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Special Edition
                  with RRF details

                                     Performetrix                                              Enhancing the net worth of Human
                                     A Human Engineering Outlook - Coaching, Training and HR
                                     Measurements Monthly Newsletter

                                                                                                                            issue # 3
                                                                                                                            March 2011

Cerebral Dimensions and Formations
(M/S Cerebral Dimensions Learning System)

Ph: 044 – 64500652

Editor: Mathew John
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                                                                                                                            issue # 3
                                                                                                                            March 2011
                                                                                                    2011 © Cerebral Dimensions Learning System
Performetrix                        monthly
                                                                                           Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital

  How to conduct a strategic assessment of your
  recruitment risks and plan for the best?
            “How will the new hire perform after he joins is always a ‘?’
  Unanswered it remains till a few months the new hire is in place, but answered in some adjectives like (good, excellent, class)
  – RRF provides a greater precision to identify the potential issues in prediction and craft the path for bettering the selection.

  HR / recruitment strategist adopt multifaceted approach to recruitment strategy. Had it been mentioned as the best, another
  trial would not take place. Trial and error methods are one among the many methods adopted, had it if learning from the
  errors are appropriately treated further. With the Recruitment Results Framework (RRF) a continuous approach in recruitment
  quality and learning’s from those for implementation framework is the key with precision empiricism of the present and
  refining the future method.

  May be this RRF solutions is not required if organizations do not have the issues of attrition coupled with low engagement
  levels and high cost of recruitment, both amortized and unamortized cost. The value creation using a recruitment consultant is
  not much as they sell CV’s and not uses sophisticated selection tools for them, on the contrary using the web pages where the
  universe of potential candidate’s access is the same for all.

  Why RRF consulting
  When faced with a choice among strategies, management should choose the strategy that maximizes the expected utility for
  the organization, and to make those choice managers need to be provided with the estimates of success process, which is
  where the RRF serves the purpose. Decision of the cost for recruitment is so vivid in the standard accounting systems, but
  the cost of errors in selecting is not captured in any of the accounting standards, leading to the drain of ‘Cash’ as well Human
  capital with poor performance that can have serious consequences in terms of projects, products and customers. Our
  performance specialist would work with the company and analyze in a systematic manner the subjective or expected value of
  alternate outcomes associated with a decision.
  RRF approach is highly researched from the market data base of organizations and people movement tracked with almost
  15,000 candidates, and today resulting in predicting the employee mental mobility (attrition) as well performance prediction at
  the selection process. RRF helps your company study the recruitment / selection success in terms of
           1. “Recruitment Success Ratio” (RSR)
           2. “Refine the present anomalies
           3. Train the managers involved in selection with repeat training, so that the implementation is handy within the
           4. Help you identify how and where to reduce your cost of recruitment

                                                                                                                                  issue # 3
                                                                                                                                  March 2011
Performetrix               monthly
                                                                                Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital

    RRF works with the quality and value creation in the “Talent Flow” and associated “Selection Process”, defining,
    measuring and planning the new process and empirics, so to have a continuous improvement in getting better
    prediction of the prospective employee. To make the findings vivid and meaningful, this advisory support is also
    embedded with monthly exit interviews by CDF Consulting and a yearly EBBOL Study (An instrument for measuring
    at a greater precision the Employee engagement and work passion study)

    Benefits for your company and company HR:
            Incrementally reduce dependency on the CV consultants where a big money is paid per hire.
            Tendency to use much of the web portals for skimming the appropriate CV’s , as people would be at their
            best in making selection decision supported by CDF analytics
            Selection attention matrix changes over a period to high professionalism.
            CDF consultants would conduct the base process and analytics study of prediction while company HR only
            conducts the selection process and provide the ratings on re-defined process to CDF, in turn CDF provides
            success matrix of each candidates for further decision.
            All nominated and identified managers involved in the selection process are trained in ‘Mandarin Select’ a
            training program on selection skills
            Annual EBBOL score for course correction on policy and practices along with the monthly exit interviews on
            employee separation to get better insights into the selection process or otherwise as relevant.
            Monthly interface electronically or telephonically with the separated employee, hence location not an issue.
            Senior consultant who have consulted on major change initiatives only involved in providing findings and its
            The return on investment worked out that would be worth the returns
            A mathematical precision on what should be the RSR
            Mathematical precision on how many people should be interviewed and how many shall be rejected.
            Deriving the coefficient for success for future mapping

