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Proto-Industrialization And Proto-Industrialization
NK TSHEBI 213509655 ECHS 209 TUT 1 According to Ogilvie (1993), proto–industrialisation
refers to the process that took place in Europe during the 16th and 19th century, this process
involved domestic industries which produced goods for international markets. The local producers
for the proto–industries included peasants which worked on farmers and still managed to do
manufacturing. Pastoral Farming was labour intensive and as such they could dedicate some of their
time to manufacturing, corn farmers spent their time on manufacturing during the slack periods.
Proto–industrialisation often took place in areas with unproductive soils or places which had few
residents or small farming land, ... Show more content on ...
Proto–industrial workers grew insufficient food to even cover their own basic food needs and this
was due to farms being too small in size or the soils were unfertile. Farming productivity also
decreased because the peasant–manufacturers ended up neglecting their farms since manufacturing
was expanding. The peasants who neglected farming ended up depending on the wages paid by the
merchants. Rural manufacturing made minimal demands for fixed capital since no special industry
premises were needed and the machinery used was rather not expensive, poor farmers could also
own these machine since they were affordable (Sewing
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Reconstruction and Industrialization
Assignment 1: "America's Post–Civil War Growing Pains" Reconstruction and Industrialization
1865–1900 Four years after the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter the Civil War ended with the
Union's Victory over the Confederacy. Though the war was over, there were still many problems that
needed to be resolved in order to reunite the states as a nation. The time period in which steps were
taken to rebuild the nation is known as reconstruction. Reconstruction lasted from 1865 until 1877.
The influence of reconstruction can be seen in the society and also in politics during that time
period. Following Reconstruction the nation had to rebuild its economy; industrialization brought in
more factories and industries which helped to ... Show more content on ...
292). The expansion of railroads was also a great advancement made during the industrial
revolution. Railroads were built throughout the country and allowed for good to be transported more
easily, cheaper, and more reliable (Schultz 2012, p. 293). With industrialization came more jobs, and
because majority of industrialization occurred in big cities this encouraged farmers to leave the
fields and moved to cities to work in factories (Schultz 2012, p. 293). With the constant growth of
businesses and manufacturers in the north, the population of northern cities grew. In a forty year
time span the population on New York City grew by 1.2 million people (Schultz 2012, p. 302). This
growth was called urbanization. Since the cities were growing at such a rapid pace building
developers cut codes and built make shift buildings called tenements for people to reside (Schultz
2012, p.302). Tenements were low income apartment buildings. These apartments were small and
cramped and sometimes referred to as railroad flats because their layout was similar to that of the
box railroad cars (Apartment House, Encyclopedia Britannica). With the high demand of materials
and jobs factories were being built in the same manner as the tenements. These buildings did not
follow building codes and resulted in many fires (Schultz 2012, p. 303). Perhaps one of the most
devastating fires was that of the Triangle Shirtwaist
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The Industrialization Movement
In the late 1800's, a thing called Industrialization started to occur. Industrialization is when our
economy went from an agriculture (farming) economy to an industrial (manufacturing) economy.
There were many very important leaders in the industrialization movement in the late 1800's.
Andrew Carnegie, George Eastman, Henry Ford and J.D Rockefeller were all Captains of Industry
and had a big impact on the industrialization movement and made it more positive than negative.
Industrialization had a positive impact on American society. The Transcontinental Railroad, the steel
industry and the automotive industry all had big advantages during this industrialization movement.
The Transcontinental Railroad had a positive impact on industrialization ... Show more content on ...
The Transcontinental Railroad allowed for more goods to be shipped to different sides of the
country, which was good for the economy. The railroad also allowed people to move out west to
start a new life in farming or just to get away from the populated cities. The steel industry. If this
wasn't created, we would have less railroads and less buildings in the cities. Steel is cheap which
allowed us to building buildings. The increase in buildings also increased the population in cities.
Steel allowed for more railroads to be built. More railroads equal more trade. The increase in trade
strengthened our economy and gave more jobs to more people so we were able to continue trading
that good. Industrialization was positive. Think of all the cities that were created because of it.
Industrialization had a positive impact on the American
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Purpose Of Industrialization
Despite having a large agricultural land, Mississippi is still one of the poorest states in America
without enough food for its population. One of the reasons is that farming has been taken over by
mega–corporations whose harvest is not intended to feed the local population, but instead to feed
other parts of the world. The environment pays a big price for this, as these corporations do not find
it important to put aside some funds to take care of it. This has caused people like Mr. Wendell
Berry to speak out. In this essay, we analyze his interview with Bill Moyers and examine how this
impacts us from a Christian perspective.
Mr. Wendell Berry, an 82 year old from Kentucky, is an environmentalist who dedicated his life to
fight for this planet. ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, politicians who are supposed to speak out for the planet and its inhabitants are
sometimes paid for by corporations, who in turn benefit from the former's inaction and silence. This
has created a system where the politicians and corporations are almost inseparable and work hand in
hand at the expense of our planet. As he puts it, we need people who see the problem and go right at
it without waiting for the government permission or any form of official advice. Otherwise, a big
part of the planet is going to be uninhabitable in the coming years. For believers, especially, this is
something that God asks us to do. It is emphasized a number of times in the Bible that we are
required to work and keep this earth. Not doing so would mean disrespecting our
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Industrialization DBQ
While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society
because of the horrible working conditions, it was actually a positive thing for society;
Industrialization's positive effects were the production increases, more efficient transportation and
better living conditions. The assembly line and factories were forms of production increase. The
railroads and automobiles are examples of efficient transportation, and tenements and urban renewal
are examples of better living conditions. These come to show that the industrial revolution was a
major improvement in product distribution, transportation and living quarters.
The people of the world had a strong demand for up and coming products, so factories needed a new
method for coming about creating products. "The Encarta graphic showing Henry Ford's Assembly
Line" (Document 4) shows that in one 8 hour work period, 1 man could put together a single car,
whereas 5 men in an assembly line could put together 10 cars in an 8 hour work period. "The
Encarta Graphic showing the factory" (Document 3) shows that the production of goods increasing
due to the train outside used to transport mass quantities of goods, and the steam coming out of the
top ... Show more content on ...
A horse and buggy just wasn't suitable for long distance travel. "Railroad travel was fast. Going to
San Francisco from New York City only took six days. Before the railroads, the trip took months"
(Document 5). Railroads created much easier travels for the world, a trip that took months to
complete, to mere days. "The Encarta Graphic showing Henry Ford's Assembly line" (Document 4)
shows not only the assembly line and how useful it was, but it also shows the Ford Model T, which
was said to be the first car made in the United States. The production of better transportation was
very useful; however the improvements in the places people lived in the cities improved
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Industrialization DBQ
At one point, Industrialization had a very negative impact on society. It had affected many people's
lives in a very gloomy way. While some people might argue that Industrialization had primarily
positive effects for society because there was better business and financial opportunities it was
actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization's negative effects were unsafe working
conditions, bad employers, and many people were separated from their families.
Although many people had jobs, the occupations weren't very safe or healthy. In Document 8, we
are presented with a photo, taken by Lewis Hine, two children working on some sort of machinery.
This can be interpreted as a something very risky. The fact that they are children is also ... Show
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"I have a little boy at home, A pretty little son; I think sometimes the world is mine In him my only
one" (Document 2). In the beginning of the poem the mother talks about how only sometimes the
world is hers and her sons. I deem this shows how she wishes to have more time with her beloved
family. [In Document 6 we are presented with a photo of numerous children on a tenement
overhang, with no adults around.] This shows that parents probably weren't around a lot of the time,
probably at work. [Also in Document 8 it shows children at work.] This means that not only were
parents at work, but so were their kids. All together work mostly separated families from each other,
which was very sad for
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Railroad Industrialization
On the business side of this the overhead was huge to start this railroad. with no other project this
large being done they had the slightest of idea what was in store for them. They were one week into
the project already hitting their budget to build the railroad, and they only had 50 miles of railroad
out... How were they to get these transcontinental railroads threw the country as it was so much
more expensive for them than expected.
Industrialization was large for they now had a larger population that was rapidly growing, people
were wanting to get to california, have new black leather shoes, and be able to go to a local butcher
shop and get meat because they would not have to raise their own beef they can become a doctor to
serve the community. ... Show more content on ...
The great strike of 1877 was a large strike to fuel the fire. Railroad workers were tired of working
long treacherous days, well getting their wages cut, and the working environments were not safe to
be working in. Before The Great Strike of 1877 a group called The Noble Order on The knights of
Labor were formed in 1869. They were set up to solve labor issues, as well as they stood for; child
labor laws, the idea of eight hour work days, equal pay for equal work, as well as government
running of the railroad and ect. Later in 1886 The Haymarket riot took place in Chicago as workers
were not happy with working environments, low wages, and they felt pressure in the new economic
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Industrialization Dbq
The Industrial Revolution, as described by Stephen Gardiner, was "another of those extraordinary
jumps forward in the story of civilization." During this time period, some might argue that
Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society. Industrialization involved the use
of child labor, negatively affected the environment, and had harsh working conditions in factories.
However, I will counter that it actually had a greater positive effect for society. As a result of
Industrialization, the United States rose to become the world's largest economic power and people
were able to enjoy new amenities that weren't previously available.
One of the most prominent effects that Industrialization had on society were the new amenities ...
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Some of these include the damaging effects on the environment, cruel working conditions, and the
use of child labor. First off, let's begin with the ramifications caused by environmental damage
which is something that, to this day, we are still struggling to deal with. Here is an excerpt that
describes the harming effects Industrialization has had on our environment, "Industrialization has
brought factory pollutants and greater land use, which have harmed the natural environment. In
particular, the application of machinery and science to agriculture has led to greater land use and,
therefore, extensive loss of habitat for animals and plants. In addition, drastic population growth
following industrialization has contributed to the decline of natural habitats and resources. These
factors, in turn, have caused many species to become extinct or endangered" (Document 3). From
the quote, we get a detailed description on how there's been a loss of natural habitats, resources, and
species. Though these things are obviously not great, it's one of the negative consequences that
comes along with our nation progressing. Of course it's not good that we are still dealing with these
consequences, considering that we only have one earth. However, as time progresses, we're
discovering new innovative techniques to combat this environmental damage. Then,
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Industrialization Of Industrialization And...
Industrialization is a starting point for many of the technologies and factories around and exists
today, despite the negative influences of the industrialization, people gained many benefits from it
too. For example, because of the industrialization workers are more efficient producing goods and
products, also industrialization helped many people walked out of the countryside which broadens
their perspectives. For many countries, industrialization is a voluntary movement within the country,
but as an exception, China's industrialization is forced due to the "barbarism" action from Britain,
France and many other countries. Recalls the first Opium War, which is the event that aroused the
industrialization in China, and later the second Opium war etc.... Due to the pressure from enemies,
China has to start industrialization in order to strengthen itself and to protect the people from the
opponents. Overall, industrialization was a hard and a long–term battle not only with other countries
but also within China itself. Luckily, China slowly recovered from its failure and walked out of its
shadow by the transformation through the self–strengthening movement, the Xinhai revolution and
when new China was founded in 1949. Even though China is still in the process of industrialization,
but due to its transformation, China is now deemed as one of the strongest industrial countries
around the world.
During the time of the Qing dynasty, the government is afraid of Chinese people's mind
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Industrialization Vs Industrialization
Industrialization had better effects on men and women of the upper and middle classes, than with the
men and women of the working classes. Industrialization began in Europe, at the time there was a
large rise in population. The population of London grew from 750,000 to 9 million in just two years
(11/9). Due to the large growth in population, people were forced to develop new ideas such as new
productions of energy and multiple story buildings. The number of factories grew exponentially and
as a result, "the massive extraction of nonrenewable raw materials to feed and to fuel industrial
machinery...altered the landscape in many places" (Strayer, 568). The production of factories and
work created migration to urban areas, during this time middle class people began "needing"
servants. People of the upper–class would have anywhere from three to four clothing changes per
day, and it was typical for their staff to consist of forty to one hundred people. Considering the size
of the staff, upper class housing had to be large enough for the staff and family to live in, and not see
each other (11/9). This was a very different way of living from those in the working class. Living
conditions were better for those in the upper and middle classes than those in the working class, and
some ideas presented in the age of Enlightenment carried over into the Industrial Revolution.
