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Pro Capital Punishment
In order to limit the number of crimes, keeping innocent people from getting executed, and save the
taxpayers millions of dollars, we need to eliminate the death penalty in all states for good. Capital
punishment has occurred in the U.S. since colonial times. Since then, more than 13,000 people have
been lawfully executed. There are 31 states that still allow the death penalty, and they must change.
These states need to eliminate it on the grounds that it transmits a dangerous risk of punishing the
innocent, it is wrong and cruel, and is an ineffective prevention of crime versus the other option of
life in prison without parole.
Once a convict is executed, zero can be done to make things right if an error has been made. There
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Where does the hostility and obliviousness stop once it begins? Murder is unaccepted by society,
yet people seem to appease themselves by killing criminals. Is that not reflected to be murder?
Sentencing a criminal to death does not resolve the issues and questions that are left behind.
Parents will still cry for a child that is not ever coming home. Grieving families will still hold an
endless heartache, and the criminal no longer has to pay for the penalties of their actions. The
only people left to pay are taxpayers. According to IDEA, "Capital punishment costs more than
life without parole." Reports in the U.S. show that capital cases, from arrest to execution, cost
between one million and seven million dollars because of an endless series of appeals. Society
takes many dangers in which innocent lives can be lost. We construct bridges, going in knowing
that statistically some employees will be killed during construction; we take great defenses to limit
the number of accidental casualties. But wrongful executions are an avoidable danger. By replacing
a sentence of life without parole, we meet society's needs of punishment and safety without
overseeing the risk of a flawed and irreversible
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Essay on Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment
The definition of capital punishment is the legal punishment of death for violating criminal law. The
person who gets capital punishment is the ones who committed serious crimes. Methods of capital
punishment throughout the world are by stoning, beheading, hanging, electrocution, lethal injection
and shooting. The two most common methods capital punishment use in the United States are lethal
injection and electrocution.
The lethal injection is the most used form of capital punishment. It's an intravenous shot that kills the
criminal quick and painless. When capital punishment is done by electrocution the criminal is
strapped to a chair that a volts of electricity is pass through.
In America if all people more content...
The first pros of capital punishment are that it works as deterrence against major crimes. The death
penalty is a punishment that creates fear in the mind of any sane person. Most criminals would think
twice if they knew their own lives were at stake. Although there is no statistical evidence that death
penalty deters crime, we have to agree that most of us fear death.
The most conclusive evidence that criminals fear the death penalty more than life without parole is
provided by convicted capital murderers and their attorneys. 99.9% of all convicted capital murderers
and their attorneys argue for life, not death, in the punishment phase of their trial. (prodeathpenalty)
A Second pro is that a criminal that is executed can't another crime or escape. A dead criminal can
no longer commit a crime, and therefore the danger to the public is permanently removed.
A third pro of capital punishment is that it's more economical. Why should money be spent on a
criminal when it could be spent on education, the sick, or the needy? The only reason why it is so
expensive to execute an individual, is because of the numerous appeal processes. (~ab2166)
Another pro is that the retribution to the family and loves ones of the victims is payed. Endless
stress and anxiety plague the families of the victims and executions puts all those stresses to rest
better than life–long imprisonment or
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Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment
1. Morality
PRO: "The crimes of rape, torture, treason, kidnapping, murder, larceny, and perjury pivot on a moral
code that escapes apodictic [indisputably true] proof by expert testimony or otherwise. But
communities would plunge into anarchy if they could not act on moral assumptions less certain than
that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. Abolitionists may contend that the death penalty
is inherently immoral because governments should never take human life, no matter what the
provocation. But that is an article of faith, not of fact. The death penalty honors human dignity by
treating the defendant as a free moral actor able to control his own destiny for good or for ill; it
does not treat him as an animal with no more content...
People fear nothing more than death. Therefore, nothing will deter a criminal more than the fear of
death... life in prison is less feared. Murderers clearly prefer it to execution –– otherwise, they would
not try to be sentenced to life in prison instead of death... Therefore, a life sentence must be less
deterrent than a death sentence. And we must execute murderers as long as it is merely possible that
their execution protects citizens from future murder."
Ernest Van Den Haag, PhD
Late Professor of Jurisprudence at Fordham University
"For the Death Penalty," New York Times
Oct. 17, 1983
CON: "[T]here is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than long
terms of imprisonment. States that have death penalty laws do not have lower crime rates or murder
rates than states without such laws. And states that have abolished capital punishment show no
significant changes in either crime or murder rates. The death penalty has no deterrent effect. Claims
that each execution deters a certain number of murders have been thoroughly discredited by social
science research."
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
"The Death Penalty: Questions and Answers,"
Apr. 9, 2007
4. Retribution
PRO: "Society is justly ordered when each person receives what is due to him. Crime disturbs this
just order, for the criminal takes from people their lives, peace, liberties, and worldly goods in order
to give himself
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The Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment
Capital punishment has been utilized as a sentence long before the establishment of justice systems
and since that time has been a highly contested debate. With the advent and addition of justice
systems, much of the topics of debate have remained the same with proponents arguing both sides
and citing information to support their claim. Debates over whether capital punishment as a threat
deters future crimes, the repercussions of making a legal mistake in handing a death sentence, and
the morality of the issue are fiercely contested. I argue in favor of capital punishment by disproving
the opposing side's arguments and providing support for pro–capital punishment.
One of the major topics of debate, in relation to the death penalty, refers to deterrence and how well
the threat of death as a punishment works to deter criminals from engaging in serious crimes. There
have been mixed results from both supporting and opposing groups drawing their data from studies
conducted in the early 1900's to present times. The opposing group cites data that is dated and rely
on studies that show very little significance between the concept of deterrence and its effectiveness
at hindering crime. When the capital punishment was reintroduced in 1976 after a four–year
moratorium, it came on the heels of discrediting studies on the deterrent effect of capital punishment.
Despite this, Justice Potter Stewart cited inconclusive studies but still concluded that "the death
penalty undoubtedly is a
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Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment
Capital punishment, death penalty or execution is government sanctioned punishment by death. The
sentence is referred to as a death sentence. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are also known
as capital crimes or capital offences. Thirty–six countries have actively practice capital punishment,
103 countries have completely abolished it for all crimes, six have abolished it for ordinary crimes
while maintaining it for special circumstances such as war crimes, and 50 have abolished it de facto,
meaning they have not used it for at least ten years and/or are under moratorium. Capital punishment
is a matter of active controversy because it is endorsing violence as the only solution for violence,
because it is a violation of human rights and because of the millions misspent by taxing people for it.
