                                         These areas provide a helpful
                           application, the same must be true of the
                                                                         mechanism for enumerating threats to
                           core security services that govern security
                                                                         the application.
                           of the application. Often the team can
                           draw upon general application security           Risk Assessment
                           policies and specify how these general        As with any endeavor related to security,
                           policies manifest themselves in the           we recommend a risk based approach
                           specific application environment. For         where development effort to secure the
                           example, the general policy may make          application is guided by the risks to
                           statements regarding input validation, but    business. Closely associated with this
                           the architecture must refine these specific   process is a scoring scheme to help
                           to the business requirements and security     evaluate risk to the application. Another
                           context associated with the application.      acronym applies to this problem as well:
                                Threat Modeling                          DREAD.
                           In order to have an understanding of          DREAD attempts to quantify, compare and
                           the risks associated with an application;     prioritize the amount of risk presented by
    Often the team can     developers must understand the threats        a given threat. It stands for
                           that are present. A common practice
    draw upon general      is to develop a threat model that
                           characterizes the threats and risks to
    application security   the application. Microsoft has invested               D amage Potential
                           significant resources in formalizing
                                                                                 R eproducibility
    policies and specify   this process. They recommend a step
                           by step process of identifying security               E xploitability
     how these general     objectives; reviewing the application
                                                                                 A ffected Users
                           in terms of components, data flows
     policies manifest     and trust boundaries; decomposing                     D iscoverability
                           the application in terms of components
     themselves in the     to identify areas where security needs
                           to be evaluated; creating a structured
                                                                         Typically each of these areas is assessed
    specific application   list of threats; and enumerating likely
                           vulnerabilities associated with the           on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 referring
                           class of application in development.          to the most severe risk. As always risk
       environment.        To assist in this effort of threat and risk   needs to be evaluated in terms of both
                           modeling Microsoft advocates a threat         probability and impact.
                           classification scheme known as STRIDE.

Page 5 |                                                                             2009 | White Paper
Code Review
                           We recommend that an application in development pass a thorough code review. By
                           no means, do we expect each developer to walk through their sections line by line. In
                           contrast, this is an exercise that ensures that common assumptions are agreed upon,
                           and no major misunderstandings are present. A reasonable sample outline is suggested
                           as follows:

                           •	 Monitoring of security metrics is supported.
                           •	 Secure operational environment is specified.
                           •	 Attack surface and threat environment is understood.
                           •	 Misuse cases have been identified.
                           •	 Global security policy (for the project scope) is in place.
                           •	 Resource and trust boundaries have been identified.
                           •	 User roles and resource capabilities are understood.
                           •	 Security relevant requirements have been documented.
                           In practice the agenda and topics covered will undoubtedly be lengthier, but this serves
                           to give you a flavor of the process.

                              Security Checklists
                           These simple checklists are often useful for developers to keep security principles in
                           mind. Listed below is a subset of an actual checklist. These lists should also adapt
                           themselves to the business goals, threat environment and usage scenarios associated
                           with the application.

                              Procedure            Category                Goal

                              Denial               Custom Application      Does application continue to
                              of Service           Vulnerability           function normally when given abnormally
                                                                           large input values, query strings, or
                                                                           cookie strings?

                              Cross Site           Custom Application      Does the application allow scripts to be
                              Scripting            Vulnerability           reflected within the HTML content stream
                                                                           and execute when viewed in a browser?
                                                                           Does the application allow users to store
                                                                           persistently harmful scripts?

                              SQL Injection        Custom Application      Does the application allow a user to
                                                   Vulnerability           elicit database errors or run arbitrary
                                                                           database commands by sending
                                                                           unexpected input sequences?

                              OS-level             Custom Application      Does the application allow a user to
                              Command              Vulnerability           execute system commands by submitting
                              Injection                                    specially crafted values in form fields
                                                                           and/or query strings?

                             Authorization         Authentication         Does the application successfully restrict
                                                   Mechanisms             access to all pages, scripts and objects for
                                                                          which authentication is required? Is it
                                                                          possible to access restricted resources via
                                                                          forceful browsing?

