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essaging solutions systems infrastructure data stora
enhanced services support wireless computing solutions
 communications solutions data & network security telepr
systems infrastructure
                                                      data & network security   wireless

                                                        Complete Solutions
                                                        End-to-end solutions for your most demanding
Presidio is:                                            business challenges.

People delivering measurable business value.            Our solutions portfolio was built, and continues to grow, with
Every business day, for more than thirty years, a       the single goal of providing end-to-end, advanced IT life
Presidio solution has achieved exceptional results.     cycle solutions to our clients. Our more than 500 technology
Clients rely on us to keep their infrastructure         consulting professionals contribute their skills and expertise
                                                        throughout the life cycle of the technology solutions we
delivering solid and consistent returns.
                                                        architect, implement, optimize and operate. Here’s how:
A lasting investment and a lasting partnership.         • We listen. We help you identify and acquire the
                                                          optimal technology to realize your business goals.
Presidio combines the strategic vision, planning
                                                        • We assign talent with relevant expertise and
skills and business acumen typically found in
                                                          experience to design and validate a comprehensive
only the largest consulting companies, with the
                                                          architecture for your infrastructure, within your time
actionable, results-oriented approach of systems          and budget constraints.
integrators. Collectively, our professionals have
                                                        • We manage the infrastructure, from health
helped design and implement some of the largest,
                                                          and performance monitoring through total
most complex and most reliable IT Infrastructures
                                                          out-tasking of the operation of your environment
for some of the most critical business applications       using ITIL compliant tools and processes.
in the world.
                                                        • We implement using our proven Total Success
                                                          Methodology (TSM) to ensure a successful migration
We want to do the same for you.                           to your new technology.

                                                        Measurable Value
                                                        Value you can predict. Value you can measure.
                                                        Your IT infrastructure is a business asset. How is it
                                                        performing for you and your customers? How much
                                                        of your staff’s time is sidetracked by learning, managing,
                                                        maintaining and optimizing your systems?
                                                        • Presidio delivers predictable and sustainable cost
                                                          containment for your business.
                                                        • We align the cost of technology with its
                                                          business benefits.
                                                        • We simplify your project management for you.

                                                        exceptional People
                                                        Deep knowledge. Broad expertise. Relentless commitment.
                                                        Presidio’s value is our people. They’re the backbone of our
                                                        business. They are our most important investment. The core
                                                        of our success...
                                                        To Presidio, every project is unique, every opportunity
                                                        distinct, every issue important. Each Presidio project team is
                                                        also unique, selected from our staff of hundreds of talented
                                                        engineers, support professionals, project managers and
                                                        more. Your Presidio team possesses the skills, creativity
                                                        and experience to analyze, design and execute the right
                                                        solution for you.
                                                        Your Presidio team has only one goal: your success.

2   I
data storage                                      Mobility Solutions                                           Virtualized Data
computing solutions                                 enhanced services support                                     Telepresence

         A Proven Process
         A History of Success.
         Every Presidio project adheres to a proven process, one that guides and supports our clients’ projects from
         plan to post-implementation: the Presidio Total Success Methodology (TSM).
         Field-tested and refined in thousands of projects, TSM has been critical to our success. It allows for flexibility
         while ensuring accountability. Take a look at each phase of our process.

                                    • PLAN Presidio works through all aspects of project planning including functional specification,
                                      risk assessments and test case development. The outcome is a plan that optimizes time, cost
                                      and resource requirements, reduces risk and maximizes efficiency.

                                    • DESIGN We develop your unique system design, creating a well-articulated system architecture.

                                    • INTEGRATE Presidio takes responsibility and is accountable for every step of the implementation
   our                                and integration process from procurement to acceptance testing. Our goal is a seamless

                                      integration and a performance-ready solution.

                                    • OPERATE When your Presidio solution is launched, you’re ready for business. We provide
   SUCCeSS                            documentation, training and post-implementation support as components of our fully
                                      integrated process.
                                    • OPTIMIZE Through our managed and professional services, we perform ongoing system
                                      monitoring, remote operations, security updates, change management and more.

