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Korean Consumer Trends: 
2010 and 2020 
Earned Income 
Income from Business Operations and Side Work 
Property Income 
Transfer Income 
116 | 
Lee Dong-Hun 
The first decade of the new millennium was 
chaotic as the 20th century paradigm trans-formed 
into that of the 21st century. While a 
new era of digital technology and participato-ry 
and communicative culture was ushered in, 
remnants such as celebrity suicides, a global fi-nancial 
crisis, and a worldwide epidemic carried 
over into the new age. 
During the next decade, the 21st century para-digm 
is expected to unfold in earnest. In partic-ular, 
with a new political system and improved 
relations with North Korea, South Koreans 
will focus more on health and quality of life 
rather than on political issues, as in advanced 
countries. Driven by new growth industries in 
the service sector as well as “convergence” and 
“emotional” technologies, per capita income 
will reach $30,000, and Korean society will turn 
into an individual-oriented aging society with 
low birthrates and greater diversity. On the dip-lomatic 
front, Korea will become a strategic key 
|Table 1 Income and Spending of Average Income Bracket 
Note: 1. Figures for 2020 are estimates by Samsung Economic Research Institute. 
2. Figures in parentheses depict a percentage of total consumption. 
Source: Statistics Korea, KOSIS. 
(Weighted %) 
Ordinary Income 
Non-ordinary Income 
Non-consumption Expenses 
Disposable Income 
Food Expenses 
Dining Out Expenses 
Housing Expenses 
Utility (light, heat & water) Expenses 
Furniture and Household Goods Expenses 
Home Maintenance Expenses 
Clothing and Shoes Expenses 
Health and Medical Expenses 
Educational Expenses 
Culture and Entertainment Expenses 
Transportation and Communication Expenses 
Other Expenses 
1995 2008 
191.1 389.5 780.4 
164.3 338.5 667.7 
6.3 10.8 221.3 
4.3 4.5 5.5 
5.0 16.5 49.5 
11.3 19.2 35.6 
17.9 54.2 160.4 
173.3 335.3 620.0 
35.7(25.3) 63.5(20.9) 105.5(18.5) 
11.9(8.4) 31.1(10.2) 55.7(9.8) 
4.6(3.3) 8.1(2.7) 15.6(2.7) 
5.0(3.5) 11.4(3.8) 22.2(3.9) 
5.8(4.1) 11.0(3.6) 19.3(3.4) 
0.9(0.6) 4.7(1.5) 10.1(1.8) 
9.5(6.8) 13.1(4.3) 21.6(3.8) 
5.6(4.0) 11.9(3.9) 23.0(4.0) 
11.5(8.2) 32.5(10.7) 73.0(12.8) 
6.5(4.6) 11.9(3.9) 26.0(4.6) 
14.5(10.3) 43.3(14.2) 121.0(21.2) 
24.4(17.3) 42.6(14.0) 56.6(9.9)
Lee Dong-Hun 
January 2010 | SERI Quarterly | 117 
point, serving as a hub of free trade agreements 
and chairing a G20 summit. Korea’s economic 
development will also be driven by the newly-adopted 
green industry, just as the IT industry 
led previous growth. 
This paper provides a review of the present 
(2010) and outlook of the future (2020) on Ko-rea’s 
consumption patterns. 
Clothing and Fashion 
With the proliferation of placing priority on 
physical appearance by the general public, in-creased 
spending on cosmetics and beauty has 
become the norm, regardless of gender or age. 
Whether getting married, starting school, find-ing 
a job, being promoted at work, and at oth-er 
important moments in life, how one looks is 
now a critical factor to success. While the fash-ion 
market used to be dominated by products 
and services for women in the past, the market 
for men is rapidly growing. In addition, going 
beyond makeup, it is now becoming general-ly 
accepted to seek more proactive methods or 
even plastic surgery to look better. 
