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1594	 May 2017 • Volume 124 • Number 5
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001963
any children who undergo surgical correction of
idiopathic scoliosis (IS) are susceptible to poor
pain outcomes, including persistent or recur-
rent musculoskeletal pain. Up to 65% have reported ongo-
ing, unchanged pain 1 to 5 years after spine fusion,1–3
a similar number described persistent back pain 23 years
after having undergone spine fusion during adolescence.4
Persistent or recurrent musculoskeletal pain imposes a tre-
mendous burden on the child’s physical and social func-
tioning and quality of life.5
Despite these concerns, we have
limited understanding of the nature and course of musculo-
skeletal pain in children with IS. This lack of understanding
may contribute to suboptimal management and the high
rates of persistent pain currently observed.
The presence of preoperative pain has been found to
strongly predict persistent postoperative pain, whereas sur-
gical and structural nociceptive factors (eg, degree or loca-
tion of spinal curve, surgical instrumentation) have, to date,
failed to do so.1,6
Such findings suggest a baseline pain vul-
nerability that may affect children’s recovery and long-term
surgical outcomes. The pain profile and potential mecha-
nisms for pain vulnerability in children with IS are largely
unknown. However, studies in children and adults with
differing chronic pain conditions reveal symptom patterns
similar to those observed in patients with centralized pain
conditions (ie, fibromyalgia). These include multiple-site
BACKGROUND: Preoperative pain predicts persistent pain after spine fusion, yet little is under-
stood about the nature of that pain, related symptoms, and how these symptoms relate to post-
operative pain outcomes. This prospective study examined children’s baseline pain and symptom
profiles and the association between a high symptom profile and postoperative outcomes.
METHODS: Seventy children (aged 10–17 years) scheduled for correction of idiopathic scoliosis
completed pain and symptom surveys during their preoperative visit (ie,pain intensity [0–10 numeric
rating scores], a pediatric version of the 2011 fibromyalgia survey criteria [including pain locations
and symptom severity scale], neuropathic pain symptoms [painDETECT], and Patient-Reported
Outcome Measurement System measures of fatigue, depression, function, pain interference, and
pain catastrophizing). Pain intensity and total analgesic use were recorded daily postoperatively
and for 2 weeks after discharge. A 2-step cluster analysis differentiated a high and low pain and
symptom profile at baseline, and a multivariate main effects regression model examined the asso-
ciation between pain profile and posthospital discharge pain and analgesic outcomes.
RESULTS: The cluster analysis differentiated 2 groups of children well characterized by their
baseline symptom reporting. Thirty percent (95% confidence interval [CI], 20.2%–41.8%) had
a high symptom profile with higher depression, fatigue, pain interference, a pediatric version
of the fibromyalgia survey criteria symptoms, neuropathic pain, and catastrophizing. Girls were
more likely than boys to be clustered in the high symptom profile (odds ratio [OR], 5.76 [95%
CI, 1.20–27.58]; P = .022) as were those with preoperative pain lasting >3 months (OR, 3.42
[95% CI, 1.21–9.70]; P = .018). Adjusting for sex, age, and total in-hospital opioid consump-
tion, high cluster membership was independently associated with higher self-reported pain after
discharge (mean difference +1.13 point [97.5% CI, 0.09–2.17]; P = .015). Children in the high
symptom cluster were more likely to report ongoing opioid use at 2 weeks compared with the
low symptom group (87% vs 50%; OR, 6.5 [95% CI, 1.30–33.03]; P = .015). At 6 months, high
symptom cluster membership was associated with higher pain intensity, higher pain interfer-
ence, and ongoing analgesic use (P ≤ .018).
CONCLUSIONS: A behavioral pain vulnerable profile was present preoperatively in 30% of chil-
dren with idiopathic scoliosis and was independently associated with poorer and potentially
long-lasting pain outcomes after spine fusion in this setting. This high symptom profile is similar
to that described in children and adults with chronic and centralized pain disorders and was
more prevalent in girls and those with long-standing pain. Further study is needed to elucidate
the potential mechanisms behind our observations.  (Anesth Analg 2017;124:1594–602)
From the Departments of *Anesthesiology, †Orthopedic Surgery, ‡Internal
Medicine, and §Psychiatry, University of Michigan Health Systems and
Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Accepted for publication January 10, 2017.
Funding: None.
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
Reprints will not be available from the authors.
Address correspondence to Terri Voepel-Lewis, PhD, RN, Room 4917, Mott
Children’s Hospital, 1540 East Hospital Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Address
e-mail to
A High Preoperative Pain and Symptom Profile
Predicts Worse Pain Outcomes for Children After
Spine Fusion Surgery
Terri Voepel-Lewis, PhD, RN,* Michelle S. Caird, MD,† Alan R. Tait, PhD,* Shobha Malviya, MD,*
Frances A. Farley, MD,† Ying Li, MD,† Matthew D. Abbott, MD,† Tara van Veen, BS,*
Afton L. Hassett, PsyD,* and Daniel J. Clauw, MD*‡§
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
May 2017 • Volume 124 • Number 5	 1595
pain and somatic symptoms such as sleep and memory dif-
ficulties, fatigue, and depression. Higher degrees of these
symptom patterns as measured by the 2011 fibromyalgia
survey criteria (FSC) were recently found to strongly pre-
dict persistent postoperative pain and higher opioid use in
adults who underwent knee or hip arthroplasty.7
Such data
have informed the hypothesis in adult settings that central
pain sensitization may contribute not only to various chronic
pain conditions, but to pain that persists postoperatively.
A growing body of evidence suggests that similar pain
and somatic symptom patterns begin to emerge during child-
hood in those exposed to chronic pain. Longitudinal studies
in children with nonspecific regional or widespread mus-
culoskeletal pain found that comorbid depression, anxiety,
and difficulty sleeping or daytime fatigue were associated
with persistent pain and functional impairments.8,9
a similar symptom profile is present in children with IS and
if this is associated with long-term outcomes is unknown. A
better understanding of the nature, early course, and poten-
tial mechanisms of childhood pain is therefore imperative to
optimize early pain management and prevention strategies.
The purpose of this prospective study was to examine
the nature and prevalence of preoperative pain and somatic
symptomatology in children presenting for surgical cor-
rection of scoliosis. We hypothesized that a symptom pro-
file, similar to that observed in children with chronic and
centralized pain disorders, could be identified in a subset
of children with scoliosis before surgery and that this pain
vulnerable profile would be associated with worse postop-
erative pain outcomes, including higher pain intensity and
opioid consumption.
With approval from the institutional review board at the
University of Michigan and written parental consent and
child assent, we consecutively recruited English-speaking
children scheduled to undergo elective surgical correction
of IS from July 2014 to September 2015. We excluded chil-
dren with significant cognitive impairment who could not
self-report pain or complete surveys independently and
those undergoing a secondary or repeat major orthopedic
procedure. This study meets the Enhancing the QUAlity
and Transparency of health Research (EQUATOR) guideline
for observational studies.
Children Completed the Following Surveys at Baseline.
Pain Intensity: Numeric rating scale (NRS) scores (0 = no
pain to 10 = worst possible pain) to document their worst
and average pain over the previous 6 months. The reliabil-
ity and validity of NRS pain scores to describe pain inten-
sity have been demonstrated in children aged ≥8 years.10,11
Children were also asked to tell us how long their pain had
persisted (open-ended).
Fibromyalgia Survey Criteria: This simple, 2-part, self-report
survey was derived from the 2011 FSC to assess the core
symptoms associated with the most common centralized
pain disorder in adults, fibromyalgia. Similar to the Yunis and
Mani criteria for juvenile fibromyalgia syndrome,12
the FSC
combines a pain location body map with a symptom sever-
ity scale to identify widespread pain and symptoms that are
in common with fibromyalgia. The FSC has been used to
diagnose fibromyalgia and also to generate a score represent-
ing a quantitative continuum of pain centralization or fibro-
myalgia-like symptoms.7,13
We revised this survey to lower
the grade reading level and improve its readability (Flesch-
Kincaid Grade Level 5.3 and Reading Ease 78%) so that it
could be independently completed by children as young as 10
years. The pediatric version of the FSC (pFSC) combines the
scores from the body map and the Somatic Symptom Severity
(SSS) assessments to yield a pFSC score ranging from 0 to 35.
