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Presented By:
1: Laraib Hafeez (FA22-BEE-108)
2: Minahil Jahangir (FA22-BEE-113)
3: Maryam Khaliq (FA22-BEE-115)
4: Zulal Talib (FA22-BEE-249)
Topics under discussion:
1: Characteristics of a Marketing Plan
2: The Marketing Mix
3: Importance of Management team in Launching
a new venture
4: Alternative legal forms for launching a new venture
Characteristics of a
Marketing Plan
Definition of a Marketing Plan
A marketing plan is a strategic document that outlines
the steps a company will take to promote and sell its
products or services. It is designed to provide answer of
3 basic questions:
1:Where we have been?
2:Where do we want to go?
3:How do we get there?
In this presentation, we will explore the key
characteristics of a well-crafted marketing plan.
Importance of a Marketing
1 Strategic Guidance 🎯
A marketing plan
provides a clear
vision of the
company's goals and
how to achieve them,
serving as a guide for
2 Resource
Allocation 💼
It helps allocate
resources effectively,
ensuring that
marketing efforts are
aligned with the
company's overall
budget and timeline.
3 Competitive Edge 🏆
A well-designed marketing plan gives a company an
edge over competitors by identifying unique selling
propositions and target markets.
Characteristics of Marketing plan:
Key Sections of a Marketing Plan
Executive Summary
A concise overview of the marketing
plan, highlighting key objectives and
Mission and Objectives
Defines the purpose and goals of
the marketing plan, linking them to
the overall company mission and
Target Market Analysis
Identifies the ideal customers, their
needs, preferences, and behaviors
to effectively market products and
Competitive Analysis
Evaluates direct and indirect
competitors to uncover strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats for informed decision-making.
Swot Analysis:
An analysis of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities,
and threats to access internal and external factors of plan.
A market plan must be realistic because it helps in
business to avoid wasting time and helps business to stay in track.
Marketing Strategy:
Positioning Strategy
Developing a unique value
proposition to differentiate the
brand from competitors.
Pricing and Distribution
Setting competitive prices and
determining the most effective
channels to reach the target
3 Promotional Strategy
Creating compelling
marketing campaigns,
advertisements, and PR
activities to increase brand
awareness and drive sales.
Short term continuity:
Refers to the consistent execution of marketing strategies
and activities over a brief period spanning
few months or a year
Long term continuity:
Long term continuity in marketing involves maintaining
consistency in branding messages often for span of
several years.
Budget and Timeline:
Evaluation and control:
• A plan for how much a company can spend on marketing
• It suggests how much a company can afford.
• Planning and scheduling marketing
activities, campaigns, and product launches
to ensure timely execution.
• Checking whether the plan is working to achieve the goal.
• Establishing metrics and monitoring systems to track key
performance indicators (KPIs) and measure the effectiveness
of marketing efforts.
Flexibility, Responsibilities &
1 Flexibility
A marketing plan
should be flexible to
adapt to changing
market conditions,
emerging trends,
and innovations.
2 Responsibilities
Clearly defining roles
and responsibilities
within the marketing
team to ensure
efficient execution
and accountability.
Customizing the marketing plan to specific
geographical locations or cultural contexts to
resonate with local consumers. A marketing plan
must be localized.
Legal and Ethical Considerations
• Conforming with legal regulations and
industry standards to maintain ethical
marketing practices.
• Ensuring transparency, honesty, and
respect for customer privacy in all
marketing communications.
Company with an effective marketing plan:
Apple inc (American company):
Apple's success can be attributed to its well-executed marketing strategy.
• Apple's success is because :
• Clear branding
• Creating a lot of excitement when they launch new products
• They understand their target audience and designs product to cater their
• Even superior technology demonstrates that a well-executed marketing
plan is crucial in differentiating a company and driving its success.
Company with a lack of marketing plan:
Kodak (American company):
Kodak (known for taking pictures)
• They didn't make a plan for how to change when new things like
digital cameras came out.
• People started using digital cameras and smartphones to take
pictures, and Kodak didn't tell people about their new ideas.
• Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012, highlighting the severe
consequences of not having a well-executed marketing plan to
• This example underscores the critical role of marketing planning
in adapting to market shifts is very necessary.
Tips for Effective Marketing Planning
1. Know Your
Understand your target
market's demographics,
preferences, and
motivations to tailor
your marketing efforts
for maximum impact.
2. Set SMART Goals
Ensure your marketing
objectives are Specific,
Achievable, Relevant,
and Time-bound to
track progress and
3. Monitor and Adapt
Regularly review and
analyze marketing
performance data to
make data-driven
decisions and adapt
strategies as needed.
