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Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, 56:37–43, 2010
                                                                                              Copyright & Informa Healthcare USA, Inc.
                                                                                              ISSN: 1939-6368 print/1939-6376 online
                                                                                              DOI: 10.3109/19396360903497217

                                                                                                                                                                       Research Communication
                                                                                              Tetraethylammonium-Sensitive K Current
                                                                                                      in the Bovine Spermatozoa and its
                                                                                                  Blocking by the Venom of the Chilean
Syst Biol Reprod Med Downloaded from by University Autonoma Barcelona

                                                                                                                    Latrodectus mactans
                                                                                              Jorge Parodi,
                                                                                              Patricia Navarrete,
                                                                                                                                       The morphology and size of spermatozoa hinder the study of the functional
                                                                                              Marcelo Marconi,
                                                                                                 ´ ´                ´
                                                                                              Raul Sanchez Gutierrez,                  properties of the spermatozoa plasma membrane. However, some studies have
                                                                                                   ´           ´
                                                                                              Ataulfo Martınez-Torres, and             revealed the presence of a number of ion channels in this cell. We set out to
                                                                                              Fernando Romero Mejıas   ´               measure the endogenous currents and to study the effect of the venom of the
                                                                                              Centro de neurociencia y                 Chilean black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans). By patch-clamping bovine
                                   For personal use only.

                                                                                              Biologia de peptidos-BIOREN,             spermatozoa our results indicate the presence of an outwardly rectifying
                                                                                              Departamento de Ciencias
                                                                                                                                       current, sensitive to changes in K + concentration (30–140 mM) and to tetra-
                                                                                              Preclınicas, Facultad de
                                                                                              Medicina, Universidad de la
                                                                                                                                       ethylammonium (TEA, 10–100 mM). The application of the venom (7.5 g/ml)
                                                                                              Frontera, Chile                          blocks these K+ currents and then alters the passive properties of the plasma
                                                                                                                                       membrane. This leads to the entry of Ca ++ , reflected by a change in basal
                                                                                                   ´         ´
                                                                                              Ataulfo Martınez-Torres
                                                                                                                                       fluorescent units (572 at 35710 FAU). The Ca ++ influx follows a reduction in
                                                                                              Laboratorio Neurobiologıa ´
                                                                                              Molecular y Celular II,                  the membrane conductance (control 2272; venom 1071 pS), as calcium
                                                                                              Departamento de Neurobiologıa   ´        channels open in accord with voltage dependence.
                                                                                              Molecular y Celular, Instituto de
                                                                                              Neurobiologıa, Campus                    KEYWORDS ionic currents, Latrodectus venom, membrane potential, spermatozoa
                                                                                              Juriquilla-Queretaro, UNAM,

                                                                                              Abbreviations: TEA: tetraethyl-
                                                                                              ammonium; FAU: fluorescent arbitrary         There is strong experimental evidence that mature mammalian sperma-
                                                                                              units; pS: membrane conductance;         tozoa have several ionic-conductors, including those driven by voltage
                                                                                              CCVD: calcium channel voltage
                                                                                              dependent; PBS: phosphate saline         dependent K + channels [Darszon et al. 1996; Labarca et al. 1995; Nuccitelli
                                                                                              buffer solution.                         and Ferguson 1994]. Recent reports using whole cell patch-clamping to
                                                                                              Received 13 August 2009;                 study ion-conductance, have described the functional properties of Ca ++
                                                                                              accepted 19 September 2009.              channels (CATsper), which are key components of capacitation [Darszon
                                                                                              Address correspondence to                et al. 2005; Wennemuth et al. 2000].
                                                                                              Jorge Parodi, Centro de Neuro-
                                                                                                               ´      ´
                                                                                              ciencias y Biologıa de Peptidos,            The mammalian spermatozoa acquire the functional capacity to fertilize
                                                                                                ´          ´
                                                                                              Nucleo cientıfico BIOREN,                 an egg during their trajectory along the female genital tract [Boni et al. 2007].
                                                                                              Universidad de la Frontera,
                                                                                              Montevideo 0870 Temuco, Chile.           In this process the plasma membrane potential is hyperpolarized by the
                                                                                              E-mail:                  activation of pH-sensitive K + -channels. This leads to an increase in Ca ++
permeability [Kumar et al. 2000; Linares-Hernandez          with sensicam, for time lapse assessment with fast
                                                                                              et al. 1998; Shi and Ma 1998]. However, this increase       perfusion of either venom or a high concentration of
                                                                                              of intracellular Ca ++ is not the sole cause of             K + (30 mM). Notice the rise in fluorescence and the
                                                                                              capacitation, it has also been suggested that the           immediate decrease of the emission after a few s as
                                                                                              intracellular pH and transient plasma membrane              measured by its change in the midpiece. The
                                                                                              depolarization play a role [Fraire-Zamora and               fluorometric data is summarized in Figure 1D
                                                                                              Gonzalez-Martinez 2004; Neri-Vidaurri Pdel et al.           showing that both venom and K + increased the
                                                                                              2006] similar to the series of events that occur in         free Ca ++ up to 35 fluorescent arbitrary units (FAU)
                                                                                              somatic cells [Baker et al. 1973]. The detailed             as compared to the uninduced control. Together this
                                                                                              mechanism that leads to spermatozoa capacitation            data suggests that spermatozoa calcium increases
                                                                                              remains to be detailed.                                     after depolarization or perfusion with venom.
                                                                                                 In a previous report we described that the venom
                                                                                              of the Chilean black widow spider Latrodectus
                                                                                              mactans increased the concentration of intra-                   Patch-Clamping Reveals a TEA-
                                                                                              cellular Ca ++ in spermatozoa [Romero et al. 2007].                  Sensitive K+ Current
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                                                                                              Furthermore, this venom is known to block the TEA-
                                                                                                                                                             Spermatozoa exhibits varied permeability to ions
                                                                                              sensitive K + currents in neurons [Parodi and Romero
                                                                                                                                                          reflecting several channels, including the voltage-
                                                                                              2008] as well as endogenous K + currents of Xenopus
                                                                                                                                                          sensitive K + and ÀCa ++ [Darszon et al. 2006]. As
                                                                                              laevis oocytes [Parodi et al. 2008]. To assess the effect
                                                                                                                                                          illustrated in Figure 2A, whole-cell patch-clamping
                                                                                              of this venom on the plasma membrane potential
                                                                                                                                                          of spermatozoa showed inward and outward cur-
                                                                                              of bovine spermatozoa we used the nystatine-
                                                                                                                                                          rents. P pulses that ranged between À100 mV to
                                                                                              perforated patch-clamp technique. The results that
                                                                                                                                                          + 100 mV were more sensitive to 50 mM TEA. These
                                                                                              begin to dissect the molecular components of
                                                                                                                                                          currents are plotted as a current/ voltage curve (I/V)
                                                                                              capacitation are reported below.
                                   For personal use only.

