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Briefly define and/or discuss the terms listed below. Use your
own words. Use the background material, but it is also
acceptable to use the library or other Internet resources.
Explain why these concepts are important for financial
· Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP);
· Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB);
· Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC);
· Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
· Annual Report
· 10-K
Two or three sentences are sufficient to explain each of the six
items. Do not use an essay format.
Show sources when appropriate, and APA format is suggested
but not required.
The objective for this assignment is to analyze accounting
concepts for financial accounting.
Review the three components in the background material to
answer three questions about accounting and its purpose:
· What is accounting?
· What is the importance of accounting?
· What are corporate financial statements?
Case Assignment
Create a table with four columns as shown below and complete
the last three columns using the expectations listed in
Assignment Expectations.
Complete the Statement
(3–5 sentences)
Corporate Perspective
(3–5 sentences)
Investor Perspective
(3–5 sentences)
Accounting refers to:
Accounting is important because:
Corporate Financial statements are:
Assignment Expectations
Submit a completed table as shown above. Do not copy
definitions, but explain in your own words and with examples,
if appropriate. Write 3–5 sentences in each cell.
Show sources when appropriate and APA format is suggested,
but not required.
Running head: Abuse of Older Adults
Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a
relationship where trust is expected but causes distress to later
life of a person. Elder mistreatment entails psychological,
physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional
abuse. The effects of abuse of older adults include nutrition and
hydration problems, persistent physical pain and soreness,
wounds and injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with
abuse of older adults and describe the changes in social policy
that impacted how human service professional support this
population in this paper. Furthermore, I will consider the needs
of older adults and describe the types of service plans that can
be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of
human service programs for elderly adults that experience elder
abuse will be made as well as a description of how human
service agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus
promoting self-empowerment.
Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive
ability, and social network. These problems are the major risk
factors for abuse of older adults. Cognitive capacity is the
ability of an individual to process information and solves
problems. Older adults experience decreased information
processing and problems solving skills as a result of declining
cognitive flexibility, reduced memory capacity, and reasoning.
These factors contribute to poor judgment and decision making
abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Cognitive
ability is associated with abuse of older persons because
Caregivers capitalize on the diminished cognitive ability of
older adults to abuse them.
Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables
them to perform their day to day activities. Older adults are
vulnerable decision makers due to their limited physical
mobility and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical
changes due to the health status of older adults abstract their
ability to carry out their daily activities independently (Kim &
Geistfeld, n.d.). Poor health causes physical problems like sight
and hearing loss to the elderly thus causing them to depend on
others. Elderly abuse is associated with health status because it
makes older adults depend on others. Overreliance on others
leads to elder abuse when the caregivers are not dedicated to the
A social network is the pool of people around an individual and
who they can turn to for assistance. Older adults are more
vulnerable than young people due to their social integration.
Since many people view older people as burdens and liabilities,
older people are commonly socially isolated. Social isolation
among the older adults leads to poor health, loss of friends and
spouses. Isolation and neglect of older adults are themselves
abuse of older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). A social network
is associated with abuse of older adults because lack of social
networks makes the elderly to rely on other people who may
maltreat them.
Social policy is the way societies meet human needs for
security, education, and well-being of people. It addresses the
way communities deal with social, economic and demographic
challenges. Changes in social policies have impacted the way
human service professional support the older adults because, for
instance, health service delivery policies for older adults have
created a flow of information and resources in the healthcare
system. This change in policy has enhanced the potential of
human service workers to draw on international experiences in
health and health care for support of the elderly. Global skills
have improved the application of homogenous medical and
administrative cultures to the responsibility of the elderly.
Another policy change that has impacted the way human service
professional support older adults is the provision of protective
services to older adult abuse victims. Adult protective services
are a public agency designated to receive, investigate and
respond to allegations of abandonment and elder abuse
(National Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda
and New Data for an Aging World, 2001). Through this policy
change, human service professionals can obtain information
concerning the older population within the locality and craft
methods of supporting them. Other social policies that have
impacted the way human service professional support older
adults are the construction of quality housing, public health,
and education. These systems have led to the creation of quality
of accommodation for the sustenance of the health of the elderly
population as well as training health professional specialized
skills related to issues that affect older adults (National
Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda and New
Data for an Aging World, 2001). Also, creations of health and
prevention programs that affect the older population have been
made possible.