The Marketing Mix
Definition and Importance
What is the
Marketing Mix?
The marketing mix is
a set of tools that
companies use to
promote their
products and services
to consumers.
Why is it Important?
It allows companies to
identify and implement
the most effective
strategies to reach their
target audience and
differentiate themselves
from competitors.
When to Use It?
It should be used in
the planning phase
and reviewed
regularly to ensure
the strategy remains
aligned with business
goals and industry
7 Ps of The Marketing Mix:
The product is what the
company offers to the
customer, including
physical goods, digital
products, and services.
Types of Products
Products can be
classified into tangible
goods, intangible
services, and hybrid
products that contain
elements of both.
Product Life Cycle
The product life cycle
includes the stages of
introduction, growth,
maturity, and decline,
with different marketing
strategies required for
each stage.
1 Definition
Price is the amount a
customer pays for a product
or service, and it includes
factors like production costs,
competition, and customer
Pricing Strategies
Common pricing
strategies include
cost-plus pricing,
value-based pricing,
and dynamic pricing,
with each approach
having its own
advantages and
Factors Affecting Pricing
Factors like product quality,
target audience, and
competitor pricing impact
pricing decisions and require
careful analysis and
1 Definition
Place refers to the
distribution channels
used to bring the product
to the customer,
including direct sales,
wholesalers, and
2 Channel of Distribution
The channel of
distribution refers to
the path a product
takes to get from the
manufacturer to the
customer, and it can
be direct or indirect.
3 Types of Intermediaries
Intermediaries like wholesalers, distributors, and
retailers help bridge the gap between manufacturers
and customers and play an important role in the
distribution process.
1 Definition
Promotion involves marketing activities that are designed to
increase awareness, generate interest, and persuade
customers to make a purchase.
2 Integrated Marketing Communications
Integrated marketing communications involve coordinating all
aspects of the promotional mix, including advertising, sales
promotion, personal selling, and public relations.
3 Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Public Relations
Each promotional tool has its unique strengths and weaknesses, and using them
together in an integrated way can help marketers achieve their goals.
People, Process, and Physical Evidence
The people who work
for the company,
including employees,
customers, and
stakeholders, can
impact the success of
the marketing mix.
Developing strong
relationships with
these groups is
The way a company
delivers its products and
services, including the
ordering, delivery, and
returns process, impacts
customer satisfaction and
brand loyalty.
Physical Evidence
The physical evidence
of a company's product
or service, including the
packaging, website
design, and physical
storefront, can impact
the way customers
perceive the brand and
their likelihood of
making a purchase.
Advantages of Marketing Mix:
The Marketing Mix in
Successful companies use the
marketing mix to create a
comprehensive and cohesive
strategy that aligns all aspects
of the business with the
customer's needs and wants.
The Customer Journey
The marketing mix helps
guide customers through
each stage of the customer
journey, from awareness
and consideration to
purchase and advocacy.
Measuring Success
Metrics like conversion
rates, customer acquisition
cost, and customer lifetime
value can help companies
measure the success of
their marketing mix
strategy and make data-
driven decisions for the
The correct arrangement of
marketing mix by enterprise
marketing managers plays an
important role in the success of a
company's marketing:
1.Develop strengths and avoid
2.Strengthen the competitiveness
and adaptability of enterprises
3.Ensure the internal departments of
the enterprise work closely together
Marketing Mix Examples from Real Businesses:
When Canva entered the market, it
was every small business owner's
dream. Eventually, the brand
introduced premium versions of its
An online brand created by UK-based chef Gaz
Oakley, grew his business on social media –
namely YouTube. Oakley gained popularity
posting recipes for healthy, vegan dishes and
soon became a go-to resource for new and
established vegan consumers
The Importance of the
Management Team in
Launching a New
Definition of a Management
A management team consists of the individuals
responsible for overseeing and directing the
operations of a business. They are entrusted with
making critical decisions, setting strategic goals, and
guiding the organization towards success.
Importance of a Strong Management Team
Experience and Expertise
A strong management
team brings diverse
industry knowledge and
expertise, increasing the
chances of making
informed decisions and
navigating challenges
Complementary Skills
Each member of the team
possesses unique skills and
strengths, allowing for
collaboration and synergy in
problem-solving, innovation,
and execution.
Decision-making Abilities
A strong management team
excels in evaluating risks,
analyzing data, and making
timely decisions, ensuring
the venture stays on the
right track towards
achieving its goals.
