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Group Members : Ng Wyn Jane 0319440
Lee Zi Ying 0320435
Lim Yang Kang 0320538
Khoo Zer Kai 0320500
Ng Kim Wing 0319704
Muhammad Sheik Irfaan
Group/Session : Monday (9am-11am)
Subject : Social Psychology
Course : Foundation In Natural And
Built Environment
Submission Date : 8th June 2015
1. Introduction 2
2. Acknowledgement 3
3. Method Used 4-6
a. Apparatus/Materials 4
b. Setting 4
c. Procedure 4-6
d. Participants 6
4. Discussion 7-16
a. Concepts used and definitions 7-8
b. Storyboard 9-13
c. Application of Concepts 14-18
5. References 19
6. Appendix 20-21
In this project, students are required to demonstrate their understanding of learning
throughout the semester through these 3 components :
- Social psychology conceptual video clip
- A report about the concept used
- Presenting the clip to the class
In a group of 5 to 6, students are required to produce a video clip with consist of 5
concept applied in one storyline. The 5 concepts should come from the 10 chapters that
students have learned, and students can only select 1 concepts from each chapters. All
group members must appear in the video clip.
Next, students are required to produce a report which shows how the concepts were
used in the video clip. The report should also consists a detailed explanation of the
concepts used.
Lastly, students are required to prepare a slides and presentation during the submission
Through this project, students will strengthen their knowledge and understanding of
social psychology concepts through research of relevant literature and reflection.
Students will develop a collaborative approach to experience sharing, organize and
communicate skills.
First, we would like to acknowledge the efforts of everybody who involved in
making the final project goes smoothly. Without their efforts, patience and knowledge
for undertaking this assignment, we would not able to complete this project successfully,
Next, we would like to thank Mr. Shankar, our Social Psychology lecturer, for his
guidance. Mr. Shankar always counsel us when we was in need. Without him, we
wouldn’t have the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding how human
behavior were all along. Mr. Shankar clears out lots of curiosity that we have about
human social behavior.
Lastly, we would like to thanks our own groupmates for giving effort and spend
time to took part in this project. We also appreciate the help and suggestion given by
our fellow coursemate even though they are not in our groups. Thanks for all the effort,
time and contribution given by everyone who helped out with our project.
1. Filming equipment
- Camera : Sony
- Tripod : To ensure the stability of camera when recording
- Macbook : To record the audio of actors
- Table : Videographer were to climb up and record the CCTV scene
2. Video Editing Software
- Imovie
- Youtube
3. Props and Costume
- Students Work Set : Pencil case, note book, paper, model (paper
origami), books
- Lecturer Costume : Pink Former, Sneakers, Macbook
- Lecturer Props : Project Brief Slides, Projector, Projector Screen
- Security Guard Costume : White Former, Hair band, Tie
B. Settings
The 2 venue that we filmed our video is at :
- Classroom Block E4.12
- Corridor of Block E Level 4
1. Discussion
Pre-discussion of the main theme our group are going to used. Plot out a main
storyline that encompass 5 most suitable social psychology concept to be applied in our
storyline. Refine the storyline and discuss about the overall picture of the final video clip,
scene to be taken and a brief script for each scene.
2. Role Delegation
There are 3 components need to be produced for this assignment. Thus, we
divide our group into 3 smaller group of 2 according to each members skills. First group
will be in charge of the video clip, second group will take responsibility of the report and
the third group would be working in the presentation slides. This is to avoid social
facilitation in a group of 6, as the workload of an individual can be easily identify.
As for the video clip, every members must appear in the video. So, we delegate
the most suitable role according to each of our group members.
The below table is our group’s task delegation system:
Member Overall Context Video Context
Khoo Zer Kai Video and Audio Editor Security Guard
Lee Zi Ying Report Writer Student (Target Type)
Lim Yang Kang Videographer Lecturer
Muhammad Sheik Irfaan
Slides Writer Student (Stress Type)
Ng Kim Wing Slides Writer Student (Lazy Type)
Ng Wyn Jane Report Writer Student (Scholar Type)
3. Video Filming
We record the all the scene in one day after a detailed planning of every scene to avoid
wasting time and effort. The reason is to keep our focus and memory fresh in our mind
which help to bring up the mood and spirits of acting.
