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Persuasive Essay On Racism And Racism
"I wish I could say that racism and prejudice were only distant memories. We must dissent from the
indifference. We must dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from the fear, the hatred and the
mistrust...We must dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but to
do better." (Thurgood Marshall) The very fact that people have the audacity to make claims such as
"segregation ended years ago" is a prime example of the amount of education and ignorance
Americans and our leaders have today. Sixty years after the civil rights movement, it is clear that
outlawing explicit racial discrimination has not closed most racial divides in our country. Aggression
and hostile acts of violence continue to prove the argument that racism still lives on today. The
Merriam Webster definition of "racism" is, a belief that race is the primary determinant of
human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a
particular race. Whenever this term is brought up people generally think of whites discriminating
blacks. However, it has a bigger meaning than the generic "black lives matter". The main focus
and idea of racism is based on color verse color/ race verse race, one color or race thinking they are
superior to another. This is why it is such a prevalent thing in today's world, because we did not
just wake up one day and racism was brought upon, and we can not just go to bed one day and
racism will be taken away, it has lived through many generations of America and continues to
thrive in communities around the world everyday. To fully understand how we got to the point
of it being the norm to identify a colored individual as a racial slur, it is important to have
background knowledge on what led up to and started this racial tension and division. Lacking
Democratic support, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was based on the Civil Rights Act of
1964, eventually passed the Senate in April of 1964 with 49 Democrats and 30 Republicans in
favor, one Republican and 17 Democrats opposed. In the House it passed with 289 Democratic
votes and 126 Republican votes, with 91 Democrats and only 35 Republicans against. Though there
was many racist whites still opposed to
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Racism Argumentative Essay
Did you know that racism is an issue? Racism is a noun, it's "a form of prejudice manifested in an
uncontrollable urge to label ideological opponents as racists irrespective of the merits of their
arguments." ( Segregation ended in 1964 at the state and local levels via the
Civil Rights Act. Segregation was the by–product of racism. Racism is still around, so I propose that
we segregate the racist from the non–racist, by sending the racist people to Antarctica. I like to say
that racists are cold–hearted. So why not send them to the coldest climate in the world? Racism is
something that happens everyday, whether it be indirect or direct. For example, Kevin Hart goes
into a restaurant and orders chicken and instinctively
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Racism And Systematic Racism
Systematic racism continues to perpetuate the marginalization of people of color in the 21st century
despite belief of living in a post racial society. This unfortunate reality is seen in many different
forms of current culture. One of the ways systematic racism takes current form, is in the negative
portrayal created by a single narrative, or the lack thereof, minority groups. This lack of
representation or diversity of people of color in different forms of art and platforms, not only affects
those subject to misrepresentation, but perpetuates negative attitudes and discriminatory behavior
towards those subject to misrepresentation. It is necessary to look into the ways this single narrative
in different art forms affects marginalized group, and the current move to dismantle the component
power plays in who gets to tell these stories.
There are many reasons why art exist, and why people continue to make it. Art can bring joy and
hope to a group of people, but it can also dehumanize the same group. This all depends on who
creates the art and the motivation behind the creation. Throughout the history of the United States, in
regard to race, we see how art has done and does both. According to Paul Von Blum (2012),
historical "depictions of Black women, men, and children were highly stereotypical and demeaning."
These negative visual representations of black individuals were set to devalue their existence. They
perpetuated "visions of African Americans as lazy, irresponsible,
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Argumentive Essay On Racism
Devionna oliverEssay:RacismSeptember 12,2017Hi im Devionna oliver. This is my argumentive
essay on racism. I plan to start by saying that the reason i choice this topic was because racism it
affects all people. Racism is the act of judging , prejudice, discrimation , or antagonism directed
against someone of a different trace based on the belief that's one own race is superior according to
the defenition. There are many examples are what racism can cause such as slavery, individuals to
feel superior or inferior of another over their skin color and police brutality. I do not agree with
people being racist to another. I want racism to stop.
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Slavery started long before the usa. The portuguese and spanish began the slave trade from africa in
the 1400's. They leveraged tribal war fare to convince various other tribes to sell them people
captured in battle. They shipped them across from the atlantic because the native americans were not
working out so well as human–property. In my opinion, i do not think racism will ever stop because
it still exists after all these years. My family has experience racism is hard for members in my
family to get jobs just because of their skin colors. I can recall being in elementry school being the
only black girl in my class was hard for me; i do not feel accepted at times when someone would pair
me off and leave me alone because my race was different from theirs.
Racism is not only between whites against blacks, it can be between your own races. For example
growing up , i was bullied about my dark skin tone ; the bullies were my own race. They were
mainly black boys and black girls like me. They felt inferior and superior thing that people tend to
use as a way to judge who you are.
Some people thought it would never be your own race to judge and put you down but they do.
Sometimes i feel like people like the one lightskin girls versus having a darkskin girl like me around,
this can lead to dark people feeling like they are not
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Argumentative Essay On Race And Prejudice
Race is a social construct used to categorize people who share biological traits that a society thinks
are important. It is commonly used to organize people and distribute power within society. As
Cornel West implies, "it is an important factor in determining the life chances of certain groups of
people in the United States" (West, 358).Race plays a huge role in how people are perceived, and
therefore the opportunities that are available to them. A person's race influences a whole host of
social outcomes, from their education, to their income and their experiences with the criminal
justice system. Just like race, minorities are categorized and distinguished by physical or cultural
difference, that a society sets apart and subordinates. Typically, minorities occupy a lower status in
society and have less access to the levels of societal power. Non–Hispanic white Americans, which
is the majority group in United States society, have higher incomes, live in better neighborhoods,
and are more likely to have more prestigious jobs and better educations than racial and ethnic
minorities. Because of these disparities, minorities often face prejudice, a rigid and unfair
generalization about an entire category of people. Prejudice often takes the form of stereotypes,
which are exaggerated and simplified descriptions that are applied to every person in a category.
Negative stereotypes enforce racism, or beliefs, thoughts, and actions based on the idea that one
race is innately superior to another race. These thoughts can lead to harmful actions, or
discrimination, towards different groups of people. Some people believe that race is tied up in
structures of power and that races with less societal power are inferior. For example, it's not
unknown that black men are seen as violent in today's society. Because of this stereotype,
African–American people are more likely to fall victim to police brutality. An analysis of the
available FBI data by Vox's Dara Lind found that US police kill black people at disproportionate
rates: "Black people accounted for 31 percent of police killing victims in 2012, even though they
made up just 13 percent of the US population". In an effort to end this injustice, people of all races
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Argumentative Essay On Reverse Racism
FINAL– Argumentative Essay Reverse racism, or racism against a majority of people does indeed
exist. It exists mainly through hate and usually in traumatic situations. A boy can grow to be a
normal everyday person and feel the same about every person and everything. He doesn't hate,
resent, or even look down upon anybody that is different than him. Then it happens, all of a sudden
his family is killed off during a terrorist attack by Muslim extremists. He know hates anybody that
supports the religion and causes a terrorist attack at a Muslim church to strike back, they now hate
whites. Reverse racism is caused through a certain group of people doing something that makes
another mad.