Multisite Pain: A 2-sided (front and back) body map was
used to describe pain location(s) because it was found to be
reliable in children as young as 4 years of age.14
Studies have
found 83% to 98% agreement between children’s identified
pain locations and diagnosed conditions or surgical sites,
and experts recommend unassisted use of the body map in
children 8 years or older.14
The number and location of pain
sites were tallied to provide indices of regional pain (upper
body region versus lower body region) and of widespread
pain (upper and lower body involvement).
Comorbid SSS: We revised the grade reading level of the
adult version of the SSS in the adult version FSC criteria to
document the presence and severity of fatigue, sleep prob-
lems, memory, mood, headaches, and irritable abdomen.
This short tool has face validity and contains items similar
to those on validated but more comprehensive pediatric
somatization inventories.
painDETECT: This 9-item survey was modified slightly to
reduce the reading level and improve its relevance to chil-
dren/adolescents and to differentiate neuropathic from noci-
ceptive pain.15
Children as young as 7 years have reliably
described their pain characteristics (eg, hot, sharp, tingling),
and high test–retest reliability of their use of word descrip-
tors has been found among 8 to 17 year olds (ρ = 0.78–0.95).16
Pediatric Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement System
(PROMIS) Short Forms: These tools were developed by the
National Institutes of Health to measure various health
domains across chronic disorders in children. They have
been tested using item bank development and classification,
and the short forms are considered to efficiently and accu-
rately capture the most informative items for each health
outcome. We included the pediatric PROMIS short forms
for fatigue, depression (reliability = 0.85),17
anxiety (reli-
ability = 0.85),17
pain interference (reliability = 0.90),18
mobility (reliability = 0.94).19
Pain Catastrophizing Scale: This 13-item instrument reliably
measures “exaggerated negative pain mental set” in children
aged 9 to 15 years (α = 0.87–0.92).20
The instrument has excel-
lent predictive validity for chronic pain disability in children.21
After parental consent and child assent in the preoperative
clinic, children completed the baseline surveys using an
iPad that directly entered data using a unique identification
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pain Vulnerable Profile in Children With Scoliosis
number. All children completed these surveys indepen-
dently while parents were concurrently busy completing
a different batch of surveys for a secondary study. The
child’s relevant demographics, medical, and surgical his-
tory, including recent and past use of prescribed and non-
prescribed medications and analgesics, were recorded from
the orthopedic clinic records and parent interview.
Children repeated the body map, SSS, and painDETECT
surveys when they arrived on the morning of surgery 1 to 2
weeks after the clinic visit to examine short-term test–retest
consistency in their reporting. The PROMIS anxiety survey
was also completed on the morning of surgery. All surgical
procedures were performed by 3 experienced pediatric ortho-
pedic surgeons and involved the posterior approach, seg-
mental instrumentation with hybrid constructs that included
pedicle screws, sublaminar hooks, and wires. Anesthesia
proceeded per routine practice with mask or IV induction of
general anesthesia (8% sevoflurane with nitrous oxide and
oxygen or propofol) followed by an isoflurane maintenance
as permitted by motor-evoked potential monitoring. Depth
of anesthesia was titrated with remifentanil and dexmedeto-
midine. Children received either an intrathecal injection of
Duramorph or an epidural bolus of hydromorphone intra-
operatively. Postoperatively, all children were transitioned
per routine practice from the regional method to oral oxy-
codone (5 mg every 6 hours) and ketorolac around the clock
together with acetaminophen (15 mg/kg every 4–6 hours)
and diazepam (0.5 mg/kg every 6 hours) as needed plus
2.5 mg/kg oxycodone as needed for breakthrough pain. All
intra- and postoperative opioid and nonopioid analgesics
were recorded and opioids (including intravenous, oral,
intrathecal, and epidural) were converted to oral morphine
equivalents per kilogram per hour of hospital stay (including
perioperatively, ie, intraoperatively and immediately post-
operatively at the direction of the anesthesiologist and post-
operatively based on patient demand and around-the-clock
dosing) using standard conversion charts.22,23
Children were followed prospectively over the course of
hospitalization and the following data collected: daily NRS
pain scores (at rest and on movement), adverse events, and
length of stay. At discharge, parents were given a diary to
record all analgesics given over the first 2 weeks at home
together with children’s pain scores and other symptoms. In
a small subset, we collected 6-month follow-up survey data
from children who had been seen as per routine in clinic.
This survey included ongoing pain presence, pain intensity,
frequency and type of analgesic use, PROMIS pain interfer-
ence, function, painDETECT, and pFSC.
Statistical Analyses
All analyses were conducted using SPSS statistical software
(version 22; IBM, New York, NY). Data are summarized
using descriptive statistics and n (%) or means, standard
deviations, and medians with percentiles, where applicable,
and STROBE guidelines were adhered to in manuscript
preparation. Tests of normality were conducted for our con-
tinuous variables (ie, morphine consumption, pain scores)
and nonparametric comparisons performed where applica-
ble. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) with 95% con-
fidence intervals (CIs) were used to examine the consistency
(ie, short-term retest reliability) of children’s reports using
the body map, SSS, the pFSC as a whole and painDETECT.
Internal consistency of the SSS and painDETECT instru-
ments was also examined because these instruments have
not been examined in children.
A2-step cluster analysis was performed to profile children
based on their self-reported pain descriptors and somatic
symptomatology (ie, baseline measures in clinic). This pro-
cedure was selected because it is fairly robust to violations
in assumptions of variable independence and normality
and uses a log-likelihood distance measure to identify the
optimal number of homogeneous structures suggested by
the data (ie, not defined a priori), maximizing the difference
between groups in an efficient manner. The Akaike informa-
tion criterion was used as the clustering criterion. We ran-
domly ordered the cases before analyses as recommended to
minimize the potential effect of order on the final solution.
We next compared the resultant clusters to describe
other nonsymptom characteristics of the groups (eg, sex,
self-reported pain duration) and to identify potential con-
founders for postoperative pain outcomes (eg, periopera-
tive analgesic management, surgical factors, and in-hospital
analgesic requirements). These univariate analyses were
conducted using independent t tests for parametric data
(eg, age) and χ2
for nonparametric data (eg, sex).
Outcomes and Hypothesis Tests. Our pain outcomes
included postdischarge pain intensity (ie, 2-week average
self-reported NRS) and total opioid consumption (ie, 2-week
oral morphine equivalents per kilogram). To examine
the association between cluster profile and our 2 related
outcome variables, we used a general linear multivariate
multiple regression main effects model. Both outcome
measures were simultaneously regressed onto the main
factor of interest (ie, cluster membership) to test for the
association of our independent variable while controlling
for child sex and total hospital opioid consumption.
Given the unequal distribution of total hospital morphine
consumption, this factor was analyzed and modeled on
the log scale. We acknowledge the complex relationship
between pain intensity and opioid consumption and that
differences in 1 of these outcomes may counter differences
in the other in clinical practice (eg, higher pain intensity
may increase opioid demand or higher opioid use may
lower pain intensity).24
The multivariate model allowed us
to examine whether the mean difference between clusters
on the combination of pain outcomes was likely to have
occurred by chance.25
Furthermore, the multivariate model
permitted us to examine and more clearly describe which
(if either) of these outcomes was associated with our fixed
factor, cluster membership. The Bonferroni correction was
used to conservatively adjust our level of significance for
multiple comparisons (ie, 0.05/2 based on 2 outcomes), and
estimated marginal mean differences (with 97.5% CIs) are
In a smaller sample for which we had obtained pilot
longitudinal outcomes at 6 months, we compared ongoing
pain, ongoing analgesic use, and PROMIS pain interference
between clusters (identified only in a large sample) for the
purpose of reporting preliminary relationships. Univariate
analyses were used for these comparisons.
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
May 2017 • Volume 124 • Number 5	 1597
Sample Size. Based on previous reports of chronic
musculoskeletal pain in children,8,26
we estimated that
approximately 20% of children with scoliosis would
present with multisite pain and symptomatology. We
determined a priori that a sample of 61 children would be
sufficient to estimate a similar proportion with a high pain
and symptom profile with sufficient precision (ie, 95% CI
width of approximately 0.20) and to detect at least a 1.5-
point difference between groups in reported pain intensity
(standard deviation = 1.5; 2-sided α = 0.05; β = 0.20). This
pain intensity difference has been previously shown to
reflect the minimal clinically significant difference in
children and adolescents.10,27–29
Seventy-six children were approached for participation,
and 3 declined as a result of inadequate time to complete
the survey and/or follow-up study. Three children did not
complete significant portions of their baseline surveys leav-
ing 70 for cluster analyses and subsequent comparisons.
