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           You mean like,
  'You run as fast as you can,
and I'll throw it as far as I can?'”

        Jeff Kemp
 [When asked about his rapport
 with wide receiver Jerry Rice.]


Joe   And   d Aw n P i c i                              Joe   And   d Aw n P i c i

    A MessAge         froM       Joe   And   d Aw n :   have had the honor and responsibility of sharing
                                                        this methodology as speakers, trainers and coaches
We have been in the communication training              for hundreds of thousands of individuals world
industry for over twenty years. Powerful, effective     wide. At Pici & Pici Inc., we have created results
individuals understand that communication and           driven training programs that assist individuals
people skills are the cornerstones to success in        and organizations in accomplishing more through
business. Unfortunately, as our world becomes more      Rapport MasterySM. Our Rapport MasterySM sales
technology focused, these essential skills are being    training is an extremely strong skill builder, which is
left behind causing many companies to wonder            straightforward and easy to apply. Included during
why they are struggling to obtain and secure more       the instruction is live telephone training with your
business. The purpose of this booklet is to empower     prospective customers. Participants gain success
you with the secrets that top performers understand     through immediate application.
and apply. These secrets are embodied within
Rapport MasterySM.                                      Within the systematic approach to rapport building
                                                        are the hidden secrets to increasing business
Rapport is the deepest relationship that can be         with new clients as well as cultivating long term
attained in the business process. In todayʼs tight      loyalty with present clients. The ultimate goal of
markets, businesses compete to expand their             this methodology is to forge relationships with
customer base while encouraging loyal, repeat           individuals causing them to trust you/like you and,
business from existing clients. Many businesses         as a result, desire to do business with you!
attempt to woo customers with special offers, new
features, free shipping and countess other benefits.    We hope you will enjoy and start applying the
Contrary to this practice, our research shows that      skills associated with Rapport MasterySM and
85% of your client base will give you loyal, repeat     that our booklet will raise your awareness and
business if they begin trusting and liking the          understanding about the value of strengthening the
individual who represents your company. This is the     relationships between you and every individual you
essence of rapport.                                     contact.

We have invested enormous effort in understanding
the complex subject of customer relations. Our work
resulted in the construction of a methodology used
                                                        Joe & Dawn
to understand behaviors and how they reveal the         Joe and dawn Pici
needs of those with whom we communicate. We

                             2                                                      3
testiMoniAls                                                       testiMoniAls
   “Joe, your approach to the phone has been a tremendous           “Fantastic! I cannot say enough - has a wonderful gift for
success for our team. I have invested heavily in sales training       sharing and teaching skills for sales. The information I
over the past 30 years yet never received the results that your     acquired has been invaluable, not only in my ability to sell
 system produced. The way you approached it and got 100%           my self, but in my ability to help my clients. If you need to
buy in was the best Iʼve ever seen, an unbelievable approach.”    learn, refresh or enhance your sales skills or team - this is the
                                                                                  man and the company to hire!”
                     dutch owens
                    Owner, Gem Supply                                                   Meredith Powel
                                                                                        December 6, 2008
     “Your training helped our team prepare themselves to
 understand whom they are calling on and how they should           “I have witnessed and experienced Joe and his wife Dawn
deal with each customer based on their DISC profile. The best     take a floundering business and incorporate their Rapport
  part of the day came as we developed a “Value Proposition       MasterySM and live phone call system to turn it into a major
  Statement” for Ike as he is heading into uncharted waters.      profit center. If you truly desire to improve results, increase
We have already used this statement in the field and it proved            profits and your call conversion to 84%, then
 to be effective. As you know I have been in this business for    Joe and Dawn Pici are the only ones who can get you there.
  a long time and I am glad I stuck around. Even an old pro            I endorse and strongly recommend Pici & Pici Inc.
           needs to be retooled every now and then.”                      to any business, especially in this economy.”
                     BriAn Bowen                                                         dArcy fritzke
           Division Manager, Johnson & Johnson                                          December 1, 2008

  “Should you desire a message delivered to your group or         “My sales paradigm was definitely challenged and expanded
 organization that is remembered and put into practice then       in ways that made such logical sense. The way in which Joe
    you will need a speaker that understands the power                and Dawn superimposed the human behavior factor
         of the story mixed with marvelous humor.                           into the whole connecting process, and
        Dawn Pici would be the intelligent choice.”                     ultimately the selling process was masterful.”

                      frAnk feAther                                                hendrick schoeMAn
                  Author, Speaker, Futurist                         “The hands on approach with REAL prospects made me
                                                                              money while I was in training.”

                                                                                      rich, coluMBus, oh

                                4                                                               5
www.PiciAndPici.coM                                              r A P P o rt M A s t e ry

                                                                      w h At   is     r A P P o rt ?
                                                       Rapport is the deepest level of relationship between
                                                       two individuals in business which involves sharing
                                                       common ground and is established when harmony
                                                       and accord have been reached between both parties.
                                                       This does not mean the individuals involved agree
                                                       on every issue, it means they have attained a mutual
                                                       respect for each other's opinions.

                                                             w h At   is   R a p p o Rt M a s t e Ry sM ?
                                                       Rapport MasterySM is the possession of skills and
                                                       the genuine desire to develop relationships of
           “The more solid your rapport                mutual trust and emotional affinity. The operative
              with your client base is,                words here are genuine desire. There is no place in
the greater sustainability your business will have.”   Rapport MasterySM for surface level ʻtricksʼ such as
                                                       mimicking behaviors for the sake of manipulating
                    dAwn Pici
                                                       unsuspecting people. Rapport MasterySM works
                                                       best when adopted as a life style. It is to be used as
                                                       a way of dealing with people and doing business
                                                       at all times, not merely to manipulate others with
                                                       surface techniques or to be saved until there is
                                                       a glaring problem. Rapport MasterySM involves
                                                       personal transparency as well as enthusiasm for the
                                                       success of others. Helping a client find a solution
                                                       to a problem or need may be involved in seeing
                                                       anotherʼs success become a reality.

