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Personal Qualities Analysis
Everyone possesses an assortment of characteristics. However, only certain characteristics are shown to the world, while the rest are masked from the
public. I am no different, since I too only let few traits be shown. The traits that I allow others to see are that I am knowledgeable, joyful, friendly, and
diligent. The trait of being knowledgeable is defined as being wellā€“educated or informed. This is one of the many traits that I am commonly known for
because I have the ability of knowing sundry facts, even if they trivial. For example, when my dad was feeling nauseous, stomach pain, and heartburn,
I was able to help him realize that he was having a heart attack because I was knowledgeable about the other characteristics of a heart
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I possess this trait because I do not feel complete without finishing my work and will not sleep unless it is done. For example, when I had to finish
creating the product for my MYP project class presentation, I did not sleep until I finished. It had to be finished before I fell asleep because I was
determined to have a decent looking product for the sake of my grade and to uphold the standard I have for my work. Another example is when I put
together a whole entire PowerPoint after my computer crashed and deleted my nearly finished PowerPoint. I realized I did not have any time to sulk
about my lost work and got back to work. After I reā€“did my PowerPoint, it looked better than my first one and I was proud of the work I accomplished.
When I am express the trait of diligence, I am prouder of the work I produce because I know I took a lot of time and effort to create it. While I have
certain traits that I mask from the rest of the world, I have unveiled the traits that I am knowledgeable, joyful, friendly, and diligent. These are the
particular traits I choose to express to the world because they are seen as
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Writing: A Personal Analysis
As a younger kid in school, writing prompts were always given to us and we either had to finish the story or make one up of our own. These prompts
were supposed to make us enjoy writing and to make it seem fun. However, that never did work for me. I have never been one to enjoy writing, not
even the fun writing. Over the years I have come to see that the reasons I do not enjoy writing are because I have been made to do it so much
throughout my years in school, because it takes up so much time, and because I do not have a big imagination.
When I look back on my years in school, I can clearly remember all of the writing I have had to do. William Stafford said, "Back in school, from the
first when I began to try to write things, I felt this richness." The richness feeling he is talking about is something that I have never experienced, not
even when I first began to write. I have always understood that knowing how to write well is a valuable skill to master, but after years of doing it, I
have easily got burnt out on it. It has made me only write because I have to, not to do it for more content...
I am a very hardworking person and I love having a job to go to every day. I also enjoy spending time with my family and being able to do things with
my friends. All of these activities take up a huge portion of my time. If I was a writer, I would not have the time to work and spend time with the
people I care
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My Personal Philosophy Analysis
My personal philosophy is influenced by religion, culture and nationality. These three are very important domains in my life. I am a Palestinian
Muslim woman and my experiences have been heavily surrounding that, from the way I am treated to the way I treat others. When I was
younger, I was less concerned with who I was as a person in these three aspects. I came to this country when I was 4. I never felt like a stranger
until my older brother died at the age of 15. This wasn't what made me feel like a stranger, it was the new phase in my life where my parents told
me that I would have to wear a hijab or head covering. When I questioned it, they said our lives are short and I had to wear it "for Allah". I have
experienced a lot of discrimination, hateful words, and stares that pierce through me. I became more accustomed to my hijab after visiting my country
a couple of times. When I entered college, I became more politically involved in student justice groups, more content...
Simply telling others how change works does not conceptualize bigger things that they themselves might not be dealing with, but that they see
around them. I do believe change is possible, but that for some it might come easier and faster than for others. The way change developed for me
was to put all things aside, to ignore them in a way, to think that one day it will all be gone, that we don't have to suffer anymore. This is largely in
part due to a religious way of looking at things, that at some point, everyone will be accountable for what they have done. I am one person and I do
not have the power to eradicate poverty, or to stop bullying, or to liberate my country. My personal philosophy reflects who I am and my cultural
values, again, because of what I have experienced in my life as a Palestinian Muslim, and the other issues whether culturally, religiously, or politically
that I have been exposed
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Personal Identity: A Personal Analysis
I am Sudanese by ethnicity and heritage, a Saudi Arabian by birth, and a Nebraskan by chance and fortune. I was born in Jeddah, a city in western
Saudi Arabia. Within a few years, we moved to Sudan to be close to our relatives during what was then a difficult time for our family. However, my
father remained due to work commitments, and we would yearly visit him during summer. In my parting of the red sea, as I traveled between Saudi
Arabia and Sudan, my identity would toggle between an expatriate and a native.
I moved to the United States in 2007. We settled in Omaha, Nebraska, in the heartland of the country. I was thrusted into a different set of beliefs,
customs, and a way of life much different from my upbringing. A few years after our
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Personal Accomplishments: A Personal Analysis
"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." Growing up with anxiety wasn't an easy thing to deal with during
my years of high school. From the weight loss to the nightmares to physiological problems I was dealing with. I asked myself "why me" and why did
I have to experience so much right now. Sometimes I thought God was punishing me. I always thought that my life was worse than others and that no
one understood me. I realized my life isn't all that bad compared to others who had it even worse than me. Also, the path I'm walking isn't an easy
one. It made me realized that life and things aren't handed to you and you have to fight and overcome obstacles just like a warrior.
I could just sit here and just brag about my accomplishments during my high school years and my more content...
Those initial couple of weeks will stay in my memory as the most agonizing experience of my life up to this point. I wasn't able to do any school work
because of extraordinary physical torment . I had next to zero physical strength in my body. The agony developed to the point it affected my lower
back and my stomach. Every day, I had a migraine for at least more than five hours. Not getting enough sleep and protein made it worse for me to
survive or even function. For me to sleep, I had to take three Benadryls every night and then I started to get used to it to where it didn't help me at
all. Nothing was working for me so I decide to go to an adolescent partial program and where I met other kids that had similar problems like me.