         Presidio Architects and Implements
         Advanced Technology Solutions.
         Your IT infrastructure is complex. Extensive. Diverse.         Presidio recognizes the importance of consultative support
         Multifaceted. It extends into the data center and              to span your organization’s entire IT infrastructure.
         out to the cell phone. It delivers value in every
                                                                        We understand providing this full-spectrum capability
         corner of the enterprise—from circuit board
                                                                        is a prerequisite for a successful partnership in this day
         to board room. Yet optimal performance
                                                                        of infrastructure virtualization and convergence. As
         demands excellence in design, implementation
                                                                        technologies blend and overlap, your organization
         and operation—the hallmarks of a Presidio
                                                                        cannot settle for piecemeal answers. You require a
         architected solution.
                                                                        partner who understands your whole network and
         Just as there are many sides to your IT infrastructure,        stands ready to support your entire organization. We
         there are many sides to Presidio Networked Solutions.          have built Presidio from the ground up to be that partner.
         Our technical qualifications and practical experience
         are broad and deep, ensuring the success of your               Skilled architects. Experienced implementers.
         technology initiatives. But Presidio is more than just         Knowledgeable consultants. We’re all these things.
         technical excellence.                                          We are your trusted advisor.

                                                                                                              I   3
messaging solutions                                      systems infrastructure
          enhanced services support                                  wireless computing solution

      Presidio Practices
      Built around technology solutions, Presidio’s           The Presidio Telecom
      practices encompass the complete Advanced
      IT solution life cycle.
                                                              Solution delivers:
      • CollABorATIoN
                                                              • ADVISORY & CONSULTING SERVICES
        Unified Communications
                                                                Presidio offers a variety of consulting services,
        Contact Center
                                                                from initial assessment and analysis, through
                                                                specification and procurement, to ongoing
                                                                guidance focused on continually improving the
        Custom Application Development
                                                                value of your telecom investment.
      • dATA CeNTer/VIrTUAlIzATIoN
                                                              • COST MANAGEMENT & REPORTING
        Server Consolidation/Refresh
                                                                Presidio offers comprehensive inventory and
        Blade Servers
                                                                invoice tracking and reporting.
        Private Cloud Computing
        Storage Consolidation                                 • AUDIT & RECOVERY
        Converged Infrastructure                                Presidio provides telecom inventory audit, billing
        Unified Fabric                                          error discovery and correction, overbilling
        Greening Initiatives                                    recovery and tax and contract compliance
        Power and Cooling Solutions                             verification.
        Lowered Carbon Footprint                              • PROVISIONING MANAGEMENT
      • MoBIlITY                                                Presidio will manage every aspect of your telecom
        Design and Assessment                                   provisioning, including: moves, adds, changes
        Outdoor Campus and Metropolitan Area Solutions          and disconnects (MACDs); order tracking;
        Location Services (RFID)                                LEC/IXC coordination and deployment project
        Security Assessment and Remediation                     management.
        Mobile Voice and Fixed/Mobile Convergence             Make no mistake about it. Your telecommunications
        Development and Customization Services                infrastructure requires as much attention as your IT
        Remote Operations Services for Deployed               infrastructure. It is a core information artery and
        WLAN Environments                                     that is where Presidio Telecom Solution delivers
      • SeCUrITY                                              quantifiable business value.
        Data Loss Prevention
        Access Control and Identity Management
        Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
        Unified Communications Security
        Network Host Security
        Managed Security Services
        Configuration and Event Management
        Proactive Incident Investigation                       did you know?
        Regulatory Compliance
        Vulnerability                                          Presidio applies the same
                                                               extraordinary skills, experience
                                                               and service quality to all our
                                                               managed solutions.

  4   I
Telepresence                                                  enhanced services support
ns     enhanced services support                                                  wireless computing solutions

      PreSIdIo Services
      Presidio professional and managed services include:

      · Remote Operations Support – Presidio professionals design the network infrastructure your organization needs to
        thrive, then help ensure you get full value from it. From design and implementation to periodic health checks and
        ongoing monitoring, Presidio optimizes your IT Infrastructure Technology investments. Presidio becomes part of your
        IT team. We are responsible to keep you running.

