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Cool School Penguin Plunge
Saturday, February 7, 2015
Letter to Cool School Coordinators
Dear Cool School Penguin Plunge team coordinators,
Special Olympics Vermont is excited to announce a few important changes to the Penguin Plunge for the 2015
anniversary event. Our goal is threefold: to make it simple to coordinate the event and involve more
students at your school, to build the Project UNIFY movement in Vermont, and to help school Unified Sports
teams fundraise to support the growth of your programs. Please read through the list of changes and contact
Liza Reed with any questions.
2015 Cool School Penguin Plunge
 No registration fee: In 2015, Plungers participating with an elementary, middle, or high school-based
Plunge team will not be required to pay a registration fee. This makes it easier to register students at
 Donate to a team or to an individual: Donors can make a gift to your Plunge team or to an individual
Plunger. This makes it easier to do group fundraisers, collect donations from businesses in your
community, and involve more students. Please note that fundraising incentives will still be based on
individual fundraising levels.
 Team Captain: Each Cool School Plunge team will have a captain, most likely you! This will make it easier
for Special Olympics Vermont to disseminate information which you can then pass to your team.
 Revenue sharing: Schools will receive a percentage of their total fundraising dollars (team + individual
fundraising efforts) to grow or begin your Project UNIFY program. This will encourage fundraising and
make it easier to see how your school’s Plunge efforts directly support your athletes. Teams with 1-19
Plungers will receive 7.5% of the team’s fundraising total. Teams with 20+ Plungers will receive 10% of
the team’s fundraising dollars!
 Cool School Plunge: Cool School Penguin Plunge teams will Plunge at noon, following the
traditional/non-school teams at 11am. This will alleviate congestion in the changing tents and encourage
a fun, school-centric event to celebrate the hard work and enthusiasm of your students.
 Incentives: Team-based and individual fundraising incentives will be available to Cool School Plunge
These changes are intended to make coordinating a Penguin Plunge team easy for you, and to encourage more
participation among students. If you have questions or suggestions at any point please feel free to contact me.
Thank you so much for all of the work you do to make the Penguin Plunge a great success and support Special
Olympics Vermont! I look forward to working with you to promote the event in your school.
All the best,
Liza Reed
Marketing and Events Manager (802) 861-0275
Inside this Toolkit
 Special Olympics Vermont and the R-Word Campaign
 Timeline for a successful Cool School Penguin Plunge
 How to promote the event at your school
 Registration
 Fundraising
 Sample newsletter article
 Donor record form
 Waiver form
Special Olympics Fact Sheet
Who is SOVT?
Special Olympics Vermont provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of
Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing
opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a
sharing of gifts, skills and friendships with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the
community. We currently offer statewide competition in12 sports, including athletics (track & field),
alpine skiing, aquatics, basketball, bocce, bowling, golf, Nordic skiing, soccer, softball, snowboarding,
and snowshoeing, to 935 Athletes statewide.
Our History
The concept for Special Olympics was born in the early 1960’s when Eunice Kennedy Shriver started a
day camp for people with intellectual disabilities at her home in Rockville, Maryland. The first
International Special Olympics Games were held in 1968 at Soldier’s Field, Chicago with 1,000
athletes participating from 26 states and Canada.
How We’ve Grown?
Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s vision of an international sports organization for people with intellectual
disabilities has grown into one of the largest and most successful sports and volunteer organizations
in the world. Special Olympics programs are in every state and over 180 countries, serving more than
two million athletes!
Who is Eligible?
Special Olympics Vermont reaches 935 individuals statewide with intellectual disabilities who can
benefit from our sports programs. Individuals with an intellectual disability must be eight years or
older to and register with Special Olympics Vermont. A Young Athletes ® program is now available
for children with intellectual disabilities ages 2-7.
Year Round Opportunities
SOVT provides training and 16 statewide competition opportunities throughout the year. Our largest
competition events are Winter Games in March and Summer Games in June.
