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Racism In Schools Essay
Children start learning about racism from a young age; they won't fully understand what it means until later on in life. Racism, by definition, is
power that operates through overt or covert policies that favor white people and are biased against people of color. It's difficult to give a 9 or 10 year
old all of the explicit facts about racism that occurred in our country's history. By not telling them all of the facts, they are lead to believe that America
is "good" in a sense, yet there is nothing good about dehumanizing a specific group of people, which is why the hard facts must be taught in our
education systems. Learning about racism will help children, who will be our future, learn that they cannot relive the same mistakes that were made more content...
People tend to make jokes, slurs, and stereotypes about other races. Members of a specific race will hear the same negative comments so often that
they'll eventually start to believe them. According to Claude M. Steele, "...a person's personal performance can be detrimentally affected by the
psychological triggering of negative stereotypes assigned to one's social group identity" (606). These comments will start to take an emotional toll on
one's brain and will cause a person to use the negative comments that hurt them towards people who are of the same race. It's an endless cycle of being
dehumanized, accepting the dehumanization, and then dehumanizing someone. It's important that children know that this type of behavior was
occurring in America and although Americans cannot right all their wrongs, they can still learn from their mistakes. To add on, people are aware that
using slurs and stereotypes to create others feel inferior is wrong, but that does not stop them. The authors say that, "Majority of people will use
racial commentary to deny equality in the safety of their own home with friends and close acquaintances" (605). The same people will embrace
equality in public in order to make themselves feel better about what they say in private. Children need to learn that the only way to achieve equality is
to be striving for it
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Anti-Racist Approach To Social Work
Anti–racist practice consists of being able to actively and honestly explore who you are, what you stand for and where you are situated in terms of
social location, what has advantaged and disadvantaged you and how you found the strength to overcome those challenges (Heinonen and Spearman,
2010, pp. 133). To further explain, our "social location further gives us an understanding of ourselves in terms of our ethno culture, gender, age,
socioeconomic, class, ability and other characteristics and critically examine how these have advantages or disadvantaged us in our needs and life
chances" (Heinonen and Spearman, 2010, pp. 132). It is important to ask ourselves these questions as social workers so we can uncover any
unresolved biases we have in ourselves. The anti–racist approach to social work involves how social workers deal with attitudes and practices that
promote prejudice and discrimination. Thus, an anti– more content...
First, using an anti–racist lens we can work with this immigrant to help them understand and to further develop the ability to reflect on who they are
as a person and they stand for. Thus, as a social worker, we can empower this immigrant to build self–advocacy skills and encourage a positive attitude
in the light of adversity considering how people feel about themselves is a lot to do with how others behave towards them (Heinonen and Spearman,
2010). We can build or re–build the positive self–regard this immigrant has for oneself to build a sense of worth, strength, and skills to better their
lives. Additionally, while working with the individual at an individual level we can help this immigrant confront discrimination by advocating for their
rights and giving them resources and choices to help them navigate through an oppressive
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Are We Racist Essay
The writer starts off by analyzing a video and then asking the question of whether or not you are racist if you oppose the migration of the Syrian
people. Then he goes on to mention the Paris attacks and the casualties involved. He brings up other various attacks, statistics about the immigrants
and a quote from Donald Trump. Finally, concludes the paper with his personal views. Are we Racist? I recently watched a video where a news
reporter who was of Latino descent asked a loaded question to a Caucasian male. "Are you racist?" At first, the question caught the white man, along
with his accompanying African American friend, off guard. He replied, "Why is it that people who stand up for America and who want to protect our
own more content...
The "Stadium attack or attempted attack in Hannover, Germany took place on Tuesday night. Of course they evacuated the people ninety minutes
before the kickoff of the soccer match between Germany and the Netherlands. They later claimed that no explosives were found even though French
intelligence tipped them off beforehand to a five man cell that was planning to attack that soccer stadium as well as a train station and a bus stop. It
since turns out that a paramedic has now gone public [with what he witnessed] and this is being reported by Bild newspaper over in Germany, he said
that he directly saw the explosives; he saw the bomb in the ambulance during that whole
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Types of Racism Essay
Racism is the act of passing judgment on a person on the basis of their skin color, social or cultural background. Prejudice refers to forming of
opinions or judgments about people or a situation without basing on facts as evidence. Stereotypes are defined as certain notions or beliefs that are
carried about a specific person or people or a way of doing things without substantial proof to back these claims. Institutional racism refers to a kind of
discrimination that is based on race. This kind of discrimination happens in institutions. An example of institutional racism is when a person of a
particular race is given priority position wise over others because he is of the same race as those who are doing the selection. Racism,
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In the long run, they end up discriminating the white man, who also retaliates in a bid to protect themselves. Therefore, unless these two groups learn
to forgive each other of the sins that were committed before they were born, racism is far from over in our society.
The race is indeed a biological category. This is because it is based on the genes that make them posses a different skin color from other people who
belong to other races. However, ethnicity is a totally different category that cannot be grouped together with racism. Ethnicity refers to the way a
person has been brought up and the characters and cultures that they are brought up in. Therefore, color should not be used to determine a person's
ethnicity, rather his practices. Racial determinism refers to the classification of people depending on their racial backgrounds. This is mainly in the
form of the color of their skin.
The most common form of unintentional racism is when a person tries to identify or socialize with people of a different racial background from
theirs. In their minds, they may think that they are trying to be all inclusive, but subconsciously they are being racist. This is because they are
determining the kind of people they are socializing with according to their race. A true non racist person is one who is not able to realize that the
people he
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Essay about Racism: Then and Now
Throughout history in America there has always been the idea of racism. When Americans think of racism, they usually think of slavery and that
racism is no longer a problem in America. However, this is not the case. Racism is still very apparent in America. It is true that since the end of
slavery, the U.S. has made great strides towards becoming a less racist country. In reality,racism will never be extinct. In today's society, all American
citizens of all races have the same rights as one another, yet there is still racism. Racism can be linked directly to stereotypical mindsets of certain
groups of people. It is human nature to make conclusions about other people, this is what leads to racism. Today's racism is not limited to
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She didn't answer Atticus's questions and then she turned on the jury (Lee 189–91). She called out the white men, calling them cowards if they did not
find this man guilty. This shows corruption within the court system because ofrace. The jury is being told to decide on race and personal image, rather
than on the facts of the case (Lee).