Things went smooth during our video filming as instruction given was clear and
everyone knew what are they suppose to do the day before. Some of the scene we
acted out several times to get different angles and cut, so that the final outcome would
look much better with different views of angle.
During video filming, each members are cooperative in a way they all give out
suggestion to the actor and videographer about the filming angles, filming technique
and even the expression of the actor. The environment and mood during video filming is
comfortable, relaxing but efficient.
4. Analysis, Tabulation and Presentation
Proper analysis and research were used in making the report and slides. Google Doc
were used to aid our report writing where we could see each others progress. This help
a lot, saves time as we won’t overlap our work and we could cross check each other
work from time to time.
For the presentation, we meet up and rehearsed a few time before the day of
presentation to ensure the flow of speech.
As a conclusion, the progress of completing this assignment is satisfying as everyone
took part to accomplish the projects together.
All group members participated in this project.
A.Concepts used and Definitions:
For this video, 7 social psychology concepts were applied and demonstrated
through the acting of each of the group members. The 7 concepts are stereotyping,
group selection, perception, racism, aggression, power of persuasion and motivation.
The first concept is stereotype. Stereotype is a thought of an individual is a
member of certain group based on characteristics. It is also an over generalized belief
of a class of people. The characteristics involve gender, race, national origin of the
person and other factors. Individuals may be group into positive stereotypes or negative
stereotypes based on their characteristic.
The second concept that we used is group selection. Group selection state that
groups that have altruistic members tend to survive comparing to groups that only have
selfish members that are unlikely to help others that in need. Altruism refers to the
unselfish act done by an individual for the sake of others.
Next, the third concept used is social perception. Social Perception is defined as
the study of how we perceive and form impression or judgement of others through their
appearance or social group. Social perception is formed through observation and
understanding of existing information about an individual and drawing out conclusions
from the information available.
The fourth concept is racism. Racism refers to a negative view of one group of
people based solely on their membership in that group. It is a specific form of prejudice,
involving prejudicial attitudes or behavior towards members of an ethnic group. The
definition of race is somewhat variable but commonly refers to an ethnic group
originating on a specific continent.
The fifth concept used is aggression. Aggression is a range of behaviours that
can result in both physical and psychological harm to one, others or objects in the
environment. There are several forms of aggression which includes physical, verbal,
mental and emotional. Aggression also serves different purposes such as to express
anger or hostility and to compete with others.
The sixth concept that is used in the video is persuasion. Persuasion is a
symbolic process in which communicators try to convince other people to change their
attitudes or behaviors regarding an issue through the transmission of a message in an
atmosphere of free choice.
Lastly, concept of motivation is used in the video. Motivation is what drives and
inspire us to take action.There are two types of motivation which are intrinsic motivation
and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation occurs when one’s taking a certain action
for the sake of enjoyment while extrinsic motivation occurs when one’s taking certain
action in response to external pressure in order to avoid punishment or earn a specific
All these concepts will be demonstrated through the video.
B. Storyboard
The story is about a lecturer who enters the classroom to brief the students a new group
assignment. The story is divided into several scenes.
SCENE 1 : Lecturer walk into the classroom
Lecturer: Good morning everyone, today I want to brief you guys about the design
project 1 and it is a group work project.
Irfaan: Oh my god, it is just the first week and lecturer already give the project.
Nick: I hope I can find a good teammate so I can sit back and relax.
Cindy: I have to try my best to achieve the target.
Jane: I want to be a scholar so I can ease my parents’ burden.
Lecturer: So, this is the project brief and you guys have to form your own group.
SCENE 2 : Forming group
Nick: Hey, Cindy. Do you want to form a group with me?
Cindy: Erm…… Erm…… Sorry Nick, I will probably form a group with Jane.
Cindy turn around and asking Jane.
Cindy: Jane, Do you have a group? Can you form group with me?
Jane: Sure, no problem. I don’t have a group mate too!
Irfaan taps Nick’s shoulder and ask him a question.
Irfaan: Nick, Do you want to form a group with me? You don’t have a group mate
Nick: Aiya, can lah, can lah……
SCENE 3 : Discussing with their own group
The boys’ group.