Hearing their stories actually created a path for me to become stable again. Before I came, all I thought about was "why was I born" and "I wish I
was dead" but meeting these kids changed my life because I wanted to succeed for them and other people that struggled like
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Personal Environmental Analysis In today's economy, it's hard to keep up a middleā€“class lifestyle, and to achieve living the upperā€“class lifestyle is
even more of a challenge. The economy still hasn't recovered from the recession in 2008. Jobs are hard to come by, good paying jobs, especially
those that offer advancement and extra bonuses. Everyone wants to stay ahead the competition; the challenge is how? It is a race, a race between
young professionals with bachelor degrees, MBA's Ph.D. and older professionals with experience, extraordinary expertise and qualifications. My
name is Germimah Clarke, and my strengths have morphed and developed very strong over the years, especially in my academic, career and
social life. Talent, skills, creativity, ambition, and determination and finance are some of the key elements that are needed for pursuing a degree
especially for a graduate degree. I'm the eldest. I have a sister and a brother, with two adorable nieces and a nephew. My mom lives in Brooklyn, while
my father lives in Trinidad. We all are originally from Trinidad and Tobago; land of calypso, birth place of steel pan and Soca. Both parents are retired;
my mom is a retired nurse and my dad is a retired project manager and he made shoes on the side, as well. I work in Manhattan at a very busy law
firm in Times Square as a legal secretary. Graduating with an Associate degree in Paralegal Studies followed with a Bachelor Science degree in
Business Management both from
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Personal Analysis Assignment
Assignment #1: Personal Analysis ā€“ Involvement in Outdoor Recreation (10 %)
My typical weekly outdoor recreational schedule at school is very different from my schedule at home in Vermont. When I am at school I don't
get much exercise outside other than walking to and from places. When I am at home and at school I try to go to the gym and workout on the
machines or just workout in my dorm. I really enjoy the high/ good feeling you get after a good workout, it gives me good energy to motive me to
do my other tasks in the day. I don't do many recreational activities outside in Providence because it's not always safe to be outside. The real reason is
that I don't have the energy or desire to because I am spoiled with all the nature back home, more content...
When I was growing up we just had to walk outside, and there was an abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities just waiting to be explored.
Living in the middle of nowhere comes with benefits and downfalls. A benefit was that we had endless amounts of land to explore. From a young
age I was always told to play outside, playing for us was without boundaries. A down fall would be that we had to drive to get anywhere, we couldn't
just run down the block to ask a friend to come out play. My dad is the big nature lover and he is always the person that encourages me to join him on
a hike or a walk. That being said my Dad is the reason why I grew up where I did, my mom never complained but I knew she did a lot of driving kids
around. Throughout high school I played field hockey and ran track, getting in shape was easy. I could just go for a run on our quiet dead end dirt road
or run on one of the many logging roads. In the winter time almost everyone you know skis. I grew up ten minutes from the local mountain, so my
friends and I would go up after school a couple days a week and then on the weekends too. In middle school I tried nordic skiing (xc skiing) on a team,
I was terrible. I even came in last at one of the races of 100 or so kids. My dad has always been into cross country skiing, so a few years back he
bought a track setter (which is a machine that is pulled behind a
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Determining: A Personal Analysis
I wholeheartedly respect your post but I do see an area where I find myself disagreeing on. I am quite intrigued by our textbook written by Hanson and
have gotten ahead of myself on a couple of chapters. Something interesting that we will all learn and discover is the true meaning of Intrusionā€“ which
is a synonym to invasion as you mentioned in your post. On page 846, Hanson describes the word as "Intrusion is invasion of privacy by physical
trespass into a space surrounding a person's body or onto property under his or her control." If we were to see things in retrospect, the information that
we hold is not only under our control, but whoever is comprised as well. To further explain, what you search on google throughInternet Explorer
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Personal Nutrition Analysis Essay
Proper nutrition is important in maintaining a long and healthy life. Most Americans are rushed due to their busy work schedules, and do not take the
time to plan their diets properly. Like me, most Americans are unaware of the importance of eating a healthy diet and consume too many foods without
the proper nutrients. Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have not had any major health problems, and have been able to consume most foods
without having to worry about gaining weight. These last two years, however, I started to gain weight and have become concerned with my diet.
Changing my poor eating habits has been difficult for me, however, having this assignment has taught me that it is not as difficult as I
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On my current diet, I consume excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates and added sugars. These types of carbohydrates do not contain the
necessary nutrients, needed by the body for optimal health. Also, consuming excessive amounts of these types of carbohydrates may result in
obesity. The DRI recommends that I consume a minimum of 25 grams of fiber daily. My current intake of dietary fiber falls short of meeting my
recommended amount. Fiber is important in a healthy diet. It is beneficial in maintaining good digestive health and with prevention of diseases,
including colon and rectal cancer. Adequate amounts of fiber also decrease the risk of heart disease by lowering the amount of LDL cholesterol
within the blood. My current caloric intakes, varies from day to day. On some days, I exceeded the DRI's recommendations; however, my caloric
intake most often fell below the recommended amounts. Both of these are important in maintaining a healthy body weight. Consuming too many
calories can cause weight gain. In addition, consuming inadequate calories can have the same effect. Since calories are used as the main source of
energy within the body, consuming too few calories can slow down the body's metabolism, making it difficult to maintain a proper body weight.
Although the DRI has not determined a set value for fat intake, my intake of fat is high. A major problem with my current fat intake is that it is rich in
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Personal Analysis ( Gender )
Personal Analysis (Gender) We all come from different cultures. Every culture has its own customs and beliefs. Even as a young child, we become
accustomed to all the traditions and expectations that everyone around us has. When a child is born it does not know anything, but parents focus on
teaching the child to act the way they want them to. The child's first example is at home, the child sees his/her parents; the dad goes to work provides
for the family. The mother is at home watching over the children, cleaning the house, and has the food ready for the family. Expectations are
learned we are not born knowing that we are expected to do anything. I am from the beautiful city of Durango, Mexico. I came to California when I
was around seven years old. By that time I already knew what was expected of me. Even though I was so young I was expected to help my mom clean,
cook, act like a well respectful young lady, and help out with my brothers and sisters. If I wanted to go out I had to do chores before I was allowed to
even step out of the house.
When my dad would go fishing, hunting, and go for honey, he would go far so he had to take a lot of lunch to last him for however long it would
take him, so me and my sister would help my mom make lunch. In the little ranch that we lived; my dad had his field where he would harvest all of
his and my sister would have to walk all the way to take him his lunch wait for him to eat it, and return home to help my mom with
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Personal Essay: A Personal Analysis
Throughout high school, I have had the ability to excel in a multitude of subjects. I am not trying to make myself sound better than I am, but I am
merely sharing that I have put every bit of effort in each course I have taken. That does not mean I always received an 'A', but it does mean that I am
one of the rare students that did not just memorize the information given, but actually understood it. But I believe the point of this question is to
understand what I have truly excelled in, and Preā€“Calculus is one of the courses that I must say is the best subject I ever did in. It was not in terms of
the letter grade; however I did get an 'A' but that is not why I excelled. I excelled because when I was out of school for almost 2 months, that was the
only class that needed more content...
