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Music And Music Essay
"The purpose of music is to touch hearts" (Johann Sebastian Bach). Music is a reflection of life, and feelings. Throughout the years music has played
a very important part in every human culture, both past and present. The question is why, what does it do to people, and what makes music so special?
In this essay I hope to answer these questions and explain just how music affects the brain and its benefits. Music affects the brain in many ways, but
here are the three most important things music does to the brain, music can improve your mood, enhance learning, and help various mood and brain
disorders. One important way music affects the brain is by improving your mood. Have you ever been feeling down and turn on your favorite song and more content...
For example, while studying for a important test or doing homework try listening to classical music, studies show that listening to classical music can
actually help you study, help you memorize things, and reduce stress. Music has also been shown to help children as well, according to Alban, Deane,
"Children with musical training do better in subjects like language, reading, and math and have better fine motor skills than their non–musical
classmates." There has even been studies that music is good for babies in the womb. Unborn babies exposed to music in the womb showed
improvement on their overall mental, behavioral,sensory, and psychological development (Raja, Debolina). It seems like no matter what age, music is
a great at enhancing your ability to learn. Playing a musical instrument has even more benefits, taking a music lesson no matter the instrument for
thirty minutes or more can increase blood flow to the left hemisphere of your brain (Alban, Deane). Seniors can also benefit from music, studies show
that seniors who sing, dance, play an instrument, and listen to music are more likely to rake in physical, psychological, and social benefits (Alban,
Deane). It is never too late to reap the benefits of music and it's never to early. Evidently music affects the brain by enhancing learning.
The last important way music affects the brain is by helping various mood and brain disorders. Music therapy has been used for
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Reflective Essay On Music
Although many may say that learning an instrument is not for everyone, I believe that it is. Over the course of learning how to play an instrument, I
too have thought that it wasn't for me. When I was around the age of 10, I tried to play the drums but quickly lost interest and gave up. It wasn't until
years later that I decided to try again and learn guitar. Withlearning guitar, other instruments came to me easily and I found a passion for music.
Learning an instrument has had nothing but positive impact on many aspects of my life, something I think everyone should experience. Learning an
instrument is tough, however, it is worth it. A problem that would steer many people away from learning is the time that it takes to learn. In our
modern day society, everything is rushed and we really don't set aside a lot of time to sit down to learn anything after school is over. Although learning
an instrument takes lots of practice, it doesn't take up too much time. At the music store I work at, the instructors recommend practicing only for about
15–20 minutes a day. I believe that you have this amount of time in your life no matter how busy you are. A lot of people waste hours of their time
watching a tv show, or scrolling through their phones. Don't be like these people and take advantage of the time you have and learn something new.
Taking the time to actually sit down and learn to play an instrument can have a dramatic effect on your life. It can improve many aspects of your
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Descriptive Essay On Music
The piano is one of my favorite musical instruments. It is a great instrument because of how easy it is to pick up on it. Unlike other instruments
like the violin and guitar, you always know what you are going to get when you attempt to play a note. It also sounds amazing and it is very
relaxing to the ear. Pianos are played in many styles but the two most popular styles would probably be classical and jazz. Jazz styled music is most
focused on improvisation while classically styled music requires you to master many skills from the keyboard. Classical is known to be the hardest
style to learn. I tried to play a few classical pieces on my piano but each hand is playing completely different notes at different times and it's hard
because the notes are played so fast. If you accidentally play a wrong note, it doesn't sound right. My favorite genres of the piano are classical and
light jazz. There are many singer–songwriters who play piano that inspire me to play. The sound of the piano is very unique and I like how you can
combine many keys to make cool melodies. The piano has evolved over the years from the harpsichord to the grand piano to digital keyboards. In 1700,
the piano was born thanks to Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. The piano is a fascinating instrument that has changed over time and continues to be
an important instrument in the music industry.
The first piano was created by, Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. There isn't any detail about
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Reflective Essay On Music
I have learned the significance of making music act as ecstasy from the day I realized the value of it, now that it is my everyday love–affair. My first
encounter was when in my 5th grade my mother took me to a local music training center. I enjoyed my time thoroughly learning classical and
traditional music for some years, and had no idea about other musical genres. Until one day my best friend was kind enough to share his collection of
music that he downloaded from the internet and that day was the turning point in my life, changed my chemistry within. It was a collection of heavy
metal bands something which I have never heard of. I couldn't believe that such an unknown musical genre can be so impressive than anything else.
The power of expression, the deep emotion of instruments was hauntingly beautiful and still is. My early influence came from the magnificent music
of bands such as Linkin Park, Metallica, Green Day, Iron Maiden and my current exploration is around progressive music. I truly adore the guitar
playing of Andy James, John Brown of Monuments, Mike Dawes etc.
Choosing to play guitar became sensible in my case as the whole vibe of the instrument is so appealing. Social media have been a growing platform
and I used it to communicate to as many musicians, people all over the world, now that I am in touch with many great artists. Initially, I started playing
the guitar by myself with a little research and later took lessons from a private tutor. Fundamentally
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Essay On A Music Concert
I attended my second concert for my music appreciation class on November 2, 2017 beginning at 7:30 pm and the performance lasted two hours. The
musicians in this concert was Patty Goble singing soprano, Dan Goble playing many different saxophones, and finally Russell Hirshfield playing the
piano. The pieces performed during this concert was II Re pastore, KV 208/ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756–1791), Ariettes oubliees/ Claude
Debussy (1862–1918) this piece of music had three movements, Hat City Sonata (2011)/ Piet Swerts (b. 1960) as well as the piece had three
movements as well, there was a 30 minute intermission, and the next pieces performed were Arabesque (1891) / Claude Debussy, Etude. Pour les
arpeges composes (1915)/ Claude Debussy, and the last song I listened to was Steady Study on the Boogie (1993)/ Christian Lauba (b. 1952). The first
piece that was played in the concert was the II Re pastore, KV 208 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This piece of music was so beautiful. In this piece
of music there was a piano, a flute player and a soprano singer sang opera. The rhythm of the music was very nice and easy to enjoy, it had different
long and short notes which help the song sound amazing and the opera singers dynamics was amazing flowing from lower notes to higher notes
with ease. She did a great job and sounded like a very experienced opera singer, and I was very impressed. She sang in latin and made the song really
come alive. The articulation of the notes she made were
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Personal Narrative
Music and I
Ever since I was a small child, I have loved music. The strong, steady beats, the entrancing melodies, and the lyrics that vary between heart–warming
and heart–wrenching have always had an unexplainable affect on my life. Music seems to have the ability to change certain aspects of my world. If I
am in a foul mood, an angry girl band can make my rotten attitude even more irresistibly awful. When I am happy, any sort of upbeat, dance–to–me
kind of music enhances my joy that much more. I love to study to classical music, daydream to classical music, even sleep to classical music. Through
my teen years, I became a fan of the often melodramatic country music that is still preset on my radio today. No matter what kind more
However, whenever someone is whistling it as they walk by or I hear it on a movie (who doesn't love Beaches?), my heart soars and a smile creeps
across my face as my eyes begin to swell. The song simply has the ability to bring back a million happy memories from my childhood within its first
few notes.
