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Welcome to an online module, made just for you, to
educate, inspire, and encourage Black women to take
control of their sexual and reproductive health by
reducing the risk of HIV transmission. Congrats to you for
taking this step in taking ownership of your body and
Please get started by clicking the button below.
Is PrEP Right for Me?
Welcome to an online module, made just for you, to
educate, inspire, and encourage Black women to take
control of their sexual and reproductive health by
reducing the risk of HIV transmission. Congrats to you for
taking this step in taking ownership of your body and
Please get started by clicking the button below.
Is PrEP Right for Me?
In this online module, you will be guided through the life
of Morgan. This semester, Morgan is taking a Health 101
class for her general education requirements. This week,
her TA is discussing the topic of HIV and prevention,
something Morgan is a little familiar with based on the
ads she has seen on TV and small talk that goes on in her
friend group. Morgan isn’t too afraid, however, she is
sure she knows how to be safe, she’s been careful thus
far, and it’s pretty rare… right?
Today’s topic is a little touchy. It is a little more personal
for me and for a lot of the people I know. It’s much more
loaded than the nutrition and healthy eating we’ve been
covering so far, but today we are talking about HIV. This
will start our series of discussions on sexual and
reproductive health for this section of the course, so you
might want to grab some protection for this one and let’s
get started.
It’s	an	STD,	can’t	never	get	rid	of	that	one…
It’s	a	sexually	transmitted	virus	that	your	body	cannot	
completely	rid	itself	of.	It	stands	for	Human	Immunodeficiency	
Virus.	It	works	by	destroying	the	T	cells	in	the	body,	which	
helps	the	immune	system	fight	infection.
Ok,	so	what	does	that	mean?
When	the	body’s	T	cells	are	low,	the	immune	system	is	
weakened	and	various	infections	and	other	viruses	can	take	
advantage	of	that	and	really	do	damage	to	your	body,	resulting	
in	more	complications	like	AIDS,	cancers,	and	higher	risk	of… Well,	we’ll	
get	to	that	
in	a	sec…
HIV? Before	we	get	there,	
what	are	some	of	the	
crazy	things	you’ve	
heard	about	catching	
HIV?re	low,	the	immune	system	is	
ections	and	other	viruses	can	take	
lly	do	damage	to	your	body,	resulting	
e	AIDS,	cancers,	and	higher	risk	of…
Oral	sex…
Urine	and	
feces	right?
I	thought	someone	
told	me	you	couldn’t	
get	it	that	way?
HIV? Right,	Morgan.	These	are	
some	crazy	myths.	
Actually,	HIV	cannot	be	
spread	that	way.	In	fact,	
it	can	only	be	spread	
through:	semen,	blood,	
vaginal	and	anal	fluids,	
and	breast	milk.
The	major	ways	to	transmit	HIV	are:	
• Unprotected	anal	sex
• Unprotected	vaginal	sex
• Sharing	needles
• Mother-child	contact	through	birth	or	breast	
Some	of	the	symptoms	to	know	if	you	potentially	have	
the	virus	after	you’ve	participated	in	any	of	these	
activities	include:
• Flu-like	symptoms	such	as	fever,	body	rash,	sore	
throat,	headache,	upset	stomach,	aches	and	pains	
in	joints	and	muscles,	etc.	
If	left	untreated,	HIV	can	
develop	into	AIDS,	an	
incurable	syndrome	that	
leads	to	serious	
infection,	other	diseases,	
and	potentially	death.	
Wait,	okay	okay,	so…	hypothetically,	if	you	use	
condoms	every	now	and	again,	and	you’re	in	a	
monogamous	relationship,	you	should	be	okay	
Actually,	not	so.	Even	in	a	
relationship	this	is	a	risk	
of	infidelity	and	HIV	
transmission…So,	in	this	
hypothetical	situation,	
it’s	still	a	high	risk	for	a	
woman	to	contract	HIV	
from	her	partner,	even	if	
it’s	one	time.	In	a	
situation	with	multiple	
partners,	the	risk	goes	up	
The	only	way	to	truly	
prevent	HIV,	if	celibacy	
isn’t	in	the	question	for	
this	person,	is	to	reduce	
their	number	of	
partners,	use	condoms,	
dental	dams,	and	other	
forms	of	protection,	and	
if	she	thinks	she	is	
affected,	then	she	can	
take	Post-exposure	
prophylaxis	up	to	72	
hours	after	the	incident	
to	reduce	the	likelihood	
of	HIV	transmission.	It’s	
not	a	cure,	but	only	a	
prevention	method	after	
PrEP or	Pre-Exposure	
Prophylaxis,	which	is	a	
daily	pill	used	to	prevent	
HIV	before	that	scary	
moment	of	exposure,	is	
also	a	great	new	option	
as	well.
I	know	that	was	a	lot	of	
information…	but	I	will	
be	posting	a	study	guide	
online	for	our	quiz	next	
class	on	this	information.	
Take	a	look	at	it,	and	
have	a	good	weekend.
After	all	the	students	pack	up	and	leave,	Morgan	stays	behind,	a	little	distraught	
after	the	lecture.	She	walks	up	to	the	TA’s	desk	nervously…
Hey,	I	had	a	
question	for	
Of	course,	
what’s	up?
What’s	the	actual	likelihood	
of	someone,	say	I	don’t	
know…	like	me	of	catching	
Well,	being	a	black	woman,	
and	college	aged,	to	be	
honest,	your	risk	is	off	the	
charts.	81%	of	20-24	year	
olds	were	diagnosed	with	
HIV	in	2014,	44%	don’t	even	
know	their	status.	And	in	
2014	alone,	Black	
heterosexual	women	made	
up	higher	rates	of	HIV	than	
Black	heterosexual	men	and	
had	highest	rates	out	of	all	
women	groups.