One cannot react to violence with more violence. It is like trying to stop a fire with more fire, it
will only make the flame stronger and in the long run will cause more damage. "As one whose
husband and mother–in–law have died the victims of murder assassination, I stand firmly and
unequivocally opposed to the death penalty for those convicted of capital offenses. An evil deed is
not redeemed by an evil deed of retaliation. Justice is never advanced in the taking of a human life.
Morality is never upheld by a legalized murder. (Coretta Scott King–". Also, there is no
difference between murdering and executing someone. It is at the end the same concept, just
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Those that find themselves on either side of the death penalty debate fall within two camps. On one
side those that are pro death penalty argue on the bases of justice and law, versus those that are in
the anti–death penalty opponent who argue based on the law and morality (Fletcher, 1995). In either
case the commonality between these two opposing views is not so much the law itself, but more of
its interpretation, meaning the anti–death penalty faction suggest that the states taking of a persons
life is in violation of cruel and unseal punishment statues of the Constitution as well as the tenant of
the declaration of independence which the government is obligated to guarantee the unalienable
rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness particularly in regards of "life" part of this famous
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Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment
The law on this planet, and for this society, will not include the death penalty. I will explain my
decision, while showing alternative punishments to the death penalty. The punishments have to be
harsh so people are discouraged to violate the law. Punishments for other crimes will also be
discussed, but in lesser detail. The crimes include, theft, trespassing, and littering. To improve this
society, a crime will be punished whether it be a misdemeanor or a crime against humanity. The
degree of the punishment will differ, but the society needs to understand violating the law is wrong.
In some cases capital punishment can result in innocent lives being lost. People are not perfect
which results in innocent people being falsely accused and convicted. Forensic scientist have to
be careful in order to find the right person. Eyewitnesses and polygraphs are not correct every
single case as well. Randall Dale Adams was wrongfully convicted and was almost sentenced to the
death penalty, until he was found innocent. He was framed by one of the eyewitnesses who was the
actual killer. Even if 99 out of 100 cases were right, the death penalty would still result in an
innocent person's death. In my opinion, being sentenced to a life in prison is a better alternative for an
innocent convict. However, an unfortunate side to this is that not everyone falsely convicted will be
found innocent. I believe sentencing someone to a life in prison for a crime is more necessary and
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Reasons For Pro Capital Punishment
Cultural Relativist states that morality is created collectively by groups of humans and differs
from society to society. Each type of society has its own moral norms which are binding on the
people who belong to that type of society. Each type of society defines who is and who is not a
member of the moral community. When it comes tocapital punishment, you could use Cultural
Relativist as a tool or guide. There are many people who fall into different types of groups when
talking about capital punishment, there are some people who are pro–capital punishment and there
are others who are against it. Capital punishment is defined as: the legally authorized killing of
someone as punishment for a crime. There are many reasons to be pro–capital punishment for
example; Safety is the first thing that comes to my mind, you have one less person to worry
about ever going to cause harm or pain in the world ever again. The second is the cost of prison
time, sending people away to prison is a lot more expensive today than it was years ago. This is
where capital punishment comes into place. It is a lot cheaper to just execute someone then just
send them to jail. When it comes to being against capital punishment this is where certain types of
religions come into place, others may not believe in executing someone because their religion does
not approve of that type of treatment. In other words, God simply would not support the idea of
execution. Another example would be morality, the
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The Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment
As of 2017, there are 31 states in the United States that allow the death penalty to be issued as a
suitable form of punishment. Capital punishment has often been seen as a form of vengeance and
restitution against society's worst criminals. The death penalty is discussed over its appropriateness
for any crime and the long–term benefits of allowing states to use it as a form of punishment. I
believe the death penalty is the wrong way to give justice. However, my roommate, Rachel Krause,
has a firm view of the death penalty and its usefulness for the state. She believes the death penalty is
an effective way to ensure justice is truly obtained and can substitute as a more economical option.
Rachel pointed out that the Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the death penalty.
Former Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Antonio Scalia even writes that "not once in the
history of the American Republic has this Court ever suggested the death penalty is categorically
impermissible." She believes the death penalty to oftentimes be an appropriate punishment.
Sentencing murderers to a long period of time without parole often does not equate to the
heinousness of the crime committed. The victim's family can gain a sense of justice knowing that
the killer has paid the ultimate price for his or her actions. Rachel pointed out the death penalty is
known to be a deterrent for future crimes. If potential criminals know that they will be put to death,
many of them might
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Persuasive Essay for Pro Capital Punishment
Persuasive Essay
Why Capital Punishment Should Remain in Effect
Stefanie Ridgway
DeVry University, ENGL 112
Professor Adams
April 19, 2010
Capital punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty, has been effective tool in our country's
justice system since its inception. When an inmate is given this, the harshest sentence available, it is
always with just cause. Capital Punishment is an important tool in our criminal justice system today
and there are several reasons it should remain in effect. Although capital punishment opponents
would argue otherwise, there is undeniable proof that capital punishment is in fact a deterrent to
committing crimes with that would warrant this sentence. One of the most basic more
As you can see the numbers speak for themselves.
Although our nation has gotten away from it in recent years, we were founded by those who had
strong religious beliefs. On this note there are several passages in the bible that speak of letting the
punishment fit the crime, hence making the victim whole again. Take, for example, Leviticus
24:19–23. This passage implicitly reads as follows: "19Anyone who maims another shall suffer the
same injury in return: 20fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; the injury inflicted is the
injury to be suffered. 21One who kills an animal shall make restitution for it; but one who kills a
human being shall be put to death." The principle here is making the victim whole. We must
remember that when the circumstances warrant capital punishment the details of the crime are
usually tremendously heinous. That being said sometimes capital punishment is the only fair and
equitable punishment. In an effort to make sure that innocent men and women are not wrongly
convicted in capital punishments cases, they are given a wide range of appeals procedures.