                          6                                                       7
r A P P o rt M A s t e ry                         www.PiciAndPici.coM

        how     q u i c k ly c A n    i   exPect         how    do    i   k n o w t h At   i   h Av e r e A c h e d
   t o At tA i n r A P P o rt w i t h s o M e o n e ?       t h i s l e v e l o f r e l At i o n s h i P w i t h
                                                                     Another individuAl?
If you browse the internet, you will find headlines
such as, “Create Rapport in Seconds!” Isnʼt it like     Has anyone ever asked your opinion or advice?
the ʻmicrowave generationʼ to expect instant results    Have you become someoneʼs trusted advisor, go-to-
that require little or no effort and                    guy, consultant or strategic partner?
time? Look again at the definition
of Rapport MasterySM. Can you                           List their names here:
actually trust or have deep affinity
for someone in a few seconds?                           ______________________________________
Although each of us naturally
ʻgelsʼ with a certain type of                           ______________________________________
individual, there is no way to
create this level of trust and
regard for another person                               ______________________________________
outside of the test of time.
Creating rapport is a step by                           ______________________________________
step process. The purpose of                            ______________________________________
this manual is to help you progress as
quickly as possible though the rapport building         ______________________________________
process and to solidify your relationships with         ______________________________________
even the most difficult individuals. More in depth
training is available during our Rapport MasterySM      ______________________________________
for sales on site training for your company or
individuals may attend one of our SELL NAKED....        ______________________________________
SUCCESSFULLY! 3-day sales boot camps.                   ______________________________________
                                                                     These are the individuals
                                                               with whom you have created rapport.

                           8                                                          9
r A P P o rt M A s t e ry               www.PiciAndPici.coM

                                      f r o M A d v e r s A ry   to   A d v o c At e
                                 Rapport MasterySM involves changing the game
                                 from being the adversary of your customer to
                                 becoming their greatest advocate. An individual
                                 who has acquired Rapport MasterySM is no longer
                                 functioning in opposition to their customer, but is
                                 on the customer's ʻsideʼ.
                                     Consider this: The normal salesman-customer
                                     relationship is an adversarial one. The customer
                                     walks onto a lot to purchase a car. He/She
                                     assumes the salesperson approaching them
                                     with the big toothy grin is out to rip them
“When we coordinate our effort       off, put them into a car they donʼt like at a
   with the effort of others,        price they cannot afford. The salesperson on
 we create rapport and build         the other hand is preoccupied with his/her
  success for all involved.”         own interests. He/She needs the sale to create
                                     income and wants to get this done as quickly
           Joe Pici
                                     as possible to facilitate getting on to the next
                                     customer. Each assumes they will be dickering
                                     over the price, options available, etc.
                                 Our best example of Rapport MasterySM was an
                                 auto salesman by the name of Steve Kone. Steve was
                                 the top producer at his dealership year after year.
                                 Steve had created life-time clients who would travel
                                 hundreds of miles to purchase from him personally.
                                 How did he do this? Steve's deepest desire was his
                                 customerʼs satisfaction. A successful sale was not
                                 simply getting them into a unit, he wanted to get
                                 his customers the best car at an acceptable price. We
                                 all knew we could trust Steve to find us a great car

                10                                          11
r A P P o rt M A s t e ry                         www.PiciAndPici.coM

and that he would make it an enjoyable experience.          PRIORITY
He was an amiable individual and we all regarded
                                                            As with pace, individuals will have different
him as our friend. Steve was looking out for our best
                                                            priorities which refer to their perspective or
interests. He was our advocate.
                                                            the most important consideration as they view
Reflect on the example of Steve the car salesman            their world. Individuals tend to be either Task/
and his life-time customers. Steveʼs Rapport                Process oriented, which means they are more
MasterySM created a solid client base which resulted        focused on doing things, or People/Affinity
in consistent profitability. Rapport MasterySM is the       oriented, which means they place higher
essential key when influencing and leading others.          importance on establishing relationships.

            is   there one Method                              Individuals make a connection based on pace,
        f o r e s tA B l i s h i n g r A P P o rt ?             they decide to do business based on priority.

No. Rapport MasterySM is not a ʻcookie cutterʼ               how     do    i   Begin the Process of
approach to connecting with people. Because every                   e s tA B l i s h i n g r A P P o rt ?
individual is unique, Rapport MasterySM requires an
understanding of human behavior. To simplify this       The road to rapport begins at the first contact by
process, you must become aware of two important         matching the other individualʼs pace. A positive
elements in human interaction: pace and priority.       connection is established by listening and observing
                                                        their rate of speech and volume and then adapting
    PACE                                                your communication style to match.
    Generally speaking, some individuals tend to            Note: Business is rarely done at this stage.
    be more fast paced while others tend to be more
    slow paced. Fast paced individuals tend to            how    do    i   Move the client through
    speak, respond and decide quickly as opposed                 t h e r A P P o rt P r o c e s s A n d
    to slower paced people who tend to be more                      Begin to do Business?
    reflective when they speak and make decisions.
                                                        Once a positive connection has been established
    Note: there is no ʻright or wrongʼ or
                                                        by matching pace, the road to rapport takes two
    ʻbetter or bestʼ here.
                                                        different paths based upon priority.

