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PHP Quick Reference Card1.02

                                                                           string - single byte character sequence. See below.     __DIR__                      Path to current file
                                                                         Variables that have not been assigned a value or have
                                                                         been unset contain the special value NULL. A NULL __CLASS__                            Current class name
                                                                         assignment to an object variable destroys the object.     __METHOD__                   Method name as class:methodname
                                                                         Explicit typecasts are rarely needed in PHP. If required Magic constants               in included files are evaluated prior to
                                                                         use the code                                             inclusion.
                Copyright©, 2008 BrandsPatch LLC                         $x = (#)$y; - where # is one of bool, float, int or string.                       Variable Management
                                                                                                    Operators                                Function                     Purpose                     Return Value
                                                                              Operator          Example                Result
                                                 Color key on Page 4                                                                    empty                     Check if empty?                 boolean
                      Code Structure                                     + «-»            3+ 2                5
                                                                                                                                        floatval                  Convert to float                float
<?php                                                                    .                'Explain'.'That!'   'ExplainThat!'
                                                                                                                                        get_defined_vars List all variables                       array
$site = 'ExplainThat';
                                                                         / «*»            3/2                 1.5
                                                                                                                                        gettype                   Verify data type                string1
                                                                         %                7%4                 3
function sayHello(){                                                                                                                    intval                    Convert to int                  integer
$s = 'Hello from ';                                                       =               $i = 2              $i set to 2
                                                                                                                                        is_#2                     Verify data type                boolean
echo $s;                                                                 $i = 2;
                                                                                                                                        serialize                 Stringify for storage string
//single line comment
                                                                         += «-=»          $i+=1;              3
}                                                                                                                                       settype3                  Set data type                   boolean
                                                                         s = 'Explain';
                                                                                                                                        strval                    Convert to string               string
function sayHelloEx(){                                                   .=               s.='That!'          'ExplainThat!'
                                                                                                                                        unserialize               Regenerate             from boolean,
$s = 'Hello from ';                                                       ==1             3=='3'              true                                                string                      integer etc
global $site;                                                                             3==3                true
                                                                                          3==2                false                     unset4                    Destroy the var                 -
echo $s.$site;                                                                                                                         1 array, boolean, integer, double, string or object
/*Comment spanning                                                        ===2            3=='3'              false                    2 # is one of array, bool, float, int, null, object, scalar, string
                                                                                          3==3                true                     3 second parameter is a string. See note 1 above
    two or more lines */                                                                  3==2                false                    4 behavior inside a function depends on nature of variable being unset

}                                                                                                                                                                         Arrays
                                                                         != or <>         'php'!='PHP'        true
                                                                                          3!=3                false                    Arrays are used to store sequences of related values in
sayHello();                                                                                                                            a tabular format. PHP has 5 ways of defining an array
                                                                         !==              3!=='3'             true
print $site;
?>                                                                       < «>»            2<3                 true                     $lamp = array();
                       Reusing Code                                      <= «>=»          2<=3                true                     $lamp[]='LINUX';$lamp[]='Apache';
The include, require, include_once and require_once $i = 2;$j = 5;                                                                     $lamp[]='MySQL';$lamp[]='PHP';
keywords facilitate the reuse of PHP code. For instance
include 'mycode.php';                                   &          $i & $j                                    2                        $lamp = array('L'=>'LINUX','A'=>'Apache',
would cause the contents of mycode.php to be merged |                                     $i | $j             7                                                'M'=>'MySQL','P'=>'PHP');
into the current file. Failure to find mycode.php results in
                                                                                                                                       $lamp = array('LINUX','Apache',
a warning. require behaves similarly but throws a fatal ^                                 $i ^ $j             5
error. The #_once versions prevent function redefinition.                                                                                                    'MySQL','PHP');
                                                             ~                            ~$i                 -3
                  Nomenclature Rules                                                                                                   $lamp = array();
                                                                         << «>>»          $i << 1             4                        $lamp[1]='LINUX';$lamp[2]='Apache';
All labels1 in PHP bear the form $name. name can
consist of upper & lowercase letters a-z, extended                       ++ «--»          $i++3 ;++$i4        3                        $lamp[3]='MySQL';$lamp[4]='PHP';1
ASCII characters from 0x7F to 0xFF, the underscore
character, _ and numbers. The first character cannot be                  $i = 2;$j = 5
a number. Names are case sensitive. $this is a                                                                                         $lamp = array();
predefined read only variable used to refer to the                       &&               ($i <= 2) &&        true
                                                                                          ($j < 7)                                     $lamp['L']='LINUX';$lamp['A']='Apache';
current object context. There are no limits on name
length. Names are case sensitive.                                                                                                      $lamp['M']='MySQL';$lamp['P']='PHP';
                                                                         ||               ($i%2 > 0) || ($j false
1 Strings used to identify constants, functions, variables & Heredoc                      %2 == 0)                                     PHP arrays can be associations – i.e. a unique key, (e.g.
                                                                                                                                       'L' above) is associated with each value in the array. For
                 Visibility & Scope                         !                 ($i==2) && !($j true                                     multiple dimensions use arrays within arrays.
Variables in PHP generally have a single scope – i.e                          %2 == 0)
                                                                                                                                                                  Array Manipulation
they are always visible. However, user defined functions 1 called loose comparison; 2 called strict comparison
have their own local scoping context – i.e. do not have 3 evaluates after use 4 evaluates before use                                        Function                                 Description
access to variables defined outside the function. A                                     Constants                                       array_change              Guess!
reference to $site in sayHello would merely create a
                                                           define($name,$value,[$ci])                                                   _key_case
new empty local variable called $site. To access such
variables do one of the following                          is used to define a constant named $name with the                            array_chunk($ Returns an array of arrays containing
  Use the global keyword as in sayHelloEx above.           scalar value $value. Case insensitive if $ci = TRUE.                         arr,$size,[$f]) $size elements each from $arr.
  Use the $GLOBALS array - $GLOBALS['site']                   constant references do not start with a $                                                 TRUE for $f preserves keys.
                                                              constants cannot be altered
                      Data Types                              constants are globally accessible                                         arra_fill_keys(           Create an associative array using
PHP supports four scalar data types                       References to undefined constants are treated as string                       $keys,$values)            $keys, and $values,.
  boolean - takes the values TRUE & FALSE                 literals. PHP defines five magic constants whose value
  integer - decimal, hexadecimal or octal. e.g. 32, 0x20, depends on where they are used                                                array_fill($star          Create an array with $num elements
  040. The constants PHP_INT_MAX and                                                                                                    t,$num,$value)            from index $start filled with $value
                                                                 Name                                  Description
  PHP_INT_SIZE provide platform-dependent                                                                                               array_flip($arr           Flip values and keys in $arr
  information. Integer overflow causes silent               __LINE__              Current line number                                   )
  transformation of the variable into a float.
  float - Typically IEEE 64 bit with 14 decimal digits.     __FILE__              Current file name with path                           array_key_exi             Check for $key in $arr