Immediately following sentencing an automatic appeals process called Direct Review begins. It is
during this process that appellate courts review the lower trial court's decision, checking for errors
and making sure the case was tried on sound judgment. If any errors are found
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Pro Death Penalty Essay
Jonathan Lewin
Miss Woods
English 2 Honors – Period 6
22 February 2016
Benefits of the Death Penalty One of the most debated issues, whether capital punishment, also
known as the death penalty, should be banned or still be used, is still a widely disputed issue at the
heart of political debate. Many states recently have been abolishing capital punishment. Yet, as of
October 2014, support for capital punishment is still strong as three fifths of Americans continue to
back capital punishment. It is important that capital punishment is included as a punishment for all
violent criminals for it can be used as a deterrent, taxpayers have to pay less money to sustain
criminals, and an executed criminal is no longer a threat to society. States that are considering
abolishing capital punishment or have banned it already should look at the positives of capital
punishment and reconsider. The first reason to support capital punishment is that taxpayers will not
have to pay as much money to house, feed, and provide healthcare for violent criminals. "About 44
million people in this country have no health insurance, and another 38 million have inadequate
health insurance." (PBS) This is a shocking statistic as criminals in jail are provided with free
health care which over 25% of America still doesn't have. "For the average 632 prisoners in
maximum security prison, the cost was $62,730 each. For those in minimum security, the cost was
$47,679 per offender." (McGowan) The cost of
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Persuasive Essay On Capital Punishment
Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics in today's world. Many people believe
that it is morally wrong to have capital punishment as a sentence to a crime. People also do believe
that it is morally permissible for a severe crime. Capital punishment is also known as the death
penalty. It can be given as a sentence when somebody is convicted of an extremely violent crime.
The biggest issue that can be seen with this is that somebody could be innocent and sentenced with
the death penalty because of the nature of the crime that they have been accused of even if they
didn't commit it. I believe that there is a moral line between using the death penalty and using other
forms of punishment. Many people use the moral reasoning of an eye for an eye to justify capital
punishment. However this doesn't work because a murderer would be murdered, a robber would
be robbed, a thief would be stolen from, a drug dealer would be sold drugs and so on down the
line for the rest of the infinite number of possible offenses. This doesn't work because most of
them wouldn't care if it was done back to them because they think it morally acceptable to commit
these crimes and that they would just be having something that is morally acceptable done to them.
Many criminals don't have super serious offenses that deserve to have an eye for an eye. For
example, a drug dealer is probably addicted to drugs so to sell and make them use drugs would just
be feeding the, addiction
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Pro Death Penalty Essay
Capital punishment and the practice of the death penalty is an issue that is passionately debated in
the United States. Opponents of the death penalty claim that capital punishment is unnecessary
since a life sentence accomplishes the same objective. What death penalty opponents neglect to tell
you is that convicted murders and child rapists escape from prison every year(List of prison
escapes, 2015). As I write this essay, police are searching for two convicted murders who escaped
from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York on June 6th, 2015. The ONLY
punishment from which one cannot escape is the death penalty.
Opponents of the death penalty believe capital punishment is unnecessary and inappropriate in our more content...
A fifth rationale in opposition is that the death penalty is too expensive or too costly to taxpayers
to justify its use. According to those who oppose the death penalty and certain studies, it costs
more to execute a person than to keep him or her in prison for life (Death Penalty Focus, 2015).
Finally, it is believed by some that the killing at the hands of the state is not a righteous act but
instead is on the same moral level as the murderers themselves.
According to capital punishment supporters, many of these reasons of the anti–death penalty
movement are false and are now wrongly accepted as fact. The argument that the death penalty does
not deter crime is debatable. By executing murderers you prevent them from murdering again. If
these people no longer exist then they obviously cannot commit more crimes. In addition, criminals
have admitted, in thousands of fully documented cases, that the death penalty was the specific threat
which deterred them from committing murder (Pro–Death Penalty, 2014). The opponents of capital
punishment claim that the death penalty has caused and can cause the execution of innocent people.
However, according to the supporters, no evidence indicates that innocent people have been
executed. Upon reviewing 23 years of capital sentences, a Wall Street Journal study indicated that
they were unable to find a single case in which an innocent person was executed (Eddlem, 2002).
Furthermore, advocates note that the
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Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment
When a capital punishment case is reversed, it can create potential complications to present, future
and past court cases. One of the main arguments debated is when a case is reversed because of
intellectual disability. People question past cases where offenders might have had intellectual
disability and did not receive the same treatment as a case that has been reversed. For example,
Cecil Clayton (who killed a police officer), he was executed on March 17, 2015. Clayton was
missing twenty percent of his brain due to an accident in 1972. After psychiatrists examined Clayton,
they concluded:
There is presently no way that this man could be expected to function in the world of work. Were
he pushed to do so he would become a danger both to himself and others. He has had both suicidal
and homicidal impulses, so far controlled, though under pressure they would be expected to
exacerbate. (DPIC, 2017).
His psychiatric evaluations lead to doctors asking for him to be exempt from execution because he
did not understand why he was going to be executed. Once a court has reversed a capital punishment
due to mental retardation, it is only fair that these questions arise. As some cases have linked mental
retardation death penalty laws with offenders committing a crime under the age of 18 years–old
(juveniles) and not being sentenced to death (Roper v. Simmons for example), others will try to link
similar laws to prevent from being executed. If this were to happen often, what would
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The Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment Essay
The Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment
Since the mid 1900's, capital punishment has brought many individuals into many diverse view
points throughout the years. Capital punishment is a way of punishing a convict by killing him or
her because of the crime he or she committed. Capital punishment will always have its pros and cons.
There are opponents who absolutely disagree with capital punishment. And then there are advocates
who support the idea. In the advocates view point, capital punishment is a way to minimize the
threat in the world today. In the opponent's point of view, opponents disagree with capital
punishment, because of the high expenses it brings to the states. Also, opponents argue that capital more content...
The opponent's view things quite differently, they disagree with capital punishment because of the
amount of money it actually takes to proceed with the procedure. They believe that it is highly
expensive and such money is not necessary. They prefer to abolish the capital punishment laws
within their government because not only is it too expensive but it also contradicts the government
because they are killing their own citizens. California is a state that carries the capital punishment
law, and California uses ninety million a year of the government and state's money to pay for
executions annually. Therefore, opponents in the states that do have the capital punishment law
believe that they should spend their tax money on other projects rather than millions a year on
citizens who commit horrendous crimes.
