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Reaserch outline and reaserch paper
My research idea:
One of the most interested ideas to me is (Healthier
Communities) it's an important idea to write about especially
now a days. A healthy community is defined by the ability of
it's people to undertake their daily activities without diseases.
And a healthy community attract outsiders like tourists. There
are social and cultural factors like tradition, politics, beliefs,
socioeconomic status, social norms and the economy. I will get
into each one of these in details in my research paper.
Instructor response to my topic idea:
This is too general of an idea, if you want to write about the
cultural impact on health care in a society, fine, however you
need to narrow down your focus to be about one particular
group of people (e.g. the impact of culture on the health of
Korean s or Saudies or Americans...)
My research topic:
My research topic would be "Healthier communities" Having a
healthy community
depends on the people living in it. My idea of a healthy
community is where people are free
from mental and physical problems. People have the opportunity
to live to their full
potentials. A healthy community is defined by the ability of its
people to undertake their daily
activities without diseases or pain.
Instructor response to my research topic:
I guess i may have mentioned this before, you need to focus
your topic; after all you are not writing a book; maybe you can
take one aspect of health and discuss how culture impacts that.
Instruction for Outline:
This is the skeleton of your paper/project (even with a video
project there should be a script/plan) . The outline could be
a bullet-point structure and should include a title, introduction:
presenting main argument and some background information;
Body: bullet points of what and how you will introduce and
develop your topic; then a Conclusion: as well bullet point
structure of what will go in this section. Please include in each
section the main references that you will use for each main
point. A reference page
of the potential/preliminary references you will be using should
be included.
And then do the final paper please.
Running head: LEADERSHIP
The focus is on four levels or perspectives including personal,
interpersonal, organizational and societal. Each of these
perspectives has an accompanying value including: courageous,
loyal, ambitious, and helpful respectively. Each of the values
and perspectives generates specific leadership behaviors that
help build my model of leadership.
Personal level
The personal level which inspires the value of being
courageous. The value of being courageous inspires the
behavior of pursuing opportunities and facing challenges. This
has opened me up to interact with people and organizations
from all walks of life and has helped to generate a personal
philosophy. Thus, as a leader at a personal level, I need to be
able to look into great opportunities such as those of career
development and grow my skills, knowledge, and connections. I
am also keen on working with my team in developing goals and
achieving outcomes for the group. One way to do this is to offer
constant feedback and constructive criticism on how they are
handling their delegated tasks. This will ensure we do not
become complacent in pursuing opportunities. Also, I plan to
face issues head-on and perceive them as additional
opportunities. For instance, I plan to deal with any arising
conflicts in my team and view it as a chance to develop a
training program on conflict resolution and effective
At this level, I place the value of loyalty as my highest
priority. The behaviors that I inculcate include promoting and
protecting the interests of those that rely on me. As a leader, my
team depends on me to guide them and help them grow and face
any challenges. This implies that I cannot pursue private
interests or the interests of others outside my team. One way to
attain this is always communicated on any changes and their
impacts on my team. For instance, as difficult as it is I will be
open about any restructuring in the organization that can lead to
layoffs. This will ensure that my team can find solutions faster
to protect themselves from the worst impacts. I also want to
create an environment that values the relationships between
team members and management. I want my team members to
feel like a family rather than just mere employees. This includes
offering validation, moral support, and prohibiting any
discriminatory actions.
I value being an ambitious leader because it will push me
to be visionary and help grow my team’s success. I always aim
at encouraging my team to achieve great goals that push them
beyond their comfort zone. Thus, as a leader, I want to
encourage myself and my team to pursue those rare
opportunities, although high risk, to generate very high returns
and outcomes in the long term. An example is implementing
top-notch technologies that require heavy investment into the
organizational structure. This improves the chances of attaining
a high ROI in terms of minimizing overhead costs and
automating the workflow processes. Success ties into always
pursuing information, education, and learning (Campbell, 2016).
Secondly, I am committed to setting and implementing
high-performance metrics within my team. This will inspire a
culture of high performance and attaining goals set for the year
regardless of risks. One of the actions can include merging or
acquiring another company to expand our interests in a newer
market. While this can very risky, it is important to work with
my team to attain the set goals and anticipate even greater
returns. Thirdly, I want to inculcate trust and commitment
among team members. This is in terms of equipping them with
vital resources and allowing them the freedom to innovate and
create solutions that enhance the financial and social capital of
the organization.
