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Psychology, Theology, And Spirituality
Summary In the book, Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling, McMinn
expands upon the theory of integrating psychology and theology by providing the reader with
concrete methods to utilize in counseling. His approach to integration is filled with helpful guidance
for any counselor striving to strike the appropriate balance in their sessions. McMinn divulges into
how and when to use scripture, prayer, confession and redemption. He advocates for utilizing these
methods on a case by cases basis to ensure the client's best interest. Overall, the book provides a
tangible understanding of how to integrate theology and psychology into different counseling
sessions. McMinn begins his book by advocating for a more detailed approach to spiritual and
psychological health. He saw that the current model had many problems, including the fact that it
was too broad. McMinn advocated for a more detailed map, and decided to create one himself.
McMinn's new map depicted a triangle flow chart instead of a linear progression. He believes "a
more comprehensive perspective on psychological and spiritual health requires us to consider self,
brokenness, and healing relationships as interactive rather than linear" (McMinn, 2011, p. 50). The
new map considers the client's faulty beliefs as hindrances to healing. Counselors will need to work
with their clients to develop an accurate sense of self, sense of need, and heathy healing relationship
to produce real change in their
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`` A Theology `` : Is Christian Theology A Pile Of Dead...
With the rise of modernity, a technological shift has allowed our society to be more interconnected
than ever. The supercomputers that we call cell phones can connect us to one another, to
information, and to cultural developments almost instantaneously. However, also following this rise
of modernity is a cultural drift that manifests itself as the fall of Christendom, or the divorce
between gospel and Greco–Roman civilization that make them as disconnected as ever. The
challenges of nihilism and the historical–critical method appear to have severed the historical ties
that the Church once had to mainstream culture. Through the modern framework of a divorce of
culture and church, Robert Jenson, in his book, A Theology in Outline: Can These Bones Live?,
deconstructs and illustrates various theological concepts in an attempt to answer the greater
theological and historical question within his subtitle: is Christian theology a pile of dead bones in
today's society? In an attempt to answer this question, Jenson wields scripture, specifically the
overarching narrative of God's identity, as a gauge of validity that denies, confirms, or modifies
various theological concepts that arise out of both historical and social developments. Following
Jenson's central image of the dead bones of Israel, the structural basis, or bones, of Jenson's body of
theology is solely biblical scripture. Through this truth–seeking test of scripture, Jenson vividly and
comprehensively illustrates the
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Theology Of Fear Book Review
Fear is an emotion that is common today, both in the secular and Christian camps. Many become
scared over minute things, but then there are those who have strong fears about events in their past
that then cause fear about future events. How do we know when we should be fearful and when we
should simply be cautious? Overall, the book was excellent, and it offered a strong approach to
understanding fear and how to overcome it. And while I understand Dr. Ken Nichols's intent, I
would be interested in learning how to apply the content of this book in the context of a counseling
While reading the text, I found that there was not much emphasis given to the theology of fear as
outlined in Scripture. I understand that the book was an overview
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Theology of Atonement and Salvation
The view and understanding of atonement is one of the widest in Christian theology. Unlike the
dogmas that define the theology of trinity and incarnation and bring unity to Christian
understanding, the theology of atonement has many different views that are widely held. The
theology of atonement is one of the most important for Christians to understand, as it shapes our
images of God, our understanding of salvation and how we are saved.
In this essay, I will be looking at different theories of atonement and how they make a difference to
our theology of salvation. I will argue that different understandings and theories of atonement affect
our theology of salvation by highlighting different aspects of salvation and answering the ... Show
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The subjective theories emphasise the effect of the cross and atonement on the believers and their
response. This means that an emphasis on Christ's death on the cross and it being an example
for/influence on humanity is classed as subjective theories. Objective theories put stress on what the
atonement achieved at the event of the cross, outside individuals. This means that any view that sees
Jesus' crucifixion as payment by God for our sins is classed as an objective theory.
The first theory I will be looking at is the Ransom theory. The ransom theory is one of the earliest
theories of atonement that originated with Origen of Alexandria. This view orientated from Mark
10:24 and Matthew 20:28, where it states that the Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom for
many. This word ransom was a familiar one for the early Church as it bring up Old Testament
imagery as it was a word use of God's rescue of Israel from Egypt. This theory states that Christ's
death on the cross was a necessary act as a payment to Satan for our release. Due to Adam's sin, we
were captured legally by Satan through the bonds of original sin. Therefore, in order to secure our
freedom justly, a price needed to be paid to Satan. Thus Jesus died on the cross to be that payment.
Gregory of Nyssa explains this theory in terms of God fishing for humanity using Jesus' humanity as
This view creates a dualism where it places Satan on the same field as God as He is bargaining with
the Devil. It
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The Elimination of Natural Theology Essay
The Elimination of Natural Theology
ABSTRACT: The dispute between fideists and rationalists seems intractable since those who argue
for faith alone claim that they are offended by the use of reason in religion. The advocates of reason
claim that they are equally offended by the appeal to faith. This dispute may be resolved by showing
that those who rely on faith may be seen as engaging in an experiment of living, so they can become
part of a rational experiment without having to alter their practice; in contrast, those who use reason
to justify religion can be seen as addressing a spiritual need. From an evangelical point of view, it
would be wrong to disparage the mathematician's use of the mathematical proof of God's existence
(such ... Show more content on ...
– Jamesian conditions=we have, with good reason, a right to believe more than is justified by the
received canons of rationality – Butlerian conditions = (i) for all practical purposes, it is sufficient to
reply to objections to religion; it is not necessary to provide positive arguments. (ii) for all practical
purposes, it is sufficient to provide probabilistic arguments, it is not necessary to provide
demonstrative arguments. – integrative rationalism = consider religion an integral part of the whole
enterprise of rational inquiry and accept the following:
(A) All claims with religious content and all religiously motivated actions and practices are subject
to the same kind of rational scrutiny and evaluation as any other claim or form of behavior i.e., the
religious and the secular are at parity as far as the jurisdiction of reason is concerned. By contrast,
pure fideists reject (A) without comment; ratiocinative fideists reject (A) but attempt to explain their
rejection, and conditional rationalists refuse to accept (A) until the kind of rational scrutiny to which
religion is to be subjected is spelled out.
The Controversy
Discovering the right relationship between faith and reason matters as much as finding the right
religion matters, yet the conflict seems irresolvable. Rationalists and fideists can both claim
legitimate descent in the history of religion, but the essence of one view seems categorically
unacceptable to the other.
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The Journey Of Modern Theology
The Journey of Modern Theology: Chapter 3, 7, & 11
I enjoyed reading about Charles Hodge and some of the things Olson recorded about Hodge really
spoke to me. One topic I enjoyed was Hodge 's belief that God would not ask or command us to do
something that is morally wrong (p.225). Hodge also believed that God would not reveal anything
that would contradict a well authenticated truth or revelation (p. 225). I think Hodge is correct with
his assumption because God does not change His mind or ask us to do something immoral. I think
many people believe that God changed His mind and sent Jesus after His first attempt the Law of
Moses had failed. We know the Law was a part of the plan for Jesus ' entrance into this world.
Hodge 's statement is ... Show more content on ...
The Apostle Paul alludes to this when he says that "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable
for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training" 2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB). Paul is telling us we
can use the scripture to form our teachings from. I do believe we can see God 's existence in nature
just as the Apostle Paul says, "Since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal
power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so
that they are without excuse" Roman 1:20 (NASB). I will not doubt the scripture that you can find
evidence of God in nature but what you find should not replace the truths found in the scripture.
Hodge believed that the Bible was a store house of facts for the theologian, but for some of the
liberal theologians of the enlightenment period they looked for answers outside of God 's word.
Many churches have went this way as well and its a reminder to me and my ministry that I must
keep myself centered in the store house of facts, the Bible. As Christians I believe when problems
arise we must seek out answers to these problems through scripture study and prayer. I believe to
often we try to handle things with our own reasoning and hands when Jesus himself said, "...apart
from Me you can do nothing" John 15:5 (NASB). To me this is a reminder in my ministry that if I 'm
trying to do things outside of God 's will
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Theological Essay : Theological Of Theology
Theological Self Jesus called his followers to worship God "in spirit and in truth", later adding, "you
will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". But what sort of God are we to worship and how
do we know we are worshiping "in spirit and in truth"? If the truth will set us free, then it seems
quite reasonable to want to determine what truth, specifically, will set us free. This is where
theology can help us a great deal. Far from being an area of study reserved only for academics or the
clergy, theology is important to every Christian. In short, theology is the study of God,
encompassing concepts such as His nature, the nature of reality, the human condition, the person of
Christ and more. But our study of theology must extend ... Show more content on ...
Instead, they tend to bring up a distaste for the "establishment" of "organized religion" and the
seeming rule of some elite faction over the masses. This, however, is far from what true theology is
supposed to do.
Often we perceive doctrine as "irrelevant, impractical, divisive, unspiritual and unknowable." But is
this really the case? It 's true that sometimes doctrine and theology come across this way. However,
the abuse and misuse of theology and doctrine does not mean that the proper and positive uses of it
are to be ignored. Theology, in fact, is extremely relevant, practical, uniting, spiritual and knowable.
Through it we learn truths about God, His Son, our individual and collective human predicament,
the nature of salvation and much more. Understood properly, theology equips us with the tools we
need to cope with every aspect of life. For example, we may not think of prayer as theology, but the
foundation of prayer is theology. We pray because we know a loving and personal God exists and
hears us. This is not a distant, indifferent God, but the all–powerful God of the universe who is
active in His creation, wanting the best for us. "The world is charged with the grandeur of God."
Theology, then, is both practical and relevant. It is practical in that it should influence our lives on a
very real and daily level. But it is also relevant in that it applies to every aspect of life, not just
nitpicking points of
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John Tillich : Systematic Theology
In Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology, he tries to offer a distinctive meaning of the term God. Tillich
use a phenomenological description of the meaning of God that provides "Gods are beings who
transcend the realm of ordinary experience in power and meaning, with whom men have relations
which surpass ordinary relations in intensity and significance"
Tillich's first point that the answer to the question implied in man's finitude is God which concerns
man ultimately. It means that whatever concerns a man ultimately becomes God for him, and
conversely, it means that a man can be concerned ultimately only about that which is God for him.
Tillich mentions that Gods are beings experienced, named, and defined in concrete intuitive terms
through the exhaustive use of all the ontological elements and categories of finitude. Gods are
substances caused and causing, active and passive, remembering and anticipating, arising and
disappearing in time and space. Even though they are called "highest beings," they are limited in
power and significance. They are limited by other Gods or by the resistance of other beings and
principles, for example, matter and fate. Tillich briefly mentions, that the history of religion is full of
human attempts to participate in divine power and use it for human purposes. Men continue to use
the power of their God by asking his favors. Because they demand a concrete God, a God with
whom man can deal.
Tillich next goes to describe the relation between
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What Is Theology Essay
What is theology? What does it explain if anything? According to the encyclopedia, it is related to
the Greek Religion. In Christianity, the systematic study of the nature of God and God's relationship
with humanity and with the world. Although other religions may be said to have theologies, this is a
matter of controversy within, for instance, Judaism , which holds that God is unknowable. This
article will therefore confine itself to Christian theology. The development of theology in
Christendom arose from the need for educated Christians of the ancient world to express their ideas
in terminology familiar in current thought. Hence arose the close relation of Christian theology with
Greek philosophy formulated by the Greek and Latin ... Show more content on ...
This would be God's own words or examples of how religion/theology is based on nature and what
he has created. Secondly is the 'Revealed' theology, which is based on revelation. The revelation is
the change and the evolution of things and events. The ‘Revealed' theology is the showing of the
growth of the theology. Next is the 'Dogmatic' theology. This theology is the dealing with
authoritative teaching of the scriptures and the Church. This theology is based on the writings. It
means that it is only using teachings from the elders and the authority figures to adhere information.
After is 'Speculative' theology. This is known as the giving scope to human speculation, not
confined to revelation. This theology does not base its beliefs on the revelation but also on the
humans and what occurs in their speculation and thoughts. Lastly is the 'Systematic' theology. It is
the methodical arrangement of the truths of religion in their natural connection. This theology is
based on nature, yes, as is the ‘Natural' theology, but it also is a better understand of the truths of
religion. Each specific sector of the nature of theology has its own points to bring to the concept.
Each individual theology is based on different aspects of the nature of theology.
The nature of theology is found the Western theologian era. The nature of God is known to be in
monotheistic religion. It is a broad,
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The Three Alones Of Reformation Theology
Question 1. What are the three "alones" of Reformation theology? How do they relate to one another
in Luther's theology? How does Luther's use of them respond to the dominant question of the
sixteenth century: How can I know that God is favorable to me?
The three "alones" in Reformation theology refer to that which is needed for "justification" or
salvation favorableness in the sight of God. Luther describes them as 1) Christ, or the Gospel of
Christ (Scripture), alone, 2) faith alone, and 3) grace alone. Each of these three are essentially united
in Luther's theology.
Christ is the most important factor in the three, because without Christ and without His Word, as
recorded in Scripture, one cannot begin to have faith or hope to receive the necessary grace that
comes with faith and guarantees salvation. As Luther states, "One thing, and one alone, is necessary
for life, justification, and Christian liberty; and that is the most holy word of God, the Gospel of
Christ" (Luther, p. 9). Through Christ and the preaching of His Word comes belief. If one believes,
that is has faith, which implies trust and commitment, then one is justified and has found favor in
God's eyes: "For faith alone, and the efficacious use of the word of God, bring salvation" (Luther, p.