Also, another reason they disagree with capital punishment is because of the innocent individuals
that actually wait on death row. There are many innocent people who are consequently found
guilty and are sentenced to a death penalty. Some individuals wait on death row for ten to twenty
years and waste their life there. This happens to the innocent convicts either because of the
lawyers they received. Many are poor and live in low income families where they cannot afford good
lawyers, but receive fairly "green" lawyers. Some lawyers are even found to daze off
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Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment
Last year in 2016, only 20 executions were conducted nationwide. This is the lowest number of
executions since 1991 when the nation only executed 14 criminals (Death Penalty Information
Center). Undoubtedly, the death penalty has sparked some heated debates over the years, and
Americans are still torn between killing dangerous criminals or letting them deteriorate in prison.
Although there are some reasonable concerns with if capital punishment should be taking place,
Kantian and Utilitarian philosophy have accurately depicted how capital punishment should be an
acceptable punishment for dangerous criminals who have committed abominable crimes.
Jeremy Bentham the philosopher who was founder of the Utilitarian philosophy firmly believed
that society should have the chance to be happy. The entire Utilitarian belief rest on that view. The
primary goal for an individual who lives under the Utilitarian philosophy is simply happiness.
Happiness for their community, happiness for the government, and happiness for themselves. A
Utilitarian will only make decisions that will lead to happiness. A Utilitarian makes decisions
concerning politics, concerning their community and their everyday lives based upon happiness
and pain. The only way to achieve happiness is to make decisions that will only bring pleasure and
avoid decisions that will generate any sort of pain. In a way, Utilitarian's are governed by what
brings them pain and pleasure.
In the debate about capital punishment, the
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The Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment
Capital Punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the gravest punishment in the U.S. criminal
justice system (Van den Haag, E., & Olin, J. M., 1986); It is the legal killing of a person guilty of
committing heinous and malum in se acts against the public, such as the intentional killing of an
individual, intentionally committing an act of violence knowing that it may be deadly to an
individual, inflicting injury to a victim resulting in death, etc. (18 U.S. Code В§ 3591). According to
the U.S. Code,
"(a) A defendant who has been found guilty of– ... shall be sentenced to death if, after consideration
of the factors set forth in section 3592 in the course of a hearing held pursuant to section 3593, it is
determined that imposition of a more content...
Although there has been an abundant effort made to fully prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a
person sentenced to death is guilty of his crime, "37% of all death row cases [since 1973] have been
overturned for due process reasons or commuted" (Sharp, D., 1997). Furthermore, according to the
Innocence Project, 349 individuals have exonerated due to new DNA evidence and there have
been 149 newly identified perpetrators in national cases (Help Us Put An End To Wrongful
Convictions!, 2017). A growing problem in the Criminal Justice System (CJS) is in prosecuting
innocent persons; former Illinois Governor George Ryan recognized this problem and decided to
"pardoning four death row inmates and commuting the sentences of 167 men and women" (Holguin,
J., 2003). Three years prior, Governor Ryan enacted a moratorium, a legal suspension on a certain
law or procedure, on executions after being informed of thirteen wrongfully convicted death row
inmates (Holguin, J., 2003). According to the article, "the only way capital punishment will survive
as a legal option over the next 10 years is if the procedures by which men and women are sentenced
to death are fixed from the ground up; from and within state legislatures" (Holguin, J., 2003).
Another issue with the death penalty was that the mentally challenged might have been taken
advantage of in trial leading to a capital punishment conviction, however, in 1989, the UN
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Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment
Capital punishment also known as the death penalty is a government sanctioned practice whereby a
person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime. In 2004 four (China, Iran, Vietnam
and the US) accounted for 97 percent of all global executions. On average, every 9–10 days a
government in the United States executes a prisoner.(kathy Gill 2017) There are a lot of different
kinds of capital punishment. Capital punishment was the use of long time ago, in this time a lot of
country cancel Capital Punishment. In this time for Capital Punishment is used Lethal Injection.In
America there 33 states have Capital Punishment, and another 17 states cancel the Capital
Punishment. As of April 1, 2008, the Death Penalty was authorized by 37 states, the Federal
Government, and the U.S. Military. Those jurisdictions without the Death Penalty include 13 states
and the District of Columbia. (Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota,
New Jersey, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin).(D P) Capital
Punishment should be legal and use in our country because it can help to deter against crimes, save
money for the government and help us to treat everyone fair. In our country capital punishment need
to be used every State. Capital Punishment should be legal because it can help to deter people, so
that they cannot commit crimes. Conducive to social harmony and stability. Death penalty is the
necessary way to punish some special crimes
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Essay on The Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment
The topic of capital punishment is one that is highly debated in our society today. Capital
punishment is the ultimate punishment our society can give one for their actions. On the other
hand, it is viewed as a denial of human rights that promotes more violence in our society. Religious states that in the United States, over 13,000 people have been legally executed since
colonial times. ("Religious Tolerance") Is capital punishment a moral act? It is not a moral
punishment as it denies human rights, and the right to life, while degrading the individual, and
serving no true justification of the action at all.
The death penalty has not always been popular in the United States. It arose in the early years of the more content...
As of April 2008, since 1976, Texas has had a shockingly high 405 executions. Virginia has had 98,
and Oklahoma has had 86. These numbers show that the majority of U.S. believes that the death
penalty is fair and right, despite many protesters everywhere. ("Death Penalty")
The death penalty denies the right to human life. The laws of this country restrict and harm one's
life when you have the ability to take it away. Often times people are not awarded a fair trial. This
means that they do not have the ability to appeal the conviction. By doing that, you do not allow one
to have the right to life.