                                                                            Concern Validation


                                                      Implementation                                   Results Phase

                                                                                                                      issue # 3
                                                                                                                      March 2011
Performetrix                monthly
                                                                                    Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital

    (Other elements of RRF, like Exit interview and EBBOL results are not part of this article)

       1.   A new process correction based on RRF study at company ABC conducted and competency based
            implementation in place , PART OF CONCERN VAIDATION AND IMPLEMENTATION PHASE.
       2.   Shyam, Ram and Vaidhya are potential candidates who have been interviewed with the company ABC and
            the final results sent to RRF solutions, before the letter of appointment is given.
       3.   The following report of potential performance prediction is mapped and sent to the company ABC HR for
            taking a decision
       4.   Company ABC takes a informed decision.
       5.   At the end of appraisal period all these calculated predictions are ratified to see the success % and then
            again refine the process – A Kaizen in recruitment.
       6.   Value to the company- Potential prediction of success of person on the job before hiring and continuous
            areas of identification for controlling attrition by conducting exit interviews.

                                      Potential Performance Prediction
                 10                                                                                     Mr. Shyam is in the
                  9                                                                                     Correct acceptance curve,
                  8                                                                                     hence select

                  5                                                                 Potential Performance
                      0         1     2       3       4      5       6       7       8         9   10

                                                                                                                           issue # 3
                                                                                                                           March 2011
Performetrix                    monthly
                                                                             Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital

                                           Potential Performance Prediction
                       5                                                       Potential Performance
                                                                                                 Mr. Ram lies in the not
                       2                                                                         successful curve, hence
                       1                                                                         hire with the known risk
                                                                                                 or decline offer
                            0       1      2    3   4      5      6     7       8     9     10

                                           Potential Performance Prediction
                        5                                                      Potential Performance
                        2                                                                        Mr. Vaidhya lies in the
                                                                                                 confirmed      rejection
                        1                                                                        curve, hence not to
                        0                                                                        proceed with the known
                            0       1      2    3    4     5      6      7      8     9     10   risk

    Recruitment Results Framework (RRF), the methodology and prediction formulation in India is exclusively owned by
    Cerebral Dimensions Learning System.

                                                                                                                 issue # 3
                                                                                                                 March 2011
Performetrix                         monthly
                                                                                            Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital

  Is your company efficacious – beyond the core
  Businesses face increasing pressures from competition, stock market anomalies, loss of key leaders, on- going organizational
  change and competitive innovation. It is more to be realized, people in business are not working to support a social ‘cause’,
  but are working for the mission and stated purpose of the business, and although they may choose the organization for its
  reputation and its market prowess. The organization in turn selects the mission and goals for the employee to pursue. It is
  the business, not the cause that provides impetus to daily operations.
  CDF; company wide research and their consultants related observation is that, to build company level efficacy, at times some
  of the company’s view the following as contributors of business success such as

                                                         ‘Employee engagement’
                                                             ‘Product prowess’
                                                              ‘Brand identity’
                                            Longevity in the trade and some ‘customer opportunities’
                                                     And utilization of all in exclusion.

  Having said that in reality most organizations get into measuring all of the aspects religiously but do not have any concerted
  total plan with conviction to build efficacy, as company’s are misguided or prefer to be ignorant of the collective inter -
  linkages of the above processes.

  On the contrary company’s focusing on any one of the aspect is also probably doing a mistake or rather a blunder.
  To enumerate this aspect of Efficacy- let’s illustrate the research based findings. Many business surveys and questionnaires
  tend to focus on how individuals view their unique circumstances in an organization, to the exclusion of understanding how
  individuals perceive the broader capabilities of the organization.

  Organizational Efficacy as measured by Cerebral Dimensions and Formations is a global reality measure that would take all of
  those elements (Organizational self esteem, commitment, climate and organizational citizenship) into account in evaluating
  organizational capacity to achieve outcomes.

  The most important distinction to be reminded to HR and business leaders is that organizational efficacy is not employee
  efficacy. To illustrate:– In a highly efficacious organizations, people should think differently, work differently, and act
  differently and the outcomes should be different from organization where organizational efficacy is low.
  Employee’ are the best respondents for measuring your company’s Efficacy, which is measured by the 3 major factors as
  measured by the survey instrument of Cerebral Dimensions Learning System. The instrument is simple yet having a very high
  validity and reliability of 0.9

      This is to be conducted when the CEO feels that everything is right yet something is not right. To measure your company’s
      Efficacy, please connect with one of the lead consultants of Cerebral Dimensions Learning System or National Coordinator

                                                                                                                             issue # 3
                                                                                                                             March 2011
Performetrix                        monthly
                                                                                           Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital

  It’s time for performance evaluation – The Holy Grail
  Performance Management system, the buzzword yesterday, today and tomorrow among the corporate, has been more or less
  a plagiarism rather than a reality mapped to the said organization. The existing survey of the PMS, more reveal the ‘people
  salary increment’ and ‘promotion decision’ component only attached to the PMS.

