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How to create a positive impact with
commercially viable Airport Master
Planning in Retail and F&B
How Airports can lead a «Trinity» approach for profitable developments
Airports – Concessioners - Suppliers
September 2016, René Baumann
As the famous writer Guimarães Rosa said, “Minas are many”, and each
region offers a unique treasure.
In addition to the unique cuisine, Minas also has a diverse range of
handmade products using local raw materials: the clay dolls from
Jequitinhonha Valey, the adornments wood from Tiradentes, semi-precious
stones of Mucuri Valey, and an infinity beauties and riches of the vast land.
Products with tradition and quality, inspired by Minas.
With an area of 586,528 square kilometers (226,460 sq km)—larger than Metropolitan France—Minas Gerais is the
fourth most extensive state in Brazil. The main producer of coffee and milk in the country, the state is known for its
heritage of architecture and colonial art in historical cities such as São João del-Rey, Congonhas, Ouro Preto,
Diamantina, Tiradentes and Mariana. In the south, the tourist points are the hydro mineral spas, such as Caxambu,
Lambari, São Lourenço, Poços de Caldas, São Tomé das Letras, Monte Verde and the national parks of Caparaó and
Travel means new experiences and new discoveries.
The airport forms an integral part of the journey, and in this sense BH Airport is providing its customers with the best
local experience, offering what is most unique in Minas Gerais and joining both tradition and contemporaneity.
Belo Horizonte International Airport takes the role, to be the entry gate to the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais very
seriously and therefore has allocated more then 3000 sqm of prime area, in the public sector, to show the best of this
great region to Brazil and to the world.
Praça Mineira is a dedicated space at Belo Horizonte International Airport that meets the new points of sale with the sense
of place appeal. Consisting of restaurants, cafes, shops, gifts (with the offer of typical products of the state) and drinks,
among other products, this is the first time in Brazil, where an airport dedicates more then 3000 mtrs to show the best of a
Praça Mineira is much more than a shopping place. It is a space in our airport that shows products which are part of our
culture and tradition. All of them, selected according to their origin, originality, level of quality and history.
An unforgettable experience that goes through gastronomy, culture, arts and everything else Minas is proud to offer.
3’000 mtrs of «Sense of Place» in International Airport of Belo Horizonte. 6 Shops, 2 Restaurants
The identity for the Praça Mineira was conceived as an umbrella brand that considers different product categories and
origins, without restricting them. It is a versatile brand, easily associable with others.
Having originated in the brand BH Airport, its graphics refers to Minas mountains. His color palette is variable and
prioritizes natural and earth tones.
A range of illustrations developed by contemporary artists who explored typical themes and elements of Minas Gerais
was created.
Each "collection", a new illustration will stamp merchandising pieces, keeping the dynamism and diversity.
An opportunity to experience the treasure of Minas Gerais handcrafts, Arte Minas brings
together art from all regions of the state. Products are selected according its high quality,
originality, and are great choices for decoration and gift.
Main products:
• Colorful puppets from St. John Del Rey
• Enameled designed coffee filters set from south of Minas Gerais
• Images of Divino Espirito Santo in wood from Tiradentes
• Jug, Cups and vases made of pewter from São João Del Rey.
• Mugs, shirts and keychains printed with landscape and tourist sites of Belo Horizonte
and Minas Gerais.
Store of Minas Gerais domestic and imported artisanal beers, cachaça and liqueurs. Selected labels form a collection of
drinks to sample and enjoy at all times.
Main products:
• Artisanal beers from Nova Lima, city witch is considered as the Belgium of Brazil, with twelve factories.
• Special cachaças from the north of Minas Gerais, the main producer region in Brazil.
• Typical straw cigarrets from Minas Gerias, cigars from Brazil and the the world.
• Awarded cachaças from Vianópolis and Salinas
• Jelly of cachaça from Vianópolis
Ehven Pedras features jewelry, crafts and souvenirs made with semiprecious stones in Minas Gerais, especially from the
Mucuri Valley.
Main products:
• Various ornaments with stones, Coasters, flowers, trees, ornaments and crafts
• Bijouterie with stones, earrings, bracelets and rings.
• Jewelry in silver with stones - Own production
• Semi-jewelry with stones - Own production
• Bonsai tree with stones
• Parrots, Tucanos and other birds and animals of stone.
Its products are a “mineiro” interpretation of the world sweets, made by hand and sold in packages with unique design. Also
composes the store portfolio a variety of creative and attractive souvenirs.
Main products:
• Pot Candies: Honey bread, Alfajor and Brownie;
• Lavender, orange, chocolate, cappuccino and Brazil nuts cookies.
• Tartufo of chocolate with orange, liqueur and spices
• Coffee bean with chocolate;
• Homemade milk caramel;
• Chocolates;
• Coconut candy;
As the name says, the store offers the best products to take home or give as a gift: fine cheeses, sweets and biscuits of the
highest quality and most a variety of other craft products typically of Minas Gerais.
