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Gang-of-Four Design Patterns

                               OOA&D - v3.2 - English
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 About the GoF Design Patterns

  Gang-of-Four: Gamma, Helm, Johnson, & Vlissides.
  Intermediate-level design patterns.

  Large     Architectural Patterns (example: Broker)             Special
               Design Patterns (example: State)
  Small       GRASP Patterns (example: Expert)                   General

                      Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns       v3.2   2
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 About the GoF Design Patterns

  Three categories.
     Creational - How to build problematic objects.
     Structural - How to build flexible structures.
     Behavioral - How to build powerful behaviors.

                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns      v3.2   3
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  Abstract Factory

  Problem: Sometimes constructing an object is very                 Creational
     The object is made of many different kinds of complexly
     interconnected parts.
     The object consists of many parts from one of two or
     more sets of compatible parts, but the sets are
     incompatible with each other.

                        Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             4
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Abstract Factory
   Example:                                                             Pattern
   Constructing user interface widgets in general
   (windows, scrollbars, radio button groups, menus,
   … ) when there are several widget sets to choose
   from (Motif, OpenLook, Presentation Manager, … )

                      Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             5
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Abstract Factory
  Solution: Create a Pure Fabrication to do the                                                                                   Pattern




                             createScrollbar()                                  MotifScrollbar               PMScrollbar

        MotifWidgetFactory                              PMWidgetFactory

        createScrollbar()                              createScrollbar()
        createWindow()                                 createWindow()           MotifWindow                  PMWindow

                                                     Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                              v3.2             6
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
   Problem: Sometimes constructing an object is                          Pattern
   very complex.
      The object is made of many different kinds of
      complexly interconnected parts.
      There are so many variations and combinations
      that the corresponding inheritance hierarchy is
      extremely broad.

                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             7
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Prototype              (continued)

    Example:                                                                                      Pattern


       97FordEscortGX       97FordEscortLX         97ChevyCavalierGS   97ChevyCavalierLX

       97FordTaurusGX       97FordTaurusLX         97ChevyCorsicaGS    97ChevyCorsicaLX

                                   Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                v3.2             8
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Prototype               (continued)

  Solution.                                                        Creational
     Rather than proliferate special-purpose classes, create
     a general class and preconfigure a set of constant,
     baseline objects.
     Clone() these baseline objects as the initial values for your
                                                                       AutomobileSpec is the class
                 ModelCatalog                         AutomobileSpec
                                                                        of all of the Prototypes. It has
                                              *                        the clone() operation. The
                                                                       actual prototypes are
    getModel(name:String) : AutomobileSpec          clone()            instances of AutomobileSpec
                                                                       stored by ModelCatalog.

              Engine                           Upholstery                        Doodad

                       Nitro Fuel        Sticky             Plush      Boring            Really Cool
    Std Engine
                        Engine         Upholstery         Upholstery   Doodad             Doodad

                                    Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                   v3.2        9
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
   Problem: When an object is unique, it is tempting to                  Pattern

   globally access it.
      But global variables are “bad.”
      How can we have direct visibility of the unique object
      without global variables?

                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2         10
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Singleton                (continued)

  Example:                                                                                            Pattern

        AutomobileOrder                                                         ModelCatalog

    addFeature()                                  getModel(name:String) : AutomobileSpec

   The ModelCatalog is a big, unique object that thousands of
   AutomobileOrders would like to easily access.

                                Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                       v3.2         11
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Singleton      (continued)
     Define the class of the unique object to have a special method,
     instance( ).
          This method creates the unique object if it does not already exist.
          Or, it finds the unique object and returns a reference to it.
                                       A u to m o b ile O r d e r
                                                                                       N o te th e u s e a th e U M L
                                                                                       s t e r e o t y p e " < < s in g le t o n > > " t o
                                                                                       in d ic a te t h a t th e S in g le to n
                                  a d d F e a tu re ()                                 p a t t e r n is b e in g u s e d .
                                  a d d P a c k a g e ()

                                          < < s in g le to n > >
                                          M o d e lC a t a lo g                                                        M o d e lC a ta lo g P r o x y

                                                                                       th e In s ta n c e
                 $ in s ta n c e ( ) : M o d e lC a ta lo g                                                         ???
                 g e t M o d e l( n a m e : S t r in g ) : A u t o m o b ile S p e c

                                         Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                                                                       v3.2         12
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

  Problem: Sometimes it seems necessary to have                   Structural
  many copies of a few constant objects.
     However, these copies take up a lot of time and space
     (creating and destroying them).
     If they were shared, performance might improve.

