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Plagiarism Essay
Plagiarism is copying another person's ideas, words or writing and pretending that they are one's
and one's own work. Whenever another person's work is copied and republished without an
appropriate reference it is considered plagiarism. Because it is so easy to copy and paste digital
information, plagiarism in the information age has become a serious problem. The best way to
avoid plagiarism is to avoid reading anything written by somebody else. In simple words plagiarism
is kidnapping of words, kidnapping of ideas, fraud, and literary theft.
"The term plagiarism stems from the Latin word plagium, meaning kidnapping a man. It literary
means theft, taking material authored by others and presenting as someone else." Ref; (Masic,
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Ideally every student should experience the assessment's as being unique to themselves. So its
better to understand and students grow and develop skills. They even know their strengths and
weakness. They also know are the capable to hold position in any sector or company or
organisations. So it is very much important to cross check the content before you submit. Its
advantage is that it will protect you from plagiarized. Students can check many websites to perform
plagiarism check. Some examples of websites are (, etc ) All these
websites will check your content with other web pages available online. So they will trace the
plagiarized content and mark them. In this way student's can make assignments unique and
plagiarism free.
What happens if students have a thought to have plagiarised?
University regards plagiarism in examination as a serious matter. So the cases will be investigated
and later on penalties may range, depending on the seriousness of the occurrences. Do even though
plagiarism is in less amount it can result in penalty. So here are some of the types as in conduct in
examination apply equally to the submission's and assessments of a thesis essays or any other
course work. Example :– Cutting and pasting from the Internet without clear acknowledgement
Information derived from the Internet must be adequately referenced and included in the
bibliography. It is important to evaluate carefully all material
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Plagiarism Essay
Plagiarism is a word students often hear in a writing class, and most will cringe because the word
has a negative connotation. It is not something to be messed around with, and can have serious
consequences. I think plagiarism is on the rise because there are extensive materials that have been
handwritten or electronically uploaded, and even if a student uses their own writing there is a
chance it has been recorded by someone else at a different time. It is particularly important to give
credit when using another person's work because they have put in the effort to research the material
and create the source. Using proper citations for information taken out of the sources you are using
for research will help prevent plagiarism from occurring. Plagiarism, though sometimes accidental,
is never acceptable. Voelker, Love, and Petina are three writers that have explored why plagiarism
is rising and why it has become so hard to not plagiarize. I agree with their point of view on why
plagiarism has become such a prevalent problem for students, and writers. The internet is accessible
to almost everyone and ideas and knowledge can be absorbed within minutes. It is a common way to
attain knowledge, and those that are passing off the information found do not realize they are
plagiarizing. Research projects have become a problem for students because they are having trouble
recounting the knowledge that they have found without having it labeled as plagiarism. In my high
school there
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Understanding Plagiarism Essay
Throughout our school careers we will encounter times when teachers and professors will require us
to submit written assignments. Within these assignments one of the main areas of concerns while
the instructor is reviewing the final report is plagiarism. In regards to plagiarism there are six topics
that I would like to cover on the topic. What is plagiarism? Why do students plagiarize? What is the
difference between intentional and unintentional plagiarism? What is the importance of citing?
What is citing, direct quoting, and paraphrasing? What is common knowledge? By understanding
these areas in the context of plagiarism we as students can ensure that we will not be guilty of
cheating on an assignment by using words and more content...
That is a fairly cut and dry issue. There are many different reasons that students may decide to
plagiarize. Some of these reasons include: "deadlines come around more quickly than expected,
sometimes assignments feel overwhelming, and sometimes the boundaries of plagiarism and
research just get confused." (Educational Tips on Plagiarism Prevention) If students manage their
time and stay on task with their assignments the chance that they will be compelled to plagiarize
should decrease.
When discussing why students plagiarize, two of the reasons given can be considered intentional
and the other unintentional. With that being said what is intentional plagiarism; intentional means,
"done with intention or on purpose" ( So intentional plagiarism would be
purposefully conveying someone else's ideas and or words as your own. Students intentional
plagiarism may come about for many reasons: "the quality of work found online, thinking their work
cannot compare...pressure from family, peers, and instructors to compete for scholarships,
admissions, and, of course, places in the job market...their peers plagiarize...poor planning"
(Educational Tips on Plagiarism Prevention). Unintentional plagiarism on the other hand is when an
author represents another's work as their own without doing realizing that they did it. Some
examples of this include but are not
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Plagiarism Essay
What is plagiarism? Obviously the word must be of some importance as I know it can greatly
change ones future. From what I know, plagiarism can happen by careless mistakes, being
uneducated of what plagiarism really means or just on purpose to save time for themselves. Some
writers may not know the actual detail of how you give another writer full credit of their work.
Another could be that some students are lazy, worried or in a rush to finish a paper and think
plagiarizing is the best solution at that time for them. Mainly, I think this would happen in high
school and colleges. Students in these areas are so busy which could make the idea plagiarizing a
way to save them a little time to worry and finish another more content...
My teachers had always taught that as each of us students got older the punishment for plagiarism
would only get worse. As I have read in different articles I know my teachers in High School were
telling the truth as much as I would not like to believe it.
