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quilting for Beginners	                                               5   easy Quilt patterns

                   quilting for beginners:
                    5 Easy Quilt Patterns
      Plus Lessons on How to Quilt
              for Beginners
                                      2                          3



         	   Branch and Bird Mini Quilt Series
               Candy Glendening
                                                         	   Quick and Easy Silhouette Quilts
                                                               Maria Elkins

         	   Small Felted Wool Quilts
               Morna Crites-Moore
                                                      	  	   Stitch This: Free-motion
                                                                Quilting Motifs to Try

                                                      		       Heather Thomas
         	     Art Quilting Made Easy
     		        Lesley Riley

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners           Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m   1
quilting for Beginners	                                                                                       5      easy Quilt patterns

   If you've wanted to learn how to quilt           felted wool to make a patchwork design and
   but didn't know where to begin or didn't         sew it by hand. It’s a fun, low-stress way to
   want to take on a big project, our new free      learn to quilt.
                             eBook, Quilting for
                                                    In “Art Quilting Made Easy,” Lesley Riley                        quilting
                                                    shows you how to make a simple quilt with
                             Beginners: 5 Easy
                                                    two easy quilt patterns and directions for
                                                                                                                  for beginners:
                             Quilt Patterns Plus
                                                    making it your own.
                                                                                                           5 easy quilt patterns
                             Lessons on How to                                                                plus lessons on
                             Quilt for Beginners,   Maria Elkins, famous for her portrait quilts,
                                                                                                               how to quilt
                             is for you!            shows how to make “Quick and Easy
                                                    Silhouette Quilts.” This easy quilt pattern
                                                                                                               for beginners
                              The eBook offers
                              you basic quilting
                                                    is one that you can make and show off to               Helen Gregory
                                                                                                         	Editorial director	
                                                    family and friends with pride.
                              techniques and                                                               Cate Coulacos
                              advice from           Finally, you will learn to quilt pretty quilt        		Prato
   some of the most experienced quilt artists       stitching patterns from Heather Thomas in
   and teachers around. Each of the projects        “Stitch This: Free-motion Quilting Motifs to                      creative services
   is small and manageable, just right for          Try.”                                                                 Larissa Davis
                                                                                                         	Division Art Director	
   beginning quilting, and the quilting how-to
                                                    With Quilting for Beginners: 5 Easy Quilt
                                                                                                         	 Photographers	 Larry Stein
   information is easy to follow.                                                                        		 Korday Studio
                                                    Patterns Plus Lessons on How to Quilt for
   In “Branch and Bird Mini Quilt Series,”          Beginners, you don’t have to wait to quilt any          Projects and information are for inspira-
   Candy Glendening shows you how to make           longer. It’s time to begin!                             tion and personal use only. Interweave
   small, simple, yet adorable quiltlets. These                                                             Press LLC is not responsible for any li-
                                                    Warmly,                                                 ability arising from errors, omissions, or
   easy quilts offer a perfect way to try your
                                                                                                            mistakes contained in this eBook, and
   hand at simple construction, composition,
                                                                                                            readers should proceed cautiously, espe-
   and free-motion stitching.                                                                               cially with respect to technical information.
                                                    Vivika Hansen DeNegre                                   Interweave grants permission to pho-
   Morna Crites-Moore’s “Small Felted Wool
                                                    Editor, Quilting Arts Magazine                          tocopy any patterns published in this
   Quilts” make an easy beginning quilting                                                                  issue for personal use only.

   project because you use small scraps of

                                                in your life
                                                                                                     all about                              create
      Quilting Arts Magazine® explores     ideas, textiles, and techniques                                                           perfect
      related to embellished and contemporary art quilting. Inside,
                                                                                                                                           Carol Taylor

                                                                                                5 color cloth
                                                                                                         ways to
                                                                                                                                            P. 52

      you’ll find design inspiration, step-by-step directions, gorgeous
      photo­graphy, and motivation for developing your personal style, at                                                         PRINT
      all skill levels.                                                                             Be inspired to              STENCIL
                                                                                                    join our
                                                                                                    color challenge                                      800.406.5283 (U.S.  Canada)
                                                           760.291.1519 (International)

                                 Quilting Arts Magazine®, P.O. Box 469087, Escondido, CA 92046-9350

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                                   Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m               2
quilting for Beginners	                                                                  5   easy Quilt patterns

   branch bird
   mini quilt series
   A    s a quilter, I love taking
        small units and joining them
   together into larger compositions.
   But sometimes deciding which
   arrangement I like best can
   become overwhelming. This is one
   reason why I decided to create a
   series of mini quilts depicting a
   whole flock of wee birds sitting
   on branches. Making many small
   finished quilts allowed me to
   focus on the composition of each
   individual piece, and at the same
   time create a larger work that
   could be endlessly rearranged.
   I worked on the whole series at the
   same time, cutting out elements and
   trying them in different combinations
   before fusing them down. These mini
   quilts have a layer of both batting and
   stabilizer. The extra stiffness from
   the stabilizer makes them easy to
   hang, and it also gives an extra bit of
   dimension to the quilting lines.

   Whether you’d like to start working       Directions                               Adapted from
                                                                                      International Quilt Festival: Quilt Scene
                                                                                      Winter 2011/2012
   in a series, or you enjoy endless         1.	 Begin by selecting a group of
   rearrangement, creating your own             fabrics that work well together. I
   batch of “Branch  Bird” quilts is           chose a series of jewel tones from
   easy and will provide you with a fun         my stash of hand-dyed fabrics.
   exercise in creating compositions both       These colors have plenty of
                                                                                     by   C andy G lendening
   small and large.                             value and hue contrast, and most
                                                importantly, made my heart sing
                                                when I looked at them all stacked

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                             Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m           3
quilting for Beginners	                                                                    5   easy Quilt patterns

      up together. From these fabrics,            interfacing, leaving the paper            of the background squares. Cut
      cut (10) 7 × 7 squares, 1 for each        backing on the opposite side.             several from different fabric
      mini quilt background.                      After the layers cool, cut (10)           colors and begin placing them on
                                                  5 × 5 squares, 1 for each mini          the backgrounds. When you are
   2.	 Following the manufacturer’s
                                                  quilt.                                    happy with the layout and color
       instructions, apply the fusible web
                                                                                            distribution of the branches, fuse
       to the wrong side of the remaining     4.	 On each 7 × 7 background
                                                                                            them in place.
       fabrics; these will be used for the        fabric square, center an
       appliqués and backing squares.             interfacing/batting square            6.	 Remove the paper backing from
       Use pinking shears to cut (10)             (batting-side down). There should         the fusible interfacing. Outline the
       41⁄2 × 41⁄2 backing squares, 1 for       be a 1 border of fabric extending        branches with
       each mini quilt; set these squares         beyond the batting on all sides.          free-motion machine sketching
       aside.                                     Carefully flip the layers over and        (see “Free-motion machine
                                                  fuse-baste each fabric square in          sketching”), stitching to the edges
   note: Remove the fusible web’s paper
                                                  place with a small scrap of fusible       of the background fabric.
   backing before cutting the backing
   squares and appliqué shapes.                                                         7.	 To finish the edges of a mini
                                              5.	 For the branch appliqués, cut             quilt, place it right-side down on
   3.	 Using a lot of steam and little
                                                  arcs and simple forks long                a pressing surface. Gently pull
       pressure, fuse the batting to
                                                  enough to extend to the edges             1 corner of the extending fabric
       the rough side of the fusible

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                               Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m        4
quilting for Beginners	                                                                    5   easy Quilt patterns

                                                                     free-motion machine sketching
                                                                     What I call free-motion machine sketching is very similar
                                                                     to free-motion machine quilting: the feed dogs are down,
                                                                     you use a darning foot, and the needle goes fast while
                                                                      your hands move slowly. The difference is that when I‘m
                                                                      sketching, I am purposefully retracing my steps and trying
                                                                       to miss; this took some practice after years of trying to
                                                                       follow lines exactly. What I’m trying to emphasize here
                                                                        is that although I’m using a machine, the process is still
                                                                        created by my hands. I love the beautiful imperfection of
                                                                         a strong line that is created by drawing over and over—
                                                                         it’s just that my pencil is an electric sewing machine.

                                                                         varying        11.	 To finish the back of each mini
                                                                         the fabric         quilt, center and fuse a
                                                                          colors.           41⁄2 × 41⁄2 backing square in
                                                                          Move              place, covering the fabric edges
                                                                          them              and thread ends. Use a needle
                                                                           around           and embroidery floss to stitch
                                                                           the              a hanging loop onto the back,
                                                                           different        being careful to catch some of
                                                                squares until               the interfacing without stitching
                                                you’ve created several squares that         through to the quilt front.
      to the back and tack it to the
                                                each combine a few of the hues in
      interfacing with your iron. Repeat                                                12.	 Display the mini quilts on your
                                                your palette in a different way.
      for the 3 remaining corners.                                                          wall in a long line or a grid. My
      Wrap the sides to the back and        9.	 When you’re happy with the                  favorite way to hang these little
      fuse them in place, being careful         placement of the birds, fuse the            guys is on some butcher’s twine
      to avoid touching the iron to             top only of each bird in place.             with wee clothespins that you can
      the exposed fusible glue of the           Free-motion sketch the legs,                find at any big craft store. They
      interfacing. Turn the mini quilt          beginning and ending under the              look so cute hanging in a row,
      right-side up and place it on the         bottom of each bird. Fuse the rest          and you can change their order
      backing paper you removed from            of the bird in place, then free-            however many times you’d like!
      the interfacing. Press the square,        motion sketch an outline and eye
      let it cool, and peel it off the          for each bird.
      backing paper.
                                            10.	 Freehand cut a wing for each bird.
   8.	 Now for the fun part—the birds! I        It’s amazing how a small change
      freehand cut all my birds; they’re        in the angle of the wing can make
      just 2 S-curved lines connected           a sitting bird fly, so play around
      at both ends. A small change in           with the placement a bit before
      the inflection point of the curve         fusing. Fuse the wings in place.
      can make a bird with an entirely          Free-motion sketch an outline
      different personality. Freehand cut       around each wing.
      1 or 2 birds for each mini quilt,