It causes them to grow resentment and if pushed to extreme, can lead to hatred. We see it in our
own world today, with America and ISIS. There are a remarkable number of people I myself have
ran into, that comment jokes or hate speech against all Muslims. They'll call them towel heads, or
make fun of the suicide bombing effect. It stirs up hate and resentment for both parties and it seems
that the U.S. is hated by middle eastern countries in general because of our actions and words
spoken to and about them. It is also possible to be racist against a powerful majority. People tend to
want, usually what they cannot have.
If someone is in a position of high power, and it would seem that particular ethnic group stays that
way, others will become jealous. Take Arabs for example, they run the highest oil producing and
distributing market in the entire world. Now of course there are competitors but those competing
find it difficult and become frustrated over the countless dollars lost and time wasted as Arabia still
rules the oil industry as number one. Now there are masses of people wondering why they still
control such a vast amount of oil, with seemingly no effort. They try to wage war, form agreements,
and even combine forces to make themselves and the Arabs bigger as one, but with that, it was
denied. After all that hard work, all that money and effort and time put into making things happen,
they now become angry. So angry that they're willing to kill for that oil and slaughter anything or
anyone that dares to stand in the path
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Argumentative Essay-It's Time To End Racism
How can one say that do not see color, yet clearly recognize that there are different races and
nationalities? This phrase is one that has happened to be quite controversial, and has stirred up much
criticism over the years. This ideology, whilst initially innocent, may be interlocked with racism, as it
is seen as one not acknowledging those of color. Of course, this phrase was innocently crafted, which
no offensive intent behind it. Though, through the manacles of the modern world, such a phrase has
been twisted and turned into an ideology completely different – racism. The word that is burned into
the minds and throats of those in today's society – it's everywhere, from cities to town, country sides
to coastal regions.. There's no more content...
Changing one's mindset is a difficult thing all together, as everyone is going to have separate views
on topics no matter the cause or punishment. Though, put into polarization, in order to finally and
peacefully end racism in today's America, we must march through town – march through cities –
spread our word and ideas; allow others to understand the problem and find the cause – find a
solution. We must not get angry if they do not understand– understanding such complex problems is
difficult, and the worst thing you can do is become angry and agitated due to one being
closed–minded; open them. Unwind them like a box and let them understand, let them live and
breath into your ideology – let it become their ideology. Convince them, aid them – teach them.
Allow them to learn where you are coming from, and that the points you make are very real and
very relevant. Be generous. At the moment this isn't much different from the first moments of this
country, and truthfully racism does not change; it is not upgraded. It does tend to hide deeper,
becoming less outward as awareness is spread. But, besides all of the publicity it has gained over the
years, it is still
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Racism Argumentative Analysis
Racism has been around since the beginnings of America. Racism is the belief that one's race is
superior than others based on their race and ethnicity. There are many movements that are currently
happening today such as the Black Lives Matter and immigration rights. It is sad to know that
racism is still evident today across the United States. The image shown uses common logic and
emotion to pass the argument that no matter what skin color we have, we are all the same in the
inside. The straightforward approach the image gives allows for an immediate assumption from the
content of the image. The white background of the picture allows for a center focus, another reason
for this bland choice of color is so it doesn't distract the audience from
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Persuasive Essay About Racism
What is racism? According to Merriam–Webster dictionary racism is a belief that race is the primary
determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent
superiority of a race (2017). What causes people to be racist? Professor Jennifer Richeson
answered, "In some ways, it is super simple. People learn to be whatever their society and culture
teaches them. We often assume that it takes parents actively teaching their kids, for them to be
racist. The truth is that unless parents actively teach kids not to be racists, they will be, this is not
the product of some deep–seated, evil heart that is cultivated. It comes from the environment, the air
all around us." No one born racism, people become racist. People may not believe that racism against
race or ethnicity still exist in our society, obviously, racism is still making its ways in our society.
Therefore, can people put an end with racism? People of color in their daily living deal with all
kinds of form act of racism no matter of their social status or the level of their education. Several
behavior or attitude that proves racism is still alive, such as racist comments toward the former
president of the United States, Barack Obama, racist acts by police officer most likely toward black
people, and black people are more likely to pull over on the street than any other race. All those
points above will be explained and shown how racism is making its way in our society.
People make Racist comments toward the former president of the United States for his skin
color. Everyone knows Barack Obama not because he is a black man, but because he was the
president of the most powerful country in the world, which is the United Stated. He is a very
smart black, who loves his country and ready to serve his country. Despite his education, his
social status, people still not ready to accept him for the only reason his skin color. People can
understand how far the prejudice against people of color can go. People Call him by the N word
because they want to insult him. For example, Denise Helms, a 22–years old, California woman,
posted on her Facebook page racial comment toward the former president after the first term by
saying an order 4
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Argumentative Essay On Racism
Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. Discrimination has been going on for
generations among generations. Many years ago people of different races were divided from each
other. Public places were segregated. Colored people had to use specific water fountains, schools
were segregated, and blacks had to sit at the back of the buses. If they were to disobey then there
would be consequences and repercussions. Equality was a figment of imagination, a dream the the
minority groups had. Throughout the years racism has decreased and many things pertaining to
racism were made illegal but that doesn't mean racism disappeared. Although the separation of the
races are more organized, racism can lead the world back to inequality, more content...
Native Americans also are discriminated against. A Native American girl named Bella gave her
testimony about what happened between her and an 8th grade teacher, "He called us vicious
vermin and said we were cannibals. Other kids came up to me after and asked if I ate people.".
Last but not least, African Americans have been experiencing racism since the days of slavery. They
had separate facilities than whites, they were considered the lower class, and just everything
between whites and blacks were unequal. Those were hard times for black people because Caucasians
degraded and devalued them to a grain.
What's the point of racism? Whether you're an African American, Caucasian, Mexican, Native
American, etc we are all humans. If you cut yourself, you will bleed out red like the rest of us.
Racism is wrong because it violates moral norm and equal respect but racism will always remain
just a part of human nature. People tend to judge book by their cover before actually getting to
know a person. This can led to minorities feeling inferior and also lower their self–esteem. It's not
only wrong but it's unfair to treat people differently according to their background or skin
complexion. I believe people should just sit down and think, "What if I were in their position?" All
humans should be equal and everyone should be
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Arguments Against Racism In America
Racism has always been prevalent in our nation. Even in the Beginning when Christopher Columbus
landed on her shores, there was discrimination and racism against the natives of this country. With
racism in this nation's roots, we can all see how the settlers allowed their hatred of other races to
fester and grow in their hearts. We kidnapped African Americans and took them from their families
and homes to work in our houses and fields without pay, only because we didn't want to spend
money on white laborers. We beat them into submission and twisted their minds to make them think
this was their rightful place. We justified it with science and religion but it wasracism plain and
simple. After our country become divided and fought over this
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Arguments Against Racism
Racism has always been there, it's always existed between humans. Everyone has witnessed racism
at some point in there life, whether it was subtle or direct racism, it's quite evident in our modern
day world. Racism is a form of prejudice and discrimination, it's when you treat someone differently
or unfairly merely because they belong to a different ethnic group, nationality or religion. Racism
occurs when people consider their race to be superior and better than others. This social issue has
made rise to other conflicts such as people losing their lives, losing their families and children, or
even having their homes taken away from them.