Main products:
• Special cheeses from Canastra, Mantiqueira, Serro
• Crystallized sweet from Carmópolis de Minas
• Jellies and sauces jabuticaba from Sabará
• Guava sweet from Ponte Nova
• Milk caramel from Viçosa
• Wild blossoms honey
• Homemade cookies
• Hot chilli
Bringing the concept of a space for relax and joy, the store Tudo é Passageiro offers what is most tasty in the squares of
Minas Gerais: popcorn, ice cream and flowers.
Main Products:
• Flowers
• Gifts
• Popcorn
• Ice cream
A unique concept that reflects a love of Minas Gerais: the coffee.
The coffee menu consists of variations that reflect the main producing regions of south of Minas, Cerrado Mineiro and
Matas de Minas. They can be roasted or freshly ground and are served by professional baristas.
Main products:
• Special Coffees of Minas Gerais
• Fresh breads
• Typical cakes and sandwiches
• Products for coffee service
All Coffee freshly roasted and ground every day
Mineira cuisine prepared with care and delicacy that reflect the tradition and contemporaneity of Minas Gerais culture.
Inserted in a pleasant surroundings, Vila Francisca won a diverse, multiple and international audience. The kitchen is behind
a big glass front and the customer can see the chefs cooking live. 100% of served food is prepared fresh every day.
• Self-service buffet with typical Mineiro Menu
• A la carte restaurant with homecooked Mineiro Specialities
• Beer hall for Artisanal and Pils beer in great variation
• Colonial breakfast buffet
685 mtrs of pure Mineira Kitchen, 100% freshly prepared every day
Faemam Estanhos, founded in September of 1988 is located in the historical town of São João del-
Producing ornaments parts, utilitarian pieces for day to day, a line for events in their celebrations
and awards such as trophies, is also specialized in a wide range of liturgical pieces.
Pewter parts can be used everyday, and its production valuation report with professionals and
companies that certify the quality of the alloy to be used.
The alloy that the company works is world known as Pewter
(93.5% tin, 1.5% copper, 5% antimony).
Faemam Estanhos has a staff that goes from the oldest
artisan, with extreme skill to handle your tools, to the
learner continuing the craft process.
The plant is among the best tin craft factories in Brazil,
producing beautiful and very fine parts, having an excellent
standard of quality and a variety of articles with the purest
All the raw material contains guarantee of their origin.
Cachaça was born in Brazil in the early years of colonization, in 1543. Over the centuries it
became the national drink having as reference and production center, Minas Gerais. Vale
Verde was born of the respect for this Brazilian tradition, and of the same processes that
tell the story of MG. Passion for what they do and the relentless search for quality define
the creator tone of Vale Verde Group.
Artisanal and quality, tested and approved.
Vale Verde Cachaça gains flavor and golden color when aged in European oak barrels. The
barrels get the Ministry of Agriculture seal. They are sealed to aging for 3 years and only
liberated for sale after this period.
by Cachaça Vale Verde
Luiz Otávio Pôssas, owner of Vale Verde
Family business that runs since 1984 making beautiful pieces for various stores in Brazil. But only in 2013 started selling
its products at retail, so it was there that arose EHVEN Pedras. The first store is based in Arraial D'ajuda, a small and
charming town of Bahia. In July 2014 Ehven Pedras opened the second store in downtown Belo Horizonte.
by Wanderson Vidal
In December 2014 Ehven opened the third shop in Porto
Seguro International Airport and it was a success, which made
Ehven Pedras take higher flights. Today Ehven have stores in
Belo Horizonte Airport and RioGaleão Airport.
"They say that the school teaches reading, writing and head account, and that life teaches
gratitude to copy examples. With me it was so.
I always waited anxiously for Easter and New Year packages my grandmother sent to grandchildren
every year. Honey breads and biscuits hand-painted wrapped up loveliness and tradition. She lived
away but filled the home with kindnesses.
Here, closer to me, my grandmother from Minas Gerais always had the open house. A big table in
the kitchen, apron dirty with flour and a closet crowded of cheese, guava paste and greengrocers.
The oven warmed children, grandchildren and neighbors. Every time I make a banana cake, feel a
tight hug that only a grandmother knows how to give.
It was with gratefulness that one day I started to bake honey buns, brownies and cookies in the
house my mother's kitchen. What was a treat for friends, it's a business that surprises with the
packaging, durability and quality of products. The sales success filled the house with the aroma
of chocolate, a sweet smell that reminds that we need to pamper our loved
ones, thank, reward, celebrate.
