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An Introduction
 Leadership Matters
 What Really Makes You a Leader?
 Take the First Step: Learn to Lead
 Contact Us
© Key Consulting Group Inc.
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Your organization needs leaders.
Great management, technical
excellence, and business acumen
are always necessary for success.
But they are not enough to sustain
that success in a changing world.
Leaders “pursue a better future by
working with and through other
people.” Leadership is about two
things: results and relationships.
Leaders have a passion for results.
They are pathfinders, seeing a
problem or opportunity, knowing it
must be acted on, then doing what
is needed. Their focus may be large,
even changing the world.
But more commonly they seek to
deliver results within the reach of
any of us: enhancing a team’s
performance, implementing a new
idea, or achieving a challenging
business target.
…To your organization
Leadership Matters People are the source of most
valuable results generated by an
organization. The things of your
business (strategies, structure,
systems, etc.) don’t work unless
designed and implemented well by
the people involved in the business.
Their collective capability, creativity
and intelligence will ultimately
decide the fate of the organization.
Private business, public service, or
not for profit agency, people drive
them all, as individuals and teams.
Leadership is also then about
relationships. Leaders know they
must engage others to achieve big
results. They can’t do what needs
doing alone, so they extend their
own capacity by building influential
relationships, then connecting
others with the work to be done.
Business Success
Leadership Management
“Leaders pursue better results by
working with and through others”
3 | © Key Consulting Group Inc.
Externally, the business environment
is demanding and dynamic. Waves of
change are driven by consumers,
communities, competition and
technology. Failure to adapt in a
timely way threatens the future of
every business, even those that have
been very successful in the past.
Internally, organizations are in the
midst of a cultural transformation.
Traditionally hierarchical, siloed and
formal, with power exercised from
the top, the changing nature of work
and workers now demands that
power shift to the front line.
The factory is dead, and with it the
traditional “boss‐subordinate”
relationship. Too much happens, too
fast, and in too many places. No one
individual or group, no matter how
experienced or skilled, can know
everything, do it all, or control
what’s happening everywhere.
…Now more than ever
Leadership Matters
From this…
…To this.
The last thing any business needs
right now is people on the job who
simply put their heads down, do as
they are told, and keep their ideas
to themselves.
Those doing the work must make
choices and take action in their
work. They need to step up, doing
what’s needed skillfully, responsibly,
and often beyond the view or
capability of those “in charge”.
A Changing Workplace
Yesterday Today
(hand work-visible)
(same every day)
(assembly line)
Generic Skills
(all do same thing)
(work done alone)
(head work-invisible)
(always changing)
(each job unique)
(need unique skills)
(work done in teams)
4 | © Key Consulting Group Inc.
People need leaders. Not always, but
especially when things change.
There are times in any human
enterprise when someone must
lead, seeing what others can’t,
pointing the way, taking the first
steps, showing others what needs to
be done and how to do it.
And these are changing times. At all
levels in an organization, people
can, and should, make a difference.
A new team of capable performers
and great followers is needed to
partner with leaders to bring the
pieces of a complex, dynamic, fast
paced, business together to create
results that really matter.
…In a changing workplace
Leadership Matters Traditional ‘super’ vision just doesn’t
cut it anymore.
Great leaders create the conditions
in which this new type of performer
will step up. These leaders value
capable individual contributors,
facilitate team effort, and help those
who do the real work of the business
fulfill their own needs as they help the
business succeed in challenging times.
These leaders understand that being
the “boss” is not enough. They
know the authority of a “position” is
poor substitute for the “personal”
power, the influence, that can be
earned with others if they deem you
worthy of being followed.
“The difficulty lies not so much in developing new
ideas as in escaping from old ones.”
John Maynard Keynes
A Culture Shift
From the factory…
To the modern workplace…
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The value of front-line leaders is often ignored, largely in the belief that
level in the hierarchy is key to leadership, that position defines who leads.
But every day, leaders on the front-line have real opportunities to step up,
influence others, and move individuals, teams, and organizations forward.
These front-line leaders typically occupy three groups…
Formal Leaders: The job descriptions of supervisors, foremen, lead hands,
etc. include accountability for the performance of others. Their positions
grant them authority to assign, direct and assess the work of individual
contributors and small teams. They are expected to represent the interests
and expectations of more senior leaders as the work is done.
