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The Pursuit
of Social
How marketers are using social display
to build brand love&grow business
I love your brand.
A love letter and social media content might seem like an odd couple
at first glance—but love works in mysterious ways. They have more
in common than you’d think.
The intention of a love letter is to persuade, to spark a shared emotion or action from the recipient.
Thoughtful attention is poured into its creation. The author shows vulnerability by declaring their
adoration to the recipient. If the gesture is more about the bravado of the sender, it feels hollow. To
have a real impact, the letter focuses on the importance of the recipient and their hopeful role in the
possibility of a shared connection.
Brands should take inspiration from the tenets of a love letter when they communicate with their
customers. Marketers can unlock the value of users’ social media content by using it to attract other
consumers in an authentic and trustworthy way. In short, social media persuades.
Like a needle in a haystack, finding the right “one” is hard but worthwhile. Similarly with social,
finding the most persuasive social content in a sea of feeds is challenging—but the results can be
dramatic. At Wayin, we’ve played “matchmaker” for hundreds of brands—ranging from the world’s
largest retailers and media companies to professional sports franchises—helping them to find
the customers that love them most, and providing a platform that spreads the love and engages a
broader audience.
Where does a love letter fit in in the modern age? Technology has dissolved communication barriers
and blurred the boundaries of marketing. We asked a group about their perception of love letters.
While there was some skepticism, what we heard revealed that the desire for genuine and personal
human connection remains. Today’s top brands recognize this is pivotal to how they should
communicate with consumers. Maybe this means we haven’t become too cynical—we are still open
to being wooed, just in ever-evolving ways that speak to our intuitive human interests.
What’s in a love letter?
a Wayin marketing admirer
According to the Word of Mouth Marketing Association,
81% of U.S. consumers are influenced by a friend’s
social media posts. Social media persuades for a simple
reason: people trust other people more than branded
messages or advertising campaigns. But, despite a
widespread understanding of the marketing potential of
social media, many businesses still do not have a grasp
on how to leverage social in an effective way that drives
measureable return.
Creating a social media presence just for the sake of
“being social” has never been enough to drive goals
like increasing awareness—much less achieve sales
transactions and long-term loyalty. Too often brands go
through the motions, executing social media activities
rather than strategic efforts tied to overall business
goals. Nor do they ask how social media can be used
in ways that actually persuade consumers. Rather than
creating standalone social strategies that rely on brand-
centric activity, the need has evolved to create marketing
strategies that harness the most persuasive force of social
media: consumer-driven messages.
Just as historical suitors like Don Juan became infamous
for their disingenuous acts of bravado, brands now face
the same reality of needing to reach their audience in
more authentic, less self-centered ways. A brand’s “love
letter” to consumers risks the classic flaw of bragging
about the author versus focusing on the recipient’s needs.
Instead, taking the time to understand organic social
conversations and trends can reveal details around what
will attract a specific audience—such as timely interests,
messaging, geolocation trends and who influences their
“Social media persuades
for a simple reason:
people trust other
people more than
branded messages.”
“What’s love got to do, got to do with it?
What’s love but a sweet old-fashioned notion”
- Tina Turner
interests. With this precise intelligence, marketers can
both recognize the most compelling social content and
use it as authentic marketing messaging that builds
increased interest, trust and action of like-minded
Successful marketers are reaching buyers through a
two-part strategy: (1) finding and understanding the
right social audiences and trends; and (2) displaying
this highly relevant social content created by everyday
people in ways that persuade brand interest. The
audience-centric approach of social display also creates
a scalable, personalized marketing strategy. One-to-one
social outreach may be suitable for customer care. But
marketers need to refocus on how social content can
enhance their overall marketing strategy by integrating
social content from actual consumers to prompt
increased interest and action.
Marketers have long known they can’t rely on any single
channel for communication. Social display removes the
constraints of “social only activity” which rarely surface
in social feeds and almost never drive measureable
marketing return. A social display strategy allows
businesses to integrate persuasive social content on any
digital channel to expand reach, activate audiences, drive
more revenue and promote loyalty.
Table of contents
“The audience-centric approach of
social display creates a scalable,
personalized marketing strategy.”
Defining social display
A timeline of social display
Examples of brands using social persuasion
Key features of a modern social display
Social display is the act of integrating user-generated
social content into digital campaigns, event activations
and branded marketing channels. This includes the
dynamic display of social content on branded websites,
screens during live events, in-store displays, TV
broadcasts, corporate websites, Jumbotrons, digital
billboards, or live TV commercials. Strategic and intelligent
use of social display requires brands to understand the
breakdown of the best and most relevant social content
in order to capitalize on its persuasive power.
Traditionally, marketers have invested creativity and
resources to produce exciting, topical marketing
initiatives. However, the related “social strategy” is often
separated from overall marketing activities and their
intended business objectives. This results in siloed efforts
with inconsistent returns. And these social tactics seldom
put audience interests first.
Today’s consumers expertly navigate and digest ever-
changing digital content—and they award their attention
to marketing messages that authentically address their
real-time interests. Consumers are looking for brands
to communicate in more personal ways. Furthermore,
they’re more interested in brands that other consumers
recommend and support.
The intent of social display is to support a brand’s
positioning or promotion with genuine user content
to earn trust and drive action. User-generated content
elevates the persuasiveness of marketing by using
the actual voice of target audiences to enhance brand
messages. What’s more, this content isn’t limited by
channel—it’s flexible and dynamic enough to fit into
nearly every brand touchpoint.
Marketers must now be agile and able to source the
most precise social content to support their marketing
objectives. Surfacing the best content, from the most
relevant consumers, and displaying it in the right place
is pivotal. The right capabilities mean that social display
can anchor strategic efforts to achieve four critical
marketing goals:
In marketing, everything old is new again. With roots in
the earliest forms of communication, social display is the
next evolution in the pursuit of social persuasion.
