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Photography Research Papers
Photography Photography is all around us, yet many people seem to think of photography as just a hobby. While that may be true for some
people, many people have found a way to use photography as their main job. National Geographic photographers are an excellent example of
photographers making a difference as well as being successful. They have photographers that travel all over the world and can be paid thousands
for just one photo. The photos that are taken are capable of changing perspectives and making a change. Some of the most successful photographs
are the ones that can make a difference. Photos deliver a new perspective on history, like the Lunch Atop a Skyscraper photo. It is an iconic photo
taken during the construction of the 30 Rockefeller Building. It shows the perspective of the men working on the tower, and how desensitized they
were to the height. There is also another photo, taken in Iwo Jima during a time of triumph for America. It provides a new perspective depicting the
soldiers during WWII. Finally, this photo, called Earthrise for obvious reasons. It was taken in 1968, the first picture taken from space of earth. It
offered a completely new perspective of earth for people on Earth to think about. Photography is an excellent way to show a new perspective on
everyday more content...
There are many famous photographers and each one of them has their own style. They use their photos to make a difference, like Lewis W. Hine.
He used photography to help bring an end child labor. Lewis Hine was hired by the National Child Labor Committee "to travel around the country
photographing child workers in factories, mills, mines, and canneries" (Davis par. 6). The photos he took of the children helped to bring attention to
the awful conditions they were forced to work in. His photos eventually helped bring an end to child labor. Another great example of a photographer
making a change would be Ansel Adams. "Adams was an unremitting activist for the cause of wilderness and the environment" (Turnage par.16). He
used his photography to enlighten people and help save the environment. Adams is one of the most famous photographers to ever live, and his photos
are amazing. Famous photographers all over the world have the power to use their photos to change the
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Topics For Photography Research Paper
Nowadays, there are an infinite number of careers to pursue. Many people do not consider photography a challenging job, but there are many skills
and knowledge to acquire before taking the perfect picture. Satisfying the customers and bosses is always the first priority. Photography is a
competitive yet exciting career path to follow, it offers multiple different options, a reasonable salary with a easy education, and interactions with many
different people.
An amazing aspect of photography is the different choices in the industry, and once in a lifetime opportunities. There is a wide variety of types of
photography. Photos are everywhere, which is why photographers are needed for everything. Some many different kinds of photography to choose more content...
Photography is a way to express yourself. It is truly rewarding and enjoyable. Getting that perfect, mind–blowing shot is an amazing feeling. It is also a
way to make others happy, and capturing their moments to make it even more special. Photography might not seem like it takes hard work and
dedication, but it takes of hours of hard work and studies to learn how to get that perfect shot at the right time. It is a true form of art. Photography is
a competitive yet exciting career path to follow, it offers multiple different options, a reasonable salary with a easy education, and interactions with
many different people. It is a way to capture things to enjoy. There are endless types of photography for any interest. With lots of hard work, becoming
a successful photographer can be an amazing career to
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Progression Of Photography Essay
Click, click, click, BOOM as the camera fell into the ground. I start to wonder what it was like back in the old ages as television steamed from
photography. Since the beginning of time, pictures have always been a way to tell stories. When people want to get a better idea of a story being
told, they either have to look at a photograph or create one in their head to fully understand what is going on. For this paper I will explore the
progression of photography as it relates to television and radio to prepare me a reporter and freelance photography.
Photography is a word originated from the Greek words photos ("light") and graphein ("to draw") it was first used by scientist Sir John F.W. Herschel
in 1839. Photography is a process of more content...
It is also use as a way to tell stories whether it uses by itself or as stills photos in videos. Photography allows people to be creative with whatever story
they are trying to tell. Stills photos are photos that help portray of lifeless subject. Stills photos can be landscape or self–portrait that allows the
photographer to have more gives the photographer more flexibility with the photos.
In television stills photos are shoot for all the important publicity photos for marketing the show. According to Angus Young there are three stages for
stills photos in the television world and they are Episodic, Press shot, and Behind the Scenes.
Episodic are images that relates to a particular episode. These photos will convey an interesting angle on an individual episode or story thread.
Episodic images are often used online and in print along side TV guides or on the TV show or Broadcaster's web sites. (Young 2011)
Press Shots are the images that will be used for posters, web sites and advertising of the whole show or series. Often they're rather simple and can be
shot separate to the filming of the show on a "specials shoot" which is a dedicated publicity shoot with the key cast of the show. (Young
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In times, we often see things, but we don't really capture what is beyond it. In some cases, there are people who are artistic and are prone to see what
other's cannot visualize. Every individual has a talent which can be expressed and processed differently. Something you see can mean entirely
divergent things to someone else;for example, some may see thing's that may seem simple, but in the eyes of an artist, it can be perceived with a whole
new definition, dimension, and a potentially new discovery. As a photographer, my view of theworld, can be skewed towards looking at everyday
objects as potential art, but it wasn't always like that.
To begin with, photography appeared to me as something entertaining a simple step in more content...
Each week I would strive to get the best comment of criticism and the best photo of the week. Everyday we were intellectually taught about the
different principles of photography; for me it wasn't a hassle to learn it; it was more of an excitement a new adventure.
As I became increasingly fascinated with photography, a burning passion became to increase inside of me. The need to take photographs was
captivating; not only was it for a grade, but an escape I used to drown my feelings. Photography was now becoming a way of expressing myself.
Excitement rushed through my veins as the teacher would announce my name for the best photo of the week; an unforgettable feeling that would
fulfill my ambition and made me feel virtuoso. After the end of the first semester, I began to feel as if a transformation begun inside of me. A
transformation that began as a passion and turned into an obsession. Everywhere I saw I could see all the plain and ordinary things or objects of
everyday life, but suddenly they became a whole new world; a spellbinding sensation that would make me fathom the double meaning of life. For
example, hands are not much of importance to a person with no artistic view, but a photographer may view hands as aging, a sign of unity, caring,
loving, or cry for help.
Determination is the key to fame or an accomplished goal. As stated, winning photo of the week was an enormous accomplishment for me being
allowed to have
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Definition Essay: What Is Photography?
The definition of photography means the process or art of producing images of objects on sensitized surfaces. To me, photography means to capture the
moments that are especially special to you and your feelings. So basically pictures containing feelings and memories.