When my older sister got married, I wanted to do something special to remind her of our childhood and to take her mind off of the wedding stress as
we were getting ready the day of the wedding. I thought back to all of the songs we loved when we were little, many of which were sung by the
infamous one–hit–wonders of the eighties. I think each generation has songs that are popular to them and that they will never forget the lyrics to.
However, if you mentioned the artists that sang them or the names of other songs they sang, no one would have a clue what you were saying. Still,
the songs are precious to the people that grew up with them. When my sister and I listened to the CD I made for her in the limousine on the way to
the ceremony, we were both brought right back to the days when we were growing up.
Wedding seem to provide a perfect atmosphere for the sentimental music that is sometimes otherwise condemned as "cheesy."My sister, as the Matron
of Honor at my wedding, threw in two wonderful surprises as she was giving her toast. The first surprise was that my younger brother helped her, and
the second surprise came
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Descriptive Essay About Music
I grab the white headphones and put the EarPods into my ears. Then, I go through a variety of songs until my thumb lingers over the song "You
Know Me" by a band named Thunder Dreamer. Quickly, I click play and the world around me stops as the music enters my ears. The soft guitar
strums put an end to my over thinking and suppresses my feelings of sadness. By the time the vocals appear in the song, I can only think about music
and how happy I am in this moment. By this I mean that hearing music is the equivalent of being at peace. To be more specific, music puts me in every
place I've ever felt happiness, tastes as sweet as it sounds and relaxes my overwhelming thoughts.
With this said, I am on top of the world when I have the headphones in my ears. I feel as though I can do anything when I am blasting a song by
Cage the Elephant on my speaker. Whether I am listening through my headphones or on a speaker, the volume is always the highest it can be. This
way, the music penetrates through the walls and through every layer of skin on my body. I know this high level of noise is not good for me, but
the music is. Uniquely, music places me back into every dream I've ever forgotten. I am suddenly placed into the dream where I'm a kid and I am
laughing as my friends try to catch me in a game of tag. In a matter of three beats, I am a child again and I can only thank music for this. Moreover,
when I hear Frank Sinatra's voice playing from my "Classics" playlist, I am put back into the
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Descriptive Essay About Music
Name: Jordynn Lim (789469) Music is a very important part of a culture, it is a form of representation and a way of communication. Every culture
has their own signature genre and twists in their music style. Here in Melbourne, I travel to Bourke street a busy district thriving with what I
believe to be passionate musicians to observe the variety of music Melbourne has in display. Audience When I alighted the tram, there was a man
standing near the stop, singing. The street was partially crowded, people mill about the area, walking past the singer and staring curiously before
heading to the shopping malls. Strangers sit on the stairs in front of the singer typing on their phone, perhaps they hang around the area to listen
to the man sing. Younger adults gawk with their mouth slightly open and eyes wide as they pointed at the man albeit excitedly, perhaps it is their
first time seeing a musician out in the open, personally it is a rare sight for me. A few crept closer to the performer before whipping their phone
out and aiming the lens at him, it looks like they're trying to record him, the moment they put their phone down, they walk away. There is a guitar
case in front of him with a cardboard sign that says, Lucky Moore. On the very left side of the case is a set of CDs there's a smaller cardboard that
says DEMO CDS $10. No one approached him during his performance and hardly anyone gave donations until his song ended, then people of
varying ages donated and bought CDs off him. There is a sense of respect, to not interrupt a performance despite being in the street. Handmade Moore
has a strange instrument around his neck, a small round cylindrical microphone attached to a piece of metal, one end suspends the cylindrical device
just in front of the man's chin, and the other end is attached to a thick collar around his neck. Whenever he ducks his head to put his lips to it, the
sound of a harmonica resonates through the speaker on the man's right side. The man holds a guitar, a microphone attached to a stand in front of him
and the collared instrument. He raises his right heel, toes still on the ground and slams on a lever attached to a greyish brown box behind him with a
tambourine. Whenever he steps on the
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Reflective Essay About Music
So, the Element of culture that I find myself the most passionate about is Music. I say music because music I found in every culture. Music is
what I believe in being part of human. There are literally hundreds different types of genres of music people listen to and millions of songs to
listen to. A little about me, I personally find myself listen to rap music and old Rhythm and Blues. I come for a strong African American
background family, where we have family get together, cookouts and just being close to your family. Most of the R&B songs tell a story. They talk
about the black culture in good and also in bad ways. The R&B music I find myself listen to is more from my parent's time. The music back during
my parent's child hood is a lot different than music today. One Major different is music back then had people playing the real instruments and sounds.
I hear lectures from people from my parents' generation how music today is terrible compared to their upcoming music. I personally feel music just
changes because it adapts to people's lifestyle and what they are going through. The Music Industry have always been dominant in society. If you think
about every generation can remember listen to their favorite song growing up, and music can sometimes tell you all about yourself. Music can also be
influenced in politically also. For example, the government regulated explicated music because they use profanity words etc. I remember I watch a
documentary on how the government
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Essay: Music Appreciation
The Musical Composition that has changed my life to how I see music is the song The Stroke from Billy Squier. I did not really know the meaning
of the song, but it really Widened my Horizon in terms of music from only before listening to The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and The Monkeys. Then
later being able to listen to Rush, AC/DC, Aerosmith And Other Really good rock bands that I still love today. Then I started collecting Records then I
started collecting CDs, the first album I bought for myself is the majestic Black Sabbath Album "Paranoid" The album with the musical compositions
Paranoid, Iron Man, War Pigs/Luke's Wall, Planet Caravan, Rat Salad, Electric Funeral, And Fairies Wear Boots. This album was such an amazing
introduction to more content...
Listening to all these music has introduced me to Playing guitar, Bass, listening for the melody, Taking a close observation of songs that interest me,
look for interesting techniques, and listen for the complexity of the musical composition. My Introduction to rock music was actually the Beatles, but
they really kept me in a little box when it came to what I wanted to hear besides the pop songs that I used to listen to as a child, who was mostly
only exposed to rap and Hip Hop until the age of 8. Though the Beatles were really my first introduction to rock music, Billy Squier was the one that
really gave me chance to break out of the little bubble I was in and explore more genres which I now have grown to love which are Rock, Metal, Blues,
Alternative, Indie, Punk, Folk, Jazz, And If Played by the Fantastic Johnny Cash, Country. I have grown different views Than I had previously before
when I've listened to music, now I tie it into more complex
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Essay on Music and It's Influence
Music and it's influence
It is no doubt that music has played a vital role in our society. Everything from loud, head–banging concerts to religious ceremonies have utilized the
medium of music because of its awe–inspiring qualities. Music is basically the control of sound. We can control this sound by varying the pitch,
tempo, octaves, dynamics and so on. There are thousands of ways that we can use music and to shape it to how we want to hear it. But how much has
music influenced the way we think today? Why is it so popular?