      · Enhanced Services Support – When a manufacturer’s maintenance contract just isn’t enough, Presidio has your back.
        Our Enhanced Services Support allows you to consolidate all your support contracts with us. You can rely on us as your
        first and single point of contact to triage and resolve a problem in your infrastructure. We work with our technology
        providers on your behalf to ensure you are getting the support you deserve, in the timeframe you need, to resolve your
        problem quickly and permanently.

      · Carrier Services Solutions – Your IT Infrastructure doesn’t stop at the door in today’s high-contact world. Presidio telecom
        specialists ensure you have the communications links you need between sites and out to the world at large, keeping your
        organization effectively and efficiently connected for seamless communication.

                                                                                                        I    5
systems infrastructure           data storage
            data & network security   wireless computing solutions                                                                  e

Presidio STrATeGIC                              PArTNerS
Presidio Networked Solutions is proud of the circle of partners we’ve developed and of the contribution we make to those
partnerships… a lasting investment and a lasting partnership. Loyalty and trust are crucial elements to our success. This
can be seen in our strategic partnerships.

Presidio prefers to partner with select, industry-leading technology providers. This presents several advantages. It provides
our customers, and us, with access to technology solutions that companies without the deep relationships can’t get. It also
ensures that you are secure with both the technology investment our partners make, and also the investment in technologists
Presidio has made—to deliver and implement the very best solutions for your enterprise.

We are a Cisco Gold Partner, EMC Velocity Signature Partner, HP Preferred Partner, IBM Premier Business Partner, Microsoft
Gold Certified Partner and VMware Virtual Partner… An impressive list that attests to the excellence of our technology expertise.

    Presidio Manages
    Presidio Managed Networks.
    The complexity and 7x24 “never go down” nature of our              goal by providing streamlined, 7x24x365 monitoring and
    clients’ IT infrastructure makes operation and management          remote operations support services, backed by a network
    a significant challenge. One way to overcome this issue            of highly skilled engineers and technicians.
    is by leveraging remote operations and management
                                                                       Presidio will help you maintain the high availability and
    expertise from a trusted partner. This is where Presidio
                                                                       optimum performance your business requires from
    Sentry Managed Services comes in.
                                                                       your networks.
    The Sentry team ensures your IT solutions will not only
                                                                       Not ready yet for all-inclusive managed services? Then
    be up and running, but optimized for performance,                  out-tasking can be the answer for you. Out-tasking is
    reliability and cost-effectiveness. The result… Your               selective. We don’t take over. Our Sentry Services teams
    resources are free to focus on your organization’s core            manage what you want, where you need it.
    competencies. As your business evolves to address
                                                                       Our objectives are simple:
    new challenges and encompass new opportunities,
    external managed infrastructure resources become                   • Reduce the burden on your organization’s
    a valuable advantage, allowing your IT infrastructure                internal IT staff
    to adapt quickly to the changing requirements of                   • Increase the availability of your network
    your business.                                                       infrastructure and services
    Despite the inherent challenges, all this can be achieved          • Improve network and application performance
    without interrupting your business. Our goal is to provide
                                                                       • Improve network security
    seamless continuity for your organization, both during and
    after the migration, to managed services. We achieve this          • Control costs

6   I
Mobility Solutions                                      Virtualized Data Center Solutions
enhanced services support                               Telepresence     systems infrastructure

      Presidio Finances
      Presidio Technology Capital.
      Traditionally, IT and communications solutions require sub-
      stantial capital outlays well in advance of any benefit, with
      the break-even point years away and the constant risk of
      obsolescence an unavoidable hazard. Presidio provides
      acquisition assistance that enables you to align the costs of
      technology with the realization of its business benefits, shift
      costs from capital to operating budgets and outsource the
      risk of obsolescence and the expense of decommissioning
      outdated equipment.
      Presidio financial specialists provide innovative financing
      solutions structured to meet each client’s unique goals. Our
      Technology Investment Protection (TIP) program allows us
      to create a financing solution that fits your company’s
      individualized needs.

