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Farsi e-learning series
Farsi e-learning series

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                                                                                                        2 " 3 4                         + 2

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                                                                         K     L#           2   )       ;           J   F G             " HI&

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                                               2       "+       P )     '# T          2 "U 0 S                  R@C8:         "   HI& Q I&

                           int main()
                              char Doste[5];
                              return 0;

               Doste[0]        Doste[1]             Doste[2]                 Doste[3]                   Doste[4]

#    X *Y     N   W/ 1     K    L#             & )"             "M* V     F&        ! 2         & )" G              G              %&      "

             #include <iostream.h>
             int main()
                int a[4];
                cout<<"enter content of 4 elements : "<<endl ;
                    for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
                         cout<<"enter content of a["<<i<<"]"<<endl;
                return 0;
Farsi e-learning series
                                                                                  K       L#            N     #K               & )" L N ] (               " '# T

            #include <iostream.h>
               int main()
                  int a[4];
                  cout<<"enter content of 4 elements : "<<endl ;
                   for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
                        cout<<"enter content of a["<<i<<"]"<<endl;
                   for(i=0; i<4; i++)
                        cout<<"content of a["<<i<<"]="<<a[i]<<endl;
               return 0;

                  1 K              _       %&    ` L#    &       )       F* N     0       N                  %& 5            HI&    G    -"F& ^                        +M)
                                                                                                         a     & )"         2 ! +K ` L#     "  ) & "b                  F

                                                                             int b=4;
                                                                             int a[b];
                                                                                  1   Kc 0d                  %& & )" Q              2 'M & ` ?       ) & "#,+&    N (

                                                                                                                                                 X !        e * '#)"
                                                                                                               HI& 1 L#                 0 f       & )"     )& M

                                                                             int a[4];

                                                                 HI& 1       _`       2            %&    !       N         %&     h@;C8 i;8      !   P )    ! g+2

                                                                 const int b=4;
                                                                 int a[b];

                                       k K      F* (             G        )   F* L#)     ) &                           X fM.& '                  & )"    jF            K
                  1       2    "        "/ #      #& '       S    0 HI& 1   2 "m)    & no& " "                       pq   %& N                fl ! ' "+e 3 U

%& L#   &     )       S       F G          G     " HI& 1 #           %& & )"              f                           )         #) +             X N M& ' h
                                                                                                                                          L#       r) c"- s#/

                          int a[5]={24,33,49,55,63};

                                                                                              L#        r) q#) & )"                             ' L#) *     & '# T

            #include <iostream.h>
            int main()
                  int a[5]={24,33,49,55,63};

                      for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
                           cout<<"content of a["<<i<<"]="<<a[i]<<endl;
                  return 0;
Farsi e-learning series

                                  1    ](            )       "     %& P    r&       +-"b                )   S       F G            G "   %&         #              & )"    Q I&

                       #include <iostream.h>
                        int main()
                              int a[5],sum=0;
                                   for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
                              cout<<"The sum is " <<sum;
                              return 0;

                                                                                                                                u *G N& b N 0                           ! g+2
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                       x K      & i;8 P )                    " Q I& r           w       K      &" 3 4       u *G N& b N 0                          ! g+2          ) +2    + 2
                                                                                                                   xz  y  "                       ")   #        X *N      Y w

                       #include <iostream.h>
                       Void fun(int array[])

                       int main()
                          int a[10];




                               return 0;

N & b '#&   N     F    F q#)          F     !    )       K       &   V +{ w1L#         ) ! g+2   K " N                    ) e*      2        -    "m)     &       Q2           "
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    0 " %& '#           3 g* no& ' 1 #      2 " u *   & f      ! K      & )"                                       & ' #) * &w 1 K    !"# $ N    ~
                                                                  x K    no N                                       & HUg& F     • K & € "& 0 X " %&

 `3 U       1 #       v "F* h@;C8 i;8 P )       N ` K ) " ‚/ N M&              "##,* ƒ# N          #+2"g                 F *               # •                * 4 `'"
                                                                                                                1           •) N         "##,* ) b ƒ#            ! X " y&