I first discovered photography when my mother brought a professional camera, the Canon EOS Rebel SL1. The original purpose of the purchase was to
take pictures of the adventures that my family do together and take pictures of our troop, our scout mates. When I first grab the camera, I started to take
pictures. Furnitures, trees, flowers, and basically everything around the house. I noticed of the little details the camera captured while I was revisiting
the pictures i've taken
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Social Media And Photography Essay
How social media and photography impact each other.
Can social media impact the way photographers work?doe sit impact the way we view photographs. Can photographer grow in social media and
improve their create? Around the world, people post an average of 1.8 billion images every day which means there are 657 billions of images post
every single year. Photography is social media has changed the way everything is done and handled. social media has created a place for
distribution and networking. It has helped create thousands of photographs and photographers. social media has changed the way we view
photographs and how impactful they are. With social media, it is harder to find a difference between photographers and people doing it for fun. It
creates millions of people taking pictures because everyone has access to a camera. There is one photograph, in particular, that has a great impact
on many people and it's by Steven McCurray "The Afghan Girl, Pakistan". This is a great example of a photograph posted on social media that has
had an impact on many people and has brought awareness to the story behind the image. The involvement of social media is photography can either
be negative or positive. For the older generation of photographers, it is harder for them because they have to learn a new way of networking and
distributes their photographs. Whereas the new generation has it easier because they know how to use this platform to her advantage. It's easier for
them to
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Photography Essay : My Passion For Photography
My passion for photography began in High School, from the moment I walked into Photography 1, I was in love. I seemed to have a good eye when
it came to landscape and animal photography, after hours of taking photos I would then spend hours in the dark room developing. For me, photography
has been no more than just a hobby. I admire all professional photographers, especially those who specialize in newborn photography, because I envy
them. I found Jessica Kennedy, of Jessica Rachel Photography, on Facebook. Her style and ability to take beautiful photographs captured my eye
instantly. I did, what most people do, and followed her. I am always amazed when her pictures display on my newsfeed, especially the newborns, I just
can't help but look. Kennedy's loved for photography started with an obsession with her taking pictures of her children and turned to photography as a
hobby. Then with a gifted DSLR (Digital Single–Lens Reflex) camera she started researching classes in her area. She states "from there is snowballed",
taking any opportunity that came along to gain hands on experience. She started her business in 2011, and then in 2016 her LLC (Limited Liability
Company) business began. She started by advertising through Facebook and 'word of mouth'. She feels social media is the easiest way to connect
with clients, without the burden of cost. Kennedy also partners with her local OBGYN clinic and Stork Vision ( a pregnancy ultrasound office), by
displaying her work for free
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Essay on The History of Photography
The History of Photography The name "Photography" comes from the Greek words for light and writing. Sir John Herschel, was the first to use the
term photography in 1839, when he managed to fix images using hyposulphite of soda. He described photography as "The application of the chemical
rays to the purpose of pictorial representation". Herschel also coined the terms "negative", "positive" and "snapshot". But a man called de la Roche
(1729 – 1774), wrote Giphantie and in this imaginary tale, it was possible to capture images from nature, on a canvas which had been coated with a
sticky substance and this would produce a mirror image on the sticky canvas, that fixed after it had been dried in the dark. There are two
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The earliest record of the uses of a camera obscura can be found in the writings and drawings of Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). At about the same
period Daniel Barbaro, a Venetian, recommended the camera as an aid to drawing. He wrote: "Close all shutters and doors until no light enters the
camera except through the lens, and opposite hold a piece of paper, which you move forward and backward until the scene appears in the sharpest
detail. There on the paper you will see the whole view as it really is, with its distances, its colours and shadows and motion, the clouds, the water
twinkling, the birds flying. By holding the paper steady you can trace the whole perspective with a pen, shade it and delicately colour it from nature."
In the mid sixteenth century Giovanni Battista della Porta (1538–1615) made a huge "camera" in which he seated his guests, having arranged a group
of actors to perform outside so that the visitors could watch the images on the wall. But the sight of upside down performing images was too much
for the visitors and they panicked and fled, and Battista was brought to court on a charge of sorcery! It is likely that many artists will have used a
camera obscura to aid them in drawing, but because of the stories of the occult, or because they felt it was "cheating" in some way not many people
would admit to using one. In 1764, the lens was being developed. The name lens comes from
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Is Photography An Art Essay
'What is photography?' may sound like an easy question to answer but if we try to answer this question, the potential replies may fill a complete
photography book. The fact is that photography means different things to different people. Photography is such a part of our lives now that it would be
beyond our understanding to think of a world without it. We probably couldn't think of going on holiday or on a wedding, watching the children grow
up without the camera. We are bombarded and flooded by images constantly, by newspapers, magazines, advertisements, as well as the television and
internet, yet we have a desire for more. A photograph conveys, in a way no words can, a sense of the mystery and beauty of life, nature, and the more content...
Both these controls have a farther influence on visual results. Shutter time alters the way movement is recorded, blurred or frozen; lens aperture alters
the depth of subject that is shown in focus at one time (depth of field). We need a viewfinder, focusing screen or electronic viewing screen for aiming
the camera and composing.
Is photography an Art?
So often it is debated "Is photography an Art?" Some say, taking a photograph of something does not create art– it merely captures something that
already exists. Whether we realize it or not, when we look at a photograph, we are looking at a real scene, but simultaneously we are also looking
and experiencing at how the photographer chose to compose it in order to make a piece of art. Every photograph, if we look at in third eye, it tells us
a story. To create a photograph, it is not enough just to take an image of something. But it is very important that every picture should narrate something
to its viewers.
Sometimes an object which would have never caught anyone's eye in the real world can be photographed in such a way that it makes a statement and
becomes an art. This is where the photographer's skill comes into play, and this is where photography crosses the line into
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History of Photography Essay
The History of, and Impact of, Photography on our World
Photography is a process frequently used in areas of media, art, and science as well as practical everyday use. It is used to inform society of different
issues, used to document a wide range of things and is used to capture everyday memories for the years to come. It is used everywhere in today's
society and through technology has advanced tremendously since its beginnings.
The earliest cameras were simple devices that did not capture an image but merely projected an image onto a surface. It was basically a large pinhole
camera in the form of a darkened room or booth. These were used by artists as early as the 16th century. These were known as Camera Obscuras. They more content...