The death penalty is not needed in our society. There is no social need to kill another for its
actions. It does not meet any vital need of society. There is no evidence anywhere that killing a
person will deter another from committing the same crime. The same crimes committed by people
who are executed are continually done. The death penalty does nothing to prevent or stop these
crimes. ("Amnesty International")
The death penalty strongly denies basic human rights. Why is it okay for a criminal to be killed for
his or her crimes? Are they really worthy of death? A person can be killed for killing another, but
one cannot be punished for other crimes with torture or imprisonment without trial. ("Amnesty
International") Some say murder is a crime so evil it requires death, but why does society not punish
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Pro Capital Punishment Essays

  • 1. Pro Capital Punishment In order to limit the number of crimes, keeping innocent people from getting executed, and save the taxpayers millions of dollars, we need to eliminate the death penalty in all states for good. Capital punishment has occurred in the U.S. since colonial times. Since then, more than 13,000 people have been lawfully executed. There are 31 states that still allow the death penalty, and they must change. These states need to eliminate it on the grounds that it transmits a dangerous risk of punishing the innocent, it is wrong and cruel, and is an ineffective prevention of crime versus the other option of life in prison without parole. Once a convict is executed, zero can be done to make things right if an error has been made. There is more content... Where does the hostility and obliviousness stop once it begins? Murder is unaccepted by society, yet people seem to appease themselves by killing criminals. Is that not reflected to be murder? Sentencing a criminal to death does not resolve the issues and questions that are left behind. Parents will still cry for a child that is not ever coming home. Grieving families will still hold an endless heartache, and the criminal no longer has to pay for the penalties of their actions. The only people left to pay are taxpayers. According to IDEA, "Capital punishment costs more than life without parole." Reports in the U.S. show that capital cases, from arrest to execution, cost between one million and seven million dollars because of an endless series of appeals. Society takes many dangers in which innocent lives can be lost. We construct bridges, going in knowing that statistically some employees will be killed during construction; we take great defenses to limit the number of accidental casualties. But wrongful executions are an avoidable danger. By replacing a sentence of life without parole, we meet society's needs of punishment and safety without overseeing the risk of a flawed and irreversible Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Capital Punishment Capital Punishment The definition of capital punishment is the legal punishment of death for violating criminal law. The person who gets capital punishment is the ones who committed serious crimes. Methods of capital punishment throughout the world are by stoning, beheading, hanging, electrocution, lethal injection and shooting. The two most common methods capital punishment use in the United States are lethal injection and electrocution. The lethal injection is the most used form of capital punishment. It's an intravenous shot that kills the criminal quick and painless. When capital punishment is done by electrocution the criminal is strapped to a chair that a volts of electricity is pass through. In America if all people more content... The first pros of capital punishment are that it works as deterrence against major crimes. The death penalty is a punishment that creates fear in the mind of any sane person. Most criminals would think twice if they knew their own lives were at stake. Although there is no statistical evidence that death penalty deters crime, we have to agree that most of us fear death. The most conclusive evidence that criminals fear the death penalty more than life without parole is provided by convicted capital murderers and their attorneys. 99.9% of all convicted capital murderers and their attorneys argue for life, not death, in the punishment phase of their trial. (prodeathpenalty) A Second pro is that a criminal that is executed can't another crime or escape. A dead criminal can no longer commit a crime, and therefore the danger to the public is permanently removed. A third pro of capital punishment is that it's more economical. Why should money be spent on a criminal when it could be spent on education, the sick, or the needy? The only reason why it is so expensive to execute an individual, is because of the numerous appeal processes. (~ab2166) Another pro is that the retribution to the family and loves ones of the victims is payed. Endless stress and anxiety plague the families of the victims and executions puts all those stresses to rest better than life–long imprisonment or Get more content on
  • 3. Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment 1. Morality PRO: "The crimes of rape, torture, treason, kidnapping, murder, larceny, and perjury pivot on a moral code that escapes apodictic [indisputably true] proof by expert testimony or otherwise. But communities would plunge into anarchy if they could not act on moral assumptions less certain than that the sun will rise in the east and set in the west. Abolitionists may contend that the death penalty is inherently immoral because governments should never take human life, no matter what the provocation. But that is an article of faith, not of fact. The death penalty honors human dignity by treating the defendant as a free moral actor able to control his own destiny for good or for ill; it does not treat him as an animal with no more content... People fear nothing more than death. Therefore, nothing will deter a criminal more than the fear of death... life in prison is less feared. Murderers clearly prefer it to execution –– otherwise, they would not try to be sentenced to life in prison instead of death... Therefore, a life sentence must be less deterrent than a death sentence. And we must execute murderers as long as it is merely possible that their execution protects citizens from future murder." Ernest Van Den Haag, PhD Late Professor of Jurisprudence at Fordham University "For the Death Penalty," New York Times Oct. 17, 1983 CON: "[T]here is no credible evidence that the death penalty deters crime more effectively than long terms of imprisonment. States that have death penalty laws do not have lower crime rates or murder rates than states without such laws. And states that have abolished capital punishment show no significant changes in either crime or murder rates. The death penalty has no deterrent effect. Claims that each execution deters a certain number of murders have been thoroughly discredited by social science research." American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) "The Death Penalty: Questions and Answers," Apr. 9, 2007 4. Retribution PRO: "Society is justly ordered when each person receives what is due to him. Crime disturbs this just order, for the criminal takes from people their lives, peace, liberties, and worldly goods in order to give himself Get more content on
  • 4. The Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment Capital punishment has been utilized as a sentence long before the establishment of justice systems and since that time has been a highly contested debate. With the advent and addition of justice systems, much of the topics of debate have remained the same with proponents arguing both sides and citing information to support their claim. Debates over whether capital punishment as a threat deters future crimes, the repercussions of making a legal mistake in handing a death sentence, and the morality of the issue are fiercely contested. I argue in favor of capital punishment by disproving the opposing side's arguments and providing support for pro–capital punishment. One of the major topics of debate, in relation to the death penalty, refers to deterrence and how well the threat of death as a punishment works to deter criminals from engaging in serious crimes. There have been mixed results from both supporting and opposing groups drawing their data from studies conducted in the early 1900's to present times. The opposing group cites data that is dated and rely on studies that show very little significance between the concept of deterrence and its effectiveness at hindering crime. When the capital punishment was reintroduced in 1976 after a four–year moratorium, it came on the heels of discrediting studies on the deterrent effect of capital punishment. Despite this, Justice Potter Stewart cited inconclusive studies but still concluded that "the death penalty undoubtedly is a Get more content on