Expand Reach
Activate Audiences
Generate Revenue
Build Loyalty
“What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any
other name would smell as sweet.”
- Shakespeare, Romeo + Juliet
Defining social display
What’s in a name?
Persuasion has always been a fundamental element of socializing, and visuals
are its natural companion. From the earliest newspaper illustrations to today’s
complex world of trending Twitter hashtags, the notion of using visual content
to persuade has continued to evolve. Here’s a look at how individuals, marketers
and brands have leaned on display through the course of time to woo and
persuade their intended.
A timeline of social display
Then & now:
Early forms of news and entertainment, like newspapers
and radio shows, introduced brands to the idea of a
captive audience. Marketers could reach mass groups
of consumers with broad messaging and promotion.
Newspapers and TV depicted current events in such a
compelling and trustworthy way that they ultimately
shaped public perceptions. As a result, consumers were
conditioned to accept placed advertisements in media
with confidence.
In the “Romantic Marketing Era,” brands could disseminate
clever and creative campaigns to a wide audience.
Companies focused on broadcasting messages for mass
reach and awareness, rather than incorporating personal
interests of consumers into their positioning.
Calling all romantics
An Indian emperor
constructed the Taj Mahal as a gesture of devotion to his late
wife. The structure took 17 years and countless laborers to
build. It’s questionable if the monument speaks more to his
wife’s virtues or the power and wealth of the emperor.
At this point, brands had a one-sided
relationship with their audience. It
was the equivalent of shouting their
love from a rooftop.
“I think we live in a cynical, hyper
fast-paced time for romance. You
can always be looking for someone,
talking to someone, etc. I miss the
thought, the care and the effort it
takes to really date someone.”
Marketers take to mass media to reach general audiences.
Developments in technology furthered the coercive relationship between
brands and consumers. Simply put, brands had greater and more direct
access to audiences. Technologies like BBS (Bulletin Broadcast System)
servers led to the first-ever email and online chat platforms. This gave
individuals the ability to communicate, uncensored, with almost anyone. As
the public adopted email into their daily routine, savvy marketers quickly
realized ways to digitally mass
communicate. Evolving with digital,
advertisers purchased banner space
on websites to reach key consumer
groups in relevant places.
Online behavior revealed audience
information, allowing marketers
to further understand consumer
demographics. This paved the way
for “targeted” display advertising at a
conversion rate much higher than TV
and radio. But audience autonomy
increased as well. Audiences now
had more choice of where to consume information and a better ability
to deflect brand communications. Advertising strategies like subscription
incentives and special offers through email marketing show that brands
acknowledged this increased selectiveness.
Marketers take better aim, but audiences deflect.
He loves me, he loves me not
Lloyd Dobler
holding the stereo above his
head in Say Anything is one of
the most emblematic romance
images of our time. Lloyd is
broadcasting his grand gesture
for all the world to hear and
see, but his intention is to woo
Diane. This is his last-ditch
effort because Diane’s world is
getting bigger after graduation
and she has the opportunity to
outgrow him.
“Now [a love
letter] just seems
a bit contrived?
What about a love
email? Or what
about FaceTime?
I take FaceTime
over a love letter
any day.”
In these early days of targeted Internet marketing,
brands could reach consumers more strategically, but
lack of personalization caused the public to push back.
The introduction of social channels like Friendster,
MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter allowed anyone
to create content and demonstrate their preferences. The
nature of the Internet shifted as individuals became the
core producers of content. This trend highlighted content
such as blog entries, status updates and photo sharing—
all of which consumers used to voice their perspectives
and opinions. Blogs and new media were accessible to
anyone, but the best profiles gained large followings and
became incredibly influential.
Where did brands fit in? They strived to engage customers
and brand advocates through social media publishing.
As more niche and complex social networks emerged
(i.e., Instagram, Pinterest, Vine and Snapchat), each one
served as a segmented way for marketers to connect
with audiences. But traditional brand outreach no longer
resonated. It did not react quickly enough to the real-time
nature of social conversation, and it remained brand-
centric with content “for the brand, and by the brand.”
Online dating
gave people the means to advertise themselves to an
exponential audience. Some romantics invested countless
hours crafting profiles and writing digital love letters.
Other users poisoned the well because they thrived on
accumulating superficial attachments. This resulted in most
users becoming cynical about whether this technology could
lead to genuine, long-term relationships.
User-generated content flourishes. Brands strive to fit in.
During this sea change of interactive
communications, most brands applied
the same dated approach of blanketed
brand messaging to online audiences.
So many fish in the sea
“Conceptually, I like the
idea of love letters. In
reality, they are cowardly
cop-outs to hearing or
seeing my response.”
As social media surged in popularity, people began to form communities
and group themselves by preferences. The sheer volume of user-generated
content meant that much of what was produced by brands was passed up
by consumers in search of content and recommendations from peers and
influencers. To stay competitive, brands invested resources to produce high-
quality content that resonated with a
more targeted audience.
The use of trending topics, tagging and
keywords revealed what resonated. By
identifying what key audiences were
paying attention to and making this the
focus of discussion, marketers could
now engage with relevant messaging in
real time. Brands began to realize that
their content was getting lost in the on-
platform feeds of Facebook and Twitter
alike. To supplement reach, brands
aggregated social media content and integrated it into their owned sites.
Digital marketers experimented with live social feeds, Twitter Q&As and
leveraging trending topics and major events to enter into the conversation
and capture the attention of consumers. The most successful brands took
advantage of real-time moments to reach consumers on social media while
they were most likely to be paying attention—such as Oreo’s now famous
Twitter response to the 2013 Super Bowl light outage.
Consumers take control of content. Brands take a back seat.
Total eclipse of the heart
“Whatever you ‘put’
into a love letter
doesn’t really
matter because
the writer has
already deemed it
as such.”