Oh…	well,	that’s	got	to	be	
different	depending	on	the	
location	right?	Like,	the	rates	
and	stuff…
READY FOR PrEP? Yeah	the	statistics	reduce	or	
increase	risk	depending	on	
location,	that’s	just	generally	
across	the	country,	but,	
seeing	as	though	we	are	in	
Atlanta,	in	the	metro	area,	
ATL	ranked	number	1	in	HIV	
cases	across	the	country,	
and	highest	rates	in	this	very	
AUC	area…
READY FOR PrEP? Black	women	in	the	city	
alone	made	up	87%	of	the	
HIV	cases	in	Atlanta…	It’s	
actually	an	epidemic.	I’ve	
had	several	friends	from	
college	get	HIV,	one	of	them	
just	passed	recently	from	
complications	after	not	
taking	her	medication.	Not	
to	mention,	my	mom	had	it,	
but	luckily	with	her	daily	
medication	she’s	been	able	
to	live	17	years	with	it.
READY FOR PrEP? Yeah,	that’s	why	I’m	so	
passionate	about	this	stuff,	
it’s	so	close	to	home.	As	a	
Black	man,	I	want	to	take	
the	responsibility	of	
protecting	and	honoring	my	
Black	sisters.	I	think	it’s	so	
important	for	Black	women	
to	reclaim	their	value	and	
take	back	control	of	their	
health.	Our	lives	are	
important,	and	we	need	to	
stop	all	the	games	and	start	
acting	like	it.	I	want	to	see	
you	win,	sis.
Morgan	grew	quite…
Morgan	are	you	ok?
Morgan	has	been	intimate	
and	her	partner	been	using	
Morgan	has	been	intimate	
and	she	has	not	been	using	
Morgan	is	not	currently	in	
any	intimate	relationship.
Which	scenario	would	you	like	to	most	describe	Morgan?	
It	is	best	to	select	a	scenario	based	on	the	choice	that	is	closest	to	the	one	you	can	
resonate	with	the	most:
Morgan	has	been	intimate	and	her	partner	been	using	protection:	
Morgan	and	her	current	partner	have	been	having	sex	for	a	while	now,	and	they	had	discussed	condoms	and	other	
forms	of	protection	several	times.	They	were	currently	using	condoms	as	their	method	of	protection	just	to	be	safe,	
but	knowing	the	risks	of	HIV	still	worried	Morgan,	plus	there	were	pressures	to	potentially	not	use	them,	it	was	
definitely	tempting	to	see	what	it	would	be	like;	but,	she	wanted	to	protect	herself	and	her	partner	from	the	
disease,	and	she	was	sure	he	wanted	to	as	well,	but	what	were	her	other	options?	Were	condoms	really	the	only	
Yeah,	it’s	just…	I	don’t	use	
condoms	anymore…
Have	you	thought	about	
I	mean,	not	really.	My	partner	says	
he	prefers	it	this	way…	But…	I	
guess	I’d	want	to,	if	it	will	help	me	
live	a	healthier	lifestyle.	But	even	
still…	what	else	are	my	options?
Well,	like	I	said,	you	can	
always	talk	to	your	partner	
about	using	protection	or	
even	think	about	taking	
I	don’t	know	nothing	about	no	
daily	pill…	that’s	a	lot.
Well,	the	treatment	for	HIV	
is	also	daily	medication	as	
well…	I	guess	the	decision	is	
yours.	But	if	you	ever	want	
to	talk,	feel	free	to	hit	me	
up.	Email	me,	come	to	office	
hours,	call	me.	I	say	look	
over	the	material	I’m	
sending	for	the	exam	and	
we	can	talk	after	to	see	how	
you	feel.	How’s	that	sound?
Yea	sure…
Morgan	has	been	intimate	and	has	not	been	using	protection:	
Morgan	and	her	current	partner	have	been	having	sex	for	a	while	now,	and	in	the	beginning,	they	used	condoms,	
but	now	he	pressured	her	to	not	use	them—he	said	it	would	feel	much	better	without	them	and	that	using	them	
only	showed	her	distrust,	wanting	to	make	him	happy	she	agreed.	But	after	hearing	all	the	risk	of	this	simple	act,	
she	wasn’t	so	sure	it	was	worth	it	any	more.	But,	what	could	she	do?	Was	there	any	other	way?	She	cared	for	him	
and	didn’t	want	to	leave	him	or	make	him	uncomfortable,	but	the	thought	of	living	with	HIV	and	the	stigma	was	
Yeah,	it’s	just…	I	don’t	know…	I	feel	
like	this	is	important	information	for	
me	and	my	partner,	but	we’ve	been	
using	protection	and	are	pretty	
safe…	But	I	don’t	know.
Of	course,	of	course.	Using	
condoms	and	practicing	safe	
sex	is	huge…	And	condoms	
are	98-99%	effective	if	used	
properly	and	consistently.
Yeah	that’s	true…	I	mean	we	may	
have	almost	messed	up	a	few	
times	and	forgot,	but	a	majority	of	
the	time	we	use	them.
Well	that’s	good	to	hear!	
And	as	extra	protection,	you	
can	always	talk	to	your	
partner	about	taking	PrEP to	
reduce	your	risk	even	more.	
And	you	never	know	if	
people	are	out	here	being	
faithful,	and	you	never	know	
if	you	break	up,	what	other	
kinds	of	relationships	you	
may	enter,	so	in	that	case	
options	like	PrEP would	be	a	
great	way	for	you	to	take	
ownership	of	your	own	
health	and	not	leave	your	
health	completely	up	to	
your	partner	and	their	
ability	to	wear	a	condom	
I	don’t	know	nothing	about	no	
daily	pill…	that’s	a	lot.
Well,	the	treatment	for	HIV	
is	also	daily	medication	as	
well…	I	guess	the	decision	is	
yours.	But	if	you	ever	want	
to	talk,	feel	free	to	hit	me	
up.	Email	me,	come	to	office	
hours,	call	me.	I	say	look	
over	the	material	I’m	
sending	for	the	exam	and	
we	can	talk	after	to	see	how	
you	feel.	How’s	that	sound?
Yea	sure…
Morgan	is	not	currently	in	an	intimate	relationship:	
Morgan	wasn’t	sure	if	this	really	applied	to	her.	She	hadn’t	been	in	a	relationship	in	a	while.	She	had	a	few	people	
she	was	talking	to	but	nothing	serious.	Was	she	really	in	a	place	to	make	this	kind	of	decision?	Should	she	focus	on	
her	sexual	health	even	if	her	sex	life	was	dead	at	the	moment?