Luther downplays the importance of "works" in the justification of man and instead emphasizes the
place of faith and the grace that goes with it: "For the word of God cannot be received and honoured
by any works,
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A Theology of Fly Fishing Essay
A Theology of Fly Fishing
I have been fishing as long as I can remember. It has been a pursuit, an adventure, a call, a metaphor,
a meditation, and a coping mechanism. Being a young boy in the 1960s and 70s, reading Thor
Heyerdahl adventures and watching Jacques Cousteau, National Geographic, and astronauts orbiting
the earth and walking on the moon on television, the spirit of adventure and the wonder of the
natural world were the air I breathed. Moreover, my family was of a religious bent where my sisters
and I were more likely to be told to be quiet and pay attention on a nature walk than in church. As
opposed to the somehow self–evident holiness of the sanctuary, my parents took on the nurturing
challenge of opening our eyes to ... Show more content on ...
The unavoidable reality of my sport as a source of spiritual and physical renewal and growth is that
it is essentially a matter of life and death for the fish.
Why fly fish? Is it "right" to treat a living creature as a plaything for my amusement? Is that what I
am doing? Is my fishing an act of reverence and respect? Or egocentric curiosity? To want to be in
touch with and actually feel and see the beauty of these animals and share in their dimension of
existence? In our drastically shrinking world can I justify this pastime? Or, is it for the very reason
that our entire ecosystem, not to mention the tiny fraction of which is made up of trout streams, is
being grossly ravaged for commercial purposes that our attempts at preservation are so obviously
justified? Or, is all of this just a cheap and insincere rationalization of a "blood sport" in a day and
age that prefers these confined to movies, video arcades, "true crime" television shows, and the
overseas news?
In this essay, I will examine two of the more obvious theological questions which confront me when
I am fly fishing or thinking about fly fishing. First, as Judeo–Christians do we have a divinely
instituted responsibility for the preservation and cherishing of Creation? And second, how does fly
fishing help us understand, define and shoulder that responsibility?
By definition, theology is "talk about God." My readers may feel that equating "talk about God"
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1. Overview Of The Theology Of The Pentateuch.. Theology
1. Overview of the Theology of the Pentateuch.
Theology is the study of God, and further the Theology of the Pentateuch is defined as what is the
Pentateuch teaching us about God today. The Pentateuch is another name for the Torah, which
consists of the first five books of the Biblical canon. Studying the theological vision contained
within the Pentateuch is crucial to scholars since it is this vision that shapes the principal form of
this work. Further, the foundation for the theology of God is set forth in the rest of the Bible. One
can read numerous intricate, complex stories as concern our Creator, however there is not one
contradiction in respect to his attributes that can be found. It is owing to the fact that this is a solid ...
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These are promises that God secured between himself and his people. For example, Genesis one
uncovers a covenant with Adam and continues further with covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses,
Israel and a renewal with the new generation of God's chosen people in Deuteronomy. Moreover,
each of these covenants has "it's own character and scope; and each prepares for and provides the
found for, the next". Alexander and Baker hold fast in agreement and proceed to say, " Yet the faith
and varied responses of the ancestors and Israelites are best grasped in relation to covenant making,
covenant breaking and renewals of covenant". The narrative of the Pentateuch has a progressive
nature, as do the covenants made between people and God.
2. Theology of the Pentateuch in Genesis.
2.1 Character of God, Humanity, and Covenant Relationship in Genesis.
The book of Genesis presents the reader with a relational God. In particular, Genesis focuses on the
relationship between God and man and "thus Genesis does not present a static theology of God's
involvement with humanity, but regardless of his mode of engagement, God is present and active".
However, the sin of man arrived into the world and these relationships were fractured. Again, God
exhibits judgment, but also mercy when in Genesis three He sends Adam and Eve out of the Garden
for their transgression, yet provides clothes as an act of grace.
The main Biblical idea behind a covenant means a
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A Theology Of Liberation By Gutierrrez
Gustavo Gutierrez is a well–known theologian and priest thats considered to be one of the founders
of liberation theology. Originally, it's a Christian manifested response for treacherous conditions in
Latin America revolving around an unjust social system. In his award winning book, A Theology of
Liberation: history, politics, and salvation, he analyzes and reflects on theology as a focal point for
'truths' and the importance behind them. In other words, his intent for each phrase has a significant
meaning in its subtext. In Gutiérrez's book, he emphasizes his beliefs and sentiments when by
stating, "A theology which has as its points of reference only "truths" which have been established
once and for all –– and not the Truth which is also ... Show more content on ...
According to Gutiérrez, "This is the foundation of the praxis... in history." (Gutiérrez p. 7) However,
if theology is based on a narrow observation of historical events, it contributes to the investigation
of their meaning. The true interpretation of the meaning revealed from theology is only found in
historical praxis. To add, Gutiérrez's quote "can be only static and, in the long run, sterile," implies
that Theology can be a liberating mechanism for mankind and Religious communities, preventing
them of solidarity and proclivity over a long period of time. The significance behind this is showing
that theology has a pivotal role in liberation from all forms of religious alienation, which is fostered
by the ecclesiastical institution when it's based from an authentic approach towards the Word of
God. Between society and church, theology is an understanding that grows and changes through out
the progression of history. For instance, if the commitment of a religious community takes different
forms in its history, its understanding of the commitment will be constantly refreshed, renewed, and
take unforeseen
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Theology 205 By Edward Lewis
Lewis' essay relates to this course as Theology provides a perspective on understanding creation, the
transcendent power, and humanity around us. He acknowledges that multiple viewpoints exist from
the inside and outside perspectives. Also, one cannot ignore or discount specific inside experiences
as it helps us think about something. Therefore, in Theology 205, there will inevitably be many
ways to understand life, our purpose, and the people we are becoming. We are also covering the
Bible in depth, so some of us will look "at the beam" if they have never read it, while others will
look "along the beam" if they are familiar with its interpretations. The students who will look along
the beam are those who are Christian or Jew, since they already use the Bible as some guidance in
life. In contrast, those who look at the beam are ones who are new to this subject, those willing to
view this course from a new lens, and those who do not practice Christianity or Judaism. ... Show
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The young man does not apply an experiential view; rather, he is merely looking "at the beam" when
he examined the paintings. This is similar to Lewis' essay because Lewis ultimately believes that we
should attempt to look through multiple lenses and understand the difference between the outside
and inside experiences that shape how we think about something. Williams' character tells the boy
that he does not truly know anything about him just from looking on the outside, so his judgments
are invalid. He must truly experience and look along the "beam" in order to fully understand what
Williams' character went
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The Pros And Cons Of Christian Theology
According to Pew Research Center in 2015, there were counted to be 2.3 billion Christians in this
world (Hackett, & McClendon,2017). What does it take to be a Christian, one should accept God
into their life, heart, soul, and mind? Accepting God into one's life consist of studying the nature of
God, by reading the Bible daily, and mediating on the scripture both night and day. In this essay of
Christian theology, a new believer, or those that are an undecided believer of God, will know the
four sources of Christian theology, what makes the four sources important to Christian living, the
limitations of these four sources, and lastly the positive and negatives of philosophy and theology.
The four sources of Christian theology are: scripture, tradition, reason, and religious experience
(Blackwell, 2017 pg.104). Scripture is explained to be used for Christian living, and instruction
written by God. Old Testament tells of God's dealing with the Israelites, and how they lived sinfully
in the sight of God. While the Israelites did not live the way, God commanded them to live which
was by the Ten Commandment ways, God still loved them unconditionally even after he punished
them. When it comes to the New Testament, God's only begotten son Jesus came unto the scene.
Jesus came to this world to seek and to save that which was lost Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11 KVJ).
The New Testament tells of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and with the blood that he
shed, believers will be
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The Shape of Practical Theology
Book Report: The Shape of Practical Theology
In The Shape of Practical Theology: Empowering Ministry with Theological Praxis, Ray Anderson
attempts what he considers a new approach to modern Christianity. Anderson believes that the
modern church is plagued by a significant divide between theology and practical Christianity. Many
churches approach these two aspects of religion as if they are separate, rather the practical sides of
Christianity lacking. Therefore, Anderson's goal in the book is to relate modern practical
Christianity directly to theology. He uses theology to tackle some of the major social issues that
impact on modern practicing Christians including: preaching, worship, family, therapy, burnout,
relationships, social justice, ethics, and homosexuality. Instead of treating these issues as if they are
separate from theology, Anderson demonstrates how theology directly interacts with each of these
issues. Anderson uses a three–prong approach to explain his theological approach to modern
Christianity. The first prong is the shape of practical theology. The goal of this section is not to
merely describe the skills and methods that people use to engage in theology, but to look at practical
theology as a meaningful way to grow one's relationship with God and one's understanding of
Scripture. In this section, Anderson introduces the concept of practical theology, talks about the
discipline of practical theology, a Trinitarian model of practical theology, looking
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Is Theology A Science Of God?
Theology is a science of God which looks to comprehend God 's creation, especially man and his
condition, and God 's redemptive working in connection to humankind. On the off chance that
theology is science, with a particular sort of reason routines for showing what science generates and
improves in its access of faith. As Aristotle observed, each field of demand ought to apply a strategy
appropriate to it, and it is the characteristic of an imbecile to attempt to use, for instance, a scientific
system in a morals field (Westberg and Daniel 103).
In like manner, it is silly to attempt to utilize exact routines to refute the presence of God, for God
can 't be a subject to analyze, yet must be looked for as the shrouded first ... Show more content on ...
Its goal is not just to set up a conclusion by the method for the power of God 's Revelation,
additionally to infiltrate that Revelation, to get a handle on the reasons, embodiments, qualifications,
interrelations, and outcomes of uncovered truths, seeing that this is conceivable. For instance, if God
uncovers that He offers effortlessness to humanity, theology offers the conversation starter as to
what beauty seems to be, what are its reasons and purposes, and whether there are various types of
elegance and how they vary (Reich and Helmut, 80). Theology in this manner offers conversation
starters as to the significance, causes, forces, suggestions, and interrelations of what God uncovers.
It instructs the devotee how to consider philosophical issues, with the goal that he can see with his
own eyes the purposes behind every conclusion, and how they lay on uncovered truths and
substantial widespread standards. Just along these lines can theology be a science and increase some
seeing, however, constrained, of the substance of the faith.
The embodiment of each perspective is established in its otherworldly, mystical, overseeing
suppositions about the way of reality. It is never truly an issue of which of us activities faith and that
one doesn 't. Faith is something inside
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Reflection Paper On Theology
Generally speaking this course led me to contrast the Wesleyan doctrine with specific questions
raised by opposing theological viewpoints. The real world scenarios presented in the weekly
assignments provided valuable context to the application of biblical interpretation to answer
questions concerning details of the hope Jesus has promised. These inquiries ranging from limits of
justification and gifts, to the biblical truth regarding the Church here and in the next life, will
continue to be of great value as I am utilized to make disciples of all people.
To begin, week one's position paper challenged me to dig at the underlying reason many would be
afraid they have committed the "unforgivable sin "of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I asserted the
root of the issue is not that one is a believer who is tormented by committing an unforgivable sin; it
is a lack of faith that Christ has forgiven all their sin. The scenario given was not unfamiliar to me of
a person who believes Jesus is Lord, but due to lack of knowledge cannot trust Jesus as their Lord.
Though the initial scenario dealt with salvation, I can apply the same lack of faith being an issue in
any area of my own life. I have recognized that areas of struggle in my own life have persisted due
to a lack of faith in the process, even though I had faith in salvation. Realizing that until I stand in
faith specifically for the situation at hand, many times I will not possess the breakthrough I have
prayed for. I was reminded through this assignment that often the stated issue is only an effect of a
deeper dilemma. The lack of trust situation, as well as the accompanying scenario regarding spiritual
gifts, was caused by Scripture received out of context. The stance as to why someone would be
scared they are beyond God's forgiveness due to blasphemy would be based on translations of: Mark
3:29, Matthew 12:31, Luke 12:10– not taken in context with the rest of scripture. I concluded the
misunderstanding of the gifts of the Spirit, was a case of "cherry picking" scriptures by the subject
to substantiate his view point. I found applying Wesley's teachings of contextual study of Scripture
to such a real world situation of great practical value (Oden, 2012,
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Differences Between Feminist Theology And Christian Theology
If one were to ask ten modern day theologians to define the word "theology," it is likely that they
would hear ten different answers. Even within the various types of theology, for example, Christian
theology, there are a wide spectrum of attitudes and beliefs. Even more so, if one were to compare
evangelical theology with feminist theology, the differences would add up quickly. Two modern day
theologians, Stanley Grenz and Catherine Keller, well known in their respective fields, have
approached their theology from different backgrounds. The most obvious is the difference in gender.
However, their theological methodologies, the definition, and nature of their theological goals and
their approach to being biblically faithful are vastly different. By careful examination, these two
theologians and their specific ideologies in relating to evangelical theology and feminist theology
will influence how a person approaches their own theology.