Fundraising and Finances
Special Olympics programs are free to all eligible athletes and are possible thanks to the generous
support from individuals and businesses who believe in the Special Olympics movement. The
Penguin Plunge event series raises nearly half of SOVT’s annual operating budget.
Project UNIFY and the R-Word Campaign
What is Project UNIFY?
Project UNIFY brings athletes with and without disabilities together by having them train and
compete on the same sports team. By pairing together peers with and without disabilities, students
are given the opportunity to build a more inclusive environment both in and out of the classroom.
There are currently six Project UNIFY sports competitions for schools and local programs in Vermont:
track and field, bocce, bowling, basketball, snowshoeing and soccer
“Spread the Word to End the Word”—The R-word Campaign
The goal of the R-word campaign is for people to pledge to use respectful people-first language (i.e.
a person with an intellectual disability). The R-word is the word ‘retard’ or ‘retarded’. This word refers
to those with an intellectual disability but is very hurtful due to the fact that it is exclusive, offensive,
and derogatory. The R-word campaign asks people to pledge to stop saying the word as a step
toward creating more accepting attitudes and communities for people. Language can drastically
affect an attitude, and an attitude can then affect actions
Timeline for a Successful School-Wide Penguin Plunge
Preparing for the Penguin Plunge:
 Get the school principle and administration on board with a school wide Penguin Plunge!
 Create an online fundraising page for your team and register yourself:
 Schedule an assembly announcing the opportunity to participate with you Penguin Plunge
 Approach a popular teacher that would be willing to sacrifice something in front of entire
student body. (Offering to shave head in front of the whole school if a fundraising goal is
reached has been very successful!)
 Talk to sports teams/clubs in schools and see if coaches would have the entire team do the
Plunge as a team building activity
 Speak with other teachers and have them “talk-up” the event and display posters in classrooms
 Promote the event through home-school-community communication channels (website,
newsletter, etc)
 A teacher could wear a “Friday Plunge Shirt” every Friday leading up to the Plunge that
students are able to sign once they raise a predetermined amount of money. The more
signatures on the shirt, the more interest there is in the event
 Contact SOVT to receive support for assembly, registration, and fundraising events
Early in the School Year (Before Thanksgiving Break)
Identify student leaders.
Create an online fundraising page for your team and register yourself:
Have a school wide assembly to introduce the Plunge and get students interested (use SOVT as a
resource for handout materials, posters, post cards, t-shirts, hats, etc.)
The message should be (1) that the Penguin Plunge is a super fun event that brings the whole school
community together (2) it is a good way for us to show support to students with disabilities in the
school and (3) to fund the Unified Sports Program. Schools that already have Project UNIFY programs
should invite participants to facilitate the assembly
The assembly can be less than 20 minutes. The point is to rally the troops and give them a purpose,
not necessarily to give a whole bunch of detail about the actual Plunge. Use photos/videos
There should be 3-4 speakers (both student leaders and the teacher who would be willing to sacrifice
something if fundraising goal is met)
Show a promotional video of the Penguin Plunge to get students excited. This sample video is one
created by the Champlain Valley Union High School team for 2013
Post in the school newsletter to remind people to register and raise money during the break
Remind students to ask friends or relatives during vacation if they would like to donate to your team,
every little bit helps!
3 Weeks Out (Jan. 19)
Send an email reminding the Plungers how close the Penguin Plunge is and what the incentive levels
and items are
Get a physical list of the students who are involved and publicly name these students as a member of
the “[school name] Penguin Plunge Team”. SOVT can provide a list of registered Plungers
Create a poster with the pictures of all of the Plungers, to show the many people who are
participating from different social groups
Use existing school-community-home communication channels to continue getting the word out
Timeline Continued…
2 Weeks Out (Jan. 26)
Put a notice in the announcements everyday reminding students that there is still time to register,
and that waivers are due at the mandatory meeting the following week
Create a lot of handmade signs saying when the Plunge is, that there is a meeting the week before
the Plunge, and that waivers are due now!