No one is born racist. Racism and loathing someone just because their skin is a different color or
they have a differing ethnic background is not something instilled in us from birth. Racism is taught
to us through the environment and society. Children start observing different races at the age of
three. Some would argue that kids are taught at school not to be biased against people of color, but
is that enough? School isn't the only place that affects how children think. The society and even the
parents play a big role in how children see others. If the parents more content...
Some relish in telling them while others enjoy hearing them, and there are the few that just bluntly
ignore them. These people get to be called racists, even the ones who ignore the jokes and slurs. By
not saying anything in defense, the person making the racists comments is encouraged to proceed
further. They need to be told that what their saying and doing is inappropriate and that they should
stop. Language and actions on racism should be handled then and there, otherwise, they would just
spread and bring about appalling consequences. This means that to help overcome racism, you need
to be ready when someone says or does something racist, because if you don't say anything you're
considered a racialist
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Persuasive Essay On Racism
Most Americans do not see that racism is an issue. Racism is a huge problem in America. Racism
has caused a lot pain and destruction throughout history. It is to blame for most of the hate in our
society even today. Racism is a system of racial discrimination and prejudice.
There are many possible solutions to reduce racism and limit the negative effects such as
government regulations, better education, and create more awareness. Racism is directed toward
all people in today's world. Many people are unaware how constant racism has been throughout
the years. It is important to understand the problems of racism because it is relevant to society.
Racism in America is very real, and Americans should become aware of it. Racism is a struggle, to
this day, and has continued to be a major issue in our society. The color of someone's skin alters how
a person is perceived by society.
Racism reaches into many aspects of people's lives. From sports, education., criminal justice
system and our jobs. We see it every day in sports. Black athletes are treated differently from
white athletes. A white athlete can speak on his teammates and be considered a leader but if a
black athlete does the same, he is looked at as a problem. That athlete is then crucified by the
media, whereas the white athlete is given the captains patch. Colin Kaepernick spoke out against
social injustice and has been black balled from the league ever since. White QB's who do not have
anywhere near the skills and, yet they are being signed and given contracts. This can be considered
discrimination. The world has always been faced with the problem of discrimination. The definition
of discrimination is the denial of opportunity or equal rights for a specific group of people that may
be differentiated by things such as their religion, color of skin, or gender. (
/facts/fs–race.html ) It is one of the least discussed topics throughout history. There are many more
forms of discrimination, besides the more familiar forms like gender and race, ethnicity, sexual
orientation, religion and age. (Henslin, 2017) The effects of discrimination in society are reflecting
on race and religion. Race discrimination is one of the main
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racism speech Essay
For centuries a disease has plagued our nation just like AIDS has Africa, I bet you all are
wondering what this disease is. You probably think that it can be treated with limited breakouts
every few years. The virus I'm talking about is racism. Imagine living every day in fear knowing
that where ever you go, everything you do is being observed and judged. Imagine walking into a
store or a boutique and having someone watch every move of yours thinking that you're going to
steal something, or expose a bomb from under your clothes. Imagine being mocked and hated at
school because you're "different". Imagine being left out because of your skin colour. No one
enjoys being left out, but then, why do people judge? Why do people set a fire more
The employee made sure that nothing had been stolen from the shelfs that he walked past by.
I believe that racism should be stopped because racism can result in acts of physical abuse and
violence. People get mentally and physically hurt by people who are being racist. For example
there was a refugee who was beaten by a racist guy in Wollongong for doing absolutely nothing; he
was punched multiple times before being robbed. The refugee, who had arrived in Australia from
his native Eritrea only five days earlier, required stitches in his left ear and lost a tooth in the ordeal,
this isn't normal in any way. People who get mentally hurt by racist actions can do strange things.
They can start to become racist themselves, or even commit suicide, which is an awful thing.
Racism not only leads to social problems but it also causes mental illness and violence for example,
self–harm, depression and the harming of others. In most cases the victim starts to feel helpless,
isolated, depressed and irritated. Experiencing racism can change a victim's life forever. Nearly
half of all Australian residents from a diverse background have experienced racism at some time in
their life. WHY? Only because they look different? On a Wednesday afternoon a well–dressed 54
year woman in a mustard jacket unleashed a lecture of abuse at other passengers on a Sydney to
Newcastle train, it started because some young kids aged between four and ten didn't automatically
give up their seats
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Arguments Against Racism Essay
So, to start us off, what is racism? Racism is the ideological belief that all affiliated with a certain
race have specific characteristics, abilities, or qualities belonging to the race used to discriminate its
inferiority or superiority to other races. This view is founded off the complex relations in a society
influenced by prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. Present through social actions, practices, or
political systems, people in support of racism possess the idea that humans should be subdivided into
individual groups which have their own values and lifestyles. In saying that, racism is uncontrollable
as it is human nature to think or comment about the difference we observe. This is evident in the
history of humankind as well as present day society. Will it ever vanish?
Racism, more content...
People may argue that our modern day society has created or officially established this racial
profiling and prejudice; that this modern practice is much like propaganda, capitalism, or other
system of thought. I don't think this assumption is correct. The Babylonian Talmud states that "the
descendants of Ham are cursed by being black, and [it] depicts Ham as a sinful man and his progeny
as degenerates." The curse of Ham has been used from the 3rd century A.D to describe or refer to
the origin of dark–skinned people. When discussing slavery, the Greek philosopher Aristotle stated
Greeks are free by nature while 'barbarians' (non–Greeks) are slaves by nature. Implying that
non–Greeks will succumb to such exploitation naturally. We are talking about around the 350 BC
mark. Just recently in the 20th century, tragic occurrences such as the racial policy of Nazi
Germany, the racial segregation in the America as well as in Australia and Rwandan genocide have
been fuelled by the racism that lives within society. As racism is actively present in our history and
present–day society, it will continue to sustain into the
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Argumentative Essay On Racism
Growing up in a small town that consists of almost 90 percent of the same race, you don't take
into consideration the social diversity that goes on in the world around you. So, growing up in a
family of white, I never really knew what it was like to truly see color. Color isn't always vibrant
and beautiful, sometimes it ugly, and I learned this the hard way. Racism is a word that we hear
every day; whether it's on the news, the internet, or even television shows, it's literally all around us.
Just because we hear the word, doesn't mean we fully comprehend the significance of the meaning.
Racism, by definition, is the practice of discriminating against people based on their race, national or
ethnic background. Now knowing the definition more content...