                                                                                                                                                          (Fig. 2B). The TEA-sensitivity of the outward current
                                                                                                                                                          is consistent with the presence of a voltage depen-
                                                                                                                                                          dent potassium channel (Kv channel; IUPHAR
                                                                                                                                                          classification). These channels are crucial towards
                                                                                                                                                          maintaining the plasma membrane potential
                                                                                                Exposure to Venom Increases Free                          [Gutman et al. 2003]. Increasing the concentration
                                                                                                      Intracellular Calcium                               of extracellular K + shifted the equilibrium potential
                                                                                                                                                          to more negative values (Fig. 2C). This is in accord
                                                                                                 It has been shown by spectrophotometry that
                                                                                                                                                          with that predicted by the Nerst’s equation (Fig. 2D
                                                                                              exposing spermatozoa to the venom of the Chilean
                                                                                                                                                          and Table 1) indicating that the current was due to
                                                                                              L. mactans leads to an increase in pH and free
                                                                                                                                                          K + TEA-sensitive channels.
                                                                                              intracellular Ca ++ [Romero et al. 2007]. To extend
                                                                                              these results we assessed the changes in the
                                                                                              intracellular Ca ++ by fluorometry and patch-clamp.
                                                                                                                                                             Venom Alters the TEA-Sensitive
                                                                                              The spermatozoa loaded with Fluo-3 is shown in
                                                                                              Figure 1A. As expected, the basal level of free
                                                                                                                                                                      K+ Current
                                                                                              intracellular Ca ++ is low, with most of the cells            Outwardly-rectifying currents were efficiently and
                                                                                              emitting some faint fluorescence. In contrast,               reversibly blocked when the spermatozoa were
                                                                                              30 min after the addition of the venom, the number          exposed to the venom (Fig. 3A). The changes in
                                                                                              of cells exhibiting fluorescence increased consider-         membrane conductance are summarized in Figure 3B.
                                                                                              ably (Fig. 1B). This was consistently observed              Venom reduces the membrane conductance from
                                                                                              even after 3 repetitions suggesting that sudden             2271 pS to approximately 1072 pS (Fig. 3B). In
                                                                                              depolarization of the plasma membrane may induce            contrast upon exposure to venom, the membrane
                                                                                              similar effects.                                            resistance changed from 200 mO712 to 800 mO723,
                                                                                                 Figure 1C shows typical fluorescence traces of the        suggesting an important change in the passive mem-
                                                                                              spermatozoa midpiece loaded with Fluo-3 acquired            brane properties.

                                                                                              38                                                                                                  J. Parodi et al.
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                                   For personal use only.

                                                                                              FIGURE 1 Venom-induced rise of intracellular Ca + + . Sample images of Fluo-3 AM loaded spermatozoa in the absence (A), or presence
                                                                                              (B) of total venom (7.5 mg/ml). (C), fluorometric records. (D), fluorescent arbitrary units (FAU) of spermatozoa in high K + (30 mM) or
                                                                                              venom (7.5 mg/ml); the bars represent means7 SD of three different experiments. Calibration bar ¼ 5 mm.