                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             13
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
   Example: A Minesweeper game might have                                                                               Pattern
   hundreds of Squares, each with a SquareState.
      But, there are only four distinct SquareStates.

                                 contains         
             Board                                                          Square
                            1               1..   *,   1..   *
                                                                                     has     


                     Unmarked                                Flagged                  Questionable   Uncovered

                                Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                                         v3.2             14
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Flyweight     (continued)

  Solution.                                                              Pattern

     Preconfigure the set of constant objects and make them
     available for shared use.
     “Shared use” typically requires:
         A dispenser object, like an Abstract Factory.
         Parameter visibility to the using object so that Flyweight
         object can remain constant.

                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             15
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Flyweight          (continued)



                                           Unmarked                          Questionable

                      uncover                           mark              mark

              Uncovered                                        Flagged

           mark                  uncover

                                Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                         v3.2             16
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Flyweight                           (continued)


                             FlyweightFactory                                                                       SquareState

         buildStates()                                                                                *   mark(s:Square)
         getState(aStateName) : SquareState                                                               uncover(s:Square)

    mark(s:Square)                                                            2: changeState(next)
                                                   :Unmarked                                                                      :Square

                                     1: next := getNextState()

                                                           Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                                         v3.2             17
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
    Problem: Sometimes it is desirable not to directly             Structural
    access an object but, instead, access it
    through a placeholder or surrogate.
       Typically, this need arises from reliability and/or complexity concerns.

                        Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2    18
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Proxy    (continued)

  Examples.                                                               Pattern
     Remote Proxy - A local presentation of a remote
     Virtual Proxy - A lightweight object that creates its
     heavyweight object on demand.
     Protection Proxy - A sentry that guards a secure object.
     Device Proxy - A logical device that manages a physical

                        Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             19
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Proxy    (continued)

  Solution.                                                               Pattern
     Create an abstract class to specify the logical
     interface to the object.
     Next, create two subclasses.
         One is the Proxy and one is the actual object.
     Give the Proxy a reference to the actual object and
     make it pass messages through after doing its own
  See next page.

                        Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             20
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
     Proxy           (continued)


                                                                      status         : { online ,
                                                                      outofpaper , jammed }


          Document                                   PrinterProxy                                                   RealPrinter

                                        status         : { online ,                                 status         ???             : { online ,
                                        outofpaper , jammed }                                       outofpaper , jammed }
                                        print(psFile)                                               print(psFile)

                                   Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                                                  v3.2                 21
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  Problem.                                                        Structural
     Sometimes the interface that you want a client to
     use is not the one provided by the supplier.
     How can you convert the actual interface of the
     supplier to the logical interface of the client?

                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             22
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Adapter     (continued)

  Example:                                                                                                 Pattern

  An AuthorizationRequest is a transaction step, which really
  should not be an expert at using a particular kind of modem.

                 A u t h o r iz a t io n R e q u e s t          U S R o b o tic s S p o r ts te r

                a u th o r iz e ( )                            in it ( in it S t r in g )
                                                               ta k e O ffh o o k ()
                                                               d ia l( p h o n e N u m )
                                                               s e n d ( o c t e t S tr in g )
                                                               c h e c k C o n n e c t io n ( )
                                                               p la c e O n h o o k ( )

                                  Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                          v3.2             23
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Adapter      (continued)
  Solution.                                                               Pattern
     Create an abstract class for a logical interface to
     the (category of) device.
     Inherit from this interface to create several
     adapters, which are experts at using their
     corresponding physical devices.
  See next page.

                        Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             24
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  Adapter                             (continued)


                                                       USRModemAdapter                    USRoboticsSportster

                                                     send(msg,phoneNum)                  init(initString)
                    SerialCommPort                                                       dial(phoneNum)

                                                     3ComEthernetAdapter                  3ComEthernet10/100

                                                     send(msg,address)                   setParms(...)