Send out an email to all students who have signed up, giving them some sample language to use
when networking for donation requests
Schedule a mandatory meeting for the week of the Plunge
Schedule check-in with a SOVT staff member
The Week of the Plunge (Feb. 2)
On Monday have students hang the posters around the school…everywhere!!
During the mandatory meeting for all Plungers talk about the following items:
1. Tomorrow, last minute money and waivers must be handed in to an assigned
2. Hand out bags from SOVT and assign Plunge wave number
3. Waivers are mandatory for all Plungers. No waiver, no Plunge
4. If the $150 is not possible, please let the team captain know
5. Costume theme
6. Not too late to join!
On Thursday all final forms are due. Students leaders and teachers sits in a central location
registering students, handing out wrist bands and assigning waive numbers
On the Friday before the Plunge student leaders chase down last minute waivers and money!
Day of Plunge (Feb. 7)
a. Be at waterfront by 11:15AM for Plunge team photo (select meeting place)
b. Do not need to check-in
c. Dress for the cold weather prior to and following Plunge
d. Shoes are required to Plunge. Old sneakers and water sandals are great, flip flops and crocs
are not!
e. Bring a trash bag for wet stuff, a wave bracelet, and a second pair of shoes, SOVT will give you
a towel
At Your School
Talk with SOVT and have them explain how to set up the fundraising website before the assembly!
Make copies of clear, easy-to-understand sign-up instructions to hand out to students
Have a bank of 4-5 computers set up at lunch during that first week after the assembly with
facilitators to help students sign up
Have Penguin Plunge waivers available to hand out to the students as soon as they sign up, with
where to drop off the waiver written on the sheet itself
The week of the Penguin Plunge – schedule time with SOVT to complete check-in
How to Fundraise!
Mail a fundraising letter or email to friends, family and neighbors using the sample letter included in
this toolkit
Post on to social media with link to your team or personal fundraising page
Ask your family match funds that you put in yourself
Fundraise outside of school; perform a service for a donation (rake leaves, shovel snow, etc) for a
donation to your Cool School Plunge Team
Always send a thank you letter!
Thank you to our 2015 Sponsors!
Sample Donation Request Letter (can be modified for email)
[Insert date here]
Dear [Insert name here],
I am writing to request your support as I participate in the 2015 Special Olympics Vermont
Penguin Plunge. On February 7th
, I will Plunge into the freezing waters of Lake Champlain to raise
money for the 935 athletes who participate in Special Olympics Vermont. I’m sure you’re
shivering just thinking about it!
Special Olympics Vermont provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of
Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing
opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a
sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the
I have set a personal fundraising goal of [insert $$ amount] and I need your help to reach it!
Please consider making a donation to Special Olympics Vermont on my behalf for the 2015
Penguin Plunge. No amount is too small or too great! All donations go directly to a wonderful
cause and even a small donation draws me closer to my goal of [insert $$ amount].
It’s easy to support my Plunge! You can donate online through my personal fundraising page
[insert URL] or make your check payable to Special Olympics Vermont and return it to me. Please
put my name in the check memo.
If you would like to learn more about this exciting winter event, visit www.Penguin to
learn all the chilly details. Think warm thoughts for me as February approaches! I’ll do my best to
make you proud!
Best wishes,
[Insert Plunger name]
Media Contact
Liza Reed
Marketing and Events Manager
Special Olympics Vermont
(802) 861-0275
Cell: 802-598-7571
Students Prepare for Penguin Plunge to Benefit Special Olympics Vermont
On Saturday, February 7th
, members of the [name of school] community will jump into the icy waters
of Lake Champlain to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Vermont. Right now, our school
team, [name of team and link to FirstGiving page] is made up of xx students in grades x-x, and xx
teachers. This will be the X year that our school has had a Penguin Plunge team and it’s always a great
event! You can join our Penguin Plunge team by registering online, or please contact [name of
organizer and link to email] for more information.
Special Olympics Vermont is part of a global movement that works year round to foster inclusion and
acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities. In school communities, Special Olympics promotes
Project Unify, a program that brings together students with and without disabilities to practice and
compete together in a variety of sports. Our school offers two Unified Sports opportunities, (ex:
bowling in the fall and snowshoeing in the winter). Students practice weekly and participate in a
statewide competition. One Unified Partner has this to say about his/her Unified Sports experience:
“quote from student”.