                                                                                                 We explored whether venom also modulates                          expected the pre-pulse currents were approximately
                                                                                              spermatozoa K + currents by increasing the free                      300% higher than the control. Interestingly, 10 mM
                                                                                              intracellular Ca ++ as known to occur in somatic cells               TEA did not affect the current.
                                                                                              [Romero et al. 2007]. Briefly hyperpolarizing the
                                                                                              spermatozoa plasma membrane from À60 mV to
                                                                                              À80 mV activates a calcium-dependent K + current                                          DISCUSSION
                                                                                              (Fig. 3C, insert). The tail-current derived from this                  A previous study has indicated that the venom
                                                                                              response in the presence of either venom, high K + ,                 induced cellular effect is mediated by low molecular
                                                                                              or TEA is plotted in Figure 3C. In most cases at                     weight heat sensitive peptides present in the venom,
                                                                                              7.5 mg/ml venom with 30 mM potassium or 50 to                        [Parodi and Romero 2008]. As described above,
                                                                                              100 mM TEA the K + currents were blocked. As                         the venom of the Chilean L. mactans is effective

                                                                                              Effect of Venom on Mature Spermatozoa Currents                                                                                    39
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                                                                                              FIGURE 2 A TEA-sensitive outwardly rectifying K + . (A), sample records of membrane currents obtained in the absence or the presence
                                                                                              of 5 mM TEA. (B), I/V relation from the sample currents (n ¼ 6). (C), I/V plot in increasing concentrations of K + .

                                                                                              TABLE 1 Calculated [I/pA ¼ f (Vm/mV)] and Experimental                    venom of L. mactans increases the free intracellular
                                                                                              Reversal Membrane Potentials.                                             Ca ++ negatively impacting the TEA-sensitive K +
                                                                                              [K + ]         Predicted I/V (mV)         Experimental I/V (mV)           spermatozoa current. All conductances are crucial to
                                                                                                                                                                        spermatozoa capacitation.
                                                                                              30 mM                À40 mV                     À43 7 7 mV
                                                                                              80 mM                À14 mV                     À16 7 4 mV                  After several min of exposure of the spermatozoa to
                                                                                              140 mM                 0 mV                       57 2 mV                 the venom, free intracellular Ca ++ rises. As shown in
                                                                                                                                                                        Figures 3A and B, the change in the membrane con-
                                                                                                                                                                        ductance after exposure to venom suggests depolari-
                                                                                              even in the absence of a-latrotoxin, which is the                         zation and calcium channel voltage dependent
                                                                                              primary component described for this venom in                             (CCVD) activation in the spermatozoa cells. This
                                                                                              another species of spider [Ushkaryov et al. 2008].                        may reflect the blockage of voltage-dependent K +
                                                                                              The results reported in this study suggest that the                       channels leading to the entrance of Ca ++ from the

                                                                                              40                                                                                                                     J. Parodi et al.
Syst Biol Reprod Med Downloaded from by University Autonoma Barcelona

                                                                                              FIGURE 3 Venom blocks the TEA-sensitive current. (A), I/V relation in the absence or presence of 7.5 mg/ml venom. (B), the membrane
                                                                                              conductance is reduced in spermatozoa exposed to the venom. (C), comparative effect of venom, high K + , and increasing concentra-
                                                                                              tions of TEA (10 to 50 mM) on the prepulse current. The insert shows sample recordings of the prepulse in control cells and cells
                                                                                              exposed to venom. The bars represent means7SD of six different experiments.n

                                                                                              extracellular medium in accord with previous studies                observed. Nevertheless the functional data reported
                                                                                              that suggested that the venom inhibits several K +                  here and elsewhere [Darszon et al. 2006; Marconi
                                                                                              conductances [Parodi and Romero 2008; Parodi et al.                 et al. 2008; Navarro et al. 2008] is consistent with
                                                                                              2008]. Like the oocyte Kv1.1 s [Parodi et al. 2008], this           the view that Kv channels are integral to the
                                   For personal use only.