Helpful Advisors: There is a growing cadre of individual contributors
expected to achieve goals beyond their own capacity, but to do it without
the formal authority to require others to help them. Many work as advisors
in support functions like HR, IT, or Safety. Their influence is largely founded
in specialized expertise, complemented by a willingness to help.
Mature Performers: When less experienced front-line people don’t know
what to think or do, they look to the opinions and actions of more
“seasoned” performers who have “been there and done that”. Intentional
or not, the example set by these mature workers is leadership, and it
critically impacts the decisions and actions of other front-line people,
especially when things need to change.
Front-Line Leader Types
I can
…Especially at the front-lines
Leadership Matters
6 | © Key Consulting Group Inc.
Push To
What Really Makes
You a Leader?
Leader and manager are terms often
used interchangeably. Managers and
supervisors are regularly referred to
as, and assumed to be, leaders.
But management and leadership are
not the same. Managers and leaders
do different things, and impact a
business in different ways. These
differences are not trivial. Neither is
“better”; both are needed in a
successful business.
A manager or supervisor may also
be a leader, but this isn’t necessarily
so. Becoming a better leader starts
by understanding the differences
between these two key functions.
Good managers keep a business
running smoothly, headed steadily
toward its goals. Their efforts create
order, stability and predictability so
plans are executed on schedule, to
standard, and within budget. They
“push” an organization forward on
the track it is already on, planning,
controlling, monitoring and ready to
improve how things are done.
Managers succeed in their role by
controlling the “things” of an
organization – policies, processes,
practices, tools, time, etc.. Those
things include human resources.
People are assets to be deployed in
the best interests of the business.
Two Important Functions
Pull For
“Leaders are the architects.
Managers are the builders.”
John Marriotti, Author
…It isn’t being a manager
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Manager Leader
(Do Things Right)
Control People
(Do Right Things)
Engage People
…3 things distinguish leaders
What Really Makes
You a Leader?
Managers and leaders do different things, and impact a business in
different ways. They differ in at least three key ways…
Change vs. Continuity
Where managers seek stability now, leaders
look down the road, setting themselves and
others on a path to the future in spite of the
ambiguity and uncertainty of going forward.
People vs. Things
Leaders recognize their capacity to deliver
results is rooted in the capacity of those
who choose to follow them. These people
have needs and interests they expect to
fulfill through their work. Helping them get
what they want, helps the business.
Person vs. Position
Managers get things done using the
legitimate authority of a position given to
them by their organization. Followers
choose their leaders, opening themselves to
the influence of those they respect, trust,
and believe can deliver a better future.
“A leader takes people
where they want to go.
A great leader takes people
where they don’t necessarily
want to go, but ought to be.”
Rossalynn Carter
“Leadership is the capacity
and will to rally men and
women to a common
purpose and the character
which inspires confidence.”
Bernard Montgomery
8 | © Key Consulting Group Inc.
…It isn’t what you have
What Really Makes
You a Leader?
Does position, a lofty title and the
authority that goes with it, make
you a leader. In hierarchical
organizations, most do defer to the
“boss”, perhaps out of habit or fear.
But borrowing power from their
position is a coercive short-cut over-
used by some managers to get
things done. And, it isn’t leadership.
Are leaders born or made? It is an
ages-old question. No doubt some
get a head start as leaders due to
natural traits or talents . And, all
leaders benefit from acquiring new
knowledge or skills. Innate ability or
learned competence won’t matter
though if these advantages are not
acted on, if you don’t use them.
Choose to Lead
Another view holds that great
events or crisis make leaders. In this
thesis, leaders are defined by having
these opportunities, lucky to be
where they are, when they are. But
watch people in crisis. You see some
step up, while more step back. So is
it the crisis that defines a leader, or
is it the actions of leaders in crisis?
Leaders are defined by what they
“do”, not what they “have”. Every
day, each of us is confronted with
“moments of truth”, opportunities
to lead by stepping up, influencing
others, and moving ourselves, our
teams, or our organizations forward.
The leader you are depends on the
choices you make in these moments.