Yeah,	it’s	just…	I	don’t	know…	I	feel	
like	this	is	important	information	for	
me	but	I’m	not	currently	with	
anyone	or	having	sex	like	that…
Of	course,	of	course.	Well	
you	never	know	when	you	
will	want	to	have	sex	and	if	
you	don’t	know	the	risk	and	
how	to	protect	yourself	now,	
when	that	time	comes	it	can	
be	a	really	sticky	situation.	
Plus,	you	may	want	to	get	
into	a	relationship	for	the	
future,	why	not	think	about	
the	hard	stuff	now	so	that	
when	you	do	enter	an	
intimate	relationship,	you’re	
Yeah	that’s	true…
Like	I	said,	there’s	tons	of	
options	out	there	for	you	to	
consider,	like	PrEP.
I	don’t	know	nothing	about	no	
daily	pill…	that’s	a	lot.
Well,	the	treatment	for	HIV	
is	also	daily	medication	as	
well…	I	guess	the	decision	is	
yours.	But	if	you	ever	want	
to	talk,	feel	free	to	hit	me	
up.	Email	me,	come	to	office	
hours,	call	me.	I	say	look	
over	the	material	I’m	
sending	for	the	exam	and	
we	can	talk	after	to	see	how	
you	feel.	How’s	that	sound?
Yea	sure…
Morgan	wasn’t	sure	what	to	do.	
There	were	so	many	decisions	to	make,	but	with	all	the	work	
she	had	coming	up	in	the	next	week,	she	didn’t	have	much	
time	to	think	about	it.	Oh	wait,	there	was	a	text	from	her	
Partner	now…	He	missed	her.	The	note	didn’t	bring	a	smile	
to	her	face	like	usual.	Maybe	now	she	did	have	some	things	
to	consider.
Morgan	wasn’t	sure	what	to	do.	
There	were	so	many	decisions	to	make,	but	with	all	the	work	
she	had	coming	up	in	the	next	week,	she	didn’t	have	much	
time	to	think	about	it.	But	as	she	walked	outside	and	saw	a	
couple	snugged	up	with	each	other,	she	felt	a	strange	feeling	
in	her	stomach.	That	could	be	her	one	day	and	the	risk	
would	still	be	there…	what	was	she	to	do?	Maybe	now	she	
did	have	some	things	to	consider.
Morgan	walked	up	to	the	TA	after	the	exam.	She	had	been	
thinking	about	her	options	over	the	weekend	and	she	was	
ready	to	talk	with	her	TA,	Daniel.	She	didn’t	know	how	to	
approach	her,	but	she	knew	she	had	to.
Hey,	could	I	talk	
with	you	for	a	
Of	course,	what’s	
up	Morgan?
Well,	I	was	considering	what	you	said	
last	class…and…I	want	to	learn	a	little	
more	about	HIV	prevention	methods	
and	all	that.
Great,	Morgan.	That’s	dope,	
I’m	more	than	happy	to	tell	you	
anything	you	would	like	to	
know.	You’re	making	a	great	
decision	for	yourself,	I’m	proud	
of	you.
Thanks…	Thanks.	So,	I	know	
condoms	and	all	of	that	are	an	
option,	but	I	remember	you	
saying	something	about	PrEP?	
I	literally	have	no	idea	what	
that	is.
Well	PrEP is	a	daily	medication	
to	reduce	the	risk	of	HIV	
infection	for	those	who	are	
HIV-negative	and	count	as	high	
So,	how	do	you	know	if	you’re	
high	risk?
Well,	we	kind	of	talked	about	your	risk	as	a	
black	woman	in	this	city,	going	to	college	in	this	
area,	it’s	one	of	the	highest	risk	in	the	country.	
ATL	has	some	of	the	rates	comparable	to	that	
of	DC	or	other	metropolitan	areas,	even	parts	
of	Africa.	You	would	definitely	qualify.
So,	how	effective	is	it,	like	
compared	to	condoms?
It’s	most	effective	when	taken	
daily,	and	it	must	be	accompanied	
with	regular	check-ups	every	3	
months	and	other	safe	sex	
practices,	because	it	does	not
prevent	pregnancy,	STIS,	or	other	
But,	if	you	take	it	as	directed,	and	
use	other	safe	sex	practices,	you	
can	reduce	the	risk	of	transmission	
by	at	least	90%	if	not	more.
Really?	90%!	That’s…That’s	
pretty	amazing.
That’s	what	I’m	saying!	Like,	it’s	something	we	as	Black	people	
really	are	not	taking	advantage	of,	it	doesn’t	take	a	lot,	it’s	
literally	one	pill	a	day,	you	can	take	it	with	breakfast	or	before	
you	brush	your	teeth	and	practice	safe	sex	and	that’s	literally	
it.	Literally.	But	remember,	it’s	not	meant	to	be	taken	as	an	
either	or	solution	to	safe	sex,	it’s	a	both, and solution.
Wow,	I	mean…	it	seems	like	a	pretty	good	
option.	How	much	does	it	cost	and	like…	
what	are	the	side	effects?	How	do	I	go	
about	getting	it?
Well,	I’m	going	to	send	you	some	stuff	that	I	know	about	
it	and	some	clinics	in	the	area	that	offer	it.	I	think,	these	
are	some	great	questions	to	talk	to	a	doctor	about,	if	
you’re	interested?
Yeah,	I’d	be	interested.	I’m	a	little	afraid	
though,	it’s	kind	of	embarrassing.	I	don’t	
want	her	to	think	I’m	like	out	here	doing	
crazy	stuff	or	that	I	have	the	disease…
No,	don’t	worry.	That’s	totally	a	rational	fear,	but	we’re	all	here	to	help	you,	judgement	free.	This	is	all	about	
being	an	empowered	woman	to	make	the	best	choices	for	your	health,	and	taking	the	pill	doesn’t	mean	you	
are	being	super	unsafe	or	you	have	STIs	or	are	being	promiscuous	or	any	of	that,	it	says	that	you	care	about	
your	body	and	your	future,	and	you	just	want	to	be	proactive	and	make	smart	decisions	to	live	a	healthy	
Yeah,	you’re	right!
