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MARCH 2012

  Skeggs and Wood (2011) maintain that “all
representations are at some level always about
 class. Television in particular, with its stories
     of everyday life and ‘ordinary people’,
       represents the structures of social
  relationships, from the most intimate to the
  most global, which are always about class.”
                     4,185 words

               Student 1160350

The statement of Skeggs and Wood (2008), forming the title of this essay, comes from their study of

a relatively new genre of programming: reality television. Emerging in the late 1990s and early 2000s

in the form of fly-on-the-wall set-ups like Big Brother (Endemol 1999) and lifestyle-contrasting shows

like Wife Swap (RDF Media 2003), reality TV purports to portray real people going about their lives,

while providing entertainment value through these depictions. Using a series of examples from both

sides of the Atlantic, the authors argue that the new genre is particularly reflective of class

differences and antagonisms. Not only this, but they assert that both the formats and apparent

ideologies in programmes such as Ladette to Lady (RDF Media 2005) betray an imposition of middle

class normativity, using a number of convincing examples and surrounding social context.

This essay will examine their position in relation to the latest step in the evolution of reality

television: structured reality (SR). Originating in the United States in the mid-2000s and quickly

making the transition to British television, the sub-genre marks a new step by presenting the lives of

its subjects in the format of a conventional drama, blurring the traditional lines between

documentary and soap. In the UK as in the US, the programmes depict certain classes of people in

highly stylised and sensational manners. The genre provides potential for class-based insights on two

counts: it portrays real people in their real lives and thus reveals more about reality than a scripted

drama in the style of Eastenders, while the very fact of its heavy orchestration and editing betrays

the class-based viewpoints of producers, who reproduce class-based stereotypes in anticipation of

what the audience expects from certain types of people.

The essay begins by providing a social context, outlining the development of social class in Britain,

arriving at the ways in which the British view and experience class today in light of recent history. A

brief look at the role of British television content in mediating class is followed by introducing the

specific genre of SR. In order to explore Skeggs’ and Wood’s assertion, I will present a class-based

comparative analysis of two contemporary British SR programmes, depicting lives of the fabulously
rich and the glamour-seeking working class respectively: Made in Chelsea (Monkey 2011) and

Desperate Scousewives (Lime Pictures 2011). Through this analysis key insights about the

representations of class emerge, and conclusions emerge about the extent and implications of this

culture of televised class representation.

Class in Britain: The past and the present

    ‘It is widely believed, both in Britain and abroad, that the British are obsessed with class in the way that

    other nations are obsessed with food or race or sex or drugs or alcohol’

                                                                                                (Cannadine, 1998)

So wrote David Cannadine in his work Class in Britain (1998). He acknowledges the difficulty of

proving or disproving this belief, but its existence is nonetheless indicative of a long social history

that shapes the way that class is perceived and experienced in post-millennial Britain.

For hundreds of years, dating from the Norman Conquest (1066), British society was strictly

organised under the feudal system. The king was at the head of a social pyramid which placed the

peasantry under knightly liege-lords, who answered in turn to the Crown. The fiscal system of taxes

and tributes reflected this, as did the absolute power of the monarch and the nobility. What

complicated matters from the 16th century onwards was the rise of trade and a prosperous

merchant class – precursors of the Marxian bourgeoisie. This new class grew over the following

centuries, truly blossoming during the Industrial Revolution (c. 1750-1850), when the concentration

and mechanisation of production laid the grounds for modern-day capitalism. This period also saw a

break-up of agrarian society, as country peasants moved to the cities to work under intense labour

conditions, creating the new industrial working class. This class found its expression in the trade

union movements and ultimately achieved political power as the Labour Party (1924). After two

unsettling World Wars, the old social order of powerful aristocracy and underprivileged workers

gave way to a new welfare capitalism, under which income and living standards improved greatly for
the middle bulk of British society. The new middle class – large, well-off, influential – was firmly


Margaret Thatcher (1979-90) avowed a desire to break down class stratification, dismantling

organised labour unions and promoting individual endeavour and upward mobility. But Tony Blair’s

(1997-2007) subsequent declaration that ‘We’re all middle-class now’ (Jones 2011) was a denial of

the class difference that still exists in today’s Britain. In fact, 50% of Britons surveyed in 2002

believed the country to be more divided by class than in 1979. (MORI) Moreover, studies reveal that

individual fortunes are still largely determined by socioeconomic class at birth. (Skeggs and

Wood,p11). In 2012, the country finds itself experiencing mass unemployment and deep recession,

under a government whose Cabinet of twenty-nine includes twenty-three millionaires (Owen 2010).

We are debating both welfare cuts and corporate tax breaks, and still nominally ruled by a Queen of

sixty years’ reign. Unlike the economy, class in Britain is very much alive and well.

Class on British television

Cannadine claimed that, ‘Britons are always thinking about who they are, what kind of society they

belong to, and where they themselves belong in it.’ (1998,p23) The consumption of television is a

very British pursuit; figures show that Britons watch an average of 28 hours per week, more than in

any nation except America. (Nationmaster 2011). Given this, where better to turn for insights into

British society than the television schedules?

Hollywood, of course, is fond of portraying British society through an overtly classist lense, with its

long-held predilection for upper class romances like Four Weddings and a Funeral (Newell 1994) and

The King’s Speech (Hooper 2010). But despite popular British complaints on this score (Collins 2011),

this obsession with class is also shared by British TV producers and viewers, with the significant

difference being that lower classes seem to be more frequently represented on the small screen

than on the large.
The working classes are depicted in popular soaps including Coronation Street and Emmerdale, and

also in daytime get-rich-quick shows like Deal or No Deal. In the former, there is more than a hint of

regional caricature, which plays on the perception of provincial deprivation in the UK. I will argue

later that region-based class distinction is a key feature of the new SR shows. Class-based moralising

is nowhere more obvious than on The Jeremy Kyle Show, which are accused of ‘presenting the less

well-off as "undeserving" objects of derision.’ (Sparrow 2008).