During the time of the Industrialization, the central value of the middle–class culture was
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Industrialization And Imperialism
Industrialization and Imperialism were the two main reasons conflict occurred around the globe. No
matter if it was industrialization of Europe or the lack there of in China. Imperialism would cause
issues for places like Germany and China in completely different ways. Both imperialism and
industrialization had positives and negatives, a lot was based off where you were located on the
globe, how strong was your empire, and who were your allies. Both go hand in hand with each other
as they would cause tension between empires and within them as well. Both would play a major part
in the rise and demise of some of the biggest empires.
Europe was one of the first places to industrialized because of the boom in population, and
agricultural changes. It was not easy to start off with, everyone was not in agreeance with this new
idea. "The idea of organizing states around national communities eventually influenced political
development throughout the world. While organizing themselves into national states, western
European and North American peoples also embarked on processes of industrialization. Although
industrialization initially caused a great deal of discomfort and dislocation for workers." The
enclosure movement that took place in 1750 was a big reason as well. As Western Europe and North
America would use both industrialization and imperialism to dominate. "They also inspired
sustained resistance among colonized peoples, which eventually led to the organization of anti–
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Disadvantages Of Industrialization
The Industrialization brought many changes to the United States after the devastating Civil War ,
which brought a many losses of life. At the same time, the war helped the country develop even
more materialistic. The Industrialization began in the United States in 1865 after the Civil War it
went developing for the next five decades. The first transactional railroad was completed in 1869 by
workers from China that were paid poorly . There was many more inventions throughout the
Industrialization from 1869–1914 that helped the Nation developed. The Industrialization was a
process that helped the economy transform into something better and individual laborers are
replaced by mass production and craftsman by assembly lines, but even though it meant maybe
more work to many's. This affected many due to the poorly paid laborers who worked hard and did
not get many advantages from that. It helped in ways that the economy grew even more and better
that helped society but not those who were poor. The Industrialization did not much helped many of
the workers, who appeared most likely to be immigrants, many of them and their families lived in
really bad conditions and had horrible working conditions as well with poor pay for the amount of
hours worked, that sometimes those mass productions consisted of child labor.
Industrialization impacted the lives of many including children who worked instead of going to
school to help support their families. Children back in 1908–1912 worked to get money and help
support financially their families many of these children did not attend school whatsoever. As shown
on document E we observe images of children working in factories, and having jobs that an adult
would have, these children would work to help parents with household. This impact was negative
because many children worked to help parents instead of having a childhood they thought that they
had to help parents out instead of attending school. On document H child labor stopped for the good
of the children, the U.S. set laws in which minors had to follow to be able to maintain a job. "Minors
ober the age of sixteen years and under 18 may not be employed except upon the presentation of a
school enrollment certificate and permit
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Industrialization in Ireland
When Ireland began to industrialize in the 1960s and 1970s, why did it mostly occur in rural Ireland
and what were the consequences for the rural residence?
Industrialisation in the 1960s and 1970s.
When most people in the world think of Ireland, they imagine green fields with farm animals, old
cottages, stone walls, rocky roads, people riding around on horse–back and men working in the
bogs. However Ireland actually has one of the quickest fastest economies in the world. Rural
Industrialisation played a huge role in this growth. Industrialisation is a very important part of Irish
history. It was a new beginning for the Irish people living in rural areas and it created a change in
gender composition within the labour force. Women were ... Show more content on
This also affected family relationships as the women no longer experienced the world solely with
their families. Women would usually be given land from their fathers to build a family home
however with them now receiving their own wage from the factories some would build their houses
elsewhere with their spouses to maintain their independence from their fathers. Their independence
also caused family diversity on religious views as women weren't following the traditional Irish way
of life. As they were not under supervision, they could travel to other towns to buy condoms, going
against their religious faith. Diversity developed between the entrepreneurial middle class and the
working class in the rural areas as there was differences in wages, education and jobs. This meant
that the interclass was blurred creating a class–less society.
Hiring of women had some consequences for trade unions. Since the 1970s we have seen the
increasing of trade unions militancy in the state sector leading to them declining in the private
sector. This is because of their lack of attention to the needs and rights of the women working in
these factories. Three ways the trade union could have provided for these women working in the
factories are equal pay, crèches and maternity
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The Effects of Industrialization
Industrialization Table of Contents Introduction 3 How industrialism started? 4 Revolutionizing the
World with Industries Back in History: 5 First Phase: A reason to move towards industrial
development. 6 Three Major Developments in America: 7 Second Phase: An urge to gain what
competitor nation has. 7 The Impact of industrialism, both in America, U.K. and their competitors: 9
The Positive Impacts: 9 The Negative Impacts: 11 Conclusion: 12 Bibliography 13 Industrialization
Introduction This report is about rise of industrialization and the shift of power from one colony to
other country. It focuses on the fruitful acts of the major powers, America and England. Starting
from history, that is the urge of forming an idea to the diversified nature of industries; this report
describes the various impacts of this act on the world in the 19th century. The set up of industrialism
could never be understood until the history is known, and so the report starts from the meaning and
is followed by the historical events which became the reason for countries to adapt or boost
industrialism in 19th century. What is Industrialization? The shift of work from "hand" and "home"
manufacturing to "factory" or "industrial" work (Kelly, n.d.), is the move of industrialization.
Industrialization is a process which has remarkably changed the world in such a manner that now;
the war is not for land like read in ancient times, to fight for kingdoms with
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Industrialization Of America
What factors led to Industrialization of America? Industrialization is growing or development of
industries and factories in a country or region. The United States were far behind most countries in
the 1700a–1800s. The US was a young nation and they had no loyalty or respect given to them by
any country at this time. The people of the US wanted change, they wanted respect, and they wanted
to be independent form all of the surrounding countries and civilizations. One of the main things
that lead to the Industrialization of America, was the Embargo Act of 1807. In 1807, Britain began
to blockade all of the United States' ports. This infuriated the people of the US because there was no
way for the them to get the things they needed. All ... Show more content on ...
After the war was over, it was time for change. The US couldn't get any of the things they needed
because of the Embargo Act of 1807, which stop mostly all of the trade with foreign nations. This
meant the United States needed things such as tools, parts for newly advanced transportation, and
many other items that people needed to make a living. Samuel Salter saw that the US was needing
change, so he constructed in first British style textile factory in the United States, which was in
Rhode Island. This was booming thing in America because it opened up many jobs. Not only did it
open up jobs, these jobs paid at least two times the amount as a farming job. The formation of the
factory and Industrialization in the United States created something new and far between, the
Middling class. The middle class were the people that were neither rich nor poor. Though the
Embargo Act and the War of 1812 were mainly focused on in this essay, there are many other things
that caused the Industrial Revolution. The Embargo Act of 1807 sparked the War of 1812, which
sparked the beginning of a period that would change the world forever. The period of
Industrialization in the United States of America was the greatest thing the country has ever seen.
The Industrial revolution worked toward and even created many new ways of transportation. Many
different forms of technology were created to make the working man's life easier.
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Industrialization DBQ
Overall, the industrialization had a greater negative effect than positive effect on society for many
reasons. The revolution had many positives that came with it, but I thought that there were just more
negatives that overrode it in the long run. While some might argue that industrialization had
primarily positive consequences for society because child labor laws were not being abused was
actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization's negative effects were bad working
conditions, unfair working/ labor rights, and separation from life. I would stress that one of the main
things that was negative for society is the water borne disease, which killed more people than the
war did. Also, another thing is child labor, which made little kids suffer from deformities. Which in
my argument I wrote that there was unfair labor rights and hours, also that meant that ... Show more
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The picture shows the children not wearing shoes and nor wearing the proper clothing. The
machines that they are working on are very dangerous. There is no supervision in the factory and if
the child gets hurt, they will either get fired or not get paid, and the thing is, is that it wasn't illegal at
that time. (Document #7)"What time did you begin to work at the factory?" "When I was six years
old". This shows that these kids didn't have time to be kids, they only had time to think about thing
they didn't need to think about, and they had to worry about things that they didn't need to worry
about. ."What were your hours of labour in that mill?" "From 5 in the morning till 9 at night, when
they were thronged" (Document #7). This means that the children were not only working illegally,
but they were also working illegal hours, (for age under 18) I would have to say it is worse for the
mothers, though, they would have to work all day and then come home and expect to clean the
house, and then they would have to cook for
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Industrialization Dbq
While some may argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society
because there was new inventions, the Industrial Revolution had actually negative outcomes on
society. The negative effects of Industrialization included pollution, poverty, and unfortunate
conditions inside the home and inside factories. These factors would impact the lives of immigrants
and overall change the way we view society and prevent future outbreaks. And although the people
living in this period did not know it yet, the new innovations being invented would change the world
for the worse.
During the Industrial Revolution pollution was a major problem. For example, in Document 3 the
image shows a factory near a river with smoke erupting out of
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Effects Of Industrialization
After the civil war, the United States took steps to become a more industrialized country. They
wanted to become more progressive and "many people viewed this economic growth as evidence of
the superiority of the American system". The effects industrialization can be seen throughout history
between 1865 and 1914. Industrialization improved the American way of life but also created many
problems for them. The Industrialization transformed humanity's struggle with material scarcity to
expand the production of goods and services. The percentage of 17 year old high school graduates
who graduated with a diploma continued to rise from 1870 to 1910. In 1870, 2% of 17–year–olds
graduated by in 1870 but in 1910, 9% of the United States ... Show more content on
There were long working hours with small pay and extremely dangerous working conditions.
Stephen Crane writes in In the Depths of a Coal Mine in August 1894 that "It has only to tighten
slightly, and he is crushed like a bug....There is an insidious, silent enemy in the gas. If the huge fan
wheel on the top of the earth should stop for a brief period, there is certain death....Meanwhile the
miner gets three dollars per day, and his laborer one dollar and a quarter." Here Crane is only
describing the working life of a coal miner. He discusses how dangerous the job is and how low the
pay is. There were no safety precautions and no safety gear or protection at all. If one small thing
went wrong, you had a likely chance of dying. Many important inventions were being invented at
this time which had a profound impact of the modern life. Thomas Edison invented over 1,000
inventions throughout his life. One of the most important and well–known inventions that changed
the American way of life was the phonograph in 1877. The phonograph was a machine with two
needles: one needle was for recording sounds and the other was for the playback. When Edison
would speak into the mouthpiece, the sound vibrations of his voice would be "indented onto the
cylinder by the recording needle"
( It was made to give
entertainment for the people by providing a way of listening to music. The phonograph
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Industrialization In 1800s
1.Explains the historical context that gave rise to ink–on–paper industries in the mid–1800s.
The historical context that allowed it to rise occurred with Gutenberg technology which allowed
many to have access. In the mid eighteen hundreds, they allowed one cent newspapers which
allowed growth. Immigrants also used newspapers to learn the language. Urbanization in 1830s was
also a factor and cities become hubs in which newspapers were distributed. Industrialization was
nher factor which allowed mass printing processed.
2.Why did newspapers dominate so long among mass media?
Newspapers dominated mass media because news and entertainment was bundled and sold at a low
price, penny papers which attracted many readers. By providing
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Dbq Industrialization
While some might argue that industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society
because economic growth, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization's negative
effects were bad living situation, no education for children, and poor salary. During the 1800's the
way people lived was not quite how we live today. Although some may argue that the way they lived
back then was so much easier it actually caused a lot of humans to perish. Not only did they die
from diseases, but also because there was a lack of sanitization. "Industrial growth brought with it a
host of environmental pollution problems", (Document 3). Imagine living in an environment with
trash and waste just being dumped into the streets, compared ... Show more content on ...
Families were expected to survive off of little to no money in the past which is a huge negative in
the Industrial Revolution. These days in our generation some families still don't have jobs or money
to survive, and that's why there are a lot of homeless people on the streets with nowhere to go.
"Where do you live now?" "In the poorhouse", (Document 7). The importance of this quote is major.
