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Police Corruption
Police corruption has been an issue that has left a lasting blemish on communities and society. Police corruption usually derives a lack of respect
officer(s) feel that either the city does not care about them or they are not paid enough for their duties. Throughout this essay I will give you a better
understanding on the issue that is police corruption by using terminology from the book such as the "rotten apple theory", "blue wall of silence" and
"deviant subculture". With corruption this affects the view we have on police and it is up to us not fall into the trap of negativity and create a better
society for the future.
From the first police station built in Boston to what is today's modern police force there has always been corruption inside the criminal justice system,
whether it be something as little as a small bribe to look the other way, or something more serious like getting away with a major offense. The
department of justice has had trouble from top to bottom with corruption and it has proven to be a difficult problem to fix. When policing in the U.
S. were just starting out corruption and law bending was more prevalent but harder to see which Police officers who were following the rules and
who was bending the law in their own favor to gain an advantage for themselves rather than looking out for the community as a whole. This is because
when policing first started out there were limited officers, which meant less word of mouth and less people to respond to and
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Reduce Police Corruption
I will be listing and describing ways on how to control and reduce police corruption (Bohm & Haley, 2012). Some of the ways I will list and
describe will be high moral standards, police policies and discipline, proactive internal affairs, uniform enforcement of the law, outside review and
special prosecutor, and court review and oversight. List and describe some of the ways to control and reduce police corruption. The first way to control
corruption is by having high moral standards (Bohm & Haley, 2012). By employing officers with high morals with an in–depth academy and
in–service training which teaches ethics will help the officers in compromising positions in their career.
The second way to control corruption is by having police policies more content...
This is where your department enforces the law equally regardless of a group or citizen's affiliation. This will reduce the offerings of bribes or other
forms of corruption. What helps with this control is clear policies and procedures with proper discipline.
The fifth way to control corruption is by outside review and special prosecutor (Bohm & Haley, 2012). Most leadership and labor associations usually
resist any kind of outside reviews but they have shown improvements of agencies they have investigated. The special prosecution is brought in for
serious cases to relieve the agency and government from any improper accusations.
The sixth way to control corruption is by court review and oversight (Bohm & Haley, 2012). By having court review and oversight will reduce
criminal prosecution and civil liabilities. With this kind of oversight, it can cause adverse media coverage, civil awards, and higher insurance rates.
Therefore, using these six ways to control corruption listed above it will help with corruption and keep trust with the communities they protect (Bohm
& Haley, 2012).
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Essay On Police Corruption
There are strong willed efforts to create and maintain a high a performing police agency in the US. However, that many people forget is that the police
are human, and are working within a human built system. The law enforcement is something civilization will continuously need. Nevertheless, there is
still a need to question and recreate the leadership models administered within the bounds of managing police officers. For an organization or team to
sustain long–term success, ethical integrity must involve being trustful, meeting obligations, and being respectful.
In a police force, your prime responsibility as a soldier is to finish the task efficiently and as a detective or chief it is to complete the task at hand
better than anyone else. Honesty is where it starts and your ability to follow up on that will improve the morale and cohesion within your respective
unit. Few police officers are just trying to protect and serve, yet there are widespread problems across the law enforcement culture, and many existing
problems that distress the work police do. The main problem within the justice system is police corruption. The police corruption is a complex
phenomenon that has been around for a while, which does not enthusiastically submit to simple analysis. The police corruption affects us all, whether
we are civilians or law enforcement officers. Since the beginnings, many aspects of policing have transformed; however, one trait that has continued
relatively gone unchanged is
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Essay on Police Corruption: Crooked Cops
"Democracy must be built through open societies that share information. When there is information, there is enlightenment. When there is debate,
there are solutions. When there is no sharing of power, no rule of law, no accountability, there is abuse, corruption, subjugation and indignation."
– Atifete Jahjaga ––
They are the everyday heroes that many people often take for granted until a pivotal moment of tragedy or madness enters into their lives. While we
sleep in our warm beds at night police officers work around the clock during all times of the night to ensure the safety and security of our communities
and its citizens both young and old (Aveni, Thomas J.). However, what happens when our everyday heroes are more content...
Shortly afterwards a second police car came up and a five day uproar resulted in the lives of 34 people, nearly 1000 wounded people, and over 200
million dollars in property damage (Los Angeles Watts Riots of 1965).
After the disgracing actions of his partner, Officer Hanson, the "good cop" requests a change in partners, a commendable act on his part. However, the
actions of his African American overseer Lieutenant Dixon, to whom Hanson consulted about his request, were disturbing. Lieutenant Dixon"s overall
personae, while disagreeable for a man in his position, as a black man and an authority figure, shows the viewers from whom Officer Ryan"s
preconceived judgments may have derived. While the numbers have increased over the years, the statistics and demographics of the number of black
officers on the Los Angeles Police Department, LAPD, and other such precincts have not been many in comparison to the number of white law
officers (Hutchinson, Earl Ofari). Officer Ryan makes a statement about how his father hired and worked alongside black people in a time when it
was almost unheard of for a white man to do such an act (Crash). After being raised upon this notion from his father"s work experience and training
for seventeen years under Lieutenant Dixon, one could certainly perceive Officer Ryan"s distaste towards people in a higher position than he was,
especially those
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Research Paper On Police Corruption
Police Corruption
Domonique Herrera
Texas Southmost College
The criminal justice system is made up of many fundamentals. Officers need to go through a variety of procedures in the hiring process, and once
completed they need to go through a training academy. Many U.S. citizens have witnessed a broken criminal justice system throughout the years.
Citizens observe officers causing a huge attempt of corruption. Corruption is occurring worldwide and is making our law enforcement system look
unprofessional. Our criminal justice system is not all fully corrupted; only certain individuals are. Police get engaged with certain individuals and get
brained wash with the mentality of doing the wrong choices and not getting caught because they know how the system works. The majority of
law enforcement officers are competent, honest, professional, but there are some that use their license to steal and/or kill. Some police officers
are involved with drug trafficking, involving innocent people with crimes, and causing harm to our society. The cases that are mostly seen
worldwide with police corruption are due to drugs and drug trafficking. Police officers get involved with the "easy money" and believe the theory
of "I will not get caught"; it is miserable and emotional to see the United States law enforcement get caught up in these cases. "In 2012, two
corrupt cops joined forces with drug dealers and are now facing jail time; they put dozens of criminal cases in jeopardy. Officers Diaz and Patrick
Mara admitted to ripping off drug dealers of their methamphetamine during traffic stops. This was the beginning to police corruption in Kern
County."(Richard Winton) The two police officers were corrupt since a while back. "They both pleaded guilty to their charge and got punished for it.