Choose to act as leader, responsibly,
capably, consistently, and others will
make the choice to follow your lead.1
Choose to Learn …
…About What’s Happening
Observe, inquire, and listen
with an open mind.
Choose to Control…
…What Only You Can
Especially your own thinking,
emotion and behaviour.
Choose to Influence…
…Whoever Can Help You
Allies, decision makers and key
Choose to Let Go…
…of What You Can’t Change
Don’t waste your energy on
things outside your reach.
“The only thing that will
dependably happen from
the top down is the digging
of your own grave.”
Stan Slap, CEO-Consultant
9 | © Key Consulting Group Inc.
Ultimately, leaders are chosen by their followers. The perceptions others
have of you define the leader you are – they watch what you choose in
those moments of truth, then decide to follow, or not. Their expectations,
at least in part, define the leader you need to become.
Whether we’re talking about a simple task, a large project, or changing the
world, followers expect two key things from their leaders. If you want to
have others follow you, prepare to answer questions like those below for
them every day, questions about who you are and where you are going.
…Followers – plain and simple
What Really Makes
You a Leader?
What Makes You a Leader?
“A leader without followers is
just someone out taking a walk.”
Mark Goffman, writer “The West Wing”
Positive Beliefs
About You
Attracted by…
Presence – positive beliefs about
who you are as a person.
Are you worthy of my respect?
Can I trust you?
Are you helping me grow?
Do you care about
what I care about?
Can you help me get to
where I want to be?
Path – a clear, compelling way
forward to a better future.
Is it clear where we’re going?
Can we really get there?
What can I do to help?
Will it be better for me there
than it will be for me here?
Are you doing
what you ask of me?
10 | © Key Consulting Group Inc.
…Learn to play 5 leader roles
Take the First Step:
Learn to Lead
The only thing you control in the
leader-follower dynamic is your own
behaviour – what you choose to do,
and how well you do it.
No one is born ready-made to lead.
Every leader has strengths that help,
and weaknesses that hinder, their
efforts to lead. Habits of thinking
and acting, developed over a
lifetime, can be difficult to undo.
New leaders in particular need to
acquire concepts and skills different
from what helped them stand out as
individual contributors. Past success
can be their biggest barrier to doing
what’s right as leaders, right now.
Even experienced leaders must
constantly improve and develop. A
dynamic business environment
demands it. What worked yesterday,
may not work for you tomorrow.
5 Roles Leaders Play
Model Be responsible in every
situation, and learn from
each experience.
Partner Connect with others in
ways that encourage them
to work with you.
Coach Help followers perform at
their best and develop to
their potential.
Sponsor Create the conditions for
high performance by your
Guide Offer a compelling vision
of a better future, and a
path toward it.
Paths to Leadership is designed
specifically for front-line leaders. It
offers ways of thinking and acting
that prepare an aspiring leader for
success in five interrelated domains
or roles played by all leaders.
Every leader is different in talent
and style, and the situations in
which they lead are unique. But the
challenges they will face as they
develop are somewhat predictable.
11 | © Key Consulting Group Inc.
Your behaviour is the best evidence for
others of your character and capability.
Learn, Then Lead: Be open to new
experiences and feedback that challenge
you to improve and grow your capability.
Choose to Lead: Do the “right” thing,
responsibly, even when it will be difficult
or other paths seem easier.
Followers choose their leaders. Be the
kind of person others want to work with.
Connect With Others: Nurture influential
relationships with others to extend your
personal power and capacity.
Have Constructive Conversations: Listen
considerately, then speak authentically
about what you know, believe and feel.
People largely want to do good work. Be
the catalyst that helps them do it.
Engage Performers: Facilitate a satisfying,
fulfilling connection between the work to
be done and those who need to do it.
Empower Capability: Provide the mix of
structure and support that allows others
to find their own way to high performance.
Challenge Everyone: Negotiate performance
promises that draw out the best effort of
every performer.
Hold Others Response-Able: Respect every
performer’s capacity to choose when
confronting breakdowns in their work.
The path to change or great results goes
through resistance and breakdowns.
Enable High Performance: Champion the
interests of your team of followers, while
mitigating barriers to their performance.
