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• Physical fitness implies that a great deal of work
can be done without excessive fatigue.
• Fitness tests measure an individual's ability to
perform physical work.
• Physiological parameters used to assess fitness
and performance are cardiorespiratory endurance,
muscular strength, endurance and flexibility.
• Physiologic tests for performance can be done in the laboratory or field.
conducted in highly controlled environments
using standardized protocols, expensive
equipment and qualified personnel.
conducted when an athlete performs the actual or
simulated event or activity in the field.
more reliable as physiologic parameters can be
more precisely measured
can simulate actual competition events tend to be
more valid
Effective testing should include the following considerations:
• Variables that are relevant and contribute to performance outcome should be measured.
• Tests conducted should be valid and reliable in order to be useful.
• Test should be specific to the athlete and have adequate practical significance.
For example, it would be meaningless to conduct aerobic capacity testing on a treadmill
for a cyclist or swimmer as it does not provide any information on related to
performance in swimming or cycling.
• Test administrators should be competent in evaluating and choosing tests and
procedures that are appropriate.
• A standardized testing protocol must be followed.
 Cardio-respiratory endurance or
aerobic capacity
 Anaerobic capacity
 Muscle force
 Power
 Flexibility
Cardio respiratory fitness is defined as the ability to perform
repetitive, moderate to high intensity large muscle movement for
a prolonged period of time.
• Cardiorespiratory fitness is assessed using maximal aerobic
power or VO₂ max.
• VO₂ max represents the maximal volume of O₂ consumed
per minute when using large groups of muscles of the body.
• Absolute VO₂ max indicates the level of energy produced
within the body.
• It has been established that for every litre of O₂ consumed, 5
kcal of energy is produced within the body.
• An important factor determining VO₂ max is body size.
• Larger individuals will use more O₂ than smaller individuals.
• Reveals ability of three major systems
in discharging their functions:
1. ability of the respiratory system in
oxygenating the blood,
2. the cardiovascular system in
transporting the oxygenated blood
3. the skeletal muscle system in
extracting and utilizing the oxygen for
synthesizing ATP.
• VO₂ max is important when performing
events of longer duration especially
those that require production of more
energy. E.g.-swimming, long distance
running and cycling.
Non-exercise Prediction Equation
Data related to age, gender, body composition
and activity level are required to predict VO₂
VO₂ max (ml O₂/kg/min) =
50.513+1.589(PA)-0.289(age)-0.552 (% BF)
+5.863 (F/M)
Where (female = 0, male=1); PA represents
physical activity (0-7) and % BF represents
percent body fat.
• In these tests, the time taken to complete
the test or the heart rate response is used
to estimate VO₂ max.
• Examples of test include 1 mile walk or 1.5
mile run.
• Accuracy in these tests is questionable, as
O₂ consumption is not directly measured,
measurement of heart rate, and the
individual's motivation to perform could
affect the accuracy of the prediction.
These tests measure the heart rate response at
submaximal levels of exercise and estimate an
individual's VO₂ max.
YMCA Cycle Test
• Each subject begins exercise at an intensity of
150 kg/m/min and the intensity is increased based
on the heart rate response.
• The subject performs between two and four
stages of exercise with each stage lasting for 3
minutes at a pedal rate of 50 revolutions per
• Heart rate is recorded during the last 15-30
seconds of the second and third minute of each
stage of exercise. Using a graph to plot the
exercise intensity and associated heart rates for
two consecutive steady state responses the VO₂
max is estimated.
• The test is easy to perform and requires less
expensive cycle ergometer to conduct the test. But
the accuracy is limited.
The most accurate method for assessing VO₂ max is
through a graded exercise test, where oxygen
consumption is directly measured.
• The subject starts with low-intensity exercise, gradually
increasing until reaching maximal effort, using ergometers
for precise intensity control.
• Common ergometers include treadmills, stationary cycle
ergometers, rowing ergometers, and swimming
• During the test, the subject wears a nose clip, and
ventilation is measured using a flow meter.
• Expired air is analyzed for oxygen concentration,
assuming 20.93% in inspired air. These measurements
calculate oxygen consumption.
• When testing athletes, choosing an exercise mode
resembling their competition (e.g., treadmill for marathon
runners, cycle ergometer for cyclists) is advisable.
The basic principles to be followed when choosing a protocol
for a graded test are:
1. The intensity of the initial exercise should be low enough to
serve as a warm up for the subject.
2. Rate of progression of exercise intensity should be
gradual, such that increase in blood lactic acid
concentration does not limit performance.