      Presidio listens
      Technical expertise and business acumen get us noticed.
      Consultative insight brings us center stage. Unwavering
      commitment to project success and lasting value earn
      our clients’ trust and respect. But the core of Presidio’s        did you know?
      success isn’t driven by what we bring to the table. It’s
      built on what we take away.                                       At our four Centers of
      When we sit down with you, we bring no preconceived               excellence, Presidio has
      notions of what we’ll do for you. Instead, we ask about your
      needs, your goals and your plans for the future of your           experienced engineers and
      organization. We listen to what you tell us. Only when
                                                                        extensive lab facilities available
      we really understand your organization do we begin to
      consider what we can do to provide support and help you           to construct proof-of-concept
      achieve your business goals.
      The most important part of our work isn’t about electronics
      or software or services. It isn’t about technology at all.
      It’s about understanding your business challenges
      and helping you leverage our expertise and our partners’
      technologies to overcome them.

                                                                                   I   7

                                                           to what YoU      Tell US.

The PreSIdIo TeAM at a GlANCe                                         Talk to us.
   • Presidio Account Executive                                       What does your organization need to move to the
     Because our AEs are knowledgeable professionals,                 next level? Where does your competitive edge need
     they’ll make the initial diligence phases of the                 honing? To discuss your organization, your goals and
     relationship progress seamlessly.                                how your infrastructure can better serve your needs,
                                                                      contact Presidio today.
   • Presidio Sales Engineers (SE)
     Early on, we assign an SE to your team. Our SEs provide
     critical technical validation and advice and together with
                                                                      Presidio Networked Solutions
     the AE, ensure we’re moving in the right direction.                 7601 ora Glen dr. Suite 100
                                                                         Greenbelt, Md 20770
   • Presidio Project Manager
     Training in the Project Management Institute’s Body of
     Knowledge, our Project Managers are highly trained to
     execute your project according to our field tested Total
     Success Methodology. They are measured on only one
                                                                         10 Sixth road
     thing – your satisfaction.
                                                                         Woburn, MA 01801
   • Presidio Consulting and Delivery Engineers
     Your Senior Engineer is involved in the project before an
     agreement is reached, advising, guiding and supporting              Two Sun Court
     the requirements analysis and solution specification                Norcross, GA 30092                                  me
     during the earliest phases of the relationship.                     888-786-3282

   • Your Sentry Managed Service Team
                                                                         770-449-6116                                         e
     As a client of our Sentry Managed Services, you have
     an entire team of highly qualified engineers and
                                                                         5337 Millenia lakes Boulevard                         c
                                                                         Suite 300
     operators who are watching your infrastructure                      orlando, Fl 32839
     7x24x365 and proactively notifying you of problems
     and their resolutions. Further, your Sentry team is                 800-345-7743
     constantly on the lookout for ways to optimize                      407-481-8600
     your infrastructure based on the latest best
     practices and or software/firmware/hardware               
     updates available to you.                                 

     Presidio Networked Solutions, Presidio Technology Capital and Sentry Managed Services are trademarks or
     registered trademarks of Presidio, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.

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Presidio Networked Solutions Overview

