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Building iOS apps
with ReactiveCocoa
About me
Eliasz Sawicki
Twitter: @EliSawic
Let's begin
Functional Reactive
Functional reactive programming (FRP) is a programming
paradigm for reactive programming (asynchronous dataflow
programming) using the building blocks of functional
programming (e.g. map, reduce, filter).
Reactive Programming
• Working with asynchronous dataflow
• Reacting to state changes
Functional Programming
• Immutable
assert(f(x) == f(x))
A person
class Person {
var name: String
init(name: String) { = name
func personWithReversedName(person: Person) -> Person { = String(
return person
let person = Person(name: "John")
let reversedA = personWithReversedName(person)
print( // nhoJ
let reversedB = personWithReversedName(person)
print( // John
func personWithReversedName(person: Person) -> Person {
let name = String(
let newPerson = Person(name: name)
return newPerson
let person = Person(name: "John")
let reversedA = personWithReversedName(person)
print( // nhoJ
let reversedB = personWithReversedName(person)
print( // nhoJ
Functional Programming
• Immutable
• Stateless
var value = 0
func increment() {
value += 1
func increment(value: Int) -> Int {
return value + 1
let array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
var evenNumbers = [Int]()
for element in array {
if element % 2 == 0 {
let array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let evenNumbers = array.filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }
Back to
Event streams
Event Stream
• Next
• Completed
• Failed
• Interrupted
What is it?
• Represents events over time
• Must be observed in order to access it's events
• Observing a signal does not trigger any side effects (push
• No random access to events
Signal's lifetime
• Passes any number of Next events
• "Dies" when terminating event arrives
• Any new observer will receive Interrupted event
signal.observe { (event) in
signal.observeNext { (value) in
signal.observeCompleter {
Creating Signals
Basic signal
Signal<String, NSError> { (observer) -> Disposable? in
return ActionDisposable(action: {
print("Signal disposed")
let (signal, observer) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
signal.observeNext({ text in
print("Test completed")
observer.sendNext("It's a test") // It's a test
observer.sendCompleted() // Test completed
What is it?
• Represents tasks
• Creates signals
• Performs side effects
• Does not start it's work if not started
Injecting side effects
let producer = signalProducer
.on(started: {
}, event: { event in
print("Event: (event)")
}, failed: { error in
print("Failed: (error)")
}, completed: {
}, interrupted: {
}, terminated: {
}, disposed: {
}, next: { value in
print("Next: (value)")
Creating Signal
Basic Signal Producer
SignalProducer<String, NSError> { (observer, composite) in
print("Clearing work")
observer.sendNext("In Progres...")
let (producer, observer) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(3)
producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in
signal.observeNext({ (text) in
print(text) // test
print("Test completed") // Test completed
observer.sendNext("is interrupted")
producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in
signal.observeNext({ (text) in
print(text) // test, is interrupted
print("Test interrupted") // Test interrupted
Manipulating signals
let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
let textSignal = { (number) -> String in
return "Number is (number)"
numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in
print(number) // 5
textSignal.observeNext { (text) in
print(text) // Number is 5
let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
let fiveSignal = numberSignal.filter { (number) -> Bool in
return number == 5
numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in
print(number) // 6, 5
fiveSignal.observeNext { (number) in
print(number) // 5
let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
let aggregtingSignal = numberSignal.reduce(0) { (currentValue, addedValue) -> Int in
return currentValue + addedValue
numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in
print(number) // 5, 6
aggregtingSignal.observeNext { (number) in
print("Aggregated (number)") // Aggregated 11
Skip repeats
Skip repeats
let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in
print(number) // 1, 2, 2, 3
numberSignal.skipRepeats().observeNext { (number) in
print(number) // 1, 2, 3
Skip until
Skip until