Older adults require special treatment due to their social and
health status. Some of the elderly needs include healthcare
needs, special nutrient needs, and social needs. The service plan
that should be created for victims of elder abuse is the creation
of elder abuse interventions. These interventions would include
adult protective services, advocacy services, and training for
caregivers. Adult protective services would involve the
provision of material aid, mental health services, and nutrition
and socialization services. Due to the abuse that emanates from
lack of understanding of needs and care of elderly by
caregivers, training caregivers will reduce the risk of older
people maltreatment due to unmet expectations (National
Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division of
Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on
Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education & Committee on
the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions, 1998).
Advocacy services essential in elder abuse prevention include
financial, legal, healthcare and referral to community service
advice. More so, human service professional must portray
ethical guidelines respect of dignity and welfare of older
people, advocating for social justice, integrity, objectivity, and
A human service program that is beneficial to older adults that
experience abuse is the establishment of a community-based
program that improves the well-being of senior citizens. This
community-based program would provide health and hygiene
services, mental health services, and healthcare services brought
near the elderly population. This plan would also ensure close
monitoring of the older people and protect them from their
abusers. Financial support will also be provided to the elders as
well as competent human service workers to take care of the
elderly people (National Research Council and Institute of
Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and
Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and
Education & Committee on the Assessment of Family Violence
Interventions, 1998).
Human service agencies can prevent future abuse of older
population and support self-empowerment by creating
awareness of elder abuse, increasing brain health by enhancing
cognitive capacity, care giving, and allocation of adequate
resources. Creating elder abuse public awareness would result
in well-coordinated response services, policy and education on
abuse of older people. Providing brain health interventions
improves mental health which is an essential factor for both
victims of elder abuse and the perpetrators (Hogan, 2014).
Human service agencies should provide better support and
training for caregivers who play a critical role in preventing
elder abuse and supporting self-empowerment. The
organizations can also increase resource allocation and invest
adequately in education, services, research and expansion of
knowledge that reduces elder abuse. These interventions can
help human service workers prevent future abuse of elders.
Hogan, L. (2014). 5 Steps to Combat and Prevent Elder Abuse -
Next Avenue. Next Avenue. Retrieved 10 February 2018, from
Kim, E., & Geistfeld, L. What makes older adults vulnerable to
exploitation or abuse?. Retrieved 10
February 2018, from
National Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda
and New Data for an Aging World. (2001). The Health of Aging
Populations. Retrieved 10 February 2018,
National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division
of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission
on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, & Committee
on the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions. (1998).
Violence in Families: Assessing Prevention and Treatment
Programs. National Academies Press.
Running head: Abuse of Older Adults
Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a
relationship where trust is
expected but causes distress to later life of a person. Elder
mistreatment entails psychological,
physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional
abuse. The
effects of abuse of older
adults include nutrition and hydration problems, persistent
physical pain and soreness, wounds and
injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with abuse of
older adults and describe the changes
in social policy that impacted
how human service professional support this population in this
Furthermore, I will consider the needs of older adults and
describe the types of service plans that
can be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of
human service program
s for elderly
adults that experience elder abuse will be made as well as a
description of how human service
agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus
promoting self
Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive
ability, and social network.
These problems are the major risk factors for abuse of older
adults. Cognitive capacity is the ability
of an individual to process information and solves problems.
Older adults experience decreased
information processing and p
roblems solving skills as a result of declining cognitive
reduced memory capacity, and reasoning
. These factors contribute to poor judgment and decision
making abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.).
Cognitive ability is associat
ed with
abuse of older persons because Caregivers capitalize on the
diminished cognitive ability of older
adults to abuse them.
Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables
them to perform their day to
day activities. Older adults are vu
lnerable decision makers due to their limited physical mobility
and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical changes due to
the health status of older adults
abstract their ability to carry out their daily activities
independently (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.
). Poor
health causes physical problems like sight and hearing loss to
the elderly thus causing them to
Running head: Abuse of Older Adults
Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a
relationship where trust is
expected but causes distress to later life of a person. Elder
mistreatment entails psychological,
physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional
abuse. The effects of abuse of older
adults include nutrition and hydration problems, persistent
physical pain and soreness, wounds and
injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with abuse of
older adults and describe the changes
in social policy that impacted how human service professional
support this population in this paper.
Furthermore, I will consider the needs of older adults and
describe the types of service plans that
can be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of
human service programs for elderly
adults that experience elder abuse will be made as well as a
description of how human service
agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus
promoting self-empowerment.
Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive
ability, and social network.