At the societal level, I value being helpful because it
involves a bigger group of people aiming at a common good. I
currently volunteer in helping less fortunate children to gain
access to education through contributing to a kitty fund and
other materials such as books. This has helped me appreciate
how a combined effort can generate the greatest positive
impacts. Community leadership succeeds from social networks,
shared vision and decision making (Martiskainen, 2015). Thus,
as a leader I want my vision and actions to positively impact not
just my team members but my community. One of the behaviors
I aspire to display is to commit to the personal development of
my team members. This can include creating a training program
that equips them with critical leadership skills. These team
members are sourced from the community and offering them the
opportunity and work and earn from the organization.
Secondly, I also want to use my leadership influence to
mobilize all stakeholders to promote a cause such as the one for
education. This involves requesting any contributions such as
resources and funds to help those in need to attain their dreams
and goals and be empowered. Thirdly, I also want to integrate
servant leadership where I commit myself as the defender of
their interests and concerns and protecting them from
exploitation. As a leader, I am in a better position to effect such
positive changes like promoting social justice causes.
Campbell, S.(2016). The 10 traits you must cultivate to achieve
highly ambitious goals. Retrieved from
Martikainen, M.(2015). The role of community leadership in the
development of grassroots innovations. Environmental
Innovation and Societal Transitions, 22, 78-89.
Rokeach Value Survey
On the following two pages are two lists of values, each in
alphabetical order. Each value is accompanied by a short
description and a blank space. Your goal is to rank each value
in its order of importance to you for each of the two lists. Study
each list and think of how much each value may act as a guiding
principle in your life.
To begin, select the value that is of most importance to you.
Write the number 1 in the blank space next to that value. Next,
choose the value is of second in importance to you and write the
number 2 in the blank next to it. Work your way through the list
until you have ranked all 18 values on this page. The value that
is of least importance to you should appear in Box 18.
When you have finished ranking all 18 values, turn the page and
rank the next 18 values in the same way. Please do each page
When ranking, take your time and think carefully. Feel free to
go back and change your order should you have second thoughts
about any of your answers. When you have completed the
ranking of both sets of values, the result should represent an
accurate picture of how you really feel about what’s important
in your life.
Page 1
A Comfortable Life
a prosperous life
brotherhood and equal opportunity for all
An Exciting Life
a stimulating, active life
Family Security
taking care of loved ones
independence and free choice
physical and mental well-being
Inner Harmony
freedom from inner conflict
Mature Love
sexual and spiritual intimacy
National Security
Terminal Values
protection from attack
an enjoyable, leisurely life
saved; eternal life
A Sense of Accomplishment
a lasting contribution
Social Recognition
respect and admiration
True Friendship
close companionship
a mature understanding of life
A World at Peace
a world free of war and conflict
A World of Beauty
beauty of nature and the arts
Page 2
hardworking and aspiring
competent; effective
neat and tidy
standing up for your beliefs
willing to pardon others
working for the welfare of others
sincere and truthful
Instrumental Values
daring and creative
self-reliant; self-sufficient
intelligent and reflective
consistent; rational
affectionate and tender
faithful to friends or the group
dutiful; respectful
courteous and well-mannered
dependable and reliable
restrained; self-disciplined
Page 3
In an effort to determine my personal model of leadership, I
undertook the Rokeach Values Survey assessment. Key terminal
and instrumental values were then ranked in their order of
significance. These values were essential in determining my
personal model of leadership. Terminal values, also referred to
as ends-oriented values, prescribe desirable ends or goals for an
individual and represent what a person ultimately strives to
attain. Terminal values may include personal or social values
(Tuulik et al., 2016). According to the Rokeach Values Survey
results, the three most important terminal values that I possess
include social recognition, clean, as well as pleasure-seeking.
As a leader, I clamor for social recognition through respect and
admiration. In particular, I hold the view that promoting peer-
to-peer recognition is an essential element of a successful
employee engagement initiative. I also believe that the practice
of celebrating success by recognizing people’s performance
improves others’ performance in the contemporary workplace.
Apart from social recognition, the results showed that I admire
cleanliness and pleasure. I believe that a clean, neat and tidy
workplace provides a supportive environment for employee
performance and productivity. A good working condition should
include a clean environment where people can breathe fresh air
and tidy. I also believe that observing general body cleanliness
and neatness goes a long way in increasing other people’s
confidence in a leader. As such, I like placing much emphases
on general body cleanliness. Finally, being a social animal, I am
a pleasure seeker. The clamor for pleasure can motivate me to
follow the right course of action.