let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in
print(number) // 5, 6
let (trigger, triggerObserver) = Signal<Void, NoError>.pipe()
numberSignal.skipUntil(trigger).observeNext { (number) in
print("Triggered (number)") // Triggered 6
let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in
print(number) // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
numberSignal.collect { (values) -> Bool in
return values.reduce(0, combine: +) > 4
}.observeNext { (values) in
print(values) // [1, 2, 3], [4 ,5]
multiple signals
Combine latest
Combine latest
let (numberSignal, numberObserver) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
let (textSignal, textObserver) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
combineLatest(numberSignal, textSignal).observeNext { (number, text) in
print("(text) - (number)")
numberObserver.sendNext(1) // Nothing printed
textObserver.sendNext("John") // John - 1
numberObserver.sendNext(2) // John - 2
textObserver.sendNext("Mary") // Mary - 2
let (menSignal, menObserver) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
let (womenSignal, womenObserver) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
let zippedSignal = zip(menSignal, womenSignal)
zippedSignal.observeNext { (man, woman) in
print("New couple - (man) and (woman)")
menObserver.sendNext("John") // Nothing printed
menObserver.sendNext("Tom") // Nothing printed
womenObserver.sendNext("Lisa") // New couple - John and Lisa
menObserver.sendNext("Greg") // Nothing printed
womenObserver.sendNext("Sandra") // New couple - Tom and Sandra
womenObserver.sendNext("Mary") // New couple - Greg and Mary, Completed
let (menSignal, menObserver) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
let (womenSignal, womenObserver) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
let (peopleSignal, peopleObserver) = Signal<Signal<String, NoError>, NoError>.pipe()
peopleSignal.flatten(.Merge).observeNext { (name) in
menObserver.sendNext("John") // John
womenObserver.sendNext("Lisa") // Lisa
Handling errors
Catching errors
let (producer, observer) = SignalProducer<String, NSError>.buffer(5)
let error = NSError(domain: "domain", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
.flatMapError { _ in SignalProducer<String, NoError>(value: "Default") }
.startWithNext { next in print(next) }
observer.sendNext("First") // prints "First"
observer.sendNext("Second") // prints "Second"
observer.sendFailed(error) // prints "Default"
var tries = 0 let limit = 2 let error = NSError(domain: "domain", code: 0, userInfo: nil)
let producer = SignalProducer<String, NSError> { (observer, _) in
if tries++ < limit {
} else {
.on(failed: {e in print("Failure")}).retry(2).start { event in // prints "Failure" twice
switch event {
case let .Next(next):
print(next) // prints "Success"
case let .Failed(error):
print("Failed: (error)")
let (numbersSignal, numbersObserver) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe()
let (lettersSignal, lettersObserver) = Signal<String, NSError>.pipe()
Mapping errors
• AnyProperty
• ConstantProperty
• MutableProperty
• DynamicProperty
let name = MutableProperty<String>("Bob")
name.producer.startWithNext { (text) in
name.modify { (name) -> String in
return name + "!"
name.value = "Lisa"
let textProperty = DynamicProperty(object: textField, keyPath: "text")
textProperty.producer.startWithNext { (text) in
textProperty.value = "Textfield text"
Basic binding
let property = MutableProperty<String>("")
let (producer, _) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(1)
let (signal, _) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe()
property <~ producer
property <~ signal
Create Action
let action = Action<Int, String, NSError>({ (number) -> SignalProducer<String, NSError> in
return SignalProducer<String, NSError> {observer, disposable in
observer.sendNext("Number is (number)")
Create signal producer
let producer = action.apply(1)
Execute action
prodcuer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable ) in
signal.observeNext({ (value) in
signal.observeFailed({ (actionError) in
Observing actions
let action = Action<Int, String, NSError>({ (number) -> SignalProducer<String, NSError> in
return SignalProducer<String, NSError> {observer, disposable in
observer.sendNext("Number is (number)")
action.values.observe { (value) in
print("Value: (value)")
action.errors.observe { (error) in
print("Error: (error)")
} { (event) in
print("Event: (event)")
action.apply(5).startWithSignal { (_ , _ ) in }
Prepare Action