Join our Penguin Plunge team! (link to team FirstGiving page). All Plungers must raise $150 and will
receive a Penguin Plunge hat and towel for participating. There are additional incentive prizes for
Plungers who raise even more! If you aren’t able to Plunge, please consider making a donation to our
team. Students are working very hard to raise money for Special Olympics and to show that our
school community is on board with the mission.
Additional Resources:
About Special Olympics Vermont: Special Olympics Vermont is part of a global movement that
works year round to foster inclusion and acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities by using
the power of sport to showcase their gifts and abilities. In Vermont 935 athletes train and compete in
12 Olympic-type sports. Through successful experiences in sports, SOVT athletes gain confidence and
build positive self-images, which follow them into their homes, classrooms, jobs, and communities. To
learn more go to
About the Penguin Plunge: The Special Olympics Vermont Penguin Plunge is a three-part
fundraising event series that reaches 1,500 brave participants across Vermont and surrounding
states. Plungers raise money and jump into Vermont’s frozen lakes to show that they have 32
degrees of courage. 2015 marks the 20th
anniversary of the Burlington Penguin Plunge and SOVT is
excited to showcase some new partners and incentives.
Donor Record Form to Keep Track of all the Donations!
 Use this form to keep track of individuals and businesses that help sponsor your plunge.
 Make copies of this form if you need additional sheets.
 Checks should be made payable to Special Olympics Vermont. Please include the Plunger’s name in the memo.
 Plungers are encouraged to mail/deliver checks to SOVT prior to the Plunge (please ensure that offline donations arrive
one week prior to your Plunge event to allow time for processing). Please do not mail cash. Offline donations can also be
turned at the pre-plunge or at check-in the day of the event. Additional information is available on the website at
Thank you for your support!
Your Name (Plunger) Team Name (if applicable)
Donor Name Address Check # or
Donor Name Address Check # or
In consideration of participating in the Special Olympics Vermont 2015 Penguin Plunge, I represent that I understand the nature of
Penguin Plunge events and that I and/or my minor child am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such
Activity. I acknowledge that if I and/or my minor child believe event conditions are unsafe, I and/or my minor child will immediately
discontinue participation in the Activity.
I fully understand that the Penguin Plunge events involve risks of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death,
which may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes
place, or the negligence of the "releasees" named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily
foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I and/or my minor
child incur as a result of my and/or my minor child’s participation in the Activity.
I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue Special Olympics Vermont, Special Olympics Inc., its respective administrators,
directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of
premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the "RELEASEES" herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or
damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the "releasees" or otherwise, including
negligent rescue operations; and I further agree that if, despite this release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk I, or anyone on my
and/or my minor child's behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the releasees
from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim.
AGREEMENT, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or
assurance of any nature and intend it be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extend allowed by law and agree
that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect.
Special Olympics Vermont has my permission, both during and anytime after, to use my likeness, name, voice or words in either television,
radio film, social media, newspapers, magazines, and other media, in any form, for the purpose of advertising or communicating the purposes
and activities of Special Olympics and/or applying for funds to support those purposes and activities.