Music dates right back to the prehistoric eras where primitive instruments were constructed using items like bone and wood. These primitive musicians
would not have known many of the modern terms such as more content...
If we see a film about a jungle, normally the soundtrack is composed of instruments like bongos or shakers. This is because we instantly associate this
sort of music with jungles and indigenous tribes.
So whilst some parts of the world stayed traditionalist, other parts were taking music to the next step. Western cultures have used music for almost
every aspect of life. Music was used for entertainment, religion, war cries and important ceremonies. Some countries have unfortunately lost their
culture and heritage thanks to more developed countries trying to expand their empires. A good example of this is when the indigenous Mexican
people were murdered in their homeland by the invading Spanish – and replaced the traditional drums and flutes with more vibrant shakers and
trumpets. It is no doubt that the way upper countries have acted has greatly affected the distribution of music worldwide.
I'm sure you'll all agree when I say that music is changing very fast. It's either that or we keep changing our tastes in music every five minutes – which
is far more probable. Today if someone put on a record from just 10–20 years ago we'd probably think of that music as being incredibly old or very
simple. I don't know about you, but I can't stand to watch some (if not most) of the early Top of the Pops because the music is so old. We think of this
as being old, but in
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Music : Music And Music
The definition of music is very different to many people. Some say that music is the arrangement of sound and silence. Others like myself say music is
that and much more. Music is an aural form of art that is used to express emotion and touch the hearts of the listener through the use of phrasing,
dynamics, style and tone color. Music is a very universal art form. There are not many people in this world who do not listen to at least some form of
music weather it be pop or rock music on the radio, or the classical music of Beethoven or Mozart. Each genre and style is very unique in it's own
way and some styles are more appealing to one person than another. That is why it is very important to expand the types of music taught in
educational music programs. There are quite a few different types of music that fit into the instrumental category. We have Jazz, avant grade music,
ethnic music, and "art music". Jazz and art music are the two most commonly taught forms of music in public schools today. Although these are two
very important forms of music, I feel as though schools should be able to expand the genres. Not only will this widen student's scopes to learning new
styles and performance techniques, this will also peak the interest of students who previously felt 'bored' with the music being taught. Avant grade
music is typically a newer style of music, it often branches away from traditional methods and forms of writing music. This can pose a new challenge
for students,
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Popular Music Essay
Introduction Popular music is popular afresh, and it's everywhere. Whether it's the idols, the stars, the competitors or the academy, the burst music
industry has not ever flaunted itself to such a large extent. But how can we mark burst music? Where is its place? Many would contend that it
pertains sorely littered over the levels of teenager's bedrooms worldwide. Others would state it is most at home recorded on the bank balance of a
foremost multinational organisation. An allotment of persons would assert that burst music has no home, and is just a fad commended by the
culturally inept, those who are only adept of enjoying a pre–formatted, formulaic merchandise of the 'culture industry'. Or is it infects a varied and more content...
Adorno's 'On Popular Music' may recognise some intriguing points on the building and circulation of burst music as well as highlighting
widespread traits of the 'sound' of burst music but ironically his idea is itself very rigid and has some foremost flaws. Adorno did not seem it
essential to revise any of his ideas on burst music before he passed away in 1969 even after a time span which numerous would call the birth of
'modern' burst music (Clyne 2006).He does not unquestionably recognise the way in which subcultures and communal assemblies adopt popular music
and how even a 'preformatted' part of music can be utilised to inspire political, communal and cultural reform. If Adorno was correct in conversing of
popular music as a normalised and conformist pattern of amusement, we would only require mentioning succinctly a couple of demonstrations to
completely discredit this. The Spice Girls and the new type of post–feminist rebellion renowned as 'Girl Power' they conveyed about. The early 90's
glimpsed the birth of Ecstasy, glorified by Happy Hardcore, Techno and now Dance music, while children were vocalising along to 'Ebenezer Goode'
(The Shamen 1992) the censors failed to choose up on the equitably conspicuous chorus of 'E's are good'. The 'do–what–you–please' mind–set
presented by
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Essay Music Copyright
What is a Copyright?
Music Copyright is a very important aspect of the music industry. The Copyright law was established to preserve the creativity and rights of authors,
composers, performers of expression. Copyright is the law that protects the property rights of the creator of an original work in a fixed tangible
medium. ( A fixed tangible medium is something substantial like copying lyrics on paper or putting a
song on tape or CD. Copyright can be seen every where in the music industry. Many music artist of our culture today have been involved in copyright
issues. Recently, on MTV news it was stated that, "As the music industry becomes increasingly concerned about protecting more content...
This establishes the artist as the creator of that work. It is not illegal for a person to write the symbol on their work themselves. The correct way to
place a copyright symbol on your original fixed tangible medium is like this:
Copyright © 2001 Aja Star Lane
For record companies it, looks like this:
© 2001 Virgin Records. All Rights Reserved. (
This states the day of creation of a musical work. If you do not have the money for the legal fees of the federal copyright process yet, the first thing
an artist should do with a musical work is the "poor mans copyright". Poor mans copyright is when the artist puts their fixed tangible medium in an
envelope with appropriate postage stamps and mails it back to themselves without opening it. This postmark creates proof of the creator and is the date
of creation for the musical work.
Why should an artist copyright an original work?
Copyrighting a musical expression just ensures that an artist is the creator of that work. There are a couple of reasons why an artist should
copyright their original works. The main one is the creator of a work wants to be able to protect his or her work. Also, financial gain from suing.
There would not be any purpose in creating music without financial gain for some. If you live in the United States and legally registered your musical
works you have
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Music in My Life Essay
Music, it's a part of everyone's life. From childhood sing–a–long songs, to garage grunge music, and everything in between music is everywhere.
Growing up with an extremely musical background it was in my genes that I would become a musician. Playing music has helped me become the
person I am by being a release for my anger, broadening my future and make new friends.. I first joined the band in the fourth grade playing the
drums. I played for about two weeks then I quit because I didn't like it, mostly because of the teacher. In the sixth grade we got a new music teacher
and told me I look like a trumpet player, so I gave it a try. I was taking music lessons but after the first one my music teacher told me she had to leave
because more content...