                             Authorized            Authentication         Does the application properly enforce
                             Pages/Functions       Mechanisms             security controls to registered or
                                                                          authenticated users? Does the application
                                                                          allow a user to manipulate query strings
                                                                          and obtain access to restricted URLs?

                             Authentication        SSL Security           Does the application allow user
                             Endpoint                                     passwords to be submitted over
                             Request Should                               non-SSL connections?
Page 6 |     be HTTPS                                                                    2009 | White Paper
Security Checklist (Cont.)

                              Procedure             Category             Goal

                             Authentication         SSL Security         Does the application allow user
                             Endpoint                                    passwords to be submitted over
                             Request Should                              non-SSL connections?
                             be HTTPS

                             Credential             SSL Security         Once an SSL session is established, are
                             Transport Over                              there any cases when a user browses
                             an Encrypted                                to an HTTP resource?

                             Session Token          Session Security     Does the application utilize session IDs
                             Security                                    that are sufficiently long and random?

                             Session                Session Security     Does the re-use of Session IDs allow
                             Hijacking                                   one user to obtain access to another
                                                                         user’s session?

                             HTTP Methods           Infrastructure       What HTTP methods does the web server
                                                    Testing              support? Does the web server support
                                                                         HTTP methods such as PUT or DELETE?

   Source code analysis      Web Server             Infrastructure       Are there configuration dependent
                             Configuration          Testing              vulnerabilities on the server? Depending
     tools can provide       Common Paths                                upon the web server type, what are the
                                                                         most common configuration errors and

       a useful point                                                    are they present?

       of automation         Directory
                                                                         Can any directories be browsed?

       in identifying        User Error             Environment          Does the application reveal sensitive
                             Messages               Security             information in its error messages related to

    potential risks and                                                  the presence or absence of user accounts?

                               Source Code Analysis                      the threat profile for the system and any
                           Source code analysis tools can provide        additional supporting documentation.
                           a useful point of automation in identifying   The team is then equipped to examine
                           potential risks and vulnerabilities. This     the tool output and determine whether
                           process may easily be integrated within       risks are relevant or not. The threat profile
                           the build cycle. However, when it comes       may also help rule out potential risks and
                           to analysis those performing the analysis     vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, the findings
                           must be equipped with the system              in scope must be addressed.
                           requirements and security specifications;

Page 7 |                                                                               2009 | White Paper
Flow – Integrating The Application Within The
                           Information Security System
                               Data Classification                          Security Enforcement
                           Although this is a system wide information       Mechanisms
                           security initiative application developers    Keep in mind that the application resides
                           and owners should create an inventory of      within the infrastructure and you should
                           data expected to be used and generated        take full advantage of the enforcement
                           by the application. This exercise typically   mechanisms that exist. The same is true of
                           classifies data as High Business Impact       monitoring mechanisms. The application
                           (HBI), Medium Business Impact (MBI)           team does have to exert effort to ensure
                           or Low Business Impact (LBI) depending        that they understand how enforcement
                           on the business requirements and the          works and what they expect to achieve
                           confidentiality, integrity and availability   (whitelisting, blacklisting, etc.).
                           implications. Corporate security policy
                           should help in this regard.                        Encryption and Key
                               Information Privilege                     Encryption can play a key role in reducing
                           Again corporate security policy can           the attack surface for critical data. Here,
                           act as a reference point in making            you can use the output of the data
                           decisions      regarding        information   classification exercise to decide what
                           privilege. Ultimately the decisions in        to encrypt. Key management is also an
                           this area will reside in the application      important factor in the overall process. A
                           security specification. It is useful though   critical attribute to seek out are solutions
                           to consider the total scope of information    where you don’t have to change your
                           sources and the associated privilege          database table sizes to accommodate
                           levels. Internal policy requirements as       encryption. In other words, the encrypted
                           well as regulatory requirements will aid      data is the same size and data type as
                           in shaping these decisions.                   the clear text data.