____________________________________________________________________________ Team:_________________________________
Printed Name of Participant
Signature of Participant
Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian (If participant is under age 18)
______/______/______ Emergency Contact/Phone number: ________________________________________________________

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Penguin Plunge toolkit_FINAL

  • 1. Cool School Penguin Plunge Toolkit Saturday, February 7, 2015
  • 2. Letter to Cool School Coordinators Dear Cool School Penguin Plunge team coordinators, Special Olympics Vermont is excited to announce a few important changes to the Penguin Plunge for the 2015 20th anniversary event. Our goal is threefold: to make it simple to coordinate the event and involve more students at your school, to build the Project UNIFY movement in Vermont, and to help school Unified Sports teams fundraise to support the growth of your programs. Please read through the list of changes and contact Liza Reed with any questions. 2015 Cool School Penguin Plunge  No registration fee: In 2015, Plungers participating with an elementary, middle, or high school-based Plunge team will not be required to pay a registration fee. This makes it easier to register students at school.  Donate to a team or to an individual: Donors can make a gift to your Plunge team or to an individual Plunger. This makes it easier to do group fundraisers, collect donations from businesses in your community, and involve more students. Please note that fundraising incentives will still be based on individual fundraising levels.  Team Captain: Each Cool School Plunge team will have a captain, most likely you! This will make it easier for Special Olympics Vermont to disseminate information which you can then pass to your team.  Revenue sharing: Schools will receive a percentage of their total fundraising dollars (team + individual fundraising efforts) to grow or begin your Project UNIFY program. This will encourage fundraising and make it easier to see how your school’s Plunge efforts directly support your athletes. Teams with 1-19 Plungers will receive 7.5% of the team’s fundraising total. Teams with 20+ Plungers will receive 10% of the team’s fundraising dollars!  Cool School Plunge: Cool School Penguin Plunge teams will Plunge at noon, following the traditional/non-school teams at 11am. This will alleviate congestion in the changing tents and encourage a fun, school-centric event to celebrate the hard work and enthusiasm of your students.  Incentives: Team-based and individual fundraising incentives will be available to Cool School Plunge teams. These changes are intended to make coordinating a Penguin Plunge team easy for you, and to encourage more participation among students. If you have questions or suggestions at any point please feel free to contact me. Thank you so much for all of the work you do to make the Penguin Plunge a great success and support Special Olympics Vermont! I look forward to working with you to promote the event in your school. All the best, Liza Reed Marketing and Events Manager (802) 861-0275
  • 3. Inside this Toolkit  Special Olympics Vermont and the R-Word Campaign  Timeline for a successful Cool School Penguin Plunge  How to promote the event at your school  Registration  Fundraising  Sample newsletter article  Donor record form  Waiver form
  • 4. Special Olympics Fact Sheet Who is SOVT? Special Olympics Vermont provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills and friendships with their families, other Special Olympics athletes and the community. We currently offer statewide competition in12 sports, including athletics (track & field), alpine skiing, aquatics, basketball, bocce, bowling, golf, Nordic skiing, soccer, softball, snowboarding, and snowshoeing, to 935 Athletes statewide. Our History The concept for Special Olympics was born in the early 1960’s when Eunice Kennedy Shriver started a day camp for people with intellectual disabilities at her home in Rockville, Maryland. The first International Special Olympics Games were held in 1968 at Soldier’s Field, Chicago with 1,000 athletes participating from 26 states and Canada. How We’ve Grown? Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s vision of an international sports organization for people with intellectual disabilities has grown into one of the largest and most successful sports and volunteer organizations in the world. Special Olympics programs are in every state and over 180 countries, serving more than two million athletes! Who is Eligible? Special Olympics Vermont reaches 935 individuals statewide with intellectual disabilities who can benefit from our sports programs. Individuals with an intellectual disability must be eight years or older to and register with Special Olympics Vermont. A Young Athletes ® program is now available for children with intellectual disabilities ages 2-7. Year Round Opportunities SOVT provides training and 16 statewide competition opportunities throughout the year. Our largest competition events are Winter Games in March and Summer Games in June. Fundraising and Finances Special Olympics programs are free to all eligible athletes and are possible thanks to the generous support from individuals and businesses who believe in the Special Olympics movement. The Penguin Plunge event series raises nearly half of SOVT’s annual operating budget.