Considered a "prolific theologian," Stanley Grenz was a leader among evangelical theologians
(Warner, 2005, p. 42). Author of a multitude of books on diverse subject matters including
eschatology, ethics, Trinity, and homosexuality, Grenz initially defended his Baptist customs
(Warner, 2005). However, considered as his greatest contribution, was his ability to bridge the
evangelicals from their own world of thought to "engage the larger scholarly world" (Warner, 2005,
p. 43). He was the first to consider postmodern thought, recognizing
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Theology Reflection
In every field of study there is tension in definitions, but in theology, the word theology itself is full
of tension. On one hand, it is almost indescribable because it studies God who is without perfect
description, but on the other hand St. Anselm's statement, "faith seeking understanding" seems to
describe with perfect flexibility what it means to practice theology. My intent is to attend Graduate
school at Marquette University so that I can dive deeper into the history, study, and communication
of what it means for faith to seek understanding. My faith began to seek understanding from an early
age as I entered Catholic schools and learned about what it meant to be Catholic. There, I was
formed and there I was raised: I grew to know and love the Church and God through my experiences
in Catholic schools. My teachers imparted to us the prayers and called us to do more than just pray
the words: to live out the words within our lives. It was here I that I became compelled to question
the systems of justice in the world and in the church. My sister, born with a cognitive disability, was
told she could not receive the Eucharist when it came time for her first communion. This prompted
my family to dedicate time and work to make and create spaces in the Church for people with
disabilities. In the space of Catholic schools, my faith needed understanding; it needed theology,
which would illuminate how to construct change to help open the doors to marginalized people in
the public square to be welcomed into the Church. During my time as an undergraduate student at
the University of Dayton, I continued to develop skills and knowledge assisting me in the process of
faith seeking understanding. I chose to pursue two degrees: a B.A. in religious studies and a B.S.E.
in Secondary Catholic Education. The former became my love, nothing excited me like going to a
religion class. Here, I learned about the methods behind theology and deepened my understanding of
my religion and my faith. My education degree formed me into someone more than just a teacher.
My education degree served me in more ways than just teaching in high schools because it taught
me the invaluable skills of communication, planning, research, and
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Psycholoy, Theology and Spirituality
Psychology, Theology and Spirituality: Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Counseling
Morenike Oye
Liberty University
Psychology, Theology and Spirituality: Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Counseling
McMinn (2011) uses this book to bring out the importance of the use of spirituality (as related to
Christian faith) in psychological counseling. He describes the Christian Counselors as people who
are highly trained in counseling theory and techniques, in theology, and are personally disciplined to
mirror Christian attributes during and after counseling. (pg. 139)
According to McMinn (2011), Christian Counselors face the challenges of knowing the techniques
of spiritual ... Show more content on ...
It was not a formal counseling session. He prayed with me and made me meditate on Philippians
4:4–6 (NIV) "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with
thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all
understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." He showed me reasons why I need
to pray in my situation. The Holy Spirit made me know I felt disappointed in God (sin). I thought I
could pray and He has to answer all prayers (pride). I meditated on Romans 12:3 (NIV) " not
think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in
accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you." I confessed my sin of overrating my
self–opinion, received new grace through humility referred to in II Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) "If my
people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn
from their wicked ways...," for the healing of my soul. According to McMinn (2011), spirituality
redirects us from illusion of competence, pride, and exaggerated self–opinion to help us admit our
helplessness and dependence on the unmerited grace of God. It happened to me.
Reflection One of the strengths of this book is McMinn's concentration on the practical aspect of the
interdisciplinary integration: the amalgamation of
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Feminist Theology
Feminist Theology
Feminist theology is based on the idea of "not lord but brother". Jesus Christ himself stepped outside
of societies norms by befriending the outcasts of society, which included women. Women are often
portrayed as the cause of or focus of evil and misdeeds in the bible. The focus of feminist theology
is the perspective of theology from those who were outcast and therefore considered themselves as
equals and friends to Jesus Christ. "If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their
husbands. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church." (1 Cor.14:33–35) Feminist
theologians are logical and educated with their approach to the view of the Lord as an equal who is
to be believed in and epitomized ... Show more content on ...
The Holy Spirit itself seems to have a feminine quality to its nature. The mystery of the Trinity is by
no means that simple. But the fact that it is a mystery would indicate that it is presumptive to assume
that any part of the Trinity other than Jesus is either male or female. The significance of Jesus is not
his maleness but his humanness. In the movie, The DaVinci Code, (although many liberties are
taken with the biblical basis and texts), there is a very real focus on the feminine idea behind
Christianity. What if women were supposed to carry on the Christian tradition and the church? This
idea shakes the very foundation of early and modern Christianity to the core. The Bible itself was
written by men, the Council at Nicaea was attended by men, is it so far fetched that maybe the men
got it wrong? This idea is radical but has an affect on the feminist perspective that is found in
several sources of research. There are several ideas from a feminine point–of–view that even change
the focus of Jesus as simply a man.
There is much feminist imagery related to Jesus as well. He gave birth to humanity through his
death. This "birth" language is feminine and using maternal images to describe the life, teachings
and sufferings of Jesus is powerful indeed. It has the potential to link inevitable stereotypes for
woman to be mothers and nothing else but women in the church have left their mark
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Psychology and Theology
4–MAT Review: Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling
Freda Taylor
Liberty University
4–MAT Review: Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling
McMinn, M. (1996). Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling. Carol Stream,
IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 0–8423–5252–X).
The Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling is the thought provoking book
of McMinn which was published in 1996 and includes ample guidance and inspiration for the
practitioners of Christian counseling. This book reveals that how the three perspectives of
psychology, spirituality and theology can be amalgamated to facilitate individuals in identifying ...
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The book beautifully entails that the counselor must observe his client deeply to depict that when he
would be able to respond appropriately towards a specific approach. McMinn's ideas about prayer
really strike the heart that without God's assistance one cannot proceed towards emotional stability.
The book presents an excellent guidance to Christian counselors about appropriate approach towards
displaying spirituality in their exposures with their client to ensure a finest blend of spirituality,
theology and psychology. The intriguing idea coined by McMinn has direct applicability to
counseling that a counselor would be able to amalgamate spirituality and psychology only if his own
life is rich in spiritual attributes.
Apart from the positive features of the book, a few things have gone unanswered in book as Lord,
the greatest spiritual counselor, has remained out of the narration when it came to the self–
determination that when and how to integrate prayer, scripture or call for forgiveness. The impact of
book would have doubled if there was much reference to the spiritual work.
Another question striking the mind is that would same counseling approach would be appropriate
for every age group particularly the teenagers? McMinn (1996) has not revealed that how to tackle
the teens in the prescribed perspective of spirituality because they are the most difficult group to
counsel especially when it comes to
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Psychology, Theology, And Spirituality
Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Counseling by Mark R. McMinn is a book that discusses
two different characteristics of the Christian Counseling field: in counseling sessions and life
beyond the counseling sessions for example, the counselor's job and the counselor's life. Dr.
McMinn starts his book with a brief section written with James Wilhoit that discusses religion in the
counseling office.
This first section talks about the importance of making good use of the Christian faith in counseling
and not focusing on the relationship between psychology and theology (McMinn, 1996, p. 25). It
also states the challenges that religion brings in counseling sessions and how to handle those. In the
chapters that follow, McMinn talks about six Christian concepts in counseling.
McMinn talks about a few challenges when a counselor attempts to integrate psychology and
theology. Some of these are complications of spiritual formation, blurred professional and personal
life, training problems, worldview differences, no scientific support, and unique ethical elements in
religious counseling (McMinn, 1996, p. 46). McMinn talks about three areas that Christian
counseling makes stronger: sense of self, an awareness of human need and limitations that everyone
has, and talking about personal relationships we have with God and others.
In the third chapter, McMinn talks about prayer in counseling. Prayer is a part of life for many
people. Prayer is more than a form of counseling; it
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The Theology Of The Transcendental Model
that is an uncritical process. On the contrary, as this dialogue occurs, there is a critical analysis going
on. According to Bevans the importance of this dialogue is that the contextual theology that rises is
unique. Unfortunately, the constant threat of this model is that gospel and Tradition can be 'watered'
down and lose their prophetic nature. As consequence of being diluted and losing its identity, the
gospel may also lose its transforming power.
The Transcendental Model
This model is the most difficult to understand. Because, though it seems very anthropological, it is
contingent to an inner human experience. This model depends on affective and cognitive events. In
other words, reality is not something external to be grasped, but it is within ourselves. However,
though in the beginning this exercise seems to rely on a personal or individual activity, this model is
highly communal. Thus, these transcendental events are generated through the person's interaction
with the community. In this model, the closer the person is to his/her local culture the more prepare
s/he will be to theologize. This model opens the way for what Schreiter calls the 'poet' or local
voices. According to Bevans, this model opens the exercise of theologizing to non–professional
theologians. Consequently, theology can be found in songs, art and other expressions. A second
strength, this model is not focused on finding the correct answer 'out there', but it is the
authentication of the inner
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Psychology, Theology And Spirituality
A 4–MAT Review: Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in the Christian Counseling
Mark McMinn is a trained psychologist who is known for his book that was written in 1996 called
Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling. McMinn had advocated for the
Christians who are counselors for many years. McMinn is very experienced in the work and in his
field of study. One of the biggest things that McMinn stresses is the importance of establishing and
maintaining a good trustworthy relationship with the client and showing ways of how to confront
the client as a therapeutic approach.. The major purpose for this is to create and achieve a lasting
change to the client so that the counseling process can be effective (McMinn, 1996).
In effect, Mark McMinn has utilized theology, spirituality and psychology to help individuals in
enhancing diverse concepts of their lives. Notably, the author articulates clearly that the counselor
should be strong particularly in their personal spirituality. Hence, this is important because it is the
only way to assist their clients appropriately in the counseling process. The author also expounds on
various precautions, which counselors must take, as well as the limitations. Subsequently, it can be
challenging to incorporate the counselor's spirituality especially in their counseling sessions since
many of them are not confident since they lack adequate knowledge about the Bible. Thus, this will
result to
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Creation Theology Paper
Creation happened at the beginning of time. In cultures all around the world, there can be found
explanations of how people came to be and how the world they live in was formed. Creation
theology is a bit different. It explains how Christians believe the God of the Bible formed the world
and how that impacts them today. A belief that most Christians hold that can be traced back to the
Apostle's Creed is that God the Father is "maker of heaven and earth". This can be translated in
different ways however, and this paper will try and explain some of the different ways that the
Biblical account of Creation can be understood. Creation can also be linked to other beliefs of the
church, especially to Christ himself. The Biblical Creation of the world will be recognized in this
paper by being capitalized, creation will reference the beginning of the world and nature will be
used to describe what has been created like the plants, animals, and humans. In this paper, I will
explain the different parts of Creation theology and connect Creation to other parts of Christology.
Creation Theology The story of how the world was created has been told in different ways since the
beginning of time. Nature clearly points out to humans that there is a God (Williams, 2007). This
can be called natural theology which uses nature to prove that there is a God (McGrath, 2008). The
world is very complex with many different parts of it interwoven and dependent on each other. It is
very difficult to
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Personal Theology Reflection Paper
Nicole Hines 1
Eric Hernando
God Through My Eyes Vast, all–knowing, creator, so much more. How do you define your God?
The Father is so much more than human kind can grasp, therefor, being nearly impossible to fully
define without using opinion and imagination. The knowledge of God is the largest piece of shared
information among humans throughout time and space. I will explore my personal thoughts of God,
humanity and Jesus, as well as reflect on Christian worldview. Growing up, my parents taught me
the basic of Roman Catholicism because it was the right thing to do according to our ancestors. We
weren 't religious, but rather lived by a good moral code and felt spiritual in our family. Church and
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Inherently, the focus of God is love and to respect His authority is to love Him. Learning to worship
God as Trinity involves more than just searching for creative techniques. We need to know about the
nature of our triune God if we are to worship him and enjoy him properly (Shaw 79). Often when I
feel discouraged, the instinct is to blame God, the creator of everything. Sometimes I get so wrapped
up in my own selfishness, that I forget all the things "God" has done, not just for me, but also for the
world. His mercy is compassionate love for sinners who do not deserve the redemption in Christ that
he offers. His grace likewise speaks of his free favor granted to sinners (Shaw 81). I am also
reminded that God is transcendent. He surpasses time and money, earth and space. God is so
important, that metaphors are constantly referred to as representing God: God is a rock, God is the
light, God is the bread, God is a fortress, God is the potter and we are the clay (GCU text).
According to the text, creation and humanity are the work of a triune God. Creation includes the
entire activity of God. In creation all three persons are at work simultaneously, including the Holy
Spirit (Gen 1:2) and the Word (John 1:1) (Chapter 5). 3 Studies of Jesus primarily focus on the
duality of Jesus and how he is able to be both human and divine at once. This subject was disputed
at the Council of Chalcedon in the year 451 between the
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Paul Tillich Systematic Theology
In volume one of Systematic Theology, Paul Tillich seeks to trace the connections between reason
and revelation, being and God. In that order, Tillich brings his understanding of God out of his
understanding of revelation. However, he does not use classical terminology or ideas to explain
them. Instead, under the influence of existentialism and phenomenology, Tillich answers the
fundamental question of theology by analyzing the nature of being. Modern formulations oscillate
back and forth as it relates to theological loci as to which comes first: the doctrine of God or the
doctrine of revelation or Scripture. It is an attempt to answer a similar question, "Which came first?
The chicken or the egg?" While he does begin with his book with entire ... Show more content on ...
In philosophical terms, it is the problem of the one and the many. Tillich argues that polytheism is
not quantitative element (that is, threeness) but a qualitative one (222). The issue is ultimacy over
concreteness, which, in his philosophical explanation, is quite difficult. He argues that there are
three types of polytheism (universalistic, mythological, dualistic) and in each of them the concrete
prevails over the ultimate. Therefore, each god seeks to be ultimate over other gods. In Trinitarian
monotheism, the ultimate and the concrete are unified (228). Based on this description and the very
language he uses, it seems at this point in Tillich's development, that he was uncomfortable with
monarchial elements in trinitarian theology (i.e. primacy of one over
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Theology Of Repentance And The Old Covenant
Introduction of Theology of Repentance and Forgiveness
When studying the nature of God or theology, one ascertains what God does and did for humanity.