PHP Quick Reference Card1.02

sts($key,$arr)                                                                                                       1:0            [$options])          keys     'dirname',    'basename',
                                                                                                                                                         'extension' & 'filename'.
array_reverse( Reverses element order. $f = TRUE                                               Y                     2008
$arr,[$f])     preserves keys.                                                                                                                           OR PATHINFO_#         -     #    =
                                                                                               y                     08                                  uppercase keys above - into
array_values(          Returns all values in $arr in a
$arr)                  numerically indexed array.                                              Time                                                      options for more selective results.

count($arr)            Returns element count                                                   a                     am or pm
                                                                                                                                    dirname($fname)      Counterpart of basename above
ksort($arr)            Sorts array using keys                                                  A                     AM or PM
                                                                                                                                    glob($pattern,       Returns array of all filenames
1By default array indices start at 0. Here we force them to start at 1                         g                     1-12           [$flags])            matching $pattern. OR GLOB_#
                          Date & Time                                                                                                                    flags for more selectivity
                                                                                               G                     0-23
       Function                            Description                                                                                                          # Flag             Purpose
                                                                                               h                     01-12
getDate([$time])             Associative array with current                                                                                               MARK                Add slash
                             time or $time exploded into                                       H                     00-23
                                                                                                                                                          NOSORT              As is list
                                     Key                   Value                               i (Minutes)           00-59
                                                                                                                                                          BRACE               Expand {a,b,c}
                              seconds               0-59                                       s(Seconds)            00-59                                                    and match
                              minutes               0-59                                       U                     UNIX Epoch                           ONLYDIR             Only folders
                              hours                 0-23                                       Timezone                                                   ERR                 Stop on error
                              mday                  1(!)-31                                    e                     Europe/Paris
                              wday                  0(Sun)-6(Sat)                                                                   is_#($name)          is $name a folder or a file?
                                                                                               P                     ∆ to GMT       # = dir or file
                              mon                   1(!)-12
                                                                                                                                    chdir($dname)        Change current directory. FALSE
                              year                  e.g 2008             time()               UNIX Epoch time                                            on failure.

                              yday                  0(!)-365                           Escape Sequences                             closedir($dhandle)   Closes directory opened earlier
                                                                                  Sequence                      Meaning                                  using opendir.
                              weekday               Sunday-
                                                    Saturday             n                            Linefeed, 0x0A               getcwd()             Get current directory

                              month                 January-             r                            Carriage Return, 0x0D        mkdir($dname,        Makes directory $dname. $mode
                                                    December                                                                        [$mode,$recurse])    defaults to 0777 – ignored on
                                                                         t                            Tab, 0x09                                         Windows. $recurse forces all
                              0                     UNIX Epoch                                                                                           directories in $dname to be
                                                                         v                            Vertical tab, 0x0B                                created

checkdate($month, Validates date for $year between                       f                            Form feed, 0x0C              opendir($dname)      Opens $dname               and     returns
$day,$year)       1 & 32767                                                                          Backslash                                         handle.