These problems are the major risk factors for abuse of older
adults. Cognitive capacity is the ability
of an individual to process information and solves problems.
Older adults experience decreased
information processing and problems solving skills as a result
of declining cognitive flexibility,
reduced memory capacity, and reasoning. These factors
contribute to poor judgment and decision
making abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.).
Cognitive ability is associated with
abuse of older persons because Caregivers capitalize on the
diminished cognitive ability of older
adults to abuse them.
Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables
them to perform their day to
day activities. Older adults are vulnerable decision makers due
to their limited physical mobility
and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical changes due to
the health status of older adults
abstract their ability to carry out their daily activities
independently (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Poor
health causes physical problems like sight and hearing loss to
the elderly thus causing them to
Running head: Abuse of Older Adults
Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a
relationship where trust is expected but causes distress to later
life of a person. Elder mistreatment entails psychological,
physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional
abuse. The effects of abuse of older adults include nutrition and
hydration problems, persistent physical pain and soreness,
wounds and injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with
abuse of older adults and describe the changes in social policy
that impacted how human service professional support this
population in this paper. Furthermore, I will consider the needs
of older adults and describe the types of service plans that can
be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of
human service programs for elderly adults that experience elder
abuse will be made as well as a description of how human
service agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus
promoting self-empowerment.
Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive
ability, and social network. These problems are the major risk
factors for abuse of older adults. Cognitive capacity is the
ability of an individual to process information and solves
problems. Older adults experience decreased information
processing and problems solving skills as a result of declining
cognitive flexibility, reduced memory capacity, and reasoning.
These factors contribute to poor judgment and decision making
abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Cognitive
ability is associated with abuse of older persons because
Caregivers capitalize on the diminished cognitive ability of
older adults to abuse them.
Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables
them to perform their day to day activities. Older adults are
vulnerable decision makers due to their limited physical
mobility and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical
changes due to the health status of older adults abstract their
ability to carry out their daily activities independently (Kim &
Geistfeld, n.d.). Poor health causes physical problems like sight
and hearing loss to the elderly thus causing them to depend on
others. Elderly abuse is associated with health status because it
makes older adults depend on others. Overreliance on others
leads to elder abuse when the caregivers are not dedicated to the
A social network is the pool of people around an individual and
who they can turn to for assistance. Older adults are more
vulnerable than young people due to their social integration.
Since many people view older people as burdens and liabilities,
older people are commonly socially isolated. Social isolation
among the older adults leads to poor health, loss of friends and
spouses. Isolation and neglect of older adults are themselves
abuse of older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). A social network
is associated with abuse of older adults because lack of social
networks makes the elderly to rely on other people who may
maltreat them.
Social policy is the way societies meet human needs for
security, education, and well-being of people. It addresses the
way communities deal with social, economic and demographic
challenges. Changes in social policies have impacted the way
human service professional support the older adults because, for
instance, health service delivery policies for older adults have
created a flow of information and resources in the healthcare
system. This change in policy has enhanced the potential of
human service workers to draw on international experiences in
health and health care for support of the elderly. Global skills
have improved the application of homogenous medical and
administrative cultures to the responsibility of the elderly.
Another policy change that has impacted the way human service
professional support older adults is the provision of protective
services to older adult abuse victims. Adult protective services
are a public agency designated to receive, investigate and
respond to allegations of abandonment and elder abuse
(National Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda
and New Data for an Aging World, 2001). Through this policy
change, human service professionals can obtain information
concerning the older population within the locality and craft
methods of supporting them. Other social policies that have
impacted the way human service professional support older
adults are the construction of quality housing, public health,
and education. These systems have led to the creation of quality
of accommodation for the sustenance of the health of the elderly
population as well as training health professional specialized
skills related to issues that affect older adults (National
Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda and New
Data for an Aging World, 2001). Also, creations of health and
prevention programs that affect the older population have been
made possible.
Older adults require special treatment due to their social and
health status. Some of the elderly needs include healthcare
needs, special nutrient needs, and social needs. The service plan
that should be created for victims of elder abuse is the creation
of elder abuse interventions. These interventions would include
adult protective services, advocacy services, and training for
caregivers. Adult protective services would involve the
provision of material aid, mental health services, and nutrition
and socialization services. Due to the abuse that emanates from
lack of understanding of needs and care of elderly by
caregivers, training caregivers will reduce the risk of older
people maltreatment due to unmet expectations (National
Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division of
Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on
Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education & Committee on
the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions, 1998).