                                              Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                       v3.2             25
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  Problem.                                                               Pattern
     Sometimes, logical concepts can get mixed up with
     physical concepts in the same inheritance hierarchy.
     This is bad.
     Often, this situation arises because a family of
     concepts have a related family of implementations.
     These family trees can cause problems if they are

                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             26
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Bridge      (continued)

  Example:                                                                                    Pattern


               CoveredSquare                                         UncoveredSquare

     Plain               Flag        QueryMark            Blank               Number            Mine

                                Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns               v3.2             27
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Bridge        (continued)

    Solution.                                                                            Structural
       Separate the two inheritance hierarchies and link them
       by a Bridge.
       For example, a reference from the logical abstract
       class to the physical abstract class.

                       Cover                                                    Square

  Plain         Flag           QueryMark        Transparent       Blank         Number            Mine

          − Covers represent the user’s guesses about the state of the board.
          − Squares contain the actual state of the board.

                                     Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns            v3.2             28
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  Problem.                                                                 Pattern
     Often groups of classes (and their instances) are
     strongly interdependent on each other.
     If a client of a cluster of classes (or their instances)
     misuses one element of the cluster, then the whole
     cluster might become inconsistent.

                         Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             29
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Façade       (continued)

  Example:                                                                          Pattern


     ImageRecognizer         Board                  Schedule
                                                                       Process Control

        Inventory             Bin                                Arm

                            ChipSpec               Manipulator          PressureSensor

                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns              v3.2             30
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

  Solution.                                                        Structural
     Create a Pure Fabrication to be the interface for the
     The Façade is a composite object that encapsulates
     all of the classes/objects in the cluster.
     All clients must now send their requests to the
  See next page.

                        Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             31
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Façade                    (continued)

       Im a g e R e c o g n iz e r                                    R obot
                                                                                                                                  S t a t is t ic a l
                                                                                                                             P ro c e s s C o n tro l

                                                                                                                                    In v e n to ry
     A s s e m b le r S u b s y s t e m

                B o a rd
                                                                   A s s e m b le r

                                                                            M a n ip u la t o r A r m S u b s y s t e m

             S c h e d u le r
                                                                                                            M a n ip u la r A r m

                                                 S c h e d u le

                                                                                                                   A rm

                                     B in

                                                                                      M a n ip u la t o r                           P re s s u re S e n s o r
                                C h ip S p e c

                                                            Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                                                            v3.2             32
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  Problem.                                                        Behavioral
     It is often extremely useful for one object to monitor
     the state of another object.
     However, the observed object must actually do all the
     Also, with more objects monitoring it, the observed
     object gets very highly coupled.

                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             33
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Observer        (continued)

  Example:                                                                                 Pattern

             LIS - Resource
                                                       LIS - Patron Information
         Design Patterns, Gamma et. al.             name: CLarman
         1994 Addison-Wesley                        borrowerID: 63910002
         callNumber: 94-34264                       resources checked out:
         status: checked out                        Design Patterns:94-34264
                                                    Java in a Nutshell:94-7463or

         (Observer)                                                    (Observer)


                                      status                (Subject)

                               Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns             v3.2             34
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Observer      (continued)

  Warning.                                                         Behavioral
    The classic GoF Observer solution is outdated and
    It should probably not be used in its classic form, as
    described in “Design Patterns.”
  The idea of publish-subscribe is useful, but the early
  1980’s-inspired GoF solution is limited.
     Better to replace it with a modern event-based
     publish-subscribe form.
         Java delegation event model.

                        Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             35
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Classic Observer

  Solution.                                                     Behavioral
     Generalize the behavior of an Observer as an
     abstract class.
     Give the observed object a collection of concrete observers.
     Let the observed object send a generic notification message to the
     observers whenever its state changes.
                       S u b je c t
                                                                                                                          O b s e rv e r
      a d d O b s e rve r(a n O b s e rve r)
                                                        1                                          *
      re m o ve O b s e rve r(a n O b s e rve r)                                     m yO b s e rve rs   u p d a te ( )
      n o t if y O b s e r v e r s ( )

                                                            c a lls u p d a t e ( ) o n a ll o f                                                  O b s e r v e r is a n a b s tr a c t
                                                            th e O b s e r v e r s in it s                                                        c la s s . u p d a te ( ) is d e f in e d
                                                            c o lle c t io n                                                                      in th e C o n c r e t e O b s e r v e r
                                                                                                                                                  s u b c la s s
                           B ook

       nam e                                                                                             R e s o u r c e I n f o r m a t io n W in d o w
                                                    1                                              1
       c a llN u m b e r
       s ta tu s                                   m yR e s o u rc e                                     u p d a te ( )

       s e tS ta tu s (n e w S ta tu s )

                                                   Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                                                                              v3.2                 36
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Classic Observer        (continued)


What are the weaknesses in Classic Observer?