And occasionally put my friends through the agony of studying with me. I do not wish to blame the medication I was taking, for the challenges I
faced, but I would rather thank the medication for teaching me that if something was of importance to me, then I should make every effort possible to
achieve it. With everything going on in my life, from my household responsibilities to my studies at school, Mr. Furuto, my Preā€“Calculus teacher,
always had the patience to help me. It never dawned on me how much time he invested in me and how much faith he had, until the course was
over. I was oblivious of his actions, and if there is any factor that I must attribute my success to, it has to be Mr. Furuto. He taught me a valuable
lesson; if I want to succeed then I need to work for it, I cannot wait for it to come to me. If I had, I would not be one of his class tutors today, and I
would not be able to tell people "an 'A' is still possible even if you started with a 'D', because I did it." If you want to excel, you have to put the work
in. It is as simple as
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Personal Swot Analysis Essay
1) Personal SWOT analysis.
Š’Ā·Confident ā€“ I feel that I am a very confident person, in a number of different aspects. I'm confident when presenting to a large crowd, confident in
my academic ability, aswell as confident in putting my ideas across to another.
Š’Ā·Sociable ā€“ I am a very sociable person, and like to be around friends alot of the time. I am easy to get along with, and believe that people enjoy my
company. I like to go out and socialise and play football on weekends with friends.
Š’Ā·Approachable ā€“ I am a very approachable person, my friends know they are able to come to me for anything, from advice for personal issues, to help
with work.
Š’Ā·Caring ā€“ I am more content...
i believe i am a funny person in general, so people tend to be easy around me and not feel uncomfortable if they do not know me.
Š’Ā·Balanced lifestyle ā€“ My work life, university and social life are balanced well. I have many interests in sport, learning and music, and i find it
relatively easy to prioritise and balance different aspects of my life. I know what is more important if i had to make a decision.
Š’Ā·Time Management ā€“ I find myself to be a poor time keeper, and my general awareness of time could be better. Š’Ā·IT abilityā€“ I havent studied IT
since the age of 13, and as i am now 21. i have poor knowledge of programs like excel. Although i am able to use other office programs like Word, and
Powerpoint adequately. Š’Ā·Motivation ā€“ i need to be interested in a topic/module in order for me to motivate myself quickly, its the first push i need to
get me started. Š’Ā·Unorganised ā€“ I am quite unorganised, and tend to misplace items. Š’Ā·Peer Pressure ā€“ Being a typical university student, i can
sometimes succumb to the preessure of flat mates peer pressuring into going on a night out, when i need to look after money, or get up early.
Š’Ā·Method of revision ā€“ i have multiple ways of revising work completed throughout the year, this can act as a weakness as it takes time for me to
realise the best method. Š’Ā·Too Sociable ā€“ Can be
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Personal Growth Analysis
Personal Growth
Throughout my life and experiences at school we are always told to stand up and be a leader. I am alway told that leaders volunteer, share their
opinions, and get the job done. I have also been told that when it comes to working in a group that does not participate, not to take complete control,
however that is easier said than done when in certain situations.
One of my biggest challenges throughout working in groups has been during my time in Faulkner County YouthLeadership during Sophomore year.
When I was assigned my group, we decided to work on putting on the graduation ceremony at the end of the year. We were responsible for the
programs, gifts, requesting food, and meeting with the venue. However, the challenging more content...
Since our group only had three members that would participate, it was very hard to get things done. At the time, I had just decided to take on a lot
of the responsibility because I knew I would do the best I could and I could rely on myself. When it came closer to graduation date, I realized I
really needed to have some of the members help out a little more. When we had meetings I would ask if anyone could pick up the programs, or
help with our proposal and I would get little to no response. So I just decided to take on the tasks my group would not help me do. Naturally, I am
an introvert and before this experience I did not think I was very good at talking to people. After having to talk to several people in charge of
different aspects of our event, I found that it was not as scary and hard as I thought, building my confidence. I want whatever I am working on to
best the best I can make it and that is why I am very thankful for that situation. It helped me discover that when I need to, I can be a great leader that
gets the job done even if I have to do it by myself and that some people will not always help me. However, after this experience I know to try harder
to get the members of the group to help out. It also helped me realize that good leaders also have to be the follower sometimes. I assessed my group
situation and realized that I had to be the leader this time, and maybe that is why some of the others took more of a quieter
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Personality Test Analysis Essay
a. According self tests using the Five Factor Model, my personality has low extraversion and emotional stability, a high degree of openness, and
moderate levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness. Low extraversion is demonstrated in both professional and social envionments. While
working a corporate job as a financial analyst, taking the time and initiative to interact with coworkers beyond the scope of the job was limited to a
brief conversation once a day with the same two people. In large social gatherings, interactions are limited to familiar people with whom I have
preā€“existing friendships. If I attend a concert by myself, I will bring a book to read in between musical acts to prevent people from speaking to me.
Low more content...
Agreeableness is average, meaning I do not try to be either cooperative or antagonistic towards others. I generally take a laissezā€“faire approach to my
relationships and do not have an invested interest because I do not believe I can significantly impact the longā€“term well being of others. During
conversations, I do not inquire specifically about their personal lives, I let the other person tell me what they are comfortable about talking about
and what they want me to know. Conscientiousness is also average. I have a fair balance of structure and spontaneity. There is just enough control
and regulation in impulses to maintain a harmonized flow of daily life that will allow for spontaneous activities. For example, school work is more
or less planned out by the day to prevent falling behind, but I will still embark on spontaneous adventures of bicycle rides to abandoned warehouse
roof tops at midnight on a school night. Survey results are consistent with how I view myself generally. While it is impossible to be completely
objective in self evaluations, I think I am fairly in tune with my interā€“ and intraā€“relationships because I make an effort to heed feedback. When
interacting with others I pay attention to their facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and not only their words, but their silences. b.