Racism was a larger issue back in the 1930's than it is today. During the 1930's many Black Americans were unable to find jobs. With the Great
Depression came the "last hired first fired" mindset. Many African Americans felt that this was targeted towards them (Racial 5). This along with Jim
Crow laws kept most blacks in a level of poverty, which added to the discrimination (Racial 7). Throughout this time, all the way up into the 1960's and
1970's African Americans were under great segregation. During this thirty years, great strides toward social equality were made, but at the cost of
numerous racial driven incidents. Many great African American icons were assassinated during this time. Malcolm X was assassinated in 1965
because he stood up against racial oppression as well as Martin Luther King Jr. who was assassinated in 1968. Both of these two men were part of the
leading force in the desegregation of America (Rosenberg 1). This movement led to great tension between the African American culture and white
culture, which led to many very violent cases between the races. A great
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The Existence of Racism Essay
The Existence of Racism
Racism is a term that is often used to describe a variety of social, culture and economic problems, but has, unfortunately, acquired "so many
contradictory meanings that it takes on the aura of a myth," it has become increasingly difficult to define (de Benoist, 1999, p. 11). Although the term
wasn't officially featured in the Larousse Dictionary until 1932, racism had been a dark cloud hanging over the global horizon for centuries (de Benoist,
1999). Before delving into the complex concept of racism, it is recommended that the student who is writing on this topic first consider the notion of
race, which has been described as "a group of people with the same more content...
296). There is also the notion of 'genetic inheritance,' which subjectively implies that some groups are superior to others (Vorster, 1999). This
argument is rooted in belief that some groups sport a more impressive biological pedigree than others and are therefore better than other groups from
the moment of birth. Finally, there is the idea that suggests that group diversity is forged through social behavior (Vorster, 1999). In other words,
some groups simply have greater physical or intellectual capacities than others, which allow them to be easily categorized on the basis of superiority
and inferiority (Vorster, 1999). Interestingly, these ideas seem to transcend all cultural barriers, which is why racism is prevalent in both primitive as
well as civilized societies.
There are three major factors which need to be considered in order to provide a sufficient overview of racism that lends itself to further, more detailed
analysis. First, there is the ideology mentioned earlier, the significance of which cannot be underestimated (Vorster, 2002). In fact, back in 1978,
UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization] issued a "Declaration of Race," which defined racism as,
"any theory claiming the intrinsic
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Racism : Racism And Racism
Covert Racism
Racism; 'the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic
superiority over others' (Collins English Dictionary 2012) and thus leading to 'abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the
basis of such a belief' (Collins English Dictionary 2012).
Over time, racism has transformed from a blatant and overt form into a passive style of prejudice and discrimination. Nowadays, it is often used as a
means to express frustration or opinions on obvious differences about another race in a way that is not obvious enough to be noticeable. Furthermore,
many people are unaware of their racist behaviour as it has become so deep seated within our society. As a result, the acts of subtle racism racism are
often mistaken as normal and acceptable behaviour.
Subtle racism within a society when left to manifest can lead to victims becoming vulnerable to mental, social and even physical issues. Unlike overt
racism, covert racism often goes unnoticed within society and therefore, it often goes untreated. As a result, it can cause a greater divide between
groups, leading to more prejudice and thus, becoming a vicious cycle.
Theoretical Background
The Minimal Group Paradigm (Tajfel, et al., 1971) coupled with Social Identity Theory (Tajfel, 2010) paves the way for racism. Firstly, The Minimal
Group Paradigm is designed to limit and control factors
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Racism In Canada Essay
Racism has brought about many challenges in our society and it has changed in a negative way because every day as the Aboriginals, Blacks,
Asians, Middle Easterners increase in Canada, so are the most racist people. It has undergone very little positive change in the society. In fact, we are
doing way worse than our ancestors did because we cannot just function without being backward minded prejudiced people and this is very bad. By
doing this, we are telling our children that it is okay to be racist against their Aboriginal, Black, Asian and Middle Easterner classmates.
Aboriginals face a lot of racism and it is weighing down on them. Almost every day, the newspapers inCanada have complained about the little effort
the police has more content...
Aboriginals complain that they are not being treated well and there is a pro white bias when they go to receive treatment in the clinics and hospitals.
"When aboriginal patients present themselves –– whether it's in an emergency room or in any health center –– they're not necessarily seen for whom
they are and consequently they're not respected, they're not engaged as fellow human beings and as a result the care they get suffers" (Mehta,
2015). Although they are the fastest growing segment of the population in Canada, they are still treated with disdain every time they go to the
hospital whether it is the long waiting hours, the discrimination by doctors or the been sent back home with no prescriptions or medicine. The
story of Michelle Labrecque comes to mind at this. "In 2008, she sought medication for what she describes as severe stomach pain. She discussed
the pain with a doctor, as well as her struggles with alcohol and finding a home. The doctor wrote her a prescription, and told her she was good to
go. When she got home, she discovered all the doctor had scribbled on the prescription form was a crude drawing of a beer bottle, circled with a
slash through it" (McCue, 2015). It is so sad that we could do that in the health sector to someone who was sick. We did not think about what could
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The Controversy Of Racism And Racism
Racism, often used as a trigger word in the media, has come to the forefront of society recently. It is nearly impossible to watch the news without
seeing reports of police officers killing unarmed black citizens or hearing a debate about the appropriate choice in regards to allowing refugees into
American borders. Though these prejudiced and bigoted ideas have existed since the rise of humanity, many people believeracism to be something
found only in the shadowy dregs of modern society. Racial tension is the most strained it has been in decades. With racism regaining the spotlight,
people openly express their hateful rhetoric. As a social worker, I would struggle most interacting with communities that spoke and acted openly against
other races, such as members of white supremacist populations.
Social Work Professionalism Remaining professional while listening to a client speak negatively against another race is difficult. It is important to
remain professional, while holding one 's composure. For example, in one instance, I had to visit a client's home recently. Inside of the house was a
wall–to–wall confederate flag dГ©cor expressing the individual 's opinion. As a professional worker, I was not able to discredit the client's opinion. I
had to be self–aware and remind myself not to cause a power struggle. According to NASW Code of Ethics, service is a core value where social workers
are supposed to assist the client in need and to aid the client with the problems he or
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Racism In Australia Essay
Australia is portrayed to be a multicultural country. A country that is composed of different social, economic and cultural backgrounds. The
accomplishment of the cooperation of every unique classified group to a great extent, depends on the mentalities, qualities and conduct of each
individual toward each other.
Racism is a very predominant issue. It is known as discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on personal belief that one's own
race is superior (Anti–Defamation League, 2017). Racism undermines social cohesion within a population which often leads to the absence of human
rights or even genocide which is the deliberate extermination of a race, religion, or ethnic group. Looking at Australia and its history, racism had a
tremendous impact on its Aborigines that not only is unfathomable yet, dehumanizing. Racism incorporated control of native land under the 'Terra
Nullius' attitude, white paranoia, assimilation, sugar cane plantations and native Australian well–being.