                          12                                                          13
r A P P o rt M A s t e ry                          www.PiciAndPici.coM

Task Oriented: Priorities include plans,                     individual they will then move forward into affinity.
procedures, processes, and doing things.                     They will do business once they trust you. Only
                                                             after they trust you will they like you.
The next step toward rapport when dealing with
a task oriented individual is establishing trust.
Because this behavior style views the world from a       People Oriented: Priorities include
task perspective, task completion is imperative for      friendship, caring, and interacting with others.
constructing trust.                                      The road to rapport takes a different path with
                                                         the people oriented individual. After a positive
    Trust initiating DOʼS                                connection has been made by matching pace, this
                                                         behavior style must like you in order to do business
    •    DO be early for appointments                    with you.
    •    DO return phone calls promptly
                                                             Affinity building DOʼS
    •    DO get down to business quickly and                 •    DO be kind and patient
         focus on logical results
                                                             •    DO let them talk and tell humorous
    Trust breaking DONʼTS                                         stories
    •    DONʼT over promise and under                        •    DO smile and be fun
                                                             Affinity breaking DONʼTS
    •    DONʼT interrupt meetings by checking
         phone messages or taking calls                      •    DONʼT push for the sale or bully
    •    DONʼT be emotional or ask them how                  •    DONʼT get right down to business -
         they ʻfeelʼ                                              make it a social call first
    Remember, rapport is established with all types of       •    DONʼT be harsh or rude with others
    individuals when they both trust AND like you.                while with them
    Once trust is established with the task oriented

                          14                                                   15
r A P P o rt M A s t e ry                         sellnAkedsysteM.coM
    Business will take place if they like you. Once affinity   What suggestions do you have for your next
    is established, then they will move on to trust you.               encounter with each one
    Trust and affinity comprise the foundation of                   Name                 suggestioNs
    Rapport MasterySM. This foundation influences
    every relationship, business or otherwise. Your focus
    on encouraging and maintaining the trust/affinity
    balance with all individuals will dictate your success.

               Points      to    Ponder
       List 3 clients and indicate their PACE
    (fast or slow) and Priority (Task or People):

         Name                    paCe          priority

                              Fast Slow       Task   People

                                                                     We hope your introduction to
                              Fast Slow       Task   People                Rapport MasterySM
                                                               will begin to empower your communication
                                                                     and improve your bottom line!
                              Fast Slow       Task   People

Is there room for improvement in communicating
with them at their pace and according to their

                                 16                                            17
r A P P o rt M A s t e ry                         P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s
                                                                            shoot fewer shots…
                                                                             h i t M o r e tA r g e t s !
                                                                           Rapport Mastery                  SM

                                                                              for Sales–
                                                               On-site and on target for your needs, Pici & Pici Inc.
                                                               has been in the business of creating business for
  What a magnificent job you have done in putting together     over 20 years. They provide:
   your sales training program and the incredibly effective
         method of transmitting your knowledge to us.          v   A choice of our customized, Results Driven Sales
           You presented clear and effective hands on              Training Systems.
            strategies to commence the sales process.          v   Assessments that deliver targeted, relevant
              The Value Proposition approach and                   training for each participant.
live phone training were unique and amazingly effective. The   v   Live, on-site application of material.
      bottom line was that I left with quantifiable results.   v   Unmatched implementation and reinforcement
    For anyone or any business considering your training           programs.
       programs, I would give a resounding affirmative
                                                               v   Effective, experienced trainers
     to encourage them to move forward with Pici & Pici.
                 They will get the best training               v   Your sales professionals will be personally coached
                     theyʼve ever experienced                      to make REAL sales prospecting calls DURING the
         and it will absolutely improve their business.”           training. These calls usually generate more new
                                                                   business than most organization’s have produced
                     stePhen rosner                                in months, thereby insuring your ROI!
                                                               v   Results Driven Sales Training works to eliminate
                                                                   the fear of prospecting in your sales force by
                                                                   teaching the principles of sales training and
                                                                   providing ONSITE APPLICATION of the material.
                                                               v   We will train and assist your sales team in getting
                                                                   appointments with key decision makers.
                                                               v   Sales professionals will be IGNITED for LONG
                                                                   TERM results.

                                  18                                                   19
www.PiciAndPici.coM                                      P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s

                                                                           Rapport MasterySM
                                                                             for the Office
                                                                 "50% of a manager's time is spent resolving people
                                                                 problems related to trust and poor communication.”
 “Dawn Pici is a dynamite presenter and corporate trainer.
                                                                         US News and World Report, 2002
  I have witnessed first-hand her high-energy, experiential,
  interactive and informative training sessions, which have
    benefited audiences worldwide over her 20-year career.
     Dawn's work with companies internally to improve                         AccoMPlish More
  communication can create a work environment that is far        with the      s tA f f y o u h Av e i n P l A c e !
 more productive and way less stressful. Dawn's fast-paced
and entertaining seminars will keep you on your toes and in    We help companies cut costs and increase
 rapt attention. The take-aways are increased performance,     productivity by minimizing stress in the work place
      creative focus, and improved cooperation and team        created by fragmented leadership teams who are
productivity in your workplace. If you or your company need    struggling with communication issues and turf
           a shot of adrenalin, you need Dawn Pici.”           wars.
                        January 17, 2009
                                                               We specialize in conflict resolution.
                    frAnk feAther
               future-Proof strAtegies,                             v    Improve Operational Efficiency
                 President & owner,                                 v    Decrease Employee Turnover
            glocAl MArketing consultAnts
                                                                    v    Boost Productivity
                                                                    v    Enhance Customer Loyalty
                                                               Pici & Pici Inc. will provide state of the art training,
                                                               on-site for your convenience

                                20                                                     21
www.PiciAndPici.coM                                    P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s

                                                                     Sell Naked ....
                                                                      3 d Ay s A l e s B o o t c A M P
                                                             The only sales seminar that PAYS FOR ITSELF!
                                                             Increase your earning power and gain immediate
                                                             results as Joe helps you book appointments with
                                                             Your prospects! The unique difference between this
                                                             sales training and others is application. The Sell
     “Your training offered information to meet my           Naked... Successfully System is designed to MAKE
 needs for developing and growing my speaker business.       money for you by giving you the opportunity to
The amount of details included during the days of training   learn and apply these principles during training.
        made the process understandable, logical
      and gave me the ability to easily implement.”          v   Discover how to ʻreadʼ your prospects and
                                                                 gain insight into their needs.
                      frAn fABBro                            v   Power prospecting and lead generation at
                 ProfessionAl trAiner                            networking events.
                                                             v   Create value propositions that get your foot
                                                                 in the door.
                                                             v   Get your voice and emails returned.
                                                             v   A fool proof system to close even the most
                                                                 skeptical buyer.
                                                             v   Create customer loyalty and on going
                                                             v   Apply your skills during live telephone
                                                             v   AND MUCH MORE!

