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Pete Rose Baseball Scandal Essay
Throughout the history of America's pastime, baseball has continually battled scandals and
controversies. From the 1919 "Black Sox" scandal to the current steroid debate, baseball has lived in
a century of turmoil. While many of these scandals affected multiple players and brought shame to
teams, none have affected a single player more than the 1980's Pete Rose betting scandal. Aside
from the public humiliation he brought his family and the Cincinnati Reds, nothing has done more
to hurt Pete Rose than his lifetime ban from baseball making him ineligible for hall of fame. While
many are for and against putting Pete Rose in the hall of fame, the four ethical theories, Kantianism,
Utilitarianism, Egoism, and Ethical Realism, each have their ... Show more content on ...
After retiring entirely from baseball both as a manager and as a player, Pete Rose was believed to
have placed bets on multiple baseball games including his Cincinnati Reds. After investigations by
Major League Baseball and the lawyer John M. Dowd, they were able to discover that Rose had bet
on multiple Reds games, but were unable to discover whether Rose had ever bet against the Reds,
like the Black Sox scandal. With the Commissioner of baseball, Bart Giamatti, pushing the case to
the federal level, Rose and Giamatti came to an agreement which included Rose's lifetime ban from
baseball. During his lifetime ban, Rose came clean stating that he did bet on the Reds in his
autobiography in 2004. Currently, Pete Rose continues to serve his lifetime ban, hoping to one day
manage another team and enter the hall of fame. Knowing that Pete Rose continues his ban from
baseball, we can begin by looking at the ethical theories which agree with keeping Rose out of the
hall of fame. Egoism, the idea of acting in manner which is best for me, is a theory which does not
lead Rose to the hall of fame. With Egoism we have to look at what is best for the party in charge
and which decision will lead to the best outcome. With the Pete Rose case we have two parties
whose ethical decisions can be evaluated, MLB and Pete Rose. Clearly Pete Rose can be ignored in
the egoistic analysis, since the decision to place him in the hall of fame
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Sports Stars: 1919 Black Sox Scandal Essay
Sports stars are public figures. Their fame can make us join charity work and causes to change the
world we live in. The star power of a professional sport can even bring together a divided nation.
President Nelson Mandela was successful in bringing together a divided nation through a national
sport in the 1995 Rugby World Cup. Like in South Africa, America's game of baseball is a sport that
is part of our culture. From the Civil War to the War in Afghanistan, from pick up games played on
sandlots to fantasy baseball played on the computer, baseball's tradition is directly related to
America's history.
The Black Sox Scandal was probably the most famous scandal in the history of baseball. Although
betting on baseball and having "fixed" ... Show more content on ...
Before game 1 he received $10,000 form Rothstein. With the start of game 2 looming and no money
had been handed out except for Cicotte the conspirators were still willing to throw game 2. After
losing game 2; Maharg divided $10,000 among the rest of the involved parties. With the series 0–2
everyone in the media including the Chicago Tribune knew the series was going to be over soon.
After winning game 3 the White Sox threw game 4 to go down in the series 3–1.
The night before game 5 there was another gambler who decided to become a large player in the
deal. "Sport" Sullivan a big time gambler from Boston, paid Jackson, Risberg, Felsch, and Williams,
$20,000 evenly. Game 5 was a much more competitive game with both pitchers not allowing a
runner past first base until after the 6th inning. With the Reds winning the game and going up 4–1 in
the series; it would normally be over. But after World War I and the increased interest in baseball
Major League Baseball thought it would be in the best interest of the game to increase the World
Series to a best of 9 series. (BR Bullpen) After winning two straight games the White Sox had a
chance to win the series(Asinof). Before game 8 Williams who was scheduled to pitch was visited
by a hit man stating that if the game was not over by the end of the first inning he and his wife
would be killed after the game. Losing the game 10–5 the series was over with the Reds winning the
1919 World
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Chronic Injuries Robbed Ken Griffey Jr. of Homerun King...
He hit 600 home runs (5th most all time), won 10 gold gloves, and made 13 All Star Games. In
almost 150 years baseball history, only the great Willie Mays can match Ken Griffey Jr. in these
statistical categories. However, despite these extraordinary stats, Ken Griffey Jr. may be the ultimate
"What Could Have Been" player. An incredibly promising career was derailed in the latter half by
chronic injuries that robbed him of hundreds of games. If not for these injuries, Griffey was well on
his way to becoming the Home Run King (Stark, 2010) and possibly the greatest player ever.
Despite these setbacks, Griffey is still revered as one of the greatest and most popular MLB players
ever. The savior of baseball in Seattle and the lone star to ... Show more content on
He gained endorsements with Pizza Hut and General Mills, and had his own Nintendo video game
and Nike shoe line. He also appeared in many TV shows such as The Simpsons and The Fresh
Prince of Bel Air, as well as movies, and wrote his own autobiography (Ferguson, 2011). His 1989
rookie card remains the most popular baseball card ever. During the prime of his career in the late
1990s, he was easily the most popular baseball player and possibly even most popular athlete in the
Nowhere in the country is he more popular than in Seattle, where he is considered the savior of
baseball in the city. In the 1980s, the Mariners were a historically moribund franchise playing in the
crumbling Kingdome. Prior to his arrival, the Mariners had been seriously considering a move to
Washington DC, but that all changed once Griffey came (Fort, 2000, p. 313). His exciting style of
play immediately attracted fans and attention to the franchise (Caple, 2010). In 1995, Griffey led a
miracle rally to the Mariners first playoff appearance in decades (Reader, 2010), and capped the
season by scoring the game winning run to defeat the New York Yankees in the first round
(Schaefer, 2003, p.6). His rise rejuvenated baseball and the city in general, leading the building of
the new stadium, Safeco Field, dubbed the "House That Griffey Built". Griffey's most enduring
legacy, however, was being one of the few star players who were not involved in
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Informative Speech On The Black Sox Scandal
General Purpose: I will inform the class about an event in history.
Specific Purpose: I would like to inform people on the 1919 Black Sox Scandal in Major League
Attention Getter: In 2008 the New York Giants won the Super Bowl by defeating the previously
unbeaten New England Patriots in what most sports fans call one of the greatest upsets in sports
history. What would you think if I told you the Patriots lost the game on purpose? They didn't, but in
1919 eight members of the Chicago White Sox conspired to intentionally lose the World Series
against the Cincinnati Reds in what people now refer to as the Black Sox Scandal.
Speaker Credibility:
My uncle is a huge sports buff and he's often talked to me about this specific scandal. I remember
growing up and still hearing how upset this scandal made him. Its something that still prevalent in
todays sports.
Relate the topic to the audience:
You all probably have watched sports at some time and it should be very interesting for you guys to
know about some drama within the sports industry.
Specific purpose:
Today I want to share with you the story of the black sox scandal of 1919.
Preview of Main Points:
I will talk to you about why the Whitesoxs were the favorites, why the Whitesoxs players didn't like
their management, and how that affected how baseball changed his management.
A. Transition: Heading into the World Series the White Sox were heavy favorites, and people in both
cities believed they would make quick work of the Reds.
I. Throughout the time leading up to the 1919 World Series, reporters in both Chicago and
Cincinnati spoke about how good the World Series would be, and the odds–makers listed the White
Sox as heavy favorites.
A. The former MLB pitcher Cristy Mathewson, predicted the best played series in years .
1. He gave the edge on pitching to the Reds, but believed the White Sox offense and experience
gave them a better chance at victory.
2. He also pointed to the fact the Sox played in a better league and had a tougher road to the series,
making them ready for a fight
B. Gamblers also made the White Sox heavy favorites in the World Series.
1. The Cincinnati Inquirer on the article "red money appears" on
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Cincinnati Red Stockings
The cause of the World Series is that people wanted to play pro baseball. The Cincinnati Red
Stockings were the first pro baseball team. They formed a team around the late 1890's.Since there
were pro teams sprouting everywhere, some baseball officials met. They had people join leagues
which had rules, schedules and contracts. By the 1890's, there were two major baseball leagues. The
National League of Professional Baseball Clubs, and their rival , The American Association of
Baseball Clubs. The AA (American Association) folded in and took its place. The first World Series
was the Cincinnati Red Stockings V.S the Chicago White Stockings. Cinnati was from AA and the
Whites from NLBC ( National League of Baseball Clubs). Before the game, some ... Show more
content on ...
In game one it was 4–4 in the top of the ninth inning. Giant Casey Stengel hit a line drive to the
center field. He got home and he won by putting the score up to 5–4 Giants. The Yankees went
against the Pittsburgh Pirates In the 1960 World Series. When Mazerok hit the first strike he missed.
On the second hit he hit the ball so hard it soared over the field and into the bleachers. That led to a
win for the Pittsburgh Pirates. In 1927 the Yankees swept the World Series again. The lineup was so
deadly people started calling it Murderers row. In 1919, the Chicago White Sox and the Cincinnati
Red Stockings met face to face. Everyone thought they would win because they had Eddie who was
an excellent pitcher and Joe Jackson, their star slugger. They did pretty good from the beginning but
they started doing terrible. A few years later they found out that the team messed up on purpose to
get payed. In 1934 a new team came in place. They were the St.Louis Cardinals. Most of the people
grew up pour and didn't have any money. They liked to pretend to fight in hotel lobbies. They went
to the World Series against the Detroit Tigers. The Detroit Tigers thought the Cardinals would be
easy to beat. But the Cardinals destroyed the Tigers with 4–3 Cardinals in the number of game. The
Red Sox were an extraordinary team. They had Babe Ruth on their side. They won the World Series
in 1912, 1915, 1916, and
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Black Sox Scandal Research Paper
Black Sox Scandal In the year 1919 a huge sports scandal shocked baseball. The Black Sox Scandal
occurred in the 1919 World Series where the White Sox played against the Reds. This Scandal is the
reason why professional sports banned gambling on your own team and players can't bet on
themselves.The Scandal was about two gamblers approaching the White Sox and telling the players
who at the time were making a very low amount of money due to the great depression; who offered
them White Sox players a total of 100,000 dollars to throw the World Series to the Reds because
they were heavily favored. This would be a huge payout to gamblers. Before the first pitch was even
thrown in the World Series the rumors circled around that the White Sox were bribed, and several
months after the World Series was thrown in the favor of the Reds, eight players on the team were
accused of throwing the World Series. Those eight players were banned from the major league for
life. To reassure that this same situation doesn't occur again the MLB hired its first commissioner to
oversee baseball operations. In the article, "Black Sox Scandal" it gives a brief description of the
commissioner which is, "Baseball club owners appointed Kenesaw Mountain Landis, an attorney
and U.S. district judge for the Northern District of Illinois, as the first commissioner of baseball for
the major and minor leagues. Landis was given absolute power to control every aspect of the game
in order to eliminate ... Show more content on ...
This is why sports betting and commissioners of sports are very strict now. After the White Sox
Scandal baseball ratings went down into the toilet due to the bad press this situation got and no one
wanted to watch baseball that they knew what was going to happen. The Black Sox Scandal is very
important because it's a big event that occurs in the roaring 20s, which caused sports to be changed
for the
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Hustle: The Myth, Life, and Lies Of Pete Rose by Michael...
Hustle: The Myth, Life, and Lies Of Pete Rose by Michael Sokolove
I was in high school when Pete Rose broke Ty Cobb's all time hits record. I grew up in Ohio when I
was young and was always a Cincinnati Reds fan, and Rose was one of the players I admired. It
seemed as though he hustled more than most of the other players and was always trying to do
whatever it took in order to win. He was my first recollection of how free agency could ruin your
favorite team when he departed for the Philadelphia Phillies in 1979, and led them to the World
Series in 1980. In 1989, The Dowd Report (which harshly criticized Rose for gambling) was a
shock. That a player who was so intent on winning and would do whatever it took to help his team
to ... Show more content on ...
He then brings the reader into the beginning of Pete's major league career. He mentions numerous
times throughout the book about how Pete was not loved or even liked by most of teammates during
his career. This is important because of the way it will help to explain his need to seek outside
gratification. Sokolove also explains how Pete used his natural charm to help influence the press.
Sokolove realizes that by becoming a media darling, Pete was able to keep the press from looking so
carefully into his personal life, and basically become invisible in his private life from the scrutiny
that follows many superstars of that time and currently. Sokolove does mention about how Pete
would rather have his birthday occur in another town other than Cincinnati. He would enjoy the
attention of the fans. He felt that by having his birthday in another town this would give the fans a
chance to applaud for him, when otherwise they could not truly show the support they had for Rose.
Rose also would use humor at almost every opportunity he could. His humor was quick and
sometimes crude and Sokolove uses many different examples of when he used humor to explain his
points. This is just some of the examples Sokolove uses throughout this book to help explain the
inner workings and personality of why Pete Rose was able to become invisible to the
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Supporting Ban on Pete Rose from Baseball Hall of Fame Essay
What has the game of baseball meant for Americans? For many baseball is a game of integrity,
honesty, and without a doubt skill. When one of these factors is allowed to overtake the other it
leaves the game unbalanced with lost priorities. Like everything else in life, baseball has rules and
regulations which should be followed and enforced. The Baseball Hall of Fame honors persons who
have excelled in playing, managing, and serving the sport. Having ten years of experience in the
game and five years of retirement players who pass a screening committee become eligible to be
voted into the Hall of Fame. The main discussion now is whether or not to allow Pete Rose into the
Baseball Hall of Fame, after betting on baseball while he ... Show more content on
It was proven that he gambled four to five times a week during the 1985, 1986, and 1987 seasons. In
placing his bets he mainly work with Tommy Gioisa, Ron Peters, Michael Bertolini, Paul Janszen ,
Steve Chevashore, and a bookie in Staten Island, NY identified only as "Val." Shown above are just
six of the main people with whom he bet with and or used in aid to avoid getting caught. In the
report to the Commissioner it is stated that Rose acknowledged sending eleven $8,000 check to
Michael Bertolini, which were made out to fictitious payees, Rose stated that the money was loaned
to Bertolini and was used only as payments to other athletes for participating in baseball card shows
(hallinan). Later in 1987 Rose needed to use Paul Janszen in order to place his own bets with Val
from Staten Island because Val refused to accept any bets tracking back to Pete Rose due to his
failure in paying off his gambling debts. Rule 21 stating, "any player, umpire, club, league official or
employee, who shall bet any sum whatsoever upon any baseball game in connection with which the
bettor has a duty to perform shall be declared permanently ineligible (Baseball Hall of Fame)." Pete
Rose was banned from baseball for life making him ineligible to be accepted in the Hall of Fame.
Every ball player was notified and reminded of this rule because it has been part of their
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Cheating In Professional Sports Essay
One thing about sports that everyone agrees on is that they are fun to watch. Another thing that most
agree on is that cheaters get what they deserve. However, the amount of cheating has increased
significantly in professional sports over recent years, thus making them not so fun to watch by some.