Role of the Management Team in
Launching a New Venture
The management team plays a crucial role in bringing
a new venture to life. They define the vision, develop
the strategy, secure resources, build partnerships,
and execute plans, all while mitigating risks and
adapting to emerging opportunities.
The Role of the Management Team in the Success of
a New Venture
1 Setting Direction
The management team helps set
the strategic direction of the
company, determining goals,
objectives, and how to achieve
Building a Culture
The management team is
responsible for building a strong
corporate culture that promotes
values such as teamwork,
accountability, and innovation.
3 Managing Operations
The management team oversees
the day-to-day operations of the
business, monitoring progress and
making adjustments where
necessary to ensure success.
Key Qualities of an Effective Management Team
Leadership Skills
A strong management team
exhibits exceptional
leadership qualities,
inspiring and motivating the
entire organization towards
a common vision.
and Collaboration
Open and effective
communication, along with
seamless collaboration,
enable the management
team to align objectives,
boost productivity, and
foster a positive work
Adaptability and
An effective management
team embraces change,
adapts swiftly to market
dynamics, and demonstrates
resilience in the face of
challenges, turning setbacks
into opportunities for growth.
Case Studies: Successful Management Teams
Google's management
team, led by CEO
Sundar Pichai, has
been instrumental in
revolutionizing the way
people access and
utilize information,
driving innovation and
Under the leadership of
CEO Tim Cook, Apple's
management team has
consistently delivered
products and services,
elevating the brand to
unprecedented heights.
Amazon's management
team, led by CEO Jeff Bezos,
has transformed the e-
commerce landscape and
expanded into various
industries, leveraging their
customer-centric approach
and strategic vision.
Qualities of a Bad Management Team
1 Poor Communication 🤐
Lack of communication
leads to misunderstandings,
conflicts, and inefficiencies.
2 Micromanagement 🕒
Constantly monitoring and
controlling employees stifles
creativity and demotivates the
3 Lack of Trust 🚫
When trust is absent,
teamwork suffers, and
the overall performance
of the team declines.
4 Resistance to Change 🛡🤐
Failing to embrace change
hinders innovation and keeps
the team from adapting to
new challenges.
Examples of Failed Management Teams
management team
engaged in
fraudulent practices,
leading to one of the
biggest corporate
scandals in history.
Yahoo's decline from a
dominant internet company
to a shadow of its former self
was attributed to multiple
instances of poor
management decisions,
including failed acquisitions,
leadership turnover, and a
lack of clear strategic
Blockbuster, once a leading
video rental company,
failed to adapt to the digital
age and the rise of
streaming services like
Netflix. This inability to
innovate and evolve
ultimately led to the
company's bankruptcy.
The Impact of Poor Management on the
Marketing Plan
1 Miscommunication & Inconsistent Messaging
A lack of effective management can result in mixed
messages, leading to confusion and inconsistency in
marketing efforts.
2 Missed Opportunities
Poor decision-making and lack of strategic planning can
cause the marketing team to miss out on potential
3 Lack of Adaptability
Inflexible management may hinder the marketing
team's ability to adapt to changing market trends and
consumer demands.
Expert Quotes and References
"Great vision without great people is irrelevant"
- Jim Collins, Author and business consultant
"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of
each member is the team."
- Phil Jackson, Hall of Fame NBA Coach
Referencing Relevant Studies and Reports
A study by Bain and Company found that management quality
accounted for 20-30% of the difference in company performance
over time. Similarly, Stanford Business found that the main
reason startups fail is a lack of strong management leadership
and skills.
Challenges in Building and Managing a Management Team
Recruiting the Right Talent
Finding and attracting
individuals with the necessary
skills, experience, and cultural
fit can be demanding, requiring
a robust recruitment and
selection process.
Retaining Top Performers
Retaining high-performing
team members is vital for
continuity and sustained
success. Creating an
engaging work environment
and offering growth
opportunities can help in
this regard.
Resolving Conflicts
The management team must
effectively address conflicts,
fostering open dialogue and
finding mutually beneficial
resolutions to maintain a
harmonious and productive
working relationship.
Adapting to Market Changes
A dynamic market landscape
necessitates adaptability. The
management team must stay
agile, embracing change and
proactively adjusting
strategies to remain
Succession Planning
Planning for future leadership
transitions is crucial.
Developing a robust
succession plan ensures a
smooth transition and
continuity in strategic
Tips for Building a Strong Management Team
1. Define Roles & Responsibilities 📋
Clearly define each team member's
roles and responsibilities to avoid
confusion and promote efficiency.
2 Encourage Collaboration 💪
Create a collaborative culture where team
members share ideas, support each other,
and work towards common goals.