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m           5
quilting for Beginners	                                        5   easy Quilt patterns

       small                                                                 Adapted from
                                                                             Quilting Arts Magazine

       felted wool
                                                                             June/July 2010

       quilts recycling sweaters into
               hand-stitched artwork

                                  by   M orna C rites -M oore

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners   Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m    6
quilting for Beginners	                                                                           5   easy Quilt patterns

   Previous page: “Dreams of Spring” • 51⁄2 × 5
   “This is the twelfth item in my ‘Pieces of

   Dreams’ series. Its colors represent the
   beginning blossoms of spring, the green grass,       here is something about felted wool, made from old
   and the blue sky.”                                   sweaters and other discarded articles of clothing, that speaks to my
                                                    muse. Is it that the garments carry the stories of where they have been?
      materia l s                                   I don’t know. I only know that once I have felted these garments, they
      •	Wool sweaters in a variety of               seem to speak to my hands; my mind disengages and I go with the flow.
                                                    The process of making small quilts          scraps with lovely buttons on top. It
      •	Washing machine and dryer
                                                    from felted wool pieces is very             was time for more play, so I arranged
      •	Laundry detergent                           meditative. The first one I made came       and rearranged these squares.
      •	Good quality shears                         about because I was playing with            Eventually, I started sewing them to
      •	Material for the background,                scraps left over from other projects.       a backing. I decided to call
        cut to about 2 larger than your
                                                    I kept finding little pieces in colors      these small quilts “Pieces
        finished piece, in a color that
        complements your wool sweaters              that particularly pleased me, so I set      of Dreams” because
        (I like to use a recycled sweater,          them aside. Then I started playing          that’s what creating
        a single piece of fulled wool,              with these scraps, without any idea of      them feels like. This
        or cotton fabric; use whatever              what I was making. I just enjoyed the       series is definitely
        material you like.)                         process: the choosing, the stitching,       guided by an
      •	Wool tapestry thread in multiple            and the adorning. Soon I had quite a        invisible
        colors (I use Paternayan® Persian                         collection of little stacks   force.
        Wool Yarn.)
                                                                                 of wool
      •	Several tapestry needles
      •	Embellishments of your
        choice: buttons, beads, jewels,
        or anything else that is small
        enough to stitch to the top of a 1
      •	A thin piece of wool or batting for
        the middle layer
      •	Material for the backing
      •	Embroidery floss
      •	Hand-sewing thread
      •	A small piece of muslin for your
      •	A pen suitable for writing on
      •	Foam board or corrugated

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                       Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m       7
quilting for Beginners	                                                                                 5   easy Quilt patterns

                                                                                                    1.	 Decide on a color scheme for your
                                                                                                        project and start accumulating
                                                                                                        wool sweaters to fulfill your
                                                                                                        vision. The sweaters must be
                                                                                                        predominantly wool and they
                                                                                                        can’t be washable wool. They can,
                                                                                                        however, contain other materials.
                                                                                                        The more sweaters you collect,
                                                                                                        the better; the variations in color
                                                                                                        give these pieces much of their
                                                                                                        movement and charm.

                                                                                                    2.	 Turning the sweaters into felted
                                                                                                        wool is a fairly simple process.
                                                                                                        Before washing your sweaters, cut
                                                                                                        them apart along the seam lines,
                                                                                                        then wash them in very hot water
                                                                                                        with laundry detergent, about
                                                                                                        four or five at a time. Be careful
                                                                                                        not to mix colors, because there
                                                                                                        are always sweaters that bleed. I

                                                     Above: “Pale and Peaceful” • 7 × 7 • “I completed this piece a couple of years ago, but have
                                                     since dismantled it and plan to add stitching to the squares. I have always envisioned it as
                                                     being a perfect addition to a sweet baby’s room.”

    collecting                                       Below: “When designing my small felted pieces, I like to pin the squares on a piece of foam

    the materials                                    board or corrugated cardboard so I can easily fiddle with their placement until I find a
                                                     composition that I like.”

    The most difficult aspect of making one
    of these little quilts may be collecting the
    raw materials. I get my old wool sweaters
    from a variety of sources: thrift stores, yard
    sales, friends, relatives, and the occasional
    stranger who hears about what I do and
    mails me a few sweaters that were destined
    for the rubbish bin.
    When I started making my felted wool
    items about 15 years ago, I had a sizeable
    collection of old buttons that I had been
    amassing since childhood. I quickly realized
    I needed to find another source. There
    are stores that sell antique buttons, such
    as the iconic Tender Buttons in New York
    City. Flea markets are another good source.
    I also attend the occasional button show,
    where vendors sell antique buttons.

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                            Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m             8
quilting for Beginners	                                                                                           5   easy Quilt patterns

   “Sunset Dreams” • 6 × 6 • “This is the eleventh item in my ‘Pieces of Dreams’ series. While I stitched this little piece, I dreamed of the beautiful
   sunsets I see from my kitchen window: reds, pinks, blues, purples—a collection of colors stitched upon the sky. This piece is made from recycled
   sweaters, embellished with wool stitching and antique buttons, and has a silk border.”

       leave my washing machine lid in                      before allowing the machine to                    it is called fulling. Technically, what
       the open position, which causes it                   finish with rinsing and spinning.                 you will create is fulled wool; for the
       to stop at the end of the agitation                                                                    sake of expediency, I refer to it as felted
                                                        Note: The felting process happens
       cycle. I then reset it to start all over                                                               wool, a term that is much more widely
                                                        when wool fibers are subjected to heat
       again, usually putting the sweaters                                                                    recognized and understood.
                                                        and agitation. When heat and agitation
       through about four agitation cycles
                                                        are applied to knitted or woven wool,

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                                       Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m           9
quilting for Beginners	                                                                    5   easy Quilt patterns

   3.	 Dry the sweaters in the dryer, then   7.	 Next comes some fun with
      press them with a steam iron.             stitching—this is the part of the
                                                process that I enjoy most. Using
   4.	 Now you need to cut the squares,
                                                wool thread, add as many stitches
      some for the bases and some
                                                as you like, sewing through both
      that are slightly smaller. My base
                                                squares and/or just the base square.
      squares tend to be about 1, but
                                                My earlier pieces had no decorative
      you should choose whatever
                                                stitches, and I think they are
      size you prefer. To make “Sunset
                                                beautiful, but lately I am enjoying
      Dreams,” I cut 25 base squares and
                                                adding more and more stitches.
      25 slightly smaller squares. I don’t
      use a template; I just eyeball it.     8.	 Once you have completed your
                                                                                         Figure 1
                                                decorative stitching, turn the
   5.	 Put a small square atop each
                                                edges of the background material           and background fabric, but be
      base square, choosing color
                                                under, leaving a small margin as           hidden on the front. I stitch in a
      combinations that please your eye,
                                                the border. Add some decorative            grid pattern so that the stitches are
      and stitch them together with an
                                                stitching to the border using              hidden in the spaces between the
      embellishment (a button, a bead,
                                                embroidery floss; this stitching will      squares.
      etc.) on top.
                                                also secure the folded edge.
                                                                                        11.	Your little quilt is now finished.
   6.	 Now it’s time to play with your
                                             9.	 Turn the little quilt over so it is       Add a signature label by writing
      wooly squares. Arrange and
                                                lying face down (Figure 1), and            your name and date on a piece of
      rearrange them until you have a
                                                lay your chosen middle layer onto          muslin and stitching it to the back
      pattern that suits you. I usually
                                                the back. Then place the backing           of the piece.
      do this on a piece of foam board
                                                fabric, turning its edges under.
      or corrugated cardboard (you can                                        
      also use a table or tray), so I can    10.	Stitch around the edge of the
      easily pin the squares in place.          backing, securing it to the
      Then I transfer the squares to            background material, and then
      my background material, one at            add additional stitches using
      a time. I sew the squares to the          ordinary thread to hold the three
      background with just a couple             layers together. These stitches,
      of stitches that I hide under the         which add necessary substance to
      button. This step is just to secure       the piece, should go through the
      everything in place.                      backing fabric, middle material,

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                               Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 10
quilting for Beginners	                                             5     easy Quilt patterns

   art quilting                                    by   L esley R iley
                                                                                   “Thinking Chair” • 7 × 12

              Adapted from
    Quilting Arts Magazine
                 Fall 2004

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners            Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 11
quilting for Beginners	                                                                     5   easy Quilt patterns