                               Identity and Access                           Preproduction Testing
                               Management                                Whether performed by QA or operations
                           When making identity and access               pre-production testing is usually performed
                           management decisions it is important          using black box tools and should be done
                           to have a clear understanding of the          in an environment that is nearly (if not)
                           type of customers the application will be     identical to the production environment.
                           addressing. Clearly, different solutions      This activity should be performed as part
                           will present themselves for a consumer        of the daily build cycle. The goal should
                           facing banking application than for an        be a systematic reduction in the number
                           internal travel and expense system. It        of vulnerabilities over time even as new
   The goal should be a    is best to make this decision early and       functionality is added.
                           then iterate and refine implementation
   systematic reduction    strategies as you refine the threat and
                           risk models as well as the application
     in the number of      specification.

    vulnerabilities over   Privacy is another area that should be
                           dictated by corporate security policy and
     time even as new      reinforced by the application. There may
                           be circumstances where the application
      functionality is     is intended to be used internationally
                           and corporate policy has not yet caught
          added.           up with privacy laws in those countries.
                           In this case the application team must
                           do their own research and fold back the
                           results into corporate policy.

Page 8 |                                                                              2009 | White Paper
Impact – Creating Business Value
                               System Integration
                           Very few applications in modern environments exist as standalone entities. At the very
                           least they employ directory services or back-up services. In most circumstances the
                           application is providing or receiving data from other applications, sometimes directly
                           or quite commonly through an enterprise message bus. It is imperative that the test
                           environment reflects these conditions and that no vulnerabilities are introduced through
                           this additional connectivity.

                              Change Management
                           Change management controls when fixes to the application may be introduced.
                           Processes should be stipulated by policy. An important practice is to document well the
                           circumstances surrounding the need for the change. Often, a new set of vulnerabilities
                           will have been found, but it is equally important to note if there has been a change in
                           threat model or with the supporting infrastructure.

                               Regulatory Compliance
                           We advocate creating policy such that internal compliance encompasses regulatory
                           requirements. In any circumstance testing procedures need to ensure compliance with
                           the applicable regulations. This is often a good opportunity to perform a web application
                           assessment from a trusted third party in that compliance is generally a cut and dried
                           area, but the assessment may also surface other important areas of consideration.

                               Audit Process
                           One aspect of the secure application development process should consider making
                           the audit process easy and predictable. Strong documentation, predictable logging,
                           and demonstration of adherence to policy all contribute towards a successful audit
                           experience. Most importantly anticipating and preparing for an audit makes this task
                           just another predictable item on the schedule rather than a fear inducing experience that
                           can disrupt performance to schedule.

                               Incident Response
                           What happens if there is a data breach? We recommend that you prepare in advance
                           for the actions that will be taken. Further, responding to an incident will extend beyond
                           just the core applications team. Be clear on the roles and responsibilities of security,
                           operations and your own applications group.

                                Production Testing
                           To assess applications running in production a different strategy must be employed. One
                           potential approach is to do application penetration testing with a suite of attacks that are
                           known to be non-invasive and likely will not take down the application. A better option,
                           if the application is deployed in a virtualized environment, is to take a “snapshot” of
                           the application to be tested. This image is then moved to a staging environment where
                           it can be tested thoroughly. When vulnerabilities are identified the application must be
                           fixed, tested and then released back to production under change control.

                               Risk Management
                           Another important practice is to actively manage risk associated with the application. We
                           have found that this can be done most effectively by developing a model that accounts
                           for the likelihood and probability of loss related events. For example, quantitatively
                           modeling the risk of financial loss due to data breach, fines associated with non-
                           compliance or business loss due to application downtime can be helpful in terms of
                           allocating resources for prevention. But it is also useful in terms of helping management
                           understand why so much effort is being expended around application security. Once
                           again, this is an ongoing process that must stay current with emerging threats whether
                           internal, external or from partner organizations.

Page 9 |                                                                                2009 | White Paper
Business Impact
                            The most important result of following this process is an application that is up and
                            running and fulfilling its mission whether that is to make employees more productive or
                            to generate revenue through online transactions.

