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in Berlin
Create two types of action:
the first will take place on the river when towing a
floating stage on the place of fixed location to
temporary parking. The process of moving, is a
kind of performance on the water, on which
spectators watch from the shore;
Second, in the form of traditional mime
performances, will take place within the floating
stage. Importantly, theatrical scenery, against
which actors will play, will landscape the river.
The impact of new technologies and the Internet
in modern life, making it a passive and inert.
Aesthetic resist theater program in objective
reality, the perception and understanding of the
true objectives and priorities.
The repertoire prevail improvised scenes from
everyday life, parody in the form of dialogue or
monologue performances of acrobats, jugglers
and magicians. The theater will be a convenient
place for festivals or touring events.
The building is made of modular elements based
on laminated veneer lumber. Their size and shape
appreciated in Brussels at the design stage, so as
to quickly and easily assemble, and disassemble
when needed to transport theater elsewhere.
in Karpatian
Traditionally houses on slopes are placed
on different levels terraces, destroying
the natural topography. To solve this
problem,load-bearing walls
are raised above the ground
on pillars firmly fixed in the ground.
Floors of a building are attached to the
wallslike shelves in a drawer.
Elements such as floors, walls and
roof are wooden, the base of which
is laminated beam. They are divided into
smaller fragments for easy
transportation and installation. These
fragments are produced in the
factory, and then transported to the
construction site and assembled as a big
constructor. The architectural diversity of
the project is achieved by the fact
thatthese elements can be modified by
changing thus the overall look of the
project accrording to the needs of every
IT companies are constantly alluring young professionals with
career opportunities and personal growth perspectives. In
addition to a high salary, an attractive social package, free
educational programs, they need to be provided with
comfortable working conditions. A nice office, a modern
workplace, is one of the most important conditions when
choosing a job and an additional advantage of the company in
the competition for skilled employees.
Our idea of an office center for IT-business is for the green
areas to be present in the building, so that they are nearby, as
close as possible to the employee inside the office. The green
terraces are located on each floor (except for the ground one).
They are extension of the office, so each tenant company can
decide on the design of green compositions and pick up
For the office work organization a combined approach in
planning is offered. General, open office space is combined with
individual rooms. The premises will be separated from each
other and from zones intended for joint use, by transparent
bulkheads. The final planning will be tailored to the specific
needs of IT companies.
Ground floor offices are given to coworkings. People will rent a
common room, remaining independent and free, but will not
feel the lack of communication, working together, sharing ideas
and helping each other.
On the top seventh floor, a sky bar is offered – a perfect place to
meet friends, have a good rest after work and enjoy a
panoramic view.
The architecture of the building, in our case, is formed from the
interior to the exterior. Large console blocks with terraces go
outside the building, in chaotic way, copying the natural
diversity of giant rocks. That is unique in its forms and location,
an accumulation of stones. Thanks to these consoles, the area of
the office complex increases qualitatively, the spatial and
volume resolution is achieved and the effect of integration with
the environment intensifies.
From time immemorial people believe in a fairy tree of life.
Nowadays, the tree where the birds live and nests are, seems
charming and magical.
The most important idea of WonderLAD building is a creating space
for living, where young patients can feel “at home”. The task is to
draw children's attention on communication with other children or
with adults or with daily things or with the environment. To make
the problem of disease not the major and the children are able to
escape to other life "problem": the fun games in the company of
friends, to study singing or play musical instruments, to sports
activities and the study of nature, painting, sculpture and still a
large number of other activities that make life filled and happy.
The best form of such house which can combine all these functions
is a house with a patio. The patio is "the soul of the house." It is a
versatile, interactive, and functionally rich. On one side the patio is
a separate element, on the other side it is a part of the house. Here
you can relax, play, act small street performances, celebrate
birthdays and other holidays. It is open, but because of the small
size, it is very cozy and comfortable.
To achieve the maximum level of comfort in the building, the
project foresees a number of steps to improve its energy efficiency.