Collaborate: Problem solve with others to
find creative solutions that satisfy the
interests of key stakeholders.
Success is fleeting. Organizations change
only when the people in them change.
Think Strategically: Keep your head up,
aware and purposeful, then choose a way
forward toward a better future.
Inspire Change: Sustain the focus and
energy of others as they work to bring
about needed change.
…The Paths to Leadership©
Take the First Step:
Learn to Lead
The challenges faced by leaders as they develop are
somewhat predictable. We help front-line leaders
learn to face these challenges by playing five roles
well, and following twelve Paths to Leadership©.
12 | © Key Consulting Group Inc.
…We can help.
Take the First Step:
Learn to Lead
How We Help
Leaders Learn to Lead
Learning to lead takes discipline,
time, and just a little courage. There
is no short cut, no easy path to the
leader you can become or others
expect you to be. Most leaders can
use some help along the way.
The partners and associates of Key
Consulting Group have trained and
coached leaders at all levels, on 5
continents, for more than 30 years.
We developed Paths to Leadership©
to support aspiring leaders as they
learn, in the ways they learn today.
We know most of that learning
doesn’t happen in a classroom, or by
reading a book. Those options can
help set you on the right path if they
are relevant and ready when you
need them. In our workbooks or
presentations, we strive to offer just
the information you need, in an
accessible way, then have you apply
it right away to your situation.
…reflecting on successes
or breakdowns on the job
• Personal coaching
• Action learning programs
• On-line leader support
…to the thoughts and actions
of good people around you
• 360 assessment
• Facilitated team sessions
• Leader forums
…via workshops or reading
• Custom workshops
• On-line learning
• Presentations & keynotes
Our workshops, whether in a
physical classroom or virtual forum,
are interactive, even fun. They allow
lots of opportunity to work with
other leaders on common issues.
But, most of what you will learn
about leading, you will learn on the
job. All our content is available to
you on-line, a ready reference for
you any time. And, we use the best
available communication technology
to be sure you can talk to us via
phone, email or the web whenever
you need personal, one on one help.
Let us know how we can support you
on your own path to leadership.
13 | © Key Consulting Group Inc.
Contact Us Head Office Toll Free:
888.4KEYINC (453.9462)
33 Shannon Circle SW
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2Y 2K4
Calgary Partner
Randy Parkin
Robert Craddock
Edmonton Partner:
Don Beeken

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Paths to leadership intro2

  • 1. An Introduction  Leadership Matters  What Really Makes You a Leader?  Take the First Step: Learn to Lead  Contact Us © Key Consulting Group Inc.
  • 2. 2 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. Your organization needs leaders. Great management, technical excellence, and business acumen are always necessary for success. But they are not enough to sustain that success in a changing world. Leaders “pursue a better future by working with and through other people.” Leadership is about two things: results and relationships. Leaders have a passion for results. They are pathfinders, seeing a problem or opportunity, knowing it must be acted on, then doing what is needed. Their focus may be large, even changing the world. But more commonly they seek to deliver results within the reach of any of us: enhancing a team’s performance, implementing a new idea, or achieving a challenging business target. …To your organization Leadership Matters People are the source of most valuable results generated by an organization. The things of your business (strategies, structure, systems, etc.) don’t work unless designed and implemented well by the people involved in the business. Their collective capability, creativity and intelligence will ultimately decide the fate of the organization. Private business, public service, or not for profit agency, people drive them all, as individuals and teams. Leadership is also then about relationships. Leaders know they must engage others to achieve big results. They can’t do what needs doing alone, so they extend their own capacity by building influential relationships, then connecting others with the work to be done. Business Success Business Acumen Technical Excellence Leadership Management “Leaders pursue better results by working with and through others” Results Relationships +