                               22                                                   23
www.PiciAndPici.coM                                      P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s

                                                                3 Days that will EXPLODE Your Speaking Career!
                                                                          Get to the GORILLA MONEY
                                                                     of the speaking and Training Industry
    I attended your BRILLIANT Expose Yourself Speaker                                  FAST!
      Training Course. Eight months later, my book sales        A seminar for the serious career professional who
    increased from 20,000 to 52,000 copies and my speaker       is great on stage, but desires the skills to create a
 income has increased TEN FOLD; 1000% from last year so         secure income regardless of the market.
far.The information I received at your course was invaluable.   NSA and Toastmasters Welcome!
  However, the MASSIVE impact came from the belief and
confidence that I gained by attending & associating with the                You will leave the sessions
                  two of you... Thank you !!!                             with clients ready to book you!
                      terry gognA                                   v    Break into the upper levels of speaker
                        ft.fHs.                                          income!
                 International Speaker &
                   Author of the book,                              v     Gain more bookings!
      "How can I get myself to do what I need to do?"
                                                                    v     Acquire spin-off business!

                                                                    v    Empower your fee negotiation skills!

                                                                    v    Build your confidence on the phone with
                                                                         prospective clients!

                                                                 We help good speakers build BIG Businesses!

                                 24                                                    25
www.PiciAndPici.coM                                P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s

A   cAreer in PuBlic sPeAking could Be                        TOTAL EXPOSURE
y o u r wAy t o A P o w e r f u l , n e w f u t u r e !
                                                                  s e l l n A k e d s y s t e M ’ s 3-d Ay
                                                                  s P e A k e r /t r A i n e r B o o t c A M P
               For more information
             about what Pici & Pici can
         do you and/or your organization,

                please call 407.947.2590                           Especially designed for the aspiring speaker
                or                                  who wants to take the next step.
                                                                 M o r e s k i l l –M o r e M o n e y
                                                              M o r e i M PA c t –M o r e c o n f i d e n c e

                                                              In tough economic times you need a way
                                                              to get the most out of your career.
                                                              v      Get to 6 figures Fast!
          Sell Naked System It’s a shame I wasn’t
         taught this stuff when I started my career.          v      Learn how to market yourself
    It would have saved me years of aggravation, income              economically - avoid rip-offs.
    & time. I left the seminar with the greatest of clarity   v      Cut 5 years off your learning curve.
                that I have ever experienced!”
                                                              v      Price, Prospect, Protect and Promote
                       terry gognA                                   yourself!
                   ProfessionAl sPeAker                       v      Market yourself for LESS money.
                                                              v      Contracts, Event Planning, Power
                                                              v      Much More!

                                  26                                               27
Joe@PiciAndPici.coM                                                          Joe Pici
                   Meet Joe Pici                                Sell Naked in Person. Joe has expanded this
                                                                knowledge and coaching expertise into a
 Bold, unshAkABle, focused                                      comprehensive, turn-key system for success in sales
 s A l e s s t r At e g i s t , e x e c u t i v e c o A c h ,   by the same name. The Rapport MasterySM for Sales
                                                                and Sell Naked…Successfully! sales boot camp are
                Author, trAiner                                 relentlessly on-target, packed with the culmination
Joe Pici is a strategist for top sales professionals            of his years of experience in:
and coach specializing in results driven sales                       v    Reaching decision makers and booking
training through Rapport MasterySM. Since 1992                            appointments
he has functioned as a catalyst for sales teams and
individuals, helping them sharpen their skills for                   v    Closing more sales
creating appointments and closing sales through
his live phone call workshops. Joe and Dawn have                     v    Securing repeat business and customer
created a methodology for                                                 loyalty
results driven training programs
that assist individuals and                                          v    Empowered communication
organizations in accomplishing
more through Rapport                                                 v    Creating focus and direction for on-
MasterySM.. Rapport                                                       going growth and productivity
MasterySM sales
training is an extremely                                           “Joe Pici is the greatest speaker and trainer of our time.
strong skill builder                                                His unique approach to sales and human behavior has
which is straightforward                                         revolutionized todayʼs sales industry. His desire to educate
and easy to apply.                                                and to see others succeed is only matched by the clarity of
COO and co-founder of                                                  purpose in his message and laser sharp focus.”
Pici & Pici Inc., Joe is
also co-author and the                                                        rico PenA, owner tsv live
intellectual resource
behind the books Sell
Naked on the Phone

                                  28                                                     29
d Aw n @ P i c i A n d P i c i . c o M                                   dAwn Pici
                 M e e t d Aw n P i c i                     helping them to attract and retain valued volunteers.
                                                            Powerful and purposeful, Dawn knows the reality
       viBrAnt, insightful,                                 of stepping beyond in her own life, earning both
                    insPiring                               undergraduate and masters degrees. As a K through
     B u s i n e s s s t r At e g i s t , t r A i n e r ,   collegiate instructor, Dawn mastered the skills
                sPeAker, Author                             of communication and motivation. Her success
                                                            continued as she crossed over into the sales and
dAwn Pici is a business strategist specializing in          marketing field. (Dawn was in the top 25% of
the area of Interaction Dynamics through Rapport            volume producers nationally for 3 consecutive
MasterySM.. She has developed programs that                 quarters.)
will increase efficiency, encourage mutual respect            “Dawn is Awesome. She was fantastic. The audience was
and improve communication in your team while                 engaged and had a great time while learning valuable tools
reducing conflict in the workplace.                                             to help them be more successful. Her
    v    escalate sales                                                       innovative and energetic approach was
                                                                           great and from the feedback we received from
    v    attract and retain valued employees                               the event, we will look to have her appear at
                                                                         many future events. Dawn is very professional
    v    improve customer loyalty,                                          and easy to work with. I highly recommend
                                                                                      her to any company looking for
    v    enhance team efficency                                                    training that is effective, engaging,
                                                                                           and cutting edge.”
Listen, laugh and learn with Dawn and enjoy her
signature keynotes or empowerment training                                                 toM fulMer
workshops. The techniques she imparts are simple
to understand and easy to apply.                                                               first Aid for
                                                                                     director of