One of these step is a compact form of construction. All functions
are combined in common and enclosure volume. This will allow
most easily and accurately design the heating, ventilation and air-
conditioning. For additional environmental energy, there is the
ability to install solar collectors on the roof.
The structure of the house is from cross laminated timber. Walls,
roof and floor of the first floor is securely insulated. It is used a
suspended facade system with external finish from micro-laminated
wood panels of different colors. In the finishing of residential part
the panels are used with imitation of horizontal board of dark wood
color. For the finishing of multipurpose space and patio panels with
imitation of vertical boards of light wood color are used. A lot of
wood in decoration creates a complete image of WonderLAD, and
enhances the idea of a cozy home.
in Bahrain
Today, in times of globalization and the
rapid growth of cities, urban buildings are
becoming more and more multifunctional.
The citizens of metropolis want to have at
arm’s length all that is necessary for a full
life in the city: a dwelling, a working office,
recreation, entertainment, shopping, etc.
This concept combines all these needs. Two
tower buildings with different
functionalities – a dwelling one and an
office one, are combined with a common
stylobate and penthouse.
In stylobate, on eight floors, shopping and
entertainment center and multi-level
parking are compactly located. Above the
stylobate - there are two 32-story towers.
One of them is intended for residential
apartments, the second one – for offices
and hotel. The last two floors that combine
the towers are destined for SPA and a
restaurant with an observation deck.
Each person is different, each face is a
mirror of human emotions and feelings.
This is our outer cloths which we can
change, putting in joy or sadness, anger or
kindness by turn.
Artist’s face is his creation. Visitors have to
choose whose face to remember and
whose to ignore.
The idea of our installation is to
subconsciously focus the attention not on a
contemporary work of art, the "face" of
which, at first glance, may seem strange to
us, but on the way how author by his work
conveys his personal attitude to reality and
life around.
To make the installation Plexiglas on plastic
frame and LED-backlight are used.
When there is a question how to connect the two oceans which are separated with the land – the answer is obvious – it is necessary to dig a canal. In our
proposal we have decided to give the Strait of Hormuz which separates two coasts the quality of land and taking into consideration the experience of Moses,
who made the sea diverge with the help of his faith, we will believe in the possibility of human of the future and the development of future technology and
venture to create a "channel" in the sea.
We will not dwell on how to choose the course of the channel that the design will have become a kind of economic, tourist and cultural umbilical cord, thus
restoring the original relationship drifting continents. This is the task of further research. And first of all let draw attention to its functions and constructions.
First and the most important – this is the road for the ground transportation. Separate lanes for cars and trucks. People from both coasts who love to travel, have
their business or trade in the region will have a unique opportunity for fast, easy, reliable and cheaper road transport. As a bonus, we anticipate monorail aerial
flyover for fast underground railway.
Second but with the same importance – a waterway for ships. Several water passages provide a continuous connection between the ocean and the Persian Gulf.
These bands have sufficient water depth for the passing of the world's largest passenger liners, private yachts or sailing regattas.
The purpose of this project was to design three archives and a
public center. Therefore, the planning structure should be clear
and rational. The first thing that was taken into account are
separate external entrances, and considering the factor of limited
usage of archival funds by the visitors. At the same time, the
entrance to the public center is simple and plain. There is a link
between the city archive and the public center.
The next factor determines the philosophy of space, that is: the
peculiarity of working on archival materials requires
concentration and attention.
Considering the above, we have tried to create comfortable
workplaces for employees of archive, due to planning. A basic
idea of the Japanese garden of contemplation of the world’s
beauty has set us the goal that the view from the window should
be light and pleasant, and the influence of environmental chaos
should be minimal.
Working on the planning structure and sticking to the philosophy
of contemplation, the architectural minimalistic image of the
projected building is formed simultaneously. The main focus is on
the simplicity of geometric shapes, expressive volumes, as well as
on lighting related effects.
The composition is formed on the contrast of dark glass planes
and light concrete walls. The aim is in rational and balanced
combination of deaf and transparent surfaces, different in size
and texture. Actually, this variety enriches the facades and
therefore no additional decoration is needed.