Officer Diaz would not fully report the drugs they would find and instead would keep more than half. Officer Mara was caught selling
methamphetamine to other individuals." (Diaz and Mara admitted) Other cases they were involved in are now put under jeopardy and could possibly
be missed charged. Cops should not allow such horrific thing to occur. If they know about a corrupt cop they should immediately report it. People and
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Police Corruption
The relationship between a police department and the community is an ideal that has become very prominent in recent years. Cultivating trust between
the two sides is not something that comes easily, and its something that can be broken in one negative interaction. For police to effectively and
adequately do their job, the public must believe that they will police in a respectful and fair manner. The aim of this paper is to examine the
detrimental actions taken by the police officers of the New York Police Department in the '60s and '70s that caused the public to lose faith in their
police department, and to analyze the backlash it had on all the police departments across America. New York City in the 1960s was a hotbed forpolice
corruption. It could easily be labeled as a systemic problem. It was so extensive that it ran all the way up to the Police Commissioner's Office and
incorporated government officials. This level of corruption would eventually culminate in the creation of The Commission to Investigate Alleged
Police Corruption, more commonly called The Knapp Commission. It was a five–member panel created by New York City Major John V. Lindsay and
headed by Chairman Whitman Knapp. This panel was a response to a series of damning New York Times articles and to the massive influx of
civilian complaints. The newspaper article had such disastrous, and accurate, information because the papers sources were two police officers, who
wanted to remained anonymous for the time being. The panel was tasked to investigate corrupt activities of the police officers, detectives, and
supervisors working in the NYPD. The two anonymous policemen, Frank Serpico and David Durk, were invaluable with the information they
provided to the New York Times. Serpico and Durk were upset at the sheer amount of brazen illegal activities they saw being perpetrated by other
police officers. They were shocked with the amount of corruption that went on on a daily basis, but even more so disgusted by the lack of action taken
by the District Attorney after they both filed numerous complaints. It was only after the New York Times article became public that any real action
was taken. And that, presumably, was only because of the massive
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Police And Police Corruption
Corruption in the justice system can take place at any time beginning with a criminal investigation or when a lawsuit is filed down to the courts
decisions. Corruption often occurs at stages where the public cannot see it. Much of the corruption in the justice system is not easy to expose or prove
(Pepys, 2003).
Police corruption are actions that exploit their powers as low enforcement officers (Williams & Arrigo, 2012). Police corruption can and has caused
much of the public to lose confidence in law enforcement. When police are corrupt, it impacts society more than corruption of other government
agencies because of their role as the gatekeeper of the justice system and authority (Lee, Lim, Moore, & Kim, 2013). Police have a wide range of
discretionary powers that often goes unchecked. Much of their corruption can be found in areas such as report filing or in their investigations (Pepys,
In a 1983 Reus–Ianni's two–year study of NYPD officers found that there was a difference in the behavior of management police officers and patrol
officers' misconduct (Lee, Lim, Moore, & Kim, 2013). The patrol officer was more likely to be involved in police corruption and were found to
perceive police corruption less seriously (Lee, Lim, Moore, & Kim, 2013).
The 'slippery slope' theory of first accepting gratuities will often turn into serous corruption, is one idea of how police began their descent into
corruption (Lee, Lim, Moore, & Kim, 2013). Tolerating
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Essay on Police and Corruption
Police and Corruption
The police. Twenty–four hours a day, three hundred sixty–five days a year, this division of our government has a mandate to enforce the criminal law
and preserve public peace. Understood in this mandate is an obligation to police everyday life matters that originate in the daily lives and activities of
citizens within their community. Police interact in some form with the average citizen more often than any other government official. In society today
the police play a key role in maintaining a civil society. This role assumes a substantial amount of power and authority over the general public. With
power comes corruption and/or misuse of power. The question that is presented is, how and why do the more content...
That also leads to the fact that citizens who behave antagonistically towards an officer are more likely to be arrested than those who are civil or very
differential. Donald J. Black reported in "Police control of Juveniles", American sociological Review February
1970, that when Complaints are present 72 percent of adults who behave antagonistically toward the police are arrested in the field while only 45
percent who are civil and 40 percent who are differential toward the police are arrested. This is an obvious misuse of discretion. When a police officer
treats a citizen antagonistically there is not much the citizen can do, but when it is the citizen acting antagonistically it more than likely will be a
determination of guilt.
When a police officers judgment is constantly questioned and his sense of justice is not validated he may lose his commitment to the system. Police
are often alienated in the criminal justice system, in a sense there status is demeaned by the decisions of lawyers and judges. They are treated as less
of a professional. To see a person who in the officer's discretion was guilty be released time after time, it is difficult for the officer to keep his
commitment to the system. "Where moral commitment is lost, subcultural practices take over.
One such practice that exacerbates the relationship of the police with the public is harassment" (Reiss, p.138) Therefore police create their own
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Corruption, the one thing many individuals fear when it comes to their local law enforcement. The crime and dishonesty from those who are supposed
to serve and protect us has been around for many years, but has been a very mind puzzling, difficult, and sensitive issue to approach. The dishonesty
and fraudulent activities done by those in charge are the ones that support and organize many crimes throughout the United States.
There are many debates and research that is put into the topic of corruption, also known as "organized crime". To clarify whatpolice corruption is, it is
the misconduct in which these sworn officials break their "contract" also known as their oath for personal gains and departmental perks. One or more
officers can be involved. There are many opinions and voices to be heard from a wide variety of people whether it's from local communities,
politicians, and even those from news and social media more content...
What's happening now actually raises the crime rates all over the country and other countries are actual proof of what's to come if nothing is to be done
within the next few years.
Corruption and its effects on crime rates can be a very debatable topic to many individuals, but in reality there are many factors that support its belief.
Many don't realize the seriousness and influences the can be brought up when a law enforcement official steps into the world of crime. There are many
that argue that the act of corruption has no negative impacts to the current
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Essay On Police Corruption
Good Cop, Bad Cop
When something is said about a cop it usually goes one of two ways, either they are praised on the job they do or they are put down and called
names. Police officers have been known to take bribes for illegal things. There is corruption all over the states, it is everywhere from Chicago to even
Kansas. Police tactics are endangering civilian lives. Corruption is causing so much tension between civilians and officers.Even though a large
quantity of officers are corrupt not all of them are, some do go above and beyond their duty and help their communities anyway they can. Not all
police officers are corrupt, but the ones who are give a bad reputation to them all. It would help everyone if all cops could be trusted more
(the Gale Group Inc., 2005) Majority of the crimes committed by police officers is either taking bribes in the form of money or drugs or helping a
criminal in some form or fashion.
Corruption is all over the states, some however is worse than the others. In Detroit, a former Chicago police officer on the lam for 14 years was
arrested last Tuesday. Former Chicago PD Sgt. Eddie Hicks, 68, had fled on the eve of his drug conspiracy trial in 2003. He had been charged in
2001 with running a crew of rogue officers who robbed drug dealers, stole their cash and sold their drugs to other dealers. (Smith, 2017) Smith (2017)
study found the following:
"In Louisville, Kentucky, a former Bullitt County Sheriff 's Office chief deputy was indicted last Wednesday for stealing drugs from the department
evidence room. John Cottrell allegedly took marijuana, hydrocodone, and other pills, and investigators found some of the drugs in his office. Cottrell
claims he is the victim of a vendetta by department supporters of former Sheriff David Greenwell, who himself has been indicted on drug charges.