3. The overall test time should be between 8 and 12 minutes.
4. The protocol should be appropriate to the subject.
Many established protocols are generally used to determine
VO₂ max. e.g., Bruce and Balke protocol is the most
frequently used treadmill protocol.
Lactate threshold is the exercise intensity at which lactate begins to accumulate in the blood. It is
assessed through a graded exercise test like VO₂ max assessment.
• Lactate concentration at each exercise stage is obtained through a blood sample. The lactate
threshold is determined graphically by plotting exercise intensity or oxygen consumption
against lactate concentration.
• The point at which the lactate concentration in the blood increases is the lactate threshold.It
typically corresponds to the ventilatory threshold, where ventilation increases
disproportionately to oxygen consumption due to lactic acid buffering.
• At low exercise intensity, blood lactate remains low, but at higher intensity, lactic acid
production exceeds removal rate.
• Lactate in blood quickly dissociates to lactate ion and H+ ion. Increase in H+ concentration tilts
the pH balance and the excess H+ ions are buffered by the HCO⁻ system, which produces
CO₂ which is expelled by an increase in respiration.
• Assessment of lactate threshold is an important predictor of performance in endurance events
such as long distance running, cycling and triathlons.
• Anaerobic power assesses the ability of anaerobic
energy systems that are capable of replenishing ATP for
a few seconds during high intensity exercise.
• ATP-CP system is capable of replenishing ATP for only
a few seconds during high intensity exercise.
• To maintain maximal or near-maximal intensity after the
initial few seconds, the glycolytic energy system is
utilized. This system can supply ATP for a maximum
duration of 2 minutes.
• In general, activities that last less than 10 seconds rely
on immediate energy system.
• These include 100m sprint, shot put, running plays in
foot ball, running bases in baseball and golf swing.
Longer sprints (400m), ice hockey shift, indoor soccer
shift and 100m swim that last upto 90 seconds rely on
glycolytic energy system.
• Margaria Staircase Test-The test lasts
for less than 3 seconds and relies
entirely on immediate energy system
i.e., stored ATP.
• The subject stands 2m from the bottom
of a set of stairs.
• Timing mats are placed on the 8th and
12th stairs.
• The subject is instructed to run at top
speed from the starting point up the
stairs two at a time.
• Total power of the test is calculated as:
Power (kg/m/s) = Wt of subject (kg) x
Vertical distance b/w mats (m/time (s))
• The subject pedals on a cycle ergometer at a maximal speed
for 30 seconds.
• After a proper warm up, the subject pedals against zero
resistance until maximal pedalling rate is achieved.
• The subject also pedals against a resistance that equals
75g/kg body weight for the test duration.
• Subject again pedals against zero resistance for a cool down
• Results from the test give a mean power, peak power and
fatigue index.
• Mean power is the mean output over 30 seconds and
represents the capacity of glycolytic energy system.
• Peak power is the highest power over a 5 second period and
represents immediate energy system.
• Fatigue index is the difference between the peak power and
lowest 5 second power output divided by peak power.
The vertical jump test is used to assess muscle power and is
an objective measurement used to determine athlete's
progress in a training program.
• In this test the athlete stands next to a wall and fully extends
an arm over the head and reaches the highest position with
fingers fully extended over the head and palm facing the
wall while standing flat-footed. This spot is marked on the
• Next the athlete perform a counter movement wherein the
athlete bends his/her knees into a squat position and jumps
as high as possible touching the wall at the peak height of
the jump. The spot is then marked.
The difference between the marks is the vertical jump height.
Usually 3 jumps are performed with a difference of 15-30
seconds between the jumps. The highest jump should be
Leg power is determined using the following equation:
Leg power (kgm/s) = 2.21 x wt in kg x 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑗𝑢𝑚𝑝 (𝑚)
• Muscular strength determines if an athlete can move
more weight.
• It has direct impact on performance only when
performance is based on lifting a specified weight such as
weight lifting competitions.
• Muscular strength is tested using several methods which
include 1 repetition maximum, isometric strength testing,
isokinetic strength training and isotonic strength testing.
The amount of force or weight that a particular muscle or group of
muscle can move at a time is known as 1 repetition maximum.
Squat and Bench press are the tests used to assess 1 repetition
• In the bench press test after a warm up period the athlete is
made to lie fully on a bench on his back with arms fully
• The athlete should then grip the bar shoulder width apart with
palms facing downward.