                     Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             37
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
  Java Interface and Event-Based Observers

                                                                                          Subject/                           «interface»
                                                                                          Source/                          EventListener

                                                                                      1                                        «interface»
                                                                                                      *                    ActionListener
                   addActionListener( ActionListener)
                   removeActionListener( ActionListener )                                                 actionPerformed(ActionEvent)

                   processActionEvent( ActionEvent )

  adds/removes                            walks through
  listeners from                          collection and sends                                                          MyActionListener
  a collection.                           actionPerformed()                  Observer/
                                          message to each                    Listener/
                                          listener                           Subscriber

                                                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                                              v3.2   38
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Java Interface and Event-Based Observers
  The delegation event model approach to Observer provides
  fine-grained notification and low coupling via interfaces.

            «interface»                                                                           «interface»
           EventListener                                                                         EventListener


            «interface»              1                                            1               «interface»
           MouseListener         *                                                    *          ActionListener
                                         addActionListener( ActionListener)
     mouseReleased(MouseEvent)           removeActionListener( ActionListener )           actionPerformed(ActionEvent)

                                         addMouseListener( MouseListener)
                                         removeMouseListener( MouseListener )

        DavesMouseListener                                                                      MyActionListener

     mouseReleased(MouseEvent)                                                            actionPerformed(ActionEvent)

                                     Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                          v3.2              39
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

  Problem.                                                        Behavioral
     Sometimes requests need to be treated in a more
     complex way than as simple messages between
         Client objects might not know exactly which action should be
         performed or who should carry out the task.
         Requests might need to be queued, performed at a later time, or
         sorted based on priority.
         New kinds of requests might be added (even at run time.)

                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             40
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Command       (continued)

  Example.                                                             Pattern

                     Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             41
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Command                                  (continued)

  Solution.                                                                                                                            Behavioral
     Create an object with a method, execute().
     This object is essentially a single method as an object,
     except it can carry its own private state.

                    Menu                                         MenuItem                                        Command
                                               *                                                 *
    addMenuItem()                                    clicked()                                       execute()

                      while(moreCommands){                                    ConcreteCommand1                               ConcreteCommand2
                         }                                                  execute()                                      execute()

                                                   Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                                            v3.2               42
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

  Problem.                                                   Behavioral
     Sometimes it is necessary for an object’s responses
     to messages to vary depending on its state.
     Therefore, the meaning of a method depends on the history of
     methods previously called.

                      Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2   43
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 State   (continued)

             Library Information


                    WaitingForNew                                Borrowing
                              Loan                               Resources


                                     Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                 v3.2   44
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 State    (continued)

  Solution.                                                                Pattern
     Make the State an abstract class.
     Let the specific states inherit from this abstract state.
     Give the client object a state object.
  See next page.

                         Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             45
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 State   (continued)


                                  L IS

         e n te r B o rro w e r(ID )                                                                                         L IS S ta te
         b o r r o w R e s o u r c e ( c a llN u m )
         p r in t B o r r o w R e p o r t ( )                          1                             1   e n te rB o rro w e r( ID , L IS )
         s e tS ta te (n e w S ta te )                                         c u r re n tS ta te       b o r r o w R e s o u r c e ( C a llN u m , L I S )
         r e a lly E n t e r B o r r o w e r ( ID )                                                      p r in t B o r r o w R e p o r t( L IS )
         s ta rtN e w L o a n ( ID )
         r e a lly B o r r o w R e s o u r c e ( c a llN u m )
         r e a lly P r in t R e s o u r c e ( )

                                                     W a it in g F o r N e w L o a n L I S S t a t e                    B o r r o w in g R e s o u r c e s L IS S ta te

