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Self-Analysis Essay
Self–Analysis Essay
Joe Schmoe
I'd like to begin by saying that the informative speech I gave was better than the how–to speech in that I was much more relaxed, prepared and
organized this time. So I do think I am improving from speech to speech. Also, while preparing for my informative speech, I learned more about my
topic from doing further research, which is great. I realized that you can learn so much, however, that it is sometimes difficult to put it all into a five to
eight minute speech. Because of this, I've really learned the importance of good organization.
Although I saw some improvements in my most recent speech, there are still several areas that I could improve on in my speech giving, including my
delivery in more content...
The third area that I need to improve on – one that is related to my nervousness – is my rate of speech. I am always so nervous at the beginning that I
start out talking way too fast and I am not sure that people catch what I am trying to say. The more nervous I am, the faster I tend to talk. At times, I
just need to remember to stop and breathe. As I give more speeches and look for opportunities to practice, my confidence will increase, my
nervousness will decrease, and my rate of speech will slow down. In the meantime, I plan to make delivery cue notes on my speaking outline that will
remind me to pause and to slow down throughout my speech.
The final problem that I need to address is my transitions. I highlighted the connective sentences on the notecards for the informative speech and felt I
used them better this time, but they could still use some work. I plan to reword these, keeping in mind the "Review/Preview" technique discussed in
class, to help the speech flow more smoothly.
If I make these adjustments, I'm confident that I will deliver a better Informative Re–Do speech than my original Informative Speech. I am improving
each and every week and I hope – no, EXPECT – that I will continue improving as I give more
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Essay on Self-Analysis
Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a
paper was due to start it. This did not allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for simple
grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread. My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I
have been able to improve my writing because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer.
In my writing, I have many strengths, some that which I have developed through this course and some that I already had. Before more
I can write a thesis that will give an overview about what main topic of the paper is and what other elements will be addressed in the paper. From
taking this course I have been able to improve many of my weaknesses, but there are still some that I need to work on. Overall I am becoming
better at not procrastinating as much as I used to. This class has helped me to learn to take the little steps along the way because then there will not
be as much work to do towards the end. This has also made me realize that the final product of my writing will turn out better because it will have
had more time to develop, which means that there would have been more opportunities to proofread. I think by learning many styles of writing,
such as paraphrasing, summarizing, analyzing, and researching; it has enabled me to be able to write more broadly. By knowing how to correctly
use all of these kinds of writing styles, it will help me in the future for other classes because I will have the knowledge that I need to write these
types of papers. I still procrastinate sometimes, but not as much as I used to. I will be able to improve on this as time goes along because I will
become more motivated by seeing the end result, which usually would be better grades.
Overall I think that my most of my writing habits have improved and for the ones that have not I know what they are and what I need to do to
improve them. My strengths that I already had as
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Leadership Self-Analysis Essay
As a leader in our church, after attending the program in Clinical Pastoral Education, I
learned so much about self. Self awareness is a major growing edge in anyones
leadership skills. Especially if you are trying to be successful and effective with your
congregation, family and in the community.
I learned that when dealing with conflict, I had the tendency to shy away or pretend as
though the conflict is not happening or that it didn't exist. This behavior would lead to
some unattended and unhealthy issues within my self. My peers were able to recognize
my actions when conflicts occurred and would question my response and actions.. It was
only until several times conducting the same more content...
Therefore, in order for my organization or ministry to be
successful, I must always be honest about my weaknesses and create a safe environment
so that others may experience that safe haven in order for us to build a trust with one
I believe if trust is absent, the foundation for building goes out the window. I agree
with Patrick Lecioni, members of great teams trust one another on a fundamental,
emotional level, and they are comfortable being vulnerable with each other about their
weaknesses, mistakes, fears, and behaviors.
When we as leaders are able to embrace such a bond with a team, this creates a safe
environment for sharing, venting, and expressing true feelings about new ideas and
So with all of that put in place, it is important for leaders to start off being
honest about their weaknesses and strengths. Hopefully, this would open the floor for
other team members to be honest about theirs.
We will set the ground rules, which would included boundaries and will know that we
are to be committed to factors set in place. Each team member should express openly
what team means to them and what do they call a team.
We should be clear about what each person is expecting from the team and if they
agree with the terms addressed. We should always revisit our ground rules to make sure
we are moving forward with our goals and our time frame
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Essay on A Self Analysis
I don't particularly like to write. Unless we're talking poetry, I have no innate talent in written expression. While I deeply enjoy the consumption and
sharing of knowledge, its conveyance is not my strong suit. When pen is put to paper or fingers to keyboard, coherence is of the utmost importance.
There is no way to clarify mistakes made or intentions left unclear and what we say in writing is more or less final. The effort, or lack thereof, that a
reader is required to expend in order to comprehend information is key to that reader's acceptance of the ideas that an author presents. Few enjoy the
ramblings of a person unskilled in communication, no matter how profound their ideas. It is for this reason that the development of more
Absent reasonable reflection, it's easy to allow oneself to be deluded into believing that one's writing is somehow perfect as it is. The refusal to
change the strategies and tactics used to write serves only to cause the stagnation of ability. Because writing is a medium intended to allow others
to understand a certain viewpoint, it's important to ensure that a written piece is tailored to the audience for which the writer writes. In this class,
through peer and instructor review, the feedback needed to do just this was provided. With this criticism and commentary, I've devoted an effort
towards refining my prose. The first major change that my writing saw in this class was an attempt to avoid overly flowery writing. While a writer's
use of colorful diction can serve to add readability to a piece, it often obscures the real points that the writer wishes to make. The first draft of my
rhetorical analysis paper was a perfect example of my obsessive thesaurus use. I included ridiculous phrases like "All of these are proposed
consequences, the fantastically progressive and the destructively detrimental, of one question deep at the heart of the quest for sustainable human
existence; the question of the ultimate capacity of human population that the macrocosm that is the Earth is capable of supporting for an indefinite
period of time." ("Rhetorical D1" 1) One technique that I found to be helpful to clean up my text was the
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Self Analysis Essay Sample
The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania is my opportunity to undertake and organize my academic queries, as dissimilar as
they may be from one another, into a mГ©lange of knowledge that defines my personal and career related interests.
Despite my inclination towards the mathematics and business aspects of a liberal arts education, I also aspire to expand my insights beyond just what I
can input into my TI–84; by delving into the basic natural sciences and foreign cultures, both inside and outside of the classroom, I will get an
understanding of I intend on pursuing a major in mathematical economics because the idea of applying objective quantitative analysis to delineate the
value of subjective social more content...
Having had some experience in creating sculptures and figures with a wide array of materials, I find that it is interesting how emotions can be
conveyed through inanimate, or possibly animate, three–dimensional components. In addition to the 3D medium of sculpture, I will also study painting
because it relies heavily on two–dimensional motifs that elicit collective emotions. In particular, I am intrigued by how certain shapes, images, or
colors have came to be associated to certain emotional responses and societal values; and perhaps I can expand on that interest by taking courses in the
visual studies of forms and meanings.