Farsi e-learning series
! " Y   l     )    "   %& P   r& u * 1   Q2      F *   +-"b                    )    S     F G          G "   %&     #            & )" Q I&
                                              1 " L#   ](         4   & )"         N "   %& & F      ) "b            4   & )"       N  %&

              #include <iostream.h>
              int fun(int a[])
                int sum=0;
                     for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
                return sum;

                  int main()
                        int a[5];
                             for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
                        cout<<"The sum is " <<fun(a);
                        return 0;

                                                                         ](        X "        0     r&    „ "+K     #            & )"     Q I&

              #include <iostream.h>
              int main()
                int a[5]={5,4,3,2,1}
                cout<<"Union part is :   " ;
                for(int i=0; i<5; i++)
                     for(int k=0; k<3; k++)
                           if (a[i]==b[k])
                                 cout<<a[i]<<"                        ";
                 return 0;
1   )Q2 u *        X " "+& / G 3 U       N     `u *    G N ) "b              " 1 K        G   ) *        )u *G    X "    Le& #          +M)………

Farsi e-learning series

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                                                                                                                                                                         1           r)

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Farsi e-learning series
                                                                              1   2     F G          Q2        #K  "%*  F (           Q2
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) ^ & 1    #) N F " $        #)    2    -      =D &H0    N      "       e * `u * G  "+& / N F            F        G v "F* "      #    U* K
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               #include <iostream.h>
               int main()
                 int a[3][2]={{-3,-7},{4,34},{45,7}}

                        for(int i=0; i<3; i++)
                             for(int k=0; k<2; k++)
                                   cout<<c[i][k]<<"   ";
                    return 0;

                                             1   #       )          )     <…; W "* &          "          {l       W "* & u X    & )"    #) *   &

Farsi e-learning series
  Z      •
                                                                    2    " W "* &   Y"j 4 l       #          & )"    Q I&
  t      Zt       t       Z   Z      “

  tS     •    SZ                     •

         #include <iostream.h>
         int main()
           int a[3][2]={{-3,-7},{3,34},{45,7}}
           int s;
           for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
                     for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
                            for(int k=0; k<2; k++)
           for(i=0; i<3; i++)
                 for(int j=0; j<4; j++)
                      cout<<c[i][j]<<"     " ;
            return 0;

       1 #    )       K           <…; 3 U   "* &   e)       œ…; W "* &   <…œ W "* & G Y"›     "   & )" '   #) *     & ………