Cottrell faces charges of theft of a legend drug, abuse of public trust, and evidence tampering." Something was rotten in the state of North Carolina.
There were rumors of corruption in the Northampton County Sheriff's Office and whispers that Lann Tjuan Clanton, an ex–cop from a nearby police
department, was selling drugs in the hardscrabble eastern half of
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Police Corruption Effects
study conducted by researchers at the Institute for the Rule of Law from 2002–2006. The researchers noticed a sharp rise in economic crimes and a
large deficient between the amounts of economic criminal cases initiated and amounts of cases sent to court. They found that in those years, 40%–60%
of economic criminal cases went unresolved. In the cases that were solved, 60%–80% of them were never brought to court. Of the cases that were
brought to court, 20%–30% fell apart. The researchers concluded that law enforcement officials were less inclined to punish economic criminals
because it would have impacted their shadow economy earnings.
The Effect of Police Corruption on the Public
Police corruption can have a detrimental effect on the way the public views law enforcement. Ivković (2003) discussed a survey that asked American
citizens how they would rate police officers in terms of honesty. The survey, which has been conducted frequently over the past two decades, found that
40%–50% of all respondents more content...
In 2008, a survey of 45,000 victimized individuals found that only 22% of crimes were reported to authorities. Similar results were found in 2004 and
2007 with only 23% and 21% of crimes being reported in those respective years. Sabet (2013) mentions that interviews with civil society and
government officials echoed these findings. These officials said that victims of crime feared retaliation from criminals or corrupt police officers if
they were to come forward with information of a crime. Sabet (2013) conducted a survey of Mexicans who lived in 14 major cities. Sabet asked the
participants if they had information related to police corruption by their local law enforcement and if they were satisfied with the performance of their
local law enforcement. If they did have information, they were asked a series of questions related to the corruption. The results showed that
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The Corruption Of Police Corruption
With recent negative media coverage concerning police officers, police corruption has become a major topic. Police officers seem to be making more
questionable and unethical decisions according to the media. With these questionable actions, the idea that police officers are corrupt has been a
steadily growing opinion. I will be focusing this literature review on the history of police corruption, mostly in major cities/countries; the nature of
police corruption; the ethics involved in law enforcement; causes for police corruption and finally possible solutions to police corruption.
History of Police CorruptionSince the start of policing in America, there have been major police corruption scandals, especially in New York City.
Throughout the course of the last century, the NYPD has withstood at least six major corruption scandals which have resulted in commissions
(Muraskin & Roberts , 2009). For each of the commissions, they discussed the findings of the commissions and their attempts to prevent that form of
corruption from happening again. However, it only seemed to solve certain aspects of those problems and not the whole problem. The findings of
those commissions are especially important since they demonstrate that the behaviors and patterns of corruption have changed over the years. Police
corruption is not a problem that is based only in one country, but a problem all over the world (Newburn, 1999). Police corruption is happening in
major countries from the
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Essay about The Problem of Police Corruption
Police corruption is legally, morally, and ethically wrong. The art of corruption has existed from the beginning of policing to the present day.
Investigations have uncovered several acts of dishonesty and crime ranging from petty theft to murder. To help combat corruption the government
creates commissions such as the Knapp and Wickersham Commission to investigate allegations of corruption. If acts of corruption are found and
substantiated the commission takes criminal action against the law enforcement officer. As allegations persist, one may ask: 1. What isPolice
Corruption? 2. What is the Corruption Continuum? 3. Is there a Code of Silence? 4. What is done to help prevent corruption? 5. What more
There are two general forms of corruption: external and internal. External corruption occurs when an outside agency or person pays an officer to
overlook or perform illegal acts themselves. The Mafia is probably the best known organized crime faction. Investigations have shown the Mafia paid
officers, politicians, judges, and numerous other agencies to elude conviction. Internal corruption happens when an officers acts on his or her own
accord to commit crimes or illegal acts themselves. A classic example of corruption involves the bribery of an officer in order to secure the
exemption from punishment. There is a broad range of corruption ranging from petty brides to organized crime paying millions of dollars to protect
their gambling, prostitution, and drug networks. William Ernest and Richard Ford are prime examples of internal corruption. These officers were
willing to go out and seek illegal activities and served as hired assassins in Los Angeles (Newton, 2007).
What is the Corruption Continuum? The Corruption Continuum is used to illustrate the transition from good cop to bad cop. Once an officer makes
the decision to accept gratuities and or gifts it puts them on the "slippery slope" of corruption. If an officer chooses to compromise his or her integrity,
it is near impossible for the officer to regain their honor. Many scholars and practitioners become
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Examples Of Police Corruption
What is Police corruption? In legal dictionary Police corruption is defined as "The misuse of police authority for personal gain". Personal gain can
mean monetary payment or any other type of benefit. Corruption is not a new or uncommon obstacle facing the police departments. The problem goes
far back as the forming of the organized police forces. Police corruption is a problem that hurts both the police organization and the society. Since its
beginning many aspects of policing has changed; however, one aspect that has remained unchanged is the corruption within the police departments. In
my paper I will be looking into an instance of police corruption scandal that happened in Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). What gave rise to
corruption, more content...
At that time Officer Perez was suspected of working with known drug dealers to distribute the cocaine on the streets. But the scandal started
revealing later in 1999 after Perez made a deal with prosecutors under which he pled guilty to cocaine theft and agreed to provide prosecutors with
wrongdoing in the Rampart CRASH unit. Perez worked with investigators over the next year, providing over 4,000 pages of interrogation transcripts.