  • 1. essaging solutions systems infrastructure data stora enhanced services support wireless computing solutions communications solutions data & network security telepr
  • 2. systems infrastructure data & network security wireless Complete Solutions End-to-end solutions for your most demanding Presidio is: business challenges. People delivering measurable business value. Our solutions portfolio was built, and continues to grow, with Every business day, for more than thirty years, a the single goal of providing end-to-end, advanced IT life Presidio solution has achieved exceptional results. cycle solutions to our clients. Our more than 500 technology Clients rely on us to keep their infrastructure consulting professionals contribute their skills and expertise throughout the life cycle of the technology solutions we delivering solid and consistent returns. architect, implement, optimize and operate. Here’s how: A lasting investment and a lasting partnership. • We listen. We help you identify and acquire the optimal technology to realize your business goals. Presidio combines the strategic vision, planning • We assign talent with relevant expertise and skills and business acumen typically found in experience to design and validate a comprehensive only the largest consulting companies, with the architecture for your infrastructure, within your time actionable, results-oriented approach of systems and budget constraints. integrators. Collectively, our professionals have • We manage the infrastructure, from health helped design and implement some of the largest, and performance monitoring through total most complex and most reliable IT Infrastructures out-tasking of the operation of your environment for some of the most critical business applications using ITIL compliant tools and processes. in the world. • We implement using our proven Total Success Methodology (TSM) to ensure a successful migration We want to do the same for you. to your new technology. Measurable Value Value you can predict. Value you can measure. Your IT infrastructure is a business asset. How is it performing for you and your customers? How much of your staff’s time is sidetracked by learning, managing, maintaining and optimizing your systems? • Presidio delivers predictable and sustainable cost containment for your business. • We align the cost of technology with its business benefits. • We simplify your project management for you. exceptional People Deep knowledge. Broad expertise. Relentless commitment. Presidio’s value is our people. They’re the backbone of our business. They are our most important investment. The core of our success... To Presidio, every project is unique, every opportunity distinct, every issue important. Each Presidio project team is also unique, selected from our staff of hundreds of talented engineers, support professionals, project managers and more. Your Presidio team possesses the skills, creativity and experience to analyze, design and execute the right solution for you. Your Presidio team has only one goal: your success. 2 I
  • 3. data storage Mobility Solutions Virtualized Data computing solutions enhanced services support Telepresence A Proven Process A History of Success. Every Presidio project adheres to a proven process, one that guides and supports our clients’ projects from plan to post-implementation: the Presidio Total Success Methodology (TSM). Field-tested and refined in thousands of projects, TSM has been critical to our success. It allows for flexibility while ensuring accountability. Take a look at each phase of our process. • PLAN Presidio works through all aspects of project planning including functional specification, risk assessments and test case development. The outcome is a plan that optimizes time, cost and resource requirements, reduces risk and maximizes efficiency. • DESIGN We develop your unique system design, creating a well-articulated system architecture. • INTEGRATE Presidio takes responsibility and is accountable for every step of the implementation our and integration process from procurement to acceptance testing. Our goal is a seamless ToTAl integration and a performance-ready solution. • OPERATE When your Presidio solution is launched, you’re ready for business. We provide SUCCeSS documentation, training and post-implementation support as components of our fully integrated process. MeThodoloGY • OPTIMIZE Through our managed and professional services, we perform ongoing system monitoring, remote operations, security updates, change management and more. Presidio Architects and Implements Advanced Technology Solutions. Your IT infrastructure is complex. Extensive. Diverse. Presidio recognizes the importance of consultative support Multifaceted. It extends into the data center and to span your organization’s entire IT infrastructure. out to the cell phone. It delivers value in every We understand providing this full-spectrum capability corner of the enterprise—from circuit board is a prerequisite for a successful partnership in this day to board room. Yet optimal performance of infrastructure virtualization and convergence. As demands excellence in design, implementation technologies blend and overlap, your organization and operation—the hallmarks of a Presidio cannot settle for piecemeal answers. You require a architected solution. partner who understands your whole network and Just as there are many sides to your IT infrastructure, stands ready to support your entire organization. We there are many sides to Presidio Networked Solutions. have built Presidio from the ground up to be that partner. Our technical qualifications and practical experience are broad and deep, ensuring the success of your Skilled architects. Experienced implementers. technology initiatives. But Presidio is more than just Knowledgeable consultants. We’re all these things. technical excellence. We are your trusted advisor. I 3