Unlike American television, with its O.C.s (Fox 2003) and Desperate Housewives, (ABC 2004) the

British offering is remarkably lacking in fictional portrayals of middle or upper-class people. This may

be linked to the earlier point about the general hesitation to engage with the issue of class privilege,

and the traditionally British dislike of overt shows of wealth, derided as ‘nouveau riche’. (Turnock

2007) It may also be attributed to a hidden media power balance, to which I will return later. Aside

from Made in Chelsea, there is really only one dramatic account of the British privileged classes that

has found success in recent years: Edwardian servants-and-masters drama Downton Abbey (Carnival

2011). It seems the British can only stomach overt depictions of class-based inequality when situated

in a suitably-distant romantic past.

I believe that the current British TV landscape betrays an enduring preoccupation with class, albeit a

one-sided one. The fictional portrayal of working-class people by middle-class actors and producers

is a recipe for distortion and class-based stereotyping. Surely then, the new wave of reality-based

drama would afford the opportunity for a restoration of justice, by allowing ‘real-life’ subjects to tell

their own, unmediated stories?

Structured reality (SR) hits the UK

SR is a new post-millenial genre with its origins in US productions like Laguna Beach (MTV 2004) and

Jersey Shore (MTV 2009). Designated by Hill (2005) as the ‘third wave’ of reality television, these

‘dramalities’ purport to show us life as it really is, but in fact this is doubtful. There is evidence of

heavy manipulation of everything from the selection of character-subjects to the locations and
situations depicted. The Only Way is Essex (Lime Pictures 2010), Britain’s flagship SR show, opens

each episode with a reminder that ‘While the people are real, some of what they do has been set up

purely for your entertainment.’ The often blatantly engineered selection processes for participators

in American reality TV shows that Grindstaff (Skeggs 2011:188-95) notes have been reproduced,

along with the unashamed glamour and break with gritty reality pioneered by The Hills. (Skeggs

2011) I will argue that the products of this blurring of reality and fiction betray a great deal about

class representation in British television.

The (structured) reality of British class: a comparative analysis

In order to fully bring out the class discourse, I have chosen to compare and contrast two SR

programmes: Made in Chelsea and Desperate Scousewives. At first glance, the premise and aesthetic

appear alike: depictions of glamorous young people entangled in webs of romantic intrigue, played

out at champagne-popping extravaganzas that invariably give rise to plenty of food for gossip the

following day. However, on closer inspection, the characters, situations, language all reveal that the

two programmes are engineered to depict the ultimate stereotypes of class in Britain, with a

regional North-South polarisation providing added emphasis.

Made in Chelsea (MIC)

When James Walcott wrote that ‘Reality TV wages class warfare and promotes proletarian

exploitation,’ (Vanity Fair, December 2009) he failed to predict the recent wave of aristophilia.

Paradoxically, during an economic recession, the British public seems more enthralled than ever

with the upper classes. MIC was impeccably timed to launch hot on the heels of 2011’s Royal

Wedding, itself a fascinating topic for class analysis. For the first time, the heir to the throne was

united with a ‘commoner,’ a fact made much of in the countless column inches and television

programmes devoted to investigating Kate Middleton’s non-noble yet highly privileged background.

(Rayner 2010) In the UK, at least, the public appetite was there for a spot of aristocratic exploitation.
You may have heard rumours that Chelsea is an exclusive world of royals, aristocrats and playboys,

        where the gossip is as startling as the prices. Well it’s all true. I’m Caggie Dunlop, and this is my world.

                                                                                        (MIC episode 1, May 2011)

So begins our entree into the gilded circles that inhabit one of the world’s most expensive locales:

South West London, specifically the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Building on a well-

established popular perception of the area, MIC is concerned with the affluent lives and turbulent

loves of a group of privileged twenty-somethings in Chelsea. It goes a step further than The Hills in

making its exploration of privilege explicit and conscious, rather than glossing over it as incidental.

The programme employs a kitsch British aesthetic centring on the Union Jack motif, and takes a

tongue-in-cheek approach to its subject matter. At the heart of the narrative is a tortuous love story

between stockbroker Spencer Matthews and globetrotting singer/songwriter Caggie Dunlop.

Desperate Scousewives (DS)

In November 2011, a new incarnation of the SR genre promised us insight into a very different social

enclave. Situated opposite to MIC both geographically and socially, DS was set in Liverpool, a city in

the North-West still popularly associated with social deprivation, tawdry taste and the notoriously

incomprehensible Scouse accent, despite significant rebranding efforts. (Bartlett 2011) No wonder

then, that local residents took such exception (Collinson 2011) to the show’s stereotypical portrayal

of their city on the national stage:

        We’re loud and we’re proud. It must be something they put in that water – the Mersey that is... I’m

        Jodie, and I’m back. Just like the others, I’m ready to grab life by the scruff of the neck, to get what I


                                                                                  (DS, Episode 1, November 2011)

The opening sequence, narrated in a broad Liverpudlian accent by the platinum blonde Jodie

Lundstram, features shots of glamorous parties and apparently fabulous lifestyles, interspersed with
fleeting vistas of terraced housing and inner city dereliction. This is emblematic of the programme

itself, which is essentially concerned with the working-class subjects’ aspirations to worldly success

and quality of life, despite their humble surroundings and backgrounds. While the MIC story is about

living with wealth and privilege, DS is about the struggle to get hold of a piece of it, ‘by the scruff of

the neck’ if necessary.

