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Recipes by Laura Annaert, Mamanchef - Photos by Natacha Nikouline
Our gourmet baby recipes
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Since 1997, Babymoov has been creating
products to make life easier for parents and to
make each moment with their baby a joyful one.
All our products are designed in conjunction with
the top experts: Mums !
Because product confidence is so important
with baby equipment, Babymoov is committed
to providing you with quality, safe products, all
certified by independent laboratories. And as proof
of this, Babymoov offers a lifetime warranty on all its
When we start weaning on to foods, babies become the recipient of
every bite, or rather I should say, every spoonful that we as parents
will feed into his/her little mouth. Adapting to each new food means
following the maturity and pace of the baby. The many books on the
subject and the family paediatrician are excellent guides for parents
in this respect.
As for my role, it would be to remove any complexes that you, as the
young parent you have become, may have and encourage you to
engage with your baby at meals.
As essential this weaning stage is for your baby’s health, it is equally
as important for his/her mental and physical development. As soon
as infants stop bottle-feeding, these little gourmets are strongly
stimulated by the daily experience of watching you cut carrots into
rings that roll along the countertop or, perhaps, dealing with a piece of bread crust with their little
teeth. These thousands of little things contribute, day after day, to awakening their senses.
In other words, time spent in the kitchen and at the table is constructive for babies and helps them
enjoy life!
Cooking for your baby means much more than feeding them. It’s about establishing a long-lasting
relationship, getting to know and understand each other. These exchanges instil true joy and
motivation in taking care of your child’s diet, his/her health and often, as a result, yourself.
Don’t forget, the main ingredient is love. I’m counting on your hunger to learn and love with your
And enjoy your meal!
Laura Annaert
A word from our chef...
Laura Annaert, Mamanchef
Recipes for 6-12 months
• Mullet en papillote with tomato
and saffron
• White fish filet with banana
• Vegetable cappuccino with mint**
• Grapefruit juice fruit mousse
Recipes for 10-14 months
• My first artichoke purée
• Red pepper with chicken breast
• Duck breast with cherries
• Strawberry soup with verbena
• Energy-boost milk-shake**
Recipes for + 15 months
• Spring soup with peas
• Green asparagus purée with basil
• My first savoury tart
• Saint-Germain purée for babies
• Small flan wit h sun-kissed
• Cocoa and banana purée flans**
Weaning on to foods
and our introductory
guide to food
4 5
* recipes created by the Babymoov team
** recipes created by Clemence Moulinou. This all-round cook, mother of 2 children, promotes
the use of local and organic products /
All of our recipes have been prepared using Nutribaby
Mullet en papillote
with tomato and saffron
Tomato and saffron give a round flavour to this mullet purée, that is reminiscent of vanilla.
• 1 potato
• 2 tablespoons plain tomato sauce
• 30 g mullet fillet
• 1 teaspoon olive oil
• 2 saffron pistils or a pinch of ground saffron
• 2 basil leaves
• Cooking water
• Peel the potato and wash it. Cut into pieces and cook
in the steamer basket for 20 minutes.
• Meanwhile, put the following on a sheet of baking
paper in this order: the sauce, the fish cut into
pieces, the saffron, the shredded basil and the oil.
Close the sheet and place it in the top basket of the
steamer for the last 10 minutes of the potato cooking
• Mix with 1 or 2 tablespoons of cooking water as
“ You can use a fish
with a more neutral
taste instead of the
mullet, such as pollock or
6 7
White fish filet
with banana
As surprising as it may seem, the combination of bananas, fish and potatoes is a perfect mix of
consistencies and flavours for your baby.
• 1 potato
• 25 g sole, halibut or whiting
• ½ banana
• 1 tablespoon cooking water or milk
• Peel and cut the potato into pieces. Steam the
potato for 20 minutes. After 15 minutes, add the
fish and the banana, peeled and cut into 4, to the
second basket.
• Put all the ingredients into the blender and mix with
the liquid. It’s ready!
8 9
“ This is a gentle
approach to weaning
on to foods. If the baby
is still hungry, you can
add a small bottle of
milk and increase the
quantities, including
the amount of fish
if the baby tolerates
Vegetable cappuccino
with mint**
A whole palette of flavours to discover!
For 2 or 3 servings:
• 100 g courgettes
• 100 g French beans
• A few mint leaves
• Shell the beans and put them in the steamer basket for
15 minutes. Add the diced courgettes to the second
steamer basket when there are 8 minutes remaining.
• Put the vegetables and cooking water into the blender,
add the washed mint leaves and mix finely.
• Pour into glasses.
10 11** recipe created by Clémence Moulinou
“ Make the most of
the summer to allow your
child to discover fresh
peas. During the rest
of the year, make this
cappuccino with frozen
organic peas, replace the
mint with basil, a bit of
lettuce or parsley. From
the age of 9 months, add
20 g of ricotta or goat
cheese with 5 ml of milk
and a dollop of cheese on
the soup.
Grapefruit juice fruit
For breakfast or a snack, puréed fruit can be prepared in a few minutes and retain the best properties of
the fruit for your baby: natural sugars, vitamins, juice and fibres.
• ½ apple
• ½ banana
• The juice of ¼ of a grapefruit
• 1 teaspoon honey
• Peel the apple and banana and cut them into pieces.
Cook the apple for 10 minutes, then add the banana to
the second basket after 5 minutes.
• Squeeze out the grapefruit juice.
• Mix all of the ingredients in the blender.
• Patiently serve with a teaspoon.
12 13
“ Make the most of
this simple natural
recipe to gradually
introduce other fruits:
peaches, pineapples,
pears, lemons or plums.
When your baby is
older (from the age of
9 months), you can
replace the honey with
cane sugar or agave
My first artichoke
Very light and diuretic, artichoke has a delicate flavour that is easily appreciated by babies.
• 1 artichoke
• 2 champignon or pink mushrooms
• ½ slice cooked ham
• 1 slice tomato
• 2 tablespoons cream cheese
• a pinch of tarragon, parsley or chervil
• Cooking water
• Wash and steam cook the artichokes for 45 minutes.