Concerning the exterior and interior, priority is given to the utility
and simplicity. The large glass blocks of the public center are
necessary for the visual communication between the street and
the hall of media library. In addition, it will attract people and
allow them to create a pleasing public space from the outside. In
the workrooms of archives and reading halls, large panoramic
windows were also designed for good lighting and contemplation
of the Japanese garden. In the interior, light colors are used
majorly. Lines of walls, floors, ceilings create clear geometric
in Poland
Development of functional and spatial concept of
new buildings of Municipal Culture Center (MSC)
and the Municipal Arts Center (MOS) requires
analysis of many factors, without which you can
not get a comprehensive architectural and urban
The basic idea of ​​the proposal was formed as the
need to take into account not only the future
functional and aesthetic needs of urban problems,
but also in the desire to maximize the
preservation and adaptation of existing buildings.
This led us to focus our attention on the analysis
submitted lists facilities that are necessary for the
life of the complex, including the isolation of
those areas that would fit under the parameters
of existing facilities to make the most of available
resources and save money for new needs.
Therefore, in the existing part of the building the
MOS premises were designed, for which the
required height and location were specified. In
such way were formed the space exhibition halls
and facilities that are directly related to them and
outlined slick pit for MOS.
An important influence on the shaping process
was the desire to realize the idea of ​​openness and
integration with external space "small scene"
(MSC). This led to the orientation of the café-club
scene and its hall, park with the possibility of
transforming the outer wall of adjacent open
space during different attractions.
Interactivity is the main goal of our solution. We
purposely put such scenario into the design because in
such way people can not simply come to sit and enjoy the
landscape. We create conditions for everybody to actively
interact with each other and set the task-challenge to find
the best favorite view.
The best variant for such aim is a labyrinth. It
unconsciously adjusts people to cooperative work,
attention and mutual assistance. Besides that the actual
process of the route is an interesting diversion that will
help to forget about your daily worries and find funny
company of associates. Several tracks, exterior walls with
windows, and viewing platforms at different levels - it all
helps to find your favorite view of the city. And if you have
already found it and have your own opinion, it is not a
problem to share it with others and maybe even with the
whole world!
Our building actively interacts with the environment. Its
industrial design, harmoniously combined with the other
buildings of the island, intrigues people who are on the
other side, and unobtrusive rough character simply
advertise the building and attracts the attention to it.
The construction of the labyrinth is simple to do and
requires no foundation. The walls are made of the metal
frame, which is sheathed with oriented strand board.
Imitation of texture and pattern of concrete is achieved
by painting. The building requires no service, instead only
careful attitude towards it, because it is the interactive
part of Copenhagen.
in Ukraine
In tightly built cities there is less and less space
for new developments. How to design a
commercially attractive project in a historic
building, without interrupting the privacy of its
This concept is intended to solve these issues.
The size of the projected apartment-hotel is
shaped in such a way so to take into account
the right for inhabitants of neighboring houses
to insolate their homes and for the privacy of
the home environment. The format of the hotel
creates a closed courtyard, which serves as a
recreation zone and, at the same time, as an
entrance area to the hotel.
Thus, with a small area of the plot (1300 m2)
and a limited building height (18 m), we have
succeeded to locate 3,500 m2 of commercial
space on 5 floors.
The materials for decoration of the building are
brick, white plaster and titanium-zinc roof
covering, destined to introduce in a balanced
way to the surrounding historical environment,
for which these materials are authentic, while
retaining a modern replica of the architectural
in Bulgaria
To subordinate new building to the
architectural environment and do not
conflict with the existing dominant of
Municipality Hall building. In addition,
it is proposed to devide the designed
form vertically into three parts.
Furthermore, lower and upper levels
will be like smooth and natural forms.
Otherwise, the middle part will have
proper rectangular form.
To display the architecture of Bulgaria
natural affluences - the sun, the
mountains and the sea.
The upper part will remind shape of
the mountain, and there you can read
books or just relax on green areas with
overlooking on the sea. Smooth
interior walls lines thematically
continue the motive of the exterior,
designed atrium pervades all floors
and gives sunny mood.