In this early but meaningful step towards social
persuasion, brands embrace consumer advocates and
wonder if there is a reliable formula for social strategy.
and extravagant,
a lover proposes with a
choreographed musical number
involving significant people and
places. These videos usually
capitalize on the cameos of
friends, showing that the
proposer is in touch with what
matters to the recipient. But
the numbers rely on flash
and theatricality to convince
the recipient rather than an
intimate connection between
two people.
Today’s brands are no longer only focused on achieving
visibility on social media—they want to connect social
engagement to consumer actions. As each era before
demonstrated, brands’ knowledge about their audience
increased in tandem with their need to elevate the
sophistication of their content. Social display has
provided the solution to this. The most convincing
testament of a brand is not only exposing the interest
of another consumer but also packaging it in an
engaging and interactive way.
Brand persuasion has evolved from broadcasting a
generalized message to captive audiences to using the
voice of the consumer to speak on behalf of brands.
Consumers so highly value authenticity and quality
of content, and brands now know they must merge
audience trends and organic content to convince today’s
resourceful consumers.
Social display extends the depth of user-generated
content; it connects personal experiences with campaign
and evergreen messaging. Display repurposes valuable
user-generated content beyond one moment in a
user’s feed. And the intelligence powering social display
technology gives marketers a greater precision in
understanding where a user is in the buying process
Modern love
Audience-created content becomes the new voice
of the brand. Social display persuades action.
and how to approach them. They can surface the right
content to drive a particular action and effectively sell
the audience on an idea using evidence of their peers’
The evolution in brand marketing parallels a challenge in
modern-day courtship. People expect direct and genuine
connection based on the technology that permeates their
everyday communication—but there’s a gravitas missing
with the immediacy of social technology. While dating
apps claim to calculate your perfect match, many of those
connections stall after a brief exchange of niceties. And
the endless slew of matches do not carry the same weight
as a connection sparked through the recommendation
of a mutual friend. The same contrast puzzles brands as
they look for innovative ways to inspire action based on a
relationship with their consumers.
The solution of social display aims to create scalable
brand-relevant messaging that combines intelligence
about audience interests with the authenticity of their
own words. This model also has the agility to take many
forms based on the behavior of the audience. Modern-day
Romeos may have to look for an approach that similarly
allows them to adapt and gain their partner’s trust.
“Love letters are a vestige of a simpler time when the way to someone’s
heart wasn’t via Snapchat, but through a genuine statement of feelings.”
Many forward-thinking brands are using social display to persuade action
and have adopted it as a “must-have” element of their marketing initiatives.
For inspiration, check out the following real-world examples of brands
using social display to achieve proven business results.
Brand profiles
pursuing social persuasion
Top matches:
Blizzard Entertainment
@PlayHearthstone | #GvG
Seeking: Fans with an opinion
Successful Match: Over the course of multiple weeks, the company
released previews of a new expansion pack, Goblins vs. Gnomes,
building anticipation of new character capabilities by allowing brand
advocates to vote on their favorite new card characters. The campaign
displayed social content and engagement results on their website,
persuading return traffic and hundreds of thousands of votes leading
to launch.
Status: Maker of epic games like Hearthstone
Heroes of Warcraft
Interests: Building product launch awareness
and excitement
Activate brand advocates to build product launch awareness and excitement
Dunkin Donuts
@dunkindonuts | #DDFieldPass
Blizzard Entertainment
@PlayHearthstone | #GvG
Seeking: Real-time social experiences
Successful Match: Dunkin Donuts tapped into their audiences’ love
of Monday Night Football by creating an experience that invited
customers to participate in social polls predicting outcomes of games
and pairing that with a chance to receive a VIP ticket to SuperBowl
XLIV. The result? Dunkin Donuts ultimately persuaded customers to
promote their brand across social media and national television while
also driving loyalty program signups.
Seeking: Fans with an opinion
Successful Match: Over the course of multiple weeks, the company
released previews of a new expansion pack, Goblins vs. Gnomes,
building anticipation of new character capabilities by allowing brand
advocates to vote on their favorite new card characters. The campaign
displayed social content and engagement results on their website,
persuading return traffic and hundreds of thousands of votes leading
to launch.
Status: Market-leading doughnut company
and coffeehouse chain
Interests: Promoting customer loyalty,
tapping into fan interests
Status: Maker of epic games like Hearthstone
Heroes of Warcraft
Interests: Building product launch awareness
and excitement
Promote customer loyalty with real-time social experiences
Activate brand advocates to build product launch awareness and excitement
The Denver Broncos
Successful Match: The Denver Broncos developed an online and
in-venue visual display to surface social fan content such as photos,
Broncos-related conversations, sponsor ads and the team’s best
marketing materials. The multi-screen social experience empowered
fans to co-create public team promotion, extending Broncos reach
and revenue through website views, media impressions and paid
sponsorship of the social campaign.
Status: Three-time Super Bowl champions
Interests: Building game-time enthusiasm
Seeking: Fan photos and conversations
Build sports game-day enthusiasm with fan-sourced social support
Random Acts of Kindness
@RAKFoundation | #StateOfKind
Status: Internationally recognized non-profit
Interests: Inspiring Coloradans to practice kindness
and pass it on
Seeking: Passionate individuals, social activists
Successful Match: The Random Acts of Kindness
Foundation tapped into the power of social
persuasion to activate Colorado with an online
campaign encouraging schools, businesses and
individuals to perform and submit photos of 10,000
random acts of kindness. Promoting this collective
goal, the submitted content was displayed on the
website to inspire others to join the campaign,
resulting in 2,290 of the 10K submissions coming from
social media across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Rogers & NHL
Status: World’s top professional ice hockey league
Interests: Fueling interest, sparking conversations
Seeking: Public opinions on draft day
Successful Match: The NHL drove fan engagement
during the draft by broadcasting social-sourced
content of trending teams and players, real-time fan
reactions and spikes across polls and geographic
activity. Displayed across the on-air broadcast, as well
as online and mobile display, the integrated social
content persuaded the reaction of thousands of
viewers, helping drive news content, engagement and
Persuade social activism with participatory
passion campaigns
Fuel real-time event interest with broadcast
integration of social content
Status: Largest ecommerce retailer in Japan
Interests: Driving revenue, increasing product
Seeking: User-generated content, real-world customer
Successful Match: Rakuten integrated socially-sourced
product visuals and relevant content into various retail
categories to showcase real-world consumers wearing
and sharing images of specific products to add an
authentic element to the purchasing decision.