  Performance management system has become a widespread formal organizational procedure with managers measuring and
  evaluating subordinates performance using formal rating instruments.          It has been estimated that over 92% of all big
  organizations use some form of this process, and 34% of SME’s use some form of this process.

  The issue that still revolves around is that whether the PMS designed are really representative of the measure of the
  organizations competitiveness in slices or they are exclusively for rating only the individuals contributions. Or is there a linking
  score (here we refer to Balanced scorecard) for the individuals contribution to the organization.

  Revolutions begin long before they are officially declared. For several years senior executives in a broad range of industries
  have been rethinking how to measure the performance of their business. At the heart of this revolution lies a radical decision;
  to shift from treating financial figures as the foundation for performance measurement to treating them as one among a
  broader set of measures.      Treating the measure is one thing, but giving them equal status in determining strategy,
  promotions; and other rewards is another

   Hence studying performance management System for better business results and people development
   could be looked from two defined aspects that can allow a holistic approach to performance management
   system and appraisal.

             1. A tool of the organization aligned to the organization design – Design of PMS
             2. The impact of performance measurement.

  Design of PMS

  In the past, performance appraisal were an independent system to ensure role clarity, performance planning, job-related
  competency identification and development, development of critical attributes required by the job as well as those valued by
  the organization and identification if training needs. In the last few years this system is slowly being re-placed by not a better
  – a utilitarian approach, which included:

                       Its time to place people in their space
                       Fixation of increment
                       Individuals performance analysis
                       Performance rewards and recognition.

  Of the above some of those are mere judgmental aspects of the process and some developmental. The missing aspects are
  the holism of the appraisal. Holism here is referred to how to link the performance of the individual to the organization, not

                                                                                                                                   issue # 3
                                                                                                                                   March 2011
Performetrix                        monthly
                                                                                         Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital

  just a mere linking but a causal reflection of the same. It would do good for organization to study their causal impact of all the
  measures before embarking on the ‘target setting’ for the new performance period. This would require not just a ‘process’
  and related ‘appraisal form’ like many attempt to; instead study of the strategy of the organization and preparing the score

  Study across some of the Indian organizations reveals the heresy of this high potent system and people development tool to a
  mere religious ritual. Financial figures reflection on some of the functions of organization is good but it is indiscriminately
  used based on the mere perception instead of professionally being consulted. The result being measuring the consequences
  of business ‘decision for yesterday’ very meticulously for appraising people and rewarding those and prepare for yesterday
  success mantra for tomorrows uncertain dynamic business canvas. One of the simple example was that in one of our clients
  PMS planning consulting it was observed that the company had fixed the sales executives KPI in terms of the sales figures,
  but the strategy study revealed that creation of the cash flow and market share was the real success metric. With the changes
  incorporated in the KPI the bleak issue of the company turned around.

  The further challenges observed are “ How a company generates the performance data it needs is the second piece of its
  information architecture.” In the refined architecture the Impact of KPI’s are narrated in terms such that organizations can
  start looking at their business data, its usage and appraisal from these. This is very relevant even for the board level appraisal
  of the CEO. Interestingly not many CEO are being measured by these principle based metrics.

  Performance Indicator system and impact

  The notion of impact of performance measurement and its indicators is pivotal for the design to be successful. It has been
  postulated that excessive use of the outcome – related performance indicators (ORPI’s) might influence managerial behavior.
  Here these illustrations may not be as relevant for all the work and positions, but to be comprehended in context and be
  adopted. Here the author illustrates the impacts with a metaphor, which is the basis of true professional consulting.