It has even branched out into the digital realm allowing endless possibilities to the world of photography.
Photography revolutionized the world in ways we can't even imagine. Imagery is such an important part of our everyday lives and photography
has created a convenient way to convey an image. Before photography came about the only way of having a permanent image of a person was to
have a portrait painted. The only way of creating an image to show the scenery and landscape of a certain era was to have it painted or drawn.
Nowadays we can take a snapshot and years later people can see the world as it was today. Photo's have changed the world of journalism, creating a
way for people to actually see what is going on, rather then just hearing about it.
Today we use photography frequently in our everyday lives and we are constantly surrounded by images that would not have been possible without
photography. It's considered a hobby for some, a business for others. Photography is a huge money making industry, from people taking pictures to
sell to magazines to portrait photographers taking happy snaps of families at their best. Photography is used as a form of identification, showing us
exactly how we are and proving we are who we say. It is used to sell products and advertise almost anything you can think of. It's also used as a
journalistic tool, to send a message to the world and inform others. It can
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Photography : Reflections Of The Past Essay
Photography: Reflections of the Past
Photography has taken over the modern world. On every screen, on every wall, on every building is most likely a picture that has been taken and
processed. Photography has been around since the 1800's and has opened an immense world with endless possibilities. Photography was the gateway to
videography which has become a vast part of many cultures. Not only does photography have a history of its own, it is also a visual record of
history. It has recorded many of the world 's greatest milestones and several personal ones as well. Photography allows people to look back at a
moment and reflect. Photography is the art of taking and processing photographs, which ultimately allows people to look back and reflect on a moment.
The idea of displaying an image and capturing it dates back almost 2000 years ago; it was known to the Chinese and the Greeks. The camera obscura
was an empty box with a hole on one end where objects outside of the hole were displayed on the other wall. Artist could then trace the objects thereby
preserving the image. Although it is not fully mechanical and the image is only as good as the artist, it laid the foundation for many other cameras to
come. ("History of Photography")
The Daguerreotype was one of the first reasonable cameras. It was invented by Louis–Jacques–Mande Daguerre. Daguerre was a French romantic
painter and printmaker. His partner Nicephore Niepce was also a painter and was in search of a way to capture an
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Reflection Paper On Photography
As a photography major, it was never clear to me on why I had to take a drawing class. I dreaded each class because of the known fact that I didn't
possess the skills to be a good drawer. When speaking to friends and family, I would always complain to them saying, "I'm going to fail this class. I
have no idea why I have to take these drawing classes." As the quarter went on and the more I learned about the different drawing techniques such as
the use of lighting to create interesting shadows or the use of color to create a sense mood and emotion, I began to realize the parallels that drawing and
photography have.
It's very important to train your eyes as a photographer because you gain new perspective of your surroundings and you begin to pay more attention to
little details. Drawing has helped train my eye to pay attention to details such as lines, shadows, light, proportion, texture, and color. When working
on each drawing project such as the still lifes, portraits, and landscapes, I would notice my eye rapidly going back and forth from the subject to the
paper trying to focus on all the details, whether it be the reflection of light on a cup or vase, the shadows on the busts, or the vibrant colors in the
landscape drawing. I would do my best to try and accurately transfer what was in front of me onto the paper. In order to get the best shot in
photography, photographers have to pay attention to these details to make their photos more interesting to look at. Without
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Thesis Statement About Photography
The purpose of my study is to give people a chance to understand what is the meaning of photography and how it was invented, plus how people was
able to take photographs before the camera was invented.
The significance of my study is that nowadays, a lot of people or its better to say most of people thinks that they know everything about photography
and they think that they are an experts and a professional photographers once they hold the camera or actually once they hold a digital cameras (since
a lot of them think that the digital cameras are more easy), but actually they do not even know what photography is. In fact, I see this situation is a
big problem because I believe that to be a real or an expert photographer, the more content...
As I mentioned before that all the references and bibliographies have the same information about how photography was before it got invented and
about how did photography started and how it got developed from year to year and from century to century. From that time until today Photography
has developed too much and I believe it will keep on developing from day to day and from year to year. Photography became so much easier than
before, there is a huge difference between cameras these days and cameras from that time, and only god knows what they will invent and how it will
be developed more in the coming
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Photography Application Essay
Staring through a camera lens at age seven I knew that I loved capturing memories. As a child, my family went on many trips. My mom would
often be missing from the pictures because no one else but her took them. She was absent in many of our wonderful scrapbooks. Soon I started to
volunteer to take the pictures. My mom began to notice my eye to capture the perfect photo. Our scrapbooks began to fill up with fun photos of my
parents and everything around us. My parents realized my passion for photography and immediately supported it. I started off with a small camera.
Then, one special Christmas my dad surprised me with a brand new Canon T5i! I was so excited and immediately signed up for a college photography
class to learn the basics of more content...
Photography has taught me about creativity and a meaningful way to express myself. Through this journey, I have created a small business taking
pictures of fellow High School Seniors and families. My experience with photography has shown me that a close bond can be created with people by
helping them look their best in personal photos. There is something special that connects both the photographer and the model. Both are expressing
with different forms of art. These next couple months are the high points for Seniors having a chance to get photos taken; and I am still as eager as the
seven year old me wanting to capture their
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The Power of Photography Essay
Have you ever taken a picture or been looking through a photo album and felt a sudden rush of emotion? Do you wonder what caused that emotion?
Many find themselves captivated by a photograph and overwhelmed by the emotions that the photograph arouses. Believe it or not the arousal of
emotion from those photographs was not caused by the content of the picture but by certain elements within the photograph. When a photograph is
viewed it is not only the subject that triggers the overwhelming emotional response, it is the length of time that the film was exposed to sunlight, the
way lighting is used and played with, and the strong detail of colors or lack thereof. While many believe that the subject acts as the primary stimuli to
emotions, more content...
Lastly, a huge component to a photograph that aids in arousing emotion is color, bringing out different emotions whether color is present or not.