Drive revenue and product purchase intent
with social display
Dunkin Donuts
@dunkindonuts | #DDFieldPass
Seeking: Real-time social experiences
Successful Match: Dunkin Donuts tapped into their audiences’ love
of Monday Night Football by creating an experience that invited
customers to participate in social polls predicting outcomes of games
and pairing that with a chance to receive a VIP ticket to SuperBowl
XLIV. The result? Dunkin Donuts ultimately persuaded customers to
promote their brand across social media and national television while
also driving loyalty program signups.
Status: Market-leading doughnut company
and coffeehouse chain
Interests: Promoting customer loyalty,
tapping into fan interests
Promote customer loyalty with real-time social experiences
NASCAR & HP Successful Match: HP powered an in-venue social visualization wall at
Nascar’s Iowa Speedway to promote brand loyalty of the sporting event
and supporting sponsor. The wall highlighted multiple visualizations—like
which drivers were trending amongst Twitter fans—and real-time fan
social posts. HP sponsored the experience and boosted Nascar’s capacity
to strengthen the brand’s relationship with fans.
Status: Premier North American sport series
Interests: Strengthening fan loyalty
Seeking: Real-time social posts from fans
@mashable | #Mashies
Status: Leading news source for the digital generation
Interests: Extending media coverage
Seeking: Photos and content from attendees of the
Mashies Award Ceremony
Successful Match: Mashable turned to social display to
activate real-time social coverage and content sharing
of their audience during the event. Featured in-venue
and on the Mashies website, the #Mashies social
display allowed the media site’s audience to extend live
coverage on behalf of Mashable and ultimately extend
reach of both of the Mashable brand, as well as the
brands recognized at the award show.
Strengthen fan loyalty through in-venue social display
Extend media coverage by
displaying audience-created content
20th Century Fox
Let’s Be Cops | @letsbecops #LetsBeCops
Status: Top film studio with new movie release
Interests: Increasing ticket sales
Seeking: Fan reviews from movie-goers
Successful Match: 20th Century Fox wanted to
increase the impact of television trailer commercials for
the new movie Let’s Be Cops by incentivizing potential
movie-goers to share their interest in the movie and
making it a part of the traditional preview promotion.
The media company took the best social reactions to
the upcoming movie and integrated this live audience
social content directly into TV previews to increase
impressions of positive reactions and drive ticket sales.
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival
Status: Media company covering legendary music
festival in New Orleans
Interests: Increasing live event coverage, expanding
on-site reach
Seeking: Social content from artists, audience reactions
Successful Match: AXS TV paired live coverage of the
New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival with second-
screen experiences that included curated social
content from artists, real-time reactions, comments
and interactive participation through polls and photo
submissions. The integrated social displays positively
impacted the company’s reach by driving spikes in
social participation, time on site and overall site traffic.
Boost interest and ticket sales with
advocate reviews
Increase live event media coverage reach
with website social activations
The Bermuda Tourism
@Bermuda | #IWishIWasinBermuda
Status: Tropical island with developing tourism
Interests: Raising awareness, influencing travel
Seeking: Travelers in need of a winter escape during
the bitter cold months
Successful Match: The Bermuda Tourism Authority
created a microsite experience inspiring weary
New Englanders to share winter photos with
#IWishIWasinBermuda for the chance to win a
Bermuda getaway for two. Shared user photos were
displayed and promoted on the website, resulting in
increased awareness and interest through hundreds
of photo submissions, as well as earned press
coverage from top-tier national media from the real-
time virality of conversations created.
The Weather Channel
@weatherchannel | #ItsAmazingOutThere
Status: America’s top-trusted weather broadcaster
Interests: Reporting on breaking news and trends in
innovative ways
Seeking: User-generated content
Successful Match: The Weather Channel looked to
discover public social updates and content as a new way
to display breaking weather trends from its audience
each morning. Through finding weather-related social
conversations, The Weather Channel now uses social
display as a leading way to break news through the
visualization of local social reports and integration of
audience-sourced images showcasing authentic, firsthand
weather experiences.
Increase awareness and travel preference
with social activation
Report on breaking news using
user-generated social content
Flexible Social Search
Perform and pivot immediate searches
with the power to search for content
being shared in real-time and in the
recent past
Geographic Insights
Easily find stories by Country, State, City,
Address or common Point-of-interest
such as airports, landmarks or named
Enterprise Solution Management
Organize your workflow through Tiered
Permissions around accounts, seats,
projects, searches and visualizations
Customizable Visualization
Informative, interactive and customizable
visuals ready for digital embed, API
integration, broadcast television and
event screens
ROI Reporting
Measure and report on the impact of
social display across social engagement,
reach, conversion and online sales
Exportable Data
Download the data that matters to
inform content marketing, customer
acquisition or retention and paid social
advertising initiatives
Enhanced Information
Get context beyond existing social profile
data with Gender, Sentiment, Inferred
Location and Notability Status like
profession, industry or ethnicity
Multiple APIs
Utilize partner APIs to create unique
experiences in your products, publish-
ready visuals or to broadcast graphics
Key capabilities of
modern social display
Creating social displays that drive impact requires an essential set of capabilities. Brands need a
solution that surfaces the best social trends and content to persuade action in an immediate way. As
you look to enhance your marketing with social display, here is the list of “must haves” to evaluate.