Occupation and identity

Occupation is one of the key criteria for official socioeconomic classification, with unskilled manual

labourers placed at the bottom and highly skilled professionals ranked highest. (ONS) Despite being

of similar ages, the casts make (or don’t make) their livings in very different fields. Those of MIC’s

subjects who do work pursue careers in decidedly luxury industries: designer jewellery,

entertainment PR and lifestyle journalism. Comical ‘entrepreneur’ Francis Boulle, is the heir to a

diamond-mining company. At the other end of the scale, the DS are salon workers and shop

assistants. In an unusually poignant moment, Amanda Harrington reveals her struggles to succeed as

a glamour model while raising a child she had at 19. Their low-powered jobs reflect their position in

a society still characterised by low social mobility. (Sutton Trust 2007) Even their names reveal clues

about the class divisions still apparent in contemporary Britain. Debbie O’Toole and Joe McMahon

bear surnames characteristic of traditionally impoverished Irish settlers in Liverpool (Aughton 2003)

while Rosie Fortescue and Alexandra Felstead (of MIC) could almost only be names from a public

school register. Research shows that surnames continue to be a rough indicator of social class in the

UK (BBC 2006), and they were almost certainly a consideration in the casting of these two



The way that people dress is another significant social indicator (Bennett 2010). In a manner that

sometimes appears paradoxical to foreign observers, the British upper classes traditionally eschew

flamboyant dress on all but special occasions, preferring understated (but expensive) styles
reminiscent of country living, from designers like Dunhill and Barbour. This is the dress code for MIC:

the boys don quietly superior tweed suits and cricket cardigans, while the girls sport subtle make-up

and simple designer dresses. Once again, DS offers a startling contrast. Here the emphasis is on

flaunting everything; many of the scenes are built around the salon makeover or dressing for a night

out, and the aesthetic reflects a philosophy of ‘More is more’ – from the fake eyelashes and the

surgically enhanced breasts to the sparkling jewellery and obligatory spray tan. When MIC’s Rosie

declares in her cut-glass accent, ‘I think fake tan is probably the most offensive thing in the world,’ or

Mark-Francis announces, ‘Topshop *a popular high street clothing brand] is not allowed!’ these are

more than just casual expressions of preference. British viewers familiar with the cultural context

instantly recognise the subjects’ attempts to distance themselves from cheaper, ‘lowbrow’ forms of

aesthetic expression – the ones which DS flaunts. Good taste is thus reinforced as an upper class

attribute, while the regional working class is portrayed as tawdry and garish.

Language and accent

Despite its relatively small size, the UK has a wealth of diverse regional accents and dialects.

Traditionally, the ‘BBC tones’ associated with the South-East and the upper classes, were favoured as

the ‘received pronunciation,’ and regional accents were poorly represented on national television.

(Rowbotham 2001) People with strong provincial accents are still often regarded as less intelligent,

and lower down the social scale, as exemplified by Rampton’s study of reaction to accents (2003)

and Tolson’s discussion of the British media’s treatment of reality star, Jade Goody (Skeggs, pp52-


While the cast of MIC all speak with the plummy received pronunciation associated in the popular

imagination with the privately-educated upper-class ‘toff,’ the DS characters without exception have

broad regional twangs. Both groups use slang, which by its disparity highlights the social divide.

Lazily drawling use of semi-ironic abbreviations like ‘yah’ (yes) and ‘totes amaze’ (totally amazing) in

Chelsea contrast with earthier terms like ‘boss’ (brilliant) and ‘bang tidy’ (attractive) in Liverpool.
This marked contrast in itself indicates a manipulated expression of reality; there are surely plenty of

Liverpudlians who speak more mainstream English, and London is famous for its urban street slang,

associated with lower socioeconomic classes. However, there is another dimension to the language-

linked representation: content. While both programmes deal with romantic adventures, MIC is far

more coy about intimate matters. The Chelsea characters speak in terms of ‘Something happened’

and ‘Did you go there,’ while the Scousers refer openly to ‘anal bleaching’ and ‘giving someone a go.’

Along with the high amount of nudity from both male and female characters in DS, compared to MIC

which depicts none despite being shown post-watershed, a picture begins to emerge of class-based

sexualisation. The old Victorian idea of the vulgar, oversexed working class begins to resurface,

contrasted by the restraint of the morally superior upper classes. (Skeggs, pp225-35)

Social interaction

The ways in which the subjects behave and interact betrays further differences that can be

interpreted in a class framework. Conflicts and conflict resolution, as may be imagined, forms the

bulk of the subject matter. The MIC characters adhere largely to the WASP1 stereotype by eschewing

open confrontation and pursuing grudges in the form of rumour-mongering, whispered comments

and would-be subtle innuendo, masked by pristine politeness. None of Lakoff’s increasing

belligerence of televised confrontation here. (Skeggs,p56) On the other hand, DS would lead us to

believe that all grievances in Liverpool are expressed in the form of shouted arguments littered with

obscenities, and frequently venturing into the physical. Local celebrity Amanda Harrington’s clash

with ‘bitchy blogger’ Jaiden Micheal is a prime example: a public exchange of insults at a party

followed by the throwing of a drink. Overblown theatrics? Very likely. But this only reinforces the

point that there is a conscious portrayal of the working class subjects of DS as given to excess and

uncivilised social habits, while the well-off denizens of the Royal Borough know how to behave in