• The bar should be lowered until it touches the chest and then
pushed back up until arms are once again fully extended.
• The athlete should inhale when moving the bar to the chest
and exhale when moving the bar upward to full arm extension.
Based on the training status of an individual one of the two
equations can be used to estimate 1RM.
Trained: 1 RM (kg)=1.554 (7-10 RM wt. in kg)-5.181
Untrained: 1 RM (kg) = 1.172 (7-10 RM wt. in kg) +7.704
Isometric Strength Training involves static muscle contractions with no
change in fiber length. Isometric dynamometers measure peak force
at specific joint angles. Testing assesses peak force at various joint
angles across a range of motion. For example, a traditional bicep curl
with a dumbbell measures maximal strength at the weakest joint
Isokinetic Strength Testing employs isokinetic dynamometers to
maintain constant velocity and control acceleration over a range of
motions. The goal is to measure work, power, and torque at a
consistent speed. Isokinetic exercises aid in strength recovery post-
injury, but their sports performance applications are limited.
Isotonic Strength Testing, as seen in weight lifting, involves constant
tension or force output throughout the range of motion. Isotonic
dynamometers measure acceleration, work, power, and peak velocity
at preset constant loads.
• Flexibility is defined as the range of motion possible around a joint.
• Several factors affect the flexibility of an individual, such as age, level of
physical activity, tightness of muscle, ligaments and tendons.
• Pre-exercise behaviours such as stretching and warm up also affect
flexibility. Many methods are available to assess flexibility but all methods
are specific to the joint being assessed while total body flexibility cannot
be assessed using a single test.
• Sit and reach test is the most frequently used test to assess an
individual's flexibility.
1. A yard stick is placed on the ground and a piece of tape is
placed perpendicular to the stick.
2. The subject sits on the floor with legs extended and the
heels of the feet placed on the taped line approximately
10-12 inches apart.
3. With hands together and the arms extended, the subject
then reaches forward as far as possible along the yard
stick without bending the knees and holds this position for
a few seconds. The legs should remain extended and the
knees should not bend.
4. The score is recorded as the distance the subject
reaches. Three trials are typically performed with the best
score representing the subject's level of flexibility.
Used to assess the flexibility of the hamstrings and lower
Sit and reach test is the most frequently used test to assess an individual's
flexibility. It is easy to perform and requires only a yard meter stick and doesn’t
need any special equipment.
Calisthenic Tests are most commonly used to
assess muscle endurance wherein the athlete lifts
his or her own body weight. In these tests it is
assumed that the athlete's body weight is
submaximal weight that can be lifted several times.
In the bench press test, an external standardized
weight is used to assess muscular endurance.
Women lift a 35-lb barbell and men lift a 80 lb
barbell to a metronome count of 60 bpm. The test
is conducted until the athlete can no longer keep
pace, breaks form or unable to complete another
repetition. The athlete's values are interpreted with
reference to published norms available.
The push up test is used to measure upper body
endurance. Athlete takes the push up position, men
on hands and toes and women on hands and
knees. The number of push ups they can perform
correctly is counted. The test is concluded when the
athlete cannot maintain form or complete another
repetition. The scores of the athlete are interpreted
in comparison with published norms in testing
The crunch test is used to assess abdominal
muscle endurance.
The athlete lies supine with knees comfortably
bent, arms at the sides and fingers pointing to the
feet. The athlete is instructed to curl up with head
and shoulders off the floor sliding their hands 6
inches forward on the floor. The timer is started
and the number of crunches the athlete can
correctly perform in one minute is counted. The
score is compared with norms for the particular
age and sex.
Physiologic testing of an athlete is considered useful in many ways.
Current health and fitness status of an athlete can be assessed using
physiologic testing.
They provide important baseline measurements that act as determinants
of performance and give vital information to reach a pre-determined end
It allows an objective evaluation of an athlete's strength and weakness for
a particular sport.
Provides for prescription of exercises and an optimal training program
that focus on an athlete's weakness.
Regular testing program also provides feedback on the effectiveness of a
training program.
• B Srilakshmi (2017), Exercise Physiology, Fitness and Sports Nutrition, New Age international(P)
• Science and practice of training for distance runners Physiological assessment of middle- and
long-distance runners

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  • 2. • Physical fitness implies that a great deal of work can be done without excessive fatigue. • Fitness tests measure an individual's ability to perform physical work. • Physiological parameters used to assess fitness and performance are cardiorespiratory endurance, muscular strength, endurance and flexibility.