   S   omething has kept you
       from making an art quilt.
   Maybe it’s the word “art” that has               Don’t let a lack of
   stopped you. Perhaps the endless
   products and embellishments
   seem overwhelming. Whatever
                                                    formal training hold you
   the reason, there is only one
   solution—just begin. With a few                  back. The most important
   simple tools, a little fabric, and
   a desire to play, you can create a
   small art quilt of your own design.
                                                    quality that you can
   An art quilt is an expression of your
   own individuality. It can draw on
                                                    bring to your art quilt is
   traditional patterns and techniques,
   but the end result is a totally
   new—unique to you—design. The
                                                    your own vision.
   beads, paints, transfers and other
   applications are there for your use
   if the spirit moves you—if not, save       important quality that you can bring       2.	 The quilt top is created by one of
   them for another day. In fact, because     to your art quilt is your own vision.         three methods: piecing, appliqué,
   art quilts are not meant for “use,”        Good workmanship is important, but            or whole cloth.
   and therefore will not be washed,          it should not inhibit your creativity,
                                                                                         3.	 The three layers are held together
   you are free to experiment with non-       especially when you are just starting
                                                                                            by stitching, tying, or fusing.
   traditional methods and materials.         out. Perfectionism should not be
   There is no right or wrong.                pursued at the expense of creativity,      You do not need to own a sewing
                                              learning, and enjoying yourself. I         machine to make your first art quilt.
   To get you started, I will lead you
                                              like to tell my students, “If you’re not   Just like our ancestors, you can sew
   through the processes I used to make
                                              having fun, you’re doing something         your quilt entirely by hand. But unlike
   two small and simple art quilts. When
                                              wrong.” Confidence, certainty, and         those women before us, you can
   you are ready to move on to bigger,
                                              expertise come from doing what you         now create a quilt entirely by fusing.
   more complex things, there are many
                                              love over and over and over again. So      Fusing is a term for joining fabric
   excellent resources available. You
                                              let’s begin.                               using an adhesive material that is
   may even decide you want to take a
                                                                                         activated by heat from an iron. Quilt
   class on design or learn about specific    Art quilts generally follow the
                                                                                         fabrics backed with a sheet of fusible
   quilting techniques that will enhance      same construction techniques as a
                                                                                         webbing, such as Wonder Under, can
   your new passion. But keep this in         traditional quilt:
                                                                                         be fused together to create a no-sew
   mind—many wonderful art quilts             1.	 The quilt is composed of three         art quilt. Optional hand-stitching can
   have been created by self-taught artists      layers: top, batting, and backing,      add depth and detail.
   and quilters. Don’t let a lack of formal      also known as a quilt “sandwich.”
   training hold you back. The most

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 12
quilting for Beginners	                                                                     5   easy Quilt patterns

   Appliquéd quilt
                                               1.	 I scanned and printed an old photo    5.	 I used a simple finishing method
      materia l s                                 onto fabric treated for ink-jet           to create the outer border, one that
                                                  printers.                                 also serves as the quilt backing and
      •	An assortment of fabrics in                                                         edge finish: Cut a piece of batting
        coordinating colors                    2.	 Using the photo as a starting
                                                                                            2.5 inches larger than finished
      •	Ink-jet printer fabric                    point, I chose a blue background
                                                                                            quilt top. Cut backing fabric 3
      •	Copyright-free image                      fabric as the base for my appliqué
                                                                                            larger on all sides than quilt top.
                                                  because blue is complimentary
      •	Scanner                                                                             Place backing fabric right side
                                                  to the orange in the photo and it
      •	Ink-jet printer                                                                     down, with batting on top. Fold
                                                  provided a good, strong contrast.
      •	Straight pins                                                                       backing fabric to front, mitering
                                                  Three other fabrics in blue and
      •	Fabric scissors (Scissors that            orange tones were layered behind
                                                                                            corners as if wrapping a package.
        have been used to cut paper may                                                     Iron down. Place quilt top on top.
        be too dull for fabric cutting)           the photo to offset it from the
                                                  background, and the composition        6.	 I removed the paper backing from
      •	Wonder Under
                                                  was pinned in place. I tucked small       the Wonder Undered strips and
      •	Batting (commercial batting,
        flannel, or felt)                         pieces of my chosen border fabrics        slid them under the quilt top edges
                                                  under the image to visually pull          and on top of the folded-over
      •	Hand-sewing needle or sewing
        machine                                   the outside edges of the quilt in         backing fabric to mimic a border.
      •	Embellishments                            towards the photo.                        To form the border, I sandwiched
                                                                                            the strips of fabric with Wonder
                                               3.	 Using a straight stitch and my
                                                                                            Under on them between the quilt
                                                  sewing machine, I stitched down
   Appliqué is a French word meaning                                                        top edges and the folded-over
                                                  all of the fabric layers to the
   “to apply.” In an appliquéd quilt, small                                                 backing fabric, then ironed them
                                                  background fabric, starting with
   pieces of fabric are applied to a larger,                                                in place.
                                                  the image and working outward.
   background fabric by sewing or fusing.
                                                  I started with the topmost layer,      7.	 I stitched the quilt top to the
   Shapes can be recognizable, such as
                                                  and stitched the exposed edges of         batting and backing with a straight
   a door or tree, geometric, or simply
                                                  every layer. This secured all layers      stitch going around the edges of
   freeform shapes. Traditionally, any
                                                  underneath. This construction             the quilt top and again around the
   fabric that lies under another piece of
                                                  technique is similar to paper             plaid borders.
   fabric and is not seen is trimmed away
   to reduce bulk when hand quilting.                                                    8.	 To give the completed quilt a nice
   With my appliqué method, I find that        4.	 To mimic a border, I ironed              finished edge, I stitched around all
   trimming is not necessary. To prevent          Wonder Under to the back of               four sides of the quilt 1/4 in from
   layers of fabric from slipping, I use          the plaid fabric (a commercial            the finished edge, with a second
   a walking foot attachment on my                fabric consisting of already pieced       line of stitching 1/4 inside of the
   sewing machine. A walking foot is an           plaids.) Cut four strips, each 1.5       first line of stitching.
   attachment or a built-in feature on your       wide by the length of each side of
                                                                                         9.	 I appliquéd a vintage leaf to the
   sewing machine that feeds the fabric           the quilt top plus an additional two
                                                                                            lower left corner of the image, with
   layers evenly through the machine and          inches in length to make sure they
                                                                                            the tip of the leaf directing the
   prevents the layers from slipping. If you      overlap at the corners.
                                                                                            eye towards the child’s face in the
   do not have a walking foot, use more                                                     photo.
   pins to prevent slipping or puckering, or
   fuse all layers before machine stitching.

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 13
quilting for Beginners	                                        5   easy Quilt patterns
    Move Over Moon” • 9 × 14

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners   Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 14
quilting for Beginners	                                                                    5   easy Quilt patterns

   Whole cloth quilt
      materia l s
     •	Cotton canvas or muslin
     •	Copyright-free image
     •	Scanner
     •	Ink-jet printer
     •	Transparency
     •	Golden Acrylic Matte Medium
     •	1 foam brush
     •	Golden Quinacridone Gold Fluid
     •	Fabric scissors (Scissors that
       have been used to cut paper may
       be too dull for fabric cutting.)
     •	Backing and binding fabric
     •	Batting (commercial batting,
       flannel, or felt)
     •	Wonder Under
     •	Hand-sewing needle and thread
     •	Buttons or embellishments
     •	Sewing machine (optional)

   In a whole cloth quilt the emphasis is
   on the surface design of the fabric and/
   or the quilting stitches. Using paint,
   stamps, screening or transfers, a plain
   piece of fabric can be transformed into
   a work of art. The addition of quilting
   completes the overall design.
   1.	 I scanned a favorite photo of mine
                                              3.	 I chose to machine stitch a red       5.	 I layered the backing fabric,
      into my computer and printed it            line around the images to add             batting, and quilt top to form the
      onto an ink-jet transparency.              definition. This could have been          quilt sandwich.
   2.	 The image was transferred to fabric       hand-stitched or omitted.
                                                                                        6.	 I ironed Wonder Under onto the
      by applying acrylic medium to           4.	 Using the fluid acrylic, I randomly      binding fabric. Four strips were
      the fabric, laying the inked side          added color to the quilt top,             cut the length of the quilt sides
      of the transparency down on the            leaving the paint concentrated            plus 1. Before removing the paper
      fabric and burnishing the image to         in some areas and adding                  backing, the strips were folded in
      transfer the ink to the fabric.            water to thin it out to make it more      half and ironed. The backing paper
                                                 subtle in others.                         was removed and the strips were

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                               Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 15
quilting for Beginners	                                                                     5   easy Quilt patterns

           no - sew
      quiltmaking                             A Few Words About Quilting
                                              Originally, small closely spaced           than free-form or free-motion quilting
      You can make an appliquéd               quilting stitches were necessary to        and adds dimension and definition to
      art quilt without ever taking           keep loose cotton batting from shifting    your quilt top.
      a stitch. Fusing is a method            around between the quilt layers.           Two very simple methods that are
      that joins fabrics together             Naturally these early quilters wanted      perfect for anyone new to sewing or
                                              their stitching to be as attractive        someone who does not have a sewing
      using a heat-activated bonding
                                              as their piecing and appliqué were,        machine are tying and button-quilting.
      material. A paper-backed                and they designed patterns for their       Tying a quilt is as easy as tying your
      fusible is ironed to the back of        stitches to take. The care and attention   shoe, but you do have to know how
      fabric. You can draw designs on         put into these stitches later became       to thread a needle. A heavier thread,
      the paper backing, or cut out           the basis for judging workmanship and      like Pearl cotton or embroidery floss,
      free-form shapes. Remove the            mastery of the craft.                      is usually used. Starting from the top
      paper backing from the fabric           Quilting stitches also added another       put the needle and thread through the
                                              dimension to what is basically a           quilt top to the back leaving a 4 tail
      and following manufacturer’s
                                              two-dimensional surface and often          of thread. Come back through to the
      directions, iron to another piece       complimented the design of the             front, close to your original stitch, and
      of fabric to fuse them together.        piecing and appliqué. With today’s         tie a double knot in the two thread
                                              technology in manufacturing, batting       tails. Using decorative thread, or
      Fusible batting allows you to
                                              no longer needs to be stitched at such     thread in a contrasting color can add
      adhere your quilt layers together       close and regular intervals. Many          another element to the overall quilt
      simply by ironing. Strips of            manufacturers now recommend                design.
      fusible-backed fabric can be            stitching only every 6 to12 inches.        To button-quilt your quilt, sew on
      folded and ironed over the quilt        Today’s quilters have the choice of        buttons in a random or planned
      edges to bind the quilt. Voila!         using quilting stitches as an integral     pattern, stitching through all three
      You have created a quilt without        part of their overall quilt design or      layers of the quilt sandwich. You can
      sewing a stitch.                        purely for functional purposes. If         hide your knots under the buttons. The
                                              you love to hand stitch, a small art       color of the buttons can be subdued to
                                              quilt can serve as a canvas for your       blend in, or serve as an element of the
                                              stitching. Perhaps you want to use a       overall design as in the quilt opposite.
      ironed to fuse the binding to the
                                              machine, but are afraid of “ruining”       And last, but not least, the easiest
      quilt edges. Any additional fabric      your quilt; you can use simple straight-   and most portable method, called
      at the corners was trimmed away.        stitch quilting methods. Stitch-in-the-    stippling, is to quilt by taking random
                                              ditch hides your machine stitching         stitches across the surface of the
   7.	 I chose to quilt this whole cloth
                                              in the ditch, or junction, where           quilt with a matching, contrasting or
      quilt by sewing on buttons (button-     two fabrics are joined together. By        decorative thread. These randomly
      quilting.) This was a decision I had    following these seam lines, you can        scattered stitches are similar to the tied
      made once the image transfer and        add dimension to the quilt surface         method, but without the loose hanging
      painting was completed. I wanted        and secure the quilt layers together.      thread tails. Pieced quilts and appliqué
      an additional dimension and more        Stitching-in-the-ditch can also be         can be enhanced by background
                                              done by hand.                              stippling. Many close stitches tend to
      visual interest for this simple quilt
      top, plus more color. The buttons       Another simple quilting method, called     depress the background and cause
                                              the outline method, is to stitch by        unstitched shapes to puff up. While a
      served all three purposes. Three
                                              hand or machine, 1⁄4 from the ditch,      few well placed stitches are sufficient
      sizes of red buttons were sewn on       or seam lines. Stitching can be done       to hold your quilt together, you may
      with the largest at the bottom to       1
                                               ⁄4 inside or outside of the pieced or    find that you enjoy the relaxing rhythm
      provide visual weight and lead the      appliquéd edge. This method is easier      of hand stitching.
      eye upward.