Irfaan: Nick, I know this is my part, but I really don’t how to do it, can you teach
Nick: Do yourself lah, I haven’t done my part also, complete it yourself and don’t
annoy me.
The girls’ group.
Jane: Cindy, I don’t have any idea with it. Can you teach me how to do this?
Cindy: Sure, no problem.
SCENE 4 : The day before submission date.
Irfaan: Nick, do you know that we have to submit our work tomorrow, you know
that right?
Nick: Haiya, still have plenty of time, I don’t give a shit. Just chill and relax.
Irfaan: (face palm)
Cindy and Jane have done their work.
Cindy: Yeah, finally we finish our work.
Jane: Let’s go home now.
Cindy: Okay, Goodbye and see you tomorrow.
Jane: Goodbye! See you.
SCENE 5 : The submission day.
Jane: Oh my god, Cindy where is our work? Where is our work?
Cindy: Jane relax, let us go to look around.
Jane and Cindy go to search for their model.
Nick and Irfaan present their work to the lecturer.
Jane: Is that our work?
Cindy: I think so… It looks so familiar with our work.
Jane: I’m sure that Irfaan is the guy who stole our work, he is black and look like
a thief.
Cindy: Irfaan why you steal our model. Why!
Jane: Ya, why you want to steal our work! We put a lot of effort on it!
Irfaan: Hey, I didn’t! I did not steal the model. Don't blame on me.
Lecturer: Hey guys, chill don’t worry. I will check the CCTV with the security and
figure out what is the problem.
SCENE 6 : Lecturer brings the them to the security room.
Lecturer: Sir, can i check the recording of cctv that happen yesterday at E4.12?
Security: Sure no problem.
The recording of CCTV shows that the guy who stole the model was Nick.
Jane & Cindy: Oh my god, it was Nick! Unbelievable!
Lecturer: Hey girls, let me settle this. Nick why you want to stole their work?
Nick: Sir, I am really sorry about that. We didn't manage to finish our work on
time. I am so sorry with my attitude. Please forgive me.
Lecturer: Nick, it is ok. Make sure that you won’t repeat this mistake again. I will
give you guys some extra time to finish up your work and hope you give me a better
Nick: Thank you Sir and we will do my best. Sorry Jane and Cindy.
Jane & Cindy: It’s okay. We forgive you.
Jane & Cindy apology with Irfaan.
Jane: Irfaan, we are so sorry about that. We shouldn't suspect you.
Cindy: Sorry Irfaan.
Irfaan: Never mind, I will forgive you guys.
At the end, Irfaan and Nick work harder to complete their task after motivated by their
C. Application of Concepts
Concept 1 : Stereotyping
The first concept which is stereotyping is applied in the beginning of the story in which
the 4 students group themselves into two groups (1.05- 1.28). High capability students
tend to group with each other while low capability students forced to group with each
other. The girls classify the boys as low capability students through their behaviors in
the class, such as not paying attention, playing phone, sleeping and others. On the
other hand, the boys classify the girls as high capability students because they are
paying attention in the class. These show that the students have similar experience on
how a good and bad students behaved. Stereotype is used in this context based on the
behavior and attitude of the 4 students. Four of them are classified into two groups, the
high and low capability.
Concept 2 : Group Selection
The second concept, group selection is applied when one of the group member, Irfaan
in the boy’s group ask for help from the other member, that is nick.(1.29-2.08) At that
time, nick was doing his own research too, so he choose not to help Irfaan because he
thinks that helping doesn’t bring any beneficial to himself, moreover nick is a lazy
person. On the other hand, for the girls group, Cindy choose to help Jane when she
stucked at the process even though she have her own work in hand that moment. In the
end, the girl’s group are able to complete their assignment on time.
Concept 3 & 4 : Social Perception and Racism
Next, the third and fourth concept, social perception and racism can be seen at (3.30-
4.00) where the girl’s saw their model were stolen by the boy’s group. When they saw
Nick and Irfaan in the group, but the girl’s perceive that Irfaan is the stealer right away
without even a suspect that it could be the others member that stole it. They judge
Irfaan is the stealer by his race and skin colour. The girl’s group perceive that stealing
culture is a norm for that particular race of group and make a conclusion that, Irfaan
must be the stealer.