  • 3. 3 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. Externally, the business environment is demanding and dynamic. Waves of change are driven by consumers, communities, competition and technology. Failure to adapt in a timely way threatens the future of every business, even those that have been very successful in the past. Internally, organizations are in the midst of a cultural transformation. Traditionally hierarchical, siloed and formal, with power exercised from the top, the changing nature of work and workers now demands that power shift to the front line. The factory is dead, and with it the traditional “boss‐subordinate” relationship. Too much happens, too fast, and in too many places. No one individual or group, no matter how experienced or skilled, can know everything, do it all, or control what’s happening everywhere. …Now more than ever Leadership Matters From this… …To this. The last thing any business needs right now is people on the job who simply put their heads down, do as they are told, and keep their ideas to themselves. Those doing the work must make choices and take action in their work. They need to step up, doing what’s needed skillfully, responsibly, and often beyond the view or capability of those “in charge”. A Changing Workplace Yesterday Today Tangible (hand work-visible) Routine (same every day) Simplified (assembly line) Generic Skills (all do same thing) Individual (work done alone) Intangible (head work-invisible) Dynamic (always changing) Complex (each job unique) Specialized (need unique skills) Connected (work done in teams)
  • 4. 4 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. People need leaders. Not always, but especially when things change. There are times in any human enterprise when someone must lead, seeing what others can’t, pointing the way, taking the first steps, showing others what needs to be done and how to do it. And these are changing times. At all levels in an organization, people can, and should, make a difference. A new team of capable performers and great followers is needed to partner with leaders to bring the pieces of a complex, dynamic, fast paced, business together to create results that really matter. …In a changing workplace Leadership Matters Traditional ‘super’ vision just doesn’t cut it anymore. Great leaders create the conditions in which this new type of performer will step up. These leaders value capable individual contributors, facilitate team effort, and help those who do the real work of the business fulfill their own needs as they help the business succeed in challenging times. These leaders understand that being the “boss” is not enough. They know the authority of a “position” is poor substitute for the “personal” power, the influence, that can be earned with others if they deem you worthy of being followed. “The difficulty lies not so much in developing new ideas as in escaping from old ones.” John Maynard Keynes A Culture Shift From the factory… To the modern workplace… This way! Which way?
  • 5. 5 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. The value of front-line leaders is often ignored, largely in the belief that level in the hierarchy is key to leadership, that position defines who leads. But every day, leaders on the front-line have real opportunities to step up, influence others, and move individuals, teams, and organizations forward. These front-line leaders typically occupy three groups… Formal Leaders: The job descriptions of supervisors, foremen, lead hands, etc. include accountability for the performance of others. Their positions grant them authority to assign, direct and assess the work of individual contributors and small teams. They are expected to represent the interests and expectations of more senior leaders as the work is done. Helpful Advisors: There is a growing cadre of individual contributors expected to achieve goals beyond their own capacity, but to do it without the formal authority to require others to help them. Many work as advisors in support functions like HR, IT, or Safety. Their influence is largely founded in specialized expertise, complemented by a willingness to help. Mature Performers: When less experienced front-line people don’t know what to think or do, they look to the opinions and actions of more “seasoned” performers who have “been there and done that”. Intentional or not, the example set by these mature workers is leadership, and it critically impacts the decisions and actions of other front-line people, especially when things need to change. This way! Front-Line Leader Types Formal Informal I can help! Helpful Advisors Seasoned Performers …Especially at the front-lines Leadership Matters
  • 6. 6 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. Push To Results Managers What Really Makes You a Leader? Leader and manager are terms often used interchangeably. Managers and supervisors are regularly referred to as, and assumed to be, leaders. But management and leadership are not the same. Managers and leaders do different things, and impact a business in different ways. These differences are not trivial. Neither is “better”; both are needed in a successful business. A manager or supervisor may also be a leader, but this isn’t necessarily so. Becoming a better leader starts by understanding the differences between these two key functions. Good managers keep a business running smoothly, headed steadily toward its goals. Their efforts create order, stability and predictability so plans are executed on schedule, to standard, and within budget. They “push” an organization forward on the track it is already on, planning, controlling, monitoring and ready to improve how things are done. Managers succeed in their role by controlling the “things” of an organization – policies, processes, practices, tools, time, etc.. Those things include human resources. People are assets to be deployed in the best interests of the business. Two Important Functions Pull For Results Leaders “Leaders are the architects. Managers are the builders.” John Marriotti, Author …It isn’t being a manager