One of God's nature was a family and in His infinite wisdom, He created humankind to be His
family with an adoration to praise Him for the wonderful acts He bestows. Strong shares, "The aim
of theology is the ascertainment of the facts respecting God and the relations between God and the
universe, and the exhibition of these facts in their rational unity, as connected parts of a formulated
and organic system of truth." Additionally, there is the science that tries to unlock the mysteries of
God. However, science has its' limitations to unlocking this mystery. Strong continues, "In defining
theology ... Show more content on ...
I was too upset to have a conversation with him and knew that if I did talk to him, I would say
something ungodly. In order to prevent that, I chose to keep my distance. Sometime later, he wanted
to continue the subject and stated, "I was upset with how you wanted to handle the issue, so let's see
if we can come to an agreement on how to resolve it." When reading the above scenario, repentance
never occurred from my friend. Although I forgave him for the remarks, and it was several weeks
until he finally repented or has remorse for making the comments, however, the initial response was
not repentance. Before I reconnected with my friend, I used some of Sande's method. He states,
"Preparation is one of the most important elements of successful negotiation (Prov. 14:8, 22). This is
especially true when significant issues or strong feelings are involved."
Pray. I asked God to give me the right words to say, to keep me from being offensive.
Study the Bible. I read scriptures and had some prepared for the conversation. Scriptures such as
Colossians 4:6, letting your conversation be of grace; Ephesians 4:29, do not let wrong
communication come out your mouth; Proverbs 15:28, the heart weighs its answers, just to name a
Develop options. I developed a plan and a course of action to handle the business so that I had other
options when I would be confronted with the
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Reflection On The Study Of Theology
My educational background is not Theology. The Theological knowledge I receive through the
teaching from the church and by reading theological books. The desire to study theology is because I
realized it is very important to strengthen the basis of my faith and for my spiritual growth.
Before coming to IGSL, I had read many Theology books and I found many books were conflicting
with teaching from one another. Sometimes I felt no interest to read theology books anymore
because there are contradictions and contrasts in thoughts and made me confused, and disorganized
my known theology. That's why I am interested to learn Systematic Theology. Now, I could
understand theology better, and I am not confused with my theology.
I realized that the study of theology is not easy because it means learning about doctrine, biblical
theology, and systematic theology. This is closely related to understand the infinite mind of God
through the finite human mind. I will have difficulty to understand the mind of God, perfectly. ...
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Therefore, when Christ is brought to Asia, the Gospel deals with the culture where the gospel is
brought. When someone who brings Christ to a region and does not understand how the culture
prevail in that area, he/she will cause problems in presenting the gospel in the area. Culture has an
important role in the human relationships and it is a tool that unites an individual against other
individuals in a community. When Jesus was as an incarnate human being, he also participated in
the culture within the Jewish community. In Indonesia, most of the existing churches are tribal
churches. This means the church cannot be separated with the culture that exists in every tribe. The
church needs to give its place to the richness of the local culture in terms of language, music, art,
dance, and other elements which are of course more meaningful to individuals associated with
his/her respective
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Is Theology A Religion?
Thielicke begins by pointing out how many "ordinary" Christians have a strong prejudice against
theology, warning those who study it about being corrupted by their unbelieving and godless
professors (3). He explains that while it may be easy for a young theologian to brush these sorts of
concerns off as naive and uninitiated. However, Thielicke maintains that the young theologian ought
to carefully consider them. For if it is true that theology has nothing to do with the "common
people" then there may actually be something wrong with it it indeed. This is because Christianity as
a religion is meant to happen in a community of believers together. If something which is supposed
to be as vital as theology is to Christianity does not aid the community then the theologian
attempting it is probably going about it in the wrong way (4). It then follows theology can often be a
sort of hindrance to young people who study it, in so far as it can act a something which obscures
the fervor of the faith that they had. A simple study of the biblical text can often be more
enlightening to the young theologian than it is for them to study something abstract and
complicated, as he has not yet had the experience needed to fully appreciate the sentiment behind
what he is being given to understand about God (7). He can understand much of what is being said
intellectually, but he has not yet grown into the spiritual experience behind the concept being
communicated to him. As such he cannot
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Analyzing Black Liberation Theology, Latin American...
Liberation Theology
Black Liberation Theology, Latin American Liberation Theology, and Feminist Theology
Liberation theology comprises of two main principles: it recognizes the call for liberation from any
form of oppression economic, political, and social: second, it says that theology must grow from the
basic Christian communities and not from above. Liberation theology examines the theological
meaning of human activities, which includes an explanation of the Christian faith out of suffering,
struggle and hopes for the poor, critiques the society and its ideologies that sustaining its existence.
In addition, it also reflects on the activities of the church from a perspective of the poor.
Liberation lies at three levels of meaning which have a correlation. Liberation at the social and
political level, it states on the oppressed classes and people. It emphasizes on the conflict that arises
from the economic, social, and political process that happens between the oppressed and oppressors.
At the human level, liberation emerges as a historical process that shows the conscious development
of people on their own through social changes. At the religious level, liberation means being free
from sin the main source of all alienation from fraternity and the source of all oppression and
injustice. This last form of liberation brings man into communion with God. The three processes are
inseparable and form a unique complex process (Hillar, 2000).
Black Liberation Theology
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Theology 104 Reflective Essay
Theology 104 has really changed my outlook and views regarding systematic theology. I now
understand more clearly that as Christians, in order to be able to accurately share our faith that we
must all be a theologian to some extent. Looking at the totality of it all, the four religion courses I
have taken since January 2015 have really expanded my views and understanding of what it is to be
a Christian. Between Philosophy and Contemporary Ideas (PHIL201), Contemporary Worldviews
(APOL 104), Survey of Biblical Literature (BIBL 104), and Introduction to Christian Thought
(THEO 104), my understanding of the Bible and Christianity in general has increased exponentially.
While my overall belief system has not been impacted, I now have a better ... Show more content on ...
As someone who has always wanted to understand the Bible better and use scriptures within proper
context, the last six months has really helped me to understand context; how to determine it, and
how to apply it properly. Another important aspect I have learned, specifically via THEO 104, is
defense of the reliability of scripture. Approximately 5000 Greek manuscripts exist, along with an
additional 13,000 copies of portions of the New Testament, which stands in stark contrast to no
other major historical writing has more than 200 manuscripts available, and most have less than a
dozen; biblical scholars have determined that these manuscripts were copied with at least 95%
accuracy (Towns, E., 2002). I now understand more fully what salvation is and what it entails.
Rather than just saying something to the effect of "Salvation is forgiveness of sin and the path to
eternal life," I can discuss the faith experience, regeneration, and life–transformation more in depth,
with more accuracy. With all that I have learned, it is quite impossible to narrow that education
down specifically to one area in which I have acquired knowledge. Overall, I am in awe at how my
eyes have been opened wider, and how my spirit has been spoken to. My worldview has not
changed, it has expanded to include deeper truths and more accurate
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Christian Theology And Psychology Is Necessary
Living in a pluralistic world naturally lends its inhabitants to a culture plentiful of varying belief
systems in which integration becomes beneficial, as opposed to detrimental. Theology, or more
specifically Christianity, and the field of psychology are central ideologies that often call into
question the need for unification. The intermingling of the two for certain people is logical; whereas,
others view them as absolutely distinct with no benefit of integrating. Either standpoint offers valid
claims with both being worthy of examination.
The idea of whether or not integrating Christian theology with psychology is necessary is well–
stated by David Cartwright (2010), a professor at Colorado Christian University, in that this depends
on one's perspective (Integration of..., Video 1). Certain Christian circles believe that not only
should these two areas be interrelated, but they also naturally are, as all things fall under God's
realm of creation. Yet, other believers stake their claim in a different camp with the mindset that
theology and psychology should never intersect, let alone meld into one another. On the opposite
end of the spectrum, this question is a moot point for one who adheres to an atheistic worldview.
Personally, my stance follows a Christ–centered worldview, thus, aligning with author David
Entwistle's proposal of the 'allies' approach. Truth originates with God, and either discipline affords
one the means to seek out knowledge concerning humanity
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Theology of Grace
Theology of Grace There are many different ways to interpret the theology of grace. In this paper, I
will be discussing four major theologians who have the most popular insights on grace. These
theologians include Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, and Rahner who all have their own unique
perspective on grace. All of their theories seem to intertwine with one another but each individual
one has a different twist that makes them slightly different. The first theologian I'm going to discuss
is Augustine. Augustine was known as the 'Father of Grace.' He believed that all human nature is in
disorder due to universal sin of Adam and Eve. According to Augustine, sin is passed on by sexual
acts, even if a married couple engaged in sexual ... Show more content on ...
He thought that grace is forgiveness of god in which salvation comes through God. Trust of God
was expressed in God's merciful love. Luther believed that a merciful god would deliver anyone
from the evil they did. Only by the grace of God can forgiveness of sin be achieved. Even after you
are graced, you are still partly a sinner. He believed that you could not merit grace and could not
learn grace through works, it is all given. Grace is totally undeserved and only through God's choice
can you be graced. Lastly is Rahner, who was a Neo–Thomist and a student of Aquinas. Rahner
believed in the supernatural existential and obediential potency meaning that as we're born we have
the ability and capacity to receive the love of God. He said that grace was God's self–
communication in love. Also, grace is not an extra addition to human nature. "Karl Rahner
developed a theology that views grace as the offer of God's love that is intrinsic to existent human
nature (pg. 1)." He believed that you can either accept or reject the honor of grace. "According to
Rahner, human beings 'freely choose to ratify or to reject that orientation which is itself the free gift
of a loving God, but the orientation remains structured into their being (pg. 2)." You're only free
when you love. If you decide to love then you are authentic but if you decide not to love then you
are disgraced. Rahner believed that like God, we can know and can
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Theology: God and Prayer Essay
Reflection Paper: Prayer and Character Development
Twila S. Cooper
Theology 104
November 16, 2012
Professor White
The purpose of this paper is to reveal a direct correlation between prayer and character development.
It is crucial that Christians fully understand this tool that has been put in place in order for us to be
able to communicate with the Lord, our Creator. Praying and communing with the Lord leads to and
builds not only a stronger relationship with Christ, but it also continues to build us in strength and
character. The reflection of Christ should be evident in the life of a Christian through character traits
also known as the fruit of the spirit. Prayer strengthens the character of a ... Show more content on ...
Genesis 2:7 says, "And the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils
the breath of life and man became a living soul." We also read in the scripture in Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace; and not of evil,
to give you an expected end." By reading these scriptures we learn that it is evident the Lord loves
His creation, man who is created in His image and He has created all of us with a purpose. In order
for us to find the Lord's entire purpose for us on this earth, we must communicate with Him daily.
Christians are to be the example of Christ to the world around us. The Bible reminds us of the
characteristics of his spirit.
Galatians 5:22–23 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self–control. Against such things there is no law." These
are the character traits that we should be exemplifying. Prayer keeps us in touch with these. We have
a tendency to only want to call on the name of the Lord in troubled times in our lives, however, the
Lord wants to communicate with us daily, in good times and in bad times. We are created in His
image and He has many good and wonderful things in store for us, but it takes prayer, waiting on the
Lord's direction and letting Him lead and guide us. We should look
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Essay On Puritan Theology
Puritan Theology
Puritans always had very strict beliefs.Among these beliefs the puritans thought sin should not be
expressed and a sinner should be shamed, hell is the single most terrifying thing so they instilled
fear to get people to convert, and they are the city on a hill so they should lead by example and be
the best. In the sermons Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, A Model of Christian Charity, and a
Sermon Preached by Samson Occom the authors talk about some of these puritan beliefs.
Puritans thought of themselves as 'the elect'. The elect is a group of people who were predestined to
be saved by God. John Winthrop knows that the puritans believe that and plays it to his advantage.
He uses this quote to prove to the puritans they ... Show more content on ...
He directly states the eyes of all people are upon us. Thus giving the puritans validation. He say this
to win the over and get them to see his side by telling something they already believe. He used the
puritan theology to prove his point. Another major aspect of puritan theology is the fear they
instilled into the public. They always made hell seem so atrocious (as they should have). They did
this to get people to convert to their religion. Edwards plays with idea, almost like Winthrop did, to
establish fear to get the puritans to confess and be saved. One quote that really stood out was,
"The wrath of God burns against them; their damnation does not slumber; the pit is prepared; the
fire is made ready; the furnace is now hot; ready to receive them; the flames do now rage and glow.
The glittering sword is whet and held over them, and the pit hath opened her mouth under them. The
devil stands ready to fall upon them, and seize them as his own"(Edwards
... Get more on ...
Philosophy and Christian Theology
Many of the doctrines and concepts central to Christianity have important philosophical implications
or presuppositions. In this article we will take a closer look at some of the central doctrines and
concepts, and their philosophical relevance.
Of course, many philosophically laden doctrines and concepts are relevant to Christianity, and we
cannot discuss them all here. Rather, our focus will be on those concepts and doctrines that are
distinctively Christian, and which have been the focus of a good deal of recent discussion in the
philosophical literature. Thus, although theism is a central Christian concept, it is not distinctively
Christian and so will not be covered here. Further, although views about the Eucharist, a central ...
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First, philosophical reasoning might persuade some who do not accept the authority of purported
divine revelation of the claims contained in religious texts. Thus, an atheist who is unwilling to
accept the authority of religious texts might come to believe that God exists on the basis of purely
philosophical arguments. Second, distinctively philosophical techniques might be brought to bear in
helping the theologian clear up imprecise or ambiguous theological claims. Thus, theology might
provide us with information sufficient to conclude that Jesus Christ was a single person with two
natures, one human and one divine, but leave us in the dark about exactly how this relationship
between divine and human natures is to be understood. The philosopher can provide some assistance
here, since, among other things, he or she can help the theologian discern which models are, for
example, logically inconsistent and thus not even candidates for understanding the relationship of
divine and human natures in Christ.