Multiculturalism has caused chronological development and advancement that Australia has experienced in which stresses the pivotal role of
Australia's colonial White paranoia. White paranoia has shaped Australia's society and culture of more content...
These Aboriginals traditionally owned land on a group or tribal basis according to birthright. To the Aborigines, Australia was a part of their very
being and it was very sacred. Since these indigenous people were a part of a tribe they were entitled to dwell on a designated area of the land and to
utilize its natural resources. However, as time has elapsed many tribal groups' languages and cultures had been wiped out by white settlement (Barta,
2008, 519). This occurred because no one really owned the land, 'Terra Nullius', which then caused Europeans to dismiss the fact that the land was
inhabited by the
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Definition Essay: Racism
Definition: Racism
Racism is the unequal treatment of the human beings on the basis of their skin color. Racism is believed to have existed as long as human beings
have been in the world. It is usually associated with the skin color of a person, which makes one be distinguished from a certain race or community. The
word racism happened to be common in 1600s due to the enslavement of the Africans by the Americans and Europeans. One of the common examples
of racism was Americans' discrimination against the Africans during the early 1600s. Though it is believed that slavery has existed since ancient times,
the most outstanding one was the one practiced by the Americans. The dark–skinned people were enslaved on the whites' farms more
In our daily lives, one may note that some activities tend to favor some people or a group that is dominant in a certain area. This can be considered
institutional racism. According to Memmi (2000), institutional racism usually aims at barring anyone from interfering with the advantages of the
dominant group in a given geographical location. The best example of this kind of racism was the Apartheid in South Africa. The British tried to
protect their lavish lifestyles by preventing the Africans from attending the same schools with them. In addition, the Africans were not allowed to use
the same roads or eat in the same cafes with the whites. Lastly, there is also new racism. Fredrickson (2003) considers new racism as covering the
cultural matters. The belief that a certain race has a culture which is superior to that of another race is termed as new racism. Some communities may
view the cultural practices of a certain community as inferior to theirs. Concerning this, they try to colonize the others through assimilating them into
their culture. Culture is also concerned with the way people dress. In conclusion, there is an opinion that racism has existed since the BC era. Despite
this, it is believed it actually commenced in 1619 when slavery arose in the US. During this period, people were enslaved and discriminated on the
basis of their color type. However, there are different types of racism, and they include new racism, historical
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racism speech Essay
For centuries a disease has plagued our nation just like AIDS has Africa, I bet you all are wondering what this disease is. You probably think that
it can be treated with limited breakouts every few years. The virus I'm talking about is racism. Imagine living every day in fear knowing that where
ever you go, everything you do is being observed and judged. Imagine walking into a store or a boutique and having someone watch every move of
yours thinking that you're going to steal something, or expose a bomb from under your clothes. Imagine being mocked and hated at school because
you're "different". Imagine being left out because of your skin colour. No one enjoys being left out, but then, why do people judge? Why do people
set a fire more content...
The employee made sure that nothing had been stolen from the shelfs that he walked past by.
I believe that racism should be stopped because racism can result in acts of physical abuse and violence. People get mentally and physically hurt by
people who are being racist. For example there was a refugee who was beaten by a racist guy in Wollongong for doing absolutely nothing; he was
punched multiple times before being robbed. The refugee, who had arrived in Australia from his native Eritrea only five days earlier, required stitches
in his left ear and lost a tooth in the ordeal, this isn't normal in any way. People who get mentally hurt by racist actions can do strange things. They can
start to become racist themselves, or even commit suicide, which is an awful thing.
Racism not only leads to social problems but it also causes mental illness and violence for example, self–harm, depression and the harming of others. In
most cases the victim starts to feel helpless, isolated, depressed and irritated. Experiencing racism can change a victim's life forever. Nearly half of all
Australian residents from a diverse background have experienced racism at some time in their life. WHY? Only because they look different? On a
Wednesday afternoon a well–dressed 54 year woman in a mustard jacket unleashed a lecture of abuse at other passengers on a Sydney to Newcastle
train, it started because some young kids aged between four and ten didn't automatically give up their seats
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Racism Letter About Racism
Dear the University of Mount Olive community,
I am writing this letter to discuss the debated topic of racism. In our class we have used many resources to help us understand racism in greater depth.
Using these resources, and my own personal opinion I would like to share problems with racism and potential solutions to reduce racism.
Firstly, racism to me is discriminating against someone else due to their race or religion. As an international student I have had the opportunity to
witness first–hand the cultural differences between my home country of England and the United States of America. In England, there are many
different populations of people of various ethnicity and religion. I believe the most popular form of racism in England does not depend on skin color.
Many English people are black and many are white. The type of racism I witnessed while in England was based upon religion. In particular, Muslims
immigrating from Asia. Many uneducated people stereotype terrorism as a product of the Islam religion and therefore believe that all Muslims are
terrorists. Fortunately, I fully understand the separation between religion and terrorism.
On the other hand, the majority of racism in the United States is based upon the skin color rather than religion. Perhaps, this type of racism relates
back to the times of slavery in the USA. However, it is completely unacceptable to use historic times as an excuse to be racist in the modern day. The
world we live in has changed vastly
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Black People Can T Be Racist
Tina Huang
PHIL 122
Professor Weijers
28 March 2016
Analysis Paper
In Sobantu Mzwakali's Black People Can't Be Racist, he argues why and how a black person cannot be racist due to many reasons. One reason is that
they have never had the proper instruments and the capability to demonstrate racial oppression. He also mentions how white people have "white
privilege," a term used to describe the societal benefit of identifying as a white individual. Mzwakali gives many good reasons and provides solid
evidence to prove that black people cannot be racist, but rather prejudice. Though his argument and claims are good, there are other significant reasons
that he left out that are equally strong in proving his point.
Black people cannot be racist, but they can be prejudice towards white people. Whenever blacks try to raise their voice and be heard on the issue at
hand, they are labeled and referred to simply as "Angry blacks." Unfortunately, this is also a common stereotype associated with African Americans.
White people will suffer the consequences if they try to mute and silence black voices since the black pain is excruciating and needs to be understood
as a truth. One first needs to know the difference between two contrasting terms, prejudice and racism. Prejudice is a term used to describe a positive or
negative judgment and evaluation of another individual based on their racial/ethnic group affiliation. On the other hand, racism includes the actions
that are taken, beliefs,
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Racism In College Essay
Have you ever been to Africa?" John asked his African–American friend, Kenny, whose parents and grandparents are American–born. Now some would
assume that this is automatically racist, considering John's most likely asking Kenny this question due to his race. Racism is a major problem in
America and all around the world, affecting the lives of many people. Not knowing about a race or culture often can spring assumptions that could
offend people while forming ideas about groups of people based on prior experiences are usually not a good way to obtain more knowledge. However
truly hating a race is the most extreme version of racism, as it could lead to harassment and/or violence. Racism is divided into the subsets of
ignorance, prejudice, and true racial hate, which are listed from the least to most extreme.