Overall, 73% of the children were female, aged 10 to 17
years (mean 13.96 ± 1.76), and with an average body mass
index of 22.18 ± 5.47 kg/m2
Description of Baseline Pain and Symptoms
Most children (86%) reported having pain within the
recent 6 months, 45% reported preoperative pain lasting 3
months, and 74% had used analgesics (5% opioids). None
of the children were taking opioids immediately before sur-
gery. Sixty-three percent reported experiencing pain at mul-
tiple sites (ie, 3 or more) although back pain was the most
commonly reported site (86%) and a lower extremity the
next most common (23%). Children’s reports of pain loca-
tion were consistent from preoperative clinic to the day of
surgery approximately 2 weeks later (ICC = 0.927 [95% CI,
0.875–0.957]; P  .001), showing excellent reporting reliabil-
ity and stability of pain at baseline.
Children also reported a high prevalence of other somatic
symptoms, including fatigue (58%), depression (37%),
abdominal cramping (39%), and headache (62%). Children’s
symptom reporting was consistent from the clinic visit to the
day of surgery (ICC = 0.816 [95% CI, 0.679–0.894]; P  .001),
and there was a high degree of internal consistency among
items in the SSS (Cronbach α = 0.791 [95% CI, 0.71–0.858]).
Scores on the pFSC ranged from 0 to 26 (6.97 ± 5.16; median
6) and were consistent over time, supporting reliability (ICC =
0.912 [95% CI, 0.845–0.950]; P  .001). Children’s scores on the
painDETECT ranged from 0 to 31 (mean 5.3 ± 5.62; median
4). The internal consistency of the painDETECT was accept-
able (Cronbach α = 0.757 [95% CI, 0.662–0.834]; P  .001), and
children were moderately consistent in their reports of neuro-
pathic symptoms (ICC = 0.654 [95% CI, 0.365–0.811]; P  .001).
There was a variable presence and degree of baseline neu-
ropathic pain symptoms in this sample with 51% of children
never or hardly ever noticing the symptoms documented
with painDETECT. One-third (33%) reported numbness,
pain to light pressure, or sudden, electric-like pain attacks.
Smaller numbers reported burning sensations (17%), tin-
gling/prickling (26%), pain to light touching from a blanket
or clothing (14%), and less often, pain to heat or cold (7%).
Baseline Symptom Cluster Description
The cluster analysis identified 2 groups of children that
were well characterized by their baseline pain and somatic
symptom reporting (see Silhouette measure of cohesion and
separation, Figure 1A). The high symptom cluster included
30% of the sample (95% CI, 20.2%–41.8%) that were cohe-
sively profiled by high scores on the PROMIS depression,
pain interference, fatigue, pain catastrophizing, pFSC, and
painDETECT instruments (Figure 1B). Figure 2 depicts the
distribution of symptom scores for clusters in relation to the
overall medians and quartile ranges.
The nonsymptom characteristics of these groups are
depicted in Table 1 together with the surgical and periop-
erative (intraoperative and postanesthesia recovery) data.
Children with longer standing pain (ie, self-reported to
have persisted 3 months’ duration) were more likely to
be a member of the high symptom profile (odds ratio, 3.19
[95% CI, 1.12–9.13]; P = .027). Children in the high symptom
profile also reported higher pain intensity in the previous 6
months than those in the low profile group (6.77 ± 2.05 vs
4.02 ± 2.51; P  .001).
Associations Between Cluster Membership and
Postoperative Pain Outcomes
Table  2 depicts the in-hospital and 2-week postdischarge
pain and analgesic data for the groups. To test our hypoth-
esis, we used a multivariate main effects regression model
to examine the association between cluster membership
and the combined and individual pain outcomes (average
pain intensity and total opioid consumption after hospi-
tal discharge) controlling for potential confounders of sex
and total opioid consumption in the hospital. This model
supported our hypothesis that high symptom cluster mem-
bership was independently associated with combined pain
outcomes (Pillai’s Trace F = 3.50 [df, 2]; P = .039) explain-
ing 14% of the variation in 2-week pain outcomes (Table 3).
More specifically, our hypothesis tests demonstrated that
high cluster membership was associated with higher self-
reported pain after discharge (mean difference +1.13 NRS
[97.5% CI, 0.09–2.17]; P = .015) but not with 2-week opioid
consumption (mean difference +0.92 morphine equivalents
per kilogram [97.5% CI, –0.75 to 2.59]; P = .208; see Table 3
for the parameter estimates for all covariates). Although
total opioid consumption did not differ between groups in
our corrected model, children in the high symptom cluster
were more likely to report ongoing opioid use at 2 weeks
compared with the low symptom group (87% vs 50%; odds
ratio, 6.5 [95% CI, 1.30–33.03]; P = .015).
In a small subset of 28 children who have completed their
6-month follow-up to date, all children in the high symp-
tom subset reported ongoing analgesic use compared with
only 41% of those in the low symptom profile (P = .018).
Furthermore, these children reported higher pain intensity
(5.86 ± 2.54 vs 1.73 ± 1.67; P  .001) and pain interference
(14.33 ± 8.82 vs 2.67 ± 3.94; P  .001).
In this sample of children and adolescents with IS, we
found a high prevalence of preoperative pain and comorbid
symptoms including diffuse pain and symptoms similar to
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pain Vulnerable Profile in Children With Scoliosis
those observed in patients with chronic and centralized
pain conditions. Supporting our hypothesis, we differenti-
ated a high pain and symptom profile in 30% of children
(95% CI, 20.7%–41.8%) that was associated with higher
pain scores in the hospital and at home but not indepen-
dently associated with opioid use. Furthermore, children in
our differentiated high symptom profile group were more
likely to report ongoing opioid use at the 2-week clinic visit
and, in a smaller sample, higher pain, pain interference,
and analgesic use 6 months after surgery. These findings
suggest that children with a high pain and somatic symp-
tom profile preoperatively are potentially vulnerable to
poor self-reported postoperative pain outcomes, including
ongoing analgesic use.
Our data suggest that as many as one-third of children
with surgical range IS present for surgery with a symp-
tom profile similar to that observed in individuals with
chronic and centralized pain disorders. Although this
symptom profile was largely differentiated by psychologic
factors such as depression, pFSC scores contributed signifi-
cantly and independently to cluster membership, helping
to identify children at risk for higher pain and opioid use
postoperatively. Similar to our findings, high FSC scores
in adults have helped describe a phenotype, including
higher anxiety, fatigue, depression, and neuropathic pain,
and predicted persistent pain and higher opioid use after
FSC scores have been used to identify the
prevalence of widespread pain and SSS in a variety of adult
and scores not only differentiate fibromyalgia,
but also depict a quantitative continuum of centralized pain
(ie, “fibromyalgia-like” state) that has been observed across
many differing chronic pain states.13,31,32
Furthermore, data
from subjects with differing chronic pain conditions show
abnormal sensory responses, including hyperalgesia, allo-
dynia, poor pain inhibition, and augmented central ner-
vous system activity, suggesting a fundamental problem
with pain processing that could potentially be explained
by a central mechanism.33,34
It remains unknown whether
a common underlying physiologic mechanism can explain
the symptom profiles observed in our study. In addition, we
used the pFSC to score symptoms that have been described
in children with fibromyalgia; however, this instrument as
used here is not meant to diagnose, but merely to examine
the presence and degree of symptomatology. Despite this
limitation, our findings raise important considerations for
the use of qualitative and quantitative pain and symptom
measures to help identify children who are vulnerable to
worse pain outcomes.
Importantly, 41% of girls in our sample were clustered in
the high symptom group compared with only 11% of boys.
Figure 1. A, Summary of the resultant cluster analysis. B, Depiction of the resultant cluster symptom characteristics.
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
May 2017 • Volume 124 • Number 5	 1599
This is similar to findings in large healthy cohorts where
girls were at higher risk for persistent multisite pain, mood,
and somatic symptoms.35
In our sample, we did not find an
independent association between sex and pain outcomes in
our corrected model. Sex differences in children’s clinical
and experimental pain responses as well as their response
to analgesia remain poorly understood given mixed
findings across studies. However, a recent meta-analysis
found that younger boys and girls did not differ in their
pain responses, but in those 12 years of age, girls reported
higher pain intensity and lower thresholds than did boys,
suggesting a potential effect of puberty.36,37
and parental preferences may play a role in pain and anal-
gesic use since we previously reported that parents of girls
Figure 2. Comparison of characteristic
traits between high and low symptom
clusters. Box represents median (ie, per-
pendicular line) within the inner 25, 75
quartile; horizontal lines depict the median
and inner quartile range for the high and
low symptom groups. Data presented are
the median (intraquartile range [IQR]) of
the groups.