  • 5. Project UNIFY and the R-Word Campaign What is Project UNIFY? Project UNIFY brings athletes with and without disabilities together by having them train and compete on the same sports team. By pairing together peers with and without disabilities, students are given the opportunity to build a more inclusive environment both in and out of the classroom. There are currently six Project UNIFY sports competitions for schools and local programs in Vermont: track and field, bocce, bowling, basketball, snowshoeing and soccer “Spread the Word to End the Word”—The R-word Campaign The goal of the R-word campaign is for people to pledge to use respectful people-first language (i.e. a person with an intellectual disability). The R-word is the word ‘retard’ or ‘retarded’. This word refers to those with an intellectual disability but is very hurtful due to the fact that it is exclusive, offensive, and derogatory. The R-word campaign asks people to pledge to stop saying the word as a step toward creating more accepting attitudes and communities for people. Language can drastically affect an attitude, and an attitude can then affect actions
  • 6. Timeline for a Successful School-Wide Penguin Plunge Preparing for the Penguin Plunge:  Get the school principle and administration on board with a school wide Penguin Plunge!  Create an online fundraising page for your team and register yourself:  Schedule an assembly announcing the opportunity to participate with you Penguin Plunge team  Approach a popular teacher that would be willing to sacrifice something in front of entire student body. (Offering to shave head in front of the whole school if a fundraising goal is reached has been very successful!)  Talk to sports teams/clubs in schools and see if coaches would have the entire team do the Plunge as a team building activity  Speak with other teachers and have them “talk-up” the event and display posters in classrooms  Promote the event through home-school-community communication channels (website, newsletter, etc)  A teacher could wear a “Friday Plunge Shirt” every Friday leading up to the Plunge that students are able to sign once they raise a predetermined amount of money. The more signatures on the shirt, the more interest there is in the event  Contact SOVT to receive support for assembly, registration, and fundraising events
  • 7. Timeline Early in the School Year (Before Thanksgiving Break) Identify student leaders. Create an online fundraising page for your team and register yourself: Have a school wide assembly to introduce the Plunge and get students interested (use SOVT as a resource for handout materials, posters, post cards, t-shirts, hats, etc.) The message should be (1) that the Penguin Plunge is a super fun event that brings the whole school community together (2) it is a good way for us to show support to students with disabilities in the school and (3) to fund the Unified Sports Program. Schools that already have Project UNIFY programs should invite participants to facilitate the assembly The assembly can be less than 20 minutes. The point is to rally the troops and give them a purpose, not necessarily to give a whole bunch of detail about the actual Plunge. Use photos/videos There should be 3-4 speakers (both student leaders and the teacher who would be willing to sacrifice something if fundraising goal is met) Show a promotional video of the Penguin Plunge to get students excited. This sample video is one created by the Champlain Valley Union High School team for 2013 December Post in the school newsletter to remind people to register and raise money during the break Remind students to ask friends or relatives during vacation if they would like to donate to your team, every little bit helps! 3 Weeks Out (Jan. 19) Send an email reminding the Plungers how close the Penguin Plunge is and what the incentive levels and items are Get a physical list of the students who are involved and publicly name these students as a member of the “[school name] Penguin Plunge Team”. SOVT can provide a list of registered Plungers Create a poster with the pictures of all of the Plungers, to show the many people who are participating from different social groups Use existing school-community-home communication channels to continue getting the word out
  • 8. Timeline Continued… 2 Weeks Out (Jan. 26) Put a notice in the announcements everyday reminding students that there is still time to register, and that waivers are due at the mandatory meeting the following week Create a lot of handmade signs saying when the Plunge is, that there is a meeting the week before the Plunge, and that waivers are due now! Send out an email to all students who have signed up, giving them some sample language to use when networking for donation requests Schedule a mandatory meeting for the week of the Plunge Schedule check-in with a SOVT staff member The Week of the Plunge (Feb. 2) On Monday have students hang the posters around the school…everywhere!! During the mandatory meeting for all Plungers talk about the following items: 1. Tomorrow, last minute money and waivers must be handed in to an assigned location/teachers 2. Hand out bags from SOVT and assign Plunge wave number 3. Waivers are mandatory for all Plungers. No waiver, no Plunge 4. If the $150 is not possible, please let the team captain know 5. Costume theme 6. Not too late to join! On Thursday all final forms are due. Students leaders and teachers sits in a central location registering students, handing out wrist bands and assigning waive numbers On the Friday before the Plunge student leaders chase down last minute waivers and money! Day of Plunge (Feb. 7) a. Be at waterfront by 11:15AM for Plunge team photo (select meeting place) b. Do not need to check-in c. Dress for the cold weather prior to and following Plunge d. Shoes are required to Plunge. Old sneakers and water sandals are great, flip flops and crocs are not! e. Bring a trash bag for wet stuff, a wave bracelet, and a second pair of shoes, SOVT will give you a towel