  • 7. 7 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. Manager Leader Reduce Risk Improve Plan Efficient (Do Things Right) Coordinate Communication Policy Control People Compliance Supervise Pursue Opportunity Transform Purpose Effective (Do Right Things) Inspire Conversation Values Engage People Commitment Coach …3 things distinguish leaders What Really Makes You a Leader? Managers and leaders do different things, and impact a business in different ways. They differ in at least three key ways… Change vs. Continuity Where managers seek stability now, leaders look down the road, setting themselves and others on a path to the future in spite of the ambiguity and uncertainty of going forward. People vs. Things Leaders recognize their capacity to deliver results is rooted in the capacity of those who choose to follow them. These people have needs and interests they expect to fulfill through their work. Helping them get what they want, helps the business. Person vs. Position Managers get things done using the legitimate authority of a position given to them by their organization. Followers choose their leaders, opening themselves to the influence of those they respect, trust, and believe can deliver a better future. “A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.” Rossalynn Carter “Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence.” Bernard Montgomery
  • 8. 8 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. …It isn’t what you have What Really Makes You a Leader? Does position, a lofty title and the authority that goes with it, make you a leader. In hierarchical organizations, most do defer to the “boss”, perhaps out of habit or fear. But borrowing power from their position is a coercive short-cut over- used by some managers to get things done. And, it isn’t leadership. Are leaders born or made? It is an ages-old question. No doubt some get a head start as leaders due to natural traits or talents . And, all leaders benefit from acquiring new knowledge or skills. Innate ability or learned competence won’t matter though if these advantages are not acted on, if you don’t use them. Choose to Lead Another view holds that great events or crisis make leaders. In this thesis, leaders are defined by having these opportunities, lucky to be where they are, when they are. But watch people in crisis. You see some step up, while more step back. So is it the crisis that defines a leader, or is it the actions of leaders in crisis? Leaders are defined by what they “do”, not what they “have”. Every day, each of us is confronted with “moments of truth”, opportunities to lead by stepping up, influencing others, and moving ourselves, our teams, or our organizations forward. The leader you are depends on the choices you make in these moments. Choose to act as leader, responsibly, capably, consistently, and others will make the choice to follow your lead.1 2 4 3 Choose to Learn … …About What’s Happening Observe, inquire, and listen with an open mind. Choose to Control… …What Only You Can Especially your own thinking, emotion and behaviour. Choose to Influence… …Whoever Can Help You Allies, decision makers and key stakeholders. Choose to Let Go… …of What You Can’t Change Don’t waste your energy on things outside your reach. “The only thing that will dependably happen from the top down is the digging of your own grave.” Stan Slap, CEO-Consultant
  • 9. 9 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. Ultimately, leaders are chosen by their followers. The perceptions others have of you define the leader you are – they watch what you choose in those moments of truth, then decide to follow, or not. Their expectations, at least in part, define the leader you need to become. Whether we’re talking about a simple task, a large project, or changing the world, followers expect two key things from their leaders. If you want to have others follow you, prepare to answer questions like those below for them every day, questions about who you are and where you are going. …Followers – plain and simple What Really Makes You a Leader? What Makes You a Leader? “A leader without followers is just someone out taking a walk.” Mark Goffman, writer “The West Wing” Followers! PathPresence Positive Beliefs About You Current Reality Better Future + Attracted by… Presence – positive beliefs about who you are as a person. Are you worthy of my respect? Can I trust you? Are you helping me grow? Do you care about what I care about? Can you help me get to where I want to be? Path – a clear, compelling way forward to a better future. Is it clear where we’re going? Can we really get there? What can I do to help? Will it be better for me there than it will be for me here? Are you doing what you ask of me?