It will take about 2 cycles. A beep will warn you when
you need to fill the tank of water and reprogram the
appliance. With large artichokes, use the full capacity
of the steamer basket by placing one basket on top of
the other.
• When the artichoke is soft, remove all of the leaves and
choke. Cut the heart of the artichoke into strips and
set aside.
• Quickly wash the mushrooms and dry them. Steam
cook for 10 minutes. Wash the fresh herbs and only
keep the leaves.
• Put the mushrooms, tomato, ham, fresh herbs, cream
cheese and artichoke slices into the blender. Mix and
add a small amount of cooking water if needed.14 15
“ Make the most of
this recipe by preparing
a mustard vinaigrette
and enjoying the
artichoke leaves.
Red pepper
with chicken breast
As green pepper ripens, it turns red. It retains its original flavour, but becomes easier to digest and
• 1 large red pepper (choose a dark red one, which is riper and tastier)
• 3 tablespoons orange juice
• ½ plain yoghurt
• 20 g chicken breast
• Wash the pepper and remove the seeds and the core.
Cut into strips. Steam cook for about 20 minutes.
After 10 minutes, add the chicken. Once the pepper
is cooked, be sure to remove the skin, as babies find it
difficult to digest.
• Add the yoghurt and orange juice in the blender. Add
the pieces of pepper and chicken. Mix and serve.
16 17
“ Sprinkle a few
tablespoons of sweet corn
that has been steam-
heated for 5 minutes
onto the purée. Pepper
goes well with sweet
Duck breast
with cherries
A sweet-and-sour recipe where potatoes, which are well known and tolerated, are used to introduce duck
breast, which is more original, to broaden baby’s palette of flavours.
• 2 potatoes
• 25 g lean duck breast
• 10 red cherries
• 1 tablespoon yoghurt
• 1 tablespoon stock
• 1 sprig parsley
• Peel and dice the potatoes. Wash the parsley and
remove the leaves. Cut the duck into 4 pieces. Wash
and remove the stones from the cherries.
• Steam cook the potatoes for 20 minutes. Add the meat
when there are 10 minutes remaining. Add the cherries
and parsley for the last 5 minutes. When the potatoes
are soft, it’s ready.
• Mix the cooked food with the yoghurt and stock.
18 19
“Always get your meat
from a local farmer or
choose one with a label
that ensures quality.
You can replace the
duck with other kinds
of poultry: chicken or
turkey. The cherries can
be replaced with 2 small
dried plums that have
been softened in warm
water beforehand.
Strawberry soup
with verbena
To treat your baby to a delicious meal, try to make this very simple recipe with open-field strawberries,
whose genetic heritage has not been significantly altered. They must have a strong fragrance and a dense
• 150 g strawberries from the garden
• 1 sprig verbena or 1 tablespoon of dried verbena leaves
• 1 teaspoon icing sugar
• 4 tablespoons stock
• Wash and cut the strawberries into halves or quarters,
depending on their size. Put the verbena leaves in the
flavour booster in the steam compartment.
• Cook for 10 minutes. Add the strawberries when there
are 5 minutes remaining. Put the strawberries, icing
sugar and stock in the blender. Mix or simply crush with
a fork.
• Serve the warm strawberry soup in your baby’s bowl.
20 21
“ The riper the
strawberries, the less
you need to sweeten this
dessert. You can add a
few spoonfuls of yoghurt
or cold cream cheese on
top of the soup while it
is still warm, the baby
will be surprised by the
refreshing contrast. For
a complete meal, mash
a little bit of butter in
the soup.
22 23
milk-shake !**
A vitamin-packed recipe that can change according to the season!
For 2 servings:
• 1 plain yogurt
• 1 ripe mango
• 1 teaspoon agave syrup
• 1 drop orange blossom
• Peel and remove the flesh of the mango. Dice it. Cook
for 5 minutes in the steamer basket. Put the pieces in
the blender with the remaining ingredients. Blend well to
make a nice milkshake.
• Serve at snack time with a baby biscuit. If the biscuit is
too hard, let the baby dip it into the milkshake!
** recipe created by Clémence Moulinou
“ Yoghurt made with
cow’s, sheep’s or goat’s
milk, to each his own!
For older children,
you can vary the
fruit: peaches (from 8
months), strawberries
(from 9 months),
raspberries and
blueberries. Create an
endless series of colourful
milkshakes with almost
no sugar! For babies,
agave syrup is a very
interesting alternative
to traditional sugar.
Spring soup
with peas
The taste of spring vegetables is typical of this season: the fresh and herb-like flavour of salads and fresh
herbs, the sweet flavour of peas. Don’t miss out!
• 80 g shelled peas (about 200 g with pods)
• 1 spring onion
• 1 small potato
• 20 g lamb’s lettuce or ordinary lettuce
• 2 sprigs chervil and parsley
• 1 knob of butter
• Cooking water or milk
• Shell the peas. Peel the onion and the potato. Cut them
into fairly thick slices. Wash the salad and fresh herbs.
• Steam cook the potato and peas for 20 minutes. After
10 minutes, add the onion. with 2 minutes remaining,
add the fresh herbs.
• Mix all of the vegetables with the butter and cooking
water collected in the tank. Depending on the desired
consistency, and whether you add one or two doses of
milk, adjust the amount of stock.
24 25
“ You’ll have realised
that this soup is
prepared with spring
vegetables from the
market or your garden.
Spring carrots and
turnips, young leeks or
fennel shoots each bring
a different flavour for
your child to try.
Green asparagus purée
with basil
The combination of green asparagus and basil is an explosion of flavours for your baby. The potato is
gentle on their little tummy and with its slow-burning sugars, it gives them the feeling of being full.
• 2 green asparagus, approximately 150 g once they have been peeled
• 1 potato
• ½ a creamy yoghurt
• 2 basil leaves
• Peel the asparagus and cut it into lengths of a few
centimetres. Peel and cut the potato into pieces.
• Start a 20-minute steam cooking cycle with the
potatoes. After 10 minutes, add the asparagus. Do not
overcook the asparagus, to preserve its very delicate
fragrance. With a fork, you can easily remove the fibrous
part of the stems.
• Put the asparagus, potato, basil and yoghurt into the
blender. Mix and add a tablespoon of cooking water
as needed.
