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Leveraging	Consumer	Brand	Storytelling	and	Marketing		
Tactics	in	Issues	and	Reputation-Based	Scenarios.	
Stephan	Merkens,	Managing	Director,	Teneo	Strategy
In	the	past,	many	businesses	could	almost	completely	control	perception	of	their	brands.	Ad	agencies	
could	craft	brand	narratives	and	release	content	in	the	form	of	campaigns	and	media	releases	to	
audiences.	For	those	in	the	audience	who	had	objections	to	the	campaign,	the	brand	or	the	business	had	
limited	opportunities	to	share	their	views	or	mobilize	like-minded	consumers	and	faced	daunting	
hurdles	(e.g.	Time,	effort,	cost)	if	they	wanted	to	do	so.		
Today,	with	the	rise	of	digital	media	and	an	abundance	of	social	platforms,	companies	are	no	longer	the	
only	custodians	of	their	brands.	People	now	have	the	ability	to	communicate	their	thoughts	and	feelings	
quickly,	cheaply	and	globally.	User	Generated	content	and	the	rise	of	digital	influence	means	that	more	
and	more	people	form	an	opinion	of	a	business	or	brand	by	conversations	initiated	by	others	on	digital	
channels.	More	importantly,	conversation-starters	are	often	influencers	who	opinions	are	trusted	and	
valued	by	those	that	follow	them.		
One	doesn’t	have	to	look	very	far	back	to	see	examples	of	just	how	powerful	social	media	can	be	in	
shaping	perception	around	a	movement	and	in	some	cases	seriously	damaging	a	brand.		
President	Obama’s	2008	campaign	used	social	media	platforms	like	YouTube,	Facebook,	and	Twitter	to	
engage	in	active	conversation	with	its	target	audience	–	young	voters—the	conversation	became	a	
means	for	millions	of	Americans	to	vent	their	frustration	with	the	policies	then	president,	President	
George	W.	Bush,	playing	a	deciding	role	in	returning	the	Democrats	to	power.	In	this	case,	President	
Obama’s	campaign	team	correctly	identified	influencers	who	could	carry	their	message	to	a	broader	
populace	with	dramatic	results.		
Social	media	played	a	defining	role	in	both	the	ousting	of	Tunisian	President	Zine	El	Abidine	Ben	Ali	and	
the	imminent	overthrow	of	Mubarak	during	the	Arab	Spring.	Networks	formed	online	were	crucial	in	
organizing	a	core	group	of	activists,	specifically	in	Egypt.	Civil	society	leaders	in	Arab	countries	
emphasized	the	role	of	"the	internet,	mobile	phones,	and	social	media"	in	the	protests.	Additionally,	
digital	media	has	been	used	by	Arabs	to	exercise	freedom	of	speech	and	as	a	space	for	civic	
engagement.	Throughout	the	uprising,	we	also	saw	the	emergence	of	Twitter	as	a	primary	source	of	
news	for	protesters,	who	used	hashtags	to	help	others	with	similar	interests	focus	on	news	specific	to	
Brands	have	also	had	their	share	of	run	ins	with	social	media:	
In	2005,	A	Dell	customer	and	influential	blogger	named	Jeff	Jarvis	posted	his	frustration	about	Dells	
customer	service	and	warranty	policy	to	his	blog.		Dell	chose	to	ignore	Jarvis’	complaint	and	did	not	
reach	out	to	Jarvis	or	any	of	his	readers.	His	widely	circulated	criticism	of	the	company	led	hundreds	of	
readers	to	leave	comments	about	their	own	experiences	with	Dell.	Because	of	the	large	number	of	
readers,	the	article	gained	notoriety	and	the	boost	in	readership	promoted	the	“Dell	Hell”	article	to	a	
top	position	in	Google	Search.	Dell	finally	reworked	its	social	media	monitoring	process	in	2007	but	the	
stories	stayed	with	the	brand	for	many	years	after	the	incident.		
In	2009	Oil	Company	Trafigura	tried,	through	legal	injunction,	to	stop	a	number	of	UK	media	outlets	
from	reporting	on	the	results	of	a	parliamentary	inquiry	into	the	dumping	of	toxic	materials	in	Africa.	A
Guardian	reporter,	Alan	Rusbridger	tweeted	out	a	cryptic	message	to	his	followers	who	in	turn	followed	
online	clues	to	dissect	the	story	and	post	relevant	links	out	to	others.	The	links	were	subsequently	
picked	up	by	a	number	of	prominent	Twitter	influencers	including	actor	Stephen	Fry	and	his	830,000	
fans.	The	resulting	backlash	forced	Trafigura	to	stop	legal	proceedings	and	admit	culpability.			