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                 Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 16
quilting for Beginners	                                                                    5   easy Quilt patterns

   quick  easy
                                                                                                           Adapted from
                                                                                                           Quilting Arts Magazine

   silhouette Quilts
                                                                                                           June/July 2011

  I ’ve always been drawn to portraiture. Silhouettes, in particular, hold
    my interest. I find it amazing how much a silhouette can look like the
   person portrayed even when all of the details have been removed.
                                                                                           face. Eliminate distractions by
                                                                                           having your subject stand in front
                                                                                           of a plain white wall or door.
                                                                                        Note: If you will be combining several
   For my latest project, I wanted a fresh    was looking to their left they were
                                                                                        people into a single project, hang a
   twist on a traditional black silhouette,   looking backwards, into the past,
                                                                                        gridded rotary-cutting mat on the wall
   so I decided to try some fun prints        perhaps reflecting or remembering.
                                                                                        and take individual photos. Make sure
   and favorite colors. When designing
   a silhouette, the direction the
   person faces is a matter of personal
                                              Directions                                each person stands the same distance
                                                                                        away from the gridded surface. Place
                                                                                        the camera on a tripod so it remains
   preference. I’ve read historical           C reatethe                                the same distance away from the wall,
   references where it was thought that       silhouette pattern                        too. This will make it easy to combine
   if the subject was looking to their        1.	 Take a profile (side view) picture
   right they were symbolically looking          of a loved one. Hold your camera
   forward, to the future. If the subject        at the same height as your subject’s           by   M aria E lkins

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                               Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 17
quilting for Beginners	                                                                             5   easy Quilt patterns

      materia l s
      •	Digital camera
      •	Photo-editing software
      •	Computer and printer
      •	Red gel pen
      •	Fabric (two contrasting colors for
        the quilt top)
      •	Fusible web (I use Lite Steam-A-
        Seam 2®.)
      •	Small, sharp scissors
      •	Iron and ironing surface
      •	Thread
      •	Sewing machine
      •	Batting
      •	Fabric for the backing and
      •	Gridded rotary-cutting mat
      •	Tripod

   the pictures in a digital photo-editing
   program, and it allows you to ensure
   that each person’s silhouette will be the
   correct size.

   2.	 Open your photo in the
      digital-editing program of your
      choice. Mirror the image, and
      size your picture as desired. Make
      sure you leave margins around
      the silhouette. If desired, you can
      digitally erase some or all of the
      background. (To combine multiple
                                               “Dawning” • 20 × 14 • Cotton fabric (hand-painted background), cotton batting;
      portraits, start with one image and      fused appliqué, machine stitched.
      paste the second image onto a new
      layer. Reduce the opacity on the         4.	 To create your silhouette pattern                your subject extend off the lower
      second image to 50%. If needed,              on the printout, outline your                    edge of your quilt or, if you want
      adjust the size of the images until          subject’s profile with a red gel pen.            a vintage look, draw a gentle “S”
      the grids match.)                            This is your chance to add subtle                curve that echoes the curve of the
                                                   facelifts or stylized hair curls. You            shoulder and flows down to the
   3.	 Print out your picture to the
                                                   will also need to decide how to                  front of your subject’s chest.
      desired size. (If you have multiple
                                                   deal with the neck and shoulders
      portraits, it may be easier to print
                                                   area. For instance, you can have
      each silhouette separately.)

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                         Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 18
quilting for Beginners	                                                                              5   easy Quilt patterns

                                                                                                  2.	 Cut a piece of fusible web slightly
                                                                                                     larger than your silhouette pattern.
                                                                                                     Remove one of the paper backings
                                                                                                     and fuse the webbing to the wrong
                                                                                                     side of the silhouette fabric. (If you
                                                                                                     are using a third fabric to create an
                                                                                                     outline, apply fusible web to the
                                                                                                     back of that fabric too.

                                                                                                  3.	 Remove the remaining paper
                                                                                                     backing from the applied fusible
                                                                                                     web. Using your hand, press the
                                                                                                     paper printout (with the marked
                                                                                                     red silhouette pattern) to the
                                                                                                     wrong side of your silhouette
                                                                                                     fabric. Do not iron.
                                                                                                  Tip: Pay attention to where you position
                                                                                                  the paper pattern on the fabric. You may
                                                                                                  want to position the eyes/nose/mouth
                                                                                                  area so it is not interrupted by specific
                                                                                                  designs on your fabric.

                                                                                                  4.	 Following the outer edge of your
                                                                                                     silhouette pattern, cut out the
                                                                                                     silhouette fabric. (If you are using
                                                                                                     a third fabric, position the
                                                                                                     cut-out silhouette fabric on the
                                                                                                     third fabric. Remove the paper
                                                                                                     pattern and fuse with a hot iron.
                                                                                                     Create an outline by cutting the
                                                                                                     third fabric 1⁄8 beyond the edge of
                                                                                                     the silhouette fabric.)

   “Stephanie” • 16 × 12 • Cotton fabric, cotton batting; fused appliqué, machine stitched.
                                                                                                  F use      and finish
                                                                                                  1.	 Position your silhouette on the
                                                                                                     background fabric. Fuse with a hot
   S electand prepare                                      the planned size of your finished
                                                           portrait quilt.
   the fabrics                                                                                    2.	 Prepare your quilt sandwich. Quilt
   1.	 Choose two contrasting fabrics.                 Tip: If you choose background and             and bind.
       Typically, the darker color will                foreground fabrics that have similar
       be the silhouette and the lighter               colors that merge, choose a third fabric
       color will be the background. Cut               to create an outline that will visually
       both fabrics about 3 larger than               separate the similar colors and add

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                         Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 19
quilting for Beginners	                                                                   5   easy Quilt patterns

   stitch this!
                                                                                                         Adapted from
                                                                                                         Quilting Arts Magazine
                                                                                                         June/July 2011

   free-motion quilting
   motifs to try
   B    eing a life-long doodler is one of the things that
        makes machine quilting so fun for me. Whether I’m
   watching TV, talking on the phone, or resting with a cup of
   coffee, I have a sketchbook and pencil in hand. We all have
   our own doodles inside us. I like to draw trees, flowers,
   hearts, and suns along with plenty of swirly designs. I’ve
   even found evidence of my swirly-centered, five-petal
   flowers on old schoolwork from high school.

   Doodling has led me to new and           having to knot off. In this
   expanded designs that I can interpret    third installment of my
   into freestyle machine quilting. I       column on free-motion
   know that if I can draw a design as a    stitching I invite you to                     Heart
   continuous line without having to lift   pick up your pencil, start
   my pencil, then I can quilt it without   doodling, and discover the designs
                                            waiting to be released.

      materia l s                           Beginner
      •	Sketchbook                          H earts                                    to give them a try. Get comfortable
      •	Pencil                              Stitched hearts are a great design for     with each design by doodling it first.
      •	Sewing machine with free-           baby quilts and can add a feminine
        motion capabilities                 touch to any project. Most of us can       D ouble          heart
      •	Free-motion or darning foot         easily draw a heart. You may like          The first stitched sample features
        (I use an open-toe foot.)           long, thin hearts or prefer thick, squat   meandering double hearts. Each set of
      •	Fabric                              hearts, or maybe your favorite style of    hearts is about 1 in size. Beginning
      •	Batting                             heart is somewhere in between. When        near the center of the area you want
      •	Pins                                stitching hearts, draw from the tip        to fill, stitch a small heart beginning at
      •	Thread (in various colors           (point) up rather than from the center     the pointed tip. Stitch up and around,
        contrasting with your fabrics)      cleft. Here are three variations of        then down slightly to form the cleft
      •	Marking tool (I use a Hera™         heart-based fillers just waiting for you   in the center of the heart. Then stitch
                                                                      by   H eather T homas

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                              Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 20
quilting for Beginners	                                                                    5   easy Quilt patterns