Wayin, Inc.
303-997-1722 |
Ready to persuade?
We’re ready to help

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  • 1. The Pursuit of Social Persuasion How marketers are using social display to build brand love&grow business I love your brand.
  • 2. A love letter and social media content might seem like an odd couple at first glance—but love works in mysterious ways. They have more in common than you’d think. The intention of a love letter is to persuade, to spark a shared emotion or action from the recipient. Thoughtful attention is poured into its creation. The author shows vulnerability by declaring their adoration to the recipient. If the gesture is more about the bravado of the sender, it feels hollow. To have a real impact, the letter focuses on the importance of the recipient and their hopeful role in the possibility of a shared connection. Brands should take inspiration from the tenets of a love letter when they communicate with their customers. Marketers can unlock the value of users’ social media content by using it to attract other consumers in an authentic and trustworthy way. In short, social media persuades. Like a needle in a haystack, finding the right “one” is hard but worthwhile. Similarly with social, finding the most persuasive social content in a sea of feeds is challenging—but the results can be dramatic. At Wayin, we’ve played “matchmaker” for hundreds of brands—ranging from the world’s largest retailers and media companies to professional sports franchises—helping them to find the customers that love them most, and providing a platform that spreads the love and engages a broader audience. Where does a love letter fit in in the modern age? Technology has dissolved communication barriers and blurred the boundaries of marketing. We asked a group about their perception of love letters. While there was some skepticism, what we heard revealed that the desire for genuine and personal human connection remains. Today’s top brands recognize this is pivotal to how they should communicate with consumers. Maybe this means we haven’t become too cynical—we are still open to being wooed, just in ever-evolving ways that speak to our intuitive human interests. What’s in a love letter? a Wayin marketing admirer
  • 3. Introduction According to the Word of Mouth Marketing Association, 81% of U.S. consumers are influenced by a friend’s social media posts. Social media persuades for a simple reason: people trust other people more than branded messages or advertising campaigns. But, despite a widespread understanding of the marketing potential of social media, many businesses still do not have a grasp on how to leverage social in an effective way that drives measureable return. Creating a social media presence just for the sake of “being social” has never been enough to drive goals like increasing awareness—much less achieve sales transactions and long-term loyalty. Too often brands go through the motions, executing social media activities rather than strategic efforts tied to overall business goals. Nor do they ask how social media can be used in ways that actually persuade consumers. Rather than creating standalone social strategies that rely on brand- centric activity, the need has evolved to create marketing strategies that harness the most persuasive force of social media: consumer-driven messages. Just as historical suitors like Don Juan became infamous for their disingenuous acts of bravado, brands now face the same reality of needing to reach their audience in more authentic, less self-centered ways. A brand’s “love letter” to consumers risks the classic flaw of bragging about the author versus focusing on the recipient’s needs. Instead, taking the time to understand organic social conversations and trends can reveal details around what will attract a specific audience—such as timely interests, messaging, geolocation trends and who influences their “Social media persuades for a simple reason: people trust other people more than branded messages.” “What’s love got to do, got to do with it? What’s love but a sweet old-fashioned notion” - Tina Turner 3#SocialPersuades
  • 4. interests. With this precise intelligence, marketers can both recognize the most compelling social content and use it as authentic marketing messaging that builds increased interest, trust and action of like-minded consumers. Successful marketers are reaching buyers through a two-part strategy: (1) finding and understanding the right social audiences and trends; and (2) displaying this highly relevant social content created by everyday people in ways that persuade brand interest. The audience-centric approach of social display also creates a scalable, personalized marketing strategy. One-to-one social outreach may be suitable for customer care. But marketers need to refocus on how social content can enhance their overall marketing strategy by integrating social content from actual consumers to prompt increased interest and action. Marketers have long known they can’t rely on any single channel for communication. Social display removes the constraints of “social only activity” which rarely surface in social feeds and almost never drive measureable marketing return. A social display strategy allows businesses to integrate persuasive social content on any digital channel to expand reach, activate audiences, drive more revenue and promote loyalty. Table of contents “The audience-centric approach of social display creates a scalable, personalized marketing strategy.” Defining social display A timeline of social display Examples of brands using social persuasion Key features of a modern social display 5 6 13 20 4#SocialPersuades
  • 5. Social display is the act of integrating user-generated social content into digital campaigns, event activations and branded marketing channels. This includes the dynamic display of social content on branded websites, screens during live events, in-store displays, TV broadcasts, corporate websites, Jumbotrons, digital billboards, or live TV commercials. Strategic and intelligent use of social display requires brands to understand the breakdown of the best and most relevant social content in order to capitalize on its persuasive power. Traditionally, marketers have invested creativity and resources to produce exciting, topical marketing initiatives. However, the related “social strategy” is often separated from overall marketing activities and their intended business objectives. This results in siloed efforts with inconsistent returns. And these social tactics seldom put audience interests first. Today’s consumers expertly navigate and digest ever- changing digital content—and they award their attention to marketing messages that authentically address their real-time interests. Consumers are looking for brands to communicate in more personal ways. Furthermore, they’re more interested in brands that other consumers recommend and support. The intent of social display is to support a brand’s positioning or promotion with genuine user content to earn trust and drive action. User-generated content elevates the persuasiveness of marketing by using the actual voice of target audiences to enhance brand messages. What’s more, this content isn’t limited by channel—it’s flexible and dynamic enough to fit into nearly every brand touchpoint. Marketers must now be agile and able to source the most precise social content to support their marketing objectives. Surfacing the best content, from the most relevant consumers, and displaying it in the right place is pivotal. The right capabilities mean that social display can anchor strategic efforts to achieve four critical marketing goals: In marketing, everything old is new again. With roots in the earliest forms of communication, social display is the next evolution in the pursuit of social persuasion. Expand Reach Activate Audiences Generate Revenue Build Loyalty “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” - Shakespeare, Romeo + Juliet Defining social display What’s in a name? 5#SocialPersuades