So	how	about	I	just	email	you	some	of	
the	information	I	have,	some	clinics,	
and	even	some	questions	you	can	ask	
your	doctor	to	break	the	ice	a	little	bit?
Thanks	so	much!	Honestly,	you	have	
NO	idea	how	much	this	means	to	me,	
how	much	you’ve	supported	me	in	
this	process.
Sis,	we’ve	got	to	support	one	another.	
Our	bodies	matter,	our	lives	matter,	
what	we	do	with	our	bodies	and	our	
lives	matters,	you matter.
Morgan	fumbled	with	her	fingers.	She	shifted	in	her	seat,	trying	to	sit	up	as	
straight	as	possible	on	the	uncomfortable	table.	The	room	was	pale,	only	charts	
of	birth	control	and	PSAs	for	cervical	cancer	decorated	the	room.	No	windows.	
Just	a	sink,	the	table,	a	chair,	a	small	computer	in	the	corner,	and	those	PSAs	to	
look.	Seconds	seemed	like	hours	as	she	checked	her	watch	once	again.	Maybe	I	
should	leave,	she	thought	just	as	there	was	a	knock	on	the	door.	It	opened	swiftly	
and	a	dark	skinned,	tall	woman	with	glasses	walked	inside.	She	wore	a	long	white	
coat	and	carried	a	clipboard	in	her	hand.
Hello,	Morgan.	How	are	you?
I’m	doing	alright,	
how	about	you?
Good,	good.	So	I	hear	you’d	like	
to	talk	about	PrEP,	no?
Yea,	I	had	a	few	questions…
Ok,	go	ahead.
So,	I	think	PrEP would	be	a	good	
choice	for	me	because	one,	I	am	
a	Black	woman,	and	we	have	
some	of	the	highest	rates	of	HIV	
within	the	country;	plus,	I	am	a	
college	student,	and	my	age	
group	also	happens	to	have	
some	of	the	highest	rates	of	HIV	
as	well,	and	let’s	not	mention	
being	a	student	in	Atlanta	in	the	
AUC	area,	I	think	my	risk	of	
contracting	HIV	is	off	the	charts.
Being	in	a	monogamous	
relationship,	I	thought	maybe	it	
wouldn’t	be	a	big	deal	to	not	
use	PrEP. However,	after	some	
consideration,	I	think	it	could	
definitely	help	ease	my	mind	
and	also	help	me	to	take	
proactive	steps	in	reducing	my	
risk.	I	want	to	live	a	healthy	and	
safe	life	and	knowing	that	I	am	
of	high	risk	and	having	sex,	I	
think	it	would	be	a	great	option	
for	me.
Wow,	it	seems	like	you	have	a	
pretty	good	idea	for	why	you’re	
interested	in	the	medication.	I	
think	for	someone	like	you	it	
could	be	a	good	fit.	Are	you	and	
your	partner	currently	using	any	
protection	methods?
Currently,	no.	I	would	like	to	
begin,	however.
I	think	that’s	a	good	next	step	also.	
So,	before	we	actually	talk	more	
about	PrEP and	your	usage,	I’d	like	to	
perform	an	HIV	test	just	to	be	sure	
you	are	in	fact	HIV-negative	and	
eligible.	I’d	also	like	to	know	more	
about	your	sexual	history…
No	problem.	I	figured	you	would	
ask.	I	took	the	liberty	of	making	
a	list	of	that	information	for	you.
Sexual	History	Survey:	this	will	inform	their	
personalized	risk	reduction	plan.
Wow,	you	really	came	prepared.	This	is	great.	This	
makes	everything	so	much	easier.	Here	is	a	form	to	
complete	for	the	HIV	rapid	test	and	it	also	asks	just	
a	little	bit	about	your	sexual	history	also.	A	nurse	
will	come	in	and	administer	the	test	and	you	
should	have	results	in	20	minutes.	After	that,	we	
will	talk	our	options,	how’s	that	sound?
You’re	making	a	great	decision	
coming	in,	and	I’m	honestly	very	
proud	of	you	for	taking	this	step.
The	doctor	smiled	and	placed	her	hand	on	Morgan’s	
shoulder.	Morgan	smiled	and	felt	a	warmth	in	her	heart.	
After	the	tests,	the	doctor	returned	with	files	in	hand.
Alright,	so	the	tests	are	complete.	
You	are	in	fact	HIV-negative.	So	you	
would	definitely	be	eligible	for	PrEP.
Okay,	so…can	you	provide	PrEP here?
Yes,	definitely.	I	can	provide	PrEP. Do	
you	have	any	other	questions?
Yes,	are	there	any	side	effects?
Not	really.	Nothing	more	than	period	
like	or	flu-like	symptoms	for	some	
people,	but	these	usually	go	away	
within	the	first	month.
Could	I	get	help	with	paying	for	
PrEP?	I’m	not	sure	if	my	insurance	
covers	it…
Of	course.	I	will	provide	you	with	a	cost	
assistance	sheet	and	if	you	are	to	choose	
PrEP,	then	we	can	definitely	talk	to	some	of	
those	providers	for	you	as	well.
Knowing	more	about	your	sexual	history	and	your	interest	in	
PrEP,	I	have	a	personalized	prevention	strategy	for	you	that	I’ve	
included	with	some	more	info	on	PrEP,	cost	and	assistance.	
Remember,	PrEP is	not	a	substitute	for	healthy	safe	sex	
practices.	It	should	be	used	in	addition	to	these	practices.
• It	must	be	taken	daily	
and	you	cannot	miss	or	
skip	a	dosage.
• You	cannot	share	
• You	must	come	back	for	
a	follow-up	every	3	
months	and	adhere	to	
the	prevention	strategy	
I	provided.	