var text = MutableProperty<String>("Switch is on")
let switchControl = UISwitch()
let switchAction = Action<Bool, String, NoError>({
(isOn) -> SignalProducer<String, NoError> in
return SignalProducer<String, NoError> { observer, disposable in
observer.sendNext(isOn ? "Switch is on" : "Switch is off")
Create CocoaAction
let switchCocoaAction = CocoaAction(switchAction, { (control) -> Bool in
let control = control as! UISwitch
return control.on
switchControl.addTarget(switchCocoaAction, action: CocoaAction.selector,
forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)
text <~ switchAction.values
• SchedulerType
• ImmediateScheduler
• UIScheduler
• DateSchedulerType
• QueueScheduler
• TestScheduler
Memory Management
let producer = SignalProducer<String, NoError> { (observer, composite) in
let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(10)
composite += QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: {
print("Doing my work") // Doing my work
producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in
signal.observeNext({ (value) in
print(value) // Test
print("Work completed") // Work completed
Cancelling work
let producer = SignalProducer<String, NoError> { (observer, composite) in
let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(10)
composite += QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: {
print("Doing my work") // Not printed
producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in
signal.observeNext({ (value) in
print(value) // Not printed
print("Work interrupted") // Work interrupted
let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(2)
QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: {
let producer = SignalProducer<String, NoError> { (observer, composite) in
print("I'm done")
let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(4)
composite += QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: {
print("Doing my work") // Not printed
producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in
print("Work interrupted")
let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(2)
QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: {
disposable.dispose() // Work interrupted, I'm done
Disposing signal
let producer = SignalProducer<String, NoError> { (observer, composite) in
print("I'm done")
let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(5)
composite += QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: {
print("Doing my work") // Not printed
producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in
let signalDisposable = signal.observeInterrupted({
print("Work interrupted") // Not printed
let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(2)
QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: {
let date2 = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(4)
QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date2, action: {
What's the result?
var value = 10
let closure = {
let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(2)
QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: {
value = 20
Captured value
var value = 10
let closure = { [value] in
let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(2)
QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: {
value = 20
Weak, Strong,
let closure = { [unowned self] in
self.label.text = "test"
let closure = { [weak self] in
guard let weakSelf = self else { return }
self.label.text = "test"
let cocoaAction = CocoaAction(action) { _ in }
//without Rex
button.addTarget(cocoaAction, action: CocoaAction.selector,
forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside)
//with Rex extensions
button.rex_pressed.value = cocoaAction
UITextField, UILabel, MutableProperty
var titleValue = MutableProperty<String?>(nil)
//without Rex
textField.rac_textSignal().subscribeNext {
self.titleValue.value = $0 as? String
titleValue.producer.startWithNext {
self.label.text = $0
self.label.hidden = $0?.characters.count < 5
//with Rex
titleValue <~ textField.rex_text
titleLabel.rex_text <~ titleValue
titleLabel.rex_hidden <~
{ $0?.characters.count < 5 }
Let's see it in action

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ReactiveCocoa workshop

  • 1. Building iOS apps with ReactiveCocoa
  • 2. About me Eliasz Sawicki Blog: Twitter: @EliSawic
  • 6. Wikipedia Functional reactive programming (FRP) is a programming paradigm for reactive programming (asynchronous dataflow programming) using the building blocks of functional programming (e.g. map, reduce, filter).