Perez's testimony revealed police corruption on an unimagined scale, implicating police officers in wrongful killings, indiscriminate beatings and
violence, theft, and drug dealing. Perez's testimony also implicated dozens of police officers in systematic acts of dishonest law enforcement, exposing
hundreds of instances in which evidence or contraband was planted on suspects, false statements were coerced or fabricated, and police officers
offered perjured testimony in court. Perez's confessions prompted the LAPD to re–name its investigative task force the "Rampart Task Force". The
Task Force was charged with corroborating Perez's allegations of corruption within Rampart CRASH. What followed was, in the words of one
independent commission, one of the worst police scandals in American history. Ultimately, the District Attorney was
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Essay On Police Corruption
I've always had an interest in Criminal Justice due to most of my neighbor's family being in the criminal justice system themselves and how much
of an interest they brought to me from it throughout my whole life and how they put their lives at risk every single day just to help the community
out in one way or the other. It requires a lot of effort and dedication from self being to even get into a good system and it's all a gamble maybe the
system you're in is good or maybe it's bad. We must put our faith into what the system does due to the hard work they do day in and day out and we
must hope that everyone working there just abides by the rules. They portray themselves to us as a sort of a super hero to the public because of
course they risk their lives for us meanwhile they try to hide the true them. When you first enter the academy, they provide you with a set of rules that
you must follow in order to even get in and that you must always follow them as a code of honor and oath. They tell you that you must always put the
people's safety first then yours and that no corruption what so ever is allowed and if ever seen to be reported immediately. However, those who
"enforce" that rule the most tend to be the sectors with the most active police corrupted service. What exactly is police corruption you may ask? It is
the misuse of power by the police for their own personal gain some examples of it can be bribery which is one of the least common believe it or not,
most of police
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Police Corruption Has Become A Major Problem
Throughout history, police corruption has become a major problem in the United States. It is defined as a form of police misconduct that involves the
act of either a single officer, or a group of officers who abuse their powers to achieve personal or departmental gains. From as early as the nineteenth
century, corruption has not only affected law enforcement agencies, but also our continuously changing society. Even thoughpolice officers are
predominantly seen as honest and professional, the few who are dishonest and corrupt tend to devalue the profession as a whole.
Police corruption is a general problem that is seen in both second and third world countries and is usually investigated by internal affairs divisions.
Oftentimes it is more content...
This investigation also led to the establishment of the two main types of corrupt officers known as, the "meat–eaters" and "grass–eaters."
(The–Crankshaft Publishing, 2017) As stated by the Knapp Commission, Meat–eaters predominantly abuse their powers for personal gain, while
grass–eaters simply accept payoffs or gratuities. Officers typically become grass–eaters to prove their loyalty to the brotherly allegiance, while others
are influenced by or even become meat–eaters. (New York Post, 2016/17)
It is a police officer's responsibility, stated in the code of conduct, to serve, protect, and ensure the rights of the people; so it is baffling that some
officers engage in these types of corrupt behaviors. Some theories suggest that these behaviors have to do with police discretion. Discretion is not a
problem when used correctly, but when it is taken advantage of it can become a major problem. Police rules and regulations do not cover every
situation, so when police officers are put in a situation where they need to make a decision, not all officers make the right one. In certain situations
this could be the difference between life and death. Another suggested theory is lack of supervision. Many police officers do their work with very
little supervision which could lead to officers not following
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Police Corruption and Misconduct Essay
Police corruption and misconduct come apparent in many different forms. A basic definition for police corruption is, when an officer gets involved in
offenses where the officer uses his or her position, by act or omission, to obtain improper financial benefit. The main reason for such corruption is
typically for personal gain, such as bribery. Police abuse of authority occurs in three different general areas such as physical abuse, psychological
abuse, and legal abuse. Physical abuse is such abuse where one uses excessive force or physical harassment. The psychological abuse occurs through
disrespect, harassment, ridicule, excessive stops, or intimidation. Finally, legal abuse is abuse that occurs during unlawful search and
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This could occur if an officer sees an off duty police officer who is drunk driving, but does not take action in pulling them over and arrest them for
their conduct. If he does, the streets are that much safer, but if he doesn't and the driver goes off and kills a person, that would make a bad use of
selective enforcement (Lyman 2005). Many officers use alcohol and drugs while on duty. Although this commonly occurs in undercover agents, it can
happen with even your regular patrol officers. This type of misconduct occurs because there is typically a lack of supervision, a massive availability
of contraband, and an exposure to the criminal element. Graft on the other hand, is when the officer exploits their role by accepting bribes or money
protection (Pollock, 2012). Such conduct occurs when officers use their uniformed authority to create a personal supply of money (Lyman 2005).
Sexual misconduct occurs when officers use their authority as a way to receive sexual acts from citizens of society. This happens mainly with male
officers towards female citizens. This type of misconduct also occurs within the department, mainly through sexual harassment of female officers. The
final component of corruption and misconduct is that of criminal cops. These officers have basically switched to criminal activity in their day to day
tasks (Pollock, 2012).
A perfect example of this happened in the movie Street Kings that we watched as a class
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Essay on Police Brutality and Corruption
Police Brutality and Corruption
Corruption in policing is viewed as the misuse of authority by a police officer acting officially to fulfill his/her personal needs or wants. There are two
distinct elements of corruption; 1) misuse of authority, 2) personal attainment. The occupational subculture of policing is a major factor in both creating
police corruption, by initiating officers into corrupt activities, and sustaining it, by covering up corrupt activities by other officers. Police corruption is
a complex phenomenon, which does not readily submit to simple analysis. It is a problem that has and will continue to affect us all, whether we are
civilians or law enforcement officers. Since its beginnings, many aspects of more content...
A new form of police corruption developed in the early 1980's and into the 1990's, which include brutality, discrimination, sexual harassment,
intimidation, and illicit the use of weapons. The Mollen Commission found that "most corrupt officers start off as honest and idealistic." The career
of corruption's begins with passively accepting minor gratuities that gradually begin to involve more serious violation of the laws, involving larger
amounts of money and officers initiating corrupt acts. It can be said that power inevitably tends to corrupt, and it is yet to be recognized that, while
there is no reason to presume that police officers as individuals are any less fallible than other members of society, people are often shocked and
outraged when officers are exposed violating the law. There deviance elicits a special feeling of betrayal. The danger of police corruption could invert
the formal goals of the organization and may lead to "the use of organizational power to encourage and create crime rather than to deter it". There has
been many attempts to put an end to police corruption, with no real success. An attempt to eliminate corruption, by increasing salaries, more training,
incentive for education, and the development of policies that focus directly on factors leading to corruption. Despite many efforts by the police
departments to control corruption, it still exists. Police corruption has a very long standing
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How Does Corruption Affect Policing
One of the issues that are affecting the future of policing is corruption. Corruption is generally defined as fraudulent and dishonest actions by public
officials with power. This is the same for law enforcement as their corruption is an abuse of their authority for private gain while under duty. This
improper conduct usually begins as police deviance. Law enforcement officers with such behaviors are not socially accepted yet has led other officers,
especially rookies, into engaging in criminal activities.
Corruption and police deviance are one of the oldest persisting problems that has faced policing agencies since the American Colonial Era and
continues in today's society. Corruption within law enforcement itself takes on many different types. The lower offense types involve officers
accepting gratuities such as free or discounted meals and services from local businesses and accepting bribes. Even at the lower levels of corruption
the police deviance prove to more content...