You cannot judge one person on the actions of another. We must adapt to accepting each other,
regardless of how "different" everyone may seem. I've never been oblivious to our history, I
knew that slavery existed and that the world we live in is a cruel place, but I also knew that I was
a privileged white girl. I had heard the stories, I knew who Rosa Parks was and I knew Martin
Luther King had a dream, I understood all of it. But this time, I wasn't just another student reading
in my history text book of a situation that I would never have to be in. Rather, I was an
eighteen–year–old white girl who fell in love with a black guy. My boyfriend is of the mixed
ethnicity; he is Caucasian, African–American, and Hawaiian. Compared to me, he has a darker
complexion and is clearly not fully Caucasian. To me, this never matter, but I didn't realize how
much it mattered to other people. We were in Tyler County, for the local fair, when Troy went to
go get some food. I sat down beside some woman, while I waited for him to return. When he
approached me, the woman grasped her purse and immediately pulled it against her chest, as if he
was going to steal it. I didn't think much of it at first, but the more the day continued the more
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Argumentative Essay On Environmental Racism
Environmental racism shouldn't be happening. We humans were just color, different race; white
should blacks and Latino differently. In 1952, no African had lived in any of Richmond's permanent
low–rent housing. If any African lives where the white are staying at, they would become slaves of
the whites. Environmental racism is everywhere, every black and Latino tastes the problem of
racism. The environment, people lives in impacts them every day. Many people are affected by
pollution because of racism. Some blacks and Hispanics are suffering from racism, like the whites
not letting stay in the same place as them. They make the blacks become slaves or the whites make
them stay in small places that have a lot of pollution like more content...
According to the article "what is environmental racism?" page 2, paragraph 2 it state "during world
war 2, blacks again arrived from southern state seeking jobs in ship–built under government
contract." This statement explain that before world war 2 there was blacks and they have to look
for job and their job was to plant garden because in the statement it state they was seeking for jobs
in ship–building plants built under government contract, it like they had a contract with the
government. Also, long ago everyone thought racism will end. Based on the article "what is
environmental racism?" and the speech martin Luther king had given state "for 100 years."
Which means things will change for racism; there might not be a lot of racism/ environmental
racism in the world. In 100 years from now environmental racism and racism will be over.
However environmental racism and racism is not over yet but it not as much worst as it was 100
years ago. This whole environmental racism and racism is happening because some white people
don't except people that are different from themselves. I state that some white people don't except
others that are different from themselves because based on the article " what is environmental
racism?" page 1 paragraph 4 it state " government needs what no one wants, maybe a landfill or
inclinator, somehow, it ends up in a poor, minority neighborhood." This means the governments are
putting all the bad
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Argumentative Essay On Racism
White privilege is defined as societal advantages that are beneficial to people identified as white.
This privilege makes it easy for caucasians in tough situations, and rough for non–white people under
the same circumstances. It is not something that has to be discussed or recognized, it is just present
when needed. White privilege is an ideology that is based on the roots of racism and it is recieves a
spotlight in the case of unjust events. It continues to exist in society because its benefiters are
convinced that the concept is not real; that racism is not an apparent presence in society; that
people of color are just stuck in the past. As a result, it never receives the proper attention that it
should. This idea of white privilege can be demonstrated in many aspects of life, however, the
main three instances are expressed through police brutality, the education system and the
workplace. Specifically relating to the law, white privilege has the power to protect white
individuals from many of the dangers that police can pose. They have less of a chance of getting
arrested or facing consequences when compared to a person of color. Most times these people
receive a warning and a get out of jail free card. Instances like these are what gives birth to the fear
developed within colored people in an encounter with a police officer. Over the past few years
there have been an abundance of occasions where black people, for example, have experienced the
most horrible types of police brutality. For example, in the case of Philando Castile, an african
american man, that was shot and killed during a traffic stop. The officer's justification was that
Philando was presumably reaching for a gun. Tamir Rice, a 12 year old, african american boy,
that was shot and killed by police for playing with a toy gun. Eric Garner, an african american
man, that was put in an illegal chokehold and killed for selling cigarettes outside of a store. In
essence, recent cases of police encounters with people of color are more frequently resulting in
death. Still, there have been not one breaking news story of a white person being shot and killed for
selling cigarettes, or playing with a toy gun. This conveys how just by having colored
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Argumentative Speech On Racism
Buckle your seat belts, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, professors or principals, or whoever is
reading this, because at this spectacular time in your life, you are going to, in 750 words(or more),
learn exactly what's going on in America, and many other countries, that the textbooks in school
don't teach. So, sit down, shut up, and enjoy a lesson or two from my
3–AM–monster–energy–ADHD–medicine–induced–self–hatred–fueled–writing–extravaganza about
why this world has gone to crap and what we should be doing to fix it.
African American discrimination. the unjust system towards Blacks. Black power.
Racism exists everywhere. No matter where you go, in any part of the world, it is natural for
humans to discriminate. Discrimination based on color of eyes, or hair, heritage, race, but mostly,
the color of our skin. I can get into many topics and discussions on this, but today I'm going to
focus on African American discrimination, as well as the Civil Rights Act and Jim Crow Laws, here
in our very own, United States of America. White people could never let go of 9/11, a single day in
our history, but expect Black people to forget a good 300 years of racial oppression. Many are told
that we are ungrateful and trash Americans for not being "happy docile niggers" because slavery
ended. With that being said, I'm going to state some atrocities that has happened in the past century
and tell me if you think this should be forgotten. Might I mind you, school has failed
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Argumentative Essay About Racism
"There is nothing wrong with a little casual racism." One of my friends recently commented this
phrase to me, in a joking manner, but it struck me. Is just a little casual racism fine? I am one to err
on the side of, "All things in moderation" but is it truly not a problem? In our society, today we see
racism in our soup. In many ways, I feel as if the word communist has been switched with the
word racist. No longer do we call each other a communist if they are stingy or different, we just
stoop to the words racist or xenophobe. In the essay, written by Roxanne Gay, called, Surviving
Django, Gay makes claims that she was offended by the racially insensitive, supercharged, ego
driven film, created by Quentin Tarantino. She proceeds more content...