If you analyze the response she says she lives in a poor house because she doesn't have any money
to support herself. She stays in a poor home and doesn't have enough money to eat. If she has been
working since she were a child you believe that she would have enough money to at least live in a
tenement with others who struggle to live another day. "I have enough to eat", (Document 1). In this
excerpt a young girl explains that she is doing well, but does say that she have enough to eat. During
the revolution, humans didn't have enough to eat for themselves, let alone provide food or clothing
for their family. "A stranger am I to my child; and he on to me", (Document 2). This supports as a
negative because a mother is explaining how she doesn't have a relationship with her son, but if you
process what she say it shows how she is constantly working so that her son can have food and
clothes on his
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The Importance Of Industrialization
The early 19th century was a time of technological innovations that took the United States to a new
level of commerce. During this time, the cotton gin, steamboats, power looms, and even the
telegraph were invented (Swen). As these inventions continued to improve the way of life, the
nation continued to spread northeast and west to discover new land. Where a stagecoach may have
taken months to transport goods from east to west, the railroad could transport the merchandise
cross country in just a few days. Lastly, communication through the telegraph simplified the need
for the pony express. Although these inventions changed how these people lived their life, was it all
for the best? Were sacrifices made as individuals, as a family, or even ... Show more content on ...
Now instead of controlling their own future, the nation will become dependent on other people to
succeed in life. Factories did not just hire the man of the family, it hired the whole family. Children
worked in the factories as young as the age of seven which is when" Sam Patch first started at
Samuel Slaters White Mill (Johnson p 30)." Since the children were small they could get under the
machinery and keep things clear so the machines would continue to run. Some factories primarily
hired young women to operate their facility. As stated in Morals of Manufactures (1837), young
women would leave their families to live in boarding houses owned by the factories (Martineau).
This concept was to protect the women from the evils of the world. They were required to work
fourteen hours a day with thirty minutes for eating twice a day. If that was not bad enough, many
slept five people to a room. Lack of space and privacy prevented them from wondering about life
outside the factory. Harriet Martineau was very concerned with the life these women were being
forced to live and the freedoms they were not allowed to have such as participating in dances. She
felt they were no better off than slaves based on their living and working conditions. If that was not
enough, some of the factory owners tried to extend the work day while governing meal times. This
created family conflict because not all factories were on the same schedule.
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Events Of Industrialization
The many influential events that occurred between between 1750 and 1900 have undoubtedly
impacted the modern world. Some of the most significant events include revolutions and reform in
the Atlantic world, Industrialization and Global Integration, and Imperialism over colonies.
Deciding which one of these processes or events has affected the modern era is not a simple decision
due to the fact that all of the previously mentioned events have played crucial roles in developing
and creating the modern world. For example, revolutions gave birth to modern nations such as
France, the United States and Haiti. Industrialization kick–started the growth of countless industries
including textiles, agriculture and rail. Imperialism created and aided global ... Show more content
on ...
Imperialism can be found when describing the colonization of Africa, Asia and The Americas
specifically. Key imperialistic nations include Great Britain, France and Japan as these nations were
notorious for colonizing and influencing foreign regions. The reason Imperialism and Nation–State
building are not as important as Industrialization is because Imperialism was simply between two
parties: the colonizers and those being colonized. Although it is possible to claim that the process of
Imperialism had a positive global impact, it is not necessarily true. For example, many colonies such
as the United States and Haiti rebelled against their European colonizers and gained independence
from these nations with conflict and combat. Ultimately this resulted in the loss of life in the
thousands and destruction of entire cities. Imperialism has never worked out as almost every colony
under imperialist rule is now an independent nation. The influence put on by the colonizers onto the
colonized generally ended in a poor fashion. For example, Indian citizens who were not content with
the British rule did not wear foreign clothing and embraced local clothing and arts. Even though
Imperialism was without a doubt an important process from 1750–1900, it did not have the same
global effect and power that Industrialization
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Industrialization Impact
Industrialization had many different impacts in American history. One of the impacts that
industrialization had was increasing wealth in the U.S. Many business managers, and
investors/entrepunuer took financial risks of starting factories and they earned many rewards. By
factory's, the overall amount of goods and services started increasing, because of the fact that
factory's can produce goods much faster than a human. However men were still needed to operate
the machines, and there were job opportunities. This led to the increase of population in the United
States. Many immigrants traveled to the u.s to escape the harsh life's they have been living, they
thought these job opprutinitys were a way to start a new life, a new beginning, this is why
industrialization also increased population in the U.S. American ingenuity and also was on the rise
and people thought of many new inventions to make life easier. There was also an abundance of
resources so they did not need to worry about resources for their inventions.
There were many major inventions, however the Bessemer process was the first inexpensive
industrial process to mass produce steel from iron. It inspired and sparked the industrial revolution,
it was a big scale project. The Bessemer process worked by taking out impurities from pig iron
using as an air blast. Andrew Carnegie's time was dedicated to the steel industry. His business,
Carnegie Steel Company, revolutionized steel production in the
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The Impact Of Industrialization And The Impacts Of...
Impacts of Industrialization Industrialization began when Britain was eager to invest money into
creating machinery to make textiles to avoid paying India to export cotton textiles. Since the British
empire had a lot of power and had widespread colonization, they had the money to invest in raw
materials. In the late 1700's Britain wanted to produce their own cotton textiles, so they began
exporting the raw material, cotton, to make textiles from India. In 1750's textile mill were created to
be able to produce larger quantities of cotton textiles in a shorter amount of time through the use of
more complex machinery. While India continued to make cotton textiles by hand, Britain no longer
needed cotton from India when the advanced technology allowed for Britain to rapidly produce
cotton. After textile machines were produced, household became urbanized when children needed to
travel to factories in the cities to help produce cotton textiles. Clothes became mass produced after
textile mills, allowed for the clothes to be identically produce in large quantities. Mass production of
identical products causes the prices to drop because the advances in technology reduces the amount
of laborers needed to make the same product. More technological advances revolutionized the work
industry, people were trained to do one task repeatedly, being apart of the assembly line. Families
were divided when they no longer worked together on farms, and children, women, and men took on
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Industrialization : Social, Economic And Political Aspects...
Considering occurrences that followed the Civil War, the paper examines how industrialization
affected the US between the years of 1865 and 1920 on social, economic and political aspects. 
Prime aspects of industrialization between 1865 and 1920. The industrial era saw the rapid set up of
companies. Railway became the main mode of transportation. This is because this was the ideal
form of movement for bulky goods to far off destinations especially from the South areas which
were associated with farming to the northern areas that were quickly becoming urbanized. Many
Americans abandoned their agricultural practices to seek jobs in factories. People were less required
for farming due to mechanization in industries. In addition, family businesses swiftly faded away
during the Revolution as corporate firms dominated most businesses. There was increased
productivity during industrialization consequently remodeling the economy structure of the United
States. Productivity escalated by implementing the out work system (DuBoff, 2016). This system
entailed people working and completing their duties from home. The factory structure also
remodeled the economy in that work would be undertaken and completed in large scale within one
location. There were plenty of people to work in factories. This kept wages on the lower side,
making most firms make greater profits. Lastly, the third aspect affected by industrialization was
that politicians shifted their priorities. Instead of
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Consequences of Industrialization
Most people regard industrialization as a positive development capable of generating great wealth
and revitalizing run–down areas. Mention industrialization today, and it brings to mind large
factories organized with the latest technologies in mass producing. Along with these visions comes
the promise of more jobs for the community, higher rates of pay, and financial stability. One can
only think of the positive influences on a community that the opening of a new factory could bring,
but during what some have deemed the Industrial Revolution, industrialization only meant using
machines and new power sources to accomplish a task formerly done by human and animal power.
Our modern day conception of industrialization can greatly influence our ... Show more content on ...
Certainly, to follow one fault line of industrial employment, the disturbance stemming from extra–
domestic authority imposed on families through outwork weighed far more heavily when workers
entered the factories. For in practice country mills were known to intrude between parents and
children on their payrolls, while mill girls not infrequently discovered painful dissidence between
their roles as
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1700s Of Industrialization
Industrialization contributed to city growth in many ways. Industry not only changes a country's
way of living, it also transforms class struggles and social actions. During the 1700s–1800s
industrialization grew and had four major effects on how it contributed to city growth. The first
effect of industrialization was with working conditions. Back then the factories were dirty and
dangerous. If you went to work one day, there were high percentages that you could leave very
injured or dead. The most harsh place to work was the coal mines. Accidents, damp conditions, and
the constant breathing of coal dust made the average life span for a worker much shorter. However,
no matter these consequences it still brought in many new workers and
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Dbq Industrialization
Industrialization, good thing?
Jeffrey Liu
Hist 152
"Industrialization refers to a process that transformed agrarian and handicraft–centered economies
into economies distinguished by industry and machine manufacture."(Traditions & Encounters) Due
to industrialization, cities had supported urbanization and migration, and job opportunities were
increasing. People who were once house workers in the countryside left to try get jobs in factories.
Million migrant even crossed seas to try to get factory jobs. Industrial production led to a sever
decrease in price of goods (Traditions & Encounters). Also, there were many comforts and
conveniences that didn't exist a few centuries ago (Rancilo, Document 3). As industrialization was
getting bigger, ... Show more content on ...
Urbanization had made strong pollution in the environment. For example, when fossil fuel were
being burned, many harmful chemicals were in the air. Due to many harmful chemicals in the air,
some factory workers had contracted diseases (Traditions & Encounters). Cities would be mostly
covered by steam and smoke. Streets and houses were so tainted that even water couldn't be able to
clean it (Rancilio, Document 1). Streets would accumulate trash because of the lack of drains and
gutters. The main river would be filled with waste (Rancilio, Document 5). With no clean water
supply and unhealthy living conditions, people would be constantly contracting epidemics like
cholera and typhus. In China, factories have created so much smog, that airplanes had to cancel
flights due to poor visibility. Industrialization in China had created enormous amounts of air
pollution due to unregulated industry, vehicles and cheap gasoline (China's air pollution). Recently,
industrialization in India has led to crops being destroyed due to the ozone pollution. Smog, which is
an ozone at ground level, is the cause of vegetation reduction. In India, there are no air quantity
regulation, so that is a reason why produce are getting damaged or dying (India's ozone pollution).
There are many negative side effects that come with economic pollution that started with
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industrialization dbq
Industrialization DBQ Q: Identify the issues raised by the growth of Manchester and analyze the
various reactions to those issues over the course of the nineteenth century.
__________________________________________________ The spread of industrialization
rapidly altered and changed the city of Manchester during the nineteenth century. Of course there
were positive effects that stemmed from this, but negative effects due to the growth of
industrialization outnumbered the positive outcomes and are often overshadowed. The
environmental hazards and the working conditions of the factory were enough to harm laborers and
the gentry (documents 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and 11), dulling the positive ... Show more content on ...
Wages––thanks mainly to accelerated machinery and improved working conditions––have largely
increased. The lavish provision of public parks, baths, and free libraries promotes the health,
happiness and culture of the industrial orders. Far seldomer than before do we hear the murmur of
popular discontent. Sickness and mortality have been reduced to an extent that is almost incredible"
(doc 10 – Abram's, a journalist and historian, published journal account of the improvements to
industrial Manchester.) Public health was an extremely important issue that sparked reactions to the
polluted water and air, the Corn Laws and the well–being of laborers in filthy conditions. "Diseases
caused or aggravated by atmospheric impurities produced by decomposing animal and vegetable
substances, by damp and filth, and close and overcrowded dwellings, prevail among the laboring
classes. The annual loss of life from filth and bad ventilation is greater than the loss from death or
wounds in modern wars" (doc 6), "Most workers lack clothing, bed, furniture, fuel wholesome food,
even potatoes! They spend from twelve to fourteen hours each day shut up in low–ceilinged rooms
where with every breath of foul air they absorb fibers of cotton, wool, or particles of copper, lead or
iron. They live suspended between an insufficiency of food and an excess of strong drink; they are
all wizened, sickly and emaciated, their bodies thin and frail, their limbs
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Industrialization In The 1800s
Industrialization. "The rapid development of industry." Britain success and struggles in this industry.