26 27
“You can replace green
asparagus with white
asparagus and a boiled
egg yolk. Both vegetables
have the same diuretic
properties, but their
flavour is completely
different and helps
develop the baby’s
Step 1:
• Sift the flour into a bowl and add all of the dry
ingredients: salt, sugar, cinnamon and cumin,
and mix. Add the butter in small pieces, with
water and oil. Mix together using your fingers
until you get a smooth paste. Separate a small
piece of dough for the baby’s tart. Make two
balls, a large and a small one. Flatten them after
putting them under a sheet of saran wrap and
let them rest for at least an hour in a cool place.
Step 2:
• Preheat the oven to 180°C (gas mark 6).
Grease and flour a baking tin with a diameter
of approximately 25 cm and a single baking
tin. Spread out the large ball of dough, wrap it
around the rolling pin and then unroll it onto the
tin. Repeat with the small ball. Prick the dough
with a fork and precook on the bottom rack of
the oven for 10-15 minutes.
• Peel the carrots and cut them into slices. Steam
cook them for 20 minutes, then add the peas
when there are 10 minutes remaining. Cook the
carrots until they are soft.
• Put the carrots with the eggs and cream into the
blender and mix. Pour the mix over the dough
and put it in the oven at 150°C (gas mark 5) for
about 30 minutes.
My first savoury tart
Decorated with peas, this tart is a visual treat for your baby. Thanks to the addition of olive oil, the dough
has a softer and more crumbly consistency. An ideal recipe for the whole family!
• 2 to 3 carrots (about 300 g of peeled carrots)
• 3 egg yolks
• 100 g fromage blanc well drained in a colander
• 100 ml single cream
For the decoration:
• 3 tablespoons fresh or frozen peas
28 29
For the shortcrust pastry:
• 250 g flour
• 50 g soft butter
• 50 ml olive oil (about ten
• 50 ml water
• 1 pinch salt
• 1 pinch sugar
• ½ teaspoon cinnamon
• ½ teaspoon cumin
“ You can replace the
pastry with a few sheets
of filo pastry or crumble
without sugar. For the
filling, carrot goes well
with butternut squash
or pumpkin pulp and
Japanese squash mixed
30 31
Saint-Germain purée
for babies
For a change from the usual vegetables, here is a delicious recipe that uses an often over-looked legume:
the split pea. This is the «dried» version of peas, cheap, but very tasty and full of good things for your baby!
• 180 g split peas.
• 1 small spring onion
• 1 small carrot
• 1 teaspoon walnut oil
• 1 pinch nutmeg
• Cooking water
If sometimes it is necessary to soak legumes before
cooking them, this step is optional with split peas.
However, it will reduce the cooking time.
• Wash the split peas in cold water and let them soak for
1 hour in cold water.
• Rinse again and pour into a suitable plastic container.
Fill with water until they are covered. Start a 30-minute
cooking cycle.
• Meanwhile, peel the carrot and the onion. Cut them into
small cubes that you will cook in Nutribaby’s 2nd basket
for the remaining 20 minutes.
• Mix everything with a bit of cooking water to obtain a
smooth texture.
* recipe created by the Babymoov team
“ Adding a bit of
walnut oil to the
mixture makes the split
peas easier to digest!
Serve the purée with
blended ham or a portion
of hake cooked for 15
minutes in Nutribaby’s
steamer basket.
32 33
Small flan with
sun-kissed vegetables*
Sun-kissed tomatoes and courgettes will tickle your baby’s taste buds!
For 8 small ramekins:
• 2 eggs
• 200 ml milk
• 50 ml single cream
• 8 cherry tomatoes
• ½ courgette
• Break 1 whole egg into the blender. Separate the yolk
and white of the second egg and add the yolk into the
blender. Mix the eggs with the milk and cream.
• Cut your cherry tomatoes in half. Finely dice the
courgette. Place some diced courgette on the bottom
of the ramekin. Place 2 half cherry tomatoes on top.
• Pour the mixture of eggs, cream and milk into the
• Cover each ramekin with cling film or a small lid. Place
the ramekins in the 2 steamer baskets. Cook for 20
* recipe created by the Babymoov team
“ For an even tastier
recipe, for older children
add a ball of mozzarella
into the ramekins
before cooking. Vary the
vegetables using this
recipe base! Replace
tomatoes and courgettes
with pieces of leek and
add an aubergine for
even more flavour!
Cocoa and banana
purée flans**
Are you mad about bananas and chocolate? Your baby will love them! In this case we use unsweetened
cocoa, as it is the excess sugar and fats that should be banned in traditional chocolate, not cocoa.
A dessert you can make all year round!
Cocoa flans:
For 2 flans:
• 250 ml milk (baby milk)
• 1 g agar (or half a teaspoon)
• 15 g unsweetened cocoa powder
• Put the milk in a saucepan with the cocoa and
bring to the boil while whisking.
• Add the agar and keep on whisking gently for 2
or 3 minutes.
• Pour the milk and chocolate mix into silicone
moulds or ramekins.
• Leave to set in the fridge for 1 hour.
34 35
Banana purée:
For 1 serving:
• 60 g bananas
• 1 vanilla pod
• Lemon
• Put the vanilla pod in the flavour booster in
the centre of the steamer basket. Cut the
banana into slices and put it in the same
steamer basket. Cook for 5 minutes.
• Mix the 60 g of bananas in the blender for a
few seconds (or the whole banana if you want
to eat with your baby!) with a drop of lemon.
• Take the flans out of their silicone moulds, if
you have used them, serve with the banana
** recipe created by Clémence Moulinou
“If your baby does not like the bitter taste of cocoa, add a teaspoon of light brown sugar
and a little agave syrup to the milk before you boil it. In summer, and from the age of 12
months, mix a small amount of strawberries or raspberries in with the banana.
In autumn, a few grapes. Add nice variations: make these flans with baby milk
recommended by your paediatrician or sheep’s or goat’s milk, which are easier for babies
under 12 months to digest.
together for a lifetime!
NutribabyThe multifunction food processor to do real cooking for Baby!
Your baby’s diet should remain a love affair with your little one, in spite of busy schedules! To make
life easier, Nutribaby is automatic and programmable. It can do everything: heat and sterilize,
steam cook, mix, defrost and even cook eggs.