Through research I have found several resources which tell of stories and of court cases involving
plagiarism and the outcomes of each case. But before the court cases, knowing the definition of
plagiarism and understanding how it is proven is essential information. Plagiarism comes from
the Latin word plagiarius meaning kidnapper. As I said before, to me my definition of plagiarism
is stealing other peoples work. There are a variety of ways people can steal other peoples work.
Anyone can copy out of a book, go on the internet and copy articles or buy an article on the
internet for a school paper. If not giving any credit to either of those writers, someone has just
plagiarized. Teachers have different resources to detect whether or not a student has plagiarized.
Most teachers get use to a style a student has when writing papers. Teachers are usually aware
when reading if a student has plagiarized due to not sounding like themselves. A new source called has become a popular site for teachers to detect plagiarism. All a teacher has to do is
cut and paste someones paper or type a part of paper which doesnt
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Plagiarism: Difference Between Idea And Thought
When we have an idea or insight, rarely is it the first time it has ever occurred to an individual.
Furthermore, what we learn through formal education, dialogue, and reading (for those who pay
attention) becomes an integral part of our thought––we assimilate the ideas of others. Thus, what we
may think and say is not necessarily of our own origin, but rather it is a conglomeration of the ideas
of others in conjunction with our own native thoughts and understanding––such is human nature.
However, there is a fundamental difference between this assimilation of idea and thought through
socialization/education versus plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined, as the knowing act of stealing
another's ideas and passing those ideas on more content...
56]) in the form of nausea, heartburn, obesity and a hangover. But we only overindulge because
we are ignorant of what would be better for ourselves in the long run, i.e. moderation in food and
drink. Thus, Socrates concludes that what causes pain is evil and what causes pleasure is good;
we call pleasure evil if it robs us of greater pleasures than it gives, or causes pains greater than the
pleasure, and we can call pain good if it prevents further pain or gives pleasures greater than pain
(Plato 1956, pg. 60). Socrates finishes by saying, "the salvation of human life has been found to
consist in the right choice of pleasures and pains, in the choice of the more and the fewer (i.e.
choosing long term happiness over instant gratification).
Now, we can consider the case of plagiarism from Socrates' point of view. Plagiarism (as was
previously said), is the knowing act of stealing an idea and passing it off as one's own. Let us now
look at why an individual plagiarizes in an academic setting. An individual plagiarizes, according
to Socrates' reasoning, out of ignorance of what is best for him in the long run; he plagiarizes
thinking he will receive a better grade on his paper as well as by saving time and face by not
creating ideas of his own. While this may be true, the consequences outweigh the immediate
gratification (good) in two principal ways: 1) Though saving time, when
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Plagiarism Essay
Plagiarism. We do it everyday. But most people don't even know that they do it. Plagiarism is the
act of taking the work or a idea of someone else, and passing it off as your own (Webster). Now,
there are two main types of plagiarism: intentional and unintentional. Intentional plagiarism is when
someone copies words, ideas, or phrases and purposefully pass it off as their own, all without
giving credit to the correct source. On the other hand, unintentional plagiarism is when someone
cites poorly, or if they didn't know that someone else had an idea, and they pass it off as their own,
thinking they were the first to come up with it. The issue with plagiarism and the United States, is
whether or not America plagiarized democracy. To know more content...
Each state will have a certain number of representatives, and also pay direct taxes, on the basis of
population size" (US Constitution 1–2). This excerpt from the US Constitution talks a lot about
power being divided in the government, by having three different branches, judicial, executive, and
legislative. The judiciary is the Supreme Court, which is addressed about later in the US
Constitution, the executive is the president, and the legislative is the Senate and the House of
Representatives. They also talk about power being divided in the Declaration of Independence. In
the Declaration of Independence it states "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their
just powers from the consent of the governed...He has obstructed the Administration of Justice...He
has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions
on the rights of the people" (Declaration of Independence). It doesn't directly state it, because the
Declaration of Independence talks about how the king of England is unfair, and how he rules
poorly. When they state what the king is doing wrong, the reader can infer that the US will do the
opposite. So, when they say that the king is dissolving the Representative Houses, the reader can
assume that the US will not dissolve the Representative Houses repeatedly like the king previously
did. However, famous foreign documents talked about power being divided way before the US did.
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Causes of Plagiarism Essay
Plagiarism has become a major issue among university students around the world. Academic
misconduct has been a concern to those teaching at the universities. Hence, to prevent this from
occurring the educational bodies have implemented measures to avoid plagiarism. Presently, the
newly recruited students are informed of the consequences of plagiarism and that stern action is in
place (Ashworth, Bannister, & Thorne,1997,p.1). However, plagiarism can be divided into two parts:
deliberate and inadvertent. Presented here are the reasons why student plagiarism is considered quite
high at western universities, even though many of the university students do not mean to cheat.
There are three reasons as follows: (1) lack of clear more content...