To transform sidewalk space along the
Osmi Primorski Polk blvd. into an
attractive public area.
The lower part of the building is partly
deepened. This creates a covered and
attractive place for people and
extends the area in front of the
building. The existing flowerbeds with
trees are transformed into urban park,
with ability to relax in the green zone.
in Ukraine
The intensity of the modern pace of life, the heavy working temp,
the constant urban "landscapes" deplete citizens of the big city
from day to day, a need for rest and recovery appears. This
healing can be fully obtained in the natural environment.
Therefore, the main objective of this concept is the expressive
ecological orientation of the visual image and the maximum
implementation of eco-architectural principles.
Landscaping and architectural techniques are used in the
construction of the object, so that the buildings are as much as
possible hidden in the natural environment and opened to visitors
as they approach them. Hiking tracks bind all functional areas,
sailing round plantations and compositions of landscaping,
bringing us to the cottages and main structures, making the
necessary visual accents on the way.
The center of collective communication and recreation is a square,
formed between administrative and water-improving buildings.
Her distinct architectural image is formed by a combination of a
grassy lawn with colored sidewalk tiles.
The basis of the architectural and spatial solution is a simple,
compact form of buildings, which allows you to surround them in a
correct and balanced way with planting and fit them to the natural
environment. The large glass surfaces of the windows in the living
rooms of each building help visitors to stay visually in the natural
surroundings. An exterior wooden terrace with barbecue grill and
separate place for table and loungers increases the effect of
outdoor staying. In addition, each cottage has its own grassy lawn
surrounded by a living fence of trees and bushes. Such a lawn
allows at the same time to preserve the privacy of rest and to be
in contact with nature constantly.
The shape of buildings is as concise and simple as possible, in
order to use it as a background for decorative greening of the
central square. The precise geometric lines of the buildings
provide a wonderful opportunity for the rich crown of trees to
dominate the environment.
Contact us
Yuriy Budulych
Head of Business Development
mob/WatsApp: +38 (067) 719-66-93
fax.: +38 (032) 235-09-70
skype: Comfortbud

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  • 2. FLOATING THEATRE in Berlin Create two types of action: the first will take place on the river when towing a floating stage on the place of fixed location to temporary parking. The process of moving, is a kind of performance on the water, on which spectators watch from the shore; Second, in the form of traditional mime performances, will take place within the floating stage. Importantly, theatrical scenery, against which actors will play, will landscape the river. The impact of new technologies and the Internet in modern life, making it a passive and inert. Aesthetic resist theater program in objective reality, the perception and understanding of the true objectives and priorities. The repertoire prevail improvised scenes from everyday life, parody in the form of dialogue or monologue performances of acrobats, jugglers and magicians. The theater will be a convenient place for festivals or touring events. The building is made of modular elements based on laminated veneer lumber. Their size and shape appreciated in Brussels at the design stage, so as to quickly and easily assemble, and disassemble when needed to transport theater elsewhere.
  • 3. WOODEN HOUSE in Karpatian Traditionally houses on slopes are placed on different levels terraces, destroying the natural topography. To solve this problem,load-bearing walls are raised above the ground on pillars firmly fixed in the ground. Floors of a building are attached to the wallslike shelves in a drawer. Elements such as floors, walls and roof are wooden, the base of which is laminated beam. They are divided into smaller fragments for easy transportation and installation. These fragments are produced in the factory, and then transported to the construction site and assembled as a big constructor. The architectural diversity of the project is achieved by the fact thatthese elements can be modified by changing thus the overall look of the project accrording to the needs of every customer.