The reason for this phenomenon is migration and immigration. This often times leads to conflict
between the natives of the land and the foreigners. Just like the first settlers, from England, to North
America experienced by the Native Americans, conflict breaks out and indentured servitude or
slavery is often found in these scenarios. Tarantino films, generally can be described in three
parts. The first part typically involves a group of friends, or characters with a similar goal,
beginning together in a sense of unison. Reservoir Dogs begins at breakfast and allows the
audience to see the human side of these, cold, bank robbers. The second part of the film typically
is the most audacious part of the film. A grand claim is made, and typically involves several
characters, that the audience has fell in love with to be killed off rather quickly. In Inglorious
Basterds, Sergeant Hugo Stigglitz is portrayed as a "bad to the bone, kill and ask questions later"
character. He is killed in a glorious shootout. in an underground pub, after it is revealed that "The
Basterds" are charged with the duty to kill Adolf Hitler. This push and pull, with the hearts of the
audience, is classic Tarantino. This style of setting up the conclusion of the piece is often seen in
Quentin Tarantino's films. In Django Unchained, Tarantino sets up an emotional death, by stirring up
the audience through racial tension of the times. In
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Argumentative Essay Racism

  • 1. Persuasive Essay On Racism And Racism "I wish I could say that racism and prejudice were only distant memories. We must dissent from the indifference. We must dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from the fear, the hatred and the mistrust...We must dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but to do better." (Thurgood Marshall) The very fact that people have the audacity to make claims such as "segregation ended years ago" is a prime example of the amount of education and ignorance Americans and our leaders have today. Sixty years after the civil rights movement, it is clear that outlawing explicit racial discrimination has not closed most racial divides in our country. Aggression and hostile acts of violence continue to prove the argument that racism still lives on today. The Merriam Webster definition of "racism" is, a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race. Whenever this term is brought up people generally think of whites discriminating blacks. However, it has a bigger meaning than the generic "black lives matter". The main focus and idea of racism is based on color verse color/ race verse race, one color or race thinking they are superior to another. This is why it is such a prevalent thing in today's world, because we did not just wake up one day and racism was brought upon, and we can not just go to bed one day and racism will be taken away, it has lived through many generations of America and continues to thrive in communities around the world everyday. To fully understand how we got to the point of it being the norm to identify a colored individual as a racial slur, it is important to have background knowledge on what led up to and started this racial tension and division. Lacking Democratic support, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was based on the Civil Rights Act of 1964, eventually passed the Senate in April of 1964 with 49 Democrats and 30 Republicans in favor, one Republican and 17 Democrats opposed. In the House it passed with 289 Democratic votes and 126 Republican votes, with 91 Democrats and only 35 Republicans against. Though there was many racist whites still opposed to Get more content on
  • 2. Racism Argumentative Essay Did you know that racism is an issue? Racism is a noun, it's "a form of prejudice manifested in an uncontrollable urge to label ideological opponents as racists irrespective of the merits of their arguments." ( Segregation ended in 1964 at the state and local levels via the Civil Rights Act. Segregation was the by–product of racism. Racism is still around, so I propose that we segregate the racist from the non–racist, by sending the racist people to Antarctica. I like to say that racists are cold–hearted. So why not send them to the coldest climate in the world? Racism is something that happens everyday, whether it be indirect or direct. For example, Kevin Hart goes into a restaurant and orders chicken and instinctively Get more content on
  • 3. Racism And Systematic Racism Systematic racism continues to perpetuate the marginalization of people of color in the 21st century despite belief of living in a post racial society. This unfortunate reality is seen in many different forms of current culture. One of the ways systematic racism takes current form, is in the negative portrayal created by a single narrative, or the lack thereof, minority groups. This lack of representation or diversity of people of color in different forms of art and platforms, not only affects those subject to misrepresentation, but perpetuates negative attitudes and discriminatory behavior towards those subject to misrepresentation. It is necessary to look into the ways this single narrative in different art forms affects marginalized group, and the current move to dismantle the component power plays in who gets to tell these stories. There are many reasons why art exist, and why people continue to make it. Art can bring joy and hope to a group of people, but it can also dehumanize the same group. This all depends on who creates the art and the motivation behind the creation. Throughout the history of the United States, in regard to race, we see how art has done and does both. According to Paul Von Blum (2012), historical "depictions of Black women, men, and children were highly stereotypical and demeaning." These negative visual representations of black individuals were set to devalue their existence. They perpetuated "visions of African Americans as lazy, irresponsible, Get more content on
  • 4. Argumentive Essay On Racism Devionna oliverEssay:RacismSeptember 12,2017Hi im Devionna oliver. This is my argumentive essay on racism. I plan to start by saying that the reason i choice this topic was because racism it affects all people. Racism is the act of judging , prejudice, discrimation , or antagonism directed against someone of a different trace based on the belief that's one own race is superior according to the defenition. There are many examples are what racism can cause such as slavery, individuals to feel superior or inferior of another over their skin color and police brutality. I do not agree with people being racist to another. I want racism to stop. There are more content... Slavery started long before the usa. The portuguese and spanish began the slave trade from africa in the 1400's. They leveraged tribal war fare to convince various other tribes to sell them people captured in battle. They shipped them across from the atlantic because the native americans were not working out so well as human–property. In my opinion, i do not think racism will ever stop because it still exists after all these years. My family has experience racism is hard for members in my family to get jobs just because of their skin colors. I can recall being in elementry school being the only black girl in my class was hard for me; i do not feel accepted at times when someone would pair me off and leave me alone because my race was different from theirs. Racism is not only between whites against blacks, it can be between your own races. For example growing up , i was bullied about my dark skin tone ; the bullies were my own race. They were mainly black boys and black girls like me. They felt inferior and superior thing that people tend to use as a way to judge who you are. Some people thought it would never be your own race to judge and put you down but they do. Sometimes i feel like people like the one lightskin girls versus having a darkskin girl like me around, this can lead to dark people feeling like they are not Get more content on
  • 5. Argumentative Essay On Race And Prejudice Race is a social construct used to categorize people who share biological traits that a society thinks are important. It is commonly used to organize people and distribute power within society. As Cornel West implies, "it is an important factor in determining the life chances of certain groups of people in the United States" (West, 358).Race plays a huge role in how people are perceived, and therefore the opportunities that are available to them. A person's race influences a whole host of social outcomes, from their education, to their income and their experiences with the criminal justice system. Just like race, minorities are categorized and distinguished by physical or cultural difference, that a society sets apart and subordinates. Typically, minorities occupy a lower status in society and have less access to the levels of societal power. Non–Hispanic white Americans, which is the majority group in United States society, have higher incomes, live in better neighborhoods, and are more likely to have more prestigious jobs and better educations than racial and ethnic minorities. Because of these disparities, minorities often face prejudice, a rigid and unfair generalization about an entire category of people. Prejudice often takes the form of stereotypes, which are exaggerated and simplified descriptions that are applied to every person in a category. Negative stereotypes enforce racism, or beliefs, thoughts, and actions based on the idea that one race is innately superior to another race. These thoughts can lead to harmful actions, or discrimination, towards different groups of people. Some people believe that race is tied up in structures of power and that races with less societal power are inferior. For example, it's not unknown that black men are seen as violent in today's society. Because of this stereotype, African–American people are more likely to fall victim to police brutality. An analysis of the available FBI data by Vox's Dara Lind found that US police kill black people at disproportionate rates: "Black people accounted for 31 percent of police killing victims in 2012, even though they made up just 13 percent of the US population". In an effort to end this injustice, people of all races Get more content on