  • 3. • Physiologic tests for performance can be done in the laboratory or field. LABORATORY TESTS FIELD TESTS conducted in highly controlled environments using standardized protocols, expensive equipment and qualified personnel. conducted when an athlete performs the actual or simulated event or activity in the field. more reliable as physiologic parameters can be more precisely measured can simulate actual competition events tend to be more valid Effective testing should include the following considerations: • Variables that are relevant and contribute to performance outcome should be measured. • Tests conducted should be valid and reliable in order to be useful. • Test should be specific to the athlete and have adequate practical significance. For example, it would be meaningless to conduct aerobic capacity testing on a treadmill for a cyclist or swimmer as it does not provide any information on related to performance in swimming or cycling. • Test administrators should be competent in evaluating and choosing tests and procedures that are appropriate. • A standardized testing protocol must be followed.
  • 4.  Cardio-respiratory endurance or aerobic capacity  Anaerobic capacity  Muscle force  Power  Flexibility
  • 5. Cardio respiratory fitness is defined as the ability to perform repetitive, moderate to high intensity large muscle movement for a prolonged period of time. • Cardiorespiratory fitness is assessed using maximal aerobic power or VO₂ max. • VO₂ max represents the maximal volume of O₂ consumed per minute when using large groups of muscles of the body. • Absolute VO₂ max indicates the level of energy produced within the body. • It has been established that for every litre of O₂ consumed, 5 kcal of energy is produced within the body. • An important factor determining VO₂ max is body size. • Larger individuals will use more O₂ than smaller individuals.
  • 6. ₂ ₂ • Reveals ability of three major systems in discharging their functions: 1. ability of the respiratory system in oxygenating the blood, 2. the cardiovascular system in transporting the oxygenated blood and 3. the skeletal muscle system in extracting and utilizing the oxygen for synthesizing ATP. • VO₂ max is important when performing events of longer duration especially those that require production of more energy. E.g.-swimming, long distance running and cycling. Non-exercise Prediction Equation Data related to age, gender, body composition and activity level are required to predict VO₂ max. VO₂ max (ml O₂/kg/min) = 50.513+1.589(PA)-0.289(age)-0.552 (% BF) +5.863 (F/M) Where (female = 0, male=1); PA represents physical activity (0-7) and % BF represents percent body fat.
  • 7. • In these tests, the time taken to complete the test or the heart rate response is used to estimate VO₂ max. • Examples of test include 1 mile walk or 1.5 mile run. • Accuracy in these tests is questionable, as O₂ consumption is not directly measured, measurement of heart rate, and the individual's motivation to perform could affect the accuracy of the prediction. These tests measure the heart rate response at submaximal levels of exercise and estimate an individual's VO₂ max. YMCA Cycle Test • Each subject begins exercise at an intensity of 150 kg/m/min and the intensity is increased based on the heart rate response. • The subject performs between two and four stages of exercise with each stage lasting for 3 minutes at a pedal rate of 50 revolutions per minute. • Heart rate is recorded during the last 15-30 seconds of the second and third minute of each stage of exercise. Using a graph to plot the exercise intensity and associated heart rates for two consecutive steady state responses the VO₂ max is estimated. • The test is easy to perform and requires less expensive cycle ergometer to conduct the test. But the accuracy is limited.
  • 8. The most accurate method for assessing VO₂ max is through a graded exercise test, where oxygen consumption is directly measured. • The subject starts with low-intensity exercise, gradually increasing until reaching maximal effort, using ergometers for precise intensity control. • Common ergometers include treadmills, stationary cycle ergometers, rowing ergometers, and swimming simulators. • During the test, the subject wears a nose clip, and ventilation is measured using a flow meter. • Expired air is analyzed for oxygen concentration, assuming 20.93% in inspired air. These measurements calculate oxygen consumption. • When testing athletes, choosing an exercise mode resembling their competition (e.g., treadmill for marathon runners, cycle ergometer for cyclists) is advisable.
  • 9. The basic principles to be followed when choosing a protocol for a graded test are: 1. The intensity of the initial exercise should be low enough to serve as a warm up for the subject. 2. Rate of progression of exercise intensity should be gradual, such that increase in blood lactic acid concentration does not limit performance. 3. The overall test time should be between 8 and 12 minutes. 4. The protocol should be appropriate to the subject. Many established protocols are generally used to determine VO₂ max. e.g., Bruce and Balke protocol is the most frequently used treadmill protocol.