Advocacy services essential in elder abuse prevention include
financial, legal, healthcare and referral to community service
advice. More so, human service professional must portray
ethical guidelines respect of dignity and welfare of older
people, advocating for social justice, integrity, objectivity, and
A human service program that is beneficial to older adults that
experience abuse is the establishment of a community-based
program that improves the well-being of senior citizens. This
community-based program would provide health and hygiene
services, mental health services, and healthcare services brought
near the elderly population. This plan would also ensure close
monitoring of the older people and protect them from their
abusers. Financial support will also be provided to the elders as
well as competent human service workers to take care of the
elderly people (National Research Council and Institute of
Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and
Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and
Education & Committee on the Assessment of Family Violence
Interventions, 1998).
Human service agencies can prevent future abuse of older
population and support self-empowerment by creating
awareness of elder abuse, increasing brain health by enhancing
cognitive capacity, care giving, and allocation of adequate
resources. Creating elder abuse public awareness would result
in well-coordinated response services, policy and education on
abuse of older people. Providing brain health interventions
improves mental health which is an essential factor for both
victims of elder abuse and the perpetrators (Hogan, 2014).
Human service agencies should provide better support and
training for caregivers who play a critical role in preventing
elder abuse and supporting self-empowerment. The
organizations can also increase resource allocation and invest
adequately in education, services, research and expansion of
knowledge that reduces elder abuse. These interventions can
help human service workers prevent future abuse of elders.
Hogan, L. (2014). 5 Steps to Combat and Prevent Elder Abuse -
Next Avenue. Next Avenue. Retrieved 10 February 2018, from
Kim, E., & Geistfeld, L. What makes older adults vulnerable to
exploitation or abuse?. Retrieved 10
February 2018, from
National Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda
and New Data for an Aging World. (2001). The Health of Aging
Populations. Retrieved 10 February 2018,
National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division
of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission
on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, & Committee
on the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions. (1998).
Violence in Families: Assessing Prevention and Treatment
Programs. National Academies Press.
Running head: Abuse of Older Adults
Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a
relationship where trust is
expected but causes distress to later life of a person. Elder
mistreatment entails psychological,
physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional
abuse. The
effects of abuse of older
adults include nutrition and hydration problems, persistent
physical pain and soreness, wounds and
injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with abuse of
older adults and describe the changes
in social policy that impacted
how human service professional support this population in this
Furthermore, I will consider the needs of older adults and
describe the types of service plans that
can be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of
human service program
s for elderly
adults that experience elder abuse will be made as well as a
description of how human service
agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus
promoting self
Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive
ability, and social network.
These problems are the major risk factors for abuse of older
adults. Cognitive capacity is the ability
of an individual to process information and solves problems.
Older adults experience decreased
information processing and p
roblems solving skills as a result of declining cognitive
reduced memory capacity, and reasoning. These factors
contribute to poor judgment and decision
making abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.).
Cognitive ability is associat
ed with
abuse of older persons because Caregivers capitalize on the
diminished cognitive ability of older
adults to abuse them.
Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables
them to perform their day to
day activities. Older adults are vu
lnerable decision makers due to their limited physical mobility
and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical changes due to
the health status of older adults
abstract their ability to carry out their daily activities
independently (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.
). Poor
health causes physical problems like sight and hearing loss to
the elderly thus causing them to
Running head: Abuse of Older Adults
Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a
relationship where trust is
expected but causes distress to later life of a person. Elder
mistreatment entails psychological,
physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional
abuse. The effects of abuse of older
adults include nutrition and hydration problems, persistent
physical pain and soreness, wounds and
injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with abuse of
older adults and describe the changes
in social policy that impacted how human service professional
support this population in this paper.
Furthermore, I will consider the needs of older adults and
describe the types of service plans that
can be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of
human service programs for elderly
adults that experience elder abuse will be made as well as a
description of how human service
agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus
promoting self-empowerment.
Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive
ability, and social network.
These problems are the major risk factors for abuse of older
adults. Cognitive capacity is the ability
of an individual to process information and solves problems.
Older adults experience decreased
information processing and problems solving skills as a result
of declining cognitive flexibility,
reduced memory capacity, and reasoning. These factors
contribute to poor judgment and decision
making abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.).
Cognitive ability is associated with
abuse of older persons because Caregivers capitalize on the
diminished cognitive ability of older
adults to abuse them.
Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables
them to perform their day to
day activities. Older adults are vulnerable decision makers due
to their limited physical mobility
and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical changes due to
the health status of older adults
abstract their ability to carry out their daily activities
independently (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Poor
health causes physical problems like sight and hearing loss to
the elderly thus causing them to

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PART IBriefly define andor discuss the terms listed below. Use .docx

  • 1. PART I Briefly define and/or discuss the terms listed below. Use your own words. Use the background material, but it is also acceptable to use the library or other Internet resources. Explain why these concepts are important for financial accounting. · Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (US GAAP); · Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB); · Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC); · Certified Public Accountant (CPA) · Annual Report · 10-K Two or three sentences are sufficient to explain each of the six items. Do not use an essay format. Show sources when appropriate, and APA format is suggested but not required. The objective for this assignment is to analyze accounting concepts for financial accounting. PART II Review the three components in the background material to answer three questions about accounting and its purpose: · What is accounting? · What is the importance of accounting? · What are corporate financial statements? Case Assignment Required Create a table with four columns as shown below and complete the last three columns using the expectations listed in Assignment Expectations. Question Complete the Statement (3–5 sentences) Corporate Perspective
  • 2. (3–5 sentences) Investor Perspective (3–5 sentences) Accounting refers to: Accounting is important because: Corporate Financial statements are: Assignment Expectations Submit a completed table as shown above. Do not copy definitions, but explain in your own words and with examples, if appropriate. Write 3–5 sentences in each cell. Show sources when appropriate and APA format is suggested, but not required. Running head: Abuse of Older Adults Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a relationship where trust is expected but causes distress to later life of a person. Elder mistreatment entails psychological, physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional abuse. The effects of abuse of older adults include nutrition and hydration problems, persistent physical pain and soreness, wounds and injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with abuse of older adults and describe the changes in social policy that impacted how human service professional support this
  • 3. population in this paper. Furthermore, I will consider the needs of older adults and describe the types of service plans that can be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of human service programs for elderly adults that experience elder abuse will be made as well as a description of how human service agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus promoting self-empowerment. Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive ability, and social network. These problems are the major risk factors for abuse of older adults. Cognitive capacity is the ability of an individual to process information and solves problems. Older adults experience decreased information processing and problems solving skills as a result of declining cognitive flexibility, reduced memory capacity, and reasoning. These factors contribute to poor judgment and decision making abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Cognitive ability is associated with abuse of older persons because Caregivers capitalize on the diminished cognitive ability of older adults to abuse them. Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables them to perform their day to day activities. Older adults are vulnerable decision makers due to their limited physical mobility and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical changes due to the health status of older adults abstract their ability to carry out their daily activities independently (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Poor health causes physical problems like sight and hearing loss to the elderly thus causing them to depend on others. Elderly abuse is associated with health status because it makes older adults depend on others. Overreliance on others leads to elder abuse when the caregivers are not dedicated to the service. A social network is the pool of people around an individual and who they can turn to for assistance. Older adults are more vulnerable than young people due to their social integration. Since many people view older people as burdens and liabilities, older people are commonly socially isolated. Social isolation
  • 4. among the older adults leads to poor health, loss of friends and spouses. Isolation and neglect of older adults are themselves abuse of older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). A social network is associated with abuse of older adults because lack of social networks makes the elderly to rely on other people who may maltreat them. Social policy is the way societies meet human needs for security, education, and well-being of people. It addresses the way communities deal with social, economic and demographic challenges. Changes in social policies have impacted the way human service professional support the older adults because, for instance, health service delivery policies for older adults have created a flow of information and resources in the healthcare system. This change in policy has enhanced the potential of human service workers to draw on international experiences in health and health care for support of the elderly. Global skills have improved the application of homogenous medical and administrative cultures to the responsibility of the elderly. Another policy change that has impacted the way human service professional support older adults is the provision of protective services to older adult abuse victims. Adult protective services are a public agency designated to receive, investigate and respond to allegations of abandonment and elder abuse (National Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda and New Data for an Aging World, 2001). Through this policy change, human service professionals can obtain information concerning the older population within the locality and craft methods of supporting them. Other social policies that have impacted the way human service professional support older adults are the construction of quality housing, public health, and education. These systems have led to the creation of quality of accommodation for the sustenance of the health of the elderly population as well as training health professional specialized skills related to issues that affect older adults (National Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda and New Data for an Aging World, 2001). Also, creations of health and