  • 10. 10 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. …Learn to play 5 leader roles Take the First Step: Learn to Lead The only thing you control in the leader-follower dynamic is your own behaviour – what you choose to do, and how well you do it. No one is born ready-made to lead. Every leader has strengths that help, and weaknesses that hinder, their efforts to lead. Habits of thinking and acting, developed over a lifetime, can be difficult to undo. New leaders in particular need to acquire concepts and skills different from what helped them stand out as individual contributors. Past success can be their biggest barrier to doing what’s right as leaders, right now. Even experienced leaders must constantly improve and develop. A dynamic business environment demands it. What worked yesterday, may not work for you tomorrow. 5 Roles Leaders Play Model Be responsible in every situation, and learn from each experience. Partner Connect with others in ways that encourage them to work with you. Coach Help followers perform at their best and develop to their potential. Sponsor Create the conditions for high performance by your followers. Guide Offer a compelling vision of a better future, and a path toward it. Paths to Leadership is designed specifically for front-line leaders. It offers ways of thinking and acting that prepare an aspiring leader for success in five interrelated domains or roles played by all leaders. Every leader is different in talent and style, and the situations in which they lead are unique. But the challenges they will face as they develop are somewhat predictable.
  • 11. 11 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. Model Your behaviour is the best evidence for others of your character and capability. Learn, Then Lead: Be open to new experiences and feedback that challenge you to improve and grow your capability. Choose to Lead: Do the “right” thing, responsibly, even when it will be difficult or other paths seem easier. Partner Followers choose their leaders. Be the kind of person others want to work with. Connect With Others: Nurture influential relationships with others to extend your personal power and capacity. Have Constructive Conversations: Listen considerately, then speak authentically about what you know, believe and feel. Coach People largely want to do good work. Be the catalyst that helps them do it. Engage Performers: Facilitate a satisfying, fulfilling connection between the work to be done and those who need to do it. Empower Capability: Provide the mix of structure and support that allows others to find their own way to high performance. Challenge Everyone: Negotiate performance promises that draw out the best effort of every performer. Hold Others Response-Able: Respect every performer’s capacity to choose when confronting breakdowns in their work. Sponsor The path to change or great results goes through resistance and breakdowns. Enable High Performance: Champion the interests of your team of followers, while mitigating barriers to their performance. Collaborate: Problem solve with others to find creative solutions that satisfy the interests of key stakeholders. Guide Success is fleeting. Organizations change only when the people in them change. Think Strategically: Keep your head up, aware and purposeful, then choose a way forward toward a better future. Inspire Change: Sustain the focus and energy of others as they work to bring about needed change. …The Paths to Leadership© Take the First Step: Learn to Lead The challenges faced by leaders as they develop are somewhat predictable. We help front-line leaders learn to face these challenges by playing five roles well, and following twelve Paths to Leadership©.
  • 12. 12 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. …We can help. Take the First Step: Learn to Lead How We Help Leaders Learn to Lead Learning to lead takes discipline, time, and just a little courage. There is no short cut, no easy path to the leader you can become or others expect you to be. Most leaders can use some help along the way. The partners and associates of Key Consulting Group have trained and coached leaders at all levels, on 5 continents, for more than 30 years. We developed Paths to Leadership© to support aspiring leaders as they learn, in the ways they learn today. We know most of that learning doesn’t happen in a classroom, or by reading a book. Those options can help set you on the right path if they are relevant and ready when you need them. In our workbooks or presentations, we strive to offer just the information you need, in an accessible way, then have you apply it right away to your situation. Experience …reflecting on successes or breakdowns on the job • Personal coaching • Action learning programs • On-line leader support Exposure …to the thoughts and actions of good people around you • 360 assessment • Facilitated team sessions • Leader forums Education …via workshops or reading • Custom workshops • On-line learning • Presentations & keynotes 70% 20% 10% Our workshops, whether in a physical classroom or virtual forum, are interactive, even fun. They allow lots of opportunity to work with other leaders on common issues. But, most of what you will learn about leading, you will learn on the job. All our content is available to you on-line, a ready reference for you any time. And, we use the best available communication technology to be sure you can talk to us via phone, email or the web whenever you need personal, one on one help. Let us know how we can support you on your own path to leadership.
  • 13. 13 | © Key Consulting Group Inc. Contact Us Head Office Toll Free: General: Email: Mail: 888.4KEYINC (453.9462) 403.264.7200 33 Shannon Circle SW Calgary, Alberta Canada T2Y 2K4 Calgary Partner Direct: Mobile: Email: Randy Parkin 403.256.6869 403.607.9888 Robert Craddock 403.257.3399 403.870.5339 Edmonton Partner: Direct: Mobile: Email: Don Beeken 780.423.1869 780.909.7766 Web