date($format,                Formats current time or $time               $                            Dollar sign                  readdir($dhandle)    Reads next filename from open
[$time])                     using $format.                                                                                                              directory.
                                  Format Char           Example          ”                            Double quote
                                                                                                                                    rewinddir($dhandl    Guess!
                                                                         x00 - xFF                   Char in hexadecimal          e)
                              d                     01-31
                                                                                             File System                            rmdir($dname)        Attempts to delete $dname –
                                                                              Function                     Description                                   subject to permissions. FALSE
                              j                     1-31                                                                                                 on failure
                                                                         basename($fname, Filename minus path – and
                              D                     Mon                  [$suffix])       extension if $suffix is provided          scandir($dname,      Returns array of files in $dname.
                                                                                                                                    [$order])            Provide    $order     =    1   for
                              l(l.c. L)             Monday               file_exists($fname) Does $fname exist? Works with                               descending name sort.
                                                                                             files & folders
                              N                     1(Mon)                                                                          disk_free_space($ Guess!
                                                                         filesize($fname)     Guess?                                dname)
                              S                     Suffixes st, nd
                                                    etc. Use with j      fileatime($fname)    When was the file accessed?           rename($old,$new) Guess!
                                                                                              (UNIX time)
                              w                     0(Sun)                                                                          fclose($fhandle)     Close fopen'd file
                                                                         chmod($fname,        Change access rights to file
                              z                     0-365                                                                           fopen($fname,        Opens$fname. $mode can be
                                                                         $mode)               $fname. $mode is an octal
                                                                                              number in the format 0OGW             $mode)1               Mode            Meaning
                                                                                              where O = Owner, G = User
                              W                     Week of year                              group for Owner & W = the world,                            r1         Read
                                                                                              i.e. everyone else. Individual                              r+1        Read/Write
                                                                                              digits are made up by adding the
                              F                     January                                   desired rights as listed below                              w1,2,3     Write
                                                                                                   Value                    Right                         w+1,2,3 Read/ Write
                              m                     01-12
                                                                                                       1             Execute                              a3,4       Write
                              M                     Jan
                                                                                                       2             Write                                a+3,4      Read/Write
                              n                     1-12
                                                                                                       4             Read                                 x1,3,5     Write
                              t                     Days in month
                                                                                              e.g. 0644 means read/write rights
                              Year                                                            for owner & just read for others.                           x+1,3,5    Read/Write
                                                                                                                                                         1File pointer at BOF 2Truncate file to zero
                              L                     (Leap      Year)?    pathinfo($fname,     Returns associative array with                             length 3Create file if required 4File pointer

PHP Quick Reference Card1.02

                         at EOF 5Fail if file already exists          log($num,[$base])                 $num to e or $base                    Single Quoted: e.g. 'ExplainThat'. Variables and
                         Specify an additional b (binary),                                                                                    escape sequences other than ' and  are not
                         e.g. 'wb' for all write modes to             pi()                              Approx value for π                    expanded.
                         prevent        CR/LF       character                                                                                 Double Quoted: e.g. “OnenTwo”. Variable
                         translation. Always specify b with           pow($num,$base)                   $num$base                             references and escape sequences are expanded.
                         all binary files, e.g. images.                                                                                       Heredoc: To define complex strings like double
                                                                      rad2deg($rad)                     Radians to degrees                    quoted strings but without using double quotes. e.g.
 file_get_contents(      Reads contents of $fname into a              rand([$min],$max)                 Random value 0/$min.. $max.         $x = <<<PHP
 $fname)1                string.
                                                                      round($num,[$prec])               round(3.142) = 3                    <pre>
 fread($fhandle,         Read to EOF or $len bytes from                                                 round(3.142,0) = 3                  For more information see
 $len)                   file opened for reading. fopen                                                 round(3.14159,1) = 3.2
                         the file with 'b' in the mode flag.                                                                      
                                                                                                        round(12811,-2) = 12800
 fruncate($fhandle,      Truncates file open for writing.             sqrt($num)                        Squareroot of $num or NaN
 $size)                  Adds null bytes if $size > filesize.                                                                               PHP;
                                                                     1# is cos, sin or tan. 2cos, sin or tan. Not on Windows                1.<<<IDENT must be followed by a newline character
 fwrite($fhandle,        Writes $str to file opened for                                  Output & Formatting                                2.The actual string contents follow
 $str,[$len])            writing. Stops at $len if $str                                                                                     3.The closing identifier must not be indented and
                         length is greater.                                     Function                                Note
                                                                                                                                              cannot have any following characters except ;
                                                                      echo $arg1[,$arg2...]              Echo to standard output              Nowdoc: The sinqle quoted string equivalent of
 file_put_contents(      Combined fopen, fwrite &                                                                                             Heredoc. Similar syntax but with <<<'IDENT' (quotes!)
 $fname,$data,           fclose. $fname can be a string or            print $arg                         Output a string
 [$flags])               an array. $fname is created or                                                                                     Strings can be treated as zero based arrays to access
                         overwritten. OR the following for            print_r($arg)                      $arg in human readable             individual characters, e.g. $Name[0].
                         $flags                                                                          format. Handles objects too.                           String Manipulation
                                Value                Meaning                                             Very useful with arrays.
                                                                                                                                                     Function                   Description
                          FILE_APPEND            Append to file,      printf($fmt,$arg1[,                Prints args using format
                                                                      $arg2...])1                        information in $fmt                . (not +!)                String Concatenation
                                                 not overwrite.
                                                                                                            Format             Output       strlen($str)              String length
                          LOCK_EX                Lock prior     to
                                                 write                                                     %b           Integer as binary   strpos($str,$find,        First $find in $str optionally
                                                                                                                                            [$off])                   starting at $off
                                                                                                           %c           ASCII char
 fseek($fhandle,         Sets file pointer to $offset bytes                                                %d           Integer             strrpos($str,$find,       Ditto but reports last $find
 $offset,[$whence])      from $whence which is one of                                                                                       [$off])
                                 Value                Meaning                                              %e           “E” notation with   stripos & strripos        Case insensitive versions
                                                                                                                        p (see below)
                          SEEK_SET1                 BOF                                                                 digits              strtolower &              Guess!
                          SEEK_CUR                  Current pos                                            %f           Floating point
                                                                                                                                            chr($ascii)               Char at $ascii
                          SEEK_END                  EOF                                                    %s           String
                                                                                                                                            ord($str[index])          Ordinal value
                                                                                                           %x           Hexadecimal l.c.
                                                                                                                                            explode($delim,$str,      Returns array of substrings of
 ftell($fhandle)         File pointer position                                                             %X           Hexadecimal u.c.    [$lim] )                  $str delimited by $delim,
 rewind($fhandle)        File pointer to BOF. Useless in a/                                                                                                           optionally with $lim elements.
                                                                                                           %%           Literal %
                         a+ modes                                                                                           implode($glue,                            Concats $pieces array using
 fflush($fhandle)        Commits buffered writes                                                                            $pieces)                                  $glue.
                                                                     Each % argument can have a number of optional Alias join
1 $fname can be a URL.                                               specifiers. In order they are
                    Math Functions                                     %+ : Sign specifier. Outputs + or -. Default is no + ltrim($str,[$clist])                      Strip chars in $clist from left of
                                                                       sign                                                 Similarly     rtrim($str,                 $str. Strips spaces by default.
        Function                         Description
                                                                        %0, % or %'c: padding specifier.                    [$clist])
                                                                                                                            and trim.
 abs($num)                  Absolute value of $num
                                                                        Uses 0, space or the character c for                                strip_tags($str,          Discard HTML & PHP tags.
 a#($arg)1                  Inverse trig functions. $arg in
                            rad.                                        padding                                                             [$retain])                Retain tags in $retain.
                                                            %-:alignment specifier. Causes left justification.                              substr($str,$start,       Returns substring, optionally
 a#h($arg)2                 Inverse hyperbolic functions    Default is right justification.                                                 [$len])                   $len long starting at $start. -ve
 base_convert($num,         Convert bases. $to & $from in   %w:Width specifier. Output has a minimum of                                                               $start for substring from end of
 $from,$to)                 the range 2..36. Letters a..z   w characters.                                                                                             $str. -ve $len to omit chars
                            used for $from/$to > 10.        %.p:Precision specifier. Decimal digits for floats and                                                    from end of substring.
                                                            number of characters for strings.
 ceil($num)                 Rounds up $num to integer.    Everything else in $fmt gets treated as literal text.                             substr_count($str,        Occurrences of $sub in $str.
                                                                                                     Examples                               $sub,[$start,$len])       Optionally starting at $start
 dechex($num)               $num in hexadecimal                                                                                                                       and within $len of $start.
 deg2rad($deg)              Degrees to radians                                     Format                                Output
                                                                                                                                            str_replace($search,      Replaces $search in $str with
 exp($num)                  e$num                                     printf('%d',23)                           23                          $rep,$str,[$count])       $rep. Reports replacements in
 floor($num)                $num rounded down to integer              printf('%03d',23)                         023
                                                                                                                                            ucwords($str)             All words in $str to uppercase.
 fmod($x,$y)                Floating point remainder of $x/           printf('%.3f',3.141596)                   3.142
                                                                                                                                                           Conditional Execution
                                                                      printf('%.3s','PHP Script')               PHP
                                                                                                                                            if (ConditionA) ifStmt;[elseif(ConditionB) elseifStmt;
 hexdec($str)               Decimal       equivalent      of          printf('%s%3d','Route',66) Route 66                                   ][else elseStmt; ]
                            hexadecimal      $str.   Invalid
                                                                     1sprintf is similar but returns a string                               Multiline #Stmt code must be placed in braces, {}. The
                            chars in $str are ignored.
                                                                                                      Strings                               ; terminating each statement is obligatory – even if the
 log10($num)                Guess!                                                                                                          next character is a closing brace, }.
                                                                     PHP strings are sequences of single byte characters.
                                                                     They can be defined in four different ways