  • 5. prevention programs that affect the older population have been made possible. Older adults require special treatment due to their social and health status. Some of the elderly needs include healthcare needs, special nutrient needs, and social needs. The service plan that should be created for victims of elder abuse is the creation of elder abuse interventions. These interventions would include adult protective services, advocacy services, and training for caregivers. Adult protective services would involve the provision of material aid, mental health services, and nutrition and socialization services. Due to the abuse that emanates from lack of understanding of needs and care of elderly by caregivers, training caregivers will reduce the risk of older people maltreatment due to unmet expectations (National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education & Committee on the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions, 1998). Advocacy services essential in elder abuse prevention include financial, legal, healthcare and referral to community service advice. More so, human service professional must portray ethical guidelines respect of dignity and welfare of older people, advocating for social justice, integrity, objectivity, and honesty. A human service program that is beneficial to older adults that experience abuse is the establishment of a community-based program that improves the well-being of senior citizens. This community-based program would provide health and hygiene services, mental health services, and healthcare services brought near the elderly population. This plan would also ensure close monitoring of the older people and protect them from their abusers. Financial support will also be provided to the elders as well as competent human service workers to take care of the elderly people (National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and
  • 6. Education & Committee on the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions, 1998). Human service agencies can prevent future abuse of older population and support self-empowerment by creating awareness of elder abuse, increasing brain health by enhancing cognitive capacity, care giving, and allocation of adequate resources. Creating elder abuse public awareness would result in well-coordinated response services, policy and education on abuse of older people. Providing brain health interventions improves mental health which is an essential factor for both victims of elder abuse and the perpetrators (Hogan, 2014). Human service agencies should provide better support and training for caregivers who play a critical role in preventing elder abuse and supporting self-empowerment. The organizations can also increase resource allocation and invest adequately in education, services, research and expansion of knowledge that reduces elder abuse. These interventions can help human service workers prevent future abuse of elders. References: Hogan, L. (2014). 5 Steps to Combat and Prevent Elder Abuse - Next Avenue. Next Avenue. Retrieved 10 February 2018, from abuse/ Kim, E., & Geistfeld, L. What makes older adults vulnerable to exploitation or abuse?. Retrieved 10 February 2018, from spring/Kim-Geistfeld.php National Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda and New Data for an Aging World. (2001). The Health of Aging Populations. Retrieved 10 February 2018, from National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, & Committee
  • 7. on the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions. (1998). Violence in Families: Assessing Prevention and Treatment Programs. National Academies Press. Running head: Abuse of Older Adults Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a relationship where trust is expected but causes distress to later life of a person. Elder mistreatment entails psychological, physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional abuse. The effects of abuse of older adults include nutrition and hydration problems, persistent physical pain and soreness, wounds and injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with abuse of older adults and describe the changes in social policy that impacted how human service professional support this population in this paper. Furthermore, I will consider the needs of older adults and describe the types of service plans that can be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of human service program s for elderly adults that experience elder abuse will be made as well as a description of how human service agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus promoting self - empowerment. Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive ability, and social network.
  • 8. These problems are the major risk factors for abuse of older adults. Cognitive capacity is the ability of an individual to process information and solves problems. Older adults experience decreased information processing and p roblems solving skills as a result of declining cognitive flexibility, reduced memory capacity, and reasoning . These factors contribute to poor judgment and decision making abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Cognitive ability is associat ed with abuse of older persons because Caregivers capitalize on the diminished cognitive ability of older adults to abuse them. Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables them to perform their day to day activities. Older adults are vu lnerable decision makers due to their limited physical mobility and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical changes due to the health status of older adults abstract their ability to carry out their daily activities independently (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d. ). Poor health causes physical problems like sight and hearing loss to the elderly thus causing them to Running head: Abuse of Older Adults Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a relationship where trust is expected but causes distress to later life of a person. Elder mistreatment entails psychological, physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional abuse. The effects of abuse of older adults include nutrition and hydration problems, persistent physical pain and soreness, wounds and