There are many reasons why students plagiarize. First of all, students are often confused by and
cannot correctly differentiate between the concepts of plagiarism and whether their text has been
paraphrased correctly. So, plagiarism is very difficult for them to understand, and they might do it
without knowing that it is wrong. According to Walker (1998), a majority of students plagiarized by
failure to acknowledge the source, which can result from "honest confusion over the standards of
academic discourse and proper citation"(p.93). In addition, high school teachers wrongly educated
students, which mean they simply copied assignments from other materials and passed them off as
their own work without any punishment (p.93). For example, most students think that copying and
reproducing sentences from sources on the Internet is not a serious issue (Centre of Academic
Integrity as cited in Wang, 2008). These issues sometimes made students unaware that they had
plagiarized because of their poor understanding of what exactly plagiarism is and this will result in
their perception of unfairness in their assignment, and the bad scores they have received. However,
students' lack of motivation and teaching is also the major reason why students plagiarized. For
instance, Wang (2008) stated that students did not want to work hard because the process of
teaching did not stimulate their interest in
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Plagiarism Essay
For many, many years schools have been trying to stop students from plagiarizing materials.
Detecting this plagiarism used to be easy because students only had access to books in the library,
magazines, and encyclopedias. However, as the popularity of the Internet increased, so did the
number of essays and papers being plagiarized. Students can easily go onto the internet and in no
time at all find and essay on their topic of choice. For a certain fee they can buy the essay and have
it delivered right to their doorstep, just in time to hand it into their teacher. Some essays you don't
even have to pay for. You can simply print them off of the computer. This rise in the internet
information highway makes it harder more content...
Teachers can find several ways to inform their students about plagiarism. Teachers should tell their
students the importance of knowing what plagiarism is and how to prevent it. Listed below are
ways teachers can do this. I found a website that gives examples to teachers on how to prevent
copying. The website had many useful tips on what to do. For example, this website said, "Educate
your students about plagiarism. Do not assume that students know what plagiarism is, even if they
nod their heads when you ask them. Provide an explicit definition for them. In addition to a
definition, though, you should discuss with your students the difference between appropriate,
referenced use of ideas or quotations and in appropriate use." [2] Teachers can do a lot more things
to prevent plagiarism, but little things like this can help. On the internet you can find tons of
websites that give you information about how to prevent plagiarism. It isn't only the teacher's
responsibility to inform their students. The students themselves should take the initiative to ask for
help, or go look for information on plagiarism if they aren't sure. If a student isn't sure what they
wrote is written right, they should go to the teacher and ask them to read the essay and check for
Detecting plagiarism can be tough at times for teachers because of the growing popularity of the
internet. In spite of this growing popularity teachers can find various
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Plagiarism Essay
Many colleges and university's have their own policies or views when it comes to plagiarism.
There are two main approaches to plagiarisms on campuses, whether it is morally wrong or that it is
a crime. While students have to affirm that they will not plagiarize, when it is looked as morally
wrong this turns more into a honor code according to Susan D Blum. Faculty expect students to
follow this honor code and they believe by having them accept the terms that they will not plagiarize.
Due to the social pressure that they believe to have installed in the students. They should understand
that plagiarizing is wrong and that they shouldn't do it at all. Although they might accept this as
being morally wrong, they often tend to slide more content...
When it comes to the morality of plagiarism you also have to account whether the student defines
plagiarism as being morally wrong or right. This will also affect the outcome if done or not.
Notions of writing from the 1960's and 1970's are different from today in many different ways. As
Susan D Blum stated "students are not wedded to the integrity of their own writing". This is
really well put because students at times write papers or assignments without any meaning or
effort just so that they can get buy or earn a good grade. Back in the 60's and 70's people weren't
so out spoken like they are today and it was morally wrong to touch certain subjects about what
was happening in society. Now in days people seem to be more out spoke and feel free to write
about what it is that they want to write. The culture it self has changed as time goes on and we even
act differently and do certain things that might have not been permitted or frowned upon back then.
Back then their was no Internet either, students couldn't just browse the Internet for information.
Information today is readily available as well, causing student to give less effort when trying to
research or find information. Not saying this is a bad thing because the availability of having data
bases accessible is a blessing due to the fact
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Plagiarism Essay
Plagiarism missing works cited
Plagiarism is a distinguished sounding word. One would almost think that it sounds like some lofty
philosophical ideal named for the great Greek teacher Plagiarus, something to be aspired to. This is
not so. Plagiarism is in fact a moral misdemeanor, and an academic felony. By definition,plagiarism
is "a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own
work." Socrates, Plato and Aristotle would have frowned on such a practice, and "Plagiarus" would
have been kicked out of the academy. Such is the fate of many college students today.
Plagiarism exists in greater and lesser forms. It can range anywhere from copying a phrase without
giving credit, to more content...
Internet technology has given birth to a new form of plagiarism called "cut and paste plagiarism". As
the name suggests, the less–than–honest student sits down to the Internet and in the course of
browsing a subject, simply copies segments or entire web articles and pastes them onto his or her
document. There are even websites that are geared directly toward the student seeking the easy
way out, such as School sucks, other people's papers and evil house of cheat. These are free, or
small fee sites that offer prewritten essays and research papers. One can even get a custom written
report over the Internet for a fee. Whatever the reason, or however great the temptation, the
punishment one faces if caught are severe.