Cheating occurs through secret deals, bad trades, and use of drugs to gain a field advantage,
therefore sports that most people have grown to love have become less entertaining, and more
violent to the public. Changes need to be made to professional sports in order to restore it's former
There has been a lot of athletic scandals in colleges across the country. These scandals have been as
a result of the coaches and athletic directors failing to take the full force of the law and giving their
players freedom to do everything even if it is against the law. One of these fatal scandals is the
Baylor University Basketball scandal that occurred in 2003. This scandal involved the players and
the coaches of the team. The incident left one player dead and the other imprisoned for 35 years.
The team was subjected to a lot of punishment by the National Collegiate Athletic Association
(NCAA). The NCAA is a non–profit organization comprised of 1281 institutions, organizations,
individuals and conferences and that organizes the athletic programs of most of the colleges and
universities in the United States and Canada (The New York Times, 2003).
In the early 2000s Baylor University men's
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1919 World Series: Darkest Chapter In Major League Baseball
1919 World Series
The 1919 World Series was very interesting to say the least. Some of the White Sox players wanted
some extra money. I believe that this series is one of, if not the darkest chapter in Major League
Baseball's history. About a week before the World Series had even begun, the two teams were set.
The Cincinnati Reds were going to take on the Chicago White Sox in the 1919 World Series. There
were many bookies wanting to make big money off of the series. Some of these bookies were Abe
Attel, Bill Maharg, and Bill Burns. Arnold Rothstein was also suspected, but he was found innocent
on every major court. Eight Chicago White Sox players were in search of more money than their
contract implied. The fans that knew about this were
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Negotiation Case Study, from Negotiation Book by Roy...
Case 5 : The Ken Griffey Jr. Negotiation
Date : 10/1/08
Cinncinati Reds Baseball Team: Griffeys agent : Brian Goldberg, his negotiator for his baseball
Jim Bowden : General manager of Team
John Allen : Managing Executive, Bowdens' Boss
Car Lindner : Team majority owner
Griffeys team at present : Seattle Mariners
Pat Gillick : General Manager who is to trade Griffey to another team
Chuck Armstrong : Team president and boss of Gillick.
Roger Jongewaard : team vice president
Howard Lincoln : team CEO
Woody Woodward : team manager before Gillick, retired from team.
Griffey started expressing a desire to live closer to his relatives in his hometown of Cincinnati.
Where his father and mother live, Ken and ... Show more content on ...
He repeatedly makes offers to Pat Gillick in the weeks of negotiation without getting close to a trade
. He also in exchange says he will trade some of his players such as Cameron.
December 9th , GM of Reds publicly announced he will take over contract of Griffey, " bring him
home " as he completed a month of negotiations with the Seattle Mariners GM just to bring Griffey
on the team and trade a few other players from Cincinnati Reds to Seattle Mariners. For the contract
negotiation 'communication' is the link that was used to negotiate the issue/argument whether it is
face–to–face offer , on the telephone or in writing. The type of negotiation in the case was not just
between two people. Each offer involved several members from both parties, the Seattle Mariners
and Cincinnati Reds.
Offer 1 : Pat Gillick asked for Reese and then trade Griffey to Bowden to Reds team offer was
Offer 2 : Mariners president and COO , Armstrong asked Goldberg to trade Griffey for NY Mets.
Griffey did not agree and turned down the offer. This is because the agreement is not being directed
to a certain compromise and both parties are looking for a different outcome.
Offer 3 : Reds has 72 hours to workout a deal with Griffey and Goldberg. Griffey was finally traded
to Cincinnati Reds and Bowden has worked for this deal and seen the deal through as of Monday
February 7th , being GM
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Exemplification Essay: Should Professional Athletes Be...
"Professional athletes should not be punished until they are convicted of a crime."(
Some fans will think that it is important that the professional athletes be punish and some of them
thinks that they should not be punished. Although their team needs them, professional athletes
should be punished for their illegal behavior. Professional athletes should be punished for their
illegal behavior because they are bringing bad influence on their fans and most of them are teens.
They needs to more punished for their illegal behavior because some of the professional athletes are
only punished for one or two games which is nothing. Professional athletes should be punished for
their illegal behavior. Professional athletes should be punished ... Show more content on ...
Some of the professional athletes who abused women for example or any type of crime are only
punished for one or two games which is nothing. "Commissioner Vincent suspend Howe for life.
The arbitrator determined that commissioner Vincent reduced the suspension to a year long and a
stringent drug–test and drug education program." (Parlow) This quote proves that something the
Commissioner changes the suspension which is unacceptable because if Howe was supposed to be
suspended for life then he should be suspended for life. "The NFL likes to point that its player do
not commit acts of violence against women at a higher rate than males in the general population."
(Benedict) This quote shows that the NFL does not like to admit that their players abuses women or
do crimes. Professional athletes should be punished for their illegal behavior. Professional athletes
should be punished for their illegal behavior so that the leagues can show that they are taking
responsibilities of their players on and off the court by punishing them for what crime or illegal
behavior they did. People need to encourage the leagues of punishing the players, even if it is a good
players, they need to be punished because they broke the laws. Professional athletes needs to be
punished for a crime or a illegal behavior. Some fans will think that it
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The Pete Rose : The Major League Baseball Hall Of Fame
The Pete Rose Dilemma
"Does Pete Rose belong in the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame?" This is a question that is
debated among many pundits for a number of decades. Rose is undeniably one of the best hitters in
the game of baseball. Twenty plus years ago, however, he was banned from the game due to the
gambling allegations made against him. "Outside of baseball and my family, nothing has ever given
me the pleasure, relaxation, or excitement that I got from gambling. Gambling provided an escape
from the day–to–day pressures of life. And for me, gambling was just plain fun" (Rose and Hill 10).
Regardless of Pete Rose's history of betting on baseball, his outstanding performance and statistical
achievements outweigh his off the field transgressions. Therefore he should be instated into the
Major League Baseball Hall of Fame. Rose was born in 1941 in Cincinnati, to Harry and LaVerne
Rose. Pete's father, Harry, played a number of sports himself at a semi–professional level. One of
which was baseball. This born athletic talent would set Pete on a course of greatness in the game of
baseball. The sport that was his first love. Rose's father gave him his first glove before he could
walk. He was hitting and catching a ball at the young age of four. He loved the game so much that
he often he practiced for hours at a time beginning at a very young age. Some believed his father
pushed him to practice until his hands would bleed. Rose confirmed that he did practice until they
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Is Punishment A Major League Baseball?
To what extent has punishment in Major League Baseball since the Chicago Black Sox scandal in
the 1919 World Series?
Extended Essay in History
Word count: 3073
Richard Moseley
Abstract To what extent has punishment in Major League Baseball since the Chicago Black Sox
scandal in the 1919 World Series? This investigation was done through numerous baseball reference
websites, with ESPN being the primary source for the more current scandals such as Biogenesis.
This investigation will assess how punishment in Major League Baseball has evolved since the
World Series gambling scandal of 1919. This investigation will explore major cheating and
gambling scandals in the history of Major League Baseball with a majority of the focus on the
World Series scandal of 1919, the BALCO scandal, The Pete Rose scandal, and the Biogenesis
scandal, and Major League Baseball's response to each of the scandals. Major League Baseball has
adopted a zero tolerance policy for gambling since the 1919 World Series, and the drug policy has
four levels, starting with a fifty game suspension for the first offense, and eventually leading to a
lifetime ban from Major League baseball. The adoption of strict punishments speak volumes of the
administration of Major League Baseball, and their dedication to keeping the sport enjoyable for
athletes and spectators, as well as protecting the integrity of the game as a whole.
Word Count: 195
Table of Contents
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Black Sox Scandal and Its Effect on America
Scandals in Baseball and Its Effect on America
Baseball has always been considered as American as apple pie. If that is true than cheating should be
just as American. Ever since the creation of America's favorite pastime, baseball, cheating has been
a major part of the game. Each era of baseball has showed more complex ways of cheating the
game. Although, cheating in baseball has been around since the introduction of the game, only few
scandals have really made history. Some of the most famous scandals include the Black Sox
Scandal, the gambling of Pete Rose, and the use of steroids by players to enhance their performance.
Despite these corruptions the game has still managed to stay America's most loved sport. Although
cheating ... Show more content on ...
Soon word got out to another gambler, Bill Burns. He approached Cicotte and offered him
$100,000. Gandil and Cicotte met with Burns and agreed that they would do the fix as long as they
got paid before the series began. Burns took off for New York with his boxer friend Billy Maharg to
meet with Arnold Rothstein, a big time gambler, to come up with the money for the fix. At first,
Rothstein did not go for it but then Sullivan went to Rothstein with his plans for the fix totally laid
out. Rothstein decided to get in on the fix. He sent one of his men to Chicago with $ 40,000 to give
to Sullivan to give to the players and the rest would be distributed if the series went as planned.
However, when Sullivan got the money he quickly gambled $30,000 and then gave $10,000 to
Gandil. The players not happy with the amount that they got they decided that they would throw the
first two games and then ask for more money. Gandil told Sullivan he needed more money before
the fourth game or the fix was off, Sullivan complied and after the game Gandil gave $5,000 to each
of the players except Weaver who apparently was not participating in the plan. "The series continued
as planned and the White Sox lost the series to the Cincinnati Reds, "five games to three"
( Although, rumors about a possible fix had already been made before the
1919 World Series only one person paid attention to them, this man was
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Pete Rose Psychology Personality
Publisher: Rodale Books
Copyright: 2004
Pete Rose was born on April 14, 1941 and grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio with his parents Harry and
LaVerne Rose. His father Harry could be described as hard–working, tough, and hard–nosed,
especially when it came to sports. Harry played semi–pro football and always pushed Pete to give
110% at all times. This attitude and effort that Pete was exposed to growing up with a man like
Harry stuck with Pete his entire life and as a result he earned the nickname "Charlie Hustle",
although it was not originally meant to be a compliment. In spring training of Pete's rookie year, he
got walked by Yankee legend Whitey Ford. Instead of jogging to first base like everybody else in
baseball, Rose sprinted to first ... Show more content on ...
This need for superiority was not only prevalent in his playing days but also as he transitioned out of
his playing days. In 1986, Rose was player–manager of the Reds and the last player–manager in
professional baseball, a feat that is unlikely to occur again. Pete Rose will always be most
remembered for betting on baseball while playing/managing the Reds. Rose denied these allegations
for 14 years, even in the face of substantial evidence including an independent investigative report
by Jon Dowd (better known as the Dowd Report). The defense mechanism most often used by Rose
during this time period was flat–out denial. While denying the accusations, Rose likely received
negative reinforcement due to the escape of the emotions involved in admitting such a terrible act in
the eyes of baseball. A potentially big initial factor behind this is that shortly after the Dowd Report;
Rose voluntarily placed himself on baseball's ineligible list in August 1989 with the agreement from
then–commissioner Bart Giamatti that after a one–year banishment from baseball, Rose could apply
for reinstatement. Tragedy struck when Giamatti unexpectedly died from a heart attack before
Rose's year–long banishment had concluded. Fay Vincent took over as commissioner after
Giamatti's death and was unwilling to reinstate Rose, as many would have seen the move as
disrespectful to
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Birthday Essay : What Happened On My Birthday?
What Happened On My Birthday?
When a person´s birthday comes around does he/she ever wonder what happened on his/her birthday
before he/she was even thought of? Do they ever wonder about the special events that happened on
that day besides their birth? I was astonished to have found out how much had happened on October
19. I was born on October 19, 2000. My parents are Billy and Teresa Summerlin. I was born in
Mission Hospital on a Thursday morning. It was fifty– eight degrees and it was dark outside. My
doctor was Dr. David Cobb, and he said that I was a miracle baby. I weighed four pounds and
thirteen ounces because I wasn't getting the nutrition that I needed because the umbilical cord was
wrapped around my stomach, and I couldn't breathe well. My grandmother had a gallbladder attack
the same day I was born and was also put in the hospital. My family said that I looked like a naked
squirrel when I was born. My first name, Alexis is a greek name that means defender or helper. My
last name, Summerlin is a scottish name that means mariner, viking, or wander. On October 19,
2012 the statue ¨Big Tex" was destroyed by fire during the State Fair of Texas. Another thing that
happened on my birthday was that Henry Ford made his first radio speech in 1932. One thing that
interested me the most was in 1960, Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested at an Atlanta sit–in at ¨The
Magnolia Room¨ On this day, 52 protesters, including King, were arrested for violating legislation.
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Scandal of Chicago White Sox and Cincinnati Reds
In Major League Baseball's 1919 World Series two teams that were the Chicago White Sox and
Cincinnati Reds went up against each other. They played only a eight game series because the
Cincinnati Reds already had won five games after the eighth game was over which didn't require
them to go to the ninth game. Many people found it hard to believe that the Reds actually one the
World Series because the White Sox were favored to win. The bookies made the odds seven to five
favored on the Chicago White Sox to win. Believe it or not the Chicago White Sox actually let the
Cincinnati Reds win the series because they were payed a significant amount of money to throw the
game. This famous Scandal was known as The Black Sox Scandal. The media reacted very suddenly
to this scandal, the people were very shocked when they got word of it, and the aftermath of this
Scandal cause many problems in baseball and society. The Black Sox Scandal took place in the 1919
MLB World Series. Eight players of the Chicago White Sox took place in the throwing of the game.
Charles Comiskey , the manager of the team divided the clubhouse into two factions of players. One
side was known as the more sophisticated players then the other as the regular players. Both sides
barely spoke words to one another but they made up the best baseball team of all time. All the
players of course were underpaid because of being payed a small amount of what they're actually
worth and also because of the reverse clause , which
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1919 World Series Scandal: Baseball's Black Sox
1919 World Series Scandal
In 1919 two teams came together to fight for the title of being the 1919 World Series winner, these
two teams where Cincinnati Reds and the Chicago White Sox. The world series is the championship
for baseball. Chicago was the team in favor to win the series, but other people wanted the Cincinnati
reds to win. This is what started the whole scandal for eight White Sox players to rig the series so
that the Reds would win. All eight players were banned from baseball forever and became known as
baseball's Black Sox. All players that were a part of the scandal are no longer allowed to play an
organized baseball game.
The fix was known in the first game of the series starting with the pitch. Players where not getting
enough money for playing baseball due to post war. So they saw an appointment to get more money
to pay for bills are do other things they want. The amount of money they were going to get 100,000
to split between each other. (1919 Word Series) cynics were tipped off before the game even started
during the betting odds swap before the first game. Baseball was struggling for survival in the pre–
Babe Ruth era. Players were promised bonuses but mostly were left with empty wallet. Baseball
needed some new type of flair that would attract America to it, despite it's bad reputation at the time.
World War I was already making all the headlines, but the last thing baseball needed was something
like this. ... Show more content on ...