When talking about emotion it seems a fairly simple topic and immediately "feeling" words come to mind; sad, happy, and confused. These are basic
emotions and easy to understand. What isn't so simple about emotions is their process and how they form and work. Emotions are reactions to
sensory information like sight, smell, taste, touch and sound (Tracing Emotion's Pathways 94). However, it is not that simple; an emotional reaction
or response is made aware of and understood by a part of the brain called the sensory cortex. These emotional responses or reactions to sensory stimuli
are processed by a part of the brain called the amygdala (What's An Emotion). The amygdala is a huge asset to the cognitive factors of emotions
because in processing emotions you become able to understand, recognize, and control them. So then how do emotions evoke a physiological reaction
such as tearing up when one feels sad, laughing with joy, and trembling with fear? These physiological reactions that one may experience come from
the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is, "a collection of fibers that extend throughout
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Photography: Time And Progression
Photographs are linked with time as a medium as different forms can represent time and progression. De Duve (1978) assert that still images or
photos can be used to represent the passing of time presenting a physical record of a short–lived moment that is significant to the viewer. Within this
context, De Duve state that photographs represents a frozen cross–section of time; an instance that is considered significant or memorable enough to be
recorded and allows viewers to relate to the image and connect it with their own reality. On the other hand, moving images uses active motion to
demonstrate time and progression, relying on using a sequence of images to help communicate the desired message brought about by this progression.
Films and cinema
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One of the universal languages of the world may be a one that would not normally come to mind, and that is photography. People all over the world
can understand it, whether they speak English or something else. Since the beginning, man has striven to leave his mark on the world, be it caves
drawings, sketches, or paintings. The art of photography has evolved in many ways, such as the different materials that were used, the ways to develop
a picture, a camera's size and portability, and how the camera has advanced in its technology and physical features. Photography also has a huge effect
on the world both globally and individually.
It was during the time of Aristotle that an invention called the camera obscura came about. It could more content...
Another Frenchman by the name of Louis Jacques MandГ© Daguerre caught wind of NiГ©pce's accomplishment, and after writing NiГ©pce a
letter that suggested an exchange of information, Daguerre and NiГ©pce became partners by 1829. Daguerre was soon on his own, though, for
his partner died in 1833. Daguerre moved on develop the notion of the modern day dark room, a room used to Daguerre perfected a new process of
making an image permanent, and made it known to the world as the daguerreotype. The daguerreotype immediately became famous. It used a
"highly polished surface of silver that was plated on a copper sheet." The process reduced the exposure time from a rather lengthy time of eight
hours. The image that was produced was extremely detailed and exciting to look at, but despite its popularity, the daguerreotype was in fact a
technological dead end, as there was no way for the photographs to be duplicated from a single negative.
In June of 1840, an English scientist named William Henry Fox Talbot announced a technique that used highly light–sensitive paper. First, after
exposure, the paper would appear completely blank. To make the image visible, silver iodide had to be used. Talbot dubbed his invention a collotype,
which, when translated, means "beautiful impression". By placing the fully developed paper negative against another sheet of sensitized paper, and
then exposing them both to light (this
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Visual Analysis Essay On Photography
The Brown sisters might gather occasionally together throughout a year, but there is one day out of every year where they have a photograph of
them taken to capture their sisterhood. In the beginning of the series of photographs the sisters have a serious case of resting b*tch face. From 1975
to 1979, the sisters all have a hardened expression, and even after that there are occasional smirks, but the same look remains. Each photograph shows
the sisters aging, and while they age their appearance becomes softer. This could be because of the experiences they have such as pregnancy and
motherhood, or other events that could affect their life, and result in them aging softly. Because one can see the sisters age throughout the course of
these photographs, more content...
Clearly, she is not so young anymore, so this may or may not be her first child, but each of her sisters are happy for her, because you can see it in
their expression. This is the first photograph where all of the sisters are smiling, and appear affectionate. The one sister on the left has her hand on the
pregnant sister's belly, and the sister on the right is gazing at her, so her happiness is towards her sister's expectancy. Each sister is open and
welcoming of a new member, and their softened demeanor is because of this pregnancy. One might think that motherhood ages a woman terribly,
because of the stress a child can cause, and one can see that after the 1992 photograph. Yet nothing is greater than thelove that a mother has for her
child, and the bond that she has to it, and because she has this love it softens her. While they may transition into shriveled old woman, they retain the
same mysterious appearance, but with a sense of happiness, because they may be content or proud of what they have done or accomplished in their
lifetime. Each year a new photograph is taken, and every year has a different story to it that only the ones in the photograph and the photographer
know. This is what leaves each photograph a mystery, and left to be analyzed by anyone who stumbles upon them. But throughout time it is simple to
notice how the sisters have matured, and developed into gentle old ladies who seem dignified with their
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Essay about Photography
The Test of Time: The Power of the Photograph
What is a photograph? The simplicity of taking a photograph leads many to ponder its artistic value. Yet, it is undeniable that there are some photos
that cause an emotional reaction deeper than simply observing a recorded point in time. Surely, there are photographs that cause more reaction than
some modern art pieces. There seems to be two types of photographs. The first classification is the 'time capture' photo – an image with the sole
purpose of recording a particular event or point in time. The second nature of a photo carries a 'deeper meaning,' which has the ability to change the
observer's mood and cause a reaction. But what distinguishes these two varieties? There are more content...
There is clearly an artistic value to this image – it is taken at the location of a massacre of over 200 members of the Great Sioux Nation. However, did
Elliot Erwitt intend a 'deeper meaning' for this photograph? In an interview recorded on his official website, Erwitt declares, "If it turns out to be
entertaining what I do, I'm very pleased. But it's not conscious." It seems that Erwitt claims to not possess artistic intent in his photographs.