They gained urbanization, education, changing class structures, modern buildings, industrial
production, and modern inventions. But in order to have the success with all those they had
struggles in working conditions, wages, child labor, changing roles of women, and coal mines. All
of this hard laboring was not a choice or for fun. If you wanted your family to eat or live the whole
family would have to work to get money. Working in factories and coal mines was hard, but it did
have positive effects on families, Great Britain, and the rest of the world. Such as families working
together in one place. Cities cause pollution to grow by about 57%. Being a child that worked was
hard because you couldn't get any type of education. Most people who worked could read or write,
but new law came along making more kids get some kind of education. ... Show more content on ...
Factories caused new modern building, industrial production, and modern inventions. Living
condition in the 1800's were way different they today and not in a good way. The revolution helped
the architecture field. As more and more people were moving to the city to find work. More houses
were being built and over time the houses improved tremendously. Production in factories helped
england because they didn't have to buy or trade as much. Because they had all of these new
machines could produce new material that they needed. During this era was the first time that
modern invention were introduced. Some invention that saved the public were,vaccinations, the first
telephone, and the light bulb. All of these improved life in the
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Cost Of Industrialization
Industrialization is the development of industries in a country or region. There were both costs and
benefits of industrialization in the Industrial Revolution. The costs of industrialization, there was a
lot of child labor and the factories were very unhealthy for anyone who worked in them. There were
a lot of benefits as well. It made the cities grow in population, and it needed a new form of
transportation therefore the railroads were created. The advantages do outweigh the disadvantages
but not how they were back then.
The benefits of industrialization are a big deal, creation of railroads and the cities grew. These are
two things that are still very useful in today's time. In the World History Textbook, written by
Spielvogel, he writes, ... Show more content on ...
In the World History textbook it says, "factory owners sometimes sought entire families, including
children, to work in their factories" (Spielvogel 366). In today's time, child labor is against the law.
Children should not be working in factories because they're small and they could get hurt very
easily. Another cost would be that the factories were very unhealthy for anyone who worked there.
The textbook states, "industrial workers faced wretched working conditions. Work hours ranged
from 12 to 16 hours a day, six hours a week" (Spielvogel 369). That means they only get one day off
and they don't get to sleep very much. The textbook describes cotton mills to be the worst factories,
"the worst conditions were in the cotton mills, where the temperatures were especially harmful"
(367). The cotton mills were very dangerous for the people who worked there and even children
worked in them.
The benefits of industrialization do not outweigh the costs, as they were back then. Nothing can
outweigh child labor or how unhealthy the factories are. Children were working in the factories and
that in itself is bad, but with the factories being extremely unhealthy, it made it way worse for them.
If industrialization happened it today's time, where child labor is illegal and they do health
inspections, then the benefits would outweigh the
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Urbanization And Industrialization
It's amazing how many roads have been made, skyscrapers have been thrown up and technology has
been invented in just a hundred years. The transition from agriculture to mass production know as
the industrial revolution has impacted all of our lives from indoor plumbing to electricity.
Industrialization is "a process that leads to a significantly increased proportion of a population
engaged in factory work and nonagricultural occupations; it increases the number of people living
near factories and relying on mechanically produced goods and services" (Monti et al. 2015: 191).
Industrialization in Western societies brought about about urbanization,"the movement of
populations from rural to urban areas; the growth and development and redevelopment of cities"
(Monti et al. 2015: 192). The shift to larger effective machines caused many factories to open up
which in turn provided opportunity for people seeking jobs. The jobs brought in employees and their
families, which created a need for more housing. As more and more people moved near factories,
cities became larger and more dense. Many changes occurred as societies changed from rural and
small to large, industrial and urban settings. German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies wrote about the
changes that took place as societies became urban. Tonnies wrote that there was a strong sense of
community, or Gemeinschaft, is prevalent in traditional, rural areas. He believed that there was a
strong sense of kinship, neighborhood and
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Industrialization : The Industrialization Of America Essay
The Industrialization of America Many people consider America to be the leader of the
technological world; however, that has not always been the case. Before America became the
industrial dynamo that is today, there were multiple other countries that it had to compete against
such as China, England, Japan, and Germany. While each of these countries prospered at some point
throughout their technological history, America was able to learn ways to adapt in order to compete
against each and every one of them. The Industrial Revolution has contributed to America in a
number of ways. It has contributed to the economy and the working conditions of laborers
(Saunders, 1919) ("The Industrial", 1966). On the other hand, the industrialization of America can
also be associated with some negative setbacks (Volti, 2014).
Though the Chinese were not the first culture to have an industrial revolution, China did develop a
large array of the technology that is was used at that time (Volti, 2014). Their many inventions had
caused them to be named as the world's leader of technology. Unfortunately, the Chinese ended up
losing that title to the Europeans after two centuries of holding it. The Europeans were able to do
this because they decided to adopt the technology of the Chinese, improve it, and use if for their
own gain (Volti, 2014). The Chinese had refused to use any foreign inventions even when the
Chinese joined forces with the Soviet Union to become a Communist country (Volti, 2014).
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Industrialization Essay
As George Donelson Moss, author of America in the twentieth century states it; modern America
emerged during the last thirty years of the nineteenth century. With most of the century consisting of
farmers and smaller towns and country–like living, the later parts of the century brought
industrialization and businesses. This changes forced Americans to view and live life differently. Of
the important elements that influenced America in the nineteenth century, industrialization and
immigration are the most significant. Industry flourished in the 1800's causing changes to America's
every aspect of life. Manufacturing also increased during this time due to the many advancements
and new inventions. ... Show more content on ...
during the 1860's. America became the number one steel manufacturer in the year of 1880. The
petroleum industry grew in the 1860's also. Kerosene, used to bring light to houses after nightfall,
became its most important product. John D. Rockefeller, who headed the Standard Oil Company,
became the nation's first billionaire with his involvement in this industry. Alexander Graham Bell's
invention of the telephone in 1876 created another huge industry in the nineteenth century. From the
1880's until the end of the century, Americans were using over 800,000 telephones. This aided in
communication across the U.S. Another famous inventor, Thomas Edison, also helped the
industrialization of the late 1800's by improving telephonic transmissions and the electric light bulb.
He built the first power station in 1882 that supplied customers the electric current for lighting. With
the industries and businesses flourishing, a big problem with urban development arose. With new
industries, workers and their families would flood the surrounding city looking for jobs and places
to live. This rapid expansion of people and cities caused many unfavorable results. The workers
were forced to live in cramped and crowded housing. Problems arose with this lifestyle including
the spreading of diseases, an increased crime rate, psychological stress and juvenile delinquency.
These slums also caused problems such as decreased water
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Industrialization Dbq
As the question suggests, changes in the 19th century happened rather quickly. Industrialization can
be described as a transformation from an agricultural society to a more industrial one, using
technology to solve problems and manufacturing goods to keep the economy going. Although this
was a major change in their lives, the Victorians adapted to this unfamiliar way of life really well.
As Potter (1987: 222) says, "This they did with an energy and optimism". They used technology and
science to solve problems around them.
Britain adapted to a lot of changes during this shift from agricultural life to industrial life, where
machinery was dominant over human labour. The industrial revolution was a time of great
Potter (1987: 230–231)
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Contributions Of Industrialization
Industrialization was a time period where the process of manufacturing goods became easier
because of technological innovations. The changes during the Industrial Revolution contributed to
the rise of big business because industries wanted to expand their efforts. Industrialization assisted
manufacturing industries by making production more mechanized and efficient. Technological
innovations due to industrialization caused a rise of factories and employment opportunities in
America. The benefits of industrialization did not come easy; sacrifices were made which resulted in
unfair conditions for laborers. The rise of big business led to calls for the reform of industry because
monopolies were overthrowing other companies, which is unfair for these companies.
Industrialization led to the rise of big business, however it resulted in injustice.
As companies continued to gain high profits from their industrial endeavors, they wanted to grow
bigger and bigger. When companies realized that they were in control of all parts of their business
they could make the most profit; this is known as horizontal and vertical integration. John D.
Rockefeller, co–founder of the Standard Oil Company, "pursued a strategy that came to be known as
horizontal integration, in which a dominant corporation buys or forces out most of its competitors"
(Shi and Tindall 632). "Instead of depending upon the products or services of other firms, known as
middlemen," the company owns everything it needs in
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Impact Of Industrialization
Impact of Industrialization on American Society
Reese Aghayedo
HISTORY 1312– 701: United Stated History II
September 11, 2017
During late 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, the United States went through rapid
industrialization that drastically changed many aspects of its society. During this era, the United
States became the leading industrial capitalist of the world . This also led to tremendous increase in
demand for the working–class Americans. Also, advancement in farm machinery led to less need for
manual labors in farms and rural areas. Thus, these rural workers began to migrate to the urban areas
to seek job opportunities in industries such as manufacturing and other factory jobs. This influx of ...
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For this reason, many workers opted to have their children and wives join the workforce. Given that
these factory owners had no legal restrictions on exploiting workers, they exploited most of their
workers. Worker were force to work long hours in a dehumanizing environment while earning poor
pay and incentives . Women and children were also exploited. Woman and children were paid the
lowest possible wages. It didn't matter if they worked more than their adult male counterparts.
Management used the deceptive ideology that woman and children should be under the care of a
man and do not require a living wage. In addition to low wages and long hours, many workers
worked in a dangerous environment. Many worked in crowded and unsanitary conditions. As a
result thousands of workers were injured and hundreds were killed each year .
Also, Industrialization resulted to the revolt of the working–class Americans. As many workers
became more concern about their working conditions and pay, they decided to join together to rebel
against hash working conditions. As many industrial workers began to organize, this led to the
formation of labor unions. The goal of these unions was to protect worker's right to fair pay, hours,
and working conditions. Labor groups like the National Labor Union (NLU) and Knights of Labor
began to open up their membership to all labors, including male, female, blacks, and whites. Labors
were able to
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The Rise Of Industrialization
The Civil War played a big role in transforming Old industries into Modern industries. After the
Civil was industrialization played a big part in helping the country progress. Industrialization helped
move society forward with new transportation methods, new jobs, and the economy. The period
when railroads were being built was a process that benefited many people. Stockholders brought.
The authors of the book state "Stockholders bought a share in the company and received dividends
if the company prospered." Roark, James L.; Johnson, Michael P.; Cohen, Patricia Cline; Stage,
Sarah; Hartmann, Susan M. (2014–12–16). The American Promise, Value Edition, Volume II, Sixth
Edition: 2 (Page 473). Bedford/St. Martin's. Because of the expiation of ... Show more content on ...
(2014–12–16). The American Promise, Value Edition, Volume II, Sixth Edition: 2 (Page 509).
Bedford/St. Martin's. The statement tells you that working class Americans and immigrants were not
paid too well. Being that they lived in or near poverty. They were also called "human machines."
This states the necessity and value given to the workers who held jobs in these
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Industrialization Dbq
21st century industrialization has a global impact by creating ecological and societal imbalances
stemming from its nature to enervate resources and manual labor. The start of industrialization was a
way to implement efficiency into mass production, ultimately creating opportunities for jobs and
maximizing profit gains for companies. In today's world, its toll on the environment and the way it
shapes society becomes increasingly apparent and irreversible. Therefore, as society acknowledges
these effects, changes have been made to address these issues. The heavy usage of machinery and
fossil fuels required in industrialization leads to high amounts of carbon emissions. The mass
amount of raw materials used in each industry accumulates and ... Show more content on ...
Greenhouse gases coupled with chemicals in human–made products increases the rate at which
global warming affects us. Burning more fossil fuels increases greenhouse gases' potential to cause
natural disasters that devastate regular lives. The illustration shows a Honduran child searching for
his family amidst the aftermath of Hurricane Mitch. (Doc 4) Any natural disaster can be especially
harmful to LDCs, since they especially lack the provision of basic necessities and funds to rebuild
infrastructure. The fact that a Honduran child suffers as a result of industrialization from distant core
regions shows the growing scale at which the negative environmental effects of industrialization
encompass. Refrigerants and aerosols release these CFCs that destroy the ozone, and modifications
have been made to hinder their damage. Greenfreeze, conceptualized and launched in 1992, is a
substance that replaces the classic refrigerant for propane and isobutene, both safer alternatives.