 WASP is a North American abbreviation strictly denoting ‘White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant.’ In its wider current
sense it refers to a set of cultural characteristics and values popularly associated with privileged White
communities, including high social influence, and aversion to emotional display and open conflict. (Feldman
polite society. This equation of good class with good manners is an ancient one that continues to

find expression in SR, as it did in its less subtle reality predecessors like Ladette to Lady (Skeggs

2011). The only difference is that where that was overtly pedagogic, DS and MIC are chiefly

concerned with exaggerating and exploiting class-stereotyped behaviour for voyeuristic


Making cultural sense of MIC and DS

The fact that these programmes are manipulated and stage-managed to a significant degree

enhances, rather than reduces, their significance in terms of class-based representation. Rather than

being true documentary accounts, they are exaggerated and stylised portrayals of class stereotypes,

crystallising the idea of continued class polarisation in modern Britain. For example, the DS boys are

frequently shown playing or watching football, a stereotypically working-class but in reality national

sport, (Bennett 2010) while their MIC counterparts engage in polo and rowing, popularly associated

with the privileged classes.

Moreover, there is a moral and behavioural framing of this polarisation. Both programmes

frequently depict scenes in nightclubs or at parties. Yet while the DS are frequently portrayed as

under the influence of alcohol and raucous or emotional because of this, the Chelsea girls are never

shown in this way. It would be unrealistic to conclude from this that non-working class English girls

don’t become very inebriated – in fact research (Randhawa 2011) and personal experience proves

the opposite to be true! The more informed conclusion is that there is a conscious equation of poor

self-control with lower social class. This should lead us to consider who exactly is making and

representing these class-based judgements, since it is unlikely that the subjects themselves are in

The third class

If MIC’s subjects stand in for the upper class, and the DS for the working class, then we are missing

an important component of contemporary British society: the middle class. As mentioned before,

there is very little dramatic/fictional programming depicting the middle class on British television,

but this underrepresentation is not indicative of weakness, but in fact of control.

As Skeggs and Wood [2011,p19+ note, media invisibility can be a clue to ‘hidden power.’ Rather than

themselves being represented for entertainment purposes, I would argue that the overwhelmingly

middle-class British media producers (Sica 2011) have created two extreme caricatures of the upper

and lower scales of society, portraying not only the disreputable poor, but also the frivolous rich, as

sensationalised Others, in a manner recalling Foucault’s observations:

    The middle class thus defined itself as different from the aristocracy and the working classes who spent,

    sexually and economically, without moderation... It differed by virtue of its sexual restraint, its monogamy

    and its economic restraint or thrift.

                                                                                           (Foucault 1979,p100)

Thus it follows that the ideal viewer is middle-class, which is frequently equated with ‘normal.’

(Skeggs and Wood 2009,p629) That these programmes exemplify the phenomenon of creating

media through and for the ‘middle-class gaze’ (Lyle 2008) corresponds with the current political

discourse in the UK. Mainstream media is preoccupied with waging a war of words on two economic

fronts: on the one hand there is continued obsession with the idea of ‘benefit scroungers’ and

parasites draining resources from society (Jones 2011), and on the other uproar abounds over

bankers’ bonuses, tax cuts for the very rich and the idea that money can still buy power and

influence. (BBC 2012) The ‘squeezed middle,’ a term implying undue pressures exerted from both

the upper and lower scales of society, seems to be fighting its corner by holding up the imprudence

of the other two classes in implicit contrast to its own traditional ‘economic restraint or thrift.’
Exploitation or aspiration?

The SR genre employs a new form of labour: performing oneself (Skeggs 2011). On the one hand, the

subjects are living the neoliberal dream to its fullest: making their way in the world by using not only

their talents or skills but their very identities, arguably the ultimate form of capital. In doing this they

potentially achieve fame, fortune and free products – the subjects and characters inevitably acting

as vehicles for promotion of various consumer goods. SR programming is a direct product of the

dream of social mobility based on consumerism and individual fortune. The old prejudices against

upstarts and climbers may still exist, but they seem weak in post-Thatcherist Britain where everyone,

whether living in a Chelsea townhouse or a terraced estate in Merseyside, can demand a glamorous

lifestyle. But does this come at the price of performing the ultimate alienated labour?

When Marx complained that production had become the aim of man (Baxandall,p63-4), he could not

have predicted that people would one day live out their lives on camera in order to create personal

wealth and corporate revenue. However, the phenomenon could be interpreted as a contemporary

vindication of his lament. The fact of ‘privileged access to the means of making reality’ (Couldry

2000) intensifies this problem of exploitation, as producers control the story and manipulate

representations according to their own class-based judgements of appropriateness and

entertainment value. This power relationship considered, we could even regard the middle-class

media producers as cultural capitalists, controlling a set of fame-seeking wage-labourers from both

the working and the upper classes.


Through analysing MIC and DS, contemporary British SR programmes claiming to depict life at two

extremes of the social scale, it has been argued that the representations made are loaded with class-

based meaning. The deliberate selection and manipulation of the subjects’ occupations, appearance,

language and social behaviour is all calculated to convey caricatured impressions of social class. The

regional working class is presented as vulgar and indiscreet, while London’s upper class is portrayed
as more tasteful and restrained, but ultimately frivolous and irresponsible. I have also argued that

these exploitative representations point to the existence of a hidden middle-class, through whose

lens of judgment the programmes are both produced and intended to be viewed, in line with a wider

middle-class media discourse blaming both the thriftless poor and the extravagant rich for the UK’s

current economic and social woes.