However, it is clear that he simply boasts an unconscious artistic eye. It is obvious that the photograph of this church on hallowed ground falls in
the 'deeper meaning' category. The second Elliot Erwitt photo is taken from his official webpage. It too is captured in black and white. The photo,
shown in Figure 2 was taken in France and depicts a man and child riding a bicycle down a road lined with trees. This seems to be a 'time capture'
photo; this particular event can never be perfectly replicated again. Despite the category in which this photo clearly falls into, it is undoubtedly still art
– the setting is too perfect to be unintentional. However, according to Erwitt in his interview, unintentional is exactly the correct word. Erwitt states, "I
take pictures of anything that interests me as I walk around with my camera." This means that many of his photos are taken on a whim; the right place
at the right time. In this case it is the viewer who makes the distinction between
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Photography Research Papers

  • 1. Photography Research Papers Photography Photography is all around us, yet many people seem to think of photography as just a hobby. While that may be true for some people, many people have found a way to use photography as their main job. National Geographic photographers are an excellent example of photographers making a difference as well as being successful. They have photographers that travel all over the world and can be paid thousands for just one photo. The photos that are taken are capable of changing perspectives and making a change. Some of the most successful photographs are the ones that can make a difference. Photos deliver a new perspective on history, like the Lunch Atop a Skyscraper photo. It is an iconic photo taken during the construction of the 30 Rockefeller Building. It shows the perspective of the men working on the tower, and how desensitized they were to the height. There is also another photo, taken in Iwo Jima during a time of triumph for America. It provides a new perspective depicting the soldiers during WWII. Finally, this photo, called Earthrise for obvious reasons. It was taken in 1968, the first picture taken from space of earth. It offered a completely new perspective of earth for people on Earth to think about. Photography is an excellent way to show a new perspective on everyday more content... There are many famous photographers and each one of them has their own style. They use their photos to make a difference, like Lewis W. Hine. He used photography to help bring an end child labor. Lewis Hine was hired by the National Child Labor Committee "to travel around the country photographing child workers in factories, mills, mines, and canneries" (Davis par. 6). The photos he took of the children helped to bring attention to the awful conditions they were forced to work in. His photos eventually helped bring an end to child labor. Another great example of a photographer making a change would be Ansel Adams. "Adams was an unremitting activist for the cause of wilderness and the environment" (Turnage par.16). He used his photography to enlighten people and help save the environment. Adams is one of the most famous photographers to ever live, and his photos are amazing. Famous photographers all over the world have the power to use their photos to change the Get more content on
  • 2. Topics For Photography Research Paper Nowadays, there are an infinite number of careers to pursue. Many people do not consider photography a challenging job, but there are many skills and knowledge to acquire before taking the perfect picture. Satisfying the customers and bosses is always the first priority. Photography is a competitive yet exciting career path to follow, it offers multiple different options, a reasonable salary with a easy education, and interactions with many different people. An amazing aspect of photography is the different choices in the industry, and once in a lifetime opportunities. There is a wide variety of types of photography. Photos are everywhere, which is why photographers are needed for everything. Some many different kinds of photography to choose more content... Photography is a way to express yourself. It is truly rewarding and enjoyable. Getting that perfect, mind–blowing shot is an amazing feeling. It is also a way to make others happy, and capturing their moments to make it even more special. Photography might not seem like it takes hard work and dedication, but it takes of hours of hard work and studies to learn how to get that perfect shot at the right time. It is a true form of art. Photography is a competitive yet exciting career path to follow, it offers multiple different options, a reasonable salary with a easy education, and interactions with many different people. It is a way to capture things to enjoy. There are endless types of photography for any interest. With lots of hard work, becoming a successful photographer can be an amazing career to Get more content on
  • 3. Progression Of Photography Essay Click, click, click, BOOM as the camera fell into the ground. I start to wonder what it was like back in the old ages as television steamed from photography. Since the beginning of time, pictures have always been a way to tell stories. When people want to get a better idea of a story being told, they either have to look at a photograph or create one in their head to fully understand what is going on. For this paper I will explore the progression of photography as it relates to television and radio to prepare me a reporter and freelance photography. Photography is a word originated from the Greek words photos ("light") and graphein ("to draw") it was first used by scientist Sir John F.W. Herschel in 1839. Photography is a process of more content... It is also use as a way to tell stories whether it uses by itself or as stills photos in videos. Photography allows people to be creative with whatever story they are trying to tell. Stills photos are photos that help portray of lifeless subject. Stills photos can be landscape or self–portrait that allows the photographer to have more gives the photographer more flexibility with the photos. In television stills photos are shoot for all the important publicity photos for marketing the show. According to Angus Young there are three stages for stills photos in the television world and they are Episodic, Press shot, and Behind the Scenes. Episodic are images that relates to a particular episode. These photos will convey an interesting angle on an individual episode or story thread. Episodic images are often used online and in print along side TV guides or on the TV show or Broadcaster's web sites. (Young 2011) Press Shots are the images that will be used for posters, web sites and advertising of the whole show or series. Often they're rather simple and can be shot separate to the filming of the show on a "specials shoot" which is a dedicated publicity shoot with the key cast of the show. (Young Get more content on
  • 4. In times, we often see things, but we don't really capture what is beyond it. In some cases, there are people who are artistic and are prone to see what other's cannot visualize. Every individual has a talent which can be expressed and processed differently. Something you see can mean entirely divergent things to someone else;for example, some may see thing's that may seem simple, but in the eyes of an artist, it can be perceived with a whole new definition, dimension, and a potentially new discovery. As a photographer, my view of theworld, can be skewed towards looking at everyday objects as potential art, but it wasn't always like that. To begin with, photography appeared to me as something entertaining a simple step in more content... Each week I would strive to get the best comment of criticism and the best photo of the week. Everyday we were intellectually taught about the different principles of photography; for me it wasn't a hassle to learn it; it was more of an excitement a new adventure. As I became increasingly fascinated with photography, a burning passion became to increase inside of me. The need to take photographs was captivating; not only was it for a grade, but an escape I used to drown my feelings. Photography was now becoming a way of expressing myself. Excitement rushed through my veins as the teacher would announce my name for the best photo of the week; an unforgettable feeling that would fulfill my ambition and made me feel virtuoso. After the end of the first semester, I began to feel as if a transformation begun inside of me. A transformation that began as a passion and turned into an obsession. Everywhere I saw I could see all the plain and ordinary things or objects of everyday life, but suddenly they became a whole new world; a spellbinding sensation that would make me fathom the double meaning of life. For example, hands are not much of importance to a person with no artistic view, but a photographer may view hands as aging, a sign of unity, caring, loving, or cry for help. Determination is the key to fame or an accomplished goal. As stated, winning photo of the week was an enormous accomplishment for me being allowed to have Get more content on