Concept 5 : Aggression
The fifth concept is aggression. Two forms of aggression are shown in the video which
are verbal form and physical form. Verbal form of aggression is shown at (4.01- 4.15).
Conflict between the girls and the stealer who stole their model leads to aggression.
Aggressive words are used by the girls to express their anger towards the stealer who
stole their model which they had spent a lot of efforts on it. Besides, the girls also show
another form of aggression which is physical aggression as she pushed the stealer’s
Concept 6 : Persuasion
The sixth concept is persuasion. The concept is applied at (4.16- 4.24) in which the
lecturer bump in to settle the fight between the girls and Irfaan. The lecturer was trying
to convince the girls to chill down and not to be over aggressive towards Irfaan without
any proper evidence that he is the stealer. The lecturer convince the girls by giving
assurance that he will settle the problem once and for all and give them a proper
Concept 7 : Motivation
The last concept which is motivation is applied at the end of the story (5.33- 6.02)in
which the lecturer motivate the actual stealer. The extrinsic motivation from the lecturer
causes the boy to change his bad attitude and behave well. At the end, the boy’s group
manage to complete their project within the extra given time. After the incident, the boys
take certain action in response to external pressure in order to avoid punishment.
wiseGEEK,. (2015). What Is Social Perception? (with pictures). Retrieved 6 June 2015,
from,. (2015). Social Perception: How We Come to Understand Other
People. Retrieved 6 June 2015, from
Cherry, K. (2015). What Is Altruism and Why Does it Exist?. Education.
Retrieved 6 June 2015, from
Cherry, K. (2015). What Is Aggression?. Education. Retrieved 6 June 2015,
Cherry, K. (2015). How Do Psychologists Define Persuasion?. Education.
Retrieved 6 June 2015, from
Cherry, K. (2015). What Is Motivation?. Education. Retrieved 6 June 2015,

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  • 1. RESEARCH REPORT WHO IS THE THIEF? Group Members : Ng Wyn Jane 0319440 Lee Zi Ying 0320435 Lim Yang Kang 0320538 Khoo Zer Kai 0320500 Ng Kim Wing 0319704 Muhammad Sheik Irfaan Yadun 0319353 Group/Session : Monday (9am-11am) Subject : Social Psychology Course : Foundation In Natural And Built Environment Submission Date : 8th June 2015 CONTENT PAGE
  • 2. 1. Introduction 2 2. Acknowledgement 3 3. Method Used 4-6 a. Apparatus/Materials 4 b. Setting 4 c. Procedure 4-6 d. Participants 6 4. Discussion 7-16 a. Concepts used and definitions 7-8 b. Storyboard 9-13 c. Application of Concepts 14-18 5. References 19 6. Appendix 20-21 2
  • 3. INTRODUCTION In this project, students are required to demonstrate their understanding of learning throughout the semester through these 3 components : - Social psychology conceptual video clip - A report about the concept used - Presenting the clip to the class In a group of 5 to 6, students are required to produce a video clip with consist of 5 concept applied in one storyline. The 5 concepts should come from the 10 chapters that students have learned, and students can only select 1 concepts from each chapters. All group members must appear in the video clip. Next, students are required to produce a report which shows how the concepts were used in the video clip. The report should also consists a detailed explanation of the concepts used. Lastly, students are required to prepare a slides and presentation during the submission date. Through this project, students will strengthen their knowledge and understanding of social psychology concepts through research of relevant literature and reflection. Students will develop a collaborative approach to experience sharing, organize and communicate skills. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 3
  • 4. First, we would like to acknowledge the efforts of everybody who involved in making the final project goes smoothly. Without their efforts, patience and knowledge for undertaking this assignment, we would not able to complete this project successfully, Next, we would like to thank Mr. Shankar, our Social Psychology lecturer, for his guidance. Mr. Shankar always counsel us when we was in need. Without him, we wouldn’t have the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding how human behavior were all along. Mr. Shankar clears out lots of curiosity that we have about human social behavior. Lastly, we would like to thanks our own groupmates for giving effort and spend time to took part in this project. We also appreciate the help and suggestion given by our fellow coursemate even though they are not in our groups. Thanks for all the effort, time and contribution given by everyone who helped out with our project. 4