Some	other	helpful	
points:	in	order	for	it	to	
be	effective…
If	you	agree	to	all	of	those	things,	I	would	like	to	talk	more	
about	it	starting	PrEP as	soon	as	possible.	Take	a	look	over	
everything,	and	how	about	we	schedule	a	follow	up	within	the	
two	weeks	to	give	you	some	time	to	think	things	through?
Perfect,	thank	you	Dr.
No,	thank	you	Morgan.	This	is	a	
wonderful	decision.	I	also	provided	
some	support	resources	in	terms	of	
others	who	have	taken	PrEP,	support	
communities,	blogs,	and	other	
resources	for	you.	Take	a	look	over	
all	of	these	things	and	I	encourage	
you	to	talk	with	your	significant	
other	and	your	friends	and	family	
about	this.
Don’t	be	afraid	to	assert	what	
you	want	for	your	health,	
you’re	taking	control	of	your	
health	and	your	life	and	that’s	
something	no	one	else	can	do	
for	you.	But	feel	strong,	our	
team	here	is	behind	you,	and	
you’re	making	the	right	
Morgan	fumbled	with	her	fingers.	She	shifted	in	her	seat,	trying	to	sit	up	as	
straight	as	possible	on	the	uncomfortable	table.	The	room	was	pale,	only	charts	of	
birth	control	and	PSAs	for	cervical	cancer	decorated	the	room.	No	windows.	Just	a	
sink,	the	table,	a	chair,	a	small	computer	in	the	corner,	and	those	PSAs	to	look.	
Seconds	seemed	like	hours	as	she	checked	her	watch	once	again.	Maybe	I	should	
leave,	she	thought	just	as	there	was	a	knock	on	the	door.	It	opened	swiftly	and	a	
dark	skinned,	tall	woman	with	glasses	walked	inside.	She	wore	a	long	white	coat	
and	carried	a	clipboard	and	red	file	in	her	hand.
Hello,	Morgan.	How	are	you	this	
I’m	doing	alright,	
how	about	you?
Good,	good.	So	I	hear	you’d	like	
to	talk	about	PrEP,	no?
Yea,	I	had	a	few	questions…
Ok,	go	ahead.
So,	I	think	PrEP would	be	a	good	
choice	for	me	because	one,	I	am	
a	Black	woman,	and	we	have	
some	of	the	highest	rates	of	HIV	
within	the	country;	plus,	I	am	a	
college	student,	and	my	age	
group	also	happens	to	have	
some	of	the	highest	rates	of	HIV	
as	well,	and	let’s	not	mention	
being	a	student	in	Atlanta	in	the	
AUC	area,	I	think	my	risk	of	
contracting	HIV	is	off	the	charts.
Being	in	a	monogamous	
relationship,	I	thought	maybe	it	
wouldn’t	be	a	big	deal	to	not	
use	PrEP. However,	after	some	
consideration,	I	think	it	could	
definitely	help	ease	my	mind	
and	also	help	me	to	take	
proactive	steps	in	reducing	my	
risk.	I	want	to	live	a	healthy	and	
safe	life	and	knowing	that	I	am	
of	high	risk	and	having	sex,	I	
think	it	would	be	a	great	option	
for	me.
Wow,	it	seems	like	you	have	a	
pretty	good	idea	for	why	you’re	
interested	in	the	medication.	I	
think	for	someone	like	you	it	
could	be	a	good	fit.	Are	you	and	
your	partner	currently	using	any	
protection	methods?
Currently,	yes.
That’s	wonderful!	So,	before	we	
actually	talk	more	about	PrEP and	
your	usage,	I’d	like	to	perform	an	HIV	
test	just	to	be	sure	you	are	in	fact	
HIV-negative	and	eligible.	I’d	also	like	
to	know	more	about	your	sexual	
No	problem.	I	figured	you	would	
ask.	I	took	the	liberty	of	making	
a	list	of	that	information	for	you.
Sexual	History	Survey:	this	will	inform	their	
personalized	risk	reduction	plan.
Wow,	you	really	came	prepared.	This	is	great.	This	
makes	everything	so	much	easier.	Here	is	a	form	to	
complete	for	the	HIV	rapid	test	and	it	also	asks	just	
a	little	bit	about	your	sexual	history	also.	A	nurse	
will	come	in	and	administer	the	test	and	you	
should	have	results	in	20	minutes.	After	that,	we	
will	talk	our	options,	how’s	that	sound?
You’re	making	a	great	decision	
coming	in,	and	I’m	honestly	very	
proud	of	you	for	taking	this	step.
The	doctor	smiled	and	placed	her	hand	on	Morgan’s	
shoulder.	Morgan	smiled	and	felt	a	warmth	in	her	heart.	
After	the	tests,	the	doctor	returned	with	files	in	hand.
Alright,	so	the	tests	are	complete.	
You	are	in	fact	HIV-negative.	So	you	
would	definitely	be	eligible	for	PrEP.
Okay,	so…can	you	provide	PrEP here?
Yes,	definitely.	I	can	provide	PrEP. Do	
you	have	any	other	questions?
Yes,	are	there	any	side	effects?
Not	really.	Nothing	more	than	period	
like	or	flu-like	symptoms	for	some	
people,	but	these	usually	go	away	
within	the	first	month.
Could	I	get	help	with	paying	for	
PrEP?	I’m	not	sure	if	my	insurance	
covers	it…
Of	course.	I	will	provide	you	with	a	cost	
assistance	sheet	and	if	you	are	to	choose	
PrEP,	then	we	can	definitely	talk	to	some	of	
those	providers	for	you	as	well.
Knowing	more	about	your	sexual	history	and	your	interest	in	
PrEP,	I	have	a	personalized	prevention	strategy	for	you	that	I’ve	
included	with	some	more	info	on	PrEP,	cost	and	assistance.	
Remember,	PrEP is	not	a	substitute	for	healthy	safe	sex	
practices.	It	should	be	used	in	addition	to	these	practices.
• It	must	be	taken	daily	
and	you	cannot	miss	or	
skip	a	dosage.
• You	cannot	share	
• You	must	come	back	for	
a	follow-up	every	3	
months	and	adhere	to	
the	prevention	strategy	
I	provided.	