Instrumental values, also referred to as means-oriented values,
prescribe desirable standards of behaviors or approaches for
reaching an end. As such, instrumental values are a set of
beliefs regarding the types of behaviors that are appropriate for
reaching the desired goals (Tereshchenko et al., 2016The
Rokeach Values Survey results indicated that my three leading
instrumental findings included: self-control, politeness, as well
as being responsible. As a leader, I often exercise self-control
by exercising restrain and self-discipline in all the decisions
that I make. To my, self-control is the foundation of leadership
since leading others first requires the ability to lead and control
oneself. Self-control provides me with the opportunity to
deliberate on an important issue before making any decision.
Self-control is a critical character trait that all leaders with
responsibilities should possess (Tereshchenko et al., 2016).
However, I also believe that self-control rarely shows up on any
list of the most important traits that constitute a good leader.
My ability to exercise self-control improves my level of
emotional intelligence. Although many people overlook the
significance of self-control, I value it because it can enable me
to control negative emotions such as anger. Further, the results
indicated that I am a polite person. In all my interactions with
peers and followers, I often try as much as possible to exercise
courtesy and good manners. Finally, I am a responsible
individual because I can always be counted on to accomplish
specified tasks and responsibilities.
Tereshchenko, N. G., Zakirova, L. M., Khamitova, L. M., &
Frolova, I. I. (2016). Values of the
modern leaders as reflection of changes in society and
requirements of managements
activities. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(16),
Tuulik, K., Õunapuu, T., Kuimet, K., & Titov, E. (2016).
Rokeach’s instrumental and terminal
values as descriptors of modern organisation
values. International Journal of
Organizational Leadership, 5, 151-161.
Creating a Personal Model of Leadership
You will create a personal model of leadership based on your
research and reflections on what you learn throughout this
What is a personal model of leadership?
Leadership is an important dimension of personal growth and
development. Developing leadership qualities is a complex
process that involves much more than simply selecting an
appealing leadership model or participating in leadership
training. Creating a satisfying personal model of leadership,
which reflects one’s values and beliefs and impacts how one
affects organizations, communities, and society, is a lifelong
What approach should I take to complete my personal
leadership model?
Building a personal leadership model can be approached from
both a systematic and holistic perspective. It also requires
creativity, passion, and a framework that leaders can use as they
explore various models of leadership over their lifetimes. The
process of creating a personal model involves continuously
exploring and analyzing various leadership models. You will
find certain elements of these models appealing and might
choose to integrate them into your own model. Others you will
not want to include. It is important to weigh the elements
against your own system of values and beliefs and select the
ones that will most enrich your own model and the lives of
those whom you lead.
What do I use to develop my personal model of leadership?
As you explore various leadership models, utilize the table
provided below to breakdown, select, and record their appealing
elements. You will complete the table as you move through the
process of developing your leadership model throughout the
course. This table will serve as a starting point or outline as you
think through your personal model of leadership and write your
How do I develop my personal model of leadership?
Creating a leadership model involves the following:
1. Select the basic values that will provide the foundation and
identify the leadership behaviors that will result from those
values. As you select values for your own model, link each one
you choose to one of these following four perspectives:
a. Values that guide you from an individual or “I” perspective.
b. Values that guide you from an interpersonal perspective.
c. Values that guide you from an organizational perspective.
d. Values that guide you from a societal perspective.
2. Identify a clear approach for creating a sense of meaning and
purpose, including contributing to society. You will consider
why the values you selected are meaningful and how you can
utilize them to contribute to the greater good. Also, identify the
impact of one’s contributions to self, others, organizations, and
society. You will consider how the behaviors that result from
your foundation of values impact the world around you in a
positive and meaningful way.
Two Parts to Creating Your Personal Model of Leadership
You will write your personal model of leadership in two parts.
You will submit Part 1 in Topic 5 and receive feedback from the
instructor. You will write Part 2 in Topic 8 and combine it with
Part 1 and your instructor feedback to create one integrated
personal model of leadership (1,250-1,500 words). The two
parts involved in creating your personal model of leadership are
as follows:
Great personal model of leadership and good use of reliable
sources to back up these leadership behaviors and values.
Before using this Part 1 to complete Part 2 during Week 8,
please, do the following, (a) see the report and complete the
corrections that would apply and (2) introduce in-text citations
more often and earlier in the paper. Keep up the good work!
Part 2:
Reflect on each of the following questions and address them in
your personal model of leadership:
1. How could your personal values and personal model of
servant leadership influence individual and group behavior?