Table 1.  Nonsymptom Characteristics and Perioperative Data for the Clusters
High Symptom Cluster (n = 22) Low Symptom Cluster (n = 48) P Value
Age (y) 13.5 ± 1.54 14.13 ± 1.83 .168
Female sex 20 (91%) 30 (65%) .021
Body mass index (kg/m2
) 23.62 ± 5.71 21.58 ± 5.34 .150
ASA I/II/III 5 (23%)/14 (64%)/3 (14%) 9 (19%)/37 (77%)/2 (4%) .303
Spinal segments fused .545
 Thoracic and lumbar 17 (77%) 40 (83%)
 Thoracic only 5 (23%) 8 (17%)
Number spinal levels fused 10.4 ± 1.7 10.9 ± 1.8 .254
Distribution of surgeons A/B/C 32%/36%/32% 35%/46%/19% .673
Method of opioid delivery intraoperatively
 Intrathecal morphine 16 (73%) 31 (65%) .501
 Epidural morphine 6 (27%) 12 (25%) .840
 Remifentanil infusion 13 (59%) 28 (58%) .952
 Dexmedetomidine infusion 11 (50%) 33 (69%) .132
Total analgesic doses intraoperatively and in the postanesthesia care unit
 Morphine equivalents per kga
0.32 ± 0.18 0.47 ± 0.31 .033
 Diazepam per kg 0.04 ± 0.04 0.05 ± 0.05 .458
 Acetaminophen per kg 11.93 ± 8.86 11.92 ± 8.75 .993
 Ketorolac per kg 0.29 ± 0.17 0.33 ± 0.20 .491
 Anesthesia duration (h) 5.46 ± 1.19 5.90 ± 1.10 .132
 Surgical duration (incision to dressing) 3.80 ± 1.01 4.17 ± 1.06 .169
Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation or n (%), as applicable.
Abbreviation: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists.
Includes all intrathecal, epidural, and intravenous opioids given in the operating room or recovery room.
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pain Vulnerable Profile in Children With Scoliosis
exhibited a higher likelihood of treating their child with
potent analgesics compared with parents of boys with the
same pain intensity.38
Across studies, observed sex differ-
ences in chronic and centralized pain conditions have been
attributed to various biologic, hormonal, and/or socio-
psychologic factors, yet underlying mechanisms remain
Our findings suggest that symptom vulnerabil-
ity in girls may manifest during adolescence; however, fur-
ther study is needed to examine potential mechanisms for
sex-related differences in the pain experience.
The cross-sectional nature of our baseline assessments
poses limitations. First, children were asked to report cur-
rent and recent symptoms and, although the associations
between many were high, causality between symptoms
remains unknown. Next, it is possible that a symptom recall
bias may have influenced findings given that recalled pain
was recently found to be greater than concurrent ratings in
adults, particularly in those who were habitual symptom
Recall bias may be somewhat reduced in our
study because children’s reports of pain and symptoms
were consistent from the preoperative clinic to the day of
surgery. Importantly, the nature and prevalence of pain
and symptoms could cluster differently in a larger or sepa-
rate sample given the wide CI in our study (ie, 20%–41%),
warranting further study in a larger sample. The potential
influence of perioperative analgesic technique and early
analgesic management on longer term outcomes cannot be
overlooked. Although our groups were similar with regard
to the use of regional technique and anesthetic agents, they
differed in perioperative opioid consumption. Our standard
analgesic approach after surgery (ie, oxycodone around the
clock) precluded our ability to demonstrate a difference in
opioid consumption in the hospital. However, when cor-
rected for total in-hospital opioid consumption, cluster
membership remained an important factor for 2-week pain
intensity. Whether this relationship will hold for longer
term outcomes and, in particular, for pain interference or
function remains to be tested in a larger sample. Finally, our
data suggest the presence of a pain vulnerable phenotype
based on self-reported symptoms, but the underlying mech-
anism remains unknown and the possibility of preoperative
pain centralization remains only speculative. Further study
incorporating quantitative sensory testing methods to
examine sensory differences is needed to test hypothesized
This study provides evidence that a behavioral pain vulnera-
ble profile, which is present preoperatively in many children
with operative range IS, predicts poorer and potentially long-
lasting pain outcomes after spine fusion. This complex clini-
cal presentation was particularly prevalent in girls and those
who reported long-standing preoperative pain. The under-
lying mechanism for the observed symptom profile remains
Table 2.  Postoperative Analgesic Use and Pain Outcomes Between Clusters
High Symptom Cluster (n = 22) Low Symptom Cluster (n = 48) P Value
Early in-hospital outcomes
 Average reported pain (NRS 0–10)a
6.00 ± 1.97 4.56 ± 1.65 .002
 Pain on movement (NRS 0–10) 6.93 ± 1.67 5.48 ± 1.80 .003
 Morphine equivalents per kg per hb
0.013 ± 0.01 0.015 ± 0.013 .605
 Diazepam per kg per h 0.008 ± 0.004 0.008 ± 0.003 .535
 Acetaminophen per kg per h 2.15 ± 1.51 1.96 ± 1.14 .571
 Ketorolac per kg per h 0.06 ± 0.04 0.07 ± 0.03 .440
Pain and analgesic use first 2 wk at home
 Average reported pain (NRS 0–10)c
4.93 ± 1.27 3.70 ± 1.38 .031
 Morphine per kg totald
5.27 ± 3.27 3.68 ± 1.84 .006
 Diazepam per kg total 1.41 ± 1.16 1.09 ± 0.85 .269
 Ibuprofen per kg total 79.39 ± 97.46 90.65 ± 99.41 .707
 Acetaminophen per kg total 200.63 ± 172.28 198.54 ± 144.28 .964
Nonparametric comparisons used where applicable.
Abbreviation: NRS, Numeric Rating Scale.
Shapiro-Wilk (SW) P = .349.
SW P  .001.
SW P = .467.
SW P = .077.
Table 3.  Parameter Estimates (Marginal Means) for Each of the Covariates in the Multivariate Model
Outcome: Average Pain Intensity
β (97.5% CI) P Valueb
Outcome: Opioid Consumptiona
β (97.5% CI) P Valueb
High symptom cluster membership (referent low) 1.13 (0.09 to 2.17) .015 0.92 (−0.75 to 2.59) .208
Female sex (referent male) −0.004 (−1.13 to 1.14) .993 1.39 (−0.43 to 3.20) .083
Age 0.037 (−0.27 to 0.34) .778 −0.02 (−0.47 to 0.50) .935
LN (in-hospital opioid use)c
−0.29 (−0.29 to 0.88) .248 0.57 (−0.36 to 1.51) .162
Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval.
Oral morphine equivalents per kilogram total.
Conservatively, we used the Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons (ie, 0.05/2, given 2 outcomes of interest); 97.5% confidence intervals are therefore
Log normal transformation of this skewed independent variable was used for this analysis.
Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
May 2017 • Volume 124 • Number 5	 1601
unknown. Further study is warranted to better understand
the nature of pain and symptom profiles and potential mech-
anisms and to facilitate targeted treatments to reduce long-
term negative postoperative outcomes. E
The authors thank the following persons who took part in
recruiting or collecting data for this study: Reilly Philliben,
Tabitha Kalibat, Caroline Hyman, Marianna Dorta, Adam
Niemman, Elizabeth Feenstra, and Kenneth Hayes.
Name: Terri Voepel-Lewis, PhD, RN.
Contribution: This author helped design and conduct the study,
oversee recruitment, analyze and interpret the data, and prepare
and revise the manuscript.
Name: Michelle S. Caird, MD.
Contribution: This author helped design the study, oversee recruit-
ment, interpret the data, and revise the manuscript.
Name: Alan R. Tait, PhD.
Contribution: This author helped analyze and interpret the data,
and revise the manuscript.
Name: Shobha Malviya, MD.
Contribution: This author helped interpret the data and revise the
Name: Frances A. Farley, MD.
Contribution: This author helped oversee recruitment, interpret
the data, and revise the manuscript.
Name: Ying Li, MD.
Contribution: This author helped oversee recruitment, interpret
the data, and revise the manuscript.
Name: Matthew D. Abbott, MD.
Contribution: This author helped oversee recruitment, interpret
the data, and revise the manuscript.