  • 5. Definition Essay: What Is Photography? The definition of photography means the process or art of producing images of objects on sensitized surfaces. To me, photography means to capture the moments that are especially special to you and your feelings. So basically pictures containing feelings and memories. I first discovered photography when my mother brought a professional camera, the Canon EOS Rebel SL1. The original purpose of the purchase was to take pictures of the adventures that my family do together and take pictures of our troop, our scout mates. When I first grab the camera, I started to take pictures. Furnitures, trees, flowers, and basically everything around the house. I noticed of the little details the camera captured while I was revisiting the pictures i've taken Get more content on
  • 6. Social Media And Photography Essay How social media and photography impact each other. Can social media impact the way photographers work?doe sit impact the way we view photographs. Can photographer grow in social media and improve their create? Around the world, people post an average of 1.8 billion images every day which means there are 657 billions of images post every single year. Photography is social media has changed the way everything is done and handled. social media has created a place for distribution and networking. It has helped create thousands of photographs and photographers. social media has changed the way we view photographs and how impactful they are. With social media, it is harder to find a difference between photographers and people doing it for fun. It creates millions of people taking pictures because everyone has access to a camera. There is one photograph, in particular, that has a great impact on many people and it's by Steven McCurray "The Afghan Girl, Pakistan". This is a great example of a photograph posted on social media that has had an impact on many people and has brought awareness to the story behind the image. The involvement of social media is photography can either be negative or positive. For the older generation of photographers, it is harder for them because they have to learn a new way of networking and distributes their photographs. Whereas the new generation has it easier because they know how to use this platform to her advantage. It's easier for them to Get more content on
  • 7. Photography Essay : My Passion For Photography My passion for photography began in High School, from the moment I walked into Photography 1, I was in love. I seemed to have a good eye when it came to landscape and animal photography, after hours of taking photos I would then spend hours in the dark room developing. For me, photography has been no more than just a hobby. I admire all professional photographers, especially those who specialize in newborn photography, because I envy them. I found Jessica Kennedy, of Jessica Rachel Photography, on Facebook. Her style and ability to take beautiful photographs captured my eye instantly. I did, what most people do, and followed her. I am always amazed when her pictures display on my newsfeed, especially the newborns, I just can't help but look. Kennedy's loved for photography started with an obsession with her taking pictures of her children and turned to photography as a hobby. Then with a gifted DSLR (Digital Single–Lens Reflex) camera she started researching classes in her area. She states "from there is snowballed", taking any opportunity that came along to gain hands on experience. She started her business in 2011, and then in 2016 her LLC (Limited Liability Company) business began. She started by advertising through Facebook and 'word of mouth'. She feels social media is the easiest way to connect with clients, without the burden of cost. Kennedy also partners with her local OBGYN clinic and Stork Vision ( a pregnancy ultrasound office), by displaying her work for free Get more content on
  • 8. Essay on The History of Photography The History of Photography The name "Photography" comes from the Greek words for light and writing. Sir John Herschel, was the first to use the term photography in 1839, when he managed to fix images using hyposulphite of soda. He described photography as "The application of the chemical rays to the purpose of pictorial representation". Herschel also coined the terms "negative", "positive" and "snapshot". But a man called de la Roche (1729 – 1774), wrote Giphantie and in this imaginary tale, it was possible to capture images from nature, on a canvas which had been coated with a sticky substance and this would produce a mirror image on the sticky canvas, that fixed after it had been dried in the dark. There are two more content... The earliest record of the uses of a camera obscura can be found in the writings and drawings of Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519). At about the same period Daniel Barbaro, a Venetian, recommended the camera as an aid to drawing. He wrote: "Close all shutters and doors until no light enters the camera except through the lens, and opposite hold a piece of paper, which you move forward and backward until the scene appears in the sharpest detail. There on the paper you will see the whole view as it really is, with its distances, its colours and shadows and motion, the clouds, the water twinkling, the birds flying. By holding the paper steady you can trace the whole perspective with a pen, shade it and delicately colour it from nature." In the mid sixteenth century Giovanni Battista della Porta (1538–1615) made a huge "camera" in which he seated his guests, having arranged a group of actors to perform outside so that the visitors could watch the images on the wall. But the sight of upside down performing images was too much for the visitors and they panicked and fled, and Battista was brought to court on a charge of sorcery! It is likely that many artists will have used a camera obscura to aid them in drawing, but because of the stories of the occult, or because they felt it was "cheating" in some way not many people would admit to using one. In 1764, the lens was being developed. The name lens comes from Get more content on
  • 9. Is Photography An Art Essay 'What is photography?' may sound like an easy question to answer but if we try to answer this question, the potential replies may fill a complete photography book. The fact is that photography means different things to different people. Photography is such a part of our lives now that it would be beyond our understanding to think of a world without it. We probably couldn't think of going on holiday or on a wedding, watching the children grow up without the camera. We are bombarded and flooded by images constantly, by newspapers, magazines, advertisements, as well as the television and internet, yet we have a desire for more. A photograph conveys, in a way no words can, a sense of the mystery and beauty of life, nature, and the more content... Both these controls have a farther influence on visual results. Shutter time alters the way movement is recorded, blurred or frozen; lens aperture alters the depth of subject that is shown in focus at one time (depth of field). We need a viewfinder, focusing screen or electronic viewing screen for aiming the camera and composing. Is photography an Art? So often it is debated "Is photography an Art?" Some say, taking a photograph of something does not create art– it merely captures something that already exists. Whether we realize it or not, when we look at a photograph, we are looking at a real scene, but simultaneously we are also looking and experiencing at how the photographer chose to compose it in order to make a piece of art. Every photograph, if we look at in third eye, it tells us a story. To create a photograph, it is not enough just to take an image of something. But it is very important that every picture should narrate something to its viewers. 30 Sometimes an object which would have never caught anyone's eye in the real world can be photographed in such a way that it makes a statement and becomes an art. This is where the photographer's skill comes into play, and this is where photography crosses the line into Get more content on