                                                                                         Spiral heart

    Double heart
                                              Large heart

                                                                                        positioned to stitch a second echoed
                                                                                        heart. Continue stitching echoed
                                                                                        hearts, linking and surrounding them
                                                                                        with loop-d-loops, until you have
                                                                                        filled the space. Strive for equal-sized
                                                                                        hearts stitched at various angles as
                                                                                        well as equal-sized loops and balanced
   back up and around and back down                                                     negative space.
   to where you started to form the tip
   of the heart. The first heart should be
                                             L arge       heart                         S piral       heart
                                             The second stitched sample features        The final heart design features larger,
   about 1/2 wide and a little taller.
                                             the same echoed heart shape, but           thicker hearts linked by spirals. Each
   Next, echo the heart along the            the hearts are larger (about 11/2–13/4   heart is about 11/2–2 in size and is
   outside edge, stitching in the opposite   in size), and instead of nestling the      about as wide as it is tall. To keep the
   direction and keeping the echo line       echoed hearts into each other, the         design looking neat and tidy, try to
   about 1/4 away from the original         echoed hearts are linked by                make the spirals about half the size of
   heart. Once the echo is complete,         loop-d-loops. Begin by stitching a set     the hearts.
   stitch a second small heart in the same   of echoed double hearts. Once you
   manner and echo it. Keep stitching                                                   Beginning at the tip (point) of a heart,
                                             have echoed the heart and are back at
   sets of hearts, nestling new hearts                                                  stitch up one side forming a very
                                             the tip, stitch away from the heart and
   between previously sewn ones, and                                                    round peak and a deep cleft; then
                                             form a loop that is about 1/4 in size.
   angling them in different directions.                                                stitch the second side of the heart. As
                                             Stitch away from the loop and form
   Strive to keep a similar distance for a                                              you reach the bottom tip of the heart,
                                             a second loop. Keep stitching small
   neat and tidy fill.                                                                  stitch a small spiral about the size of
                                             loops around the heart until you are

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                               Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 21
quilting for Beginners	                                                                     5   easy Quilt patterns

   a nickel. Leave space in the spiral to
   stitch back out again and complete the
   spiral. Once you are out of the spiral,
   stitch away and form another heart.
   Keep stitching thick hearts and using
   spirals to travel between them. Strive
   to keep the hearts about the same
   size with an equal amount of negative
   space between them.
                                             Basic flower

   F lowers
   The wonderful thing about flowers
   is that they are organic and therefore
   you don’t need to worry about each
   one looking exactly like the other—a
   misshaped petal is a natural thing. The
   example shows a basic flower, with a
   swirly center and five-pointed petals,
   stitched out in four slightly different
   ways. Doodle out each one before
   you begin stitching.

   B asic      flower
   To stitch out the basic flower, begin
   in the center and stitch a swirl about
   the size of a quarter. Once you have
   completed the center swirl, stitch                                                    are behind the other petals. To achieve
                                                                                         this effect requires some backtracking.
   the end of it into itself to close it          Basic flower
   up. Begin forming the first petal
   by stitching out and away from the
                                                                                         A sterisk         flower
                                             Take note of the other flowers shown.       An asterisk flower begins with an
   center and toward the right about 1;
                                             Each variation on the basic flower has      asterisk-like center surrounded by
   then begin angling toward the left,
                                             a different type of center and different-   elongated, round-ended petals. To
   stitching another 1 and then stop.
                                             shaped petals. The base of one flower       form the center, stitch a short line,
   Now stitch down and out to the back,
                                             has small circles that are stitched so      about 1/2; then double back to the
   toward the center, to form the second
                                             that they abut one another to form a        starting point. Stitch another short
   side of the petal. Strive to keep the
                                             larger, circular center. The petals are     line about 1/2 and a scant bit away
   base of each petal about the same
                                             long and narrow, with wavy edges, and       from the first line; then stitch back
   size (about 1⁄5 the circumference of
                                             some of the petals are nestled in such      to the starting point. Keep adding
   the center). Stitch the remaining four
                                             a way as to make them look as if they       doubled-up lines that radiate out
   petals in the same manner.
                                                                                         from the starting point until you have

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners                                Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 22
quilting for Beginners	                                        5   easy Quilt patterns

                                                                          Asterisk flower

   Variation on a basic flower

   formed the asterisk’s center. The petals
   that surround the center are about 2
   long and about 1⁄4 wide at the base
   and about 3⁄4 wide at the rounded

   Tip: You can doll up your flowers in so
   many ways! Flowers can be used as an
   allover design or as a focal point. In
   the detail (opposite far left), I stitched
   out loads of flowers and linked them
   together with stems and leaves. The
   design looks neat and tidy when the
   leaves are much smaller than the petals
   of the flowers.

  quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners   Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 23