  • 6. Argumentative Essay On Reverse Racism FINAL– Argumentative Essay Reverse racism, or racism against a majority of people does indeed exist. It exists mainly through hate and usually in traumatic situations. A boy can grow to be a normal everyday person and feel the same about every person and everything. He doesn't hate, resent, or even look down upon anybody that is different than him. Then it happens, all of a sudden his family is killed off during a terrorist attack by Muslim extremists. He know hates anybody that supports the religion and causes a terrorist attack at a Muslim church to strike back, they now hate whites. Reverse racism is caused through a certain group of people doing something that makes another mad. It causes them to grow resentment and if pushed to extreme, can lead to hatred. We see it in our own world today, with America and ISIS. There are a remarkable number of people I myself have ran into, that comment jokes or hate speech against all Muslims. They'll call them towel heads, or make fun of the suicide bombing effect. It stirs up hate and resentment for both parties and it seems that the U.S. is hated by middle eastern countries in general because of our actions and words spoken to and about them. It is also possible to be racist against a powerful majority. People tend to want, usually what they cannot have. If someone is in a position of high power, and it would seem that particular ethnic group stays that way, others will become jealous. Take Arabs for example, they run the highest oil producing and distributing market in the entire world. Now of course there are competitors but those competing find it difficult and become frustrated over the countless dollars lost and time wasted as Arabia still rules the oil industry as number one. Now there are masses of people wondering why they still control such a vast amount of oil, with seemingly no effort. They try to wage war, form agreements, and even combine forces to make themselves and the Arabs bigger as one, but with that, it was denied. After all that hard work, all that money and effort and time put into making things happen, they now become angry. So angry that they're willing to kill for that oil and slaughter anything or anyone that dares to stand in the path Get more content on
  • 7. Argumentative Essay-It's Time To End Racism How can one say that do not see color, yet clearly recognize that there are different races and nationalities? This phrase is one that has happened to be quite controversial, and has stirred up much criticism over the years. This ideology, whilst initially innocent, may be interlocked with racism, as it is seen as one not acknowledging those of color. Of course, this phrase was innocently crafted, which no offensive intent behind it. Though, through the manacles of the modern world, such a phrase has been twisted and turned into an ideology completely different – racism. The word that is burned into the minds and throats of those in today's society – it's everywhere, from cities to town, country sides to coastal regions.. There's no more content... Changing one's mindset is a difficult thing all together, as everyone is going to have separate views on topics no matter the cause or punishment. Though, put into polarization, in order to finally and peacefully end racism in today's America, we must march through town – march through cities – spread our word and ideas; allow others to understand the problem and find the cause – find a solution. We must not get angry if they do not understand– understanding such complex problems is difficult, and the worst thing you can do is become angry and agitated due to one being closed–minded; open them. Unwind them like a box and let them understand, let them live and breath into your ideology – let it become their ideology. Convince them, aid them – teach them. Allow them to learn where you are coming from, and that the points you make are very real and very relevant. Be generous. At the moment this isn't much different from the first moments of this country, and truthfully racism does not change; it is not upgraded. It does tend to hide deeper, becoming less outward as awareness is spread. But, besides all of the publicity it has gained over the years, it is still Get more content on
  • 8. Racism Argumentative Analysis Racism has been around since the beginnings of America. Racism is the belief that one's race is superior than others based on their race and ethnicity. There are many movements that are currently happening today such as the Black Lives Matter and immigration rights. It is sad to know that racism is still evident today across the United States. The image shown uses common logic and emotion to pass the argument that no matter what skin color we have, we are all the same in the inside. The straightforward approach the image gives allows for an immediate assumption from the content of the image. The white background of the picture allows for a center focus, another reason for this bland choice of color is so it doesn't distract the audience from Get more content on
  • 9. Persuasive Essay About Racism What is racism? According to Merriam–Webster dictionary racism is a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a race (2017). What causes people to be racist? Professor Jennifer Richeson answered, "In some ways, it is super simple. People learn to be whatever their society and culture teaches them. We often assume that it takes parents actively teaching their kids, for them to be racist. The truth is that unless parents actively teach kids not to be racists, they will be, this is not the product of some deep–seated, evil heart that is cultivated. It comes from the environment, the air all around us." No one born racism, people become racist. People may not believe that racism against race or ethnicity still exist in our society, obviously, racism is still making its ways in our society. Therefore, can people put an end with racism? People of color in their daily living deal with all kinds of form act of racism no matter of their social status or the level of their education. Several behavior or attitude that proves racism is still alive, such as racist comments toward the former president of the United States, Barack Obama, racist acts by police officer most likely toward black people, and black people are more likely to pull over on the street than any other race. All those points above will be explained and shown how racism is making its way in our society. People make Racist comments toward the former president of the United States for his skin color. Everyone knows Barack Obama not because he is a black man, but because he was the president of the most powerful country in the world, which is the United Stated. He is a very smart black, who loves his country and ready to serve his country. Despite his education, his social status, people still not ready to accept him for the only reason his skin color. People can understand how far the prejudice against people of color can go. People Call him by the N word because they want to insult him. For example, Denise Helms, a 22–years old, California woman, posted on her Facebook page racial comment toward the former president after the first term by saying an order 4 Get more content on
  • 10. Argumentative Essay On Racism Racism is the belief that one race is superior to another. Discrimination has been going on for generations among generations. Many years ago people of different races were divided from each other. Public places were segregated. Colored people had to use specific water fountains, schools were segregated, and blacks had to sit at the back of the buses. If they were to disobey then there would be consequences and repercussions. Equality was a figment of imagination, a dream the the minority groups had. Throughout the years racism has decreased and many things pertaining to racism were made illegal but that doesn't mean racism disappeared. Although the separation of the races are more organized, racism can lead the world back to inequality, more content... Native Americans also are discriminated against. A Native American girl named Bella gave her testimony about what happened between her and an 8th grade teacher, "He called us vicious vermin and said we were cannibals. Other kids came up to me after and asked if I ate people.". Last but not least, African Americans have been experiencing racism since the days of slavery. They had separate facilities than whites, they were considered the lower class, and just everything between whites and blacks were unequal. Those were hard times for black people because Caucasians degraded and devalued them to a grain. What's the point of racism? Whether you're an African American, Caucasian, Mexican, Native American, etc we are all humans. If you cut yourself, you will bleed out red like the rest of us. Racism is wrong because it violates moral norm and equal respect but racism will always remain just a part of human nature. People tend to judge book by their cover before actually getting to know a person. This can led to minorities feeling inferior and also lower their self–esteem. It's not only wrong but it's unfair to treat people differently according to their background or skin complexion. I believe people should just sit down and think, "What if I were in their position?" All humans should be equal and everyone should be Get more content on