In 2002 I opened the first store, a coffee shop in Lourdes. In this space, the production grew and
new projects were being developed. I did not stop there. Being itinerant is another vocation of Frau
Bondan. You can run into our products at a kiosk in your favorite mall, the museum that brings the
world to the city or a fashion show. The tastes are always similar, but each of these projects will
have a new pattern, a unique packaging that keep the experience of that day. "
by Paula Bondan
We combine tradition, sustainability and environmental preservation, for the Catauá CHEESE which
reaches your table as an ecological product, healthy and in tune with the environment. We use the
same production techniques of our ancestors, we protect the forests and springs of our
property and the region. Our pastures are native and without the presence of pesticides and our
herd is treated only with homeopathy and herbal medicine.
Produced by hand, the cataua CHEESE rescues the flavor of the old farms of Minas Gerais. After
seven generations, we preserve the same techniques of our ancestors, only improving sanitary and
hygienic aspects:
Raw milk, Jersey cattle, is creamy and rich in protein; The fermentation of milk is caused by the use
of "drop" (yeast); The dough is squeezed and the cheese is smoothed manually; The cure is slow
under natural conditions which allow the formation of a typical golden shell.
by Mariana Resende of Catauá
Maria José de Lima Freitas, as known as Mazé Lima, born in countryside area in Carmópolis de
Minas - MG. She starts to work in the farm very young - in the coffee crop, the cultivation of
tomatoes in rice paddies, beans and corn.
From an early age, her greatest dream was to study and be a ballerina, but this was not
possible. Moreover, at 18 she was married and settled in another farm of Carmópolis de Minas
area; in 1990 they had their first child - Tirzah; She stayed there for a year and things were not
going well, then moved to the city. There she worked for 5 years in a bank, but after the
maternity leave, for her son, she lost her job.
After a year looking for a job with no success, and two small children to support; on March 21
of 1999 made an oath that she would create her job and many others for their city. The
inspiration to create the Mazé Sweets then came out of the need to support her two children.
The next day she bought some ingredients and made a sweet recipe in her little kitchen. Took to
the streets to sell the sweets, and her first sales income was R $ 20.00 (6 Euros). At that
moment she realized that would change the course of her life.
Since then, the care with which the sweets are produced allied to investment in production and
management of the business and the constant search for innovation made the Mazé products
reference in the production of sweets. The brand is present in 70 sales points spread across six
Brazilian states, with a strong presence in the Southeast.
Currently Mazé Sweets produces candied fruits, jams and jellies, all products are hand-crafted,
no chemical additives, and are true delicacies that delight and please the most refined palates.
by Mazé Sweets
By the early 1920s when everything started, Tieta,
Sinhazinha and Martha Mol founded the guava paste
plant named São José , over the years, the sisters
have changed the name to Goiabada Celeste, in
order to honor the first niece. Already in the 60´s,
one of the brothers Olavo Goncalves Mol bought the
farm of her sisters and further boosted the sales in
addition to changing the name again of the
goiabada, this time honoring his wife, Zelia. Currently
Goiabada Zelia is managed by three sons of Zelia:.
Renato, Maria do Carmo and Celeste Mol Sales were
increasing and today the product is already
distributed throughout the country, and is sent to
abroad. Recently it was also chosen by the magazine
Paladar as one of the best guava paste of Brazil.
Goiabada by Zélia
Ernando Lopes Rodrigues came from a simple family of Canaan, a Minas Gerais rural area small
His parents Sebastian and Nadir worked hard on the farm to create with dignity 10 children. A
very difficult life, much effort and little income.
In search of a better life, the older children went to the capital Belo Horizonte and so got a job
in a grocery, where worked for many years, knowing all working.
When turning 18, Ernando decided to open his own Sacolão, Horti-Minas appointed and then
fell in love with the business, prioritizing high-quality products and superior customer service.
He realized that it makes all the difference and that through these care could always retain
customers and expand the customer base.
In 2014 he decided to marry Daniele and then open its flagship store and current development
in the town of Lagoa Santa, where its ideals to expand and become one of the great
entrepreneurs of the town, always focused ideals of principle in, serve well with quality
by Horti-Minas
by the Paladar Family
"With great difficulty, because of the low value of rural commodities, our family with Italian roots
started to produce, in an artisanal way, different cuts of meat and many types of smoked sausages.
I became a farmer and street vendor in a cart offering these products through the city of
Matozinhos, MG, where I opened the 1st shop in a garage in 1986. The love and respect for the
products and the Italian aim for quality created in the company a permanent search of
improvement. So we were improving and increasing production, closing partnerships with
producers and serious followers of the same guidelines as necessary to meet the increased
demand for quality.
As a result of a lot of persistence, dedication and research in rural production and meat processing;
today, the meat seasoned with Minas flavor is conquering the public. Our restless spirit and the
growing demand boosted studies and new creations, partnerships and sites, with the mission to
respect the environment and production chain. Absolute quality, freshness of meat, different cuts
innovation, balanced and natural spices, are the highlight for flavor of the meat.