Ignorance or the lack of knowledge, understanding, or education is often the base for racism according to the Merriam–Webster Dictionary. For
instance, most people call a masjid, the Muslim place of worship, a mosque. There is a problem with calling the place of worship a mosque because it
is a term derived from Spanish soldiers often boasting about how they would "swat out" masjids like mosquitoes during the Spanish Reconquista.
Ignorance could be prevented by further researching beyond the common media about a news event, cultures, and religions. When you encounter
someone who's ignorant, keep in mind that their intention is probably not to offend you, but were probably misinformed about the race, religion, or more content...
Instead, this would most likely be considered as semi–ignorance because he is asking if he has ever been somewhere, but most probably on the account
of his skin color. Overall, Ignorance, prejudice, and racial hate are listed from the lesser to a greater extent of
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Race And Racism : Racism Essay
The concept of race and racism has transformed over time and is seen through the eyes of everyone in our world. It unfortunately seems to be the
norm for the public to not only assume an individual 's race and to separate them to be distant from one another, but to also pigeon hole every race in
a restricted category. This has been going on for so long that we would expect everyone to view society this way, however that might not be the case
for all citizens within the United States. Now the question is, where do we learn these ideas from? How do people have this thoughts ingrained in their
brain? There are many definitions of race, but how they come about? Whether it is from relatives, media, or even from blatantly witnessing it around
us, everyone has a different way of learning what race is.
When speaking with my mother, Clara Salas, a short, humble woman with red/brown hair and a smile that could light up a room, she had quite a
bit to say on the matter. Throughout our interview I flooded her with questions on racial construction and how she has came to know what race
meant and what it was. First on how see saw race and if these so called divisions within the community wherever in place. Speaking with a soft yet
firm tone, she began, "From a young age I never saw a behavioral difference or divide within racial groups because from where I was, everyone from
all different racial crowds were integrated." She said. I looked at my mother in awe as though this was not
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College Essay About Racism
Racism In my life there has been a small amount of racism. Considering that I've grown up in the small town in the middle of Wyoming. Although, I
have surely seen the news articles on the subject of racism. Recently, there has been many encounters with this dreaded term in the larger cities. Some
are reasonable, others are not so much. When looking over each story available there are a few that really jumps into my path or somewhat upset me.
First of all, keep in mind that there are too many racism encounters to fully understand them all. Therefore, I may not completely understand the
stories I hear. Maybe from lack of analysis, or even the way that it was presented to me. Growing up in a small Wyoming town there are not very many
things that happen around here. Don't get me wrong, there are some, but not more content...
There were whole families of this different race that I hadn't had much experience with. Of course, I didn't see anything wrong with them, I was just
unaware at how many people of the different color were in the same place at the same time. Being in the second or third grade, they try not to
bring racism up nearly as much so I wasn't fully knowledge on why they were different, and I was unaware that they got treated badly. Well I was
just about to learn all about this simple, or not so simple word, racism. My mom, little sister, and I walked into a chain shoe store and were looking
at the sandals when a sales lady approached us, "Can I help you girls find a certain size?" "No thank you, I think we're just looking for now." My
mom replied generously. Down the aisle there was a mother with her daughter and son, they were African American. The same lady who asked if she
could help us seemed disgusted that they were in her way. She might have acted more dramatic to get her point across, but she definitely turned into a
different person around
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Racism Descriptive Writing
As I apply the brakes on my car, the loot in my boot rattles, shuffling up, down, left and right, ignoring the hustle and bustle of my stolen goods, I
exit my car. Opening the door, sliding my left foot out and immediately my feet dissolve into the ground, the deep, sludge like mud covering my
shoes I effortlessly stole, with filth. I look at the mud latched onto my shoes, and them look around me. Both were brown. Both were a pile of
disappointment. But being an expert thief I realise things like no other, I notice a freshly refurbished and well–decorated house which most definitely
had valuables stored for my taking. A diamond in the rough. It was a scorching day with the sun gazing down upon the ranch and with hardly
anyone roaming around. I began my walk to the porch of the house. On my way, I notice the bunkhouse and stable, which reeked of a foul smell, as
though the whole building had been dipped into cow dung. The strong wind punched the structure forcing a creek with every blast. I passed the men
inside, who were lying down with their shirts off trying to hide from the burning heat but to no avail. No one noticed me as I walked up to the porch
and rang the bell. After waiting for someone to answer the door for about a minute, I heard something and the door came flying open crashing into my
face. Startled, I nearly tumble more content...
He held out his hands and revealed the small mouse which he had been petting. It seems like he had petted the small mouse to its death with his
large bare hands. Lennie went on saying that he didn't kill the mouse, it was already dead and I assured him by saying, "Sure you didn't Lennie, it
was already dead." The giant kid started to worry and then scream. I told him it was okay and that a pup was waiting for him in my car, only if he
would take me upstairs. He was assured now. So just as Lennie and I took one more step, a loud cry screeches "Lennie!".Shuttering into my ears and
once again halting my
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Racism Synthesis Essay
Racism can be "defined as the hatred of one person by another or the belief that another person is less than human because of skin color, language,
customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations,
and legal codes" ("What"). The face of racism over the past 50 years has changed but yet, some still stay the same. People made laws against racism
and it is not as blunt anymore. But opinions and stereotypes will remain which will cause others to still be treated differently. One way the face of
racism has changed is that there are now laws against it. Because racism was such a major problem back then, the 14th amendment was created, which more content...
Back then, not all blacks had the same privileges and racism wasn't just about black and white people. This is an example of colourism. Colourism can
be "defined as a conscious or unconscious state of prejudice that may be experienced by both blacks and whites so that they label as less attractive
and intelligent individuals of a darker complexion, particularly, when it comes to black women" ("Demystifying"). Among the black community, there
is racism between it as well. Back then, white slave owners "allowed those of a lighter complexion certain privileges and denied those of a darker
complexion those privileges and created in the minds of blacks that "light" is better. In addition, the selling of lighter–skinned women into prostitution
or to salve masters to become their mistresses helped to concretize the idea that light skin is better" ("Demystifying"). But racism is not just about
blacks and whites. It can be between any races. With the internet and the power of social networking these days, it is even easier to repudiate and
excoriate people. People can criticize you secretly and not include you in certain events without your knowing. You can express racism even behind a
computer screen on a website plus make it private so it can't be seen by the public.