               Tunnel vision KPI: Concentration on areas included in the KPI scheme, to the exclusion of other important
           areas. Most of the KPI lacks the measure of effectiveness of intervention of work, such as measures of quality of
           outcome. As a result many measures of outcomes used in KPI schemas of company are likely to be highly imperfect
           indicators of effectiveness, the relevance of which is easily challenged given the strategic priorities not being
           achieved. If managers are encouraged to pay excessive attention to KPI schemas, they may be tempted to focus on
           the more easily managed aspects of activity, such as input and procedures, rather than enhancement of
           effectiveness in terms of outcome.
               Suboptimization KPI: Is the pursuit by managers of their own narrow objectives, at the expense of strategic
           consideration. More relevant to large organization, especially in service where the effectiveness of the organization is
           on a wider spread of society as customers, and not just those addressed by a manager, hence the KPI is no
           guarantee that the individual managers will take account of their responsibility as reflected in the targets in the
           appraisal. This lack of congruence between personal targets and global objectives give rise to the phenomenon,

                                                                                                                                 issue # 3
                                                                                                                                 March 2011
Performetrix                    monthly
                                                                                          Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital

    which has become known as sub optimization of the Performance indicators and their impact on the appraisal
         Myopic KPI: Many of the PMS designers and administrators are unaware of the Myopia effect that leads to the
    ineffectiveness of the process and system. Myopia is concentration on short-term issues, to the exclusion of the
    long-term criteria, which may only show up in the performance in many years time. Therefore managerial Myopia
    arises because of lack of congruence between the time horizon of the projects for which he / she is responsible,
    hence if long term issues are considered important, the KPI scheme of the PMS must focus on process dedicated to
    long term objectives rather than just outcomes.
         Convergence KPI: An emphasis on not being exposed as an outliner on any KPI, rather than a desire to be
    outstanding. This arises more from the human process of ‘self centeredness’ and lack of specialist support sought by
    the HR. This is more often reflected in many organizations when the HR seeks to get the data from the functional
    heads for their completing the appraisal process and not really being bothered of the Strategic objectives.
         Ossification KPI: Research indicates that excessively rigid performance measurement schemas can stifle
    innovation and suppress potentially healthy experimentation. If outcomes are enhanced by the innovation there is no
    guarantee that the current KPI will capture the improvement. Any organization delivering exceptional performance
    will raise expectations, and the managers looking for a quite life may instead spurn the short-lived plaudit arising,
    instead of the beneficial innovation and apt for chronic mediocrity.
    However, as with most formal control systems, the most profound danger is that the system itself becomes ossified,
    and fails to react to new challenges and opportunities. This has been the observation of the author in many
         Gaming KPI:         The dynamic incentives implicit in a performance management schema are potentially very
    important for two reasons; firstly, most KPI’s in practice are intermediate measures of performance, measuring
    process of service delivery rather than outcomes. As a result the numbers reported are readily changed by the
    behavior of managers.
         Misrepresented KPI:           Fraudulent practices with the selfish motives by the managers in measuring their
    subordinates and the designers selfishness for their own gains always leads to the inappropriate data and ineffective
    use of the PMS.

    It would be worth to note that the natural process of life always comes coupled with some or many of the
    KPI’s, but it also doesn’t mean that it should be lived with. It would do good for progressive or intending
    to be progressive companies to evaluate their business strategy, Vision Mission and create the score card
    which would address most of the issues rendering the business results embedded in the employee

    The editorial thanks the following esteemed consultants who have contributed the above articles and having lead some of the research:
        1.     Prof. Vinu Kuruvilla – Our Empanelled consultant and leading management teacher
        2.     Dr. Hardik & Mr. Sunil Verghese - CDF Principal Consultants and Management Trainer, who are one among our consultants
               trained on RRF. We thank them for sharing on RRF, as there were many enquiries for the same.
        3.     Ms. Latha Sushindhran – CDF Consultant, who has contributed the article on Organizational Efficacy
        4.     Mr.Sunl Verghese – Contributed the article on PMS and KPI

                                                                                                                                   issue # 3
                                                                                                                                   March 2011
Performetrix               monthly
                                                                              Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital

  Strategic HR measurements and Training offerings
                           • EBBOL© Study- Employee engagement and work passion study
                           • Employee Satisfaction Study Survey
   Organization and HR     • Recruitment Results Framework© (RRF)- Solutions for performance improvement
    measurements and          from recruitment to performance appraisal for organizational effectiveness
   Solutions Consulting
                           • Employee Opinion Study Survey
                           • Innoware© Organization Innovation Study survey
                           • Company management Style survey
                           • HR practices effectiveness analysis
                           • ROI study on training interventions
                           • Organization Efficacy Study Survey
                           • Goal Setting and goal alignment
                           • Strategy evaluation and indicators defining
  Performance Consulting   • Evolving Performance criteria for jobs and positions
                           • Defining ‘How to measure ?’ and ‘What to measure?’
                           • People performance Policy guidelines creation
                           • Performance Appraisal Systems
                           • Performance appraisal training
                           • Post appraisal evaluation review for strategy correction
                           • Specialized Behavioral Skills Training
   People Performance
     Improvements          • Assessments and Development center
                           • Revelation Leadership – A 360 degree Leadership survey
                           • De-Mystifying Leadership©
                           • CoMen© - Coaching and Mentoring skill building
  Human Engineering and    • Beyond Coping© - Stress management and alleviation workshop
    Competence Labs        • Mandarin Select© - How to avoid recruiting mistakes with selection analytics for HR
                           • How to change to be an effective manager© - A TA based change workshop
                           • Sexual Harassment alleviation – A behavioral training on the company policy
                                                                 alignment and impact
                           • Breakthrough Selling© - A sales management skill workshop
                           • Power Bricks© - A power negotiation strategy skill workshop
                           • Performance appraisal skill
                           • On Becoming© – A personal effectiveness lab for making your people effective as

                                                                                                               issue # 3
                                                                                                               March 2011