Argentina, Turkey, and Russia produce Greenfreeze, while LDCs express interest in investment of
the product. (Doc 7) Likewise with refrigerants, propellant sprays now comprise of pentane and
butane as substitutes. In Sweden and the Netherlands, over 60% of asthma sufferers have converted
to dry–powder inhalers. (Doc 7) The diffusion of alternatives of traditional CFC–releasing products
helps the industries spread their innovations, and lead towards eliminating use of harmful chemicals
in the
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Proto-Industrialization And Proto-Industrialization

  • 1. Proto-Industrialization And Proto-Industrialization NK TSHEBI 213509655 ECHS 209 TUT 1 According to Ogilvie (1993), proto–industrialisation refers to the process that took place in Europe during the 16th and 19th century, this process involved domestic industries which produced goods for international markets. The local producers for the proto–industries included peasants which worked on farmers and still managed to do manufacturing. Pastoral Farming was labour intensive and as such they could dedicate some of their time to manufacturing, corn farmers spent their time on manufacturing during the slack periods. Proto–industrialisation often took place in areas with unproductive soils or places which had few residents or small farming land, ... Show more content on ... Proto–industrial workers grew insufficient food to even cover their own basic food needs and this was due to farms being too small in size or the soils were unfertile. Farming productivity also decreased because the peasant–manufacturers ended up neglecting their farms since manufacturing was expanding. The peasants who neglected farming ended up depending on the wages paid by the merchants. Rural manufacturing made minimal demands for fixed capital since no special industry premises were needed and the machinery used was rather not expensive, poor farmers could also own these machine since they were affordable (Sewing ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Reconstruction and Industrialization Assignment 1: "America's Post–Civil War Growing Pains" Reconstruction and Industrialization 1865–1900 Four years after the first shots were fired at Fort Sumter the Civil War ended with the Union's Victory over the Confederacy. Though the war was over, there were still many problems that needed to be resolved in order to reunite the states as a nation. The time period in which steps were taken to rebuild the nation is known as reconstruction. Reconstruction lasted from 1865 until 1877. The influence of reconstruction can be seen in the society and also in politics during that time period. Following Reconstruction the nation had to rebuild its economy; industrialization brought in more factories and industries which helped to ... Show more content on ... 292). The expansion of railroads was also a great advancement made during the industrial revolution. Railroads were built throughout the country and allowed for good to be transported more easily, cheaper, and more reliable (Schultz 2012, p. 293). With industrialization came more jobs, and because majority of industrialization occurred in big cities this encouraged farmers to leave the fields and moved to cities to work in factories (Schultz 2012, p. 293). With the constant growth of businesses and manufacturers in the north, the population of northern cities grew. In a forty year time span the population on New York City grew by 1.2 million people (Schultz 2012, p. 302). This growth was called urbanization. Since the cities were growing at such a rapid pace building developers cut codes and built make shift buildings called tenements for people to reside (Schultz 2012, p.302). Tenements were low income apartment buildings. These apartments were small and cramped and sometimes referred to as railroad flats because their layout was similar to that of the box railroad cars (Apartment House, Encyclopedia Britannica). With the high demand of materials and jobs factories were being built in the same manner as the tenements. These buildings did not follow building codes and resulted in many fires (Schultz 2012, p. 303). Perhaps one of the most devastating fires was that of the Triangle Shirtwaist ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. The Industrialization Movement In the late 1800's, a thing called Industrialization started to occur. Industrialization is when our economy went from an agriculture (farming) economy to an industrial (manufacturing) economy. There were many very important leaders in the industrialization movement in the late 1800's. Andrew Carnegie, George Eastman, Henry Ford and J.D Rockefeller were all Captains of Industry and had a big impact on the industrialization movement and made it more positive than negative. Industrialization had a positive impact on American society. The Transcontinental Railroad, the steel industry and the automotive industry all had big advantages during this industrialization movement. The Transcontinental Railroad had a positive impact on industrialization ... Show more content on ... The Transcontinental Railroad allowed for more goods to be shipped to different sides of the country, which was good for the economy. The railroad also allowed people to move out west to start a new life in farming or just to get away from the populated cities. The steel industry. If this wasn't created, we would have less railroads and less buildings in the cities. Steel is cheap which allowed us to building buildings. The increase in buildings also increased the population in cities. Steel allowed for more railroads to be built. More railroads equal more trade. The increase in trade strengthened our economy and gave more jobs to more people so we were able to continue trading that good. Industrialization was positive. Think of all the cities that were created because of it. Industrialization had a positive impact on the American ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Purpose Of Industrialization Despite having a large agricultural land, Mississippi is still one of the poorest states in America without enough food for its population. One of the reasons is that farming has been taken over by mega–corporations whose harvest is not intended to feed the local population, but instead to feed other parts of the world. The environment pays a big price for this, as these corporations do not find it important to put aside some funds to take care of it. This has caused people like Mr. Wendell Berry to speak out. In this essay, we analyze his interview with Bill Moyers and examine how this impacts us from a Christian perspective. Mr. Wendell Berry, an 82 year old from Kentucky, is an environmentalist who dedicated his life to fight for this planet. ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, politicians who are supposed to speak out for the planet and its inhabitants are sometimes paid for by corporations, who in turn benefit from the former's inaction and silence. This has created a system where the politicians and corporations are almost inseparable and work hand in hand at the expense of our planet. As he puts it, we need people who see the problem and go right at it without waiting for the government permission or any form of official advice. Otherwise, a big part of the planet is going to be uninhabitable in the coming years. For believers, especially, this is something that God asks us to do. It is emphasized a number of times in the Bible that we are required to work and keep this earth. Not doing so would mean disrespecting our ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Industrialization DBQ While some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society because of the horrible working conditions, it was actually a positive thing for society; Industrialization's positive effects were the production increases, more efficient transportation and better living conditions. The assembly line and factories were forms of production increase. The railroads and automobiles are examples of efficient transportation, and tenements and urban renewal are examples of better living conditions. These come to show that the industrial revolution was a major improvement in product distribution, transportation and living quarters. The people of the world had a strong demand for up and coming products, so factories needed a new method for coming about creating products. "The Encarta graphic showing Henry Ford's Assembly Line" (Document 4) shows that in one 8 hour work period, 1 man could put together a single car, whereas 5 men in an assembly line could put together 10 cars in an 8 hour work period. "The Encarta Graphic showing the factory" (Document 3) shows that the production of goods increasing due to the train outside used to transport mass quantities of goods, and the steam coming out of the top ... Show more content on ... A horse and buggy just wasn't suitable for long distance travel. "Railroad travel was fast. Going to San Francisco from New York City only took six days. Before the railroads, the trip took months" (Document 5). Railroads created much easier travels for the world, a trip that took months to complete, to mere days. "The Encarta Graphic showing Henry Ford's Assembly line" (Document 4) shows not only the assembly line and how useful it was, but it also shows the Ford Model T, which was said to be the first car made in the United States. The production of better transportation was very useful; however the improvements in the places people lived in the cities improved ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Industrialization DBQ At one point, Industrialization had a very negative impact on society. It had affected many people's lives in a very gloomy way. While some people might argue that Industrialization had primarily positive effects for society because there was better business and financial opportunities it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization's negative effects were unsafe working conditions, bad employers, and many people were separated from their families. Although many people had jobs, the occupations weren't very safe or healthy. In Document 8, we are presented with a photo, taken by Lewis Hine, two children working on some sort of machinery. This can be interpreted as a something very risky. The fact that they are children is also ... Show more content on ... "I have a little boy at home, A pretty little son; I think sometimes the world is mine In him my only one" (Document 2). In the beginning of the poem the mother talks about how only sometimes the world is hers and her sons. I deem this shows how she wishes to have more time with her beloved family. [In Document 6 we are presented with a photo of numerous children on a tenement overhang, with no adults around.] This shows that parents probably weren't around a lot of the time, probably at work. [Also in Document 8 it shows children at work.] This means that not only were parents at work, but so were their kids. All together work mostly separated families from each other, which was very sad for ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Railroad Industrialization On the business side of this the overhead was huge to start this railroad. with no other project this large being done they had the slightest of idea what was in store for them. They were one week into the project already hitting their budget to build the railroad, and they only had 50 miles of railroad out... How were they to get these transcontinental railroads threw the country as it was so much more expensive for them than expected. Industrialization was large for they now had a larger population that was rapidly growing, people were wanting to get to california, have new black leather shoes, and be able to go to a local butcher shop and get meat because they would not have to raise their own beef they can become a doctor to serve the community. ... Show more content on ... The great strike of 1877 was a large strike to fuel the fire. Railroad workers were tired of working long treacherous days, well getting their wages cut, and the working environments were not safe to be working in. Before The Great Strike of 1877 a group called The Noble Order on The knights of Labor were formed in 1869. They were set up to solve labor issues, as well as they stood for; child labor laws, the idea of eight hour work days, equal pay for equal work, as well as government running of the railroad and ect. Later in 1886 The Haymarket riot took place in Chicago as workers were not happy with working environments, low wages, and they felt pressure in the new economic ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Industrialization Dbq The Industrial Revolution, as described by Stephen Gardiner, was "another of those extraordinary jumps forward in the story of civilization." During this time period, some might argue that Industrialization had primarily negative consequences for society. Industrialization involved the use of child labor, negatively affected the environment, and had harsh working conditions in factories. However, I will counter that it actually had a greater positive effect for society. As a result of Industrialization, the United States rose to become the world's largest economic power and people were able to enjoy new amenities that weren't previously available. One of the most prominent effects that Industrialization had on society were the new amenities ... Show more content on ... Some of these include the damaging effects on the environment, cruel working conditions, and the use of child labor. First off, let's begin with the ramifications caused by environmental damage which is something that, to this day, we are still struggling to deal with. Here is an excerpt that describes the harming effects Industrialization has had on our environment, "Industrialization has brought factory pollutants and greater land use, which have harmed the natural environment. In particular, the application of machinery and science to agriculture has led to greater land use and, therefore, extensive loss of habitat for animals and plants. In addition, drastic population growth following industrialization has contributed to the decline of natural habitats and resources. These factors, in turn, have caused many species to become extinct or endangered" (Document 3). From the quote, we get a detailed description on how there's been a loss of natural habitats, resources, and species. Though these things are obviously not great, it's one of the negative consequences that comes along with our nation progressing. Of course it's not good that we are still dealing with these consequences, considering that we only have one earth. However, as time progresses, we're discovering new innovative techniques to combat this environmental damage. Then, ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Industrialization Of Industrialization And... Industrialization is a starting point for many of the technologies and factories around and exists today, despite the negative influences of the industrialization, people gained many benefits from it too. For example, because of the industrialization workers are more efficient producing goods and products, also industrialization helped many people walked out of the countryside which broadens their perspectives. For many countries, industrialization is a voluntary movement within the country, but as an exception, China's industrialization is forced due to the "barbarism" action from Britain, France and many other countries. Recalls the first Opium War, which is the event that aroused the industrialization in China, and later the second Opium war etc.... Due to the pressure from enemies, China has to start industrialization in order to strengthen itself and to protect the people from the opponents. Overall, industrialization was a hard and a long–term battle not only with other countries but also within China itself. Luckily, China slowly recovered from its failure and walked out of its shadow by the transformation through the self–strengthening movement, the Xinhai revolution and when new China was founded in 1949. Even though China is still in the process of industrialization, but due to its transformation, China is now deemed as one of the strongest industrial countries around the world. During the time of the Qing dynasty, the government is afraid of Chinese people's mind ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Industrialization Vs Industrialization Industrialization had better effects on men and women of the upper and middle classes, than with the men and women of the working classes. Industrialization began in Europe, at the time there was a large rise in population. The population of London grew from 750,000 to 9 million in just two years (11/9). Due to the large growth in population, people were forced to develop new ideas such as new productions of energy and multiple story buildings. The number of factories grew exponentially and as a result, "the massive extraction of nonrenewable raw materials to feed and to fuel industrial machinery...altered the landscape in many places" (Strayer, 568). The production of factories and work created migration to urban areas, during this