                            The extended team, including operations, security and business unit management should
                            have a high degree of confidence in the following areas:

                            •	   The corporate brand is protected
                            •	   Risk has been minimized
                            •	   The service will be available (or at least not down because of security issues)
                            •	   Employees will be productive
                            •	   Regulatory fines will be avoided
                            •	   Reputational damage will be avoided

                            About Redspin
                            Redspin delivers the highest quality information security assessments through technical
                            expertise, business acumen and objectivity. Redspin customers include leading companies
                            in areas such as health care, financial services and hotels, casinos and resorts as well
                            as retailers and technology providers. Some of the largest communications providers
                            and commercial banks rely upon Redspin to provide an effective technical solution
                            tailored to their business context, allowing them to reduce risk, maintain compliance and
                            increase the value of their business unit and IT portfolios. Penetration Testing

Page 10 |                                                                              2009 | White Paper

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  • 1. Mapping Application Security To Business Value: Considerations And Recommendations For IT And Business Decision Makers Because applications are a reflection of the business, we believe application security plays a major role in creating and retaining business value system. 6450 Via Real, Suite3 Carpinteria, CA 93013 WHITE PAPER 800-721-9177 805-684-6858
  • 2. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Summary 2 The Role of Applications within the Information Security System 3 Secure Software Development 4 Integrating the Application within the Information Security System 5 Creating Business Value 6 Business Impact Page 1 | 2009 | White Paper
  • 3. Summary This white paper outlines considerations and the impact of the combination of and recommendations for reducing the previous two factors on companies business risk by ensuring that your web and the economy. As is often the case applications are secure. in business, this framework is measured as an index (the shift index) comprised Our goal is to present information of three components: foundation, flow and impact. The foundation index is that will be helpful not only to IT and strongly influenced by computing and information security professionals communications (Internet) infrastructure. The flow index is influenced by but business unit general managers information sharing and Internet activity. The impact index is influenced by as well. We will examine the brand loyalty and competitive intensity. process of managing applications The article concludes by challenging executives on how can they best create throughout their lifecycle. and capture value by managing these factors. In an earlier white paper we introduced We consider a simple top-down system for making the Throughout this paper we will examine association between security initiatives what can be done with respect to application security and business metrics for the purpose application security in terms of enabling of better managing the information business by actively managing these from the standpoint security system. In this white paper we factors. Because applications are a will examine the relationship between reflection of the business, we believe of supporting an investments in application security and application security plays a major role the metrics that drive business growth. in creating and retaining business value. effective compute We will also explore the various We frame the discussion of this role as alternatives to approaching application part of the overall security system whose and communications security as well as the pros and cons efficacy can be evaluated in terms suggested by Seely-Brown and Davidson. associated with each. infrastructure... In a recent Harvard Business Review We consider application security from the standpoint of supporting an article titled “The Big Shift” (HBR; July- effective compute and communications August 2009; John Seely-Brown, Lang infrastructure (positively impacting the Davidson) the authors presented the foundation index). We examine the role idea that in times of economic crisis of applications in supporting the flow of such as those we face now, traditional information and knowledge resources in metrics for managing business may be a secure fashion (positively impacting the insufficient to point the way forward. flow index). Lastly, we explore methods The HBR article presents a framework for to securely deploy applications and understanding business transformation business process to protect corporate in terms of three factors: foundations for brands and promote competitive major change (such as compute power advantage (positively affecting the and Internet usage), flows of resources impact index). (such as information and knowledge) Page 2 | 2009 | White Paper