Some	other	helpful	
points:	in	order	for	it	to	
be	effective…
If	you	agree	to	all	of	those	things,	I	would	like	to	talk	more	
about	it	starting	PrEP as	soon	as	possible.	Take	a	look	over	
everything,	and	how	about	we	schedule	a	follow	up	within	the	
two	weeks	to	give	you	some	time	to	think	things	through?
Perfect,	thank	you	Dr.
No,	thank	you	Morgan.	This	is	a	
wonderful	decision.	I	also	provided	
some	support	resources	in	terms	of	
others	who	have	taken	PrEP,	support	
communities,	blogs,	and	other	
resources	for	you.	Take	a	look	over	all	
of	these	things	and	I	encourage	you	to	
talk	with	your	significant	other	and	
your	friends	and	family	about	this.
Don’t	be	afraid	to	assert	what	
you	want	for	your	health,	
you’re	taking	control	of	your	
health	and	your	life	and	that’s	
something	no	one	else	can	do	
for	you.	But	feel	strong,	our	
team	here	is	behind	you,	and	
you’re	making	the	right	
Morgan	fumbled	with	her	fingers.	She	shifted	in	her	seat,	trying	to	sit	up	as	
straight	as	possible	on	the	uncomfortable	table.	The	room	was	pale,	only	charts	of	
birth	control	and	PSAs	for	cervical	cancer	decorated	the	room.	No	windows.	Just	a	
sink,	the	table,	a	chair,	a	small	computer	in	the	corner,	and	those	PSAs	to	look.	
Seconds	seemed	like	hours	as	she	checked	her	watch	once	again.	Maybe	I	should	
leave,	she	thought	just	as	there	was	a	knock	on	the	door.	It	opened	swiftly	and	a	
dark	skinned,	tall	woman	with	glasses	walked	inside.	She	wore	a	long	white	coat	
and	carried	a	clipboard	and	red	file	in	her	hand.
Hello,	Morgan.	How	are	you	this	
I’m	doing	alright,	
how	about	you?
Good,	good.	So	I	hear	you’d	like	
to	talk	about	PrEP,	no?
Yea,	I	had	a	few	questions…
Ok,	go	ahead.
So,	I	think	PrEP would	be	a	good	
choice	for	me	because	one,	I	am	
a	Black	woman,	and	we	have	
some	of	the	highest	rates	of	HIV	
within	the	country;	plus,	I	am	a	
college	student,	and	my	age	
group	also	happens	to	have	
some	of	the	highest	rates	of	HIV	
as	well,	and	let’s	not	mention	
being	a	student	in	Atlanta	in	the	
AUC	area,	I	think	my	risk	of	
contracting	HIV	is	off	the	charts.
Although	I	am	not	in	an	intimate	
relationship,	I	think	it	could	
definitely	help	ease	my	mind	
and	also	help	me	to	take	
proactive	steps	in	reducing	my	
risk.	I	want	to	live	a	healthy	and	
safe	life	and	knowing	that	I	am	
of	high	risk	and	having	sex,	I	
think	it	would	be	a	great	option	
for	me.	And	I’d	like	to	learn	
Wow,	it	seems	like	you	have	a	pretty	good	
idea	for	why	you’re	interested	in	the	
medication.	I	think	for	someone	like	you	it	
could	be	a	good	fit.	Of	course	since	you	are	
not	currently	in	a	relationship,	you	can	
make	the	decision	to	start	now	or	later,	but	
I’d	love	to	talk	more	about	it	with	you.
So,	before	we	actually	talk	more	
about	PrEP and	your	usage,	I’d	like	to	
perform	an	HIV	test	just	to	be	sure	
you	are	in	fact	HIV-negative	and	
eligible.	I’d	also	like	to	know	more	
about	your	sexual	history…
No	problem.	I	figured	you	would	
ask.	I	took	the	liberty	of	making	
a	list	of	that	information	for	you.
Sexual	History	Survey:	this	will	inform	their	
personalized	risk	reduction	plan.
Wow,	you	really	came	prepared.	This	is	great.	This	
makes	everything	so	much	easier.	Here	is	a	form	to	
complete	for	the	HIV	rapid	test	and	it	also	asks	just	
a	little	bit	about	your	sexual	history	also.	A	nurse	
will	come	in	and	administer	the	test	and	you	
should	have	results	in	20	minutes.	After	that,	we	
will	talk	our	options,	how’s	that	sound?
You’re	making	a	great	decision	
coming	in,	and	I’m	honestly	very	
proud	of	you	for	taking	this	step.
The	doctor	smiled	and	placed	her	hand	on	Morgan’s	
shoulder.	Morgan	smiled	and	felt	a	warmth	in	her	heart.	
After	the	tests,	the	doctor	returned	with	files	in	hand.
Alright,	so	the	tests	are	complete.	
You	are	in	fact	HIV-negative.	So	you	
would	definitely	be	eligible	for	PrEP.
Okay,	so…can	you	provide	PrEP here?
Yes,	definitely.	I	can	provide	PrEP. Do	
you	have	any	other	questions?
Yes,	are	there	any	side	effects?
Not	really.	Nothing	more	than	period	
like	or	flu-like	symptoms	for	some	
people,	but	these	usually	go	away	
within	the	first	month.
Could	I	get	help	with	paying	for	
PrEP?	I’m	not	sure	if	my	insurance	
covers	it…
Of	course.	I	will	provide	you	with	a	cost	
assistance	sheet	and	if	you	are	to	choose	
PrEP,	then	we	can	definitely	talk	to	some	of	
those	providers	for	you	as	well.
Knowing	more	about	your	sexual	history	and	your	
interest	in	PrEP,	I	have	a	personalized	prevention	strategy	
for	you	that	I’ve	included	with	some	more	info	on	PrEP,	
cost	and	assistance.	Remember,	PrEP is	not	a	substitute	
for	healthy	safe	sex	practices.	It	should	be	used	in	
addition	to	these	practices.	So,	when	you	do	decide	to	be	
sexually	active,	I	would	check	over	this	strategy	again.