3 Invest in Professional Development 📚
Provide ongoing training and
development opportunities to enhance
skills and keep the team's knowledge
up to date.
4 Foster a Positive Work Environment 😊
Cultivate a supportive and inclusive work
environment that values and appreciates
each team member.
Alternative Legal Forms
for Organizing a New
1 Sole Proprietorship
A sole proprietorship is a business
that is owned and operated by a
single individual.
A general partnership is a
business that is owned
and operated by two or
more individuals
Alternative to Partnership
Limited partnership, joint ventures
and etc.
Limited Liability Company
A flexible business structure that
combines the limited liability of a
corporation with the tax benefits of a
A corporation is a legal entity
separate from the owners and
managers of the firm.
Sole Proprietorship
Characteristics :
 Sole ownership
 Simplified establishment procedures
 Direct taxation
 Unlimited personal liability
 Sole owner's autonomy in decision-making
 Straightforward business organization
 Sole individual as exclusive owner and operator
 Sole responsibility for all aspects of the venture
 Business and owner viewed as one entity for taxation and legal purposes
 Cost-effective setup with minimal legal formalities
Sole Proprietorship
 It is difficult to raise large
amounts of capital
 There is unlimited liability
 It is difficult to transfer
 The company’s life is
determined by the life of the
 It is easy and inexpensive to form
and simple to operate
 It offers the maximum managerial
 Business income is taxed as
personal income to the owner.
Local retail shops
Local retail shops often owned by
Food trucks or Local restaurants
Food trucks are usually owned by
one person
Characteristics :
 A corporation is a distinct legal entity
 It has its own legal rights and responsibilities
 Key features include limited liability and stock issuance
 Sole owner's autonomy in decision-making
 Establishing a corporation involves submitting articles of incorporation
 This typically occurs at the state level
 Governance is provided by a board of directors and designated officers
 There is double taxation
 It is expensive and complicated to
begin operations and to administer.
 There is limited liability
 The corporation has unlimited life
 Ownership is easily transferred
 It may be possible to raise large
amounts of capital.
Apple Inc., founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs,
Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. Apple
stands as an epitome of innovative products
and global recognition, securing its position as
one of the world's most valuable companies
Amazon, Inc., initiated by Jeff Bezos in
1994 as an online bookstore,
metamorphosed into one of the globe's most
extensive e-commerce and technology
companies, playing a pivotal role in
diversification and prominence across
various business sectors.
Limited Liability
Characteristics :
Combines elements of partnerships and corporations.
Offers flexibility like a partnership.
Provides limited liability protection similar to corporations.
Owners are "members," not personally liable for business debts.
Personal assets are safeguarded from business liabilities.
Formation involves state documents and an operating agreement.
Limited Liability Company
Raising capital can still be a
It is difficult to transfer
The company has limited life
 All members obtain limited liability
 The entity is taxed as a general
 Less restrictive membership
 Dissolved in the event of transfer
of interest or death unless
members vote to continue
Characteristics :
Partnership: Business organization with 2+
 individuals/entities
Formal legal agreement outlines roles, responsibilities,
 profit sharing
Equal responsibility for business management
Personal liability for debts and legal obligations
General partners: Active in daily operations, personal liability
Limited partners: Capital contributors, limited involvement, not
personally liable beyond investment
 There is unlimited liability
 It is difficult to transfer ownership
 The company has limited life
 They are easy and inexpensive to form
and operate administratively
 They have the potential for large
managerial control
 Business income is taxed as ordinary
(personal) income to the owner
 A partnership may be able to raise
larger amounts of capital than a sole
Ben & Jerry's
Popular ice cream company, was
founded as a partnership by Ben
Cohen and Jerry Greenfield in 1978
The world's most widely used search
engine, was created through the
partnership of Larry Page and Sergey
Brin while studying at Stanford
Alternatives to Partnership
Joint ventures:
• The law of partnership applies to joint ventures.
• The primary purpose of this form or organization is to share the
risks and profits of a specific business undertaking.
How to choose?
1. Do I want to work alone or with someone?
2. Do I want limited or unlimited liability?
3. How much input do I want into my venture?
4. What losses am I willing to face?
Conclusion and Q&A
From these presentations we conclude that:
 An effective marketing plan is crucial for business to stay competitive
and leading in the market landscape
 The marketing mix consisting of 7ps provides a tactical tool to sell
product effectively.
 The managementt team expertise leadership, and execution are
crucial in successfully launching a new venture.
 Choosing the right legal structure is crucial for the success of a new
We hope this presentation has provided valuable insights.