  • 11. Arguments Against Racism In America Racism has always been prevalent in our nation. Even in the Beginning when Christopher Columbus landed on her shores, there was discrimination and racism against the natives of this country. With racism in this nation's roots, we can all see how the settlers allowed their hatred of other races to fester and grow in their hearts. We kidnapped African Americans and took them from their families and homes to work in our houses and fields without pay, only because we didn't want to spend money on white laborers. We beat them into submission and twisted their minds to make them think this was their rightful place. We justified it with science and religion but it wasracism plain and simple. After our country become divided and fought over this Get more content on
  • 12. Arguments Against Racism Racism has always been there, it's always existed between humans. Everyone has witnessed racism at some point in there life, whether it was subtle or direct racism, it's quite evident in our modern day world. Racism is a form of prejudice and discrimination, it's when you treat someone differently or unfairly merely because they belong to a different ethnic group, nationality or religion. Racism occurs when people consider their race to be superior and better than others. This social issue has made rise to other conflicts such as people losing their lives, losing their families and children, or even having their homes taken away from them. No one is born racist. Racism and loathing someone just because their skin is a different color or they have a differing ethnic background is not something instilled in us from birth. Racism is taught to us through the environment and society. Children start observing different races at the age of three. Some would argue that kids are taught at school not to be biased against people of color, but is that enough? School isn't the only place that affects how children think. The society and even the parents play a big role in how children see others. If the parents more content... Some relish in telling them while others enjoy hearing them, and there are the few that just bluntly ignore them. These people get to be called racists, even the ones who ignore the jokes and slurs. By not saying anything in defense, the person making the racists comments is encouraged to proceed further. They need to be told that what their saying and doing is inappropriate and that they should stop. Language and actions on racism should be handled then and there, otherwise, they would just spread and bring about appalling consequences. This means that to help overcome racism, you need to be ready when someone says or does something racist, because if you don't say anything you're considered a racialist Get more content on
  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Racism Most Americans do not see that racism is an issue. Racism is a huge problem in America. Racism has caused a lot pain and destruction throughout history. It is to blame for most of the hate in our society even today. Racism is a system of racial discrimination and prejudice. There are many possible solutions to reduce racism and limit the negative effects such as government regulations, better education, and create more awareness. Racism is directed toward all people in today's world. Many people are unaware how constant racism has been throughout the years. It is important to understand the problems of racism because it is relevant to society. Racism in America is very real, and Americans should become aware of it. Racism is a struggle, to this day, and has continued to be a major issue in our society. The color of someone's skin alters how a person is perceived by society. Racism reaches into many aspects of people's lives. From sports, education., criminal justice system and our jobs. We see it every day in sports. Black athletes are treated differently from white athletes. A white athlete can speak on his teammates and be considered a leader but if a black athlete does the same, he is looked at as a problem. That athlete is then crucified by the media, whereas the white athlete is given the captains patch. Colin Kaepernick spoke out against social injustice and has been black balled from the league ever since. White QB's who do not have anywhere near the skills and, yet they are being signed and given contracts. This can be considered discrimination. The world has always been faced with the problem of discrimination. The definition of discrimination is the denial of opportunity or equal rights for a specific group of people that may be differentiated by things such as their religion, color of skin, or gender. ( /facts/fs–race.html ) It is one of the least discussed topics throughout history. There are many more forms of discrimination, besides the more familiar forms like gender and race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion and age. (Henslin, 2017) The effects of discrimination in society are reflecting on race and religion. Race discrimination is one of the main Get more content on
  • 14. racism speech Essay For centuries a disease has plagued our nation just like AIDS has Africa, I bet you all are wondering what this disease is. You probably think that it can be treated with limited breakouts every few years. The virus I'm talking about is racism. Imagine living every day in fear knowing that where ever you go, everything you do is being observed and judged. Imagine walking into a store or a boutique and having someone watch every move of yours thinking that you're going to steal something, or expose a bomb from under your clothes. Imagine being mocked and hated at school because you're "different". Imagine being left out because of your skin colour. No one enjoys being left out, but then, why do people judge? Why do people set a fire more content... The employee made sure that nothing had been stolen from the shelfs that he walked past by. I believe that racism should be stopped because racism can result in acts of physical abuse and violence. People get mentally and physically hurt by people who are being racist. For example there was a refugee who was beaten by a racist guy in Wollongong for doing absolutely nothing; he was punched multiple times before being robbed. The refugee, who had arrived in Australia from his native Eritrea only five days earlier, required stitches in his left ear and lost a tooth in the ordeal, this isn't normal in any way. People who get mentally hurt by racist actions can do strange things. They can start to become racist themselves, or even commit suicide, which is an awful thing. Racism not only leads to social problems but it also causes mental illness and violence for example, self–harm, depression and the harming of others. In most cases the victim starts to feel helpless, isolated, depressed and irritated. Experiencing racism can change a victim's life forever. Nearly half of all Australian residents from a diverse background have experienced racism at some time in their life. WHY? Only because they look different? On a Wednesday afternoon a well–dressed 54 year woman in a mustard jacket unleashed a lecture of abuse at other passengers on a Sydney to Newcastle train, it started because some young kids aged between four and ten didn't automatically give up their seats Get more content on
  • 15. Arguments Against Racism Essay So, to start us off, what is racism? Racism is the ideological belief that all affiliated with a certain race have specific characteristics, abilities, or qualities belonging to the race used to discriminate its inferiority or superiority to other races. This view is founded off the complex relations in a society influenced by prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination. Present through social actions, practices, or political systems, people in support of racism possess the idea that humans should be subdivided into individual groups which have their own values and lifestyles. In saying that, racism is uncontrollable as it is human nature to think or comment about the difference we observe. This is evident in the history of humankind as well as present day society. Will it ever vanish? Racism, more content... People may argue that our modern day society has created or officially established this racial profiling and prejudice; that this modern practice is much like propaganda, capitalism, or other system of thought. I don't think this assumption is correct. The Babylonian Talmud states that "the descendants of Ham are cursed by being black, and [it] depicts Ham as a sinful man and his progeny as degenerates." The curse of Ham has been used from the 3rd century A.D to describe or refer to the origin of dark–skinned people. When discussing slavery, the Greek philosopher Aristotle stated Greeks are free by nature while 'barbarians' (non–Greeks) are slaves by nature. Implying that non–Greeks will succumb to such exploitation naturally. We are talking about around the 350 BC mark. Just recently in the 20th century, tragic occurrences such as the racial policy of Nazi Germany, the racial segregation in the America as well as in Australia and Rwandan genocide have been fuelled by the racism that lives within society. As racism is actively present in our history and present–day society, it will continue to sustain into the Get more content on