  • 8. Reactive Programming • Working with asynchronous dataflow • Reacting to state changes
  • 12. A person class Person { var name: String init(name: String) { = name } }
  • 13. Mutable func personWithReversedName(person: Person) -> Person { = String( return person } let person = Person(name: "John") let reversedA = personWithReversedName(person) print( // nhoJ let reversedB = personWithReversedName(person) print( // John
  • 14. Immutable func personWithReversedName(person: Person) -> Person { let name = String( let newPerson = Person(name: name) return newPerson } let person = Person(name: "John") let reversedA = personWithReversedName(person) print( // nhoJ let reversedB = personWithReversedName(person) print( // nhoJ
  • 16. Stateful var value = 0 func increment() { value += 1 }
  • 17. Stateless func increment(value: Int) -> Int { return value + 1 }
  • 20. Imperative let array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] var evenNumbers = [Int]() for element in array { if element % 2 == 0 { evenNumbers.append(element) } }
  • 21. Declarative let array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] let evenNumbers = array.filter { $0 % 2 == 0 }
  • 25. Event
  • 29. What is it? • Represents events over time • Must be observed in order to access it's events • Observing a signal does not trigger any side effects (push based) • No random access to events
  • 30. Signal's lifetime • Passes any number of Next events • "Dies" when terminating event arrives • Any new observer will receive Interrupted event
  • 31. Observing signal.observe { (event) in print(event) } signal.observeNext { (value) in print(value) } signal.observeCompleter { print("Completed") }
  • 33. Basic signal Signal<String, NSError> { (observer) -> Disposable? in observer.sendNext("test") observer.sendCompleted() return ActionDisposable(action: { print("Signal disposed") }) }
  • 34. Pipe
  • 35. let (signal, observer) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe() signal.observeNext({ text in print(text) }) signal.observeCompleted({ print("Test completed") }) observer.sendNext("It's a test") // It's a test observer.sendCompleted() // Test completed
  • 37. What is it? • Represents tasks • Creates signals • Performs side effects • Does not start it's work if not started
  • 38. Injecting side effects let producer = signalProducer .on(started: { print("Started") }, event: { event in print("Event: (event)") }, failed: { error in print("Failed: (error)") }, completed: { print("Completed") }, interrupted: { print("Interrupted") }, terminated: { print("Terminated") }, disposed: { print("Disposed") }, next: { value in print("Next: (value)") })
  • 40. Basic Signal Producer SignalProducer<String, NSError> { (observer, composite) in composite.addDisposable({ print("Clearing work") }) observer.sendNext("In Progres...") observer.sendCompleted() }
  • 41. Buffer let (producer, observer) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(3) observer.sendNext("test") observer.sendCompleted() producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in signal.observeNext({ (text) in print(text) // test }) signal.observeCompleted({ print("Test completed") // Test completed }) } observer.sendNext("is interrupted") observer.sendInterrupted() producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in signal.observeNext({ (text) in print(text) // test, is interrupted }) signal.observeInterrupted({ print("Test interrupted") // Test interrupted }) }
  • 43. Map
  • 44. Map let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe() let textSignal = { (number) -> String in return "Number is (number)" } numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in print(number) // 5 } textSignal.observeNext { (text) in print(text) // Number is 5 } observer.sendNext(5)
  • 46. Filter let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe() let fiveSignal = numberSignal.filter { (number) -> Bool in return number == 5 } numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in print(number) // 6, 5 } fiveSignal.observeNext { (number) in print(number) // 5 } observer.sendNext(6) observer.sendNext(5)
  • 48. Aggregating let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe() let aggregtingSignal = numberSignal.reduce(0) { (currentValue, addedValue) -> Int in return currentValue + addedValue } numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in print(number) // 5, 6 } aggregtingSignal.observeNext { (number) in print("Aggregated (number)") // Aggregated 11 } observer.sendNext(5) observer.sendNext(6) observer.sendCompleted()
  • 50. Skip repeats let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe() numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in print(number) // 1, 2, 2, 3 } numberSignal.skipRepeats().observeNext { (number) in print(number) // 1, 2, 3 } observer.sendNext(1) observer.sendNext(2) observer.sendNext(2) observer.sendNext(3)