  • 4. IT companies are constantly alluring young professionals with career opportunities and personal growth perspectives. In addition to a high salary, an attractive social package, free educational programs, they need to be provided with comfortable working conditions. A nice office, a modern workplace, is one of the most important conditions when choosing a job and an additional advantage of the company in the competition for skilled employees. Our idea of an office center for IT-business is for the green areas to be present in the building, so that they are nearby, as close as possible to the employee inside the office. The green terraces are located on each floor (except for the ground one). They are extension of the office, so each tenant company can decide on the design of green compositions and pick up plantations. For the office work organization a combined approach in planning is offered. General, open office space is combined with individual rooms. The premises will be separated from each other and from zones intended for joint use, by transparent bulkheads. The final planning will be tailored to the specific needs of IT companies. Ground floor offices are given to coworkings. People will rent a common room, remaining independent and free, but will not feel the lack of communication, working together, sharing ideas and helping each other. On the top seventh floor, a sky bar is offered – a perfect place to meet friends, have a good rest after work and enjoy a panoramic view. The architecture of the building, in our case, is formed from the interior to the exterior. Large console blocks with terraces go outside the building, in chaotic way, copying the natural diversity of giant rocks. That is unique in its forms and location, an accumulation of stones. Thanks to these consoles, the area of the office complex increases qualitatively, the spatial and volume resolution is achieved and the effect of integration with the environment intensifies. IT HUB
  • 5. WONDER LAD in Italy From time immemorial people believe in a fairy tree of life. Nowadays, the tree where the birds live and nests are, seems charming and magical. The most important idea of WonderLAD building is a creating space for living, where young patients can feel “at home”. The task is to draw children's attention on communication with other children or with adults or with daily things or with the environment. To make the problem of disease not the major and the children are able to escape to other life "problem": the fun games in the company of friends, to study singing or play musical instruments, to sports activities and the study of nature, painting, sculpture and still a large number of other activities that make life filled and happy. The best form of such house which can combine all these functions is a house with a patio. The patio is "the soul of the house." It is a versatile, interactive, and functionally rich. On one side the patio is a separate element, on the other side it is a part of the house. Here you can relax, play, act small street performances, celebrate birthdays and other holidays. It is open, but because of the small size, it is very cozy and comfortable. To achieve the maximum level of comfort in the building, the project foresees a number of steps to improve its energy efficiency. One of these step is a compact form of construction. All functions are combined in common and enclosure volume. This will allow most easily and accurately design the heating, ventilation and air- conditioning. For additional environmental energy, there is the ability to install solar collectors on the roof. The structure of the house is from cross laminated timber. Walls, roof and floor of the first floor is securely insulated. It is used a suspended facade system with external finish from micro-laminated wood panels of different colors. In the finishing of residential part the panels are used with imitation of horizontal board of dark wood color. For the finishing of multipurpose space and patio panels with imitation of vertical boards of light wood color are used. A lot of wood in decoration creates a complete image of WonderLAD, and enhances the idea of a cozy home.
  • 6. MANAMA TOWER in Bahrain Today, in times of globalization and the rapid growth of cities, urban buildings are becoming more and more multifunctional. The citizens of metropolis want to have at arm’s length all that is necessary for a full life in the city: a dwelling, a working office, recreation, entertainment, shopping, etc. This concept combines all these needs. Two tower buildings with different functionalities – a dwelling one and an office one, are combined with a common stylobate and penthouse. In stylobate, on eight floors, shopping and entertainment center and multi-level parking are compactly located. Above the stylobate - there are two 32-story towers. One of them is intended for residential apartments, the second one – for offices and hotel. The last two floors that combine the towers are destined for SPA and a restaurant with an observation deck.
  • 7. Each person is different, each face is a mirror of human emotions and feelings. This is our outer cloths which we can change, putting in joy or sadness, anger or kindness by turn. Artist’s face is his creation. Visitors have to choose whose face to remember and whose to ignore. The idea of our installation is to subconsciously focus the attention not on a contemporary work of art, the "face" of which, at first glance, may seem strange to us, but on the way how author by his work conveys his personal attitude to reality and life around. Materials To make the installation Plexiglas on plastic frame and LED-backlight are used.