We have our children, raised on the same farm. They were growing up around the work and today
they run the family business. We improved our meats using the experience and expertise gained in
the production of animals, direct contact with employees, consumers and many research.
This experience has enabled us to bring to the table a tasty and different product. "
by Villa Café
"For over 100 years we produce high quality coffee. In 2007 we became the Villa Café and
today we are gourmet coffee experts.
Villa Café serves more than 3,000 clients, including restaurants, coffee shops, businesses,
events, shops, residences and passionate-about-coffee direct clients all over the world.
The coffee beans used in our products are grown in three farms in the south of Minas Gerais
in the highest existing standard, the coffee seedlings are produced on the farm. 100%
Arabica beans.
The entire life cycle of our products, from the farm to the customer, are subject to the
quality standard and Villa Café has not outsourced any stage of the process. The crop is
under our own coordination, the choice of grain is done by trained professionals in the Villa
Café as well as is the development of our products and customer service. "
by Papo de Anjo
"We are a company specialized in the manufacture of sweets, founded in 1996, but our story
begins well before that date, with the founder's family manufacturing various types of candy
in Casa Branca area, near Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais.
On the farm, the tradition in the production of fresh milk, guava, papaya sweet, jelly and
other delights, sweetening the lives of everyone in the region, was being passed and
perfected by the next generation.
In 1949 the family moved to Belo Horizonte and brought the recipes and the secrets of candy
manufacturing. We have also been diversifying and expanding the production. Today we
produce over 20 varieties of milk sweets, coconut and fruits that are made not only from
traditional recipes and ancient secrets, but also with care and technology that give our
products the quality and the differential we desire for our consumer.
Our goal is to bring you the flavor of this simple farm-life with delicate, tasty and fresh
pastries. "
by Verduras Agostinho
"At 16 I left the studies and started working with my parents in the Belo Horizonte markets. At
the fair, we worked with vegetables, every day of the week in a different neighborhood. Until
the city of Belo Horizonte has implemented a project called “Comboio do Trabalhador" where
the producer marketed its products in Belo Horizonte neighborhoods. After six years working
with trade shows and through this project we managed to professionalize a little more and
because of this, we where able to deliver to restaurants and hotels, interested in trading
directly with us.
The first truck we used, was purchased by installments. Even with a truck, we still did not have
a fix structure for operations, so the separation of the vegetables, which arrived every day of
the week at 2 am, was made on the street, near the market. We separated the vegetables,
and at around 6 am for the supply to our customers. At 10 am I finished deliveries and went
straight to the plantation to harvest the vegetables that would be delivered the next day.
Today, six years after the construction of the shed itself, Verduras Agostinho has a structure
with seven trucks, two bulldozers and about 20 hectares of plantations. Our company is 30
employees working in the whole process from planting to delivery our customers. "
Alexandre Agostinho da Rocha, rural producer
Since more then 20 years working in
international airports in more then 10
countries René Baumann is a specialist in
Commercial Master Planning for Airports.
René introduced successful and
commercially viable concepts, based on
the 3 circle method: «Convenience brands,
Trusted brands, Sense of Place» in different
airports. Always taking into account the
needs of customers and of the whole
region of the airport. He is passionate
about supporting Art, Culture, Handcraft
and future developments as well as new
industries. A very important part of his
approach is to include the local community
and create sustainable jobs for the future.
René Baumann is CCO since 2014 in Belo
Horizonte Airport, Brazil, on assignment for
Zürich Airport.
Dufry / Nuance, Duty Free Shop in
Bangalore, India
HMS Host, Malgudi Tiffin Center in
Bangalore, India
Praça Mineira, 6 Shops, 2 Restaurants,
Belo Horizonte, Brazil
René Baumann, specialist in «Sense of
Place for airports», speaker for the
Trinity Forum 2013 in Abu Dhabi
OPENING 14.09.2016
“BH Airport is
committed to support
and show the Mineiro
traditions and to
contribute to the
development of the
The Praça Mineira,
Sense of Place, is an
innovative approach
for airports. It makes
the clients feel that
they are arriving or
leaving the state of
Minas Gerais” says
Paulo Rangel,
President of BH
More then 100 Guests plus all
concessioners and press at the opening
Board Members of BH Airport and Mayors
of the cities around the airport at the
opening ceremony of Praça Mineira
Paulo Rangel, President of BHAirport and René Baumann,
Commercial Director, unveil the Praça Mineira Logo
The President of BH Airport, Paulo Rangel, with
his Commercial Team
OPENING 14.09.2016; PRESS
Strong percursion in the press, some examples
Praça mineira, belo horizonte, brazil

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Praça mineira, belo horizonte, brazil

  • 2. How to create a positive impact with commercially viable Airport Master Planning in Retail and F&B How Airports can lead a «Trinity» approach for profitable developments Airports – Concessioners - Suppliers September 2016, René Baumann
  • 4. EXPLORING THE SENSE OF PLACE As the famous writer Guimarães Rosa said, “Minas are many”, and each region offers a unique treasure. In addition to the unique cuisine, Minas also has a diverse range of handmade products using local raw materials: the clay dolls from Jequitinhonha Valey, the adornments wood from Tiradentes, semi-precious stones of Mucuri Valey, and an infinity beauties and riches of the vast land. Products with tradition and quality, inspired by Minas. With an area of 586,528 square kilometers (226,460 sq km)—larger than Metropolitan France—Minas Gerais is the fourth most extensive state in Brazil. The main producer of coffee and milk in the country, the state is known for its heritage of architecture and colonial art in historical cities such as São João del-Rey, Congonhas, Ouro Preto, Diamantina, Tiradentes and Mariana. In the south, the tourist points are the hydro mineral spas, such as Caxambu, Lambari, São Lourenço, Poços de Caldas, São Tomé das Letras, Monte Verde and the national parks of Caparaó and Canastra.