"Lefty" Williams, the starting pitcher in Game 2, was not going to be as obvious as Cicotte. After a
shaky start, he pitched well until the fourth inning, when he walked three and gave up as many runs.
Rookie pitcher Dickie Kerr, the Game 3 starter for the Sox, was not in on the fix. The original plan
was for the conspirators, who disliked Kerr, to lose this game; but by now dissent among the players
meant that the plan was in disarray.
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The Importance Of Baseball Bets In Baseball?
Sports betting was not a new thing in the early 1900s and has contributed to the fixing of games all
throughout history. Players would intentionally lose a game to pocket money from gamblers who
placed bets on who was going to lose. This practice ruins the integrity of sports and makes the
games pointless. A perfect example of this would be the Black Sox scandal of 1919, perhaps one of
the greatest examples proving that baseball was not that clean of a game. Eight Black Sox players
allegedly conspired to intentionally lose the 1919 world series against the Cincinnati Reds. An act
that would have consequences on baseball even to this day.
Players in the 1910s had a salary that was nothing compared to what players make today. The
greatest baseball players of the 1900s only made a little more than the bottom players did, and even
that amount of money was not a lot. They were paid a fraction of their worth by the team's owner,
Charles Comiskey, whose decision to reduce the number of times uniforms were laundered
reportedly gave rise to the original meaning of "Black Sox," (Speirs, Doug). So, if a player was
approached with a fix or a bribe, the money could easily influence the player to purposely lose the
game. The idea of fixing the 1919 series game dates back to when the gamblers, William Burns and
Billy Maharg, approached two White Sox players, Ed Cicotte and Arnold Gandil. After discussing
the basics of gambling on sport games, the players agreed to the terms and to attempt to pull more
players, such as Lefty Williams, Happy Felsch, Swede Risberg, Buck Weaver, Fred McMullin, and
Joe Jackson. Cicotte was the main person dealing with the gamblers and probably the smartest by
taking $10,000 for himself, upfront. This fix would remain as one of the most scandalous events that
has ever occurred in baseball's history. If everything went as planned, the players would potentially
be walking away with $100,000 to split amongst each other, after the gamblers would bet
The players went on with the deal and lost Game One of the series. Cicotte intentionally hit a player
in the back with his pitch, which was a signal that the game was going to be thrown. He continued to
throw wild pitches and give the other
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Cincinnati Reds: Case Study
The trade deadline is fast approaching and one team that will look drastically different when its all is
set and done is the Cincinnati Reds. The Reds are obviously going to begin rebuilding and it's wise
to trade some of these All–Star caliber players for some prospects to help them right along. The
"ace" of the staff Johnny Cueto, along with Mike Leake and Jay Bruce have been the most talked
about players that should be on the move. Cueto and Leake are free agents at the end of the season,
so it's only logical to try to move them and get something in return for them. Who will be possible
suitors for Johnny Cueto? The Blue Jays for example are a team that needs pitching, so any starting
pitcher available will be attached to them. The ... Show more content on ...
The Royals already own one of the best bullpens in the league, but without that frontline starter, it
would be hard for them to reach the World Series again. Are the Reds' keeping Jay Bruce? The
Angels need a left handed bat, and the Mets need anyone that can drive in runs so Jay Bruce will be
a popular name mentioned across the league when it gets closer to the deadline. Bruce is currently
hitting .255 with 15 HR and 48 RBI. He can easily fill a void for the Angels as a middle of the order
guy and could provide some protection to Albert Pujols. The Mets have one of the most anemic
offenses in the league so this move would make sense for them as well, but are they willing to part
with any of their young pitching? That is the question the Mets will have to answer. Mike Leake is a
more inexpensive option for teams looking for a good middle of the rotation pitcher. The Royals,
Yankees, Dodgers and Blue Jays will be in the running for Leake's services. The Reds' are currently
near the bottom of the NL Central and have players they could build around. Many teams in
contention will reap the benefits of the Reds' imminent fire sale. The non–waiver trade deadline is
July 31st at 4
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Baseball : The Tragedy Of The Black Sox Scandal
Baseball was the most popular sport in America in the early 20th century. However, the reputation
was eventually ruined with a major scandal known as the Black Sox Scandal. The scandal is
notorious for being the largest sporting scandal in the nation's history and causing baseball to have
this devastating event haunt it forever. The men who were a part of the Black Sox Scandal did not
have a valid a reason to partake in the scandal because it was unethical and tainted baseball forever.
Before the sport of baseball was tainted, it was initially just a growing sport amongst working
middle–class people, whether they were playing or simply watching. The first professional team was
formed in 1869 and was soon joined by eight other teams which formed the first national league for
the sport of baseball. A few years after existence, the national league was struggling to stay afloat.
Many team owners ruled with in an extremely strict manner. Athletes who put forward complaints
were often fired and blacklisted. The first case of gambling within a baseball game happened the
year 1877. Members of the Louisville Grays purposefully lost the game for money and claimed it
was because they hadn't been paid yet. Shortly after, baseball was turned into a booming business
with the brand name "Spaulding" coming to rise in selling sporting goods. Eventually a new league
of baseball was formed and came out on top as the favorite amongst the nation. While the players
were enjoying the new conditions thanks to Spaulding, they were still ruled under extreme
strictness. Players were being dictated and their complaints weren't given any attention whatsoever.
Despite many efforts to counter the strictness of the league, players were still put under poor
conditions which may have caused the Black Sox Scandal to happen in the first place (Pearson). The
men who took part in this scandal were members of the Chicago White Sox team of 1919. The
Chicago White Sox were considered one of the best teams to ever be assembled in the history of
baseball. During 1917, the White Sox won the World Series but some of the members were drafted
and shipped overseas. It was up to the head coach of the White Sox to assemble and replicate the
1917 season. In
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Baseball Is America 's Pastime
Baseball is America's pastime. Thousands of fans every season gather in stadiums nationwide to
watch as players take the diamond. People of all ages have a love for baseball, after all it is the all
American sport. Baseball was loved by millions until one day when the truth came out. The 1919
World Series had been rigged. Hearts were broken and sadness spread across America. These
crooked people didn't intentionally try to ruin baseball but there were reasons why these men went
astray. People didn't want to believe it was true... but it was. The Chicago White Sox had
intentionally thrown the series and let the Cincinnati Reds win (encyclopedia). There began the
painful tribulation of the Black Sox scandal. It was 1919 and everyone was ... Show more content on ...
Why throw the series? Why would the players get involved with gamblers? One reason, was Charles
Comiskey, the owner of the White Sox. The players were getting really tired of playing better than
almost any team but getting paid about half as much as their opponents (Lipsyte 25). Comiskey was
just cheap and didn't pay the team what many thought they deserved. He wouldn't even pay for their
uniforms to be cleaned, there came along the Black Sox (Lipsyte 25). The first baseman for the
White Sox was C. Arnold "Chick" Gandil and he was the first to meet with anyone about fixing the
series (History). He met with Joseph "Sport" Sullivan and finally agreed to the plan of throwing the
championship in exchange for $100,000 (History). All he needed now was the men on the field to
agree with this crooked plan. In order for this to work, he would need a pitcher and Eddie Cicotte
came to mind. Cicotte was an incredible ball player who had been pitching big league games for 14
years. He was unstoppable, yet Comiskey paid him less than $6,000 (Asinof 16). Cicotte was having
monetary issues and needed to be able to provide for his family. He thought the plan over in his
mind and finally told Gandil "I'll do it for ten thousand dollars. Cash. Before the Series begins!".
This created a snowball effect because Gandil figured if he could get Cicotte on board he could get
the rest of the players he needed (Asinof 17). The next person he went after was shortstop "Swede"
Risberg, he
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Effects Of The Black Sox Scandal
The Black Sox scandal is the name given to the conspiracy that fixed the 1919 World Series which
was played between the Chicago White Sox and the Cincinnati Reds. A number of players on
Chicago conspired with different gamblers to throw the games on purpose. "This is the biggest
scandal in major league history." ("Black Sox Scandal.") This betting conspiracy between a group of
players and gamblers led to the permanent banning of eight players from the White Sox baseball
program. "They were very strict on these players, the Major League Baseball association took away
the players contracts, and they also fined the players of various amounts of money." ("Black Sox
After this disaster, it took the Chicago organization a very long
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Did the White Socks Fix the World Series Against the...
There was great speculation that in 1919, the White Sox fixed the World Series against the
Cincinnati Reds. Even though there is factual evidence of such occurring, some members of the
scandal still maintained their innocence, like "Shoeless" Joe Jackson. There was a trial about the
scandal and the jury delivered a verdict of not guilty, however when Major League Baseball
investigated, they banned eight members for life. In addition, prior to the trial, crucial evidence went
missing from the Cook County Courthouse, including the signed confessions of two players, who
subsequently recanted their confessions. With all the conspiracy theories taken into account, the
White Sox indeed did fix the 1919 World Series in exchange for cash payments that were given to
specific players. There were quite a few motives that helped this fix get into place. In 1919, the
White Sox were the premiere baseball team in the nation, with a record of 88–51, which was the
best record in the American League. Despite the extremely high amount of wins the White Sox had,
and being the best performing team in baseball, most, if not all the players were still unhappy. All of
the players were vastly underpaid by the owner of the White Sox, Charles Comiskey. Many people
believe that Comiskey's stinginess and general treatment of the players were to blame for the entire
ordeal. Comiskey treated the players very unfairly; he was able to get away with paying players low
salaries because of the "reserve
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Essay On My Birthday
When a person´s birthday comes around does he/she ever wonder what happened on his/her birthday
before he/she was even thought of? Do they ever wonder about the special events that happened on
that day besides their birth? I was astonished to have found out how much had happened on October
19. I was born on October 19, 2000. My parents are Billy and Teresa Summerlin. I was born in
Mission Hospital on a Thursday morning. It was fifty– eight degrees and it was dark outside. My
doctor was Dr. David Cobb, and he said that I was a miracle baby. I weighed four pounds and
thirteen ounces because I wasn't getting the nutrition that I needed because the umbilical cord was
wrapped around my stomach, and I couldn't breathe well. My grandmother had a gall bladder attack
the same day I was born and was also put in the hospital. My family said that I looked like a naked
squirrel when I was born. My first name, Alexis is a Greek name that means defender or helper. My
last name, Summerlin is a Scottish name that means mariner, viking, or wander. On October 19,
2012 the statue ¨Big Tex" was destroyed by fire during the State Fair of Texas. Another thing that
happened on my birthday was that Henry Ford made his first radio speech in 1932. One thing that
interested me the most was in 1960, Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested at an Atlanta sit–in at ¨The
Magnolia Room¨ On this day, 52 protesters, including King, were arrested for violating the
legislation. They were charged with a
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Sport Ethics: Gambling
Sport Ethics: Gambling According to Derevensky (2014), "gambling remains one of the fastest
growing industries in the world, with multinational corporations investing billions of dollars to
attract customers." Sport betting has been around since the beginning. Although it was never legal, it
never stopped people from participating in the activity. Colonists were known to place bets on fights
and horse races. As soon as baseball become known in the 1920s, gambling starting to become more
popular in various sporting events. Gambling is a skill one must work on to become successful. It's
like live poker in that it doesn't rely on luck. It relies on knowledge. Today, gambling in sports has
continued to grow becoming legal and becoming a sport ... Show more content on ...
Although it was never legal, it never stopped people from participating in the activity. Gambling
become more popular during the Golden Age and with the beginnings of baseball. Events
surrounding the Black Sox and Pete Rose are what helped raise the concern of gambling. Today,
gambling has continued to grow and become a sport as it has rules and terms to follow. Although
this skill doesn't rely on luck, it relies on knowledge. Gambling is a skill one must work on to
become successful as results in a win, loss or a breakeven, furthermore. Most people gamble
responsibly and legally, but for some, however, it can have its consequences. Gambling can get out
of control, affecting one physically and mentally. As noted by Derevensky, "excessive gambling has
been repeatedly shown to result in consequences that can include abnormal anti–social behaviors,
decreased academic performance, impaired athletics performance, and criminal and legal problems."
It can become just as addictive as drugs. Gambling is a way to deter fans, cause disruptions, and
pressure athletes. It can also impact the youth by teaching them money is the way to success and by
setting them up for failure. However, gambling in sports can also have its pros. One can be his or
her own boss, earn more money, earn a job,
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1919 World Series Research Paper
The teams that were in the 1919 world series were the Cincinnati Reds and the Chicago White Sox.
The White Sox's were the favorite for the game but in the end the Reds had won the game 10–5.
This was a major upset and before the first pitch there had been talk of a fixed game. The game was
actually fixed so that the Reds would win the game. Gamblers had payed some of the White Sox
players to lose the game. The people that had to gain from the White Sox's loss were the people that
put bets on the Reds to win the game. The White Sox's were the favorite so they would have a lot of
people betting on them to win and not many people would bet on the Reds to win. The White Sox's
that threw the game were called Black Sox's. There were eight Sox's that
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The Scandal Of Black Sox Scandal
Title: The Scandal that involves Black Sox
Topic: The Black Sox Scandal
General Purpose: To inform about the audience about the historical event known as the Black Sox
Specific Purpose: To explain the owner mistreatment of the players, the details of the scandal, trail
that followed, and the effects of the scandal had.
Attention Material: In 1919, the Chicago White Sox, a major league baseball team located in
Chicago, Illinois, was one of the best teams in baseball. They had the best record, were filled with
talented players, and were in the World Series, which is a series of games that determines who the
best team in baseball is. They faced the Cincinnati Reds, a major league baseball team located in
Cincinnati, Ohio. They were heavily favored to win, but that did not end up happening. The Reds
ended up winning the whole World Series and suspension began to arose about the Chicago White
Sox. This lead to the discovery of the Black Sox Scandal, in which players of the Chicago White
Sox purposely lost the World Series in exchange for money from gamblers. The players plans were
simple lose the series and get the money. However, they got discovered and this lead them to court
and a ban from the game that they loved playing.
Credibility Statement: I am a baseball fan and I have done a lot of research to build up my
knowledge about this event.
Thesis Statement: The Black Sox scandal left has been embedded in history for the idea that was
presented and the
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Pete Rose In The Cincinnati Reds Hall Of Fame
Recently in July 2016, Pete Rose was inducted into the Cincinnati Reds' Hall of Fame and his
number, 14, was retired by the organization (Pete Rose Inducted into Cincinnati Reds' Hall of
Fame). There has always been a lot of controversy surrounding Rose, but the Reds finally took a
step that should have been taken a long time ago, they honored one of the best players to play for
their organization. It is time for the baseball Hall of Fame to do the same. Rose's Hall of Fame story
started September 1985, during a game at the Red's home field. During this game, Pete Rose got a
hit. Hits were no big deal in Rose's career; however, this one was different. This was hit number
4,192 for Rose. He had just broken the hits record (The Pete Rose Controversy). ... Show more
content on ...