For most of the twentieth century, the vast majority of English language philosophy went on without
much interaction with theology at all. While there are a number of complex reasons for this divorce,
three are especially important. The first is that atheism was the predominant opinion among English
language philosophers throughout much of that century.
A second, quite related reason is that, philosophers in the twentieth century
... Get more on ...

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Psychology, Theology, And Spirituality

  • 1. Psychology, Theology, And Spirituality Summary In the book, Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling, McMinn expands upon the theory of integrating psychology and theology by providing the reader with concrete methods to utilize in counseling. His approach to integration is filled with helpful guidance for any counselor striving to strike the appropriate balance in their sessions. McMinn divulges into how and when to use scripture, prayer, confession and redemption. He advocates for utilizing these methods on a case by cases basis to ensure the client's best interest. Overall, the book provides a tangible understanding of how to integrate theology and psychology into different counseling sessions. McMinn begins his book by advocating for a more detailed approach to spiritual and psychological health. He saw that the current model had many problems, including the fact that it was too broad. McMinn advocated for a more detailed map, and decided to create one himself. McMinn's new map depicted a triangle flow chart instead of a linear progression. He believes "a more comprehensive perspective on psychological and spiritual health requires us to consider self, brokenness, and healing relationships as interactive rather than linear" (McMinn, 2011, p. 50). The new map considers the client's faulty beliefs as hindrances to healing. Counselors will need to work with their clients to develop an accurate sense of self, sense of need, and heathy healing relationship to produce real change in their ... Get more on ...
  • 2. `` A Theology `` : Is Christian Theology A Pile Of Dead... With the rise of modernity, a technological shift has allowed our society to be more interconnected than ever. The supercomputers that we call cell phones can connect us to one another, to information, and to cultural developments almost instantaneously. However, also following this rise of modernity is a cultural drift that manifests itself as the fall of Christendom, or the divorce between gospel and Greco–Roman civilization that make them as disconnected as ever. The challenges of nihilism and the historical–critical method appear to have severed the historical ties that the Church once had to mainstream culture. Through the modern framework of a divorce of culture and church, Robert Jenson, in his book, A Theology in Outline: Can These Bones Live?, deconstructs and illustrates various theological concepts in an attempt to answer the greater theological and historical question within his subtitle: is Christian theology a pile of dead bones in today's society? In an attempt to answer this question, Jenson wields scripture, specifically the overarching narrative of God's identity, as a gauge of validity that denies, confirms, or modifies various theological concepts that arise out of both historical and social developments. Following Jenson's central image of the dead bones of Israel, the structural basis, or bones, of Jenson's body of theology is solely biblical scripture. Through this truth–seeking test of scripture, Jenson vividly and comprehensively illustrates the ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Theology Of Fear Book Review Fear is an emotion that is common today, both in the secular and Christian camps. Many become scared over minute things, but then there are those who have strong fears about events in their past that then cause fear about future events. How do we know when we should be fearful and when we should simply be cautious? Overall, the book was excellent, and it offered a strong approach to understanding fear and how to overcome it. And while I understand Dr. Ken Nichols's intent, I would be interested in learning how to apply the content of this book in the context of a counseling session. While reading the text, I found that there was not much emphasis given to the theology of fear as outlined in Scripture. I understand that the book was an overview ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Theology of Atonement and Salvation The view and understanding of atonement is one of the widest in Christian theology. Unlike the dogmas that define the theology of trinity and incarnation and bring unity to Christian understanding, the theology of atonement has many different views that are widely held. The theology of atonement is one of the most important for Christians to understand, as it shapes our images of God, our understanding of salvation and how we are saved. In this essay, I will be looking at different theories of atonement and how they make a difference to our theology of salvation. I will argue that different understandings and theories of atonement affect our theology of salvation by highlighting different aspects of salvation and answering the ... Show more content on ... The subjective theories emphasise the effect of the cross and atonement on the believers and their response. This means that an emphasis on Christ's death on the cross and it being an example for/influence on humanity is classed as subjective theories. Objective theories put stress on what the atonement achieved at the event of the cross, outside individuals. This means that any view that sees Jesus' crucifixion as payment by God for our sins is classed as an objective theory. The first theory I will be looking at is the Ransom theory. The ransom theory is one of the earliest theories of atonement that originated with Origen of Alexandria. This view orientated from Mark 10:24 and Matthew 20:28, where it states that the Son of Man came to give his life as a ransom for many. This word ransom was a familiar one for the early Church as it bring up Old Testament imagery as it was a word use of God's rescue of Israel from Egypt. This theory states that Christ's death on the cross was a necessary act as a payment to Satan for our release. Due to Adam's sin, we were captured legally by Satan through the bonds of original sin. Therefore, in order to secure our freedom justly, a price needed to be paid to Satan. Thus Jesus died on the cross to be that payment. Gregory of Nyssa explains this theory in terms of God fishing for humanity using Jesus' humanity as bait. This view creates a dualism where it places Satan on the same field as God as He is bargaining with the Devil. It ... Get more on ...
  • 5. The Elimination of Natural Theology Essay The Elimination of Natural Theology ABSTRACT: The dispute between fideists and rationalists seems intractable since those who argue for faith alone claim that they are offended by the use of reason in religion. The advocates of reason claim that they are equally offended by the appeal to faith. This dispute may be resolved by showing that those who rely on faith may be seen as engaging in an experiment of living, so they can become part of a rational experiment without having to alter their practice; in contrast, those who use reason to justify religion can be seen as addressing a spiritual need. From an evangelical point of view, it would be wrong to disparage the mathematician's use of the mathematical proof of God's existence (such ... Show more content on ... – Jamesian conditions=we have, with good reason, a right to believe more than is justified by the received canons of rationality – Butlerian conditions = (i) for all practical purposes, it is sufficient to reply to objections to religion; it is not necessary to provide positive arguments. (ii) for all practical purposes, it is sufficient to provide probabilistic arguments, it is not necessary to provide demonstrative arguments. – integrative rationalism = consider religion an integral part of the whole enterprise of rational inquiry and accept the following: (A) All claims with religious content and all religiously motivated actions and practices are subject to the same kind of rational scrutiny and evaluation as any other claim or form of behavior i.e., the religious and the secular are at parity as far as the jurisdiction of reason is concerned. By contrast, pure fideists reject (A) without comment; ratiocinative fideists reject (A) but attempt to explain their rejection, and conditional rationalists refuse to accept (A) until the kind of rational scrutiny to which religion is to be subjected is spelled out. The Controversy Discovering the right relationship between faith and reason matters as much as finding the right religion matters, yet the conflict seems irresolvable. Rationalists and fideists can both claim legitimate descent in the history of religion, but the essence of one view seems categorically unacceptable to the other. The ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Journey Of Modern Theology The Journey of Modern Theology: Chapter 3, 7, & 11 I enjoyed reading about Charles Hodge and some of the things Olson recorded about Hodge really spoke to me. One topic I enjoyed was Hodge 's belief that God would not ask or command us to do something that is morally wrong (p.225). Hodge also believed that God would not reveal anything that would contradict a well authenticated truth or revelation (p. 225). I think Hodge is correct with his assumption because God does not change His mind or ask us to do something immoral. I think many people believe that God changed His mind and sent Jesus after His first attempt the Law of Moses had failed. We know the Law was a part of the plan for Jesus ' entrance into this world. Hodge 's statement is ... Show more content on ... The Apostle Paul alludes to this when he says that "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training" 2 Timothy 3:16 (NASB). Paul is telling us we can use the scripture to form our teachings from. I do believe we can see God 's existence in nature just as the Apostle Paul says, "Since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse" Roman 1:20 (NASB). I will not doubt the scripture that you can find evidence of God in nature but what you find should not replace the truths found in the scripture. Hodge believed that the Bible was a store house of facts for the theologian, but for some of the liberal theologians of the enlightenment period they looked for answers outside of God 's word. Many churches have went this way as well and its a reminder to me and my ministry that I must keep myself centered in the store house of facts, the Bible. As Christians I believe when problems arise we must seek out answers to these problems through scripture study and prayer. I believe to often we try to handle things with our own reasoning and hands when Jesus himself said, "...apart from Me you can do nothing" John 15:5 (NASB). To me this is a reminder in my ministry that if I 'm trying to do things outside of God 's will ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Theological Essay : Theological Of Theology Theological Self Jesus called his followers to worship God "in spirit and in truth", later adding, "you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free". But what sort of God are we to worship and how do we know we are worshiping "in spirit and in truth"? If the truth will set us free, then it seems quite reasonable to want to determine what truth, specifically, will set us free. This is where theology can help us a great deal. Far from being an area of study reserved only for academics or the clergy, theology is important to every Christian. In short, theology is the study of God, encompassing concepts such as His nature, the nature of reality, the human condition, the person of Christ and more. But our study of theology must extend ... Show more content on ... Instead, they tend to bring up a distaste for the "establishment" of "organized religion" and the seeming rule of some elite faction over the masses. This, however, is far from what true theology is supposed to do. Often we perceive doctrine as "irrelevant, impractical, divisive, unspiritual and unknowable." But is this really the case? It 's true that sometimes doctrine and theology come across this way. However, the abuse and misuse of theology and doctrine does not mean that the proper and positive uses of it are to be ignored. Theology, in fact, is extremely relevant, practical, uniting, spiritual and knowable. Through it we learn truths about God, His Son, our individual and collective human predicament, the nature of salvation and much more. Understood properly, theology equips us with the tools we need to cope with every aspect of life. For example, we may not think of prayer as theology, but the foundation of prayer is theology. We pray because we know a loving and personal God exists and hears us. This is not a distant, indifferent God, but the all–powerful God of the universe who is active in His creation, wanting the best for us. "The world is charged with the grandeur of God." Theology, then, is both practical and relevant. It is practical in that it should influence our lives on a very real and daily level. But it is also relevant in that it applies to every aspect of life, not just nitpicking points of ... Get more on ...
  • 8. John Tillich : Systematic Theology In Paul Tillich, Systematic Theology, he tries to offer a distinctive meaning of the term God. Tillich use a phenomenological description of the meaning of God that provides "Gods are beings who transcend the realm of ordinary experience in power and meaning, with whom men have relations which surpass ordinary relations in intensity and significance" Tillich's first point that the answer to the question implied in man's finitude is God which concerns man ultimately. It means that whatever concerns a man ultimately becomes God for him, and conversely, it means that a man can be concerned ultimately only about that which is God for him. Tillich mentions that Gods are beings experienced, named, and defined in concrete intuitive terms through the exhaustive use of all the ontological elements and categories of finitude. Gods are substances caused and causing, active and passive, remembering and anticipating, arising and disappearing in time and space. Even though they are called "highest beings," they are limited in power and significance. They are limited by other Gods or by the resistance of other beings and principles, for example, matter and fate. Tillich briefly mentions, that the history of religion is full of human attempts to participate in divine power and use it for human purposes. Men continue to use the power of their God by asking his favors. Because they demand a concrete God, a God with whom man can deal. Tillich next goes to describe the relation between ... Get more on ...
  • 9. What Is Theology Essay What is theology? What does it explain if anything? According to the encyclopedia, it is related to the Greek Religion. In Christianity, the systematic study of the nature of God and God's relationship with humanity and with the world. Although other religions may be said to have theologies, this is a matter of controversy within, for instance, Judaism , which holds that God is unknowable. This article will therefore confine itself to Christian theology. The development of theology in Christendom arose from the need for educated Christians of the ancient world to express their ideas in terminology familiar in current thought. Hence arose the close relation of Christian theology with Greek philosophy formulated by the Greek and Latin ... Show more content on ... This would be God's own words or examples of how religion/theology is based on nature and what he has created. Secondly is the 'Revealed' theology, which is based on revelation. The revelation is the change and the evolution of things and events. The ‘Revealed' theology is the showing of the growth of the theology. Next is the 'Dogmatic' theology. This theology is the dealing with authoritative teaching of the scriptures and the Church. This theology is based on the writings. It means that it is only using teachings from the elders and the authority figures to adhere information. After is 'Speculative' theology. This is known as the giving scope to human speculation, not confined to revelation. This theology does not base its beliefs on the revelation but also on the humans and what occurs in their speculation and thoughts. Lastly is the 'Systematic' theology. It is the methodical arrangement of the truths of religion in their natural connection. This theology is based on nature, yes, as is the ‘Natural' theology, but it also is a better understand of the truths of religion. Each specific sector of the nature of theology has its own points to bring to the concept. Each individual theology is based on different aspects of the nature of theology. The nature of theology is found the Western theologian era. The nature of God is known to be in monotheistic religion. It is a broad, ... Get more on ...
  • 10. The Three Alones Of Reformation Theology Question 1. What are the three "alones" of Reformation theology? How do they relate to one another in Luther's theology? How does Luther's use of them respond to the dominant question of the sixteenth century: How can I know that God is favorable to me? The three "alones" in Reformation theology refer to that which is needed for "justification" or salvation favorableness in the sight of God. Luther describes them as 1) Christ, or the Gospel of Christ (Scripture), alone, 2) faith alone, and 3) grace alone. Each of these three are essentially united in Luther's theology. Christ is the most important factor in the three, because without Christ and without His Word, as recorded in Scripture, one cannot begin to have faith or hope to receive the necessary grace that comes with faith and guarantees salvation. As Luther states, "One thing, and one alone, is necessary for life, justification, and Christian liberty; and that is the most holy word of God, the Gospel of Christ" (Luther, p. 9). Through Christ and the preaching of His Word comes belief. If one believes, that is has faith, which implies trust and commitment, then one is justified and has found favor in God's eyes: "For faith alone, and the efficacious use of the word of God, bring salvation" (Luther, p. 9) Luther downplays the importance of "works" in the justification of man and instead emphasizes the place of faith and the grace that goes with it: "For the word of God cannot be received and honoured by any works, ... Get more on ...