As for spending on clothing in 2020, the fash-ion 
market will have more categories with a 
wider range of selections between top premium 
brands and bottom-priced brands due to the 
fashion needs becoming more diverse. In addi-tion 
to clothes, fashion items will have more va-riety 
in accessories, such as glasses, shoes, bags, 
watches, and scarves. While luxury goods enjoy 
less rarity value, “masstige brands”1 will lead to 
the popularization of luxury goods. As a result, 
instead of luxury brands that everybody knows 
about, the brands that are known to “only 
those who know” or experimental “beta luxury 
goods” will attract more attention. Thus, it will 
be easy to notice luxury-goods-hunters who 
seek new luxury brands. In particular, as male 
consumerism gains in market stature, prod-ucts 
for men will be nearly as diverse as wom-en’s 
products. As can be seen on some popular 
UCC websites run by ordinary men who creat-ed 
their own content on male fashion, by 2020 
the number of trendsetters will increase not 
only among celebrities but also among the gen-eral 
male population. 
The current eating trend needs to satisfy de-mands 
for convenience and well-being, as well 
as taste and nutrition. Convenience-oriented 
western-style eating habits, such as takeout and 
Local Foods 
Fairly Traded Foods 
1 Masstige is a marketing term derived from the words mass + prestige, to mean downward brand extension or “prestige to the masses.” 
See: Michael J. Silverstein and Neil Fiske, “Luxury for the Masses,” Harvard Business Review, April 2003, Vol. 81, Iss. 4, pp. 48–57.
Korean Consumer Trends: 2010 and 2020 
brunch, are spreading rapidly in Korea, and 
consumers are making health-based decisions 
when purchasing snacks, drinks, and even al-coholic 
beverages. With food safety becoming a 
major issue during the past couple of years, it 
is clear that an increasing number of consumers 
demand healthier food. 
By 2020, the food consumption trend is ex-pected 
to move toward an active appreciation 
of value along with conditions and taste. That 
is, more consumers will not only check for the 
place of origin and ingredients list, they will 
pay greater attention to issues regarding the 
mistreatment of animals, resource waste, and 
others before buying food products, virtual-ly 
standardizing the “LOAF” (Local, Organic, 
Animal-friendly, Fair-traded) principle. There 
will also be a rising number of consumers who 
want to relish the natural taste of food with less 
artificial elements like excessive seasoning. 
A desire to better both eating at home and din-ing 
out will result in a new type of culinary hab-its. 
For example, “entertainment cooking” (pro-viding 
the fun of cooking), premium instant 
foods, and other phenomena that are now prev-alent 
in advanced countries will spread in Ko-rea. 
Also, as dietary supplements and various 
types of desserts gain higher levels of quality 
and diversity, they will very likely become con-venient 
alternatives for regular meals. The cur-rent 
trend of stronger preference for functional 
healthful food will be further strengthened, and 
local foods that offer unique flavors also will 
continue to attract more interest. 
Housing and Interior Design 
Houses today are no longer just a place to 
live and a means to accumulate equity wealth. 
Housing-related consumption is directed to-ward 
high-technology and premium quality due 
118 | 
to the demands in convenience and environ-mental 
friendliness. To be regarded as premium, 
a housing complex needs to have a good, conve-nient 
environment for schools/private institutes, 
cultural activities, and shopping, as well as nice 
landscaping and high environmental value. Ac-cordingly, 
there is a rise in remodeling and up-grading 
of interior facilities. 
As for the housing trend in 2020, the boundary 
between private and public space will be less 
clear, as a residence serves not only as a place 
for a family to sleep and rest but also as space 
for leisure, social activities, and personal ex-pression. 
Interior design will increasingly reflect 
personal tastes just like fashion styles, and new 
housing and interior designs focusing on conve-nience 
will continue to advance. And a house or 
separate space will be created for small commu-nity 
meetings in the neighborhood. 
Among wealthy retirees of the baby boom gen- 
Yachting on the Han River 
Home 3D TV
Lee Dong-Hun 
January 2010 | SERI Quarterly | 119 
eration in particular, owning a second house 
for weekend relaxation and vacation will be-come 
more popular. Those in the middle-class 
will also make frequent use of downtown ho-tels 
and lodges and bed-and-breakfasts in the 
suburbs. With environment-friendly value hav-ing 
much more importance in deciding pur-chases, 
energy saving and other various cut-ting- 
edge technology will meet the needs of 
security and safety. 