  • 52. Skip until let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe() numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in print(number) // 5, 6 } let (trigger, triggerObserver) = Signal<Void, NoError>.pipe() numberSignal.skipUntil(trigger).observeNext { (number) in print("Triggered (number)") // Triggered 6 } observer.sendNext(5) triggerObserver.sendNext() observer.sendNext(6)
  • 53. Collect let (numberSignal, observer) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe() numberSignal.observeNext { (number) in print(number) // 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } numberSignal.collect { (values) -> Bool in return values.reduce(0, combine: +) > 4 }.observeNext { (values) in print(values) // [1, 2, 3], [4 ,5] } observer.sendNext(1) observer.sendNext(2) observer.sendNext(3) observer.sendNext(4) observer.sendNext(5)
  • 57. let (numberSignal, numberObserver) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe() let (textSignal, textObserver) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe() combineLatest(numberSignal, textSignal).observeNext { (number, text) in print("(text) - (number)") } numberObserver.sendNext(1) // Nothing printed textObserver.sendNext("John") // John - 1 numberObserver.sendNext(2) // John - 2 textObserver.sendNext("Mary") // Mary - 2
  • 58. Zip
  • 59. Zip let (menSignal, menObserver) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe() let (womenSignal, womenObserver) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe() let zippedSignal = zip(menSignal, womenSignal) zippedSignal.observeNext { (man, woman) in print("New couple - (man) and (woman)") } zippedSignal.observeCompleted({ print("Completed") }) menObserver.sendNext("John") // Nothing printed menObserver.sendNext("Tom") // Nothing printed womenObserver.sendNext("Lisa") // New couple - John and Lisa menObserver.sendNext("Greg") // Nothing printed menObserver.sendCompleted() womenObserver.sendNext("Sandra") // New couple - Tom and Sandra womenObserver.sendNext("Mary") // New couple - Greg and Mary, Completed
  • 60. Merge
  • 61. Merge let (menSignal, menObserver) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe() let (womenSignal, womenObserver) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe() let (peopleSignal, peopleObserver) = Signal<Signal<String, NoError>, NoError>.pipe() peopleSignal.flatten(.Merge).observeNext { (name) in print(name) } peopleObserver.sendNext(menSignal) peopleObserver.sendNext(womenSignal) menObserver.sendNext("John") // John womenObserver.sendNext("Lisa") // Lisa
  • 63. Catching errors let (producer, observer) = SignalProducer<String, NSError>.buffer(5) let error = NSError(domain: "domain", code: 0, userInfo: nil) producer .flatMapError { _ in SignalProducer<String, NoError>(value: "Default") } .startWithNext { next in print(next) } observer.sendNext("First") // prints "First" observer.sendNext("Second") // prints "Second" observer.sendFailed(error) // prints "Default"
  • 64. Retry var tries = 0 let limit = 2 let error = NSError(domain: "domain", code: 0, userInfo: nil) let producer = SignalProducer<String, NSError> { (observer, _) in if tries++ < limit { observer.sendFailed(error) } else { observer.sendNext("Success") observer.sendCompleted() } } producer .on(failed: {e in print("Failure")}).retry(2).start { event in // prints "Failure" twice switch event { case let .Next(next): print(next) // prints "Success" case let .Failed(error): print("Failed: (error)") } }
  • 65. Promoting let (numbersSignal, numbersObserver) = Signal<Int, NoError>.pipe() let (lettersSignal, lettersObserver) = Signal<String, NSError>.pipe() numbersSignal .promoteErrors(NSError) .combineLatestWith(lettersSignal)
  • 68. Properties • AnyProperty • ConstantProperty • MutableProperty • DynamicProperty
  • 69. MutableProperty let name = MutableProperty<String>("Bob") name.producer.startWithNext { (text) in print(text) } name.modify { (name) -> String in return name + "!" } name.value = "Lisa"
  • 70. DynamicProperty let textProperty = DynamicProperty(object: textField, keyPath: "text") textProperty.producer.startWithNext { (text) in print(text) } textProperty.value = "Textfield text"
  • 72. Basic binding let property = MutableProperty<String>("") let (producer, _) = SignalProducer<String, NoError>.buffer(1) let (signal, _) = Signal<String, NoError>.pipe() property <~ producer property <~ signal
  • 74. Create Action let action = Action<Int, String, NSError>({ (number) -> SignalProducer<String, NSError> in return SignalProducer<String, NSError> {observer, disposable in observer.sendNext("Number is (number)") observer.sendCompleted() } })
  • 75. Create signal producer let producer = action.apply(1)
  • 76. Execute action prodcuer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable ) in signal.observeNext({ (value) in print("(value)") }) signal.observeFailed({ (actionError) in print("(actionError)") }) }