  • 11. A Theology of Fly Fishing Essay A Theology of Fly Fishing I have been fishing as long as I can remember. It has been a pursuit, an adventure, a call, a metaphor, a meditation, and a coping mechanism. Being a young boy in the 1960s and 70s, reading Thor Heyerdahl adventures and watching Jacques Cousteau, National Geographic, and astronauts orbiting the earth and walking on the moon on television, the spirit of adventure and the wonder of the natural world were the air I breathed. Moreover, my family was of a religious bent where my sisters and I were more likely to be told to be quiet and pay attention on a nature walk than in church. As opposed to the somehow self–evident holiness of the sanctuary, my parents took on the nurturing challenge of opening our eyes to ... Show more content on ... The unavoidable reality of my sport as a source of spiritual and physical renewal and growth is that it is essentially a matter of life and death for the fish. Why fly fish? Is it "right" to treat a living creature as a plaything for my amusement? Is that what I am doing? Is my fishing an act of reverence and respect? Or egocentric curiosity? To want to be in touch with and actually feel and see the beauty of these animals and share in their dimension of existence? In our drastically shrinking world can I justify this pastime? Or, is it for the very reason that our entire ecosystem, not to mention the tiny fraction of which is made up of trout streams, is being grossly ravaged for commercial purposes that our attempts at preservation are so obviously justified? Or, is all of this just a cheap and insincere rationalization of a "blood sport" in a day and age that prefers these confined to movies, video arcades, "true crime" television shows, and the overseas news? In this essay, I will examine two of the more obvious theological questions which confront me when I am fly fishing or thinking about fly fishing. First, as Judeo–Christians do we have a divinely instituted responsibility for the preservation and cherishing of Creation? And second, how does fly fishing help us understand, define and shoulder that responsibility? By definition, theology is "talk about God." My readers may feel that equating "talk about God" ... Get more on ...
  • 12. 1. Overview Of The Theology Of The Pentateuch.. Theology 1. Overview of the Theology of the Pentateuch. Theology is the study of God, and further the Theology of the Pentateuch is defined as what is the Pentateuch teaching us about God today. The Pentateuch is another name for the Torah, which consists of the first five books of the Biblical canon. Studying the theological vision contained within the Pentateuch is crucial to scholars since it is this vision that shapes the principal form of this work. Further, the foundation for the theology of God is set forth in the rest of the Bible. One can read numerous intricate, complex stories as concern our Creator, however there is not one contradiction in respect to his attributes that can be found. It is owing to the fact that this is a solid ... Show more content on ... These are promises that God secured between himself and his people. For example, Genesis one uncovers a covenant with Adam and continues further with covenants with Noah, Abraham, Moses, Israel and a renewal with the new generation of God's chosen people in Deuteronomy. Moreover, each of these covenants has "it's own character and scope; and each prepares for and provides the found for, the next". Alexander and Baker hold fast in agreement and proceed to say, " Yet the faith and varied responses of the ancestors and Israelites are best grasped in relation to covenant making, covenant breaking and renewals of covenant". The narrative of the Pentateuch has a progressive nature, as do the covenants made between people and God. 2. Theology of the Pentateuch in Genesis. 2.1 Character of God, Humanity, and Covenant Relationship in Genesis. The book of Genesis presents the reader with a relational God. In particular, Genesis focuses on the relationship between God and man and "thus Genesis does not present a static theology of God's involvement with humanity, but regardless of his mode of engagement, God is present and active". However, the sin of man arrived into the world and these relationships were fractured. Again, God exhibits judgment, but also mercy when in Genesis three He sends Adam and Eve out of the Garden for their transgression, yet provides clothes as an act of grace. The main Biblical idea behind a covenant means a ... Get more on ...
  • 13. A Theology Of Liberation By Gutierrrez Gustavo Gutierrez is a well–known theologian and priest thats considered to be one of the founders of liberation theology. Originally, it's a Christian manifested response for treacherous conditions in Latin America revolving around an unjust social system. In his award winning book, A Theology of Liberation: history, politics, and salvation, he analyzes and reflects on theology as a focal point for 'truths' and the importance behind them. In other words, his intent for each phrase has a significant meaning in its subtext. In Gutiérrez's book, he emphasizes his beliefs and sentiments when by stating, "A theology which has as its points of reference only "truths" which have been established once and for all –– and not the Truth which is also ... Show more content on ... According to Gutiérrez, "This is the foundation of the praxis... in history." (Gutiérrez p. 7) However, if theology is based on a narrow observation of historical events, it contributes to the investigation of their meaning. The true interpretation of the meaning revealed from theology is only found in historical praxis. To add, Gutiérrez's quote "can be only static and, in the long run, sterile," implies that Theology can be a liberating mechanism for mankind and Religious communities, preventing them of solidarity and proclivity over a long period of time. The significance behind this is showing that theology has a pivotal role in liberation from all forms of religious alienation, which is fostered by the ecclesiastical institution when it's based from an authentic approach towards the Word of God. Between society and church, theology is an understanding that grows and changes through out the progression of history. For instance, if the commitment of a religious community takes different forms in its history, its understanding of the commitment will be constantly refreshed, renewed, and take unforeseen ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Theology 205 By Edward Lewis Lewis' essay relates to this course as Theology provides a perspective on understanding creation, the transcendent power, and humanity around us. He acknowledges that multiple viewpoints exist from the inside and outside perspectives. Also, one cannot ignore or discount specific inside experiences as it helps us think about something. Therefore, in Theology 205, there will inevitably be many ways to understand life, our purpose, and the people we are becoming. We are also covering the Bible in depth, so some of us will look "at the beam" if they have never read it, while others will look "along the beam" if they are familiar with its interpretations. The students who will look along the beam are those who are Christian or Jew, since they already use the Bible as some guidance in life. In contrast, those who look at the beam are ones who are new to this subject, those willing to view this course from a new lens, and those who do not practice Christianity or Judaism. ... Show more content on ... The young man does not apply an experiential view; rather, he is merely looking "at the beam" when he examined the paintings. This is similar to Lewis' essay because Lewis ultimately believes that we should attempt to look through multiple lenses and understand the difference between the outside and inside experiences that shape how we think about something. Williams' character tells the boy that he does not truly know anything about him just from looking on the outside, so his judgments are invalid. He must truly experience and look along the "beam" in order to fully understand what Williams' character went ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Pros And Cons Of Christian Theology According to Pew Research Center in 2015, there were counted to be 2.3 billion Christians in this world (Hackett, & McClendon,2017). What does it take to be a Christian, one should accept God into their life, heart, soul, and mind? Accepting God into one's life consist of studying the nature of God, by reading the Bible daily, and mediating on the scripture both night and day. In this essay of Christian theology, a new believer, or those that are an undecided believer of God, will know the four sources of Christian theology, what makes the four sources important to Christian living, the limitations of these four sources, and lastly the positive and negatives of philosophy and theology. The four sources of Christian theology are: scripture, tradition, reason, and religious experience (Blackwell, 2017 pg.104). Scripture is explained to be used for Christian living, and instruction written by God. Old Testament tells of God's dealing with the Israelites, and how they lived sinfully in the sight of God. While the Israelites did not live the way, God commanded them to live which was by the Ten Commandment ways, God still loved them unconditionally even after he punished them. When it comes to the New Testament, God's only begotten son Jesus came unto the scene. Jesus came to this world to seek and to save that which was lost Luke 19:10, Matthew 18:11 KVJ). The New Testament tells of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, and with the blood that he shed, believers will be ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Shape of Practical Theology Book Report: The Shape of Practical Theology In The Shape of Practical Theology: Empowering Ministry with Theological Praxis, Ray Anderson attempts what he considers a new approach to modern Christianity. Anderson believes that the modern church is plagued by a significant divide between theology and practical Christianity. Many churches approach these two aspects of religion as if they are separate, rather the practical sides of Christianity lacking. Therefore, Anderson's goal in the book is to relate modern practical Christianity directly to theology. He uses theology to tackle some of the major social issues that impact on modern practicing Christians including: preaching, worship, family, therapy, burnout, relationships, social justice, ethics, and homosexuality. Instead of treating these issues as if they are separate from theology, Anderson demonstrates how theology directly interacts with each of these issues. Anderson uses a three–prong approach to explain his theological approach to modern Christianity. The first prong is the shape of practical theology. The goal of this section is not to merely describe the skills and methods that people use to engage in theology, but to look at practical theology as a meaningful way to grow one's relationship with God and one's understanding of Scripture. In this section, Anderson introduces the concept of practical theology, talks about the discipline of practical theology, a Trinitarian model of practical theology, looking ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Is Theology A Science Of God? Introduction Theology is a science of God which looks to comprehend God 's creation, especially man and his condition, and God 's redemptive working in connection to humankind. On the off chance that theology is science, with a particular sort of reason routines for showing what science generates and improves in its access of faith. As Aristotle observed, each field of demand ought to apply a strategy appropriate to it, and it is the characteristic of an imbecile to attempt to use, for instance, a scientific system in a morals field (Westberg and Daniel 103). In like manner, it is silly to attempt to utilize exact routines to refute the presence of God, for God can 't be a subject to analyze, yet must be looked for as the shrouded first ... Show more content on ... Its goal is not just to set up a conclusion by the method for the power of God 's Revelation, additionally to infiltrate that Revelation, to get a handle on the reasons, embodiments, qualifications, interrelations, and outcomes of uncovered truths, seeing that this is conceivable. For instance, if God uncovers that He offers effortlessness to humanity, theology offers the conversation starter as to what beauty seems to be, what are its reasons and purposes, and whether there are various types of elegance and how they vary (Reich and Helmut, 80). Theology in this manner offers conversation starters as to the significance, causes, forces, suggestions, and interrelations of what God uncovers. It instructs the devotee how to consider philosophical issues, with the goal that he can see with his own eyes the purposes behind every conclusion, and how they lay on uncovered truths and substantial widespread standards. Just along these lines can theology be a science and increase some seeing, however, constrained, of the substance of the faith. The embodiment of each perspective is established in its otherworldly, mystical, overseeing suppositions about the way of reality. It is never truly an issue of which of us activities faith and that one doesn 't. Faith is something inside ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Reflection Paper On Theology Generally speaking this course led me to contrast the Wesleyan doctrine with specific questions raised by opposing theological viewpoints. The real world scenarios presented in the weekly assignments provided valuable context to the application of biblical interpretation to answer questions concerning details of the hope Jesus has promised. These inquiries ranging from limits of justification and gifts, to the biblical truth regarding the Church here and in the next life, will continue to be of great value as I am utilized to make disciples of all people. To begin, week one's position paper challenged me to dig at the underlying reason many would be afraid they have committed the "unforgivable sin "of blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. I asserted the root of the issue is not that one is a believer who is tormented by committing an unforgivable sin; it is a lack of faith that Christ has forgiven all their sin. The scenario given was not unfamiliar to me of a person who believes Jesus is Lord, but due to lack of knowledge cannot trust Jesus as their Lord. Though the initial scenario dealt with salvation, I can apply the same lack of faith being an issue in any area of my own life. I have recognized that areas of struggle in my own life have persisted due to a lack of faith in the process, even though I had faith in salvation. Realizing that until I stand in faith specifically for the situation at hand, many times I will not possess the breakthrough I have prayed for. I was reminded through this assignment that often the stated issue is only an effect of a deeper dilemma. The lack of trust situation, as well as the accompanying scenario regarding spiritual gifts, was caused by Scripture received out of context. The stance as to why someone would be scared they are beyond God's forgiveness due to blasphemy would be based on translations of: Mark 3:29, Matthew 12:31, Luke 12:10– not taken in context with the rest of scripture. I concluded the misunderstanding of the gifts of the Spirit, was a case of "cherry picking" scriptures by the subject to substantiate his view point. I found applying Wesley's teachings of contextual study of Scripture to such a real world situation of great practical value (Oden, 2012, ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Differences Between Feminist Theology And Christian Theology If one were to ask ten modern day theologians to define the word "theology," it is likely that they would hear ten different answers. Even within the various types of theology, for example, Christian theology, there are a wide spectrum of attitudes and beliefs. Even more so, if one were to compare evangelical theology with feminist theology, the differences would add up quickly. Two modern day theologians, Stanley Grenz and Catherine Keller, well known in their respective fields, have approached their theology from different backgrounds. The most obvious is the difference in gender. However, their theological methodologies, the definition, and nature of their theological goals and their approach to being biblically faithful are vastly different. By careful examination, these two theologians and their specific ideologies in relating to evangelical theology and feminist theology will influence how a person approaches their own theology. Considered a "prolific theologian," Stanley Grenz was a leader among evangelical theologians (Warner, 2005, p. 42). Author of a multitude of books on diverse subject matters including eschatology, ethics, Trinity, and homosexuality, Grenz initially defended his Baptist customs (Warner, 2005). However, considered as his greatest contribution, was his ability to bridge the evangelicals from their own world of thought to "engage the larger scholarly world" (Warner, 2005, p. 43). He was the first to consider postmodern thought, recognizing ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Theology Reflection In every field of study there is tension in definitions, but in theology, the word theology itself is full of tension. On one hand, it is almost indescribable because it studies God who is without perfect description, but on the other hand St. Anselm's statement, "faith seeking understanding" seems to describe with perfect flexibility what it means to practice theology. My intent is to attend Graduate school at Marquette University so that I can dive deeper into the history, study, and communication of what it means for faith to seek understanding. My faith began to seek understanding from an early age as I entered Catholic schools and learned about what it meant to be Catholic. There, I was formed and there I was raised: I grew to know and love the Church and God through my experiences in Catholic schools. My teachers imparted to us the prayers and called us to do more than just pray the words: to live out the words within our lives. It was here I that I became compelled to question the systems of justice in the world and in the church. My sister, born with a cognitive disability, was told she could not receive the Eucharist when it came