In addition, a U (ubiquitous) cityscape will 
be created to meet the consumption needs of 
pleasantness, convenience, safety, and health. 
Futuristic high-tech cities, where IT infrastruc-ture, 
technology, and services are applied to 
housing, transportation, facilities, and oth-er 
various components of a city, will spread 
throughout Korea. Regarding this, there will be 
an increase in large projects developing new cit-ies 
and redeveloping old cities. 
Leisure and Entertainment 
Compared to the past, when people’s lives re-volved 
around work and social meetings, an 
increasing number of people now put greater 
emphasis on leisure and entertainment. Thus, 
consumption related to this change is rapidly 
rising. For example, instead of the typical travel 
to landmarks, it is getting more popular to seek 
first-hand experience by going to festivals, tem-ples, 
tea ceremonies, and touring by foot in re-gions 
filled with local interests. Activities once 
regarded as professional sports by some, such 
as mountain biking, inline skating, and water 
skiing, are fast becoming leisure activities. The 
Internet is not just a means to search for infor-mation 
anymore as it has become a crucial fac-tor 
in leisure and entertainment where non-pro-fessionals 
are able to create and share their own 
content online. 
By 2020, these trends will be seen more fre-quently, 
and experiential leisure will become 
more important. Besides traveling to remote 
places for leisure activities, it will be easy to take 
quick trips to enjoy nature-friendly environ-ments, 
culture and art, and leisure infrastructure 
in downtown areas. Municipal governments 
will also improve parks and living infrastruc-ture 
as their major projects. For instance, the 
Seoul city government’s Han River Renaissance 
project will enable citizens to enjoy yachting in 
the middle of the city, not just on the southern 
coast, and expansion of concert halls and facili-ties 
on Seoul’s Nodeul Island will provide easy 
access to leisure activities. 
Also, as Internet protocol television (IPTV) be-comes 
popular, watching TV will become an in- 
The Internet is not just 
a means to search for 
information anymore as 
it has become a crucial 
factor in leisure and 
entertainment where non-professionals 
are able to 
create and share their own 
content online.
Korean Consumer Trends: 2010 and 2020 
teractive watching experience based on partici-patory 
content and devices enabling realistic 
experiences. With 3D/4D TVs coming into wid-er 
use at home, the desire to feel realistic will go 
beyond the audio and visual senses to include 
taste, smell, and touch. 
Health and Medical Services 
Present-day hospitals are not only places to heal 
the sick but they are places where people can 
check the status of their health. Consequently, 
health and medical services are increasingly fo-cusing 
more on prevention than treatment. Dis-eases 
typically seen among middle-aged people 
are now showing up regularly among young-er 
adults, making the need for comprehensive 
checkups more widespread, regardless of gen-der 
and age. As an older population becomes 
concerned about healthy life as much as the 
length of life, osteoporosis test and chitosan 
products are gaining much popularity. 
By 2020, the health and medical sector will in-clude 
mental health to become more of a com-prehensive 
health management. In addition to 
hospital visits, self-check on health will be more 
general. There will be those who consult doc-tors 
on a videophone and make diagnosis one-self 
utilizing their own medical equipment at 
home: do-it-yourself (DIY) doctors. 
120 | 
Consumption related to biotechnology is also 
expected to rise gradually as people hold less 
reluctance to innovative medical technologies 
such as stem cell research and genetic engineer-ing. 
Genetic engineering will first be adopted 
in areas where people feel relatively less reluc-tant 
about genetic engineering, such as beauty 
One noticeable change in education is that pri-vate 
education institutions increasingly wield 
stronger influence than public schools. Various 
private education platforms attract popularity 
as parents distrust public education that is inca-pable 
of providing customized service. Private 
education for office workers is also rapidly ad-vancing 
since self-improvement is regarded as a 
vital way to survive and succeed in the business 
world. Even high-ranking public officials and 
CEOs take private courses on wine, jazz, and 
various arts for fear of being considered an out-of- 
step leader. 