Every school policy I have reviewed in my research states that a student caught for plagiarism faces
certain failure of the assignment, possible failure of the class and even expulsion from school. If
one is so inclined to cheat in this manner, the consequences would seem to be enough to deter a
student from engaging in plagiarism, however this is not the case. Many students are under the
misconception that there is no way to be caught at plagiarism, believing that Internet resources are so
vast, no one could prove the text has been copied.
A student that copies bits from here and there may not realize in his or her laziness that tense or
subject matter has changed, or that styles are completely
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Plagiarism: Why it Continues to Occur?
Darian Camacho
English 111, Section 11
Professor Coulter
March 21, 2013
Plagiarism: Why it Continues to Occur? The increase in plagiarism has gained the attention of many
institutions, administrators and educators, as well as researchers and the public. This increase has
brought to attention the concern of why plagiarism continues to occur. In order to debate this
concern we should first understand the definition and background of plagiarism, the factors which
influence plagiarism, and what is or is not being done to prevent it. I will be looking into three
articles in which my discussion will be based on. These articles include "Combating Plagiarism" by
Brian Hansen, "Internet more content...
781). Some institutions do not even bother to use these plagiarism–detection services due to legal
affairs. Mike Smith, who is the assistant chancellor for legal affairs of Berkeley, stated, "There
probably were ways we could have done it legally, but given all the questions, the administrators
here just felt that it really didn't want to go in that direction" (as cited in Hansen, 2003, p. 781).
Hansen raises another question, "Are news organizations doing enough to guard against plagiarism
and other types of journalistic fraud?" (2003, p. 781). Hansen interviewed editors, columnists, and
instructors to discuss this question. The discussion going on was about a scandal involving Jayson
Blair who was caught plagiarizing the articles he had written for "The New York Times." Hansen
states that "many experts were shocked when The Times conceded this spring that Blair's editors
never asked him to identify his anonymous sources" (2003, p. 781). After the scandal was made
public, other news organizations began to review their policies. The increase of plagiarism is of a
concern to all. Looking back at what was discussed, you can see that there are many factors that
contribute to the continuing occurrence of plagiarism. First, students may be unaware of what
actually counts as plagiarism. Thus, educators should be more open to their students in explaining
what plagiarism is and how to prevent it. Further, plagiarism was not always considered unethical.
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Plagiarism Essay Examples
Taking someone's words and using them without a proper citation is a problem. Without being
taught the correct way, this problem is not going to correct itself and will continue to become a
bigger problem. There are major consequences for plagiarising, but these can be avoided with a
simple citation. Tying together the definition ofplagiarism, reasons for using documentation, and an
explanation of MLA 8 and APA citations will all be brought together. Learning what kind ofcitation,
and what needs a citation is a very important concept in becoming a successful writer. Citing a source
correctly will save you time and problems.
There are many different definitions of the word plagiarism. Merriam–Webster's dictionary
definition, more content...
These students were taught a life lesson, something that they will never do again. Being taught,
the correct way, at a young age will solve many of the problems that we have today. Becoming
aware of the consequences that this could lead to would be worth the extra time citing a
document, or writing your own paper. Taking someone's words or writing could lead to loss of job
/school, fines, and so much more. To avoid these problems, a simple citation will help anyone
become aware that you did give credit to the author. Jim Carnett published an article in the Los
Angeles Times stating that he had tried to submit a column to an editor but they sent it back because
it contained plagiarised material. Carnett said, "I lifted a portion of one of my columns and inserted
it in the Daily Pilot piece without attribution." He hadn't cited his own work and now what he did
was plagiarism. To Carnett, this was a total accident, but this shows that you should cite any
information that you use. Although there are arguments that there is no such thing as plagiarism, "If
a novelist uses a non–fiction book for research, how is that stealing? Non–fiction promises facts,
there is no copyright in facts, ergo no stealing..." ( it is always best to give credit
to the source that you received the information from; thus not having a chance of plagiarism.
Having a correct citation for a source is very
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Plagiarism Essay
Plagiarism regularly makes the headlines and universities are under pressure to tackle the problem
Plagiarism involves using someone else's words or ideas without acknowledging the source. It can
take multiple forms, from cutting and pasting a patchwork of unreferenced texts to buying texts
from paper mills.
Crucially, it also includes the kinds of writing in which students sloppily pull together various ideas
without due attention to academic referencing norms.
The problem is that institutions' reactions to plagiarism, through policy and disciplinary structures,
often lack nuance. Universities often don't seek to understand what leads students to plagiarise; they
tend not to distinguish between different forms of more content...
At many institutions, students must include a cover page with all assignments stating that the work
is their own. This adds perjury to the crime of plagiarism if they are caught. Some South African
universities make it compulsory for an academic to immediately institute full disciplinary processes
if he even suspects plagiarism.
These tough measures make sense in an era when universities are increasingly risk averse. But this
stern, one–size–fits–all approach fails to take intention into account. It doesn't address the university
's own responsibility to develop students' competence in writing.
This means that an opportunity for educational engagement is missed and the problem of plagiarism,
whatever its motivation, is ignored.
Technology to teach, not police
In some universities, students are encouraged to use Turnitin or other text–matching software before
they submit assignments to their lecturers.