                                                                                              channel is also present in the spermatozoa midpiece                 spermatozoa.
                                                                                              [Darszon et al. 1999]. Since Kv1.1 is integral to                      Other natural sources of spermicidal action have
                                                                                              membrane potential regulation [Gutman et al. 2003]                  been reported, including scorpion toxins and plant
                                                                                              we compared the effect with high K + added in the                   extracts [Harat et al. 2008; Lopez-Gonzalez et al.
                                                                                              medium. In both cases the concentration of free Ca ++               2003]. Together with the previous studies of the
                                                                                              exhibited a transient rise and sharp fall as detected               spermicidal properties of the venom of the Chilean
                                                                                              by spermatozoal midpiece fluorescence. However,                      L. mactans we were enabled, with a new set of
                                                                                              a rise in Ca ++ was observed throughout the cell                    pharmacological tools, to identify the active
                                                                                              after long periods of time. This is consistent with the             compound(s) that mediate the modulation of ionic-
                                                                                              view that a CCVD was present [Darszon et al. 2005].                 conductances. Perhaps they could provide a
                                                                                              A direct pharmacological study is required to specify               resource for a new generation of contraceptives.
                                                                                              the Ca ++ and K + currents involved.
                                                                                                 The molecular identity of the K + channel
                                                                                              modulated by the venom was indirectly assessed
                                                                                              by the activation kinetics and TEA-sensitivity of the                       MATERIALS AND METHODS
                                                                                              currents. At 5 mM TEA-blocks the outward-rectifying
                                                                                              K + current and likely represents a Kv1-like current
                                                                                                                                                                              Spider Retrieval
                                                                                              [Marconi et al. 2008], although mouse brain large-                    Female adult L. mactans were captured in Chile
                                                                                              conductance (mSlo) has also been identified in                       during the summer months (December 2006 and
                                                                                              spermatozoa [Navarro et al. 2008]. The currents                     January 2007) from the area of ‘‘Alto Bio Bio’’ in the
                                                                                              blocked by the spider venom appear similar to those                 Bio-Bio state (721160 5100 W, 71450 2400 S) as previously
                                                                                              found in frog oocytes and neurons in culture [Parodi                described [Romero et al. 2003]. Care was taken not to
                                                                                              and Romero 2008; Parodi et al. 2008] although                       damage the breeding zones. The specimens were
                                                                                              differences in the expression profiles of Kv channels                separately maintained in individual jars. To stimulate
                                                                                              [Darszon et al. 2006] among species have been                       the production and concentration of venom in the

                                                                                              Effect of Venom on Mature Spermatozoa Currents                                                                                  41
glands, the spiders were raised without food and          and Marty 1988] at room temperature, using a patch-
                                                                                              only given water for 30 days.                             clamp amplifier (Warner PC-501A). For whole-cell
                                                                                                                                                        recordings, the external solution contained 150 mM
                                                                                                                                                        NaCl, 5.4 mM KCl, 2.0 mM CaCl2, 1.0 mM MgCl2,
                                                                                                             Venom Retrieval                            10 mM glucose buffered with 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.4
                                                                                                 The spiders were immersed in liquid nitrogen and       buffer. The internal solution contained 120 mM KCl,
                                                                                              after 1 min transferred to a phosphate saline buffer      2.0 mM MgCl2, 2 mM ATP-Na2-ATP, 10 mM BAPTA,
                                                                                              solution (PBS: 0.1 M NaH2PO4, 0.01 M Na2HPO4,             0.5 mM GTP buffered with 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.4
                                                                                              1.35 M NaCl, pH 7.4) at 41C. The glands were              buffer. For perforated patch-clamp 10 mg/ml nystatine
                                                                                              removed and the membrane that binds them to the           was added [Ermishkin et al. 1976]. For some experi-
                                                                                              base was sectioned. Each gland, was placed into           ments, the external solution included either 7.5 g/ml
                                                                                              a tube containing PBS (25 pairs of glands for 100 ml      of venom or 5–100 mM TEA. Spermatozoa were
                                                                                              of PBS) and homogenized. The homogenate was               clamped at a holding potential of À60 mV. The ionic
                                                                                              immediately centrifuged at 1,000 Â g for 15 min. The      currents were captured online and digitized at a
                                                                                              supernatant was subsequently aliquoted, and frozen        sampling rate of 1.2 kHz using pClamp 9 (Molecular
Syst Biol Reprod Med Downloaded from by University Autonoma Barcelona

                                                                                              at À 201C. The protein content of the venom was           Devices, Axon) after being filtered (internal 4 Bessel;
                                                                                              determined by a modification of the Bradford               frequency cutoff ¼ 3 kHz). Pulse protocols, data
                                                                                              method (BioRad Protein Assay).                            capture, and recording analysis were performed using
                                                                                                                                                        pClampfit 9.0 software (Molecular Devices, Axon).

                                                                                                 Bovine spermatozoa were obtained from samples
                                                                                                                                                                     Fluo-3 AM Loading
                                                                                              cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen, which were                 Bovine spermatozoa were loaded with 5 mM Fluo-3
                                                                                              thawed at 351C for 1 min then suspended in human          AM in pluronic acid/DMSO, 10% w/v (Molecular
                                   For personal use only.