In order to apply my knowledge on quantitative and visual analysis and to see whether I enjoy doing so, I will seek opportunities to work as a
financial analyst or as a marketing manager. Using the PennLink network, I wish to find internship positions as an undergraduate to gain hand–on
experience under professional guidance and all the while refining my business etiquette.
This is my current plan for my intellectual curiosities. I doubt not that these specific courses of interest may be subject to change; but my goal of
attaining the skills, not so much the fixed knowledge of a definite course, will remain within the parameter of my academic fields of concern.
Employing both classroom and firsthand learning, I wish to develop my set of diverse but interconnected
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Critical Thinking Self Analysis
Considering myself to be an intelligent human being I am going to explain my thought process and how I made decisions before the reading of
Critical Thinking. A personal problem arises in my life. I first look at where it came from and make sure I know the source of where it came from. If it
is a negative problem I recount in my mind if we have been around this mountain before determining what type of response they will receive from
me. If it is a new issue I will try to handle it where both parties will be in a win win situation. If nothing can be resolved, then I do not want to try due
to fear of being rejected and failing.
After carefully reading the assignment my thinking is on life support. My thinking needs improvement. In my thinking,
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The self-analysis of your personality.
There are many different theories on personality and many different approaches. I am going to talk about the Trait, Cognitive, and Motivational
approaches and how they apply to me as an individual.
Trait theory is based on several assumptions. The first assumption is that any difference between people that is seen as significant will have a name.
The second is that these names, knows as traits, and are conceived of as continuous dimensions. In general, Trait Theory assumes that people vary
simultaneously on a number of personality factors.
The Trait Theory that I am going to use, is the Five–Factor Model (FFM), or The Big Five. The FFM says that the five major categories of traits are
Open mindedness, Conscientiousness, more content...
I scored high on Neuroticism, indicating that I am easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider me
to be sensitive and emotional. I was also rated on subcategories under neuroticism. In order from the highest (most noticeable traits in me) to the lowest
(traits that are not strong in me) here is how I scored: Anger, Immoderation, Vulnerability, Anxiety, Depression, self
–consciousness. Unfortunately, this
is moderately accurate. I don't think it is this extreme, but I am highly anxious, and have been put on anxiety medications before. I tend to be high
strung and worry a lot. I expect a lot out of people, and myself, and when things don't go according to my plans, I get mad.
Openness to Experience describes a dimension of cognitive style that distinguishes imaginative, creative people from down–to–earth, conventional
people. Open people are intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. They tend to be, compared to closed people, more aware of
their feelings. They tend to think and act in individualistic and nonconforming ways. Intellect is probably best regarded as one aspect of openness to
experience. My score on Openness to Experience is high, indicating that I enjoy novelty, variety, and change. I am curious, imaginative, and creative.
My strengths in this category starting with the strongest are: Imagination, Emotionality, Artistic interest, Intellect,
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Leadership Self-Analysis Essay
One of the challenges facing nurses today is learning how to be an effective leader. Assessing and analyzing the style of leadership the nurse
possesses is the first step in facing the challenge. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and understand the characteristics of my style of leadership
from an assessment performed by Gallup Strength Finders and DiSC and compare the strengths I have in common with Eleanor Roosevelt.
For me to be an effective leader, I must first evaluate my strengths. I took the Gallup 2.0 Strength Finder report which showed my strengths in an
insight and action planning guide. The results indicated the top five themes for me were input, learner, responsibility, maximizer and arranger. I
believe more content...
I agree with the assessment. I would probably be described by most of my nursing colleagues as a subtle force, which remains calm under most any
circumstance. Both assessments were accurate in the description of my strengths and leadership style. The test results offered me tools to reinforce the
strong aspects of my style without negative feedback. I will use the positive results of both assessments to align my job and goals with my natural
talents. Sharing this plan with those around me will help me develop their strengths and lead to a more positive and productive environment (Rath,
A leader is anyone who uses interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific goal (Sullivan & Decker, 2009). Eleanor Roosevelt, First
Lady to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, worked on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Her enthusiasm for her work at the United Nations
was rooted in her humanitarian convictions and her steady faith in human dignity and worth. With modesty, Eleanor considered her position on the
Commission to be one of ambassador for the common people. Her sensible approach, optimism and energy allowed the smooth facilitation of
meetings (Eleanor Roosevelt Biography, 1998). Not actually seeing herself as a leader, Eleanor preferred to work as part of a team, not like a boss.
She followed her passion of making positive changes in people's lives and knew
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Self–Analysis The first section of this paper will contain a self–analysis utilizing self–assessments, class discussions, assignments, and the assigned
reading materials. The self–analysis portion of this paper will contain several important topics that we discussed during class along with my
assessment of how I view myself with respect to these topics with the goal of identifying the deficiencies and gaps that I see. The action–plan portion
of this assignment will contain the framework for turning the deficiencies that I have identified into strengths through constant practice and patience on
my journey to level three leadership. The self–analysis portion will hope to determine the "why" I did not get the manager position currently available more content...
Growing up in a Christian household, my brothers and I were always taught the golden rule; "treat people as you would like to be treated," as well as
learning the value and benefit that comes from always telling the truth, no matter what the consequences are. I have certainly maintained, to this day,
a great deal of the values and beliefs that were instilled in me at a young age. The values I learned during upbringing has surely served me well and
have been instrumental in shaping the person I am today. However, several life experiences have also proved effective in molding beliefs in me that
are less desirable characteristics, in which I struggle with to change. One of my biggest gaps lies in the ability to truly trust people and their motives. A
comment from my manager on my last personal development plan stated that I need to be more trusting of team members and people in the
organization. More often that not, I find life experiences reaffirming my hesitance to fully trust people, which, in turn, makes it harder for me to change
this undesirable
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Self Analysis Example
Name: Mark Anthony D. MendozaDate: April 20, 2013 Subject: Contemporary Management Theories: Self Analysis Part Ia. INTEREST 1. How do
I like to spend my time? I really want to spend my time in doing worthwhile things. I work, study and join adventurous activities. Most importantly, I
always find time to participate with our religious activities like our house to house preaching to share the good news about the kingdom of God
Jehovah. 2. Do I enjoy working with people? Yes. I enjoy working with different kinds of people. Actually, I prefer working with a group rather than
working alone. 3. Do I like to work with mechanical things? Yes. When I was in more content...