  • 5. Travel means new experiences and new discoveries. The airport forms an integral part of the journey, and in this sense BH Airport is providing its customers with the best local experience, offering what is most unique in Minas Gerais and joining both tradition and contemporaneity. Belo Horizonte International Airport takes the role, to be the entry gate to the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais very seriously and therefore has allocated more then 3000 sqm of prime area, in the public sector, to show the best of this great region to Brazil and to the world. EXPLORING THE SENSE OF PLACE
  • 6. Praça Mineira is a dedicated space at Belo Horizonte International Airport that meets the new points of sale with the sense of place appeal. Consisting of restaurants, cafes, shops, gifts (with the offer of typical products of the state) and drinks, among other products, this is the first time in Brazil, where an airport dedicates more then 3000 mtrs to show the best of a region. Praça Mineira is much more than a shopping place. It is a space in our airport that shows products which are part of our culture and tradition. All of them, selected according to their origin, originality, level of quality and history. An unforgettable experience that goes through gastronomy, culture, arts and everything else Minas is proud to offer. PRAÇA MINEIRA CONCEPT 3’000 mtrs of «Sense of Place» in International Airport of Belo Horizonte. 6 Shops, 2 Restaurants
  • 7. The identity for the Praça Mineira was conceived as an umbrella brand that considers different product categories and origins, without restricting them. It is a versatile brand, easily associable with others. Having originated in the brand BH Airport, its graphics refers to Minas mountains. His color palette is variable and prioritizes natural and earth tones. PRAÇA MINEIRA BRAND
  • 8. A range of illustrations developed by contemporary artists who explored typical themes and elements of Minas Gerais was created. Each "collection", a new illustration will stamp merchandising pieces, keeping the dynamism and diversity. EXCLUSIVE DESIGN
  • 10. An opportunity to experience the treasure of Minas Gerais handcrafts, Arte Minas brings together art from all regions of the state. Products are selected according its high quality, originality, and are great choices for decoration and gift. Main products: • Colorful puppets from St. John Del Rey • Enameled designed coffee filters set from south of Minas Gerais • Images of Divino Espirito Santo in wood from Tiradentes • Jug, Cups and vases made of pewter from São João Del Rey. • Mugs, shirts and keychains printed with landscape and tourist sites of Belo Horizonte and Minas Gerais.
  • 11. Store of Minas Gerais domestic and imported artisanal beers, cachaça and liqueurs. Selected labels form a collection of drinks to sample and enjoy at all times. Main products: • Artisanal beers from Nova Lima, city witch is considered as the Belgium of Brazil, with twelve factories. • Special cachaças from the north of Minas Gerais, the main producer region in Brazil. • Typical straw cigarrets from Minas Gerias, cigars from Brazil and the the world. • Awarded cachaças from Vianópolis and Salinas • Jelly of cachaça from Vianópolis
  • 12. Ehven Pedras features jewelry, crafts and souvenirs made with semiprecious stones in Minas Gerais, especially from the Mucuri Valley. Main products: • Various ornaments with stones, Coasters, flowers, trees, ornaments and crafts • Bijouterie with stones, earrings, bracelets and rings. • Jewelry in silver with stones - Own production • Semi-jewelry with stones - Own production • Bonsai tree with stones • Parrots, Tucanos and other birds and animals of stone.