Although racism has changed over time these past 50 years, racism in many ways still exists. Everybody has their own opinion and those opinions are
influenced by the public and the media. In some way,
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Racism In Schools Essay

  • 1. Racism In Schools Essay Children start learning about racism from a young age; they won't fully understand what it means until later on in life. Racism, by definition, is power that operates through overt or covert policies that favor white people and are biased against people of color. It's difficult to give a 9 or 10 year old all of the explicit facts about racism that occurred in our country's history. By not telling them all of the facts, they are lead to believe that America is "good" in a sense, yet there is nothing good about dehumanizing a specific group of people, which is why the hard facts must be taught in our education systems. Learning about racism will help children, who will be our future, learn that they cannot relive the same mistakes that were made more content... People tend to make jokes, slurs, and stereotypes about other races. Members of a specific race will hear the same negative comments so often that they'll eventually start to believe them. According to Claude M. Steele, "...a person's personal performance can be detrimentally affected by the psychological triggering of negative stereotypes assigned to one's social group identity" (606). These comments will start to take an emotional toll on one's brain and will cause a person to use the negative comments that hurt them towards people who are of the same race. It's an endless cycle of being dehumanized, accepting the dehumanization, and then dehumanizing someone. It's important that children know that this type of behavior was occurring in America and although Americans cannot right all their wrongs, they can still learn from their mistakes. To add on, people are aware that using slurs and stereotypes to create others feel inferior is wrong, but that does not stop them. The authors say that, "Majority of people will use racial commentary to deny equality in the safety of their own home with friends and close acquaintances" (605). The same people will embrace equality in public in order to make themselves feel better about what they say in private. Children need to learn that the only way to achieve equality is to be striving for it Get more content on
  • 2. Anti-Racist Approach To Social Work Anti–racist practice consists of being able to actively and honestly explore who you are, what you stand for and where you are situated in terms of social location, what has advantaged and disadvantaged you and how you found the strength to overcome those challenges (Heinonen and Spearman, 2010, pp. 133). To further explain, our "social location further gives us an understanding of ourselves in terms of our ethno culture, gender, age, socioeconomic, class, ability and other characteristics and critically examine how these have advantages or disadvantaged us in our needs and life chances" (Heinonen and Spearman, 2010, pp. 132). It is important to ask ourselves these questions as social workers so we can uncover any unresolved biases we have in ourselves. The anti–racist approach to social work involves how social workers deal with attitudes and practices that promote prejudice and discrimination. Thus, an anti– more content... First, using an anti–racist lens we can work with this immigrant to help them understand and to further develop the ability to reflect on who they are as a person and they stand for. Thus, as a social worker, we can empower this immigrant to build self–advocacy skills and encourage a positive attitude in the light of adversity considering how people feel about themselves is a lot to do with how others behave towards them (Heinonen and Spearman, 2010). We can build or re–build the positive self–regard this immigrant has for oneself to build a sense of worth, strength, and skills to better their lives. Additionally, while working with the individual at an individual level we can help this immigrant confront discrimination by advocating for their rights and giving them resources and choices to help them navigate through an oppressive Get more content on
  • 3. Are We Racist Essay The writer starts off by analyzing a video and then asking the question of whether or not you are racist if you oppose the migration of the Syrian people. Then he goes on to mention the Paris attacks and the casualties involved. He brings up other various attacks, statistics about the immigrants and a quote from Donald Trump. Finally, concludes the paper with his personal views. Are we Racist? I recently watched a video where a news reporter who was of Latino descent asked a loaded question to a Caucasian male. "Are you racist?" At first, the question caught the white man, along with his accompanying African American friend, off guard. He replied, "Why is it that people who stand up for America and who want to protect our own more content... The "Stadium attack or attempted attack in Hannover, Germany took place on Tuesday night. Of course they evacuated the people ninety minutes before the kickoff of the soccer match between Germany and the Netherlands. They later claimed that no explosives were found even though French intelligence tipped them off beforehand to a five man cell that was planning to attack that soccer stadium as well as a train station and a bus stop. It since turns out that a paramedic has now gone public [with what he witnessed] and this is being reported by Bild newspaper over in Germany, he said that he directly saw the explosives; he saw the bomb in the ambulance during that whole Get more content on
  • 4. Types of Racism Essay Racism is the act of passing judgment on a person on the basis of their skin color, social or cultural background. Prejudice refers to forming of opinions or judgments about people or a situation without basing on facts as evidence. Stereotypes are defined as certain notions or beliefs that are carried about a specific person or people or a way of doing things without substantial proof to back these claims. Institutional racism refers to a kind of discrimination that is based on race. This kind of discrimination happens in institutions. An example of institutional racism is when a person of a particular race is given priority position wise over others because he is of the same race as those who are doing the selection. Racism, more content... In the long run, they end up discriminating the white man, who also retaliates in a bid to protect themselves. Therefore, unless these two groups learn to forgive each other of the sins that were committed before they were born, racism is far from over in our society. The race is indeed a biological category. This is because it is based on the genes that make them posses a different skin color from other people who belong to other races. However, ethnicity is a totally different category that cannot be grouped together with racism. Ethnicity refers to the way a person has been brought up and the characters and cultures that they are brought up in. Therefore, color should not be used to determine a person's ethnicity, rather his practices. Racial determinism refers to the classification of people depending on their racial backgrounds. This is mainly in the form of the color of their skin. #Q2: The most common form of unintentional racism is when a person tries to identify or socialize with people of a different racial background from theirs. In their minds, they may think that they are trying to be all inclusive, but subconsciously they are being racist. This is because they are determining the kind of people they are socializing with according to their race. A true non racist person is one who is not able to realize that the people he Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Racism: Then and Now Throughout history in America there has always been the idea of racism. When Americans think of racism, they usually think of slavery and that racism is no longer a problem in America. However, this is not the case. Racism is still very apparent in America. It is true that since the end of slavery, the U.S. has made great strides towards becoming a less racist country. In reality,racism will never be extinct. In today's society, all American citizens of all races have the same rights as one another, yet there is still racism. Racism can be linked directly to stereotypical mindsets of certain groups of people. It is human nature to make conclusions about other people, this is what leads to racism. Today's racism is not limited to more content... She didn't answer Atticus's questions and then she turned on the jury (Lee 189–91). She called out the white men, calling them cowards if they did not find this man guilty. This shows corruption within the court system because ofrace. The jury is being told to decide on race and personal image, rather than on the facts of the case (Lee). Racism was a larger issue back in the 1930's than it is today. During the 1930's many Black Americans were unable to find jobs. With the Great Depression came the "last hired first fired" mindset. Many African Americans felt that this was targeted towards them (Racial 5). This along with Jim Crow laws kept most blacks in a level of poverty, which added to the discrimination (Racial 7). Throughout this time, all the way up into the 1960's and 1970's African Americans were under great segregation. During this thirty years, great strides toward social equality were made, but at the cost of numerous racial driven incidents. Many great African American icons were assassinated during this time. Malcolm X was assassinated in 1965 because he stood up against racial oppression as well as Martin Luther King Jr. who was assassinated in 1968. Both of these two men were part of the leading force in the desegregation of America (Rosenberg 1). This movement led to great tension between the African American culture and white culture, which led to many very violent cases between the races. A great Get more content on