His name has been tarnished by the reports that he ruined a sacred game. The MLB does not have to
lift the ban on Rose, they shouldn't. Rose did in fact break a rule that he was warned about time and
time again. However, the baseball Hall of Fame should change their rule and allow Rose be into the
Hall. Pete Rose's being entered into the Hall of Fame would not mean that he would be forgiven for
betting on baseball games. It would not mean that betting on baseball games is an okay action to
commit. It would simply mean that the accomplishments that Rose achieved on the baseball field are
recognized and the mark that he left on the history of the sport is not
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An Argument For Rose In The Hall Of Fame
"Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten, and be
considered a good performer." – Ted Williams. When referring to all time greats in the world of
baseball you will hear about the likes of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Ted Williams, Hank Aaron, Jackie
Robinson, and Ernie Banks. None of these men have the most hits in baseball's storied history. The
man that does, however, is not in the Hall of Fame.
There have only been 15,213 men to play in the MLB, only 29 of those accumulated 3,000 career
hits. Peter Edward Rose Sr, better known as just Pete, played Major League Baseball for 23 years. In
his 22nd season (1985) he surpassed Ty Cobb as baseball's all time hit king with 4,256 hits. In 1989,
Rose gambled ... Show more content on ...
He has had many supporters for his reinstatement over the years. Washington Nationals closer
Jonathan Papelbon said "He should be in the Hall of Fame, One Hundred Percent, if you don't want
to put him in as a manager, put him in as a player, he didn't make any mistakes as a player." (Isn't It
Time to Forgive Pete Rose and Put Him in Hall of Fame?) Similarly, Hall of Fame second baseman
Joe Morgan thinks it is long past–time for his long–time teammate Pete Rose to join him in
Cooperstown. "I think if you are going to allow guys with PEDs on the ballot, then we have to allow
him on the Ballot," Morgan told USA Today. "Let's face it, he's been punished for 24 years. I think
they have to take a second look at Pete now that this (Biogenesis) has come out". (Joe Morgan: Time
for Hall of Fame to Induct Pete Rose) You could ask "What will reinstating Pete Rose do for
baseball?" really any answer would be valid. The right question to ask is "What will not reinstating
Pete Rose due for baseball?" (Rethinking Rose's Reinstatement) He wouldn't be immediately
inducted into Cooperstown if reinstated. Major League Baseball's Committee will have to vote Pete
Rose in the Hall of Fame if the ban were removed. The Hall of Fame is controlled by Major League
Baseball, nevertheless there is no Hall of Fame without the players. If the players were to show a
united front for Rose, it could mean a great deal to the Commissioner and other high ranking
baseball officials (Should Pete Rose Be in the Hall of Fame? Let the Voters Decide). For his
enshrinement into Cooperstown Pete would need 75% of the votes of the 65 member committee. If
Rose were to be reinstated, he would not appear on the BBWAA ballot, however, he would
immediately appear on the ballot of the Expansion Era Committee. Nevertheless, the Cincinnati
Reds announced that the "Hit King" would be inducted into their Hall of
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Online Communities
Online Communities
Ken Griffey Jr. is a well–known name in the world of Major League Baseball. Before the Seattle
Mariners traded Griffey Jr. to the Cincinnati Reds, he was an absolute phenomenal baseball player.
Since being traded, he has been nothing but disappointment to the Reds organization. The following
is a dialogue between the two members in an online community at
crc29: ""Asked if he's happy that he's still with Cincinnati, Griffey said, "What does it matter? This
game is not about being happy. It's about wins and losses.'" ...and this is the same guy who once said
when he was shopping the market that the important thing do is go somewhere where he'll be
happy? And he wonders why people always think ... Show more content on ...
The four categories were MLB baseball directory, main MLB board, minor league baseball, and
fantasy baseball. At first, I went to the main MLB board to look at the overall appeal of the
There were several different subjects, all of which were specific questions and topics. "Veteran's
Committee Trivia," "DISGUSTING YANKEE FANS," "Fantasy baseball HELP!" "Championship
Run," "Breakout Bat" are among the post that stood out. I learned that there are three main types of
posts involved in typical sports forums: informative, analytical, and investigative.
The three posts, "Fantasy baseball HELP!" "Championship Run" "Breakout Bat" all began the
thread with questions and are great examples of investigative posts. The first messages presented
were often questions. "Will the Yanks bring the trophy home this year?" (Championship Run, 2/25)
"Which player(s) are expected to have a breakout season with the bat? Also how strong of a year is
expected out of Mark Prior?" (Breakout Bats, 2/24) "I think I pulled one over on this guy. He
originally offered me just Burrel and Vidro for Hunter, Sabathia, Kim, and Mondesi but I needed a
2B and wanted to unload Rueter. Mondesi is junk. What do you all think?" (Fantasy baseball HELP!
2/28) Some of the posts involved polls, which people could vote on.
Which team has the best chance of taking the World Series in 2003?
· Anaheim Angels
· San Francisco Giants
· New
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Pete Rose Essay
Pete Rose: The Undeniable Truth Thousands upon thousands of men have been scouted, drafted,
played, and even managed in Major League Baseball. Yet, a name, synonymous with numerous
records, is mostly associated with controversy. Enter Peter Edward "Pete" Rose Sr. Pete Rose grew
up in a middle class family, struggled as a student, and then eventually excelled as a baseball
player/manager. Even though Pete Rose lived for the sport and broke so many records during his
professional career, it was his off–the–field behavior which led to his being banished from baseball
and probably the Baseball Hall of Fame. Born on the morning of April 14, 1941 to Harry and
LaVerne Rose, Pete was given a pretty typical war–time upbringing of hard work ... Show more
content on ...
He had to finish the season 6–for–9 to beat out Matty Alou and win the first of two close NL
batting–title races. Rose had his best offensive season in 1969, leading the league in batting for the
second straight season (.348) and leading the league in runs with 120. As the team's lead–off man he
was a catalyst, rapping 218 hits and walking 88 times. He hit 33 doubles, 11 triples, and tied a
career–best with 16 home runs. He drove in 82 runs, slugged (also known as a slugging percentage;
is a measure of the power of a hitter. It is calculated as total bases divided by at bats.) .512 (by far
the highest mark of his long career), and had another career best .432 OBP (on base percentage)
(Sports Reference, Inc). But the Reds finished four games out of first, and Rose lost the MVP to
Willie McCovey. Rose and Roberto Clemente were tied for the batting title going into the final
game; Rose bunted for a base hit in his last at–bat of the season to beat out Clemente. On May 5,
1978, Rose became the 13th and youngest player in Major League history to collect his 3,000th
career hit, with a single off Montreal Expos pitcher Steve Rogers. On June 14 in Cincinnati, Rose
singled in the first inning off Cubs pitcher Dave Roberts; Rose would proceed to get a hit in every
game he played until August 1, making a run at Joe DiMaggio's record 56–game hitting streak,
which had stood
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Hockey Players Are Pretty Good People
So this brings up my first point and ethical dilemma; is it right for the NHL to put their players in
this town? One can argue that is not the responsibility of the NHL to control the actions of their
players, however, is it a good idea to even present the opportunity for a millionaire athlete to be
tempted by this excessive town, that is Las Vegas? Generally, hockey players are pretty good people,
including professionals playing in the NHL, or instance; P.K. Subban, current Nashville Predator,
and former defenseman for the Montreal Canadiens made an outstanding donation of $10–million
dollars to the Montreal Children's Hospital. Nick Foligno, Captain of the Columbus Blue Jackets
also donated $1–million dollars to the Boston Children's Hospital after they treated his daughter for
a congenital heart disease, supporting the positive reputation of the players, being mostly, kind–
hearted and generous guys off the ice. On the contrary, hockey players are known to have a bit of a
reputation for being partiers, Chicago Blackhawks star Patrick Kane has often been spotted having a
few more beverages than he should in downtown Chicago, he also got in trouble with the law back
in the summer of 2009 for an altercation with a cab driver over $0.20 cents. Not to say that every
NHL player that visits, or plays in Las Vegas will be a drug addict and get arrested. Nonetheless, by
the NHL placing the Golden Knights franchise in Las Vegas, it presents a lot of temptation for these
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Pete Rose Research Paper
Does Pete Rose deserve a second chance?
There is only one rule in baseball that is posted in every major league locker room, Rule 21(d): Any
player, umpire, or club or league official or employee, who shall bet any sum whatsoever upon any
baseball game in connection with which the bettor has a duty to perform shall be declared
permanently ineligible. In 1989, Pete Rose, baseball's greatest player, was banned from baseball by
Major League Commissioner, Bart Giamatti, when it was discovered that while managing the
Cincinnati Reds, Rose was actively betting on them to win. This resulted in making him ineligible
for the Hall of Fame because the Hall does not recognize player who's names appears on the
permanently ineligible list.
Peter Rose has been banned from baseball for over 25 years. Now that the current Commissioner of
Major League Baseball, Bud Selig, is about to retire many fans are hoping ... Show more content on ...
He was fully aware of both Rule 21(d) and the consequences of breaking that rule. Pete Rose chose
to place his bets anyway. Just because he got caught and apologized for his actions doesn't make
them right. He should have confessed immediately but instead he adamantly denied betting on
baseball, especially on his team, for more than 15 years. Many feel his apology was forced and a
way for him to get clemency. Pete Rose chose to sign the agreement presented to him by the
baseball commissioner accepting a lifetime ban thus making him ineligible for induction into the
Hall of Fame. By continuing his ban, Pete Rose continues to set an example for all future baseball
players: if you bet on baseball, you must pay the price. Even though Pete Rose is a legend, he does
not deserve the right to be recognized at Cooperstown along with the other athletes who got there
legitimately. His actions disgraced the game of baseball and he should be held accountable for his
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Pete Rose: The Ugly Baseball Player
Hello, Cincinnati! All you baseball fans are probably familiar with a famously, ugly baseball player
named Pete Rose. Those of you who haven't heard of him, boy, are you in for a treat! We'll explore
his early life, along with his baseball career. We can't forget his falling from grace, which caused
him being banned from baseball for life! What a story! Get your popcorn, hot dog, and other
concessions for your enjoyment. Sit back, and put on some chapstick for the kiss cam.
On April 14, 1941, a future famous baseball player is born, Peter Edward Rose, according to His uncle, Buddy Bloebaum, being a scout for the Cincinnati Reds was sure to
ensure a future career in baseball. His dad– also known as "Big Pete"– had been a boxer ... Show
more content on ...
With his great success in life, he thought nothing could bring him down. Sadly, Pete Rose was
betting on baseball, which is illegal. Rose continued to serve as manager of the Reds, but after
suspicions arose about his gambling habits, the Commissioner's office hired former Justice
Department prosecutor John Dowd to launch an investigation. On August 23, 1989, Commissioner
Bart Giamatti suspended Rose from baseball for life. Rose landed in more trouble the following
year, earning a five–month sentence in a Federal correctional institution for tax evasion. Rose
applied for reinstatement to baseball in 1997, and after years of denying the charges, he finally
admitted to betting on games just before the release of his 2004 autobiography, My Prison Without
Bars, according to Unfortunately, he later was accused of rape. He was having
sexual relations with a minor, according to Rose acknowledged he had a sexual
relationship with the woman in court documents made public, but he said his information and belief
was that it started when she was 16. He was 34, married and the father of two children in 1975,
when he says he began having sex with the woman. Rose said he does not recall how long the
relationship lasted, according to
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Pete Rose Research Paper
Pete Rose
The all time hit champion Pete Rose was banned from baseball and the Hall of Fame for life because
of illegal sports betting and tax evasion. Pete Rose was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, on April
14, 1941. His parents names were LaVerne Rose and Harry Rose (Lloyd 2005). Pete's Dad who had
once played semi pro football, had always wanted him to be a football star. When Pete Rose was
young, he always wanted to be a star, a baseball star, and throughout his life he was recognized
widely as one ( 2014). He had always had a passion for football and baseball and
even when he was offered to go to college with a football scholarship, he denied the request and
continued his baseball career. He was offered ... Show more content on ...
The baseball commissioner that banned Pete Rose from MLB and the HOF actually can not ban Pete
from the HOF permanently. The HOF can uplift Pete's "punishment" any time they want (Svrluga
2015). Pete Rose is also well on his way to 75 years old, and still enjoys his life, even though he can
not play MLB ever again (Lloyd 2005).
Recognition. Pete Rose has proven that even just an average Ohio kid can turn into one of the
biggest and well known baseball stars in the world. He never gave up completely on baseball, and
he also set a huge goal for so many baseball players around the world. Pete Rose has personally
inspired tons of people to go out and make a huge difference in the world. To go try to do something
incredible or even impossible. "It is impossible to succeed in life if you don't try" is a quote Pete
Rose's dad said a lot that might have made a difference in Pete's life (Lloyd
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How Did George Clooney Have To Drop Out Of College
"The only failure is not to try." George Clooney
When Clooney was young, his dream was to become a professional baseball player. At the age of
sixteen years old in 1977, Clooney was invited to try out for the Cincinnati Reds team. Clooney
failed to join the team. In 1981, Clooney went to the University of Kentucky and majored in
Broadcast Journalism. Clooney felt that journalism is not the best choice for his career. After not a
long time in becoming a university student, Clooney decided to drop out of university. Clooney did
not make it to the Cincinnati Reds team, and he was not happy with his university choices. So his
next step was to move to Los Angeles and pursue a career in acting. In 1994, Clooney was cast in
NBC medical drama called ER, Where his role was to play as Dr. Doug Ross. He then quickly
developed into becoming one of the one of the most admired actors in Hollywood.
I chose to write about this quote because it means a lot to me. The quote describes a personal event
that happened during my life. When I graduated from high school in 2013, I was not working hard
in university application. My main point was to graduate with high grade point average, ... Show
more content on ...
However, Clooney never lost hope and motivation in seeking a successful future. I felt the same way
when, I took a gap year after not getting accepted into Texas A&M University. During my gap year,
I read a book called, "The Power Of Positive Thinking." Based on reading the book, I learned to stay
positive no matter what the consequences were. Even though it was nearly impossible to stay
positive because I faced those people who underestimated my abilities or would try to distract me
from accomplishing my dreams by spreading their negative energy towards me. I knew that listening
to them won't benefit me, it will only discourage me, and I knew deep down that the only person
that can make that dream reality is
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Pete Rose Research Paper
The rise and fall of Pete Rose has always been an interesting topic brought up in the world of
baseball. However, I have never looked into for myself and have always been curious how he
became a "king" of baseball during his time, and how he grew his legacy. Consequently, he fell after
being caught for betting on his own team, receiving the penalty of being banned from the MLB for
life. After researching this topic, I am excited to learn what all went down with this ordeal and how
Pete Rose has tried to save face after being caught.
Baseball Career
Growing Up. Peter Rose was born on April 14, 1941 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was one of four
children to Francis and LaVerne Rose. Francis Rose was nicknamed "Big Pete" and had been ...