  • 13. Its products are a “mineiro” interpretation of the world sweets, made by hand and sold in packages with unique design. Also composes the store portfolio a variety of creative and attractive souvenirs. Main products: • Pot Candies: Honey bread, Alfajor and Brownie; • Lavender, orange, chocolate, cappuccino and Brazil nuts cookies. • Tartufo of chocolate with orange, liqueur and spices • Coffee bean with chocolate; • Homemade milk caramel; • Chocolates; • Coconut candy;
  • 14. As the name says, the store offers the best products to take home or give as a gift: fine cheeses, sweets and biscuits of the highest quality and most a variety of other craft products typically of Minas Gerais. Main products: • Special cheeses from Canastra, Mantiqueira, Serro • Crystallized sweet from Carmópolis de Minas • Jellies and sauces jabuticaba from Sabará • Guava sweet from Ponte Nova • Milk caramel from Viçosa • Wild blossoms honey • Homemade cookies • Hot chilli
  • 15. Bringing the concept of a space for relax and joy, the store Tudo é Passageiro offers what is most tasty in the squares of Minas Gerais: popcorn, ice cream and flowers. Main Products: • Flowers • Gifts • Popcorn • Ice cream
  • 16. A unique concept that reflects a love of Minas Gerais: the coffee. The coffee menu consists of variations that reflect the main producing regions of south of Minas, Cerrado Mineiro and Matas de Minas. They can be roasted or freshly ground and are served by professional baristas. Main products: • Special Coffees of Minas Gerais • Fresh breads • Typical cakes and sandwiches • Products for coffee service All Coffee freshly roasted and ground every day
  • 17. Mineira cuisine prepared with care and delicacy that reflect the tradition and contemporaneity of Minas Gerais culture. Inserted in a pleasant surroundings, Vila Francisca won a diverse, multiple and international audience. The kitchen is behind a big glass front and the customer can see the chefs cooking live. 100% of served food is prepared fresh every day. • Self-service buffet with typical Mineiro Menu • A la carte restaurant with homecooked Mineiro Specialities • Beer hall for Artisanal and Pils beer in great variation • Colonial breakfast buffet 685 mtrs of pure Mineira Kitchen, 100% freshly prepared every day
  • 19. Faemam Estanhos, founded in September of 1988 is located in the historical town of São João del- Rei. Producing ornaments parts, utilitarian pieces for day to day, a line for events in their celebrations and awards such as trophies, is also specialized in a wide range of liturgical pieces. Pewter parts can be used everyday, and its production valuation report with professionals and companies that certify the quality of the alloy to be used. ARTE MINAS, by FAEMAM ESTANHO The alloy that the company works is world known as Pewter (93.5% tin, 1.5% copper, 5% antimony). Faemam Estanhos has a staff that goes from the oldest artisan, with extreme skill to handle your tools, to the learner continuing the craft process. The plant is among the best tin craft factories in Brazil, producing beautiful and very fine parts, having an excellent standard of quality and a variety of articles with the purest metal. All the raw material contains guarantee of their origin.
  • 20. Cachaça was born in Brazil in the early years of colonization, in 1543. Over the centuries it became the national drink having as reference and production center, Minas Gerais. Vale Verde was born of the respect for this Brazilian tradition, and of the same processes that tell the story of MG. Passion for what they do and the relentless search for quality define the creator tone of Vale Verde Group. Artisanal and quality, tested and approved. Vale Verde Cachaça gains flavor and golden color when aged in European oak barrels. The barrels get the Ministry of Agriculture seal. They are sealed to aging for 3 years and only liberated for sale after this period. DRINKIT, by Cachaça Vale Verde Luiz Otávio Pôssas, owner of Vale Verde
  • 21. Family business that runs since 1984 making beautiful pieces for various stores in Brazil. But only in 2013 started selling its products at retail, so it was there that arose EHVEN Pedras. The first store is based in Arraial D'ajuda, a small and charming town of Bahia. In July 2014 Ehven Pedras opened the second store in downtown Belo Horizonte. EHVEN PEDRAS by Wanderson Vidal In December 2014 Ehven opened the third shop in Porto Seguro International Airport and it was a success, which made Ehven Pedras take higher flights. Today Ehven have stores in Belo Horizonte Airport and RioGaleão Airport.