Compared to PSU student averages, extraversion falls mainly in the lower third or lower midā€“range,
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Personal Statement: A Personal Analysis
I was born on May 14, 1994 in Houston, Texas. When I was born, I was premature, as I was delivered 6 weeks early. I weighed four pounds and was
considered a miracle baby because my lungs were completely developed, which is unusual for babies born early. I stayed in the ICU in an incubator
for 16 days, until my parents were allowed to take me home. When I was 2 months old, my family and I moved to Brenham, Texas, a small town
located outside of Houston. My father is an engineer who works for a manufacturing company that primarily specializes in the oil industry, and my
mother is a stayā€“atā€“home mom. Growing up, I have always been family oriented, and have always had a passion for researching and learning about
my family's history. My parents have been married for 32 years, and I am the only child in my family, which has made me extremely close with
my parents, and has provided me with a strong relationship with them. My parents are not only my best friends, but they are my foundation that I
constantly rely on. Having a strong relationship with my parents has made me the person I am today and has provided me with a positive outlook
on life. Being raised in a small town has definitely helped to impact my views on life and has made me a strong and dedicated person. It was great
being raised in a small and charming country town. However, once I more content...
Fisk, with whom I had previously taken an honors marketing class. He became a mentor for me and was the person who I asked to be my
supervisor for my honors thesis paper. He was knowledgeable and explained to me what a management and accounting major entailed. He told me the
positives and negatives of each major and gave me valuable insight and information about the job opportunities that both majors can provide. This was
extremely beneficial because I am an auditory learner, and being able to actually listen to someone who had such knowledge was impactful for
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Personal Experience: A Personal Analysis
I think push has been one of the categories I have taken seriously. I feel that I have been meeting the goals that I set out for myself. By using push in
my schedule i think that I am trying new things that I would not have normally tried before. Most of my pushes have been things I have always
wanted to do but never got the drive to do it and I think I am succeeding because I am actually achieving these.
A big success has been getting out of my friend group. I have met a lot of new people that can become good friends. Also I have been starting art
projects before and finishing them fully where before i would put it off to the side. I have had some challenges though. My attempt to eat healthy has
gone down the drain because I get home more content...
I will try to expand on the relationships I have created and might get good friends out of it. Also there have been a lot of moments where I could have
talked with people and have not so I need to take advantage of these opportunities that are given to me. The final thing I will add is to put more focus
on getting homework done because even though I have been trying harder to get it done earlier I still procrastinate.
I think the concept that resonated with me the most is multitasking. I always thought that you could multitask but the reading showed me that if I want
to complete multiple tasks efficiently I need to do them one by one. I also liked how it pointed people out for saying there good at multitasking
eventhoug hit is not possible to do so. I too feel that at some points I can multitask and get multiple things done at the same time done.
Now I know that multitasking is a myth I will try to complete each task one by one. This will allow my focus to stay on one topic causing the end
product to be way better quality than if I did everything at the same time. I also need to work on not looking at my phone while driving. This is hard
because every time you hear that ding you want to immediately want to look down. I also will use techniques to help get single task done more
efficiently because some task can be done at the same
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Essay on Personality Analysis
Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss characteristics of my personality. The main focus of this paper will be how my personality has
developed over time. As I age and encounter new and different experiences, my personality has adapted and developed further. This paper will give an
inā€“depth exploration into the people and events that have influenced my personality. Personality is defined as "a) the sum total of the physical, mental,
emotional, and social characteristics of an individual. b) the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual" (, 2010).
Whether we realize it or not, personality defines us as people. There are many facets to my personality, more content...
I had to step out of my comfort zone and do what needed to be done in order to reach my goals. On the graduate level, I find that it is easier to be an
introvert and participate. Once the human element is taken away, I can find myself being open. I do not see my classmates face to face so I can
allow myself to say things that I ordinarily would not do or say. As I have gotten older, some of the introversion has faded to a certain extent, but it
is still present. Through my job as a Special Education Teacher, I have had to overcome a majority of my introversion so I can effectively do my
job. On any given day, I will have to speak to not only my students but also the office staff, coworkers, and possibly some of the children's parents.
Conversation goes both ways, so to be successful at my job; I would have to be willing to be open and communicate with others more. I also have to
realize that I need to make the first step sometimes. Not everyone is going to come to me; there are times I am going to have to go to others. Another
characteristic of my personality is care. Despite my everā€“present introversion, I have always harbored a deep care for most people. Early in my
childhood, my parents taught the importance of caring for others. Throughout my life, I have always put others before myself. Sometimes I do this out
of genuine care for the other party, but other times, I find myself doing this so the other
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My Personal Identity Analysis
An identity that best defines my personal characteristics is that I am a risk taker that loves when challenges come my way. With the difficulties I have
encountered in my life span I have managed to enrich my confidence to confront challenges. While I was growing up I had difficulties fitting in
because I moved schools three times. I went from a school environment where everyone knew each other in 2nd grade to a whole new scenario where
I had a hard time learning English and where I knew nobody. I just remember my parents telling me that it was " for a better education". I did not
understand at that moment what they wanted for me but I took the challenge and did not fought back. The difference between both schools went
beyond the changed
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Personal Growth Analysis
I experienced a great deal of personal growth over the weekend that I spent in Morgan Monroe. Firstly, I experienced a growth in my own inner
confidence. Growing up, I was a shy child. I was very insecure with myself and that led to me being nervous and introverted around people, something
I still sometimes struggle with. Over the years, it has gotten somewhat better. I've attended various leadership camps and took charge of many different
events or clubs around my high school. However, none of them were able to push me out of my comfort zone quite like this class was. The class was
full of unfamiliar people. I was, and am, still new to college, to Bloomington, and to Indiana. I was definitely not at easy during the first couple of
classroom sessions. I was nervous going into the weekend because I only had one friend who I had known for all of a couple of more
I had done some long day hikes as well as other strenuous outdoor activates, but I had never done anything as physically taxing as backpacking. I
definitely struggled the first day. The pack was a lot heavier then I had originallythought, especially when we began to walk uphill. When we had
stopped for the night, I was certain that by Saturday night I would be so sore that I wouldn't be able to move. By the second morning I was certain