• It	must	be	taken	daily	
and	you	cannot	miss	or	
skip	a	dosage.
• You	cannot	share	
• You	must	come	back	for	
a	follow-up	every	3	
months	and	adhere	to	
the	prevention	strategy	
I	provided.	
Some	other	helpful	
points:	in	order	for	it	to	
be	effective…
If	you	agree	to	all	of	those	things,	I	would	like	to	talk	more	
about	starting	PrEP whenever	you	are	ready.	Take	a	look	over	
everything,	and	how	about	we	schedule	a	follow	up	within	the	
two	weeks	to	give	you	some	time	to	think	things	through?
Perfect,	thank	you	Dr.
No,	thank	you	Morgan.	This	is	a	
wonderful	decision.	I	also	provided	some	
support	resources	in	terms	of	others	
who	have	taken	PrEP,	support	
communities,	blogs,	and	other	resources	
for	you.	Take	a	look	over	all	of	these	
things	and	I	encourage	you	to	talk	with	
your	friends	and	family	about	this	and	
get	input	from	whomever	you	trust.
And	the	same	goes	for	when	you	begin	an	
intimate	relationship	or	decide	to	have	sex,	
think	about	these	things	and	discuss	them	
beforehand.	Don’t	be	afraid	to	assert	what	
you	want	for	your	health,	you’re	taking	
control	of	your	health	and	your	life	and	that’s	
something	no	one	else	can	do	for	you.	But	
feel	strong,	our	team	here	is	behind	you,	and	
you’re	making	the	right	decision.
Hey,	what’s	up?
Hey	babe,	nothing	much.	
Watching	the	game	or	
Oh,	okay…
Why	you	look	like	that?	
What’s	wrong?
Well…	I	wanted	to	talk	to	you	
about	something.	It’s	kind	of	
Okay	so	in	class	we’ve	been	
learning	a	lot	about	HIV	and	
different	prevention	methods…	
Did	you	know	that	black	women	
have	one	of	the	highest	HIV	
rates	in	the	country?
Nah,	didn’t	know	
that…	What’s	this	got	
to	do	with	us	though,	
Well…	after	some	consideration,	
I	think	I	would	like	to	talk	to	you	
about	practicing	safer	sex.	First	
off,	we	need	to	use	condoms	
consistently,	period.
Whoa	whoa,	where	is	
all	of	this	coming	
I	think	it’s	the	best	idea	to	
keep	us	protected	from	STDs,	
HIV,	and	I	know	you’re	not	
tryna lose	your	scholarship	for	
no	baby…
Okay	but	didn’t	we	
both	agree	that	we	
liked	it	better	without	
Yeah	it’s	nice	no	doubt,	but	
STDs	and	pregnancy	aren’t	so	
Well,	we	don’t	have	
much	to	worry	about	
since	we’re	not	seeing	
anyone	else,	right?
Yeah	we	aren’t	seeing	anyone	
but	we	also	aren’t	with	one	
another	24/7…	I’m	not	saying	
I	don’t	trust	you,	all	I’m	saying	
is,	mistakes	happen…	And	I	
don’t	want	to	be	on	the	other	
end	of	a	positive	HIV	test	for	a	
silly	mistake…
What?	So	you’re	saying	
I’m	a	cheater	now?
No!	Not	saying	that	at	all…	All	I’m	
saying	is…	we	have	to	make	a	decision	
either	for	better	health	or	to	play	
Russian	roulette	with	our	lives.	We’ve	
come	too	far	to	be	another	statistic.	I	
know	we’re	committed	to	one	
another	and	I	trust	you,	I	just	want	to	
reduce	our	risk	of	anything	that	could	
potentially	damage	our	relationship…	
that	leads	me	to	my	last	point…	I’m	
thinking	about	taking	PrEP…
What’s	that?
It’s	Pre-Exposure	Prophylaxis,	it’s	a	
daily	pill	that	prevents	you	from	
contracting	HIV…	Basically	reducing	
your	risk	by	90%	for	just	taking	it	alone	
and	then	coupling	that	with	condoms	
and	other	safe	sex	practices…	it’s	
practically	impossible	to	have	any	
negative	consequences	from	sex	at	
all…	only	the	pleasure	none	of	the	
….okay	well…I	
guess	if	it’s	the	
best	decision	
for	you…
It	is…	it’s	just	to	be	on	the	safe	side…	
no	worries,	no	nothing…
Alright	well…	I	mean,	go	
ahead	and	do	what	you	have	
to	do…	I	just	don’t	want	
people	to	look	at	us	all	weird	
like	we	got	AIDS	or	
something…	or	look	at	you	
like	that.
Who	cares	what	people	think!	This	is	
about	me	living	a	healthy	and	happy	
life,	I	know	who	I’ve	been	with	and	
what	I’m	doing	this	for.	It’s	not	for	
people	with	HIV,	it’s	for	people	who	
want	to	make	the	smart	decision	to	
protect	themselves	from	the	
possibility	of	even	having	it	in	the	first	
But	what	if	people	think	
you’re	like…	idk	sleeping	
around	or	something?
There	are	tons	of	people	on	PrEP who	
aren’t	even	sexually	active	but	they	
know	the	risk	and	they	know	it’s	the	
right	decision.	Looking	at	the	rates	of	
HIV	in	this	country,	and	in	this	city	
alone,	I’m	like	an	open	target…	I’m	not	
trying	to	get	hit	by	any	easy	shots,	I’ve	
got	my	protection	and	if	that	makes	
me	look	like	a	ho	then	I’ll	be	a	happy	
and	safe	ho	all	day	long	without	HIV.
Alright…	alright…	well…	just	
tell	me	what	the	doctor	says	
when	you	start	taking	it	okay?	
I	just	want	you	to	be	happy…	I	
love	you.
I	will	be…	And	I	am…	I	love	you	
Hey,	what’s	up?
Hey	babe,	nothing	much.	
Watching	the	game	or	
Oh,	okay…
Why	you	look	like	that?	
What’s	wrong?