  • 22. "They say that the school teaches reading, writing and head account, and that life teaches gratitude to copy examples. With me it was so. I always waited anxiously for Easter and New Year packages my grandmother sent to grandchildren every year. Honey breads and biscuits hand-painted wrapped up loveliness and tradition. She lived away but filled the home with kindnesses. Here, closer to me, my grandmother from Minas Gerais always had the open house. A big table in the kitchen, apron dirty with flour and a closet crowded of cheese, guava paste and greengrocers. The oven warmed children, grandchildren and neighbors. Every time I make a banana cake, feel a tight hug that only a grandmother knows how to give. It was with gratefulness that one day I started to bake honey buns, brownies and cookies in the house my mother's kitchen. What was a treat for friends, it's a business that surprises with the packaging, durability and quality of products. The sales success filled the house with the aroma of chocolate, a sweet smell that reminds that we need to pamper our loved ones, thank, reward, celebrate. In 2002 I opened the first store, a coffee shop in Lourdes. In this space, the production grew and new projects were being developed. I did not stop there. Being itinerant is another vocation of Frau Bondan. You can run into our products at a kiosk in your favorite mall, the museum that brings the world to the city or a fashion show. The tastes are always similar, but each of these projects will have a new pattern, a unique packaging that keep the experience of that day. " FRAU BONDAN, by Paula Bondan
  • 23. We combine tradition, sustainability and environmental preservation, for the Catauá CHEESE which reaches your table as an ecological product, healthy and in tune with the environment. We use the same production techniques of our ancestors, we protect the forests and springs of our property and the region. Our pastures are native and without the presence of pesticides and our herd is treated only with homeopathy and herbal medicine. Produced by hand, the cataua CHEESE rescues the flavor of the old farms of Minas Gerais. After seven generations, we preserve the same techniques of our ancestors, only improving sanitary and hygienic aspects: Raw milk, Jersey cattle, is creamy and rich in protein; The fermentation of milk is caused by the use of "drop" (yeast); The dough is squeezed and the cheese is smoothed manually; The cure is slow under natural conditions which allow the formation of a typical golden shell. LEVE MINAS, by Mariana Resende of Catauá Cheese
  • 24. Maria José de Lima Freitas, as known as Mazé Lima, born in countryside area in Carmópolis de Minas - MG. She starts to work in the farm very young - in the coffee crop, the cultivation of tomatoes in rice paddies, beans and corn. From an early age, her greatest dream was to study and be a ballerina, but this was not possible. Moreover, at 18 she was married and settled in another farm of Carmópolis de Minas area; in 1990 they had their first child - Tirzah; She stayed there for a year and things were not going well, then moved to the city. There she worked for 5 years in a bank, but after the maternity leave, for her son, she lost her job. After a year looking for a job with no success, and two small children to support; on March 21 of 1999 made an oath that she would create her job and many others for their city. The inspiration to create the Mazé Sweets then came out of the need to support her two children. The next day she bought some ingredients and made a sweet recipe in her little kitchen. Took to the streets to sell the sweets, and her first sales income was R $ 20.00 (6 Euros). At that moment she realized that would change the course of her life. Since then, the care with which the sweets are produced allied to investment in production and management of the business and the constant search for innovation made the Mazé products reference in the production of sweets. The brand is present in 70 sales points spread across six Brazilian states, with a strong presence in the Southeast. Currently Mazé Sweets produces candied fruits, jams and jellies, all products are hand-crafted, no chemical additives, and are true delicacies that delight and please the most refined palates. LEVE MINAS, by Mazé Sweets
  • 25. By the early 1920s when everything started, Tieta, Sinhazinha and Martha Mol founded the guava paste plant named São José , over the years, the sisters have changed the name to Goiabada Celeste, in order to honor the first niece. Already in the 60´s, one of the brothers Olavo Goncalves Mol bought the farm of her sisters and further boosted the sales in addition to changing the name again of the goiabada, this time honoring his wife, Zelia. Currently Goiabada Zelia is managed by three sons of Zelia:. Renato, Maria do Carmo and Celeste Mol Sales were increasing and today the product is already distributed throughout the country, and is sent to abroad. Recently it was also chosen by the magazine Paladar as one of the best guava paste of Brazil. LEVE MINAS, Goiabada by Zélia
  • 26. Ernando Lopes Rodrigues came from a simple family of Canaan, a Minas Gerais rural area small town. His parents Sebastian and Nadir worked hard on the farm to create with dignity 10 children. A very difficult life, much effort and little income. In search of a better life, the older children went to the capital Belo Horizonte and so got a job in a grocery, where worked for many years, knowing all working. When turning 18, Ernando decided to open his own Sacolão, Horti-Minas appointed and then fell in love with the business, prioritizing high-quality products and superior customer service. He realized that it makes all the difference and that through these care could always retain customers and expand the customer base. In 2014 he decided to marry Daniele and then open its flagship store and current development in the town of Lagoa Santa, where its ideals to expand and become one of the great entrepreneurs of the town, always focused ideals of principle in, serve well with quality products. VILA FRANCISCA by Horti-Minas