Name: Tara van Veen, BS.
Contribution: This author helped oversee recruitment, collect and
enter the data, and revise the manuscript.
Name: Afton L. Hassett, PsyD.
Contribution: This author helped design the study, interpret the
data, measurements, and revise the manuscript.
Name: Daniel J. Clauw, MD.
Contribution: This author helped design the study, interpret the
data, measurements, and revise the manuscript.
This manuscript was handled by: James A. DiNardo, MD, FAAP.
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  • 1. Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1594 May 2017 • Volume 124 • Number 5 Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000001963 M any children who undergo surgical correction of idiopathic scoliosis (IS) are susceptible to poor pain outcomes, including persistent or recur- rent musculoskeletal pain. Up to 65% have reported ongo- ing, unchanged pain 1 to 5 years after spine fusion,1–3 and a similar number described persistent back pain 23 years after having undergone spine fusion during adolescence.4 Persistent or recurrent musculoskeletal pain imposes a tre- mendous burden on the child’s physical and social func- tioning and quality of life.5 Despite these concerns, we have limited understanding of the nature and course of musculo- skeletal pain in children with IS. This lack of understanding may contribute to suboptimal management and the high rates of persistent pain currently observed. The presence of preoperative pain has been found to strongly predict persistent postoperative pain, whereas sur- gical and structural nociceptive factors (eg, degree or loca- tion of spinal curve, surgical instrumentation) have, to date, failed to do so.1,6 Such findings suggest a baseline pain vul- nerability that may affect children’s recovery and long-term surgical outcomes. The pain profile and potential mecha- nisms for pain vulnerability in children with IS are largely unknown. However, studies in children and adults with differing chronic pain conditions reveal symptom patterns similar to those observed in patients with centralized pain conditions (ie, fibromyalgia). These include multiple-site BACKGROUND: Preoperative pain predicts persistent pain after spine fusion, yet little is under- stood about the nature of that pain, related symptoms, and how these symptoms relate to post- operative pain outcomes. This prospective study examined children’s baseline pain and symptom profiles and the association between a high symptom profile and postoperative outcomes. METHODS: Seventy children (aged 10–17 years) scheduled for correction of idiopathic scoliosis completed pain and symptom surveys during their preoperative visit (ie,pain intensity [0–10 numeric rating scores], a pediatric version of the 2011 fibromyalgia survey criteria [including pain locations and symptom severity scale], neuropathic pain symptoms [painDETECT], and Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement System measures of fatigue, depression, function, pain interference, and pain catastrophizing). Pain intensity and total analgesic use were recorded daily postoperatively and for 2 weeks after discharge. A 2-step cluster analysis differentiated a high and low pain and symptom profile at baseline, and a multivariate main effects regression model examined the asso- ciation between pain profile and posthospital discharge pain and analgesic outcomes. RESULTS: The cluster analysis differentiated 2 groups of children well characterized by their baseline symptom reporting. Thirty percent (95% confidence interval [CI], 20.2%–41.8%) had a high symptom profile with higher depression, fatigue, pain interference, a pediatric version of the fibromyalgia survey criteria symptoms, neuropathic pain, and catastrophizing. Girls were more likely than boys to be clustered in the high symptom profile (odds ratio [OR], 5.76 [95% CI, 1.20–27.58]; P = .022) as were those with preoperative pain lasting >3 months (OR, 3.42 [95% CI, 1.21–9.70]; P = .018). Adjusting for sex, age, and total in-hospital opioid consump- tion, high cluster membership was independently associated with higher self-reported pain after discharge (mean difference +1.13 point [97.5% CI, 0.09–2.17]; P = .015). Children in the high symptom cluster were more likely to report ongoing opioid use at 2 weeks compared with the low symptom group (87% vs 50%; OR, 6.5 [95% CI, 1.30–33.03]; P = .015). At 6 months, high symptom cluster membership was associated with higher pain intensity, higher pain interfer- ence, and ongoing analgesic use (P ≤ .018). CONCLUSIONS: A behavioral pain vulnerable profile was present preoperatively in 30% of chil- dren with idiopathic scoliosis and was independently associated with poorer and potentially long-lasting pain outcomes after spine fusion in this setting. This high symptom profile is similar to that described in children and adults with chronic and centralized pain disorders and was more prevalent in girls and those with long-standing pain. Further study is needed to elucidate the potential mechanisms behind our observations.  (Anesth Analg 2017;124:1594–602) From the Departments of *Anesthesiology, †Orthopedic Surgery, ‡Internal Medicine, and §Psychiatry, University of Michigan Health Systems and Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Accepted for publication January 10, 2017. Funding: None. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. Reprints will not be available from the authors. Address correspondence to Terri Voepel-Lewis, PhD, RN, Room 4917, Mott Children’s Hospital, 1540 East Hospital Dr, Ann Arbor, MI 48109. Address e-mail to A High Preoperative Pain and Symptom Profile Predicts Worse Pain Outcomes for Children After Spine Fusion Surgery Terri Voepel-Lewis, PhD, RN,* Michelle S. Caird, MD,† Alan R. Tait, PhD,* Shobha Malviya, MD,* Frances A. Farley, MD,† Ying Li, MD,† Matthew D. Abbott, MD,† Tara van Veen, BS,* Afton L. Hassett, PsyD,* and Daniel J. Clauw, MD*‡§
  • 2. Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. May 2017 • Volume 124 • Number 5 1595 pain and somatic symptoms such as sleep and memory dif- ficulties, fatigue, and depression. Higher degrees of these symptom patterns as measured by the 2011 fibromyalgia survey criteria (FSC) were recently found to strongly pre- dict persistent postoperative pain and higher opioid use in adults who underwent knee or hip arthroplasty.7 Such data have informed the hypothesis in adult settings that central pain sensitization may contribute not only to various chronic pain conditions, but to pain that persists postoperatively. A growing body of evidence suggests that similar pain and somatic symptom patterns begin to emerge during child- hood in those exposed to chronic pain. Longitudinal studies in children with nonspecific regional or widespread mus- culoskeletal pain found that comorbid depression, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping or daytime fatigue were associated with persistent pain and functional impairments.8,9 Whether a similar symptom profile is present in children with IS and if this is associated with long-term outcomes is unknown. A better understanding of the nature, early course, and poten- tial mechanisms of childhood pain is therefore imperative to optimize early pain management and prevention strategies. The purpose of this prospective study was to examine the nature and prevalence of preoperative pain and somatic symptomatology in children presenting for surgical cor- rection of scoliosis. We hypothesized that a symptom pro- file, similar to that observed in children with chronic and centralized pain disorders, could be identified in a subset of children with scoliosis before surgery and that this pain vulnerable profile would be associated with worse postop- erative pain outcomes, including higher pain intensity and opioid consumption. METHODS With approval from the institutional review board at the University of Michigan and written parental consent and child assent, we consecutively recruited English-speaking children scheduled to undergo elective surgical correction of IS from July 2014 to September 2015. We excluded chil- dren with significant cognitive impairment who could not self-report pain or complete surveys independently and those undergoing a secondary or repeat major orthopedic procedure. This study meets the Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency of health Research (EQUATOR) guideline for observational studies. Measurements Children Completed the Following Surveys at Baseline. Pain Intensity: Numeric rating scale (NRS) scores (0 = no pain to 10 = worst possible pain) to document their worst and average pain over the previous 6 months. The reliabil- ity and validity of NRS pain scores to describe pain inten- sity have been demonstrated in children aged ≥8 years.10,11 Children were also asked to tell us how long their pain had persisted (open-ended). Fibromyalgia Survey Criteria: This simple, 2-part, self-report survey was derived from the 2011 FSC to assess the core symptoms associated with the most common centralized pain disorder in adults, fibromyalgia. Similar to the Yunis and Mani criteria for juvenile fibromyalgia syndrome,12 the FSC combines a pain location body map with a symptom sever- ity scale to identify widespread pain and symptoms that are in common with fibromyalgia. The FSC has been used to diagnose fibromyalgia and also to generate a score represent- ing a quantitative continuum of pain centralization or fibro- myalgia-like symptoms.7,13 We revised this survey to lower the grade reading