  • 4. The Role Of Applications Within The Information Security System For an application security system to support the business we must treat it like a system. It must have structure and be measurable. We suggest a different approach that starts with a top down perspective. We also believe that a system must be rich with the necessary information but simple enough to support business decision making. Our application security system uses the terms presented in the HBR article. Ultimately we have three elements to manage with three associated indices to track. The system is illustrated in table 1. Foundation Flow Impact Key Elements Storage, Compute, Data, Information, Business Applications, Knowledge, People Processes, Communications Business Value Infrastructure Key Metric Availability Confidentiality Integrity Table 1. High level elements and metrics associated with the Information Security System Note that aspects of application security make contributions in all three categories. Next, we must think about the elements that connect the application security system with the business. As with any other major subsystem of the overall information security system, application security is a factor to consider in each major area of the systems. An application security system must be driven by policy, integrated with the overall strategy and tightly coupled with the controls that carry out holistic protection objectives. An ideal description of the customer security system is shown in the following diagram: The Role Of Applications Within The Information Security System Figure 1. The Information Security System Page 3 | 2009 | White Paper
  • 5. Now, let’s examine where various aspects of the application security program fit in. Table 2 illustrates some key application security areas and their relation to our foundation, flow, impact model of the information security system. Foundation Flow Impact Key Elements Storage, Compute, Data, Information, Business Applications, Knowledge, People Processes, Communications Business value Infrastructure Key Metric Availability Confidentiality Integrity Application Developer Training Data Classification System Integration Areas Architecture Information Privilege Change Management Threat Modeling Identity and Access Regulatory Management Compliance Privacy Audit Process Risk Assessment Code Review Security Enforcement Incident Response Mechanisms Security Checklists Encryption and Key Production Testing Management Source Code Pre-Production Risk Management Analysis Testing For an information security system to be running optimally managers must make decisions about each of these application security areas and put in place processes to carry out their decisions. If managers ignore their responsibility or take shortcuts on process, ad- hoc decisions will fill the void. These decisions often have disastrous results. Let’s discuss a few of the application security areas in each category to explore the relationship to the overall information security system and business value contribution through the foundation, flow and impact framework. Page 4 | 2009 | White Paper
  • 6. Foundation – Secure Software Development Developer Training This scheme aims to characterize the As web applications have become threats with respect to the exploit that more fundamental to the business, may be employed. This clever acronym security training which may often have stands for: started through ad-hoc processes must become formalized and widespread. Developers cannot be held accountable S poofing Identity for security issues if they have not been adequately trained. We recommend Tampering With Data general purpose security training for all R epudiation team members including QA staff. We would also recommend specific training I nformation Disclosure targeted by development role. D enial Of Service Architecture E levation Of Privilege Just as the functional architecture specifies the relationship between the major subsystems that make up the These areas provide a helpful application, the same must be true of the mechanism for enumerating threats to core security services that govern security the application. of the application. Often the team can draw upon general application security Risk Assessment policies and specify how these general As with any endeavor related to security, policies manifest themselves in the we recommend a risk based approach specific application environment. For where development effort to secure the example, the general policy may make application is guided by the risks to statements regarding input validation, but business. Closely associated with this the architecture must refine these specific process is a scoring scheme to help to the business requirements and security evaluate risk to the application. Another context associated with the application. acronym applies to this problem as well: Threat Modeling DREAD. In order to have an understanding of DREAD attempts to quantify, compare and the risks associated with an application; prioritize the amount of risk presented by Often the team can developers must understand the threats a given threat. It stands for that are present. A common practice draw upon general is to develop a threat model that characterizes the threats and risks to application security the application. Microsoft has invested D amage Potential significant resources in formalizing R eproducibility policies and specify this process. They recommend a step by step process of identifying security E xploitability how these general objectives; reviewing the application A ffected Users in terms of components, data flows policies manifest and trust boundaries; decomposing D iscoverability the application in terms of components themselves in the to identify areas where security needs to be evaluated; creating a structured Typically each of these areas is assessed specific application list of threats; and enumerating likely vulnerabilities associated with the on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 referring class of application in development. to the most severe risk. As always risk environment. To assist in this effort of threat and risk needs to be evaluated in terms of both modeling Microsoft advocates a threat probability and impact. classification scheme known as STRIDE. Page 5 | 2009 | White Paper