  • 8. MOSES HIGHWAY When there is a question how to connect the two oceans which are separated with the land – the answer is obvious – it is necessary to dig a canal. In our proposal we have decided to give the Strait of Hormuz which separates two coasts the quality of land and taking into consideration the experience of Moses, who made the sea diverge with the help of his faith, we will believe in the possibility of human of the future and the development of future technology and venture to create a "channel" in the sea. We will not dwell on how to choose the course of the channel that the design will have become a kind of economic, tourist and cultural umbilical cord, thus restoring the original relationship drifting continents. This is the task of further research. And first of all let draw attention to its functions and constructions. Functions First and the most important – this is the road for the ground transportation. Separate lanes for cars and trucks. People from both coasts who love to travel, have their business or trade in the region will have a unique opportunity for fast, easy, reliable and cheaper road transport. As a bonus, we anticipate monorail aerial flyover for fast underground railway. Second but with the same importance – a waterway for ships. Several water passages provide a continuous connection between the ocean and the Persian Gulf. These bands have sufficient water depth for the passing of the world's largest passenger liners, private yachts or sailing regattas.
  • 9. The purpose of this project was to design three archives and a public center. Therefore, the planning structure should be clear and rational. The first thing that was taken into account are separate external entrances, and considering the factor of limited usage of archival funds by the visitors. At the same time, the entrance to the public center is simple and plain. There is a link between the city archive and the public center. The next factor determines the philosophy of space, that is: the peculiarity of working on archival materials requires concentration and attention. Considering the above, we have tried to create comfortable workplaces for employees of archive, due to planning. A basic idea of the Japanese garden of contemplation of the world’s beauty has set us the goal that the view from the window should be light and pleasant, and the influence of environmental chaos should be minimal. Working on the planning structure and sticking to the philosophy of contemplation, the architectural minimalistic image of the projected building is formed simultaneously. The main focus is on the simplicity of geometric shapes, expressive volumes, as well as on lighting related effects. The composition is formed on the contrast of dark glass planes and light concrete walls. The aim is in rational and balanced combination of deaf and transparent surfaces, different in size and texture. Actually, this variety enriches the facades and therefore no additional decoration is needed. Concerning the exterior and interior, priority is given to the utility and simplicity. The large glass blocks of the public center are necessary for the visual communication between the street and the hall of media library. In addition, it will attract people and allow them to create a pleasing public space from the outside. In the workrooms of archives and reading halls, large panoramic windows were also designed for good lighting and contemplation of the Japanese garden. In the interior, light colors are used majorly. Lines of walls, floors, ceilings create clear geometric drawings. CITY ARCHIVE
  • 10. ARSENAL OF CULTURE in Poland Development of functional and spatial concept of new buildings of Municipal Culture Center (MSC) and the Municipal Arts Center (MOS) requires analysis of many factors, without which you can not get a comprehensive architectural and urban solution. The basic idea of ​​the proposal was formed as the need to take into account not only the future functional and aesthetic needs of urban problems, but also in the desire to maximize the preservation and adaptation of existing buildings. This led us to focus our attention on the analysis submitted lists facilities that are necessary for the life of the complex, including the isolation of those areas that would fit under the parameters of existing facilities to make the most of available resources and save money for new needs. Therefore, in the existing part of the building the MOS premises were designed, for which the required height and location were specified. In such way were formed the space exhibition halls and facilities that are directly related to them and outlined slick pit for MOS. An important influence on the shaping process was the desire to realize the idea of ​​openness and integration with external space "small scene" (MSC). This led to the orientation of the café-club scene and its hall, park with the possibility of transforming the outer wall of adjacent open space during different attractions.