level and improve its readability (Flesch- Kincaid Grade Level 5.3 and Reading Ease 78%) so that it could be independently completed by children as young as 10 years. The pediatric version of the FSC (pFSC) combines the scores from the body map and the Somatic Symptom Severity (SSS) assessments to yield a pFSC score ranging from 0 to 35. Multisite Pain: A 2-sided (front and back) body map was used to describe pain location(s) because it was found to be reliable in children as young as 4 years of age.14 Studies have found 83% to 98% agreement between children’s identified pain locations and diagnosed conditions or surgical sites, and experts recommend unassisted use of the body map in children 8 years or older.14 The number and location of pain sites were tallied to provide indices of regional pain (upper body region versus lower body region) and of widespread pain (upper and lower body involvement). Comorbid SSS: We revised the grade reading level of the adult version of the SSS in the adult version FSC criteria to document the presence and severity of fatigue, sleep prob- lems, memory, mood, headaches, and irritable abdomen. This short tool has face validity and contains items similar to those on validated but more comprehensive pediatric somatization inventories. painDETECT: This 9-item survey was modified slightly to reduce the reading level and improve its relevance to chil- dren/adolescents and to differentiate neuropathic from noci- ceptive pain.15 Children as young as 7 years have reliably described their pain characteristics (eg, hot, sharp, tingling), and high test–retest reliability of their use of word descrip- tors has been found among 8 to 17 year olds (ρ = 0.78–0.95).16 Pediatric Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement System (PROMIS) Short Forms: These tools were developed by the National Institutes of Health to measure various health domains across chronic disorders in children. They have been tested using item bank development and classification, and the short forms are considered to efficiently and accu- rately capture the most informative items for each health outcome. We included the pediatric PROMIS short forms for fatigue, depression (reliability = 0.85),17 anxiety (reli- ability = 0.85),17 pain interference (reliability = 0.90),18 and mobility (reliability = 0.94).19 Pain Catastrophizing Scale: This 13-item instrument reliably measures “exaggerated negative pain mental set” in children aged 9 to 15 years (α = 0.87–0.92).20 The instrument has excel- lent predictive validity for chronic pain disability in children.21 Procedures After parental consent and child assent in the preoperative clinic, children completed the baseline surveys using an iPad that directly entered data using a unique identification
  • 3. Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1596 ANESTHESIA ANALGESIA Pain Vulnerable Profile in Children With Scoliosis number. All children completed these surveys indepen- dently while parents were concurrently busy completing a different batch of surveys for a secondary study. The child’s relevant demographics, medical, and surgical his- tory, including recent and past use of prescribed and non- prescribed medications and analgesics, were recorded from the orthopedic clinic records and parent interview. Children repeated the body map, SSS, and painDETECT surveys when they arrived on the morning of surgery 1 to 2 weeks after the clinic visit to examine short-term test–retest consistency in their reporting. The PROMIS anxiety survey was also completed on the morning of surgery. All surgical procedures were performed by 3 experienced pediatric ortho- pedic surgeons and involved the posterior approach, seg- mental instrumentation with hybrid constructs that included pedicle screws, sublaminar hooks, and wires. Anesthesia proceeded per routine practice with mask or IV induction of general anesthesia (8% sevoflurane with nitrous oxide and oxygen or propofol) followed by an isoflurane maintenance as permitted by motor-evoked potential monitoring. Depth of anesthesia was titrated with remifentanil and dexmedeto- midine. Children received either an intrathecal injection of Duramorph or an epidural bolus of hydromorphone intra- operatively. Postoperatively, all children were transitioned per routine practice from the regional method to oral oxy- codone (5 mg every 6 hours) and ketorolac around the clock together with acetaminophen (15 mg/kg every 4–6 hours) and diazepam (0.5 mg/kg every 6 hours) as needed plus 2.5 mg/kg oxycodone as needed for breakthrough pain. All intra- and postoperative opioid and nonopioid analgesics were recorded and opioids (including intravenous, oral, intrathecal, and epidural) were converted to oral morphine equivalents per kilogram per hour of hospital stay (including perioperatively, ie, intraoperatively and immediately post- operatively at the direction of the anesthesiologist and post- operatively based on patient demand and around-the-clock dosing) using standard conversion charts.22,23 Children were followed prospectively over the course of hospitalization and the following data collected: daily NRS pain scores (at rest and on movement), adverse events, and length of stay. At discharge, parents were given a diary to record all analgesics given over the first 2 weeks at home together with children’s pain scores and other symptoms. In a small subset, we collected 6-month follow-up survey data from children who had been seen as per routine in clinic. This survey included ongoing pain presence, pain intensity, frequency and type of analgesic use, PROMIS pain interfer- ence, function, painDETECT, and pFSC. Statistical Analyses All analyses were conducted using SPSS statistical software (version 22; IBM, New York, NY). Data are summarized using descriptive statistics and n (%) or means, standard deviations, and medians with percentiles, where applicable, and STROBE guidelines were adhered to in manuscript preparation. Tests of normality were conducted for our con- tinuous variables (ie, morphine consumption, pain scores) and nonparametric comparisons performed where applica- ble. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) with 95% con- fidence intervals (CIs) were used to examine the consistency (ie, short-term retest reliability) of children’s reports using the body map, SSS, the pFSC as a whole and painDETECT. Internal consistency of the SSS and painDETECT instru- ments was also examined because these instruments have not been examined in children. A2-step cluster analysis was performed to profile children based on their self-reported pain descriptors and somatic symptomatology (ie, baseline measures in clinic). This pro- cedure was selected because it is fairly robust to violations in assumptions of variable independence and normality and uses a log-likelihood distance measure to identify the optimal number of homogeneous structures suggested by the data (ie, not defined a priori), maximizing the difference between groups in an efficient manner. The Akaike informa- tion criterion was used as the clustering criterion. We ran- domly ordered the cases before analyses as recommended to minimize the potential effect of order on the final solution. We next compared the resultant clusters to describe other nonsymptom characteristics of the groups (eg, sex, self-reported pain duration) and to identify potential con- founders for postoperative pain outcomes (eg, periopera- tive analgesic management, surgical factors, and in-hospital analgesic requirements). These univariate analyses were conducted using independent t tests for parametric data (eg, age) and χ2 for nonparametric data (eg, sex). Outcomes and Hypothesis Tests. Our pain outcomes included postdischarge pain intensity (ie, 2-week average self-reported NRS) and total opioid consumption (ie, 2-week oral morphine equivalents per kilogram). To examine the association between cluster profile and our 2 related outcome variables, we used a general linear multivariate multiple regression main effects model. Both outcome measures were simultaneously regressed onto the main factor of interest (ie, cluster membership) to test for the association of our independent variable while controlling for child sex and total hospital opioid consumption. Given the unequal distribution of total hospital morphine consumption, this factor was analyzed and modeled on the log scale. We acknowledge the complex relationship between pain intensity and opioid consumption and that differences in 1 of these outcomes may counter differences in the other in clinical practice (eg, higher pain intensity may increase opioid demand or higher opioid use may lower pain intensity).24 The multivariate model allowed us to examine whether the mean difference between clusters on the combination of pain outcomes was likely to have occurred by chance.25 Furthermore, the multivariate model permitted us to examine and more clearly describe which (if either) of these outcomes was associated with our fixed factor, cluster membership. The Bonferroni correction was used to conservatively adjust our level of significance for multiple comparisons (ie, 0.05/2 based on 2 outcomes), and estimated marginal mean differences (with 97.5% CIs) are presented. In a smaller sample for which we had obtained pilot longitudinal outcomes at 6 months, we compared ongoing pain, ongoing analgesic use, and PROMIS pain interference between clusters (identified only in a large sample) for the purpose of reporting preliminary relationships. Univariate analyses were used for these comparisons.