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Rose was able to win back–to–back World Series titles, the MVP award, consistently hitting above
.300, lead the league in many stats, named Sportsman of the Year in Sports Illustrated magazine, and
many other achievements. Rose was earning one of the highest salaries in the league with the Reds.
Rose loved the Cincinnati Reds and wanted to sign a lifetime contract with the team, however, the
Reds were not interested in doing so, and Rose would go on to leave Cincinnati during free agency
... Get more on ...

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Pete Rose Baseball Scandal Essay

  • 1. Pete Rose Baseball Scandal Essay Throughout the history of America's pastime, baseball has continually battled scandals and controversies. From the 1919 "Black Sox" scandal to the current steroid debate, baseball has lived in a century of turmoil. While many of these scandals affected multiple players and brought shame to teams, none have affected a single player more than the 1980's Pete Rose betting scandal. Aside from the public humiliation he brought his family and the Cincinnati Reds, nothing has done more to hurt Pete Rose than his lifetime ban from baseball making him ineligible for hall of fame. While many are for and against putting Pete Rose in the hall of fame, the four ethical theories, Kantianism, Utilitarianism, Egoism, and Ethical Realism, each have their ... Show more content on ... After retiring entirely from baseball both as a manager and as a player, Pete Rose was believed to have placed bets on multiple baseball games including his Cincinnati Reds. After investigations by Major League Baseball and the lawyer John M. Dowd, they were able to discover that Rose had bet on multiple Reds games, but were unable to discover whether Rose had ever bet against the Reds, like the Black Sox scandal. With the Commissioner of baseball, Bart Giamatti, pushing the case to the federal level, Rose and Giamatti came to an agreement which included Rose's lifetime ban from baseball. During his lifetime ban, Rose came clean stating that he did bet on the Reds in his autobiography in 2004. Currently, Pete Rose continues to serve his lifetime ban, hoping to one day manage another team and enter the hall of fame. Knowing that Pete Rose continues his ban from baseball, we can begin by looking at the ethical theories which agree with keeping Rose out of the hall of fame. Egoism, the idea of acting in manner which is best for me, is a theory which does not lead Rose to the hall of fame. With Egoism we have to look at what is best for the party in charge and which decision will lead to the best outcome. With the Pete Rose case we have two parties whose ethical decisions can be evaluated, MLB and Pete Rose. Clearly Pete Rose can be ignored in the egoistic analysis, since the decision to place him in the hall of fame ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Sports Stars: 1919 Black Sox Scandal Essay Sports stars are public figures. Their fame can make us join charity work and causes to change the world we live in. The star power of a professional sport can even bring together a divided nation. President Nelson Mandela was successful in bringing together a divided nation through a national sport in the 1995 Rugby World Cup. Like in South Africa, America's game of baseball is a sport that is part of our culture. From the Civil War to the War in Afghanistan, from pick up games played on sandlots to fantasy baseball played on the computer, baseball's tradition is directly related to America's history. The Black Sox Scandal was probably the most famous scandal in the history of baseball. Although betting on baseball and having "fixed" ... Show more content on ... Before game 1 he received $10,000 form Rothstein. With the start of game 2 looming and no money had been handed out except for Cicotte the conspirators were still willing to throw game 2. After losing game 2; Maharg divided $10,000 among the rest of the involved parties. With the series 0–2 everyone in the media including the Chicago Tribune knew the series was going to be over soon. After winning game 3 the White Sox threw game 4 to go down in the series 3–1. The night before game 5 there was another gambler who decided to become a large player in the deal. "Sport" Sullivan a big time gambler from Boston, paid Jackson, Risberg, Felsch, and Williams, $20,000 evenly. Game 5 was a much more competitive game with both pitchers not allowing a runner past first base until after the 6th inning. With the Reds winning the game and going up 4–1 in the series; it would normally be over. But after World War I and the increased interest in baseball Major League Baseball thought it would be in the best interest of the game to increase the World Series to a best of 9 series. (BR Bullpen) After winning two straight games the White Sox had a chance to win the series(Asinof). Before game 8 Williams who was scheduled to pitch was visited by a hit man stating that if the game was not over by the end of the first inning he and his wife would be killed after the game. Losing the game 10–5 the series was over with the Reds winning the 1919 World ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Chronic Injuries Robbed Ken Griffey Jr. of Homerun King... He hit 600 home runs (5th most all time), won 10 gold gloves, and made 13 All Star Games. In almost 150 years baseball history, only the great Willie Mays can match Ken Griffey Jr. in these statistical categories. However, despite these extraordinary stats, Ken Griffey Jr. may be the ultimate "What Could Have Been" player. An incredibly promising career was derailed in the latter half by chronic injuries that robbed him of hundreds of games. If not for these injuries, Griffey was well on his way to becoming the Home Run King (Stark, 2010) and possibly the greatest player ever. Despite these setbacks, Griffey is still revered as one of the greatest and most popular MLB players ever. The savior of baseball in Seattle and the lone star to ... Show more content on ... He gained endorsements with Pizza Hut and General Mills, and had his own Nintendo video game and Nike shoe line. He also appeared in many TV shows such as The Simpsons and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, as well as movies, and wrote his own autobiography (Ferguson, 2011). His 1989 rookie card remains the most popular baseball card ever. During the prime of his career in the late 1990s, he was easily the most popular baseball player and possibly even most popular athlete in the world. Nowhere in the country is he more popular than in Seattle, where he is considered the savior of baseball in the city. In the 1980s, the Mariners were a historically moribund franchise playing in the crumbling Kingdome. Prior to his arrival, the Mariners had been seriously considering a move to Washington DC, but that all changed once Griffey came (Fort, 2000, p. 313). His exciting style of play immediately attracted fans and attention to the franchise (Caple, 2010). In 1995, Griffey led a miracle rally to the Mariners first playoff appearance in decades (Reader, 2010), and capped the season by scoring the game winning run to defeat the New York Yankees in the first round (Schaefer, 2003, p.6). His rise rejuvenated baseball and the city in general, leading the building of the new stadium, Safeco Field, dubbed the "House That Griffey Built". Griffey's most enduring legacy, however, was being one of the few star players who were not involved in ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Informative Speech On The Black Sox Scandal General Purpose: I will inform the class about an event in history. Specific Purpose: I would like to inform people on the 1919 Black Sox Scandal in Major League Baseball. Introduction Attention Getter: In 2008 the New York Giants won the Super Bowl by defeating the previously unbeaten New England Patriots in what most sports fans call one of the greatest upsets in sports history. What would you think if I told you the Patriots lost the game on purpose? They didn't, but in 1919 eight members of the Chicago White Sox conspired to intentionally lose the World Series against the Cincinnati Reds in what people now refer to as the Black Sox Scandal. Speaker Credibility: My uncle is a huge sports buff and he's often talked to me about this specific scandal. I remember growing up and still hearing how upset this scandal made him. Its something that still prevalent in todays sports. Relate the topic to the audience: You all probably have watched sports at some time and it should be very interesting for you guys to know about some drama within the sports industry. Specific purpose: Today I want to share with you the story of the black sox scandal of 1919. Preview of Main Points: I will talk to you about why the Whitesoxs were the favorites, why the Whitesoxs players didn't like their management, and how that affected how baseball changed his management. Body A. Transition: Heading into the World Series the White Sox were heavy favorites, and people in both cities believed they would make quick work of the Reds. I. Throughout the time leading up to the 1919 World Series, reporters in both Chicago and Cincinnati spoke about how good the World Series would be, and the odds–makers listed the White Sox as heavy favorites. A. The former MLB pitcher Cristy Mathewson, predicted the best played series in years . 1. He gave the edge on pitching to the Reds, but believed the White Sox offense and experience gave them a better chance at victory. 2. He also pointed to the fact the Sox played in a better league and had a tougher road to the series, making them ready for a fight
  • 14. B. Gamblers also made the White Sox heavy favorites in the World Series. 1. The Cincinnati Inquirer on the article "red money appears" on ... Get more on ...
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  • 18. Cincinnati Red Stockings The cause of the World Series is that people wanted to play pro baseball. The Cincinnati Red Stockings were the first pro baseball team. They formed a team around the late 1890's.Since there were pro teams sprouting everywhere, some baseball officials met. They had people join leagues which had rules, schedules and contracts. By the 1890's, there were two major baseball leagues. The National League of Professional Baseball Clubs, and their rival , The American Association of Baseball Clubs. The AA (American Association) folded in and took its place. The first World Series was the Cincinnati Red Stockings V.S the Chicago White Stockings. Cinnati was from AA and the Whites from NLBC ( National League of Baseball Clubs). Before the game, some ... Show more content on ... In game one it was 4–4 in the top of the ninth inning. Giant Casey Stengel hit a line drive to the center field. He got home and he won by putting the score up to 5–4 Giants. The Yankees went against the Pittsburgh Pirates In the 1960 World Series. When Mazerok hit the first strike he missed. On the second hit he hit the ball so hard it soared over the field and into the bleachers. That led to a win for the Pittsburgh Pirates. In 1927 the Yankees swept the World Series again. The lineup was so deadly people started calling it Murderers row. In 1919, the Chicago White Sox and the Cincinnati Red Stockings met face to face. Everyone thought they would win because they had Eddie who was an excellent pitcher and Joe Jackson, their star slugger. They did pretty good from the beginning but they started doing terrible. A few years later they found out that the team messed up on purpose to get payed. In 1934 a new team came in place. They were the St.Louis Cardinals. Most of the people grew up pour and didn't have any money. They liked to pretend to fight in hotel lobbies. They went to the World Series against the Detroit Tigers. The Detroit Tigers thought the Cardinals would be easy to beat. But the Cardinals destroyed the Tigers with 4–3 Cardinals in the number of game. The Red Sox were an extraordinary team. They had Babe Ruth on their side. They won the World Series in 1912, 1915, 1916, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 22. Black Sox Scandal Research Paper Black Sox Scandal In the year 1919 a huge sports scandal shocked baseball. The Black Sox Scandal occurred in the 1919 World Series where the White Sox played against the Reds. This Scandal is the reason why professional sports banned gambling on your own team and players can't bet on themselves.The Scandal was about two gamblers approaching the White Sox and telling the players who at the time were making a very low amount of money due to the great depression; who offered them White Sox players a total of 100,000 dollars to throw the World Series to the Reds because they were heavily favored. This would be a huge payout to gamblers. Before the first pitch was even thrown in the World Series the rumors circled around that the White Sox were bribed, and several months after the World Series was thrown in the favor of the Reds, eight players on the team were accused of throwing the World Series. Those eight players were banned from the major league for life. To reassure that this same situation doesn't occur again the MLB hired its first commissioner to oversee baseball operations. In the article, "Black Sox Scandal" it gives a brief description of the commissioner which is, "Baseball club owners appointed Kenesaw Mountain Landis, an attorney and U.S. district judge for the Northern District of Illinois, as the first commissioner of baseball for the major and minor leagues. Landis was given absolute power to control every aspect of the game in order to eliminate ... Show more content on ... This is why sports betting and commissioners of sports are very strict now. After the White Sox Scandal baseball ratings went down into the toilet due to the bad press this situation got and no one wanted to watch baseball that they knew what was going to happen. The Black Sox Scandal is very important because it's a big event that occurs in the roaring 20s, which caused sports to be changed for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 26. Hustle: The Myth, Life, and Lies Of Pete Rose by Michael... Hustle: The Myth, Life, and Lies Of Pete Rose by Michael Sokolove I was in high school when Pete Rose broke Ty Cobb's all time hits record. I grew up in Ohio when I was young and was always a Cincinnati Reds fan, and Rose was one of the players I admired. It seemed as though he hustled more than most of the other players and was always trying to do whatever it took in order to win. He was my first recollection of how free agency could ruin your favorite team when he departed for the Philadelphia Phillies in 1979, and led them to the World Series in 1980. In 1989, The Dowd Report (which harshly criticized Rose for gambling) was a shock. That a player who was so intent on winning and would do whatever it took to help his team to ... Show more content on ... He then brings the reader into the beginning of Pete's major league career. He mentions numerous times throughout the book about how Pete was not loved or even liked by most of teammates during his career. This is important because of the way it will help to explain his need to seek outside gratification. Sokolove also explains how Pete used his natural charm to help influence the press. Sokolove realizes that by becoming a media darling, Pete was able to keep the press from looking so carefully into his personal life, and basically become invisible in his private life from the scrutiny that follows many superstars of that time and currently. Sokolove does mention about how Pete would rather have his birthday occur in another town other than Cincinnati. He would enjoy the attention of the fans. He felt that by having his birthday in another town this would give the fans a chance to applaud for him, when otherwise they could not truly show the support they had for Rose. Rose also would use humor at almost every opportunity he could. His humor was quick and sometimes crude and Sokolove uses many different examples of when he used humor to explain his points. This is just some of the examples Sokolove uses throughout this book to help explain the inner workings and personality of why Pete Rose was able to become invisible to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. Supporting Ban on Pete Rose from Baseball Hall of Fame Essay What has the game of baseball meant for Americans? For many baseball is a game of integrity, honesty, and without a doubt skill. When one of these factors is allowed to overtake the other it leaves the game unbalanced with lost priorities. Like everything else in life, baseball has rules and regulations which should be followed and enforced. The Baseball Hall of Fame honors persons who have excelled in playing, managing, and serving the sport. Having ten years of experience in the game and five years of retirement players who pass a screening committee become eligible to be voted into the Hall of Fame. The main discussion now is whether or not to allow Pete Rose into the Baseball Hall of Fame, after betting on baseball while he ... Show more content on ... It was proven that he gambled four to five times a week during the 1985, 1986, and 1987 seasons. In placing his bets he mainly work with Tommy Gioisa, Ron Peters, Michael Bertolini, Paul Janszen , Steve Chevashore, and a bookie in Staten Island, NY identified only as "Val." Shown above are just six of the main people with whom he bet with and or used in aid to avoid getting caught. In the report to the Commissioner it is stated that Rose acknowledged sending eleven $8,000 check to Michael Bertolini, which were made out to fictitious payees, Rose stated that the money was loaned to Bertolini and was used only as payments to other athletes for participating in baseball card shows (hallinan). Later in 1987 Rose needed to use Paul Janszen in order to place his own bets with Val from Staten Island because Val refused to accept any bets tracking back to Pete Rose due to his failure in paying off his gambling debts. Rule 21 stating, "any player, umpire, club, league official or employee, who shall bet any sum whatsoever upon any baseball game in connection with which the bettor has a duty to perform shall be declared permanently ineligible (Baseball Hall of Fame)." Pete Rose was banned from baseball for life making him ineligible to be accepted in the Hall of Fame. Every ball player was notified and reminded of this rule because it has been part of their ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. Cheating In Professional Sports Essay One thing about sports that everyone agrees on is that they are fun to watch. Another thing that most agree on is that cheaters get what they deserve. However, the amount of cheating has increased significantly in professional sports over recent years, thus making them not so fun to watch by some. Cheating occurs through secret deals, bad trades, and use of drugs to gain a field advantage, therefore sports that most people have grown to love have become less entertaining, and more violent to the public. Changes need to be made to professional sports in order to restore it's former glory. There has been a lot of athletic scandals in colleges across the country. These scandals have been as a result of the coaches and athletic directors failing to take the full force of the law and giving their players freedom to do everything even if it is against the law. One of these fatal scandals is the Baylor University Basketball scandal that occurred in 2003. This scandal involved the players and the coaches of the team. The incident left one player dead and the other imprisoned for 35 years. The team was subjected to a lot of punishment by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). The NCAA is a non–profit organization comprised of 1281 institutions, organizations, individuals and conferences and that organizes the athletic programs of most of the colleges and universities in the United States and Canada (The New York Times, 2003). In the early 2000s Baylor University men's ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. 1919 World Series: Darkest Chapter In Major League Baseball 1919 World Series The 1919 World Series was very interesting to say the least. Some of the White Sox players wanted some extra money. I believe that this series is one of, if not the darkest chapter in Major League Baseball's history. About a week before the World Series had even begun, the two teams were set. The Cincinnati Reds were going to take on the Chicago White Sox in the 1919 World Series. There were many bookies wanting to make big money off of the series. Some of these bookies were Abe Attel, Bill Maharg, and Bill Burns. Arnold Rothstein was also suspected, but he was found innocent on every major court. Eight Chicago White Sox players were in search of more money than their contract implied. The fans that knew about this were ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Negotiation Case Study, from Negotiation Book by Roy... Case 5 : The Ken Griffey Jr. Negotiation Date : 10/1/08 Cinncinati Reds Baseball Team: Griffeys agent : Brian Goldberg, his negotiator for his baseball contract Jim Bowden : General manager of Team John Allen : Managing Executive, Bowdens' Boss Car Lindner : Team majority owner Griffeys team at present : Seattle Mariners Pat Gillick : General Manager who is to trade Griffey to another team Chuck Armstrong : Team president and boss of Gillick. Roger Jongewaard : team vice president Howard Lincoln : team CEO Woody Woodward : team manager before Gillick, retired from team. Griffey started expressing a desire to live closer to his relatives in his hometown of Cincinnati. Where his father and mother live, Ken and ... Show more content on ... He repeatedly makes offers to Pat Gillick in the weeks of negotiation without getting close to a trade . He also in exchange says he will trade some of his players such as Cameron. December 9th , GM of Reds publicly announced he will take over contract of Griffey, " bring him home " as he completed a month of negotiations with the Seattle Mariners GM just to bring Griffey on the team and trade a few other players from Cincinnati Reds to Seattle Mariners. For the contract negotiation 'communication' is the link that was used to negotiate the issue/argument whether it is face–to–face offer , on the telephone or in writing. The type of negotiation in the case was not just between two people. Each offer involved several members from both parties, the Seattle Mariners and Cincinnati Reds. Offer 1 : Pat Gillick asked for Reese and then trade Griffey to Bowden to Reds team offer was denied. Offer 2 : Mariners president and COO , Armstrong asked Goldberg to trade Griffey for NY Mets. Griffey did not agree and turned down the offer. This is because the agreement is not being directed to a certain compromise and both parties are looking for a different outcome. Offer 3 : Reds has 72 hours to workout a deal with Griffey and Goldberg. Griffey was finally traded