  • 11. SHARE THE VIEW in Denmark Interactivity is the main goal of our solution. We purposely put such scenario into the design because in such way people can not simply come to sit and enjoy the landscape. We create conditions for everybody to actively interact with each other and set the task-challenge to find the best favorite view. The best variant for such aim is a labyrinth. It unconsciously adjusts people to cooperative work, attention and mutual assistance. Besides that the actual process of the route is an interesting diversion that will help to forget about your daily worries and find funny company of associates. Several tracks, exterior walls with windows, and viewing platforms at different levels - it all helps to find your favorite view of the city. And if you have already found it and have your own opinion, it is not a problem to share it with others and maybe even with the whole world! Our building actively interacts with the environment. Its industrial design, harmoniously combined with the other buildings of the island, intrigues people who are on the other side, and unobtrusive rough character simply advertise the building and attracts the attention to it. The construction of the labyrinth is simple to do and requires no foundation. The walls are made of the metal frame, which is sheathed with oriented strand board. Imitation of texture and pattern of concrete is achieved by painting. The building requires no service, instead only careful attitude towards it, because it is the interactive part of Copenhagen.
  • 12. APART HOTEL in Ukraine In tightly built cities there is less and less space for new developments. How to design a commercially attractive project in a historic building, without interrupting the privacy of its inhabitants? This concept is intended to solve these issues. The size of the projected apartment-hotel is shaped in such a way so to take into account the right for inhabitants of neighboring houses to insolate their homes and for the privacy of the home environment. The format of the hotel creates a closed courtyard, which serves as a recreation zone and, at the same time, as an entrance area to the hotel. Thus, with a small area of the plot (1300 m2) and a limited building height (18 m), we have succeeded to locate 3,500 m2 of commercial space on 5 floors. The materials for decoration of the building are brick, white plaster and titanium-zinc roof covering, destined to introduce in a balanced way to the surrounding historical environment, for which these materials are authentic, while retaining a modern replica of the architectural solution.
  • 13. VARNA LIBRARY in Bulgaria To subordinate new building to the architectural environment and do not conflict with the existing dominant of Municipality Hall building. In addition, it is proposed to devide the designed form vertically into three parts. Furthermore, lower and upper levels will be like smooth and natural forms. Otherwise, the middle part will have proper rectangular form. To display the architecture of Bulgaria natural affluences - the sun, the mountains and the sea. The upper part will remind shape of the mountain, and there you can read books or just relax on green areas with overlooking on the sea. Smooth interior walls lines thematically continue the motive of the exterior, designed atrium pervades all floors and gives sunny mood. To transform sidewalk space along the Osmi Primorski Polk blvd. into an attractive public area. The lower part of the building is partly deepened. This creates a covered and attractive place for people and extends the area in front of the building. The existing flowerbeds with trees are transformed into urban park, with ability to relax in the green zone.
  • 14. ECO VILLAGE in Ukraine The intensity of the modern pace of life, the heavy working temp, the constant urban "landscapes" deplete citizens of the big city from day to day, a need for rest and recovery appears. This healing can be fully obtained in the natural environment. Therefore, the main objective of this concept is the expressive ecological orientation of the visual image and the maximum implementation of eco-architectural principles. Landscaping and architectural techniques are used in the construction of the object, so that the buildings are as much as possible hidden in the natural environment and opened to visitors as they approach them. Hiking tracks bind all functional areas, sailing round plantations and compositions of landscaping, bringing us to the cottages and main structures, making the necessary visual accents on the way. The center of collective communication and recreation is a square, formed between administrative and water-improving buildings. Her distinct architectural image is formed by a combination of a grassy lawn with colored sidewalk tiles. The basis of the architectural and spatial solution is a simple, compact form of buildings, which allows you to surround them in a correct and balanced way with planting and fit them to the natural environment. The large glass surfaces of the windows in the living rooms of each building help visitors to stay visually in the natural surroundings. An exterior wooden terrace with barbecue grill and separate place for table and loungers increases the effect of outdoor staying. In addition, each cottage has its own grassy lawn surrounded by a living fence of trees and bushes. Such a lawn allows at the same time to preserve the privacy of rest and to be in contact with nature constantly. The shape of buildings is as concise and simple as possible, in order to use it as a background for decorative greening of the central square. The precise geometric lines of the buildings provide a wonderful opportunity for the rich crown of trees to dominate the environment.
  • 15. Contact us Yuriy Budulych Head of Business Development mob/WatsApp: +38 (067) 719-66-93 fax.: +38 (032) 235-09-70 e-mail: skype: Comfortbud