With its separate baskets and timer, it follows the cooking time whilst preserving vitamins and
flavours. And thanks to its large capacity, you can prepare meals in advance!
For more information, watch
the Nutribaby video on your
36 37
Weaning on to foods Cooking times
38 39
Eating is one of the things babies love to do from the moment they are born. Later, ideally
from 6 months (but not before 4 months), your baby will be ready to discover new flavours and
consistencies: this is weaning on to foods. When they are about one year old, their diet is similar
to their parents’ diet, but until the age of 3, the child has special needs and cannot eat quite like
an adult...
• Weaning on to foods
Up to the age of 4 months, your baby drinks milk and nothing but milk! The ideal age to start weaning on
to solid foods is between 4 and 6 months. You can start with vegetable purées and compotes. Prepare
some home-made meals beforehand and freeze them in suitable packaging.
Pieces or no pieces... there is no rush, your baby will get there on his/her
own! When they are around 6 months old, you can start introducing
proteins in meals (meat, fish and egg yolks) in limited amounts:
consider 20 g at 9 months. At the same age, babies can also
slowly discover bread, semolina and biscuits, though always
under your supervision.
As for vegetables, children may only start to eat them when they
are about 12 months old.
However, do not add salt or sugar to the food you prepare.
Do not hesitate to vary your baby’s diet, this will make things
less difficult later on. Do not force them, however: meals should
be fun! Weaning on to foods should be gradual: you can start
directly with a spoon or in their bottle.
300 g 15 - 17 min
200 g 16 - 20 min
200 g 18 - 20 min
250 g 20 - 25 min
300 g 10 - 12 min
200 g 8 - 10 min
400 g 20 - 25 min
200 g 18 - 20 min
1 - 2 20 - 25 min
300 g 17 - 20 min
200 g 12 - 15 min
200 g 14 - 16 min
250 g 12 - 15 min
300 g 10 - 14 min
100 g 8 - 10 min
200 g 15 - 17 min
200 g 12 - 14 min
200 g 8 - 10 min
200 g 8 - 12 min
200 g 8 - 10 min
200 g 8 - 10 min
200 g 6 - 8 min
200 g 3 - 7 min
100 g 6 - 10 min
200 g 12 - 14 min
200 g 12 - 14 min
500 g 14 - 18 min
180 g 15 - 18 min
120 g 10 - 12 min
150 g 8 - 12 min
120 g 8 - 10 min
4 5 min
4 12 - 15 min
Introductory guide to food
40 41
Vegetables are always the
first food to be introduced.
Once introduced, vegetables
should initially be prepared
as a soft puree*.
Starting from 9 months of age,
the puree may contain small
crushed pieces, while at 12
months of age, raw vegetables
may be introduced.
Once the diversification
starts, it is recommended to
introduce one food at a time
to awaken your baby’s sense
of taste.
Tarragon, parsley and fine
herbs may be introduced at
5 months of age. Oil should
be introduced at 8 months of
It is recommended not to add
salt to your baby’s food.
Table validated by a qualified paediatric nurse.
Finely minced meat may be consumed at the age of about 9 months. Pieces of meat may be consumed
as of 11 months of age.
Meat should be consumed once a day, starting from the 7th month.
month 7th
month 8th
month 9th
month 10th
month 11th
month 12th
month and above
month 7th
month 8th
month 9th
month 10th
month 11th
month 12th
month and above
Celery / Cultivated
Garlic / Beetroot
Fennel / Chicory /
Sweet potato / Pumpkin
Broccoli / Green beans
/ Spinach
Mixed without seeds or skin
Raw vegetables
White part of a leek
Only artichoke hearts
15 months if blended or 3 years
Fat meat: lamb, pork, mutton, rabbit
20gr/day - Do not mince the meat as finely
Lean meat: chicken, turkey, white ham, beef
10gr/ day blended
Hake, whiting, cod, sea bass, sole
10gr/ day blended
Tuna, sardine, salmon
20gr/day minced
1/4 of hard boiled yolk
Whole hard boiled egg The egg white
may be introduced once the baby can
tolerate the yolk.1/3 of hard boiled yolk
42 43
Fruit may only be introduced 15 days after the first consumption of
vegetables. Once introduced, fully ripe fruit should initially be cooked and
blended as a soft puree. Starting from 9 months of age, the puree may contain small crushed
* The paediatrician may put back the introduction of certain foods (red fruits, eggs, fish, etc.) if there is a history of allergies in the family. In which case, this food may be introduced at 1 year of age.
Introductory guide to food (follow up)
month 7th
month 8th
month 9th
month 10th
month 11th
month 12th
month and above
month 7th
month 8th
month 9th
month 10th
month 11th
month 12th
month and above
Sponge biscuit
Tapioca / Wheat semolina
month 7th
month 8th
month 9th
month 10th
month 11th
month 12th
month and above
Bananas / Pears /
Apples / Quince
Crushed ripe apricot /
Peach / Plums
Strawberries / Raspberry* /
Mixed, steamed and blended Alone
Thin pasta – Vermicelli
Other kinds of chocolate biscuits
In cooked pastry and with fermented cheese
2 years, or 15 months if blended
Raw vegetables
Exotic fruits
Citrus fruits (orange,
grapefruit, lemon, etc.) FruitFruit juicesFruit juices
Honey can be introduced
from 6 months, cane sugar
or agave syrup at around 9
months, though always in
small amounts.
Low fat cocoa powder can be
added from 12 months.
2 years if blended
Designed and engineered in France

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Recipe book - Nutribaby Babymoov

  • 1. Recipes by Laura Annaert, Mamanchef - Photos by Natacha Nikouline Our gourmet baby recipes
  • 2. 2 3 A brand you can rely on Since 1997, Babymoov has been creating products to make life easier for parents and to make each moment with their baby a joyful one. All our products are designed in conjunction with the top experts: Mums ! Because product confidence is so important with baby equipment, Babymoov is committed to providing you with quality, safe products, all certified by independent laboratories. And as proof of this, Babymoov offers a lifetime warranty on all its products! quality,commitment.confidence.closeness.