that my fears had been confirmedā€“the pack was definitely causing some pain in my hips. However, once we really got started, I forgot all about the
sore muscles and the bruises. The weather was much too nice to worry about anything. Every time I took the pack off I worried about the same
thing, but every time I put it back on it felt lighter. My mind kept focusing on things other than the heavy pack. By the time we settled for the night, I
knew that could survive backpacking. I probably couldn't go out for a week right now, but with a little practice and a little more time spent
backpacking, I for sure could
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Personal Qualities Analysis

  • 1. Personal Qualities Analysis Everyone possesses an assortment of characteristics. However, only certain characteristics are shown to the world, while the rest are masked from the public. I am no different, since I too only let few traits be shown. The traits that I allow others to see are that I am knowledgeable, joyful, friendly, and diligent. The trait of being knowledgeable is defined as being wellā€“educated or informed. This is one of the many traits that I am commonly known for because I have the ability of knowing sundry facts, even if they trivial. For example, when my dad was feeling nauseous, stomach pain, and heartburn, I was able to help him realize that he was having a heart attack because I was knowledgeable about the other characteristics of a heart more content... I possess this trait because I do not feel complete without finishing my work and will not sleep unless it is done. For example, when I had to finish creating the product for my MYP project class presentation, I did not sleep until I finished. It had to be finished before I fell asleep because I was determined to have a decent looking product for the sake of my grade and to uphold the standard I have for my work. Another example is when I put together a whole entire PowerPoint after my computer crashed and deleted my nearly finished PowerPoint. I realized I did not have any time to sulk about my lost work and got back to work. After I reā€“did my PowerPoint, it looked better than my first one and I was proud of the work I accomplished. When I am express the trait of diligence, I am prouder of the work I produce because I know I took a lot of time and effort to create it. While I have certain traits that I mask from the rest of the world, I have unveiled the traits that I am knowledgeable, joyful, friendly, and diligent. These are the particular traits I choose to express to the world because they are seen as Get more content on
  • 2. Writing: A Personal Analysis As a younger kid in school, writing prompts were always given to us and we either had to finish the story or make one up of our own. These prompts were supposed to make us enjoy writing and to make it seem fun. However, that never did work for me. I have never been one to enjoy writing, not even the fun writing. Over the years I have come to see that the reasons I do not enjoy writing are because I have been made to do it so much throughout my years in school, because it takes up so much time, and because I do not have a big imagination. When I look back on my years in school, I can clearly remember all of the writing I have had to do. William Stafford said, "Back in school, from the first when I began to try to write things, I felt this richness." The richness feeling he is talking about is something that I have never experienced, not even when I first began to write. I have always understood that knowing how to write well is a valuable skill to master, but after years of doing it, I have easily got burnt out on it. It has made me only write because I have to, not to do it for more content... I am a very hardworking person and I love having a job to go to every day. I also enjoy spending time with my family and being able to do things with my friends. All of these activities take up a huge portion of my time. If I was a writer, I would not have the time to work and spend time with the people I care Get more content on
  • 3. My Personal Philosophy Analysis My personal philosophy is influenced by religion, culture and nationality. These three are very important domains in my life. I am a Palestinian Muslim woman and my experiences have been heavily surrounding that, from the way I am treated to the way I treat others. When I was younger, I was less concerned with who I was as a person in these three aspects. I came to this country when I was 4. I never felt like a stranger until my older brother died at the age of 15. This wasn't what made me feel like a stranger, it was the new phase in my life where my parents told me that I would have to wear a hijab or head covering. When I questioned it, they said our lives are short and I had to wear it "for Allah". I have experienced a lot of discrimination, hateful words, and stares that pierce through me. I became more accustomed to my hijab after visiting my country a couple of times. When I entered college, I became more politically involved in student justice groups, more content... Simply telling others how change works does not conceptualize bigger things that they themselves might not be dealing with, but that they see around them. I do believe change is possible, but that for some it might come easier and faster than for others. The way change developed for me was to put all things aside, to ignore them in a way, to think that one day it will all be gone, that we don't have to suffer anymore. This is largely in part due to a religious way of looking at things, that at some point, everyone will be accountable for what they have done. I am one person and I do not have the power to eradicate poverty, or to stop bullying, or to liberate my country. My personal philosophy reflects who I am and my cultural values, again, because of what I have experienced in my life as a Palestinian Muslim, and the other issues whether culturally, religiously, or politically that I have been exposed Get more content on
  • 4. Personal Identity: A Personal Analysis I am Sudanese by ethnicity and heritage, a Saudi Arabian by birth, and a Nebraskan by chance and fortune. I was born in Jeddah, a city in western Saudi Arabia. Within a few years, we moved to Sudan to be close to our relatives during what was then a difficult time for our family. However, my father remained due to work commitments, and we would yearly visit him during summer. In my parting of the red sea, as I traveled between Saudi Arabia and Sudan, my identity would toggle between an expatriate and a native. I moved to the United States in 2007. We settled in Omaha, Nebraska, in the heartland of the country. I was thrusted into a different set of beliefs, customs, and a way of life much different from my upbringing. A few years after our Get more content on
  • 5. Personal Accomplishments: A Personal Analysis "Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough." Growing up with anxiety wasn't an easy thing to deal with during my years of high school. From the weight loss to the nightmares to physiological problems I was dealing with. I asked myself "why me" and why did I have to experience so much right now. Sometimes I thought God was punishing me. I always thought that my life was worse than others and that no one understood me. I realized my life isn't all that bad compared to others who had it even worse than me. Also, the path I'm walking isn't an easy one. It made me realized that life and things aren't handed to you and you have to fight and overcome obstacles just like a warrior. I could just sit here and just brag about my accomplishments during my high school years and my more content... Those initial couple of weeks will stay in my memory as the most agonizing experience of my life up to this point. I wasn't able to do any school work because of extraordinary physical torment . I had next to zero physical strength in my body. The agony developed to the point it affected my lower back and my stomach. Every day, I had a migraine for at least more than five hours. Not getting enough sleep and protein made it worse for me to survive or even function. For me to sleep, I had to take three Benadryls every night and then I started to get used to it to where it didn't help me at all. Nothing was working for me so I decide to go to an adolescent partial program and where I met other kids that had similar problems like me. Hearing their stories actually created a path for me to become stable again. Before I came, all I thought about was "why was I born" and "I wish I was dead" but meeting these kids changed my life because I wanted to succeed for them and other people that struggled like Get more content on