  • 5. METHOD USED A.Apparatus/Materials: 1. Filming equipment - Camera : Sony - Tripod : To ensure the stability of camera when recording - Macbook : To record the audio of actors - Table : Videographer were to climb up and record the CCTV scene 2. Video Editing Software - Imovie - Youtube 3. Props and Costume - Students Work Set : Pencil case, note book, paper, model (paper origami), books - Lecturer Costume : Pink Former, Sneakers, Macbook - Lecturer Props : Project Brief Slides, Projector, Projector Screen - Security Guard Costume : White Former, Hair band, Tie B. Settings The 2 venue that we filmed our video is at : - Classroom Block E4.12 - Corridor of Block E Level 4 C.Procedure 1. Discussion Pre-discussion of the main theme our group are going to used. Plot out a main storyline that encompass 5 most suitable social psychology concept to be applied in our storyline. Refine the storyline and discuss about the overall picture of the final video clip, scene to be taken and a brief script for each scene. 5
  • 6. 2. Role Delegation There are 3 components need to be produced for this assignment. Thus, we divide our group into 3 smaller group of 2 according to each members skills. First group will be in charge of the video clip, second group will take responsibility of the report and the third group would be working in the presentation slides. This is to avoid social facilitation in a group of 6, as the workload of an individual can be easily identify. As for the video clip, every members must appear in the video. So, we delegate the most suitable role according to each of our group members. The below table is our group’s task delegation system: Member Overall Context Video Context Khoo Zer Kai Video and Audio Editor Security Guard Lee Zi Ying Report Writer Student (Target Type) Lim Yang Kang Videographer Lecturer Muhammad Sheik Irfaan Yadun Slides Writer Student (Stress Type) Ng Kim Wing Slides Writer Student (Lazy Type) Ng Wyn Jane Report Writer Student (Scholar Type) 3. Video Filming We record the all the scene in one day after a detailed planning of every scene to avoid wasting time and effort. The reason is to keep our focus and memory fresh in our mind which help to bring up the mood and spirits of acting. Things went smooth during our video filming as instruction given was clear and everyone knew what are they suppose to do the day before. Some of the scene we 6
  • 7. acted out several times to get different angles and cut, so that the final outcome would look much better with different views of angle. During video filming, each members are cooperative in a way they all give out suggestion to the actor and videographer about the filming angles, filming technique and even the expression of the actor. The environment and mood during video filming is comfortable, relaxing but efficient. 4. Analysis, Tabulation and Presentation Proper analysis and research were used in making the report and slides. Google Doc were used to aid our report writing where we could see each others progress. This help a lot, saves time as we won’t overlap our work and we could cross check each other work from time to time. For the presentation, we meet up and rehearsed a few time before the day of presentation to ensure the flow of speech. As a conclusion, the progress of completing this assignment is satisfying as everyone took part to accomplish the projects together. D.Participants: All group members participated in this project. DISCUSSION A.Concepts used and Definitions: For this video, 7 social psychology concepts were applied and demonstrated through the acting of each of the group members. The 7 concepts are stereotyping, group selection, perception, racism, aggression, power of persuasion and motivation. The first concept is stereotype. Stereotype is a thought of an individual is a member of certain group based on characteristics. It is also an over generalized belief 7
  • 8. of a class of people. The characteristics involve gender, race, national origin of the person and other factors. Individuals may be group into positive stereotypes or negative stereotypes based on their characteristic. The second concept that we used is group selection. Group selection state that groups that have altruistic members tend to survive comparing to groups that only have selfish members that are unlikely to help others that in need. Altruism refers to the unselfish act done by an individual for the sake of others. Next, the third concept used is social perception. Social Perception is defined as the study of how we perceive and form impression or judgement of others through their appearance or social group. Social perception is formed through observation and understanding of existing information about an individual and