  • 3. When we start weaning on to foods, babies become the recipient of every bite, or rather I should say, every spoonful that we as parents will feed into his/her little mouth. Adapting to each new food means following the maturity and pace of the baby. The many books on the subject and the family paediatrician are excellent guides for parents in this respect. As for my role, it would be to remove any complexes that you, as the young parent you have become, may have and encourage you to engage with your baby at meals. As essential this weaning stage is for your baby’s health, it is equally as important for his/her mental and physical development. As soon as infants stop bottle-feeding, these little gourmets are strongly stimulated by the daily experience of watching you cut carrots into rings that roll along the countertop or, perhaps, dealing with a piece of bread crust with their little teeth. These thousands of little things contribute, day after day, to awakening their senses. In other words, time spent in the kitchen and at the table is constructive for babies and helps them enjoy life! Cooking for your baby means much more than feeding them. It’s about establishing a long-lasting relationship, getting to know and understand each other. These exchanges instil true joy and motivation in taking care of your child’s diet, his/her health and often, as a result, yourself. Don’t forget, the main ingredient is love. I’m counting on your hunger to learn and love with your baby. And enjoy your meal! Laura Annaert A word from our chef... Laura Annaert, Mamanchef ontent 6 Recipes for 6-12 months • Mullet en papillote with tomato and saffron • White fish filet with banana • Vegetable cappuccino with mint** • Grapefruit juice fruit mousse 14 Recipes for 10-14 months • My first artichoke purée • Red pepper with chicken breast • Duck breast with cherries • Strawberry soup with verbena • Energy-boost milk-shake** 24 Recipes for + 15 months • Spring soup with peas • Green asparagus purée with basil • My first savoury tart • Saint-Germain purée for babies • Small flan wit h sun-kissed vegetables* • Cocoa and banana purée flans** 36 Weaning on to foods and our introductory guide to food 4 5 * recipes created by the Babymoov team ** recipes created by Clemence Moulinou. This all-round cook, mother of 2 children, promotes the use of local and organic products / All of our recipes have been prepared using Nutribaby
  • 4. Recipesfor6-12months Mullet en papillote with tomato and saffron Tomato and saffron give a round flavour to this mullet purée, that is reminiscent of vanilla. PREPARATION TIME: 15 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 20 MINUTES • 1 potato • 2 tablespoons plain tomato sauce • 30 g mullet fillet • 1 teaspoon olive oil • 2 saffron pistils or a pinch of ground saffron • 2 basil leaves • Cooking water • Peel the potato and wash it. Cut into pieces and cook in the steamer basket for 20 minutes. • Meanwhile, put the following on a sheet of baking paper in this order: the sauce, the fish cut into pieces, the saffron, the shredded basil and the oil. Close the sheet and place it in the top basket of the steamer for the last 10 minutes of the potato cooking time. • Mix with 1 or 2 tablespoons of cooking water as required. “ You can use a fish with a more neutral taste instead of the mullet, such as pollock or halibut. ” be daring! 6 7
  • 5. Recipesfor6-12months White fish filet with banana As surprising as it may seem, the combination of bananas, fish and potatoes is a perfect mix of consistencies and flavours for your baby. PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 20 MINUTES • 1 potato • 25 g sole, halibut or whiting • ½ banana • 1 tablespoon cooking water or milk • Peel and cut the potato into pieces. Steam the potato for 20 minutes. After 15 minutes, add the fish and the banana, peeled and cut into 4, to the second basket. • Put all the ingredients into the blender and mix with the liquid. It’s ready! 8 9 “ This is a gentle approach to weaning on to foods. If the baby is still hungry, you can add a small bottle of milk and increase the quantities, including the amount of fish if the baby tolerates it. ” be daring!
  • 6. Recipesfor6-12months Vegetable cappuccino with mint** A whole palette of flavours to discover! PREPARATION TIME: 15 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 15 MINUTES For 2 or 3 servings: • 100 g courgettes • 100 g French beans • A few mint leaves • Shell the beans and put them in the steamer basket for 15 minutes. Add the diced courgettes to the second steamer basket when there are 8 minutes remaining. • Put the vegetables and cooking water into the blender, add the washed mint leaves and mix finely. • Pour into glasses. 10 11** recipe created by Clémence Moulinou “ Make the most of the summer to allow your child to discover fresh peas. During the rest of the year, make this cappuccino with frozen organic peas, replace the mint with basil, a bit of lettuce or parsley. From the age of 9 months, add 20 g of ricotta or goat cheese with 5 ml of milk and a dollop of cheese on the soup. ” be daring!
  • 7. Recipesfor6-12months Grapefruit juice fruit mousse For breakfast or a snack, puréed fruit can be prepared in a few minutes and retain the best properties of the fruit for your baby: natural sugars, vitamins, juice and fibres. PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 10 MINUTES • ½ apple • ½ banana • The juice of ¼ of a grapefruit • 1 teaspoon honey • Peel the apple and banana and cut them into pieces. Cook the apple for 10 minutes, then add the banana to the second basket after 5 minutes. • Squeeze out the grapefruit juice. • Mix all of the ingredients in the blender. • Patiently serve with a teaspoon. 12 13 “ Make the most of this simple natural recipe to gradually introduce other fruits: peaches, pineapples, pears, lemons or plums. When your baby is older (from the age of 9 months), you can replace the honey with cane sugar or agave syrup. ” be daring!
  • 8. Recipesfor10-14months My first artichoke purée Very light and diuretic, artichoke has a delicate flavour that is easily appreciated by babies. PREPARATION TIME: 20 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 55 MINUTES • 1 artichoke • 2 champignon or pink mushrooms • ½ slice cooked ham • 1 slice tomato • 2 tablespoons cream cheese • a pinch of tarragon, parsley or chervil • Cooking water • Wash and steam cook the artichokes for 45 minutes. It will take about 2 cycles. A beep will warn you when you need to fill the tank of water and reprogram the appliance. With large artichokes, use the full capacity of the steamer basket by placing one basket on top of the other. • When the artichoke is soft, remove all of the leaves and choke. Cut the heart of the artichoke into strips and set aside. • Quickly wash the mushrooms and dry them. Steam cook for 10 minutes. Wash the fresh herbs and only keep the leaves. • Put the mushrooms, tomato, ham, fresh herbs, cream cheese and artichoke slices into the blender. Mix and add a small amount of cooking water if needed.14 15 “ Make the most of this recipe by preparing a mustard vinaigrette and enjoying the artichoke leaves. ” be daring!