  • 6. Personal Environmental Analysis In today's economy, it's hard to keep up a middleā€“class lifestyle, and to achieve living the upperā€“class lifestyle is even more of a challenge. The economy still hasn't recovered from the recession in 2008. Jobs are hard to come by, good paying jobs, especially those that offer advancement and extra bonuses. Everyone wants to stay ahead the competition; the challenge is how? It is a race, a race between young professionals with bachelor degrees, MBA's Ph.D. and older professionals with experience, extraordinary expertise and qualifications. My name is Germimah Clarke, and my strengths have morphed and developed very strong over the years, especially in my academic, career and social life. Talent, skills, creativity, ambition, and determination and finance are some of the key elements that are needed for pursuing a degree especially for a graduate degree. I'm the eldest. I have a sister and a brother, with two adorable nieces and a nephew. My mom lives in Brooklyn, while my father lives in Trinidad. We all are originally from Trinidad and Tobago; land of calypso, birth place of steel pan and Soca. Both parents are retired; my mom is a retired nurse and my dad is a retired project manager and he made shoes on the side, as well. I work in Manhattan at a very busy law firm in Times Square as a legal secretary. Graduating with an Associate degree in Paralegal Studies followed with a Bachelor Science degree in Business Management both from Get more content on
  • 7. Personal Analysis Assignment Assignment #1: Personal Analysis ā€“ Involvement in Outdoor Recreation (10 %) My typical weekly outdoor recreational schedule at school is very different from my schedule at home in Vermont. When I am at school I don't get much exercise outside other than walking to and from places. When I am at home and at school I try to go to the gym and workout on the machines or just workout in my dorm. I really enjoy the high/ good feeling you get after a good workout, it gives me good energy to motive me to do my other tasks in the day. I don't do many recreational activities outside in Providence because it's not always safe to be outside. The real reason is that I don't have the energy or desire to because I am spoiled with all the nature back home, more content... When I was growing up we just had to walk outside, and there was an abundance of outdoor recreational opportunities just waiting to be explored. Living in the middle of nowhere comes with benefits and downfalls. A benefit was that we had endless amounts of land to explore. From a young age I was always told to play outside, playing for us was without boundaries. A down fall would be that we had to drive to get anywhere, we couldn't just run down the block to ask a friend to come out play. My dad is the big nature lover and he is always the person that encourages me to join him on a hike or a walk. That being said my Dad is the reason why I grew up where I did, my mom never complained but I knew she did a lot of driving kids around. Throughout high school I played field hockey and ran track, getting in shape was easy. I could just go for a run on our quiet dead end dirt road or run on one of the many logging roads. In the winter time almost everyone you know skis. I grew up ten minutes from the local mountain, so my friends and I would go up after school a couple days a week and then on the weekends too. In middle school I tried nordic skiing (xc skiing) on a team, I was terrible. I even came in last at one of the races of 100 or so kids. My dad has always been into cross country skiing, so a few years back he bought a track setter (which is a machine that is pulled behind a Get more content on
  • 8. Determining: A Personal Analysis Brittanie, I wholeheartedly respect your post but I do see an area where I find myself disagreeing on. I am quite intrigued by our textbook written by Hanson and have gotten ahead of myself on a couple of chapters. Something interesting that we will all learn and discover is the true meaning of Intrusionā€“ which is a synonym to invasion as you mentioned in your post. On page 846, Hanson describes the word as "Intrusion is invasion of privacy by physical trespass into a space surrounding a person's body or onto property under his or her control." If we were to see things in retrospect, the information that we hold is not only under our control, but whoever is comprised as well. To further explain, what you search on google throughInternet Explorer Get more content on
  • 9. Personal Nutrition Analysis Essay Proper nutrition is important in maintaining a long and healthy life. Most Americans are rushed due to their busy work schedules, and do not take the time to plan their diets properly. Like me, most Americans are unaware of the importance of eating a healthy diet and consume too many foods without the proper nutrients. Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have not had any major health problems, and have been able to consume most foods without having to worry about gaining weight. These last two years, however, I started to gain weight and have become concerned with my diet. Changing my poor eating habits has been difficult for me, however, having this assignment has taught me that it is not as difficult as I more content... On my current diet, I consume excessive amounts of refined carbohydrates and added sugars. These types of carbohydrates do not contain the necessary nutrients, needed by the body for optimal health. Also, consuming excessive amounts of these types of carbohydrates may result in obesity. The DRI recommends that I consume a minimum of 25 grams of fiber daily. My current intake of dietary fiber falls short of meeting my recommended amount. Fiber is important in a healthy diet. It is beneficial in maintaining good digestive health and with prevention of diseases, including colon and rectal cancer. Adequate amounts of fiber also decrease the risk of heart disease by lowering the amount of LDL cholesterol within the blood. My current caloric intakes, varies from day to day. On some days, I exceeded the DRI's recommendations; however, my caloric intake most often fell below the recommended amounts. Both of these are important in maintaining a healthy body weight. Consuming too many calories can cause weight gain. In addition, consuming inadequate calories can have the same effect. Since calories are used as the main source of energy within the body, consuming too few calories can slow down the body's metabolism, making it difficult to maintain a proper body weight. Although the DRI has not determined a set value for fat intake, my intake of fat is high. A major problem with my current fat intake is that it is rich in Get more content on
  • 10. Personal Analysis ( Gender ) Personal Analysis (Gender) We all come from different cultures. Every culture has its own customs and beliefs. Even as a young child, we become accustomed to all the traditions and expectations that everyone around us has. When a child is born it does not know anything, but parents focus on teaching the child to act the way they want them to. The child's first example is at home, the child sees his/her parents; the dad goes to work provides for the family. The mother is at home watching over the children, cleaning the house, and has the food ready for the family. Expectations are learned we are not born knowing that we are expected to do anything. I am from the beautiful city of Durango, Mexico. I came to California when I was around seven years old. By that time I already knew what was expected of me. Even though I was so young I was expected to help my mom clean, cook, act like a well respectful young lady, and help out with my brothers and sisters. If I wanted to go out I had to do chores before I was allowed to even step out of the house. When my dad would go fishing, hunting, and go for honey, he would go far so he had to take a lot of lunch to last him for however long it would take him, so me and my sister would help my mom make lunch. In the little ranch that we lived; my dad had his field where he would harvest all of his and my sister would have to walk all the way to take him his lunch wait for him to eat it, and return home to help my mom with Get more content on