More often than not most law enforcement agencies have those 'few rotten apples' in their mist. These individual officers with corrupt behaviors hardly
make up the 1% of any organization and usually are on the down–low; though has been proven to cooperate with other 'rotten apples'. However, thanks
to the media exposing the wrong–doings by these bad cops, this 1% group has been published to represent law enforcement as a whole, giving the 99%
a bad image to the public. It's even worse when other departments experience systematic corruption that spreads through the entire organization. It's
worrisome that the exact cause of this form of corruption can't be pin pointed but I believe it all evolves from those bad cops buying promotions into
higher ranks. A rotten relationship has to be born within that police organization in order to continuously spread without being snuffed out and properly
taken care
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Police Corruption

  • 1. Police Corruption Police corruption has been an issue that has left a lasting blemish on communities and society. Police corruption usually derives a lack of respect officer(s) feel that either the city does not care about them or they are not paid enough for their duties. Throughout this essay I will give you a better understanding on the issue that is police corruption by using terminology from the book such as the "rotten apple theory", "blue wall of silence" and "deviant subculture". With corruption this affects the view we have on police and it is up to us not fall into the trap of negativity and create a better society for the future. From the first police station built in Boston to what is today's modern police force there has always been corruption inside the criminal justice system, whether it be something as little as a small bribe to look the other way, or something more serious like getting away with a major offense. The department of justice has had trouble from top to bottom with corruption and it has proven to be a difficult problem to fix. When policing in the U. S. were just starting out corruption and law bending was more prevalent but harder to see which Police officers who were following the rules and who was bending the law in their own favor to gain an advantage for themselves rather than looking out for the community as a whole. This is because when policing first started out there were limited officers, which meant less word of mouth and less people to respond to and Get more content on
  • 2. Reduce Police Corruption I will be listing and describing ways on how to control and reduce police corruption (Bohm & Haley, 2012). Some of the ways I will list and describe will be high moral standards, police policies and discipline, proactive internal affairs, uniform enforcement of the law, outside review and special prosecutor, and court review and oversight. List and describe some of the ways to control and reduce police corruption. The first way to control corruption is by having high moral standards (Bohm & Haley, 2012). By employing officers with high morals with an in–depth academy and in–service training which teaches ethics will help the officers in compromising positions in their career. The second way to control corruption is by having police policies more content... This is where your department enforces the law equally regardless of a group or citizen's affiliation. This will reduce the offerings of bribes or other forms of corruption. What helps with this control is clear policies and procedures with proper discipline. The fifth way to control corruption is by outside review and special prosecutor (Bohm & Haley, 2012). Most leadership and labor associations usually resist any kind of outside reviews but they have shown improvements of agencies they have investigated. The special prosecution is brought in for serious cases to relieve the agency and government from any improper accusations. The sixth way to control corruption is by court review and oversight (Bohm & Haley, 2012). By having court review and oversight will reduce criminal prosecution and civil liabilities. With this kind of oversight, it can cause adverse media coverage, civil awards, and higher insurance rates. Therefore, using these six ways to control corruption listed above it will help with corruption and keep trust with the communities they protect (Bohm & Haley, 2012). Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Police Corruption There are strong willed efforts to create and maintain a high a performing police agency in the US. However, that many people forget is that the police are human, and are working within a human built system. The law enforcement is something civilization will continuously need. Nevertheless, there is still a need to question and recreate the leadership models administered within the bounds of managing police officers. For an organization or team to sustain long–term success, ethical integrity must involve being trustful, meeting obligations, and being respectful. In a police force, your prime responsibility as a soldier is to finish the task efficiently and as a detective or chief it is to complete the task at hand better than anyone else. Honesty is where it starts and your ability to follow up on that will improve the morale and cohesion within your respective unit. Few police officers are just trying to protect and serve, yet there are widespread problems across the law enforcement culture, and many existing problems that distress the work police do. The main problem within the justice system is police corruption. The police corruption is a complex phenomenon that has been around for a while, which does not enthusiastically submit to simple analysis. The police corruption affects us all, whether we are civilians or law enforcement officers. Since the beginnings, many aspects of policing have transformed; however, one trait that has continued relatively gone unchanged is Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Police Corruption: Crooked Cops "Democracy must be built through open societies that share information. When there is information, there is enlightenment. When there is debate, there are solutions. When there is no sharing of power, no rule of law, no accountability, there is abuse, corruption, subjugation and indignation." – Atifete Jahjaga –– They are the everyday heroes that many people often take for granted until a pivotal moment of tragedy or madness enters into their lives. While we sleep in our warm beds at night police officers work around the clock during all times of the night to ensure the safety and security of our communities and its citizens both young and old (Aveni, Thomas J.). However, what happens when our everyday heroes are more content... Shortly afterwards a second police car came up and a five day uproar resulted in the lives of 34 people, nearly 1000 wounded people, and over 200 million dollars in property damage (Los Angeles Watts Riots of 1965). After the disgracing actions of his partner, Officer Hanson, the "good cop" requests a change in partners, a commendable act on his part. However, the actions of his African American overseer Lieutenant Dixon, to whom Hanson consulted about his request, were disturbing. Lieutenant Dixon"s overall personae, while disagreeable for a man in his position, as a black man and an authority figure, shows the viewers from whom Officer Ryan"s preconceived judgments may have derived. While the numbers have increased over the years, the statistics and demographics of the number of black officers on the Los Angeles Police Department, LAPD, and other such precincts have not been many in comparison to the number of white law officers (Hutchinson, Earl Ofari). Officer Ryan makes a statement about how his father hired and worked alongside black people in a time when it was almost unheard of for a white man to do such an act (Crash). After being raised upon this notion from his father"s work experience and training for seventeen years under Lieutenant Dixon, one could certainly perceive Officer Ryan"s distaste towards people in a higher position than he was, especially those Get more content on
  • 5. Research Paper On Police Corruption Police Corruption Domonique Herrera Texas Southmost College The criminal justice system is made up of many fundamentals. Officers need to go through a variety of procedures in the hiring process, and once completed they need to go through a training academy. Many U.S. citizens have witnessed a broken criminal justice system throughout the years. Citizens observe officers causing a huge attempt of corruption. Corruption is occurring worldwide and is making our law enforcement system look unprofessional. Our criminal justice system is not all fully corrupted; only certain individuals are. Police get engaged with certain individuals and get brained wash with the mentality of doing the wrong choices and not getting caught because they know how the system works. The majority of law enforcement officers are competent, honest, professional, but there are some that use their license to steal and/or kill. Some police officers are involved with drug trafficking, involving innocent people with crimes, and causing harm to our society. The cases that are mostly seen worldwide with police corruption are due to drugs and drug trafficking. Police officers get involved with the "easy money" and believe the theory of "I will not get caught"; it is miserable and emotional to see the United States law enforcement get caught up in these cases. "In 2012, two corrupt cops joined forces with drug dealers and are now facing jail time; they put dozens of criminal cases in jeopardy. Officers Diaz and Patrick Mara admitted to ripping off drug dealers of their methamphetamine during traffic stops. This was the beginning to police corruption in Kern County."(Richard Winton) The two police officers were corrupt since a while back. "They both pleaded guilty to their charge and got punished for it. Officer Diaz would not fully report the drugs they would find and instead would keep more than half. Officer Mara was caught selling methamphetamine to other individuals." (Diaz and Mara admitted) Other cases they were involved in are now put under jeopardy and could possibly be missed charged. Cops should not allow such horrific thing to occur. If they know about a corrupt cop they should immediately report it. People and younger Get more content on