I am a fast worker; I easily find ways on how to get things done. Basing from the comments I have earned from my supervisor during my On–the–job
training, she said that I am an accurate and fast worker. 7. Do I get along with others? I think I am. I have group of friends and I can go along with
others easily. Again, basing on the comments of one of my supervisor from my evaluation, she said that "everybody in the office likes me". 8. Am
I ambitious? Yes I am. I am really ambitious in the sense that I want to achieve a lot of things in my life. But I think that my ambition is not just an
ambition because everything I dream is accompanied with action. 9. Do I work well independently of others? I can also work well independently.
This is very true when I make my reaction papers, concept papers and other individual reports. But I am fonder with working with a group.
DESIRED JOB ENVIRONMENT 1. Am I willing to relocate? Why? Yes. If it is a requirement for the job to relocate I will be much willing to
relocate. I know myself that I can easily adapt different kinds of working environment. Actually, I am also planning to work abroad and that requires
relocation. 2. Do I have geographical preference? Why? Yes, I want to work in a place wherein the climate is good. If I would choose the location it
would be somewhere in Europe. I have
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Self Analysis Examples
In an attempt to find self–validation and because of the need to understand my own existence, I made a deep analysis of my ancestral roots, beliefs,
and customs. One predominant feature kept showing up in all aspects of my life. For the first time, I had a deep awareness of the intrinsic manner in
which satire is deeply rooted in my belief system. Every part of my life has been touched by it, and the realization has enabled me to question my
beliefs rather than to take them at face value.
I grew up under normal circumstances: a typical family and a typical American life style. As I began the process of self–analysis, I discovered the
hypocrisy in which I was raised. Some of these revelations gave way to good laughs, while others led to more content...
I saw babies in glass jars that had been preserved for babies born of nuns, often the personal whores of priests. The Catholic doctrine requires all priests
to adhere to strict celibacy rules, yet the proof of their sexual encounters with nuns, servants of the Church, proved the hypocrisy of that body's "heads."
When I attended the church there, I recalled the urgency these men gave to the fact that men and women should be celibate until marriage – that God
hated a fornicator, and that married persons must practice monogamy. The utter hypocrisy of these men was on display in these glass jars before
me. I felt sickened to my core. As we continued our tour, we came across some devices I had never seen before: the Judas's Cradle, the Wheel, the
Breast Ripper, the Heretics Fork. These were torture devices used during the inquisition by the Church to make heretics denounce their hate for Satan
and give names of other people who did not believe in a once orthodox view of Catholic dogma, itself as far from the teachings of the early church as
the east is from the west. These devices represented the evil that man can do and the disrespect to the belief system they were killing for. In
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Theoretical Self Analysis Essay
Erik Erikson composed a theory of psychological development that was composed of eight stages. Erikson's theory focuses on how personalities
evolve throughout life as a result of the interaction between biologically based maturation and the demands of society. According to Erikson, "Each
stage of human development presents its characteristic crises. Coping well with each crisis makes an individual better prepared to cope with the next."
(Zastrow & Kirst–Ashman, 2013, p. 314) According to Erikson's eight stages of development, I have only been through six of the eight stages. Stage
one of Erikson's psychosocial theory is called "Basic Trust versus Basic Mistrust." This stage ranges from birth to eighteen months of age. According to more content...
Till this day I rant to my mother about how unfair it was that my brothers got to continue on with their extracurricular activities and I did not. Her
response would always be "if your father was your dance teacher than you could have kept doing it." She says that the only reason they continued
with football was because my father was the coach. Therefore, during stage four of my life I would say that I had experienced industry and inferiority
rather than one versus the other simply because of the things I endured. The next stage of Erikson's psychosocial theory is stage five, "Identity versus
Role Confusion." This stage is according to Erikson, "Adolescence is a time when young people explore who they are and establish their identity. It is
the transition period from childhood to adulthood when people examine the various roles they play and integrate these roles into a perception of self,
an identity. Some people are unable to integrate their many roles and have difficulty coping with conflicting roles; they are said to suffer from role
confusion. Such persons feel confused and uncertain about their identity." (Zastrow & Kirst–Ashman, 2013, p. 315) During my own adolescent years I
played various roles such as sister, daughter, student, Christian, African American, dancer,
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Learning Self-Analysis Essay
I once thought of myself as a slow learner. My friends and acquaintances seemed to have knowledge and experiences unknown to me. I now realize I
was a sheltered learner. My sensory input was limited. What I saw, read, heard, and even did, was limited to what my parents, teachers, preachers and
even my spouse, thought I should experience.
Reading, which once seemed restricted to school books, the Bible, and parenting books, became an adventure to a new life. I acquired new desires,
dreams, goals and thoughts. I developed a can–do attitude instead of a 'wait–and–see' approach to living. Instead of spending countless hours watching
television, I checked out books from the library. In waiting rooms I would select magazines more content...
I wanted more information. I wanted to hear their story. I wanted to know how they did it, what they thought afterwards, and what they would do
different. I began listening to different music styles. I signed up for various seminars and joined a few clubs. I wanted to hear what other people had to
I no longer had feeling of being sheltered. I wanted to see America from the mountains to the plains, from the East Coast to the West Coast, and I
did. I have visited many of the sites I have heard about and read about. I saw New York when the Twin towers were still new. I saw the Statue of
Liberty, Times Square, and the street vendors up and down The Avenue of Americans. I have seen the Seattle Space Needle and Mount St. Helens
before and after the eruption of May 1980. At the Mojave airport in Mojave, California, I saw the Voyager aircraft that was flown by Dick Rutan &
Jeana Yeager, in 1986, non–stop around the world. I have seen the dreams of others when I attended the Experimental Aircraft Association fly–in at
Oshkosh, Wisconsin. As an adult I experienced laughing like a child during a visit at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Just this past summer, I
enjoyed hearing joyful laughter from my granddaughter when we visited Disney World in Orlando, Florida. I have experienced the bitter cold of
winter in the Canadian city of Winnipeg, Manitoba. And I have felt the hot and humid summer days along the Gulf Coast at Long Beach, Mississippi.
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Essay on Self-Assessment and Reflection
Self–Assessment and Reflection
In the last seven weeks, I had an opportunity to look back and analyze the events that has shaped my life. This was a unique experience where I was
emotionally comfortable enough to look back at life. I was able to objectively revisit many events that were often buried and too painful to face. I was
free from the turmoil of emotional fears of failure, anger, regret and loneliness, which often clouded my perception. .
I was able to dwell on many pleasant and unpleasant events with more comfort and confidence. I accepted each event as part of life, regardless of
whether it was a good or bad experience. I understand that life transpires even when we are not prepared for it, but more importantly, more
I supported myself financially, emotionally and mentally. Even though my move to Houston was the right one, I executed the move without thinking
things through. I should have stopped being self–centered and thought of the pain and anguish that it would cause my parents. This life learning
experience has been a double–edged sword, because it has taught me to stand up for what I want, yet on the other hand, sometimes running away is
probably the best thing to do, which will help to clear clouded thoughts and refocus on my destination.