  • 4. messaging solutions systems infrastructure enhanced services support wireless computing solution Presidio Practices Built around technology solutions, Presidio’s The Presidio Telecom practices encompass the complete Advanced IT solution life cycle. Solution delivers: • CollABorATIoN • ADVISORY & CONSULTING SERVICES Unified Communications Presidio offers a variety of consulting services, Contact Center from initial assessment and analysis, through Video specification and procurement, to ongoing Presence guidance focused on continually improving the Custom Application Development value of your telecom investment. • dATA CeNTer/VIrTUAlIzATIoN • COST MANAGEMENT & REPORTING Server Consolidation/Refresh Presidio offers comprehensive inventory and Blade Servers invoice tracking and reporting. Private Cloud Computing Storage Consolidation • AUDIT & RECOVERY Converged Infrastructure Presidio provides telecom inventory audit, billing Unified Fabric error discovery and correction, overbilling Greening Initiatives recovery and tax and contract compliance Power and Cooling Solutions verification. Lowered Carbon Footprint • PROVISIONING MANAGEMENT • MoBIlITY Presidio will manage every aspect of your telecom Design and Assessment provisioning, including: moves, adds, changes Outdoor Campus and Metropolitan Area Solutions and disconnects (MACDs); order tracking; Location Services (RFID) LEC/IXC coordination and deployment project Security Assessment and Remediation management. Mobile Voice and Fixed/Mobile Convergence Make no mistake about it. Your telecommunications Development and Customization Services infrastructure requires as much attention as your IT Remote Operations Services for Deployed infrastructure. It is a core information artery and WLAN Environments that is where Presidio Telecom Solution delivers • SeCUrITY quantifiable business value. Data Loss Prevention Access Control and Identity Management Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Unified Communications Security Network Host Security Managed Security Services Configuration and Event Management Proactive Incident Investigation did you know? Regulatory Compliance Vulnerability Presidio applies the same extraordinary skills, experience and service quality to all our managed solutions. 4 I
  • 5. Telepresence enhanced services support ns enhanced services support wireless computing solutions PreSIdIo Services Presidio professional and managed services include: · Remote Operations Support – Presidio professionals design the network infrastructure your organization needs to thrive, then help ensure you get full value from it. From design and implementation to periodic health checks and ongoing monitoring, Presidio optimizes your IT Infrastructure Technology investments. Presidio becomes part of your IT team. We are responsible to keep you running. · Enhanced Services Support – When a manufacturer’s maintenance contract just isn’t enough, Presidio has your back. Our Enhanced Services Support allows you to consolidate all your support contracts with us. You can rely on us as your first and single point of contact to triage and resolve a problem in your infrastructure. We work with our technology providers on your behalf to ensure you are getting the support you deserve, in the timeframe you need, to resolve your problem quickly and permanently. · Carrier Services Solutions – Your IT Infrastructure doesn’t stop at the door in today’s high-contact world. Presidio telecom specialists ensure you have the communications links you need between sites and out to the world at large, keeping your organization effectively and efficiently connected for seamless communication. I 5
  • 6. systems infrastructure data storage data & network security wireless computing solutions e Presidio STrATeGIC PArTNerS Presidio Networked Solutions is proud of the circle of partners we’ve developed and of the contribution we make to those partnerships… a lasting investment and a lasting partnership. Loyalty and trust are crucial elements to our success. This can be seen in our strategic partnerships. Presidio prefers to partner with select, industry-leading technology providers. This presents several advantages. It provides our customers, and us, with access to technology solutions that companies without the deep relationships can’t get. It also ensures that you are secure with both the technology investment our partners make, and also the investment in technologists Presidio has made—to deliver and implement the very best solutions for your enterprise. We are a Cisco Gold Partner, EMC Velocity Signature Partner, HP Preferred Partner, IBM Premier Business Partner, Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and VMware Virtual Partner… An impressive list that attests to the excellence of our technology expertise. Presidio Manages Presidio Managed Networks. The complexity and 7x24 “never go down” nature of our goal by providing streamlined, 7x24x365 monitoring and clients’ IT infrastructure makes operation and management remote operations support services, backed by a network a significant challenge. One way to overcome this issue of highly skilled engineers and technicians. is by leveraging remote