  • 4. Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. May 2017 • Volume 124 • Number 5 1597 Sample Size. Based on previous reports of chronic musculoskeletal pain in children,8,26 we estimated that approximately 20% of children with scoliosis would present with multisite pain and symptomatology. We determined a priori that a sample of 61 children would be sufficient to estimate a similar proportion with a high pain and symptom profile with sufficient precision (ie, 95% CI width of approximately 0.20) and to detect at least a 1.5- point difference between groups in reported pain intensity (standard deviation = 1.5; 2-sided α = 0.05; β = 0.20). This pain intensity difference has been previously shown to reflect the minimal clinically significant difference in children and adolescents.10,27–29 RESULTS Seventy-six children were approached for participation, and 3 declined as a result of inadequate time to complete the survey and/or follow-up study. Three children did not complete significant portions of their baseline surveys leav- ing 70 for cluster analyses and subsequent comparisons. Overall, 73% of the children were female, aged 10 to 17 years (mean 13.96 ± 1.76), and with an average body mass index of 22.18 ± 5.47 kg/m2 . Description of Baseline Pain and Symptoms Most children (86%) reported having pain within the recent 6 months, 45% reported preoperative pain lasting 3 months, and 74% had used analgesics (5% opioids). None of the children were taking opioids immediately before sur- gery. Sixty-three percent reported experiencing pain at mul- tiple sites (ie, 3 or more) although back pain was the most commonly reported site (86%) and a lower extremity the next most common (23%). Children’s reports of pain loca- tion were consistent from preoperative clinic to the day of surgery approximately 2 weeks later (ICC = 0.927 [95% CI, 0.875–0.957]; P .001), showing excellent reporting reliabil- ity and stability of pain at baseline. Children also reported a high prevalence of other somatic symptoms, including fatigue (58%), depression (37%), abdominal cramping (39%), and headache (62%). Children’s symptom reporting was consistent from the clinic visit to the day of surgery (ICC = 0.816 [95% CI, 0.679–0.894]; P .001), and there was a high degree of internal consistency among items in the SSS (Cronbach α = 0.791 [95% CI, 0.71–0.858]). Scores on the pFSC ranged from 0 to 26 (6.97 ± 5.16; median 6) and were consistent over time, supporting reliability (ICC = 0.912 [95% CI, 0.845–0.950]; P .001). Children’s scores on the painDETECT ranged from 0 to 31 (mean 5.3 ± 5.62; median 4). The internal consistency of the painDETECT was accept- able (Cronbach α = 0.757 [95% CI, 0.662–0.834]; P .001), and children were moderately consistent in their reports of neuro- pathic symptoms (ICC = 0.654 [95% CI, 0.365–0.811]; P .001). There was a variable presence and degree of baseline neu- ropathic pain symptoms in this sample with 51% of children never or hardly ever noticing the symptoms documented with painDETECT. One-third (33%) reported numbness, pain to light pressure, or sudden, electric-like pain attacks. Smaller numbers reported burning sensations (17%), tin- gling/prickling (26%), pain to light touching from a blanket or clothing (14%), and less often, pain to heat or cold (7%). Baseline Symptom Cluster Description The cluster analysis identified 2 groups of children that were well characterized by their baseline pain and somatic symptom reporting (see Silhouette measure of cohesion and separation, Figure 1A). The high symptom cluster included 30% of the sample (95% CI, 20.2%–41.8%) that were cohe- sively profiled by high scores on the PROMIS depression, pain interference, fatigue, pain catastrophizing, pFSC, and painDETECT instruments (Figure 1B). Figure 2 depicts the distribution of symptom scores for clusters in relation to the overall medians and quartile ranges. The nonsymptom characteristics of these groups are depicted in Table 1 together with the surgical and periop- erative (intraoperative and postanesthesia recovery) data. Children with longer standing pain (ie, self-reported to have persisted 3 months’ duration) were more likely to be a member of the high symptom profile (odds ratio, 3.19 [95% CI, 1.12–9.13]; P = .027). Children in the high symptom profile also reported higher pain intensity in the previous 6 months than those in the low profile group (6.77 ± 2.05 vs 4.02 ± 2.51; P .001). Associations Between Cluster Membership and Postoperative Pain Outcomes Table  2 depicts the in-hospital and 2-week postdischarge pain and analgesic data for the groups. To test our hypoth- esis, we used a multivariate main effects regression model to examine the association between cluster membership and the combined and individual pain outcomes (average pain intensity and total opioid consumption after hospi- tal discharge) controlling for potential confounders of sex and total opioid consumption in the hospital. This model supported our hypothesis that high symptom cluster mem- bership was independently associated with combined pain outcomes (Pillai’s Trace F = 3.50 [df, 2]; P = .039) explain- ing 14% of the variation in 2-week pain outcomes (Table 3). More specifically, our hypothesis tests demonstrated that high cluster membership was associated with higher self- reported pain after discharge (mean difference +1.13 NRS [97.5% CI, 0.09–2.17]; P = .015) but not with 2-week opioid consumption (mean difference +0.92 morphine equivalents per kilogram [97.5% CI, –0.75 to 2.59]; P = .208; see Table 3 for the parameter estimates for all covariates). Although total opioid consumption did not differ between groups in our corrected model, children in the high symptom cluster were more likely to report ongoing opioid use at 2 weeks compared with the low symptom group (87% vs 50%; odds ratio, 6.5 [95% CI, 1.30–33.03]; P = .015). In a small subset of 28 children who have completed their 6-month follow-up to date, all children in the high symp- tom subset reported ongoing analgesic use compared with only 41% of those in the low symptom profile (P = .018). Furthermore, these children reported higher pain intensity (5.86 ± 2.54 vs 1.73 ± 1.67; P .001) and pain interference (14.33 ± 8.82 vs 2.67 ± 3.94; P .001). DISCUSSION In this sample of children and adolescents with IS, we found a high prevalence of preoperative pain and comorbid symptoms including diffuse pain and symptoms similar to
  • 5. Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1598 ANESTHESIA ANALGESIA Pain Vulnerable Profile in Children With Scoliosis those observed in patients with chronic and centralized pain conditions. Supporting our hypothesis, we differenti- ated a high pain and symptom profile in 30% of children (95% CI, 20.7%–41.8%) that was associated with higher pain scores in the hospital and at home but not indepen- dently associated with opioid use. Furthermore, children in our differentiated high symptom profile group were more likely to report ongoing opioid use at the 2-week clinic visit and, in a smaller sample, higher pain, pain interference, and analgesic use 6 months after surgery. These findings suggest that children with a high pain and somatic symp- tom profile preoperatively are potentially vulnerable to poor self-reported postoperative pain outcomes, including ongoing analgesic use. Our data suggest that as many as one-third of children with surgical range IS present for surgery with a symp- tom profile similar to that observed in individuals with chronic and centralized pain disorders. Although this symptom profile was largely differentiated by psychologic factors such as depression, pFSC scores contributed signifi- cantly and independently to cluster membership, helping to identify children at risk for higher pain and opioid use postoperatively. Similar to our findings, high FSC scores in adults have helped describe a phenotype, including higher anxiety, fatigue, depression, and neuropathic pain, and predicted persistent pain and higher opioid use after arthroplasty.7,30 FSC scores have been used to identify the prevalence of widespread pain and SSS in a variety of adult populations,7 and scores not only differentiate fibromyalgia, but also depict a quantitative continuum of centralized pain (ie, “fibromyalgia-like” state) that has been observed across many differing chronic pain states.13,31,32 Furthermore, data from subjects with differing chronic pain conditions show abnormal sensory responses, including hyperalgesia, allo- dynia, poor pain inhibition, and augmented central ner- vous system activity, suggesting a fundamental problem with pain processing that could potentially be explained by a central mechanism.33,34 It remains unknown whether a common underlying physiologic mechanism can explain the symptom profiles observed in our study. In addition, we used the pFSC to score symptoms that have been described in children with fibromyalgia; however, this instrument as used here is not meant to diagnose, but merely to examine the presence and degree of symptomatology. Despite this limitation, our findings raise important considerations for the use of qualitative and quantitative pain and symptom measures to help identify children who are vulnerable to worse pain outcomes. Importantly, 41% of girls in our sample were clustered in the high symptom group compared with only 11% of boys. Figure 1. A, Summary of the resultant cluster analysis. B, Depiction of the resultant cluster symptom characteristics.