Britain’s taste for class-centred SR programming shows little sign of abating, with the continuing

success of nouveau-riche drama, The Only Way is Essex and a new show centred on Welsh working

class youth recently announced. (Bull 2012) This contemporary mediascape yields robust support for

Skeggs and Wood in their assertion that television’s ‘stories of everyday lives and ordinary

people...are always about class.’

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(Structured) Reality Television and Social Class

  • 1. MARCH 2012 Skeggs and Wood (2011) maintain that “all representations are at some level always about class. Television in particular, with its stories of everyday life and ‘ordinary people’, represents the structures of social relationships, from the most intimate to the most global, which are always about class.” Discuss. IDEAS, POLITICS & POLICY 4,185 words Student 1160350
  • 2. Introduction The statement of Skeggs and Wood (2008), forming the title of this essay, comes from their study of a relatively new genre of programming: reality television. Emerging in the late 1990s and early 2000s in the form of fly-on-the-wall set-ups like Big Brother (Endemol 1999) and lifestyle-contrasting shows like Wife Swap (RDF Media 2003), reality TV purports to portray real people going about their lives, while providing entertainment value through these depictions. Using a series of examples from both sides of the Atlantic, the authors argue that the new genre is particularly reflective of class differences and antagonisms. Not only this, but they assert that both the formats and apparent ideologies in programmes such as Ladette to Lady (RDF Media 2005) betray an imposition of middle class normativity, using a number of convincing examples and surrounding social context. This essay will examine their position in relation to the latest step in the evolution of reality television: structured reality (SR). Originating in the United States in the mid-2000s and quickly making the transition to British television, the sub-genre marks a new step by presenting the lives of its subjects in the format of a conventional drama, blurring the traditional lines between documentary and soap. In the UK as in the US, the programmes depict certain classes of people in highly stylised and sensational manners. The genre provides potential for class-based insights on two counts: it portrays real people in their real lives and thus reveals more about reality than a scripted drama in the style of Eastenders, while the very fact of its heavy orchestration and editing betrays the class-based viewpoints of producers, who reproduce class-based stereotypes in anticipation of what the audience expects from certain types of people. The essay begins by providing a social context, outlining the development of social class in Britain, arriving at the ways in which the British view and experience class today in light of recent history. A brief look at the role of British television content in mediating class is followed by introducing the specific genre of SR. In order to explore Skeggs’ and Wood’s assertion, I will present a class-based comparative analysis of two contemporary British SR programmes, depicting lives of the fabulously
  • 3. rich and the glamour-seeking working class respectively: Made in Chelsea (Monkey 2011) and Desperate Scousewives (Lime Pictures 2011). Through this analysis key insights about the representations of class emerge, and conclusions emerge about the extent and implications of this culture of televised class representation. Class in Britain: The past and the present ‘It is widely believed, both in Britain and abroad, that the British are obsessed with class in the way that other nations are obsessed with food or race or sex or drugs or alcohol’ (Cannadine, 1998) So wrote David Cannadine in his work Class in Britain (1998). He acknowledges the difficulty of proving or disproving this belief, but its existence is nonetheless indicative of a long social history that shapes the way that class is perceived and experienced in post-millennial Britain. For hundreds of years, dating from the Norman Conquest (1066), British society was strictly organised under the feudal system. The king was at the head of a social pyramid which placed the peasantry under knightly liege-lords, who answered in turn to the Crown. The fiscal system of taxes and tributes reflected this, as did the absolute power of the monarch and the nobility. What complicated matters from the 16th century onwards was the rise of trade and a prosperous merchant class – precursors of the Marxian bourgeoisie. This new class grew over the following centuries, truly blossoming during the Industrial Revolution (c. 1750-1850), when the concentration and mechanisation of production laid the grounds for modern-day capitalism. This period also saw a break-up of agrarian society, as country peasants moved to the cities to work under intense labour conditions, creating the new industrial working class. This class found its expression in the trade union movements and ultimately achieved political power as the Labour Party (1924). After two unsettling World Wars, the old social order of powerful aristocracy and underprivileged workers gave way to a new welfare capitalism, under which income and living standards improved greatly for
  • 4. the middle bulk of British society. The new middle class – large, well-off, influential – was firmly established. Margaret Thatcher (1979-90) avowed a desire to break down class stratification, dismantling organised labour unions and promoting individual endeavour and upward mobility. But Tony Blair’s (1997-2007) subsequent declaration that ‘We’re all middle-class now’ (Jones 2011) was a denial of the class difference that still exists in today’s Britain. In fact, 50% of Britons surveyed in 2002 believed the country to be more divided by class than in 1979. (MORI) Moreover, studies reveal that individual fortunes are still largely determined by socioeconomic class at birth. (Skeggs and Wood,p11). In 2012, the country finds itself experiencing mass unemployment and deep recession, under a government whose Cabinet of twenty-nine includes twenty-three millionaires (Owen 2010). We are debating both welfare cuts and corporate tax breaks, and still nominally ruled by a Queen of sixty years’ reign. Unlike the economy, class in Britain is very much alive and well. Class on British television Cannadine claimed that, ‘Britons are always thinking about who they are, what kind of society they belong to, and where they themselves belong in it.’ (1998,p23) The consumption of television is a very British pursuit; figures show that Britons watch an average of 28 hours per week, more than in any nation except America. (Nationmaster 2011). Given this, where better to turn for insights into British society than the television schedules? Hollywood, of course, is fond of portraying British society through an overtly classist lense, with its long-held predilection for upper class romances like Four Weddings and a Funeral (Newell 1994) and The King’s Speech (Hooper 2010). But despite popular British complaints on this score (Collins 2011), this obsession with class is also shared by British TV producers and viewers, with the significant difference being that lower classes seem to be more frequently represented on the small screen than on the large.