  • 9. Registration At Your School Talk with SOVT and have them explain how to set up the fundraising website before the assembly! Make copies of clear, easy-to-understand sign-up instructions to hand out to students Have a bank of 4-5 computers set up at lunch during that first week after the assembly with facilitators to help students sign up Have Penguin Plunge waivers available to hand out to the students as soon as they sign up, with where to drop off the waiver written on the sheet itself The week of the Penguin Plunge – schedule time with SOVT to complete check-in
  • 10. How to Fundraise! Mail a fundraising letter or email to friends, family and neighbors using the sample letter included in this toolkit Post on to social media with link to your team or personal fundraising page Ask your family match funds that you put in yourself Fundraise outside of school; perform a service for a donation (rake leaves, shovel snow, etc) for a donation to your Cool School Plunge Team Always send a thank you letter! Thank you to our 2015 Sponsors!
  • 11. Sample Donation Request Letter (can be modified for email) [Insert date here] Dear [Insert name here], I am writing to request your support as I participate in the 2015 Special Olympics Vermont Penguin Plunge. On February 7th , I will Plunge into the freezing waters of Lake Champlain to raise money for the 935 athletes who participate in Special Olympics Vermont. I’m sure you’re shivering just thinking about it! Special Olympics Vermont provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes, and the community. I have set a personal fundraising goal of [insert $$ amount] and I need your help to reach it! Please consider making a donation to Special Olympics Vermont on my behalf for the 2015 Penguin Plunge. No amount is too small or too great! All donations go directly to a wonderful cause and even a small donation draws me closer to my goal of [insert $$ amount]. It’s easy to support my Plunge! You can donate online through my personal fundraising page [insert URL] or make your check payable to Special Olympics Vermont and return it to me. Please put my name in the check memo. If you would like to learn more about this exciting winter event, visit www.Penguin to learn all the chilly details. Think warm thoughts for me as February approaches! I’ll do my best to make you proud! Best wishes, [Insert Plunger name]
  • 12. SAMPLE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER ARTICLE - 2015 PENGUIN PLUNGE Media Contact Liza Reed Marketing and Events Manager Special Olympics Vermont (802) 861-0275 Cell: 802-598-7571 Students Prepare for Penguin Plunge to Benefit Special Olympics Vermont On Saturday, February 7th , members of the [name of school] community will jump into the icy waters of Lake Champlain to raise funds and awareness for Special Olympics Vermont. Right now, our school team, [name of team and link to FirstGiving page] is made up of xx students in grades x-x, and xx teachers. This will be the X year that our school has had a Penguin Plunge team and it’s always a great event! You can join our Penguin Plunge team by registering online, or please contact [name of organizer and link to email] for more information. Special Olympics Vermont is part of a global movement that works year round to foster inclusion and acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities. In school communities, Special Olympics promotes Project Unify, a program that brings together students with and without disabilities to practice and compete together in a variety of sports. Our school offers two Unified Sports opportunities, (ex: bowling in the fall and snowshoeing in the winter). Students practice weekly and participate in a statewide competition. One Unified Partner has this to say about his/her Unified Sports experience: “quote from student”. Join our Penguin Plunge team! (link to team FirstGiving page). All Plungers must raise $150 and will receive a Penguin Plunge hat and towel for participating. There are additional incentive prizes for Plungers who raise even more! If you aren’t able to Plunge, please consider making a donation to our team. Students are working very hard to raise money for Special Olympics and to show that our school community is on board with the mission. ### Additional Resources:
  • 13. SAMPLE SCHOOL NEWSLETTER ARTICLE - 2015 PENGUIN PLUNGE (Continued) About Special Olympics Vermont: Special Olympics Vermont is part of a global movement that works year round to foster inclusion and acceptance of people with intellectual disabilities by using the power of sport to showcase their gifts and abilities. In Vermont 935 athletes train and compete in 12 Olympic-type sports. Through successful experiences in sports, SOVT athletes gain confidence and build positive self-images, which follow them into their homes, classrooms, jobs, and communities. To learn more go to About the Penguin Plunge: The Special Olympics Vermont Penguin Plunge is a three-part fundraising event series that reaches 1,500 brave participants across Vermont and surrounding states. Plungers raise money and jump into Vermont’s frozen lakes to show that they have 32 degrees of courage. 2015 marks the 20th anniversary of the Burlington Penguin Plunge and SOVT is excited to showcase some new partners and incentives.