By 2020, the educational spectrum will be 
broader, encompassing those who desire high-er 
quality of life. Education methods will also 
change from traditional lectures and note-tak-ing 
to student-oriented activities and diversified 
modes of learning. New media, such as the e-book 
reader Amazon Kindle and the electronic 
whiteboard connected to an e-book device, will 
soon be appearing in classrooms and enabling 
customized classes for students. 
With the average life span getting longer, con-tinuing 
education will not just mean a pastime 
for elderly people. Instead, educational facili-ties 
for senior citizens will see growing usage 
and enthusiastic participation but cost as much 
as current private education fees for younger 
Medical Equipment for Home
Lee Dong-Hun 
summed up as intellectualization and emo-tion 
sensitivity. As automobiles and roads be-come 
more intelligent, automobiles will be con-sidered 
more as a comfortable ride instead of 
a vehicle to drive. All physically disadvantaged 
and elderly drivers will find it much easier to 
drive a car, thanks to intelligent features such 
as parking and navigation systems, with artifi-cial 
intelligence and automatic braking. As for 
communications, in addition to efficient human-to- 
human communications, human-to-machine 
communications will be a hot topic among con-sumers. 
In order to meet the emotional needs 
of lonely consumers, pet dog voice interpreters 
equipped with a sensor to catch the five senses 
and emotion sensing technology is likely to be 
commercialized. People will be able to get emo-tional 
comfort from gadgets more advanced 
than huggable dolls, which are being developed 
by the MIT Media Lab, or Primopuel, an inter-active 
doll made by Japan’s Bandai. 
Translation: KIM Young-Kyu 
2020, intellectualizion, emotion sensitivity, 
continuing education, beta luxury goods, LOAF, 
local food, consumer trends, “masstige brands” 
LEE Dong-Hun is a research fellow at SERI. His current re-search 
focuses on marketing strategy and consumer trends. 
He holds a PhD in Business Administration from Sogang Uni-versity. 
January 2010 | SERI Quarterly | 121 
Takara Tomy’s Pet Dog Voice Interpreter 
Bandai’s Primopuel 
Transportation and 
Transportation and communication is one of 
the areas that have recently seen remarkable 
achievement. Along with rapid upgrades in in-frastructure 
and revolutionary improvements 
in convenience, consumers demand much high-er 
levels of transportation and communica-tion 
services. High-speed Internet connection is 
now a necessity for every home and, thanks to 
3G mobile telecommunications services, a few 
clicks are all that is needed to begin an unlimit-ed 
information search. Also, public transporta-tion 
infrastructure is advancing to a higher lev-el, 
expanding traffic options for consumers and 
creating various new demands. A few examples 
of improved infrastructure include exclusive 
bus lanes, high-speed railways, an integrated 
public transportation system, and additional 
subway lines. 
The most striking change in 2020 will be
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  • 1. Korean Consumer Trends: 2010 and 2020 Earned Income Income from Business Operations and Side Work Property Income Transfer Income 116 | Lee Dong-Hun The first decade of the new millennium was chaotic as the 20th century paradigm trans-formed into that of the 21st century. While a new era of digital technology and participato-ry and communicative culture was ushered in, remnants such as celebrity suicides, a global fi-nancial crisis, and a worldwide epidemic carried over into the new age. During the next decade, the 21st century para-digm is expected to unfold in earnest. In partic-ular, with a new political system and improved relations with North Korea, South Koreans will focus more on health and quality of life rather than on political issues, as in advanced countries. Driven by new growth industries in the service sector as well as “convergence” and “emotional” technologies, per capita income will reach $30,000, and Korean society will turn into an individual-oriented aging society with low birthrates and greater diversity. On the dip-lomatic front, Korea will become a strategic key Departments |Table 1 Income and Spending of Average Income Bracket Note: 1. Figures for 2020 are estimates by Samsung Economic Research Institute. 