Play to Win by Larry Wilson introduces a simplistic, yet optimistic, method of viewing life. It embraces two fundamental views– emotional and
spiritual maturity that allows us to evaluate who we are. "Life is an adventure to be experienced, lived, experimented with and committed to."
(Wilson,1998, p.89) This statement alone tells us that we are in control of our lives. We all can choose dissimilar and painful paths to get to the safe
place and that is okay.
When looking back, my second life–learning lesson came through financial growth. This growth was to some extent expected, since I was so lavish
with cash. My financial motto was that money comes and money goes. I knew eventually, I needed to get a grasp on my foolish spending habit, but it
spun out of control with each purchase. There were days where I would squander money like there was no tomorrow. I never planned for the future let
alone on for the next meal. For the
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Effective Communication Self-Analysis
I would consider myself a fairly strong communicator, nevertheless I struggle with noise, civil communication, and public speaking. These three skills
are ones that I hope to work on and strengthen throughout the course of this class. Both external and physiological noise distracts me from getting my
point across. More times that not, external noise is exceedingly more distracting than anything that is going on inside my head. When I am talking to
someone and another person walks by or someone shouts something out I may keep talking but my mind and eyes wander. Most of the time I am still
capable of communicating my message, however it is sometimes just too distracting and I completely lose my train of thought. External noise isn't the
only kind of noise that distracts me, physiological noise diverts my attention at times as well. While this is often easier for me to control, I sometimes
get lost in my thoughts or I become too stressed to communicate effectively. When this happens, I just shut down for awhile and I don't communicate
with anyone at all. I would like to learn to control more content...
I would consider myself a great civil communicator with my elders, friends, and most of my family members. However, I constantly get caught up
in my opinion and argue with my parents. While it is completely childish, I generally argue with my parents about the decisions they make for me.
I think that as a teenage girl I feel like my thoughts are never really taken seriously so I try extra hard to get my point across with my parents so
they can at least hear what I have to say. Too regularly, this leads to me yelling my opinion so I know that my point is getting across. I would really
like to learn to control my "temper" when I am around my parents. Hopefully learning the proper and improper ways to communicate while in this
class will help me to effectively and civilly communicate my point of view with my
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Personal Self Assessment Essay
Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors,
attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and
weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts
degree at Ashford University in Social Science. Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future.
I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a test.
I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open more content...
I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual
learning style.
With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or not clearly understand it the first time read, I have
the option of reading it over. I do not always trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes help me
remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them
would get anything out of it, but at least I know what they mean.
I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I
am comfortable with my learning style, accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this
far, it must work out for me.
I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long
as I am fully understanding context and material being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save
myself from
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Team Assessments: Self Analysis
One of my favorite parts of this class has been taking assessments. Over the last two weeks, I have taken a series of five assessments including: team
management, people skills, leadership, anger management, and management skills. Some of the results surprised me, and after studying them
extensively, I have determined the areas that I need to work on. I am confident that by using the information I have gleaned from these results that I can
improve all these skills.
According to the team assessment I am a moderate or "patchy" team member. However, I do not know how accurate these results are as I have not
been a member of a team in over a year. I am unemployed right now and I had to base my answers on the team I was on in my previous
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For many years I struggled with managing my anger and have taken anger management counselling four times as a result. I have never demonstrated
an explosive anger but rather and passive aggressive one, which according to my old anger management counselor is one of the worst types of
anger. People that have passive aggressive anger issues are as he stated, "ticking time bombs." This revelation scared me and I have actively worked
on expressing my anger better since. I know what makes me angry, and if possible how and when I should avoid those situations. I know when to
walk away and when to voice my feelings, but learning these skills has not been easy. I am not good at expressing emotions, and anger is no
different. However, I know that unexpressed anger is unhealthy and if gone unchecked can become dangerous. Everyone one has a breaking point
no matter how long their fuse is. I never wanted to reach that point, so I have worked on my anger management skills. I am pleased to say that I
have a good handle on this now, and I think that the result of the assessment reflect that achievement. It takes a lot to make me angry but when I do
get angry I know how to deal with it. I believe that these skills are imperative to good management. Managers cannot afford to allow anger to get in
the way of managing their team or business. There are many
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Self Analysis Sample
After I analyzed the writing sample using the story grammar marker we used in class I noticed some markers that weren't used and others that were.
The character of this story is my student himself. The setting of this story is something that is not specified by my student since it really isn't set up
like a story. The kick–off which is known as the initiating event is a snow day because the student talks about snow day activities they are going to
do. The feeling with this is that he shows positive feelings toward mentioned snow day activities because he said he likes doing all of them. The plan
is to have a snow day filled with activities to do. The planned attempts (actions) would be snowball fighting, drinking hot chocolate and building
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Strengths And Weaknesses Of Self Analysis
HR–0896 Developing Self
Question 3: Summarise the major strengths and weaknesses and comment on any patterns of behavior they have emerged from the self–analysis.
Identify no more than three areas of personal development as a future manager that I can work on in the next year.