PHP Quick Reference Card1.02

switch ($var){                                            }                                                                   To call a PHP script via SSI use
    case Value1:Code;                                     foreach offers a neat way of iterating over an array.               <!--#include virtual="/path/scriptname.php"-->
                break;                                                        User Functions                                  If the same script is called from includes in different
    [case Value2:Code;                                    function calcArea($x,$y,$isRect = true){                            HTML files you can access the identity of the parent
                                                          return ($isRect)?$x*$y:0.5*$x*$y;                                   HTML file using $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'].
                break;                                    //assume triangle if $isRect is false
    ...]                                                  }
                                                                                                                              Color Key
    [default:Code;]                                       Scalar function arguments can be given a default value
}                                                         – e.g. $isRect = true as above. Parameters are passed               while – PHP keyword
    $var can be a boolean, an integer or a string.        by value. To pass them by reference precede the                     funcName – user function
    Note the break after each case statement.             parameter name in the function declaration with an                  echo – language construct
    If default is not the last option provide a break.    ampersand, e.g. &$y.                                                $var – variable 'string'
    To execute the same action(s) for a range of cases
                                                          return causes immediate termination of the PHP                      3.142 – number
switch ($var){
                                                          function. If no value is returned, or if return is missing          true – case insensitive
  case Value1:
                                                          the function return type is NULL                                    «x» - similarly x
  case Value2:
  case Value3:Code;                                       exit($status) - die – causes immediate termination of               //comment
                 break;                                   the current script. If $status is a string it will be printed. If   constant
 ...}                                                     it is an integer it will be the exit status.
case comparisons are loose. Beware of switch blocks
that use mixed values in individual case. The block may
                                                                             Superglobals                        Using value == $var rather than $var == value. when
terminate prematurely because of a partial case match.    Superglobals are arrays containing variables from the doing comparisons against a value avoids bugs arising
                                                          web server (when applicable), the environment and user from typing = in place of ==.
                                                          input. They are always visible.
 #Code can be a function call. This is the PHP ternary
 conditional operator. It can be assigned to return, print         Variable                          Contents
 or echo, passed as a parameter in a function call etc. $GLOBALS                             All below in a one array
 Parentheses are not necessary but recommended.
                 Exception Handling                        $_SERVER                          Server information
                                                           $_GET                             HTTP GET variables
function inverse($a){
 if ($x == 0) throw new Exception('Zero divide');          $_POST                            HTTP POST variables
 return 1/$a;
 //not executed if exception is thrown}                    $_FILES                           HTTP file upload variables