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Performetrix monthly march

  • 1. Special Edition with RRF details Performetrix Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital A Human Engineering Outlook - Coaching, Training and HR Measurements Monthly Newsletter issue # 3 March 2011 Cerebral Dimensions and Formations (M/S Cerebral Dimensions Learning System) Ph: 044 – 64500652 Editor: Mathew John Visit us at issue # 3 March 2011 2011 © Cerebral Dimensions Learning System
  • 2. Performetrix monthly Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital How to conduct a strategic assessment of your recruitment risks and plan for the best? “How will the new hire perform after he joins is always a ‘?’ Unanswered it remains till a few months the new hire is in place, but answered in some adjectives like (good, excellent, class) – RRF provides a greater precision to identify the potential issues in prediction and craft the path for bettering the selection. HR / recruitment strategist adopt multifaceted approach to recruitment strategy. Had it been mentioned as the best, another trial would not take place. Trial and error methods are one among the many methods adopted, had it if learning from the errors are appropriately treated further. With the Recruitment Results Framework (RRF) a continuous approach in recruitment quality and learning’s from those for implementation framework is the key with precision empiricism of the present and refining the future method. May be this RRF solutions is not required if organizations do not have the issues of attrition coupled with low engagement levels and high cost of recruitment, both amortized and unamortized cost. The value creation using a recruitment consultant is not much as they sell CV’s and not uses sophisticated selection tools for them, on the contrary using the web pages where the universe of potential candidate’s access is the same for all. Why RRF consulting When faced with a choice among strategies, management should choose the strategy that maximizes the expected utility for the organization, and to make those choice managers need to be provided with the estimates of success process, which is where the RRF serves the purpose. Decision of the cost for recruitment is so vivid in the standard accounting systems, but the cost of errors in selecting is not captured in any of the accounting standards, leading to the drain of ‘Cash’ as well Human capital with poor performance that can have serious consequences in terms of projects, products and customers. Our performance specialist would work with the company and analyze in a systematic manner the subjective or expected value of alternate outcomes associated with a decision. RRF approach is highly researched from the market data base of organizations and people movement tracked with almost 15,000 candidates, and today resulting in predicting the employee mental mobility (attrition) as well performance prediction at the selection process. RRF helps your company study the recruitment / selection success in terms of 1. “Recruitment Success Ratio” (RSR) 2. “Refine the present anomalies 3. Train the managers involved in selection with repeat training, so that the implementation is handy within the company 4. Help you identify how and where to reduce your cost of recruitment issue # 3 March 2011
  • 3. Performetrix monthly Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital RRF works with the quality and value creation in the “Talent Flow” and associated “Selection Process”, defining, measuring and planning the new process and empirics, so to have a continuous improvement in getting better prediction of the prospective employee. To make the findings vivid and meaningful, this advisory support is also embedded with monthly exit interviews by CDF Consulting and a yearly EBBOL Study (An instrument for measuring at a greater precision the Employee engagement and work passion study) Benefits for your company and company HR: Incrementally reduce dependency on the CV consultants where a big money is paid per hire. Tendency to use much of the web portals for skimming the appropriate CV’s , as people would be at their best in making selection decision supported by CDF analytics Selection attention matrix changes over a period to high professionalism. CDF consultants would conduct the base process and analytics study of prediction while company HR only conducts the selection process and provide the ratings on re-defined process to CDF, in turn CDF provides success matrix of each candidates for further decision. All nominated and identified managers involved in the selection process are trained in ‘Mandarin Select’ a training program on selection skills Annual EBBOL score for course correction on policy and practices along with the monthly exit interviews on employee separation to get better insights into the selection process or otherwise as relevant. Monthly interface electronically or telephonically with the separated employee, hence location not an issue. Senior consultant who have consulted on major change initiatives only involved in providing findings and its inferences. The return on investment worked out that would be worth the returns A mathematical precision on what should be the RSR Mathematical precision on how many people should be interviewed and how many shall be rejected. Deriving the coefficient for success for future mapping Concern Validation Phase RRF PROCESS Implementation Results Phase Phase issue # 3 March 2011
  • 4. Performetrix monthly Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital SNAPSHOT OF RRF MONTHLY RECRUITMENT RESULTS (IMPLEMENTATION PHASE) (Other elements of RRF, like Exit interview and EBBOL results are not part of this article) 1. A new process correction based on RRF study at company ABC conducted and competency based implementation in place , PART OF CONCERN VAIDATION AND IMPLEMENTATION PHASE. 2. Shyam, Ram and Vaidhya are potential candidates who have been interviewed with the company ABC and the final results sent to RRF solutions, before the letter of appointment is given. 3. The following report of potential performance prediction is mapped and sent to the company ABC HR for taking a decision 4. Company ABC takes a informed decision. 5. At the end of appraisal period all these calculated predictions are ratified to see the success % and then again refine the process – A Kaizen in recruitment. 6. Value to the company- Potential prediction of success of person on the job before hiring and continuous areas of identification for controlling attrition by conducting exit interviews. Potential Performance Prediction 10 Mr. Shyam is in the 9 Correct acceptance curve, 8 hence select 7 6 5 Potential Performance 4 3 2 1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 issue # 3 March 2011
  • 5. Performetrix monthly Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital Potential Performance Prediction 10 9 8 7 6 5 Potential Performance 4 3 Mr. Ram lies in the not 2 successful curve, hence 1 hire with the known risk or decline offer 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Potential Performance Prediction 10 9 8 7 6 5 Potential Performance 4 3 2 Mr. Vaidhya lies in the confirmed rejection 1 curve, hence not to 0 proceed with the known 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 risk Recruitment Results Framework (RRF), the methodology and prediction formulation in India is exclusively owned by Cerebral Dimensions Learning System. issue # 3 March 2011