                                                     e n te rB o r ro w e r (ID )                                       b o r r o w R e s o u r c e ( C a llN u m )
                                                                                                                        p r in tB o r r o w R e p o r t( )

                                                     Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                                                                             v3.2             46
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 State                 (continued)

  The client passes messages through to the state.                                                        Pattern

  The state chooses its own successor.

   enterBorrower(ID)                             1:enterBorrower(ID)                    :WaitingForNew
                                                  2:idOK:= reallyEnterBorrower(ID)        LoanLISState
                                                  3[idOK]: startNewLoan(ID)                                 4:create()

                                       Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                v3.2                      47
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

  Problem.                                                           Behavioral
     Sometimes it can be desirable to have a method
     with implementation that changes depending on the
     current circumstances.
     In other words, it is desirable to use a different algorithm to
     accomplish the same task.
     The decision must be made at run time.

                        Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2     48
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Strategy    (continued)

                     Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns   v3.2             49
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
 Strategy               (continued)

  Solution.                                                                                                      Behavioral
     Create an object for the specific method.
     Have the client object pass through to the Strategy.


                                               SubjectQuickSort                              DateInsertionSort

                                      sort()                                        sort()

                               Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns                                          v3.2             50

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Design patterns
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Design patterns
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  • 1. Gang-of-Four Design Patterns OOA&D - v3.2 - English
  • 2. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design About the GoF Design Patterns N Gang-of-Four: Gamma, Helm, Johnson, & Vlissides. Intermediate-level design patterns. Large Architectural Patterns (example: Broker) Special Design Patterns (example: State) Small GRASP Patterns (example: Expert) General Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 2
  • 3. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design About the GoF Design Patterns N (continued) Three categories. Creational - How to build problematic objects. Structural - How to build flexible structures. Behavioral - How to build powerful behaviors. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 3
  • 4. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Abstract Factory Problem: Sometimes constructing an object is very Creational Pattern complex. The object is made of many different kinds of complexly interconnected parts. The object consists of many parts from one of two or more sets of compatible parts, but the sets are incompatible with each other. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 4
  • 5. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Abstract Factory Creational Example: Pattern Constructing user interface widgets in general (windows, scrollbars, radio button groups, menus, … ) when there are several widget sets to choose from (Motif, OpenLook, Presentation Manager, … ) Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 5
  • 6. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Abstract Factory Creational Solution: Create a Pure Fabrication to do the Pattern construction! Client Scrollbar WidgetFactory createScrollbar() MotifScrollbar PMScrollbar createWindow() Window MotifWidgetFactory PMWidgetFactory createScrollbar() createScrollbar() createWindow() createWindow() MotifWindow PMWindow Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 6
  • 7. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Prototype Creational Problem: Sometimes constructing an object is Pattern very complex. The object is made of many different kinds of complexly interconnected parts. There are so many variations and combinations that the corresponding inheritance hierarchy is extremely broad. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 7
  • 8. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Prototype (continued) Creational Example: Pattern ??? 97FordEscortGX 97FordEscortLX 97ChevyCavalierGS 97ChevyCavalierLX 97FordTaurusGX 97FordTaurusLX 97ChevyCorsicaGS 97ChevyCorsicaLX Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 8
  • 9. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Prototype (continued) Solution. Creational Pattern Rather than proliferate special-purpose classes, create a general class and preconfigure a set of constant, baseline objects. Clone() these baseline objects as the initial values for your objects. AutomobileSpec is the class ModelCatalog AutomobileSpec of all of the Prototypes. It has * the clone() operation. The actual prototypes are getModel(name:String) : AutomobileSpec clone() instances of AutomobileSpec stored by ModelCatalog. * Engine Upholstery Doodad Nitro Fuel Sticky Plush Boring Really Cool Std Engine Engine Upholstery Upholstery Doodad Doodad Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 9