  • 6. The Existence of Racism Essay The Existence of Racism Racism is a term that is often used to describe a variety of social, culture and economic problems, but has, unfortunately, acquired "so many contradictory meanings that it takes on the aura of a myth," it has become increasingly difficult to define (de Benoist, 1999, p. 11). Although the term wasn't officially featured in the Larousse Dictionary until 1932, racism had been a dark cloud hanging over the global horizon for centuries (de Benoist, 1999). Before delving into the complex concept of racism, it is recommended that the student who is writing on this topic first consider the notion of race, which has been described as "a group of people with the same more content... 296). There is also the notion of 'genetic inheritance,' which subjectively implies that some groups are superior to others (Vorster, 1999). This argument is rooted in belief that some groups sport a more impressive biological pedigree than others and are therefore better than other groups from the moment of birth. Finally, there is the idea that suggests that group diversity is forged through social behavior (Vorster, 1999). In other words, some groups simply have greater physical or intellectual capacities than others, which allow them to be easily categorized on the basis of superiority and inferiority (Vorster, 1999). Interestingly, these ideas seem to transcend all cultural barriers, which is why racism is prevalent in both primitive as well as civilized societies. There are three major factors which need to be considered in order to provide a sufficient overview of racism that lends itself to further, more detailed analysis. First, there is the ideology mentioned earlier, the significance of which cannot be underestimated (Vorster, 2002). In fact, back in 1978, UNESCO [United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization] issued a "Declaration of Race," which defined racism as, "any theory claiming the intrinsic Get more content on
  • 7. Racism : Racism And Racism Covert Racism Introduction Racism; 'the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristics determined by hereditary factors and that this endows some races with an intrinsic superiority over others' (Collins English Dictionary 2012) and thus leading to 'abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief' (Collins English Dictionary 2012). Over time, racism has transformed from a blatant and overt form into a passive style of prejudice and discrimination. Nowadays, it is often used as a means to express frustration or opinions on obvious differences about another race in a way that is not obvious enough to be noticeable. Furthermore, many people are unaware of their racist behaviour as it has become so deep seated within our society. As a result, the acts of subtle racism racism are often mistaken as normal and acceptable behaviour. Subtle racism within a society when left to manifest can lead to victims becoming vulnerable to mental, social and even physical issues. Unlike overt racism, covert racism often goes unnoticed within society and therefore, it often goes untreated. As a result, it can cause a greater divide between groups, leading to more prejudice and thus, becoming a vicious cycle. Theoretical Background The Minimal Group Paradigm (Tajfel, et al., 1971) coupled with Social Identity Theory (Tajfel, 2010) paves the way for racism. Firstly, The Minimal Group Paradigm is designed to limit and control factors Get more content on
  • 8. Racism In Canada Essay Racism has brought about many challenges in our society and it has changed in a negative way because every day as the Aboriginals, Blacks, Asians, Middle Easterners increase in Canada, so are the most racist people. It has undergone very little positive change in the society. In fact, we are doing way worse than our ancestors did because we cannot just function without being backward minded prejudiced people and this is very bad. By doing this, we are telling our children that it is okay to be racist against their Aboriginal, Black, Asian and Middle Easterner classmates. Aboriginals face a lot of racism and it is weighing down on them. Almost every day, the newspapers inCanada have complained about the little effort the police has more content... Aboriginals complain that they are not being treated well and there is a pro white bias when they go to receive treatment in the clinics and hospitals. "When aboriginal patients present themselves –– whether it's in an emergency room or in any health center –– they're not necessarily seen for whom they are and consequently they're not respected, they're not engaged as fellow human beings and as a result the care they get suffers" (Mehta, 2015). Although they are the fastest growing segment of the population in Canada, they are still treated with disdain every time they go to the hospital whether it is the long waiting hours, the discrimination by doctors or the been sent back home with no prescriptions or medicine. The story of Michelle Labrecque comes to mind at this. "In 2008, she sought medication for what she describes as severe stomach pain. She discussed the pain with a doctor, as well as her struggles with alcohol and finding a home. The doctor wrote her a prescription, and told her she was good to go. When she got home, she discovered all the doctor had scribbled on the prescription form was a crude drawing of a beer bottle, circled with a slash through it" (McCue, 2015). It is so sad that we could do that in the health sector to someone who was sick. We did not think about what could Get more content on
  • 9. The Controversy Of Racism And Racism Racism, often used as a trigger word in the media, has come to the forefront of society recently. It is nearly impossible to watch the news without seeing reports of police officers killing unarmed black citizens or hearing a debate about the appropriate choice in regards to allowing refugees into American borders. Though these prejudiced and bigoted ideas have existed since the rise of humanity, many people believeracism to be something found only in the shadowy dregs of modern society. Racial tension is the most strained it has been in decades. With racism regaining the spotlight, people openly express their hateful rhetoric. As a social worker, I would struggle most interacting with communities that spoke and acted openly against other races, such as members of white supremacist populations. Social Work Professionalism Remaining professional while listening to a client speak negatively against another race is difficult. It is important to remain professional, while holding one 's composure. For example, in one instance, I had to visit a client's home recently. Inside of the house was a wall–to–wall confederate flag dГ©cor expressing the individual 's opinion. As a professional worker, I was not able to discredit the client's opinion. I had to be self–aware and remind myself not to cause a power struggle. According to NASW Code of Ethics, service is a core value where social workers are supposed to assist the client in need and to aid the client with the problems he or Get more content on