2. Figures in parentheses depict a percentage of total consumption. Source: Statistics Korea, KOSIS. (Weighted %) 2020 Income Ordinary Income Non-ordinary Income Non-consumption Expenses Disposable Income Food Expenses Dining Out Expenses Housing Expenses Utility (light, heat & water) Expenses Furniture and Household Goods Expenses Home Maintenance Expenses Clothing and Shoes Expenses Health and Medical Expenses Educational Expenses Culture and Entertainment Expenses Transportation and Communication Expenses Other Expenses 1995 2008 191.1 389.5 780.4 164.3 338.5 667.7 6.3 10.8 221.3 4.3 4.5 5.5 5.0 16.5 49.5 11.3 19.2 35.6 17.9 54.2 160.4 173.3 335.3 620.0 35.7(25.3) 63.5(20.9) 105.5(18.5) 11.9(8.4) 31.1(10.2) 55.7(9.8) 4.6(3.3) 8.1(2.7) 15.6(2.7) 5.0(3.5) 11.4(3.8) 22.2(3.9) 5.8(4.1) 11.0(3.6) 19.3(3.4) 0.9(0.6) 4.7(1.5) 10.1(1.8) 9.5(6.8) 13.1(4.3) 21.6(3.8) 5.6(4.0) 11.9(3.9) 23.0(4.0) 11.5(8.2) 32.5(10.7) 73.0(12.8) 6.5(4.6) 11.9(3.9) 26.0(4.6) 14.5(10.3) 43.3(14.2) 121.0(21.2) 24.4(17.3) 42.6(14.0) 56.6(9.9)
  • 2. Lee Dong-Hun January 2010 | SERI Quarterly | 117 point, serving as a hub of free trade agreements and chairing a G20 summit. Korea’s economic development will also be driven by the newly-adopted green industry, just as the IT industry led previous growth. This paper provides a review of the present (2010) and outlook of the future (2020) on Ko-rea’s consumption patterns. Clothing and Fashion With the proliferation of placing priority on physical appearance by the general public, in-creased spending on cosmetics and beauty has become the norm, regardless of gender or age. Whether getting married, starting school, find-ing a job, being promoted at work, and at oth-er important moments in life, how one looks is now a critical factor to success. While the fash-ion market used to be dominated by products and services for women in the past, the market for men is rapidly growing. In addition, going beyond makeup, it is now becoming general-ly accepted to seek more proactive methods or even plastic surgery to look better. As for spending on clothing in 2020, the fash-ion market will have more categories with a wider range of selections between top premium brands and bottom-priced brands due to the fashion needs becoming more diverse. In addi-tion to clothes, fashion items will have more va-riety in accessories, such as glasses, shoes, bags, watches, and scarves. While luxury goods enjoy less rarity value, “masstige brands”1 will lead to the popularization of luxury goods. As a result, instead of luxury brands that everybody knows about, the brands that are known to “only those who know” or experimental “beta luxury goods” will attract more attention. Thus, it will be easy to notice luxury-goods-hunters who seek new luxury brands. In particular, as male consumerism gains in market stature, prod-ucts for men will be nearly as diverse as wom-en’s products. As can be seen on some popular UCC websites run by ordinary men who creat-ed their own content on male fashion, by 2020 the number of trendsetters will increase not only among celebrities but also among the gen-eral male population. Foods The current eating trend needs to satisfy de-mands for convenience and well-being, as well as taste and nutrition. Convenience-oriented western-style eating habits, such as takeout and Local Foods Fairly Traded Foods 1 Masstige is a marketing term derived from the words mass + prestige, to mean downward brand extension or “prestige to the masses.” See: Michael J. Silverstein and Neil Fiske, “Luxury for the Masses,” Harvard Business Review, April 2003, Vol. 81, Iss. 4, pp. 48–57.