  • 10. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Singleton Creational Problem: When an object is unique, it is tempting to Pattern globally access it. But global variables are “bad.” How can we have direct visibility of the unique object without global variables? Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 10
  • 11. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Singleton (continued) Creational Example: Pattern AutomobileOrder ModelCatalog ??? addFeature() getModel(name:String) : AutomobileSpec addPackage() The ModelCatalog is a big, unique object that thousands of AutomobileOrders would like to easily access. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 11
  • 12. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Singleton (continued) Creational Pattern Solution. Define the class of the unique object to have a special method, instance( ). This method creates the unique object if it does not already exist. Or, it finds the unique object and returns a reference to it. A u to m o b ile O r d e r N o te th e u s e a th e U M L s t e r e o t y p e " < < s in g le t o n > > " t o in d ic a te t h a t th e S in g le to n a d d F e a tu re () p a t t e r n is b e in g u s e d . a d d P a c k a g e () < < s in g le to n > > M o d e lC a t a lo g M o d e lC a ta lo g P r o x y th e In s ta n c e $ in s ta n c e ( ) : M o d e lC a ta lo g ??? g e t M o d e l( n a m e : S t r in g ) : A u t o m o b ile S p e c Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 12
  • 13. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Flyweight Problem: Sometimes it seems necessary to have Structural Pattern many copies of a few constant objects. However, these copies take up a lot of time and space (creating and destroying them). If they were shared, performance might improve. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 13
  • 14. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Flyweight Structural Example: A Minesweeper game might have Pattern hundreds of Squares, each with a SquareState. But, there are only four distinct SquareStates. contains  Board Square 1 1.. *, 1.. * 1 has  1 SquareState Unmarked Flagged Questionable Uncovered Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 14
  • 15. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Flyweight (continued) Structural Solution. Pattern Preconfigure the set of constant objects and make them available for shared use. “Shared use” typically requires: A dispenser object, like an Abstract Factory. Parameter visibility to the using object so that Flyweight object can remain constant. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 15
  • 16. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Flyweight (continued) Structural Pattern uncover mark Unmarked Questionable uncover mark mark Uncovered Flagged uncover mark uncover Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 16
  • 17. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Flyweight (continued) Structural Pattern FlyweightFactory SquareState theStateSet 1 buildStates() * mark(s:Square) getState(aStateName) : SquareState uncover(s:Square) mark(s:Square) 2: changeState(next) :Unmarked :Square 1: next := getNextState() Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 17
  • 18. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Proxy Problem: Sometimes it is desirable not to directly Structural Pattern access an object but, instead, access it through a placeholder or surrogate. Typically, this need arises from reliability and/or complexity concerns. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 18
  • 19. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Proxy (continued) Structural Examples. Pattern Remote Proxy - A local presentation of a remote object. Virtual Proxy - A lightweight object that creates its heavyweight object on demand. Protection Proxy - A sentry that guards a secure object. Device Proxy - A logical device that manages a physical device. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 19
  • 20. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Proxy (continued) Structural Solution. Pattern Create an abstract class to specify the logical interface to the object. Next, create two subclasses. One is the Proxy and one is the actual object. Give the Proxy a reference to the actual object and make it pass messages through after doing its own work. See next page. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 20
  • 21. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Proxy (continued) Structural Pattern Printer status : { online , outofpaper , jammed } print(psFile) Document PrinterProxy RealPrinter status : { online , status ??? : { online , outofpaper , jammed } outofpaper , jammed } print() print(psFile) print(psFile) Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 21
  • 22. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Adapter Problem. Structural Pattern Sometimes the interface that you want a client to use is not the one provided by the supplier. How can you convert the actual interface of the supplier to the logical interface of the client? Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 22
  • 23. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Adapter (continued) Structural Example: Pattern An AuthorizationRequest is a transaction step, which really should not be an expert at using a particular kind of modem. A u t h o r iz a t io n R e q u e s t U S R o b o tic s S p o r ts te r ??? a u th o r iz e ( ) in it ( in it S t r in g ) ta k e O ffh o o k () d ia l( p h o n e N u m ) s e n d ( o c t e t S tr in g ) c h e c k C o n n e c t io n ( ) p la c e O n h o o k ( ) Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 23