  • 10. Racism In Australia Essay Australia is portrayed to be a multicultural country. A country that is composed of different social, economic and cultural backgrounds. The accomplishment of the cooperation of every unique classified group to a great extent, depends on the mentalities, qualities and conduct of each individual toward each other. Racism is a very predominant issue. It is known as discrimination directed against someone of a different race based on personal belief that one's own race is superior (Anti–Defamation League, 2017). Racism undermines social cohesion within a population which often leads to the absence of human rights or even genocide which is the deliberate extermination of a race, religion, or ethnic group. Looking at Australia and its history, racism had a tremendous impact on its Aborigines that not only is unfathomable yet, dehumanizing. Racism incorporated control of native land under the 'Terra Nullius' attitude, white paranoia, assimilation, sugar cane plantations and native Australian well–being. Multiculturalism has caused chronological development and advancement that Australia has experienced in which stresses the pivotal role of Australia's colonial White paranoia. White paranoia has shaped Australia's society and culture of more content... These Aboriginals traditionally owned land on a group or tribal basis according to birthright. To the Aborigines, Australia was a part of their very being and it was very sacred. Since these indigenous people were a part of a tribe they were entitled to dwell on a designated area of the land and to utilize its natural resources. However, as time has elapsed many tribal groups' languages and cultures had been wiped out by white settlement (Barta, 2008, 519). This occurred because no one really owned the land, 'Terra Nullius', which then caused Europeans to dismiss the fact that the land was inhabited by the Get more content on
  • 11. Definition Essay: Racism Definition: Racism Racism is the unequal treatment of the human beings on the basis of their skin color. Racism is believed to have existed as long as human beings have been in the world. It is usually associated with the skin color of a person, which makes one be distinguished from a certain race or community. The word racism happened to be common in 1600s due to the enslavement of the Africans by the Americans and Europeans. One of the common examples of racism was Americans' discrimination against the Africans during the early 1600s. Though it is believed that slavery has existed since ancient times, the most outstanding one was the one practiced by the Americans. The dark–skinned people were enslaved on the whites' farms more content... In our daily lives, one may note that some activities tend to favor some people or a group that is dominant in a certain area. This can be considered institutional racism. According to Memmi (2000), institutional racism usually aims at barring anyone from interfering with the advantages of the dominant group in a given geographical location. The best example of this kind of racism was the Apartheid in South Africa. The British tried to protect their lavish lifestyles by preventing the Africans from attending the same schools with them. In addition, the Africans were not allowed to use the same roads or eat in the same cafes with the whites. Lastly, there is also new racism. Fredrickson (2003) considers new racism as covering the cultural matters. The belief that a certain race has a culture which is superior to that of another race is termed as new racism. Some communities may view the cultural practices of a certain community as inferior to theirs. Concerning this, they try to colonize the others through assimilating them into their culture. Culture is also concerned with the way people dress. In conclusion, there is an opinion that racism has existed since the BC era. Despite this, it is believed it actually commenced in 1619 when slavery arose in the US. During this period, people were enslaved and discriminated on the basis of their color type. However, there are different types of racism, and they include new racism, historical Get more content on
  • 12. racism speech Essay For centuries a disease has plagued our nation just like AIDS has Africa, I bet you all are wondering what this disease is. You probably think that it can be treated with limited breakouts every few years. The virus I'm talking about is racism. Imagine living every day in fear knowing that where ever you go, everything you do is being observed and judged. Imagine walking into a store or a boutique and having someone watch every move of yours thinking that you're going to steal something, or expose a bomb from under your clothes. Imagine being mocked and hated at school because you're "different". Imagine being left out because of your skin colour. No one enjoys being left out, but then, why do people judge? Why do people set a fire more content... The employee made sure that nothing had been stolen from the shelfs that he walked past by. I believe that racism should be stopped because racism can result in acts of physical abuse and violence. People get mentally and physically hurt by people who are being racist. For example there was a refugee who was beaten by a racist guy in Wollongong for doing absolutely nothing; he was punched multiple times before being robbed. The refugee, who had arrived in Australia from his native Eritrea only five days earlier, required stitches in his left ear and lost a tooth in the ordeal, this isn't normal in any way. People who get mentally hurt by racist actions can do strange things. They can start to become racist themselves, or even commit suicide, which is an awful thing. Racism not only leads to social problems but it also causes mental illness and violence for example, self–harm, depression and the harming of others. In most cases the victim starts to feel helpless, isolated, depressed and irritated. Experiencing racism can change a victim's life forever. Nearly half of all Australian residents from a diverse background have experienced racism at some time in their life. WHY? Only because they look different? On a Wednesday afternoon a well–dressed 54 year woman in a mustard jacket unleashed a lecture of abuse at other passengers on a Sydney to Newcastle train, it started because some young kids aged between four and ten didn't automatically give up their seats Get more content on
  • 13. Racism Letter About Racism Dear the University of Mount Olive community, I am writing this letter to discuss the debated topic of racism. In our class we have used many resources to help us understand racism in greater depth. Using these resources, and my own personal opinion I would like to share problems with racism and potential solutions to reduce racism. Firstly, racism to me is discriminating against someone else due to their race or religion. As an international student I have had the opportunity to witness first–hand the cultural differences between my home country of England and the United States of America. In England, there are many different populations of people of various ethnicity and religion. I believe the most popular form of racism in England does not depend on skin color. Many English people are black and many are white. The type of racism I witnessed while in England was based upon religion. In particular, Muslims immigrating from Asia. Many uneducated people stereotype terrorism as a product of the Islam religion and therefore believe that all Muslims are terrorists. Fortunately, I fully understand the separation between religion and terrorism. On the other hand, the majority of racism in the United States is based upon the skin color rather than religion. Perhaps, this type of racism relates back to the times of slavery in the USA. However, it is completely unacceptable to use historic times as an excuse to be racist in the modern day. The world we live in has changed vastly Get more content on
  • 14. Black People Can T Be Racist Tina Huang PHIL 122 Professor Weijers 28 March 2016 Analysis Paper In Sobantu Mzwakali's Black People Can't Be Racist, he argues why and how a black person cannot be racist due to many reasons. One reason is that they have never had the proper instruments and the capability to demonstrate racial oppression. He also mentions how white people have "white privilege," a term used to describe the societal benefit of identifying as a white individual. Mzwakali gives many good reasons and provides solid evidence to prove that black people cannot be racist, but rather prejudice. Though his argument and claims are good, there are other significant reasons that he left out that are equally strong in proving his point. Black people cannot be racist, but they can be prejudice towards white people. Whenever blacks try to raise their voice and be heard on the issue at hand, they are labeled and referred to simply as "Angry blacks." Unfortunately, this is also a common stereotype associated with African Americans. White people will suffer the consequences if they try to mute and silence black voices since the black pain is excruciating and needs to be understood as a truth. One first needs to know the difference between two contrasting terms, prejudice and racism. Prejudice is a term used to describe a positive or negative judgment and evaluation of another individual based on their racial/ethnic group affiliation. On the other hand, racism includes the actions that are taken, beliefs, Get more content on