  • 5. The working classes are depicted in popular soaps including Coronation Street and Emmerdale, and also in daytime get-rich-quick shows like Deal or No Deal. In the former, there is more than a hint of regional caricature, which plays on the perception of provincial deprivation in the UK. I will argue later that region-based class distinction is a key feature of the new SR shows. Class-based moralising is nowhere more obvious than on The Jeremy Kyle Show, which are accused of ‘presenting the less well-off as "undeserving" objects of derision.’ (Sparrow 2008). Unlike American television, with its O.C.s (Fox 2003) and Desperate Housewives, (ABC 2004) the British offering is remarkably lacking in fictional portrayals of middle or upper-class people. This may be linked to the earlier point about the general hesitation to engage with the issue of class privilege, and the traditionally British dislike of overt shows of wealth, derided as ‘nouveau riche’. (Turnock 2007) It may also be attributed to a hidden media power balance, to which I will return later. Aside from Made in Chelsea, there is really only one dramatic account of the British privileged classes that has found success in recent years: Edwardian servants-and-masters drama Downton Abbey (Carnival 2011). It seems the British can only stomach overt depictions of class-based inequality when situated in a suitably-distant romantic past. I believe that the current British TV landscape betrays an enduring preoccupation with class, albeit a one-sided one. The fictional portrayal of working-class people by middle-class actors and producers is a recipe for distortion and class-based stereotyping. Surely then, the new wave of reality-based drama would afford the opportunity for a restoration of justice, by allowing ‘real-life’ subjects to tell their own, unmediated stories? Structured reality (SR) hits the UK SR is a new post-millenial genre with its origins in US productions like Laguna Beach (MTV 2004) and Jersey Shore (MTV 2009). Designated by Hill (2005) as the ‘third wave’ of reality television, these ‘dramalities’ purport to show us life as it really is, but in fact this is doubtful. There is evidence of heavy manipulation of everything from the selection of character-subjects to the locations and
  • 6. situations depicted. The Only Way is Essex (Lime Pictures 2010), Britain’s flagship SR show, opens each episode with a reminder that ‘While the people are real, some of what they do has been set up purely for your entertainment.’ The often blatantly engineered selection processes for participators in American reality TV shows that Grindstaff (Skeggs 2011:188-95) notes have been reproduced, along with the unashamed glamour and break with gritty reality pioneered by The Hills. (Skeggs 2011) I will argue that the products of this blurring of reality and fiction betray a great deal about class representation in British television. The (structured) reality of British class: a comparative analysis In order to fully bring out the class discourse, I have chosen to compare and contrast two SR programmes: Made in Chelsea and Desperate Scousewives. At first glance, the premise and aesthetic appear alike: depictions of glamorous young people entangled in webs of romantic intrigue, played out at champagne-popping extravaganzas that invariably give rise to plenty of food for gossip the following day. However, on closer inspection, the characters, situations, language all reveal that the two programmes are engineered to depict the ultimate stereotypes of class in Britain, with a regional North-South polarisation providing added emphasis. Made in Chelsea (MIC) When James Walcott wrote that ‘Reality TV wages class warfare and promotes proletarian exploitation,’ (Vanity Fair, December 2009) he failed to predict the recent wave of aristophilia. Paradoxically, during an economic recession, the British public seems more enthralled than ever with the upper classes. MIC was impeccably timed to launch hot on the heels of 2011’s Royal Wedding, itself a fascinating topic for class analysis. For the first time, the heir to the throne was united with a ‘commoner,’ a fact made much of in the countless column inches and television programmes devoted to investigating Kate Middleton’s non-noble yet highly privileged background. (Rayner 2010) In the UK, at least, the public appetite was there for a spot of aristocratic exploitation.
  • 7. You may have heard rumours that Chelsea is an exclusive world of royals, aristocrats and playboys, where the gossip is as startling as the prices. Well it’s all true. I’m Caggie Dunlop, and this is my world. (MIC episode 1, May 2011) So begins our entree into the gilded circles that inhabit one of the world’s most expensive locales: South West London, specifically the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. Building on a well- established popular perception of the area, MIC is concerned with the affluent lives and turbulent loves of a group of privileged twenty-somethings in Chelsea. It goes a step further than The Hills in making its exploration of privilege explicit and conscious, rather than glossing over it as incidental. The programme employs a kitsch British aesthetic centring on the Union Jack motif, and takes a tongue-in-cheek approach to its subject matter. At the heart of the narrative is a tortuous love story between stockbroker Spencer Matthews and globetrotting singer/songwriter Caggie Dunlop. Desperate Scousewives (DS) In November 2011, a new incarnation of the SR genre promised us insight into a very different social enclave. Situated opposite to MIC both geographically and socially, DS was set in Liverpool, a city in the North-West still popularly associated with social deprivation, tawdry taste and the notoriously incomprehensible Scouse accent, despite significant rebranding efforts. (Bartlett 2011) No wonder then, that local residents took such exception (Collinson 2011) to the show’s stereotypical portrayal of their city on the national stage: We’re loud and we’re proud. It must be something they put in that water – the Mersey that is... I’m Jodie, and I’m back. Just like the others, I’m ready to grab life by the scruff of the neck, to get what I want. (DS, Episode 1, November 2011) The opening sequence, narrated in a broad Liverpudlian accent by the platinum blonde Jodie Lundstram, features shots of glamorous parties and apparently fabulous lifestyles, interspersed with