                                                                                              tubal fluid (HTF) medium supplemented with 3%              Probes, Eugene, OR, USA) and mounted in a fast-
                                                                                              BSA. Spermatozoa were selected by the swim-up             switching flow perfusion chamber adapted on the
                                                                                              technique (recommendation of [World Health                stage of an inverted fluorescent microscope (Eclipse
                                                                                              Organization 1999]) and motile spermatozoa were           TE, Nikon) equipped with a xenon lamp and a 40 Â
                                                                                              placed in a recording chamber coated with poly-L-         objective (22–241C). The cells were briefly illumi-
                                                                                              lysine (0.2 mg/mL). The recording chamber was then        nated (200 ms) for fast record real time analysis, using
                                                                                              washed with a standard external solution that             a computer-controlled Lambda 10-2 filter wheel
                                                                                              contained 150 mM NaCl, 5.4 mM KCl, 2.0 mM CaCl2,          (Sutter Instruments). Regions of interest (ROI) were
                                                                                              1.0 mM MgCl2, 10 mM glucose buffered with 10 mM           simultaneously selected on midpiece containing
                                                                                              HEPES, pH 7.4 buffer.                                     Fluo-3 fluorescence (excitation 480 nm, emission
                                                                                                                                                        510 nm). Images were collected at 2–5 s intervals
                                                                                                                                                        during a continuous 5-min period or at 0 or 30 min.
                                                                                                      Micropipette Preparation                          The imaging was carried out with a 12 bit cooled
                                                                                                Borosilicate glass capillary tubes 1.5 mm of internal   SensiCam camera (PCO, Germany), using the imag-
                                                                                              diameter (Sutter Instrument Co., CA, USA) were            ing software Axon Workbench 2.2 (Axon Instru-
                                                                                              placed in a vertical puller (Narishige PP 830 m           ments). The spermatozoa were exposed to 7.5 g/ml
                                                                                              Barishige, Tokyo, Japon) and then treated with a          of total venom () or 30 mM potassium () by bath
                                                                                              micropolisher (Narishige MF 900) to obtain a micro-       perfusion, and changes in the emission of midpiece
                                                                                              pipette tip with electrical resistances ranging from      fluorescence, measured in FAU and scored.
                                                                                              10 to 12 MO.

                                                                                                            Electrophysiology                            Fernando Romero, Raul Sanchez, and Jorge Parodi
                                                                                                Electrical currents were recorded by using the          were supported by the Fondef-Conicyt Chile No
                                                                                              perforated whole-cell patch-clamp technique [Horn                       ´
                                                                                                                                                        DO5I10416. Ataulfo Martinez-Torres was supported

                                                                                              42                                                                                                  J. Parodi et al.
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                                                                                              CONICYT grant. We are in debt with Dr. Luis Aguayo                                    Gonzalez-Martinez, M. T. (1998) Voltage-dependent calcium influx in
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                                                                                              Effect of Venom on Mature Spermatozoa Currents                                                                                                           43

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Parodi et al 2010 potasio espermios