  • 77. Observing actions let action = Action<Int, String, NSError>({ (number) -> SignalProducer<String, NSError> in return SignalProducer<String, NSError> {observer, disposable in observer.sendNext("Number is (number)") observer.sendCompleted() } }) action.values.observe { (value) in print("Value: (value)") } action.errors.observe { (error) in print("Error: (error)") } { (event) in print("Event: (event)") } action.apply(5).startWithSignal { (_ , _ ) in }
  • 79. Prepare Action var text = MutableProperty<String>("Switch is on") let switchControl = UISwitch() let switchAction = Action<Bool, String, NoError>({ (isOn) -> SignalProducer<String, NoError> in return SignalProducer<String, NoError> { observer, disposable in observer.sendNext(isOn ? "Switch is on" : "Switch is off") observer.sendCompleted() } })
  • 80. Create CocoaAction let switchCocoaAction = CocoaAction(switchAction, { (control) -> Bool in let control = control as! UISwitch return control.on }) switchControl.addTarget(switchCocoaAction, action: CocoaAction.selector, forControlEvents: .ValueChanged) text <~ switchAction.values
  • 81. Schedulers • SchedulerType • ImmediateScheduler • UIScheduler • DateSchedulerType • QueueScheduler • TestScheduler
  • 84. Task let producer = SignalProducer<String, NoError> { (observer, composite) in let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(10) composite += QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: { print("Doing my work") // Doing my work observer.sendNext("Test") observer.sendCompleted() }) } producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in signal.observeNext({ (value) in print(value) // Test }) signal.observeCompleted({ print("Work completed") // Work completed }) }
  • 85. Cancelling work let producer = SignalProducer<String, NoError> { (observer, composite) in let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(10) composite += QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: { print("Doing my work") // Not printed observer.sendNext("Test") observer.sendCompleted() }) } producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in signal.observeNext({ (value) in print(value) // Not printed }) signal.observeInterrupted({ print("Work interrupted") // Work interrupted }) let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(2) QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: { disposable.dispose() }) }
  • 86. Cleaning let producer = SignalProducer<String, NoError> { (observer, composite) in composite.addDisposable({ print("I'm done") }) let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(4) composite += QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: { print("Doing my work") // Not printed }) } producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in signal.observeInterrupted({ print("Work interrupted") }) let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(2) QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: { disposable.dispose() // Work interrupted, I'm done }) }
  • 87. Disposing signal let producer = SignalProducer<String, NoError> { (observer, composite) in composite.addDisposable({ print("I'm done") }) let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(5) composite += QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: { print("Doing my work") // Not printed }) } producer.startWithSignal { (signal, disposable) in let signalDisposable = signal.observeInterrupted({ print("Work interrupted") // Not printed }) let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(2) QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: { signalDisposable!.dispose() }) let date2 = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(4) QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date2, action: { disposable.dispose() }) }
  • 89. What's the result? var value = 10 let closure = { let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(2) QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: { print(value) }) } closure() value = 20
  • 90. Captured value var value = 10 let closure = { [value] in let date = NSDate().dateByAddingTimeInterval(2) QueueScheduler().scheduleAfter(date, action: { print(value) }) } closure() value = 20
  • 92. Unowned let closure = { [unowned self] in self.label.text = "test" }
  • 93. Weak let closure = { [weak self] in guard let weakSelf = self else { return } self.label.text = "test" }
  • 94. Rex
  • 95. UIButton let cocoaAction = CocoaAction(action) { _ in } //without Rex button.addTarget(cocoaAction, action: CocoaAction.selector, forControlEvents: .TouchUpInside) //with Rex extensions button.rex_pressed.value = cocoaAction
  • 96. UITextField, UILabel, MutableProperty var titleValue = MutableProperty<String?>(nil) //without Rex textField.rac_textSignal().subscribeNext { self.titleValue.value = $0 as? String } titleValue.producer.startWithNext { self.label.text = $0 self.label.hidden = $0?.characters.count < 5 } //with Rex titleValue <~ textField.rex_text titleLabel.rex_text <~ titleValue titleLabel.rex_hidden <~ { $0?.characters.count < 5 } )
  • 97. Let's see it in action