  • 6. Performetrix monthly Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital Is your company efficacious – beyond the core competency? Businesses face increasing pressures from competition, stock market anomalies, loss of key leaders, on- going organizational change and competitive innovation. It is more to be realized, people in business are not working to support a social ‘cause’, but are working for the mission and stated purpose of the business, and although they may choose the organization for its reputation and its market prowess. The organization in turn selects the mission and goals for the employee to pursue. It is the business, not the cause that provides impetus to daily operations. CDF; company wide research and their consultants related observation is that, to build company level efficacy, at times some of the company’s view the following as contributors of business success such as ‘Employee engagement’ ‘Product prowess’ ‘Brand identity’ Longevity in the trade and some ‘customer opportunities’ And utilization of all in exclusion. Having said that in reality most organizations get into measuring all of the aspects religiously but do not have any concerted total plan with conviction to build efficacy, as company’s are misguided or prefer to be ignorant of the collective inter - linkages of the above processes. On the contrary company’s focusing on any one of the aspect is also probably doing a mistake or rather a blunder. To enumerate this aspect of Efficacy- let’s illustrate the research based findings. Many business surveys and questionnaires tend to focus on how individuals view their unique circumstances in an organization, to the exclusion of understanding how individuals perceive the broader capabilities of the organization. Organizational Efficacy as measured by Cerebral Dimensions and Formations is a global reality measure that would take all of those elements (Organizational self esteem, commitment, climate and organizational citizenship) into account in evaluating organizational capacity to achieve outcomes. The most important distinction to be reminded to HR and business leaders is that organizational efficacy is not employee efficacy. To illustrate:– In a highly efficacious organizations, people should think differently, work differently, and act differently and the outcomes should be different from organization where organizational efficacy is low. Employee’ are the best respondents for measuring your company’s Efficacy, which is measured by the 3 major factors as measured by the survey instrument of Cerebral Dimensions Learning System. The instrument is simple yet having a very high validity and reliability of 0.9 This is to be conducted when the CEO feels that everything is right yet something is not right. To measure your company’s Efficacy, please connect with one of the lead consultants of Cerebral Dimensions Learning System or National Coordinator issue # 3 March 2011
  • 7. Performetrix monthly Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital It’s time for performance evaluation – The Holy Grail Performance Management system, the buzzword yesterday, today and tomorrow among the corporate, has been more or less a plagiarism rather than a reality mapped to the said organization. The existing survey of the PMS, more reveal the ‘people salary increment’ and ‘promotion decision’ component only attached to the PMS. Performance management system has become a widespread formal organizational procedure with managers measuring and evaluating subordinates performance using formal rating instruments. It has been estimated that over 92% of all big organizations use some form of this process, and 34% of SME’s use some form of this process. The issue that still revolves around is that whether the PMS designed are really representative of the measure of the organizations competitiveness in slices or they are exclusively for rating only the individuals contributions. Or is there a linking score (here we refer to Balanced scorecard) for the individuals contribution to the organization. Revolutions begin long before they are officially declared. For several years senior executives in a broad range of industries have been rethinking how to measure the performance of their business. At the heart of this revolution lies a radical decision; to shift from treating financial figures as the foundation for performance measurement to treating them as one among a broader set of measures. Treating the measure is one thing, but giving them equal status in determining strategy, promotions; and other rewards is another Hence studying performance management System for better business results and people development could be looked from two defined aspects that can allow a holistic approach to performance management system and appraisal. 1. A tool of the organization aligned to the organization design – Design of PMS 2. The impact of performance measurement. Design of PMS In the past, performance appraisal were an independent system to ensure role clarity, performance planning, job-related competency identification and development, development of critical attributes required by the job as well as those valued by the organization and identification if training needs. In the last few years this system is slowly being re-placed by not a better – a utilitarian approach, which included: Its time to place people in their space Fixation of increment Individuals performance analysis Performance rewards and recognition. Of the above some of those are mere judgmental aspects of the process and some developmental. The missing aspects are the holism of the appraisal. Holism here is referred to how to link the performance of the individual to the organization, not issue # 3 March 2011
  • 8. Performetrix monthly Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital just a mere linking but a causal reflection of the same. It would do good for organization to study their causal impact of all the measures before embarking on the ‘target setting’ for the new performance period. This would require not just a ‘process’ and related ‘appraisal form’ like many attempt to; instead study of the strategy of the organization and preparing the score card. Study across some of the Indian organizations reveals the heresy of this high potent system and people development tool to a mere religious ritual. Financial figures reflection on some of the functions of organization is good but it is indiscriminately used based on the mere perception instead of professionally being consulted. The result being measuring the consequences of business ‘decision for yesterday’ very meticulously for appraising people and rewarding those and prepare for yesterday success mantra for tomorrows uncertain dynamic business canvas. One of the simple example was that in one of our clients PMS planning consulting it was observed that the company had fixed the sales executives KPI in terms of the sales figures, but the strategy study revealed that creation of the cash flow and market share was the real success metric. With the changes incorporated in the KPI the bleak issue of the company turned around. The further challenges observed are “ How a company generates the performance data it needs is the second piece of its information architecture.” In the refined architecture the Impact of KPI’s are narrated in terms such that organizations can start looking at their business data, its