drawing out conclusions from the information available. The fourth concept is racism. Racism refers to a negative view of one group of people based solely on their membership in that group. It is a specific form of prejudice, involving prejudicial attitudes or behavior towards members of an ethnic group. The definition of race is somewhat variable but commonly refers to an ethnic group originating on a specific continent. The fifth concept used is aggression. Aggression is a range of behaviours that can result in both physical and psychological harm to one, others or objects in the environment. There are several forms of aggression which includes physical, verbal, mental and emotional. Aggression also serves different purposes such as to express anger or hostility and to compete with others. The sixth concept that is used in the video is persuasion. Persuasion is a symbolic process in which communicators try to convince other people to change their attitudes or behaviors regarding an issue through the transmission of a message in an atmosphere of free choice. 8
  • 9. Lastly, concept of motivation is used in the video. Motivation is what drives and inspire us to take action.There are two types of motivation which are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation occurs when one’s taking a certain action for the sake of enjoyment while extrinsic motivation occurs when one’s taking certain action in response to external pressure in order to avoid punishment or earn a specific reward. All these concepts will be demonstrated through the video. 9
  • 10. B. Storyboard The story is about a lecturer who enters the classroom to brief the students a new group assignment. The story is divided into several scenes. SCENE 1 : Lecturer walk into the classroom Lecturer: Good morning everyone, today I want to brief you guys about the design project 1 and it is a group work project. Irfaan: Oh my god, it is just the first week and lecturer already give the project. (os) Nick: I hope I can find a good teammate so I can sit back and relax. (os) Cindy: I have to try my best to achieve the target. (os) Jane: I want to be a scholar so I can ease my parents’ burden. (os) Lecturer: So, this is the project brief and you guys have to form your own group. SCENE 2 : Forming group Nick: Hey, Cindy. Do you want to form a group with me? Cindy: Erm…… Erm…… Sorry Nick, I will probably form a group with Jane. Cindy turn around and asking Jane. Cindy: Jane, Do you have a group? Can you form group with me? 10
  • 11. Jane: Sure, no problem. I don’t have a group mate too! Irfaan taps Nick’s shoulder and ask him a question. Irfaan: Nick, Do you want to form a group with me? You don’t have a group mate right? Nick: Aiya, can lah, can lah…… SCENE 3 : Discussing with their own group The boys’ group. Irfaan: Nick, I know this is my part, but I really don’t how to do it, can you teach me? Nick: Do yourself lah, I haven’t done my part also, complete it yourself and don’t annoy me. The girls’ group. Jane: Cindy, I don’t have any idea with it. Can you teach me how to do this? Cindy: Sure, no problem. SCENE 4 : The day before submission date. Irfaan: Nick, do you know that we have to submit our work tomorrow, you know that right? Nick: Haiya, still have plenty of time, I don’t give a shit. Just chill and relax. 11
  • 12. Irfaan: (face palm) Cindy and Jane have done their work. Cindy: Yeah, finally we finish our work. Jane: Let’s go home now. Cindy: Okay, Goodbye and see you tomorrow. Jane: Goodbye! See you. SCENE 5 : The submission day. Jane: Oh my god, Cindy where is our work? Where is our work? Cindy: Jane relax, let us go to look around. Jane and Cindy go to search for their model. Nick and Irfaan present their work to the lecturer. Jane: Is that our work? Cindy: I think so… It looks so familiar with our work. Jane: I’m sure that Irfaan is the guy who stole our work, he is black and look like a thief. Cindy: Irfaan why you steal our model. Why! Jane: Ya, why you want to steal our work! We put a lot of effort on it! 12
  • 13. Irfaan: Hey, I didn’t! I did not steal the model. Don't blame on me. Lecturer: Hey guys, chill don’t worry. I will check the CCTV with the security and figure out what is the problem. SCENE 6 : Lecturer brings the them to the security room. Lecturer: Sir, can i check the recording of cctv that happen yesterday at E4.12? Security: Sure no problem. The recording of CCTV shows that the guy who stole the model was Nick. Jane & Cindy: Oh my god, it was Nick! Unbelievable! Lecturer: Hey girls, let me settle this. Nick why you want to stole their work? Nick: Sir, I am really sorry about that. We didn't manage to finish our work on time. I am so sorry with my attitude. Please forgive me. Lecturer: Nick, it is ok. Make sure that you won’t repeat this mistake again. I will give you guys some extra time to finish up your work and hope you give me a better outcome. Nick: Thank you Sir and we will do my best. Sorry Jane and Cindy. Jane & Cindy: It’s okay. We forgive you. Jane & Cindy apology with Irfaan. Jane: Irfaan, we are so sorry about that. We shouldn't suspect you. 13