  • 6. Police Corruption The relationship between a police department and the community is an ideal that has become very prominent in recent years. Cultivating trust between the two sides is not something that comes easily, and its something that can be broken in one negative interaction. For police to effectively and adequately do their job, the public must believe that they will police in a respectful and fair manner. The aim of this paper is to examine the detrimental actions taken by the police officers of the New York Police Department in the '60s and '70s that caused the public to lose faith in their police department, and to analyze the backlash it had on all the police departments across America. New York City in the 1960s was a hotbed forpolice corruption. It could easily be labeled as a systemic problem. It was so extensive that it ran all the way up to the Police Commissioner's Office and incorporated government officials. This level of corruption would eventually culminate in the creation of The Commission to Investigate Alleged Police Corruption, more commonly called The Knapp Commission. It was a five–member panel created by New York City Major John V. Lindsay and headed by Chairman Whitman Knapp. This panel was a response to a series of damning New York Times articles and to the massive influx of civilian complaints. The newspaper article had such disastrous, and accurate, information because the papers sources were two police officers, who wanted to remained anonymous for the time being. The panel was tasked to investigate corrupt activities of the police officers, detectives, and supervisors working in the NYPD. The two anonymous policemen, Frank Serpico and David Durk, were invaluable with the information they provided to the New York Times. Serpico and Durk were upset at the sheer amount of brazen illegal activities they saw being perpetrated by other police officers. They were shocked with the amount of corruption that went on on a daily basis, but even more so disgusted by the lack of action taken by the District Attorney after they both filed numerous complaints. It was only after the New York Times article became public that any real action was taken. And that, presumably, was only because of the massive Get more content on
  • 7. Police And Police Corruption Corruption in the justice system can take place at any time beginning with a criminal investigation or when a lawsuit is filed down to the courts decisions. Corruption often occurs at stages where the public cannot see it. Much of the corruption in the justice system is not easy to expose or prove (Pepys, 2003). Police corruption are actions that exploit their powers as low enforcement officers (Williams & Arrigo, 2012). Police corruption can and has caused much of the public to lose confidence in law enforcement. When police are corrupt, it impacts society more than corruption of other government agencies because of their role as the gatekeeper of the justice system and authority (Lee, Lim, Moore, & Kim, 2013). Police have a wide range of discretionary powers that often goes unchecked. Much of their corruption can be found in areas such as report filing or in their investigations (Pepys, 2003.) In a 1983 Reus–Ianni's two–year study of NYPD officers found that there was a difference in the behavior of management police officers and patrol officers' misconduct (Lee, Lim, Moore, & Kim, 2013). The patrol officer was more likely to be involved in police corruption and were found to perceive police corruption less seriously (Lee, Lim, Moore, & Kim, 2013). The 'slippery slope' theory of first accepting gratuities will often turn into serous corruption, is one idea of how police began their descent into corruption (Lee, Lim, Moore, & Kim, 2013). Tolerating Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on Police and Corruption Police and Corruption The police. Twenty–four hours a day, three hundred sixty–five days a year, this division of our government has a mandate to enforce the criminal law and preserve public peace. Understood in this mandate is an obligation to police everyday life matters that originate in the daily lives and activities of citizens within their community. Police interact in some form with the average citizen more often than any other government official. In society today the police play a key role in maintaining a civil society. This role assumes a substantial amount of power and authority over the general public. With power comes corruption and/or misuse of power. The question that is presented is, how and why do the more content... That also leads to the fact that citizens who behave antagonistically towards an officer are more likely to be arrested than those who are civil or very differential. Donald J. Black reported in "Police control of Juveniles", American sociological Review February 1970, that when Complaints are present 72 percent of adults who behave antagonistically toward the police are arrested in the field while only 45 percent who are civil and 40 percent who are differential toward the police are arrested. This is an obvious misuse of discretion. When a police officer treats a citizen antagonistically there is not much the citizen can do, but when it is the citizen acting antagonistically it more than likely will be a determination of guilt. When a police officers judgment is constantly questioned and his sense of justice is not validated he may lose his commitment to the system. Police are often alienated in the criminal justice system, in a sense there status is demeaned by the decisions of lawyers and judges. They are treated as less of a professional. To see a person who in the officer's discretion was guilty be released time after time, it is difficult for the officer to keep his commitment to the system. "Where moral commitment is lost, subcultural practices take over. One such practice that exacerbates the relationship of the police with the public is harassment" (Reiss, p.138) Therefore police create their own Get more content on
  • 9. Corruption, the one thing many individuals fear when it comes to their local law enforcement. The crime and dishonesty from those who are supposed to serve and protect us has been around for many years, but has been a very mind puzzling, difficult, and sensitive issue to approach. The dishonesty and fraudulent activities done by those in charge are the ones that support and organize many crimes throughout the United States. There are many debates and research that is put into the topic of corruption, also known as "organized crime". To clarify whatpolice corruption is, it is the misconduct in which these sworn officials break their "contract" also known as their oath for personal gains and departmental perks. One or more officers can be involved. There are many opinions and voices to be heard from a wide variety of people whether it's from local communities, politicians, and even those from news and social media more content... What's happening now actually raises the crime rates all over the country and other countries are actual proof of what's to come if nothing is to be done within the next few years. Corruption and its effects on crime rates can be a very debatable topic to many individuals, but in reality there are many factors that support its belief. Many don't realize the seriousness and influences the can be brought up when a law enforcement official steps into the world of crime. There are many that argue that the act of corruption has no negative impacts to the current Get more content on