time middle class people began "needing" servants. People of the upper–class would have anywhere from three to four clothing changes per day, and it was typical for their staff to consist of forty to one hundred people. Considering the size of the staff, upper class housing had to be large enough for the staff and family to live in, and not see each other (11/9). This was a very different way of living from those in the working class. Living conditions were better for those in the upper and middle classes than those in the working class, and some ideas presented in the age of Enlightenment carried over into the Industrial Revolution. During the time of the Industrialization, the central value of the middle–class culture was ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Industrialization And Imperialism Industrialization and Imperialism were the two main reasons conflict occurred around the globe. No matter if it was industrialization of Europe or the lack there of in China. Imperialism would cause issues for places like Germany and China in completely different ways. Both imperialism and industrialization had positives and negatives, a lot was based off where you were located on the globe, how strong was your empire, and who were your allies. Both go hand in hand with each other as they would cause tension between empires and within them as well. Both would play a major part in the rise and demise of some of the biggest empires. Europe was one of the first places to industrialized because of the boom in population, and agricultural changes. It was not easy to start off with, everyone was not in agreeance with this new idea. "The idea of organizing states around national communities eventually influenced political development throughout the world. While organizing themselves into national states, western European and North American peoples also embarked on processes of industrialization. Although industrialization initially caused a great deal of discomfort and dislocation for workers." The enclosure movement that took place in 1750 was a big reason as well. As Western Europe and North America would use both industrialization and imperialism to dominate. "They also inspired sustained resistance among colonized peoples, which eventually led to the organization of anti– ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Disadvantages Of Industrialization The Industrialization brought many changes to the United States after the devastating Civil War , which brought a many losses of life. At the same time, the war helped the country develop even more materialistic. The Industrialization began in the United States in 1865 after the Civil War it went developing for the next five decades. The first transactional railroad was completed in 1869 by workers from China that were paid poorly . There was many more inventions throughout the Industrialization from 1869–1914 that helped the Nation developed. The Industrialization was a process that helped the economy transform into something better and individual laborers are replaced by mass production and craftsman by assembly lines, but even though it meant maybe more work to many's. This affected many due to the poorly paid laborers who worked hard and did not get many advantages from that. It helped in ways that the economy grew even more and better that helped society but not those who were poor. The Industrialization did not much helped many of the workers, who appeared most likely to be immigrants, many of them and their families lived in really bad conditions and had horrible working conditions as well with poor pay for the amount of hours worked, that sometimes those mass productions consisted of child labor. Industrialization impacted the lives of many including children who worked instead of going to school to help support their families. Children back in 1908–1912 worked to get money and help support financially their families many of these children did not attend school whatsoever. As shown on document E we observe images of children working in factories, and having jobs that an adult would have, these children would work to help parents with household. This impact was negative because many children worked to help parents instead of having a childhood they thought that they had to help parents out instead of attending school. On document H child labor stopped for the good of the children, the U.S. set laws in which minors had to follow to be able to maintain a job. "Minors ober the age of sixteen years and under 18 may not be employed except upon the presentation of a school enrollment certificate and permit ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Industrialization in Ireland When Ireland began to industrialize in the 1960s and 1970s, why did it mostly occur in rural Ireland and what were the consequences for the rural residence? Industrialisation in the 1960s and 1970s. When most people in the world think of Ireland, they imagine green fields with farm animals, old cottages, stone walls, rocky roads, people riding around on horse–back and men working in the bogs. However Ireland actually has one of the quickest fastest economies in the world. Rural Industrialisation played a huge role in this growth. Industrialisation is a very important part of Irish history. It was a new beginning for the Irish people living in rural areas and it created a change in gender composition within the labour force. Women were ... Show more content on ... This also affected family relationships as the women no longer experienced the world solely with their families. Women would usually be given land from their fathers to build a family home however with them now receiving their own wage from the factories some would build their houses elsewhere with their spouses to maintain their independence from their fathers. Their independence also caused family diversity on religious views as women weren't following the traditional Irish way of life. As they were not under supervision, they could travel to other towns to buy condoms, going against their religious faith. Diversity developed between the entrepreneurial middle class and the working class in the rural areas as there was differences in wages, education and jobs. This meant that the interclass was blurred creating a class–less society. Hiring of women had some consequences for trade unions. Since the 1970s we have seen the increasing of trade unions militancy in the state sector leading to them declining in the private sector. This is because of their lack of attention to the needs and rights of the women working in these factories. Three ways the trade union could have provided for these women working in the factories are equal pay, crèches and maternity ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. The Effects of Industrialization Industrialization Table of Contents Introduction 3 How industrialism started? 4 Revolutionizing the World with Industries Back in History: 5 First Phase: A reason to move towards industrial development. 6 Three Major Developments in America: 7 Second Phase: An urge to gain what competitor nation has. 7 The Impact of industrialism, both in America, U.K. and their competitors: 9 The Positive Impacts: 9 The Negative Impacts: 11 Conclusion: 12 Bibliography 13 Industrialization Introduction This report is about rise of industrialization and the shift of power from one colony to other country. It focuses on the fruitful acts of the major powers, America and England. Starting from history, that is the urge of forming an idea to the diversified nature of industries; this report describes the various impacts of this act on the world in the 19th century. The set up of industrialism could never be understood until the history is known, and so the report starts from the meaning and is followed by the historical events which became the reason for countries to adapt or boost industrialism in 19th century. What is Industrialization? The shift of work from "hand" and "home" manufacturing to "factory" or "industrial" work (Kelly, n.d.), is the move of industrialization. Industrialization is a process which has remarkably changed the world in such a manner that now; the war is not for land like read in ancient times, to fight for kingdoms with ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Industrialization Of America What factors led to Industrialization of America? Industrialization is growing or development of industries and factories in a country or region. The United States were far behind most countries in the 1700a–1800s. The US was a young nation and they had no loyalty or respect given to them by any country at this time. The people of the US wanted change, they wanted respect, and they wanted to be independent form all of the surrounding countries and civilizations. One of the main things that lead to the Industrialization of America, was the Embargo Act of 1807. In 1807, Britain began to blockade all of the United States' ports. This infuriated the people of the US because there was no way for the them to get the things they needed. All ... Show more content on ... After the war was over, it was time for change. The US couldn't get any of the things they needed because of the Embargo Act of 1807, which stop mostly all of the trade with foreign nations. This meant the United States needed things such as tools, parts for newly advanced transportation, and many other items that people needed to make a living. Samuel Salter saw that the US was needing change, so he constructed in first British style textile factory in the United States, which was in Rhode Island. This was booming thing in America because it opened up many jobs. Not only did it open up jobs, these jobs paid at least two times the amount as a farming job. The formation of the factory and Industrialization in the United States created something new and far between, the Middling class. The middle class were the people that were neither rich nor poor. Though the Embargo Act and the War of 1812 were mainly focused on in this essay, there are many other things that caused the Industrial Revolution. The Embargo Act of 1807 sparked the War of 1812, which sparked the beginning of a period that would change the world forever. The period of Industrialization in the United States of America was the greatest thing the country has ever seen. The Industrial revolution worked toward and even created many new ways of transportation. Many different forms of technology were created to make the working man's life easier. ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Industrialization DBQ Overall, the industrialization had a greater negative effect than positive effect on society for many reasons. The revolution had many positives that came with it, but I thought that there were just more negatives that overrode it in the long run. While some might argue that industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because child labor laws were not being abused was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization's negative effects were bad working conditions, unfair working/ labor rights, and separation from life. I would stress that one of the main things that was negative for society is the water borne disease, which killed more people than the war did. Also, another thing is child labor, which made little kids suffer from deformities. Which in my argument I wrote that there was unfair labor rights and hours, also that meant that ... Show more content on ... The picture shows the children not wearing shoes and nor wearing the proper clothing. The machines that they are working on are very dangerous. There is no supervision in the factory and if the child gets hurt, they will either get fired or not get paid, and the thing is, is that it wasn't illegal at that time. (Document #7)"What time did you begin to work at the factory?" "When I was six years old". This shows that these kids didn't have time to be kids, they only had time to think about thing they didn't need to think about, and they had to worry about things that they didn't need to worry about. ."What were your hours of labour in that mill?" "From 5 in the morning till 9 at night, when they were thronged" (Document #7). This means that the children were not only working illegally, but they were also working illegal hours, (for age under 18) I would have to say it is worse for the mothers, though, they would have to work all day and then come home and expect to clean the house, and then they would have to cook for ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Industrialization Dbq While some may argue that Industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because there was new inventions, the Industrial Revolution had actually negative outcomes on society. The negative effects of Industrialization included pollution, poverty, and unfortunate conditions inside the home and inside factories. These factors would impact the lives of immigrants and overall change the way we view society and prevent future outbreaks. And although the people living in this period did not know it yet, the new innovations being invented would change the world for the worse. During the Industrial Revolution pollution was a major problem. For example, in Document 3 the image shows a factory near a river with smoke erupting out of ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Effects Of Industrialization After the civil war, the United States took steps to become a more industrialized country. They wanted to become more progressive and "many people viewed this economic growth as evidence of the superiority of the American system". The effects industrialization can be seen throughout history between 1865 and 1914. Industrialization improved the American way of life but also created many problems for them. The Industrialization transformed humanity's struggle with material scarcity to expand the production of goods and services. The percentage of 17 year old high school graduates who graduated with a diploma continued to rise from 1870 to 1910. In 1870, 2% of 17–year–olds graduated by in 1870 but in 1910, 9% of the United States ... Show more content on ... There were long working hours with small pay and extremely dangerous working conditions. Stephen Crane writes in In the Depths of a Coal Mine in August 1894 that "It has only to tighten slightly, and he is crushed like a bug....There is an insidious, silent enemy in the gas. If the huge fan wheel on the top of the earth should stop for a brief period, there is certain death....Meanwhile the miner gets three dollars per day, and his laborer one dollar and a quarter." Here Crane is only describing the working life of a coal miner. He discusses how dangerous the job is and how low the pay is. There were no safety precautions and no safety gear or protection at all. If one small thing went wrong, you had a likely chance of dying. Many important inventions were being invented at this time which had a profound impact of the modern life. Thomas Edison invented over 1,000 inventions throughout his life. One of the most important and well–known inventions that changed the American way of life was the phonograph in 1877. The phonograph was a machine with two needles: one needle was for recording sounds and the other was for the playback. When Edison would speak into the mouthpiece, the sound vibrations of his voice would be "indented onto the cylinder by the recording needle" ( It was made to give entertainment for the people by providing a way of listening to music. The phonograph ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Industrialization In 1800s 1.Explains the historical context that gave rise to ink–on–paper industries in the mid–1800s. The historical context that allowed it to rise occurred with Gutenberg technology which allowed many to have access. In the mid eighteen hundreds, they allowed one cent newspapers which allowed growth. Immigrants also used newspapers to learn the language. Urbanization in 1830s was also a factor and cities become hubs in which newspapers were distributed. Industrialization was nher factor which allowed mass printing processed. 