  • 1. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine, 56:37–43, 2010 Copyright & Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. ISSN: 1939-6368 print/1939-6376 online DOI: 10.3109/19396360903497217 Research Communication + Tetraethylammonium-Sensitive K Current in the Bovine Spermatozoa and its Blocking by the Venom of the Chilean Syst Biol Reprod Med Downloaded from by University Autonoma Barcelona Latrodectus mactans Jorge Parodi, Patricia Navarrete, The morphology and size of spermatozoa hinder the study of the functional Marcelo Marconi, ´ ´ ´ Raul Sanchez Gutierrez, properties of the spermatozoa plasma membrane. However, some studies have ´ ´ Ataulfo Martınez-Torres, and revealed the presence of a number of ion channels in this cell. We set out to Fernando Romero Mejıas ´ measure the endogenous currents and to study the effect of the venom of the Centro de neurociencia y Chilean black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans). By patch-clamping bovine For personal use only. ´ Biologia de peptidos-BIOREN, spermatozoa our results indicate the presence of an outwardly rectifying Departamento de Ciencias current, sensitive to changes in K + concentration (30–140 mM) and to tetra- ´ Preclınicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la ethylammonium (TEA, 10–100 mM). The application of the venom (7.5 g/ml) Frontera, Chile blocks these K+ currents and then alters the passive properties of the plasma membrane. This leads to the entry of Ca ++ , reflected by a change in basal ´ ´ Ataulfo Martınez-Torres fluorescent units (572 at 35710 FAU). The Ca ++ influx follows a reduction in Laboratorio Neurobiologıa ´ Molecular y Celular II, the membrane conductance (control 2272; venom 1071 pS), as calcium Departamento de Neurobiologıa ´ channels open in accord with voltage dependence. Molecular y Celular, Instituto de ´ Neurobiologıa, Campus KEYWORDS ionic currents, Latrodectus venom, membrane potential, spermatozoa ´ Juriquilla-Queretaro, UNAM, ´ Mexico INTRODUCTION Abbreviations: TEA: tetraethyl- ammonium; FAU: fluorescent arbitrary There is strong experimental evidence that mature mammalian sperma- units; pS: membrane conductance; tozoa have several ionic-conductors, including those driven by voltage CCVD: calcium channel voltage dependent; PBS: phosphate saline dependent K + channels [Darszon et al. 1996; Labarca et al. 1995; Nuccitelli buffer solution. and Ferguson 1994]. Recent reports using whole cell patch-clamping to Received 13 August 2009; study ion-conductance, have described the functional properties of Ca ++ accepted 19 September 2009. channels (CATsper), which are key components of capacitation [Darszon Address correspondence to et al. 2005; Wennemuth et al. 2000]. Jorge Parodi, Centro de Neuro- ´ ´ ciencias y Biologıa de Peptidos, The mammalian spermatozoa acquire the functional capacity to fertilize ´ ´ Nucleo cientıfico BIOREN, an egg during their trajectory along the female genital tract [Boni et al. 2007]. Universidad de la Frontera, Montevideo 0870 Temuco, Chile. In this process the plasma membrane potential is hyperpolarized by the E-mail: activation of pH-sensitive K + -channels. This leads to an increase in Ca ++ 37
  • 2. permeability [Kumar et al. 2000; Linares-Hernandez with sensicam, for time lapse assessment with fast et al. 1998; Shi and Ma 1998]. However, this increase perfusion of either venom or a high concentration of of intracellular Ca ++ is not the sole cause of K + (30 mM). Notice the rise in fluorescence and the capacitation, it has also been suggested that the immediate decrease of the emission after a few s as intracellular pH and transient plasma membrane measured by its change in the midpiece. The depolarization play a role [Fraire-Zamora and fluorometric data is summarized in Figure 1D Gonzalez-Martinez 2004; Neri-Vidaurri Pdel et al. showing that both venom and K + increased the 2006] similar to the series of events that occur in free Ca ++ up to 35 fluorescent arbitrary units (FAU) somatic cells [Baker et al. 1973]. The detailed as compared to the uninduced control. Together this mechanism that leads to spermatozoa capacitation data suggests that spermatozoa calcium increases remains to be detailed. after depolarization or perfusion with venom. In a previous report we described that the venom of the Chilean black widow spider Latrodectus mactans increased the concentration of intra- Patch-Clamping Reveals a TEA- cellular Ca ++ in spermatozoa [Romero et al. 2007]. Sensitive K+ Current Syst Biol Reprod Med Downloaded from by University Autonoma Barcelona Furthermore, this venom is known to block the TEA- Spermatozoa exhibits varied permeability to ions sensitive K + currents in neurons [Parodi and Romero reflecting several channels, including the voltage- 2008] as well as endogenous K + currents of Xenopus sensitive K + and ÀCa ++ [Darszon et al. 2006]. As laevis oocytes [Parodi et al. 2008]. To assess the effect illustrated in Figure 2A, whole-cell patch-clamping of this venom on the plasma membrane potential of spermatozoa showed inward and outward cur- of bovine spermatozoa we used the nystatine- rents. P pulses that ranged between À100 mV to perforated patch-clamp technique. The results that + 100 mV were more sensitive to 50 mM TEA. These begin to dissect the molecular components of currents are plotted as a current/ voltage curve (I/V) capacitation are reported below. For personal use only. (Fig. 2B). The TEA-sensitivity of the outward current is consistent with the presence of a voltage depen- dent potassium channel (Kv channel; IUPHAR classification). These channels are crucial towards RESULTS maintaining the plasma membrane potential Exposure to Venom Increases Free [Gutman et al. 2003]. Increasing the concentration Intracellular Calcium of extracellular K + shifted the equilibrium potential