Now, let's open the floor for questions!

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Presentation no 1 Entrepreneurship updated .pptx

  • 1.
  • 2. Presented By: 1: Laraib Hafeez (FA22-BEE-108) 2: Minahil Jahangir (FA22-BEE-113) 3: Maryam Khaliq (FA22-BEE-115) 4: Zulal Talib (FA22-BEE-249)
  • 3. Topics under discussion: 1: Characteristics of a Marketing Plan 2: The Marketing Mix 3: Importance of Management team in Launching a new venture 4: Alternative legal forms for launching a new venture
  • 5. Definition of a Marketing Plan A marketing plan is a strategic document that outlines the steps a company will take to promote and sell its products or services. It is designed to provide answer of 3 basic questions: 1:Where we have been? 2:Where do we want to go? 3:How do we get there? In this presentation, we will explore the key characteristics of a well-crafted marketing plan.
  • 6. Importance of a Marketing Plan 1 Strategic Guidance 🎯 A marketing plan provides a clear vision of the company's goals and how to achieve them, serving as a guide for decision-making. 2 Resource Allocation 💼 It helps allocate resources effectively, ensuring that marketing efforts are aligned with the company's overall budget and timeline. 3 Competitive Edge 🏆 A well-designed marketing plan gives a company an edge over competitors by identifying unique selling propositions and target markets.
  • 7. Characteristics of Marketing plan: Key Sections of a Marketing Plan Executive Summary A concise overview of the marketing plan, highlighting key objectives and strategies. Mission and Objectives Defines the purpose and goals of the marketing plan, linking them to the overall company mission and objectives. Target Market Analysis Identifies the ideal customers, their needs, preferences, and behaviors to effectively market products and services. Competitive Analysis Evaluates direct and indirect competitors to uncover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for informed decision-making.
  • 8. Swot Analysis: An analysis of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to access internal and external factors of plan. Realism: A market plan must be realistic because it helps in business to avoid wasting time and helps business to stay in track.
  • 9. Marketing Strategy: 1 Positioning Strategy Developing a unique value proposition to differentiate the brand from competitors. 2 Pricing and Distribution Strategy Setting competitive prices and determining the most effective channels to reach the target market. 3 Promotional Strategy Creating compelling marketing campaigns, advertisements, and PR activities to increase brand awareness and drive sales.
  • 10. Continuity: Short term continuity: Refers to the consistent execution of marketing strategies and activities over a brief period spanning few months or a year Long term continuity: Long term continuity in marketing involves maintaining consistency in branding messages often for span of several years.
  • 11. Budget and Timeline: Evaluation and control: • A plan for how much a company can spend on marketing activities • It suggests how much a company can afford. • Planning and scheduling marketing activities, campaigns, and product launches to ensure timely execution. • Checking whether the plan is working to achieve the goal. • Establishing metrics and monitoring systems to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts.
  • 12. Flexibility, Responsibilities & Localization 1 Flexibility A marketing plan should be flexible to adapt to changing market conditions, emerging trends, and innovations. 2 Responsibilities Clearly defining roles and responsibilities within the marketing team to ensure efficient execution and accountability. 3 Localization Customizing the marketing plan to specific geographical locations or cultural contexts to resonate with local consumers. A marketing plan must be localized.
  • 13. Legal and Ethical Considerations • Conforming with legal regulations and industry standards to maintain ethical marketing practices. • Ensuring transparency, honesty, and respect for customer privacy in all marketing communications.
  • 14. Company with an effective marketing plan: Apple inc (American company): Apple's success can be attributed to its well-executed marketing strategy. • Apple's success is because : • Clear branding • Creating a lot of excitement when they launch new products • They understand their target audience and designs product to cater their needs • Even superior technology demonstrates that a well-executed marketing plan is crucial in differentiating a company and driving its success.
  • 15. Company with a lack of marketing plan: Kodak (American company): Kodak (known for taking pictures) • They didn't make a plan for how to change when new things like digital cameras came out. • People started using digital cameras and smartphones to take pictures, and Kodak didn't tell people about their new ideas. • Kodak filed for bankruptcy in 2012, highlighting the severe consequences of not having a well-executed marketing plan to navigate. • This example underscores the critical role of marketing planning in adapting to market shifts is very necessary.
  • 16. Tips for Effective Marketing Planning 1. Know Your Audience Understand your target market's demographics, preferences, and motivations to tailor your marketing efforts for maximum impact. 2. Set SMART Goals Ensure your marketing objectives are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound to track progress and success. 3. Monitor and Adapt Regularly review and analyze marketing performance data to make data-driven decisions and adapt strategies as needed.