  • 11. Personal Essay: A Personal Analysis Throughout high school, I have had the ability to excel in a multitude of subjects. I am not trying to make myself sound better than I am, but I am merely sharing that I have put every bit of effort in each course I have taken. That does not mean I always received an 'A', but it does mean that I am one of the rare students that did not just memorize the information given, but actually understood it. But I believe the point of this question is to understand what I have truly excelled in, and Preā€“Calculus is one of the courses that I must say is the best subject I ever did in. It was not in terms of the letter grade; however I did get an 'A' but that is not why I excelled. I excelled because when I was out of school for almost 2 months, that was the only class that needed more content... And occasionally put my friends through the agony of studying with me. I do not wish to blame the medication I was taking, for the challenges I faced, but I would rather thank the medication for teaching me that if something was of importance to me, then I should make every effort possible to achieve it. With everything going on in my life, from my household responsibilities to my studies at school, Mr. Furuto, my Preā€“Calculus teacher, always had the patience to help me. It never dawned on me how much time he invested in me and how much faith he had, until the course was over. I was oblivious of his actions, and if there is any factor that I must attribute my success to, it has to be Mr. Furuto. He taught me a valuable lesson; if I want to succeed then I need to work for it, I cannot wait for it to come to me. If I had, I would not be one of his class tutors today, and I would not be able to tell people "an 'A' is still possible even if you started with a 'D', because I did it." If you want to excel, you have to put the work in. It is as simple as Get more content on
  • 12. Personal Swot Analysis Essay PERSONAL SKILLS ā€“ SELF DIAGNOSTICS 1) Personal SWOT analysis. Strengths. Š’Ā·Confident ā€“ I feel that I am a very confident person, in a number of different aspects. I'm confident when presenting to a large crowd, confident in my academic ability, aswell as confident in putting my ideas across to another. Š’Ā·Sociable ā€“ I am a very sociable person, and like to be around friends alot of the time. I am easy to get along with, and believe that people enjoy my company. I like to go out and socialise and play football on weekends with friends. Š’Ā·Approachable ā€“ I am a very approachable person, my friends know they are able to come to me for anything, from advice for personal issues, to help with work. Š’Ā·Caring ā€“ I am more content... i believe i am a funny person in general, so people tend to be easy around me and not feel uncomfortable if they do not know me. Š’Ā·Balanced lifestyle ā€“ My work life, university and social life are balanced well. I have many interests in sport, learning and music, and i find it relatively easy to prioritise and balance different aspects of my life. I know what is more important if i had to make a decision. Weaknesses. Š’Ā·Time Management ā€“ I find myself to be a poor time keeper, and my general awareness of time could be better. Š’Ā·IT abilityā€“ I havent studied IT since the age of 13, and as i am now 21. i have poor knowledge of programs like excel. Although i am able to use other office programs like Word, and Powerpoint adequately. Š’Ā·Motivation ā€“ i need to be interested in a topic/module in order for me to motivate myself quickly, its the first push i need to get me started. Š’Ā·Unorganised ā€“ I am quite unorganised, and tend to misplace items. Š’Ā·Peer Pressure ā€“ Being a typical university student, i can sometimes succumb to the preessure of flat mates peer pressuring into going on a night out, when i need to look after money, or get up early. Š’Ā·Method of revision ā€“ i have multiple ways of revising work completed throughout the year, this can act as a weakness as it takes time for me to realise the best method. Š’Ā·Too Sociable ā€“ Can be
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  • 14. Personal Growth Analysis Personal Growth Throughout my life and experiences at school we are always told to stand up and be a leader. I am alway told that leaders volunteer, share their opinions, and get the job done. I have also been told that when it comes to working in a group that does not participate, not to take complete control, however that is easier said than done when in certain situations. One of my biggest challenges throughout working in groups has been during my time in Faulkner County YouthLeadership during Sophomore year. When I was assigned my group, we decided to work on putting on the graduation ceremony at the end of the year. We were responsible for the programs, gifts, requesting food, and meeting with the venue. However, the challenging more content... Since our group only had three members that would participate, it was very hard to get things done. At the time, I had just decided to take on a lot of the responsibility because I knew I would do the best I could and I could rely on myself. When it came closer to graduation date, I realized I really needed to have some of the members help out a little more. When we had meetings I would ask if anyone could pick up the programs, or help with our proposal and I would get little to no response. So I just decided to take on the tasks my group would not help me do. Naturally, I am an introvert and before this experience I did not think I was very good at talking to people. After having to talk to several people in charge of different aspects of our event, I found that it was not as scary and hard as I thought, building my confidence. I want whatever I am working on to best the best I can make it and that is why I am very thankful for that situation. It helped me discover that when I need to, I can be a great leader that gets the job done even if I have to do it by myself and that some people will not always help me. However, after this experience I know to try harder to get the members of the group to help out. It also helped me realize that good leaders also have to be the follower sometimes. I assessed my group situation and realized that I had to be the leader this time, and maybe that is why some of the others took more of a quieter Get more content on
  • 15. Personality Test Analysis Essay a. According self tests using the Five Factor Model, my personality has low extraversion and emotional stability, a high degree of openness, and moderate levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness. Low extraversion is demonstrated in both professional and social envionments. While working a corporate job as a financial analyst, taking the time and initiative to interact with coworkers beyond the scope of the job was limited to a brief conversation once a day with the same two people. In large social gatherings, interactions are limited to familiar people with whom I have preā€“existing friendships. If I attend a concert by myself, I will bring a book to read in between musical acts to prevent people from speaking to me. Low more content... Agreeableness is average, meaning I do not try to be either cooperative or antagonistic towards others. I generally take a laissezā€“faire approach to my relationships and do not have an invested interest because I do not believe I can significantly impact the longā€“term well being of others. During conversations, I do not inquire specifically about their personal lives, I let the other person tell me what they are comfortable about talking about and what they want me to know. Conscientiousness is also average. I have a fair balance of structure and spontaneity. There is just enough control and regulation in impulses to maintain a harmonized flow of daily life that will allow for spontaneous activities. For example, school work is more or less planned out by the day to prevent falling behind, but I will still embark on spontaneous adventures of bicycle rides to abandoned warehouse roof tops at midnight on a school night. Survey results are consistent with how I view myself generally. While it is impossible to be completely objective in self evaluations, I think I am fairly in tune with my interā€“ and intraā€“relationships because I make an effort to heed feedback. When interacting with others I pay attention to their facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and not only their words, but their silences. b. Compared to PSU student averages, extraversion falls mainly in the lower third or lower midā€“range, Get more content on