This software is an excellent tool for helping novice writers to develop their work. A high percentage
of matched text indicates that the student has not yet taken sufficient ownership of the concepts and
ideas she is using. It might indicate an excessive but entirely legitimate reliance on direct quotes. It
also allows the student to check whether the matched text has been properly referenced.
In a number of universities, students must
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Plagiarism Essays

  • 1. Plagiarism Essay Introduction Plagiarism is copying another person's ideas, words or writing and pretending that they are one's and one's own work. Whenever another person's work is copied and republished without an appropriate reference it is considered plagiarism. Because it is so easy to copy and paste digital information, plagiarism in the information age has become a serious problem. The best way to avoid plagiarism is to avoid reading anything written by somebody else. In simple words plagiarism is kidnapping of words, kidnapping of ideas, fraud, and literary theft. "The term plagiarism stems from the Latin word plagium, meaning kidnapping a man. It literary means theft, taking material authored by others and presenting as someone else." Ref; (Masic, more content... Ideally every student should experience the assessment's as being unique to themselves. So its better to understand and students grow and develop skills. They even know their strengths and weakness. They also know are the capable to hold position in any sector or company or organisations. So it is very much important to cross check the content before you submit. Its advantage is that it will protect you from plagiarized. Students can check many websites to perform plagiarism check. Some examples of websites are (, etc ) All these websites will check your content with other web pages available online. So they will trace the plagiarized content and mark them. In this way student's can make assignments unique and plagiarism free. What happens if students have a thought to have plagiarised? University regards plagiarism in examination as a serious matter. So the cases will be investigated and later on penalties may range, depending on the seriousness of the occurrences. Do even though plagiarism is in less amount it can result in penalty. So here are some of the types as in conduct in examination apply equally to the submission's and assessments of a thesis essays or any other course work. Example :– Cutting and pasting from the Internet without clear acknowledgement Information derived from the Internet must be adequately referenced and included in the bibliography. It is important to evaluate carefully all material Get more content on
  • 2. Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism is a word students often hear in a writing class, and most will cringe because the word has a negative connotation. It is not something to be messed around with, and can have serious consequences. I think plagiarism is on the rise because there are extensive materials that have been handwritten or electronically uploaded, and even if a student uses their own writing there is a chance it has been recorded by someone else at a different time. It is particularly important to give credit when using another person's work because they have put in the effort to research the material and create the source. Using proper citations for information taken out of the sources you are using for research will help prevent plagiarism from occurring. Plagiarism, though sometimes accidental, is never acceptable. Voelker, Love, and Petina are three writers that have explored why plagiarism is rising and why it has become so hard to not plagiarize. I agree with their point of view on why plagiarism has become such a prevalent problem for students, and writers. The internet is accessible to almost everyone and ideas and knowledge can be absorbed within minutes. It is a common way to attain knowledge, and those that are passing off the information found do not realize they are plagiarizing. Research projects have become a problem for students because they are having trouble recounting the knowledge that they have found without having it labeled as plagiarism. In my high school there Get more content on
  • 3. Understanding Plagiarism Essay Throughout our school careers we will encounter times when teachers and professors will require us to submit written assignments. Within these assignments one of the main areas of concerns while the instructor is reviewing the final report is plagiarism. In regards to plagiarism there are six topics that I would like to cover on the topic. What is plagiarism? Why do students plagiarize? What is the difference between intentional and unintentional plagiarism? What is the importance of citing? What is citing, direct quoting, and paraphrasing? What is common knowledge? By understanding these areas in the context of plagiarism we as students can ensure that we will not be guilty of cheating on an assignment by using words and more content... That is a fairly cut and dry issue. There are many different reasons that students may decide to plagiarize. Some of these reasons include: "deadlines come around more quickly than expected, sometimes assignments feel overwhelming, and sometimes the boundaries of plagiarism and research just get confused." (Educational Tips on Plagiarism Prevention) If students manage their time and stay on task with their assignments the chance that they will be compelled to plagiarize should decrease. When discussing why students plagiarize, two of the reasons given can be considered intentional and the other unintentional. With that being said what is intentional plagiarism; intentional means, "done with intention or on purpose" ( So intentional plagiarism would be purposefully conveying someone else's ideas and or words as your own. Students intentional plagiarism may come about for many reasons: "the quality of work found online, thinking their work cannot compare...pressure from family, peers, and instructors to compete for scholarships, admissions, and, of course, places in the job market...their peers plagiarize...poor planning" (Educational Tips on Plagiarism Prevention). Unintentional plagiarism on the other hand is when an author represents another's work as their own without doing realizing that they did it. Some examples of this include but are not Get more content on