  • 18. Definition and Importance What is the Marketing Mix? The marketing mix is a set of tools that companies use to promote their products and services to consumers. Why is it Important? It allows companies to identify and implement the most effective strategies to reach their target audience and differentiate themselves from competitors. When to Use It? It should be used in the planning phase and reviewed regularly to ensure the strategy remains aligned with business goals and industry trends.
  • 19. 7 Ps of The Marketing Mix: Product: Definition The product is what the company offers to the customer, including physical goods, digital products, and services. Types of Products Products can be classified into tangible goods, intangible services, and hybrid products that contain elements of both. Product Life Cycle The product life cycle includes the stages of introduction, growth, maturity, and decline, with different marketing strategies required for each stage.
  • 20. Price: 1 Definition Price is the amount a customer pays for a product or service, and it includes factors like production costs, competition, and customer demand. 2 Pricing Strategies Common pricing strategies include cost-plus pricing, value-based pricing, and dynamic pricing, with each approach having its own advantages and disadvantages. 3 Factors Affecting Pricing Decisions Factors like product quality, target audience, and competitor pricing impact pricing decisions and require careful analysis and consideration.
  • 21. Place 1 Definition Place refers to the distribution channels used to bring the product to the customer, including direct sales, wholesalers, and retailers. 2 Channel of Distribution The channel of distribution refers to the path a product takes to get from the manufacturer to the customer, and it can be direct or indirect. 3 Types of Intermediaries Intermediaries like wholesalers, distributors, and retailers help bridge the gap between manufacturers and customers and play an important role in the distribution process.
  • 22. Promotion 1 Definition Promotion involves marketing activities that are designed to increase awareness, generate interest, and persuade customers to make a purchase. 2 Integrated Marketing Communications Integrated marketing communications involve coordinating all aspects of the promotional mix, including advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations. 3 Advertising, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Public Relations Each promotional tool has its unique strengths and weaknesses, and using them together in an integrated way can help marketers achieve their goals.
  • 23. People, Process, and Physical Evidence People The people who work for the company, including employees, customers, and stakeholders, can impact the success of the marketing mix. Developing strong relationships with these groups is essential. Process The way a company delivers its products and services, including the ordering, delivery, and returns process, impacts customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. Physical Evidence The physical evidence of a company's product or service, including the packaging, website design, and physical storefront, can impact the way customers perceive the brand and their likelihood of making a purchase.
  • 24. Advantages of Marketing Mix: The Marketing Mix in Practice Successful companies use the marketing mix to create a comprehensive and cohesive strategy that aligns all aspects of the business with the customer's needs and wants. The Customer Journey The marketing mix helps guide customers through each stage of the customer journey, from awareness and consideration to purchase and advocacy. Measuring Success Metrics like conversion rates, customer acquisition cost, and customer lifetime value can help companies measure the success of their marketing mix strategy and make data- driven decisions for the future.
  • 25. The correct arrangement of marketing mix by enterprise marketing managers plays an important role in the success of a company's marketing: 1.Develop strengths and avoid weaknesses 2.Strengthen the competitiveness and adaptability of enterprises 3.Ensure the internal departments of the enterprise work closely together ROLE OF MARKETING MIX IN MARKETING:
  • 26. Marketing Mix Examples from Real Businesses: Canva: When Canva entered the market, it was every small business owner's dream. Eventually, the brand introduced premium versions of its platform. Avant-Garde: An online brand created by UK-based chef Gaz Oakley, grew his business on social media – namely YouTube. Oakley gained popularity posting recipes for healthy, vegan dishes and soon became a go-to resource for new and established vegan consumers
  • 27.
  • 28. The Importance of the Management Team in Launching a New Venture
  • 29. Definition of a Management Team A management team consists of the individuals responsible for overseeing and directing the operations of a business. They are entrusted with making critical decisions, setting strategic goals, and guiding the organization towards success.
  • 30. Importance of a Strong Management Team Experience and Expertise A strong management team brings diverse industry knowledge and expertise, increasing the chances of making informed decisions and navigating challenges effectively. Complementary Skills Each member of the team possesses unique skills and strengths, allowing for collaboration and synergy in problem-solving, innovation, and execution. Decision-making Abilities A strong management team excels in evaluating risks, analyzing data, and making timely decisions, ensuring the venture stays on the right track towards achieving its goals.
  • 31. Role of the Management Team in Launching a New Venture The management team plays a crucial role in bringing a new venture to life. They define the vision, develop the strategy, secure resources, build partnerships, and execute plans, all while mitigating risks and adapting to emerging opportunities.