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Qa beginners v3

  • 1. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns quilting for beginners: 5 Easy Quilt Patterns Plus Lessons on How to Quilt for Beginners 2 3 1 4 5 1 Branch and Bird Mini Quilt Series Candy Glendening 4 Quick and Easy Silhouette Quilts Maria Elkins 2 Small Felted Wool Quilts Morna Crites-Moore 5 Stitch This: Free-motion Quilting Motifs to Try 3 Heather Thomas Art Quilting Made Easy Lesley Riley quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 1 ©Interweave
  • 2. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns If you've wanted to learn how to quilt felted wool to make a patchwork design and but didn't know where to begin or didn't sew it by hand. It’s a fun, low-stress way to want to take on a big project, our new free learn to quilt. downloadable eBook, Quilting for In “Art Quilting Made Easy,” Lesley Riley quilting shows you how to make a simple quilt with Beginners: 5 Easy two easy quilt patterns and directions for for beginners: Quilt Patterns Plus making it your own. 5 easy quilt patterns Lessons on How to plus lessons on Quilt for Beginners, Maria Elkins, famous for her portrait quilts, how to quilt is for you! shows how to make “Quick and Easy Silhouette Quilts.” This easy quilt pattern for beginners The eBook offers you basic quilting is one that you can make and show off to Helen Gregory Editorial director family and friends with pride. techniques and Cate Coulacos editor advice from Finally, you will learn to quilt pretty quilt Prato some of the most experienced quilt artists stitching patterns from Heather Thomas in and teachers around. Each of the projects “Stitch This: Free-motion Quilting Motifs to creative services is small and manageable, just right for Try.” Larissa Davis Division Art Director beginning quilting, and the quilting how-to With Quilting for Beginners: 5 Easy Quilt Photographers Larry Stein information is easy to follow. Korday Studio Patterns Plus Lessons on How to Quilt for In “Branch and Bird Mini Quilt Series,” Beginners, you don’t have to wait to quilt any Projects and information are for inspira- Candy Glendening shows you how to make longer. It’s time to begin! tion and personal use only. Interweave small, simple, yet adorable quiltlets. These Press LLC is not responsible for any li- Warmly, ability arising from errors, omissions, or easy quilts offer a perfect way to try your mistakes contained in this eBook, and hand at simple construction, composition, readers should proceed cautiously, espe- and free-motion stitching. cially with respect to technical information. Vivika Hansen DeNegre Interweave grants permission to pho- Morna Crites-Moore’s “Small Felted Wool Editor, Quilting Arts Magazine tocopy any patterns published in this Quilts” make an easy beginning quilting issue for personal use only. texture project because you use small scraps of put more in your life all about create Quilting Arts Magazine® explores ideas, textiles, and techniques  perfect quilted circles related to embellished and contemporary art quilting. Inside, with Carol Taylor 5 color cloth ways to P. 52 you’ll find design inspiration, step-by-step directions, gorgeous PAINT photo­graphy, and motivation for developing your personal style, at PRINT DYE RUB all skill levels. Be inspired to STENCIL join our signature color challenge 800.406.5283 (U.S. Canada) 760.291.1519 (International) Quilting Arts Magazine®, P.O. Box 469087, Escondido, CA 92046-9350 quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 2 ©Interweave
  • 3. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns branch bird mini quilt series A s a quilter, I love taking small units and joining them together into larger compositions. But sometimes deciding which arrangement I like best can become overwhelming. This is one reason why I decided to create a series of mini quilts depicting a whole flock of wee birds sitting on branches. Making many small finished quilts allowed me to focus on the composition of each individual piece, and at the same time create a larger work that could be endlessly rearranged. I worked on the whole series at the same time, cutting out elements and trying them in different combinations before fusing them down. These mini quilts have a layer of both batting and stabilizer. The extra stiffness from the stabilizer makes them easy to hang, and it also gives an extra bit of dimension to the quilting lines. Whether you’d like to start working Directions Adapted from International Quilt Festival: Quilt Scene Winter 2011/2012 in a series, or you enjoy endless 1. Begin by selecting a group of rearrangement, creating your own fabrics that work well together. I batch of “Branch Bird” quilts is chose a series of jewel tones from easy and will provide you with a fun my stash of hand-dyed fabrics. exercise in creating compositions both These colors have plenty of by C andy G lendening small and large. value and hue contrast, and most importantly, made my heart sing when I looked at them all stacked quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 3 ©Interweave
  • 4. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns up together. From these fabrics, interfacing, leaving the paper of the background squares. Cut cut (10) 7 × 7 squares, 1 for each backing on the opposite side. several from different fabric mini quilt background. After the layers cool, cut (10) colors and begin placing them on 5 × 5 squares, 1 for each mini the backgrounds. When you are 2. Following the manufacturer’s quilt. happy with the layout and color instructions, apply the fusible web distribution of the branches, fuse to the wrong side of the remaining 4. On each 7 × 7 background them in place. fabrics; these will be used for the fabric square, center an appliqués and backing squares. interfacing/batting square 6. Remove the paper backing from Use pinking shears to cut (10) (batting-side down). There should the fusible interfacing. Outline the 41⁄2 × 41⁄2 backing squares, 1 for be a 1 border of fabric extending branches with each mini quilt; set these squares beyond the batting on all sides. free-motion machine sketching aside. Carefully flip the layers over and (see “Free-motion machine fuse-baste each fabric square in sketching”), stitching to the edges note: Remove the fusible web’s paper place with a small scrap of fusible of the background fabric. backing before cutting the backing web. squares and appliqué shapes. 7. To finish the edges of a mini 5. For the branch appliqués, cut quilt, place it right-side down on 3. Using a lot of steam and little arcs and simple forks long a pressing surface. Gently pull pressure, fuse the batting to enough to extend to the edges 1 corner of the extending fabric the rough side of the fusible quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 4 ©Interweave
  • 5. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns free-motion machine sketching What I call free-motion machine sketching is very similar to free-motion machine quilting: the feed dogs are down, you use a darning foot, and the needle goes fast while your hands move slowly. The difference is that when I‘m sketching, I am purposefully retracing my steps and trying to miss; this took some practice after years of trying to follow lines exactly. What I’m trying to emphasize here is that although I’m using a machine, the process is still created by my hands. I love the beautiful imperfection of a strong line that is created by drawing over and over— it’s just that my pencil is an electric sewing machine. varying 11. To finish the back of each mini the fabric quilt, center and fuse a colors. 41⁄2 × 41⁄2 backing square in Move place, covering the fabric edges them and thread ends. Use a needle around and embroidery floss to stitch the a hanging loop onto the back, different being careful to catch some of squares until the interfacing without stitching you’ve created several squares that through to the quilt front. to the back and tack it to the each combine a few of the hues in interfacing with your iron. Repeat 12. Display the mini quilts on your your palette in a different way. for the 3 remaining corners. wall in a long line or a grid. My Wrap the sides to the back and 9. When you’re happy with the favorite way to hang these little fuse them in place, being careful placement of the birds, fuse the guys is on some butcher’s twine to avoid touching the iron to top only of each bird in place. with wee clothespins that you can the exposed fusible glue of the Free-motion sketch the legs, find at any big craft store. They interfacing. Turn the mini quilt beginning and ending under the look so cute hanging in a row, right-side up and place it on the bottom of each bird. Fuse the rest and you can change their order backing paper you removed from of the bird in place, then free- however many times you’d like! the interfacing. Press the square, motion sketch an outline and eye let it cool, and peel it off the for each bird. backing paper. 10. Freehand cut a wing for each bird. 8. Now for the fun part—the birds! I It’s amazing how a small change freehand cut all my birds; they’re in the angle of the wing can make just 2 S-curved lines connected a sitting bird fly, so play around at both ends. A small change in with the placement a bit before the inflection point of the curve fusing. Fuse the wings in place. can make a bird with an entirely Free-motion sketch an outline different personality. Freehand cut around each wing. 1 or 2 birds for each mini quilt, quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 5 ©Interweave
  • 6. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns small Adapted from Quilting Arts Magazine felted wool June/July 2010 quilts recycling sweaters into hand-stitched artwork by M orna C rites -M oore quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 6 ©Interweave
  • 7. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns Previous page: “Dreams of Spring” • 51⁄2 × 5 “This is the twelfth item in my ‘Pieces of T Dreams’ series. Its colors represent the beginning blossoms of spring, the green grass, here is something about felted wool, made from old and the blue sky.” sweaters and other discarded articles of clothing, that speaks to my muse. Is it that the garments carry the stories of where they have been? materia l s I don’t know. I only know that once I have felted these garments, they • Wool sweaters in a variety of seem to speak to my hands; my mind disengages and I go with the flow. colors The process of making small quilts scraps with lovely buttons on top. It • Washing machine and dryer from felted wool pieces is very was time for more play, so I arranged • Laundry detergent meditative. The first one I made came and rearranged these squares. • Good quality shears about because I was playing with Eventually, I started sewing them to • Material for the background, scraps left over from other projects. a backing. I decided to call cut to about 2 larger than your I kept finding little pieces in colors these small quilts “Pieces finished piece, in a color that complements your wool sweaters that particularly pleased me, so I set of Dreams” because (I like to use a recycled sweater, them aside. Then I started playing that’s what creating a single piece of fulled wool, with these scraps, without any idea of them feels like. This or cotton fabric; use whatever what I was making. I just enjoyed the series is definitely material you like.) process: the choosing, the stitching, guided by an • Wool tapestry thread in multiple and the adorning. Soon I had quite a invisible colors (I use Paternayan® Persian collection of little stacks force. Wool Yarn.) of wool • Several tapestry needles • Embellishments of your choice: buttons, beads, jewels, or anything else that is small enough to stitch to the top of a 1 square • A thin piece of wool or batting for the middle layer • Material for the backing • Embroidery floss • Hand-sewing thread • A small piece of muslin for your label • A pen suitable for writing on fabric Optional • Foam board or corrugated cardboard quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 7 ©Interweave
  • 8. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns Directions 1. Decide on a color scheme for your project and start accumulating wool sweaters to fulfill your vision. The sweaters must be predominantly wool and they can’t be washable wool. They can, however, contain other materials. The more sweaters you collect, the better; the variations in color give these pieces much of their movement and charm. 2. Turning the sweaters into felted wool is a fairly simple process. Before washing your sweaters, cut them apart along the seam lines, then wash them in very hot water with laundry detergent, about four or five at a time. Be careful not to mix colors, because there are always sweaters that bleed. I Above: “Pale and Peaceful” • 7 × 7 • “I completed this piece a couple of years ago, but have since dismantled it and plan to add stitching to the squares. I have always envisioned it as being a perfect addition to a sweet baby’s room.” collecting Below: “When designing my small felted pieces, I like to pin the squares on a piece of foam the materials board or corrugated cardboard so I can easily fiddle with their placement until I find a composition that I like.” The most difficult aspect of making one of these little quilts may be collecting the raw materials. I get my old wool sweaters from a variety of sources: thrift stores, yard sales, friends, relatives, and the occasional stranger who hears about what I do and mails me a few sweaters that were destined for the rubbish bin. When I started making my felted wool items about 15 years ago, I had a sizeable collection of old buttons that I had been amassing since childhood. I quickly realized I needed to find another source. There are stores that sell antique buttons, such as the iconic Tender Buttons in New York City. Flea markets are another good source. I also attend the occasional button show, where vendors sell antique buttons. quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 8 ©Interweave