2.Why did newspapers dominate so long among mass media? Newspapers dominated mass media because news and entertainment was bundled and sold at a low price, penny papers which attracted many readers. By providing ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Dbq Industrialization While some might argue that industrialization had primarily positive consequences for society because economic growth, it was actually a negative thing for society. Industrialization's negative effects were bad living situation, no education for children, and poor salary. During the 1800's the way people lived was not quite how we live today. Although some may argue that the way they lived back then was so much easier it actually caused a lot of humans to perish. Not only did they die from diseases, but also because there was a lack of sanitization. "Industrial growth brought with it a host of environmental pollution problems", (Document 3). Imagine living in an environment with trash and waste just being dumped into the streets, compared ... Show more content on ... Families were expected to survive off of little to no money in the past which is a huge negative in the Industrial Revolution. These days in our generation some families still don't have jobs or money to survive, and that's why there are a lot of homeless people on the streets with nowhere to go. "Where do you live now?" "In the poorhouse", (Document 7). The importance of this quote is major. If you analyze the response she says she lives in a poor house because she doesn't have any money to support herself. She stays in a poor home and doesn't have enough money to eat. If she has been working since she were a child you believe that she would have enough money to at least live in a tenement with others who struggle to live another day. "I have enough to eat", (Document 1). In this excerpt a young girl explains that she is doing well, but does say that she have enough to eat. During the revolution, humans didn't have enough to eat for themselves, let alone provide food or clothing for their family. "A stranger am I to my child; and he on to me", (Document 2). This supports as a negative because a mother is explaining how she doesn't have a relationship with her son, but if you process what she say it shows how she is constantly working so that her son can have food and clothes on his ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Importance Of Industrialization The early 19th century was a time of technological innovations that took the United States to a new level of commerce. During this time, the cotton gin, steamboats, power looms, and even the telegraph were invented (Swen). As these inventions continued to improve the way of life, the nation continued to spread northeast and west to discover new land. Where a stagecoach may have taken months to transport goods from east to west, the railroad could transport the merchandise cross country in just a few days. Lastly, communication through the telegraph simplified the need for the pony express. Although these inventions changed how these people lived their life, was it all for the best? Were sacrifices made as individuals, as a family, or even ... Show more content on ... Now instead of controlling their own future, the nation will become dependent on other people to succeed in life. Factories did not just hire the man of the family, it hired the whole family. Children worked in the factories as young as the age of seven which is when" Sam Patch first started at Samuel Slaters White Mill (Johnson p 30)." Since the children were small they could get under the machinery and keep things clear so the machines would continue to run. Some factories primarily hired young women to operate their facility. As stated in Morals of Manufactures (1837), young women would leave their families to live in boarding houses owned by the factories (Martineau). This concept was to protect the women from the evils of the world. They were required to work fourteen hours a day with thirty minutes for eating twice a day. If that was not bad enough, many slept five people to a room. Lack of space and privacy prevented them from wondering about life outside the factory. Harriet Martineau was very concerned with the life these women were being forced to live and the freedoms they were not allowed to have such as participating in dances. She felt they were no better off than slaves based on their living and working conditions. If that was not enough, some of the factory owners tried to extend the work day while governing meal times. This created family conflict because not all factories were on the same schedule. ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Events Of Industrialization The many influential events that occurred between between 1750 and 1900 have undoubtedly impacted the modern world. Some of the most significant events include revolutions and reform in the Atlantic world, Industrialization and Global Integration, and Imperialism over colonies. Deciding which one of these processes or events has affected the modern era is not a simple decision due to the fact that all of the previously mentioned events have played crucial roles in developing and creating the modern world. For example, revolutions gave birth to modern nations such as France, the United States and Haiti. Industrialization kick–started the growth of countless industries including textiles, agriculture and rail. Imperialism created and aided global ... Show more content on ... Imperialism can be found when describing the colonization of Africa, Asia and The Americas specifically. Key imperialistic nations include Great Britain, France and Japan as these nations were notorious for colonizing and influencing foreign regions. The reason Imperialism and Nation–State building are not as important as Industrialization is because Imperialism was simply between two parties: the colonizers and those being colonized. Although it is possible to claim that the process of Imperialism had a positive global impact, it is not necessarily true. For example, many colonies such as the United States and Haiti rebelled against their European colonizers and gained independence from these nations with conflict and combat. Ultimately this resulted in the loss of life in the thousands and destruction of entire cities. Imperialism has never worked out as almost every colony under imperialist rule is now an independent nation. The influence put on by the colonizers onto the colonized generally ended in a poor fashion. For example, Indian citizens who were not content with the British rule did not wear foreign clothing and embraced local clothing and arts. Even though Imperialism was without a doubt an important process from 1750–1900, it did not have the same global effect and power that Industrialization ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Industrialization Impact Industrialization Industrialization had many different impacts in American history. One of the impacts that industrialization had was increasing wealth in the U.S. Many business managers, and investors/entrepunuer took financial risks of starting factories and they earned many rewards. By factory's, the overall amount of goods and services started increasing, because of the fact that factory's can produce goods much faster than a human. However men were still needed to operate the machines, and there were job opportunities. This led to the increase of population in the United States. Many immigrants traveled to the u.s to escape the harsh life's they have been living, they thought these job opprutinitys were a way to start a new life, a new beginning, this is why industrialization also increased population in the U.S. American ingenuity and also was on the rise and people thought of many new inventions to make life easier. There was also an abundance of resources so they did not need to worry about resources for their inventions. There were many major inventions, however the Bessemer process was the first inexpensive industrial process to mass produce steel from iron. It inspired and sparked the industrial revolution, it was a big scale project. The Bessemer process worked by taking out impurities from pig iron using as an air blast. Andrew Carnegie's time was dedicated to the steel industry. His business, Carnegie Steel Company, revolutionized steel production in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Impact Of Industrialization And The Impacts Of... Impacts of Industrialization Industrialization began when Britain was eager to invest money into creating machinery to make textiles to avoid paying India to export cotton textiles. Since the British empire had a lot of power and had widespread colonization, they had the money to invest in raw materials. In the late 1700's Britain wanted to produce their own cotton textiles, so they began exporting the raw material, cotton, to make textiles from India. In 1750's textile mill were created to be able to produce larger quantities of cotton textiles in a shorter amount of time through the use of more complex machinery. While India continued to make cotton textiles by hand, Britain no longer needed cotton from India when the advanced technology allowed for Britain to rapidly produce cotton. After textile machines were produced, household became urbanized when children needed to travel to factories in the cities to help produce cotton textiles. Clothes became mass produced after textile mills, allowed for the clothes to be identically produce in large quantities. Mass production of identical products causes the prices to drop because the advances in technology reduces the amount of laborers needed to make the same product. More technological advances revolutionized the work industry, people were trained to do one task repeatedly, being apart of the assembly line. Families were divided when they no longer worked together on farms, and children, women, and men took on different ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Industrialization : Social, Economic And Political Aspects... Considering occurrences that followed the Civil War, the paper examines how industrialization affected the US between the years of 1865 and 1920 on social, economic and political aspects.  Prime aspects of industrialization between 1865 and 1920. The industrial era saw the rapid set up of companies. Railway became the main mode of transportation. This is because this was the ideal form of movement for bulky goods to far off destinations especially from the South areas which were associated with farming to the northern areas that were quickly becoming urbanized. Many Americans abandoned their agricultural practices to seek jobs in factories. People were less required for farming due to mechanization in industries. In addition, family businesses swiftly faded away during the Revolution as corporate firms dominated most businesses. There was increased productivity during industrialization consequently remodeling the economy structure of the United States. Productivity escalated by implementing the out work system (DuBoff, 2016). This system entailed people working and completing their duties from home. The factory structure also remodeled the economy in that work would be undertaken and completed in large scale within one location. There were plenty of people to work in factories. This kept wages on the lower side, making most firms make greater profits. Lastly, the third aspect affected by industrialization was that politicians shifted their priorities. Instead of ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Consequences of Industrialization Most people regard industrialization as a positive development capable of generating great wealth and revitalizing run–down areas. Mention industrialization today, and it brings to mind large factories organized with the latest technologies in mass producing. Along with these visions comes the promise of more jobs for the community, higher rates of pay, and financial stability. One can only think of the positive influences on a community that the opening of a new factory could bring, but during what some have deemed the Industrial Revolution, industrialization only meant using machines and new power sources to accomplish a task formerly done by human and animal power. Our modern day conception of industrialization can greatly influence our ... Show more content on ... Certainly, to follow one fault line of industrial employment, the disturbance stemming from extra– domestic authority imposed on families through outwork weighed far more heavily when workers entered the factories. For in practice country mills were known to intrude between parents and children on their payrolls, while mill girls not infrequently discovered painful dissidence between their roles as ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. 1700s Of Industrialization Industrialization contributed to city growth in many ways. Industry not only changes a country's way of living, it also transforms class struggles and social actions. During the 1700s–1800s industrialization grew and had four major effects on how it contributed to city growth. The first effect of industrialization was with working conditions. Back then the factories were dirty and dangerous. If you went to work one day, there were high percentages that you could leave very injured or dead. The most harsh place to work was the coal mines. Accidents, damp conditions, and the constant breathing of coal dust made the average life span for a worker much shorter. However, no matter these consequences it still brought in many new workers and ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Dbq Industrialization Industrialization, good thing? Jeffrey Liu Hist 152 31200 "Industrialization refers to a process that transformed agrarian and handicraft–centered economies into economies distinguished by industry and machine manufacture."(Traditions & Encounters) Due to industrialization, cities had supported urbanization and migration, and job opportunities were increasing. People who were once house workers in the countryside left to try get jobs in factories. Million migrant even crossed seas to try to get factory jobs. Industrial production led to a sever decrease in price of goods (Traditions & Encounters). Also, there were many comforts and conveniences that didn't exist a few centuries ago (Rancilo, Document 3). As industrialization was getting bigger, ... Show more content on ... Urbanization had made strong pollution in the environment. For example, when fossil fuel were being burned, many harmful chemicals were in the air. Due to many harmful chemicals in the air, some factory workers had contracted diseases (Traditions & Encounters). Cities would be mostly covered by steam and smoke. Streets and houses were so tainted that even water couldn't be able to clean it (Rancilio, Document 1). Streets would accumulate trash because of the lack of drains and gutters. The main river would be filled with waste (Rancilio, Document 5). With no clean water supply and unhealthy living conditions, people would be constantly contracting epidemics like cholera and typhus. In China, factories have created so much smog, that airplanes had to cancel flights due to poor visibility. Industrialization in China had created enormous amounts of air pollution due to unregulated industry, vehicles and cheap gasoline (China's air pollution). Recently, industrialization in India has led to crops being destroyed due to the ozone pollution. Smog, which is an ozone at ground level, is the cause of vegetation reduction. In India, there are no air quantity regulation, so that is a reason why produce are getting damaged or dying (India's ozone pollution). There are many negative side effects that come with economic pollution that started with ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. industrialization dbq Industrialization DBQ Q: Identify the issues raised by the growth of Manchester and analyze the various reactions to those issues over the course of the nineteenth century. __________________________________________________ The spread of industrialization rapidly altered and changed the city of Manchester during the nineteenth century. Of course there were positive effects that stemmed from this, but negative effects due to the growth of industrialization outnumbered the positive outcomes and are often overshadowed. The environmental hazards and the working conditions of the factory were enough to harm laborers and the gentry (documents 1, 2, 6, 7, 8 and 11), dulling the positive ... Show more content on ... Wages––thanks mainly to accelerated machinery and improved working conditions––have largely increased. The lavish provision of public parks, baths, and free libraries promotes the health, happiness and culture of the industrial orders. Far seldomer than before do we hear the murmur of popular discontent. Sickness and mortality have been reduced to an extent that is almost incredible" (doc 10 – Abram's, a journalist and historian, published journal account of the improvements to industrial Manchester.) Public health was an extremely important issue that sparked reactions to the polluted water and air, the Corn Laws and the well–being of laborers in filthy conditions. "Diseases caused or aggravated by atmospheric impurities produced by decomposing animal and vegetable substances, by damp and filth, and close and overcrowded dwellings, prevail among the laboring classes. The annual loss of life from filth and bad ventilation is greater than the loss from death or wounds in modern wars" (doc 6), "Most workers lack clothing, bed, furniture, fuel wholesome food, even potatoes! They spend from twelve to fourteen hours each day shut up in low–ceilinged rooms where with every breath of foul air they absorb fibers of cotton, wool, or particles of copper, lead or iron. They live suspended between an insufficiency of food and an excess of strong drink; they are all wizened, sickly and emaciated, their bodies thin and frail, their limbs ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Industrialization In The 1800s Industrialization. "The rapid development of industry." Britain success and struggles in this industry. They gained urbanization, education, changing class structures, modern buildings, industrial production, and modern inventions. But in