  • 27. VILA FRANCISCA by the Paladar Family "With great difficulty, because of the low value of rural commodities, our family with Italian roots started to produce, in an artisanal way, different cuts of meat and many types of smoked sausages. I became a farmer and street vendor in a cart offering these products through the city of Matozinhos, MG, where I opened the 1st shop in a garage in 1986. The love and respect for the products and the Italian aim for quality created in the company a permanent search of improvement. So we were improving and increasing production, closing partnerships with producers and serious followers of the same guidelines as necessary to meet the increased demand for quality. As a result of a lot of persistence, dedication and research in rural production and meat processing; today, the meat seasoned with Minas flavor is conquering the public. Our restless spirit and the growing demand boosted studies and new creations, partnerships and sites, with the mission to respect the environment and production chain. Absolute quality, freshness of meat, different cuts innovation, balanced and natural spices, are the highlight for flavor of the meat. We have our children, raised on the same farm. They were growing up around the work and today they run the family business. We improved our meats using the experience and expertise gained in the production of animals, direct contact with employees, consumers and many research. This experience has enabled us to bring to the table a tasty and different product. "
  • 28. VILA FRANCISCA by Villa Café "For over 100 years we produce high quality coffee. In 2007 we became the Villa Café and today we are gourmet coffee experts. Villa Café serves more than 3,000 clients, including restaurants, coffee shops, businesses, events, shops, residences and passionate-about-coffee direct clients all over the world. The coffee beans used in our products are grown in three farms in the south of Minas Gerais in the highest existing standard, the coffee seedlings are produced on the farm. 100% Arabica beans. The entire life cycle of our products, from the farm to the customer, are subject to the quality standard and Villa Café has not outsourced any stage of the process. The crop is under our own coordination, the choice of grain is done by trained professionals in the Villa Café as well as is the development of our products and customer service. "
  • 29. VILA FRANCISCA by Papo de Anjo "We are a company specialized in the manufacture of sweets, founded in 1996, but our story begins well before that date, with the founder's family manufacturing various types of candy in Casa Branca area, near Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais. On the farm, the tradition in the production of fresh milk, guava, papaya sweet, jelly and other delights, sweetening the lives of everyone in the region, was being passed and perfected by the next generation. In 1949 the family moved to Belo Horizonte and brought the recipes and the secrets of candy manufacturing. We have also been diversifying and expanding the production. Today we produce over 20 varieties of milk sweets, coconut and fruits that are made not only from traditional recipes and ancient secrets, but also with care and technology that give our products the quality and the differential we desire for our consumer. Our goal is to bring you the flavor of this simple farm-life with delicate, tasty and fresh pastries. "
  • 30. VILA FRANCISCA by Verduras Agostinho "At 16 I left the studies and started working with my parents in the Belo Horizonte markets. At the fair, we worked with vegetables, every day of the week in a different neighborhood. Until the city of Belo Horizonte has implemented a project called “Comboio do Trabalhador" where the producer marketed its products in Belo Horizonte neighborhoods. After six years working with trade shows and through this project we managed to professionalize a little more and because of this, we where able to deliver to restaurants and hotels, interested in trading directly with us. The first truck we used, was purchased by installments. Even with a truck, we still did not have a fix structure for operations, so the separation of the vegetables, which arrived every day of the week at 2 am, was made on the street, near the market. We separated the vegetables, and at around 6 am for the supply to our customers. At 10 am I finished deliveries and went straight to the plantation to harvest the vegetables that would be delivered the next day. Today, six years after the construction of the shed itself, Verduras Agostinho has a structure with seven trucks, two bulldozers and about 20 hectares of plantations. Our company is 30 employees working in the whole process from planting to delivery our customers. " Alexandre Agostinho da Rocha, rural producer
  • 32. EXPLORING THE SENSE OF PLACE, UNIQUE APPROACH COMMERCIAL MASTER PLANNING IN AIRPORTS Since more then 20 years working in international airports in more then 10 countries René Baumann is a specialist in Commercial Master Planning for Airports. René introduced successful and commercially viable concepts, based on the 3 circle method: «Convenience brands, Trusted brands, Sense of Place» in different airports. Always taking into account the needs of customers and of the whole region of the airport. He is passionate about supporting Art, Culture, Handcraft and future developments as well as new industries. A very important part of his approach is to include the local community and create sustainable jobs for the future. René Baumann is CCO since 2014 in Belo Horizonte Airport, Brazil, on assignment for Zürich Airport. Dufry / Nuance, Duty Free Shop in Bangalore, India HMS Host, Malgudi Tiffin Center in Bangalore, India Praça Mineira, 6 Shops, 2 Restaurants, Belo Horizonte, Brazil René Baumann, specialist in «Sense of Place for airports», speaker for the Trinity Forum 2013 in Abu Dhabi
  • 33. EXPLORING THE SENSE OF PLACE OPENING 14.09.2016 “BH Airport is committed to support and show the Mineiro traditions and to contribute to the development of the state. The Praça Mineira, Sense of Place, is an innovative approach for airports. It makes the clients feel that they are arriving or leaving the state of Minas Gerais” says Paulo Rangel, President of BH Airport More then 100 Guests plus all concessioners and press at the opening event Board Members of BH Airport and Mayors of the cities around the airport at the opening ceremony of Praça Mineira Paulo Rangel, President of BHAirport and René Baumann, Commercial Director, unveil the Praça Mineira Logo The President of BH Airport, Paulo Rangel, with his Commercial Team
  • 34. EXPLORING THE SENSE OF PLACE OPENING 14.09.2016; PRESS Strong percursion in the press, some examples