  • 6. Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. May 2017 • Volume 124 • Number 5 1599 This is similar to findings in large healthy cohorts where girls were at higher risk for persistent multisite pain, mood, and somatic symptoms.35 In our sample, we did not find an independent association between sex and pain outcomes in our corrected model. Sex differences in children’s clinical and experimental pain responses as well as their response to analgesia remain poorly understood given mixed findings across studies. However, a recent meta-analysis found that younger boys and girls did not differ in their pain responses, but in those 12 years of age, girls reported higher pain intensity and lower thresholds than did boys, suggesting a potential effect of puberty.36,37 Socialization and parental preferences may play a role in pain and anal- gesic use since we previously reported that parents of girls Figure 2. Comparison of characteristic traits between high and low symptom clusters. Box represents median (ie, per- pendicular line) within the inner 25, 75 quartile; horizontal lines depict the median and inner quartile range for the high and low symptom groups. Data presented are the median (intraquartile range [IQR]) of the groups. Table 1.  Nonsymptom Characteristics and Perioperative Data for the Clusters High Symptom Cluster (n = 22) Low Symptom Cluster (n = 48) P Value Age (y) 13.5 ± 1.54 14.13 ± 1.83 .168 Female sex 20 (91%) 30 (65%) .021 Body mass index (kg/m2 ) 23.62 ± 5.71 21.58 ± 5.34 .150 ASA I/II/III 5 (23%)/14 (64%)/3 (14%) 9 (19%)/37 (77%)/2 (4%) .303 Spinal segments fused .545  Thoracic and lumbar 17 (77%) 40 (83%)  Thoracic only 5 (23%) 8 (17%) Number spinal levels fused 10.4 ± 1.7 10.9 ± 1.8 .254 Distribution of surgeons A/B/C 32%/36%/32% 35%/46%/19% .673 Method of opioid delivery intraoperatively  Intrathecal morphine 16 (73%) 31 (65%) .501  Epidural morphine 6 (27%) 12 (25%) .840  Remifentanil infusion 13 (59%) 28 (58%) .952  Dexmedetomidine infusion 11 (50%) 33 (69%) .132 Total analgesic doses intraoperatively and in the postanesthesia care unit  Morphine equivalents per kga 0.32 ± 0.18 0.47 ± 0.31 .033  Diazepam per kg 0.04 ± 0.04 0.05 ± 0.05 .458  Acetaminophen per kg 11.93 ± 8.86 11.92 ± 8.75 .993  Ketorolac per kg 0.29 ± 0.17 0.33 ± 0.20 .491  Anesthesia duration (h) 5.46 ± 1.19 5.90 ± 1.10 .132  Surgical duration (incision to dressing) 3.80 ± 1.01 4.17 ± 1.06 .169 Data are presented as mean ± standard deviation or n (%), as applicable. Abbreviation: ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists. a Includes all intrathecal, epidural, and intravenous opioids given in the operating room or recovery room.
  • 7. Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. 1600 ANESTHESIA ANALGESIA Pain Vulnerable Profile in Children With Scoliosis exhibited a higher likelihood of treating their child with potent analgesics compared with parents of boys with the same pain intensity.38 Across studies, observed sex differ- ences in chronic and centralized pain conditions have been attributed to various biologic, hormonal, and/or socio- psychologic factors, yet underlying mechanisms remain unclear.39,40 Our findings suggest that symptom vulnerabil- ity in girls may manifest during adolescence; however, fur- ther study is needed to examine potential mechanisms for sex-related differences in the pain experience. Limitations The cross-sectional nature of our baseline assessments poses limitations. First, children were asked to report cur- rent and recent symptoms and, although the associations between many were high, causality between symptoms remains unknown. Next, it is possible that a symptom recall bias may have influenced findings given that recalled pain was recently found to be greater than concurrent ratings in adults, particularly in those who were habitual symptom reporters.41 Recall bias may be somewhat reduced in our study because children’s reports of pain and symptoms were consistent from the preoperative clinic to the day of surgery. Importantly, the nature and prevalence of pain and symptoms could cluster differently in a larger or sepa- rate sample given the wide CI in our study (ie, 20%–41%), warranting further study in a larger sample. The potential influence of perioperative analgesic technique and early analgesic management on longer term outcomes cannot be overlooked. Although our groups were similar with regard to the use of regional technique and anesthetic agents, they differed in perioperative opioid consumption. Our standard analgesic approach after surgery (ie, oxycodone around the clock) precluded our ability to demonstrate a difference in opioid consumption in the hospital. However, when cor- rected for total in-hospital opioid consumption, cluster membership remained an important factor for 2-week pain intensity. Whether this relationship will hold for longer term outcomes and, in particular, for pain interference or function remains to be tested in a larger sample. Finally, our data suggest the presence of a pain vulnerable phenotype based on self-reported symptoms, but the underlying mech- anism remains unknown and the possibility of preoperative pain centralization remains only speculative. Further study incorporating quantitative sensory testing methods to examine sensory differences is needed to test hypothesized mechanisms. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS This study provides evidence that a behavioral pain vulnera- ble profile, which is present preoperatively in many children with operative range IS, predicts poorer and potentially long- lasting pain outcomes after spine fusion. This complex clini- cal presentation was particularly prevalent in girls and those who reported long-standing preoperative pain. The under- lying mechanism for the observed symptom profile remains Table 2.  Postoperative Analgesic Use and Pain Outcomes Between Clusters High Symptom Cluster (n = 22) Low Symptom Cluster (n = 48) P Value Early in-hospital outcomes  Average reported pain (NRS 0–10)a 6.00 ± 1.97 4.56 ± 1.65 .002  Pain on movement (NRS 0–10) 6.93 ± 1.67 5.48 ± 1.80 .003  Morphine equivalents per kg per hb 0.013 ± 0.01 0.015 ± 0.013 .605  Diazepam per kg per h 0.008 ± 0.004 0.008 ± 0.003 .535  Acetaminophen per kg per h 2.15 ± 1.51 1.96 ± 1.14 .571  Ketorolac per kg per h 0.06 ± 0.04 0.07 ± 0.03 .440 Pain and analgesic use first 2 wk at home  Average reported pain (NRS 0–10)c 4.93 ± 1.27 3.70 ± 1.38 .031  Morphine per kg totald 5.27 ± 3.27 3.68 ± 1.84 .006  Diazepam per kg total 1.41 ± 1.16 1.09 ± 0.85 .269  Ibuprofen per kg total 79.39 ± 97.46 90.65 ± 99.41 .707  Acetaminophen per kg total 200.63 ± 172.28 198.54 ± 144.28 .964 Nonparametric comparisons used where applicable. Abbreviation: NRS, Numeric Rating Scale. a Shapiro-Wilk (SW) P = .349. b SW P .001. c SW P = .467. d SW P = .077. Table 3.  Parameter Estimates (Marginal Means) for Each of the Covariates in the Multivariate Model Factors Outcome: Average Pain Intensity β (97.5% CI) P Valueb Outcome: Opioid Consumptiona β (97.5% CI) P Valueb High symptom cluster membership (referent low) 1.13 (0.09 to 2.17) .015 0.92 (−0.75 to 2.59) .208 Female sex (referent male) −0.004 (−1.13 to 1.14) .993 1.39 (−0.43 to 3.20) .083 Age 0.037 (−0.27 to 0.34) .778 −0.02 (−0.47 to 0.50) .935 LN (in-hospital opioid use)c −0.29 (−0.29 to 0.88) .248 0.57 (−0.36 to 1.51) .162 Abbreviation: CI, confidence interval. a Oral morphine equivalents per kilogram total. b Conservatively, we used the Bonferroni adjustment for multiple comparisons (ie, 0.05/2, given 2 outcomes of interest); 97.5% confidence intervals are therefore reported. c Log normal transformation of this skewed independent variable was used for this analysis.
  • 8. Copyright © 2017 International Anesthesia Research Society. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. May 2017 • Volume 124 • Number 5 1601 unknown. Further study is warranted to better understand the nature of pain and symptom profiles and potential mech- anisms and to facilitate targeted treatments to reduce long- term negative postoperative outcomes. E ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the following persons who took part in recruiting or collecting data for this study: Reilly Philliben, Tabitha Kalibat, Caroline Hyman, Marianna Dorta, Adam Niemman, Elizabeth Feenstra, and Kenneth Hayes. DISCLOSURES Name: Terri Voepel-Lewis, PhD, RN. Contribution: This author helped design and conduct the study, oversee recruitment, analyze and interpret the data, and prepare and revise the manuscript. Name: Michelle S. Caird, MD. Contribution: This author helped design the study, oversee recruit- ment, interpret the data, and revise the manuscript. Name: Alan R. Tait, PhD. Contribution: This author helped analyze and interpret the data, and revise the manuscript. Name: Shobha Malviya, MD. Contribution: This author helped interpret the data and revise the manuscript. Name: Frances A. Farley, MD. Contribution: This author helped oversee recruitment, interpret the data, and revise the manuscript. Name: Ying Li, MD. Contribution: This author helped oversee recruitment, interpret the data, and revise the manuscript. Name: Matthew D. Abbott, MD. Contribution: This author helped oversee recruitment, interpret the data, and revise the manuscript. Name: Tara van Veen, BS. Contribution: This author helped oversee recruitment, collect and enter the data, and revise the manuscript. Name: Afton L. Hassett, PsyD. Contribution: This author helped design the study, interpret the data, measurements, and revise the manuscript. Name: Daniel J. Clauw, MD. Contribution: This author helped design the study, interpret the data, measurements, and revise the manuscript. 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