When I get into fights with my step dad which to this day is still a problem instead of resorting to violence I would go and blare by favorite song at
the time over and over again. Also after having a hard time in high school being wrongfully suspended twice instead of dropping out or giving up I
had my bass to return home to home to sit for hours and write songs, hundreds of songs. The songs would relate to my feelings. Some songs would
be hard full of hate and anger but some songs were mellow with sad heart filled lyrics. If it weren't for these songs to write I you would not be
sitting here reading my paper. The girls in high school were also a reason for writing songs and playing trumpet. In all of my high school all my
relationships I was cheated on. This caused for harsh break ups, uncalled for arguments, and an untrusting Nick Henry. High school years where
trying times and if it wasn't for my music things would not have turned out they way they have. Music equals life, or the saying goes. I feel if I
had dropped out of band I would have missed out on a great experience. The ability to play music is something that will live on in you for the rest
of your life. Unlike playing a sport you can't ever get worn out or injured and lose the talent. All through school I played sports from baseball to
soccer, sure it was fun but it was never my calling, but just being able to play music for a live audience is a feeling that is so amazing there are not
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Music Admission Essay
Music has always been a major part of my family and my parents were determined that my sister and I were well acquainted with music from a
young age. Inspired by the sound of the piano by the time I was six, I knew that I wanted to learn how to play it. Fast forward to the first day of
class, my teacher, Ms. Lilly, guided me through the school and into a narrow hallway that held five doors. Each door opened to a cramped room
that each held a piano, a stool, and a chair. Ms. Lilly's hand softly held my shoulder as she led me to the first room. I became excited to finally
expand my knowledge of music, excited to be given the opportunity to not only listen, but play music, excited that I had the opportunity to inspire
others. But I soon became apprehensive about the idea of playing in front of a crowd. I worried that I wasn't ready to excel in such a complex
instrument. I held my breath and sat on the wooden stool beside my teacher, my conflicting emotions, making me dizzy, more content...
As my strength in music has grown I have learned the significance of emboldment through different relationships. My parents helped me never lose
passion for music, my teacher pushed me to learn pieces that I never believed I could do, and my friends who taught me the importance of
good–natured competition. Over the years music has molded me into a person that puts importance on dedication and is willing to take chances. The
music community has not only taught me valuable lessons of encouragement and integrity, but has opened my eyes to the fact that it brings passionate
people together to create meaningful social experiences that will change lives. With my ability to play music, I hope to not only continue to change my
outlook on life but to change other's as
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Defining Music Essay
Nic Giordano
Comp 1
Definition Essay
Music; Indefinable by words alone. It is not only something you can hear but what you can feel. It is something your soul is able to reach out and
touch. Music also has the power to bring us as humans, together. It is one language spoken by all cultures, sexes, races, age and religions. Music also
controls our emotions; it makes us happy, sad, angry, relaxed, etc. We also can express ourselves through music. It can affect our personality..
someone who listens to classical, like Mozart or Bach, all the time is going to be smarter and more intellectual than someone who listens to rap or
metal, and someone who listens to more upbeat happier music, like Ska or Swing, is more likely more content...
This can be overwhelming to the listener. Knowing when and how much to utilize silence is part of listening, one of the key skills of any musician.
"Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it's not music"
Music is respect. Respect to ones self and to others, whether it is someone that has the same taste in music as you, or someone that has the complete
opposite taste as you. That's something I see happen way to much, people bashing on other people because of what they listen to. Instead of accepting
that everyone isn't going to like what you like. Music is supposed to be something we all have in common, it's supposed to bring us together and create
peace, not turn us against each other. It's something that we all do, including me at times. Not only in music but in everyday life.
Music originates from all over the world since the beginning of time. Complex or simple, fast or slow, loud or soft. It's what you feel. It could be your
method of escape or keeping you living. Music is love. Music is passion. Music is unity. Music is emotion. Music is belief. Music is beauty. Music is
life. Music is perfection. Music is imperfection. Music is peace. "Through music we can live forever."
"That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you." –The Shawshank
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Music Ethnography Essay
Music is a way for people to express themselves without having to make a drastic change. The reason I started to play music was because I love
music in general to start off with and wanted the challenge of learning how to play an instrument. In sixth grade year there were probably 120 kids in
band. Slowly through my band years many kids have dropped out. By the time I made it to the high school there were maybe 30 band students in, my
grade and Mr. Rice the band director said, "They weren't able to handle it because band isn't easy." One you have been in band you don't realize if you
struggle or if you can't handle band and it's not a bad thing that students drop out of band. It just shows that they have decision making skills and don't
want to hinder the other students acceleration in the class.
When people think of more content...
A chemical substance used in the treatment, cure,prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well–being. A
key factor appears to be rhythm. One reason is that neurons in the brainstem seem to fire synchronously with the tempo of sounds we hear. In a review
of research on the neurochemistry of music, Levitin and his colleague Mona Lisa Chanda cited research showing that slow–tempo music can reduce
heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and other responses controlled by the brainstem. Such rhythm effects might help music combat stress
and anxiety(Young). When this happens people become a more relaxed person because your breathing slows and your blood pressure drops. This is
helpful in people who have depression, anxiety, etc. I know through personal experience that this statement is true. I became depressed when my
mother took back my horrid step father. It allowed me to feel sad, happy, and angry all at the same time. It helped me to let things go and to learn
things from the lyrics. The only way I could cope with things was talking to my friends and listening to
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Music Is an Art Form
"Music is generally perceived as the most universal of all art forms."
The literal meaning of the word 'music' according to any dictionary is: 'art of combining vocal or instrumental sounds in a harmonious or expressive
way.' But music has a meaning which is far broader than this. Music is life. Music means Self–expansion and oneness. It is an art by itself. Art, in any
of its forms, is generated by a person, or a group of talented yet usually ordinary people, that express, willingly or not, an opinion regarding present
times. It is not a want; it is a need. If you try to imagine yourself without it, you are bound to feel incomplete. For many of us, it has become a
necessity of our lives. Music has no boundaries. Music is more content...
Music itself is considered as a language. Music and language are related in many ways. Because music stimulates our sense of hearing, it is clear
that music can, and inevitably does, convey information. I consider that music is, by its very nature, has the power to express everything, whether a
feeling, an attitude of mind, a psychological mood, a phenomenon of nature, etc. Although it can be said that music usually tends to express
something, this is only an illusion, and not a reality. It is precisely this, which produces in us a unique emotion which has nothing in common with
our ordinary sensations and our responses to the impressions of daily life. Music expresses, at different moments, serenity or liveliness, regret or
triumph, fury or delight. It expresses each of these moods, and many others, in a numberless variety of differences. It may even express a state of
meaning for which there exists no adequate word in any language. In that case, musicians often like to say that it has only a purely musical meaning.