  • 9. injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with abuse of older adults and describe the changes in social policy that impacted how human service professional support this population in this paper. Furthermore, I will consider the needs of older adults and describe the types of service plans that can be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of human service programs for elderly adults that experience elder abuse will be made as well as a description of how human service agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus promoting self-empowerment. Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive ability, and social network. These problems are the major risk factors for abuse of older adults. Cognitive capacity is the ability of an individual to process information and solves problems. Older adults experience decreased information processing and problems solving skills as a result of declining cognitive flexibility, reduced memory capacity, and reasoning. These factors contribute to poor judgment and decision making abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Cognitive ability is associated with abuse of older persons because Caregivers capitalize on the diminished cognitive ability of older adults to abuse them. Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables them to perform their day to day activities. Older adults are vulnerable decision makers due to their limited physical mobility and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical changes due to the health status of older adults abstract their ability to carry out their daily activities independently (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Poor health causes physical problems like sight and hearing loss to
  • 10. the elderly thus causing them to Running head: Abuse of Older Adults Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a relationship where trust is expected but causes distress to later life of a person. Elder mistreatment entails psychological, physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional abuse. The effects of abuse of older adults include nutrition and hydration problems, persistent physical pain and soreness, wounds and injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with abuse of older adults and describe the changes in social policy that impacted how human service professional support this population in this paper. Furthermore, I will consider the needs of older adults and describe the types of service plans that can be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of human service programs for elderly adults that experience elder abuse will be made as well as a description of how human service agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus promoting self-empowerment. Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive ability, and social network. These problems are the major risk factors for abuse of older adults. Cognitive capacity is the ability of an individual to process information and solves problems. Older adults experience decreased information processing and problems solving skills as a result of declining cognitive flexibility, reduced memory capacity, and reasoning. These factors contribute to poor judgment and decision making abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Cognitive ability is associated with abuse of older persons because Caregivers capitalize on the diminished cognitive ability of older adults to abuse them. Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables them to perform their day to day activities. Older adults are vulnerable decision makers due to their limited physical mobility and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical changes due to the health status of older adults abstract their
  • 11. ability to carry out their daily activities independently (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Poor health causes physical problems like sight and hearing loss to the elderly thus causing them to depend on others. Elderly abuse is associated with health status because it makes older adults depend on others. Overreliance on others leads to elder abuse when the caregivers are not dedicated to the service. A social network is the pool of people around an individual and who they can turn to for assistance. Older adults are more vulnerable than young people due to their social integration. Since many people view older people as burdens and liabilities, older people are commonly socially isolated. Social isolation among the older adults leads to poor health, loss of friends and spouses. Isolation and neglect of older adults are themselves abuse of older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). A social network is associated with abuse of older adults because lack of social networks makes the elderly to rely on other people who may maltreat them. Social policy is the way societies meet human needs for security, education, and well-being of people. It addresses the way communities deal with social, economic and demographic challenges. Changes in social policies have impacted the way human service professional support the older adults because, for instance, health service delivery policies for older adults have created a flow of information and resources in the healthcare system. This change in policy has enhanced the potential of human service workers to draw on international experiences in health and health care for support of the elderly. Global skills have improved the application of homogenous medical and administrative cultures to the responsibility of the elderly. Another policy change that has impacted the way human service professional support older adults is the provision of protective services to older adult abuse victims. Adult protective services are a public agency designated to receive, investigate and respond to allegations of abandonment and elder abuse (National Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda
  • 12. and New Data for an Aging World, 2001). Through this policy change, human service professionals can obtain information concerning the older population within the locality and craft methods of supporting them. Other social policies that have impacted the way human service professional support older adults are the construction of quality housing, public health, and education. These systems have led to the creation of quality of accommodation for the sustenance of the health of the elderly population as well as training health professional specialized skills related to issues that affect older adults (National Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda and New Data for an Aging World, 2001). Also, creations of health and prevention programs that affect the older population have been made possible. Older adults require special treatment due to their social and health status. Some of the elderly needs include healthcare needs, special nutrient needs, and social needs. The service plan that should be created for victims of elder abuse is the creation of elder abuse interventions. These interventions would include adult protective services, advocacy services, and training for caregivers. Adult protective services would involve the provision of material aid, mental health services, and nutrition and socialization services. Due to the abuse that emanates from lack of understanding of needs and care of elderly by caregivers, training caregivers will reduce the risk of older people maltreatment due to unmet expectations (National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education & Committee on the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions, 1998). Advocacy services essential in elder abuse prevention include financial, legal, healthcare and referral to community service advice. More so, human service professional must portray ethical guidelines respect of dignity and welfare of older people, advocating for social justice, integrity, objectivity, and honesty.