Farsi e-learning series

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Part 6

  • 2. Farsi e-learning series 1 !"# $ %& ' ( ) * & + "#,+& "* +-".#/ 0 ) 2 " 3 4 + 2 56657 879: 56657 ;5<: =;><?:6 @A :B:<:;8CD E K L# 2 ) ; J F G " HI& J=OD J= D J=ZD [ J=; D 1 ; * K & P "K O ) ! K N +M) 2 "+ P ) '# T 2 "U 0 S R@C8: " HI& Q I& int main() { char Doste[5]; return 0; } Doste[0] Doste[1] Doste[2] Doste[3] Doste[4] # X *Y N W/ 1 K L# & )" "M* V F& ! 2 & )" G G %& " #include <iostream.h> int main() { int a[4]; cout<<"enter content of 4 elements : "<<endl ; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { cout<<"enter content of a["<<i<<"]"<<endl; cin>>a[i]; } return 0; }
  • 3. Farsi e-learning series K L# N #K & )" L N ] ( " '# T #include <iostream.h> int main() { int a[4]; cout<<"enter content of 4 elements : "<<endl ; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) { cout<<"enter content of a["<<i<<"]"<<endl; cin>>a[i]; } for(i=0; i<4; i++) cout<<"content of a["<<i<<"]="<<a[i]<<endl; return 0; } 1 K _ %& ` L# & ) F* N 0 N %& 5 HI& G -"F& ^ +M) a & )" 2 ! +K ` L# " ) & "b F int b=4; int a[b]; 1 Kc 0d %& & )" Q 2 'M & ` ? ) & "#,+& N ( X ! e * '#)" HI& 1 L# 0 f & )" )& M int a[4]; HI& 1 _` 2 %& ! N %& h@;C8 i;8 ! P ) ! g+2 const int b=4; int a[b]; k K F* ( G ) F* L#) ) & X fM.& ' & )" jF K 1 2 " "/ # #& ' S 0 HI& 1 2 "m) & no& " " pq %& N fl ! ' "+e 3 U %& L# & ) S F G G " HI& 1 # %& & )" f ) #) + X N M& ' h L# r) c"- s#/ int a[5]={24,33,49,55,63}; L# r) q#) & )" ' L#) * & '# T #include <iostream.h> int main() { int a[5]={24,33,49,55,63}; for(int i=0; i<4; i++) cout<<"content of a["<<i<<"]="<<a[i]<<endl; return 0; } Z
  • 4. Farsi e-learning series 1 ]( ) " %& P r& +-"b ) S F G G " %& # & )" Q I& #include <iostream.h> int main() { int a[5],sum=0; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { cout<<"a["<<i<<"]="; cin>>a[i]; sum=sum+a[i]; } cout<<"The sum is " <<sum; return 0; } u *G N& b N 0 ! g+2 - P ) "+& / G L# v "F* ) ^ u * + M " 1 " Q2 u *G N * & ! P )" 2N T q#) 1 x K & i;8 P ) " Q I& r w K &" 3 4 u *G N& b N 0 ! g+2 ) +2 + 2 xz y " ") # X *N Y w #include <iostream.h> Void fun(int array[]) { ... } int main() { int a[10]; ... fun(a); ... return 0; } N & b '#& N F F q#) F ! ) K & V +{ w1L# ) ! g+2 K " N ) e* 2 - "m) & Q2 " x1L# Q2 u * u * }2 * N "##,* " ` K ! g+2 u * G N & b N 0 & )" | -3 4 0 " ` "^ ! P ) WM0 " # X * 0 " %& '# 3 g* no& ' 1 # 2 " u * & f ! K & )" & ' #) * &w 1 K !"# $ N ~ x K no N & HUg& F • K & € "& 0 X " %& `3 U 1 # v "F* h@;C8 i;8 P ) N ` K ) " ‚/ N M& "##,* ƒ# N #+2"g F * # • * 4 `'" 1 •) N "##,* ) b ƒ# ! X " y& t