  • 3. Korean Consumer Trends: 2010 and 2020 brunch, are spreading rapidly in Korea, and consumers are making health-based decisions when purchasing snacks, drinks, and even al-coholic beverages. With food safety becoming a major issue during the past couple of years, it is clear that an increasing number of consumers demand healthier food. By 2020, the food consumption trend is ex-pected to move toward an active appreciation of value along with conditions and taste. That is, more consumers will not only check for the place of origin and ingredients list, they will pay greater attention to issues regarding the mistreatment of animals, resource waste, and others before buying food products, virtual-ly standardizing the “LOAF” (Local, Organic, Animal-friendly, Fair-traded) principle. There will also be a rising number of consumers who want to relish the natural taste of food with less artificial elements like excessive seasoning. A desire to better both eating at home and din-ing out will result in a new type of culinary hab-its. For example, “entertainment cooking” (pro-viding the fun of cooking), premium instant foods, and other phenomena that are now prev-alent in advanced countries will spread in Ko-rea. Also, as dietary supplements and various types of desserts gain higher levels of quality and diversity, they will very likely become con-venient alternatives for regular meals. The cur-rent trend of stronger preference for functional healthful food will be further strengthened, and local foods that offer unique flavors also will continue to attract more interest. Housing and Interior Design Houses today are no longer just a place to live and a means to accumulate equity wealth. Housing-related consumption is directed to-ward high-technology and premium quality due 118 | to the demands in convenience and environ-mental friendliness. To be regarded as premium, a housing complex needs to have a good, conve-nient environment for schools/private institutes, cultural activities, and shopping, as well as nice landscaping and high environmental value. Ac-cordingly, there is a rise in remodeling and up-grading of interior facilities. As for the housing trend in 2020, the boundary between private and public space will be less clear, as a residence serves not only as a place for a family to sleep and rest but also as space for leisure, social activities, and personal ex-pression. Interior design will increasingly reflect personal tastes just like fashion styles, and new housing and interior designs focusing on conve-nience will continue to advance. And a house or separate space will be created for small commu-nity meetings in the neighborhood. Among wealthy retirees of the baby boom gen- Yachting on the Han River Home 3D TV
  • 4. Lee Dong-Hun January 2010 | SERI Quarterly | 119 eration in particular, owning a second house for weekend relaxation and vacation will be-come more popular. Those in the middle-class will also make frequent use of downtown ho-tels and lodges and bed-and-breakfasts in the suburbs. With environment-friendly value hav-ing much more importance in deciding pur-chases, energy saving and other various cut-ting- edge technology will meet the needs of security and safety. In addition, a U (ubiquitous) cityscape will be created to meet the consumption needs of pleasantness, convenience, safety, and health. Futuristic high-tech cities, where IT infrastruc-ture, technology, and services are applied to housing, transportation, facilities, and oth-er various components of a city, will spread throughout Korea. Regarding this, there will be an increase in large projects developing new cit-ies and redeveloping old cities. Leisure and Entertainment Compared to the past, when people’s lives re-volved around work and social meetings, an increasing number of people now put greater emphasis on leisure and entertainment. Thus, consumption related to this change is rapidly rising. For example, instead of the typical travel to landmarks, it is getting more popular to seek first-hand experience by going to festivals, tem-ples, tea ceremonies, and touring by foot in re-gions filled with local interests. Activities once regarded as professional sports by some, such as mountain biking, inline skating, and water skiing, are fast becoming leisure activities. The Internet is not just a means to search for infor-mation anymore as it has become a crucial fac-tor in leisure and entertainment where non-pro-fessionals are able to create and share their own content online. By 2020, these trends will be seen more fre-quently, and experiential leisure will become more important. Besides traveling to remote places for leisure activities, it will be easy to take quick trips to enjoy nature-friendly environ-ments, culture and art, and leisure infrastructure in downtown areas. Municipal governments will also improve parks and living infrastruc-ture as their major projects. For instance, the Seoul city government’s Han River Renaissance project will enable citizens to enjoy yachting in the middle of the city, not just on the southern coast, and expansion of concert halls and facili-ties on Seoul’s Nodeul Island will provide easy access to leisure activities. Also, as Internet protocol television (IPTV) be-comes popular, watching TV will become an in- The Internet is not just a means to search for information anymore as it has become a crucial factor in leisure and entertainment where non-professionals are able to create and share their own content online.