  • 7. Code Review We recommend that an application in development pass a thorough code review. By no means, do we expect each developer to walk through their sections line by line. In contrast, this is an exercise that ensures that common assumptions are agreed upon, and no major misunderstandings are present. A reasonable sample outline is suggested as follows: • Monitoring of security metrics is supported. • Secure operational environment is specified. • Attack surface and threat environment is understood. • Misuse cases have been identified. • Global security policy (for the project scope) is in place. • Resource and trust boundaries have been identified. • User roles and resource capabilities are understood. • Security relevant requirements have been documented. In practice the agenda and topics covered will undoubtedly be lengthier, but this serves to give you a flavor of the process. Security Checklists These simple checklists are often useful for developers to keep security principles in mind. Listed below is a subset of an actual checklist. These lists should also adapt themselves to the business goals, threat environment and usage scenarios associated with the application. Procedure Category Goal Denial Custom Application Does application continue to of Service Vulnerability function normally when given abnormally large input values, query strings, or cookie strings? Cross Site Custom Application Does the application allow scripts to be Scripting Vulnerability reflected within the HTML content stream and execute when viewed in a browser? Does the application allow users to store persistently harmful scripts? SQL Injection Custom Application Does the application allow a user to Vulnerability elicit database errors or run arbitrary database commands by sending unexpected input sequences? OS-level Custom Application Does the application allow a user to Command Vulnerability execute system commands by submitting Injection specially crafted values in form fields and/or query strings? Authorization Authentication Does the application successfully restrict Mechanisms access to all pages, scripts and objects for which authentication is required? Is it possible to access restricted resources via forceful browsing? Authorized Authentication Does the application properly enforce Pages/Functions Mechanisms security controls to registered or authenticated users? Does the application allow a user to manipulate query strings and obtain access to restricted URLs? Authentication SSL Security Does the application allow user Endpoint passwords to be submitted over Request Should non-SSL connections? Page 6 | be HTTPS 2009 | White Paper
  • 8. Security Checklist (Cont.) Procedure Category Goal Authentication SSL Security Does the application allow user Endpoint passwords to be submitted over Request Should non-SSL connections? be HTTPS Credential SSL Security Once an SSL session is established, are Transport Over there any cases when a user browses an Encrypted to an HTTP resource? Channel Session Token Session Security Does the application utilize session IDs Security that are sufficiently long and random? Session Session Security Does the re-use of Session IDs allow Hijacking one user to obtain access to another user’s session? HTTP Methods Infrastructure What HTTP methods does the web server Testing support? Does the web server support HTTP methods such as PUT or DELETE? Source code analysis Web Server Infrastructure Are there configuration dependent Configuration Testing vulnerabilities on the server? Depending tools can provide Common Paths upon the web server type, what are the most common configuration errors and a useful point are they present? of automation Directory Browsing Infrastructure Testing Can any directories be browsed? in identifying User Error Environment Does the application reveal sensitive Messages Security information in its error messages related to potential risks and the presence or absence of user accounts? vulnerabilities. Source Code Analysis the threat profile for the system and any Source code analysis tools can provide additional supporting documentation. a useful point of automation in identifying The team is then equipped to examine potential risks and vulnerabilities. This the tool output and determine whether process may easily be integrated within risks are relevant or not. The threat profile the build cycle. However, when it comes may also help rule out potential risks and to analysis those performing the analysis vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, the findings must be equipped with the system in scope must be addressed. requirements and security specifications; Page 7 | 2009 | White Paper
  • 9. Flow – Integrating The Application Within The Information Security System Data Classification Security Enforcement Although this is a system wide information Mechanisms security initiative application developers Keep in mind that the application resides and owners should create an inventory of within the infrastructure and you should data expected to be used and generated take full advantage of the enforcement by the application. This exercise typically mechanisms that exist. The same is true of classifies data as High Business Impact monitoring mechanisms. The application (HBI), Medium Business Impact (MBI) team does have to exert effort to ensure or Low Business Impact (LBI) depending that they understand how enforcement on the business requirements and the works and what they expect to achieve confidentiality, integrity and availability (whitelisting, blacklisting, etc.). implications. Corporate security policy should help in this regard. Encryption and Key Management Information Privilege Encryption can play a key role in reducing Again corporate security policy can the attack surface for critical data. Here, act as a reference point in making you can use the output of the data decisions regarding information classification exercise to decide what privilege. Ultimately the decisions in to encrypt. Key management is also an this area will reside in the application important factor in the overall process. A security specification. It is useful though critical attribute to seek out are solutions to consider the total scope of information where you don’t have to change your sources and the associated privilege database table sizes to accommodate levels. Internal policy requirements as encryption. In other words, the encrypted well as regulatory requirements will aid data is the same size and data type as in shaping these decisions. the clear text data. Identity and Access Preproduction Testing Management Whether performed by QA or operations When making identity and access pre-production