2. How could your personal values and personal model of
servant leadership positively influence organizations and
3. How do servant leadership principles in accordance with the
Christian worldview, interact with essential management
practices and how does servant leadership influence individual,
group, and organizational behavior?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the
APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An
abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for
Is there an example that I may follow to craft my leadership
Below are definitions and an example you can follow as you use
the provided table to think through and develop your own
personal model of leadership.
Values and beliefs: A value or belief describes something that is
important to you. It fits into the sentence: “I value…” Examples
include integrity, respect, trust, high performance, making an
impact, and a clean environment.
Behaviors and action: A behavior describes the visible actions
that demonstrate (or are based on) a value. For example, if you
believe in “trust” as a value, then the behavior may be, “I
always keep private information shared with me in confidence
to myself.”
Clear approach for creating meaning and purpose: This is the
sense of meaning or purpose that you focus on based on your
values. So, if you value protecting the environment, you might
outline your approach for contributing to an organization that
protects wildlife.
Impact: Impact is attaining positive results or improvements in
your area of focus. So, if you are working in a wildlife
organization, it could be saving the lives of wildlife or
protecting a particular ecosystem.
Example Table
Personal Model of Leadership
Behaviors and Actions
Meaning and Purpose
I follow through with my commitments.
I want to be recognized for my integrity.
I feel good about my actions and behaviors.
I listen to others with the intent to understand their meaning and
People on my team treat each other with respect.
I have a high-performing team that meets or exceeds goals.
High Performance
I encourage my team to regularly meet or exceed its goals.
I define measurable results in a balanced scorecard.
My team measurably impacts the organization’s business
Protecting the Environment
I am an active member in an environmental group/organization.
I improve the lives of wild animals in Arizona by volunteering
monthly in an environmental group.
Our group saves animals’ lives and preserves ecosystems.
Below is a blank table for your use. Copy and paste it into your
own document and begin completing it as you start examining a
variety of leadership models. Add to it as you are exposed to
more leadership qualities that appeal to you. Utilize your
completed table as a resource to draft your own personal
leadership model. You do not need to submit this chart with
your assignments.
Personal Model of Leadership
Behaviors and Actions
Meaning and Purpose
Value 1
Value 2
Value 3
Value 4
****Write a paper of 1,250-1,500 words that presents your
complete personal model of leadership. Be sure to incorporate
the instructor’s feedback from the draft of Part 1. The two parts
involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as
1. Select values from the "Rokeach Values Survey" that will
provide the foundation of your model and discuss the leadership
behaviors that will result from those values. Be sure to select
values for all four of the levels: individual, interpersonal,
organizational, and societal. Be sure to incorporate the feedback
from your instructor from your previous draft.
2. How could your personal values and personal model of
servant leadership influence individual and group behavior?
3. How could your personal values and personal model of
servant leadership positively influence organizations and
4. How do servant leadership principles in accordance with the
Christian World View, interact with essential management
practices and how does servant leadership influence individual,
group, and organizational behavior?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the
APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An
abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to
beginning the assignment to become familiar with the
expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.
Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for
Benchmark Information
This benchmark assignment assesses the following
programmatic competencies:
BS Applied Management 3.3; BS Business Management 5.1
Examine the role of servant leadership in positively influencing
organizational outcomes.
BS Applied Management 3.4; BS Business Management 5.2
Analyze how one's personal values and perspective of servant
leadership can influence individual and group behavior.
BS Engineering
6.7: Integrate principles of servant leadership with essential
management practices and describe how servant leadership
influences individual, group, and organizational behavior.
Research Paper
For this class you are expected to write a research paper, or do a
project, an audio visual project or a printed one (such as comic
strip booklet), whichever you prefer. Following are the
You have a choice between writing a research paper (5 to 7
pages) or doing a project (5 to 10 minute video). Whatever your
choice is, it has to do with an aspect of the Intercultural
communication that interests you and would like to explore
more about. You can present your project in any creative or
conventional way. Examples of possible topics for research or
projects are: Amateur documentary type videos about
Intercultural communication in Clevlend; International students
at UT and their American cultural experience; the effect of
micro-cultural groups on food in certain stores/cities…etc.
More than one student can cooperate in the project.
The research paper has to be at least 5 to 7 pages. You may
include tables, figures and pictures; however, those will not
count toward the number of pages. The paper should be typed,
double spaced and include a reference page. You should have at
least 5 sources; only two of your sources could be internet
sources. Journal articles accessed on the internet, such as the
Ohio Link online journals are not considered internet sources.
You may choose to have one, only one, interview as a source.
You may choose between the MLA or APA styles for your
paper’s format.