                                                                                Business suMMit octoBer 1, 2008
As co-author of the books Fueled by Greatness, Sell
Naked on the Phone, and Sell Naked in Person,
Dawn is also the intellectual resource behind
Rapport MasterySM. in the Office. Although best
known for her work with corporations, Dawn
works with faith based and non-profit organizations

                                  30                                                31
P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s
            P A rt i A l l i s t o f t i t l e s
                   Authored By
              J o e A n d d Aw n P i c i

             Sell Naked on the Phone

               Sell Naked in Person

With Sell Naked On The Phone, and Sell Naked in
Person you will increase your closing ratios, improve
telephone/appointment conversions and create loyal,
repeat clients. More than a simple collection of tips
and techniques, these two books make up the Sell
Naked Sales System™. It is a repeatable, principle-       “Rapport is a process.”
based, system approach to professional sales and                 Joe Pici
selling strategies. These books represent over 75 years
of combined experience, perspective, and wisdom
in the application of basic principles of human
behavior that you can draw from to become a highly
successful sales professional. Whether you are in
sales, customer service or simply want to improve
your communication skills, these books are full of
practical advice that you can use everyday.
                  Available at


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Rapport Mastery

  • 1.
  • 2. “Rapport? You mean like, 'You run as fast as you can, and I'll throw it as far as I can?'” Jeff Kemp [When asked about his rapport with wide receiver Jerry Rice.] 407.947.2590 1
  • 3. Joe And d Aw n P i c i Joe And d Aw n P i c i A MessAge froM Joe And d Aw n : have had the honor and responsibility of sharing this methodology as speakers, trainers and coaches We have been in the communication training for hundreds of thousands of individuals world industry for over twenty years. Powerful, effective wide. At Pici & Pici Inc., we have created results individuals understand that communication and driven training programs that assist individuals people skills are the cornerstones to success in and organizations in accomplishing more through business. Unfortunately, as our world becomes more Rapport MasterySM. Our Rapport MasterySM sales technology focused, these essential skills are being training is an extremely strong skill builder, which is left behind causing many companies to wonder straightforward and easy to apply. Included during why they are struggling to obtain and secure more the instruction is live telephone training with your business. The purpose of this booklet is to empower prospective customers. Participants gain success you with the secrets that top performers understand through immediate application. and apply. These secrets are embodied within Rapport MasterySM. Within the systematic approach to rapport building are the hidden secrets to increasing business Rapport is the deepest relationship that can be with new clients as well as cultivating long term attained in the business process. In todayʼs tight loyalty with present clients. The ultimate goal of markets, businesses compete to expand their this methodology is to forge relationships with customer base while encouraging loyal, repeat individuals causing them to trust you/like you and, business from existing clients. Many businesses as a result, desire to do business with you! attempt to woo customers with special offers, new features, free shipping and countess other benefits. We hope you will enjoy and start applying the Contrary to this practice, our research shows that skills associated with Rapport MasterySM and 85% of your client base will give you loyal, repeat that our booklet will raise your awareness and business if they begin trusting and liking the understanding about the value of strengthening the individual who represents your company. This is the relationships between you and every individual you essence of rapport. contact. We have invested enormous effort in understanding the complex subject of customer relations. Our work resulted in the construction of a methodology used Joe & Dawn to understand behaviors and how they reveal the Joe and dawn Pici needs of those with whom we communicate. We 2 3
  • 4. testiMoniAls testiMoniAls “Joe, your approach to the phone has been a tremendous “Fantastic! I cannot say enough - has a wonderful gift for success for our team. I have invested heavily in sales training sharing and teaching skills for sales. The information I over the past 30 years yet never received the results that your acquired has been invaluable, not only in my ability to sell system produced. The way you approached it and got 100% my self, but in my ability to help my clients. If you need to buy in was the best Iʼve ever seen, an unbelievable approach.” learn, refresh or enhance your sales skills or team - this is the man and the company to hire!” dutch owens Owner, Gem Supply Meredith Powel December 6, 2008 “Your training helped our team prepare themselves to understand whom they are calling on and how they should “I have witnessed and experienced Joe and his wife Dawn deal with each customer based on their DISC profile. The best take a floundering business and incorporate their Rapport part of the day came as we developed a “Value Proposition MasterySM and live phone call system to turn it into a major Statement” for Ike as he is heading into uncharted waters. profit center. If you truly desire to improve results, increase We have already used this statement in the field and it proved profits and your call conversion to 84%, then to be effective. As you know I have been in this business for Joe and Dawn Pici are the only ones who can get you there. a long time and I am glad I stuck around. Even an old pro I endorse and strongly recommend Pici & Pici Inc. needs to be retooled every now and then.” to any business, especially in this economy.” BriAn Bowen dArcy fritzke Division Manager, Johnson & Johnson December 1, 2008 “Should you desire a message delivered to your group or “My sales paradigm was definitely challenged and expanded organization that is remembered and put into practice then in ways that made such logical sense. The way in which Joe you will need a speaker that understands the power and Dawn superimposed the human behavior factor of the story mixed with marvelous humor. into the whole connecting process, and Dawn Pici would be the intelligent choice.” ultimately the selling process was masterful.” frAnk feAther hendrick schoeMAn Author, Speaker, Futurist “The hands on approach with REAL prospects made me money while I was in training.” rich, coluMBus, oh 4 5