  • 10. Lactate threshold is the exercise intensity at which lactate begins to accumulate in the blood. It is assessed through a graded exercise test like VO₂ max assessment. • Lactate concentration at each exercise stage is obtained through a blood sample. The lactate threshold is determined graphically by plotting exercise intensity or oxygen consumption against lactate concentration. • The point at which the lactate concentration in the blood increases is the lactate threshold.It typically corresponds to the ventilatory threshold, where ventilation increases disproportionately to oxygen consumption due to lactic acid buffering. • At low exercise intensity, blood lactate remains low, but at higher intensity, lactic acid production exceeds removal rate. • Lactate in blood quickly dissociates to lactate ion and H+ ion. Increase in H+ concentration tilts the pH balance and the excess H+ ions are buffered by the HCO⁻ system, which produces CO₂ which is expelled by an increase in respiration. • Assessment of lactate threshold is an important predictor of performance in endurance events such as long distance running, cycling and triathlons.
  • 11. • Anaerobic power assesses the ability of anaerobic energy systems that are capable of replenishing ATP for a few seconds during high intensity exercise. • ATP-CP system is capable of replenishing ATP for only a few seconds during high intensity exercise. • To maintain maximal or near-maximal intensity after the initial few seconds, the glycolytic energy system is utilized. This system can supply ATP for a maximum duration of 2 minutes. • In general, activities that last less than 10 seconds rely on immediate energy system. • These include 100m sprint, shot put, running plays in foot ball, running bases in baseball and golf swing. Longer sprints (400m), ice hockey shift, indoor soccer shift and 100m swim that last upto 90 seconds rely on glycolytic energy system.
  • 12. • Margaria Staircase Test-The test lasts for less than 3 seconds and relies entirely on immediate energy system i.e., stored ATP. • The subject stands 2m from the bottom of a set of stairs. • Timing mats are placed on the 8th and 12th stairs. • The subject is instructed to run at top speed from the starting point up the stairs two at a time. • Total power of the test is calculated as: Power (kg/m/s) = Wt of subject (kg) x Vertical distance b/w mats (m/time (s))
  • 13. • The subject pedals on a cycle ergometer at a maximal speed for 30 seconds. • After a proper warm up, the subject pedals against zero resistance until maximal pedalling rate is achieved. • The subject also pedals against a resistance that equals 75g/kg body weight for the test duration. • Subject again pedals against zero resistance for a cool down period. • Results from the test give a mean power, peak power and fatigue index. • Mean power is the mean output over 30 seconds and represents the capacity of glycolytic energy system. • Peak power is the highest power over a 5 second period and represents immediate energy system. • Fatigue index is the difference between the peak power and lowest 5 second power output divided by peak power.
  • 14. The vertical jump test is used to assess muscle power and is an objective measurement used to determine athlete's progress in a training program. • In this test the athlete stands next to a wall and fully extends an arm over the head and reaches the highest position with fingers fully extended over the head and palm facing the wall while standing flat-footed. This spot is marked on the wall. • Next the athlete perform a counter movement wherein the athlete bends his/her knees into a squat position and jumps as high as possible touching the wall at the peak height of the jump. The spot is then marked. The difference between the marks is the vertical jump height. Usually 3 jumps are performed with a difference of 15-30 seconds between the jumps. The highest jump should be recorded. Leg power is determined using the following equation: Leg power (kgm/s) = 2.21 x wt in kg x 𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑗𝑢𝑚𝑝 (𝑚)
  • 15. • Muscular strength determines if an athlete can move more weight. • It has direct impact on performance only when performance is based on lifting a specified weight such as weight lifting competitions. • Muscular strength is tested using several methods which include 1 repetition maximum, isometric strength testing, isokinetic strength training and isotonic strength testing.
  • 16. The amount of force or weight that a particular muscle or group of muscle can move at a time is known as 1 repetition maximum. Squat and Bench press are the tests used to assess 1 repetition maximum. • In the bench press test after a warm up period the athlete is made to lie fully on a bench on his back with arms fully extended. • The athlete should then grip the bar shoulder width apart with palms facing downward. • The bar should be lowered until it touches the chest and then pushed back up until arms are once again fully extended. • The athlete should inhale when moving the bar to the chest and exhale when moving the bar upward to full arm extension. Based on the training status of an individual one of the two equations can be used to estimate 1RM. Trained: 1 RM (kg)=1.554 (7-10 RM wt. in kg)-5.181 Untrained: 1 RM (kg) = 1.172 (7-10 RM wt. in kg) +7.704
  • 17. Isometric Strength Training involves static muscle contractions with no change in fiber length. Isometric dynamometers measure peak force at specific joint angles. Testing assesses peak force at various joint angles across a range of motion. For example, a traditional bicep curl with a dumbbell measures maximal strength at the weakest joint position. Isokinetic Strength Testing employs isokinetic dynamometers to maintain constant velocity and control acceleration over a range of motions. The goal is to measure work, power, and torque at a consistent speed. Isokinetic exercises aid in strength recovery post- injury, but their sports performance applications are limited. Isotonic Strength Testing, as seen in weight lifting, involves constant tension or force output throughout the range of motion. Isotonic dynamometers measure acceleration, work, power, and peak velocity at preset constant loads.