If you choose to do a project, you may choose any format of
presentation that would reflect the depth of your research. You
should show the effort that you put into researching your
project’s topic by integrating your sources into your
presentation. You are still responsible for providing reference
sheet or you may include that in a credit page, depending on
your project’s format. Different project formats have different
requirements depending on the number of participants in the
project, the topic and the presentation. The number of
participants will affect the length of the project. No group
should have more than 4 students and no video project should
be longer than 15 minutes. If you choose to do a project, please
consult with your professor for further details.

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  • 2. Instructor response to my research topic: I guess i may have mentioned this before, you need to focus your topic; after all you are not writing a book; maybe you can take one aspect of health and discuss how culture impacts that. Instruction for Outline: This is the skeleton of your paper/project (even with a video project there should be a script/plan) . The outline could be a bullet-point structure and should include a title, introduction: presenting main argument and some background information; Body: bullet points of what and how you will introduce and develop your topic; then a Conclusion: as well bullet point structure of what will go in this section. Please include in each section the main references that you will use for each main point. A reference page of the potential/preliminary references you will be using should be included. And then do the final paper please. Running head: LEADERSHIP 1 LEADERSHIP 5 Introduction The focus is on four levels or perspectives including personal,
  • 3. interpersonal, organizational and societal. Each of these perspectives has an accompanying value including: courageous, loyal, ambitious, and helpful respectively. Each of the values and perspectives generates specific leadership behaviors that help build my model of leadership. Personal level The personal level which inspires the value of being courageous. The value of being courageous inspires the behavior of pursuing opportunities and facing challenges. This has opened me up to interact with people and organizations from all walks of life and has helped to generate a personal philosophy. Thus, as a leader at a personal level, I need to be able to look into great opportunities such as those of career development and grow my skills, knowledge, and connections. I am also keen on working with my team in developing goals and achieving outcomes for the group. One way to do this is to offer constant feedback and constructive criticism on how they are handling their delegated tasks. This will ensure we do not become complacent in pursuing opportunities. Also, I plan to face issues head-on and perceive them as additional opportunities. For instance, I plan to deal with any arising conflicts in my team and view it as a chance to develop a training program on conflict resolution and effective communication. Interpersonal At this level, I place the value of loyalty as my highest priority. The behaviors that I inculcate include promoting and protecting the interests of those that rely on me. As a leader, my team depends on me to guide them and help them grow and face any challenges. This implies that I cannot pursue private interests or the interests of others outside my team. One way to attain this is always communicated on any changes and their impacts on my team. For instance, as difficult as it is I will be open about any restructuring in the organization that can lead to
  • 4. layoffs. This will ensure that my team can find solutions faster to protect themselves from the worst impacts. I also want to create an environment that values the relationships between team members and management. I want my team members to feel like a family rather than just mere employees. This includes offering validation, moral support, and prohibiting any discriminatory actions. Organizational I value being an ambitious leader because it will push me to be visionary and help grow my team’s success. I always aim at encouraging my team to achieve great goals that push them beyond their comfort zone. Thus, as a leader, I want to encourage myself and my team to pursue those rare opportunities, although high risk, to generate very high returns and outcomes in the long term. An example is implementing top-notch technologies that require heavy investment into the organizational structure. This improves the chances of attaining a high ROI in terms of minimizing overhead costs and automating the workflow processes. Success ties into always pursuing information, education, and learning (Campbell, 2016). Secondly, I am committed to setting and implementing high-performance metrics within my team. This will inspire a culture of high performance and attaining goals set for the year regardless of risks. One of the actions can include merging or acquiring another company to expand our interests in a newer market. While this can very risky, it is important to work with my team to attain the set goals and anticipate even greater returns. Thirdly, I want to inculcate trust and commitment among team members. This is in terms of equipping them with vital resources and allowing them the freedom to innovate and create solutions that enhance the financial and social capital of the organization. Societal At the societal level, I value being helpful because it