They sometimes go farther and say that all music has only a purely musical meaning. My own belief is that all music has an expressive power, some
more and some less, but that all music has a certain
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Music And Music Essay

  • 1. Music And Music Essay "The purpose of music is to touch hearts" (Johann Sebastian Bach). Music is a reflection of life, and feelings. Throughout the years music has played a very important part in every human culture, both past and present. The question is why, what does it do to people, and what makes music so special? In this essay I hope to answer these questions and explain just how music affects the brain and its benefits. Music affects the brain in many ways, but here are the three most important things music does to the brain, music can improve your mood, enhance learning, and help various mood and brain disorders. One important way music affects the brain is by improving your mood. Have you ever been feeling down and turn on your favorite song and more content... For example, while studying for a important test or doing homework try listening to classical music, studies show that listening to classical music can actually help you study, help you memorize things, and reduce stress. Music has also been shown to help children as well, according to Alban, Deane, "Children with musical training do better in subjects like language, reading, and math and have better fine motor skills than their non–musical classmates." There has even been studies that music is good for babies in the womb. Unborn babies exposed to music in the womb showed improvement on their overall mental, behavioral,sensory, and psychological development (Raja, Debolina). It seems like no matter what age, music is a great at enhancing your ability to learn. Playing a musical instrument has even more benefits, taking a music lesson no matter the instrument for thirty minutes or more can increase blood flow to the left hemisphere of your brain (Alban, Deane). Seniors can also benefit from music, studies show that seniors who sing, dance, play an instrument, and listen to music are more likely to rake in physical, psychological, and social benefits (Alban, Deane). It is never too late to reap the benefits of music and it's never to early. Evidently music affects the brain by enhancing learning. The last important way music affects the brain is by helping various mood and brain disorders. Music therapy has been used for Get more content on
  • 2. Reflective Essay On Music Although many may say that learning an instrument is not for everyone, I believe that it is. Over the course of learning how to play an instrument, I too have thought that it wasn't for me. When I was around the age of 10, I tried to play the drums but quickly lost interest and gave up. It wasn't until years later that I decided to try again and learn guitar. Withlearning guitar, other instruments came to me easily and I found a passion for music. Learning an instrument has had nothing but positive impact on many aspects of my life, something I think everyone should experience. Learning an instrument is tough, however, it is worth it. A problem that would steer many people away from learning is the time that it takes to learn. In our modern day society, everything is rushed and we really don't set aside a lot of time to sit down to learn anything after school is over. Although learning an instrument takes lots of practice, it doesn't take up too much time. At the music store I work at, the instructors recommend practicing only for about 15–20 minutes a day. I believe that you have this amount of time in your life no matter how busy you are. A lot of people waste hours of their time watching a tv show, or scrolling through their phones. Don't be like these people and take advantage of the time you have and learn something new. Taking the time to actually sit down and learn to play an instrument can have a dramatic effect on your life. It can improve many aspects of your Get more content on
  • 3. Descriptive Essay On Music The piano is one of my favorite musical instruments. It is a great instrument because of how easy it is to pick up on it. Unlike other instruments like the violin and guitar, you always know what you are going to get when you attempt to play a note. It also sounds amazing and it is very relaxing to the ear. Pianos are played in many styles but the two most popular styles would probably be classical and jazz. Jazz styled music is most focused on improvisation while classically styled music requires you to master many skills from the keyboard. Classical is known to be the hardest style to learn. I tried to play a few classical pieces on my piano but each hand is playing completely different notes at different times and it's hard because the notes are played so fast. If you accidentally play a wrong note, it doesn't sound right. My favorite genres of the piano are classical and light jazz. There are many singer–songwriters who play piano that inspire me to play. The sound of the piano is very unique and I like how you can combine many keys to make cool melodies. The piano has evolved over the years from the harpsichord to the grand piano to digital keyboards. In 1700, the piano was born thanks to Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. The piano is a fascinating instrument that has changed over time and continues to be an important instrument in the music industry. The first piano was created by, Bartolomeo di Francesco Cristofori. There isn't any detail about Get more content on
  • 4. Reflective Essay On Music I have learned the significance of making music act as ecstasy from the day I realized the value of it, now that it is my everyday love–affair. My first encounter was when in my 5th grade my mother took me to a local music training center. I enjoyed my time thoroughly learning classical and traditional music for some years, and had no idea about other musical genres. Until one day my best friend was kind enough to share his collection of music that he downloaded from the internet and that day was the turning point in my life, changed my chemistry within. It was a collection of heavy metal bands something which I have never heard of. I couldn't believe that such an unknown musical genre can be so impressive than anything else. The power of expression, the deep emotion of instruments was hauntingly beautiful and still is. My early influence came from the magnificent music of bands such as Linkin Park, Metallica, Green Day, Iron Maiden and my current exploration is around progressive music. I truly adore the guitar playing of Andy James, John Brown of Monuments, Mike Dawes etc. Choosing to play guitar became sensible in my case as the whole vibe of the instrument is so appealing. Social media have been a growing platform and I used it to communicate to as many musicians, people all over the world, now that I am in touch with many great artists. Initially, I started playing the guitar by myself with a little research and later took lessons from a private tutor. Fundamentally Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On A Music Concert I attended my second concert for my music appreciation class on November 2, 2017 beginning at 7:30 pm and the performance lasted two hours. The musicians in this concert was Patty Goble singing soprano, Dan Goble playing many different saxophones, and finally Russell Hirshfield playing the piano. The pieces performed during this concert was II Re pastore, KV 208/ Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756–1791), Ariettes oubliees/ Claude Debussy (1862–1918) this piece of music had three movements, Hat City Sonata (2011)/ Piet Swerts (b. 1960) as well as the piece had three movements as well, there was a 30 minute intermission, and the next pieces performed were Arabesque (1891) / Claude Debussy, Etude. Pour les arpeges composes (1915)/ Claude Debussy, and the last song I listened to was Steady Study on the Boogie (1993)/ Christian Lauba (b. 1952). The first piece that was played in the concert was the II Re pastore, KV 208 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. This piece of music was so beautiful. In this piece of music there was a piano, a flute player and a soprano singer sang opera. The rhythm of the music was very nice and easy to enjoy, it had different long and short notes which help the song sound amazing and the opera singers dynamics was amazing flowing from lower notes to higher notes with ease. She did a great job and sounded like a very experienced opera singer, and I was very impressed. She sang in latin and made the song really come alive. The articulation of the notes she made were Get more content on