to more negative values (Fig. 2C). This is in accord It has been shown by spectrophotometry that with that predicted by the Nerst’s equation (Fig. 2D exposing spermatozoa to the venom of the Chilean and Table 1) indicating that the current was due to L. mactans leads to an increase in pH and free K + TEA-sensitive channels. intracellular Ca ++ [Romero et al. 2007]. To extend these results we assessed the changes in the intracellular Ca ++ by fluorometry and patch-clamp. Venom Alters the TEA-Sensitive The spermatozoa loaded with Fluo-3 is shown in Figure 1A. As expected, the basal level of free K+ Current intracellular Ca ++ is low, with most of the cells Outwardly-rectifying currents were efficiently and emitting some faint fluorescence. In contrast, reversibly blocked when the spermatozoa were 30 min after the addition of the venom, the number exposed to the venom (Fig. 3A). The changes in of cells exhibiting fluorescence increased consider- membrane conductance are summarized in Figure 3B. ably (Fig. 1B). This was consistently observed Venom reduces the membrane conductance from even after 3 repetitions suggesting that sudden 2271 pS to approximately 1072 pS (Fig. 3B). In depolarization of the plasma membrane may induce contrast upon exposure to venom, the membrane similar effects. resistance changed from 200 mO712 to 800 mO723, Figure 1C shows typical fluorescence traces of the suggesting an important change in the passive mem- spermatozoa midpiece loaded with Fluo-3 acquired brane properties. 38 J. Parodi et al.
  • 3. Syst Biol Reprod Med Downloaded from by University Autonoma Barcelona For personal use only. FIGURE 1 Venom-induced rise of intracellular Ca + + . Sample images of Fluo-3 AM loaded spermatozoa in the absence (A), or presence (B) of total venom (7.5 mg/ml). (C), fluorometric records. (D), fluorescent arbitrary units (FAU) of spermatozoa in high K + (30 mM) or venom (7.5 mg/ml); the bars represent means7 SD of three different experiments. Calibration bar ¼ 5 mm. We explored whether venom also modulates expected the pre-pulse currents were approximately spermatozoa K + currents by increasing the free 300% higher than the control. Interestingly, 10 mM intracellular Ca ++ as known to occur in somatic cells TEA did not affect the current. [Romero et al. 2007]. Briefly hyperpolarizing the spermatozoa plasma membrane from À60 mV to À80 mV activates a calcium-dependent K + current DISCUSSION (Fig. 3C, insert). The tail-current derived from this A previous study has indicated that the venom response in the presence of either venom, high K + , induced cellular effect is mediated by low molecular or TEA is plotted in Figure 3C. In most cases at weight heat sensitive peptides present in the venom, 7.5 mg/ml venom with 30 mM potassium or 50 to [Parodi and Romero 2008]. As described above, 100 mM TEA the K + currents were blocked. As the venom of the Chilean L. mactans is effective Effect of Venom on Mature Spermatozoa Currents 39
  • 4. Syst Biol Reprod Med Downloaded from by University Autonoma Barcelona For personal use only. FIGURE 2 A TEA-sensitive outwardly rectifying K + . (A), sample records of membrane currents obtained in the absence or the presence of 5 mM TEA. (B), I/V relation from the sample currents (n ¼ 6). (C), I/V plot in increasing concentrations of K + . TABLE 1 Calculated [I/pA ¼ f (Vm/mV)] and Experimental venom of L. mactans increases the free intracellular Reversal Membrane Potentials. Ca ++ negatively impacting the TEA-sensitive K + [K + ] Predicted I/V (mV) Experimental I/V (mV) spermatozoa current. All conductances are crucial to spermatozoa capacitation. 30 mM À40 mV À43 7 7 mV 80 mM À14 mV À16 7 4 mV After several min of exposure of the spermatozoa to 140 mM 0 mV 57 2 mV the venom, free intracellular Ca ++ rises. As shown in Figures 3A and B, the change in the membrane con- ductance after exposure to venom suggests depolari- even in the absence of a-latrotoxin, which is the zation and calcium channel voltage dependent primary component described for this venom in (CCVD) activation in the spermatozoa cells. This another species of spider [Ushkaryov et al. 2008]. may reflect the blockage of voltage-dependent K + The results reported in this study suggest that the channels leading to the entrance of Ca ++ from the 40 J. Parodi et al.
  • 5. Syst Biol Reprod Med Downloaded from by University Autonoma Barcelona FIGURE 3 Venom blocks the TEA-sensitive current. (A), I/V relation in the absence or presence of 7.5 mg/ml venom. (B), the membrane conductance is reduced in spermatozoa exposed to the venom. (C), comparative effect of venom, high K + , and increasing concentra- tions of TEA (10 to 50 mM) on the prepulse current. The insert shows sample recordings of the prepulse in control cells and cells exposed to venom. The bars represent means7SD of six different experiments.n extracellular medium in accord with previous studies observed. Nevertheless the functional data reported that suggested that the venom inhibits several K + here and elsewhere [Darszon et al. 2006; Marconi conductances [Parodi and Romero 2008; Parodi et al. et al. 2008; Navarro et al. 2008] is consistent with 2008]. Like the oocyte Kv1.1 s [Parodi et al. 2008], this the view that Kv channels are integral to the For personal use only. channel is also present in the spermatozoa midpiece spermatozoa. [Darszon et al. 1999]. Since Kv1.1 is integral to Other natural sources of spermicidal action have membrane potential regulation [Gutman et al. 2003] been reported, including scorpion toxins and plant we compared the effect with high K + added in the extracts [Harat et al. 2008; Lopez-Gonzalez et al. medium. In both cases the concentration of free Ca ++ 2003]. Together with the previous studies of the exhibited a transient rise and sharp fall as detected spermicidal properties of the venom