  • 5. Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment Capital punishment, death penalty or execution is government sanctioned punishment by death. The sentence is referred to as a death sentence. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are also known as capital crimes or capital offences. Thirty–six countries have actively practice capital punishment, 103 countries have completely abolished it for all crimes, six have abolished it for ordinary crimes while maintaining it for special circumstances such as war crimes, and 50 have abolished it de facto, meaning they have not used it for at least ten years and/or are under moratorium. Capital punishment is a matter of active controversy because it is endorsing violence as the only solution for violence, because it is a violation of human rights and because of the millions misspent by taxing people for it. One cannot react to violence with more violence. It is like trying to stop a fire with more fire, it will only make the flame stronger and in the long run will cause more damage. "As one whose husband and mother–in–law have died the victims of murder assassination, I stand firmly and unequivocally opposed to the death penalty for those convicted of capital offenses. An evil deed is not redeemed by an evil deed of retaliation. Justice is never advanced in the taking of a human life. Morality is never upheld by a legalized murder. (Coretta Scott King–". Also, there is no difference between murdering and executing someone. It is at the end the same concept, just Get more content on
  • 6. Those that find themselves on either side of the death penalty debate fall within two camps. On one side those that are pro death penalty argue on the bases of justice and law, versus those that are in the anti–death penalty opponent who argue based on the law and morality (Fletcher, 1995). In either case the commonality between these two opposing views is not so much the law itself, but more of its interpretation, meaning the anti–death penalty faction suggest that the states taking of a persons life is in violation of cruel and unseal punishment statues of the Constitution as well as the tenant of the declaration of independence which the government is obligated to guarantee the unalienable rights of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness particularly in regards of "life" part of this famous passage. Get more content on
  • 7. Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment The law on this planet, and for this society, will not include the death penalty. I will explain my decision, while showing alternative punishments to the death penalty. The punishments have to be harsh so people are discouraged to violate the law. Punishments for other crimes will also be discussed, but in lesser detail. The crimes include, theft, trespassing, and littering. To improve this society, a crime will be punished whether it be a misdemeanor or a crime against humanity. The degree of the punishment will differ, but the society needs to understand violating the law is wrong. In some cases capital punishment can result in innocent lives being lost. People are not perfect which results in innocent people being falsely accused and convicted. Forensic scientist have to be careful in order to find the right person. Eyewitnesses and polygraphs are not correct every single case as well. Randall Dale Adams was wrongfully convicted and was almost sentenced to the death penalty, until he was found innocent. He was framed by one of the eyewitnesses who was the actual killer. Even if 99 out of 100 cases were right, the death penalty would still result in an innocent person's death. In my opinion, being sentenced to a life in prison is a better alternative for an innocent convict. However, an unfortunate side to this is that not everyone falsely convicted will be found innocent. I believe sentencing someone to a life in prison for a crime is more necessary and Get more content on
  • 8. Reasons For Pro Capital Punishment Cultural Relativist states that morality is created collectively by groups of humans and differs from society to society. Each type of society has its own moral norms which are binding on the people who belong to that type of society. Each type of society defines who is and who is not a member of the moral community. When it comes tocapital punishment, you could use Cultural Relativist as a tool or guide. There are many people who fall into different types of groups when talking about capital punishment, there are some people who are pro–capital punishment and there are others who are against it. Capital punishment is defined as: the legally authorized killing of someone as punishment for a crime. There are many reasons to be pro–capital punishment for example; Safety is the first thing that comes to my mind, you have one less person to worry about ever going to cause harm or pain in the world ever again. The second is the cost of prison time, sending people away to prison is a lot more expensive today than it was years ago. This is where capital punishment comes into place. It is a lot cheaper to just execute someone then just send them to jail. When it comes to being against capital punishment this is where certain types of religions come into place, others may not believe in executing someone because their religion does not approve of that type of treatment. In other words, God simply would not support the idea of execution. Another example would be morality, the Get more content on
  • 9. The Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment As of 2017, there are 31 states in the United States that allow the death penalty to be issued as a suitable form of punishment. Capital punishment has often been seen as a form of vengeance and restitution against society's worst criminals. The death penalty is discussed over its appropriateness for any crime and the long–term benefits of allowing states to use it as a form of punishment. I believe the death penalty is the wrong way to give justice. However, my roommate, Rachel Krause, has a firm view of the death penalty and its usefulness for the state. She believes the death penalty is an effective way to ensure justice is truly obtained and can substitute as a more economical option. Rachel pointed out that the Supreme Court has upheld the constitutionality of the death penalty. Former Associate Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court Antonio Scalia even writes that "not once in the history of the American Republic has this Court ever suggested the death penalty is categorically impermissible." She believes the death penalty to oftentimes be an appropriate punishment. Sentencing murderers to a long period of time without parole often does not equate to the heinousness of the crime committed. The victim's family can gain a sense of justice knowing that the killer has paid the ultimate price for his or her actions. Rachel pointed out the death penalty is known to be a deterrent for future crimes. If potential criminals know that they will be put to death, many of them might Get more content on
  • 10. Persuasive Essay for Pro Capital Punishment Persuasive Essay Why Capital Punishment Should Remain in Effect Stefanie Ridgway DeVry University, ENGL 112 Professor Adams April 19, 2010 Capital punishment, otherwise known as the death penalty, has been effective tool in our country's justice system since its inception. When an inmate is given this, the harshest sentence available, it is always with just cause. Capital Punishment is an important tool in our criminal justice system today and there are several reasons it should remain in effect. Although capital punishment opponents would argue otherwise, there is undeniable proof that capital punishment is in fact a deterrent to committing crimes with that would warrant this sentence. One of the most basic more content... As you can see the numbers speak for themselves. Although our nation has gotten away from it in recent years, we were founded by those who had strong religious beliefs. On this note there are several passages in the bible that speak of letting the punishment fit the crime, hence making the victim whole again. Take, for example, Leviticus 24:19–23. This passage implicitly reads as follows: "19Anyone who maims another shall suffer the same injury in return: 20fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth; the injury inflicted is the injury to be suffered. 21One who kills an animal shall make restitution for it; but one who kills a human being shall be put to death." The principle here is making the victim whole. We must remember that when the circumstances warrant capital punishment the details of the crime are usually tremendously heinous. That being said sometimes capital punishment is the only fair and equitable punishment. In an effort to make sure that innocent men and women are not wrongly convicted in capital punishments cases, they are given a wide range of appeals procedures. Immediately following sentencing an automatic appeals process called Direct Review begins. It is during this process that appellate courts review the lower trial court's decision, checking for errors and making sure the case was tried on sound judgment. If any errors are found Get more content on