  • 5. www.PiciAndPici.coM r A P P o rt M A s t e ry w h At is r A P P o rt ? Rapport is the deepest level of relationship between two individuals in business which involves sharing common ground and is established when harmony and accord have been reached between both parties. This does not mean the individuals involved agree on every issue, it means they have attained a mutual respect for each other's opinions. w h At is R a p p o Rt M a s t e Ry sM ? Rapport MasterySM is the possession of skills and the genuine desire to develop relationships of “The more solid your rapport mutual trust and emotional affinity. The operative with your client base is, words here are genuine desire. There is no place in the greater sustainability your business will have.” Rapport MasterySM for surface level ʻtricksʼ such as mimicking behaviors for the sake of manipulating dAwn Pici unsuspecting people. Rapport MasterySM works best when adopted as a life style. It is to be used as a way of dealing with people and doing business at all times, not merely to manipulate others with surface techniques or to be saved until there is a glaring problem. Rapport MasterySM involves personal transparency as well as enthusiasm for the success of others. Helping a client find a solution to a problem or need may be involved in seeing anotherʼs success become a reality. 6 7
  • 6. r A P P o rt M A s t e ry www.PiciAndPici.coM how q u i c k ly c A n i exPect how do i k n o w t h At i h Av e r e A c h e d t o At tA i n r A P P o rt w i t h s o M e o n e ? t h i s l e v e l o f r e l At i o n s h i P w i t h Another individuAl? If you browse the internet, you will find headlines such as, “Create Rapport in Seconds!” Isnʼt it like Has anyone ever asked your opinion or advice? the ʻmicrowave generationʼ to expect instant results Have you become someoneʼs trusted advisor, go-to- that require little or no effort and guy, consultant or strategic partner? time? Look again at the definition of Rapport MasterySM. Can you List their names here: actually trust or have deep affinity for someone in a few seconds? ______________________________________ Although each of us naturally ʻgelsʼ with a certain type of ______________________________________ individual, there is no way to create this level of trust and ______________________________________ regard for another person ______________________________________ outside of the test of time. Creating rapport is a step by ______________________________________ step process. The purpose of ______________________________________ this manual is to help you progress as quickly as possible though the rapport building ______________________________________ process and to solidify your relationships with ______________________________________ even the most difficult individuals. More in depth training is available during our Rapport MasterySM ______________________________________ for sales on site training for your company or individuals may attend one of our SELL NAKED.... ______________________________________ SUCCESSFULLY! 3-day sales boot camps. ______________________________________ ______________________________________ These are the individuals with whom you have created rapport. 8 9
  • 7. r A P P o rt M A s t e ry www.PiciAndPici.coM f r o M A d v e r s A ry to A d v o c At e Rapport MasterySM involves changing the game from being the adversary of your customer to becoming their greatest advocate. An individual who has acquired Rapport MasterySM is no longer functioning in opposition to their customer, but is on the customer's ʻsideʼ. Consider this: The normal salesman-customer relationship is an adversarial one. The customer walks onto a lot to purchase a car. He/She assumes the salesperson approaching them with the big toothy grin is out to rip them “When we coordinate our effort off, put them into a car they donʼt like at a with the effort of others, price they cannot afford. The salesperson on we create rapport and build the other hand is preoccupied with his/her success for all involved.” own interests. He/She needs the sale to create income and wants to get this done as quickly Joe Pici as possible to facilitate getting on to the next customer. Each assumes they will be dickering over the price, options available, etc. Our best example of Rapport MasterySM was an auto salesman by the name of Steve Kone. Steve was the top producer at his dealership year after year. Steve had created life-time clients who would travel hundreds of miles to purchase from him personally. How did he do this? Steve's deepest desire was his customerʼs satisfaction. A successful sale was not simply getting them into a unit, he wanted to get his customers the best car at an acceptable price. We all knew we could trust Steve to find us a great car 10 11
  • 8. r A P P o rt M A s t e ry www.PiciAndPici.coM and that he would make it an enjoyable experience. PRIORITY He was an amiable individual and we all regarded As with pace, individuals will have different him as our friend. Steve was looking out for our best priorities which refer to their perspective or interests. He was our advocate. the most important consideration as they view Reflect on the example of Steve the car salesman their world. Individuals tend to be either Task/ and his life-time customers. Steveʼs Rapport Process oriented, which means they are more MasterySM created a solid client base which resulted focused on doing things, or People/Affinity in consistent profitability. Rapport MasterySM is the oriented, which means they place higher essential key when influencing and leading others. importance on establishing relationships. is there one Method Individuals make a connection based on pace, f o r e s tA B l i s h i n g r A P P o rt ? they decide to do business based on priority. No. Rapport MasterySM is not a ʻcookie cutterʼ how do i Begin the Process of approach to connecting with people. Because every e s tA B l i s h i n g r A P P o rt ? individual is unique, Rapport MasterySM requires an understanding of human behavior. To simplify this The road to rapport begins at the first contact by process, you must become aware of two important matching the other individualʼs pace. A positive elements in human interaction: pace and priority. connection is established by listening and observing their rate of speech and volume and then adapting PACE your communication style to match. Generally speaking, some individuals tend to Note: Business is rarely done at this stage. be more fast paced while others tend to be more slow paced. Fast paced individuals tend to how do i Move the client through speak, respond and decide quickly as opposed t h e r A P P o rt P r o c e s s A n d to slower paced people who tend to be more Begin to do Business? reflective when they speak and make decisions. Once a positive connection has been established Note: there is no ʻright or wrongʼ or by matching pace, the road to rapport takes two ʻbetter or bestʼ here. different paths based upon priority. 12 13