  • 14. Cindy: Sorry Irfaan. Irfaan: Never mind, I will forgive you guys. At the end, Irfaan and Nick work harder to complete their task after motivated by their lecturer. -THE END- C. Application of Concepts Concept 1 : Stereotyping 14
  • 15. The first concept which is stereotyping is applied in the beginning of the story in which the 4 students group themselves into two groups (1.05- 1.28). High capability students tend to group with each other while low capability students forced to group with each other. The girls classify the boys as low capability students through their behaviors in the class, such as not paying attention, playing phone, sleeping and others. On the other hand, the boys classify the girls as high capability students because they are paying attention in the class. These show that the students have similar experience on how a good and bad students behaved. Stereotype is used in this context based on the behavior and attitude of the 4 students. Four of them are classified into two groups, the high and low capability. Concept 2 : Group Selection The second concept, group selection is applied when one of the group member, Irfaan in the boy’s group ask for help from the other member, that is nick.(1.29-2.08) At that 15
  • 16. time, nick was doing his own research too, so he choose not to help Irfaan because he thinks that helping doesn’t bring any beneficial to himself, moreover nick is a lazy person. On the other hand, for the girls group, Cindy choose to help Jane when she stucked at the process even though she have her own work in hand that moment. In the end, the girl’s group are able to complete their assignment on time. Concept 3 & 4 : Social Perception and Racism Next, the third and fourth concept, social perception and racism can be seen at (3.30- 4.00) where the girl’s saw their model were stolen by the boy’s group. When they saw Nick and Irfaan in the group, but the girl’s perceive that Irfaan is the stealer right away without even a suspect that it could be the others member that stole it. They judge Irfaan is the stealer by his race and skin colour. The girl’s group perceive that stealing culture is a norm for that particular race of group and make a conclusion that, Irfaan must be the stealer. Concept 5 : Aggression 16
  • 17. The fifth concept is aggression. Two forms of aggression are shown in the video which are verbal form and physical form. Verbal form of aggression is shown at (4.01- 4.15). Conflict between the girls and the stealer who stole their model leads to aggression. Aggressive words are used by the girls to express their anger towards the stealer who stole their model which they had spent a lot of efforts on it. Besides, the girls also show another form of aggression which is physical aggression as she pushed the stealer’s shoulder. 17
  • 18. Concept 6 : Persuasion The sixth concept is persuasion. The concept is applied at (4.16- 4.24) in which the lecturer bump in to settle the fight between the girls and Irfaan. The lecturer was trying to convince the girls to chill down and not to be over aggressive towards Irfaan without any proper evidence that he is the stealer. The lecturer convince the girls by giving assurance that he will settle the problem once and for all and give them a proper explanation. Concept 7 : Motivation 18
  • 19. The last concept which is motivation is applied at the end of the story (5.33- 6.02)in which the lecturer motivate the actual stealer. The extrinsic motivation from the lecturer causes the boy to change his bad attitude and behave well. At the end, the boy’s group manage to complete their project within the extra given time. After the incident, the boys take certain action in response to external pressure in order to avoid punishment. 19
  • 20. REFERENCES wiseGEEK,. (2015). What Is Social Perception? (with pictures). Retrieved 6 June 2015, from,. (2015). Social Perception: How We Come to Understand Other People. Retrieved 6 June 2015, from ex.html Cherry, K. (2015). What Is Altruism and Why Does it Exist?. Education. Retrieved 6 June 2015, from altruism.htm Cherry, K. (2015). What Is Aggression?. Education. Retrieved 6 June 2015, from Cherry, K. (2015). How Do Psychologists Define Persuasion?. Education. Retrieved 6 June 2015, from persuasion.htm Cherry, K. (2015). What Is Motivation?. Education. Retrieved 6 June 2015, from APPENDIX 20
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