  • 13. A human service program that is beneficial to older adults that experience abuse is the establishment of a community-based program that improves the well-being of senior citizens. This community-based program would provide health and hygiene services, mental health services, and healthcare services brought near the elderly population. This plan would also ensure close monitoring of the older people and protect them from their abusers. Financial support will also be provided to the elders as well as competent human service workers to take care of the elderly people (National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education & Committee on the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions, 1998). Human service agencies can prevent future abuse of older population and support self-empowerment by creating awareness of elder abuse, increasing brain health by enhancing cognitive capacity, care giving, and allocation of adequate resources. Creating elder abuse public awareness would result in well-coordinated response services, policy and education on abuse of older people. Providing brain health interventions improves mental health which is an essential factor for both victims of elder abuse and the perpetrators (Hogan, 2014). Human service agencies should provide better support and training for caregivers who play a critical role in preventing elder abuse and supporting self-empowerment. The organizations can also increase resource allocation and invest adequately in education, services, research and expansion of knowledge that reduces elder abuse. These interventions can help human service workers prevent future abuse of elders. References: Hogan, L. (2014). 5 Steps to Combat and Prevent Elder Abuse - Next Avenue. Next Avenue. Retrieved 10 February 2018, from abuse/
  • 14. Kim, E., & Geistfeld, L. What makes older adults vulnerable to exploitation or abuse?. Retrieved 10 February 2018, from spring/Kim-Geistfeld.php National Research Council (US) Panel on a Research Agenda and New Data for an Aging World. (2001). The Health of Aging Populations. Retrieved 10 February 2018, from National Research Council and Institute of Medicine, Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, & Committee on the Assessment of Family Violence Interventions. (1998). Violence in Families: Assessing Prevention and Treatment Programs. National Academies Press. Running head: Abuse of Older Adults Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a relationship where trust is expected but causes distress to later life of a person. Elder mistreatment entails psychological, physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional abuse. The effects of abuse of older adults include nutrition and hydration problems, persistent physical pain and soreness, wounds and injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with abuse of older adults and describe the changes in social policy that impacted how human service professional support this population in this paper. Furthermore, I will consider the needs of older adults and describe the types of service plans that can be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of
  • 15. human service program s for elderly adults that experience elder abuse will be made as well as a description of how human service agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus promoting self - empowerment. Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive ability, and social network. These problems are the major risk factors for abuse of older adults. Cognitive capacity is the ability of an individual to process information and solves problems. Older adults experience decreased information processing and p roblems solving skills as a result of declining cognitive flexibility, reduced memory capacity, and reasoning. These factors contribute to poor judgment and decision making abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Cognitive ability is associat ed with abuse of older persons because Caregivers capitalize on the diminished cognitive ability of older adults to abuse them. Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables them to perform their day to day activities. Older adults are vu lnerable decision makers due to their limited physical mobility and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical changes due to the health status of older adults abstract their ability to carry out their daily activities independently (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.
  • 16. ). Poor health causes physical problems like sight and hearing loss to the elderly thus causing them to Running head: Abuse of Older Adults Elder abuse is a continuous or a single act that occurs in a relationship where trust is expected but causes distress to later life of a person. Elder mistreatment entails psychological, physical, sexual, exploitation, abandonment and emotional abuse. The effects of abuse of older adults include nutrition and hydration problems, persistent physical pain and soreness, wounds and injuries. I will evaluate the issues associated with abuse of older adults and describe the changes in social policy that impacted how human service professional support this population in this paper. Furthermore, I will consider the needs of older adults and describe the types of service plans that can be created for victims of elder adult's abuse. A proposal of human service programs for elderly adults that experience elder abuse will be made as well as a description of how human service agencies can prevent future abuse of older adult’s thus promoting self-empowerment. Issues associated with elder abuse are health status, cognitive ability, and social network. These problems are the major risk factors for abuse of older adults. Cognitive capacity is the ability of an individual to process information and solves problems. Older adults experience decreased information processing and problems solving skills as a result of declining cognitive flexibility, reduced memory capacity, and reasoning. These factors contribute to poor judgment and decision making abilities among older adults (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Cognitive ability is associated with
  • 17. abuse of older persons because Caregivers capitalize on the diminished cognitive ability of older adults to abuse them. Health status is the general wellbeing of a person that enables them to perform their day to day activities. Older adults are vulnerable decision makers due to their limited physical mobility and difficulties comprehending issues. Physical changes due to the health status of older adults abstract their ability to carry out their daily activities independently (Kim & Geistfeld, n.d.). Poor health causes physical problems like sight and hearing loss to the elderly thus causing them to