of the Chilean by spermatozoal midpiece fluorescence. However, L. mactans we were enabled, with a new set of a rise in Ca ++ was observed throughout the cell pharmacological tools, to identify the active after long periods of time. This is consistent with the compound(s) that mediate the modulation of ionic- view that a CCVD was present [Darszon et al. 2005]. conductances. Perhaps they could provide a A direct pharmacological study is required to specify resource for a new generation of contraceptives. the Ca ++ and K + currents involved. The molecular identity of the K + channel modulated by the venom was indirectly assessed by the activation kinetics and TEA-sensitivity of the MATERIALS AND METHODS currents. At 5 mM TEA-blocks the outward-rectifying K + current and likely represents a Kv1-like current Spider Retrieval [Marconi et al. 2008], although mouse brain large- Female adult L. mactans were captured in Chile conductance (mSlo) has also been identified in during the summer months (December 2006 and spermatozoa [Navarro et al. 2008]. The currents January 2007) from the area of ‘‘Alto Bio Bio’’ in the blocked by the spider venom appear similar to those Bio-Bio state (721160 5100 W, 71450 2400 S) as previously found in frog oocytes and neurons in culture [Parodi described [Romero et al. 2003]. Care was taken not to and Romero 2008; Parodi et al. 2008] although damage the breeding zones. The specimens were differences in the expression profiles of Kv channels separately maintained in individual jars. To stimulate [Darszon et al. 2006] among species have been the production and concentration of venom in the Effect of Venom on Mature Spermatozoa Currents 41
  • 6. glands, the spiders were raised without food and and Marty 1988] at room temperature, using a patch- only given water for 30 days. clamp amplifier (Warner PC-501A). For whole-cell recordings, the external solution contained 150 mM NaCl, 5.4 mM KCl, 2.0 mM CaCl2, 1.0 mM MgCl2, Venom Retrieval 10 mM glucose buffered with 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.4 The spiders were immersed in liquid nitrogen and buffer. The internal solution contained 120 mM KCl, after 1 min transferred to a phosphate saline buffer 2.0 mM MgCl2, 2 mM ATP-Na2-ATP, 10 mM BAPTA, solution (PBS: 0.1 M NaH2PO4, 0.01 M Na2HPO4, 0.5 mM GTP buffered with 10 mM HEPES, pH 7.4 1.35 M NaCl, pH 7.4) at 41C. The glands were buffer. For perforated patch-clamp 10 mg/ml nystatine removed and the membrane that binds them to the was added [Ermishkin et al. 1976]. For some experi- base was sectioned. Each gland, was placed into ments, the external solution included either 7.5 g/ml a tube containing PBS (25 pairs of glands for 100 ml of venom or 5–100 mM TEA. Spermatozoa were of PBS) and homogenized. The homogenate was clamped at a holding potential of À60 mV. The ionic immediately centrifuged at 1,000 Â g for 15 min. The currents were captured online and digitized at a supernatant was subsequently aliquoted, and frozen sampling rate of 1.2 kHz using pClamp 9 (Molecular Syst Biol Reprod Med Downloaded from by University Autonoma Barcelona at À 201C. The protein content of the venom was Devices, Axon) after being filtered (internal 4 Bessel; determined by a modification of the Bradford frequency cutoff ¼ 3 kHz). Pulse protocols, data method (BioRad Protein Assay). capture, and recording analysis were performed using pClampfit 9.0 software (Molecular Devices, Axon). Spermatozoa Bovine spermatozoa were obtained from samples Fluo-3 AM Loading cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen, which were Bovine spermatozoa were loaded with 5 mM Fluo-3 thawed at 351C for 1 min then suspended in human AM in pluronic acid/DMSO, 10% w/v (Molecular For personal use only. tubal fluid (HTF) medium supplemented with 3% Probes, Eugene, OR, USA) and mounted in a fast- BSA. Spermatozoa were selected by the swim-up switching flow perfusion chamber adapted on the technique (recommendation of [World Health stage of an inverted fluorescent microscope (Eclipse Organization 1999]) and motile spermatozoa were TE, Nikon) equipped with a xenon lamp and a 40 Â placed in a recording chamber coated with poly-L- objective (22–241C). The cells were briefly illumi- lysine (0.2 mg/mL). The recording chamber was then nated (200 ms) for fast record real time analysis, using washed with a standard external solution that a computer-controlled Lambda 10-2 filter wheel contained 150 mM NaCl, 5.4 mM KCl, 2.0 mM CaCl2, (Sutter Instruments). Regions of interest (ROI) were 1.0 mM MgCl2, 10 mM glucose buffered with 10 mM simultaneously selected on midpiece containing HEPES, pH 7.4 buffer. Fluo-3 fluorescence (excitation 480 nm, emission 510 nm). Images were collected at 2–5 s intervals during a continuous 5-min period or at 0 or 30 min. Micropipette Preparation The imaging was carried out with a 12 bit cooled Borosilicate glass capillary tubes 1.5 mm of internal SensiCam camera (PCO, Germany), using the imag- diameter (Sutter Instrument Co., CA, USA) were ing software Axon Workbench 2.2 (Axon Instru- placed in a vertical puller (Narishige PP 830 m ments). The spermatozoa were exposed to 7.5 g/ml Barishige, Tokyo, Japon) and then treated with a of total venom () or 30 mM potassium () by bath micropolisher (Narishige MF 900) to obtain a micro- perfusion, and changes in the emission of midpiece pipette tip with electrical resistances ranging from fluorescence, measured in FAU and scored. 10 to 12 MO. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Electrophysiology Fernando Romero, Raul Sanchez, and Jorge Parodi Electrical currents were recorded by using the were supported by the Fondef-Conicyt Chile No perforated whole-cell patch-clamp technique [Horn ´ DO5I10416. Ataulfo Martinez-Torres was supported 42 J. Parodi et al.
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