function whenExcept($e){                                      $_SESSION                      Session variables
echo $e->getMessage().'<br>';}                                $_ENV                          Environment variables
set_exception_handler('whenExcept');                          $_COOKIE                       HTTP cookies
//default exception handler
try{                                                      There can be minor, server-dependent, variations in the
  echo inverse(5);                                        information returned in variables such as $GLOBALS,
  echo inverse(0);//triggers exception}                   $_SERVER etc. To check just what is available use the
catch (Exception $e) {                                    script below to dump these variables to your browser.
echo 'Error '.$e->getMessage().'<br>';}                    <?php
echo 'Hello world!';                                      function dumpThis($sg){
//executed since exception was caught                      foreach($sg as $key => $value){
throw new Exception('Oops');                                   echo $key.'='.$value.'<br>';
echo 'Moien!';//not executed                               }
?>                                                        }
function whileLoop($num){                                 dumpThis($_SERVER);
 while ($num > 0)                                         ?>
  $num--;}                                                                       Miscellanea
}                                                         Warning – thoughtless use of the features described
                                                          here could seriously damage your server installation.
function doLoop($num){
 do{                                                      The prepend operator, @, can be used with constants,
    echo($num).'<br>';                                    variables, function calls, eval and include to suppress
    $num--;                                               error messages.
 }while ($num > 0);                                       The backticks operator `returns the results of running a
}                                                         shell command. For instance, `ls` - dir on Windows –
 function forLoop($num){                                  would return a directory listing. This can be assigned to
 for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){                                 a variable or echoed to standard output. Typing 96 while
     echo $i.'<br>';                                      holding down the ALT key is a keyboard layout
 }                                                        independent way of entering the ` operator.
}                                                     eval($expr) evaluates the PHP code provided in the
 break causes immediate termination of the loop. Loop string $expr. The string must be valid PHP code –
 statements after continue are skipped and the next inclusive of terminating semicolons. Errors in $expr may
 execution of the loop is performed.                  cause the parser to die. Code in $expr forms part of the
                                                      parent script so variable assignments in $expr are
 function foreachLoopA(){                             retained.
 foreach($GLOBALS as $key => $value){
     echo $key.'='.$value.'<br>';
                                                                           PHP in HTML
 }                                                    The safest way to embed PHP code in HTML is to
}                                                     delimit it using the <?php...?> tag pair. Other syntax
                                                      exist but are not accepted by all web servers. The
 function foreachLoopB(){
                                                      resulting file should be saved with the extension .PHP.
 foreach($_SERVER as $value) echo $value.'<br>';