In	2015	SeaWorld	held	their	#AskSeaWorld	hashtag	campaign	in	an	attempt	to	rehabilitate	their	image	
after	the	release	of	Blackfish,	a	2013	documentary	that	put	a	focus	on	captive	killer	whales.	The	brand	
encouraged	users	to	ask	questions	about	whale	care,	but	just	like	almost	every	other	time	a	brand	opens	
its	platform	up	for	its	audience,	the	campaign	didn’t	go	as	expected	and	Sea	World	was	hit	with	a	storm	
of	tweets	about	the	controversy.	To	make	things	worse,	SeaWorld	brought	even	more	negative	
attention	to	itself	by	insulting	the	users	who	posted.		
And	these	examples	are	not	isolated	cases.	Every	day,	more	and	more	brands	are	realizing	that	Social	
Media	has	the	power	to	change	perception	entirely.	
One	person	can	now	have	the	power	to	mobilize	and	entire	online	community.	Established	brands	who	
at	one	time	had	control	over	the	conversation	can	now	face	existential	crises	because	of	conversations	
occurring	on	digital	media	and	the	rise	of	influencers	who	are	actively	working	to	undermine	the	work	
businesses	put	in	to	carefully	curate	their	brands.		
In	response,	many	large	brands	have	initiated	social	media	strategies	in	an	effort	to	engage	and	manage	
online	conversations,	but	even	though	many	have	large	social	followings	(not	all	of	whom	are	fans	with	
positive	perceptions	of	the	company)	the	numbers	are	dwarfed	by	the	sheer	numbers	of	individuals	that	
have	a	potential	to	be	detractors	in	social	media	in	the	event	of	a	crisis.	Just	look	at	how	many	people	
engage	on	social	media	
• Facebook:	684	million	active	users	
• Twitter:	500	million	tweets	daily	
• Pinterest:	70	million	pins	daily	
• Instagram:	75	million	daily	active	users	
Furthermore,	detractors	are	also	adept	at	leveraging	the	power	of	social	platforms	to	share	messages	
quickly.	These	detractors	also	exploit	an	enthusiasm	gap.	Rarely	do	fans	take	the	time	out	of	their	day	to	
create	engaging	content	to	show	their	brand	love;	but	because	detractors	are	often	those	whose	
livelihoods	depend	on	furthering	their	influencers	and	followers,	they	do	have	the	time	to	craft	content	
that	can	be	quickly	and	easily	consumed	and	shared,	which	in	turn	gets	their	message	out	to	the	largest	
audience	possible.	The	speed	in	which	these	detractors	can	move	poses	serious	issues	for	a	company	in	
crisis.	While	a	company	can	craft	a	carefully	worded	statement	that’s	given	to	traditional	media	outlets,	
how	do	you	respond	to	curious	consumers	who	are	interacting	with	the	company	on	social?	While	there	
might	be	a	response	tree	in	place	to	respond	to	a	media	inquiry	how	do	you	handle	these	detractors?	
Which	ones	–	if	any	–	do	you	engage	with?	How	do	you	control	this	detractor-led	online	conversation?	
While	a	traditional	outlet	might	publish	a	company’s	statement	and	move	on,	the	detractors	could	
continue	their	assault	and	those	individuals	important	to	the	business	may	begin	to	ask	more	and	more	
questions	and	will	expect	answers,	and	not	silence,	from	the	company.	The	only	way	for	brands	to	hope	
to	compete	is	to	adapt	digital	marketing	tactics	and	add	them	to	their	crisis	management	toolbox.		
Digital	marketing	tactics	have	a	lot	to	offer	brands	as	they	work	through	crises.	Tactics	that	were	once	
considered	solely	meant	for	the	marketing	team,	are	now	being	leveraged	to	help	communications
teams	deal	with	crisis	and	reputational	risk.	Throughout	this	paper,	we	will	look	at	adapted	tactics	and	
approaches	taken	from	digital	marketing	that	can	assist	those	who	are	dealing	with	issues.			
Digital	Engagement	Model	
This	model	outlines	a	typical	process	for	the	creation	of	content	on	digital	channels	and	is	the	backbone	
for	most	digital	marketing	executions	that	concentrate	on	fan	engagement.	This	model	can	also	apply	
equally	to	the	creation,	management	and	amplification	of	content	in	the	event	of	a	crisis.	Ultimately	in	
both	instances,	it’s	about	understanding	conversations,	creating	content	for	the	most	relevant	
individuals	and	promoting	that	interaction,	all	to	drive	engagement	and	control	perception.	