  • 15. Racism In College Essay Have you ever been to Africa?" John asked his African–American friend, Kenny, whose parents and grandparents are American–born. Now some would assume that this is automatically racist, considering John's most likely asking Kenny this question due to his race. Racism is a major problem in America and all around the world, affecting the lives of many people. Not knowing about a race or culture often can spring assumptions that could offend people while forming ideas about groups of people based on prior experiences are usually not a good way to obtain more knowledge. However truly hating a race is the most extreme version of racism, as it could lead to harassment and/or violence. Racism is divided into the subsets of ignorance, prejudice, and true racial hate, which are listed from the least to most extreme. Ignorance or the lack of knowledge, understanding, or education is often the base for racism according to the Merriam–Webster Dictionary. For instance, most people call a masjid, the Muslim place of worship, a mosque. There is a problem with calling the place of worship a mosque because it is a term derived from Spanish soldiers often boasting about how they would "swat out" masjids like mosquitoes during the Spanish Reconquista. Ignorance could be prevented by further researching beyond the common media about a news event, cultures, and religions. When you encounter someone who's ignorant, keep in mind that their intention is probably not to offend you, but were probably misinformed about the race, religion, or more content... Instead, this would most likely be considered as semi–ignorance because he is asking if he has ever been somewhere, but most probably on the account of his skin color. Overall, Ignorance, prejudice, and racial hate are listed from the lesser to a greater extent of Get more content on
  • 16. Race And Racism : Racism Essay The concept of race and racism has transformed over time and is seen through the eyes of everyone in our world. It unfortunately seems to be the norm for the public to not only assume an individual 's race and to separate them to be distant from one another, but to also pigeon hole every race in a restricted category. This has been going on for so long that we would expect everyone to view society this way, however that might not be the case for all citizens within the United States. Now the question is, where do we learn these ideas from? How do people have this thoughts ingrained in their brain? There are many definitions of race, but how they come about? Whether it is from relatives, media, or even from blatantly witnessing it around us, everyone has a different way of learning what race is. When speaking with my mother, Clara Salas, a short, humble woman with red/brown hair and a smile that could light up a room, she had quite a bit to say on the matter. Throughout our interview I flooded her with questions on racial construction and how she has came to know what race meant and what it was. First on how see saw race and if these so called divisions within the community wherever in place. Speaking with a soft yet firm tone, she began, "From a young age I never saw a behavioral difference or divide within racial groups because from where I was, everyone from all different racial crowds were integrated." She said. I looked at my mother in awe as though this was not Get more content on
  • 17. College Essay About Racism Racism In my life there has been a small amount of racism. Considering that I've grown up in the small town in the middle of Wyoming. Although, I have surely seen the news articles on the subject of racism. Recently, there has been many encounters with this dreaded term in the larger cities. Some are reasonable, others are not so much. When looking over each story available there are a few that really jumps into my path or somewhat upset me. First of all, keep in mind that there are too many racism encounters to fully understand them all. Therefore, I may not completely understand the stories I hear. Maybe from lack of analysis, or even the way that it was presented to me. Growing up in a small Wyoming town there are not very many things that happen around here. Don't get me wrong, there are some, but not more content... There were whole families of this different race that I hadn't had much experience with. Of course, I didn't see anything wrong with them, I was just unaware at how many people of the different color were in the same place at the same time. Being in the second or third grade, they try not to bring racism up nearly as much so I wasn't fully knowledge on why they were different, and I was unaware that they got treated badly. Well I was just about to learn all about this simple, or not so simple word, racism. My mom, little sister, and I walked into a chain shoe store and were looking at the sandals when a sales lady approached us, "Can I help you girls find a certain size?" "No thank you, I think we're just looking for now." My mom replied generously. Down the aisle there was a mother with her daughter and son, they were African American. The same lady who asked if she could help us seemed disgusted that they were in her way. She might have acted more dramatic to get her point across, but she definitely turned into a different person around Get more content on
  • 18. Racism Descriptive Writing As I apply the brakes on my car, the loot in my boot rattles, shuffling up, down, left and right, ignoring the hustle and bustle of my stolen goods, I exit my car. Opening the door, sliding my left foot out and immediately my feet dissolve into the ground, the deep, sludge like mud covering my shoes I effortlessly stole, with filth. I look at the mud latched onto my shoes, and them look around me. Both were brown. Both were a pile of disappointment. But being an expert thief I realise things like no other, I notice a freshly refurbished and well–decorated house which most definitely had valuables stored for my taking. A diamond in the rough. It was a scorching day with the sun gazing down upon the ranch and with hardly anyone roaming around. I began my walk to the porch of the house. On my way, I notice the bunkhouse and stable, which reeked of a foul smell, as though the whole building had been dipped into cow dung. The strong wind punched the structure forcing a creek with every blast. I passed the men inside, who were lying down with their shirts off trying to hide from the burning heat but to no avail. No one noticed me as I walked up to the porch and rang the bell. After waiting for someone to answer the door for about a minute, I heard something and the door came flying open crashing into my face. Startled, I nearly tumble more content... He held out his hands and revealed the small mouse which he had been petting. It seems like he had petted the small mouse to its death with his large bare hands. Lennie went on saying that he didn't kill the mouse, it was already dead and I assured him by saying, "Sure you didn't Lennie, it was already dead." The giant kid started to worry and then scream. I told him it was okay and that a pup was waiting for him in my car, only if he would take me upstairs. He was assured now. So just as Lennie and I took one more step, a loud cry screeches "Lennie!".Shuttering into my ears and once again halting my Get more content on
  • 19. Racism Synthesis Essay Racism can be "defined as the hatred of one person by another or the belief that another person is less than human because of skin color, language, customs, place of birth or any factor that supposedly reveals the basic nature of that person. It has influenced wars, slavery, the formation of nations, and legal codes" ("What"). The face of racism over the past 50 years has changed but yet, some still stay the same. People made laws against racism and it is not as blunt anymore. But opinions and stereotypes will remain which will cause others to still be treated differently. One way the face of racism has changed is that there are now laws against it. Because racism was such a major problem back then, the 14th amendment was created, which more content... Back then, not all blacks had the same privileges and racism wasn't just about black and white people. This is an example of colourism. Colourism can be "defined as a conscious or unconscious state of prejudice that may be experienced by both blacks and whites so that they label as less attractive and intelligent individuals of a darker complexion, particularly, when it comes to black women" ("Demystifying"). Among the black community, there is racism between it as well. Back then, white slave owners "allowed those of a lighter complexion certain privileges and denied those of a darker complexion those privileges and created in the minds of blacks that "light" is better. In addition, the selling of lighter–skinned women into prostitution or to salve masters to become their mistresses helped to concretize the idea that light skin is better" ("Demystifying"). But racism is not just about blacks and whites. It can be between any races. With the internet and the power of social networking these days, it is even easier to repudiate and excoriate people. People can criticize you secretly and not include you in certain events without your knowing. You can express racism even behind a computer screen on a website plus make it private so it can't be seen by the public. Although racism has changed over time these past 50 years, racism in many ways still exists. Everybody has their own opinion and those opinions are influenced by the public and the media. In some way, Get more content on