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  • 1. PHP Quick Reference Card1.02 string - single byte character sequence. See below. __DIR__ Path to current file Variables that have not been assigned a value or have been unset contain the special value NULL. A NULL __CLASS__ Current class name assignment to an object variable destroys the object. __METHOD__ Method name as class:methodname Explicit typecasts are rarely needed in PHP. If required Magic constants in included files are evaluated prior to use the code inclusion. Copyright©, 2008 BrandsPatch LLC $x = (#)$y; - where # is one of bool, float, int or string. Variable Management Operators Function Purpose Return Value Operator Example Result Color key on Page 4 empty Check if empty? boolean Code Structure + «-» 3+ 2 5 floatval Convert to float float <?php . 'Explain'.'That!' 'ExplainThat!' get_defined_vars List all variables array $site = 'ExplainThat'; / «*» 3/2 1.5 gettype Verify data type string1 % 7%4 3 function sayHello(){ intval Convert to int integer $s = 'Hello from '; = $i = 2 $i set to 2 is_#2 Verify data type boolean echo $s; $i = 2; serialize Stringify for storage string //single line comment += «-=» $i+=1; 3 } settype3 Set data type boolean s = 'Explain'; strval Convert to string string function sayHelloEx(){ .= s.='That!' 'ExplainThat!' unserialize Regenerate from boolean, $s = 'Hello from '; ==1 3=='3' true string integer etc global $site; 3==3 true 3==2 false unset4 Destroy the var - echo $s.$site; 1 array, boolean, integer, double, string or object /*Comment spanning ===2 3=='3' false 2 # is one of array, bool, float, int, null, object, scalar, string 3==3 true 3 second parameter is a string. See note 1 above two or more lines */ 3==2 false 4 behavior inside a function depends on nature of variable being unset } Arrays != or <> 'php'!='PHP' true 3!=3 false Arrays are used to store sequences of related values in sayHello(); a tabular format. PHP has 5 ways of defining an array !== 3!=='3' true print $site; ?> < «>» 2<3 true $lamp = array(); Reusing Code <= «>=» 2<=3 true $lamp[]='LINUX';$lamp[]='Apache'; The include, require, include_once and require_once $i = 2;$j = 5; $lamp[]='MySQL';$lamp[]='PHP'; keywords facilitate the reuse of PHP code. For instance include 'mycode.php'; & $i & $j 2 $lamp = array('L'=>'LINUX','A'=>'Apache', would cause the contents of mycode.php to be merged | $i | $j 7 'M'=>'MySQL','P'=>'PHP'); into the current file. Failure to find mycode.php results in $lamp = array('LINUX','Apache', a warning. require behaves similarly but throws a fatal ^ $i ^ $j 5 error. The #_once versions prevent function redefinition. 'MySQL','PHP'); ~ ~$i -3 Nomenclature Rules $lamp = array(); << «>>» $i << 1 4 $lamp[1]='LINUX';$lamp[2]='Apache'; All labels1 in PHP bear the form $name. name can consist of upper & lowercase letters a-z, extended ++ «--» $i++3 ;++$i4 3 $lamp[3]='MySQL';$lamp[4]='PHP';1 ASCII characters from 0x7F to 0xFF, the underscore character, _ and numbers. The first character cannot be $i = 2;$j = 5 a number. Names are case sensitive. $this is a $lamp = array(); predefined read only variable used to refer to the && ($i <= 2) && true ($j < 7) $lamp['L']='LINUX';$lamp['A']='Apache'; current object context. There are no limits on name length. Names are case sensitive. $lamp['M']='MySQL';$lamp['P']='PHP'; || ($i%2 > 0) || ($j false 1 Strings used to identify constants, functions, variables & Heredoc %2 == 0) PHP arrays can be associations – i.e. a unique key, (e.g. 'L' above) is associated with each value in the array. For Visibility & Scope ! ($i==2) && !($j true multiple dimensions use arrays within arrays. Variables in PHP generally have a single scope – i.e %2 == 0) Array Manipulation they are always visible. However, user defined functions 1 called loose comparison; 2 called strict comparison have their own local scoping context – i.e. do not have 3 evaluates after use 4 evaluates before use Function Description access to variables defined outside the function. A Constants array_change Guess! reference to $site in sayHello would merely create a define($name,$value,[$ci]) _key_case new empty local variable called $site. To access such variables do one of the following is used to define a constant named $name with the array_chunk($ Returns an array of arrays containing Use the global keyword as in sayHelloEx above. scalar value $value. Case insensitive if $ci = TRUE. arr,$size,[$f]) $size elements each from $arr. Use the $GLOBALS array - $GLOBALS['site'] constant references do not start with a $ TRUE for $f preserves keys. constants cannot be altered Data Types constants are globally accessible arra_fill_keys( Create an associative array using PHP supports four scalar data types References to undefined constants are treated as string $keys,$values) $keys, and $values,. boolean - takes the values TRUE & FALSE literals. PHP defines five magic constants whose value integer - decimal, hexadecimal or octal. e.g. 32, 0x20, depends on where they are used array_fill($star Create an array with $num elements 040. The constants PHP_INT_MAX and t,$num,$value) from index $start filled with $value Name Description PHP_INT_SIZE provide platform-dependent array_flip($arr Flip values and keys in $arr information. Integer overflow causes silent __LINE__ Current line number ) transformation of the variable into a float. float - Typically IEEE 64 bit with 14 decimal digits. __FILE__ Current file name with path array_key_exi Check for $key in $arr 1
  • 2. PHP Quick Reference Card1.02 sts($key,$arr) 1:0 [$options]) keys 'dirname', 'basename', 'extension' & 'filename'. array_reverse( Reverses element order. $f = TRUE Y 2008 $arr,[$f]) preserves keys. OR PATHINFO_# - # = y 08 uppercase keys above - into array_values( Returns all values in $arr in a $arr) numerically indexed array. Time options for more selective results. count($arr) Returns element count a am or pm dirname($fname) Counterpart of basename above ksort($arr) Sorts array using keys A AM or PM glob($pattern, Returns array of all filenames 1By default array indices start at 0. Here we force them to start at 1 g 1-12 [$flags]) matching $pattern. OR GLOB_# Date & Time flags for more selectivity G 0-23 Function Description # Flag Purpose h 01-12 getDate([$time]) Associative array with current MARK Add slash time or $time exploded into H 00-23 NOSORT As is list Key Value i (Minutes) 00-59 BRACE Expand {a,b,c} seconds 0-59 s(Seconds) 00-59 and match minutes 0-59 U UNIX Epoch ONLYDIR Only folders hours 0-23 Timezone ERR Stop on error mday 1(!)