  • 9. Red pepper with chicken breast As green pepper ripens, it turns red. It retains its original flavour, but becomes easier to digest and sweeter. PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 20 MINUTES • 1 large red pepper (choose a dark red one, which is riper and tastier) • 3 tablespoons orange juice • ½ plain yoghurt • 20 g chicken breast • Wash the pepper and remove the seeds and the core. Cut into strips. Steam cook for about 20 minutes. After 10 minutes, add the chicken. Once the pepper is cooked, be sure to remove the skin, as babies find it difficult to digest. • Add the yoghurt and orange juice in the blender. Add the pieces of pepper and chicken. Mix and serve. 16 17 Recipesfor10-14months “ Sprinkle a few tablespoons of sweet corn that has been steam- heated for 5 minutes onto the purée. Pepper goes well with sweet corn. ” be daring!
  • 10. Duck breast with cherries A sweet-and-sour recipe where potatoes, which are well known and tolerated, are used to introduce duck breast, which is more original, to broaden baby’s palette of flavours. PREPARATION TIME: 15 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 20 MINUTES • 2 potatoes • 25 g lean duck breast • 10 red cherries • 1 tablespoon yoghurt • 1 tablespoon stock • 1 sprig parsley • Peel and dice the potatoes. Wash the parsley and remove the leaves. Cut the duck into 4 pieces. Wash and remove the stones from the cherries. • Steam cook the potatoes for 20 minutes. Add the meat when there are 10 minutes remaining. Add the cherries and parsley for the last 5 minutes. When the potatoes are soft, it’s ready. • Mix the cooked food with the yoghurt and stock. 18 19 Recipesfor10-14months “Always get your meat from a local farmer or choose one with a label that ensures quality. You can replace the duck with other kinds of poultry: chicken or turkey. The cherries can be replaced with 2 small dried plums that have been softened in warm water beforehand. ” be daring!
  • 11. Strawberry soup with verbena To treat your baby to a delicious meal, try to make this very simple recipe with open-field strawberries, whose genetic heritage has not been significantly altered. They must have a strong fragrance and a dense consistency. PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 10 MINUTES • 150 g strawberries from the garden • 1 sprig verbena or 1 tablespoon of dried verbena leaves • 1 teaspoon icing sugar • 4 tablespoons stock • Wash and cut the strawberries into halves or quarters, depending on their size. Put the verbena leaves in the flavour booster in the steam compartment. • Cook for 10 minutes. Add the strawberries when there are 5 minutes remaining. Put the strawberries, icing sugar and stock in the blender. Mix or simply crush with a fork. • Serve the warm strawberry soup in your baby’s bowl. 20 21 Recipesfor10-14months “ The riper the strawberries, the less you need to sweeten this dessert. You can add a few spoonfuls of yoghurt or cold cream cheese on top of the soup while it is still warm, the baby will be surprised by the refreshing contrast. For a complete meal, mash a little bit of butter in the soup. ” be daring!
  • 12. 22 23 Energy-boost milk-shake !** A vitamin-packed recipe that can change according to the season! PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES For 2 servings: • 1 plain yogurt • 1 ripe mango • 1 teaspoon agave syrup • 1 drop orange blossom • Peel and remove the flesh of the mango. Dice it. Cook for 5 minutes in the steamer basket. Put the pieces in the blender with the remaining ingredients. Blend well to make a nice milkshake. • Serve at snack time with a baby biscuit. If the biscuit is too hard, let the baby dip it into the milkshake! ** recipe created by Clémence Moulinou Recipesfor10-14months “ Yoghurt made with cow’s, sheep’s or goat’s milk, to each his own! For older children, you can vary the fruit: peaches (from 8 months), strawberries (from 9 months), raspberries and blueberries. Create an endless series of colourful milkshakes with almost no sugar! For babies, agave syrup is a very interesting alternative to traditional sugar. ” be daring!
  • 13. Recipesfor+15months Spring soup with peas The taste of spring vegetables is typical of this season: the fresh and herb-like flavour of salads and fresh herbs, the sweet flavour of peas. Don’t miss out! PREPARATION TIME: 15 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 20 MINUTES • 80 g shelled peas (about 200 g with pods) • 1 spring onion • 1 small potato • 20 g lamb’s lettuce or ordinary lettuce • 2 sprigs chervil and parsley • 1 knob of butter • Cooking water or milk • Shell the peas. Peel the onion and the potato. Cut them into fairly thick slices. Wash the salad and fresh herbs. • Steam cook the potato and peas for 20 minutes. After 10 minutes, add the onion. with 2 minutes remaining, add the fresh herbs. • Mix all of the vegetables with the butter and cooking water collected in the tank. Depending on the desired consistency, and whether you add one or two doses of milk, adjust the amount of stock. 24 25 “ You’ll have realised that this soup is prepared with spring vegetables from the market or your garden. Spring carrots and turnips, young leeks or fennel shoots each bring a different flavour for your child to try. ” be daring!
  • 14. Green asparagus purée with basil The combination of green asparagus and basil is an explosion of flavours for your baby. The potato is gentle on their little tummy and with its slow-burning sugars, it gives them the feeling of being full. PREPARATION TIME: 15 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 20 MINUTES • 2 green asparagus, approximately 150 g once they have been peeled • 1 potato • ½ a creamy yoghurt • 2 basil leaves • Peel the asparagus and cut it into lengths of a few centimetres. Peel and cut the potato into pieces. • Start a 20-minute steam cooking cycle with the potatoes. After 10 minutes, add the asparagus. Do not overcook the asparagus, to preserve its very delicate fragrance. With a fork, you can easily remove the fibrous part of the stems. • Put the asparagus, potato, basil and yoghurt into the blender. Mix and add a tablespoon of cooking water as needed. 26 27 Recipesfor+15months “You can replace green asparagus with white asparagus and a boiled egg yolk. Both vegetables have the same diuretic properties, but their flavour is completely different and helps develop the baby’s taste. ” be daring!