order to have the success with all those they had struggles in working conditions, wages, child labor, changing roles of women, and coal mines. All of this hard laboring was not a choice or for fun. If you wanted your family to eat or live the whole family would have to work to get money. Working in factories and coal mines was hard, but it did have positive effects on families, Great Britain, and the rest of the world. Such as families working together in one place. Cities cause pollution to grow by about 57%. Being a child that worked was hard because you couldn't get any type of education. Most people who worked could read or write, but new law came along making more kids get some kind of education. ... Show more content on ... Factories caused new modern building, industrial production, and modern inventions. Living condition in the 1800's were way different they today and not in a good way. The revolution helped the architecture field. As more and more people were moving to the city to find work. More houses were being built and over time the houses improved tremendously. Production in factories helped england because they didn't have to buy or trade as much. Because they had all of these new machines could produce new material that they needed. During this era was the first time that modern invention were introduced. Some invention that saved the public were,vaccinations, the first telephone, and the light bulb. All of these improved life in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Cost Of Industrialization Industrialization is the development of industries in a country or region. There were both costs and benefits of industrialization in the Industrial Revolution. The costs of industrialization, there was a lot of child labor and the factories were very unhealthy for anyone who worked in them. There were a lot of benefits as well. It made the cities grow in population, and it needed a new form of transportation therefore the railroads were created. The advantages do outweigh the disadvantages but not how they were back then. The benefits of industrialization are a big deal, creation of railroads and the cities grew. These are two things that are still very useful in today's time. In the World History Textbook, written by Spielvogel, he writes, ... Show more content on ... In the World History textbook it says, "factory owners sometimes sought entire families, including children, to work in their factories" (Spielvogel 366). In today's time, child labor is against the law. Children should not be working in factories because they're small and they could get hurt very easily. Another cost would be that the factories were very unhealthy for anyone who worked there. The textbook states, "industrial workers faced wretched working conditions. Work hours ranged from 12 to 16 hours a day, six hours a week" (Spielvogel 369). That means they only get one day off and they don't get to sleep very much. The textbook describes cotton mills to be the worst factories, "the worst conditions were in the cotton mills, where the temperatures were especially harmful" (367). The cotton mills were very dangerous for the people who worked there and even children worked in them. The benefits of industrialization do not outweigh the costs, as they were back then. Nothing can outweigh child labor or how unhealthy the factories are. Children were working in the factories and that in itself is bad, but with the factories being extremely unhealthy, it made it way worse for them. If industrialization happened it today's time, where child labor is illegal and they do health inspections, then the benefits would outweigh the ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Urbanization And Industrialization It's amazing how many roads have been made, skyscrapers have been thrown up and technology has been invented in just a hundred years. The transition from agriculture to mass production know as the industrial revolution has impacted all of our lives from indoor plumbing to electricity. Industrialization is "a process that leads to a significantly increased proportion of a population engaged in factory work and nonagricultural occupations; it increases the number of people living near factories and relying on mechanically produced goods and services" (Monti et al. 2015: 191). Industrialization in Western societies brought about about urbanization,"the movement of populations from rural to urban areas; the growth and development and redevelopment of cities" (Monti et al. 2015: 192). The shift to larger effective machines caused many factories to open up which in turn provided opportunity for people seeking jobs. The jobs brought in employees and their families, which created a need for more housing. As more and more people moved near factories, cities became larger and more dense. Many changes occurred as societies changed from rural and small to large, industrial and urban settings. German sociologist Ferdinand Tönnies wrote about the changes that took place as societies became urban. Tonnies wrote that there was a strong sense of community, or Gemeinschaft, is prevalent in traditional, rural areas. He believed that there was a strong sense of kinship, neighborhood and ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Industrialization : The Industrialization Of America Essay The Industrialization of America Many people consider America to be the leader of the technological world; however, that has not always been the case. Before America became the industrial dynamo that is today, there were multiple other countries that it had to compete against such as China, England, Japan, and Germany. While each of these countries prospered at some point throughout their technological history, America was able to learn ways to adapt in order to compete against each and every one of them. The Industrial Revolution has contributed to America in a number of ways. It has contributed to the economy and the working conditions of laborers (Saunders, 1919) ("The Industrial", 1966). On the other hand, the industrialization of America can also be associated with some negative setbacks (Volti, 2014). Though the Chinese were not the first culture to have an industrial revolution, China did develop a large array of the technology that is was used at that time (Volti, 2014). Their many inventions had caused them to be named as the world's leader of technology. Unfortunately, the Chinese ended up losing that title to the Europeans after two centuries of holding it. The Europeans were able to do this because they decided to adopt the technology of the Chinese, improve it, and use if for their own gain (Volti, 2014). The Chinese had refused to use any foreign inventions even when the Chinese joined forces with the Soviet Union to become a Communist country (Volti, 2014). ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Industrialization Essay Industrialization As George Donelson Moss, author of America in the twentieth century states it; modern America emerged during the last thirty years of the nineteenth century. With most of the century consisting of farmers and smaller towns and country–like living, the later parts of the century brought industrialization and businesses. This changes forced Americans to view and live life differently. Of the important elements that influenced America in the nineteenth century, industrialization and immigration are the most significant. Industry flourished in the 1800's causing changes to America's every aspect of life. Manufacturing also increased during this time due to the many advancements and new inventions. ... Show more content on ... during the 1860's. America became the number one steel manufacturer in the year of 1880. The petroleum industry grew in the 1860's also. Kerosene, used to bring light to houses after nightfall, became its most important product. John D. Rockefeller, who headed the Standard Oil Company, became the nation's first billionaire with his involvement in this industry. Alexander Graham Bell's invention of the telephone in 1876 created another huge industry in the nineteenth century. From the 1880's until the end of the century, Americans were using over 800,000 telephones. This aided in communication across the U.S. Another famous inventor, Thomas Edison, also helped the industrialization of the late 1800's by improving telephonic transmissions and the electric light bulb. He built the first power station in 1882 that supplied customers the electric current for lighting. With the industries and businesses flourishing, a big problem with urban development arose. With new industries, workers and their families would flood the surrounding city looking for jobs and places to live. This rapid expansion of people and cities caused many unfavorable results. The workers were forced to live in cramped and crowded housing. Problems arose with this lifestyle including the spreading of diseases, an increased crime rate, psychological stress and juvenile delinquency. These slums also caused problems such as decreased water ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Industrialization Dbq As the question suggests, changes in the 19th century happened rather quickly. Industrialization can be described as a transformation from an agricultural society to a more industrial one, using technology to solve problems and manufacturing goods to keep the economy going. Although this was a major change in their lives, the Victorians adapted to this unfamiliar way of life really well. As Potter (1987: 222) says, "This they did with an energy and optimism". They used technology and science to solve problems around them. Britain adapted to a lot of changes during this shift from agricultural life to industrial life, where machinery was dominant over human labour. The industrial revolution was a time of great opportunity. Potter (1987: 230–231) ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Contributions Of Industrialization Industrialization was a time period where the process of manufacturing goods became easier because of technological innovations. The changes during the Industrial Revolution contributed to the rise of big business because industries wanted to expand their efforts. Industrialization assisted manufacturing industries by making production more mechanized and efficient. Technological innovations due to industrialization caused a rise of factories and employment opportunities in America. The benefits of industrialization did not come easy; sacrifices were made which resulted in unfair conditions for laborers. The rise of big business led to calls for the reform of industry because monopolies were overthrowing other companies, which is unfair for these companies. Industrialization led to the rise of big business, however it resulted in injustice. As companies continued to gain high profits from their industrial endeavors, they wanted to grow bigger and bigger. When companies realized that they were in control of all parts of their business they could make the most profit; this is known as horizontal and vertical integration. John D. Rockefeller, co–founder of the Standard Oil Company, "pursued a strategy that came to be known as horizontal integration, in which a dominant corporation buys or forces out most of its competitors" (Shi and Tindall 632). "Instead of depending upon the products or services of other firms, known as middlemen," the company owns everything it needs in ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Impact Of Industrialization Impact of Industrialization on American Society Reese Aghayedo HISTORY 1312– 701: United Stated History II September 11, 2017 During late 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century, the United States went through rapid industrialization that drastically changed many aspects of its society. During this era, the United States became the leading industrial capitalist of the world . This also led to tremendous increase in demand for the working–class Americans. Also, advancement in farm machinery led to less need for manual labors in farms and rural areas. Thus, these rural workers began to migrate to the urban areas to seek job opportunities in industries such as manufacturing and other factory jobs. This influx of ... Show more content on ... For this reason, many workers opted to have their children and wives join the workforce. Given that these factory owners had no legal restrictions on exploiting workers, they exploited most of their workers. Worker were force to work long hours in a dehumanizing environment while earning poor pay and incentives . Women and children were also exploited. Woman and children were paid the lowest possible wages. It didn't matter if they worked more than their adult male counterparts. Management used the deceptive ideology that woman and children should be under the care of a man and do not require a living wage. In addition to low wages and long hours, many workers worked in a dangerous environment. Many worked in crowded and unsanitary conditions. As a result thousands of workers were injured and hundreds were killed each year . Also, Industrialization resulted to the revolt of the working–class Americans. As many workers became more concern about their working conditions and pay, they decided to join together to rebel against hash working conditions. As many industrial workers began to organize, this led to the formation of labor unions. The goal of these unions was to protect worker's right to fair pay, hours, and working conditions. Labor groups like the National Labor Union (NLU) and Knights of Labor began to open up their membership to all labors, including male, female, blacks, and whites. Labors were able to ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Rise Of Industrialization The Civil War played a big role in transforming Old industries into Modern industries. After the Civil was industrialization played a big part in helping the country progress. Industrialization helped move society forward with new transportation methods, new jobs, and the economy. The period when railroads were being built was a process that benefited many people. Stockholders brought. The authors of the book state "Stockholders bought a share in the company and received dividends if the company prospered." Roark, James L.; Johnson, Michael P.; Cohen, Patricia Cline; Stage, Sarah; Hartmann, Susan M. (2014–12–16). The American Promise, Value Edition, Volume II, Sixth Edition: 2 (Page 473). Bedford/St. Martin's. Because of the expiation of ... Show more content on ... (2014–12–16). The American Promise, Value Edition, Volume II, Sixth Edition: 2 (Page 509). Bedford/St. Martin's. The statement tells you that working class Americans and immigrants were not paid too well. Being that they lived in or near poverty. They were also called "human machines." This states the necessity and value given to the workers who held jobs in these ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Industrialization Dbq 21st century industrialization has a global impact by creating ecological and societal imbalances stemming from its nature to enervate resources and manual labor. The start of industrialization was a way to implement efficiency into mass production, ultimately creating opportunities for jobs and maximizing profit gains for companies. In today's world, its toll on the environment and the way it shapes society becomes increasingly apparent and irreversible. Therefore, as society acknowledges these effects, changes have been made to address these issues. The heavy usage of machinery and fossil fuels required in industrialization leads to high amounts of carbon emissions. The mass amount of raw materials used in each industry accumulates and ... Show more content on ... Greenhouse gases coupled with chemicals in human–made products increases the rate at which global warming affects us. Burning more fossil fuels increases greenhouse gases' potential to cause natural disasters that devastate regular lives. The illustration shows a Honduran child searching for his family amidst the aftermath of Hurricane Mitch. (Doc 4) Any natural disaster can be especially harmful to LDCs, since they especially lack the provision of basic necessities and funds to rebuild infrastructure. The fact that a Honduran child suffers as a result of industrialization from distant core regions shows the growing scale at which the negative environmental effects of industrialization encompass. Refrigerants and aerosols release these CFCs that destroy the ozone, and modifications have been made to hinder their damage. Greenfreeze, conceptualized and launched in 1992, is a substance that replaces the classic refrigerant for propane and isobutene, both safer alternatives. Argentina, Turkey, and Russia produce Greenfreeze, while LDCs express interest in investment of the product. (Doc 7) Likewise with refrigerants, propellant sprays now comprise of pentane and butane as substitutes. In Sweden and the Netherlands, over 60% of asthma sufferers have converted to dry–powder inhalers. (Doc 7) The diffusion of alternatives of traditional CFC–releasing products helps the industries spread their innovations, and lead towards eliminating use of harmful chemicals in the ... Get more on ...