  • 11. Pro Death Penalty Essay Jonathan Lewin Miss Woods English 2 Honors – Period 6 22 February 2016 Benefits of the Death Penalty One of the most debated issues, whether capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, should be banned or still be used, is still a widely disputed issue at the heart of political debate. Many states recently have been abolishing capital punishment. Yet, as of October 2014, support for capital punishment is still strong as three fifths of Americans continue to back capital punishment. It is important that capital punishment is included as a punishment for all violent criminals for it can be used as a deterrent, taxpayers have to pay less money to sustain criminals, and an executed criminal is no longer a threat to society. States that are considering abolishing capital punishment or have banned it already should look at the positives of capital punishment and reconsider. The first reason to support capital punishment is that taxpayers will not have to pay as much money to house, feed, and provide healthcare for violent criminals. "About 44 million people in this country have no health insurance, and another 38 million have inadequate health insurance." (PBS) This is a shocking statistic as criminals in jail are provided with free health care which over 25% of America still doesn't have. "For the average 632 prisoners in maximum security prison, the cost was $62,730 each. For those in minimum security, the cost was $47,679 per offender." (McGowan) The cost of Get more content on
  • 12. Persuasive Essay On Capital Punishment Capital punishment is one of the most controversial topics in today's world. Many people believe that it is morally wrong to have capital punishment as a sentence to a crime. People also do believe that it is morally permissible for a severe crime. Capital punishment is also known as the death penalty. It can be given as a sentence when somebody is convicted of an extremely violent crime. The biggest issue that can be seen with this is that somebody could be innocent and sentenced with the death penalty because of the nature of the crime that they have been accused of even if they didn't commit it. I believe that there is a moral line between using the death penalty and using other forms of punishment. Many people use the moral reasoning of an eye for an eye to justify capital punishment. However this doesn't work because a murderer would be murdered, a robber would be robbed, a thief would be stolen from, a drug dealer would be sold drugs and so on down the line for the rest of the infinite number of possible offenses. This doesn't work because most of them wouldn't care if it was done back to them because they think it morally acceptable to commit these crimes and that they would just be having something that is morally acceptable done to them. Many criminals don't have super serious offenses that deserve to have an eye for an eye. For example, a drug dealer is probably addicted to drugs so to sell and make them use drugs would just be feeding the, addiction Get more content on
  • 13. Pro Death Penalty Essay Capital punishment and the practice of the death penalty is an issue that is passionately debated in the United States. Opponents of the death penalty claim that capital punishment is unnecessary since a life sentence accomplishes the same objective. What death penalty opponents neglect to tell you is that convicted murders and child rapists escape from prison every year(List of prison escapes, 2015). As I write this essay, police are searching for two convicted murders who escaped from the Clinton Correctional Facility in Dannemora, New York on June 6th, 2015. The ONLY punishment from which one cannot escape is the death penalty. Opponents of the death penalty believe capital punishment is unnecessary and inappropriate in our more content... A fifth rationale in opposition is that the death penalty is too expensive or too costly to taxpayers to justify its use. According to those who oppose the death penalty and certain studies, it costs more to execute a person than to keep him or her in prison for life (Death Penalty Focus, 2015). Finally, it is believed by some that the killing at the hands of the state is not a righteous act but instead is on the same moral level as the murderers themselves. According to capital punishment supporters, many of these reasons of the anti–death penalty movement are false and are now wrongly accepted as fact. The argument that the death penalty does not deter crime is debatable. By executing murderers you prevent them from murdering again. If these people no longer exist then they obviously cannot commit more crimes. In addition, criminals have admitted, in thousands of fully documented cases, that the death penalty was the specific threat which deterred them from committing murder (Pro–Death Penalty, 2014). The opponents of capital punishment claim that the death penalty has caused and can cause the execution of innocent people. However, according to the supporters, no evidence indicates that innocent people have been executed. Upon reviewing 23 years of capital sentences, a Wall Street Journal study indicated that they were unable to find a single case in which an innocent person was executed (Eddlem, 2002). Furthermore, advocates note that the Get more content on
  • 14. Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment When a capital punishment case is reversed, it can create potential complications to present, future and past court cases. One of the main arguments debated is when a case is reversed because of intellectual disability. People question past cases where offenders might have had intellectual disability and did not receive the same treatment as a case that has been reversed. For example, Cecil Clayton (who killed a police officer), he was executed on March 17, 2015. Clayton was missing twenty percent of his brain due to an accident in 1972. After psychiatrists examined Clayton, they concluded: There is presently no way that this man could be expected to function in the world of work. Were he pushed to do so he would become a danger both to himself and others. He has had both suicidal and homicidal impulses, so far controlled, though under pressure they would be expected to exacerbate. (DPIC, 2017). His psychiatric evaluations lead to doctors asking for him to be exempt from execution because he did not understand why he was going to be executed. Once a court has reversed a capital punishment due to mental retardation, it is only fair that these questions arise. As some cases have linked mental retardation death penalty laws with offenders committing a crime under the age of 18 years–old (juveniles) and not being sentenced to death (Roper v. Simmons for example), others will try to link similar laws to prevent from being executed. If this were to happen often, what would Get more content on
  • 15. The Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment Essay The Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment Since the mid 1900's, capital punishment has brought many individuals into many diverse view points throughout the years. Capital punishment is a way of punishing a convict by killing him or her because of the crime he or she committed. Capital punishment will always have its pros and cons. There are opponents who absolutely disagree with capital punishment. And then there are advocates who support the idea. In the advocates view point, capital punishment is a way to minimize the threat in the world today. In the opponent's point of view, opponents disagree with capital punishment, because of the high expenses it brings to the states. Also, opponents argue that capital more content... The opponent's view things quite differently, they disagree with capital punishment because of the amount of money it actually takes to proceed with the procedure. They believe that it is highly expensive and such money is not necessary. They prefer to abolish the capital punishment laws within their government because not only is it too expensive but it also contradicts the government because they are killing their own citizens. California is a state that carries the capital punishment law, and California uses ninety million a year of the government and state's money to pay for executions annually. Therefore, opponents in the states that do have the capital punishment law believe that they should spend their tax money on other projects rather than millions a year on citizens who commit horrendous crimes. Also, another reason they disagree with capital punishment is because of the innocent individuals that actually wait on death row. There are many innocent people who are consequently found guilty and are sentenced to a death penalty. Some individuals wait on death row for ten to twenty years and waste their life there. This happens to the innocent convicts either because of the lawyers they received. Many are poor and live in low income families where they cannot afford good lawyers, but receive fairly "green" lawyers. Some lawyers are even found to daze off Get more content on