  • 24. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Adapter (continued) Structural Solution. Pattern Create an abstract class for a logical interface to the (category of) device. Inherit from this interface to create several adapters, which are experts at using their corresponding physical devices. See next page. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 24
  • 25. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Adapter (continued) Structural Pattern AuthorizationRequest USRModemAdapter USRoboticsSportster authorize() adaptee send(msg,phoneNum) init(initString) takeOffhook() SerialCommPort dial(phoneNum) send(octetString) checkConnection() placeOnhook() send(msg,destination) 3ComEthernetAdapter 3ComEthernet10/100 adaptee send(msg,address) setParms(...) send(buffer,address) broadcast(buffer) Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 25
  • 26. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Bridge Structural Problem. Pattern Sometimes, logical concepts can get mixed up with physical concepts in the same inheritance hierarchy. This is bad. Often, this situation arises because a family of concepts have a related family of implementations. These family trees can cause problems if they are mixed. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 26
  • 27. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Bridge (continued) Structural Example: Pattern Square CoveredSquare UncoveredSquare Plain Flag QueryMark Blank Number Mine Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 27
  • 28. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Bridge (continued) Solution. Structural Pattern Separate the two inheritance hierarchies and link them by a Bridge. For example, a reference from the logical abstract class to the physical abstract class. Cover Square Plain Flag QueryMark Transparent Blank Number Mine − Covers represent the user’s guesses about the state of the board. − Squares contain the actual state of the board. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 28
  • 29. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Facade Structural Problem. Pattern Often groups of classes (and their instances) are strongly interdependent on each other. If a client of a cluster of classes (or their instances) misuses one element of the cluster, then the whole cluster might become inconsistent. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 29
  • 30. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Façade (continued) Structural Example: Pattern Scheduler Statistical ImageRecognizer Board Schedule Process Control Inventory Bin Arm ChipSpec Manipulator PressureSensor Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 30
  • 31. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Facade Solution. Structural Pattern Create a Pure Fabrication to be the interface for the cluster. The Façade is a composite object that encapsulates all of the classes/objects in the cluster. All clients must now send their requests to the Façade. See next page. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 31
  • 32. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Façade (continued) Structural Im a g e R e c o g n iz e r R obot S t a t is t ic a l P ro c e s s C o n tro l Pattern In v e n to ry A s s e m b le r S u b s y s t e m <<Facade>> B o a rd A s s e m b le r M a n ip u la t o r A r m S u b s y s t e m S c h e d u le r <<Facade>> M a n ip u la r A r m S c h e d u le A rm B in M a n ip u la t o r P re s s u re S e n s o r C h ip S p e c Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 32
  • 33. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Observer Problem. Behavioral Pattern It is often extremely useful for one object to monitor the state of another object. However, the observed object must actually do all the work. Also, with more objects monitoring it, the observed object gets very highly coupled. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 33
  • 34. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Observer (continued) Behavioral Example: Pattern LIS - Resource LIS - Patron Information Information Design Patterns, Gamma et. al. name: CLarman 1994 Addison-Wesley borrowerID: 63910002 callNumber: 94-34264 resources checked out: status: checked out Design Patterns:94-34264 Java in a Nutshell:94-7463or (Observer) (Observer) ??? Book name callNumber status (Subject) Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 34
  • 35. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Observer (continued) Warning. Behavioral Pattern The classic GoF Observer solution is outdated and weak. It should probably not be used in its classic form, as described in “Design Patterns.” The idea of publish-subscribe is useful, but the early 1980’s-inspired GoF solution is limited. Better to replace it with a modern event-based publish-subscribe form. Java delegation event model. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 35
  • 36. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Classic Observer Solution. Behavioral Pattern Generalize the behavior of an Observer as an abstract class. Give the observed object a collection of concrete observers. Let the observed object send a generic notification message to the observers whenever its state changes. S u b je c t O b s e rv e r a d d O b s e rve r(a n O b s e rve r) 1 * re m o ve O b s e rve r(a n O b s e rve r) m yO b s e rve rs u p d a te ( ) n o t if y O b s e r v e r s ( ) c a lls u p d a t e ( ) o n a ll o f O b s e r v e r is a n a b s tr a c t th e O b s e r v e r s in it s c la s s . u p d a te ( ) is d e f in e d c o lle c t io n in th e C o n c r e t e O b s e r v e r s u b c la s s B ook nam e R e s o u r c e I n f o r m a t io n W in d o w 1 1 c a llN u m b e r s ta tu s m yR e s o u rc e u p d a te ( ) s e tS ta tu s (n e w S ta tu s ) Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 36