  • 9. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns “Sunset Dreams” • 6 × 6 • “This is the eleventh item in my ‘Pieces of Dreams’ series. While I stitched this little piece, I dreamed of the beautiful sunsets I see from my kitchen window: reds, pinks, blues, purples—a collection of colors stitched upon the sky. This piece is made from recycled sweaters, embellished with wool stitching and antique buttons, and has a silk border.” leave my washing machine lid in before allowing the machine to it is called fulling. Technically, what the open position, which causes it finish with rinsing and spinning. you will create is fulled wool; for the to stop at the end of the agitation sake of expediency, I refer to it as felted Note: The felting process happens cycle. I then reset it to start all over wool, a term that is much more widely when wool fibers are subjected to heat again, usually putting the sweaters recognized and understood. and agitation. When heat and agitation through about four agitation cycles are applied to knitted or woven wool, quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 9 ©Interweave
  • 10. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns 3. Dry the sweaters in the dryer, then 7. Next comes some fun with press them with a steam iron. stitching—this is the part of the process that I enjoy most. Using 4. Now you need to cut the squares, wool thread, add as many stitches some for the bases and some as you like, sewing through both that are slightly smaller. My base squares and/or just the base square. squares tend to be about 1, but My earlier pieces had no decorative you should choose whatever stitches, and I think they are size you prefer. To make “Sunset beautiful, but lately I am enjoying Dreams,” I cut 25 base squares and adding more and more stitches. 25 slightly smaller squares. I don’t use a template; I just eyeball it. 8. Once you have completed your Figure 1 decorative stitching, turn the 5. Put a small square atop each edges of the background material and background fabric, but be base square, choosing color under, leaving a small margin as hidden on the front. I stitch in a combinations that please your eye, the border. Add some decorative grid pattern so that the stitches are and stitch them together with an stitching to the border using hidden in the spaces between the embellishment (a button, a bead, embroidery floss; this stitching will squares. etc.) on top. also secure the folded edge. 11. Your little quilt is now finished. 6. Now it’s time to play with your 9. Turn the little quilt over so it is Add a signature label by writing wooly squares. Arrange and lying face down (Figure 1), and your name and date on a piece of rearrange them until you have a lay your chosen middle layer onto muslin and stitching it to the back pattern that suits you. I usually the back. Then place the backing of the piece. do this on a piece of foam board fabric, turning its edges under. or corrugated cardboard (you can also use a table or tray), so I can 10. Stitch around the edge of the easily pin the squares in place. backing, securing it to the Then I transfer the squares to background material, and then my background material, one at add additional stitches using a time. I sew the squares to the ordinary thread to hold the three background with just a couple layers together. These stitches, of stitches that I hide under the which add necessary substance to button. This step is just to secure the piece, should go through the everything in place. backing fabric, middle material, quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 10 ©Interweave
  • 11. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns art quilting by L esley R iley “Thinking Chair” • 7 × 12 Adapted from Quilting Arts Magazine Fall 2004 quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 11 ©Interweave
  • 12. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns S omething has kept you from making an art quilt. Maybe it’s the word “art” that has Don’t let a lack of stopped you. Perhaps the endless products and embellishments seem overwhelming. Whatever formal training hold you the reason, there is only one solution—just begin. With a few back. The most important simple tools, a little fabric, and a desire to play, you can create a small art quilt of your own design. quality that you can An art quilt is an expression of your own individuality. It can draw on bring to your art quilt is traditional patterns and techniques, but the end result is a totally new—unique to you—design. The your own vision. beads, paints, transfers and other applications are there for your use if the spirit moves you—if not, save important quality that you can bring 2. The quilt top is created by one of them for another day. In fact, because to your art quilt is your own vision. three methods: piecing, appliqué, art quilts are not meant for “use,” Good workmanship is important, but or whole cloth. and therefore will not be washed, it should not inhibit your creativity, 3. The three layers are held together you are free to experiment with non- especially when you are just starting by stitching, tying, or fusing. traditional methods and materials. out. Perfectionism should not be There is no right or wrong. pursued at the expense of creativity, You do not need to own a sewing learning, and enjoying yourself. I machine to make your first art quilt. To get you started, I will lead you like to tell my students, “If you’re not Just like our ancestors, you can sew through the processes I used to make having fun, you’re doing something your quilt entirely by hand. But unlike two small and simple art quilts. When wrong.” Confidence, certainty, and those women before us, you can you are ready to move on to bigger, expertise come from doing what you now create a quilt entirely by fusing. more complex things, there are many love over and over and over again. So Fusing is a term for joining fabric excellent resources available. You let’s begin. using an adhesive material that is may even decide you want to take a activated by heat from an iron. Quilt class on design or learn about specific Art quilts generally follow the fabrics backed with a sheet of fusible quilting techniques that will enhance same construction techniques as a webbing, such as Wonder Under, can your new passion. But keep this in traditional quilt: be fused together to create a no-sew mind—many wonderful art quilts 1. The quilt is composed of three art quilt. Optional hand-stitching can have been created by self-taught artists layers: top, batting, and backing, add depth and detail. and quilters. Don’t let a lack of formal also known as a quilt “sandwich.” training hold you back. The most quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 12 ©Interweave
  • 13. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns Appliquéd quilt 1. I scanned and printed an old photo 5. I used a simple finishing method materia l s onto fabric treated for ink-jet to create the outer border, one that printers. also serves as the quilt backing and • An assortment of fabrics in edge finish: Cut a piece of batting coordinating colors 2. Using the photo as a starting 2.5 inches larger than finished • Ink-jet printer fabric point, I chose a blue background quilt top. Cut backing fabric 3 • Copyright-free image fabric as the base for my appliqué larger on all sides than quilt top. because blue is complimentary • Scanner Place backing fabric right side to the orange in the photo and it • Ink-jet printer down, with batting on top. Fold provided a good, strong contrast. • Straight pins backing fabric to front, mitering Three other fabrics in blue and • Fabric scissors (Scissors that orange tones were layered behind corners as if wrapping a package. have been used to cut paper may Iron down. Place quilt top on top. be too dull for fabric cutting) the photo to offset it from the background, and the composition 6. I removed the paper backing from • Wonder Under was pinned in place. I tucked small the Wonder Undered strips and • Batting (commercial batting, flannel, or felt) pieces of my chosen border fabrics slid them under the quilt top edges under the image to visually pull and on top of the folded-over • Hand-sewing needle or sewing machine the outside edges of the quilt in backing fabric to mimic a border. • Embellishments  towards the photo. To form the border, I sandwiched the strips of fabric with Wonder 3. Using a straight stitch and my Under on them between the quilt sewing machine, I stitched down Appliqué is a French word meaning top edges and the folded-over all of the fabric layers to the “to apply.” In an appliquéd quilt, small backing fabric, then ironed them background fabric, starting with pieces of fabric are applied to a larger, in place. the image and working outward. background fabric by sewing or fusing. I started with the topmost layer, 7. I stitched the quilt top to the Shapes can be recognizable, such as and stitched the exposed edges of batting and backing with a straight a door or tree, geometric, or simply every layer. This secured all layers stitch going around the edges of freeform shapes. Traditionally, any underneath. This construction the quilt top and again around the fabric that lies under another piece of technique is similar to paper plaid borders. fabric and is not seen is trimmed away collage. to reduce bulk when hand quilting. 8. To give the completed quilt a nice With my appliqué method, I find that 4. To mimic a border, I ironed finished edge, I stitched around all trimming is not necessary. To prevent Wonder Under to the back of four sides of the quilt 1/4 in from layers of fabric from slipping, I use the plaid fabric (a commercial the finished edge, with a second a walking foot attachment on my fabric consisting of already pieced line of stitching 1/4 inside of the sewing machine. A walking foot is an plaids.) Cut four strips, each 1.5 first line of stitching. attachment or a built-in feature on your wide by the length of each side of 9. I appliquéd a vintage leaf to the sewing machine that feeds the fabric the quilt top plus an additional two lower left corner of the image, with layers evenly through the machine and inches in length to make sure they the tip of the leaf directing the prevents the layers from slipping. If you overlap at the corners. eye towards the child’s face in the do not have a walking foot, use more photo. pins to prevent slipping or puckering, or fuse all layers before machine stitching. quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 13 ©Interweave
  • 14. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns Move Over Moon” • 9 × 14 quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 14 ©Interweave
  • 15. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns Whole cloth quilt materia l s • Cotton canvas or muslin • Copyright-free image • Scanner • Ink-jet printer • Transparency • Golden Acrylic Matte Medium • 1 foam brush • Golden Quinacridone Gold Fluid Acrylic • Fabric scissors (Scissors that have been used to cut paper may be too dull for fabric cutting.) • Backing and binding fabric • Batting (commercial batting, flannel, or felt) • Wonder Under • Hand-sewing needle and thread • Buttons or embellishments • Sewing machine (optional) In a whole cloth quilt the emphasis is on the surface design of the fabric and/ or the quilting stitches. Using paint, stamps, screening or transfers, a plain piece of fabric can be transformed into a work of art. The addition of quilting completes the overall design. 1. I scanned a favorite photo of mine 3. I chose to machine stitch a red 5. I layered the backing fabric, into my computer and printed it line around the images to add batting, and quilt top to form the onto an ink-jet transparency. definition. This could have been quilt sandwich. 2. The image was transferred to fabric hand-stitched or omitted. 6. I ironed Wonder Under onto the by applying acrylic medium to 4. Using the fluid acrylic, I randomly binding fabric. Four strips were the fabric, laying the inked side added color to the quilt top, cut the length of the quilt sides of the transparency down on the leaving the paint concentrated plus 1. Before removing the paper fabric and burnishing the image to in some areas and adding backing, the strips were folded in transfer the ink to the fabric. water to thin it out to make it more half and ironed. The backing paper subtle in others. was removed and the strips were quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 15 ©Interweave
  • 16. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns no - sew quiltmaking A Few Words About Quilting Originally, small closely spaced than free-form or free-motion quilting You can make an appliquéd quilting stitches were necessary to and adds dimension and definition to art quilt without ever taking keep loose cotton batting from shifting your quilt top. a stitch. Fusing is a method around between the quilt layers. Two very simple methods that are that joins fabrics together Naturally these early quilters wanted perfect for anyone new to sewing or their stitching to be as attractive someone who does not have a sewing using a heat-activated bonding as their piecing and appliqué were, machine are tying and button-quilting. material. A paper-backed and they designed patterns for their Tying a quilt is as easy as tying your fusible is ironed to the back of stitches to take. The care and attention shoe, but you do have to know how fabric. You can draw designs on put into these stitches later became to thread a needle. A heavier thread, the paper backing, or cut out the basis for judging workmanship and like Pearl cotton or embroidery floss, free-form shapes. Remove the mastery of the craft. is usually used. Starting from the top paper backing from the fabric Quilting stitches also added another put the needle and thread through the dimension to what is basically a quilt top to the back leaving a 4 tail and following manufacturer’s two-dimensional surface and often of thread. Come back through to the directions, iron to another piece complimented the design of the front, close to your original stitch, and of fabric to fuse them together. piecing and appliqué. With today’s tie a double knot in the two thread technology in manufacturing, batting tails. Using decorative thread, or Fusible batting allows you to no longer needs to be stitched at such thread in a contrasting color can add adhere your quilt layers together close and regular intervals. Many another element to the overall quilt simply by ironing. Strips of manufacturers now recommend design. fusible-backed fabric can be stitching only every 6 to12 inches. To button-quilt your quilt, sew on folded and ironed over the quilt Today’s quilters have the choice of buttons in a random or planned edges to bind the quilt. Voila! using quilting stitches as an integral pattern, stitching through all three You have created