  • 8. fleeting vistas of terraced housing and inner city dereliction. This is emblematic of the programme itself, which is essentially concerned with the working-class subjects’ aspirations to worldly success and quality of life, despite their humble surroundings and backgrounds. While the MIC story is about living with wealth and privilege, DS is about the struggle to get hold of a piece of it, ‘by the scruff of the neck’ if necessary. Occupation and identity Occupation is one of the key criteria for official socioeconomic classification, with unskilled manual labourers placed at the bottom and highly skilled professionals ranked highest. (ONS) Despite being of similar ages, the casts make (or don’t make) their livings in very different fields. Those of MIC’s subjects who do work pursue careers in decidedly luxury industries: designer jewellery, entertainment PR and lifestyle journalism. Comical ‘entrepreneur’ Francis Boulle, is the heir to a diamond-mining company. At the other end of the scale, the DS are salon workers and shop assistants. In an unusually poignant moment, Amanda Harrington reveals her struggles to succeed as a glamour model while raising a child she had at 19. Their low-powered jobs reflect their position in a society still characterised by low social mobility. (Sutton Trust 2007) Even their names reveal clues about the class divisions still apparent in contemporary Britain. Debbie O’Toole and Joe McMahon bear surnames characteristic of traditionally impoverished Irish settlers in Liverpool (Aughton 2003) while Rosie Fortescue and Alexandra Felstead (of MIC) could almost only be names from a public school register. Research shows that surnames continue to be a rough indicator of social class in the UK (BBC 2006), and they were almost certainly a consideration in the casting of these two programmes. Appearance The way that people dress is another significant social indicator (Bennett 2010). In a manner that sometimes appears paradoxical to foreign observers, the British upper classes traditionally eschew flamboyant dress on all but special occasions, preferring understated (but expensive) styles
  • 9. reminiscent of country living, from designers like Dunhill and Barbour. This is the dress code for MIC: the boys don quietly superior tweed suits and cricket cardigans, while the girls sport subtle make-up and simple designer dresses. Once again, DS offers a startling contrast. Here the emphasis is on flaunting everything; many of the scenes are built around the salon makeover or dressing for a night out, and the aesthetic reflects a philosophy of ‘More is more’ – from the fake eyelashes and the surgically enhanced breasts to the sparkling jewellery and obligatory spray tan. When MIC’s Rosie declares in her cut-glass accent, ‘I think fake tan is probably the most offensive thing in the world,’ or Mark-Francis announces, ‘Topshop *a popular high street clothing brand] is not allowed!’ these are more than just casual expressions of preference. British viewers familiar with the cultural context instantly recognise the subjects’ attempts to distance themselves from cheaper, ‘lowbrow’ forms of aesthetic expression – the ones which DS flaunts. Good taste is thus reinforced as an upper class attribute, while the regional working class is portrayed as tawdry and garish. Language and accent Despite its relatively small size, the UK has a wealth of diverse regional accents and dialects. Traditionally, the ‘BBC tones’ associated with the South-East and the upper classes, were favoured as the ‘received pronunciation,’ and regional accents were poorly represented on national television. (Rowbotham 2001) People with strong provincial accents are still often regarded as less intelligent, and lower down the social scale, as exemplified by Rampton’s study of reaction to accents (2003) and Tolson’s discussion of the British media’s treatment of reality star, Jade Goody (Skeggs, pp52- 55]. While the cast of MIC all speak with the plummy received pronunciation associated in the popular imagination with the privately-educated upper-class ‘toff,’ the DS characters without exception have broad regional twangs. Both groups use slang, which by its disparity highlights the social divide. Lazily drawling use of semi-ironic abbreviations like ‘yah’ (yes) and ‘totes amaze’ (totally amazing) in Chelsea contrast with earthier terms like ‘boss’ (brilliant) and ‘bang tidy’ (attractive) in Liverpool.
  • 10. This marked contrast in itself indicates a manipulated expression of reality; there are surely plenty of Liverpudlians who speak more mainstream English, and London is famous for its urban street slang, associated with lower socioeconomic classes. However, there is another dimension to the language- linked representation: content. While both programmes deal with romantic adventures, MIC is far more coy about intimate matters. The Chelsea characters speak in terms of ‘Something happened’ and ‘Did you go there,’ while the Scousers refer openly to ‘anal bleaching’ and ‘giving someone a go.’ Along with the high amount of nudity from both male and female characters in DS, compared to MIC which depicts none despite being shown post-watershed, a picture begins to emerge of class-based sexualisation. The old Victorian idea of the vulgar, oversexed working class begins to resurface, contrasted by the restraint of the morally superior upper classes. (Skeggs, pp225-35) Social interaction The ways in which the subjects behave and interact betrays further differences that can be interpreted in a class framework. Conflicts and conflict resolution, as may be imagined, forms the bulk of the subject matter. The MIC characters adhere largely to the WASP1 stereotype by eschewing open confrontation and pursuing grudges in the form of rumour-mongering, whispered comments and would-be subtle innuendo, masked by pristine politeness. None of Lakoff’s increasing belligerence of televised confrontation here. (Skeggs,p56) On the other hand, DS would lead us to believe that all grievances in Liverpool are expressed in the form of shouted arguments littered with obscenities, and frequently venturing into the physical. Local celebrity Amanda Harrington’s clash with ‘bitchy blogger’ Jaiden Micheal is a prime example: a public exchange of insults at a party followed by the throwing of a drink. Overblown theatrics? Very likely. But this only reinforces the point that there is a conscious portrayal of the working class subjects of DS as given to excess and uncivilised social habits, while the well-off denizens of the Royal Borough know how to behave in 1 WASP is a North American abbreviation strictly denoting ‘White, Anglo-Saxon Protestant.’ In its wider current sense it refers to a set of cultural characteristics and values popularly associated with privileged White communities, including high social influence, and aversion to emotional display and open conflict. (Feldman 2010)