  • 5. involves a bigger group of people aiming at a common good. I currently volunteer in helping less fortunate children to gain access to education through contributing to a kitty fund and other materials such as books. This has helped me appreciate how a combined effort can generate the greatest positive impacts. Community leadership succeeds from social networks, shared vision and decision making (Martiskainen, 2015). Thus, as a leader I want my vision and actions to positively impact not just my team members but my community. One of the behaviors I aspire to display is to commit to the personal development of my team members. This can include creating a training program that equips them with critical leadership skills. These team members are sourced from the community and offering them the opportunity and work and earn from the organization. Secondly, I also want to use my leadership influence to mobilize all stakeholders to promote a cause such as the one for education. This involves requesting any contributions such as resources and funds to help those in need to attain their dreams and goals and be empowered. Thirdly, I also want to integrate servant leadership where I commit myself as the defender of their interests and concerns and protecting them from exploitation. As a leader, I am in a better position to effect such positive changes like promoting social justice causes. References Campbell, S.(2016). The 10 traits you must cultivate to achieve highly ambitious goals. Retrieved from Martikainen, M.(2015). The role of community leadership in the development of grassroots innovations. Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, 22, 78-89. Rokeach Value Survey On the following two pages are two lists of values, each in alphabetical order. Each value is accompanied by a short
  • 6. description and a blank space. Your goal is to rank each value in its order of importance to you for each of the two lists. Study each list and think of how much each value may act as a guiding principle in your life. To begin, select the value that is of most importance to you. Write the number 1 in the blank space next to that value. Next, choose the value is of second in importance to you and write the number 2 in the blank next to it. Work your way through the list until you have ranked all 18 values on this page. The value that is of least importance to you should appear in Box 18. When you have finished ranking all 18 values, turn the page and rank the next 18 values in the same way. Please do each page separately. When ranking, take your time and think carefully. Feel free to go back and change your order should you have second thoughts about any of your answers. When you have completed the ranking of both sets of values, the result should represent an accurate picture of how you really feel about what’s important in your life. Page 1 A Comfortable Life ___11__ a prosperous life Equality ___5__ brotherhood and equal opportunity for all
  • 7. An Exciting Life ___12__ a stimulating, active life Family Security ___4__ taking care of loved ones Freedom ___7__ independence and free choice Health ___3__ physical and mental well-being Inner Harmony ___1__ freedom from inner conflict Mature Love ___6__ sexual and spiritual intimacy
  • 8. National Security ___8__ Terminal Values protection from attack Pleasure ___17__ an enjoyable, leisurely life Salvation ___2__ saved; eternal life Self-Respect ___9__ self-esteem A Sense of Accomplishment ___10__ a lasting contribution Social Recognition ___18__ respect and admiration
  • 9. True Friendship ___13__ close companionship Wisdom ___14__ a mature understanding of life A World at Peace ___15__ a world free of war and conflict A World of Beauty ___16__ beauty of nature and the arts Page 2 Ambitious ___4__ hardworking and aspiring Broad-minded ___6__
  • 10. open-minded Capable __5___ competent; effective Clean ___18__ neat and tidy Courageous _1____ standing up for your beliefs Forgiving ___7__ willing to pardon others Helpful ___2__ working for the welfare of others Honest ___8__
  • 11. sincere and truthful Imaginative ___11__ Instrumental Values daring and creative Independent ___9__ self-reliant; self-sufficient Intellectual ___10__ intelligent and reflective Logical ___14__ consistent; rational Loving ___12__ affectionate and tender Loyal ___3__
  • 12. faithful to friends or the group Obedient ___13__ dutiful; respectful Polite ___17__ courteous and well-mannered Responsible ___15__ dependable and reliable Self-controlled ___16__ restrained; self-disciplined Page 3 Reflection In an effort to determine my personal model of leadership, I undertook the Rokeach Values Survey assessment. Key terminal and instrumental values were then ranked in their order of significance. These values were essential in determining my
  • 13. personal model of leadership. Terminal values, also referred to as ends-oriented values, prescribe desirable ends or goals for an individual and represent what a person ultimately strives to attain. Terminal values may include personal or social values (Tuulik et al., 2016). According to the Rokeach Values Survey results, the three most important terminal values that I possess include social recognition, clean, as well as pleasure-seeking. As a leader, I clamor for social recognition through respect and admiration. In particular, I hold the view that promoting peer- to-peer recognition is an essential element of a successful employee engagement initiative. I also believe that the practice of celebrating success by recognizing people’s performance improves others’ performance in the contemporary workplace. Apart from social recognition, the results showed that I admire cleanliness and pleasure. I believe that a clean, neat and tidy workplace provides a supportive environment for employee performance and productivity. A good working condition should include a clean environment where people can breathe fresh air and tidy. I also believe that observing general body cleanliness and neatness goes a long way in increasing other people’s confidence in a leader. As such, I like placing much emphases on general body cleanliness. Finally, being a social animal, I am a pleasure seeker. The clamor for pleasure can motivate me to follow the right course of action. Instrumental values, also referred to as means-oriented values, prescribe desirable standards of behaviors or approaches for reaching an end. As such, instrumental values are a set of beliefs regarding the types of behaviors that are appropriate for reaching the desired goals (Tereshchenko et al., 2016The Rokeach Values Survey results indicated that my three leading instrumental findings included: self-control, politeness, as well as being responsible. As a leader, I often exercise self-control by exercising restrain and self-discipline in all the decisions that I make. To my, self-control is the foundation of leadership