  • 10. History of Photography Essay The History of, and Impact of, Photography on our World Photography is a process frequently used in areas of media, art, and science as well as practical everyday use. It is used to inform society of different issues, used to document a wide range of things and is used to capture everyday memories for the years to come. It is used everywhere in today's society and through technology has advanced tremendously since its beginnings. The earliest cameras were simple devices that did not capture an image but merely projected an image onto a surface. It was basically a large pinhole camera in the form of a darkened room or booth. These were used by artists as early as the 16th century. These were known as Camera Obscuras. They more content... It has even branched out into the digital realm allowing endless possibilities to the world of photography. Photography revolutionized the world in ways we can't even imagine. Imagery is such an important part of our everyday lives and photography has created a convenient way to convey an image. Before photography came about the only way of having a permanent image of a person was to have a portrait painted. The only way of creating an image to show the scenery and landscape of a certain era was to have it painted or drawn. Nowadays we can take a snapshot and years later people can see the world as it was today. Photo's have changed the world of journalism, creating a way for people to actually see what is going on, rather then just hearing about it. Today we use photography frequently in our everyday lives and we are constantly surrounded by images that would not have been possible without photography. It's considered a hobby for some, a business for others. Photography is a huge money making industry, from people taking pictures to sell to magazines to portrait photographers taking happy snaps of families at their best. Photography is used as a form of identification, showing us exactly how we are and proving we are who we say. It is used to sell products and advertise almost anything you can think of. It's also used as a journalistic tool, to send a message to the world and inform others. It can Get more content on
  • 11. Photography : Reflections Of The Past Essay Photography: Reflections of the Past Photography has taken over the modern world. On every screen, on every wall, on every building is most likely a picture that has been taken and processed. Photography has been around since the 1800's and has opened an immense world with endless possibilities. Photography was the gateway to videography which has become a vast part of many cultures. Not only does photography have a history of its own, it is also a visual record of history. It has recorded many of the world 's greatest milestones and several personal ones as well. Photography allows people to look back at a moment and reflect. Photography is the art of taking and processing photographs, which ultimately allows people to look back and reflect on a moment. The idea of displaying an image and capturing it dates back almost 2000 years ago; it was known to the Chinese and the Greeks. The camera obscura was an empty box with a hole on one end where objects outside of the hole were displayed on the other wall. Artist could then trace the objects thereby preserving the image. Although it is not fully mechanical and the image is only as good as the artist, it laid the foundation for many other cameras to come. ("History of Photography") The Daguerreotype was one of the first reasonable cameras. It was invented by Louis–Jacques–Mande Daguerre. Daguerre was a French romantic painter and printmaker. His partner Nicephore Niepce was also a painter and was in search of a way to capture an Get more content on
  • 12. Reflection Paper On Photography As a photography major, it was never clear to me on why I had to take a drawing class. I dreaded each class because of the known fact that I didn't possess the skills to be a good drawer. When speaking to friends and family, I would always complain to them saying, "I'm going to fail this class. I have no idea why I have to take these drawing classes." As the quarter went on and the more I learned about the different drawing techniques such as the use of lighting to create interesting shadows or the use of color to create a sense mood and emotion, I began to realize the parallels that drawing and photography have. It's very important to train your eyes as a photographer because you gain new perspective of your surroundings and you begin to pay more attention to little details. Drawing has helped train my eye to pay attention to details such as lines, shadows, light, proportion, texture, and color. When working on each drawing project such as the still lifes, portraits, and landscapes, I would notice my eye rapidly going back and forth from the subject to the paper trying to focus on all the details, whether it be the reflection of light on a cup or vase, the shadows on the busts, or the vibrant colors in the landscape drawing. I would do my best to try and accurately transfer what was in front of me onto the paper. In order to get the best shot in photography, photographers have to pay attention to these details to make their photos more interesting to look at. Without Get more content on
  • 13. Thesis Statement About Photography The purpose of my study is to give people a chance to understand what is the meaning of photography and how it was invented, plus how people was able to take photographs before the camera was invented. The significance of my study is that nowadays, a lot of people or its better to say most of people thinks that they know everything about photography and they think that they are an experts and a professional photographers once they hold the camera or actually once they hold a digital cameras (since a lot of them think that the digital cameras are more easy), but actually they do not even know what photography is. In fact, I see this situation is a big problem because I believe that to be a real or an expert photographer, the more content... As I mentioned before that all the references and bibliographies have the same information about how photography was before it got invented and about how did photography started and how it got developed from year to year and from century to century. From that time until today Photography has developed too much and I believe it will keep on developing from day to day and from year to year. Photography became so much easier than before, there is a huge difference between cameras these days and cameras from that time, and only god knows what they will invent and how it will be developed more in the coming Get more content on
  • 14. Photography Application Essay Staring through a camera lens at age seven I knew that I loved capturing memories. As a child, my family went on many trips. My mom would often be missing from the pictures because no one else but her took them. She was absent in many of our wonderful scrapbooks. Soon I started to volunteer to take the pictures. My mom began to notice my eye to capture the perfect photo. Our scrapbooks began to fill up with fun photos of my parents and everything around us. My parents realized my passion for photography and immediately supported it. I started off with a small camera. Then, one special Christmas my dad surprised me with a brand new Canon T5i! I was so excited and immediately signed up for a college photography class to learn the basics of more content... Photography has taught me about creativity and a meaningful way to express myself. Through this journey, I have created a small business taking pictures of fellow High School Seniors and families. My experience with photography has shown me that a close bond can be created with people by helping them look their best in personal photos. There is something special that connects both the photographer and the model. Both are expressing with different forms of art. These next couple months are the high points for Seniors having a chance to get photos taken; and I am still as eager as the seven year old me wanting to capture their Get more content on