  • 4. Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism What is plagiarism? Obviously the word must be of some importance as I know it can greatly change ones future. From what I know, plagiarism can happen by careless mistakes, being uneducated of what plagiarism really means or just on purpose to save time for themselves. Some writers may not know the actual detail of how you give another writer full credit of their work. Another could be that some students are lazy, worried or in a rush to finish a paper and think plagiarizing is the best solution at that time for them. Mainly, I think this would happen in high school and colleges. Students in these areas are so busy which could make the idea plagiarizing a way to save them a little time to worry and finish another more content... My teachers had always taught that as each of us students got older the punishment for plagiarism would only get worse. As I have read in different articles I know my teachers in High School were telling the truth as much as I would not like to believe it. Through research I have found several resources which tell of stories and of court cases involving plagiarism and the outcomes of each case. But before the court cases, knowing the definition of plagiarism and understanding how it is proven is essential information. Plagiarism comes from the Latin word plagiarius meaning kidnapper. As I said before, to me my definition of plagiarism is stealing other peoples work. There are a variety of ways people can steal other peoples work. Anyone can copy out of a book, go on the internet and copy articles or buy an article on the internet for a school paper. If not giving any credit to either of those writers, someone has just plagiarized. Teachers have different resources to detect whether or not a student has plagiarized. Most teachers get use to a style a student has when writing papers. Teachers are usually aware when reading if a student has plagiarized due to not sounding like themselves. A new source called has become a popular site for teachers to detect plagiarism. All a teacher has to do is cut and paste someones paper or type a part of paper which doesnt Get more content on
  • 5. Plagiarism: Difference Between Idea And Thought Plagiarism When we have an idea or insight, rarely is it the first time it has ever occurred to an individual. Furthermore, what we learn through formal education, dialogue, and reading (for those who pay attention) becomes an integral part of our thought––we assimilate the ideas of others. Thus, what we may think and say is not necessarily of our own origin, but rather it is a conglomeration of the ideas of others in conjunction with our own native thoughts and understanding––such is human nature. However, there is a fundamental difference between this assimilation of idea and thought through socialization/education versus plagiarism. Plagiarism is defined, as the knowing act of stealing another's ideas and passing those ideas on more content... 56]) in the form of nausea, heartburn, obesity and a hangover. But we only overindulge because we are ignorant of what would be better for ourselves in the long run, i.e. moderation in food and drink. Thus, Socrates concludes that what causes pain is evil and what causes pleasure is good; we call pleasure evil if it robs us of greater pleasures than it gives, or causes pains greater than the pleasure, and we can call pain good if it prevents further pain or gives pleasures greater than pain (Plato 1956, pg. 60). Socrates finishes by saying, "the salvation of human life has been found to consist in the right choice of pleasures and pains, in the choice of the more and the fewer (i.e. choosing long term happiness over instant gratification). Now, we can consider the case of plagiarism from Socrates' point of view. Plagiarism (as was previously said), is the knowing act of stealing an idea and passing it off as one's own. Let us now look at why an individual plagiarizes in an academic setting. An individual plagiarizes, according to Socrates' reasoning, out of ignorance of what is best for him in the long run; he plagiarizes thinking he will receive a better grade on his paper as well as by saving time and face by not creating ideas of his own. While this may be true, the consequences outweigh the immediate gratification (good) in two principal ways: 1) Though saving time, when Get more content on
  • 6. Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism. We do it everyday. But most people don't even know that they do it. Plagiarism is the act of taking the work or a idea of someone else, and passing it off as your own (Webster). Now, there are two main types of plagiarism: intentional and unintentional. Intentional plagiarism is when someone copies words, ideas, or phrases and purposefully pass it off as their own, all without giving credit to the correct source. On the other hand, unintentional plagiarism is when someone cites poorly, or if they didn't know that someone else had an idea, and they pass it off as their own, thinking they were the first to come up with it. The issue with plagiarism and the United States, is whether or not America plagiarized democracy. To know more content... Each state will have a certain number of representatives, and also pay direct taxes, on the basis of population size" (US Constitution 1–2). This excerpt from the US Constitution talks a lot about power being divided in the government, by having three different branches, judicial, executive, and legislative. The judiciary is the Supreme Court, which is addressed about later in the US Constitution, the executive is the president, and the legislative is the Senate and the House of Representatives. They also talk about power being divided in the Declaration of Independence. In the Declaration of Independence it states "Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...He has obstructed the Administration of Justice...He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people" (Declaration of Independence). It doesn't directly state it, because the Declaration of Independence talks about how the king of England is unfair, and how he rules poorly. When they state what the king is doing wrong, the reader can infer that the US will do the opposite. So, when they say that the king is dissolving the Representative Houses, the reader can assume that the US will not dissolve the Representative Houses repeatedly like the king previously did. However, famous foreign documents talked about power being divided way before the US did. For Get more content on
  • 7. Causes of Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism has become a major issue among university students around the world. Academic misconduct has been a concern to those teaching at the universities. Hence, to prevent this from occurring the educational bodies have implemented measures to avoid plagiarism. Presently, the newly recruited students are informed of the consequences of plagiarism and that stern action is in place (Ashworth, Bannister, & Thorne,1997,p.1). However, plagiarism can be divided into two parts: deliberate and inadvertent. Presented here are the reasons why student plagiarism is considered quite high at western universities, even though many of the university students do not mean to cheat. There are three reasons as follows: (1) lack of clear more content... There are many reasons why students plagiarize. First of all, students are often confused by and cannot correctly differentiate between the concepts of plagiarism and whether their text has been paraphrased correctly. So, plagiarism is very difficult for them to understand, and they might do it without knowing that it is wrong. According to