Listen:	Understanding	the	issues	at	hand	
Marketing	organizations	have	used	social	listening	and	analytics	for	a	while	now	to	analyze	
conversations	and	adapt	marketing	content	to	take	advantage	of	viewer’s	emotional	connection	to	a	
brand.	Communications	organizations	and	agencies	are	also	starting	to	realize	that	conversation	analysis	
can	also	help	identify	opportunities	for	businesses	to	engage	in	conversation	and	create	content	that	
can	be	distributed	proactively	to	offset	negative	perception.	Many	businesses	forgo	analysis	of	
conversations	instead	focusing	on	creating	branded	content	that	promotes	self-serving	stories.	While	
there	is	usually	a	small	amount	of	engagement,	the	engagement	is	typically	not	sustained,	nor	is	it	highly	
positive	because	it	isn’t	relevant	to	customers.	
By	examining	conversations	taking	place	on	digital	channels	(inclusive	of	social	media,	blogs	and	
forums),	we	are	able	to	not	only	capture	unfiltered	expressions	of	sentiment	on	any	topic,	but	we	can	
also	use	digital	tools	to	analyze	a	high	volume	of	conversations	at	once.	By	collecting	and	analyzing	this	
data	we	can	then	map	factors	such	as	relevant	conversation	topics,	conversation	and	brand	sentiment	
as	well	as	the	most	relevant	influencers	within	the	conversation.
Create:	Telling	the	right	story	with	the	right	content	
During	a	crisis	situation,	it’s	often	very	difficult	to	break	through	the	sheer	volume	of	coverage	and	
conversation	around	a	particular	incident.	The	venerable	press	release,	while	still	a	necessary	evil	of	
crisis,	is	only	one	part	of	an	effective	approach	that	must	also	now	include	creating	“snackable”	
shareable	content	suitable	for	social	engagement.		
The	term	“snackable”	content	refers	to	not	only	the	size	or	amount	of	information	being	offered,	but	
also	its	ease	of	consumption	and	its	shareability.	Snackable	content	can	be	consumed	on	its	own	or	act	
as	a	teaser	for	richer	“meals”	that	a	user	can	consume	over	time	if	their	interest	is	peaked.	
Take	for	example,	a	pharmaceutical	or	automotive	brand	that	is	dealing	with	a	product	recall	or	negative	
influencer	activity.	The	natural	approach	would	be	to	point	to	a	study	and	research	to	help	offset	
negative	publicity	and	support	their	products.	This	approach	rarely	proves	effective	-		Studies	by	their	
nature	tend	to	provide	a	lot	of	very	long-form	product-specific	information	which	can	be	daunting	even	
for	the	most	engaged	reader.	They	can	also	be	perceived	as	sponsored	by	the	brand	in	question,	often	
leading	to	more	controversy.	This	content	is	also	not	designed	to	be	consumed	through	digital	channels	
which	have,	by	design,	limited	content	capacity.		
To	take	a	page	out	of	the	detractor	playbook,	individuals	who	are	looking	to	mobilize	groups	of	followers	
on	social	media	typically	produce	highly	visual	content	that	presents	messages	in	an	easily	consumable	
format	that	people	are	more	likely	to	share.		
In	order	for	brands	to	counteract	negative	content	with	a	counterpoint,	they	have	to	adopt	similar	
tactics	for	the	creation	of	their	own	content.	This	doesn’t	mean	that	the	facts	aren’t	presented,	only	that	
key	facts	and	themes	are	presented	in	a	very	visual,	and	easily	consumed,	way	that	can	link	over	to	a	
It	is	also	imperative	that	brands	look	beyond	owned	content	to	satisfy	the	needs	of	their	followers.	
Curated	content,	or	content	collected	from	outside	sources	and	promoted,	is	equally	as	important	and	
allows	brands	to	share	information	to	outside	sources	that	boost	credibility.	There	are	a	number	of	third	
party	tools	that	allow	social	media	teams	to	mine	channels	for	appropriate	content	and	request	
permission	for	use.	Those	tools	can	give	brands	a	host	of	content	options	to	share	with	followers.
Engage:	Finding	the	voices	that	matter	
In	a	managing	reputation,	creating	the	right	mix	of	informative	and	engaging	content	that	supports	a	
business’s	point	of	view	is	definitely	key	to	driving	a	company’s	message	in	a	crisis	situation.	But	equally	
important	is	finding	outlets	and	individuals	that	the	general	public	will	deem	trustworthy.	Individuals	
have	far	more	trust	of	word	of	mouth	communications	than	they	do	of	established	businesses.		