  • 6. Personal Narrative Music and I Ever since I was a small child, I have loved music. The strong, steady beats, the entrancing melodies, and the lyrics that vary between heart–warming and heart–wrenching have always had an unexplainable affect on my life. Music seems to have the ability to change certain aspects of my world. If I am in a foul mood, an angry girl band can make my rotten attitude even more irresistibly awful. When I am happy, any sort of upbeat, dance–to–me kind of music enhances my joy that much more. I love to study to classical music, daydream to classical music, even sleep to classical music. Through my teen years, I became a fan of the often melodramatic country music that is still preset on my radio today. No matter what kind more content... However, whenever someone is whistling it as they walk by or I hear it on a movie (who doesn't love Beaches?), my heart soars and a smile creeps across my face as my eyes begin to swell. The song simply has the ability to bring back a million happy memories from my childhood within its first few notes. When my older sister got married, I wanted to do something special to remind her of our childhood and to take her mind off of the wedding stress as we were getting ready the day of the wedding. I thought back to all of the songs we loved when we were little, many of which were sung by the infamous one–hit–wonders of the eighties. I think each generation has songs that are popular to them and that they will never forget the lyrics to. However, if you mentioned the artists that sang them or the names of other songs they sang, no one would have a clue what you were saying. Still, the songs are precious to the people that grew up with them. When my sister and I listened to the CD I made for her in the limousine on the way to the ceremony, we were both brought right back to the days when we were growing up. Wedding seem to provide a perfect atmosphere for the sentimental music that is sometimes otherwise condemned as "cheesy."My sister, as the Matron of Honor at my wedding, threw in two wonderful surprises as she was giving her toast. The first surprise was that my younger brother helped her, and the second surprise came
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. Descriptive Essay About Music I grab the white headphones and put the EarPods into my ears. Then, I go through a variety of songs until my thumb lingers over the song "You Know Me" by a band named Thunder Dreamer. Quickly, I click play and the world around me stops as the music enters my ears. The soft guitar strums put an end to my over thinking and suppresses my feelings of sadness. By the time the vocals appear in the song, I can only think about music and how happy I am in this moment. By this I mean that hearing music is the equivalent of being at peace. To be more specific, music puts me in every place I've ever felt happiness, tastes as sweet as it sounds and relaxes my overwhelming thoughts. With this said, I am on top of the world when I have the headphones in my ears. I feel as though I can do anything when I am blasting a song by Cage the Elephant on my speaker. Whether I am listening through my headphones or on a speaker, the volume is always the highest it can be. This way, the music penetrates through the walls and through every layer of skin on my body. I know this high level of noise is not good for me, but the music is. Uniquely, music places me back into every dream I've ever forgotten. I am suddenly placed into the dream where I'm a kid and I am laughing as my friends try to catch me in a game of tag. In a matter of three beats, I am a child again and I can only thank music for this. Moreover, when I hear Frank Sinatra's voice playing from my "Classics" playlist, I am put back into the Get more content on
  • 9. Descriptive Essay About Music Name: Jordynn Lim (789469) Music is a very important part of a culture, it is a form of representation and a way of communication. Every culture has their own signature genre and twists in their music style. Here in Melbourne, I travel to Bourke street a busy district thriving with what I believe to be passionate musicians to observe the variety of music Melbourne has in display. Audience When I alighted the tram, there was a man standing near the stop, singing. The street was partially crowded, people mill about the area, walking past the singer and staring curiously before heading to the shopping malls. Strangers sit on the stairs in front of the singer typing on their phone, perhaps they hang around the area to listen to the man sing. Younger adults gawk with their mouth slightly open and eyes wide as they pointed at the man albeit excitedly, perhaps it is their first time seeing a musician out in the open, personally it is a rare sight for me. A few crept closer to the performer before whipping their phone out and aiming the lens at him, it looks like they're trying to record him, the moment they put their phone down, they walk away. There is a guitar case in front of him with a cardboard sign that says, Lucky Moore. On the very left side of the case is a set of CDs there's a smaller cardboard that says DEMO CDS $10. No one approached him during his performance and hardly anyone gave donations until his song ended, then people of varying ages donated and bought CDs off him. There is a sense of respect, to not interrupt a performance despite being in the street. Handmade Moore has a strange instrument around his neck, a small round cylindrical microphone attached to a piece of metal, one end suspends the cylindrical device just in front of the man's chin, and the other end is attached to a thick collar around his neck. Whenever he ducks his head to put his lips to it, the sound of a harmonica resonates through the speaker on the man's right side. The man holds a guitar, a microphone attached to a stand in front of him and the collared instrument. He raises his right heel, toes still on the ground and slams on a lever attached to a greyish brown box behind him with a tambourine. Whenever he steps on the Get more content on
  • 10. Reflective Essay About Music So, the Element of culture that I find myself the most passionate about is Music. I say music because music I found in every culture. Music is what I believe in being part of human. There are literally hundreds different types of genres of music people listen to and millions of songs to listen to. A little about me, I personally find myself listen to rap music and old Rhythm and Blues. I come for a strong African American background family, where we have family get together, cookouts and just being close to your family. Most of the R&B songs tell a story. They talk about the black culture in good and also in bad ways. The R&B music I find myself listen to is more from my parent's time. The music back during my parent's child hood is a lot different than music today. One Major different is music back then had people playing the real instruments and sounds. I hear lectures from people from my parents' generation how music today is terrible compared to their upcoming music. I personally feel music just changes because it adapts to people's lifestyle and what they are going through. The Music Industry have always been dominant in society. If you think about every generation can remember listen to their favorite song growing up, and music can sometimes tell you all about yourself. Music can also be influenced in politically also. For example, the government regulated explicated music because they use profanity words etc. I remember I watch a documentary on how the government Get more content on
  • 11. Essay: Music Appreciation The Musical Composition that has changed my life to how I see music is the song The Stroke from Billy Squier. I did not really know the meaning of the song, but it really Widened my Horizon in terms of music from only before listening to The Beatles, The Beach Boys, and The Monkeys. Then later being able to listen to Rush, AC/DC, Aerosmith And Other Really good rock bands that I still love today. Then I started collecting Records then I started collecting CDs, the first album I bought for myself is the majestic Black Sabbath Album "Paranoid" The album with the musical compositions Paranoid, Iron Man, War Pigs/Luke's Wall, Planet Caravan, Rat Salad, Electric Funeral, And Fairies Wear Boots. This album was such an amazing introduction to more content... Listening to all these music has introduced me to Playing guitar, Bass, listening for the melody, Taking a close observation of songs that interest me, look for interesting techniques, and listen for the complexity of the musical composition. My Introduction to rock music was actually the Beatles, but they really kept me in a little box when it came to what I wanted to hear besides the pop songs that I used to listen to as a child, who was mostly only exposed to rap and Hip Hop until the age of 8. Though the Beatles were really my first introduction to rock music, Billy Squier was the one that really gave me chance to break out of the little bubble I was in and explore more genres which I now have grown to love which are Rock, Metal, Blues, Alternative, Indie, Punk, Folk, Jazz, And If Played by the Fantastic Johnny Cash, Country. I have grown different views Than I had previously before when I've listened to music, now I tie it into more complex Get more content on