  • 15. The Power of Photography Essay Have you ever taken a picture or been looking through a photo album and felt a sudden rush of emotion? Do you wonder what caused that emotion? Many find themselves captivated by a photograph and overwhelmed by the emotions that the photograph arouses. Believe it or not the arousal of emotion from those photographs was not caused by the content of the picture but by certain elements within the photograph. When a photograph is viewed it is not only the subject that triggers the overwhelming emotional response, it is the length of time that the film was exposed to sunlight, the way lighting is used and played with, and the strong detail of colors or lack thereof. While many believe that the subject acts as the primary stimuli to emotions, more content... Lastly, a huge component to a photograph that aids in arousing emotion is color, bringing out different emotions whether color is present or not. When talking about emotion it seems a fairly simple topic and immediately "feeling" words come to mind; sad, happy, and confused. These are basic emotions and easy to understand. What isn't so simple about emotions is their process and how they form and work. Emotions are reactions to sensory information like sight, smell, taste, touch and sound (Tracing Emotion's Pathways 94). However, it is not that simple; an emotional reaction or response is made aware of and understood by a part of the brain called the sensory cortex. These emotional responses or reactions to sensory stimuli are processed by a part of the brain called the amygdala (What's An Emotion). The amygdala is a huge asset to the cognitive factors of emotions because in processing emotions you become able to understand, recognize, and control them. So then how do emotions evoke a physiological reaction such as tearing up when one feels sad, laughing with joy, and trembling with fear? These physiological reactions that one may experience come from the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is, "a collection of fibers that extend throughout Get more content on
  • 16. Photography: Time And Progression Photographs are linked with time as a medium as different forms can represent time and progression. De Duve (1978) assert that still images or photos can be used to represent the passing of time presenting a physical record of a short–lived moment that is significant to the viewer. Within this context, De Duve state that photographs represents a frozen cross–section of time; an instance that is considered significant or memorable enough to be recorded and allows viewers to relate to the image and connect it with their own reality. On the other hand, moving images uses active motion to demonstrate time and progression, relying on using a sequence of images to help communicate the desired message brought about by this progression. Films and cinema Get more content on
  • 17. One of the universal languages of the world may be a one that would not normally come to mind, and that is photography. People all over the world can understand it, whether they speak English or something else. Since the beginning, man has striven to leave his mark on the world, be it caves drawings, sketches, or paintings. The art of photography has evolved in many ways, such as the different materials that were used, the ways to develop a picture, a camera's size and portability, and how the camera has advanced in its technology and physical features. Photography also has a huge effect on the world both globally and individually. It was during the time of Aristotle that an invention called the camera obscura came about. It could more content... Another Frenchman by the name of Louis Jacques MandГ© Daguerre caught wind of NiГ©pce's accomplishment, and after writing NiГ©pce a letter that suggested an exchange of information, Daguerre and NiГ©pce became partners by 1829. Daguerre was soon on his own, though, for his partner died in 1833. Daguerre moved on develop the notion of the modern day dark room, a room used to Daguerre perfected a new process of making an image permanent, and made it known to the world as the daguerreotype. The daguerreotype immediately became famous. It used a "highly polished surface of silver that was plated on a copper sheet." The process reduced the exposure time from a rather lengthy time of eight hours. The image that was produced was extremely detailed and exciting to look at, but despite its popularity, the daguerreotype was in fact a technological dead end, as there was no way for the photographs to be duplicated from a single negative. In June of 1840, an English scientist named William Henry Fox Talbot announced a technique that used highly light–sensitive paper. First, after exposure, the paper would appear completely blank. To make the image visible, silver iodide had to be used. Talbot dubbed his invention a collotype, which, when translated, means "beautiful impression". By placing the fully developed paper negative against another sheet of sensitized paper, and then exposing them both to light (this Get more content on
  • 18. Visual Analysis Essay On Photography The Brown sisters might gather occasionally together throughout a year, but there is one day out of every year where they have a photograph of them taken to capture their sisterhood. In the beginning of the series of photographs the sisters have a serious case of resting b*tch face. From 1975 to 1979, the sisters all have a hardened expression, and even after that there are occasional smirks, but the same look remains. Each photograph shows the sisters aging, and while they age their appearance becomes softer. This could be because of the experiences they have such as pregnancy and motherhood, or other events that could affect their life, and result in them aging softly. Because one can see the sisters age throughout the course of these photographs, more content... Clearly, she is not so young anymore, so this may or may not be her first child, but each of her sisters are happy for her, because you can see it in their expression. This is the first photograph where all of the sisters are smiling, and appear affectionate. The one sister on the left has her hand on the pregnant sister's belly, and the sister on the right is gazing at her, so her happiness is towards her sister's expectancy. Each sister is open and welcoming of a new member, and their softened demeanor is because of this pregnancy. One might think that motherhood ages a woman terribly, because of the stress a child can cause, and one can see that after the 1992 photograph. Yet nothing is greater than thelove that a mother has for her child, and the bond that she has to it, and because she has this love it softens her. While they may transition into shriveled old woman, they retain the same mysterious appearance, but with a sense of happiness, because they may be content or proud of what they have done or accomplished in their lifetime. Each year a new photograph is taken, and every year has a different story to it that only the ones in the photograph and the photographer know. This is what leaves each photograph a mystery, and left to be analyzed by anyone who stumbles upon them. But throughout time it is simple to notice how the sisters have matured, and developed into gentle old ladies who seem dignified with their Get more content on
  • 19. Essay about Photography The Test of Time: The Power of the Photograph What is a photograph? The simplicity of taking a photograph leads many to ponder its artistic value. Yet, it is undeniable that there are some photos that cause an emotional reaction deeper than simply observing a recorded point in time. Surely, there are photographs that cause more reaction than some modern art pieces. There seems to be two types of photographs. The first classification is the 'time capture' photo – an image with the sole purpose of recording a particular event or point in time. The second nature of a photo carries a 'deeper meaning,' which has the ability to change the observer's mood and cause a reaction. But what distinguishes these two varieties? There are more content... There is clearly an artistic value to this image – it is taken at the location of a massacre of over 200 members of the Great Sioux Nation. However, did Elliot Erwitt intend a 'deeper meaning' for this photograph? In an interview recorded on his official website, Erwitt declares, "If it turns out to be entertaining what I do, I'm very pleased. But it's not conscious." It seems that Erwitt claims to not possess artistic intent in his photographs. However, it is clear that he simply boasts an unconscious artistic eye. It is obvious that the photograph of this church on hallowed ground falls in the 'deeper meaning' category. The second Elliot Erwitt photo is taken from his official webpage. It too is captured in black and white. The photo, shown in Figure 2 was taken in France and depicts a man and child riding a bicycle down a road lined with trees. This seems to be a 'time capture' photo; this particular event can never be perfectly replicated again. Despite the category in which this photo clearly falls into, it is undoubtedly still art – the setting is too perfect to be unintentional. However, according to Erwitt in his interview, unintentional is exactly the correct word. Erwitt states, "I take pictures of anything that interests me as I walk around with my camera." This means that many of his photos are taken on a whim; the right place at the right time. In this case it is the viewer who makes the distinction between Get more content on