a quilt without part of their overall quilt design or layers of the quilt sandwich. You can sewing a stitch. purely for functional purposes. If hide your knots under the buttons. The you love to hand stitch, a small art color of the buttons can be subdued to quilt can serve as a canvas for your blend in, or serve as an element of the stitching. Perhaps you want to use a overall design as in the quilt opposite. ironed to fuse the binding to the machine, but are afraid of “ruining” And last, but not least, the easiest quilt edges. Any additional fabric your quilt; you can use simple straight- and most portable method, called at the corners was trimmed away. stitch quilting methods. Stitch-in-the- stippling, is to quilt by taking random ditch hides your machine stitching stitches across the surface of the 7. I chose to quilt this whole cloth in the ditch, or junction, where quilt with a matching, contrasting or quilt by sewing on buttons (button- two fabrics are joined together. By decorative thread. These randomly quilting.) This was a decision I had following these seam lines, you can scattered stitches are similar to the tied made once the image transfer and add dimension to the quilt surface method, but without the loose hanging painting was completed. I wanted and secure the quilt layers together. thread tails. Pieced quilts and appliqué an additional dimension and more Stitching-in-the-ditch can also be can be enhanced by background done by hand. stippling. Many close stitches tend to visual interest for this simple quilt top, plus more color. The buttons Another simple quilting method, called depress the background and cause the outline method, is to stitch by unstitched shapes to puff up. While a served all three purposes. Three hand or machine, 1⁄4 from the ditch, few well placed stitches are sufficient sizes of red buttons were sewn on or seam lines. Stitching can be done to hold your quilt together, you may with the largest at the bottom to 1 ⁄4 inside or outside of the pieced or find that you enjoy the relaxing rhythm provide visual weight and lead the appliquéd edge. This method is easier of hand stitching. eye upward. quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 16 ©Interweave
  • 17. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns quick easy Adapted from Quilting Arts Magazine silhouette Quilts June/July 2011 I ’ve always been drawn to portraiture. Silhouettes, in particular, hold my interest. I find it amazing how much a silhouette can look like the person portrayed even when all of the details have been removed. face. Eliminate distractions by having your subject stand in front of a plain white wall or door. Note: If you will be combining several For my latest project, I wanted a fresh was looking to their left they were people into a single project, hang a twist on a traditional black silhouette, looking backwards, into the past, gridded rotary-cutting mat on the wall so I decided to try some fun prints perhaps reflecting or remembering. and take individual photos. Make sure and favorite colors. When designing a silhouette, the direction the person faces is a matter of personal Directions each person stands the same distance away from the gridded surface. Place the camera on a tripod so it remains preference. I’ve read historical C reatethe the same distance away from the wall, references where it was thought that silhouette pattern too. This will make it easy to combine if the subject was looking to their 1. Take a profile (side view) picture right they were symbolically looking of a loved one. Hold your camera forward, to the future. If the subject at the same height as your subject’s by M aria E lkins quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 17 ©Interweave
  • 18. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns materia l s • Digital camera • Photo-editing software • Computer and printer • Red gel pen • Fabric (two contrasting colors for the quilt top) • Fusible web (I use Lite Steam-A- Seam 2®.) • Small, sharp scissors • Iron and ironing surface • Thread • Sewing machine • Batting • Fabric for the backing and binding Optional • Gridded rotary-cutting mat • Tripod the pictures in a digital photo-editing program, and it allows you to ensure that each person’s silhouette will be the correct size. 2. Open your photo in the digital-editing program of your choice. Mirror the image, and size your picture as desired. Make sure you leave margins around the silhouette. If desired, you can digitally erase some or all of the background. (To combine multiple “Dawning” • 20 × 14 • Cotton fabric (hand-painted background), cotton batting; portraits, start with one image and fused appliqué, machine stitched. paste the second image onto a new layer. Reduce the opacity on the 4. To create your silhouette pattern your subject extend off the lower second image to 50%. If needed, on the printout, outline your edge of your quilt or, if you want adjust the size of the images until subject’s profile with a red gel pen. a vintage look, draw a gentle “S” the grids match.) This is your chance to add subtle curve that echoes the curve of the facelifts or stylized hair curls. You shoulder and flows down to the 3. Print out your picture to the will also need to decide how to front of your subject’s chest. desired size. (If you have multiple deal with the neck and shoulders portraits, it may be easier to print area. For instance, you can have each silhouette separately.) quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 18 ©Interweave
  • 19. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns 2. Cut a piece of fusible web slightly larger than your silhouette pattern. Remove one of the paper backings and fuse the webbing to the wrong side of the silhouette fabric. (If you are using a third fabric to create an outline, apply fusible web to the back of that fabric too. 3. Remove the remaining paper backing from the applied fusible web. Using your hand, press the paper printout (with the marked red silhouette pattern) to the wrong side of your silhouette fabric. Do not iron. Tip: Pay attention to where you position the paper pattern on the fabric. You may want to position the eyes/nose/mouth area so it is not interrupted by specific designs on your fabric. 4. Following the outer edge of your silhouette pattern, cut out the silhouette fabric. (If you are using a third fabric, position the cut-out silhouette fabric on the third fabric. Remove the paper pattern and fuse with a hot iron. Create an outline by cutting the third fabric 1⁄8 beyond the edge of the silhouette fabric.) “Stephanie” • 16 × 12 • Cotton fabric, cotton batting; fused appliqué, machine stitched. F use and finish 1. Position your silhouette on the background fabric. Fuse with a hot S electand prepare the planned size of your finished portrait quilt. iron. the fabrics 2. Prepare your quilt sandwich. Quilt 1. Choose two contrasting fabrics. Tip: If you choose background and and bind. Typically, the darker color will foreground fabrics that have similar be the silhouette and the lighter colors that merge, choose a third fabric color will be the background. Cut to create an outline that will visually both fabrics about 3 larger than separate the similar colors and add contrast. quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 19 ©Interweave
  • 20. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns stitch this! Adapted from Quilting Arts Magazine June/July 2011 free-motion quilting motifs to try B eing a life-long doodler is one of the things that makes machine quilting so fun for me. Whether I’m watching TV, talking on the phone, or resting with a cup of coffee, I have a sketchbook and pencil in hand. We all have our own doodles inside us. I like to draw trees, flowers, hearts, and suns along with plenty of swirly designs. I’ve even found evidence of my swirly-centered, five-petal flowers on old schoolwork from high school. Doodling has led me to new and having to knot off. In this expanded designs that I can interpret third installment of my into freestyle machine quilting. I column on free-motion know that if I can draw a design as a stitching I invite you to Heart continuous line without having to lift pick up your pencil, start my pencil, then I can quilt it without doodling, and discover the designs waiting to be released. materia l s Beginner • Sketchbook H earts to give them a try. Get comfortable • Pencil Stitched hearts are a great design for with each design by doodling it first. • Sewing machine with free- baby quilts and can add a feminine motion capabilities touch to any project. Most of us can D ouble heart • Free-motion or darning foot easily draw a heart. You may like The first stitched sample features (I use an open-toe foot.) long, thin hearts or prefer thick, squat meandering double hearts. Each set of • Fabric hearts, or maybe your favorite style of hearts is about 1 in size. Beginning • Batting heart is somewhere in between. When near the center of the area you want • Pins stitching hearts, draw from the tip to fill, stitch a small heart beginning at • Thread (in various colors (point) up rather than from the center the pointed tip. Stitch up and around, contrasting with your fabrics) cleft. Here are three variations of then down slightly to form the cleft • Marking tool (I use a Hera™ heart-based fillers just waiting for you in the center of the heart. Then stitch Marker.) by H eather T homas quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 20 ©Interweave
  • 21. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns Spiral heart Double heart Large heart positioned to stitch a second echoed heart. Continue stitching echoed hearts, linking and surrounding them with loop-d-loops, until you have filled the space. Strive for equal-sized hearts stitched at various angles as well as equal-sized loops and balanced back up and around and back down negative space. to where you started to form the tip of the heart. The first heart should be L arge heart S piral heart The second stitched sample features The final heart design features larger, about 1/2 wide and a little taller. the same echoed heart shape, but thicker hearts linked by spirals. Each Next, echo the heart along the the hearts are larger (about 11/2–13/4 heart is about 11/2–2 in size and is outside edge, stitching in the opposite in size), and instead of nestling the about as wide as it is tall. To keep the direction and keeping the echo line echoed hearts into each other, the design looking neat and tidy, try to about 1/4 away from the original echoed hearts are linked by make the spirals about half the size of heart. Once the echo is complete, loop-d-loops. Begin by stitching a set the hearts. stitch a second small heart in the same of echoed double hearts. Once you manner and echo it. Keep stitching Beginning at the tip (point) of a heart, have echoed the heart and are back at sets of hearts, nestling new hearts stitch up one side forming a very the tip, stitch away from the heart and between previously sewn ones, and round peak and a deep cleft; then form a loop that is about 1/4 in size. angling them in different directions. stitch the second side of the heart. As Stitch away from the loop and form Strive to keep a similar distance for a you reach the bottom tip of the heart, a second loop. Keep stitching small neat and tidy fill. stitch a small spiral about the size of loops around the heart until you are quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 21 ©Interweave
  • 22. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns a nickel. Leave space in the spiral to stitch back out again and complete the spiral. Once you are out of the spiral, stitch away and form another heart. Keep stitching thick hearts and using spirals to travel between them. Strive to keep the hearts about the same size with an equal amount of negative space between them. Basic flower Intermediate F lowers The wonderful thing about flowers is that they are organic and therefore you don’t need to worry about each one looking exactly like the other—a misshaped petal is a natural thing. The example shows a basic flower, with a swirly center and five-pointed petals, stitched out in four slightly different ways. Doodle out each one before you begin stitching. B asic flower To stitch out the basic flower, begin in the center and stitch a swirl about the size of a quarter. Once you have completed the center swirl, stitch are behind the other petals. To achieve this effect requires some backtracking. the end of it into itself to close it Basic flower up. Begin forming the first petal by stitching out and away from the A sterisk flower Take note of the other flowers shown. An asterisk flower begins with an center and toward the right about 1; Each variation on the basic flower has asterisk-like center surrounded by then begin angling toward the left, a different type of center and different- elongated, round-ended petals. To stitching another 1 and then stop. shaped petals. The base of one flower form the center, stitch a short line, Now stitch down and out to the back, has small circles that are stitched so about 1/2; then double back to the toward the center, to form the second that they abut one another to form a starting point. Stitch another short side of the petal. Strive to keep the larger, circular center. The petals are line about 1/2 and a scant bit away base of each petal about the same long and narrow, with wavy edges, and from the first line; then stitch back size (about 1⁄5 the circumference of some of the petals are nestled in such to the starting point. Keep adding the center). Stitch the remaining four a way as to make them look as if they doubled-up lines that radiate out petals in the same manner. from the starting point until you have quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 22 ©Interweave
  • 23. quilting for Beginners 5 easy Quilt patterns Asterisk flower Variation on a basic flower formed the asterisk’s center. The petals that surround the center are about 2 long and about 1⁄4 wide at the base and about 3⁄4 wide at the rounded end. Tip: You can doll up your flowers in so many ways! Flowers can be used as an allover design or as a focal point. In the detail (opposite far left), I stitched out loads of flowers and linked them together with stems and leaves. The design looks neat and tidy when the leaves are much smaller than the petals of the flowers. quilting for beginners: 5 easy quilt patterns for beginners Q u i lt i n g D A ILY. c o m 23 ©Interweave