testing is usually performed management decisions it is important using black box tools and should be done to have a clear understanding of the in an environment that is nearly (if not) type of customers the application will be identical to the production environment. addressing. Clearly, different solutions This activity should be performed as part will present themselves for a consumer of the daily build cycle. The goal should facing banking application than for an be a systematic reduction in the number internal travel and expense system. It of vulnerabilities over time even as new The goal should be a is best to make this decision early and functionality is added. then iterate and refine implementation systematic reduction strategies as you refine the threat and risk models as well as the application in the number of specification. Privacy vulnerabilities over Privacy is another area that should be dictated by corporate security policy and time even as new reinforced by the application. There may be circumstances where the application functionality is is intended to be used internationally and corporate policy has not yet caught added. up with privacy laws in those countries. In this case the application team must do their own research and fold back the results into corporate policy. Page 8 | 2009 | White Paper
  • 10. Impact – Creating Business Value System Integration Very few applications in modern environments exist as standalone entities. At the very least they employ directory services or back-up services. In most circumstances the application is providing or receiving data from other applications, sometimes directly or quite commonly through an enterprise message bus. It is imperative that the test environment reflects these conditions and that no vulnerabilities are introduced through this additional connectivity. Change Management Change management controls when fixes to the application may be introduced. Processes should be stipulated by policy. An important practice is to document well the circumstances surrounding the need for the change. Often, a new set of vulnerabilities will have been found, but it is equally important to note if there has been a change in threat model or with the supporting infrastructure. Regulatory Compliance We advocate creating policy such that internal compliance encompasses regulatory requirements. In any circumstance testing procedures need to ensure compliance with the applicable regulations. This is often a good opportunity to perform a web application assessment from a trusted third party in that compliance is generally a cut and dried area, but the assessment may also surface other important areas of consideration. Audit Process One aspect of the secure application development process should consider making the audit process easy and predictable. Strong documentation, predictable logging, and demonstration of adherence to policy all contribute towards a successful audit experience. Most importantly anticipating and preparing for an audit makes this task just another predictable item on the schedule rather than a fear inducing experience that can disrupt performance to schedule. Incident Response What happens if there is a data breach? We recommend that you prepare in advance for the actions that will be taken. Further, responding to an incident will extend beyond just the core applications team. Be clear on the roles and responsibilities of security, operations and your own applications group. Production Testing To assess applications running in production a different strategy must be employed. One potential approach is to do application penetration testing with a suite of attacks that are known to be non-invasive and likely will not take down the application. A better option, if the application is deployed in a virtualized environment, is to take a “snapshot” of the application to be tested. This image is then moved to a staging environment where it can be tested thoroughly. When vulnerabilities are identified the application must be fixed, tested and then released back to production under change control. Risk Management Another important practice is to actively manage risk associated with the application. We have found that this can be done most effectively by developing a model that accounts for the likelihood and probability of loss related events. For example, quantitatively modeling the risk of financial loss due to data breach, fines associated with non- compliance or business loss due to application downtime can be helpful in terms of allocating resources for prevention. But it is also useful in terms of helping management understand why so much effort is being expended around application security. Once again, this is an ongoing process that must stay current with emerging threats whether internal, external or from partner organizations. Page 9 | 2009 | White Paper
  • 11. Business Impact The most important result of following this process is an application that is up and running and fulfilling its mission whether that is to make employees more productive or to generate revenue through online transactions. The extended team, including operations, security and business unit management should have a high degree of confidence in the following areas: • The corporate brand is protected • Risk has been minimized • The service will be available (or at least not down because of security issues) • Employees will be productive • Regulatory fines will be avoided • Reputational damage will be avoided About Redspin Redspin delivers the highest quality information security assessments through technical expertise, business acumen and objectivity. Redspin customers include leading companies in areas such as health care, financial services and hotels, casinos and resorts as well as retailers and technology providers. Some of the largest communications providers and commercial banks rely upon Redspin to provide an effective technical solution tailored to their business context, allowing them to reduce risk, maintain compliance and increase the value of their business unit and IT portfolios. Penetration Testing Page 10 | 2009 | White Paper