  • 43. to Cincinnati Reds and Bowden has worked for this deal and seen the deal through as of Monday February 7th , being GM ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Exemplification Essay: Should Professional Athletes Be... "Professional athletes should not be punished until they are convicted of a crime."( Some fans will think that it is important that the professional athletes be punish and some of them thinks that they should not be punished. Although their team needs them, professional athletes should be punished for their illegal behavior. Professional athletes should be punished for their illegal behavior because they are bringing bad influence on their fans and most of them are teens. They needs to more punished for their illegal behavior because some of the professional athletes are only punished for one or two games which is nothing. Professional athletes should be punished for their illegal behavior. Professional athletes should be punished ... Show more content on ... Some of the professional athletes who abused women for example or any type of crime are only punished for one or two games which is nothing. "Commissioner Vincent suspend Howe for life. The arbitrator determined that commissioner Vincent reduced the suspension to a year long and a stringent drug–test and drug education program." (Parlow) This quote proves that something the Commissioner changes the suspension which is unacceptable because if Howe was supposed to be suspended for life then he should be suspended for life. "The NFL likes to point that its player do not commit acts of violence against women at a higher rate than males in the general population." (Benedict) This quote shows that the NFL does not like to admit that their players abuses women or do crimes. Professional athletes should be punished for their illegal behavior. Professional athletes should be punished for their illegal behavior so that the leagues can show that they are taking responsibilities of their players on and off the court by punishing them for what crime or illegal behavior they did. People need to encourage the leagues of punishing the players, even if it is a good players, they need to be punished because they broke the laws. Professional athletes needs to be punished for a crime or a illegal behavior. Some fans will think that it ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Pete Rose : The Major League Baseball Hall Of Fame The Pete Rose Dilemma "Does Pete Rose belong in the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame?" This is a question that is debated among many pundits for a number of decades. Rose is undeniably one of the best hitters in the game of baseball. Twenty plus years ago, however, he was banned from the game due to the gambling allegations made against him. "Outside of baseball and my family, nothing has ever given me the pleasure, relaxation, or excitement that I got from gambling. Gambling provided an escape from the day–to–day pressures of life. And for me, gambling was just plain fun" (Rose and Hill 10). Regardless of Pete Rose's history of betting on baseball, his outstanding performance and statistical achievements outweigh his off the field transgressions. Therefore he should be instated into the Major League Baseball Hall of Fame. Rose was born in 1941 in Cincinnati, to Harry and LaVerne Rose. Pete's father, Harry, played a number of sports himself at a semi–professional level. One of which was baseball. This born athletic talent would set Pete on a course of greatness in the game of baseball. The sport that was his first love. Rose's father gave him his first glove before he could walk. He was hitting and catching a ball at the young age of four. He loved the game so much that he often he practiced for hours at a time beginning at a very young age. Some believed his father pushed him to practice until his hands would bleed. Rose confirmed that he did practice until they bled ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Is Punishment A Major League Baseball? To what extent has punishment in Major League Baseball since the Chicago Black Sox scandal in the 1919 World Series? Extended Essay in History Word count: 3073 Richard Moseley Moseley Abstract To what extent has punishment in Major League Baseball since the Chicago Black Sox scandal in the 1919 World Series? This investigation was done through numerous baseball reference websites, with ESPN being the primary source for the more current scandals such as Biogenesis. This investigation will assess how punishment in Major League Baseball has evolved since the World Series gambling scandal of 1919. This investigation will explore major cheating and gambling scandals in the history of Major League Baseball with a majority of the focus on the World Series scandal of 1919, the BALCO scandal, The Pete Rose scandal, and the Biogenesis scandal, and Major League Baseball's response to each of the scandals. Major League Baseball has adopted a zero tolerance policy for gambling since the 1919 World Series, and the drug policy has four levels, starting with a fifty game suspension for the first offense, and eventually leading to a lifetime ban from Major League baseball. The adoption of strict punishments speak volumes of the administration of Major League Baseball, and their dedication to keeping the sport enjoyable for athletes and spectators, as well as protecting the integrity of the game as a whole. Word Count: 195 Table of Contents Introduction ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Black Sox Scandal and Its Effect on America Scandals in Baseball and Its Effect on America Baseball has always been considered as American as apple pie. If that is true than cheating should be just as American. Ever since the creation of America's favorite pastime, baseball, cheating has been a major part of the game. Each era of baseball has showed more complex ways of cheating the game. Although, cheating in baseball has been around since the introduction of the game, only few scandals have really made history. Some of the most famous scandals include the Black Sox Scandal, the gambling of Pete Rose, and the use of steroids by players to enhance their performance. Despite these corruptions the game has still managed to stay America's most loved sport. Although cheating ... Show more content on ... Soon word got out to another gambler, Bill Burns. He approached Cicotte and offered him $100,000. Gandil and Cicotte met with Burns and agreed that they would do the fix as long as they got paid before the series began. Burns took off for New York with his boxer friend Billy Maharg to meet with Arnold Rothstein, a big time gambler, to come up with the money for the fix. At first, Rothstein did not go for it but then Sullivan went to Rothstein with his plans for the fix totally laid out. Rothstein decided to get in on the fix. He sent one of his men to Chicago with $ 40,000 to give to Sullivan to give to the players and the rest would be distributed if the series went as planned. However, when Sullivan got the money he quickly gambled $30,000 and then gave $10,000 to Gandil. The players not happy with the amount that they got they decided that they would throw the first two games and then ask for more money. Gandil told Sullivan he needed more money before the fourth game or the fix was off, Sullivan complied and after the game Gandil gave $5,000 to each of the players except Weaver who apparently was not participating in the plan. "The series continued as planned and the White Sox lost the series to the Cincinnati Reds, "five games to three" ( Although, rumors about a possible fix had already been made before the 1919 World Series only one person paid attention to them, this man was ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Pete Rose Psychology Personality Publisher: Rodale Books Copyright: 2004 Pete Rose was born on April 14, 1941 and grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio with his parents Harry and LaVerne Rose. His father Harry could be described as hard–working, tough, and hard–nosed, especially when it came to sports. Harry played semi–pro football and always pushed Pete to give 110% at all times. This attitude and effort that Pete was exposed to growing up with a man like Harry stuck with Pete his entire life and as a result he earned the nickname "Charlie Hustle", although it was not originally meant to be a compliment. In spring training of Pete's rookie year, he got walked by Yankee legend Whitey Ford. Instead of jogging to first base like everybody else in baseball, Rose sprinted to first ... Show more content on ... This need for superiority was not only prevalent in his playing days but also as he transitioned out of his playing days. In 1986, Rose was player–manager of the Reds and the last player–manager in professional baseball, a feat that is unlikely to occur again. Pete Rose will always be most remembered for betting on baseball while playing/managing the Reds. Rose denied these allegations for 14 years, even in the face of substantial evidence including an independent investigative report by Jon Dowd (better known as the Dowd Report). The defense mechanism most often used by Rose during this time period was flat–out denial. While denying the accusations, Rose likely received negative reinforcement due to the escape of the emotions involved in admitting such a terrible act in the eyes of baseball. A potentially big initial factor behind this is that shortly after the Dowd Report; Rose voluntarily placed himself on baseball's ineligible list in August 1989 with the agreement from then–commissioner Bart Giamatti that after a one–year banishment from baseball, Rose could apply for reinstatement. Tragedy struck when Giamatti unexpectedly died from a heart attack before Rose's year–long banishment had concluded. Fay Vincent took over as commissioner after Giamatti's death and was unwilling to reinstate Rose, as many would have seen the move as disrespectful to ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Birthday Essay : What Happened On My Birthday? What Happened On My Birthday? When a person´s birthday comes around does he/she ever wonder what happened on his/her birthday before he/she was even thought of? Do they ever wonder about the special events that happened on that day besides their birth? I was astonished to have found out how much had happened on October 19. I was born on October 19, 2000. My parents are Billy and Teresa Summerlin. I was born in Mission Hospital on a Thursday morning. It was fifty– eight degrees and it was dark outside. My doctor was Dr. David Cobb, and he said that I was a miracle baby. I weighed four pounds and thirteen ounces because I wasn't getting the nutrition that I needed because the umbilical cord was wrapped around my stomach, and I couldn't breathe well. My grandmother had a gallbladder attack the same day I was born and was also put in the hospital. My family said that I looked like a naked squirrel when I was born. My first name, Alexis is a greek name that means defender or helper. My last name, Summerlin is a scottish name that means mariner, viking, or wander. On October 19, 2012 the statue ¨Big Tex" was destroyed by fire during the State Fair of Texas. Another thing that happened on my birthday was that Henry Ford made his first radio speech in 1932. One thing that interested me the most was in 1960, Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested at an Atlanta sit–in at ¨The Magnolia Room¨ On this day, 52 protesters, including King, were arrested for violating legislation. They ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. Scandal of Chicago White Sox and Cincinnati Reds In Major League Baseball's 1919 World Series two teams that were the Chicago White Sox and Cincinnati Reds went up against each other. They played only a eight game series because the Cincinnati Reds already had won five games after the eighth game was over which didn't require them to go to the ninth game. Many people found it hard to believe that the Reds actually one the World Series because the White Sox were favored to win. The bookies made the odds seven to five favored on the Chicago White Sox to win. Believe it or not the Chicago White Sox actually let the Cincinnati Reds win the series because they were payed a significant amount of money to throw the game. This famous Scandal was known as The Black Sox Scandal. The media reacted very suddenly to this scandal, the people were very shocked when they got word of it, and the aftermath of this Scandal cause many problems in baseball and society. The Black Sox Scandal took place in the 1919 MLB World Series. Eight players of the Chicago White Sox took place in the throwing of the game. Charles Comiskey , the manager of the team divided the clubhouse into two factions of players. One side was known as the more sophisticated players then the other as the regular players. Both sides barely spoke words to one another but they made up the best baseball team of all time. All the players of course were underpaid because of being payed a small amount of what they're actually worth and also because of the reverse clause , which ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. 1919 World Series Scandal: Baseball's Black Sox 1919 World Series Scandal In 1919 two teams came together to fight for the title of being the 1919 World Series winner, these two teams where Cincinnati Reds and the Chicago White Sox. The world series is the championship for baseball. Chicago was the team in favor to win the series, but other people wanted the Cincinnati reds to win. This is what started the whole scandal for eight White Sox players to rig the series so that the Reds would win. All eight players were banned from baseball forever and became known as baseball's Black Sox. All players that were a part of the scandal are no longer allowed to play an organized baseball game. The fix was known in the first game of the series starting with the pitch. Players where not getting enough money for playing baseball due to post war. So they saw an appointment to get more money to pay for bills are do other things they want. The amount of money they were going to get 100,000 to split between each other. (1919 Word Series) cynics were tipped off before the game even started during the betting odds swap before the first game. Baseball was struggling for survival in the pre– Babe Ruth era. Players were promised bonuses but mostly were left with empty wallet. Baseball needed some new type of flair that would attract America to it, despite it's bad reputation at the time. World War I was already making all the headlines, but the last thing baseball needed was something like this. ... Show more content on ... "Lefty" Williams, the starting pitcher in Game 2, was not going to be as obvious as Cicotte. After a shaky start, he pitched well until the fourth inning, when he walked three and gave up as many runs. Rookie pitcher Dickie Kerr, the Game 3 starter for the Sox, was not in on the fix. The original plan was for the conspirators, who disliked Kerr, to lose this game; but by now dissent among the players meant that the plan was in disarray. ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. The Importance Of Baseball Bets In Baseball? Sports betting was not a new thing in the early 1900s and has contributed to the fixing of games all throughout history. Players would intentionally lose a game to pocket money from gamblers who placed bets on who was going to lose. This practice ruins the integrity of sports and makes the games pointless. A perfect example of this would be the Black Sox scandal of 1919, perhaps one of the greatest examples proving that baseball was not that clean of a game. Eight Black Sox players allegedly conspired to intentionally lose the 1919 world series against the Cincinnati Reds. An act that would have consequences on baseball even to this day. Players in the 1910s had a salary that was nothing compared to what players make today. The greatest baseball players of the 1900s only made a little more than the bottom players did, and even that amount of money was not a lot. They were paid a fraction of their worth by the team's owner, Charles Comiskey, whose decision to reduce the number of times uniforms were laundered reportedly gave rise to the original meaning of "Black Sox," (Speirs, Doug). So, if a player was approached with a fix or a bribe, the money could easily influence the player to purposely lose the game. The idea of fixing the 1919 series game dates back to when the gamblers, William Burns and Billy Maharg, approached two White Sox players, Ed Cicotte and Arnold Gandil. After discussing the basics of gambling on sport games, the players agreed to the terms and to attempt to pull more players, such as Lefty Williams, Happy Felsch, Swede Risberg, Buck Weaver, Fred McMullin, and Joe Jackson. Cicotte was the main person dealing with the gamblers and probably the smartest by taking $10,000 for himself, upfront. This fix would remain as one of the most scandalous events that has ever occurred in baseball's history. If everything went as planned, the players would potentially be walking away with $100,000 to split amongst each other, after the gamblers would bet $1,000,000. The players went on with the deal and lost Game One of the series. Cicotte intentionally hit a player in the back with his pitch, which was a signal that the game was going to be thrown. He continued to throw wild pitches and give the other ... Get more on ...