Walker (1998), a majority of students plagiarized by failure to acknowledge the source, which can result from "honest confusion over the standards of academic discourse and proper citation"(p.93). In addition, high school teachers wrongly educated students, which mean they simply copied assignments from other materials and passed them off as their own work without any punishment (p.93). For example, most students think that copying and reproducing sentences from sources on the Internet is not a serious issue (Centre of Academic Integrity as cited in Wang, 2008). These issues sometimes made students unaware that they had plagiarized because of their poor understanding of what exactly plagiarism is and this will result in their perception of unfairness in their assignment, and the bad scores they have received. However, students' lack of motivation and teaching is also the major reason why students plagiarized. For instance, Wang (2008) stated that students did not want to work hard because the process of teaching did not stimulate their interest in Get more content on
  • 8. Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism For many, many years schools have been trying to stop students from plagiarizing materials. Detecting this plagiarism used to be easy because students only had access to books in the library, magazines, and encyclopedias. However, as the popularity of the Internet increased, so did the number of essays and papers being plagiarized. Students can easily go onto the internet and in no time at all find and essay on their topic of choice. For a certain fee they can buy the essay and have it delivered right to their doorstep, just in time to hand it into their teacher. Some essays you don't even have to pay for. You can simply print them off of the computer. This rise in the internet information highway makes it harder more content... Teachers can find several ways to inform their students about plagiarism. Teachers should tell their students the importance of knowing what plagiarism is and how to prevent it. Listed below are ways teachers can do this. I found a website that gives examples to teachers on how to prevent copying. The website had many useful tips on what to do. For example, this website said, "Educate your students about plagiarism. Do not assume that students know what plagiarism is, even if they nod their heads when you ask them. Provide an explicit definition for them. In addition to a definition, though, you should discuss with your students the difference between appropriate, referenced use of ideas or quotations and in appropriate use." [2] Teachers can do a lot more things to prevent plagiarism, but little things like this can help. On the internet you can find tons of websites that give you information about how to prevent plagiarism. It isn't only the teacher's responsibility to inform their students. The students themselves should take the initiative to ask for help, or go look for information on plagiarism if they aren't sure. If a student isn't sure what they wrote is written right, they should go to the teacher and ask them to read the essay and check for errors. Detecting plagiarism can be tough at times for teachers because of the growing popularity of the internet. In spite of this growing popularity teachers can find various Get more content on
  • 9. Plagiarism Essay Many colleges and university's have their own policies or views when it comes to plagiarism. There are two main approaches to plagiarisms on campuses, whether it is morally wrong or that it is a crime. While students have to affirm that they will not plagiarize, when it is looked as morally wrong this turns more into a honor code according to Susan D Blum. Faculty expect students to follow this honor code and they believe by having them accept the terms that they will not plagiarize. Due to the social pressure that they believe to have installed in the students. They should understand that plagiarizing is wrong and that they shouldn't do it at all. Although they might accept this as being morally wrong, they often tend to slide more content... When it comes to the morality of plagiarism you also have to account whether the student defines plagiarism as being morally wrong or right. This will also affect the outcome if done or not. Notions of writing from the 1960's and 1970's are different from today in many different ways. As Susan D Blum stated "students are not wedded to the integrity of their own writing". This is really well put because students at times write papers or assignments without any meaning or effort just so that they can get buy or earn a good grade. Back in the 60's and 70's people weren't so out spoken like they are today and it was morally wrong to touch certain subjects about what was happening in society. Now in days people seem to be more out spoke and feel free to write about what it is that they want to write. The culture it self has changed as time goes on and we even act differently and do certain things that might have not been permitted or frowned upon back then. Back then their was no Internet either, students couldn't just browse the Internet for information. Information today is readily available as well, causing student to give less effort when trying to research or find information. Not saying this is a bad thing because the availability of having data bases accessible is a blessing due to the fact Get more content on
  • 10. Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism missing works cited Plagiarism is a distinguished sounding word. One would almost think that it sounds like some lofty philosophical ideal named for the great Greek teacher Plagiarus, something to be aspired to. This is not so. Plagiarism is in fact a moral misdemeanor, and an academic felony. By definition,plagiarism is "a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work." Socrates, Plato and Aristotle would have frowned on such a practice, and "Plagiarus" would have been kicked out of the academy. Such is the fate of many college students today. Plagiarism exists in greater and lesser forms. It can range anywhere from copying a phrase without giving credit, to more content... Internet technology has given birth to a new form of plagiarism called "cut and paste plagiarism". As the name suggests, the less–than–honest student sits down to the Internet and in the course of browsing a subject, simply copies segments or entire web articles and pastes them onto his or her document. There are even websites that are geared directly toward the student seeking the easy way out, such as School sucks, other people's papers and evil house of cheat. These are free, or small fee sites that offer prewritten essays and research papers. One can even get a custom written report over the Internet for a fee. Whatever the reason, or however great the temptation, the punishment one faces if caught are severe. Every school policy I have reviewed in my research states that a student caught for plagiarism faces certain failure of the assignment, possible failure of the class and even expulsion from school. If one is so inclined to cheat in this manner, the consequences would seem to be enough to deter a student from engaging in plagiarism, however this is not the case. Many students are under the misconception that there is no way to be caught at plagiarism, believing that Internet resources are so vast, no one could prove the text has been copied. A student that copies bits from here and there may not realize in his or her laziness that tense or subject matter has changed, or that styles are completely Get more content on