Chen Yang
622 words
According to the outcome of critical incidents integrated with Belbin and The Dynamic Indicators test report. It was summarized that my major
strengths are: take responsibility for the things I am doing, self–motivated, have clear mind to achieve the objectives, able to manage details and
efficiently to make things through step by step as well as continual put effects until the jobs well done. In contrast, my key more
The first step I would like to build up Self–Confidence: Self Confidence is the foundation of an effective manager. It is important, necessary and the
most crucial element for sustaining relationship between manager and customer. At the end of the day,self–confidence also impact on the decisions
making. For example, a confident manager will not afraid to commit with their employees and customers. It just as a personal power to influence
others, managing upwards to achieve career goals, the staffs will believe a manager who has confidence, no one will like the superior deliver the
company mission with lack of certainty, it can destroy the trust. It is same as the issue if a customer question of your product, they will not trust the
product if the manager while lacking core conviction. Turn to myself, my perception is confidence comes from believing, behavior, self–awareness. I
should believe in my ideas before taking actions, believes come from knowledge, I will read a various type of articles help me to think in a positive
way and try to deliver it by a publish speaking. I will do more presentation and be willing to lead a project; I trust that they are will be very helpful in
building my self–confidence. I will establish a personal schedule earlier to prevent poor performance, the more people trust in my behavior the more
confidence I will build. Furthermore, I will not that fear with mistakes, it is important to admit it, then correct it and learn it when interact
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Self-Analysis Essay

  • 1. Self-Analysis Essay Self–Analysis Essay Joe Schmoe I'd like to begin by saying that the informative speech I gave was better than the how–to speech in that I was much more relaxed, prepared and organized this time. So I do think I am improving from speech to speech. Also, while preparing for my informative speech, I learned more about my topic from doing further research, which is great. I realized that you can learn so much, however, that it is sometimes difficult to put it all into a five to eight minute speech. Because of this, I've really learned the importance of good organization. Although I saw some improvements in my most recent speech, there are still several areas that I could improve on in my speech giving, including my delivery in more content... The third area that I need to improve on – one that is related to my nervousness – is my rate of speech. I am always so nervous at the beginning that I start out talking way too fast and I am not sure that people catch what I am trying to say. The more nervous I am, the faster I tend to talk. At times, I just need to remember to stop and breathe. As I give more speeches and look for opportunities to practice, my confidence will increase, my nervousness will decrease, and my rate of speech will slow down. In the meantime, I plan to make delivery cue notes on my speaking outline that will remind me to pause and to slow down throughout my speech. The final problem that I need to address is my transitions. I highlighted the connective sentences on the notecards for the informative speech and felt I used them better this time, but they could still use some work. I plan to reword these, keeping in mind the "Review/Preview" technique discussed in class, to help the speech flow more smoothly. If I make these adjustments, I'm confident that I will deliver a better Informative Re–Do speech than my original Informative Speech. I am improving each and every week and I hope – no, EXPECT – that I will continue improving as I give more Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Self-Analysis Self–Analysis Before taking this course my writing styles and habits were very different. I was the typical procrastinator because I would wait until the night before a paper was due to start it. This did not allow me enough time to properly proofread everything, which resulted in getting points deducted for simple grammatical errors that could have been avoided if I would have had the time to proofread. My writing styles have many strengths and weaknesses and I have been able to improve my writing because of them. I have learned from my strengths and weaknesses how to become a better writer. In my writing, I have many strengths, some that which I have developed through this course and some that I already had. Before more content... I can write a thesis that will give an overview about what main topic of the paper is and what other elements will be addressed in the paper. From taking this course I have been able to improve many of my weaknesses, but there are still some that I need to work on. Overall I am becoming better at not procrastinating as much as I used to. This class has helped me to learn to take the little steps along the way because then there will not be as much work to do towards the end. This has also made me realize that the final product of my writing will turn out better because it will have had more time to develop, which means that there would have been more opportunities to proofread. I think by learning many styles of writing, such as paraphrasing, summarizing, analyzing, and researching; it has enabled me to be able to write more broadly. By knowing how to correctly use all of these kinds of writing styles, it will help me in the future for other classes because I will have the knowledge that I need to write these types of papers. I still procrastinate sometimes, but not as much as I used to. I will be able to improve on this as time goes along because I will become more motivated by seeing the end result, which usually would be better grades. Overall I think that my most of my writing habits have improved and for the ones that have not I know what they are and what I need to do to improve them. My strengths that I already had as Get more content on
  • 3. Leadership Self-Analysis Essay As a leader in our church, after attending the program in Clinical Pastoral Education, I learned so much about self. Self awareness is a major growing edge in anyones leadership skills. Especially if you are trying to be successful and effective with your congregation, family and in the community. I learned that when dealing with conflict, I had the tendency to shy away or pretend as though the conflict is not happening or that it didn't exist. This behavior would lead to some unattended and unhealthy issues within my self. My peers were able to recognize my actions when conflicts occurred and would question my response and actions.. It was only until several times conducting the same more content... Therefore, in order for my organization or ministry to be successful, I must always be honest about my weaknesses and create a safe environment so that others may experience that safe haven in order for us to build a trust with one another. I believe if trust is absent, the foundation for building goes out the window. I agree
  • 4. with Patrick Lecioni, members of great teams trust one another on a fundamental, emotional level, and they are comfortable being vulnerable with each other about their weaknesses, mistakes, fears, and behaviors. When we as leaders are able to embrace such a bond with a team, this creates a safe environment for sharing, venting, and expressing true feelings about new ideas and thoughts. So with all of that put in place, it is important for leaders to start off being honest about their weaknesses and strengths. Hopefully, this would open the floor for other team members to be honest about theirs. We will set the ground rules, which would included boundaries and will know that we are to be committed to factors set in place. Each team member should express openly what team means to them and what do they call a team. We should be clear about what each person is expecting from the team and if they agree with the terms addressed. We should always revisit our ground rules to make sure we are moving forward with our goals and our time frame Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on A Self Analysis I don't particularly like to write. Unless we're talking poetry, I have no innate talent in written expression. While I deeply enjoy the consumption and sharing of knowledge, its conveyance is not my strong suit. When pen is put to paper or fingers to keyboard, coherence is of the utmost importance. There is no way to clarify mistakes made or intentions left unclear and what we say in writing is more or less final. The effort, or lack thereof, that a reader is required to expend in order to comprehend information is key to that reader's acceptance of the ideas that an author presents. Few enjoy the ramblings of a person unskilled in communication, no matter how profound their ideas. It is for this reason that the development of more content... Absent reasonable reflection, it's easy to allow oneself to be deluded into believing that one's writing is somehow perfect as it is. The refusal to change the strategies and tactics used to write serves only to cause the stagnation of ability. Because writing is a medium intended to allow others to understand a certain viewpoint, it's important to ensure that a written piece is tailored to the audience for which the writer writes. In this class, through peer and instructor review, the feedback needed to do just this was provided. With this criticism and commentary, I've devoted an effort towards refining my prose. The first major change that my writing saw in this class was an attempt to avoid overly flowery writing. While a writer's use of colorful diction can serve to add readability to a piece, it often obscures the real points that the writer wishes to make. The first draft of my rhetorical analysis paper was a perfect example of my obsessive thesaurus use. I included ridiculous phrases like "All of these are proposed consequences, the fantastically progressive and the destructively detrimental, of one question deep at the heart of the quest for sustainable human existence; the question of the ultimate capacity of human population that the macrocosm that is the Earth is capable of supporting for an indefinite period of time." ("Rhetorical D1" 1) One technique that I found to be helpful to clean up my text was the Get more content on