  • 6. Persuasion has always been a fundamental element of socializing, and visuals are its natural companion. From the earliest newspaper illustrations to today’s complex world of trending Twitter hashtags, the notion of using visual content to persuade has continued to evolve. Here’s a look at how individuals, marketers and brands have leaned on display through the course of time to woo and persuade their intended. A timeline of social display Then & now: 6#SocialPersuades
  • 7. Early forms of news and entertainment, like newspapers and radio shows, introduced brands to the idea of a captive audience. Marketers could reach mass groups of consumers with broad messaging and promotion. Newspapers and TV depicted current events in such a compelling and trustworthy way that they ultimately shaped public perceptions. As a result, consumers were conditioned to accept placed advertisements in media with confidence. In the “Romantic Marketing Era,” brands could disseminate clever and creative campaigns to a wide audience. Companies focused on broadcasting messages for mass reach and awareness, rather than incorporating personal interests of consumers into their positioning. Calling all romantics An Indian emperor constructed the Taj Mahal as a gesture of devotion to his late wife. The structure took 17 years and countless laborers to build. It’s questionable if the monument speaks more to his wife’s virtues or the power and wealth of the emperor. At this point, brands had a one-sided relationship with their audience. It was the equivalent of shouting their love from a rooftop. “I think we live in a cynical, hyper fast-paced time for romance. You can always be looking for someone, talking to someone, etc. I miss the thought, the care and the effort it takes to really date someone.” Marketers take to mass media to reach general audiences. 7#SocialPersuades
  • 8. Developments in technology furthered the coercive relationship between brands and consumers. Simply put, brands had greater and more direct access to audiences. Technologies like BBS (Bulletin Broadcast System) servers led to the first-ever email and online chat platforms. This gave individuals the ability to communicate, uncensored, with almost anyone. As the public adopted email into their daily routine, savvy marketers quickly realized ways to digitally mass communicate. Evolving with digital, advertisers purchased banner space on websites to reach key consumer groups in relevant places. Online behavior revealed audience information, allowing marketers to further understand consumer demographics. This paved the way for “targeted” display advertising at a conversion rate much higher than TV and radio. But audience autonomy increased as well. Audiences now had more choice of where to consume information and a better ability to deflect brand communications. Advertising strategies like subscription incentives and special offers through email marketing show that brands acknowledged this increased selectiveness. Marketers take better aim, but audiences deflect. He loves me, he loves me not Lloyd Dobler holding the stereo above his head in Say Anything is one of the most emblematic romance images of our time. Lloyd is broadcasting his grand gesture for all the world to hear and see, but his intention is to woo Diane. This is his last-ditch effort because Diane’s world is getting bigger after graduation and she has the opportunity to outgrow him. “Now [a love letter] just seems a bit contrived? What about a love email? Or what about FaceTime? I take FaceTime over a love letter any day.” In these early days of targeted Internet marketing, brands could reach consumers more strategically, but lack of personalization caused the public to push back. 8#SocialPersuades
  • 9. The introduction of social channels like Friendster, MySpace, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter allowed anyone to create content and demonstrate their preferences. The nature of the Internet shifted as individuals became the core producers of content. This trend highlighted content such as blog entries, status updates and photo sharing— all of which consumers used to voice their perspectives and opinions. Blogs and new media were accessible to anyone, but the best profiles gained large followings and became incredibly influential. Where did brands fit in? They strived to engage customers and brand advocates through social media publishing. As more niche and complex social networks emerged (i.e., Instagram, Pinterest, Vine and Snapchat), each one served as a segmented way for marketers to connect with audiences. But traditional brand outreach no longer resonated. It did not react quickly enough to the real-time nature of social conversation, and it remained brand- centric with content “for the brand, and by the brand.” Online dating gave people the means to advertise themselves to an exponential audience. Some romantics invested countless hours crafting profiles and writing digital love letters. Other users poisoned the well because they thrived on accumulating superficial attachments. This resulted in most users becoming cynical about whether this technology could lead to genuine, long-term relationships. User-generated content flourishes. Brands strive to fit in. During this sea change of interactive communications, most brands applied the same dated approach of blanketed brand messaging to online audiences. So many fish in the sea “Conceptually, I like the idea of love letters. In reality, they are cowardly cop-outs to hearing or seeing my response.” 9#SocialPersuades
  • 10. As social media surged in popularity, people began to form communities and group themselves by preferences. The sheer volume of user-generated content meant that much of what was produced by brands was passed up by consumers in search of content and recommendations from peers and influencers. To stay competitive, brands invested resources to produce high- quality content that resonated with a more targeted audience. The use of trending topics, tagging and keywords revealed what resonated. By identifying what key audiences were paying attention to and making this the focus of discussion, marketers could now engage with relevant messaging in real time. Brands began to realize that their content was getting lost in the on- platform feeds of Facebook and Twitter alike. To supplement reach, brands aggregated social media content and integrated it into their owned sites. Digital marketers experimented with live social feeds, Twitter Q&As and leveraging trending topics and major events to enter into the conversation and capture the attention of consumers. The most successful brands took advantage of real-time moments to reach consumers on social media while they were most likely to be paying attention—such as Oreo’s now famous Twitter response to the 2013 Super Bowl light outage. Consumers take control of content. Brands take a back seat. Total eclipse of the heart “Whatever you ‘put’ into a love letter doesn’t really matter because the writer has already deemed it as such.” In this early but meaningful step towards social persuasion, brands embrace consumer advocates and wonder if there is a reliable formula for social strategy. Orchestrated and extravagant, a lover proposes with a choreographed musical number involving significant people and places. These videos usually capitalize on the cameos of friends, showing that the proposer is in touch with what matters to the recipient. But the numbers rely on flash and theatricality to convince the recipient rather than an intimate connection between two people. 10#SocialPersuades