  • 11. Plagiarism Plagiarism: Why it Continues to Occur? Darian Camacho English 111, Section 11 Professor Coulter March 21, 2013 Plagiarism: Why it Continues to Occur? The increase in plagiarism has gained the attention of many institutions, administrators and educators, as well as researchers and the public. This increase has brought to attention the concern of why plagiarism continues to occur. In order to debate this concern we should first understand the definition and background of plagiarism, the factors which influence plagiarism, and what is or is not being done to prevent it. I will be looking into three articles in which my discussion will be based on. These articles include "Combating Plagiarism" by Brian Hansen, "Internet more content... 781). Some institutions do not even bother to use these plagiarism–detection services due to legal affairs. Mike Smith, who is the assistant chancellor for legal affairs of Berkeley, stated, "There probably were ways we could have done it legally, but given all the questions, the administrators here just felt that it really didn't want to go in that direction" (as cited in Hansen, 2003, p. 781). Hansen raises another question, "Are news organizations doing enough to guard against plagiarism and other types of journalistic fraud?" (2003, p. 781). Hansen interviewed editors, columnists, and instructors to discuss this question. The discussion going on was about a scandal involving Jayson Blair who was caught plagiarizing the articles he had written for "The New York Times." Hansen states that "many experts were shocked when The Times conceded this spring that Blair's editors never asked him to identify his anonymous sources" (2003, p. 781). After the scandal was made public, other news organizations began to review their policies. The increase of plagiarism is of a concern to all. Looking back at what was discussed, you can see that there are many factors that contribute to the continuing occurrence of plagiarism. First, students may be unaware of what actually counts as plagiarism. Thus, educators should be more open to their students in explaining what plagiarism is and how to prevent it. Further, plagiarism was not always considered unethical. Get more content on
  • 12. Plagiarism Essay Examples Taking someone's words and using them without a proper citation is a problem. Without being taught the correct way, this problem is not going to correct itself and will continue to become a bigger problem. There are major consequences for plagiarising, but these can be avoided with a simple citation. Tying together the definition ofplagiarism, reasons for using documentation, and an explanation of MLA 8 and APA citations will all be brought together. Learning what kind ofcitation, and what needs a citation is a very important concept in becoming a successful writer. Citing a source correctly will save you time and problems. There are many different definitions of the word plagiarism. Merriam–Webster's dictionary definition, more content... These students were taught a life lesson, something that they will never do again. Being taught, the correct way, at a young age will solve many of the problems that we have today. Becoming aware of the consequences that this could lead to would be worth the extra time citing a document, or writing your own paper. Taking someone's words or writing could lead to loss of job /school, fines, and so much more. To avoid these problems, a simple citation will help anyone become aware that you did give credit to the author. Jim Carnett published an article in the Los Angeles Times stating that he had tried to submit a column to an editor but they sent it back because it contained plagiarised material. Carnett said, "I lifted a portion of one of my columns and inserted it in the Daily Pilot piece without attribution." He hadn't cited his own work and now what he did was plagiarism. To Carnett, this was a total accident, but this shows that you should cite any information that you use. Although there are arguments that there is no such thing as plagiarism, "If a novelist uses a non–fiction book for research, how is that stealing? Non–fiction promises facts, there is no copyright in facts, ergo no stealing..." ( it is always best to give credit to the source that you received the information from; thus not having a chance of plagiarism. Having a correct citation for a source is very Get more content on
  • 13. Plagiarism Essay Plagiarism regularly makes the headlines and universities are under pressure to tackle the problem decisively. Plagiarism involves using someone else's words or ideas without acknowledging the source. It can take multiple forms, from cutting and pasting a patchwork of unreferenced texts to buying texts from paper mills. Crucially, it also includes the kinds of writing in which students sloppily pull together various ideas without due attention to academic referencing norms. The problem is that institutions' reactions to plagiarism, through policy and disciplinary structures, often lack nuance. Universities often don't seek to understand what leads students to plagiarise; they tend not to distinguish between different forms of more content... At many institutions, students must include a cover page with all assignments stating that the work is their own. This adds perjury to the crime of plagiarism if they are caught. Some South African universities make it compulsory for an academic to immediately institute full disciplinary processes if he even suspects plagiarism. These tough measures make sense in an era when universities are increasingly risk averse. But this stern, one–size–fits–all approach fails to take intention into account. It doesn't address the university 's own responsibility to develop students' competence in writing. This means that an opportunity for educational engagement is missed and the problem of plagiarism, whatever its motivation, is ignored. Technology to teach, not police In some universities, students are encouraged to use Turnitin or other text–matching software before they submit assignments to their lecturers. This software is an excellent tool for helping novice writers to develop their work. A high percentage of matched text indicates that the student has not yet taken sufficient ownership of the concepts and ideas she is using. It might indicate an excessive but entirely legitimate reliance on direct quotes. It also allows the student to check whether the matched text has been properly referenced. In a number of universities, students must Get more content on