  • 14. since leading others first requires the ability to lead and control oneself. Self-control provides me with the opportunity to deliberate on an important issue before making any decision. Self-control is a critical character trait that all leaders with responsibilities should possess (Tereshchenko et al., 2016). However, I also believe that self-control rarely shows up on any list of the most important traits that constitute a good leader. My ability to exercise self-control improves my level of emotional intelligence. Although many people overlook the significance of self-control, I value it because it can enable me to control negative emotions such as anger. Further, the results indicated that I am a polite person. In all my interactions with peers and followers, I often try as much as possible to exercise courtesy and good manners. Finally, I am a responsible individual because I can always be counted on to accomplish specified tasks and responsibilities. References Tereshchenko, N. G., Zakirova, L. M., Khamitova, L. M., & Frolova, I. I. (2016). Values of the modern leaders as reflection of changes in society and requirements of managements activities. Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 9(16), 90680-90680. Tuulik, K., Õunapuu, T., Kuimet, K., & Titov, E. (2016). Rokeach’s instrumental and terminal values as descriptors of modern organisation values. International Journal of Organizational Leadership, 5, 151-161. Creating a Personal Model of Leadership Instructions
  • 15. You will create a personal model of leadership based on your research and reflections on what you learn throughout this course. What is a personal model of leadership? Leadership is an important dimension of personal growth and development. Developing leadership qualities is a complex process that involves much more than simply selecting an appealing leadership model or participating in leadership training. Creating a satisfying personal model of leadership, which reflects one’s values and beliefs and impacts how one affects organizations, communities, and society, is a lifelong process. What approach should I take to complete my personal leadership model? Building a personal leadership model can be approached from both a systematic and holistic perspective. It also requires creativity, passion, and a framework that leaders can use as they explore various models of leadership over their lifetimes. The process of creating a personal model involves continuously exploring and analyzing various leadership models. You will find certain elements of these models appealing and might choose to integrate them into your own model. Others you will not want to include. It is important to weigh the elements against your own system of values and beliefs and select the ones that will most enrich your own model and the lives of those whom you lead. What do I use to develop my personal model of leadership? As you explore various leadership models, utilize the table provided below to breakdown, select, and record their appealing elements. You will complete the table as you move through the process of developing your leadership model throughout the course. This table will serve as a starting point or outline as you
  • 16. think through your personal model of leadership and write your paper. How do I develop my personal model of leadership? Creating a leadership model involves the following: 1. Select the basic values that will provide the foundation and identify the leadership behaviors that will result from those values. As you select values for your own model, link each one you choose to one of these following four perspectives: a. Values that guide you from an individual or “I” perspective. b. Values that guide you from an interpersonal perspective. c. Values that guide you from an organizational perspective. d. Values that guide you from a societal perspective. 2. Identify a clear approach for creating a sense of meaning and purpose, including contributing to society. You will consider why the values you selected are meaningful and how you can utilize them to contribute to the greater good. Also, identify the impact of one’s contributions to self, others, organizations, and society. You will consider how the behaviors that result from your foundation of values impact the world around you in a positive and meaningful way. Two Parts to Creating Your Personal Model of Leadership You will write your personal model of leadership in two parts. You will submit Part 1 in Topic 5 and receive feedback from the instructor. You will write Part 2 in Topic 8 and combine it with Part 1 and your instructor feedback to create one integrated personal model of leadership (1,250-1,500 words). The two parts involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as follows: Part 1: 9(COMPLETE) INSTUCTORS FEED BACK: Great personal model of leadership and good use of reliable
  • 17. sources to back up these leadership behaviors and values. Before using this Part 1 to complete Part 2 during Week 8, please, do the following, (a) see the report and complete the corrections that would apply and (2) introduce in-text citations more often and earlier in the paper. Keep up the good work! Part 2: Reflect on each of the following questions and address them in your personal model of leadership: 1. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership influence individual and group behavior? 2. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership positively influence organizations and society? 3. How do servant leadership principles in accordance with the Christian worldview, interact with essential management practices and how does servant leadership influence individual, group, and organizational behavior? Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. Is there an example that I may follow to craft my leadership model? Below are definitions and an example you can follow as you use the provided table to think through and develop your own personal model of leadership.