  • 11. Today’s brands are no longer only focused on achieving visibility on social media—they want to connect social engagement to consumer actions. As each era before demonstrated, brands’ knowledge about their audience increased in tandem with their need to elevate the sophistication of their content. Social display has provided the solution to this. The most convincing testament of a brand is not only exposing the interest of another consumer but also packaging it in an engaging and interactive way. Brand persuasion has evolved from broadcasting a generalized message to captive audiences to using the voice of the consumer to speak on behalf of brands. Consumers so highly value authenticity and quality of content, and brands now know they must merge audience trends and organic content to convince today’s resourceful consumers. Social display extends the depth of user-generated content; it connects personal experiences with campaign and evergreen messaging. Display repurposes valuable user-generated content beyond one moment in a user’s feed. And the intelligence powering social display technology gives marketers a greater precision in understanding where a user is in the buying process Modern love Audience-created content becomes the new voice of the brand. Social display persuades action. 11#SocialPersuades
  • 12. and how to approach them. They can surface the right content to drive a particular action and effectively sell the audience on an idea using evidence of their peers’ experience. The evolution in brand marketing parallels a challenge in modern-day courtship. People expect direct and genuine connection based on the technology that permeates their everyday communication—but there’s a gravitas missing with the immediacy of social technology. While dating apps claim to calculate your perfect match, many of those connections stall after a brief exchange of niceties. And the endless slew of matches do not carry the same weight as a connection sparked through the recommendation of a mutual friend. The same contrast puzzles brands as they look for innovative ways to inspire action based on a relationship with their consumers. The solution of social display aims to create scalable brand-relevant messaging that combines intelligence about audience interests with the authenticity of their own words. This model also has the agility to take many forms based on the behavior of the audience. Modern-day Romeos may have to look for an approach that similarly allows them to adapt and gain their partner’s trust. “Love letters are a vestige of a simpler time when the way to someone’s heart wasn’t via Snapchat, but through a genuine statement of feelings.” 12#SocialPersuades
  • 13. Many forward-thinking brands are using social display to persuade action and have adopted it as a “must-have” element of their marketing initiatives. For inspiration, check out the following real-world examples of brands using social display to achieve proven business results. Brand profiles pursuing social persuasion Top matches: 13#SocialPersuades
  • 14. Blizzard Entertainment @PlayHearthstone | #GvG Seeking: Fans with an opinion Successful Match: Over the course of multiple weeks, the company released previews of a new expansion pack, Goblins vs. Gnomes, building anticipation of new character capabilities by allowing brand advocates to vote on their favorite new card characters. The campaign displayed social content and engagement results on their website, persuading return traffic and hundreds of thousands of votes leading to launch. Status: Maker of epic games like Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft Interests: Building product launch awareness and excitement Activate brand advocates to build product launch awareness and excitement Dunkin Donuts @dunkindonuts | #DDFieldPass Blizzard Entertainment @PlayHearthstone | #GvG Seeking: Real-time social experiences Successful Match: Dunkin Donuts tapped into their audiences’ love of Monday Night Football by creating an experience that invited customers to participate in social polls predicting outcomes of games and pairing that with a chance to receive a VIP ticket to SuperBowl XLIV. The result? Dunkin Donuts ultimately persuaded customers to promote their brand across social media and national television while also driving loyalty program signups. Seeking: Fans with an opinion Successful Match: Over the course of multiple weeks, the company released previews of a new expansion pack, Goblins vs. Gnomes, building anticipation of new character capabilities by allowing brand advocates to vote on their favorite new card characters. The campaign displayed social content and engagement results on their website, persuading return traffic and hundreds of thousands of votes leading to launch. Status: Market-leading doughnut company and coffeehouse chain Interests: Promoting customer loyalty, tapping into fan interests Status: Maker of epic games like Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft Interests: Building product launch awareness and excitement Promote customer loyalty with real-time social experiences Activate brand advocates to build product launch awareness and excitement 14#SocialPersuades The Denver Broncos @Broncos Successful Match: The Denver Broncos developed an online and in-venue visual display to surface social fan content such as photos, Broncos-related conversations, sponsor ads and the team’s best marketing materials. The multi-screen social experience empowered fans to co-create public team promotion, extending Broncos reach and revenue through website views, media impressions and paid sponsorship of the social campaign. Status: Three-time Super Bowl champions Interests: Building game-time enthusiasm Seeking: Fan photos and conversations Build sports game-day enthusiasm with fan-sourced social support 14#SocialPersuades
  • 15. Random Acts of Kindness @RAKFoundation | #StateOfKind Status: Internationally recognized non-profit organization Interests: Inspiring Coloradans to practice kindness and pass it on Seeking: Passionate individuals, social activists Successful Match: The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation tapped into the power of social persuasion to activate Colorado with an online campaign encouraging schools, businesses and individuals to perform and submit photos of 10,000 random acts of kindness. Promoting this collective goal, the submitted content was displayed on the website to inspire others to join the campaign, resulting in 2,290 of the 10K submissions coming from social media across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Rogers & NHL Status: World’s top professional ice hockey league Interests: Fueling interest, sparking conversations Seeking: Public opinions on draft day Successful Match: The NHL drove fan engagement during the draft by broadcasting social-sourced content of trending teams and players, real-time fan reactions and spikes across polls and geographic activity. Displayed across the on-air broadcast, as well as online and mobile display, the integrated social content persuaded the reaction of thousands of viewers, helping drive news content, engagement and viewership. Persuade social activism with participatory passion campaigns Fuel real-time event interest with broadcast integration of social content 15#SocialPersuades