In	the	past,	we	would	have	referred	to	the	“1-9-90”	rule	which	states	that	of	all	interactions	on	the	web,	
the	1	percent	that	actually	control	conversation	and	are	able	to	create	content	that	resonates	with	the	
largest	number	of	viewers	(typically	the	90%).	With	the	abundance	of	social	media	platforms	that	
promote	social	sharing	and	content	creation,	that	number	of	influencers	continues	to	rise,	but	in	order	
to	identify	influencers,	we	still	need	to	look	at	their	associated	measures	of	influence:	
Reach	is	a	measure	of	an	entity’s	ability	to	increase	the	audience	size	for	a	message.		
The	influencers	pertinence	to	the	overall	conversation	and	how	often	the	influencer	talks	about	
topics	relevant	to	the	conversation	of	interest.	
How	deep	along	a	person’s	graph	does	the	relevant	content	proliferate?	This	usually	signifies	a	
good	match	between	the	kinds	of	following	an	entity	has	and	the	messages	they	put	out.	
Influencers	are	important	because:	
Influencers	gain	respect	and	build	credibility.		
Influencers	set	themselves	apart	from	the	competition.		
Influencer	content	contributes	to	natural	search	results.		
Because	of	their	control	of	content,	and	the	trust	that	they	foster	in	individuals	who	engage	with	them,	
influencers	have	a	much	greater	chance	of	shaping	perception	of	a	particular	issue	and	in	turn	altering	
the	outcome	of	a	crisis	situation	for	a	business.	
Amplify:	Expanding	your	reach	
As	content	is	created	and	shared	there	are	opportunities	to	shape	how	that	content	is	
consumed.	Again,	as	we	look	at	any	crisis	situation,	we	realize	that	there	will	be	both	positive	
and	negative	content	being	shared.	There	are	a	number	of	tactics	that	are	typically	used	in	
digital	marketing	that	Can	be	leveraged	to	drive	engagement	with	targeted	audiences.		
SEO	or	Search	Engine	Optimization	can	be	accomplished	easily	and	essentially	makes	content	
easier	to	find	through	search	engines.	It’s	a	tactic	that	is	often	used	by	advertisers	to	drive	brand	
awareness.	With	SEO,	content	is	optimized	for	search	through	proper	tagging	and	through	
promotion	to	trusted	sites	in	the	search	engine	network.
An	effective	SEO	program	looks	at	search	demand	on	any	particular	topic	to	determine	the	best	
keywords	with	which	to	associate	content.	SEO	can	be	then	used	to	replace	or	suppress	
offending	content	with	proactive	content	sharing	a	different	point	of	view.	SEO	relies	on	having	
an	abundance	of	content	in	multiple	places	to	help	drive	search	rankings	–	hence	the	need	to	
engage	Influencers	and	partners	to	create	and	curate	content	on	behalf	of	a	Brand.	
Content	Syndication	allows	brands	to	take	previously	published	content	and	promote	it	to	
media	networks	that	have	similar	engagement	targets	as	the	brand	being	promoted.	This	is	
extremely	effective	to	drive	proactive	positive	content.	Content	Syndication	can	also	employ	
demographic	targeting	to	ensure	that	content	is	placed	in	easy	view	of	a	very	specific	audience.	
Also,	unlike	SEO,	content	that	is	used	in	syndication	can	come	from	sources	outside	a	network	
and	doesn’t	require	notification	or	attribution.		
Paid	Display	
Finally,	Content	can	be	promoted	through	Paid	media	such	as	display	advertising,	advertorials,	
sponsored	content	and	social	media	banner	ads	to	targeted	audiences.	It	is	important	to	note	
that	when	buying	paid	media,	businesses	need	to	use	analytics	and	insights	to	help	identify	
target	audiences	and	content	as	well	as	relevant	platforms	for	maximum	engagement.		
Ultimately,	as	people	continue	to	engage	in	different	ways	digitally,	the	tactics	that	
communications	practitioners	will	use	to	manage	perception	must	adapt.	We	know	that	brand	
image	has	for	the	most	part	become	democratized	because	of	digital	media,	so	by	
understanding	and	adapting	the	ways	that	content	is	created	and	shared	within	these	new	
media	channels,	we	have	a	chance	to	influence	the	way	our	brands	are	perceived	and	respond	
to	negative	situations	in	an	informed	way	that	can	prevent	social	media	meltdown.

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Onramp Your Brand to Social MediaA_09_02_09
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