usage and appraisal from these. This is very relevant even for the board level appraisal of the CEO. Interestingly not many CEO are being measured by these principle based metrics. Performance Indicator system and impact The notion of impact of performance measurement and its indicators is pivotal for the design to be successful. It has been postulated that excessive use of the outcome – related performance indicators (ORPI’s) might influence managerial behavior. Here these illustrations may not be as relevant for all the work and positions, but to be comprehended in context and be adopted. Here the author illustrates the impacts with a metaphor, which is the basis of true professional consulting. Tunnel vision KPI: Concentration on areas included in the KPI scheme, to the exclusion of other important areas. Most of the KPI lacks the measure of effectiveness of intervention of work, such as measures of quality of outcome. As a result many measures of outcomes used in KPI schemas of company are likely to be highly imperfect indicators of effectiveness, the relevance of which is easily challenged given the strategic priorities not being achieved. If managers are encouraged to pay excessive attention to KPI schemas, they may be tempted to focus on the more easily managed aspects of activity, such as input and procedures, rather than enhancement of effectiveness in terms of outcome. Suboptimization KPI: Is the pursuit by managers of their own narrow objectives, at the expense of strategic consideration. More relevant to large organization, especially in service where the effectiveness of the organization is on a wider spread of society as customers, and not just those addressed by a manager, hence the KPI is no guarantee that the individual managers will take account of their responsibility as reflected in the targets in the appraisal. This lack of congruence between personal targets and global objectives give rise to the phenomenon, issue # 3 March 2011
  • 9. Performetrix monthly Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital which has become known as sub optimization of the Performance indicators and their impact on the appraisal process. Myopic KPI: Many of the PMS designers and administrators are unaware of the Myopia effect that leads to the ineffectiveness of the process and system. Myopia is concentration on short-term issues, to the exclusion of the long-term criteria, which may only show up in the performance in many years time. Therefore managerial Myopia arises because of lack of congruence between the time horizon of the projects for which he / she is responsible, hence if long term issues are considered important, the KPI scheme of the PMS must focus on process dedicated to long term objectives rather than just outcomes. Convergence KPI: An emphasis on not being exposed as an outliner on any KPI, rather than a desire to be outstanding. This arises more from the human process of ‘self centeredness’ and lack of specialist support sought by the HR. This is more often reflected in many organizations when the HR seeks to get the data from the functional heads for their completing the appraisal process and not really being bothered of the Strategic objectives. Ossification KPI: Research indicates that excessively rigid performance measurement schemas can stifle innovation and suppress potentially healthy experimentation. If outcomes are enhanced by the innovation there is no guarantee that the current KPI will capture the improvement. Any organization delivering exceptional performance will raise expectations, and the managers looking for a quite life may instead spurn the short-lived plaudit arising, instead of the beneficial innovation and apt for chronic mediocrity. However, as with most formal control systems, the most profound danger is that the system itself becomes ossified, and fails to react to new challenges and opportunities. This has been the observation of the author in many organization. Gaming KPI: The dynamic incentives implicit in a performance management schema are potentially very important for two reasons; firstly, most KPI’s in practice are intermediate measures of performance, measuring process of service delivery rather than outcomes. As a result the numbers reported are readily changed by the behavior of managers. Misrepresented KPI: Fraudulent practices with the selfish motives by the managers in measuring their subordinates and the designers selfishness for their own gains always leads to the inappropriate data and ineffective use of the PMS. It would be worth to note that the natural process of life always comes coupled with some or many of the KPI’s, but it also doesn’t mean that it should be lived with. It would do good for progressive or intending to be progressive companies to evaluate their business strategy, Vision Mission and create the score card which would address most of the issues rendering the business results embedded in the employee appraisal. The editorial thanks the following esteemed consultants who have contributed the above articles and having lead some of the research: 1. Prof. Vinu Kuruvilla – Our Empanelled consultant and leading management teacher 2. Dr. Hardik & Mr. Sunil Verghese - CDF Principal Consultants and Management Trainer, who are one among our consultants trained on RRF. We thank them for sharing on RRF, as there were many enquiries for the same. 3. Ms. Latha Sushindhran – CDF Consultant, who has contributed the article on Organizational Efficacy 4. Mr.Sunl Verghese – Contributed the article on PMS and KPI issue # 3 March 2011
  • 10. Performetrix monthly Enhancing the net worth of Human Capital Strategic HR measurements and Training offerings • EBBOL© Study- Employee engagement and work passion study • Employee Satisfaction Study Survey Organization and HR • Recruitment Results Framework© (RRF)- Solutions for performance improvement measurements and from recruitment to performance appraisal for organizational effectiveness Solutions Consulting • Employee Opinion Study Survey • Innoware© Organization Innovation Study survey • Company management Style survey • HR practices effectiveness analysis • ROI study on training interventions • Organization Efficacy Study Survey • Goal Setting and goal alignment • Strategy evaluation and indicators defining Performance Consulting • Evolving Performance criteria for jobs and positions • Defining ‘How to measure ?’ and ‘What to measure?’ • People performance Policy guidelines creation • Performance Appraisal Systems • Performance appraisal training • Post appraisal evaluation review for strategy correction • Specialized Behavioral Skills Training People Performance Improvements • Assessments and Development center • Revelation Leadership – A 360 degree Leadership survey • De-Mystifying Leadership© • CoMen© - Coaching and Mentoring skill building Human Engineering and • Beyond Coping© - Stress management and alleviation workshop Competence Labs • Mandarin Select© - How to avoid recruiting mistakes with selection analytics for HR professional • How to change to be an effective manager© - A TA based change workshop • Sexual Harassment alleviation – A behavioral training on the company policy alignment and impact • Breakthrough Selling© - A sales management skill workshop • Power Bricks© - A power negotiation strategy skill workshop • Performance appraisal skill • On Becoming© – A personal effectiveness lab for making your people effective as Individuals issue # 3 March 2011