time for her first communion. This prompted my family to dedicate time and work to make and create spaces in the Church for people with disabilities. In the space of Catholic schools, my faith needed understanding; it needed theology, which would illuminate how to construct change to help open the doors to marginalized people in the public square to be welcomed into the Church. During my time as an undergraduate student at the University of Dayton, I continued to develop skills and knowledge assisting me in the process of faith seeking understanding. I chose to pursue two degrees: a B.A. in religious studies and a B.S.E. in Secondary Catholic Education. The former became my love, nothing excited me like going to a religion class. Here, I learned about the methods behind theology and deepened my understanding of my religion and my faith. My education degree formed me into someone more than just a teacher. My education degree served me in more ways than just teaching in high schools because it taught me the invaluable skills of communication, planning, research, and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Psycholoy, Theology and Spirituality Psychology, Theology and Spirituality: Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Counseling Morenike Oye Liberty University Psychology, Theology and Spirituality: Interdisciplinary Approach to Christian Counseling Summary McMinn (2011) uses this book to bring out the importance of the use of spirituality (as related to Christian faith) in psychological counseling. He describes the Christian Counselors as people who are highly trained in counseling theory and techniques, in theology, and are personally disciplined to mirror Christian attributes during and after counseling. (pg. 139) According to McMinn (2011), Christian Counselors face the challenges of knowing the techniques of spiritual ... Show more content on ... It was not a formal counseling session. He prayed with me and made me meditate on Philippians 4:4–6 (NIV) "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." He showed me reasons why I need to pray in my situation. The Holy Spirit made me know I felt disappointed in God (sin). I thought I could pray and He has to answer all prayers (pride). I meditated on Romans 12:3 (NIV) " not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you." I confessed my sin of overrating my self–opinion, received new grace through humility referred to in II Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) "If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways...," for the healing of my soul. According to McMinn (2011), spirituality redirects us from illusion of competence, pride, and exaggerated self–opinion to help us admit our helplessness and dependence on the unmerited grace of God. It happened to me. Reflection One of the strengths of this book is McMinn's concentration on the practical aspect of the interdisciplinary integration: the amalgamation of ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Feminist Theology Feminist Theology Feminist theology is based on the idea of "not lord but brother". Jesus Christ himself stepped outside of societies norms by befriending the outcasts of society, which included women. Women are often portrayed as the cause of or focus of evil and misdeeds in the bible. The focus of feminist theology is the perspective of theology from those who were outcast and therefore considered themselves as equals and friends to Jesus Christ. "If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in church." (1 Cor.14:33–35) Feminist theologians are logical and educated with their approach to the view of the Lord as an equal who is to be believed in and epitomized ... Show more content on ... The Holy Spirit itself seems to have a feminine quality to its nature. The mystery of the Trinity is by no means that simple. But the fact that it is a mystery would indicate that it is presumptive to assume that any part of the Trinity other than Jesus is either male or female. The significance of Jesus is not his maleness but his humanness. In the movie, The DaVinci Code, (although many liberties are taken with the biblical basis and texts), there is a very real focus on the feminine idea behind Christianity. What if women were supposed to carry on the Christian tradition and the church? This idea shakes the very foundation of early and modern Christianity to the core. The Bible itself was written by men, the Council at Nicaea was attended by men, is it so far fetched that maybe the men got it wrong? This idea is radical but has an affect on the feminist perspective that is found in several sources of research. There are several ideas from a feminine point–of–view that even change the focus of Jesus as simply a man. There is much feminist imagery related to Jesus as well. He gave birth to humanity through his death. This "birth" language is feminine and using maternal images to describe the life, teachings and sufferings of Jesus is powerful indeed. It has the potential to link inevitable stereotypes for woman to be mothers and nothing else but women in the church have left their mark ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Psychology and Theology 4–MAT Review: Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling Freda Taylor Liberty University 4–MAT Review: Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling McMinn, M. (1996). Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling. Carol Stream, IL: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. ISBN: 0–8423–5252–X). Summary The Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling is the thought provoking book of McMinn which was published in 1996 and includes ample guidance and inspiration for the practitioners of Christian counseling. This book reveals that how the three perspectives of psychology, spirituality and theology can be amalgamated to facilitate individuals in identifying ... Show more content on ... The book beautifully entails that the counselor must observe his client deeply to depict that when he would be able to respond appropriately towards a specific approach. McMinn's ideas about prayer really strike the heart that without God's assistance one cannot proceed towards emotional stability. The book presents an excellent guidance to Christian counselors about appropriate approach towards displaying spirituality in their exposures with their client to ensure a finest blend of spirituality, theology and psychology. The intriguing idea coined by McMinn has direct applicability to counseling that a counselor would be able to amalgamate spirituality and psychology only if his own life is rich in spiritual attributes. Apart from the positive features of the book, a few things have gone unanswered in book as Lord, the greatest spiritual counselor, has remained out of the narration when it came to the self– determination that when and how to integrate prayer, scripture or call for forgiveness. The impact of book would have doubled if there was much reference to the spiritual work. Another question striking the mind is that would same counseling approach would be appropriate for every age group particularly the teenagers? McMinn (1996) has not revealed that how to tackle
  • 24. the teens in the prescribed perspective of spirituality because they are the most difficult group to counsel especially when it comes to ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Psychology, Theology, And Spirituality Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Counseling by Mark R. McMinn is a book that discusses two different characteristics of the Christian Counseling field: in counseling sessions and life beyond the counseling sessions for example, the counselor's job and the counselor's life. Dr. McMinn starts his book with a brief section written with James Wilhoit that discusses religion in the counseling office. This first section talks about the importance of making good use of the Christian faith in counseling and not focusing on the relationship between psychology and theology (McMinn, 1996, p. 25). It also states the challenges that religion brings in counseling sessions and how to handle those. In the chapters that follow, McMinn talks about six Christian concepts in counseling. McMinn talks about a few challenges when a counselor attempts to integrate psychology and theology. Some of these are complications of spiritual formation, blurred professional and personal life, training problems, worldview differences, no scientific support, and unique ethical elements in religious counseling (McMinn, 1996, p. 46). McMinn talks about three areas that Christian counseling makes stronger: sense of self, an awareness of human need and limitations that everyone has, and talking about personal relationships we have with God and others. In the third chapter, McMinn talks about prayer in counseling. Prayer is a part of life for many people. Prayer is more than a form of counseling; it ... Get more on ...
  • 26. The Theology Of The Transcendental Model that is an uncritical process. On the contrary, as this dialogue occurs, there is a critical analysis going on. According to Bevans the importance of this dialogue is that the contextual theology that rises is unique. Unfortunately, the constant threat of this model is that gospel and Tradition can be 'watered' down and lose their prophetic nature. As consequence of being diluted and losing its identity, the gospel may also lose its transforming power. The Transcendental Model This model is the most difficult to understand. Because, though it seems very anthropological, it is contingent to an inner human experience. This model depends on affective and cognitive events. In other words, reality is not something external to be grasped, but it is within ourselves. However, though in the beginning this exercise seems to rely on a personal or individual activity, this model is highly communal. Thus, these transcendental events are generated through the person's interaction with the community. In this model, the closer the person is to his/her local culture the more prepare s/he will be to theologize. This model opens the way for what Schreiter calls the 'poet' or local voices. According to Bevans, this model opens the exercise of theologizing to non–professional theologians. Consequently, theology can be found in songs, art and other expressions. A second strength, this model is not focused on finding the correct answer 'out there', but it is the authentication of the inner ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Psychology, Theology And Spirituality A 4–MAT Review: Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in the Christian Counseling Introduction Mark McMinn is a trained psychologist who is known for his book that was written in 1996 called Psychology, Theology and Spirituality in Christian Counseling. McMinn had advocated for the Christians who are counselors for many years. McMinn is very experienced in the work and in his field of study. One of the biggest things that McMinn stresses is the importance of establishing and maintaining a good trustworthy relationship with the client and showing ways of how to confront the client as a therapeutic approach.. The major purpose for this is to create and achieve a lasting change to the client so that the counseling process can be effective (McMinn, 1996). Summary In effect, Mark McMinn has utilized theology, spirituality and psychology to help individuals in enhancing diverse concepts of their lives. Notably, the author articulates clearly that the counselor should be strong particularly in their personal spirituality. Hence, this is important because it is the only way to assist their clients appropriately in the counseling process. The author also expounds on various precautions, which counselors must take, as well as the limitations. Subsequently, it can be challenging to incorporate the counselor's spirituality especially in their counseling sessions since many of them are not confident since they lack adequate knowledge about the Bible. Thus, this will result to ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Creation Theology Paper Creation happened at the beginning of time. In cultures all around the world, there can be found explanations of how people came to be and how the world they live in was formed. Creation theology is a bit different. It explains how Christians believe the God of the Bible formed the world and how that impacts them today. A belief that most Christians hold that can be traced back to the Apostle's Creed is that God the Father is "maker of heaven and earth". This can be translated in different ways however, and this paper will try and explain some of the different ways that the Biblical account of Creation can be understood. Creation can also be linked to other beliefs of the church, especially to Christ himself. The Biblical Creation of the world will be recognized in this paper by being capitalized, creation will reference the beginning of the world and nature will be used to describe what has been created like the plants, animals, and humans. In this paper, I will explain the different parts of Creation theology and connect Creation to other parts of Christology. Creation Theology The story of how the world was created has been told in different ways since the beginning of time. Nature clearly points out to humans that there is a God (Williams, 2007). This can be called natural theology which uses nature to prove that there is a God (McGrath, 2008). The world is very complex with many different parts of it interwoven and dependent on each other. It is very difficult to ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Personal Theology Reflection Paper Nicole Hines 1 7/30/2017 CWV101 Eric Hernando God Through My Eyes Vast, all–knowing, creator, so much more. How do you define your God? The Father is so much more than human kind can grasp, therefor, being nearly impossible to fully define without using opinion and imagination. The knowledge of God is the largest piece of shared information among humans throughout time and space. I will explore my personal thoughts of God, humanity and Jesus, as well as reflect on Christian worldview. Growing up, my parents taught me the basic of Roman Catholicism because it was the right thing to do according to our ancestors. We weren 't religious, but rather lived by a good moral code and felt spiritual in our family. Church and ... Show more content on ... Inherently, the focus of God is love and to respect His authority is to love Him. Learning to worship God as Trinity involves more than just searching for creative techniques. We need to know about the nature of our triune God if we are to worship him and enjoy him properly (Shaw 79). Often when I feel discouraged, the instinct is to blame God, the creator of everything. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in my own selfishness, that I forget all the things "God" has done, not just for me, but also for the world. His mercy is compassionate love for sinners who do not deserve the redemption in Christ that he offers. His grace likewise speaks of his free favor granted to sinners (Shaw 81). I am also reminded that God is transcendent. He surpasses time and money, earth and space. God is so important, that metaphors are constantly referred to as representing God: God is a rock, God is the light, God is the bread, God is a fortress, God is the potter and we are the clay (GCU text). According to the text, creation and humanity are the work of a triune God. Creation includes the entire activity of God. In creation all three persons are at work simultaneously, including the Holy Spirit (Gen 1:2) and the Word (John 1:1) (Chapter 5). 3 Studies of Jesus primarily focus on the duality of Jesus and how he is able to be both human and divine at once. This subject was disputed at the Council of Chalcedon in the year 451 between the ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Paul Tillich Systematic Theology In volume one of Systematic Theology, Paul Tillich seeks to trace the connections between reason and revelation, being and God. In that order, Tillich brings his understanding of God out of his understanding of revelation. However, he does not use classical terminology or ideas to explain them. Instead, under the influence of existentialism and phenomenology, Tillich answers the fundamental question of theology by analyzing the nature of being. Modern formulations oscillate back and forth as it relates to theological loci as to which comes first: the doctrine of God or the doctrine of revelation or Scripture. It is an attempt to answer a similar question, "Which came first? The chicken or the egg?" While he does begin with his book with entire ... Show more content on ... In philosophical terms, it is the problem of the one and the many. Tillich argues that polytheism is not quantitative element (that is, threeness) but a qualitative one (222). The issue is ultimacy over concreteness, which, in his philosophical explanation, is quite difficult. He argues that there are three types of polytheism (universalistic, mythological, dualistic) and in each of them the concrete prevails over the ultimate. Therefore, each god seeks to be ultimate over other gods. In Trinitarian monotheism, the ultimate and the concrete are unified (228). Based on this description and the very language he uses, it seems at this point in Tillich's development, that he was uncomfortable with monarchial elements in trinitarian theology (i.e. primacy of one over ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Theology Of Repentance And The Old Covenant Introduction of Theology of Repentance and Forgiveness When studying the nature of God or theology, one ascertains what God does and did for humanity. One of God's nature was a family and in His infinite wisdom, He created humankind to be His family with an adoration to praise Him for the wonderful acts He bestows. Strong shares, "The aim of theology is the ascertainment of the facts respecting God and the relations between God and the universe, and the exhibition of these facts in their rational unity, as connected parts of a formulated and organic system of truth." Additionally, there is the science that tries to unlock the mysteries of God. However, science has its' limitations to unlocking this mystery. Strong continues, "In defining theology ... Show more content on ... I was too upset to have a conversation with him and knew that if I did talk to him, I would say something ungodly. In order to prevent that, I chose to keep