  • 6. Self Analysis Essay Sample The College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania is my opportunity to undertake and organize my academic queries, as dissimilar as they may be from one another, into a mГ©lange of knowledge that defines my personal and career related interests. Despite my inclination towards the mathematics and business aspects of a liberal arts education, I also aspire to expand my insights beyond just what I can input into my TI–84; by delving into the basic natural sciences and foreign cultures, both inside and outside of the classroom, I will get an understanding of I intend on pursuing a major in mathematical economics because the idea of applying objective quantitative analysis to delineate the value of subjective social more content... Having had some experience in creating sculptures and figures with a wide array of materials, I find that it is interesting how emotions can be conveyed through inanimate, or possibly animate, three–dimensional components. In addition to the 3D medium of sculpture, I will also study painting because it relies heavily on two–dimensional motifs that elicit collective emotions. In particular, I am intrigued by how certain shapes, images, or colors have came to be associated to certain emotional responses and societal values; and perhaps I can expand on that interest by taking courses in the visual studies of forms and meanings. In order to apply my knowledge on quantitative and visual analysis and to see whether I enjoy doing so, I will seek opportunities to work as a financial analyst or as a marketing manager. Using the PennLink network, I wish to find internship positions as an undergraduate to gain hand–on experience under professional guidance and all the while refining my business etiquette. This is my current plan for my intellectual curiosities. I doubt not that these specific courses of interest may be subject to change; but my goal of attaining the skills, not so much the fixed knowledge of a definite course, will remain within the parameter of my academic fields of concern. Employing both classroom and firsthand learning, I wish to develop my set of diverse but interconnected Get more content on
  • 7. Critical Thinking Self Analysis Considering myself to be an intelligent human being I am going to explain my thought process and how I made decisions before the reading of Critical Thinking. A personal problem arises in my life. I first look at where it came from and make sure I know the source of where it came from. If it is a negative problem I recount in my mind if we have been around this mountain before determining what type of response they will receive from me. If it is a new issue I will try to handle it where both parties will be in a win win situation. If nothing can be resolved, then I do not want to try due to fear of being rejected and failing. After carefully reading the assignment my thinking is on life support. My thinking needs improvement. In my thinking, Get more content on
  • 8. The self-analysis of your personality. There are many different theories on personality and many different approaches. I am going to talk about the Trait, Cognitive, and Motivational approaches and how they apply to me as an individual. TRAIT APPROACH Trait theory is based on several assumptions. The first assumption is that any difference between people that is seen as significant will have a name. The second is that these names, knows as traits, and are conceived of as continuous dimensions. In general, Trait Theory assumes that people vary simultaneously on a number of personality factors. The Trait Theory that I am going to use, is the Five–Factor Model (FFM), or The Big Five. The FFM says that the five major categories of traits are Open mindedness, Conscientiousness, more content... I scored high on Neuroticism, indicating that I am easily upset, even by what most people consider the normal demands of living. People consider me to be sensitive and emotional. I was also rated on subcategories under neuroticism. In order from the highest (most noticeable traits in me) to the lowest (traits that are not strong in me) here is how I scored: Anger, Immoderation, Vulnerability, Anxiety, Depression, self –consciousness. Unfortunately, this is moderately accurate. I don't think it is this extreme, but I am highly anxious, and have been put on anxiety medications before. I tend to be high strung and worry a lot. I expect a lot out of people, and myself, and when things don't go according to my plans, I get mad. Openness to Experience describes a dimension of cognitive style that distinguishes imaginative, creative people from down–to–earth, conventional people. Open people are intellectually curious, appreciative of art, and sensitive to beauty. They tend to be, compared to closed people, more aware of their feelings. They tend to think and act in individualistic and nonconforming ways. Intellect is probably best regarded as one aspect of openness to experience. My score on Openness to Experience is high, indicating that I enjoy novelty, variety, and change. I am curious, imaginative, and creative. My strengths in this category starting with the strongest are: Imagination, Emotionality, Artistic interest, Intellect, Get more content on
  • 9. Leadership Self-Analysis Essay One of the challenges facing nurses today is learning how to be an effective leader. Assessing and analyzing the style of leadership the nurse possesses is the first step in facing the challenge. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and understand the characteristics of my style of leadership from an assessment performed by Gallup Strength Finders and DiSC and compare the strengths I have in common with Eleanor Roosevelt. For me to be an effective leader, I must first evaluate my strengths. I took the Gallup 2.0 Strength Finder report which showed my strengths in an insight and action planning guide. The results indicated the top five themes for me were input, learner, responsibility, maximizer and arranger. I believe more content... I agree with the assessment. I would probably be described by most of my nursing colleagues as a subtle force, which remains calm under most any circumstance. Both assessments were accurate in the description of my strengths and leadership style. The test results offered me tools to reinforce the strong aspects of my style without negative feedback. I will use the positive results of both assessments to align my job and goals with my natural talents. Sharing this plan with those around me will help me develop their strengths and lead to a more positive and productive environment (Rath, 2007). A leader is anyone who uses interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific goal (Sullivan & Decker, 2009). Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, worked on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Her enthusiasm for her work at the United Nations was rooted in her humanitarian convictions and her steady faith in human dignity and worth. With modesty, Eleanor considered her position on the Commission to be one of ambassador for the common people. Her sensible approach, optimism and energy allowed the smooth facilitation of meetings (Eleanor Roosevelt Biography, 1998). Not actually seeing herself as a leader, Eleanor preferred to work as part of a team, not like a boss. She followed her passion of making positive changes in people's lives and knew Get more content on
  • 10. Self-Analysis Self–Analysis The first section of this paper will contain a self–analysis utilizing self–assessments, class discussions, assignments, and the assigned reading materials. The self–analysis portion of this paper will contain several important topics that we discussed during class along with my assessment of how I view myself with respect to these topics with the goal of identifying the deficiencies and gaps that I see. The action–plan portion of this assignment will contain the framework for turning the deficiencies that I have identified into strengths through constant practice and patience on my journey to level three leadership. The self–analysis portion will hope to determine the "why" I did not get the manager position currently available more content... Growing up in a Christian household, my brothers and I were always taught the golden rule; "treat people as you would like to be treated," as well as learning the value and benefit that comes from always telling the truth, no matter what the consequences are. I have certainly maintained, to this day, a great deal of the values and beliefs that were instilled in me at a young age. The values I learned during upbringing has surely served me well and have been instrumental in shaping the person I am today. However, several life experiences have also proved effective in molding beliefs in me that are less desirable characteristics, in which I struggle with to change. One of my biggest gaps lies in the ability to truly trust people and their motives. A comment from my manager on my last personal development plan stated that I need to be more trusting of team members and people in the organization. More often that not, I find life experiences reaffirming my hesitance to fully trust people, which, in turn, makes it harder for me to change this undesirable Get more content on