  • 37. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Classic Observer (continued) Behavioral Pattern What are the weaknesses in Classic Observer? Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 37
  • 38. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Java Interface and Event-Based Observers Subject/ «interface» Source/ EventListener Publisher java.awt.Button 1 «interface» * ActionListener addActionListener( ActionListener) removeActionListener( ActionListener ) actionPerformed(ActionEvent) processActionEvent( ActionEvent ) adds/removes walks through listeners from collection and sends MyActionListener a collection. actionPerformed() Observer/ message to each Listener/ listener Subscriber actionPerformed(ActionEvent) Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 38
  • 39. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Java Interface and Event-Based Observers (continued) The delegation event model approach to Observer provides fine-grained notification and low coupling via interfaces. «interface» «interface» EventListener EventListener java.awt.Button «interface» 1 1 «interface» MouseListener * * ActionListener addActionListener( ActionListener) mouseReleased(MouseEvent) removeActionListener( ActionListener ) actionPerformed(ActionEvent) addMouseListener( MouseListener) removeMouseListener( MouseListener ) DavesMouseListener MyActionListener mouseReleased(MouseEvent) actionPerformed(ActionEvent) Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 39
  • 40. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Command Problem. Behavioral Pattern Sometimes requests need to be treated in a more complex way than as simple messages between objects. Client objects might not know exactly which action should be performed or who should carry out the task. Requests might need to be queued, performed at a later time, or sorted based on priority. New kinds of requests might be added (even at run time.) Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 40
  • 41. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Command (continued) Behavioral Example. Pattern Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 41
  • 42. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Command (continued) Solution. Behavioral Pattern Create an object with a method, execute(). This object is essentially a single method as an object, except it can carry its own private state. Menu MenuItem Command * * addMenuItem() clicked() execute() while(moreCommands){ ConcreteCommand1 ConcreteCommand2 commands.execute(); } execute() execute() Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 42
  • 43. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design State Problem. Behavioral Pattern Sometimes it is necessary for an object’s responses to messages to vary depending on its state. Therefore, the meaning of a method depends on the history of methods previously called. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 43
  • 44. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design State (continued) Example. Library Information System borrowResource(callNum) enterBorrower(ID) WaitingForNew Borrowing Loan Resources printBorrowReport() Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 44
  • 45. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design State (continued) Behavioral Solution. Pattern Make the State an abstract class. Let the specific states inherit from this abstract state. Give the client object a state object. See next page. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 45
  • 46. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design State (continued) Behavioral Pattern L IS e n te r B o rro w e r(ID ) L IS S ta te b o r r o w R e s o u r c e ( c a llN u m ) p r in t B o r r o w R e p o r t ( ) 1 1 e n te rB o rro w e r( ID , L IS ) s e tS ta te (n e w S ta te ) c u r re n tS ta te b o r r o w R e s o u r c e ( C a llN u m , L I S ) r e a lly E n t e r B o r r o w e r ( ID ) p r in t B o r r o w R e p o r t( L IS ) s ta rtN e w L o a n ( ID ) r e a lly B o r r o w R e s o u r c e ( c a llN u m ) r e a lly P r in t R e s o u r c e ( ) W a it in g F o r N e w L o a n L I S S t a t e B o r r o w in g R e s o u r c e s L IS S ta te e n te rB o r ro w e r (ID ) b o r r o w R e s o u r c e ( C a llN u m ) p r in tB o r r o w R e p o r t( ) Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 46
  • 47. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design State (continued) Behavioral The client passes messages through to the state. Pattern The state chooses its own successor. enterBorrower(ID) 1:enterBorrower(ID) :WaitingForNew :LIS 2:idOK:= reallyEnterBorrower(ID) LoanLISState 3[idOK]: startNewLoan(ID) 4:create() 5:setState(newState) newState:Borrowing ResourcesLISState Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 47
  • 48. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Strategy Problem. Behavioral Pattern Sometimes it can be desirable to have a method with implementation that changes depending on the current circumstances. In other words, it is desirable to use a different algorithm to accomplish the same task. The decision must be made at run time. Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 48
  • 49. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Strategy (continued) Behavioral Pattern Example: Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 49
  • 50. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Strategy (continued) Solution. Behavioral Pattern Create an object for the specific method. Have the client object pass through to the Strategy. Inbox Sorter sort() sort() setStrategy() SubjectQuickSort DateInsertionSort sort() sort() Chapter 23: Gang-of-Four Design Patterns v3.2 50