  • 12. Essay on Music and It's Influence Music and it's influence It is no doubt that music has played a vital role in our society. Everything from loud, head–banging concerts to religious ceremonies have utilized the medium of music because of its awe–inspiring qualities. Music is basically the control of sound. We can control this sound by varying the pitch, tempo, octaves, dynamics and so on. There are thousands of ways that we can use music and to shape it to how we want to hear it. But how much has music influenced the way we think today? Why is it so popular? Music dates right back to the prehistoric eras where primitive instruments were constructed using items like bone and wood. These primitive musicians would not have known many of the modern terms such as more content... If we see a film about a jungle, normally the soundtrack is composed of instruments like bongos or shakers. This is because we instantly associate this sort of music with jungles and indigenous tribes. So whilst some parts of the world stayed traditionalist, other parts were taking music to the next step. Western cultures have used music for almost every aspect of life. Music was used for entertainment, religion, war cries and important ceremonies. Some countries have unfortunately lost their culture and heritage thanks to more developed countries trying to expand their empires. A good example of this is when the indigenous Mexican people were murdered in their homeland by the invading Spanish – and replaced the traditional drums and flutes with more vibrant shakers and trumpets. It is no doubt that the way upper countries have acted has greatly affected the distribution of music worldwide. I'm sure you'll all agree when I say that music is changing very fast. It's either that or we keep changing our tastes in music every five minutes – which is far more probable. Today if someone put on a record from just 10–20 years ago we'd probably think of that music as being incredibly old or very simple. I don't know about you, but I can't stand to watch some (if not most) of the early Top of the Pops because the music is so old. We think of this as being old, but in Get more content on
  • 13. Music : Music And Music The definition of music is very different to many people. Some say that music is the arrangement of sound and silence. Others like myself say music is that and much more. Music is an aural form of art that is used to express emotion and touch the hearts of the listener through the use of phrasing, dynamics, style and tone color. Music is a very universal art form. There are not many people in this world who do not listen to at least some form of music weather it be pop or rock music on the radio, or the classical music of Beethoven or Mozart. Each genre and style is very unique in it's own way and some styles are more appealing to one person than another. That is why it is very important to expand the types of music taught in educational music programs. There are quite a few different types of music that fit into the instrumental category. We have Jazz, avant grade music, ethnic music, and "art music". Jazz and art music are the two most commonly taught forms of music in public schools today. Although these are two very important forms of music, I feel as though schools should be able to expand the genres. Not only will this widen student's scopes to learning new styles and performance techniques, this will also peak the interest of students who previously felt 'bored' with the music being taught. Avant grade music is typically a newer style of music, it often branches away from traditional methods and forms of writing music. This can pose a new challenge for students, Get more content on
  • 14. Popular Music Essay Introduction Popular music is popular afresh, and it's everywhere. Whether it's the idols, the stars, the competitors or the academy, the burst music industry has not ever flaunted itself to such a large extent. But how can we mark burst music? Where is its place? Many would contend that it pertains sorely littered over the levels of teenager's bedrooms worldwide. Others would state it is most at home recorded on the bank balance of a foremost multinational organisation. An allotment of persons would assert that burst music has no home, and is just a fad commended by the culturally inept, those who are only adept of enjoying a pre–formatted, formulaic merchandise of the 'culture industry'. Or is it infects a varied and more content... Adorno's 'On Popular Music' may recognise some intriguing points on the building and circulation of burst music as well as highlighting widespread traits of the 'sound' of burst music but ironically his idea is itself very rigid and has some foremost flaws. Adorno did not seem it essential to revise any of his ideas on burst music before he passed away in 1969 even after a time span which numerous would call the birth of 'modern' burst music (Clyne 2006).He does not unquestionably recognise the way in which subcultures and communal assemblies adopt popular music and how even a 'preformatted' part of music can be utilised to inspire political, communal and cultural reform. If Adorno was correct in conversing of popular music as a normalised and conformist pattern of amusement, we would only require mentioning succinctly a couple of demonstrations to completely discredit this. The Spice Girls and the new type of post–feminist rebellion renowned as 'Girl Power' they conveyed about. The early 90's glimpsed the birth of Ecstasy, glorified by Happy Hardcore, Techno and now Dance music, while children were vocalising along to 'Ebenezer Goode' (The Shamen 1992) the censors failed to choose up on the equitably conspicuous chorus of 'E's are good'. The 'do–what–you–please' mind–set presented by Get more content on
  • 15. Essay Music Copyright What is a Copyright? Music Copyright is a very important aspect of the music industry. The Copyright law was established to preserve the creativity and rights of authors, composers, performers of expression. Copyright is the law that protects the property rights of the creator of an original work in a fixed tangible medium. ( A fixed tangible medium is something substantial like copying lyrics on paper or putting a song on tape or CD. Copyright can be seen every where in the music industry. Many music artist of our culture today have been involved in copyright issues. Recently, on MTV news it was stated that, "As the music industry becomes increasingly concerned about protecting more content... This establishes the artist as the creator of that work. It is not illegal for a person to write the symbol on their work themselves. The correct way to place a copyright symbol on your original fixed tangible medium is like this: Copyright © 2001 Aja Star Lane For record companies it, looks like this: © 2001 Virgin Records. All Rights Reserved. ( This states the day of creation of a musical work. If you do not have the money for the legal fees of the federal copyright process yet, the first thing an artist should do with a musical work is the "poor mans copyright". Poor mans copyright is when the artist puts their fixed tangible medium in an envelope with appropriate postage stamps and mails it back to themselves without opening it. This postmark creates proof of the creator and is the date of creation for the musical work. Why should an artist copyright an original work? Copyrighting a musical expression just ensures that an artist is the creator of that work. There are a couple of reasons why an artist should copyright their original works. The main one is the creator of a work wants to be able to protect his or her work. Also, financial gain from suing. There would not be any purpose in creating music without financial gain for some. If you live in the United States and legally registered your musical works you have Get more content on
  • 16. Music in My Life Essay Music, it's a part of everyone's life. From childhood sing–a–long songs, to garage grunge music, and everything in between music is everywhere. Growing up with an extremely musical background it was in my genes that I would become a musician. Playing music has helped me become the person I am by being a release for my anger, broadening my future and make new friends.. I first joined the band in the fourth grade playing the drums. I played for about two weeks then I quit because I didn't like it, mostly because of the teacher. In the sixth grade we got a new music teacher and told me I look like a trumpet player, so I gave it a try. I was taking music lessons but after the first one my music teacher told me she had to leave because more content... When I get into fights with my step dad which to this day is still a problem instead of resorting to violence I would go and blare by favorite song at the time over and over again. Also after having a hard time in high school being wrongfully suspended twice instead of dropping out or giving up I had my bass to return home to home to sit for hours and write songs, hundreds of songs. The songs would relate to my feelings. Some songs would be hard full of hate and anger but some songs were mellow with sad heart filled lyrics. If it weren't for these songs to write I you would not be sitting here reading my paper. The girls in high school were also a reason for writing songs and playing trumpet. In all of my high school all my relationships I was cheated on. This caused for harsh break ups, uncalled for arguments, and an untrusting Nick Henry. High school years where trying times and if it wasn't for my music things would not have turned out they way they have. Music equals life, or the saying goes. I feel if I had dropped out of band I would have missed out on a great experience. The ability to play music is something that will live on in you for the rest of your life. Unlike playing a sport you can't ever get worn out or injured and lose the talent. All through school I played sports from baseball to soccer, sure it was fun but it was never my calling, but just being able to play music for a live audience is a feeling that is so amazing there are not enough Get more content on