  • 18. • Flexibility is defined as the range of motion possible around a joint. • Several factors affect the flexibility of an individual, such as age, level of physical activity, tightness of muscle, ligaments and tendons. • Pre-exercise behaviours such as stretching and warm up also affect flexibility. Many methods are available to assess flexibility but all methods are specific to the joint being assessed while total body flexibility cannot be assessed using a single test. • Sit and reach test is the most frequently used test to assess an individual's flexibility.
  • 19. 1. A yard stick is placed on the ground and a piece of tape is placed perpendicular to the stick. 2. The subject sits on the floor with legs extended and the heels of the feet placed on the taped line approximately 10-12 inches apart. 3. With hands together and the arms extended, the subject then reaches forward as far as possible along the yard stick without bending the knees and holds this position for a few seconds. The legs should remain extended and the knees should not bend. 4. The score is recorded as the distance the subject reaches. Three trials are typically performed with the best score representing the subject's level of flexibility. Used to assess the flexibility of the hamstrings and lower back Sit and reach test is the most frequently used test to assess an individual's flexibility. It is easy to perform and requires only a yard meter stick and doesn’t need any special equipment.
  • 20. Calisthenic Tests are most commonly used to assess muscle endurance wherein the athlete lifts his or her own body weight. In these tests it is assumed that the athlete's body weight is submaximal weight that can be lifted several times. In the bench press test, an external standardized weight is used to assess muscular endurance. Women lift a 35-lb barbell and men lift a 80 lb barbell to a metronome count of 60 bpm. The test is conducted until the athlete can no longer keep pace, breaks form or unable to complete another repetition. The athlete's values are interpreted with reference to published norms available.
  • 21. The push up test is used to measure upper body endurance. Athlete takes the push up position, men on hands and toes and women on hands and knees. The number of push ups they can perform correctly is counted. The test is concluded when the athlete cannot maintain form or complete another repetition. The scores of the athlete are interpreted in comparison with published norms in testing manuals. The crunch test is used to assess abdominal muscle endurance. The athlete lies supine with knees comfortably bent, arms at the sides and fingers pointing to the feet. The athlete is instructed to curl up with head and shoulders off the floor sliding their hands 6 inches forward on the floor. The timer is started and the number of crunches the athlete can correctly perform in one minute is counted. The score is compared with norms for the particular age and sex.
  • 22. Physiologic testing of an athlete is considered useful in many ways. Current health and fitness status of an athlete can be assessed using physiologic testing. They provide important baseline measurements that act as determinants of performance and give vital information to reach a pre-determined end point. It allows an objective evaluation of an athlete's strength and weakness for a particular sport. Provides for prescription of exercises and an optimal training program that focus on an athlete's weakness. Regular testing program also provides feedback on the effectiveness of a training program.
  • 23. • B Srilakshmi (2017), Exercise Physiology, Fitness and Sports Nutrition, New Age international(P) Limited • • FITNESS TESTING. INTERNATIONAL TENNIS FEDERATION • Science and practice of training for distance runners Physiological assessment of middle- and long-distance runners

Editor's Notes

  1. A test is said to be valid when it measures what it claims to measure, and a test becomes reliable when it is reproducible and yields consistent results.
  2. Physiologic components that are most often measured to assess fitness and performance include: cardio respiratory endurance or aerobic capacity, anaerobic capacity, muscle force, power and flexibility.
  3. Non-exercise prediction equations can be used to estimate VO₂ max.
  4. VO₂ max values are usually used to determine the effectiveness of a training program. A comparison of pre and post VO₂ max values are used to determine whether the training program has produced the physiologic adaptations to attain the desired VO₂ max.
  5. 7-10 RM weight is a weight that an athlete can lift no more than 7-10 times.