  • 14. Donor Record Form to Keep Track of all the Donations!  Use this form to keep track of individuals and businesses that help sponsor your plunge.  Make copies of this form if you need additional sheets.  Checks should be made payable to Special Olympics Vermont. Please include the Plunger’s name in the memo.  Plungers are encouraged to mail/deliver checks to SOVT prior to the Plunge (please ensure that offline donations arrive one week prior to your Plunge event to allow time for processing). Please do not mail cash. Offline donations can also be turned at the pre-plunge or at check-in the day of the event. Additional information is available on the website at Thank you for your support! Your Name (Plunger) Team Name (if applicable) Donor Name Address Check # or Cash Donation Amount
  • 15. Donor Name Address Check # or Cash Donation Amount
  • 16. SPECIAL OLYMPICS VERMONT RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY, AND PARENTAL CONSENT AGREEMENT In consideration of participating in the Special Olympics Vermont 2015 Penguin Plunge, I represent that I understand the nature of Penguin Plunge events and that I and/or my minor child am qualified, in good health, and in proper physical condition to participate in such Activity. I acknowledge that if I and/or my minor child believe event conditions are unsafe, I and/or my minor child will immediately discontinue participation in the Activity. I fully understand that the Penguin Plunge events involve risks of serious bodily injury, including permanent disability, paralysis and death, which may be caused by my own actions, or inactions, those of others participating in the event, the conditions in which the event takes place, or the negligence of the "releasees" named below; and that there may be other risks either not known to me or not readily foreseeable at this time; and I fully accept and assume all such risks and all responsibility for losses, costs, and damages I and/or my minor child incur as a result of my and/or my minor child’s participation in the Activity. I hereby release, discharge, and covenant not to sue Special Olympics Vermont, Special Olympics Inc., its respective administrators, directors, agents, officers, volunteers, and employees, other participants, any sponsors, advertisers, and, if applicable, owners and lessors of premises on which the Activity takes place, (each considered one of the "RELEASEES" herein) from all liability, claims, demands, losses, or damages on my account caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the "releasees" or otherwise, including negligent rescue operations; and I further agree that if, despite this release, waiver of liability, and assumption of risk I, or anyone on my and/or my minor child's behalf, makes a claim against any of the Releasees, I will indemnify, save, and hold harmless each of the releasees from any loss, liability, damage, or cost which any may incur as the result of such claim. I have read this RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY, ASSUMPTION OF RISK, AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT, AND PARENTAL CONSENT AGREEMENT, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it and have signed it freely and without any inducement or assurance of any nature and intend it be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extend allowed by law and agree that if any portion of this agreement is held to be invalid the balance, notwithstanding, shall continue in full force and effect. Special Olympics Vermont has my permission, both during and anytime after, to use my likeness, name, voice or words in either television, radio film, social media, newspapers, magazines, and other media, in any form, for the purpose of advertising or communicating the purposes and activities of Special Olympics and/or applying for funds to support those purposes and activities. ____________________________________________________________________________ Team:_________________________________ Printed Name of Participant ____________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Participant ____________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent/Legal Guardian (If participant is under age 18) ______/______/______ Emergency Contact/Phone number: ________________________________________________________