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  • 83. Cincinnati Reds: Case Study The trade deadline is fast approaching and one team that will look drastically different when its all is set and done is the Cincinnati Reds. The Reds are obviously going to begin rebuilding and it's wise to trade some of these All–Star caliber players for some prospects to help them right along. The "ace" of the staff Johnny Cueto, along with Mike Leake and Jay Bruce have been the most talked about players that should be on the move. Cueto and Leake are free agents at the end of the season, so it's only logical to try to move them and get something in return for them. Who will be possible suitors for Johnny Cueto? The Blue Jays for example are a team that needs pitching, so any starting pitcher available will be attached to them. The ... Show more content on ... The Royals already own one of the best bullpens in the league, but without that frontline starter, it would be hard for them to reach the World Series again. Are the Reds' keeping Jay Bruce? The Angels need a left handed bat, and the Mets need anyone that can drive in runs so Jay Bruce will be a popular name mentioned across the league when it gets closer to the deadline. Bruce is currently hitting .255 with 15 HR and 48 RBI. He can easily fill a void for the Angels as a middle of the order guy and could provide some protection to Albert Pujols. The Mets have one of the most anemic offenses in the league so this move would make sense for them as well, but are they willing to part with any of their young pitching? That is the question the Mets will have to answer. Mike Leake is a more inexpensive option for teams looking for a good middle of the rotation pitcher. The Royals, Yankees, Dodgers and Blue Jays will be in the running for Leake's services. The Reds' are currently near the bottom of the NL Central and have players they could build around. Many teams in contention will reap the benefits of the Reds' imminent fire sale. The non–waiver trade deadline is July 31st at 4 ... Get more on ...
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  • 87. Baseball : The Tragedy Of The Black Sox Scandal Baseball was the most popular sport in America in the early 20th century. However, the reputation was eventually ruined with a major scandal known as the Black Sox Scandal. The scandal is notorious for being the largest sporting scandal in the nation's history and causing baseball to have this devastating event haunt it forever. The men who were a part of the Black Sox Scandal did not have a valid a reason to partake in the scandal because it was unethical and tainted baseball forever. Before the sport of baseball was tainted, it was initially just a growing sport amongst working middle–class people, whether they were playing or simply watching. The first professional team was formed in 1869 and was soon joined by eight other teams which formed the first national league for the sport of baseball. A few years after existence, the national league was struggling to stay afloat. Many team owners ruled with in an extremely strict manner. Athletes who put forward complaints were often fired and blacklisted. The first case of gambling within a baseball game happened the year 1877. Members of the Louisville Grays purposefully lost the game for money and claimed it was because they hadn't been paid yet. Shortly after, baseball was turned into a booming business with the brand name "Spaulding" coming to rise in selling sporting goods. Eventually a new league of baseball was formed and came out on top as the favorite amongst the nation. While the players were enjoying the new conditions thanks to Spaulding, they were still ruled under extreme strictness. Players were being dictated and their complaints weren't given any attention whatsoever. Despite many efforts to counter the strictness of the league, players were still put under poor conditions which may have caused the Black Sox Scandal to happen in the first place (Pearson). The men who took part in this scandal were members of the Chicago White Sox team of 1919. The Chicago White Sox were considered one of the best teams to ever be assembled in the history of baseball. During 1917, the White Sox won the World Series but some of the members were drafted and shipped overseas. It was up to the head coach of the White Sox to assemble and replicate the 1917 season. In ... Get more on ...
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  • 91. Baseball Is America 's Pastime Baseball is America's pastime. Thousands of fans every season gather in stadiums nationwide to watch as players take the diamond. People of all ages have a love for baseball, after all it is the all American sport. Baseball was loved by millions until one day when the truth came out. The 1919 World Series had been rigged. Hearts were broken and sadness spread across America. These crooked people didn't intentionally try to ruin baseball but there were reasons why these men went astray. People didn't want to believe it was true... but it was. The Chicago White Sox had intentionally thrown the series and let the Cincinnati Reds win (encyclopedia). There began the painful tribulation of the Black Sox scandal. It was 1919 and everyone was ... Show more content on ... Why throw the series? Why would the players get involved with gamblers? One reason, was Charles Comiskey, the owner of the White Sox. The players were getting really tired of playing better than almost any team but getting paid about half as much as their opponents (Lipsyte 25). Comiskey was just cheap and didn't pay the team what many thought they deserved. He wouldn't even pay for their uniforms to be cleaned, there came along the Black Sox (Lipsyte 25). The first baseman for the White Sox was C. Arnold "Chick" Gandil and he was the first to meet with anyone about fixing the series (History). He met with Joseph "Sport" Sullivan and finally agreed to the plan of throwing the championship in exchange for $100,000 (History). All he needed now was the men on the field to agree with this crooked plan. In order for this to work, he would need a pitcher and Eddie Cicotte came to mind. Cicotte was an incredible ball player who had been pitching big league games for 14 years. He was unstoppable, yet Comiskey paid him less than $6,000 (Asinof 16). Cicotte was having monetary issues and needed to be able to provide for his family. He thought the plan over in his mind and finally told Gandil "I'll do it for ten thousand dollars. Cash. Before the Series begins!". This created a snowball effect because Gandil figured if he could get Cicotte on board he could get the rest of the players he needed (Asinof 17). The next person he went after was shortstop "Swede" Risberg, he ... Get more on ...
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  • 95. Effects Of The Black Sox Scandal The Black Sox scandal is the name given to the conspiracy that fixed the 1919 World Series which was played between the Chicago White Sox and the Cincinnati Reds. A number of players on Chicago conspired with different gamblers to throw the games on purpose. "This is the biggest scandal in major league history." ("Black Sox Scandal.") This betting conspiracy between a group of players and gamblers led to the permanent banning of eight players from the White Sox baseball program. "They were very strict on these players, the Major League Baseball association took away the players contracts, and they also fined the players of various amounts of money." ("Black Sox Scandal.") After this disaster, it took the Chicago organization a very long ... Get more on ...
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  • 99. Did the White Socks Fix the World Series Against the... There was great speculation that in 1919, the White Sox fixed the World Series against the Cincinnati Reds. Even though there is factual evidence of such occurring, some members of the scandal still maintained their innocence, like "Shoeless" Joe Jackson. There was a trial about the scandal and the jury delivered a verdict of not guilty, however when Major League Baseball investigated, they banned eight members for life. In addition, prior to the trial, crucial evidence went missing from the Cook County Courthouse, including the signed confessions of two players, who subsequently recanted their confessions. With all the conspiracy theories taken into account, the White Sox indeed did fix the 1919 World Series in exchange for cash payments that were given to specific players. There were quite a few motives that helped this fix get into place. In 1919, the White Sox were the premiere baseball team in the nation, with a record of 88–51, which was the best record in the American League. Despite the extremely high amount of wins the White Sox had, and being the best performing team in baseball, most, if not all the players were still unhappy. All of the players were vastly underpaid by the owner of the White Sox, Charles Comiskey. Many people believe that Comiskey's stinginess and general treatment of the players were to blame for the entire ordeal. Comiskey treated the players very unfairly; he was able to get away with paying players low salaries because of the "reserve ... Get more on ...
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  • 103. Essay On My Birthday When a person´s birthday comes around does he/she ever wonder what happened on his/her birthday before he/she was even thought of? Do they ever wonder about the special events that happened on that day besides their birth? I was astonished to have found out how much had happened on October 19. I was born on October 19, 2000. My parents are Billy and Teresa Summerlin. I was born in Mission Hospital on a Thursday morning. It was fifty– eight degrees and it was dark outside. My doctor was Dr. David Cobb, and he said that I was a miracle baby. I weighed four pounds and thirteen ounces because I wasn't getting the nutrition that I needed because the umbilical cord was wrapped around my stomach, and I couldn't breathe well. My grandmother had a gall bladder attack the same day I was born and was also put in the hospital. My family said that I looked like a naked squirrel when I was born. My first name, Alexis is a Greek name that means defender or helper. My last name, Summerlin is a Scottish name that means mariner, viking, or wander. On October 19, 2012 the statue ¨Big Tex" was destroyed by fire during the State Fair of Texas. Another thing that happened on my birthday was that Henry Ford made his first radio speech in 1932. One thing that interested me the most was in 1960, Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested at an Atlanta sit–in at ¨The Magnolia Room¨ On this day, 52 protesters, including King, were arrested for violating the legislation. They were charged with a ... Get more on ...
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  • 107. Sport Ethics: Gambling Sport Ethics: Gambling According to Derevensky (2014), "gambling remains one of the fastest growing industries in the world, with multinational corporations investing billions of dollars to attract customers." Sport betting has been around since the beginning. Although it was never legal, it never stopped people from participating in the activity. Colonists were known to place bets on fights and horse races. As soon as baseball become known in the 1920s, gambling starting to become more popular in various sporting events. Gambling is a skill one must work on to become successful. It's like live poker in that it doesn't rely on luck. It relies on knowledge. Today, gambling in sports has continued to grow becoming legal and becoming a sport ... Show more content on ... Although it was never legal, it never stopped people from participating in the activity. Gambling become more popular during the Golden Age and with the beginnings of baseball. Events surrounding the Black Sox and Pete Rose are what helped raise the concern of gambling. Today, gambling has continued to grow and become a sport as it has rules and terms to follow. Although this skill doesn't rely on luck, it relies on knowledge. Gambling is a skill one must work on to become successful as results in a win, loss or a breakeven, furthermore. Most people gamble responsibly and legally, but for some, however, it can have its consequences. Gambling can get out of control, affecting one physically and mentally. As noted by Derevensky, "excessive gambling has been repeatedly shown to result in consequences that can include abnormal anti–social behaviors, decreased academic performance, impaired athletics performance, and criminal and legal problems." It can become just as addictive as drugs. Gambling is a way to deter fans, cause disruptions, and pressure athletes. It can also impact the youth by teaching them money is the way to success and by setting them up for failure. However, gambling in sports can also have its pros. One can be his or her own boss, earn more money, earn a job, ... Get more on ...
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  • 111. 1919 World Series Research Paper The teams that were in the 1919 world series were the Cincinnati Reds and the Chicago White Sox. The White Sox's were the favorite for the game but in the end the Reds had won the game 10–5. This was a major upset and before the first pitch there had been talk of a fixed game. The game was actually fixed so that the Reds would win the game. Gamblers had payed some of the White Sox players to lose the game. The people that had to gain from the White Sox's loss were the people that put bets on the Reds to win the game. The White Sox's were the favorite so they would have a lot of people betting on them to win and not many people would bet on the Reds to win. The White Sox's that threw the game were called Black Sox's. There were eight Sox's that ... Get more on ...
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  • 115. The Scandal Of Black Sox Scandal Title: The Scandal that involves Black Sox Topic: The Black Sox Scandal General Purpose: To inform about the audience about the historical event known as the Black Sox scandal. Specific Purpose: To explain the owner mistreatment of the players, the details of the scandal, trail that followed, and the effects of the scandal had. Introduction Attention Material: In 1919, the Chicago White Sox, a major league baseball team located in Chicago, Illinois, was one of the best teams in baseball. They had the best record, were filled with talented players, and were in the World Series, which is a series of games that determines who the best team in baseball is. They faced the Cincinnati Reds, a major league baseball team located in Cincinnati, Ohio. They were heavily favored to win, but that did not end up happening. The Reds ended up winning the whole World Series and suspension began to arose about the Chicago White Sox. This lead to the discovery of the Black Sox Scandal, in which players of the Chicago White Sox purposely lost the World Series in exchange for money from gamblers. The players plans were simple lose the series and get the money. However, they got discovered and this lead them to court and a ban from the game that they loved playing. Credibility Statement: I am a baseball fan and I have done a lot of research to build up my knowledge about this event. Thesis Statement: The Black Sox scandal left has been embedded in history for the idea that was presented and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 119. Pete Rose In The Cincinnati Reds Hall Of Fame Recently in July 2016, Pete Rose was inducted into the Cincinnati Reds' Hall of Fame and his number, 14, was retired by the organization (Pete Rose Inducted into Cincinnati Reds' Hall of Fame). There has always been a lot of controversy surrounding Rose, but the Reds finally took a step that should have been taken a long time ago, they honored one of the best players to play for their organization. It is time for the baseball Hall of Fame to do the same. Rose's Hall of Fame story started September 1985, during a game at the Red's home field. During this game, Pete Rose got a hit. Hits were no big deal in Rose's career; however, this one was different. This was hit number 4,192 for Rose. He had just broken the hits record (The Pete Rose Controversy). ... Show more content on ... His name has been tarnished by the reports that he ruined a sacred game. The MLB does not have to lift the ban on Rose, they shouldn't. Rose did in fact break a rule that he was warned about time and time again. However, the baseball Hall of Fame should change their rule and allow Rose be into the Hall. Pete Rose's being entered into the Hall of Fame would not mean that he would be forgiven for betting on baseball games. It would not mean that betting on baseball games is an okay action to commit. It would simply mean that the accomplishments that Rose achieved on the baseball field are recognized and the mark that he left on the history of the sport is not ... Get more on ...