  • 11. Self Analysis Example Name: Mark Anthony D. MendozaDate: April 20, 2013 Subject: Contemporary Management Theories: Self Analysis Part Ia. INTEREST 1. How do I like to spend my time? I really want to spend my time in doing worthwhile things. I work, study and join adventurous activities. Most importantly, I always find time to participate with our religious activities like our house to house preaching to share the good news about the kingdom of God Jehovah. 2. Do I enjoy working with people? Yes. I enjoy working with different kinds of people. Actually, I prefer working with a group rather than working alone. 3. Do I like to work with mechanical things? Yes. When I was in more content... I am a fast worker; I easily find ways on how to get things done. Basing from the comments I have earned from my supervisor during my On–the–job training, she said that I am an accurate and fast worker. 7. Do I get along with others? I think I am. I have group of friends and I can go along with others easily. Again, basing on the comments of one of my supervisor from my evaluation, she said that "everybody in the office likes me". 8. Am I ambitious? Yes I am. I am really ambitious in the sense that I want to achieve a lot of things in my life. But I think that my ambition is not just an ambition because everything I dream is accompanied with action. 9. Do I work well independently of others? I can also work well independently. This is very true when I make my reaction papers, concept papers and other individual reports. But I am fonder with working with a group. DESIRED JOB ENVIRONMENT 1. Am I willing to relocate? Why? Yes. If it is a requirement for the job to relocate I will be much willing to relocate. I know myself that I can easily adapt different kinds of working environment. Actually, I am also planning to work abroad and that requires relocation. 2. Do I have geographical preference? Why? Yes, I want to work in a place wherein the climate is good. If I would choose the location it would be somewhere in Europe. I have Get more content on
  • 12. Self Analysis Examples In an attempt to find self–validation and because of the need to understand my own existence, I made a deep analysis of my ancestral roots, beliefs, and customs. One predominant feature kept showing up in all aspects of my life. For the first time, I had a deep awareness of the intrinsic manner in which satire is deeply rooted in my belief system. Every part of my life has been touched by it, and the realization has enabled me to question my beliefs rather than to take them at face value. I grew up under normal circumstances: a typical family and a typical American life style. As I began the process of self–analysis, I discovered the hypocrisy in which I was raised. Some of these revelations gave way to good laughs, while others led to more content... I saw babies in glass jars that had been preserved for babies born of nuns, often the personal whores of priests. The Catholic doctrine requires all priests to adhere to strict celibacy rules, yet the proof of their sexual encounters with nuns, servants of the Church, proved the hypocrisy of that body's "heads." When I attended the church there, I recalled the urgency these men gave to the fact that men and women should be celibate until marriage – that God hated a fornicator, and that married persons must practice monogamy. The utter hypocrisy of these men was on display in these glass jars before me. I felt sickened to my core. As we continued our tour, we came across some devices I had never seen before: the Judas's Cradle, the Wheel, the Breast Ripper, the Heretics Fork. These were torture devices used during the inquisition by the Church to make heretics denounce their hate for Satan and give names of other people who did not believe in a once orthodox view of Catholic dogma, itself as far from the teachings of the early church as the east is from the west. These devices represented the evil that man can do and the disrespect to the belief system they were killing for. In Get more content on
  • 13. Theoretical Self Analysis Essay Erik Erikson composed a theory of psychological development that was composed of eight stages. Erikson's theory focuses on how personalities evolve throughout life as a result of the interaction between biologically based maturation and the demands of society. According to Erikson, "Each stage of human development presents its characteristic crises. Coping well with each crisis makes an individual better prepared to cope with the next." (Zastrow & Kirst–Ashman, 2013, p. 314) According to Erikson's eight stages of development, I have only been through six of the eight stages. Stage one of Erikson's psychosocial theory is called "Basic Trust versus Basic Mistrust." This stage ranges from birth to eighteen months of age. According to more content... Till this day I rant to my mother about how unfair it was that my brothers got to continue on with their extracurricular activities and I did not. Her response would always be "if your father was your dance teacher than you could have kept doing it." She says that the only reason they continued with football was because my father was the coach. Therefore, during stage four of my life I would say that I had experienced industry and inferiority rather than one versus the other simply because of the things I endured. The next stage of Erikson's psychosocial theory is stage five, "Identity versus Role Confusion." This stage is according to Erikson, "Adolescence is a time when young people explore who they are and establish their identity. It is the transition period from childhood to adulthood when people examine the various roles they play and integrate these roles into a perception of self, an identity. Some people are unable to integrate their many roles and have difficulty coping with conflicting roles; they are said to suffer from role confusion. Such persons feel confused and uncertain about their identity." (Zastrow & Kirst–Ashman, 2013, p. 315) During my own adolescent years I played various roles such as sister, daughter, student, Christian, African American, dancer, Get more content on
  • 14. Learning Self-Analysis Essay I once thought of myself as a slow learner. My friends and acquaintances seemed to have knowledge and experiences unknown to me. I now realize I was a sheltered learner. My sensory input was limited. What I saw, read, heard, and even did, was limited to what my parents, teachers, preachers and even my spouse, thought I should experience. Reading, which once seemed restricted to school books, the Bible, and parenting books, became an adventure to a new life. I acquired new desires, dreams, goals and thoughts. I developed a can–do attitude instead of a 'wait–and–see' approach to living. Instead of spending countless hours watching television, I checked out books from the library. In waiting rooms I would select magazines more content... I wanted more information. I wanted to hear their story. I wanted to know how they did it, what they thought afterwards, and what they would do different. I began listening to different music styles. I signed up for various seminars and joined a few clubs. I wanted to hear what other people had to say. I no longer had feeling of being sheltered. I wanted to see America from the mountains to the plains, from the East Coast to the West Coast, and I did. I have visited many of the sites I have heard about and read about. I saw New York when the Twin towers were still new. I saw the Statue of Liberty, Times Square, and the street vendors up and down The Avenue of Americans. I have seen the Seattle Space Needle and Mount St. Helens before and after the eruption of May 1980. At the Mojave airport in Mojave, California, I saw the Voyager aircraft that was flown by Dick Rutan & Jeana Yeager, in 1986, non–stop around the world. I have seen the dreams of others when I attended the Experimental Aircraft Association fly–in at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. As an adult I experienced laughing like a child during a visit at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. Just this past summer, I enjoyed hearing joyful laughter from my granddaughter when we visited Disney World in Orlando, Florida. I have experienced the bitter cold of winter in the Canadian city of Winnipeg, Manitoba. And I have felt the hot and humid summer days along the Gulf Coast at Long Beach, Mississippi. I Get more content on
  • 15. Essay on Self-Assessment and Reflection Self–Assessment and Reflection In the last seven weeks, I had an opportunity to look back and analyze the events that has shaped my life. This was a unique experience where I was emotionally comfortable enough to look back at life. I was able to objectively revisit many events that were often buried and too painful to face. I was free from the turmoil of emotional fears of failure, anger, regret and loneliness, which often clouded my perception. . I was able to dwell on many pleasant and unpleasant events with more comfort and confidence. I accepted each event as part of life, regardless of whether it was a good or bad experience. I understand that life transpires even when we are not prepared for it, but more importantly, more content... I supported myself financially, emotionally and mentally. Even though my move to Houston was the right one, I executed the move without thinking things through. I should have stopped being self–centered and thought of the pain and anguish that it would cause my parents. This life learning experience has been a double–edged sword, because it has taught me to stand up for what I want, yet on the other hand, sometimes running away is probably the best thing to do, which will help to clear clouded thoughts and refocus on my destination. Play to Win by Larry Wilson introduces a simplistic, yet optimistic, method of viewing life. It embraces two fundamental views– emotional and spiritual maturity that allows us to evaluate who we are. "Life is an adventure to be experienced, lived, experimented with and committed to." (Wilson,1998, p.89) This statement alone tells us that we are in control of our lives. We all can choose dissimilar and painful paths to get to the safe place and that is okay. When looking back, my second life–learning lesson came through financial growth. This growth was to some extent expected, since I was so lavish with cash. My financial motto was that money comes and money goes. I knew eventually, I needed to get a grasp on my foolish spending habit, but it spun out of control with each purchase. There were days where I would squander money like there was no tomorrow. I never planned for the future let alone on for the next meal. For the