operations and management Presidio will help you maintain the high availability and expertise from a trusted partner. This is where Presidio optimum performance your business requires from Sentry Managed Services comes in. your networks. The Sentry team ensures your IT solutions will not only Not ready yet for all-inclusive managed services? Then be up and running, but optimized for performance, out-tasking can be the answer for you. Out-tasking is reliability and cost-effectiveness. The result… Your selective. We don’t take over. Our Sentry Services teams resources are free to focus on your organization’s core manage what you want, where you need it. competencies. As your business evolves to address Our objectives are simple: new challenges and encompass new opportunities, external managed infrastructure resources become • Reduce the burden on your organization’s a valuable advantage, allowing your IT infrastructure internal IT staff to adapt quickly to the changing requirements of • Increase the availability of your network your business. infrastructure and services Despite the inherent challenges, all this can be achieved • Improve network and application performance without interrupting your business. Our goal is to provide • Improve network security seamless continuity for your organization, both during and after the migration, to managed services. We achieve this • Control costs 6 I
  • 7. Mobility Solutions Virtualized Data Center Solutions enhanced services support Telepresence systems infrastructure Presidio Finances Presidio Technology Capital. Traditionally, IT and communications solutions require sub- stantial capital outlays well in advance of any benefit, with the break-even point years away and the constant risk of obsolescence an unavoidable hazard. Presidio provides acquisition assistance that enables you to align the costs of technology with the realization of its business benefits, shift costs from capital to operating budgets and outsource the risk of obsolescence and the expense of decommissioning outdated equipment. Presidio financial specialists provide innovative financing solutions structured to meet each client’s unique goals. Our Technology Investment Protection (TIP) program allows us to create a financing solution that fits your company’s individualized needs. Presidio listens Technical expertise and business acumen get us noticed. Consultative insight brings us center stage. Unwavering commitment to project success and lasting value earn our clients’ trust and respect. But the core of Presidio’s did you know? success isn’t driven by what we bring to the table. It’s built on what we take away. At our four Centers of When we sit down with you, we bring no preconceived excellence, Presidio has notions of what we’ll do for you. Instead, we ask about your needs, your goals and your plans for the future of your experienced engineers and organization. We listen to what you tell us. Only when extensive lab facilities available we really understand your organization do we begin to consider what we can do to provide support and help you to construct proof-of-concept achieve your business goals. implementations. The most important part of our work isn’t about electronics or software or services. It isn’t about technology at all. It’s about understanding your business challenges and helping you leverage our expertise and our partners’ technologies to overcome them. I 7
  • 8. We lISTeN to what YoU Tell US. The PreSIdIo TeAM at a GlANCe Talk to us. • Presidio Account Executive What does your organization need to move to the Because our AEs are knowledgeable professionals, next level? Where does your competitive edge need they’ll make the initial diligence phases of the honing? To discuss your organization, your goals and relationship progress seamlessly. how your infrastructure can better serve your needs, contact Presidio today. • Presidio Sales Engineers (SE) Early on, we assign an SE to your team. Our SEs provide critical technical validation and advice and together with Presidio Networked Solutions the AE, ensure we’re moving in the right direction. 7601 ora Glen dr. Suite 100 Greenbelt, Md 20770 • Presidio Project Manager 800-4lAN-WAN Training in the Project Management Institute’s Body of Knowledge, our Project Managers are highly trained to 301-313-2000 execute your project according to our field tested Total Success Methodology. They are measured on only one 10 Sixth road thing – your satisfaction. Woburn, MA 01801 781-638-2200 • Presidio Consulting and Delivery Engineers Your Senior Engineer is involved in the project before an agreement is reached, advising, guiding and supporting Two Sun Court the requirements analysis and solution specification Norcross, GA 30092 me during the earliest phases of the relationship. 888-786-3282 • Your Sentry Managed Service Team 770-449-6116 e As a client of our Sentry Managed Services, you have an entire team of highly qualified engineers and 5337 Millenia lakes Boulevard c Suite 300 operators who are watching your infrastructure orlando, Fl 32839 7x24x365 and proactively notifying you of problems and their resolutions. Further, your Sentry team is 800-345-7743 constantly on the lookout for ways to optimize 407-481-8600 your infrastructure based on the latest best practices and or software/firmware/hardware updates available to you. Presidio Networked Solutions, Presidio Technology Capital and Sentry Managed Services are trademarks or registered trademarks of Presidio, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.