  • 16. Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment Last year in 2016, only 20 executions were conducted nationwide. This is the lowest number of executions since 1991 when the nation only executed 14 criminals (Death Penalty Information Center). Undoubtedly, the death penalty has sparked some heated debates over the years, and Americans are still torn between killing dangerous criminals or letting them deteriorate in prison. Although there are some reasonable concerns with if capital punishment should be taking place, Kantian and Utilitarian philosophy have accurately depicted how capital punishment should be an acceptable punishment for dangerous criminals who have committed abominable crimes. Jeremy Bentham the philosopher who was founder of the Utilitarian philosophy firmly believed that society should have the chance to be happy. The entire Utilitarian belief rest on that view. The primary goal for an individual who lives under the Utilitarian philosophy is simply happiness. Happiness for their community, happiness for the government, and happiness for themselves. A Utilitarian will only make decisions that will lead to happiness. A Utilitarian makes decisions concerning politics, concerning their community and their everyday lives based upon happiness and pain. The only way to achieve happiness is to make decisions that will only bring pleasure and avoid decisions that will generate any sort of pain. In a way, Utilitarian's are governed by what brings them pain and pleasure. In the debate about capital punishment, the Get more content on
  • 17. The Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment Capital Punishment, also known as the death penalty, is the gravest punishment in the U.S. criminal justice system (Van den Haag, E., & Olin, J. M., 1986); It is the legal killing of a person guilty of committing heinous and malum in se acts against the public, such as the intentional killing of an individual, intentionally committing an act of violence knowing that it may be deadly to an individual, inflicting injury to a victim resulting in death, etc. (18 U.S. Code В§ 3591). According to the U.S. Code, "(a) A defendant who has been found guilty of– ... shall be sentenced to death if, after consideration of the factors set forth in section 3592 in the course of a hearing held pursuant to section 3593, it is determined that imposition of a more content... Although there has been an abundant effort made to fully prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a person sentenced to death is guilty of his crime, "37% of all death row cases [since 1973] have been overturned for due process reasons or commuted" (Sharp, D., 1997). Furthermore, according to the Innocence Project, 349 individuals have exonerated due to new DNA evidence and there have been 149 newly identified perpetrators in national cases (Help Us Put An End To Wrongful Convictions!, 2017). A growing problem in the Criminal Justice System (CJS) is in prosecuting innocent persons; former Illinois Governor George Ryan recognized this problem and decided to "pardoning four death row inmates and commuting the sentences of 167 men and women" (Holguin, J., 2003). Three years prior, Governor Ryan enacted a moratorium, a legal suspension on a certain law or procedure, on executions after being informed of thirteen wrongfully convicted death row inmates (Holguin, J., 2003). According to the article, "the only way capital punishment will survive as a legal option over the next 10 years is if the procedures by which men and women are sentenced to death are fixed from the ground up; from and within state legislatures" (Holguin, J., 2003). Another issue with the death penalty was that the mentally challenged might have been taken advantage of in trial leading to a capital punishment conviction, however, in 1989, the UN Get more content on
  • 18. Pros And Cons Of Capital Punishment Capital punishment also known as the death penalty is a government sanctioned practice whereby a person is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime. In 2004 four (China, Iran, Vietnam and the US) accounted for 97 percent of all global executions. On average, every 9–10 days a government in the United States executes a prisoner.(kathy Gill 2017) There are a lot of different kinds of capital punishment. Capital punishment was the use of long time ago, in this time a lot of country cancel Capital Punishment. In this time for Capital Punishment is used Lethal Injection.In America there 33 states have Capital Punishment, and another 17 states cancel the Capital Punishment. As of April 1, 2008, the Death Penalty was authorized by 37 states, the Federal Government, and the U.S. Military. Those jurisdictions without the Death Penalty include 13 states and the District of Columbia. (Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Dakota, Rhode Island, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wisconsin).(D P) Capital Punishment should be legal and use in our country because it can help to deter against crimes, save money for the government and help us to treat everyone fair. In our country capital punishment need to be used every State. Capital Punishment should be legal because it can help to deter people, so that they cannot commit crimes. Conducive to social harmony and stability. Death penalty is the necessary way to punish some special crimes Get more content on
  • 19. Essay on The Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment The topic of capital punishment is one that is highly debated in our society today. Capital punishment is the ultimate punishment our society can give one for their actions. On the other hand, it is viewed as a denial of human rights that promotes more violence in our society. Religious states that in the United States, over 13,000 people have been legally executed since colonial times. ("Religious Tolerance") Is capital punishment a moral act? It is not a moral punishment as it denies human rights, and the right to life, while degrading the individual, and serving no true justification of the action at all. The death penalty has not always been popular in the United States. It arose in the early years of the more content... As of April 2008, since 1976, Texas has had a shockingly high 405 executions. Virginia has had 98, and Oklahoma has had 86. These numbers show that the majority of U.S. believes that the death penalty is fair and right, despite many protesters everywhere. ("Death Penalty") The death penalty denies the right to human life. The laws of this country restrict and harm one's life when you have the ability to take it away. Often times people are not awarded a fair trial. This means that they do not have the ability to appeal the conviction. By doing that, you do not allow one to have the right to life. The death penalty is not needed in our society. There is no social need to kill another for its actions. It does not meet any vital need of society. There is no evidence anywhere that killing a person will deter another from committing the same crime. The same crimes committed by people who are executed are continually done. The death penalty does nothing to prevent or stop these crimes. ("Amnesty International") The death penalty strongly denies basic human rights. Why is it okay for a criminal to be killed for his or her crimes? Are they really worthy of death? A person can be killed for killing another, but one cannot be punished for other crimes with torture or imprisonment without trial. ("Amnesty International") Some say murder is a crime so evil it requires death, but why does society not punish others Get more content on