  • 5. Farsi e-learning series ! " Y l ) " %& P r& u * 1 Q2 F * +-"b ) S F G G " %& # & )" Q I& 1 " L# ]( 4 & )" N " %& & F ) "b 4 & )" N %& #include <iostream.h> int fun(int a[]) { int sum=0; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { sum+=a[i]; } return sum; } int main() { int a[5]; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { cout<<"a["<<i<<"]="; cin>>a[i]; } cout<<"The sum is " <<fun(a); return 0; } ]( X " 0 r& „ "+K # & )" Q I& #include <iostream.h> int main() { int a[5]={5,4,3,2,1} ,b[3]={6,3,1}; cout<<"Union part is : " ; for(int i=0; i<5; i++) { for(int k=0; k<3; k++) { if (a[i]==b[k]) cout<<a[i]<<" "; } } return 0; } 1 )Q2 u * X " "+& / G 3 U N `u * G N ) "b " 1 K G ) * )u *G X " Le& # +M)……… S
  • 6. Farsi e-learning series "* +-".#/ q#) c 0 1 !"# $ "+.# 3 0H ) * & + "* +-".#/ P ) ` F ( 1 r) 2 3 U ' -"F& + 2 879: 56657 ;5<: =:B:<:;8 Ci—: D= :B:<:;8 Ci—: D [ = :B:<:;8 Ci—: ;D E ‡ ) ˆ& ˆ-"F& ‰ F ‡ Š‡ "‡ NH0 `Q I& N F i;8 J= D=SD E L# N .) x F w ‹a2 " f#a+ &G 3 4 L#) * & F ' J=OD=OD J=OD= D J=OD= D J=OD=ZD J=OD=tD J= D=OD J= D= D J= D= D J= D=ZD J= D=tD 1 ## &L ) " Œ ` V f#a+ & L F G u J=5D=?D 5•N +2 F* Ž ?• "a2 F* 1 K & "a2 %& N +2 Q %& ` G# # Q M2 / X "^ N •H " N X * 3 4 '# L F 2 '# T J=5D=?D=hD 5•c"0 F* Ž ?• N +2 F* Ž h•"a2 F* 1 K f#a+ & •FM& G 3 4 MK xz # ^ L '& # e- "b w zzk fMK ( F e( #)q Œ l #) * & Ql 1 ) "b ˆ& ‘ O " e) +2 "a2 W‡ ) ` F G )& +M) " L# f 03 U F 2 N #{ %& " F G ) & ' T HI& i;8 J=ZD=tD • ’ ’ Ž SŽ ZŽ “” Ž ’ ZŽ •Ž –Ž ”Ž ’tŽ Ž “Ž †” ”E 2 fMK ' N S Z “ Z • – t “ † K L# F 2 " HI& i;8 J= D=ZD=tD • ’ ’ ’ Ž SŽ ZŽ “” Ž ’ ZŽ •Ž –Ž ”Ž ’tŽ Ž “Ž †” ” Ž ’ ’“Ž Ž ZŽ t” Ž ’ Ž “Ž Ž ” Ž ’•Ž ZŽ SŽ “” ” ”E †
  • 7. Farsi e-learning series 1 2 F G Q2 #K "%* F ( Q2 #K +K " +M) G }%- ) ^ & 1 #) N F " $ #) 2 - =D &H0 N " e * `u * G "+& / N F F G v "F* " # U* K # c"- Q I& N F 1 #) 111 N eg F* '##F* #) & ` ) ˜•.& o "4 F e) +2 F* W ) & )" M ` #) 1 & - "^ "+& / F* F G N F L 8:C8 ) & F * 2 ! +K " 3 U u * v "F* HI& ™;8 8:C8xi;8 J= D= D[w ’ [ ” 2 2 g "F* " & ™;8 8:C8xi;8 J= D=tD[w ’ [ ” 1 ]( X " " W "* & u X f4 l # & )" š & Z • t Zt tS • t “ SZ • t t #include <iostream.h> int main() { int a[3][2]={{-3,-7},{4,34},{45,7}} ,b[3][2]={{-4,8},{53,-17},{4,4}} ,c[3][2]; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { for(int k=0; k<2; k++) { c[i][k]=a[i][k]+b[i][k]; cout<<c[i][k]<<" "; } cout<<endl; } return 0; } 1 # ) ) <…; W "* & " {l W "* & u X & )" #) * & •
  • 8. Farsi e-learning series Z • 2 " W "* & Y"j 4 l # & )" Q I& t Zt t Z Z “ tS • SZ • #include <iostream.h> int main() { int a[3][2]={{-3,-7},{3,34},{45,7}} ,b[2][4]={{-4,23,13,8},{53,11,-1,-17}} ,c[3][4]; int s; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) { for(int j=0; j<4; j++) { s=0; for(int k=0; k<2; k++) s+=a[i][k]*b[k][j]; c[i][j]=s; } } for(i=0; i<3; i++) { for(int j=0; j<4; j++) cout<<c[i][j]<<" " ; cout<<endl; } return 0; } 1 # ) K <…; 3 U "* & e) œ…; W "* & <…œ W "* & G Y"› " & )" ' #) * & ……… “
  • 9. Farsi e-learning series 3 " * 1 2 o& ;…; W "* & G N #&"* # & )" %& ' ]( X " "#^ %& G Wy2 +-"b F G G " %& Q & )" zk ) X +-"b !" # +) ,)# $% & '( ) * ) Z“S / -. 0 1 )# ) 23 .4 567 $8& 9 : –