  • 10. Essay On Police Corruption Good Cop, Bad Cop When something is said about a cop it usually goes one of two ways, either they are praised on the job they do or they are put down and called names. Police officers have been known to take bribes for illegal things. There is corruption all over the states, it is everywhere from Chicago to even Kansas. Police tactics are endangering civilian lives. Corruption is causing so much tension between civilians and officers.Even though a large quantity of officers are corrupt not all of them are, some do go above and beyond their duty and help their communities anyway they can. Not all police officers are corrupt, but the ones who are give a bad reputation to them all. It would help everyone if all cops could be trusted more content... (the Gale Group Inc., 2005) Majority of the crimes committed by police officers is either taking bribes in the form of money or drugs or helping a criminal in some form or fashion. Corruption is all over the states, some however is worse than the others. In Detroit, a former Chicago police officer on the lam for 14 years was arrested last Tuesday. Former Chicago PD Sgt. Eddie Hicks, 68, had fled on the eve of his drug conspiracy trial in 2003. He had been charged in 2001 with running a crew of rogue officers who robbed drug dealers, stole their cash and sold their drugs to other dealers. (Smith, 2017) Smith (2017) study found the following: "In Louisville, Kentucky, a former Bullitt County Sheriff 's Office chief deputy was indicted last Wednesday for stealing drugs from the department evidence room. John Cottrell allegedly took marijuana, hydrocodone, and other pills, and investigators found some of the drugs in his office. Cottrell claims he is the victim of a vendetta by department supporters of former Sheriff David Greenwell, who himself has been indicted on drug charges. Cottrell faces charges of theft of a legend drug, abuse of public trust, and evidence tampering." Something was rotten in the state of North Carolina. There were rumors of corruption in the Northampton County Sheriff's Office and whispers that Lann Tjuan Clanton, an ex–cop from a nearby police department, was selling drugs in the hardscrabble eastern half of Get more content on
  • 11. Police Corruption Effects study conducted by researchers at the Institute for the Rule of Law from 2002–2006. The researchers noticed a sharp rise in economic crimes and a large deficient between the amounts of economic criminal cases initiated and amounts of cases sent to court. They found that in those years, 40%–60% of economic criminal cases went unresolved. In the cases that were solved, 60%–80% of them were never brought to court. Of the cases that were brought to court, 20%–30% fell apart. The researchers concluded that law enforcement officials were less inclined to punish economic criminals because it would have impacted their shadow economy earnings. The Effect of Police Corruption on the Public Police corruption can have a detrimental effect on the way the public views law enforcement. IvkoviД‡ (2003) discussed a survey that asked American citizens how they would rate police officers in terms of honesty. The survey, which has been conducted frequently over the past two decades, found that 40%–50% of all respondents more content... In 2008, a survey of 45,000 victimized individuals found that only 22% of crimes were reported to authorities. Similar results were found in 2004 and 2007 with only 23% and 21% of crimes being reported in those respective years. Sabet (2013) mentions that interviews with civil society and government officials echoed these findings. These officials said that victims of crime feared retaliation from criminals or corrupt police officers if they were to come forward with information of a crime. Sabet (2013) conducted a survey of Mexicans who lived in 14 major cities. Sabet asked the participants if they had information related to police corruption by their local law enforcement and if they were satisfied with the performance of their local law enforcement. If they did have information, they were asked a series of questions related to the corruption. The results showed that Get more content on
  • 12. The Corruption Of Police Corruption With recent negative media coverage concerning police officers, police corruption has become a major topic. Police officers seem to be making more questionable and unethical decisions according to the media. With these questionable actions, the idea that police officers are corrupt has been a steadily growing opinion. I will be focusing this literature review on the history of police corruption, mostly in major cities/countries; the nature of police corruption; the ethics involved in law enforcement; causes for police corruption and finally possible solutions to police corruption. History of Police CorruptionSince the start of policing in America, there have been major police corruption scandals, especially in New York City. Throughout the course of the last century, the NYPD has withstood at least six major corruption scandals which have resulted in commissions (Muraskin & Roberts , 2009). For each of the commissions, they discussed the findings of the commissions and their attempts to prevent that form of corruption from happening again. However, it only seemed to solve certain aspects of those problems and not the whole problem. The findings of those commissions are especially important since they demonstrate that the behaviors and patterns of corruption have changed over the years. Police corruption is not a problem that is based only in one country, but a problem all over the world (Newburn, 1999). Police corruption is happening in major countries from the Get more content on
  • 13. Essay about The Problem of Police Corruption Police corruption is legally, morally, and ethically wrong. The art of corruption has existed from the beginning of policing to the present day. Investigations have uncovered several acts of dishonesty and crime ranging from petty theft to murder. To help combat corruption the government creates commissions such as the Knapp and Wickersham Commission to investigate allegations of corruption. If acts of corruption are found and substantiated the commission takes criminal action against the law enforcement officer. As allegations persist, one may ask: 1. What isPolice Corruption? 2. What is the Corruption Continuum? 3. Is there a Code of Silence? 4. What is done to help prevent corruption? 5. What more content... There are two general forms of corruption: external and internal. External corruption occurs when an outside agency or person pays an officer to overlook or perform illegal acts themselves. The Mafia is probably the best known organized crime faction. Investigations have shown the Mafia paid officers, politicians, judges, and numerous other agencies to elude conviction. Internal corruption happens when an officers acts on his or her own accord to commit crimes or illegal acts themselves. A classic example of corruption involves the bribery of an officer in order to secure the exemption from punishment. There is a broad range of corruption ranging from petty brides to organized crime paying millions of dollars to protect their gambling, prostitution, and drug networks. William Ernest and Richard Ford are prime examples of internal corruption. These officers were willing to go out and seek illegal activities and served as hired assassins in Los Angeles (Newton, 2007). What is the Corruption Continuum? The Corruption Continuum is used to illustrate the transition from good cop to bad cop. Once an officer makes the decision to accept gratuities and or gifts it puts them on the "slippery slope" of corruption. If an officer chooses to compromise his or her integrity, it is near impossible for the officer to regain their honor. Many scholars and practitioners become Get more content on
  • 14. Examples Of Police Corruption What is Police corruption? In legal dictionary Police corruption is defined as "The misuse of police authority for personal gain". Personal gain can mean monetary payment or any other type of benefit. Corruption is not a new or uncommon obstacle facing the police departments. The problem goes far back as the forming of the organized police forces. Police corruption is a problem that hurts both the police organization and the society. Since its beginning many aspects of policing has changed; however, one aspect that has remained unchanged is the corruption within the police departments. In my paper I will be looking into an instance of police corruption scandal that happened in Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD). What gave rise to corruption, more content... At that time Officer Perez was suspected of working with known drug dealers to distribute the cocaine on the streets. But the scandal started revealing later in 1999 after Perez made a deal with prosecutors under which he pled guilty to cocaine theft and agreed to provide prosecutors with wrongdoing in the Rampart CRASH unit. Perez worked with investigators over the next year, providing over 4,000 pages of interrogation transcripts. Perez's testimony revealed police corruption on an unimagined scale, implicating police officers in wrongful killings, indiscriminate beatings and violence, theft, and drug dealing. Perez's testimony also implicated dozens of police officers in systematic acts of dishonest law enforcement, exposing hundreds of instances in which evidence or contraband was planted on suspects, false statements were coerced or fabricated, and police officers offered perjured testimony in court. Perez's confessions prompted the LAPD to re–name its investigative task force the "Rampart Task Force". The Task Force was charged with corroborating Perez's allegations of corruption within Rampart CRASH. What followed was, in the words of one independent commission, one of the worst police scandals in American history. Ultimately, the District Attorney was Get more content on