  • 16. Argumentative Essay On Racism Growing up in a small town that consists of almost 90 percent of the same race, you don't take into consideration the social diversity that goes on in the world around you. So, growing up in a family of white, I never really knew what it was like to truly see color. Color isn't always vibrant and beautiful, sometimes it ugly, and I learned this the hard way. Racism is a word that we hear every day; whether it's on the news, the internet, or even television shows, it's literally all around us. Just because we hear the word, doesn't mean we fully comprehend the significance of the meaning. Racism, by definition, is the practice of discriminating against people based on their race, national or ethnic background. Now knowing the definition more content... You cannot judge one person on the actions of another. We must adapt to accepting each other, regardless of how "different" everyone may seem. I've never been oblivious to our history, I knew that slavery existed and that the world we live in is a cruel place, but I also knew that I was a privileged white girl. I had heard the stories, I knew who Rosa Parks was and I knew Martin Luther King had a dream, I understood all of it. But this time, I wasn't just another student reading in my history text book of a situation that I would never have to be in. Rather, I was an eighteen–year–old white girl who fell in love with a black guy. My boyfriend is of the mixed ethnicity; he is Caucasian, African–American, and Hawaiian. Compared to me, he has a darker complexion and is clearly not fully Caucasian. To me, this never matter, but I didn't realize how much it mattered to other people. We were in Tyler County, for the local fair, when Troy went to go get some food. I sat down beside some woman, while I waited for him to return. When he approached me, the woman grasped her purse and immediately pulled it against her chest, as if he was going to steal it. I didn't think much of it at first, but the more the day continued the more Get more content on
  • 17. Argumentative Essay On Environmental Racism Environmental racism shouldn't be happening. We humans were just color, different race; white should blacks and Latino differently. In 1952, no African had lived in any of Richmond's permanent low–rent housing. If any African lives where the white are staying at, they would become slaves of the whites. Environmental racism is everywhere, every black and Latino tastes the problem of racism. The environment, people lives in impacts them every day. Many people are affected by pollution because of racism. Some blacks and Hispanics are suffering from racism, like the whites not letting stay in the same place as them. They make the blacks become slaves or the whites make them stay in small places that have a lot of pollution like more content... According to the article "what is environmental racism?" page 2, paragraph 2 it state "during world war 2, blacks again arrived from southern state seeking jobs in ship–built under government contract." This statement explain that before world war 2 there was blacks and they have to look for job and their job was to plant garden because in the statement it state they was seeking for jobs in ship–building plants built under government contract, it like they had a contract with the government. Also, long ago everyone thought racism will end. Based on the article "what is environmental racism?" and the speech martin Luther king had given state "for 100 years." Which means things will change for racism; there might not be a lot of racism/ environmental racism in the world. In 100 years from now environmental racism and racism will be over. However environmental racism and racism is not over yet but it not as much worst as it was 100 years ago. This whole environmental racism and racism is happening because some white people don't except people that are different from themselves. I state that some white people don't except others that are different from themselves because based on the article " what is environmental racism?" page 1 paragraph 4 it state " government needs what no one wants, maybe a landfill or inclinator, somehow, it ends up in a poor, minority neighborhood." This means the governments are putting all the bad Get more content on
  • 18. Argumentative Essay On Racism White privilege is defined as societal advantages that are beneficial to people identified as white. This privilege makes it easy for caucasians in tough situations, and rough for non–white people under the same circumstances. It is not something that has to be discussed or recognized, it is just present when needed. White privilege is an ideology that is based on the roots of racism and it is recieves a spotlight in the case of unjust events. It continues to exist in society because its benefiters are convinced that the concept is not real; that racism is not an apparent presence in society; that people of color are just stuck in the past. As a result, it never receives the proper attention that it should. This idea of white privilege can be demonstrated in many aspects of life, however, the main three instances are expressed through police brutality, the education system and the workplace. Specifically relating to the law, white privilege has the power to protect white individuals from many of the dangers that police can pose. They have less of a chance of getting arrested or facing consequences when compared to a person of color. Most times these people receive a warning and a get out of jail free card. Instances like these are what gives birth to the fear developed within colored people in an encounter with a police officer. Over the past few years there have been an abundance of occasions where black people, for example, have experienced the most horrible types of police brutality. For example, in the case of Philando Castile, an african american man, that was shot and killed during a traffic stop. The officer's justification was that Philando was presumably reaching for a gun. Tamir Rice, a 12 year old, african american boy, that was shot and killed by police for playing with a toy gun. Eric Garner, an african american man, that was put in an illegal chokehold and killed for selling cigarettes outside of a store. In essence, recent cases of police encounters with people of color are more frequently resulting in death. Still, there have been not one breaking news story of a white person being shot and killed for selling cigarettes, or playing with a toy gun. This conveys how just by having colored Get more content on
  • 19. Argumentative Speech On Racism Buckle your seat belts, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, professors or principals, or whoever is reading this, because at this spectacular time in your life, you are going to, in 750 words(or more), learn exactly what's going on in America, and many other countries, that the textbooks in school don't teach. So, sit down, shut up, and enjoy a lesson or two from my 3–AM–monster–energy–ADHD–medicine–induced–self–hatred–fueled–writing–extravaganza about why this world has gone to crap and what we should be doing to fix it. African American discrimination. the unjust system towards Blacks. Black power. Racism exists everywhere. No matter where you go, in any part of the world, it is natural for humans to discriminate. Discrimination based on color of eyes, or hair, heritage, race, but mostly, the color of our skin. I can get into many topics and discussions on this, but today I'm going to focus on African American discrimination, as well as the Civil Rights Act and Jim Crow Laws, here in our very own, United States of America. White people could never let go of 9/11, a single day in our history, but expect Black people to forget a good 300 years of racial oppression. Many are told that we are ungrateful and trash Americans for not being "happy docile niggers" because slavery ended. With that being said, I'm going to state some atrocities that has happened in the past century and tell me if you think this should be forgotten. Might I mind you, school has failed Get more content on
  • 20. Argumentative Essay About Racism "There is nothing wrong with a little casual racism." One of my friends recently commented this phrase to me, in a joking manner, but it struck me. Is just a little casual racism fine? I am one to err on the side of, "All things in moderation" but is it truly not a problem? In our society, today we see racism in our soup. In many ways, I feel as if the word communist has been switched with the word racist. No longer do we call each other a communist if they are stingy or different, we just stoop to the words racist or xenophobe. In the essay, written by Roxanne Gay, called, Surviving Django, Gay makes claims that she was offended by the racially insensitive, supercharged, ego driven film, created by Quentin Tarantino. She proceeds more content... The reason for this phenomenon is migration and immigration. This often times leads to conflict between the natives of the land and the foreigners. Just like the first settlers, from England, to North America experienced by the Native Americans, conflict breaks out and indentured servitude or slavery is often found in these scenarios. Tarantino films, generally can be described in three parts. The first part typically involves a group of friends, or characters with a similar goal, beginning together in a sense of unison. Reservoir Dogs begins at breakfast and allows the audience to see the human side of these, cold, bank robbers. The second part of the film typically is the most audacious part of the film. A grand claim is made, and typically involves several characters, that the audience has fell in love with to be killed off rather quickly. In Inglorious Basterds, Sergeant Hugo Stigglitz is portrayed as a "bad to the bone, kill and ask questions later" character. He is killed in a glorious shootout. in an underground pub, after it is revealed that "The Basterds" are charged with the duty to kill Adolf Hitler. This push and pull, with the hearts of the audience, is classic Tarantino. This style of setting up the conclusion of the piece is often seen in Quentin Tarantino's films. In Django Unchained, Tarantino sets up an emotional death, by stirring up the audience through racial tension of the times. In Get more content on