  • 32. The Role of the Management Team in the Success of a New Venture 1 Setting Direction The management team helps set the strategic direction of the company, determining goals, objectives, and how to achieve them. 2 Building a Culture The management team is responsible for building a strong corporate culture that promotes values such as teamwork, accountability, and innovation. 3 Managing Operations The management team oversees the day-to-day operations of the business, monitoring progress and making adjustments where necessary to ensure success.
  • 33. Key Qualities of an Effective Management Team Leadership Skills A strong management team exhibits exceptional leadership qualities, inspiring and motivating the entire organization towards a common vision. Communication and Collaboration Open and effective communication, along with seamless collaboration, enable the management team to align objectives, boost productivity, and foster a positive work environment. Adaptability and Resilience An effective management team embraces change, adapts swiftly to market dynamics, and demonstrates resilience in the face of challenges, turning setbacks into opportunities for growth.
  • 34. Case Studies: Successful Management Teams Google Google's management team, led by CEO Sundar Pichai, has been instrumental in revolutionizing the way people access and utilize information, driving innovation and growth. Apple Under the leadership of CEO Tim Cook, Apple's management team has consistently delivered groundbreaking products and services, elevating the brand to unprecedented heights. Amazon Amazon's management team, led by CEO Jeff Bezos, has transformed the e- commerce landscape and expanded into various industries, leveraging their customer-centric approach and strategic vision.
  • 35. Qualities of a Bad Management Team 1 Poor Communication 🤐 Lack of communication leads to misunderstandings, conflicts, and inefficiencies. 2 Micromanagement 🕒 Constantly monitoring and controlling employees stifles creativity and demotivates the team. 3 Lack of Trust 🚫 When trust is absent, teamwork suffers, and the overall performance of the team declines. 4 Resistance to Change 🛡🤐 Failing to embrace change hinders innovation and keeps the team from adapting to new challenges.
  • 36. Examples of Failed Management Teams Enron Enron's management team engaged in fraudulent practices, leading to one of the biggest corporate scandals in history. Yahoo! Yahoo's decline from a dominant internet company to a shadow of its former self was attributed to multiple instances of poor management decisions, including failed acquisitions, leadership turnover, and a lack of clear strategic direction. Blockbuster: Blockbuster, once a leading video rental company, failed to adapt to the digital age and the rise of streaming services like Netflix. This inability to innovate and evolve ultimately led to the company's bankruptcy.
  • 37. The Impact of Poor Management on the Marketing Plan 1 Miscommunication & Inconsistent Messaging A lack of effective management can result in mixed messages, leading to confusion and inconsistency in marketing efforts. 2 Missed Opportunities Poor decision-making and lack of strategic planning can cause the marketing team to miss out on potential opportunities. 3 Lack of Adaptability Inflexible management may hinder the marketing team's ability to adapt to changing market trends and consumer demands.
  • 38. Expert Quotes and References "Great vision without great people is irrelevant" - Jim Collins, Author and business consultant "The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team." - Phil Jackson, Hall of Fame NBA Coach Referencing Relevant Studies and Reports A study by Bain and Company found that management quality accounted for 20-30% of the difference in company performance over time. Similarly, Stanford Business found that the main reason startups fail is a lack of strong management leadership and skills.
  • 39. Challenges in Building and Managing a Management Team Recruiting the Right Talent Finding and attracting individuals with the necessary skills, experience, and cultural fit can be demanding, requiring a robust recruitment and selection process. Retaining Top Performers Retaining high-performing team members is vital for continuity and sustained success. Creating an engaging work environment and offering growth opportunities can help in this regard. Resolving Conflicts The management team must effectively address conflicts, fostering open dialogue and finding mutually beneficial resolutions to maintain a harmonious and productive working relationship. Adapting to Market Changes A dynamic market landscape necessitates adaptability. The management team must stay agile, embracing change and proactively adjusting strategies to remain competitive. Succession Planning Planning for future leadership transitions is crucial. Developing a robust succession plan ensures a smooth transition and continuity in strategic decision-making.
  • 40. Tips for Building a Strong Management Team 1. Define Roles & Responsibilities 📋 Clearly define each team member's roles and responsibilities to avoid confusion and promote efficiency. 2 Encourage Collaboration 💪 Create a collaborative culture where team members share ideas, support each other, and work towards common goals. 3 Invest in Professional Development 📚 Provide ongoing training and development opportunities to enhance skills and keep the team's knowledge up to date. 4 Foster a Positive Work Environment 😊 Cultivate a supportive and inclusive work environment that values and appreciates each team member.