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  • 17. Effective Communication Self-Analysis I would consider myself a fairly strong communicator, nevertheless I struggle with noise, civil communication, and public speaking. These three skills are ones that I hope to work on and strengthen throughout the course of this class. Both external and physiological noise distracts me from getting my point across. More times that not, external noise is exceedingly more distracting than anything that is going on inside my head. When I am talking to someone and another person walks by or someone shouts something out I may keep talking but my mind and eyes wander. Most of the time I am still capable of communicating my message, however it is sometimes just too distracting and I completely lose my train of thought. External noise isn't the only kind of noise that distracts me, physiological noise diverts my attention at times as well. While this is often easier for me to control, I sometimes get lost in my thoughts or I become too stressed to communicate effectively. When this happens, I just shut down for awhile and I don't communicate with anyone at all. I would like to learn to control more content... I would consider myself a great civil communicator with my elders, friends, and most of my family members. However, I constantly get caught up in my opinion and argue with my parents. While it is completely childish, I generally argue with my parents about the decisions they make for me. I think that as a teenage girl I feel like my thoughts are never really taken seriously so I try extra hard to get my point across with my parents so they can at least hear what I have to say. Too regularly, this leads to me yelling my opinion so I know that my point is getting across. I would really like to learn to control my "temper" when I am around my parents. Hopefully learning the proper and improper ways to communicate while in this class will help me to effectively and civilly communicate my point of view with my Get more content on
  • 18. Personal Self Assessment Essay Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts degree at Ashford University in Social Science. Self Assessment is the first step in my successful future. I can remember in high school, it seemed like I was always one of the last students finished with a test. I was sometimes slower at completing a written paper or an assignment. In open more content... I have discovered some interesting things I have noticed in myself before taking this course. For example, my learning style I have noticed is the visual learning style. With this, I prefer to see and read information to full gain comprehension. If I forget the data, or not clearly understand it the first time read, I have the option of reading it over. I do not always trust myself to absorb all information the first time around. I take a lot of notes to look at. Notes help me remember even though I may not read the again, I can refer to them in my mind after writing them down. I am not sure if just anyone reading them would get anything out of it, but at least I know what they mean. I like to take my time with material, but am not always given the allotted time to do so. I also like to keep a written list of things to do to refer to. I am comfortable with my learning style, accepted it as my very own. I am not sure if changing it this late in life is such a good idea. I have got by this far, it must work out for me. I have identified my personality style as being extroverted, one who becomes easily energized by others, and outwardly expressing thoughts as long as I am fully understanding context and material being discussed. If I have no idea what is being addressed, I am better of keeping quiet to save myself from Get more content on
  • 19. Team Assessments: Self Analysis One of my favorite parts of this class has been taking assessments. Over the last two weeks, I have taken a series of five assessments including: team management, people skills, leadership, anger management, and management skills. Some of the results surprised me, and after studying them extensively, I have determined the areas that I need to work on. I am confident that by using the information I have gleaned from these results that I can improve all these skills. According to the team assessment I am a moderate or "patchy" team member. However, I do not know how accurate these results are as I have not been a member of a team in over a year. I am unemployed right now and I had to base my answers on the team I was on in my previous more content... For many years I struggled with managing my anger and have taken anger management counselling four times as a result. I have never demonstrated an explosive anger but rather and passive aggressive one, which according to my old anger management counselor is one of the worst types of anger. People that have passive aggressive anger issues are as he stated, "ticking time bombs." This revelation scared me and I have actively worked on expressing my anger better since. I know what makes me angry, and if possible how and when I should avoid those situations. I know when to walk away and when to voice my feelings, but learning these skills has not been easy. I am not good at expressing emotions, and anger is no different. However, I know that unexpressed anger is unhealthy and if gone unchecked can become dangerous. Everyone one has a breaking point no matter how long their fuse is. I never wanted to reach that point, so I have worked on my anger management skills. I am pleased to say that I have a good handle on this now, and I think that the result of the assessment reflect that achievement. It takes a lot to make me angry but when I do get angry I know how to deal with it. I believe that these skills are imperative to good management. Managers cannot afford to allow anger to get in the way of managing their team or business. There are many Get more content on
  • 20. Self Analysis Sample After I analyzed the writing sample using the story grammar marker we used in class I noticed some markers that weren't used and others that were. The character of this story is my student himself. The setting of this story is something that is not specified by my student since it really isn't set up like a story. The kick–off which is known as the initiating event is a snow day because the student talks about snow day activities they are going to do. The feeling with this is that he shows positive feelings toward mentioned snow day activities because he said he likes doing all of them. The plan is to have a snow day filled with activities to do. The planned attempts (actions) would be snowball fighting, drinking hot chocolate and building Get more content on
  • 21. Strengths And Weaknesses Of Self Analysis HR–0896 Developing Self Question 3: Summarise the major strengths and weaknesses and comment on any patterns of behavior they have emerged from the self–analysis. Identify no more than three areas of personal development as a future manager that I can work on in the next year. Chen Yang 11/3/2015 622 words According to the outcome of critical incidents integrated with Belbin and The Dynamic Indicators test report. It was summarized that my major strengths are: take responsibility for the things I am doing, self–motivated, have clear mind to achieve the objectives, able to manage details and efficiently to make things through step by step as well as continual put effects until the jobs well done. In contrast, my key more content... The first step I would like to build up Self–Confidence: Self Confidence is the foundation of an effective manager. It is important, necessary and the most crucial element for sustaining relationship between manager and customer. At the end of the day,self–confidence also impact on the decisions making. For example, a confident manager will not afraid to commit with their employees and customers. It just as a personal power to influence others, managing upwards to achieve career goals, the staffs will believe a manager who has confidence, no one will like the superior deliver the company mission with lack of certainty, it can destroy the trust. It is same as the issue if a customer question of your product, they will not trust the product if the manager while lacking core conviction. Turn to myself, my perception is confidence comes from believing, behavior, self–awareness. I should believe in my ideas before taking actions, believes come from knowledge, I will read a various type of articles help me to think in a positive way and try to deliver it by a publish speaking. I will do more presentation and be willing to lead a project; I trust that they are will be very helpful in building my self–confidence. I will establish a personal schedule earlier to prevent poor performance, the more people trust in my behavior the more confidence I will build. Furthermore, I will not that fear with mistakes, it is important to admit it, then correct it and learn it when interact
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