  • 5. Korean Consumer Trends: 2010 and 2020 teractive watching experience based on partici-patory content and devices enabling realistic experiences. With 3D/4D TVs coming into wid-er use at home, the desire to feel realistic will go beyond the audio and visual senses to include taste, smell, and touch. Health and Medical Services Present-day hospitals are not only places to heal the sick but they are places where people can check the status of their health. Consequently, health and medical services are increasingly fo-cusing more on prevention than treatment. Dis-eases typically seen among middle-aged people are now showing up regularly among young-er adults, making the need for comprehensive checkups more widespread, regardless of gen-der and age. As an older population becomes concerned about healthy life as much as the length of life, osteoporosis test and chitosan products are gaining much popularity. By 2020, the health and medical sector will in-clude mental health to become more of a com-prehensive health management. In addition to hospital visits, self-check on health will be more general. There will be those who consult doc-tors on a videophone and make diagnosis one-self utilizing their own medical equipment at home: do-it-yourself (DIY) doctors. 120 | Consumption related to biotechnology is also expected to rise gradually as people hold less reluctance to innovative medical technologies such as stem cell research and genetic engineer-ing. Genetic engineering will first be adopted in areas where people feel relatively less reluc-tant about genetic engineering, such as beauty treatment. Education One noticeable change in education is that pri-vate education institutions increasingly wield stronger influence than public schools. Various private education platforms attract popularity as parents distrust public education that is inca-pable of providing customized service. Private education for office workers is also rapidly ad-vancing since self-improvement is regarded as a vital way to survive and succeed in the business world. Even high-ranking public officials and CEOs take private courses on wine, jazz, and various arts for fear of being considered an out-of- step leader. By 2020, the educational spectrum will be broader, encompassing those who desire high-er quality of life. Education methods will also change from traditional lectures and note-tak-ing to student-oriented activities and diversified modes of learning. New media, such as the e-book reader Amazon Kindle and the electronic whiteboard connected to an e-book device, will soon be appearing in classrooms and enabling customized classes for students. With the average life span getting longer, con-tinuing education will not just mean a pastime for elderly people. Instead, educational facili-ties for senior citizens will see growing usage and enthusiastic participation but cost as much as current private education fees for younger students. Medical Equipment for Home
  • 6. Lee Dong-Hun summed up as intellectualization and emo-tion sensitivity. As automobiles and roads be-come more intelligent, automobiles will be con-sidered more as a comfortable ride instead of a vehicle to drive. All physically disadvantaged and elderly drivers will find it much easier to drive a car, thanks to intelligent features such as parking and navigation systems, with artifi-cial intelligence and automatic braking. As for communications, in addition to efficient human-to- human communications, human-to-machine communications will be a hot topic among con-sumers. In order to meet the emotional needs of lonely consumers, pet dog voice interpreters equipped with a sensor to catch the five senses and emotion sensing technology is likely to be commercialized. People will be able to get emo-tional comfort from gadgets more advanced than huggable dolls, which are being developed by the MIT Media Lab, or Primopuel, an inter-active doll made by Japan’s Bandai. Translation: KIM Young-Kyu Keywords 2020, intellectualizion, emotion sensitivity, continuing education, beta luxury goods, LOAF, local food, consumer trends, “masstige brands” LEE Dong-Hun is a research fellow at SERI. His current re-search focuses on marketing strategy and consumer trends. He holds a PhD in Business Administration from Sogang Uni-versity. Contact: January 2010 | SERI Quarterly | 121 Takara Tomy’s Pet Dog Voice Interpreter Bandai’s Primopuel Transportation and Communication Transportation and communication is one of the areas that have recently seen remarkable achievement. Along with rapid upgrades in in-frastructure and revolutionary improvements in convenience, consumers demand much high-er levels of transportation and communica-tion services. High-speed Internet connection is now a necessity for every home and, thanks to 3G mobile telecommunications services, a few clicks are all that is needed to begin an unlimit-ed information search. Also, public transporta-tion infrastructure is advancing to a higher lev-el, expanding traffic options for consumers and creating various new demands. A few examples of improved infrastructure include exclusive bus lanes, high-speed railways, an integrated public transportation system, and additional subway lines. The most striking change in 2020 will be
  • 7. Copyright of SERI Quarterly is the property of Samsung Economic Research Institute and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use.