my distance. Sometime later, he wanted to continue the subject and stated, "I was upset with how you wanted to handle the issue, so let's see if we can come to an agreement on how to resolve it." When reading the above scenario, repentance never occurred from my friend. Although I forgave him for the remarks, and it was several weeks until he finally repented or has remorse for making the comments, however, the initial response was not repentance. Before I reconnected with my friend, I used some of Sande's method. He states, "Preparation is one of the most important elements of successful negotiation (Prov. 14:8, 22). This is especially true when significant issues or strong feelings are involved." Pray. I asked God to give me the right words to say, to keep me from being offensive. Study the Bible. I read scriptures and had some prepared for the conversation. Scriptures such as Colossians 4:6, letting your conversation be of grace; Ephesians 4:29, do not let wrong communication come out your mouth; Proverbs 15:28, the heart weighs its answers, just to name a few. Develop options. I developed a plan and a course of action to handle the business so that I had other options when I would be confronted with the ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Reflection On The Study Of Theology REFLECTION PAPER My educational background is not Theology. The Theological knowledge I receive through the teaching from the church and by reading theological books. The desire to study theology is because I realized it is very important to strengthen the basis of my faith and for my spiritual growth. Before coming to IGSL, I had read many Theology books and I found many books were conflicting with teaching from one another. Sometimes I felt no interest to read theology books anymore because there are contradictions and contrasts in thoughts and made me confused, and disorganized my known theology. That's why I am interested to learn Systematic Theology. Now, I could understand theology better, and I am not confused with my theology. I realized that the study of theology is not easy because it means learning about doctrine, biblical theology, and systematic theology. This is closely related to understand the infinite mind of God through the finite human mind. I will have difficulty to understand the mind of God, perfectly. ... Show more content on ... Therefore, when Christ is brought to Asia, the Gospel deals with the culture where the gospel is brought. When someone who brings Christ to a region and does not understand how the culture prevail in that area, he/she will cause problems in presenting the gospel in the area. Culture has an important role in the human relationships and it is a tool that unites an individual against other individuals in a community. When Jesus was as an incarnate human being, he also participated in the culture within the Jewish community. In Indonesia, most of the existing churches are tribal churches. This means the church cannot be separated with the culture that exists in every tribe. The church needs to give its place to the richness of the local culture in terms of language, music, art, dance, and other elements which are of course more meaningful to individuals associated with his/her respective ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Is Theology A Religion? Thielicke begins by pointing out how many "ordinary" Christians have a strong prejudice against theology, warning those who study it about being corrupted by their unbelieving and godless professors (3). He explains that while it may be easy for a young theologian to brush these sorts of concerns off as naive and uninitiated. However, Thielicke maintains that the young theologian ought to carefully consider them. For if it is true that theology has nothing to do with the "common people" then there may actually be something wrong with it it indeed. This is because Christianity as a religion is meant to happen in a community of believers together. If something which is supposed to be as vital as theology is to Christianity does not aid the community then the theologian attempting it is probably going about it in the wrong way (4). It then follows theology can often be a sort of hindrance to young people who study it, in so far as it can act a something which obscures the fervor of the faith that they had. A simple study of the biblical text can often be more enlightening to the young theologian than it is for them to study something abstract and complicated, as he has not yet had the experience needed to fully appreciate the sentiment behind what he is being given to understand about God (7). He can understand much of what is being said intellectually, but he has not yet grown into the spiritual experience behind the concept being communicated to him. As such he cannot ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Analyzing Black Liberation Theology, Latin American... Liberation Theology Black Liberation Theology, Latin American Liberation Theology, and Feminist Theology Liberation theology comprises of two main principles: it recognizes the call for liberation from any form of oppression economic, political, and social: second, it says that theology must grow from the basic Christian communities and not from above. Liberation theology examines the theological meaning of human activities, which includes an explanation of the Christian faith out of suffering, struggle and hopes for the poor, critiques the society and its ideologies that sustaining its existence. In addition, it also reflects on the activities of the church from a perspective of the poor. Liberation lies at three levels of meaning which have a correlation. Liberation at the social and political level, it states on the oppressed classes and people. It emphasizes on the conflict that arises from the economic, social, and political process that happens between the oppressed and oppressors. At the human level, liberation emerges as a historical process that shows the conscious development of people on their own through social changes. At the religious level, liberation means being free from sin the main source of all alienation from fraternity and the source of all oppression and injustice. This last form of liberation brings man into communion with God. The three processes are inseparable and form a unique complex process (Hillar, 2000). Black Liberation Theology Black ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Theology 104 Reflective Essay Theology 104 has really changed my outlook and views regarding systematic theology. I now understand more clearly that as Christians, in order to be able to accurately share our faith that we must all be a theologian to some extent. Looking at the totality of it all, the four religion courses I have taken since January 2015 have really expanded my views and understanding of what it is to be a Christian. Between Philosophy and Contemporary Ideas (PHIL201), Contemporary Worldviews (APOL 104), Survey of Biblical Literature (BIBL 104), and Introduction to Christian Thought (THEO 104), my understanding of the Bible and Christianity in general has increased exponentially. While my overall belief system has not been impacted, I now have a better ... Show more content on ... As someone who has always wanted to understand the Bible better and use scriptures within proper context, the last six months has really helped me to understand context; how to determine it, and how to apply it properly. Another important aspect I have learned, specifically via THEO 104, is defense of the reliability of scripture. Approximately 5000 Greek manuscripts exist, along with an additional 13,000 copies of portions of the New Testament, which stands in stark contrast to no other major historical writing has more than 200 manuscripts available, and most have less than a dozen; biblical scholars have determined that these manuscripts were copied with at least 95% accuracy (Towns, E., 2002). I now understand more fully what salvation is and what it entails. Rather than just saying something to the effect of "Salvation is forgiveness of sin and the path to eternal life," I can discuss the faith experience, regeneration, and life–transformation more in depth, with more accuracy. With all that I have learned, it is quite impossible to narrow that education down specifically to one area in which I have acquired knowledge. Overall, I am in awe at how my eyes have been opened wider, and how my spirit has been spoken to. My worldview has not changed, it has expanded to include deeper truths and more accurate ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Christian Theology And Psychology Is Necessary Living in a pluralistic world naturally lends its inhabitants to a culture plentiful of varying belief systems in which integration becomes beneficial, as opposed to detrimental. Theology, or more specifically Christianity, and the field of psychology are central ideologies that often call into question the need for unification. The intermingling of the two for certain people is logical; whereas, others view them as absolutely distinct with no benefit of integrating. Either standpoint offers valid claims with both being worthy of examination. The idea of whether or not integrating Christian theology with psychology is necessary is well– stated by David Cartwright (2010), a professor at Colorado Christian University, in that this depends on one's perspective (Integration of..., Video 1). Certain Christian circles believe that not only should these two areas be interrelated, but they also naturally are, as all things fall under God's realm of creation. Yet, other believers stake their claim in a different camp with the mindset that theology and psychology should never intersect, let alone meld into one another. On the opposite end of the spectrum, this question is a moot point for one who adheres to an atheistic worldview. Personally, my stance follows a Christ–centered worldview, thus, aligning with author David Entwistle's proposal of the 'allies' approach. Truth originates with God, and either discipline affords one the means to seek out knowledge concerning humanity ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Theology of Grace Theology of Grace There are many different ways to interpret the theology of grace. In this paper, I will be discussing four major theologians who have the most popular insights on grace. These theologians include Augustine, Aquinas, Luther, and Rahner who all have their own unique perspective on grace. All of their theories seem to intertwine with one another but each individual one has a different twist that makes them slightly different. The first theologian I'm going to discuss is Augustine. Augustine was known as the 'Father of Grace.' He believed that all human nature is in disorder due to universal sin of Adam and Eve. According to Augustine, sin is passed on by sexual acts, even if a married couple engaged in sexual ... Show more content on ... He thought that grace is forgiveness of god in which salvation comes through God. Trust of God was expressed in God's merciful love. Luther believed that a merciful god would deliver anyone from the evil they did. Only by the grace of God can forgiveness of sin be achieved. Even after you are graced, you are still partly a sinner. He believed that you could not merit grace and could not learn grace through works, it is all given. Grace is totally undeserved and only through God's choice can you be graced. Lastly is Rahner, who was a Neo–Thomist and a student of Aquinas. Rahner believed in the supernatural existential and obediential potency meaning that as we're born we have the ability and capacity to receive the love of God. He said that grace was God's self– communication in love. Also, grace is not an extra addition to human nature. "Karl Rahner developed a theology that views grace as the offer of God's love that is intrinsic to existent human nature (pg. 1)." He believed that you can either accept or reject the honor of grace. "According to Rahner, human beings 'freely choose to ratify or to reject that orientation which is itself the free gift of a loving God, but the orientation remains structured into their being (pg. 2)." You're only free when you love. If you decide to love then you are authentic but if you decide not to love then you are disgraced. Rahner believed that like God, we can know and can ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Theology: God and Prayer Essay Reflection Paper: Prayer and Character Development Twila S. Cooper Theology 104 November 16, 2012 Professor White INTRODUCTION The purpose of this paper is to reveal a direct correlation between prayer and character development. It is crucial that Christians fully understand this tool that has been put in place in order for us to be able to communicate with the Lord, our Creator. Praying and communing with the Lord leads to and builds not only a stronger relationship with Christ, but it also continues to build us in strength and character. The reflection of Christ should be evident in the life of a Christian through character traits also known as the fruit of the spirit. Prayer strengthens the character of a ... Show more content on ... Genesis 2:7 says, "And the Lord formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul." We also read in the scripture in Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace; and not of evil, to give you an expected end." By reading these scriptures we learn that it is evident the Lord loves His creation, man who is created in His image and He has created all of us with a purpose. In order for us to find the Lord's entire purpose for us on this earth, we must communicate with Him daily. Christians are to be the example of Christ to the world around us. The Bible reminds us of the characteristics of his spirit. Galatians 5:22–23 says, "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self–control. Against such things there is no law." These are the character traits that we should be exemplifying. Prayer keeps us in touch with these. We have a tendency to only want to call on the name of the Lord in troubled times in our lives, however, the Lord wants to communicate with us daily, in good times and in bad times. We are created in His image and He has many good and wonderful things in store for us, but it takes prayer, waiting on the Lord's direction and letting Him lead and guide us. We should look ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Essay On Puritan Theology Puritan Theology Puritans always had very strict beliefs.Among these beliefs the puritans thought sin should not be expressed and a sinner should be shamed, hell is the single most terrifying thing so they instilled fear to get people to convert, and they are the city on a hill so they should lead by example and be the best. In the sermons Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, A Model of Christian Charity, and a Sermon Preached by Samson Occom the authors talk about some of these puritan beliefs. Puritans thought of themselves as 'the elect'. The elect is a group of people who were predestined to be saved by God. John Winthrop knows that the puritans believe that and plays it to his advantage. He uses this quote to prove to the puritans they ... Show more content on ... He directly states the eyes of all people are upon us. Thus giving the puritans validation. He say this to win the over and get them to see his side by telling something they already believe. He used the puritan theology to prove his point. Another major aspect of puritan theology is the fear they instilled into the public. They always made hell seem so atrocious (as they should have). They did this to get people to convert to their religion. Edwards plays with idea, almost like Winthrop did, to establish fear to get the puritans to confess and be saved. One quote that really stood out was, "The wrath of God burns against them; their damnation does not slumber; the pit is prepared; the fire is made ready; the furnace is now hot; ready to receive them; the flames do now rage and glow. The glittering sword is whet and held over them, and the pit hath opened her mouth under them. The devil stands ready to fall upon them, and seize them as his own"(Edwards ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Philosophy and Christian Theology Many of the doctrines and concepts central to Christianity have important philosophical implications or presuppositions. In this article we will take a closer look at some of the central doctrines and concepts, and their philosophical relevance. Of course, many philosophically laden doctrines and concepts are relevant to Christianity, and we cannot discuss them all here. Rather, our focus will be on those concepts and doctrines that are distinctively Christian, and which have been the focus of a good deal of recent discussion in the philosophical literature. Thus, although theism is a central Christian concept, it is not distinctively Christian and so will not be covered here. Further, although views about the Eucharist, a central ... Show more content on ... First, philosophical reasoning might persuade some who do not accept the authority of purported divine revelation of the claims contained in religious texts. Thus, an atheist who is unwilling to accept the authority of religious texts might come to believe that God exists on the basis of purely philosophical arguments. Second, distinctively philosophical techniques might be brought to bear in helping the theologian clear up imprecise or ambiguous theological claims. Thus, theology might provide us with information sufficient to conclude that Jesus Christ was a single person with two natures, one human and one divine, but leave us in the dark about exactly how this relationship between divine and human natures is to be understood. The philosopher can provide some assistance here, since, among other things, he or she can help the theologian discern which models are, for example, logically inconsistent and thus not even candidates for understanding the relationship of divine and human natures in Christ. For most of the twentieth century, the vast majority of English language philosophy went on without much interaction with theology at all. While there are a number of complex reasons for this divorce, three are especially important. The first is that atheism was the predominant opinion among English language philosophers throughout much of that century. A second, quite related reason is that, philosophers in the twentieth century ... Get more on ...