  • 15. Essay On Police Corruption I've always had an interest in Criminal Justice due to most of my neighbor's family being in the criminal justice system themselves and how much of an interest they brought to me from it throughout my whole life and how they put their lives at risk every single day just to help the community out in one way or the other. It requires a lot of effort and dedication from self being to even get into a good system and it's all a gamble maybe the system you're in is good or maybe it's bad. We must put our faith into what the system does due to the hard work they do day in and day out and we must hope that everyone working there just abides by the rules. They portray themselves to us as a sort of a super hero to the public because of course they risk their lives for us meanwhile they try to hide the true them. When you first enter the academy, they provide you with a set of rules that you must follow in order to even get in and that you must always follow them as a code of honor and oath. They tell you that you must always put the people's safety first then yours and that no corruption what so ever is allowed and if ever seen to be reported immediately. However, those who "enforce" that rule the most tend to be the sectors with the most active police corrupted service. What exactly is police corruption you may ask? It is the misuse of power by the police for their own personal gain some examples of it can be bribery which is one of the least common believe it or not, most of police Get more content on
  • 16. Police Corruption Has Become A Major Problem Throughout history, police corruption has become a major problem in the United States. It is defined as a form of police misconduct that involves the act of either a single officer, or a group of officers who abuse their powers to achieve personal or departmental gains. From as early as the nineteenth century, corruption has not only affected law enforcement agencies, but also our continuously changing society. Even thoughpolice officers are predominantly seen as honest and professional, the few who are dishonest and corrupt tend to devalue the profession as a whole. Police corruption is a general problem that is seen in both second and third world countries and is usually investigated by internal affairs divisions. Oftentimes it is more content... This investigation also led to the establishment of the two main types of corrupt officers known as, the "meat–eaters" and "grass–eaters." (The–Crankshaft Publishing, 2017) As stated by the Knapp Commission, Meat–eaters predominantly abuse their powers for personal gain, while grass–eaters simply accept payoffs or gratuities. Officers typically become grass–eaters to prove their loyalty to the brotherly allegiance, while others are influenced by or even become meat–eaters. (New York Post, 2016/17) It is a police officer's responsibility, stated in the code of conduct, to serve, protect, and ensure the rights of the people; so it is baffling that some officers engage in these types of corrupt behaviors. Some theories suggest that these behaviors have to do with police discretion. Discretion is not a problem when used correctly, but when it is taken advantage of it can become a major problem. Police rules and regulations do not cover every situation, so when police officers are put in a situation where they need to make a decision, not all officers make the right one. In certain situations this could be the difference between life and death. Another suggested theory is lack of supervision. Many police officers do their work with very little supervision which could lead to officers not following Get more content on
  • 17. Police Corruption and Misconduct Essay Police corruption and misconduct come apparent in many different forms. A basic definition for police corruption is, when an officer gets involved in offenses where the officer uses his or her position, by act or omission, to obtain improper financial benefit. The main reason for such corruption is typically for personal gain, such as bribery. Police abuse of authority occurs in three different general areas such as physical abuse, psychological abuse, and legal abuse. Physical abuse is such abuse where one uses excessive force or physical harassment. The psychological abuse occurs through disrespect, harassment, ridicule, excessive stops, or intimidation. Finally, legal abuse is abuse that occurs during unlawful search and more content... This could occur if an officer sees an off duty police officer who is drunk driving, but does not take action in pulling them over and arrest them for their conduct. If he does, the streets are that much safer, but if he doesn't and the driver goes off and kills a person, that would make a bad use of selective enforcement (Lyman 2005). Many officers use alcohol and drugs while on duty. Although this commonly occurs in undercover agents, it can happen with even your regular patrol officers. This type of misconduct occurs because there is typically a lack of supervision, a massive availability of contraband, and an exposure to the criminal element. Graft on the other hand, is when the officer exploits their role by accepting bribes or money protection (Pollock, 2012). Such conduct occurs when officers use their uniformed authority to create a personal supply of money (Lyman 2005). Sexual misconduct occurs when officers use their authority as a way to receive sexual acts from citizens of society. This happens mainly with male officers towards female citizens. This type of misconduct also occurs within the department, mainly through sexual harassment of female officers. The final component of corruption and misconduct is that of criminal cops. These officers have basically switched to criminal activity in their day to day tasks (Pollock, 2012). A perfect example of this happened in the movie Street Kings that we watched as a class Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Police Brutality and Corruption Police Brutality and Corruption Corruption in policing is viewed as the misuse of authority by a police officer acting officially to fulfill his/her personal needs or wants. There are two distinct elements of corruption; 1) misuse of authority, 2) personal attainment. The occupational subculture of policing is a major factor in both creating police corruption, by initiating officers into corrupt activities, and sustaining it, by covering up corrupt activities by other officers. Police corruption is a complex phenomenon, which does not readily submit to simple analysis. It is a problem that has and will continue to affect us all, whether we are civilians or law enforcement officers. Since its beginnings, many aspects of more content... A new form of police corruption developed in the early 1980's and into the 1990's, which include brutality, discrimination, sexual harassment, intimidation, and illicit the use of weapons. The Mollen Commission found that "most corrupt officers start off as honest and idealistic." The career of corruption's begins with passively accepting minor gratuities that gradually begin to involve more serious violation of the laws, involving larger amounts of money and officers initiating corrupt acts. It can be said that power inevitably tends to corrupt, and it is yet to be recognized that, while there is no reason to presume that police officers as individuals are any less fallible than other members of society, people are often shocked and outraged when officers are exposed violating the law. There deviance elicits a special feeling of betrayal. The danger of police corruption could invert the formal goals of the organization and may lead to "the use of organizational power to encourage and create crime rather than to deter it". There has been many attempts to put an end to police corruption, with no real success. An attempt to eliminate corruption, by increasing salaries, more training, incentive for education, and the development of policies that focus directly on factors leading to corruption. Despite many efforts by the police departments to control corruption, it still exists. Police corruption has a very long standing Get more content on
  • 19. How Does Corruption Affect Policing One of the issues that are affecting the future of policing is corruption. Corruption is generally defined as fraudulent and dishonest actions by public officials with power. This is the same for law enforcement as their corruption is an abuse of their authority for private gain while under duty. This improper conduct usually begins as police deviance. Law enforcement officers with such behaviors are not socially accepted yet has led other officers, especially rookies, into engaging in criminal activities. Corruption and police deviance are one of the oldest persisting problems that has faced policing agencies since the American Colonial Era and continues in today's society. Corruption within law enforcement itself takes on many different types. The lower offense types involve officers accepting gratuities such as free or discounted meals and services from local businesses and accepting bribes. Even at the lower levels of corruption the police deviance prove to more content... More often than not most law enforcement agencies have those 'few rotten apples' in their mist. These individual officers with corrupt behaviors hardly make up the 1% of any organization and usually are on the down–low; though has been proven to cooperate with other 'rotten apples'. However, thanks to the media exposing the wrong–doings by these bad cops, this 1% group has been published to represent law enforcement as a whole, giving the 99% a bad image to the public. It's even worse when other departments experience systematic corruption that spreads through the entire organization. It's worrisome that the exact cause of this form of corruption can't be pin pointed but I believe it all evolves from those bad cops buying promotions into higher ranks. A rotten relationship has to be born within that police organization in order to continuously spread without being snuffed out and properly taken care Get more content on