  • 9. r A P P o rt M A s t e ry www.PiciAndPici.coM Task Oriented: Priorities include plans, individual they will then move forward into affinity. procedures, processes, and doing things. They will do business once they trust you. Only after they trust you will they like you. The next step toward rapport when dealing with a task oriented individual is establishing trust. Because this behavior style views the world from a People Oriented: Priorities include task perspective, task completion is imperative for friendship, caring, and interacting with others. constructing trust. The road to rapport takes a different path with the people oriented individual. After a positive Trust initiating DOʼS connection has been made by matching pace, this behavior style must like you in order to do business • DO be early for appointments with you. • DO return phone calls promptly Affinity building DOʼS • DO get down to business quickly and • DO be kind and patient focus on logical results • DO let them talk and tell humorous Trust breaking DONʼTS stories • DONʼT over promise and under • DO smile and be fun deliver Affinity breaking DONʼTS • DONʼT interrupt meetings by checking phone messages or taking calls • DONʼT push for the sale or bully • DONʼT be emotional or ask them how • DONʼT get right down to business - they ʻfeelʼ make it a social call first Remember, rapport is established with all types of • DONʼT be harsh or rude with others individuals when they both trust AND like you. while with them Once trust is established with the task oriented 14 15
  • 10. r A P P o rt M A s t e ry sellnAkedsysteM.coM Business will take place if they like you. Once affinity What suggestions do you have for your next is established, then they will move on to trust you. encounter with each one Trust and affinity comprise the foundation of Name suggestioNs Rapport MasterySM. This foundation influences every relationship, business or otherwise. Your focus on encouraging and maintaining the trust/affinity balance with all individuals will dictate your success. Points to Ponder List 3 clients and indicate their PACE (fast or slow) and Priority (Task or People): Name paCe priority Fast Slow Task People We hope your introduction to Fast Slow Task People Rapport MasterySM will begin to empower your communication and improve your bottom line! Fast Slow Task People Is there room for improvement in communicating with them at their pace and according to their priority? 16 17
  • 11. r A P P o rt M A s t e ry P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s shoot fewer shots… h i t M o r e tA r g e t s ! Rapport Mastery SM for Sales– On-site and on target for your needs, Pici & Pici Inc. has been in the business of creating business for What a magnificent job you have done in putting together over 20 years. They provide: your sales training program and the incredibly effective method of transmitting your knowledge to us. v A choice of our customized, Results Driven Sales You presented clear and effective hands on Training Systems. strategies to commence the sales process. v Assessments that deliver targeted, relevant The Value Proposition approach and training for each participant. live phone training were unique and amazingly effective. The v Live, on-site application of material. bottom line was that I left with quantifiable results. v Unmatched implementation and reinforcement For anyone or any business considering your training programs. programs, I would give a resounding affirmative v Effective, experienced trainers to encourage them to move forward with Pici & Pici. They will get the best training v Your sales professionals will be personally coached theyʼve ever experienced to make REAL sales prospecting calls DURING the and it will absolutely improve their business.” training. These calls usually generate more new business than most organization’s have produced stePhen rosner in months, thereby insuring your ROI! v Results Driven Sales Training works to eliminate the fear of prospecting in your sales force by teaching the principles of sales training and providing ONSITE APPLICATION of the material. v We will train and assist your sales team in getting appointments with key decision makers. v Sales professionals will be IGNITED for LONG TERM results. 18 19
  • 12. www.PiciAndPici.coM P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s Rapport MasterySM for the Office "50% of a manager's time is spent resolving people problems related to trust and poor communication.” “Dawn Pici is a dynamite presenter and corporate trainer. US News and World Report, 2002 I have witnessed first-hand her high-energy, experiential, interactive and informative training sessions, which have benefited audiences worldwide over her 20-year career. Dawn's work with companies internally to improve AccoMPlish More communication can create a work environment that is far with the s tA f f y o u h Av e i n P l A c e ! more productive and way less stressful. Dawn's fast-paced and entertaining seminars will keep you on your toes and in We help companies cut costs and increase rapt attention. The take-aways are increased performance, productivity by minimizing stress in the work place creative focus, and improved cooperation and team created by fragmented leadership teams who are productivity in your workplace. If you or your company need struggling with communication issues and turf a shot of adrenalin, you need Dawn Pici.” wars. January 17, 2009 We specialize in conflict resolution. frAnk feAther future-Proof strAtegies, v Improve Operational Efficiency President & owner, v Decrease Employee Turnover glocAl MArketing consultAnts v Boost Productivity v Enhance Customer Loyalty Pici & Pici Inc. will provide state of the art training, on-site for your convenience 20 21
  • 13. www.PiciAndPici.coM P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s Sell Naked .... Successfully! 3 d Ay s A l e s B o o t c A M P The only sales seminar that PAYS FOR ITSELF! Increase your earning power and gain immediate results as Joe helps you book appointments with Your prospects! The unique difference between this sales training and others is application. The Sell “Your training offered information to meet my Naked... Successfully System is designed to MAKE needs for developing and growing my speaker business. money for you by giving you the opportunity to The amount of details included during the days of training learn and apply these principles during training. made the process understandable, logical and gave me the ability to easily implement.” v Discover how to ʻreadʼ your prospects and gain insight into their needs. frAn fABBro v Power prospecting and lead generation at ProfessionAl trAiner networking events. v Create value propositions that get your foot in the door. v Get your voice and emails returned. v A fool proof system to close even the most skeptical buyer. v Create customer loyalty and on going referrals. v Apply your skills during live telephone contacting. v AND MUCH MORE! 22 23