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  • 123. An Argument For Rose In The Hall Of Fame "Baseball is the only field of endeavor where a man can succeed three times out of ten, and be considered a good performer." – Ted Williams. When referring to all time greats in the world of baseball you will hear about the likes of Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Ted Williams, Hank Aaron, Jackie Robinson, and Ernie Banks. None of these men have the most hits in baseball's storied history. The man that does, however, is not in the Hall of Fame. There have only been 15,213 men to play in the MLB, only 29 of those accumulated 3,000 career hits. Peter Edward Rose Sr, better known as just Pete, played Major League Baseball for 23 years. In his 22nd season (1985) he surpassed Ty Cobb as baseball's all time hit king with 4,256 hits. In 1989, Rose gambled ... Show more content on ... He has had many supporters for his reinstatement over the years. Washington Nationals closer Jonathan Papelbon said "He should be in the Hall of Fame, One Hundred Percent, if you don't want to put him in as a manager, put him in as a player, he didn't make any mistakes as a player." (Isn't It Time to Forgive Pete Rose and Put Him in Hall of Fame?) Similarly, Hall of Fame second baseman Joe Morgan thinks it is long past–time for his long–time teammate Pete Rose to join him in Cooperstown. "I think if you are going to allow guys with PEDs on the ballot, then we have to allow him on the Ballot," Morgan told USA Today. "Let's face it, he's been punished for 24 years. I think they have to take a second look at Pete now that this (Biogenesis) has come out". (Joe Morgan: Time for Hall of Fame to Induct Pete Rose) You could ask "What will reinstating Pete Rose do for baseball?" really any answer would be valid. The right question to ask is "What will not reinstating Pete Rose due for baseball?" (Rethinking Rose's Reinstatement) He wouldn't be immediately inducted into Cooperstown if reinstated. Major League Baseball's Committee will have to vote Pete Rose in the Hall of Fame if the ban were removed. The Hall of Fame is controlled by Major League Baseball, nevertheless there is no Hall of Fame without the players. If the players were to show a united front for Rose, it could mean a great deal to the Commissioner and other high ranking baseball officials (Should Pete Rose Be in the Hall of Fame? Let the Voters Decide). For his enshrinement into Cooperstown Pete would need 75% of the votes of the 65 member committee. If Rose were to be reinstated, he would not appear on the BBWAA ballot, however, he would immediately appear on the ballot of the Expansion Era Committee. Nevertheless, the Cincinnati Reds announced that the "Hit King" would be inducted into their Hall of ... Get more on ...
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  • 127. Online Communities Online Communities Ken Griffey Jr. is a well–known name in the world of Major League Baseball. Before the Seattle Mariners traded Griffey Jr. to the Cincinnati Reds, he was an absolute phenomenal baseball player. Since being traded, he has been nothing but disappointment to the Reds organization. The following is a dialogue between the two members in an online community at crc29: ""Asked if he's happy that he's still with Cincinnati, Griffey said, "What does it matter? This game is not about being happy. It's about wins and losses.'" ...and this is the same guy who once said when he was shopping the market that the important thing do is go somewhere where he'll be happy? And he wonders why people always think ... Show more content on ... The four categories were MLB baseball directory, main MLB board, minor league baseball, and fantasy baseball. At first, I went to the main MLB board to look at the overall appeal of the community. There were several different subjects, all of which were specific questions and topics. "Veteran's Committee Trivia," "DISGUSTING YANKEE FANS," "Fantasy baseball HELP!" "Championship Run," "Breakout Bat" are among the post that stood out. I learned that there are three main types of posts involved in typical sports forums: informative, analytical, and investigative. The three posts, "Fantasy baseball HELP!" "Championship Run" "Breakout Bat" all began the thread with questions and are great examples of investigative posts. The first messages presented were often questions. "Will the Yanks bring the trophy home this year?" (Championship Run, 2/25) "Which player(s) are expected to have a breakout season with the bat? Also how strong of a year is expected out of Mark Prior?" (Breakout Bats, 2/24) "I think I pulled one over on this guy. He originally offered me just Burrel and Vidro for Hunter, Sabathia, Kim, and Mondesi but I needed a 2B and wanted to unload Rueter. Mondesi is junk. What do you all think?" (Fantasy baseball HELP! 2/28) Some of the posts involved polls, which people could vote on. Which team has the best chance of taking the World Series in 2003? Choices: · Anaheim Angels · San Francisco Giants · New
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  • 132. Pete Rose Essay Pete Rose: The Undeniable Truth Thousands upon thousands of men have been scouted, drafted, played, and even managed in Major League Baseball. Yet, a name, synonymous with numerous records, is mostly associated with controversy. Enter Peter Edward "Pete" Rose Sr. Pete Rose grew up in a middle class family, struggled as a student, and then eventually excelled as a baseball player/manager. Even though Pete Rose lived for the sport and broke so many records during his professional career, it was his off–the–field behavior which led to his being banished from baseball and probably the Baseball Hall of Fame. Born on the morning of April 14, 1941 to Harry and LaVerne Rose, Pete was given a pretty typical war–time upbringing of hard work ... Show more content on ... He had to finish the season 6–for–9 to beat out Matty Alou and win the first of two close NL batting–title races. Rose had his best offensive season in 1969, leading the league in batting for the second straight season (.348) and leading the league in runs with 120. As the team's lead–off man he was a catalyst, rapping 218 hits and walking 88 times. He hit 33 doubles, 11 triples, and tied a career–best with 16 home runs. He drove in 82 runs, slugged (also known as a slugging percentage; is a measure of the power of a hitter. It is calculated as total bases divided by at bats.) .512 (by far the highest mark of his long career), and had another career best .432 OBP (on base percentage) (Sports Reference, Inc). But the Reds finished four games out of first, and Rose lost the MVP to Willie McCovey. Rose and Roberto Clemente were tied for the batting title going into the final game; Rose bunted for a base hit in his last at–bat of the season to beat out Clemente. On May 5, 1978, Rose became the 13th and youngest player in Major League history to collect his 3,000th career hit, with a single off Montreal Expos pitcher Steve Rogers. On June 14 in Cincinnati, Rose singled in the first inning off Cubs pitcher Dave Roberts; Rose would proceed to get a hit in every game he played until August 1, making a run at Joe DiMaggio's record 56–game hitting streak, which had stood ... Get more on ...
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  • 136. Hockey Players Are Pretty Good People So this brings up my first point and ethical dilemma; is it right for the NHL to put their players in this town? One can argue that is not the responsibility of the NHL to control the actions of their players, however, is it a good idea to even present the opportunity for a millionaire athlete to be tempted by this excessive town, that is Las Vegas? Generally, hockey players are pretty good people, including professionals playing in the NHL, or instance; P.K. Subban, current Nashville Predator, and former defenseman for the Montreal Canadiens made an outstanding donation of $10–million dollars to the Montreal Children's Hospital. Nick Foligno, Captain of the Columbus Blue Jackets also donated $1–million dollars to the Boston Children's Hospital after they treated his daughter for a congenital heart disease, supporting the positive reputation of the players, being mostly, kind– hearted and generous guys off the ice. On the contrary, hockey players are known to have a bit of a reputation for being partiers, Chicago Blackhawks star Patrick Kane has often been spotted having a few more beverages than he should in downtown Chicago, he also got in trouble with the law back in the summer of 2009 for an altercation with a cab driver over $0.20 cents. Not to say that every NHL player that visits, or plays in Las Vegas will be a drug addict and get arrested. Nonetheless, by the NHL placing the Golden Knights franchise in Las Vegas, it presents a lot of temptation for these young ... Get more on ...
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  • 140. Pete Rose Research Paper Does Pete Rose deserve a second chance? There is only one rule in baseball that is posted in every major league locker room, Rule 21(d): Any player, umpire, or club or league official or employee, who shall bet any sum whatsoever upon any baseball game in connection with which the bettor has a duty to perform shall be declared permanently ineligible. In 1989, Pete Rose, baseball's greatest player, was banned from baseball by Major League Commissioner, Bart Giamatti, when it was discovered that while managing the Cincinnati Reds, Rose was actively betting on them to win. This resulted in making him ineligible for the Hall of Fame because the Hall does not recognize player who's names appears on the permanently ineligible list. Peter Rose has been banned from baseball for over 25 years. Now that the current Commissioner of Major League Baseball, Bud Selig, is about to retire many fans are hoping ... Show more content on ... He was fully aware of both Rule 21(d) and the consequences of breaking that rule. Pete Rose chose to place his bets anyway. Just because he got caught and apologized for his actions doesn't make them right. He should have confessed immediately but instead he adamantly denied betting on baseball, especially on his team, for more than 15 years. Many feel his apology was forced and a way for him to get clemency. Pete Rose chose to sign the agreement presented to him by the baseball commissioner accepting a lifetime ban thus making him ineligible for induction into the Hall of Fame. By continuing his ban, Pete Rose continues to set an example for all future baseball players: if you bet on baseball, you must pay the price. Even though Pete Rose is a legend, he does not deserve the right to be recognized at Cooperstown along with the other athletes who got there legitimately. His actions disgraced the game of baseball and he should be held accountable for his ... Get more on ...
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  • 144. Pete Rose: The Ugly Baseball Player Hello, Cincinnati! All you baseball fans are probably familiar with a famously, ugly baseball player named Pete Rose. Those of you who haven't heard of him, boy, are you in for a treat! We'll explore his early life, along with his baseball career. We can't forget his falling from grace, which caused him being banned from baseball for life! What a story! Get your popcorn, hot dog, and other concessions for your enjoyment. Sit back, and put on some chapstick for the kiss cam. On April 14, 1941, a future famous baseball player is born, Peter Edward Rose, according to His uncle, Buddy Bloebaum, being a scout for the Cincinnati Reds was sure to ensure a future career in baseball. His dad– also known as "Big Pete"– had been a boxer ... Show more content on ... With his great success in life, he thought nothing could bring him down. Sadly, Pete Rose was betting on baseball, which is illegal. Rose continued to serve as manager of the Reds, but after suspicions arose about his gambling habits, the Commissioner's office hired former Justice Department prosecutor John Dowd to launch an investigation. On August 23, 1989, Commissioner Bart Giamatti suspended Rose from baseball for life. Rose landed in more trouble the following year, earning a five–month sentence in a Federal correctional institution for tax evasion. Rose applied for reinstatement to baseball in 1997, and after years of denying the charges, he finally admitted to betting on games just before the release of his 2004 autobiography, My Prison Without Bars, according to Unfortunately, he later was accused of rape. He was having sexual relations with a minor, according to Rose acknowledged he had a sexual relationship with the woman in court documents made public, but he said his information and belief was that it started when she was 16. He was 34, married and the father of two children in 1975, when he says he began having sex with the woman. Rose said he does not recall how long the relationship lasted, according to ... Get more on ...
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  • 148. Pete Rose Research Paper Pete Rose Introduction The all time hit champion Pete Rose was banned from baseball and the Hall of Fame for life because of illegal sports betting and tax evasion. Pete Rose was born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio, on April 14, 1941. His parents names were LaVerne Rose and Harry Rose (Lloyd 2005). Pete's Dad who had once played semi pro football, had always wanted him to be a football star. When Pete Rose was young, he always wanted to be a star, a baseball star, and throughout his life he was recognized widely as one ( 2014). He had always had a passion for football and baseball and even when he was offered to go to college with a football scholarship, he denied the request and continued his baseball career. He was offered ... Show more content on ... The baseball commissioner that banned Pete Rose from MLB and the HOF actually can not ban Pete from the HOF permanently. The HOF can uplift Pete's "punishment" any time they want (Svrluga 2015). Pete Rose is also well on his way to 75 years old, and still enjoys his life, even though he can not play MLB ever again (Lloyd 2005). Recognition. Pete Rose has proven that even just an average Ohio kid can turn into one of the biggest and well known baseball stars in the world. He never gave up completely on baseball, and he also set a huge goal for so many baseball players around the world. Pete Rose has personally inspired tons of people to go out and make a huge difference in the world. To go try to do something incredible or even impossible. "It is impossible to succeed in life if you don't try" is a quote Pete Rose's dad said a lot that might have made a difference in Pete's life (Lloyd ... Get more on ...
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  • 152. How Did George Clooney Have To Drop Out Of College "The only failure is not to try." George Clooney When Clooney was young, his dream was to become a professional baseball player. At the age of sixteen years old in 1977, Clooney was invited to try out for the Cincinnati Reds team. Clooney failed to join the team. In 1981, Clooney went to the University of Kentucky and majored in Broadcast Journalism. Clooney felt that journalism is not the best choice for his career. After not a long time in becoming a university student, Clooney decided to drop out of university. Clooney did not make it to the Cincinnati Reds team, and he was not happy with his university choices. So his next step was to move to Los Angeles and pursue a career in acting. In 1994, Clooney was cast in NBC medical drama called ER, Where his role was to play as Dr. Doug Ross. He then quickly developed into becoming one of the one of the most admired actors in Hollywood. I chose to write about this quote because it means a lot to me. The quote describes a personal event that happened during my life. When I graduated from high school in 2013, I was not working hard in university application. My main point was to graduate with high grade point average, ... Show more content on ... However, Clooney never lost hope and motivation in seeking a successful future. I felt the same way when, I took a gap year after not getting accepted into Texas A&M University. During my gap year, I read a book called, "The Power Of Positive Thinking." Based on reading the book, I learned to stay positive no matter what the consequences were. Even though it was nearly impossible to stay positive because I faced those people who underestimated my abilities or would try to distract me from accomplishing my dreams by spreading their negative energy towards me. I knew that listening to them won't benefit me, it will only discourage me, and I knew deep down that the only person that can make that dream reality is ... Get more on ...
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  • 156. Pete Rose Research Paper Introduction The rise and fall of Pete Rose has always been an interesting topic brought up in the world of baseball. However, I have never looked into for myself and have always been curious how he became a "king" of baseball during his time, and how he grew his legacy. Consequently, he fell after being caught for betting on his own team, receiving the penalty of being banned from the MLB for life. After researching this topic, I am excited to learn what all went down with this ordeal and how Pete Rose has tried to save face after being caught. Baseball Career Growing Up. Peter Rose was born on April 14, 1941 in Cincinnati, Ohio. He was one of four children to Francis and LaVerne Rose. Francis Rose was nicknamed "Big Pete" and had been ... Show more content on ... Rose was able to win back–to–back World Series titles, the MVP award, consistently hitting above .300, lead the league in many stats, named Sportsman of the Year in Sports Illustrated magazine, and many other achievements. Rose was earning one of the highest salaries in the league with the Reds. Rose loved the Cincinnati Reds and wanted to sign a lifetime contract with the team, however, the Reds were not interested in doing so, and Rose would go on to leave Cincinnati during free agency (Sturgill, ... Get more on ...