  • 17. Music Admission Essay Music has always been a major part of my family and my parents were determined that my sister and I were well acquainted with music from a young age. Inspired by the sound of the piano by the time I was six, I knew that I wanted to learn how to play it. Fast forward to the first day of class, my teacher, Ms. Lilly, guided me through the school and into a narrow hallway that held five doors. Each door opened to a cramped room that each held a piano, a stool, and a chair. Ms. Lilly's hand softly held my shoulder as she led me to the first room. I became excited to finally expand my knowledge of music, excited to be given the opportunity to not only listen, but play music, excited that I had the opportunity to inspire others. But I soon became apprehensive about the idea of playing in front of a crowd. I worried that I wasn't ready to excel in such a complex instrument. I held my breath and sat on the wooden stool beside my teacher, my conflicting emotions, making me dizzy, more content... As my strength in music has grown I have learned the significance of emboldment through different relationships. My parents helped me never lose passion for music, my teacher pushed me to learn pieces that I never believed I could do, and my friends who taught me the importance of good–natured competition. Over the years music has molded me into a person that puts importance on dedication and is willing to take chances. The music community has not only taught me valuable lessons of encouragement and integrity, but has opened my eyes to the fact that it brings passionate people together to create meaningful social experiences that will change lives. With my ability to play music, I hope to not only continue to change my outlook on life but to change other's as Get more content on
  • 18. Defining Music Essay Nic Giordano Comp 1 Definition Essay Music Music; Indefinable by words alone. It is not only something you can hear but what you can feel. It is something your soul is able to reach out and touch. Music also has the power to bring us as humans, together. It is one language spoken by all cultures, sexes, races, age and religions. Music also controls our emotions; it makes us happy, sad, angry, relaxed, etc. We also can express ourselves through music. It can affect our personality.. someone who listens to classical, like Mozart or Bach, all the time is going to be smarter and more intellectual than someone who listens to rap or metal, and someone who listens to more upbeat happier music, like Ska or Swing, is more likely more content... This can be overwhelming to the listener. Knowing when and how much to utilize silence is part of listening, one of the key skills of any musician. "Just because you can't hear it doesn't mean it's not music" Music is respect. Respect to ones self and to others, whether it is someone that has the same taste in music as you, or someone that has the complete opposite taste as you. That's something I see happen way to much, people bashing on other people because of what they listen to. Instead of accepting that everyone isn't going to like what you like. Music is supposed to be something we all have in common, it's supposed to bring us together and create peace, not turn us against each other. It's something that we all do, including me at times. Not only in music but in everyday life. Music originates from all over the world since the beginning of time. Complex or simple, fast or slow, loud or soft. It's what you feel. It could be your method of escape or keeping you living. Music is love. Music is passion. Music is unity. Music is emotion. Music is belief. Music is beauty. Music is life. Music is perfection. Music is imperfection. Music is peace. "Through music we can live forever." "That's the beauty of music. They can't take that away from you." –The Shawshank
  • 19. Get more content on
  • 20. Music Ethnography Essay Music is a way for people to express themselves without having to make a drastic change. The reason I started to play music was because I love music in general to start off with and wanted the challenge of learning how to play an instrument. In sixth grade year there were probably 120 kids in band. Slowly through my band years many kids have dropped out. By the time I made it to the high school there were maybe 30 band students in, my grade and Mr. Rice the band director said, "They weren't able to handle it because band isn't easy." One you have been in band you don't realize if you struggle or if you can't handle band and it's not a bad thing that students drop out of band. It just shows that they have decision making skills and don't want to hinder the other students acceleration in the class. When people think of more content... A chemical substance used in the treatment, cure,prevention, or diagnosis of disease or used to otherwise enhance physical or mental well–being. A key factor appears to be rhythm. One reason is that neurons in the brainstem seem to fire synchronously with the tempo of sounds we hear. In a review of research on the neurochemistry of music, Levitin and his colleague Mona Lisa Chanda cited research showing that slow–tempo music can reduce heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature and other responses controlled by the brainstem. Such rhythm effects might help music combat stress and anxiety(Young). When this happens people become a more relaxed person because your breathing slows and your blood pressure drops. This is helpful in people who have depression, anxiety, etc. I know through personal experience that this statement is true. I became depressed when my mother took back my horrid step father. It allowed me to feel sad, happy, and angry all at the same time. It helped me to let things go and to learn things from the lyrics. The only way I could cope with things was talking to my friends and listening to Get more content on
  • 21. Music Is an Art Form TERM PAPER "Music is generally perceived as the most universal of all art forms." The literal meaning of the word 'music' according to any dictionary is: 'art of combining vocal or instrumental sounds in a harmonious or expressive way.' But music has a meaning which is far broader than this. Music is life. Music means Self–expansion and oneness. It is an art by itself. Art, in any of its forms, is generated by a person, or a group of talented yet usually ordinary people, that express, willingly or not, an opinion regarding present times. It is not a want; it is a need. If you try to imagine yourself without it, you are bound to feel incomplete. For many of us, it has become a necessity of our lives. Music has no boundaries. Music is more content... Music itself is considered as a language. Music and language are related in many ways. Because music stimulates our sense of hearing, it is clear that music can, and inevitably does, convey information. I consider that music is, by its very nature, has the power to express everything, whether a feeling, an attitude of mind, a psychological mood, a phenomenon of nature, etc. Although it can be said that music usually tends to express something, this is only an illusion, and not a reality. It is precisely this, which produces in us a unique emotion which has nothing in common with our ordinary sensations and our responses to the impressions of daily life. Music expresses, at different moments, serenity or liveliness, regret or triumph, fury or delight. It expresses each of these moods, and many others, in a numberless variety of differences. It may even express a state of meaning for which there exists no adequate word in any language. In that case, musicians often like to say that it has only a purely musical meaning. They sometimes go farther and say that all music has only a purely musical meaning. My own belief is that all music has an expressive power, some more and some less, but that all music has a certain Get more content on