  • 16. Rakuten @RakutenUS Status: Largest ecommerce retailer in Japan Interests: Driving revenue, increasing product purchases Seeking: User-generated content, real-world customer photos Successful Match: Rakuten integrated socially-sourced product visuals and relevant content into various retail categories to showcase real-world consumers wearing and sharing images of specific products to add an authentic element to the purchasing decision. Drive revenue and product purchase intent with social display Dunkin Donuts @dunkindonuts | #DDFieldPass Seeking: Real-time social experiences Successful Match: Dunkin Donuts tapped into their audiences’ love of Monday Night Football by creating an experience that invited customers to participate in social polls predicting outcomes of games and pairing that with a chance to receive a VIP ticket to SuperBowl XLIV. The result? Dunkin Donuts ultimately persuaded customers to promote their brand across social media and national television while also driving loyalty program signups. Status: Market-leading doughnut company and coffeehouse chain Interests: Promoting customer loyalty, tapping into fan interests Promote customer loyalty with real-time social experiences 16#SocialPersuades
  • 17. NASCAR & HP Successful Match: HP powered an in-venue social visualization wall at Nascar’s Iowa Speedway to promote brand loyalty of the sporting event and supporting sponsor. The wall highlighted multiple visualizations—like which drivers were trending amongst Twitter fans—and real-time fan social posts. HP sponsored the experience and boosted Nascar’s capacity to strengthen the brand’s relationship with fans. Status: Premier North American sport series Interests: Strengthening fan loyalty Seeking: Real-time social posts from fans Mashable @mashable | #Mashies Status: Leading news source for the digital generation Interests: Extending media coverage Seeking: Photos and content from attendees of the Mashies Award Ceremony Successful Match: Mashable turned to social display to activate real-time social coverage and content sharing of their audience during the event. Featured in-venue and on the Mashies website, the #Mashies social display allowed the media site’s audience to extend live coverage on behalf of Mashable and ultimately extend reach of both of the Mashable brand, as well as the brands recognized at the award show. Strengthen fan loyalty through in-venue social display Extend media coverage by displaying audience-created content 17#SocialPersuades
  • 18. 20th Century Fox Let’s Be Cops | @letsbecops #LetsBeCops Status: Top film studio with new movie release Interests: Increasing ticket sales Seeking: Fan reviews from movie-goers Successful Match: 20th Century Fox wanted to increase the impact of television trailer commercials for the new movie Let’s Be Cops by incentivizing potential movie-goers to share their interest in the movie and making it a part of the traditional preview promotion. The media company took the best social reactions to the upcoming movie and integrated this live audience social content directly into TV previews to increase impressions of positive reactions and drive ticket sales. AXS TV New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival Status: Media company covering legendary music festival in New Orleans Interests: Increasing live event coverage, expanding on-site reach Seeking: Social content from artists, audience reactions Successful Match: AXS TV paired live coverage of the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Festival with second- screen experiences that included curated social content from artists, real-time reactions, comments and interactive participation through polls and photo submissions. The integrated social displays positively impacted the company’s reach by driving spikes in social participation, time on site and overall site traffic. Boost interest and ticket sales with advocate reviews Increase live event media coverage reach with website social activations 18#SocialPersuades
  • 19. The Bermuda Tourism Authority @Bermuda | #IWishIWasinBermuda Status: Tropical island with developing tourism economy Interests: Raising awareness, influencing travel preference Seeking: Travelers in need of a winter escape during the bitter cold months Successful Match: The Bermuda Tourism Authority created a microsite experience inspiring weary New Englanders to share winter photos with #IWishIWasinBermuda for the chance to win a Bermuda getaway for two. Shared user photos were displayed and promoted on the website, resulting in increased awareness and interest through hundreds of photo submissions, as well as earned press coverage from top-tier national media from the real- time virality of conversations created. The Weather Channel @weatherchannel | #ItsAmazingOutThere Status: America’s top-trusted weather broadcaster Interests: Reporting on breaking news and trends in innovative ways Seeking: User-generated content Successful Match: The Weather Channel looked to discover public social updates and content as a new way to display breaking weather trends from its audience each morning. Through finding weather-related social conversations, The Weather Channel now uses social display as a leading way to break news through the visualization of local social reports and integration of audience-sourced images showcasing authentic, firsthand weather experiences. Increase awareness and travel preference with social activation Report on breaking news using user-generated social content 19#SocialPersuades
  • 20. Flexible Social Search Perform and pivot immediate searches with the power to search for content being shared in real-time and in the recent past Geographic Insights Easily find stories by Country, State, City, Address or common Point-of-interest such as airports, landmarks or named locations Enterprise Solution Management Organize your workflow through Tiered Permissions around accounts, seats, projects, searches and visualizations Customizable Visualization Informative, interactive and customizable visuals ready for digital embed, API integration, broadcast television and event screens ROI Reporting Measure and report on the impact of social display across social engagement, reach, conversion and online sales Exportable Data Download the data that matters to inform content marketing, customer acquisition or retention and paid social advertising initiatives Enhanced Information Get context beyond existing social profile data with Gender, Sentiment, Inferred Location and Notability Status like profession, industry or ethnicity Multiple APIs Utilize partner APIs to create unique experiences in your products, publish- ready visuals or to broadcast graphics systems Key capabilities of modern social display Creating social displays that drive impact requires an essential set of capabilities. Brands need a solution that surfaces the best social trends and content to persuade action in an immediate way. As you look to enhance your marketing with social display, here is the list of “must haves” to evaluate. 20#SocialPersuades
  • 21. Wayin, Inc. #SOCIALPERSUADES 303-997-1722 | @wayin Ready to persuade? We’re ready to help 21#SocialPersuades