  • 41. Alternative Legal Forms for Organizing a New Venture
  • 42. 1 Sole Proprietorship A sole proprietorship is a business that is owned and operated by a single individual. 2 Partnerships A general partnership is a business that is owned and operated by two or more individuals 3 Alternative to Partnership Limited partnership, joint ventures and etc. 4 Limited Liability Company A flexible business structure that combines the limited liability of a corporation with the tax benefits of a partnership. 5 Corporation A corporation is a legal entity separate from the owners and managers of the firm.
  • 43. Sole Proprietorship Characteristics :  Sole ownership  Simplified establishment procedures  Direct taxation  Unlimited personal liability  Sole owner's autonomy in decision-making  Straightforward business organization  Sole individual as exclusive owner and operator  Sole responsibility for all aspects of the venture  Business and owner viewed as one entity for taxation and legal purposes  Cost-effective setup with minimal legal formalities
  • 44. Sole Proprietorship Disadvantages:  It is difficult to raise large amounts of capital  There is unlimited liability  It is difficult to transfer ownership  The company’s life is determined by the life of the owner. Advantages:  It is easy and inexpensive to form and simple to operate  It offers the maximum managerial control  Business income is taxed as personal income to the owner.
  • 45. Examples Local retail shops Local retail shops often owned by families Food trucks or Local restaurants Food trucks are usually owned by one person
  • 46. Corporation Characteristics :  A corporation is a distinct legal entity  It has its own legal rights and responsibilities  Key features include limited liability and stock issuance  Sole owner's autonomy in decision-making  Establishing a corporation involves submitting articles of incorporation  This typically occurs at the state level  Governance is provided by a board of directors and designated officers
  • 47. Corporations Disadvantages:  There is double taxation  It is expensive and complicated to begin operations and to administer. Advantages:  There is limited liability  The corporation has unlimited life  Ownership is easily transferred  It may be possible to raise large amounts of capital.
  • 48. Examples Apple Apple Inc., founded in 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. Apple stands as an epitome of innovative products and global recognition, securing its position as one of the world's most valuable companies Amazon, Inc., initiated by Jeff Bezos in 1994 as an online bookstore, metamorphosed into one of the globe's most extensive e-commerce and technology companies, playing a pivotal role in diversification and prominence across various business sectors.
  • 49. Limited Liability Company Characteristics : Combines elements of partnerships and corporations. Offers flexibility like a partnership. Provides limited liability protection similar to corporations. Owners are "members," not personally liable for business debts. Personal assets are safeguarded from business liabilities. Formation involves state documents and an operating agreement.
  • 50. Limited Liability Company Disadvantages: Raising capital can still be a constraint It is difficult to transfer ownership The company has limited life Advantages:  All members obtain limited liability  The entity is taxed as a general partnership.  Less restrictive membership requirements  Dissolved in the event of transfer of interest or death unless members vote to continue
  • 51. Partnerships Characteristics : Partnership: Business organization with 2+  individuals/entities Formal legal agreement outlines roles, responsibilities,  profit sharing Equal responsibility for business management Personal liability for debts and legal obligations General partners: Active in daily operations, personal liability Limited partners: Capital contributors, limited involvement, not personally liable beyond investment
  • 52. Partnerships Disadvantages:  There is unlimited liability  It is difficult to transfer ownership and  The company has limited life Advantages:  They are easy and inexpensive to form and operate administratively  They have the potential for large managerial control  Business income is taxed as ordinary (personal) income to the owner  A partnership may be able to raise larger amounts of capital than a sole proprietorship
  • 53. Examples Ben & Jerry's Popular ice cream company, was founded as a partnership by Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield in 1978 Google The world's most widely used search engine, was created through the partnership of Larry Page and Sergey Brin while studying at Stanford University.
  • 54. Alternatives to Partnership Joint ventures: • The law of partnership applies to joint ventures. • The primary purpose of this form or organization is to share the risks and profits of a specific business undertaking. How to choose? 1. Do I want to work alone or with someone? 2. Do I want limited or unlimited liability? 3. How much input do I want into my venture? 4. What losses am I willing to face?
  • 55. Conclusion and Q&A From these presentations we conclude that:  An effective marketing plan is crucial for business to stay competitive and leading in the market landscape  The marketing mix consisting of 7ps provides a tactical tool to sell product effectively.  The managementt team expertise leadership, and execution are crucial in successfully launching a new venture.  Choosing the right legal structure is crucial for the success of a new venture. We hope this presentation has provided valuable insights. Now, let's open the floor for questions!