  • 15. Step 1: • Sift the flour into a bowl and add all of the dry ingredients: salt, sugar, cinnamon and cumin, and mix. Add the butter in small pieces, with water and oil. Mix together using your fingers until you get a smooth paste. Separate a small piece of dough for the baby’s tart. Make two balls, a large and a small one. Flatten them after putting them under a sheet of saran wrap and let them rest for at least an hour in a cool place. Step 2: • Preheat the oven to 180°C (gas mark 6). Grease and flour a baking tin with a diameter of approximately 25 cm and a single baking tin. Spread out the large ball of dough, wrap it around the rolling pin and then unroll it onto the tin. Repeat with the small ball. Prick the dough with a fork and precook on the bottom rack of the oven for 10-15 minutes. • Peel the carrots and cut them into slices. Steam cook them for 20 minutes, then add the peas when there are 10 minutes remaining. Cook the carrots until they are soft. • Put the carrots with the eggs and cream into the blender and mix. Pour the mix over the dough and put it in the oven at 150°C (gas mark 5) for about 30 minutes. My first savoury tart Decorated with peas, this tart is a visual treat for your baby. Thanks to the addition of olive oil, the dough has a softer and more crumbly consistency. An ideal recipe for the whole family! PREPARATION TIME: 2 x 20 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: ABOUT 1 HOUR - LEAVE FOR: 1 HOUR • 2 to 3 carrots (about 300 g of peeled carrots) • 3 egg yolks • 100 g fromage blanc well drained in a colander • 100 ml single cream For the decoration: • 3 tablespoons fresh or frozen peas 28 29 For the shortcrust pastry: • 250 g flour • 50 g soft butter • 50 ml olive oil (about ten tablespoons) • 50 ml water • 1 pinch salt • 1 pinch sugar • ½ teaspoon cinnamon • ½ teaspoon cumin Recipesfor+15months “ You can replace the pastry with a few sheets of filo pastry or crumble without sugar. For the filling, carrot goes well with butternut squash or pumpkin pulp and Japanese squash mixed together. ” be daring!
  • 16. 30 31 Saint-Germain purée for babies For a change from the usual vegetables, here is a delicious recipe that uses an often over-looked legume: the split pea. This is the «dried» version of peas, cheap, but very tasty and full of good things for your baby! PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES + 1 HOUR OF SOAKING - COOKING TIME: 30 MINUTES • 180 g split peas. • 1 small spring onion • 1 small carrot • 1 teaspoon walnut oil • 1 pinch nutmeg • Cooking water If sometimes it is necessary to soak legumes before cooking them, this step is optional with split peas. However, it will reduce the cooking time. • Wash the split peas in cold water and let them soak for 1 hour in cold water. • Rinse again and pour into a suitable plastic container. Fill with water until they are covered. Start a 30-minute cooking cycle. • Meanwhile, peel the carrot and the onion. Cut them into small cubes that you will cook in Nutribaby’s 2nd basket for the remaining 20 minutes. • Mix everything with a bit of cooking water to obtain a smooth texture. * recipe created by the Babymoov team Recipesfor+15months “ Adding a bit of walnut oil to the mixture makes the split peas easier to digest! Serve the purée with blended ham or a portion of hake cooked for 15 minutes in Nutribaby’s steamer basket. ” be daring!
  • 17. 32 33 Small flan with sun-kissed vegetables* Sun-kissed tomatoes and courgettes will tickle your baby’s taste buds! PREPARATION TIME: 15 MINUTES - COOKING TIME: 20 MINUTES For 8 small ramekins: • 2 eggs • 200 ml milk • 50 ml single cream • 8 cherry tomatoes • ½ courgette • Break 1 whole egg into the blender. Separate the yolk and white of the second egg and add the yolk into the blender. Mix the eggs with the milk and cream. • Cut your cherry tomatoes in half. Finely dice the courgette. Place some diced courgette on the bottom of the ramekin. Place 2 half cherry tomatoes on top. • Pour the mixture of eggs, cream and milk into the ramekins. • Cover each ramekin with cling film or a small lid. Place the ramekins in the 2 steamer baskets. Cook for 20 minutes. * recipe created by the Babymoov team Recipesfor+15months “ For an even tastier recipe, for older children add a ball of mozzarella into the ramekins before cooking. Vary the vegetables using this recipe base! Replace tomatoes and courgettes with pieces of leek and add an aubergine for even more flavour! ” be daring!
  • 18. Cocoa and banana purée flans** Are you mad about bananas and chocolate? Your baby will love them! In this case we use unsweetened cocoa, as it is the excess sugar and fats that should be banned in traditional chocolate, not cocoa. A dessert you can make all year round! Cocoa flans: PREPARATION TIME: 10 MINUTES LEAVE FOR: 1 HOUR For 2 flans: • 250 ml milk (baby milk) • 1 g agar (or half a teaspoon) • 15 g unsweetened cocoa powder • Put the milk in a saucepan with the cocoa and bring to the boil while whisking. • Add the agar and keep on whisking gently for 2 or 3 minutes. • Pour the milk and chocolate mix into silicone moulds or ramekins. • Leave to set in the fridge for 1 hour. 34 35 Banana purée: PREPARATION TIME: 5 MINUTES COOKING TIME: 5 MINUTES For 1 serving: • 60 g bananas • 1 vanilla pod • Lemon • Put the vanilla pod in the flavour booster in the centre of the steamer basket. Cut the banana into slices and put it in the same steamer basket. Cook for 5 minutes. • Mix the 60 g of bananas in the blender for a few seconds (or the whole banana if you want to eat with your baby!) with a drop of lemon. • Take the flans out of their silicone moulds, if you have used them, serve with the banana purée. ** recipe created by Clémence Moulinou Recipesfor+15months “If your baby does not like the bitter taste of cocoa, add a teaspoon of light brown sugar and a little agave syrup to the milk before you boil it. In summer, and from the age of 12 months, mix a small amount of strawberries or raspberries in with the banana. In autumn, a few grapes. Add nice variations: make these flans with baby milk recommended by your paediatrician or sheep’s or goat’s milk, which are easier for babies under 12 months to digest. ” be daring!