Well…	I	wanted	to	talk	to	you	
about	something.	It’s	kind	of	
Okay	so	in	class	we’ve	been	
learning	a	lot	about	HIV	and	
different	prevention	methods…	
Did	you	know	that	black	women	
have	one	of	the	highest	HIV	
rates	in	the	country?
Nah,	didn’t	know	
that…	What’s	this	got	
to	do	with	us	though,	
Well…	after	some	consideration,	
I	think	I	would	like	to	talk	to	you	
about	practicing	safer	sex.	First	
off,	I	would	like	to	thank	you	for	
keeping	us	safe	by	using	
condoms	and	I’d	like	to	do	that	
Also,	looking	at	the	risk	we	have	to	
catch	HIV…	Yo,	we’ve	come	too	far	to	
be	another	statistic.	And	I	know	we’re	
committed	to	one	another	and	I	trust	
you,	I	just	want	to	reduce	our	risk	of	
anything	that	could	potentially	
damage	our	relationship…	that	leads	
me	to	my	last	point…	I’m	thinking	
about	taking	PrEP…
What’s	that?
It’s	Pre-Exposure	Prophylaxis,	it’s	a	
daily	pill	that	prevents	you	from	
contracting	HIV…	Basically	reducing	
your	risk	by	90%	for	just	taking	it	alone	
and	then	coupling	that	with	condoms	
and	other	safe	sex	practices…	it’s	
practically	impossible	to	have	any	
negative	consequences	from	sex	at	
all…	only	the	pleasure	none	of	the	
We’re	already	being	safe	with	
condoms	and	we’re	not	
seeing	anyone	else	so…	I	
don’t	even	know	why	you	
need	it…
Yes,	but	it’s	just	to	be	on	the	safe	
side…	condoms	aren’t	100%	effective,	
and	sometimes	we	have	mishaps	or	
sometimes	things	break	or	mistakes	
happen	regardless	of	how	faithful	we	
are	to	one	another.
Alright	well…	I	mean,	go	
ahead	and	do	what	you	have	
to	do…	I	just	don’t	want	
people	to	look	at	us	all	weird	
like	we	got	AIDS	or	
something…	or	look	at	you	
like	that.
Who	cares	what	people	think!	This	is	
about	me	living	a	healthy	and	happy	
life,	I	know	who	I’ve	been	with	and	
what	I’m	doing	this	for.	It’s	not	for	
people	with	HIV,	it’s	for	people	who	
want	to	make	the	smart	decision	to	
protect	themselves	from	the	
possibility	of	even	having	it	in	the	first	
But	what	if	people	think	
you’re	like…	idk	sleeping	
around	or	something?
There	are	tons	of	people	on	PrEP who	
aren’t	even	sexually	active	but	they	
know	the	risk	and	they	know	it’s	the	
right	decision.	Looking	at	the	rates	of	
HIV	in	this	country,	and	in	this	city	
alone,	I’m	like	an	open	target…	I’m	not	
trying	to	get	hit	by	any	easy	shots,	I’ve	
got	my	protection	and	if	that	makes	
me	look	like	a	ho	then	I’ll	be	a	happy	
and	safe	ho	all	day	long	without	HIV.
Alright…	alright…	well…	just	
tell	me	what	the	doctor	says	
when	you	start	taking	it	okay?	
I	just	want	you	to	be	happy…	I	
love	you.
I	will	be…	And	I	am…	I	love	you	
Hey	girl,	what	are	you	
up	to?
Nothing	much,	about	to	
go	to	dinner,	what	about	
Nothing	really…	I	
wanted	to	talk	to	you	
about	something.
What’s	that?
Well,	you	were	in	class	when	
they	talked	about	the	risk	for	
HIV	in	Black	women	right?
Oh	yeah!	It’s	
crazy	right?
I	know!	Well…	I	talked	to	Daniel	
and	he	was	like	I	should	think	
about	safe	sex	practices	now	
before	I	get	into	a	relationship.
Right	right,	makes	
sense.	Gotta stay	up…
So	I	went	to	my	doctor	and	
talked	to	her	about	this	new	HIV	
prevention	method	PrEP…
Oh	the	once-a	day	pill	
Yeah,	and	she	thinks	I	could	do	
it…	What	do	you	think?
Well...	I	mean	you	
aren’t	doin nothing	
outlandish	are	you?
No	of	course	not!
So	why	worry	about	
it,	you	ain’t no	slut	or	
You	don’t	have	to	be!	Seriously	boys	
really	be	playin you	out	here	and	you	
never	know	who’s	faithful.	And	you	
don’t	know	who	these	boys	have	been	
messing	with…	it’s	hard	out	here	for	
real…	Plus	condoms	and	stuff	aren’t	
always	that	reliable,	they	can	reduce	
the	risk	greatly	but	what	happens	if	he	
puts	it	on	wrong	or	if	he	forgets?	I	
don’t	want	the	rest	of	my	life	in	his	
hands!	I’m	gonna do	what	I	need	to	
do	to	protect	me,	you	feel	me?
You	right…	I	feel	
that…	So	what	you	
gonna do?
I	don’t	know…	I	know	I’m	keeping	it	on	
my	radar	but	who	know’s when	I’ll	get	
into	a	relationship…	I’m	still	gonna
meet	with	my	doctor	and	see	what	
she	thinks	is	best…	I	just	want	to	be	
safe,	I’m	not	tryna be	another	statistic.	
I’ve	come	too	far	to	mess	up	now.
Yo I’m	with	you…	Tell	
me	what	your	doctor	
says…	shoot,	I	may	
even	think	about	it	
Bet…	I’ll	keep	you	updated.
Alright,	well	I	gotta go	
but	I’ll	catch	you	
later…	I’m	really	
proud	of	you,	girl…	
For	real,	this	is	a	huge	
decision	and	a	great	
step	forward.
Thank	you,	I	appreciate	that.
I’ll	catch	you	later.	
Morgan	stares	out	window,	smiling	and	on	the	phone	with	
her	doctor,	deciding	to	take	PrEP.
Hello	this	is	Morgan	
Graves…	I	would	like	to	
make	an	appointment	
with	Dr.	Andrews?

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