  • 14. www.PiciAndPici.coM P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s EXPOSE YOURSELF! 3 Days that will EXPLODE Your Speaking Career! Get to the GORILLA MONEY of the speaking and Training Industry I attended your BRILLIANT Expose Yourself Speaker FAST! Training Course. Eight months later, my book sales A seminar for the serious career professional who increased from 20,000 to 52,000 copies and my speaker is great on stage, but desires the skills to create a income has increased TEN FOLD; 1000% from last year so secure income regardless of the market. far.The information I received at your course was invaluable. NSA and Toastmasters Welcome! However, the MASSIVE impact came from the belief and confidence that I gained by attending & associating with the You will leave the sessions two of you... Thank you !!! with clients ready to book you! terry gognA v Break into the upper levels of speaker ft.fHs. income! International Speaker & Author of the book, v Gain more bookings! "How can I get myself to do what I need to do?" v Acquire spin-off business! v Empower your fee negotiation skills! v Build your confidence on the phone with prospective clients! We help good speakers build BIG Businesses! 24 25
  • 15. www.PiciAndPici.coM P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s A cAreer in PuBlic sPeAking could Be TOTAL EXPOSURE y o u r wAy t o A P o w e r f u l , n e w f u t u r e ! s e l l n A k e d s y s t e M ’ s 3-d Ay s P e A k e r /t r A i n e r B o o t c A M P For more information about what Pici & Pici can do you and/or your organization, please call 407.947.2590 Especially designed for the aspiring speaker or who wants to take the next step. M o r e s k i l l –M o r e M o n e y M o r e i M PA c t –M o r e c o n f i d e n c e In tough economic times you need a way to get the most out of your career. v Get to 6 figures Fast! Sell Naked System It’s a shame I wasn’t taught this stuff when I started my career. v Learn how to market yourself It would have saved me years of aggravation, income economically - avoid rip-offs. & time. I left the seminar with the greatest of clarity v Cut 5 years off your learning curve. that I have ever experienced!” v Price, Prospect, Protect and Promote terry gognA yourself! ProfessionAl sPeAker v Market yourself for LESS money. v Contracts, Event Planning, Power Negotiation, v Much More! 26 27
  • 16. Joe@PiciAndPici.coM Joe Pici Meet Joe Pici Sell Naked in Person. Joe has expanded this knowledge and coaching expertise into a Bold, unshAkABle, focused comprehensive, turn-key system for success in sales s A l e s s t r At e g i s t , e x e c u t i v e c o A c h , by the same name. The Rapport MasterySM for Sales and Sell Naked…Successfully! sales boot camp are Author, trAiner relentlessly on-target, packed with the culmination Joe Pici is a strategist for top sales professionals of his years of experience in: and coach specializing in results driven sales v Reaching decision makers and booking training through Rapport MasterySM. Since 1992 appointments he has functioned as a catalyst for sales teams and individuals, helping them sharpen their skills for v Closing more sales creating appointments and closing sales through his live phone call workshops. Joe and Dawn have v Securing repeat business and customer created a methodology for loyalty results driven training programs that assist individuals and v Empowered communication organizations in accomplishing more through Rapport v Creating focus and direction for on- MasterySM.. Rapport going growth and productivity MasterySM sales training is an extremely “Joe Pici is the greatest speaker and trainer of our time. strong skill builder His unique approach to sales and human behavior has which is straightforward revolutionized todayʼs sales industry. His desire to educate and easy to apply. and to see others succeed is only matched by the clarity of COO and co-founder of purpose in his message and laser sharp focus.” Pici & Pici Inc., Joe is also co-author and the rico PenA, owner tsv live intellectual resource behind the books Sell Naked on the Phone and 28 29
  • 17. d Aw n @ P i c i A n d P i c i . c o M dAwn Pici M e e t d Aw n P i c i helping them to attract and retain valued volunteers. Powerful and purposeful, Dawn knows the reality viBrAnt, insightful, of stepping beyond in her own life, earning both insPiring undergraduate and masters degrees. As a K through B u s i n e s s s t r At e g i s t , t r A i n e r , collegiate instructor, Dawn mastered the skills sPeAker, Author of communication and motivation. Her success continued as she crossed over into the sales and dAwn Pici is a business strategist specializing in marketing field. (Dawn was in the top 25% of the area of Interaction Dynamics through Rapport volume producers nationally for 3 consecutive MasterySM.. She has developed programs that quarters.) will increase efficiency, encourage mutual respect “Dawn is Awesome. She was fantastic. The audience was and improve communication in your team while engaged and had a great time while learning valuable tools reducing conflict in the workplace. to help them be more successful. Her v escalate sales innovative and energetic approach was great and from the feedback we received from v attract and retain valued employees the event, we will look to have her appear at many future events. Dawn is very professional v improve customer loyalty, and easy to work with. I highly recommend her to any company looking for v enhance team efficency training that is effective, engaging, and cutting edge.” Listen, laugh and learn with Dawn and enjoy her signature keynotes or empowerment training toM fulMer workshops. The techniques she imparts are simple to understand and easy to apply. first Aid for director of Business suMMit octoBer 1, 2008 As co-author of the books Fueled by Greatness, Sell Naked on the Phone, and Sell Naked in Person, Dawn is also the intellectual resource behind Rapport MasterySM. in the Office. Although best known for her work with corporations, Dawn works with faith based and non-profit organizations 30 31
  • 18. P i c i & P i c i s e rv i c e o f f e r i n g s P A rt i A l l i s t o f t i t l e s Authored By J o e A n d d Aw n P i c i Sell Naked on the Phone Sell Naked in Person With Sell Naked On The Phone, and Sell Naked in Person you will increase your closing ratios, improve telephone/appointment conversions and create loyal, repeat clients. More than a simple collection of tips and techniques, these two books make up the Sell Naked Sales System™. It is a repeatable, principle- “Rapport is a process.” based, system approach to professional sales and Joe Pici selling strategies. These books represent over 75 years of combined experience, perspective, and wisdom in the application of basic principles of human behavior that you can draw from to become a highly successful sales professional. Whether you are in sales, customer service or simply want to improve your communication skills, these books are full of practical advice that you can use everyday. Available at and 32