  • 19. together for a lifetime! NutribabyThe multifunction food processor to do real cooking for Baby! Your baby’s diet should remain a love affair with your little one, in spite of busy schedules! To make life easier, Nutribaby is automatic and programmable. It can do everything: heat and sterilize, steam cook, mix, defrost and even cook eggs. With its separate baskets and timer, it follows the cooking time whilst preserving vitamins and flavours. And thanks to its large capacity, you can prepare meals in advance! For more information, watch the Nutribaby video on your mobile *é,Istock 36 37
  • 20. Weaning on to foods Cooking times 38 39 Eating is one of the things babies love to do from the moment they are born. Later, ideally from 6 months (but not before 4 months), your baby will be ready to discover new flavours and consistencies: this is weaning on to foods. When they are about one year old, their diet is similar to their parents’ diet, but until the age of 3, the child has special needs and cannot eat quite like an adult... • Weaning on to foods Up to the age of 4 months, your baby drinks milk and nothing but milk! The ideal age to start weaning on to solid foods is between 4 and 6 months. You can start with vegetable purées and compotes. Prepare some home-made meals beforehand and freeze them in suitable packaging. Pieces or no pieces... there is no rush, your baby will get there on his/her own! When they are around 6 months old, you can start introducing proteins in meals (meat, fish and egg yolks) in limited amounts: consider 20 g at 9 months. At the same age, babies can also slowly discover bread, semolina and biscuits, though always under your supervision. As for vegetables, children may only start to eat them when they are about 12 months old. However, do not add salt or sugar to the food you prepare. Do not hesitate to vary your baby’s diet, this will make things less difficult later on. Do not force them, however: meals should be fun! Weaning on to foods should be gradual: you can start directly with a spoon or in their bottle. Weaningontofoods 300 g 15 - 17 min 200 g 16 - 20 min 200 g 18 - 20 min 250 g 20 - 25 min 300 g 10 - 12 min 200 g 8 - 10 min 400 g 20 - 25 min 200 g 18 - 20 min 1 - 2 20 - 25 min 300 g 17 - 20 min 200 g 12 - 15 min 200 g 14 - 16 min 250 g 12 - 15 min 300 g 10 - 14 min 100 g 8 - 10 min 200 g 15 - 17 min 200 g 12 - 14 min 200 g 8 - 10 min 200 g 8 - 12 min 200 g 8 - 10 min 200 g 8 - 10 min 200 g 6 - 8 min 200 g 3 - 7 min 100 g 6 - 10 min 200 g 12 - 14 min 200 g 12 - 14 min 500 g 14 - 18 min 180 g 15 - 18 min 120 g 10 - 12 min 150 g 8 - 12 min 120 g 8 - 10 min 4 5 min 4 12 - 15 min
  • 21. Introductoryguidetofood Introductory guide to food 40 41 Vegetables are always the first food to be introduced. Once introduced, vegetables should initially be prepared as a soft puree*. Starting from 9 months of age, the puree may contain small crushed pieces, while at 12 months of age, raw vegetables may be introduced. Once the diversification starts, it is recommended to introduce one food at a time to awaken your baby’s sense of taste. Tarragon, parsley and fine herbs may be introduced at 5 months of age. Oil should be introduced at 8 months of age. It is recommended not to add salt to your baby’s food. Table validated by a qualified paediatric nurse. Finely minced meat may be consumed at the age of about 9 months. Pieces of meat may be consumed as of 11 months of age. Meat should be consumed once a day, starting from the 7th month. Eggs* Fish* Meat 6th month 7th month 8th month 9th month 10th month 11th month 12th month and above 6th month 7th month 8th month 9th month 10th month 11th month 12th month and above Radish Peas Asparagus Leek Celery / Cultivated mushrooms Garlic / Beetroot Fennel / Chicory / Sweet potato / Pumpkin Cauliflower Artichokes Carrots Broccoli / Green beans / Spinach Courgettes VEGETABLESMEAT ANDFISH Mixed without seeds or skin Raw vegetables White part of a leek Only artichoke hearts 15th month 28th month 15 months if blended or 3 years Fat meat: lamb, pork, mutton, rabbit 20gr/day - Do not mince the meat as finely Lean meat: chicken, turkey, white ham, beef 10gr/ day blended Hake, whiting, cod, sea bass, sole 10gr/ day blended Tuna, sardine, salmon 20gr/day minced 1/4 of hard boiled yolk Whole hard boiled egg The egg white may be introduced once the baby can tolerate the yolk.1/3 of hard boiled yolk
  • 22. Introductoryguidetofood 42 43 Fruit may only be introduced 15 days after the first consumption of vegetables. Once introduced, fully ripe fruit should initially be cooked and blended as a soft puree. Starting from 9 months of age, the puree may contain small crushed pieces. * The paediatrician may put back the introduction of certain foods (red fruits, eggs, fish, etc.) if there is a history of allergies in the family. In which case, this food may be introduced at 1 year of age. Introductory guide to food (follow up) Cheese Yoghurt Butter 6th month 7th month 8th month 9th month 10th month 11th month 12th month and above DAIRY PRODUCTS 6th month 7th month 8th month 9th month 10th month 11th month 12th month and above Corn Sponge biscuit Tapioca / Wheat semolina Potatoes Pasta STARCHY 6th month 7th month 8th month 9th month 10th month 11th month 12th month and above Bananas / Pears / Apples / Quince Crushed ripe apricot / Peach / Plums Strawberries / Raspberry* / Rhubarb Tomatoes FRUIT Mixed, steamed and blended Alone Thin pasta – Vermicelli Other kinds of chocolate biscuits In cooked pastry and with fermented cheese 2 years, or 15 months if blended Raw vegetables Hazelnut Cherries Exotic fruits Citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit, lemon, etc.) FruitFruit juicesFruit juices Honey can be introduced from 6 months, cane sugar or agave syrup at around 9 months, though always in small amounts. Low fat cocoa powder can be added from 12 months. 2 years if blended
  • 23. Designed and engineered in France Photocredits:NatachaNikouline-Jean-CharlesBelmont-LéonardCohade–Istock