  • 16. Personal Statement: A Personal Analysis I was born on May 14, 1994 in Houston, Texas. When I was born, I was premature, as I was delivered 6 weeks early. I weighed four pounds and was considered a miracle baby because my lungs were completely developed, which is unusual for babies born early. I stayed in the ICU in an incubator for 16 days, until my parents were allowed to take me home. When I was 2 months old, my family and I moved to Brenham, Texas, a small town located outside of Houston. My father is an engineer who works for a manufacturing company that primarily specializes in the oil industry, and my mother is a stayā€“atā€“home mom. Growing up, I have always been family oriented, and have always had a passion for researching and learning about my family's history. My parents have been married for 32 years, and I am the only child in my family, which has made me extremely close with my parents, and has provided me with a strong relationship with them. My parents are not only my best friends, but they are my foundation that I constantly rely on. Having a strong relationship with my parents has made me the person I am today and has provided me with a positive outlook on life. Being raised in a small town has definitely helped to impact my views on life and has made me a strong and dedicated person. It was great being raised in a small and charming country town. However, once I more content... Fisk, with whom I had previously taken an honors marketing class. He became a mentor for me and was the person who I asked to be my supervisor for my honors thesis paper. He was knowledgeable and explained to me what a management and accounting major entailed. He told me the positives and negatives of each major and gave me valuable insight and information about the job opportunities that both majors can provide. This was extremely beneficial because I am an auditory learner, and being able to actually listen to someone who had such knowledge was impactful for Get more content on
  • 17. Personal Experience: A Personal Analysis I think push has been one of the categories I have taken seriously. I feel that I have been meeting the goals that I set out for myself. By using push in my schedule i think that I am trying new things that I would not have normally tried before. Most of my pushes have been things I have always wanted to do but never got the drive to do it and I think I am succeeding because I am actually achieving these. A big success has been getting out of my friend group. I have met a lot of new people that can become good friends. Also I have been starting art projects before and finishing them fully where before i would put it off to the side. I have had some challenges though. My attempt to eat healthy has gone down the drain because I get home more content... I will try to expand on the relationships I have created and might get good friends out of it. Also there have been a lot of moments where I could have talked with people and have not so I need to take advantage of these opportunities that are given to me. The final thing I will add is to put more focus on getting homework done because even though I have been trying harder to get it done earlier I still procrastinate. I think the concept that resonated with me the most is multitasking. I always thought that you could multitask but the reading showed me that if I want to complete multiple tasks efficiently I need to do them one by one. I also liked how it pointed people out for saying there good at multitasking eventhoug hit is not possible to do so. I too feel that at some points I can multitask and get multiple things done at the same time done. Now I know that multitasking is a myth I will try to complete each task one by one. This will allow my focus to stay on one topic causing the end product to be way better quality than if I did everything at the same time. I also need to work on not looking at my phone while driving. This is hard because every time you hear that ding you want to immediately want to look down. I also will use techniques to help get single task done more efficiently because some task can be done at the same Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Personality Analysis Abstract The purpose of this paper is to discuss characteristics of my personality. The main focus of this paper will be how my personality has developed over time. As I age and encounter new and different experiences, my personality has adapted and developed further. This paper will give an inā€“depth exploration into the people and events that have influenced my personality. Personality is defined as "a) the sum total of the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristics of an individual. b) the organized pattern of behavioral characteristics of the individual" (, 2010). Whether we realize it or not, personality defines us as people. There are many facets to my personality, more content... I had to step out of my comfort zone and do what needed to be done in order to reach my goals. On the graduate level, I find that it is easier to be an introvert and participate. Once the human element is taken away, I can find myself being open. I do not see my classmates face to face so I can allow myself to say things that I ordinarily would not do or say. As I have gotten older, some of the introversion has faded to a certain extent, but it is still present. Through my job as a Special Education Teacher, I have had to overcome a majority of my introversion so I can effectively do my job. On any given day, I will have to speak to not only my students but also the office staff, coworkers, and possibly some of the children's parents. Conversation goes both ways, so to be successful at my job; I would have to be willing to be open and communicate with others more. I also have to realize that I need to make the first step sometimes. Not everyone is going to come to me; there are times I am going to have to go to others. Another characteristic of my personality is care. Despite my everā€“present introversion, I have always harbored a deep care for most people. Early in my childhood, my parents taught the importance of caring for others. Throughout my life, I have always put others before myself. Sometimes I do this out of genuine care for the other party, but other times, I find myself doing this so the other Get more content on
  • 19. My Personal Identity Analysis An identity that best defines my personal characteristics is that I am a risk taker that loves when challenges come my way. With the difficulties I have encountered in my life span I have managed to enrich my confidence to confront challenges. While I was growing up I had difficulties fitting in because I moved schools three times. I went from a school environment where everyone knew each other in 2nd grade to a whole new scenario where I had a hard time learning English and where I knew nobody. I just remember my parents telling me that it was " for a better education". I did not understand at that moment what they wanted for me but I took the challenge and did not fought back. The difference between both schools went beyond the changed Get more content on
  • 20. Personal Growth Analysis I experienced a great deal of personal growth over the weekend that I spent in Morgan Monroe. Firstly, I experienced a growth in my own inner confidence. Growing up, I was a shy child. I was very insecure with myself and that led to me being nervous and introverted around people, something I still sometimes struggle with. Over the years, it has gotten somewhat better. I've attended various leadership camps and took charge of many different events or clubs around my high school. However, none of them were able to push me out of my comfort zone quite like this class was. The class was full of unfamiliar people. I was, and am, still new to college, to Bloomington, and to Indiana. I was definitely not at easy during the first couple of classroom sessions. I was nervous going into the weekend because I only had one friend who I had known for all of a couple of more content... I had done some long day hikes as well as other strenuous outdoor activates, but I had never done anything as physically taxing as backpacking. I definitely struggled the first day. The pack was a lot heavier then I had originallythought, especially when we began to walk uphill. When we had stopped for the night, I was certain that by Saturday night I would be so sore that I wouldn't be able to move. By the second morning I was certain that my fears had been confirmedā€“the pack was definitely causing some pain in my hips. However, once we really got started, I forgot all about the sore muscles and the bruises. The weather was much too nice to worry about anything. Every time I took the pack off I worried about the same thing, but every time I put it back on it felt lighter. My mind kept focusing on things other than the heavy pack. By the time we settled for the night, I knew that could survive backpacking. I probably couldn't go out for a week right now, but with a little practice and a little more time spent backpacking, I for sure could Get more content on