  • 11. polite society. This equation of good class with good manners is an ancient one that continues to find expression in SR, as it did in its less subtle reality predecessors like Ladette to Lady (Skeggs 2011). The only difference is that where that was overtly pedagogic, DS and MIC are chiefly concerned with exaggerating and exploiting class-stereotyped behaviour for voyeuristic entertainment. Making cultural sense of MIC and DS The fact that these programmes are manipulated and stage-managed to a significant degree enhances, rather than reduces, their significance in terms of class-based representation. Rather than being true documentary accounts, they are exaggerated and stylised portrayals of class stereotypes, crystallising the idea of continued class polarisation in modern Britain. For example, the DS boys are frequently shown playing or watching football, a stereotypically working-class but in reality national sport, (Bennett 2010) while their MIC counterparts engage in polo and rowing, popularly associated with the privileged classes. Moreover, there is a moral and behavioural framing of this polarisation. Both programmes frequently depict scenes in nightclubs or at parties. Yet while the DS are frequently portrayed as under the influence of alcohol and raucous or emotional because of this, the Chelsea girls are never shown in this way. It would be unrealistic to conclude from this that non-working class English girls don’t become very inebriated – in fact research (Randhawa 2011) and personal experience proves the opposite to be true! The more informed conclusion is that there is a conscious equation of poor self-control with lower social class. This should lead us to consider who exactly is making and representing these class-based judgements, since it is unlikely that the subjects themselves are in control.
  • 12. The third class If MIC’s subjects stand in for the upper class, and the DS for the working class, then we are missing an important component of contemporary British society: the middle class. As mentioned before, there is very little dramatic/fictional programming depicting the middle class on British television, but this underrepresentation is not indicative of weakness, but in fact of control. As Skeggs and Wood [2011,p19+ note, media invisibility can be a clue to ‘hidden power.’ Rather than themselves being represented for entertainment purposes, I would argue that the overwhelmingly middle-class British media producers (Sica 2011) have created two extreme caricatures of the upper and lower scales of society, portraying not only the disreputable poor, but also the frivolous rich, as sensationalised Others, in a manner recalling Foucault’s observations: The middle class thus defined itself as different from the aristocracy and the working classes who spent, sexually and economically, without moderation... It differed by virtue of its sexual restraint, its monogamy and its economic restraint or thrift. (Foucault 1979,p100) Thus it follows that the ideal viewer is middle-class, which is frequently equated with ‘normal.’ (Skeggs and Wood 2009,p629) That these programmes exemplify the phenomenon of creating media through and for the ‘middle-class gaze’ (Lyle 2008) corresponds with the current political discourse in the UK. Mainstream media is preoccupied with waging a war of words on two economic fronts: on the one hand there is continued obsession with the idea of ‘benefit scroungers’ and parasites draining resources from society (Jones 2011), and on the other uproar abounds over bankers’ bonuses, tax cuts for the very rich and the idea that money can still buy power and influence. (BBC 2012) The ‘squeezed middle,’ a term implying undue pressures exerted from both the upper and lower scales of society, seems to be fighting its corner by holding up the imprudence of the other two classes in implicit contrast to its own traditional ‘economic restraint or thrift.’
  • 13. Exploitation or aspiration? The SR genre employs a new form of labour: performing oneself (Skeggs 2011). On the one hand, the subjects are living the neoliberal dream to its fullest: making their way in the world by using not only their talents or skills but their very identities, arguably the ultimate form of capital. In doing this they potentially achieve fame, fortune and free products – the subjects and characters inevitably acting as vehicles for promotion of various consumer goods. SR programming is a direct product of the dream of social mobility based on consumerism and individual fortune. The old prejudices against upstarts and climbers may still exist, but they seem weak in post-Thatcherist Britain where everyone, whether living in a Chelsea townhouse or a terraced estate in Merseyside, can demand a glamorous lifestyle. But does this come at the price of performing the ultimate alienated labour? When Marx complained that production had become the aim of man (Baxandall,p63-4), he could not have predicted that people would one day live out their lives on camera in order to create personal wealth and corporate revenue. However, the phenomenon could be interpreted as a contemporary vindication of his lament. The fact of ‘privileged access to the means of making reality’ (Couldry 2000) intensifies this problem of exploitation, as producers control the story and manipulate representations according to their own class-based judgements of appropriateness and entertainment value. This power relationship considered, we could even regard the middle-class media producers as cultural capitalists, controlling a set of fame-seeking wage-labourers from both the working and the upper classes. Conclusion Through analysing MIC and DS, contemporary British SR programmes claiming to depict life at two extremes of the social scale, it has been argued that the representations made are loaded with class- based meaning. The deliberate selection and manipulation of the subjects’ occupations, appearance, language and social behaviour is all calculated to convey caricatured impressions of social class. The regional working class is presented as vulgar and indiscreet, while London’s upper class is portrayed
  • 14. as more tasteful and restrained, but ultimately frivolous and irresponsible. I have also argued that these exploitative representations point to the existence of a hidden middle-class, through whose lens of judgment the programmes are both produced and intended to be viewed, in line with a wider middle-class media discourse blaming both the thriftless poor and the extravagant rich for the UK’s current economic and social woes. Britain’s taste for class-centred SR programming shows little sign of abating, with the continuing success of nouveau-riche drama, The Only Way is Essex and a new show centred on Welsh working class youth recently announced. (Bull 2012) This contemporary mediascape yields robust support for Skeggs and Wood in their assertion that television’s ‘stories of everyday lives and ordinary people...are always about class.’
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