  • 18. Definitions Values and beliefs: A value or belief describes something that is important to you. It fits into the sentence: “I value…” Examples include integrity, respect, trust, high performance, making an impact, and a clean environment. Behaviors and action: A behavior describes the visible actions that demonstrate (or are based on) a value. For example, if you believe in “trust” as a value, then the behavior may be, “I always keep private information shared with me in confidence to myself.” Clear approach for creating meaning and purpose: This is the sense of meaning or purpose that you focus on based on your values. So, if you value protecting the environment, you might outline your approach for contributing to an organization that protects wildlife. Impact: Impact is attaining positive results or improvements in your area of focus. So, if you are working in a wildlife organization, it could be saving the lives of wildlife or protecting a particular ecosystem. Example Table Personal Model of Leadership Values Level Behaviors and Actions Meaning and Purpose Impact Integrity
  • 19. Individual I follow through with my commitments. I want to be recognized for my integrity. I feel good about my actions and behaviors. Respect Interpersonal I listen to others with the intent to understand their meaning and feelings. People on my team treat each other with respect. I have a high-performing team that meets or exceeds goals. High Performance Organizational I encourage my team to regularly meet or exceed its goals. I define measurable results in a balanced scorecard. My team measurably impacts the organization’s business results. Protecting the Environment Societal I am an active member in an environmental group/organization. I improve the lives of wild animals in Arizona by volunteering monthly in an environmental group. Our group saves animals’ lives and preserves ecosystems. Below is a blank table for your use. Copy and paste it into your own document and begin completing it as you start examining a variety of leadership models. Add to it as you are exposed to more leadership qualities that appeal to you. Utilize your completed table as a resource to draft your own personal leadership model. You do not need to submit this chart with your assignments. Personal Model of Leadership
  • 20. Values Level Behaviors and Actions Meaning and Purpose Impact Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 Value 4
  • 21. ****Write a paper of 1,250-1,500 words that presents your complete personal model of leadership. Be sure to incorporate the instructor’s feedback from the draft of Part 1. The two parts involved in creating your personal model of leadership are as follows: 1. Select values from the "Rokeach Values Survey" that will provide the foundation of your model and discuss the leadership behaviors that will result from those values. Be sure to select values for all four of the levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational, and societal. Be sure to incorporate the feedback from your instructor from your previous draft. 2. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership influence individual and group behavior? 3. How could your personal values and personal model of servant leadership positively influence organizations and society? 4. How do servant leadership principles in accordance with the Christian World View, interact with essential management practices and how does servant leadership influence individual, group, and organizational behavior? Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required. This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance. Benchmark Information This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies: BS Applied Management 3.3; BS Business Management 5.1
  • 22. Examine the role of servant leadership in positively influencing organizational outcomes. BS Applied Management 3.4; BS Business Management 5.2 Analyze how one's personal values and perspective of servant leadership can influence individual and group behavior. BS Engineering 6.7: Integrate principles of servant leadership with essential management practices and describe how servant leadership influences individual, group, and organizational behavior. Research Paper For this class you are expected to write a research paper, or do a project, an audio visual project or a printed one (such as comic strip booklet), whichever you prefer. Following are the guidelines. You have a choice between writing a research paper (5 to 7 pages) or doing a project (5 to 10 minute video). Whatever your choice is, it has to do with an aspect of the Intercultural communication that interests you and would like to explore more about. You can present your project in any creative or conventional way. Examples of possible topics for research or projects are: Amateur documentary type videos about Intercultural communication in Clevlend; International students at UT and their American cultural experience; the effect of micro-cultural groups on food in certain stores/cities…etc. More than one student can cooperate in the project. The research paper has to be at least 5 to 7 pages. You may include tables, figures and pictures; however, those will not
  • 23. count toward the number of pages. The paper should be typed, double spaced and include a reference page. You should have at least 5 sources; only two of your sources could be internet sources. Journal articles accessed on the internet, such as the Ohio Link online journals are not considered internet sources. You may choose to have one, only one, interview as a source. You may choose between the MLA or APA styles for your paper’s format. If you choose to do a project, you may choose any format of presentation that would reflect the depth of your research. You should show the effort that you put into researching your project’s topic by integrating your sources into your presentation. You are still responsible for providing reference sheet or you may include that in a credit page, depending on your project’s format. Different project formats have different requirements depending on the number of participants in the project, the topic and the presentation. The number of participants will affect the length of the project. No group should have more than 4 students and no video project should be longer than 15 minutes. If you choose to do a project, please consult with your professor for further details.