-31 e Europe/Paris wday 0(Sun)-6(Sat) is_#($name) is $name a folder or a file? P ∆ to GMT # = dir or file mon 1(!)-12 chdir($dname) Change current directory. FALSE year e.g 2008 time() UNIX Epoch time on failure. yday 0(!)-365 Escape Sequences closedir($dhandle) Closes directory opened earlier Sequence Meaning using opendir. weekday Sunday- Saturday n Linefeed, 0x0A getcwd() Get current directory month January- r Carriage Return, 0x0D mkdir($dname, Makes directory $dname. $mode December [$mode,$recurse]) defaults to 0777 – ignored on t Tab, 0x09 Windows. $recurse forces all 0 UNIX Epoch directories in $dname to be v Vertical tab, 0x0B created checkdate($month, Validates date for $year between f Form feed, 0x0C opendir($dname) Opens $dname and returns $day,$year) 1 & 32767 Backslash handle. date($format, Formats current time or $time $ Dollar sign readdir($dhandle) Reads next filename from open [$time]) using $format. directory. Format Char Example ” Double quote rewinddir($dhandl Guess! x00 - xFF Char in hexadecimal e) Day d 01-31 File System rmdir($dname) Attempts to delete $dname – Function Description subject to permissions. FALSE j 1-31 on failure basename($fname, Filename minus path – and D Mon [$suffix]) extension if $suffix is provided scandir($dname, Returns array of files in $dname. [$order]) Provide $order = 1 for l(l.c. L) Monday file_exists($fname) Does $fname exist? Works with descending name sort. files & folders N 1(Mon) disk_free_space($ Guess! filesize($fname) Guess? dname) S Suffixes st, nd etc. Use with j fileatime($fname) When was the file accessed? rename($old,$new) Guess! (UNIX time) w 0(Sun) fclose($fhandle) Close fopen'd file chmod($fname, Change access rights to file z 0-365 fopen($fname, Opens$fname. $mode can be $mode) $fname. $mode is an octal number in the format 0OGW $mode)1 Mode Meaning Week where O = Owner, G = User W Week of year group for Owner & W = the world, r1 Read i.e. everyone else. Individual r+1 Read/Write Month digits are made up by adding the F January desired rights as listed below w1,2,3 Write Value Right w+1,2,3 Read/ Write m 01-12 1 Execute a3,4 Write M Jan 2 Write a+3,4 Read/Write n 1-12 4 Read x1,3,5 Write t Days in month e.g. 0644 means read/write rights Year for owner & just read for others. x+1,3,5 Read/Write 1File pointer at BOF 2Truncate file to zero L (Leap Year)? pathinfo($fname, Returns associative array with length 3Create file if required 4File pointer 2
  • 3. PHP Quick Reference Card1.02 at EOF 5Fail if file already exists log($num,[$base]) $num to e or $base Single Quoted: e.g. 'ExplainThat'. Variables and Specify an additional b (binary), escape sequences other than ' and are not e.g. 'wb' for all write modes to pi() Approx value for π expanded. prevent CR/LF character Double Quoted: e.g. “OnenTwo”. Variable translation. Always specify b with pow($num,$base) $num$base references and escape sequences are expanded. all binary files, e.g. images. Heredoc: To define complex strings like double rad2deg($rad) Radians to degrees quoted strings but without using double quotes. e.g. file_get_contents( Reads contents of $fname into a rand([$min],$max) Random value 0/$min.. $max. $x = <<<PHP $fname)1 string. round($num,[$prec]) round(3.142) = 3 <pre> fread($fhandle, Read to EOF or $len bytes from round(3.142,0) = 3 For more information see $len) file opened for reading. fopen round(3.14159,1) = 3.2 the file with 'b' in the mode flag. round(12811,-2) = 12800 </pre> fruncate($fhandle, Truncates file open for writing. sqrt($num) Squareroot of $num or NaN $size) Adds null bytes if $size > filesize. PHP; 1# is cos, sin or tan. 2cos, sin or tan. Not on Windows 1.<<<IDENT must be followed by a newline character fwrite($fhandle, Writes $str to file opened for Output & Formatting 2.The actual string contents follow $str,[$len]) writing. Stops at $len if $str 3.The closing identifier must not be indented and length is greater. Function Note cannot have any following characters except ; echo $arg1[,$arg2...] Echo to standard output Nowdoc: The sinqle quoted string equivalent of file_put_contents( Combined fopen, fwrite & Heredoc. Similar syntax but with <<<'IDENT' (quotes!) $fname,$data, fclose. $fname can be a string or print $arg Output a string [$flags]) an array. $fname is created or Strings can be treated as zero based arrays to access overwritten. OR the following for print_r($arg) $arg in human readable individual characters, e.g. $Name[0]. $flags format. Handles objects too. String Manipulation Value Meaning Very useful with arrays. Function Description FILE_APPEND Append to file, printf($fmt,$arg1[, Prints args using format $arg2...])1 information in $fmt . (not +!) String Concatenation not overwrite. Format Output strlen($str) String length LOCK_EX Lock prior to write %b Integer as binary strpos($str,$find, First $find in $str optionally [$off]) starting at $off %c ASCII char fseek($fhandle, Sets file pointer to $offset bytes %d Integer strrpos($str,$find, Ditto but reports last $find $offset,[$whence]) from $whence which is one of [$off]) Value Meaning %e “E” notation with stripos & strripos Case insensitive versions p (see below) SEEK_SET1 BOF digits strtolower & Guess! strtoupper SEEK_CUR Current pos %f Floating point chr($ascii) Char at $ascii SEEK_END EOF %s String ord($str[index]) Ordinal value 1Default %x Hexadecimal l.c. explode($delim,$str, Returns array of substrings of ftell($fhandle) File pointer position %X Hexadecimal u.c. [$lim] ) $str delimited by $delim, rewind($fhandle) File pointer to BOF. Useless in a/ optionally with $lim elements. %% Literal % a+ modes implode($glue, Concats $pieces array using fflush($fhandle) Commits buffered writes $pieces) $glue. Each % argument can have a number of optional Alias join 1 $fname can be a URL. specifiers. In order they are Math Functions %+ : Sign specifier. Outputs + or -. Default is no + ltrim($str,[$clist]) Strip chars in $clist from left of sign Similarly rtrim($str, $str. Strips spaces by default. Function Description %0, % or %'c: padding specifier. [$clist]) and trim. abs($num) Absolute value of $num Uses 0, space or the character c for strip_tags($str, Discard HTML & PHP tags. a#($arg)1 Inverse trig functions. $arg in rad. padding [$retain]) Retain tags in $retain. %-:alignment specifier. Causes left justification. substr($str,$start, Returns substring, optionally a#h($arg)2 Inverse hyperbolic functions Default is right justification. [$len]) $len long starting at $start. -ve base_convert($num, Convert bases. $to & $from in %w:Width specifier. Output has a minimum of $start for substring from end of $from,$to) the range 2..36. Letters a..z w characters. $str. -ve $len to omit chars used for $from/$to > 10. %.p:Precision specifier. Decimal digits for floats and from end of substring. number of characters for strings. ceil($num) Rounds up $num to integer. Everything else in $fmt gets treated as literal text. substr_count($str, Occurrences of $sub in $str. Examples $sub,[$start,$len]) Optionally starting at $start dechex($num) $num in hexadecimal and within $len of $start. deg2rad($deg) Degrees to radians Format Output str_replace($search, Replaces $search in $str with exp($num) e$num printf('%d',23) 23 $rep,$str,[$count]) $rep. Reports replacements in $count. floor($num) $num rounded down to integer printf('%03d',23) 023 ucwords($str) All words in $str to uppercase. fmod($x,$y) Floating point remainder of $x/ printf('%.3f',3.141596) 3.142 $y Conditional Execution printf('%.3s','PHP Script') PHP if (ConditionA) ifStmt;[elseif(ConditionB) elseifStmt; hexdec($str) Decimal equivalent of printf('%s%3d','Route',66) Route 66 ][else elseStmt; ] hexadecimal $str. Invalid 1sprintf is similar but returns a string Multiline #Stmt code must be placed in braces, {}. The chars in $str are ignored. Strings ; terminating each statement is obligatory – even if the log10($num) Guess! next character is a closing brace, }. PHP strings are sequences of single byte characters. They can be defined in four different ways 3
  • 4. PHP Quick Reference Card1.02 switch ($var){ } To call a PHP script via SSI use case Value1:Code; foreach offers a neat way of iterating over an array. <!--#include virtual="/path/scriptname.php"--> break; User Functions If the same script is called from includes in different [case Value2:Code; function calcArea($x,$y,$isRect = true){ HTML files you can access the identity of the parent return ($isRect)?$x*$y:0.5*$x*$y; HTML file using $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']. break; //assume triangle if $isRect is false Notes ...] } Color Key [default:Code;] Scalar function arguments can be given a default value } – e.g. $isRect = true as above. Parameters are passed while – PHP keyword $var can be a boolean, an integer or a string. by value. To pass them by reference precede the funcName – user function Note the break after each case statement. parameter name in the function declaration with an echo – language construct If default is not the last option provide a break. ampersand, e.g. &$y. $var – variable 'string' To execute the same action(s) for a range of cases return causes immediate termination of the PHP 3.142 – number switch ($var){ function. If no value is returned, or if return is missing true – case insensitive case Value1: the function return type is NULL «x» - similarly x case Value2: [option] case Value3:Code; exit($status) - die – causes immediate termination of //comment break; the current script. If $status is a string it will be printed. If constant ...} it is an integer it will be the exit status. case comparisons are loose. Beware of switch blocks that use mixed values in individual case. The block may Superglobals Using value == $var rather than $var == value. when terminate prematurely because of a partial case match. Superglobals are arrays containing variables from the doing comparisons against a value avoids bugs arising web server (when applicable), the environment and user from typing = in place of ==. (condition)?trueCode:falseCode; input. They are always visible. #Code can be a function call. This is the PHP ternary conditional operator. It can be assigned to return, print Variable Contents or echo, passed as a parameter in a function call etc. $GLOBALS All below in a one array Parentheses are not necessary but recommended. Exception Handling $_SERVER Server information <?php $_GET HTTP GET variables function inverse($a){ if ($x == 0) throw new Exception('Zero divide'); $_POST HTTP POST variables return 1/$a; //not executed if exception is thrown} $_FILES HTTP file upload variables function whenExcept($e){ $_SESSION Session variables echo $e->getMessage().'<br>';} $_ENV Environment variables set_exception_handler('whenExcept'); $_COOKIE HTTP cookies //default exception handler try{ There can be minor, server-dependent, variations in the echo inverse(5); information returned in variables such as $GLOBALS, echo inverse(0);//triggers exception} $_SERVER etc. To check just what is available use the catch (Exception $e) { script below to dump these variables to your browser. echo 'Error '.$e->getMessage().'<br>';} <?php echo 'Hello world!'; function dumpThis($sg){ //executed since exception was caught foreach($sg as $key => $value){ throw new Exception('Oops'); echo $key.'='.$value.'<br>'; echo 'Moien!';//not executed } ?> } Looping function whileLoop($num){ dumpThis($_SERVER); while ($num > 0) ?> {echo($num).'<br>'; $num--;} Miscellanea } Warning – thoughtless use of the features described here could seriously damage your server installation. function doLoop($num){ do{ The prepend operator, @, can be used with constants, echo($num).'<br>'; variables, function calls, eval and include to suppress $num--; error messages. }while ($num > 0); The backticks operator `returns the results of running a } shell command. For instance, `ls` - dir on Windows – function forLoop($num){ would return a directory listing. This can be assigned to for ($i=0;$i<$num;$i++){ a variable or echoed to standard output. Typing 96 while echo $i.'<br>'; holding down the ALT key is a keyboard layout } independent way of entering the ` operator. } eval($expr) evaluates the PHP code provided in the break causes immediate termination of the loop. Loop string $expr. The string must be valid PHP code – statements after continue are skipped and the next inclusive of terminating semicolons. Errors in $expr may execution of the loop is performed. cause the parser to die. Code in $expr forms part of the parent script so variable assignments in $expr are function foreachLoopA(){ retained. foreach($GLOBALS as $key => $value){ echo $key.'='.$value.'<br>'; PHP in HTML } The safest way to embed PHP code in HTML is to } delimit it using the <?php...?> tag pair. Other syntax exist but are not accepted by all web servers. The function foreachLoopB(){ resulting file should be saved with the extension .PHP. foreach($_SERVER as $value) echo $value.'<br>'; 4